#mouch moves to engine
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They're totally killing Monica off next week.... welp crashing out in the tags
#chicago fire#they way that did nothing but confirm that we're probably really not getting stellaride pregnancy#lmao yiiiiiikes#they kill monica#pascal only came back to Chicago for her#if she's dead then he's probably not going to last long#so hermann moves to BC#mouch moves to engine#damon comes back to 51?#no baby luna shay severide#oh newman you will pay for your crimes#so help me god#stella kidd#kelly severide#stellaride
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Baby? Baby Stay With Me 3/4
Pairing- Sam Carver x fem!reader
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“Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51. We got a possible fire on South Jefferson Street. Let's move.” Kidd's urgent voice sounded throughout the firehouse speaker. You abandoned your lunch along with the rest of 51 and ran out to the apparatus floor into action.
You noticed Boden and Casey getting into the Chief's car to assist the call. As Mouch pulled out of the firehouse, you looked over at your lieutenant, who seemed more tense than usual.
You shared a look with your boyfriend as you both came to the same conclusion.
This was the Homeland threat.
When house 51 arrived on the scene, there was a maintenance worker waiting and part of an electrical unit in sparks.
“That transformer's overheating, and I don't know why,” the worker said when Boden asked what was happening.
“Chief, you see the damage to the cooling fins? Looks like a large-caliber gun,” Casey pointed out, making you smile slightly. It was nice having him back for a call. You missed your former captain.
“I got dry chem and foam suppression units en route. They're about 20 minutes out,” Boden told the worker.
The worker shook his head gravely. “We don't have minutes. If that fire spreads to the other banks, the whole substation could go down. We're talking 8 million people in the dark,” he informed.
“We cannot spray water while that transformer is energized. Can your people shut it down?” Boden asked.
“I can do it manually from the inside,” the worker answered.
“Then do it,” Boden instructed. The worker nodded and walked over to the electrical unit gate.
Boden turned and addressed you all. “Okay, charge the hose line. Get ready on the deck gun. We're gonna wait for the…”
The Chief was cut off by a gunshot that hit a wall close to you all. Immediately, everyone ducked down.
“Get down! Get down! Take cover! The shooter is still on the scene!” Casey yelled out. As the rest of your crew moved behind the fire engines for safety, you saw the poor maintenance worker cowering by the gate.
You instinctively rushed over and grabbed him, ignoring the slight sharpness of pain that radiated from your side. You pulled the man with you behind truck 81, flinching as a bullet landed right behind you.
“What the hell is going on here?” Herrmann screamed from behind Bodens car.
Boden radioed in to dispatch, “10-1 10-1, we are under fire. There's a sniper in an elevated position. Respond with caution.”
“Everyone stay down!” He called out his firefighters.
“Shots are coming from the east,” Casey informed Boden, looking upwards at a building located east of you all.
“Hey, I can pull the engine forward, shield that gate. That way, we can get in there,” Herrmann suggested. He moved to get to Engine 51 only to slide back towards cover as a bullet nearly hit him. Another shot took out a wheel on Engine 51.
“I said, stay down!” Boden shouted authoritatively. “We have to keep the rigs in between him and us!” He said to Casey, who was beside him.
“Chief, these are massive, armor-piercing rounds. Even the rigs might not protect us,” Casey warned.
“That's all we got. We stay put, wait for PD,” Boden said calmly.
Using Truck 81's side mirror, Casey angled it and spotted the shooter. “I see him. He's on a rooftop about a block away.”
Another bullet penetrated the electrical unit, sending the part that was sparking now into flames.
“That's the cooling oil. It's gonna go up fast now,” the maintenance worker said to Boden.
“Chief, I can get to that rooftop and put an end to this. He can only fire one round at a time. If I can make it to that corner, I can get to him. Then all I have to do is keep him distracted until the police arrive,” Casey pitched, selfless as always.
Boden immediately shot down the idea. “No, you are not armed.”
“Chief, we need to get that fire out. All due respect, Chief, but I don't answer to you anymore. I'm going,” Casey stated strongly, already moving from his crouched position despite Boden calling after him.
“Chief, he's right. And we can't let him go alone. I'm going with him,” Kidd spoke up, with you and the rest of 81 volunteering to accompany her.
“Gallo, Carver, bring your irons. Mouch, you gotta stay and work the aerial for me. L/N, I want you to stay as extra support,” Kidd ordered.
As Boden grilled your lieutenant about keeping safe, you looked over to your boyfriend to find his gaze already on you. “Be careful,” you told him, hoping he got your true meaning.
Sam didn't have a chance to respond as Kidd and Gallo were already cautiously moving towards Squad with Joe, who volunteered to move the engine to give them longer cover.
You could only watch helplessly as he, Casey, Gallo, and Kidd ran around the corner in the direction of the shooter.
Minutes passed as you and the rest of 51 waited for any radio response from the others. Feeling a bit lightheaded, you dropped into a sitting position, taking a deep breath in to regain your bearings.
“Carver's gonna be okay, L/N, they all will,” Mouch comforted. You gave him a shaky smile, hiding the throbbing pain you were starting to feel as your adrenaline wore off slowly.
You couldn't focus on whatever you were feeling as Kidd's voice came through the radio. “Gun is down. Gun is down!”
“Kill that power now,” Boden ushered to the maintenance worker who quickly ran over to the electrical unit. Just then, two CPD cars pulled into the lot, sirens blaring.
“Herrmann, get ready with that water,” Boden instructed the lieutenant.
“Got it. Let's go!” Herrmann called out to his crew.
“The shooter is on that rooftop!” Boden yelled out to the officers, pointing to the building a block away.
Using Truck 81 to support yourself, you wobbled onto your feet. A burning sense of pain flared from the side of your abdomen. You gasped, crumbling against the fire engine.
“L/N? You alright?” Mouch called out to you in concern as everyone got to work putting out the electrical fire.
You placed a hand on your side and then peeled it away. It was covered in blood.
You looked over to Mouch with wide eyes full of fear. The shock sent your knees buckle, and you collapsed.
“L/N!” Mouch cried out and rushed over to you. He placed pressure on your wound as you continued to stare at your blood covered hand, paralyzed.
“We need an ambulance! L/N's been hit!” Mouch called out to Boden frantically. He called out your name repeatedly until you finally looked at him.
“Breathe Y/N, you gotta breathe,” Mouch instructed. You didn't realize you weren't. Every breath felt like a stab.
“Chief,” you whispered fearfully, tears brimming as Boden crouched down next to you and took your other hand in his, squeezing it.
“Ambo is on its way. You're gonna be just fine, L/N,” he assured. You nodded, tears falling down your cheeks.
You wanted- no, needed Sam by your side. You needed him to call you sweetheart and say everything was gonna be okay because he was the only person you could believe.
As if reading your thoughts, Boden radioed over the frequency everyone at 51 was on. “Mayday, mayday, firefighter down, L/N's been shot. Ambo's on its way. Carver, get your ass here right now.”
“Thhhannnks Chief,” you slurred, your vision growing hazy for a moment. God, you were so tired.
“Carver's on his way, L/N, you need to stay awake for him. Don't close your eyes,” Mouch instructed, seeing how droopy your eyes were becoming.
You swallowed and barely managed to nod. Everything around you became a blur. You heard the ambulances' sirens growing louder and felt Mouch and Boden help you up. You heard yelling, and before you knew it, you were being loaded onto a stretcher.
One of the paramedics placed hard pressure on your wound, causing you to cry out. You were in and out of conscience about to pass out when Sam's voice filled your ears.
“Y/N! Honey?.... I'm riding with you to Med….. She's my girlfriend, I'm not leaving her!”
You felt his hand slip into yours as he called out to you. “Y/N, open your eyes for me, come on, sweetheart,” Sam encouraged softly.
It took a lot of effort, but you managed to open your eyes, making Sam smile weakly. “That's my girl. I'm here, sweetheart. I'm here. Stay awake for me,” he pleaded.
“I love you,” you whispered so quietly Sam almost didn't hear you. You wanted to caress his cheek and were sad you couldn't. If you were going to die, at least you were with the man you loved with all your heart.
A sob tore out from your boyfriend, “I love you too, so much sweetheart,” Sam whispered back, choking up.
And with that, you let go and fell into the eerie comfort of darkness.
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Hope (Chapter 2)
Kelly Severide x reader
Series Summary: Sometimes, we all need a little hope.
Chapter Summary: First day on the job does not goes as expected.
Word Count: 1,110
A/N: The response fro the last chapter inspired me to turn this into a series 😊 Hope you guys like it! 💜
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Chicago Fire Masterlist
By the time Kelly had pulled himself together, most of second shift had transitioned into the common room and were sitting down to breakfast.
And today, that included you.
Seeing you sat at the table answering Herrman’s questions, Kelly decided to get himself some coffee in order to hear the answers you were giving while his back was turned.
“So wait a minute,” Herrman began, “You’re telling us that you’re a firefighter too?!”
Giving a chuckle at his obvious incredulousness, you smiled as you said in correction,
“Well, I used to be. Back when I lived in New York.”
“Why were you living in New York?” asked Matt Casey as he joined the table.
“I was there for college and volunteered as a firefighter for a while. Then I graduated and started working with Engine 52 for a few years before moving back here.”
By this point, Kelly had made his way to the couch across the room. His eyes were glued to the TV playing the news, but his ears were still tuned into your conversation.
“If you were working as a firefighter in New York, how did you get to become a contractor with the CFD?”
Was Joe Cruz’s curious question from his leaned position against the wall.
“I also worked on a few TV sets after I graduated to help pay the bills and found my love for creating. So when a job came up here in Chicago that combined my passion with my desire to make a difference in the CFD? Well, I just had to try for it. And now, I’m here.”
While Kelly was just as impressed by your story, it was Brian, or Otis as he preferred to be called, that voiced his admiration to the room.
“Wooow,” he drew out in amazement. “So, you like, met celebrities and stuff?”
You responded with obvious amusement on your face.
“Yeah, I’ve met one or two.”
“Why give that up to come live in Chicago?” was Mouch’s question after he looked up from his newspaper.
Giving a shrug, you easily replied.
“My family is originally from Chicago. My dad was a firefighter with the CFD and he worked with Chief Boden here at 51. So I guess you could say I just decided to come home.”
As everyone smiled at your answer, Herrman, who had noticed Kelly sitting a little too quietly, thought it was a good time to ask you,
“If your dad was a firefighter here at 51, does that mean you know the name ‘Severide’?”
After thinking about it for a moment—in which no one noticed the miniscule way Kelly had tensed—you answered once you’d recalled the face,
“Yes, actually! Benny Severide, right? I remember him from the CFD barbecues.”
Snapping his finger in agreement with you, Herrman continued talking and said by way of introduction,
“Well our Squad Lieutenant over there is his kid. Hey Severide! Come say hello.”
Turning his head as he heard his name called, the man in question first locked eyes with Herrman, and then, with you before standing to make his way to the table. Holding his hand out to you, he introduced himself by simply saying,
You gave your name after a firm shake, then said with a smile,
“Nice to meet you.”
Was at first all Severide could muster up. But soon feeling the eyes on them, Kelly quickly dropped your hand and asked by way of a distraction,
“So, you’re gonna be riding out with us today?” he asked before taking a casual sip of his coffee.
It worked as you confidently responded,
“Yup! I’ll be riding along with the Chief.”
And thankfully, you seemed oblivious to the tension he felt.
Gesturing to the expensive looking camera hanging from around your neck, you followed up by saying,
“This takes photos and videos, so I’m hoping to get some good shots of you guys in action.”
Kelly was about to respond when he was interrupted by the alarm that went off overhead.
“Truck 81, Squad 3, Battalion 25, Ambulance 61, house fire at…”
As the automated voice continued by listing the address, Severide, along with everyone else in the breakroom, rushed to get into their vehicles and out the door.
By the time they had pulled up to the scene, it was clear even through the smoke and flames that this house was abandoned and in bad shape.
While everyone exited their vehicles, Chief Boden was doing a brief assessment of the situation when one of the neighbors, watching the destruction safely from the opposite side walk, called out.
“That place has squatters! I’ve seen them on my walks!”
Taking in that piece of information, Chief started giving orders.
“Truck, send some men to vent the roofs. Squad, mask up and do a preliminary search, someone could be inside. Sixty-one, be on standby to receive any burn victims.”
Turning till his gaze fell your way, Boden said,
“And you? Be careful and stay back.”
Nodding in understanding, you backed up until you were almost against Battalion 25. Then you began taking pictures of the men masking up prior to their attempt to breach the house.
You recorded video of those on Truck as they got the aerial working so they could get on the roof to begin venting.
And you switched your focus to Ambo 61 when someone from Squad 3 exited the burning house with a victim in his arms.
It was a woman and she was laid down on a gurney as Gabby and Sylvie tried to treat her.
“Ma’am, calm down! We’re just trying to help you.” said Brett as she attempted to put on the oxygen mask.
But the victim was frantic as she pushed it away and gasped out,
“No, you don’t understand! It was my boyfriend! He set the fire because of some fire-cleanses-the-soul nonsense. He’s tweaking hard and I don’t know where he went!”
The two paramedics shared a look of concern before Dawson grabbed her radio and said,
“Hey Chief? Be advised, we have a potentially dangerous male unaccounted for.”
Boden was about to respond when he heard the sound of your gasp from several feet away.
Turning, he, and everyone else, saw the unaccounted for male using one hand to hold your body in front of his, and the other to hold a knife to your throat.
Quickly taking his mask off on the other side of the scene, Kelly revealed himself as the one to have brought out the female victim. And now he, along with the rest of the crowd standing nearby, realized they were now dealing with a hostage situation.
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#kelly severide x reader#kelly severide fanfic#chicago fire#chicago fire imagine#kelly severide fanfiction#kelly severide imagine#kelly severide#chiacgo fire imagine#kelly severide x oc
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Matt Casey- Fight For Us Pt6
"Truck 81, engine 51, squad 3, ambulance 61. Buildings fire. Indiana and 28th place" Gabby and I look at each other before rushing to the ambulance. Gabby gets into the drivers seat while I sit next to her. She drives us to the location. The building full of smoke. Truck 81 clear out as many tenets as they can while Gabby and I get to work placing oxygen masks on everyone who's coming out of the building
"5 more ambos and chief hatchers on the way" dad says walking over to me and Gabby
"We're gonna need them. We anticipate at least 5 reds in there"
"We can't wait for Hatcher with this many non-responses. We gotta set up triage"
"Do it" dad gives me a little nod "your in charge here"
"Alright" I take out my little radio "This is Ambulance 60. Give me an EMS Plan 1..."
