#mothman slice of life
just-some-trans-nobody · 10 months
December Christmas Monster stories
December 5.) Crazy Mothman
Warnings: creepy behavior such as watching reader sleep, stealing, nonsexual touching
Minors Don't interact!
You were doing some late night Christmas shopping when you saw him for the first time. He was holding arm fulls of Christmas lights trying to fly away with them as he let out unholy screeches. He was perfect, you only wished you could see him again. 
The next day your neighbor's Christmas lights were stolen and you just knew it was him. Putting up your own up that day you waited for him to show. It was only a few minutes past when he finally showed his fuzzy face trying to grab at all the lights. Holding a flashlight you shown it on him , gaining his attention. In a blur of black fuzz he was in front of you trying to grab the flash light from you while screeching “MINE!” over and over again. “Calm down! Calm down I’ll give it to you just come inside and chill out!” Your words caused him to freeze in his tracks. He had never been invited inside a home before. Holding his many hands on his chest in a t-rex pose he strolled inside. Curiosity taking over him as he looked around cooing softly. “So many lights.” he whispered, looking at your tree. With impossibly quiet footsteps he approached the bright tree reaching his hands out to touch the sparkling lights. “You can stay a little longer and watch them.” You offered him.
A little longer turned to a few hours, a few hours turned into all night, all night turned to the next day, next day turned to a few days, few days turned to weeks. He never left and you didn’t mind one bit. He was so so darn cute the way he walked around on thin tip toes and looked at everything with intense interest. Over time the two of you grew closer to the point he started sleeping in your bed with you. You didn’t know that the night you woke up randomly to see him hovering above you wasn’t because he couldn’t sleep and wanted to lay in bed with you like you had first thought. No no he was watching you, he had been doing this sense the first time he spent the night at your house and had kept doing it each night you slept. He was curious, you looked so peaceful sleeping. Being in bed with you was very fun to him. You didn’t get much sleep that night as he was touching absolutely everything in your bed or in reach from where he was laying, you included. He does that every so often, he just likes to touch. 
Daily life can be a bit of a struggle, he sleeps during the day so you tried to do things quietly. If you were too loud and woke him he would be by your side immediately wanting to see what you're doing. No matter how little sleep he got he was never grumpy when woken, he was too curious to be grumpy. 
You weren’t sure what exactly your relationship was with him but it was pure perfection whatever it was, you wouldn’t change a thing. Except maybe the fact you keep finding him in your closet eating your clothes. That has to stop.
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maybemockingbird · 3 months
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Hey everyone! I wanted to let you all know I'm doing some MAJOR things over on Patreon and I've just introduced a brand new "The Night Farm" mega-fan tier called "Full Moon Farmers"!
The Night Farm is a cozy horror romance web novel inspired by Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, Gravity Falls, Welcome to Night Vale, and slice-of-life BL stories! This new tier grants you access to every chapter of the series, including the bonus chapters and NSFW chapters, with regular Friday updates EVERY Friday until mid-2025, which more to be scheduled soon! It will also get you access to monthly giveaways for merch, and an exclusive series of monthly AU stories you REALLY won't want to miss that start in August - including a Cas and Cane mob story, a ghost hunting YouTubers story for Halloween, AND the wonderfully suggested "Farmer Detective" story!
This new tier is active NOW! It has a seven day free trial for you to check out which will give you plenty of time to catch up on the series if you're a newcomer or read ahead if you've been lingering on Tapas and want to get further into the series. So, if you want tons of cool new stuff now's the time to become a Cosmonaut! Especially since the first giveaway is in September and it's for a Night Farm sticker pack (October will be the Mutual Pine Inn keychain, November will be the Midnight Cafe coffee mug, and the one for December will be the physical copy of season one!!!) and you need to be a member for two months to be eligible!
I hope to see y'all over there, I want to keep doing cool things for this series but that requires support and engagement, so your love for Wylder Wood and its residents means everything!
You can check it out at:
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pen-and-magenta · 2 years
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frogs-with-tea · 11 months
What is the Sound Au about?
*cracks knuckles* I'm so glad you asked!!!! I've been waiting for an excuse to lore dump about my silly AU!!!
So the name of the AU comes from a kind of body of water. A sound is a body of water that goes inland but leads out into the greater ocean. One Piece Sound, OR, is the name of the town where the AU takes place. It's a modern One Piece AU where the straw hats all live in a tourist coastal town on the Western Coast of the United States. Since it's a pirate manga I thought a coast setting would be the most fitting. I live on the East Coast and grew up going to coastal towns a lot, and a lot of this AU has been inspired by me missing the beach. I considered placing it on the east coast cus we are the better coast (that's just facts the water is freezing over there), but I thought the atmosphere of the West Coast would fit better. They have big ass rocky cliffs over there, as well as big evergreen trees. The West Coast also has a larger Asian diaspora because they share an ocean with Asia. And so it would be easier to keep the Japanese roots of one piece.
The name of the town came from the myth of gold rogers' treasure! If you've ever been to a tourist town before, a lot of them have some kind of gimmick to try to get tourists to come in and visit. (see: Point Pleasant West Virginia with Mothman) And a legendary pirate hiding their treasure all in one piece along the coastline sounds exactly the kind of story you'd find in an American tourist town.
So that's all the setting stuff, the real meat and potatoes of the AU is really just: what if One Piece was a slice-of-life manga instead of a pirate manga. It's also a way of projecting my 20s ennui onto the straw hats. They're all 20-somethings who still live where they grew up and feel like they're just going through the motions of life.
Nami tried to go to college but had to drop out for financial reasons, and now works at a bait shop. Usopp is that one friend who's always bouncing from one job to the next to try to find something that fits. Sanji could have gone to college, but much like manga Sanji, he's committed himself to spending his life working as a chef at the Baratie. Zoro is a kendo instructor and is trying to pursue Kendo professionally. He works at the dojo he grew up going to and his boss is his teacher, Shimotsuki.
Luffy doesn’t have a job. It just doesn’t make sense to me that he would. He’s not clocking in anywhere. He doesn’t have a W2. He’s that dude on the board walk selling tie-dye t shirts out of his van. Luffy fully believe’s the one piece is real, and that he’ll find it and become king of the pirates. I think luffy could totally still be a menace to society in a modern AU. So he lives in his van with chopper (who is his dog.)
And this AU, isn’t just a modern AU. This also an a/b/o AU, and most of the plot stuff I want to do revolves around that.