More and more people come out of the building after Matt, Severide and the others go into the building
"I've got at least 4 reds heading to triage" I hear Kelly say and in no time at all I see him walking out holding someone in his arms
"We have another red. Dawson you take this one"
"Got it"
"There's 3 more up on 6"
"Any burns?" I ask
"Not on 6, but Casey, Mills and Cruz went higher"
"Casey you gotta cric this woman or she's a goner" Gabby tells me. I look over and see a fireman trying his best. I run over to him and kneel down
"Ok hand me a scalpel" he does and
"Who's the lead here?"
"Your looking at her" I reply to Hatcher who must have just arrived. I make a little incision in her throat "give me a size 5 tube" I then insert it and bag her. I check her lungs and get her sent of as quickly as possible to Med
"Mayday mayday I don't know how long I'll last" I hear Matt say through the radio which makes me start to panic. I watch as dad runs in
"YN you good?" Gabby asks
"Yeah" I continue to treat patients while Kelly and the others do what they can "come on Matt" i mutter to myself. Then there's an explosion "Matt, dad!" I yell. I look at Gabby worriedly
"Go" she tells me "I've got them go" I give her a nod and run to Otis and Mouch watching Matt dangling from the ladder. Thankfully Kelly is able to pull Matt up and dad comes out of the building making sigh with relief. As soon as Matt in on the ground my arms are around him
"Please don't ever scare me like that again"
"I'm sorry"
"I'm gonna check on dad. You ok"
"Yeah I'm fine" Matt kisses my head.
"It's over. It's actually over?" I want to cry with happiness
"It's over baby. Voights in jail. You and Ella can come home"
"What if he comes back?"
"Then we will deal with it then"
"We can come home" a tear slips "let's go celebrate"
"Come on then" Matt and I pick Ella up from the nanny's house and take her to the bar, it won't be for long but just to say hi to everyone
"Is my dad drunk?" I ask Kelly taking his beer off him and siping it
"Oi get your own and yes"
"Uncle Kelly!" Ella shouts
"Hey man. Thanks for today, and errrm thanks for looking after these two for me"
"That's what family do"
"Momma are daddy and uncle Kelly friends again?"
"We sure are missy" Kelly tickles Ella making her giggle
"Congratulations guys" Gabbys says smiling
"Thanks. We can finally move on" I give her a hug
"Want a drink?"
"Just the one. We're not staying long since we have Ella with us"
That night we go home together. Ella gets to sleep in her own bed while Matt and I lay in ours
"What would you say to another baby?" Matt suddenly says
"We're good again right? Voights gone. We're all safe. Let's have another baby"
"Are you serious?"
"Deadly" I've wanted another baby for a while but since what's been going on I hadn't broached the subject "so?"
"Let's do it. Let's have another baby" I smile leaning into Matt to kiss him "but tonight I'm exhausted"
"Ok baby. We'll talk more in the morning. I love you"
"I love you" I turn over, Matts arm goes around me making me feel so safe and loved.
#one chicago#one chicago imagine#matt casey x oc#matt casey x reader#matt casey imagine#matt casey#chicago fire imagine#chicago fire
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Going to War
Standard disclaimer: I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may currently be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under the name @.itswildflower
A/N: We're skipping forwards a bit here but things will be filled in eventually. There will be a pt. 2
Looking for more? Chicago Fire Collection Masterlist
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: cannon typical depictions of fires/accidents and injuries

“Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25,” the alarm rings out, forcing Kelly and Dani to break apart and head towards the trucks. “Sounds serious,” she comments.
“Seriously fun,” Kelly quips. “Hey. You better bring that body of yours back in one piece, because I have got big plans for it tonight,” Dani tells him before heading to the truck, pulling her turnout pants on and climbing in the back of the truck with her jacket. “51, get me a water supply from the standpipe. Truck 81, Squad 3, I need search teams. Engine 37, get the hoses into the north stairwell. Ambulance 61, set up triage. Get ready, people. We're going to war,” Boden orders as everyone arrives and climbs out of their respective rigs. “Fire's on the 20th floor,” the building manager tells them as they walk in. “How many units on each floor, and where's your alarm panel?” Boden asks. “12. It's right over here,” the man led them over to it. “Mouch, you're on lobby control. Get the elevators down here,” Matt ordered. “You got it, Captain.”
“Okay, fire is confined to 20 for now. We need to investigate the fire floor. Get to everybody trapped above it. I made at least four people signaling from their windows,” Boden tells the gathered firefighters. “We riding or walking?” Kelly asks. “Casey,” Boden turns to the captain.
“Mouch, what's happening?” Matt calls into the radio. “I have control of one, two, and four, but the number three car is stopped on the 18th floor, and I can't get it moving. Can we get a look inside of that elevator?” Mouch asks. “Number three? Right here,” the building manager shows them. “The car is empty, Mouch, but keep trying,” Matt tells him. “Copy. Okay, heat is interfering with the electronics,” Mouch calls out after a few moments. “That settles it. You're climbing. To all companies, we can't trust the elevators. Use the stairs only. Stage on 19. Truck 81, give me a primary search on 20. Squad 3, take 21. Engine 37 will attack the fire. Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go!” Boden orders. “I don't mean to be in your way, Chief. I'm just here 'cause Commissioner Grissom wants me to be,” Gorsch tells Boden who glares when he almost runs into the smaller man.
“Extra air tanks get stashed on 19! We'll attack from the north stairs. Use the south stairs for evacuation. Hey, Chief, we're approaching the 20th floor,” Matt calls into his radio. “Go. Come on, come on, come on. Come on, Ritter, what's the hold up?” 37’s lieutenant yelled. “These threads are in bad shape, keep sticking,” the candidate tells him. “I thought I told you to clean the standpipe,” the lieutenant scolds. “I did, Lieutenant,” Ritter tells him. “Yeah, not with your hands, with a wire brush!” the lieutenant yells. “He used a brush. I saw him,” Herrmann speaks up. “All right, let me in there. I'll do it,” the lieutenant huffs “I got it. It's on,” Ritter tells him. “Well, then open the valve!” the lieutenant exclaims. “Hey, Paxson. Go easy on the kid. He's doing great,” Herrmann tries to defend the candidate. “Mind your business, Herrmann,” Paxson huffs, turning to the candidate. “Hey, put your mask on.”
“Chief Boden!” Someone yells. “Halstead?” Boden turned, after hearing the familiar voice call out to him. “Where's the fire? What floor?” Jay asks. “20, why? What's up?” Boden counters. “My dad lives on 23. Dani doesn’t really have anything to do with him so she doesn’t know,” Jay tells him. “Casey, what's it looking like up there?” Chief calls into his walkie. “Hang on, Chief, we're almost in,” Matt tells him. “And we're hooked up. Let's do this!” Paxson yells, grabbing the door handle. “Hey, hold on, we haven't had a chance to-” Kelly is cut off by the door slamming open and the fire jumping out at them all. “Casey, the door!” Kelly yells. “Hey, Candidate. Hey, you're good,” Herrmann tells him, wiping his mask off. “Yeah. Fire's too advanced at 20, Chief. We can't get a foothold,” Matt yells. “Okay, new plan. Squad searches 21. Truck continues up to 22. Engine 37, get a hold of that fire floor,” Boden orders. “Copy that, Chief. Let's go.”
“So you're not searching 20?” Gorsch asks. “You heard him. That hallway is fully engulfed. Where's your father?” Boden asks. “He lives in 23C,” Jay tells him. “Is he up there now?” Jay shakes his head, “I don't know, he's not answering.” He turns to the building manager. “Excuse me, have you seen Pat Halstead today?” he asks. “Sorry, I don't know him. There's over 500 residents in the tower,” the manager tells him. “Chief, my dad's got a heart condition,” Jay worries. “It's okay. We're working our primary search. 23 is next,” Boden tells him. “How can I help?” Jay asks. “Keep that doorway clear, would you?” Boden tells him. “Absolutely. Everybody back. Clear this door.”
“Check every unit! Open every door! Fire department! Call Out!” Matt yells. “Go, join the group. Right this way,” Dani tells the people coming out of apartments. “Follow them, please. Stay low,” Otis told them. They worked efficiently to guide people to the stairwells. “Chief, we cleared 22. Halstead, and I are headed to 23,” Matt calls into the radio. “Copy that. Casey, I got Jay Halstead here. His father lives at 23C. He's not answering his phone. Take a look,” Boden tells him. “On our way. Let's go,” Matt looked at Dani and nodded. Dani frowned as she followed him up the stairs to the next floor. “Hey, Chief. We pulled three victims off of 21. I still got a few more doors to kick in. We'll send these down with Truck,” Kelly calls into his radio. “Okay, hey, my buddies Otis and Stella are gonna take you the rest of the way down, all right? Just do what he says,” Cruz tells the woman he had been helping. “You're not coming?” She asks. “I gotta get back inside. You'll be fine. I promise,” Cruz tells her. “Be careful,” she tells him before taking her dog and following after the other people. “Excuse me, ma'am. All right, everybody, follow me,” Otis calls out, taking the lead with Stella. “The stairwell is so smoky. Are you sure it's okay to be in here?” A woman asks. “It'll clear up once we're below the fire. Let's keep moving,” Otis assured her. “It's a long way down. Can't we take the elevator?” the same woman asked. “The elevators aren't safe. I can hold your baby if you want. Hey, buddy. Hey, little guy. You wanna come to Otis? Hey, come on. Let's go,” Otis offers, reaching out to take the child. “I can carry him. That's not the point,” the woman huffs.
“Let's go. Folks, we gotta keep the entrance clear. I need you to wait across the street. Come on,” Jay yells over the crowd of people trying to push past him. “Let's get two more engine companies hooked up to hydrants in case we start to lose pressure. And move Truck 40 down to the corner. I want to leave a lane open for ambulances coming and going,” Boden orders. “Copy that, Chief,” someone responds. “Chief, we're inside 23C right now,” Matt radios as they sweep the apartment. “Dad! If you’re here, call out!” Dani yells. “Halstead,” Chief calls over Jay. “Go ahead, Casey. What'd you find?” Boden asks. “Nothing. The apartment's empty. No sign of Mr. Halstead,” Matt reports when Dani shook her head, the apartment was clear. “Carry on, Casey,” Boden tells him. “That's good news, right?” Boden asks the detective. “Yeah, I guess so. Thanks, Chief.” Jay walks away from the fray and pulls out his phone. “Hey, man, they just made it to Dad's apartment. He's not there, you hear back from him?” Jay asks Will. “No. I just tried his cell again. Still nothing,” Will tells him. “Same. You think of anywhere else he might be?” Jay asks, “Well, the guy likes to stick to his routines. You know that. A walk in the morning, then home for lunch. He should be back by now,” Will tells him. “All right, well, I'm gonna keep an eye out. You just let me know if you hear from him. I'm guessing he'll call you first,” Jay tells him before hanging up. “You all right?” Goodwin asks Will as he tucks his phone away. “He'll turn up. Old man's a survivor,” he tells her. “If you want you can head over there and join your siblings,” Goodwin tells him. “No, but thanks. I'm good. Can do more here as they bring victims in.”
“All right. I want a secondary search of the last few floors. Make sure we found everyone that was trapped up there,” Boden calls out as Otis comes down with the group of civilians. “Okay, when you get outside, go across the street, check in with the paramedics, okay? Good work. Go outside,” Otis tells them but when he doesn’t see the mother and child he stops one of the others. “Hey. Where's the woman with the baby?” he asks. “She stepped aside to let faster people go by. I didn't see her after that,” the woman told him and he sighed. “Herrmann. The mom with the baby. Did you see her exit the stairwell?” he asks. “I thought they were up front with you,” Herrmann tells him. “We gotta go up and find them,” Otis sighs. “Right. Just let me swap out my air tank,” Herrmann tells him. “Otis, can you take a look at these controls?” Mouch asks. “I'm not on elevator duty, Mouch,” Otis huffs. “I know, but the number three car is still fritzing out. It was stuck on 18 for a while, then it went up to 24, and now it's stopped again,” Mouch tells him. “The mom. I told her we couldn't use the… God! Chief, do we have eyes inside the elevators?” Otis asks. “Camera's out.” Otis turns to Mouch. “Damn it. Okay, you go with Herrmann, I'm gonna work on the elevators, try a system reboot. If that mom took her baby onto the elevator they could be trapped,” Otis tells Boden. “All units above the fire floor, keep your eyes peeled. We are missing a woman and a young child. I want them found.”
“Severide. I need to get up to 24 to check on that elevator. Can you guys finish out on this floor?” Matt asks. “Yeah, on it. Any word on the mom and her kid?” Matt shakes his head. “Boden's got companies searching from 19 on down, but no sign of them,” he sighs. “She came from 22, right? Halstead, you and Herrmann sweep that floor again just to be sure she didn't go back up for something. Mouch, come with me and we'll start a primary on 24,” Matt orders. “Herrmann. You're looking a little peaked. I mean, you sure you don't want to stop, take a breather?” Dani teases as they stop at the entrance to the 22nd floor. “Like hell. I could do 20 more flights… And still run circles around you,” Herrmann laughed. “No doubt,” Dani nudged him after she put her mask on. “Fire department, call out!” She yelled entering the floor.
“Hey! You hurt?” Matt asks the candidate clinging to the stairwell railing, who shook his head. “Hey buddy, you okay?” Mouch echoed. “Kay, he's locked up. Took a fireball to the face earlier. Probably shook him up. Get him back downstairs,” Matt ordered. “You sure, Casey?” Mouch asked. “Yeah. He's in the way. Get him out of here,” Matt tells him before heading onwards. “What's your name?” Mouch asked. The kid just shook like a leaf so Mouch leaned over to see his last name on this helmet. “All right. Come on, Ritter, let's go.” The candidate shook his head and clung to the railing tighter. “Hey! My captain just took off by himself 'cause of you. You get to your feet! Lives are at stake!” Mouch yells at him. “Engine 37, talk to me,” Chief called into the radio. “We're still working our way in, Chief. It's an inferno in here,” Paxson yelled. “Engine 62, put another line up on 20,” Boden ordered. “Copy that.”