Cus another reason I made this AU is that I really wanted to write an mpreg story with Zoro, but it didn’t make much sense to me to set it in canon. Like as an mpreg enjoyer I need to know when to take the L and realize when a character wouldn’t want to be pregnant. I feel like canon Zoro fits that description. He wants to become the world’s greats swordsman, he wouldn’t want to put his life oh hold for a child, not until he achieves his dream. And it feels wrong to do that to him. Also one piece is an adventure manga, and I want it to stay that way!!! The setting and the story doesn’t fit the kind of domestic soap opera story I want to make so hence the new setting.
Zoro is such an interesting character, and so much of his character is based around his strength and his masculinity. So him having to deal with a situation that puts him out of his depth, makes him vulnerable in a new way, and makes the people around him call into question his strength; is really the thing I want to dig into.
So the rough plot of the story is that Zoro and Sanji have been hooking up with each other in a “friends (enemies) with benefits” type situation. And due an unfortunate slip in their use of birth control (zoro forgot to take his pill the day he had sex with sanji without a condom) Zoro gets pregnant. The plot primarily is about Zoro and Sanji figuring out this new normal between them as they prepare to become parents together, and an agonizing slow burn as they go closer of the months. ZoSan is the focus, but I plan on the other straw hats to have plot focus as well. Idk what it’ll be yet, but know that I am thinking about the other straw hats and arcs for them.
Even with Zoro and Sanji I’m super interested on exploring them as individual characters, and how this will put pressure on their insecurities, just as much as I’m interested in them as a ship. 
I’m also thinking about the social nature of the town as well. Because as a small tourist town, everyone knows everybody and everyone has an opinion. I’m going to try to fill out the town with with all one piece characters cus the cast is so huge, and create plot points based off of intertown dynamics. The straw hats already have a reputation in town because they hang out with Luffy and are seen as those no good kids who aren’t doing anything meaningful with their lives. That attitude gets worse when word travels that the Zoro Roronoa, state kendo champion, has found himself knocked up by a line cook.
The biggest like element I want to focus on is the way the straw hats are ride or die for each other. And how they’ll support each other no matter what. Like when there are people who expect you to be a certain way, or judge you for decisions, they’ll be there for one another. They’re each other’s safety net in a world that expects us to leave our neighbors out to dry.
This post was incredibly long, but yea!! That’s my One Piece Sound AU!!! Basically convoluted way for me to knock zoro up, have it make sense, and project my 20s struggle and trans feelings onto him. Thanks again for giving me an excuse to talk about it!! :D
The end goal is for this to one day be a web comic, which would most likely be posted onto AO3. But idk if I’m there yet with my art to make that kind of commitment, so for right now I just want to make some fan art for it, and some non plot comics (as well as some long form concept comics :3)
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banannabethchase · 8 months
Youtube influencer AU. who's doing book reviews, who's shilling skincare and cosmetics, who does urban exploring vlogs and keeps getting caught breaking into abandoned buildings?
Oh I like this one! They're all like early 20s in this because I feel like that would lean into the most chaotic dynamics.
Matt is essentially still doing BTE, but from a fan perspective. He's got really absurd wigs and pretends to be certain wrestlers. He gets actual wrestlers as a guest sometimes, but people from his local indies mostly. He also has a slice of life vlog from time to time where he expresses his frustrations about his younger brother's antics, who is...
Nick Jackson: Cryptid Annihilator. He has not gotten within 10 feet of let alone annihilated even a single squirrel. He's convinced he can tempt Mothman with a siren call, which is a "ba CAW!" you can hear from time to time in the background of Matt's videos. He has more than once expressed that his life's goal is to get railed by Mothman, but he's willing to simply meet a cryptid. The closest he got was running into Bryan Danielson, famed yoga youtuber, when he was doing yoga in the woods and Nick was on the hunt for Bigfoot. But that ended with him in a headlock, so he kind of pretends it never happened.
Adam Page is a climate and nature vlogger. His main focus is on sharing the damage climate change has done to areas over time, but his most popular video is an attempt at a collaboration with Nick. Mid video, the two of them started arguing over whether or not Mothman was real or a fictionalized rationalization of climate change until Matt, who was hanging out in the other room, stomped in and yelled, "Would you two just kiss already?!" They've been together 3 years and have not stopped arguing with each other and Matt. He's also in a mild war with Bryan for best nature vlogger because he doesn't think being half naked in the woods counts as nature vlogging.
Daniel Garcia is a gossip/sports blogger. Mainly, he and his best friend Zay shit talk everybody as much as they want and there's never any backlash because the two of them are so goddamned charming in person everybody gives up. Daniel is also an insufferable flirt, which probably has something to do with it. There's rumors he's been spotted in the background of Renee Paquette's wrestling vlog in the indie promotion she runs with Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley, but nobody can prove it was him making out with Eddie in that two-frame shot in the background.
They all meet up at a con one summer and shit gets...weird. Nick thinks he spots Mothman, jumps him, and knocks the head off only to reveal a dude with dark hair and a weird little smile. "What the hell is wrong with you, dude?" Wheeler Yuta, frequent commenter and viewer of all the previously discussed vlogs. "Can't a dude cosplay?" Matt helps Wheeler clean up and finds rants about Mothman and steel drums and cryptids far more appealing when they're coming from a guy this cute.
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sendpseuds · 8 months
1, 5 and 11 for the writer's ask? 😊
Goodmorning! Thank you for the ask 🖤
1. Describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing
I'm gonna take some time and really think about this one... when I have the answer I'll make sure to tag you
5. How many words can you write if you sit down and concentrate intensely for an hour?
Short answer: I have no idea.
Long answer: I am about as fast a writer as I am a reader, which is to say, not at all — something to do with that pesky adhd filter in my brain I reckon — and for a while, it really bothered me [I won't lie, sometimes it still does] but I've started to realize why it takes me so long to write.
Basically, best I can describe it is, I hear the story as I'm writing it.
I hear the dialogue, each individual character in their own voice, even the prose, as if I'm listening to an audiobook in my mind. Obviously, this can be sort of awesome, I think it's part of the reason it's so easy for me to get into a character so quickly. HOWEVER, when I go to write it all down, I can't get ahead of the dialogue in my head or else the words get all jumbled up on their way from my brain to my fingers.
Basically, my brain doesn't have a 2x speed, so I'm stuck writing in real-time.
Then again, it's hard to complain when I just literally hear Obi-Wan talking in my brain all the time so...
11. Weirdest thing you’ve ever written/thought about writing/etc.?
I have so many weird ideas, man hahaha
To date, I think the weirdest thing I've written is A Very Strange Time in My Life, which is a strange short first-person slice of smut loosely inspired by Fight Club that I'm like, weirdly proud of.
I think the weirdest idea I have currently is definitely the fault of @yourfavoritefridge and involves Anakin somehow being the Mothman of Point Pleasent, West Virginia...
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[from this ask game]
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disgruntleddemon · 1 year
If you had to direct a Scooby Doo movie (or series), what would it be like and what would you include? Which series/era would you take the most inspiration from? Would the mystery/locale be inspired by real events/locations or something totally different?
Ooooh!!! Fun question!!
For both a show and movie I'd take the most inspiration from the renaissance era movies! I'd probably be a bit more mature in audience since i think there's a lot of fun horror potential w Scooby doo, while also keeping the goofier aspects. Also hopefully take inspiration from the renaissance era art too, cause it's seriously so good i wanna eat it.
For a movie specifically I'd have it focus on Mothman! I think that would be really fun and atmospheric! I'm honestly surprised Mothman HASN'T been used yet, cryptids work so well for sd (like ik they technicallyyyy did chupacabra, but it's not like either predominant descriptions of chupacabra, so i don't count it)
Not entirely sure of the plot, but definitely a fun spooky woodsy vibe.
For a series, I've actually thought about it a bit before. I'd have monsters be real, and a well known thing. Common enough to realistically have someone pretend to be one to scare ppl off, but uncommon enough not everyone would be able to spot signs of a fake.
I'd have the gang go around researching monsters, or at least taking an intrest in them, and recording any findings. Some episodes would have people in costumes where the gang is able to recognize fakes based on their monster knowledge, real monsters that they have to deal with in some way, or sometimes monsters they think are fake, but are actually just new or rare ones. Maybe a variation on a common one.
I'd really like at least one scooby snack factory episode, cause I'm a sucker for those, but also to add a personal hc/au of mine. I like to think Scooby is a family name on his mom's side, and that that side of the family founded the scooby snsck company. That episode would be helping out Scoob's mom! There'd also be a moment where the gang is like "wait, does this mean Scooby and his mom have the same name??" And his mom would reveal that his original name was Spooky Doo (ignoring that one comic character, or maybe having Scoob named after him lol), but he changed his name to Scoobert Doo after the Scooby snacks founder. Party cause it suited him better, partly cause he thought the name "Spooky" would jinx him and he'd end up in scary situations lmao.
This fits less, but I'd also like to squeeze in my Scrappy headcanon of him being half alien, and being a magnet to the supernatural. Little revival for him, as a treat. He wouldn't be a main character, but would appear for a few episodes. Always episodes that have real monsters hkvkcjc
I'd also like to squeeze in poly mystery gang if possible, but if not, probably just not feature any romance in the series. It's just never my thing when it comes to sd media tbh. Definitely lots of slice of life moments regardless tho. I'd like to emphasize their familiarity and closeness y'know?
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File - Anomaly: Butterteeth
“ And for what were we created, mother?
Do we watch the earth crumble to the tides, soul borne of not but the very mud from which Prometheus did create; now laid bare?
Nay, we watch the sun turn to ash from the side of our master; our god; beholden only to us, and offer our final breath as way of life. ”
NAME - Unknown (‘Butterteeth’)
AGE - Unknown
SPECIES - Homunculus
PURPOSE - Guardian
MATERIALS - Spiderweb, grapevines, sheep’s lungs, orb weaver thorax, human flesh, lion’s bone, slice of human hippocampus, glass beads, pine sap, 1/2 lbs butter
PRONOUNS - it/its they/them us/we
FAMILY - Arachne, The Child, Caz ( @the-one-and-only-ruination ), Lux ( @gotham-mothman )
FRIENDS - unknown
LOCATION - Gotham City
Another OC account of @officiallyossy-haywooddent
Butterteeth is (in this universe) a Spiderman variant where instead of being bitten by a spider a they are a homunculus and the spider was used in place of a heart. It has no recollection of who it was before this; who its flesh belongs too, and is attempting to find them.
A homunculus is created by a mix of materials but will always require some part of a human to function.
Basically it’s in Gotham City with no recollection of how it got there but can feel a pull towards something in the city. They will occasionally have periods of lucidity where it remembers something about the before but not much.
They are connected to Ossy (and subsequent weirdos)
(Other info will be added as needed lol)
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silkiecorn · 4 years
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Gossipy hens in the marketplace today. 
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sio-writes · 2 years
Sio's Writing Blog Intro
This blog contains mature content and themes.
ArtFight Profile link
Inbox: OPEN
Requests: CLOSED
Art Commissions Information
Hello everyone, my name is Sio (they/them) and I enjoy stories, monsters, and stories about monsters. Writing is a huge hobby of mine, as is space and art and everything creative!
My parent blog is @siochaile so if you see likes or replies from there - that's me!
This is where I'm most active and where I post all my work (which is monster-related romances! ) So please feel free to browse, read, and ask anything you can think of. I'm more than happy to talk about my writing, my art, any upcoming content, and I love to share excerpts.
My writing features slice-of-life stories with heavy emphasis on characterization, and obviously it has a lot of supernatural elements!
Any NSFW or potentially triggering content in my work will be labeled in the list below as well as noted at the beginning of the chapter in question, also in the tags of any reblogged content. (My rule of thumb for nsfw tags in general is "word" + "." For example: "nsfw." or "blood." because of tumblr's tag ban)
And that's it! Happy reading <3
Ongoing Series:
Blood and Bourbon (m/m, Vampire x Immortal) 1/?
A Botanist’s Guide (NSFW, f/m Human x Alien) 14/?
Sacrifice (NSFW, m/f Forest God x Human) 9/?