“Any news?” Boden asks Jay as he comes back into the building. “Nobody's heard from him. I'm worried he's still inside somewhere. Come on, you must have seen this guy today. Pat Halstead. He's a crusty old pain in the ass. He never smiles. Loves to yell at people,” Jay tells the building manager. “Okay, yeah, yeah. I know the guy. I haven't seen him today,” the manager tells him. “Does he have any friends in the building?” Jay asks. “I see him sometimes pushing Mr. Strouse. He's in a wheelchair. Ronnie Strouse,” the manager rushes. “A guy in a wheelchair? What floor does he live on?” Jay asks. “Uh, 25C. Top floor,” the manager tells him. “That's where he went, for sure,” Jay tells Boden, going to step around the chief and head for the stairs. “Okay. Halstead. I can't have a cop get killed on my fireground. My men will handle it,” Boden stops him, grabbing his arm before he could get very far.
“Fire department, call out!” Matt yells as he searches the hallway. “Casey, what's your location?” Boden asks into the radio. “I'm on 24 looking for the number three car. We can't open the doors. There's no drop-key access,” Matt reports. “Okay. You make your way to unit 25C. Look for a wheelchair-bound resident,” Boden tells him. “Copy that, Chief,” Matt replies and walks further down the hallway, only to be almost blown back by fire erupting. “Chief, I've got fire coming up through a mechanical closet!” Matt reports. “On 24?” Boden asks. “Affirmative! Repeat! The fire has reached the 24th floor! The fire is traveling through the electrical shafts!”
Boden turns to the building manager now. “Is the wiring in this building original?” he asks. “Uh, no, we did a big renovation a while back. Upgraded all the old copper stuff with fiber optics,” the manager tells him. “That stuff's a lot thinner. It leaves gaps. You're supposed to seal those gaps off,” Boden tells him. “Hey, I don't own the place. If they cut corners, I don't know anything about it,” the manager tells him in return. “This is not good. The fire's traveling faster than we thought. To all companies… We are losing control of this thing. Wrap up your searches, retreat below the fire floor until we get another hose line in place,” Boden says into his walkie.
“Come on. Ritter, you heard the Chief. Time is running out,” Mouch tells the candidate, who shakes his head again. “Okay. Okay, Ritter. Here's the deal. I don't like to exert myself unless absolutely necessary, but you're not giving me a lot of options here. If you don't get to your feet…” Mouch trails off. “I'm not like him,” Ritter tells him. “What's that?” Mouch asks. “I'm not that tough. I can't do it. I'm not like him,” Ritter manages to tell him. “Like who?” Mouch asks him. “Uncle Anthony. I called him Superman when I was a kid. He fought fires like this. But my heart won't stop pounding,” Ritter tells him. “Hey. I'm scared too. Any sane person would be. Difference is, civilians panic. Firefighters react. And you are a firefighter. Now you get your ass off that ground and let's go,” Mouch tells him, offering him a hand up.
“All companies, be advised. The missing mother and baby have been… recovered. Continue secondary search for additional victims,” Boden’s voice crackles over the radio. “Hey, how's your air?” Dani asks Herrmann as they walk down a hallway. “I'm good. I got a new tank downstairs. Why, are you low?” he asks in return. Dani looks down at her gauge before nodding. “I, uh… I got a few minutes left,” she tells him. “All right. You know what, forget it. This floor is clear. Let's get below the fire,” he tells her. “Copy that,” she tells him. “Casey, what's your location?” Boden asks. “Just reached the 25th floor, Chief,” Matt tells him, before continuing further into the hallway. He opens the electrical maintenance door and sees sparks fly. “Chief, 25's going to hell now, too. I can't stay long,” he calls out. “Copy that, Casey. Do what you can,” Boden tells him. “Fire department! Call out!” He yells, entering the apartment.
“Over here! Help! He came to get me, but then he collapsed!” a man calls out. “I'm gonna get you both out of here. Chief, I got two victims on 25, Halstead’s father and his friend,” Matt reported. “Good call. What's their condition?” Chief asks. “They're both conscious and responsive, but Mr. Halstead's in rough shape. I need a hand,” Matt tells him. “I'll see who's close by. Any available firefighter to the 25th floor to assist Captain Casey,” Boden called into his walkie. “Hang in there, Pat!” Matt yells as he preps to carry and drag them to safety. He gets partially into the hallway before he has to stop and readjust. “Chief! Is anyone coming?” he asks. “Casey, we're here!” Mouch yells, coming with Ritter behind him. “Mouch, hurry! Take this one!” Matt gestures to Mr. Strouse. “Ready to hoist him up. Okay, stay low!” Mouch tells Ritter as they pick him up and Matt hoists Pat over his shoulder, carrying him out.
“Dad! Is he all right?” Jay asks, spotting them exiting the building. “He was above the fire floor. Swallowed a lot of smoke. Been in and out of consciousness,” Matt tells him. “Casey, thanks, man,” Jay tells him, patting him on the shoulder before looking up at the building, he had still yet to see his little sister in the fray, and tried not to worry, she knew what she was doing. He shook it off as the paramedics began to assess his dad. “Dad! Hey, this is my father. His name is Pat Halstead. He's 64 years old. Listen, he had bypass surgery a month ago. Dad, can you hear me?” he asks. “He looks hypoxic. Let's get him on oxygen,” one of them says. “We can do CO levels and EKG en route, rule out cardiac dysrhythmia,” the medic tells his partner. “I'm, I'm okay, Jay,” Pat Halstead wheezes out. “Dad, Ronnie looks like he's gonna be okay. You did good. You're damn lucky to be alive,” Jay tells him before they load him up. “Pat going to be alright?” Mr. Strouse asks. “They'll take good care of him,” Mouch assures the man before turning to the candidate. “All right, here we go. You just got your first save, pal,” he tells him. “If it wasn't for me freezing up, you would have got there sooner,” Ritter mumbles. “Hey, Ritter. You could spend your life on "ifs" in this job. Don't do it. You hear me?” Mouch tells him and Ritter nods.
“Empty,” Kelly calls as he leaves a room. “Same here,” Cruz tells him. “All right, Chief, Cruz and I are finished on 23. We're coming down now,” Kelly calls into the radio. “Help me!” A faint young voice echoes. “Whoa, whoa, hey, Severide. You hear that?” Cruz asks. “Fire department, call out!” Kelly yells. “Help me, please!” the young voice called. “Where are you?” Kelly yells. “20B!” Kelly looks at the door they were at, 23B. “20B? That's three floors down, that's the fire floor.” Cruz tells him. “Hey, kid, what's your name?” Kelly calls into a vent. “Josh! My mom isn't here and I can't get out!” the kid exclaims. “Josh! Stay right where you are! My name's Kelly. I'm coming down to get you!” The kid yells back okay and the two rescue squad members are on the move again. “Hey, Paxson! Paxson! We need to get in 20B! Can you take us there?” Kelly asked. “We're low on air!” Paxson yells. “I got a young boy trapped inside solo!” Kelly tells him. “We'll get you in, but my guys need relief!” Paxson yells and they begin moving forward. “Hey Chief, Cruz and I are getting the victim on the fire floor, but 37 needs relief on this side line,” Kelly reports. “Herrmann and I are on 19, we'll be right there,” Dani tells him. “All right, we're gonna have to cut across to get to the attack stairwell. Come on,” Herrmann leads.
“Hey! Severide! She's alive!” Cruz yells after pointing out another victim. “All right, here. You take her down. I'll get the kid,” Kelly tells him. “Copy that, be careful!” Cruz tells his Lieutenant. “Hey, Josh, where are you? Josh!” Kelly calls out. “Over here!” Josh yells, coughing. “Hey, bud! Come on. Let me get you out of here.” The fire blazes in the doorway. “Hey. It's getting a little crazy out there, - but we'll get through it, okay?” Kelly reassures the kid. “Hey 37, we're coming out. You ready?” he asks. “Negative! We're pulling back! Stay where you are!” Paxson responds. “What does that mean?” Josh asks. “Don't worry. Help's coming. All right. Hang on a sec,” he tells the kid, going to investigate. “Hey 37, what's your ETA? It's getting a little stuffy in here,” he asks. “The fire is pushing us back! Come on!” Paxson huffs. “Cavalry's arrived. Sit tight, Kelly!” Dani yells as she and Herrmann take over from 37. “Hey, Herrmann, Halstead, I hate to complain, but I got a young boy here,” Kelly tells them. “This thing is a beast! We're coming as fast as we can!” Herrmann exclaims. “This isn't working. I'm gonna bail out,” Kelly tells them. “Kelly, don't do anything stupid! Second line is on its way!” Dani calls out, noticing her air tank warning alarm was beginning to go off.
“What are you gonna do? What's happening?” Josh asks Kelly. “I don't want to wait and see if they can get to us before the fire does. So we're gonna perform what's called a self-rescue. Don't worry. I've done this a bunch. And when we're all done, you'll have a hell of a story to tell your friends,” Kelly tells the kid before prepping the ropes. “All right, come here. Your job is to hold onto me. My job is to hold onto the rope. You got it?” he asks. “I hold onto you and don't let go,” Josh repeated. “No way,” he mutters as he looks out of the window. “Keep your eyes closed,” Kelly tells the kid as he finishes up securing things. “Hey, Halstead, Herrmann, get out of there. Meet me on 19,” Kelly calls into his radio. “One more minute, we got this. Hang on, Severide!” Herrmann calls out. “All right, buddy, it’s all good,” Kelly tells Josh as he begins his descent. “Oh, God,” the kid mutters. “Almost there,” Kelly tells him as he tries to kick in the window but it doesn’t break. “What's wrong?” Josh asks. “Nothing. Nothing, I'm just getting a tool to break the glass.” Kelly breaks the glass and kicks it clear so he can slide in. “Hey, hey. You okay?” he asks the kid. “Severide!” Capp calls as he busts in the door.
Dani could feel the effects caused by lack of oxygen beginning and let go of the hose, moving to try and remove her mask. She was unsuccessful and felt herself falling back before passing out. Herrmann turns to tell Dani to head back down and sees her down. “Mayday, mayday! Halstead is down! I need assistance on 20!” Herrmann calls out, removing her mask and placing his own on her face in the hopes that she hadn’t been down long. “Mayday, mayday!” Herrmann called out again. “Hey, what happened?” Kelly yelled as he got to them, Dani’s pass alarm blaring. “Listen. She ran out of air!” Herrmann tells him. “Come on!” Kelly grabs her by the straps and Herrmann does his best to keep the mask on her. “Okay, clear out! Give us some room! Come on!” Boden yells as he makes a path for his firefighters to carry the youngest Halstead sibling through. “Get her up,” Matt tells them, and the four carrying her lift her onto the stretcher and set her down. “I've got a pulse but she's not breathing. Bag her,” Brett tells Foster. “Got it,” the woman jumped into action. “Her air ran out and she just dropped,” Herrmann tells them. “Come on, Dani,” Kelly mutters as he steps back to allow for Foster to move in with the bag. “Start bagging her, please,” Foster tells Herrmann once she gets it into position. “You got it,” he nods.
“Lieutenant, cut her shirt so I can get the cardiac leads on her,” Foster orders. “Come on, Halstead,” Kelly’s voice wobbled, his eyes glued to her form. “Tube's in. Let's hang a Cyanokit on the way to Med,” Brett tells Foster. “All right, guys, let's get her in the rig,” Foster tells them. They load her up. “Boden, you've done the heavy lifting. I'll take it from here. Go check on your firefighter,” another battalion chief stepped up. “You're sure?” Boden asks. “Go.” Boden nods and turns back to his crew. “Severide, Herrmann. Stay with 61,” he orders. “Yeah come on, let's move,” Kelly says as he climbs up in the ambo. “Come on. Give them an escort,” Matt yells to the others. “I'll drive,” Foster tells Brett. “Thanks,” Brett nods before climbing in the back of the ambo and shutting the door.
“It's Dani… Halstead. She took in a lot of smoke,” Brett tells the emergency room nurses that were with Dr. Choi but chokes up a little. “She had a pulse but wasn't breathing. We intubated, hung a Cyanokit on the rig, her CO is at 40%...” Foster trails off. “Okay. We got her. Let's transfer on my count. One, two, three,” Choi calls out. “Thank you for taking over,” Brett tells Foster, still watching the trauma bay. “I get it. It's family,” Foster tells her, rubbing her shoulder. The rest of the house walks in, some hanging back as Matt goes to Kelly and places a hand on his shoulder. Kelly swallows before shrugging Matt off and turning to Herrmann. “How did you let this happen?” he asks the older man, his eyes watering. “Hey. Severide,” Matt tries to get him to back off. “Huh? You're supposed to have her back, Herrmann!” Kelly shouts. “She didn't tell me that her alarm went off,” Herrmann’s voice shuddered a little. “She was trying to save you.”
#starset writes#dani halstead#kelly severide#matt casey#jay halstead#kelly severide x oc#kelly severide fic#halstead sister#chicago fire#one chicago
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y’all after andrea’s interview i have the theory that someone else might be leaving. what if it’s herrmann that’s leaving? and the whole reason that the writers started to make mouch want to move up the ladder is so he can take over engine. then, kylie would take mouch’s spot. so 81 would be stella, kylie, carver, and damon.
#chicago fire#one chicago#stella kidd#mouch#kylie estevez#sam carver#jack damon#christopher herrmann#miranda rae mayo#david eigenberg
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Last night I had a dream. (Very long post)
(content warning; body horror)
In this dream I was in a warehouse with a bunch of other people around my age (24) and a teacher who had brought us there (assumingly from a classroom at a college).
While we explored the warehouse facility, the teacher talked about the history of this warehouse and how the builders constructed in a way that would allow it to be easily expanded and added onto.
While exploring we came across a small mechanical doll covered in embroidered leather. One of the others went up to it and touched it without the teacher knowing. Upon touch, it expelled some black plastic or maybe burnt metallic pieces from its mouch, which were sent with such a force that it went into an air duct and began to be showered from the ceilings above us.
As soon as this nonorganic material touched someone's body it was like it infected them; changing their organic body to inorganic wires, cogs, gears, fuses and other mechanical and electrical components.