Completed Works (Oldest to Newest):
The Cruise (Male Mothman x Unspecified Reader) 1/1; 1k words
Foodie (Female Vampire x Fem!Reader) 1/1; 2k
A Dragon Prince (Male Dragon x Female Human) 1 Chapter; 1.5k
Best Shot (NB Lizardfolk Alien x NB Human Reader) - 1/1; 6k
Callum the Prince (Male Drider x AFAB Human reader) - Part 1 and Part 2(NSFW)
Monstober (Reader x Shadow) 1/1; 3.6k
A Servant and His Knight (NSFW; Male Human x Male Living Armor) 2/2; 16k
Movie Night (Hero x Villain, gender not-specified) 1k
Witch's Gambit (Female Human x Male Skeleton) 2/- (Discontinued)
Into the Woods (Male Werewolf x nb!Reader) 5/5; 13k
Tidepools and Sunlight (NSFW; AMAB merfolk/Male Human) Oneshot; 2k
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jacks-obsessions · 2 years
I would like to know more about Lamplight, please.
Melone will be blonde like his manga counterpart and his wings have the coloring and pattern of his jumpsuit
It's a slice of life thing that will have Diavolo as the antagonist (still thinking about why he is)
I'm working on lore
Some mothmen actually do business with humans but this is rare
It is very uncommon for a mothman to actively engage with humans
The LS gang is the local eclipse
The Moth Boys
He is the serious leader of his Eclipse, he’s very family-oriented and a stern but fair individual
He has a cold and calm approach to things but is prone to outbursts of violence when angry
He was Ghiaccio’s bodyguard when they were young
He doesn’t mind eating burnt food
He is in most circumstances a polite man, usually approaching activities with cold professionalism but he reacts jovially when circumstances match or exceed his expectations
Though he becomes nervous when things do not go his way
He has a computer that he built out of scrap
Really wants a motorcycle
He is confident and short-tempered yet despite this, he is rather level-headed
He takes pride in what he does
He often goes into fits of rage where he becomes unnerved as he vents his frustration through breaking nearby objects or dramatic arm-waving.
He’s very sensitive about having been bullied in the past
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just-some-trans-nobody · 10 months
Would anyone be interested in reading about the househusband werebear I made? Or maybe the car mechanic mothman?
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tag game under the cut 💕
i was tagged by @jiminsproof, thank you lovely!!! it was wonderful getting to know you better <3 let us chat
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last song: fruits of my labor by waxahatchee, now it’s superstar by shinee 😌
last show: extraordinary attorney woo is the last show i finished, absolutely loved it!
currently watching: i’m watching reply 1988 right now. i wasn’t sure how i would like a slice of life drama quite like this but it is really growing on me and i really love the characters and am rooting for them!!!! though I guess I need to watch reply 1999 to get some true nostalgia from my youth lmaooooo
currently reading: ‘midnight library’ by matt haig. i’m also causally reading ‘mothman apologia’ by robert lynn for my poetry fix and ‘korean food television and the korean nation’ by jaehyeon jeong when i’m in the mood for some learnin’
current obsession: well i’m being totally normal about BTS right now but i would also say beans, journaling, and whatever show i happen to be watching
if you read any of this consider yourself tagged and i love you <3
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sugarakis-p2 · 3 years
High stakes and blood ch2
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The Index is a complicated place only the desperate end up at, and Rebel has been there most of her life. Rebel makes it to the Index and has to deal with the Count. Naughty Count.
No Shiggy in this one but he will be in the next one I promise.
Warning: Blood, smut, and bad words
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: New Deal
Her lungs burned, her legs burned. She can see the Index. Something nasty is chasing her, and all she must do is get past the gate. The vampires had already seen her.
Lungs are burning, something crashing through trees behind her, she can hear branches snapping dirt being kicked up in the air. A screech echoes in her ears, she knows that sound, it is a fucking griffin. She can understand why they would be pissed.
She smells like a Mothman, one that has been ripping apart any griffin that goes near the hive or sphinx territory. She's not worried. She can outrun griffins. She sees the Count and runs past him, her legs giving, knees turned to sap, and she crumples to the ground. Her lungs on fire, the whole world too bright and hazy around the edges. The Count is cutting his wrist, his blood arching, then the griffin is a burst of feathers and gore. Buckets of water are being poured over her. The Count is casually walking to her, amused. The Count was always amused by Rebel. She sees his grinning face as she blacks out, several hands groping and pulling as vampires shout above her.
The Count is watching her sleep. She was used to creepy things like this. As she stirs, he was right there, a bemused smile on his face. "Good morning Mabel May SmithHammer. My dear, have some tea." He hands her a cup. Things like this, things the Count remember being human but not quite right. This is him trying, so she sips the tea and gives him a smile. He always put her in the next best suite. The bed hurt compared to the nest she shares with Shiggy. The Count leans on his cane, watching Rebels throat as she swallows. He looks like a very handsome young man in his twenties, with long wavy locks and a jawline that has sliced the heart of thousands of creatures, males and females. He's just another monster to Rebel. The Count showed her his ugly side long ago, and she has never forgotten.
"You know, ever since your Daddy dragged you in here, I always knew you would come back to us. The House always wins. I hope you don't mind. I had the ladies give you the normal scrub and put you in your pretty dress. Destiny Rebel, the House always wins." "Thank you." She says. He laughs. Rebel hates his laugh it's misleading in how pretty it is. "You hate it, I can tell, but I do insist. My dear, you are so full of surprises. You survived and had a little grub." He touches his nose. "I can smell the milk, dear. What do you want? What has that little brain plotted?" He pretends excitement. "Or has sweet Rebel finally come home?" "I want to see Master Kai." The Count laughs, not amused. "I got the tea from an intere…." "Tomura is coming. He's coming, and I'm running out of time. I don't have time for your games." "Mmmmmm, poor Jenny. Sold to the Lycanthropes for half of your value to the Mothmen. But to be fair, she didn't have half your talent." "You know you should be the Master." "Then there is your Uncle Zee, heard he has two more years." "I can save all my family." "Your poor Daddy doesn't have the skills he used you, and big brother is struggling." She sighs at him. His little mind games go on and on if she lets him. "What's the price?" "Very high. You know he's completely mad? I don't think your mate will like the cost." "Shiggy is not here right now, is he, and I wouldn't have to pay this cost had he listened to me."