For some it happened quite quickly, their skin shriveled, tightened into beautifully tanned leather and grew embroidery right out of their flesh. Once they had completely turned into the mechanical doll, they also expelled the blackened inorganic material, many times making it into an air duct opening to spread it throughout the facility.
The teacher, surprised initially quickly issued all of us to take our flashlights and scanning machines from our belts, which we had apparently been wearing the whole time.
When we shined the lights onto the inorganic infection, it stopped. When we used the scanner device, it receded. The problem was that we couldn't reach our backs, only our fronts. We could stop any infection hitting our front easily, but not behind us.
This became quickly apparent as more and more of the snowing infection hit the backs of my comrades where they couldn't reach.
Up until that point, I hadn't been hit, but when I was finally hit by the snowing burnt inorganic infection flake, it was an interesting sensation. It didn't hurt, in fact it removed every bit of pain I had. It stopped pain from being spread as the inorganic mechanical components spread across my arm. It felt normal, then deff'd feeling, then numb. But I could still feel it when It was moving.
It was a slow spread. I watched, fascinated, but not afraid as embroidery slowly stitched across my arm, which had become a smooth, glossy black leather. My teacher shouted to use the light or scanner to me, and I accepted her order, holding up my light on the parts that were turning mechanical, which seemingly stopped that location's transformation... For a very short time before it began to continue. (I realise now that the lights in the facility were bigger bulbs of what we had in our flashlights, and the entire facility was VERY well lit.)
As I took out my scanner device to use that, one of my classmates-turned-mechanical-doll slapped It out of my hand, making it break on impact with the hard cement floor. As I looked up, I noticed the teacher was gone, also fully transformed, and I was the last remaining. They looked close to the terminator robots, but instead of sleek and chromed, they looked over engineered, made of only leather and small components.
I began to run as more of the inorganic snow landed on me. I felt more of myself change and as soon as I was far enough away, I sat down, trying to catch my breath. Then I heard the voice of a machine.
It sounded like it was beside me or maybe behind me... But there was no one, just me.
"give in. You are the last." It said as I tried to catch my breath. I closed my eyes for a second, or what felt like a second and suddenly I felt like I was as tall as the warehouse ceilings were... No I didn't feel LIKE it. I WAS as tall as the ceilings were.
"oh, you have returned." The voice said. "Your body was unique, so I made it into a king." There was no inflection in its voice, no raise or lower in pitch, it was monotonous, but in a normal human speaking range. I was moving, or should I say it was moving me.
We approached a giant mirror along the sides of the warehouse only to see that unlike the rest of the mechanical dolls that looked like they were constructed with definite specific specifications, I looked like Frankenstein's monster, if someone shoved a bunch of metal components randomly into his body. My skin was not the sleek leather, instead it had become rotting, green flesh.
"you are a masterpiece" it said, admiring what it had created.
"just let me go" I spoke, or maybe thought "please, this is horrible. I don't accept your actions."
"very well" it said. The body's mouth opened up and it expelled me, a whole, unrotting body, barely touched by the mechanical infection. As I regained my balance, a bunch of the mechanical dolls swarmed me and I woke up.
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My long-game theory:
Cruz-Squad 3 LT
Kelly-takes captain spot at OFI
Jack-moves over to Squad ushering in a new Severide era
Stella, Carver, Kylie on truck with a newbie since Mouch will probably take Engine LT.
What do you think?
i’ve actually thought about this a lot and i agree with you completely. however, i also will say that i want stella to be captain eventually. i think it’s very fitting for her arc to keep climbing the ladder. but i don’t think she would get that promotion until closer to the end of the show, same with kelly leaving and cruz taking over squad
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The Academy
Summary: Y/N and Firehouse 51 respond to a call at the CFD's Fire Academy. It's a bad day, with good friends to see you through.
Fandom: Chicago Fire / Chicago Med
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Platonic!Reader
Characters: Reader, Kelly Severide, Firehouse 51, Will Halstead
Genre: Drama/Whump/Fluff
Warnings: Swearing, description of injury
Word Count: 5807
A/N: This is based purely off of a dream I had recently, so enjoy me trying to make it something coherent! Happy reading!
The alert sounded out over the speakers at Firehouse 51, “Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Truck 81, Engine 51, container collapse at 558 West DeKoven St”
You spring up from your chair at Squad 3’s table, a game of ‘Battleship’ between you and Capp now forgotten. The table exchanges brief looks as you all move fast to step into your gear, everybody knew that very specific address. It was the address to the CFD’s Fire Academy.
Tony pulls Squad 3 out of the Firehouse and in towards the city, followed by the other trucks. The Chief’s voice filters out over the radio, Kelly sits listening at the front of the truck taking in the details, you listen intently from your seat opposite Joe and next to Capp.
“The Academy was retrofitting the container system for real-world simulation, three of the containers were not appropriately fixed together before the retrofit began, they are collapsing in on themselves. A construction crew of approximately three or four are trapped, headcount is in progress. Be advised there are exposed construction materials and flammable materials on sight, they are not secure. I repeat, they are not secure. Approach with caution.”
Kelly keys his radio, “Copy chief, we are 5 minutes out.”
Casey’s voice is next, “Right behind you, Squad 3.”
Then Herrmann’s, “Copy, Chief. Right behind you guys.”
Sylvie is last to check-in, “We’re already here, Chief. Setting up triage, we’ve called in extra ambos.”
Squad 3’s engine rumbles loudly as it moves at speed down the stretch of road that the academy sat on, you could see that some of your ‘neighbours’ from Engine 42’s company had already arrived at the scene; but it seemed that they were missing Squad 1 and their ambulances, presumably on another call. That’s where you and the rest of 51 came in.
The rig rolls to a stop and you all hop out, pulling on the remainder of your equipment and checking it was secure, standing by Severide to wait for orders. Truck and Engine doing the same by Casey and Herrmann. Chief pulls up and strides purposefully in the direction where everybody had grouped. A foreman for the construction site comes scurrying over, the distress on his face highlighted by dirt and tears.
Chief Boden commands his attention, asking for details.“Three of the containers collapsed, the floors we were retrofitting have come loose, it's pushing one container down onto the other, I think some of my guys are trapped. There are gas lines that aren’t secure. Please, you gotta help ‘em!”
Chief places a reassuring grip on the man’s shoulders, “Stay here, I don’t want you to move unless I need more information from you. We’ll get to work.”
He then assesses the area fast, before turning to all of you,
“Squad 3, take Truck 3's aerial to get a view, find your entry point, I want no more than two of you entering those containers for a rope rescue.”
“Truck 81, find a way to secure these containers and their contents. Straps, jacks, cribbing, whatever you have to do to get it still.”
“Engine 51, coordinate with all Trucks and make sure the gas lines are secure or be ready to put them out.”
There’s a resounding chorus of “Yes, Chief!” as you all set to work, taking commands from your individual leaders.
“Capp, Tony... get on that aerial with Mouch, make sure we have at least two stokes baskets ready to go. Cruz, I want you to find a way in from the lower side, just in case the aerial doesn’t work out. Cut into the containers if you have to. Y/N, you’re with me, we’re gonna use Truck 3’s aerial to get in.”
You all confirm you’ve heard Kelly’s instructions as Truck 3 pulls into position with Joe’s guidance, giving your gear one last check you hold your thumbs up to Kelly as you begin to climb the aerial ladder. Starting to hear the creaking groans of metal on metal as the containers shift and grind together, you begin to hear the faint echoey yells for help from within, climbing fast and efficiently behind Severide as you focus on the rails of the ladder in front.
Reaching the top of the aerial you now had a clear view of the awkward angle that the containers had slanted into, exposed pipelines and support rods jutted out at dangerous angles. Further below you could roughly make out a potential victim unmoving, as well as another who was seemingly pinned to a container's wall by a steel sheet. Kelly takes in the scene himself and then turns to you,
“Y/L/N I want you to go down and assess the load-bearing situation, get a read on the victims as well, radio back up to me and we’ll go from there.”
You nod as you switch places with Kelly, “Copy you, Lieutenant.”, he begins to connect a harness line to you from the aerial, just in case you yourself needed lifting out. Feeling a reassuring firm pat on your shoulder as Kelly signals that you can begin your descent.
On the other side of the weakened structure Truck 81 lifts its aerial into place as well. Casey climbs past Capp and Tony to look for another entry point should the one you and Kelly were using become unviable.
He keys his radio, “Severide, I have an access point here. It looks like a window built into the second container, if you get a check on victim locations I can break the glass and create a second extraction point.”
“Copy, Casey. Y/L/N is assessing now. I’ll let you know.”
“Copy that.”
Meanwhile, on the ground, Stella and Gallo were working together to put cribbing and jacks in place. The idea was that it would prevent any further tilting from the containers, keeping them relatively still. Herrmann and Ritter were helping other firefighters with securing the gas lines one by one.
The smell of gasoline was lingering in the air; despite it being turned off the gas that had leaked was trapped within the confines of the stacked containers. The further you lowered yourself down, the more daylight was fading. You take one hand off the rope and activate your helmet headlamp.
You catch sight of what, or rather who, you had set out to look for first, radioing Kelly. "Severide, hold."
The rope stops, you settle your boots on a rail in front of a contractor who is shaking with a gash on his head, by your assessment the steel sheet he was “pinned in” by was actually light enough to be moved. You couldn’t see any other injuries on him, and likely the reason he was ‘stuck’ was more to do with shock than anything else, although in fairness he wouldn’t be able to climb up even if he could move. You meet his eyes and reach out a tentative gloved hand.
“Sir, I’m with the CFD. My name’s Y/N. Are you hurt anywhere else besides your head?”
His eyes blink rapidly, you can see now that he is covered in sweat. Yeah, he was definitely in shock.
“Sir, it’s alright. We can get you out, but I just need to know if you’re hurt anywhere else before we try and move you. Can I ask your name?”
“J-Jackson, my name’s Jackson.” You smile reassuringly.
“Good, that’s good. Now, Jackson, are you hurt anywhere else?”
He shakes his head frantically.
“Paul, Paul fell… he fell... and Dennis got cut off from me!” You squeeze his arm gently, trying to keep him in the moment and not in the throes of distress.
“It’s okay, Jackson. We will get to Paul, and to Dennis. So just to confirm, it’s just your head, yeah?”
He nods.
“Okay. Let’s see about getting you free, then I’ll climb across to see Paul and your other friend.”
“Dennis was… he was next to me, but then the beam fell and knocked Paul, we got separated… it-”
“Hey, it’s okay. You’ve got help now. I need to let my Lieutenant know how many of you there are. Is it just three?”
“Yeah, yeah just us three. Steve went to get us lunch.”
“Okay, thank you. Sit tight, bud. Give me a sec.”
You look up and can faintly make out Kelly’s watchful silhouette above, you key your radio, keeping a hand on a beam you think will keep you still as you stand on the thin rail with Jackson.
“Lieutenant, the weight threshold is holding. I wouldn’t advise additional personnel unless absolutely necessary. I will coordinate from down here with you and Captain Casey if you’re good with that. There are 3 victims, the fourth man is not on site. One is with me, the other’s status is unknown and a third, Paul, looks to have been knocked further into the structure, suspected spinal injury - I’ll know more the lower I go.”
“Copy, Y/L/N. Let’s do a rapid extraction of Jackson, get yourself to Paul if you can, I’ll get Cruz to open a stable entry point on the lowest container... We need to assess his condition ASAP. Then find your third victim.”
“Right away, Lieutenant. Prepping Jackson for rapid extraction now.”
You turn to the wide-eyed Jackson, he has a white knuckle grip on the same beam you’re steadying yourself on. He coughs, clearly having inhaled gas for a while.
“Jackson, I need you to step out from there, for me.” Jackson shakes his head in refusal.
“I can’t, it’ll crush me if I try to move.”
“Trust me, it won’t, I’ll hold it still and you just need to shimmy out a little bit.”
Jackson is on the verge of refusing again but then changes his mind, sucking in a breath as he inched his way out from behind the sheet. You keep a firm grip on its edge to prevent any significant shift in position.
“Okay, bud. That’s great. Next step, my Lieutenant is lowering a separate line for you, you’re gonna slip your arms into the straps, like a vest, and then he’s going to pull you up.”
"Is… Is it safe?"
"Absolutely, Lieutenant Severide is the best in the job. You're in good hands, here's the harness…"
You grasp the lowered harness and help Jackson into it, and key your radio.
"He's secure, Lieutenant. You can take him up."
"Copy. Lifting."
You give Jackson another reassuring smile, watching as he slowly begins to ascend towards daylight.
"You'll be fine, Jackson. See you on the outside."
He's overwrought by the whole thing, quietly sobbing as he grips the harness tight.
"Thank you, thank you so much."
Now that you were satisfied that Jackson was out of harm's way you glance down at the next level below, and after that there was the very bottom of the containers where Paul's limp body lay, you could only see his legs, the rest of him obscured by half a wooden panel.
You contact Kelly first.
"Severide, I'm going to the bottom to check Paul's condition. Lower me another 10 feet please."
“Lowering you now, be careful, Y/L/N.”
“Always am.”
You were about to be lowered into the final third container when a loud crash to your left grabbed your attention,
“Lieutenant, hold!” The line comes to an abrupt stop, Kelly’s voice is worried over the radio.
“What’s wrong, Y/L/N?”
“Sorry, nothing’s wrong. I heard movement to my left, I think this could be Dennis, the third vic. Give me a minute.”
“Copy you.”
You squint into the darkness, seeing if you can either see or hear the source of the sound.
“Dennis? Are you in here, bud? This is Y/N, I’m with the CFD.”
There’s silence, and then from behind you more movement, you whip your head around, the rope swaying you, you put your hands out against another part of the framework to keep from spinning.
“G-Get me out! Why am I here? Why did you put me here?!” You curse under your breath as you flinch at a wild-eyed man.
Dennis has a larger gash on his head than Jackson did, and if your eyes were seeing correctly in the low visibility he was exhibiting the signs of gasoline poisoning. Discolouration of the eyes, the way he looked around in a disorientated fashion, his breaths were much more wheezy than Jackson’s had been.
You reach into your pocket as you keep an eye on where Dennis was standing, he seemed to have found a decent enough platform to be on.