"Oh my. Trouble in paradise? You know you're not that sweet-smelling virgin anymore; it will be difficult for me. Even with the carrot, he is still pissed at how defiant you've been, and I was tasked with winning you back. When you sold yourself to the Mothman, it did not help our relationship. He is livid, mostly at my failure. I'm the one taking all the risk; it's on me." "For fucks sakes Cain, what's the price?" The Count bristled at hearing his name. Not many know his actual name, but not many have known The Count all their life as Rebel has. For the first time in a long time, The Count did not look amused. His grin dropping. "You are always so rebellious. Rebel suits you much better than Mabel May. You know better than to call me that. Your mate is quite an impressive creature. "Turned me down. Just how deadly is he?" "I'm scared of him. I'm not scared of you." "You think he can get rid of Master Kai?" "He could, but I don't see why." "Oh? He's that scary?" "Yes," she says matter of fact. He eyes her suspiciously, then he breaks out in a grin, amused. "I know he can, but what if we can get him out of your way?" she asks.
"My nose can smell everything. It can smell opportunities in the air. It can smell the past and the future." His hand his snaking up her dress. His long fingers are playing with her garter belt. "For instance, you have two males at the same time, very naughty of you. Then there is the time we met; I smelled the future on you. At some point, you would give in, beg me for my help. Do it, Rebel." "What about the payment being getting rid of Master Kai, that should be enough?"
"Master Kai went from dead to out of your way, Count. We both know that's not a guarantee, your blood, your body for just one night. That's a guarantee." She hikes up the frumpy dress the Count loves seeing her in. She grabs him by his long hair and shoves his mouth against her inner thigh. Right where her carotid artery is. He sighs, and his whole body eases in satisfaction. Vampires are easy to seduce. "Cain," He nips at her for that. "I need your help; I need to see Master Kai. I will pay with my blood and body. I want you to take them. Pretty please, make the meeting happen. No turning or draining me to death," His lips are trembling the tip of his tongue runs along her pulse.
"I'm sure I'll regret it. You have that much faith in your primitive Mothman." He closes his eyes and inhales her scent. "Fine, I really shouldn't want you this badly. I practically raised you." She snaps, pushes him away, and slaps him hard, a crack that reverberated off the walls. Her rage is overflowing. "You never raised me! I have a family that loves me! They raised me, you fucking monster!" He's on top of her tearing her dress apart. "Oh, yes! I want your blood boiling! How about you call me Daddy while I'm in you!" "I hate you, Cain! Small dicked parasite!" She's hitting and trying to claw his eyes out. His hand is painfully over her mouth as she bites him. He laughs and squeezes his blood on her face.
"Here! Have a taste, little baby girl!" she goes limp. He growls and shakes her. ""Fuck! It is never the fun way with you. Gods damn it! Why do you do this anytime I'm having fun? This isn't going to stop me. I know you are still awake and pissed. You know I sold your stupid fucking sister. I arranged it all. She was a stupid bitch, so I threw her to the dogs. You didn't bother to train her well, wasn't even worth the effort I put in," She can't help panting with rage. But the harder she fought, the worse it would be for her. Only The Count can get her to Master Kai. He rips off the rest of her clothes. She is ragdoll as he teases her about. She doesn't move or look at him as he is undresses and is completely naked in front of her. She doesn't react when he slaps her or when he says foul things. Not, as he rubs his cock between her thighs and breasts.
"I trained you too well. I still won't stop; it doesn't matter to me if you like it. If this is the best I can get, I will take it." She knows he's dragging this out on purpose. He says he doesn't care but she can see his frustration.
"Price went up to participate." She tells him. She reaches up and grabs his hair and yanks his head down to look at her. "Master Kai and one million gold minimum for Tomura. Give Tomura a thousand gold. You be gentle with me, and we never talk about this. It has to be sworn in blood." He laughs at her request which turns into a lustful moan as she yanks harder. The Count is a real talker before ravishing his prey. He made her watch once. Rebel used to be scared. Mothmen broke her of the fear of sex and violence. Now she just wishes to get it over with. She hates to admit he is attractive, and his cock doesn't painfully knot. This may not be as horrible as it has been with Shiggy.
"Awwww, Does our Rebel love her barbarian rapist? You don't want him to know about our little fun? Oh, my dear. Had I known, I would have killed him at the door." He breathed in her ear. She is getting heated. Not because she loves Shiggy. No, not that. Memories flash of the times he has been kind to her and she pushes it violently to the back of her mind. She doesn't want to think about him at this time.
"Should have. You know it's about family; also, I don't want him to kill me." She sneers at him. "Oh dear, who are you trying to convince?" She gives him a dirty look and goes limp again. He moves to place himself between her legs. Grabbing her ankle and placing it on his shoulder. "Fine, I am nothing if not a good host. I will give into your demands, my baby girl. Gentle, like the gentleman I am, it is." He tenderly pushes two of his fingers in her mouth. She sucks them, wetting them with her spit, her smooth tongue rolls under his touch.
"He's trained you so well. Remember to participate like a good little girl. Do you have any idea what you smell like to us?" He pops his fingers out of her mouth and rubs her clit.
"You told me once when I was little." This conversation disgusts her. He shoves his fingers knuckle deep, making her squirm. Gliding and gently pressing her sweet spots; he is talented. "Most humans smell like walking pork chops. Your scent sets our senses on fire. I remember when I first saw you. Your heart pumped like a scared rabbit, your blood the sizzling smell of flesh boiling cloves and blackberries. Encased in savory innocence. As you got older, your scent aged like a fine wine. It now carries a tang of rosemary and buttery cream. The heat of your skin is finer than any perfume. Our dicks grow hard while our mouths water." To emphasize, he slurps his drool from his fangs.
"I don't understand why vampires have sex. Sound like you rather eat me. Can't you just suck me and get this over with?" The Count gives her a throaty chuckle. His fangs are growing longer, gleaming in the candlelight, as the tips threaten to sink in her flesh. As he glides closer to her middle, his fingers working like magic in her, his thumb rubs her clit.
"I was once human. Vampire's evolution is macro; if we don't use it, we lose it. I always enjoyed carnal pleasures, it's the spice of life past. It also has other benefits that suit our preys' taste. It feels good to warm up our meal, heart pumping faster, blood heating. It intensifies the scent, the look of heaven trapped in their eyes, as they squeeze and coax hell from us. Then when we bite into the tender flesh, the burst of flavor pouring hot blood down our gullet is the most erotic experience." He pulls his digits out and licks Rebel off them.