“Dennis, I’m a firefighter. I’m with a rescue squad. You were in an accident, I’m here to help.”
Dennis remains unfocused, flinching at every creak and groan that came from all around.
Pulling a device, a stopwatch-shaped object, out of your pocket, you push the top button as the screen illuminates with a reading.
“Shit.” You mutter under your breath.
“Y/L/N, report.” It’s a crackling line, but you recognise the voice as the Chief.
“Chief, I’ve got a second victim. Dennis. He’s inhaled a lot of gasoline, not looking too hot. I want to move him to the same extraction point as my first victim, but uh… he’s not too trusting right now, I’m just gonna see if I can get him to see that I’m here to help.”
“Alright… - just -sure… you are sec-ure… be cautious.”
“Copy, Chief. The connection is a little choppy. You should know there are high CO2 levels down here. I’m trying to get Dennis to move for me.”
“Copy, Y/L/N. Do what you can, if you have to bail then you bail.”
“Of course, Chief. I’ll get back to Lieutenant Severide in just a few.”
“5 minutes, Y/L/N.”
And with that, you are left with just Dennis and the impending sense of the deterioration of the structure around you.
You turn to your companion, reaching out a gentle hand. Again, Dennis flinches. You lower your voice, as though you were speaking to a child.
“Hey, Dennis. It’s okay. I just want to help you get out of here, it’s not very nice down here, is it?”
Dennis shakes his head, looking around again.
“Dennis, do you think you can take my hands and come to me? Then I can help you climb out of here.”
“You’ll drop me! It’s too far down!”
“I won’t drop you, bud. All you have to do is hold on to these loops on my waist, and I’ll do the rest.”
Dennis looks down to the bottom, and then up to where the floor above was at a sharp slant. His voice was quiet and strained.
“How are we getting out?”
“We’re going to move really carefully across that beam, and then my Lieutenant will lower a harness for you to get into.”
He shakes his head in resistance, in his confusion he starts looking for somewhere to run. You sharply hold out a hand, ready to catch him if need be.
“Y/L/N? What’s going on?” It’s Kelly again, you knew his different tones for things. This wasn’t the ‘You’re taking too long and I’m pissed’ tone, it was the ‘I know there's a reason you’re taking too long but I’m getting worried’, tone.
“Lieutenant, I’ve got Dennis here. We’re making our way to the previous extraction. He's not feeling too great, so we're just taking it easy.”
Kelly sensed that now wasn’t the time for more dialogue, he knew you’d let him know if you needed more than just his guidance via radio. “Copy. We’re on standby.”
You look at Dennis and carefully lean forward to take his hand.
“Just take my hand, Dennis. You can hold on to these loops and I can shuffle us along the beam, from there Lieutenant Severide will lift you on the harness that’s going to be waiting.”
He lets out a strangled whine, not sure of what else to do but trust you. His options were limited, after all.
“Good. That’s great, bud. Here we go…” And so slowly Dennis creeps forward, the metal beneath your feet begins to creak, and Dennis begins to panic trying to move faster.
“Dennis, it’s alright. Just look at me, look at me… that’s it, there we go-” But Dennis cannot ignore his flight response, leaping into your arms, pushing the weight of you both into the other side of the container. Your body hits a corner edge of some cable boxing and sharp pain radiates through your side.
From the outside of the containers, the plethora of emergency responders snap their heads in the direction of the sound, looking to the lower middle of the second container as it lists, only to be stopped by the jacks that were holding it in place.
Through the sudden pain, the adrenaline helps you keep your grip on Dennis’ panicking frame, clutching him under his armpit and around his back. Inadvertently he had got you both to the same spot where Kelly had lifted Jackson, just further down.
“Y/L/N, report! Was that you?” Chief again.
You steel yourself, pushing the pain out of your voice.
“Chief… it’s alright… just some turbulence… ah… Severide needs to lower the secondary harness another 6 feet, I can connect Dennis from there.”
Severide chimes n, “It’s on its way, Y/N. Are you alright?”
“Fine, boss. My air’s at amber. I can make it to Paul, but extraction will have to be from below. Do I have your go-ahead, Severide?”
In the beat you’re waiting for Kelly's response, you can hear the familiar sound of the cutters working into the metal body of the base container. Chief’s voice confirms your hearing.
It's Chief again, you briefly wonder where Kelly was. “Copy, Y/N. Cruz has begun creating the extraction point. Severide has gone to wait for you below. Capp will assist you.”
The Chief sounds pissed but, again like Kelly, you know it’s out of concern than actual anger. Dennis’ arms squeeze around you like a vice, you know if you try and move him now he’ll more than likely panic further or let go entirely, so you grin and bear it as you see the harness slot into a good position.
“Okay, Dennis. You see those loops? Put your arms through them and then I’ll secure this secondary piece here, and then you’ll be on your way up and out of here to one of my squad.”
Your companion is looking a little green around the gills, but he gingerly does as he’s told. You’re still holding on to his legs as Dennis begins to ascend through the haze towards the top. You’re about to let go but Dennis has one last influx of panic, kicking his legs around as he yells.
“I’m gonna fall! You’re gonna drop me! No!”
“Dennis, stop! It’s alright. The harness has you, you won’t-” But you don’t get to finish your sentence as a steel toe boot clips the front of your mask, knocking you back off the beam, even with the harness it’s an awkward swing towards the centre and your rope snags on a piece of jagged support rod. In a heart-stopping moment, you feel your line sever, weightlessness consuming you as you fall straight down from the second level to the base.
When Dennis finally reaches the top opening, Capp is there to pull him up and get him to lay in a stokes basket, Tony is there to assist.
Kelly had heard you over the radio, knowing that you would be going to the bottom, he was expecting to see you once Joe had finished cutting. But the radio brings news that only serves to get his blood pumping more intensely than it already was.
It’s Capp’s voice, “Severide! Y/L/N was kicked in the face, the motion knocked them into a support rod, severed their line, they fell. I repeat, they fell.”
“Copy, Capp. We’re almost in.” Kelly’s voice was tight, the adrenaline he felt now was immense. You were like a little sister to him, and he felt a sickly sense of no control over the whole situation. Even though he knew that Dennis was suffering the effects of being exposed to so much gasoline, his fear for you overrode the level-headedness he would usually keep. He couldn't help but feel angry towards the man.
Your friends watched anxiously as Squad worked to get access to you and the last victim, Sylvie and Violet were busy treating the other two workers, occasionally glancing where you would be. It was tough to let another ambulance crew be on standby for you until they could send their patients to Med.
Mouch stayed controlling and monitoring the aerial, face contorted in worry as he occasionally ducked his head to see what was going on.
Knowing that the rest of the rescue would be done from below, Stella, Casey, Gallo, Herrmann, and Ritter were pacing the area nearby, ready to assist Joe and Kelly when it came to it.
Your ears were ringing, your mask vibrating and flashing red to let you know that you had 5 minutes of air left. You knew you had fallen, but Paul needed to be assessed. You take a breath gathering your jumbled thoughts. Even turning your head slowly causes nausea to tumble through your gut, into your throat and mouth, making you gag inside your mask. The word "concussion" crosses your mind, but you were part of the rescue squad, and you'd be damned if you weren't going to finish the rescue.
Attempting to push yourself upright only makes you scream as the pain comes roaring through your side and your arm, waves of agony now throbbing through the left of your whole body. That had clearly been the angle you had hit the floor. You splutter inside your mask, managing to keep your vomit down. The side of your head felt wet…but your brain couldn’t supply an answer as to why.
Vibrations were no longer coming through your mask, meaning you had approximately two minutes of air before you were really in trouble.
There’s a new set of vibrations, which you realise to be your own shivers. It was cold down here. And you knew the pain was probably sending you into shock.
One last half attempt to get up and look around was thwarted by your abdomen burning, you took as good a breath as you could, whimpers of agony muffled by the noise of machinery outside.
The container begins to let the light leak in as Joe's cutters neatly make quick work of the container walls. In the haze of dust, you weakly turn your head to the side you hadn't yet looked at.
You let out a strangled yelp, the sight before you is horrific. Paul had clearly not even survived the fall, as now you were faced with the sight of his frigid, ashen, body impaled on four support rods.
You feel disbelief at how you had avoided the same fate, eyes fluttering as your oxygen depletes. You're fast losing consciousness as your PASS alarm blares, the sound of cutters floating away as you fall down into darkness.
Joe finishes his cut of the container, and a large panel of metal is pulled away, tossed aside to avoid obstructing the entrance that had been created. The gas finally had a way to be ventilated further. Your friends watch in anticipation as Kelly and Joe disappear inside towards you.
Kelly’s gut is cold with fear when he clasps eyes on your still form in the mess of different materials, Kelly points to Paul,
“Cruz, check him!”
Kelly comes to your side as Joe quickly assesses Paul laying next to you.
With careful hands he lifts the mask off your face, exposing a laceration by your hairline. Gently taking your helmet away to check for a further head injury. The source of the wetness you had felt. Supporting your head, he waits for assistance.
For Joe’s victim, it’s a tragically clear prognosis, and he radios it in to Chief Boden.
“Chief, Paul is DOA, he didn’t survive the fall, dead on impact. We’ll send in Tony and Capp to recover him once we’ve got Y/L/N out.”
“Copy, Cruz. What’s the situation with Y/L/N?” Joe glances at you and Kelly, he can hear your groans of pain, which despite the heartbreaking nature is a relief.
“Chief, she’s alive. Rough shape, it looks like. Severide has her, we’re gonna need 61 in here right now.”
“Copy, Sylvie and Violet are coming now. Sending in Kidd to assist.”
Joe steps aside to make room for the trio, crouched pensively in a corner waiting to help extract you, occasionally checking above for any signs of collapse.
Kelly and Stella exchange looks as she enters the space with the paramedics, she squeezes Kelly's arm in silent reassurance.
In synchronisation Sylvie and Violet start taking your vitals, searching for your injuries, allowing Stella to be a helping hand.
“Y/L/N, can you hear me?” She places a palm on your sternum, looking for a reaction. With great relief, she gets it. You let out a pained half-cough, half-whimper, Kelly wishes he had been the one to go down.
Your eyes are glazed with pain as you look at Kelly and Stella, you register movement around you, Sylvie and Violet exhale in relief.
Kelly holds your head still as Stella places the C-Collar on you, his thumb soothes across your scalp,
“Don’t worry, alright? We’re here, I’m here.”
Sylvie finishes listening to your chest and lungs, quietly comforted by hearing positive sounds given the situation.
"Let's slide the board underneath, get her out from under here, and then triage."
You're placed onto a board, everyone can't help but feel their stomachs drop when they hear you cry out in agony from being jostled. As they move, you can hear faint murmurs of apologies, and soothing words as they take you back out into the warmth of the sun.
Your eyes wander, nausea still rolling within as you feel the burning in your left side. You're lifted onto a gurney and Sylvie places a mask over your face, your eyes flutter in relief as the sense of claustrophobia is somewhat lessened.
From there you can only lay in wait as hands move to assess all of you,
"Kelly, I need you to cut her pants open. Violet get that jacket off her arms and chest."
Violet calls out what she sees, face creased in worry, your body was mottled with bruises from impact, and your arm looked particularly mangled,
"Suspected fracture of the left ulna."
Kelly reveals the bigger source of everyone's dismay, your left knee was swollen beyond comprehension.
"Suspected dislocation of the left knee. That's probably her biggest source of pain."
Stella is checking the centre of your body, feeling for any anomalies as well checking for pain response. She lets out a string of curses as she takes in the sight of your redraw skin on your stomach, deep purple bruising making its way through, you give a sharp wailed hiss as she touches your abdomen.
"Severe abdominal strain, potentially a tear."
"Let's get her strapped and on her way to Med."
Everyone ushers out of the way, 42's Chief pats Chief Boden on the back, advising that he and your house follow 61 to Med. They would take care of Paul's recovery and securing of the site.
Herrmann strokes your cheek gently, tears in his eyes. Making a few slip from yours too, you wish you had the energy to reassure him.
"Hang in there, kiddo."
The first word Kelly hears out of your mouth makes him let out a huffed, euphoric, laugh.
“Shit is right.”
You crack an eye open, keenly aware of the fact that you feel like someone had put you on the apparatus floor and let all the vehicles steamroll over you.
“Mh… Lieutenant.”
“I think Kelly is allowed, given the day you’ve had.” He reaches a tentative hand to hold your good one, on the right side.
You make a noncommittal noise of approval, gently squeezing back. You had always been grateful for his mentorship, his unspoken friendship, his reassuring demeanour even in the most 'shit meets fan' situations.
“Kelly… wh-at’s the damage?” Your voice is raspy, dry from inhaling purified air from your tank and then some more purified air from your oxygen mask.
“Here…” He reaches for the cup on your side table, helping you sip through the straw. You wince as you make an effort to readjust.
“Woah, I wouldn’t do too much of that. Not until Halstead has had a look at you.”
“Will’s my doctor?”
“Sure is. Is that alright?”
“Yeah of course it is, it’s just… he’s like you, a worrier.”
Kelly shakes his head in disbelief, letting out a snort.
“Oh, and this-” He gestures to all of you.
“-is nothing to be worried about?” His arms are folded in that stern way he is prone to do when he needs to. His Squad jacket hangs over the side of a chair next to your bed, a few empty coffee cups... he had been keeping vigil it seemed.
You give a weak sheepish smile, “Fair point Lieu- Kelly…”
He sits back down, placing your cup on the side again. Pressing the call button to let someone know you were awake.
“So, you never said…what’s the damage?” You’re almost pouting, you didn’t need to be a clairvoyant to know that this wasn’t a “See you in a week!” situation. You hated being out of action and away from Squad.
Kelly is about to open his mouth when another voice answers the question for you,
“Fractured left ulna, a total dislocation of your left patella, multiple contusions, spinal bruising, laceration to the right of your forehead, and a complimentary side of a severe abdominal strain. All of which to say is you’ve got yourself at least 7 weeks out, if not more. Do you like competing with my brother for causing me stress?"
You smile brightly at Will who leans against the doorway, "Jay's got me beat, dude. He gets shot at like all the time."
"And you go into burning buildings, collapsing buildings, tight sewers, car wrecks, collapsing containers..." His eyebrows raise in an expression that says, "Really?"
"Ah, yeah yeah, alright. I didn't think that one through... Hi Will."
"Hi, Y/N. How're feeling?"
"Oh, you know. Like I fell a good 15 feet into a construction site."
Will shakes his head, all of you were so blasé about these things.
"Well let's see how that's working out for ya, I'll check your vitals, stitches, the swelling and then we can talk about what's next."
Kelly is only half smiling, he appreciates that you were feeling alright enough to be making quips but he had really thought he was going to lose you from that fall. And he easily could have, given how Paul had met his fate.
You frown at him, wanting to ask what was wrong, but before you can probe he speaks, "I'm gonna let the others know you're awake, be back in a bit." And with that, he was gone.
You look down at your blanket, avoiding Will's gaze.
Will's voice is gentle, he rests a hand on your good shoulder. "Hey, kid. Look at me."
You look up, lips in a tremble, the day's events had caught up with you, and you didn't like seeing Kelly upset with you. Tears dropped silently onto your hospital gown.
As if your friend could read your mind, he squeezes your shoulder gently.
"He's not upset with you, he's upset at the situation. He loves you like his own, Y/N. He only wants you to be okay."
"Yeah... yeah, I know you're right, Will. Thanks... what a damn day."
It had turned out that the CFD had to outsource their engineering work to a separate contractor due to internal staffing issues. You feel frustrated and your stomach knots. The irony of people retrofitting the fire and rescue safety training facilities were the same people who did not, in fact, have fire and rescue training themselves. Granted it could have perhaps happened even on the CFD’s watch, but the room for error had been widened unnecessarily. It could have saved a lot of people, including yourself, a difficult day had the correct people been doing the work.
You were feeling cranky now, missing being on Squad more than you ever thought possible. Kelly had been absolutely clear that your spot would be there for you when you were healthy again, but you still itched to be on calls now.
"This is the worst."
"Next time you'll think before you let someone swing their boot into your face..."
"I didn't know he was gonna-!"
Kelly's face is plastered in that ever mischievous smile, he was teasing,
"You suck."
"I know, but I'm also an awesome nurse."
"Yeah, yeah..."
He laughs, opening his front door before wheeling you inside. He had offered up his apartment to be your recuperating headquarters as your apartment didn't have elevator access. Between them, Kelly, Stella, and Casey would cook in advance for the days they would be on shift, and then they would make sure you had everything you needed. They would take you to physio, checkups, and just generally run errands for you and with you. You were 3 weeks into your predicted 7-week convalescence.
"Mhm, yeah kiddo?"
"Thank you."
Kelly's head looks up from the kitchen counter where he was checking mail, looking at you on the couch mid-bite through your bagel.
"For what?"
Your eyebrows shoot up, "Take a wild guess, Einstein."
"Y/N, this isn't even a question. You put everything out there that day, you did everything any Squad firefighter could and should have done. And more than that, you're important to me, alright? Don't forget it, and don't think it means you owe me anything. Are we clear?"
"Yes, Lieutenant."
Kelly nods, going back to rifling through the mail.
"But can I still get us tickets to see the Bulls at the first chance we have?"
"I will not say no to that, yes ma'am."
You grin, satisfied you could thank him in some way and some point. You'd have to really save and take Stella and Casey too.
"Sweet. And, Kel? Don't call me, ma'am." You both start laughing, Kelly finishes up his mail check and swipes two sodas from the fridge - solidarity with you for not being able to drink on your medication - he plops himself next to you and turns on the TV. Making sure you were comfortable and bundled under a blanket.
"What movie is it today?"
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Brettsey + "You are a baby whisperer."
"You are a baby whisperer."
Matt looks over his shoulder towards the voice of his girlfriend, who was leaning against the door frame, a soft smile on her lips. She glances at the baby girl in his arms. Ritter and Gallo found her by Otis' memorial earlier in the morning in a bassinet, a note tucked in it explaining how the mother could not care for her. The firehouse was a safe haven after all so they decided to take the baby in until DCFS could swing by and they could discuss options with Chief Boden.
Everyone not on call tried to help with the baby but she cried every time anyone held her in their arms, as if she was looking for something in particular. She whined while being carried by Gallo, didn't even allow Capp to touch her before wailing loudly, wouldn't crack a smile for Herrmann, Mouch or even Tuesday. Everyone exhausted all options, singing and dancing along to nursery rhymes Ritter played from his phone to no avail. When Sylvie and Violet came back from a call, they tried too. For a brief moment, Violet thought she had done it, cooing about how cute the baby's big brown eyes were. She grinned smugly at everyone when baby didn't cry - that was until the baby ended up puking all over her uniform and she immediately handed the baby off to Sylvie, muttering that she needed a really long shower.
Sylvie tried to take charge, rocking the infant in her arms, singing softly. The baby just stared back up at her, not crying but not really smiling either - just intently looking at the PIC as though still deciding whether she would like to cry or not. When Matt walked into the room, greeting everyone after spending an hour locked in his office doing paperwork, Sylvie noticed the baby shift in her arms, trying to look for the sound of the voice. When Matt approached them, he grinned before tickling the baby's cheek, causing her to giggle loudly. It made everyone pause and glance towards Sylvie, Matt and the baby.
The baby reached out for Matt, babbling softly as Sylvie nodded and Matt took it as his cue that he could carry the infant. He scooped her from Sylvie's arms and she immediately burrowed her head onto his chest, sighing contentedly, like she finally found her place.
"Guess we all know who she likes," Sylvie teased, winking at the Captain, "she has good taste, that's for sure."
The baby would not leave Matt's side for the rest of the morning. They had to move her bassinet into his quarters while he did more paperwork, thankful that no calls had come in yet.
After about thirty minutes, she started to get fussy. Matt thought she might be hungry so Sylvie volunteered to fix her a bottle using the formula Engine went out and bought for the baby.
When she returned, she found Matt rocking the baby to sleep. He had always been good with kids and while they had only been dating for a few months, Sylvie already knew he would make a great father - because he was Matt Casey and he was kind, gentle but firm when needed, helpful, sweet, nurturing. Vaguely, she begins to imagine having children of their own one day but shakes it off, announcing her presence and teasing him once more.
"I think she's asleep," Matt whispers, looking back down at the baby and taking a seat on his cot, gently rocking the infant still.
Sylvie takes a seat next to him, gazing down at the sleeping baby, "she's rather cute, isn't she?"
"Yeah," Matt agrees, "hope she goes to a good family."
Sylvie smiles, leaning closer as Matt hums softly. Sylvie knew about adoption first hand and she hoped too that this little lady would go to a family like hers - one that would love her with their whole heart.
She notices Matt glance at her furtively before his attention goes back to the baby. It's like he wants to ask her a question but decides not to.
"What is it?" She asks quietly.
Matt glances at her again, a small smile on his lips. Over the last few months, they've gotten to know each other much better and learned each other's tells. Sylvie knew him pretty well at this point, down to his favorite color and his first crush.
"Have you ever thought about kids?"
The question surprises her. They haven't really talked about it much. It was like they were still living in their blissful little bubble, their honeymoon phase but Sylvie's always known she wanted kids someday and she knew Matt felt the same way too. It was like an elusive dream to him but Sylvie thinks that maybe it won't just be a dream for long. She could definitely picture kids in their future. the thought made her feel warm inside.
"I'd like them someday," she tells him earnestly, "when the time is right."
Matt grins at her, "me too. I hope they have your blue eyes. They're much nicer than mine."
#brettsey#fanfic prompt#was this supposed to be longer#yes but I thought it was a nice place to end it#I just want them to be happy forever
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I remember when Herrmann was studying for the lieutenant exam, we saw how much he wanted it. He failed few times but he didn’t give up. He waited so long for his position. He totally earned this promotion.
But this next step? I don’t feel it. I know Boden thought that Herrmann was the right person for the job, and I think this is the main reason he agreed. He keeps saying that he doesn’t like the paperwork, he apparently forgot how to delegate tasks to his team, he couldn’t care less about gaining necessary knowledge and experience how to be a battalion chief. I feel like he got caught up in this whole situation and it’s not something he truly really wants.
And those subtle hints about Severide’s position in the firehouse? Pascals saying he rely on him? The way he takes care of the whole firehouse? And it looks like Kelly would be the one who will try to handle Pascal’s situation in the next episode (honestly, Herrmann is the captain, he should know what to do), maybe we will see alley getting a promotion after all?
So, to sum up - I don’t think that this season we will see Herrmann taking over the firehouse but who knows, maybe Pascal will want to leave Chicago after what happened and Herrmann won’t have a choice?
That being said, I agree with Pascal that Herrmann doesn’t really want to move up the ladder 🤷🏼♀️
Yes. I agree with you on Hermann. We've seen him put more effort into coming up with a signature cocktail for Mollys or expanding the business. Pascal is forcing Hermann to step up 13x10?(with the galla) 13x11,& 13x14 versus Hermann taking the initiative to say hey what do you have for me, can I shadow you etc.
We also haven't seen him truly command a high stakes call. Hermann was on the scene for Monica's accident & when he's on the scene without Pascal he's the highest ranking officer. So where was he? Why was he not calling shots. Why didn't he reprimand Stella if what she did was a bad move. We saw Mouch, Stella & Kelly control & run that scene.
It was Kelly who said we need to call the chief & Mouch step up to say let me be the one to do it.
WHERE WAS HERMANN? There was no fire. Therefore, no need for engine to be off running hose, so this was a great opportunity to see him step up & it was another swing & miss.
Everybody wants this BC role for Hermann, but does Hermann want it for himself? If the answer is no, he needs to verbalize that because if not, his & Mouches relationship will absolutely be fractured. 👀
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No Air
Summary: You are a firefighter alongside your older brother Kelly Severide but you are dating Adam Ruzek secretly. You are called into a fire on your day off.
Characters: Chief Boden, Matt Casey, Ethan Choi, Connor Rhodes, Sylvie Brett, Christopher Herrmann, Mouch, April Sexton, Firehouse 51
Pairing: Adam Ruzek x reader, Kelly Severide x sister!reader
Warning/s: Mentions of injury, surgery, fire.
A/N: I've not been writing for a while but this has been stuck in my head for days
You and your brother were both firefighters. You weren't at work today unless there was a big fire that caused them to need you. Now that was a rare occurrence but not completely unusual. You were sat in your bedroom when your pager went causing you to frown. When you saw it was a twenty-five story apartment fire. Running out of your bedroom you almost ran into the door grabbing your jacket and running. You ran out to your car climbing in it and slamming the door. Pulling away from your house as you pulled your seatbelt on before speeding to the fire.
Pulling up to the fire with other on-call firefighters behind you, you looked around. Engines, Squad, Trucks, Chiefs from all over the place. You ran over to Chief Boden as fast as you could. "Where do you need me Cheif?" You asked
"Get your gear. Y/L/N with Herrmann" He said pointing towards you. You ran off towards your trucks. Herrmann. That meant it was bad. Chief always put you with someone from your Truck but clearly, everyone from Squad was inside. Pulling on your turnout gear you turned to the building before jogging over to Herrmann who was in the lobby of the building.
"You ready kid?" He asked as you pulled your SCBA on. You tapped his shoulder indicating you were ready. Herrmann started moving up the stairs with you on his heels. The flames raging about your body as you saw Mouch sitting on the stairs with a candidate. "Y/L/N check on them. Meet me on 18" Herrmann called causing you to nod. You walked over to Mouch and the candidate
"Candidate, Mouch" You called climbing up to them
"We're good, get to Herrmann," Mouch said and you ignored him
"First fire candidate?" You asked him looking at the candidate rather than Mouch. "Look a few years ago I was you. My older brother still runs into fires with me. Damn, he's my lieutenant now. But candidate you need to get out of here now," You said seriously. You tapped Mouch on the back walking past them to Herrmann. You found Herrmann looking down to your air. You used a lot of air talking to Mouch and the candidate. You didn't fill your tank up yesterday thinking you were off today. Herrmann was crouched holding the hose as you arrived.
"Y/L/N you good?" He asked and you nodded
"I'm good," You said crouching behind you as the flames touched your turnout gear making you warmer.
"Severide's stuck with a kid," He said and you nodded as your breathing started to get heavier as your oxygen alarm started going off. Your body going limp before you could even think of telling Herrmann you needed more oxygen. Falling off to the side the last thing you saw was Herrmann turning to look at you.
Third Person P.O.V.
"Mayday Mayday" Herrmann called through his radio causing everyone to stop. Cruz running straight back into the building. Your brother saving his kid as fast as he could Herrmann instantly pulling his own SCBA off to place it on your face. Severide had managed to get the child to safety and the next he did was run to you.
"What happened?" Severide asked as Herrmann tried to pull you out of the building your turnout gear weighing you down
"Listen she ran out of air," Herrmann said as your PASS alarm sounded around them all. The only thing them being to hear is your PASS alarm over the raging flames. The thing no one ever wanted to hear.
"Come on" Both Herrmann and Severide picking up your limp body. What you didn't know when you ran into that fire was that your boyfriend was standing outside of it supporting his friend. Family's being reunited outside as your firehouse family carried you out to a gurney.
"Alright clear out" Chief Boden called causing everyone to move out the way. Placing your body down on the gurney Brett jumped into action as Severide removed your turnout jacket
"I've got a pulse but she's not breathing," She said looking up to Severide as Adam Ruzek and Jay Halstead walked up to them "Bag her" Brett's partner for the day jumping into action to help save you. Your boyfriend Adam trying to act like everything was okay acting like it wasn't you because no one knew about your relationship
"She just just dropped," Herrmann said watching the paramedics for on you
"Come on Y/L/N" Kelly muttered pulling your turnout jacket off your limp body
"Start bagging her," Brett's new partner said handing Herrmann the bag
"You got it," Herrmann said
"Lieutenant cut her shirt so I can get the cardiac leads on her" She handed Severide the fabric scissors before he started to cut through your shirt. Herrmann crying onto your side as he rested a hand on your shoulder. Severide tearing up as he looked at you.
"Come on Y/L/N," Severide said as Brett intubated you.
"Tubes in let's get a saline kit going on the way to med. All right guys let's get her in the rig" Everyone in the firehouse jumped into action to help get you into the ambulance your brother not moving from your side
"You've done the heavy lifting I'll take it from here go check on your firefighter," The White shirts said to Boden.