"All those heightened senses, we know when our little prey is about to cum before they do. Again, call me Daddy when you do cum all over this cock. I know it's not the size you are used to, but we can make do, my dear." He orders. "That's revolting and disturbing." Rebel mumbles. She misses his fingers. He nestles her leg between the crook of his neck. "Or Tomura. I don't mind if you imagine me as someone you actually want to be with. Participation, remember." "I'll remember that." She hisses at him. He grins at her, amused as he hugs her leg, sinking himself slowly between her wet folds. Groaning as he plants himself deep. She grips the sheets and closes her eyes as he begins to roll his hips. He laughs. "Which one is the rumor, dear, do pussies get wrecked or that Mothmen have dicks like bulls because you are still tight, baby girl." These mind games are the worst, and they never stop around The Count.
"I don't call him Tomura. The pussy being wrecked, Cain." He runs his hand down to her ass, squeezing and kneading her lovingly before smacking her hard. She grits her teeth and growls at him. “Un-uh, Daddy or Tomura. For this game if you want to call me anything it's one of those two. Don't break our deal. Here I'll help. I will spell it inside you. Although you did get a little tighter. If you like it rougher, I can be harsher, my little Rebel." She stares at him with seething hate. He does as promised, slowly spelling out each letter against her sensitive walls. She closes her eyes. He is experienced, but she misses the words of encouragement with chirps and coos. Laws can't be broken in The Index; he can never talk about this.
"Tomura, harder." She breathes. Her blood is heating in rage with herself, shame, and arousal. The Count laughs and gives her what she wants. He's grinding deep in her, slicking against her walls. He rubs her clit. Both are panting and moaning. Her blood is starting to boil, her skin is hot, her heart matching the pace of his new relentless stride. He grabbed her other leg and put it on his other shoulder, enfolding her into a mating press. His hot breath is on her neck, her pulsing beating in his ears, traveling through his aching prick. It's hard for Rebel to breathe as he presses down to pound her deeper. She's gasping as he licks her nipple, taking a small taste of her leaking breasts. It makes her wet nipples pucker in the cold air as he moves back to her neck.
"Harder," She gasps. The lack of oxygen is causing a buzzing in her mind. Her orgasm is snowballing. Building until it crashes into The Count. He releases the press, burning pain shoots through her neck. It's lighting of pain that ebbs with his sucking. She inhales but struggles to free the air. Her mouth surges with the coppery taste of death. Her heart is pounding against her chest like a frightened bird. White stars are bursting in her vision as darkness floods around the edges.
She can feel everything slow and get colder. She's getting to weak to struggle as she loses consciousness.
Chapter 3
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wyverewings · 2 years
Wyvere’s Revised List Of All The Fics/AUs/Original Projects They Want to Create
So, it’s been a while since my original post about all my projects, and a lot has changed since then.  I’ve ditched some projects, thought of some new ones, and I’ve even wrote some stuff for two of my fics!
And so I’m doing another post about my projects, so you folks can see some updates to some of the projects, and also some new projects!  Also, it’s recommended that you read the original post so you can get some context for some of these.
Reflection: So this is the Super Paper Mario without Mario thing on the old post, but I’ve renamed it since then (and also since I first named this post).  It’s still got the same premise of Super Paper Mario without (most of) the Mario elements and the heroes being Bleck’s minions.  Now, I've actually written stuff for it, so please check that out!
Pokemon fan region: This one still doesn’t have an official name, and it also doesn’t have much more stuff about it since the original post.  I would like to explain some lore and show off my own fakemons, though!  Basically, there’s a new type of form called Mutant Forms, which are mutated versions of Pokemon with different types (for example, a Water/Fire Larvitar).  They’re not really the same as regional forms, though, as they’re genetically engineered hybrids with the DNA of other Pokemon.  Spoiler alert: they exist for the same reason that the Pokemon/human hybrids like the main character exist.  Oh yeah, and here’s some fakemons! (one, two, three)
The Void Wyrm: Okay, this one won’t be explained on this post because I do not want to spoil Hollow Knight if you haven’t played it.  I’ve already made a post about it here, so if you haven’t played Hollow Knight and wanna check out what my fic’s about, go play Hollow Knight (or watch someone stream it) right now, then check it out.
Together Under the Moon: Another Pokemon fic, this one is about a pair of characters who are kind of obscure but I do like, namely Will and Karen from the Johto games.  Anyway, the main plot is about how they first met as young Trainers, and all their adventures together, it’s not really any big story, probably mostly slice of life, or as much slice of life as can be for Pokemon Trainers.  There’s some elements of the Pokespe manga, some headcanons about the characters which they do kinda need because they’ve only got some developed characterization in Masters, and dumb little additions (for lack of a better word) for the characters that kinda only exist because I’m a dumb little otherkin.
The Reborn Warrior: This is gonna be one of my smaller projects, as it’s only gonna somewhere between 5 to 10 chapters.  So I’m gonna be working on this currently both for that reason and because Kirby is my current hyperfix (alongside Super Paper Mario) and this is a Kirby fic.  Namely, it’s about Morpho Knight, who has recently turned back into their puffball (called Asteri in this fic) form and finds a baby Asteri who they adopt.  There’s more stuff for the story, but I don’t want to spoil it.  I will mention that this takes place long before the current Kirby canon, and there’s some backstory for Morpho Knight and their whole nature.  Anyway, like Replica, I’ve written some stuff for this!
Earthbound Cryptid AU: Like The Reborn Warrior, this won’t really be too big of a project, probably even less so because I don’t even have any plans for fics.  It’s probably just gonna be a small thing I do for fun.  Anyway, it’s basically just the Chosen Four but cryptids/magical creatures.  Idk about what I’ll have Jeff and Poo be, but I’ve already figured out Paula and Ness.  Paula is a mothman mainly because I think Mothman is speculated to have psychic powers and/or is connected to UFOs, and I think it fits her well.  And Ness is a Loch Ness Monster because... well, take a guess.
Original Projects:
Age of Monsters: So, I've been realizing that the Fantasy Kaiju concept of kaiju in a medieval fantasy setting might not work as well as I’ve thought.  I’ve also been thinking of having my kaiju story be inspired by... goodness, this is silly... Kirby: Right Back at Ya.  I can explain, I swear.  Okay, so it’s implied in the show that Kirby is a monster created by NME, and I’m thinking of having my protagonist having had been made into a kaiju by some villains.  Honestly that might be more interesting than just a fantasy setting with kaiju.
Monster RPG: I’ve actually thought of more story for this!  The main concept is still there, but I’ve thought about some characterization and plot.  I won’t spoil too much here, but I’ve been thinking about the characterization for my characters, though a lot of it is rather spoilery.  Unfortunately, I still have no name for it...