"Severide, Herrmann stay with Sixty-one," Boden called walking away
"Come on let's move give them an escort" Casey called to Eighty-one as Brett climbed in the back of the rig
"Come on" Severide called as Sixty-One pulled away with a convoy of fire engines behind them.
"It's Y/N" Brett started "Y/L/N. She took in a lot of smoke" She said voice breaking as Dr Choi walked up to them. Herrmann and Severide walking close behind
"She had a pulse but wasn't breathing we intubated on the scene. Her CO was at 40" Brett's partner took over
"Okay, we got her" Dr Choi said taking you into a trauma room as Adam rushed in. The five of them standing behind the curtain that was pulled as everyone else walked in.
"How did you let this happen?" Severide asked Herrmann backing him into a corner "Your supposed to have her back Herrmann" He shouted before starting to cry
"Hey she didn't tell me that her alarm went off," Herrmann said "She was trying to save you" Severide walked off punching a wall as he passed one
A Few Hours Later
Casey, Herrmann, Brett and Mouch were sat in the waiting room still wearing their turn out gear as Dr Rhodes walked out clearing his throat. Everyone stood up quickly "You guys put me in a terrible position but we were able to isolate the bleed and we only had to take out a portion of her lung. It was a thoracoscopic procedure, minimally invasive. That's all to say. She should be back to work in no time"
"Oh thank god," Mouch said as everyone let out a breath.
"Hey doctor Rhodes your the man," Herrmann said shaking his hand
"Hey you guys are okay, too" He joked
"Thanks" Casey said
"Why don't you bring Kelly and Adam back in," Dr Rhodes said to April who was smiling. They had been kicked out for arguing with the doctors, nurses, each other. Just anyone in sight really
"Kelly, Adam she's awake and wanting you both" April said as they both looked up before quickly standing up and following her in. You were in your own room just waking up from the sedation.
Your P.O.V.
Both of the men you loved were standing next to you smiling. Kelly kissed your hand as Adam kissed your head "I'm so glad your back" Kelly whispered holding your hand
"He was crying," Adam said trying to lighten the mood knowing that you'd hate it if he was just sad
"Course" You whispered pulling Kelly's head into your chest holding Adam's hand tightly. They both pulled chairs over to sit next to you. Each holding your hand
"Next time tell someone you have no air left," Adam said seriously and you nodded
"I was trying to save this idiot brother of mine," You said poking him in the chest lightly "It's days like today when I'm glad your my half-brother and not full brother so I can get away with hating you" She smiled watching his reaction.
#kelly severide x you#reader x kelly severide#kelly severide x reader#adam ruzek x you#adam ruzek imagine#adam ruzek x reader#reader x adam ruzek#firehouse 51#chicago fire prompt#chicago fire imagine
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Valentine's Proposal
Pairing: Sylvie Brett x Kelly Severide
Warnings: Fluff
Words: 985
Summary: Sylvie gets a surprise Valentine's Day Proposal.
Notes: Here is a little something for Valentine's Day, and as I re-watch the show, I realize there is a severe lack of on-screen interaction between Kelly and his godson Kenny.
Also, I don't own any of the characters; I'm playing in someone else's sandbox.
The members of firehouse 51 slowly shuffle into the common room. It has been a long shift of back-to-back calls for Truck, Engine, Squad, and Ambo. It seems that with Covid, everyone was trying grand gestures at home this Valentine's Day, keeping the crews busier than usual. Sylvie runs into the back of Gallo, who stops abruptly in front of her. Looking up, she realizes everyone has stopped. Pushing her way through the crowd, she stopped in the middle of the long table was a large crystal vase filled with orange gerbera daisies, white calla lilies, mango calla lilies, and purple calla lilies.

Being closest to the table, Herrmann reaches over and pulls out the small envelope hidden inside the bouquet. The name “Sylvie” was written on the front of the envelope in beautiful calligraphy.
“Hey, Brett, it's addressed to you,” Herrmann yells into the crowd.
Sylvie continues to move forward. She snatches the envelope from Herrmann and turns to walk away. She is blocked by a wall of firefighters with giant grins on their faces. “Who sent you flowers, Brett?” Capp asked, a massive grin on his.
“I don’t know; I haven’t read the card, Capp,” she answers, trying to sidestep him, but again he blocks her path.
“Common Brett,” Capp cajoles.
“Nope,” Sylvie says again. But before she can walk away, Capp reaches forward and snatches the envelope out of her hand. He raises his arm high so that Sylvie can’t grab it back. “That’s mine,” she quacks with indignation.
The other firefighters laugh and step back, not wanting to get in Sylvie’s way. Capp quickly takes the card out of the envelope while moving backward, away from Sylvie. When the card is out of the envelope, he stops and reads the card. “What the hell kind of gibberish is this?” Capp exclaims.
While Capp is distracted, Sylvie sneaks closer and snatches the card out of his hands. She quickly reads it, and a giant smile crosses her face. “It’s not gibberish, Capp. You’re just not meant to know what it says.” She sasses him. Turning on her heel, she all but skips into the kitchen.
“So who’s the mystery man?” Herrmann asks from his seat on the couch next to Mouch.
Sylvie shakes her head from side to side, smirking.
“Well, what did the card say?” Mouch asks.
Sylvie taps the card against her lips before answering. It says,” Is tú mo ghrá.”
Everyone looks at her confused, though Matt can be heard mumbling, “I’ve heard that phrase before.”
Stella sidles up next to Sylvie, “since when are you seeing anyone, girlie? Have you been holding out on me?”
Sylvie shrugs her shoulders, “Maybe….”
Stella’s jaw drops; she turns and grasps Sylvie’s shoulders, “How long?”
“How long what, Stella?” Sylvie asks, playing innocent.
“Seriously…How long have you been seeing this guy?”
“Umm, a little over a year.” She mumbles.
“What!” Stella exclaims in shock. “How the hell have you kept this from me for a year?”
“Very carefully,” Sylvie says cautiously, eyeing her best friend. “Not to mention, we’ve been planning your wedding to Rick.”
“You sneaky little bitch,” Stella gripes teasingly.
Just then, the double doors outside of the common room burst open, and a little boy runs in, holding a stuffed bear in his hands. He yells, “Hi, Dad,” as he runs past the couch to the kitchen. He stops next to Sylvie, “Hi Auntie! “ he says, full of excitement,
Sylvie steps back from Stella and squats down in front of the little boy, “hi, Kenny.” She opens up her arms, and he hugs her tight.
Meanwhile, Herrmann gets up from the couch, “what are you doing here, son? Did your mother bring you?”
Kenny turns in Sylvie’s, “Nope.”
“Then how did you get here?” Herrmann asks.
“Mommy, let me spend the day with Uncle Kelly. He let me help him work on his cycle.”
“Your mom let you spend the day with uncle Kelly?” And you worked on his motorcycle?” Herrmann asked for clarification.
“So where’s uncle Kelly? If you’re spending the day with him.”
Kenny just raised his arm and pointed to the doors he’d just run through. Everyone had been so focused on the little boy no one noticed who entered after him. Standing at the common room entrance was Kelly Severide in his dress blues. As he started walking toward Kenny, Sylvie stood back up. She licks her lips forces herself to take a breath and not stare at the man, Stella watches the scene unfold, and gasps as the pieces come together for her.

Kelly ignores everyone in the room and walks up to Sylvie, gently grasping her hand with his white-gloved hand. He goes down on one knee and gives a slight nod to Kenny. He steps up and holds out the bears he’s been holding, carefully flipping open the ring box they’re clutching.

However, Kenny chimes in before Kelly can say anything, “Auntie Sylvie, will you marry Uncle Kelly?”
A few chuckles can be heard in the room, but Sylvie focuses on both Kenny and Kelly, “Yes, I’ll marry your uncle Kelly.”

Kelly removes the ring from the box and slides it onto her ring finger. He then stands and pulls her close. She wraps her arms around his shoulders, leaning up onto her toes, and kisses him. They break to all of their friends cheering and family cheering. Kelly then leans down to Kenny, “thanks for your help, bud; I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Kenny hugs the couple before running over to his dad, and Kelly pulls Sylvie in closer and says, “Is tú mo ghrá.”
“I love you, Kelly Severide, always and forever,” Sylvie says in turn.
The next thing the couple knows, they are being sandwiched between their best friends Stella and Matt, “should have known it was you. Who else brings out the Irish Gaelic?”
#Sylvie Brett x Kelly Severide#Kelly Severide#Sylvie Brett#Matt Casey#Stella Kidd#Kenny Herrmann#Christopher Herrman#Mouch#Capp#Chicago Fire#One Chicago
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Collision Course
Standard disclaimer: I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may currently be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under the name @.itswildflower
Looking for more? Chicago Fire Collection Masterlist
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: cannon typical depictions of fires/accidents

“All right, boys. Feast your eyes,” Cruz said and turned his computer for them all to see. “Not bad,” Mouch hummed. “Huh. Not bad!” he exclaims. “It was a burger truck, so it's already got most of the equipment we need. Look, fryer, gas grill, refrigeration,” Cruz tells him. "Built-in napkin dispensers?" Dani asked, leaning over his shoulder to look at it. “Snazzy,” Mouch chortles. “Mm-hmm. Can't you just picture our logo on the side of that thing? Molly's II,” Cruz asks. “Cruz, how much does this thing cost?” Otis asks. “That's the best part; It's only 12 grand!” Cruz grins. “That's not possible. Joe, where does it say $12,000?” Dani asks. “Right there... 12k,” he points. “That's 12,000 miles, idiot,” Dani laughs, walking back over to the kitchen counter to grab her bagel. “The price is… $79,000,” Otis sighed and Cruz groaned. “So, before you pitched Herrmann this great idea, did you do any research at all on how much it costs to get a food truck up and running? The vehicle, the license, the registration…” Mouch trailed off. “All right, all right, I get it, Mouch! You want to point fingers, or you want to help me find a truck?” Cruz asks. Mouch is saved by the alarm.
“Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Structure fire, 16th and Wabash.” They wasted no time, suiting up and hopping into the rigs. “I can already see the smoke, guys. Looks like it's rolling,” Cruz called out. “Oh, boy. Hey, Casey, we're neck-and-neck with your old pal, Welch,” Herrmann says and Casey looks out the window to see there was another fire truck racing to the scene about a block away. “Don't worry, Casey, I got this,” Cruz tells him. “I'm not interested in a pissing contest. If Welch wants this fire, he can have it,” Casey shuts it down. Cruz glanced at him. “Cruz, forget him. Just drive the truck,” Casey orders. “Great. Welch is gonna get there first. We'll be taking orders from him,” Otis sighs, adjusting his gloves. “Ah, I don't see 'em. Maybe they got held up.” Casey turns to look at the firefighters in the back of the truck. “See? It all works out in the end-” A horn blasts and Casey’s cut off when they’re slammed into from the side. It felt like slow motion, the momentum tipping the truck onto its side, throwing the firefighters around a bit until it settled.
“Whoa, Severide!” Tony shouts as squad 3 rolls up to the intersection. “Mayday! Mayday! This is Squad 3 to main! Truck 81 and Truck 66 have collided on the corner of 24th and Wabash. We're gonna need ambulances... as many as you can get! This is bad!” Kelly yells into the radio as he puts on his turnout coat and helmet. They come to a stop and they jump out, taking in the scene before them. “Confirming that Truck 81 and 66 are out of action, requesting that Squad 3 stay. Please reassign other units to the structure fire. Mills, Capp, Tony... check 66. Newhouse, you're with me,” Severide orders. “Copy.” Severide climbs the truck to peer in the windows. “You guys all right? Any injuries? Hey, Case, you okay?” he asks. Mouch groans as Otis and Dani start trying to pick themselves up. “Mouch is hurt. Oh, hell. This is bad,” Casey says as Newhouse is able to open up the door and help him out. “Otis, Dani, you okay?” Severide calls out as he moves to see them. “Yeah, but Mouch is bleeding,” Otis tells him. “Mouch, talk to me,” Severide calls. “It's my eye. I hit something... door frame, I don't know,” he says. “Let me see, bud.” Otis helps Mouch tip his head so Severide can see. “All right, don't worry. We're gonna take care of you. Herrmann, grab your jump bag. Newhouse, go down, put pressure on that.” Newhouse nods. “Cruz, you okay?” Casey asks and with no response he yells, “Cruz!” Cruz looks up at him and he can clearly tell he’s still in a bit of shock. “We'll get you out,” Casey reassures him.
“What do we got?” Severide asks as he jumps down from 81. “We got a whole lot of injuries. Driver's not responding. He's pinned in there pretty bad,” Tony tells him. “Hey, Welch, what's his name? Welch!” Severide yells. “Molina,” he groans. “Hey, Molina, can you hear me, bud?” Severide asks. “Tell me he's okay. He's okay?” Welch asks. “I can't find a pulse. Can... reach in there?” Welch presses two fingers to Molina’s neck. “Ah, okay, I feel something, barely. We gotta get him out of here,” Welch tells Severide. Casey is on the other side of 66, when one of the guys opens the back door and almost falls. “You alright? Easy, man, we got you,” Casey asks, helping to steady him. “Don't worry about me. Parish has got a busted leg. The bone showing and everything,” McFarland tells him. “I'll take care of him, okay? Take a seat over here,” Casey directs. “Why don't you guys learn how to drive? I mean, damn, Lieutenant, what the hell?” he sneers. “Let's get out of the way,” Casey tries to redirect him. “No, I'm not going anywhere,” he tries to insist. “Seriously, you look a little pale. Come on, take a seat.”