Dragon Semi-Sandbox/Metroidvania: Like the Monster RPG, I’ve expanded on my concept for this.  Basically, dragons live in peace with some faerie people, but an army of elves seek to conquer the realm, and the protagonist has to keep the realm safe.  I’m glad I have a basic plot at least, even without too much lore.  Though I still have no name for this one...  Also, I’m thinking I may have this be a sort of semi-sandbox when I actually make it, kind of like Super Mario Odyssey or Kirby and the Forgotten Land.  Probably planning a bit too far ahead there, though...
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patriciasage · 4 years
imposter syndrome
Author: Patricia_Sage
Fandom: The Adventure Zone - Amnesty
“Yeah,” Duck laughs, “I just… We gotta put a pause on this, man. That abomination’s out there and I need to get back to –” He’s cut off by Indrid’s mouth on his again. This time he feels a flutter of unease in his chest. Indrid is acting strange.
Most people interrupt Duck during his disfluencies, trying to finish his sentence for him or change the subject. But ever since Duck told him about his discomfort with that, Indrid waits patiently for him to finish his scattered thoughts, head tilted to the side and expression soft. It isn’t like him to interrupt. And even though it’s really nice to finally kiss his crush, something doesn’t feel right.
And then the Mothman crashes through Duck’s living room window.
posted in full below the break but you can find me on A03!
There’s a knock on his door.
Duck nearly trips over Lucy on his way to answer it. She makes a grumbly little meow, and he grumbles right back at her as he regains his balance. “Dammit, Luce.” She scurries to the bedroom when he unlatches the door.
Standing on his front step is Indrid Cold. He’s wearing his regular outfit of jeans and a tank top, and he’s shivering a little in the spring air. “Hello, Duck Newton,” he says with an unnerving smile.
Duck grins back. “Indrid! God, it’s good to see you. I was- Hell, I was worried about you.”
Indrid adjusts his glasses and rubs his arm, flustered. Duck looks up at him and tries not to think about how cute he is. They don’t have time for that. “Come in.”
When Duck turns around, Indrid has closed the door and moved close into Duck’s space. “Oh, um, listen, Indrid,” Duck says, trying to stop the blush in his cheeks at the proximity. “I’m real sorry for, y’know, punchin’ you in the face…”
“All is forgiven, Duck,” Indrid replies with a smile. “You saved my life.”
Duck tries to keep his eyes forward, staring at Indrid’s chin, because whenever he looks up at the other man all he can think about is kissing him.  They had spent a significant amount of time together during the last hunt and, although the Silf is a little strange, Duck knows flirting when he sees it. He hasn’t been on the receiving end of someone’s interest like this often, and it was a bit of a thrill to flirt back and let the Winnebago settle with a warm, mutual attraction. But they don’t have time for that right now.
“Listen, man, a lot has happened since you flew away. We got an abomination on the loose that’s real smart and real scary; it can –”
Indrid interrupts him. “I know.”
“Right. ‘Course, you do.” Duck chances a glance up at the other man and sees his own flustered, red reflection staring back at him. “It’s a little fucked up, if I’m being honest. I don’t know how we’re gonna –”
“Duck.” The ranger jumps when Indrid places a cold hand on the back of his neck. “I missed you.”
“Well, yeah, I- uh,” Duck stutters, “I missed…missed you, too.” The taller man smiles. “But Indrid, we need to –”
And then Indrid kisses him.
Duck kisses back without thinking. It’s been a while since he’s had any romantic contact, but he’s been daydreaming about this for quite a few months and insecurity doesn’t have the chance to take purchase. He places his hands on Indrid’s narrow hips and the other man hums before burying his hands in Duck’s hair. Indrid kisses him like he’s trying to consume him. Duck stumbles back a little at the ferocity and breaks for a breath.
“Woah. Yeah, alright. Right. I mean, this is… I been wantin’ this for a while.”
Indrid grins. “I know.”
“Yeah,” Duck laughs, “I just… We gotta put a pause on this, man. That abomination’s out there and I need to get back to –” He’s cut off by Indrid’s mouth on his again. This time he feels a flutter of unease in his chest. Indrid is acting strange.
Most people interrupt Duck during his disfluencies, trying to finish his sentence for him or change the subject. But ever since Duck told him about his discomfort with that, Indrid waits patiently for him to finish his scattered thoughts, head tilted to the side and expression soft. It isn’t like him to interrupt. And even though it’s really nice to finally kiss his crush, something doesn’t feel right.
And then the Mothman crashes through Duck’s living room window.
The three of them stare at each other for a stunned moment. Duck’s brain rushes to make sense of the situation – the paradoxical presence of the man whose hips he’s holding and the hulking, unsettling monster standing on shattered glass in the carpet. “What the fuck?”
Duck takes a step back out of Indrid’s embrace. The uncertainty in his chest becomes drenched in horror as he understands. But he doesn’t have the time to react. Everyone moves at once.
Indrid’s left hand morphs and turns into a sharp, flesh-coloured blade. The Mothman charges forward, knocking some model ships off of nearby shelves with his wings. Duck twists and falls back onto his couch in an attempt to escape.
Duck feels a burning pain in his side and his back hits the cushions. The Mothman crashes into Indrid and they both fall onto the coffee table. It breaks under their weight. Duck scrambles to grab Beacon at his belt, but the movement makes his side flare up and he lets out a shout. The Mothman’s huge red eyes meet his, but this gives the creature underneath it an opportunity. The abomination, its skin shifting as it struggles to maintain Indrid’s form, pushes up into the Mothman’s furry chest with ferocity. The Mothman lands on its wings with a grunt.
Even with its bestial facial features, Duck can tell the Mothman is surprised at the abomination’s strength and speed. The abomination is escaping out the broken window before Duck can draw his sword and before the Mothman can right itself.
They’re frozen for a moment, trapped in the sudden silence. Duck reaches across his body and places his hand on his right side. There’s warm blood soaking into his shirt and the fabric of his couch. “Fuck.” He grimaces. He breathes through the pain before looking back at the looming, dark creature shaking out its wings. “Indrid?”
The Mothman nods vigorously. “Yes!” It reaches a clawed hand into a pouch hanging off of a belt at its waist and retrieves a pair of large, red sunglasses. It quickly puts them on and the huge form of the Mothman turns into Indrid Cold. He’s wearing faded jeans, a bulky sweater, and an expression of guilty concern. “I’m so sorry, Duck. I flew as fast as I could.” He rushes forward and his hands flutter from Duck’s cheek to his shoulder and then a few inches over the wound on his ribs.