Newhouse is working to try and get the front passenger side door wrenched open with a halligan and when he finally pops it open Welch basically falls out of the truck. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down!” Newhouse yells and Casey helps him up. “I'm fine,” he insists, pushing them off of him and climbing in the back. “Parish, hang in there! Parish!” Welsh yelled. More sirens approach. “Hey, Gabby,” Casey greets as she climbs out of the ambo, taking in the scene. “Matt,” she sighed in relief. “I'm okay, but we got a lot of guys who need help. He's got a possible broken arm, multiple lacerations. Guy in the back has a broken leg. Driver's unconscious, real bad shape. Mouch got banged up,” he told her. “I'll go check on Mouch,” Brett says as Dani climbed down from the tipped truck behind Otis, Herrmann, and Mouch. “I’m beginning to think I’m cursed or something,” Dani mutters to Otis as she dabbed a piece of gauze Brett had handed her on some of the cuts on her face and hairline, courtesy of the broken glass that had flown everywhere. Otis gave her a strange look. “It feels like I’m always getting cut up on something. There was the bombing at the hospital, then that fire, and now this. It’s like my 5th shift back since I was cleared from that,” she huffed. “Mouch, what happened? Let me have a look.” Brett peeled back the gauze that the others had him press to it. “I can't see. Aw, jeez, I c... can't see!” Mouch exclaimed. “I don't know what happened. He came out of nowhere,” Cruz stuttered. “Cruz, are you okay? Why don't you sit?” Brett asked. Cruz shook his head. “Put me to work, Lieutenant,” he tells Casey. They got Parish out and sent him off to the hospital in one of the ambos.
“Casey,” Chief Boden called when he and the deputy district chief pulled up and got out. “Yeah?” he turns. “Are your men okay?” Boden asks. “All but Mouch. His eye's messed up. Dawson's taking him to Chicago med,” Casey tells him. “Is it serious?” he asks. “I don't know. He's alive. He's in one piece. I'm just thankful for that.” Chief nods, surveying the scene. “What about Molina?” Chief Tiberg asks. “He's non-responsive, losing blood. His legs are crushed,” Casey tells him. “Cruz… What happened?” Boden asks. “I-I don't know, Chief. They came out of nowhere,” Cruz stutters. “Who had the light?” Tiberg asks. “We did,” Cruz tells him. “You sure?” Boden asked. “If it wasn't green, then it was yellow. There's no way it was red,” Cruz insisted. “You don't know what color it was?” Tiberg huffed. “Cruz, did you see the light?” Boden asks. “I must have. I know I did. Chief, it just all happened like that,” Cruz told him as the team worked to extract Molina. The scene was cleared, both firetrucks being lifted and towed away, leaving the crews to gather at the hospital to find out any news.
“I guess they were trying to cut across from Michigan, but they had to know we were coming up Wabash, right?” Herrmann asked. “Either way, they got to slow down and have a look. Everyone knows that,” Severide tells him. “Unless they had the green,” Newhouse countered. “Please. They didn't have the green, what the hell, Newhouse?” Herrmann huffs. “Are the cops still all over Cruz?” Capp asks. “Yeah, now they're demanding piss and blood,” Otis sighs. “Standard procedure,” Dani tells him, running a hand through her hair. “Is that Molina's wife?” Otis asks and everyone looks to where a woman was sobbing and being held up by a few other firefighters. “Poor kid.” Meanwhile on the other side of the waiting area. “I'm not denying there's been some bad blood between Lieutenant Welch and myself, but it didn't play a role in this accident... not on our end, anyway,” Casey tells the chiefs. “Are you sure that 81 had the right of way?” Boden asks. “I didn't see the light myself, but I trust Joe Cruz implicitly,” Casey tells him. “Even though he doesn't remember seeing the light either?” Tiberg asks. “If the light was red, he'd have come to a controlled stop. He's good at his job,” Casey insists. “Here's the problem, Casey. The cops still haven't found any credible eyewitnesses. There's no traffic cam at that intersection,” Boden tells him. “And, of the two drivers involved, one can't remember what color the light was, and one might not live through the night!” Tiberg exclaims. “I stand by Joe Cruz,” Casey tells him and they nod. “That's all for now.”
“Okay, everyone from 51... let's move out. Nothing more we can do here,” Chief Boden tells them and the remaining truck members all load up into the squad truck, except Herrmann who rides with the chief. “We should have a spare truck here from the shop pretty soon,” Casey tells the chief. “That old beast with the bad clutch?” Cruz asks. “We gonna get anybody to fill in for Mouch?” Herrmann asks. “I'm rehiring the whole crew. You guys are done with your shift,” Boden tells them. “Chief, that's not necessary,” Matt tries. “You've been rattled. Go home and rest,” he tells them, with no room to question. Everyone disbursed, heading to go change and grab their bags. “We should take turns standing watch for Molina. Make sure somebody from 81 is at the hospital at all times,” Matt told the crew 15 minutes later as they all left the bunk room. “All right. I'll go straight there, if someone can relieve me tonight,” Herrmann told him. “Cruz and I are going to run down to Roseland, take a look at that old hot dog truck. But then we'll swing by,” Otis tells him. “Just let me know when someone needs relief, I’ll go whenever,” Dani told them all. “Casey, Cruz… Over here now,” Chief intercepted them, with several other chiefs. They all looked at each other for a moment before Herrmann, Dani, and Otis moved, hovering by the door.
“What's this?” Matt asks and Tiberg hands him a tablet with some images. “I thought there was no traffic camera at 24th and Wabash?” he asks. “This is four blocks south,” Boden tells him. “And there's 81 racing through a red light, 30 seconds before the collision,” Tiberg adds. “That was a controlled stop,” Matt tells him as Cruz looks at the video. “Controlled stop, my ass. You blew that light at 20 miles an hour, at least,” Tiberg huffs. “Chief, everybody breaks the controlled stop rule. You pretty much have to,” Cruz tries to defend himself. “That's your defense? "All the kids are doing it"?” Tiberg yells. “Chief, you want to back me up here?” Cruz asks. “I would stop talking now, Joe,” Boden tells him. “We were on our way to a fire. If we made a controlled stop at every light, there…” Cruz trailed off. “Then Molina would be back at his firehouse instead of on life support,” Tiberg yells. “Cruz, you should talk to your union rep before you say another word,” Boden advises. “Better yet, a criminal lawyer. If Molina can't pull out of this, you're looking at manslaughter charges,” Tiberg tells him.
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Outside of regular Stella/Stellaride content what do you hope to see from S13?
I want to see Ritter evolve. He's had some many moments where if given the right development & opportunity to shine he'd be an awesome leader. No I'm not saying he needs to be a LT in S13 but he's perceptive, smart, & with the right influence he can have a pivotal season.
I want Kylie on Truck 81 like yesterday. Love to see her & Stella's dynamic & just her in action period. When she was floating, she didn't have many moments to shine on truck. I'd like to see her get a save.
Cruz.... it's not lost on me how he was helping Severide with paperwork in the finale. I want to see Kelly working more with Cruz in that capacity
ohh boy i love this question and i just know this is going to be long!
i agree i want to see so much more from ritter in every way, professionally and personally! i want to see his boyfriend come back, i want to hear about his family and backstory, i want to seem him interact more with somone that isn’t herrmann or mouch. let him and damon and carver be friends. i want to see him organizing more events for the young firefighters retreat that we heard him and gallo do in season 9. maybe take on a mentorship with someone he meets at the academy. i just really want him to excel in season 13 and he deserves more screentime then he’s getting.
i want to see violet healing. i want to see her go to therapy and try to learn to love again. it’s obvious that she likes carver but she’s terrified to lose him and won’t let herself care about him more. i also want to see more of her with stella and lizzy. i love her friendship with both of them individually and i want to see them as a trio too. i also want to see her with kelly. if we’re going to have to watch firecop storylines again i’d love for kelly to take violet under his wing.but also, i want to see a personal relationship with them too. they are too big brother/ little sister coded for it to go to waste. also, more professional storylines from her.
i want to see damon and kelly bond like typical brothers. we’ve seen kelly be an amazing big brother to katie, who i want to see come back. i just hope kelly doesn’t project his thoughts about benny onto damon and blame him for whatever reason. it’s clear that damon still cares about kelly no matter what and he wants a relationship with him.
and speaking of kelly, im begging the writers to let him be at the firehouse more often and not play firecop every chance he gets. id love to see him interact with herrmann and cruz more. he needs friends. also, ive already said it before but i want to see more of him and violet.
i also want kylie on truck which i feel like is the natural direction to go in. my guess is once herrmann becomes chief and mouch becomes lieutenant, mouch goes to engine and kylie moves to truck. i guess my biggest question is when that would happen because herrmann isn’t even captain yet. so it feels like it’ll be awhile before she moves to truck 81. i just want to see more of her in general. i love her and stella’s relationship.
i don’t specifically know what i want to see from carver and cruz tbh. we already know cruz has leadership skills from when he was squad lieutenant. i think i want to see him teach at the academy more. that would be nice. i think from carver i want to see him figure things out with violet while also dealing with the trauma his brother put him through.
herrmann and mouch it’s obvious there storyline will revolve around them trying to move up. i kind of want to see kelly helping one or both of them study idk but i think that’d be nice. i want them to question kelly why he isnt taking the exam because i honestly want to know the answer to that.
#chicago fire#one chicago#kelly severide#stella kidd#jack damon#lizzie novak#violet mikami#darren ritter#sam carver#mouch#christopher herrmann#joe cruz#kylie estevez
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Brettsey + right as rain: [character] says they’re fine right before collapsing. 🙂
Ahh! Okay, as someone who suffers from every day low blood sugar, as well as common fainting, I feel like this fic should be pretty accurate lol. I was originally going to do Matt passing out in 9x9 but decide to do something a little more original. Hope everyone enjoys!
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+ + +
She's usually good about eating, especially during shift. Even if it's hard to get a real meal in, Sylvie carries protein bars. She makes sure to have some kind of little pick me up in her jacket or up front in the ambo. Except today has been a lot- over nine calls, and while not all of them have been bad or made them actually have to transport a patient, its been non stop.
They haven't been back to the firehouse since they left around nine for their first call, and with it nearing almost eight at night, both women are exhausted. They had tried, of course, to get food. It wasn't like they were avoiding it. But twice, when they'd been in line to order lunch somewhere, dispatch had come over the radio and they'd been forced to leave without anything to show for their pitstop.
Pulling back onto the apparatus floor, Sylvie looks at Violet and has the urge to start laughing. Today has been one of the busiest in a long time. Sure they'll do as many runs as they have on any given shift, but not back to back like this. The PIC can tell her partners exhausted too, and so she offers a smile.
"Ready for food and sleep?"
"I'm just ready for shift to be over. And yet we have almost twelve hours left." The groan that comes out of Violet conveys just how Sylvie feels.
Hopping out of the ambo, the blonde pauses when the world tilts, dizziness slamming into her. Blinking hard, she forces herself to get through the spell, but she feels foggy even after it ends, jittery and shaky. Violets already halfway across the app floor by the time Sylvie actually starts to move. As she walks past the squad table, she nods when they wave and fully intends on making it inside, but Cruz stops her.
"Sylvie! Hey, I have a question to ask you."
Something flares up inside her, annoyance coursing through her veins. She's not sure where it's come from, or why she feels the need to be rude to one of her closest friends, but it's like she can't even remember how to talk normally.
"Joe, I'm really not in the mood right now." She doesn't look back, doesn't see the furrowed brow on every firefighters face. Doesn't hear Severide's 'damn, what'd you do to her?'.
The edgy, annoying feeling doesn't leave, if anything it intensifies, and Sylvie feels like a live wire. Her whole body feels like it needs to be moving, as if she's had ten espresso shots. Walking into the common room, she looks around. Truck and Engine are all there, eating and laughing, talking at a volume that grates on Sylvie, makes her head give a warning throb. Skin prickling, the paramedic moves past the table; past her friends and past her boyfriend, and goes instead to the cabinet to find something to eat. Nothing sounds good.
Another wave of dizziness hits her as Kidd walks up to rinse her plate.
"Girl, you have been busy today. We saved you some food."
The words sound far off and garbled, and all Sylvie wants to do is leave. Everything feels too much, too overwhelming. She doesn't notice Kidd frown or move her hand until she feels pressure on her shoulder.
"Brett, you okay?"
+ + +
Matt's in the middle of taking a bite of the lasagna that Gallo and Ritter have made, when he hears Kidd's voice from behind him. The sudden worry in her tone makes the Captain look up and turn his head. The sight makes him stand up before he registers what he's doing.
"I'm fine..."
The PIC is pale, much more than she usually is, and she looks zoned out. Matt makes his way quickly to her, and in that moment he watches her skin change from porcelain pale to a chalky grey. He knows exactly what that means. The blonde crumples slightly and then pitches forward, eyes rolling into the back of her head. Matt manages just barely to lunge forward and grab her.
"Herrmann, go get Boden! Makami, grab the jump bag," the firefighter orders, not even fully aware of what he's saying. He and Stella get Sylvie down to the ground gently, laying her on her back and pushing her knees up, allowing for better circulation to her brain.
"What's going on?"
Matt looks up at Boden, then shakes his head.
"One second she was standing there, and she was a little out of it, and then she was passing out," Stella supplies, while Matt feels her forehead. No fever. Makami gets back in the room along with all of squad.
"I'm going to check her blood sugar, we didn't get a chance to eat..." the dark haired woman says, taking the blood glucose monitor out and prepping it.
As she does, a small noise resounds from the paramedic on the ground, and Matt pushes hair away from her face.
"Syl? Sylvie, are you awake?"
When no real answer comes, Matt looks at Violet, heart racing. "What's taking so long?!"
"Captain." Bodens voice makes Matt look back down at Sylvie, knowing he shouldn't be behaving like this. But it's Sylvie, and he needs her to be ok.
While Violet pricks Sylvie's finger, the woman stirs again, this time opening her eyes.
"Hey, don't talk, you're in the firehouse. You passed out," Matt keeps his voice soft and quiet, not wanting to disorient her more. Sylvie swallows convulsively, and Matt can tell she's nauseous.
"Her blood sugar's bottomed out, we need candy or juice," Violet announces, making both Kidd and Mouch move instantaneously. Moments later Matt's helping her sit up and choke down orange juice. After a cup of that, plus a pixie stick, Sylvie starts regaining color to her face.
Matt can't help but press a quick kiss to her forehead. "You scared me, sunshine."
"S-Sorry....scared myself too."
When it seems she's going to be okay, Matt helps Sylvie up and takes her to his office, his own body shaking slightly. He's grateful Boden had commented about taking 61 out of service, if he hadn't, Matt would be arguing right now while letting Kidd take care of his girlfriend. Sliding her onto his bunk, he presses another kiss to her, but this time catches her lips in his. It's quick and sweet.
"Get some rest Syl. I'm going to bring you a plate of dinner, and then you're going to nap. No arguments." The last two words he says in his Captain voice, which earns a small, tired smile from the woman in front of him.
"Yes sir."
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