“Your hair’s longer,” Duck says.
Indrid’s hands stop moving and he just looks at him for a moment. “Yeah.”
Duck swallows, mouth dry. “Looks nice.”
“Thanks, Duck. Listen, you’re bleeding all over your fucking couch. Where’s the first aid kit?”
“Shouldn’t you know that?” Duck teases.
Indrid shakes his head in frustration, but there’s a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. He gently moves a strand of Duck’s hair behind his ear. “You know it doesn’t work like that.” He stands up and rushes to the ensuite bathroom. Duck smiles when he hears him say hello to Lucy before rifling through the cupboard.
“Then how come you found it without me telling you?” He calls out.
“I don’t have time for your shit, Duck Newton. I looked into the possible futures where you weren’t being difficult and just told me where it was!” This is, without a doubt, the real Indrid Cold. Talking to him feels natural, like it did months ago, not the strange, charged conversation with the imposter a few minutes ago. Even though he’s in a lot of pain and he’s going to have to replace his couch and his window, Duck feels calm and happy. And he might be going into shock…just a little bit.
Indrid returns with the first aid kit in his hands and a towel under his arm. “This isn’t really my area of expertise, so you’re going to have to assist me a little,” he admits. He nudges some pieces of wood away with his foot before kneeling on the carpet in between Duck’s knees. He places the items down on the couch and gestures. “Take your shirt off, please.”
Duck can’t help but blush at the sight of Indrid on his knees in front of him. He reaches for the hem of his shirt and raises it a bit before the pain of the movement stops him. He lets out a strangled cry at the same time that Indrid’s cold hands grasp his wrists. “Sorry! Sorry, Duck. I should be paying more attention. I shouldn’t have asked you to do that. Here.” Indrid begins to lift the hem before he stops, eyebrows furrowed. Instead, he reaches for the first aid kit.
Duck gives him a questioning look when he lifts a pair of fabric scissors. “Really?”
Indrid shrugs. “It’s going to hurt you to lift your arms.” He pauses, watching Duck’s face carefully. “Is this okay, Duck? Tell me how I can make you more comfortable.” Duck feels a warmth in his chest. This is the considerate Indrid he knows.
“Yeah, ‘s’fine, go ahead.” Duck feels his face heat even more, this time from embarrassment, as Indrid carefully cuts through his T-shirt and pulls the fabric away from his body. Indrid, usually perpetually distracted, is intensely focused on the task. Duck can’t stop thinking about how his position – slumped on the couch cushions – doesn’t do his body any favours. He knows that Indrid is focused on the bleeding wound on his side, not his stomach curling over his belt, but it doesn’t stop Duck from closing his eyes.
“Duck?” Indrid is looking at his face now. “What do I do now?”
“Right.” Duck takes a breath and harshly reminds himself that he’s forty-two, not fourteen. Still, he grits his teeth and attempts to straighten his posture. He gets a good look at the wound for the first time. It’s bleeding a lot but it’s not too deep. The abomination had obviously intended to stab him in the stomach, but Duck had twisted away, causing the weapon to slice a horizontal line through the skin over his ribs. “God, that was a close call, wasn’t it?”
Indrid doesn’t respond. Duck places the folded hand towel over the wound and presses down. When he turns back to his companion, Indrid is staring at the center of his chest. His lips are pressed into a thin line and he’s breathing hard. “Indrid?”
“It was a close call, Duck Newton.” He harshly wipes his eyes under the glasses. “There were so many futures where I wasn’t fast enough, and I watched it impale you. There were so many futures where I didn’t come at all and it killed you in other, horrible ways. And it killed you wearing my face, Duck –”
Duck leans forward, even though it hurts, and places his free hand on Indrid’s shoulder. “Hey, woah, slow down, man. You made it. I’m alright.”
Suddenly, Indrid looks furious. “And it kissed you.”
For a second, Duck feels a surge of shame, but he pushes it away. The abomination obviously has access to memories that give it accuracy in appearance and behaviour. He couldn’t have known. “I’m, uh…yeah. That musta been weird for you to see.”
“Yeah, it was weird, Duck.” Indrid’s hands tighten on Duck’s knees, seemingly without intention. “It was weird because I’ve wanted to kiss you for months. I think you’re the bravest, kindest, most handsome man I’ve ever met. And you kissed him back. You kissed him back because you also want to kiss me. And I’m so fucking mad that it took that from you – that it took that from me!”
Duck is stunned into silence. Indrid has always been a very honest man, but Duck wasn’t prepared for such an emotional confession and confirmation. He finds his voice. “I still want you to kiss me.”
“It didn’t take anything, Indrid. I want you to kiss me. For real. The real you. I still want that.”
Indrid leans forward, bracketed by Duck’s legs. He places both hands on Duck’s stubbled cheeks. “Are you sure?”
Duck nods. “Yeah.”
Indrid kisses him with tenderness and care, almost reverence. If Duck had been standing, his knees would be weak. Indrid’s lips are slightly chapped. His thumb slowly caresses Duck’s cheekbone. The abomination had known a lot about Indrid Cold, but it got so many things wrong. It had kissed Duck like it wanted to consume him. Indrid kisses Duck like he’s giving himself over. He kisses Duck like he’s precious, like he wants to keep him safe.
Duck wants to pull him closer, hold onto his back, but in that moment he becomes aware of his own hand pressing a towel to the wound on his abdomen. Regretfully, and very slowly, he pulls away. “Let’s bandage me up and then we can keep doin’ this, alright?”
Indrid shakes himself. “Yes, of course. You’re hurt. What am I doing?”
“What I asked you to.” Duck replies, somehow both stern and coy. He’s satisfied when Indrid’s expression softens.
They patch him up well enough to stop the bleeding. Indrid retrieves a button-up shirt from the closet so that he doesn’t have to raise his arms. Duck catches him staring, eyes lingering appreciatively on his chest and stomach before they’re covered up by closed buttons. Duck blushes again, pleased.
This abomination is terrifying. It’s lodged itself in the heart of Kepler and Duck isn’t sure how they’re going to get it out without disturbing the peace. It feels like it’s a catalyst for something bigger, something they’re not ready for.
But Indrid’s back. And Indrid kissed him. And sometimes it’s alright to focus on a good thing for a moment.
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