It is quiet for a moment, unsure of what to say. She does not want it to do this but the orb weaver says it must.
“We are leaving, Lux. We wanted to tell you before we go, you have been..kind to us, we thank you for this.”
Butterteeth had received the note from Mother Arachne only two hours ago. ‘The child has taken residence with the devil’ was all the brown recluse sent to speak to it could say before its life was forfeit.
Whatever this was to mean, it knew that the child would not be found within the confines of this city. What should have been its greatest joy, finding the whole of its soul once more, should have brought with it elation but it did not. For the first time since its unmaking, it did not want to go.
Nevertheless it must, and so it finds its way to that which had made space for it, had care for it, Lux.
It finds him outside on a rooftop next to one of the few banks remaining in the city, waiting, though for what it cannot tell.
“Hello, Lux.”
{ @butter-yellow-chompers }
"Hey kid! What's up?"
He said, carefully examining the screen for any unforseen security procedures, but willing to drop his heist for Butterteeth in an instant.
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The Colors of the Moots ask game
Lemon - idk but like you seem really sour and scary Yellow - every time i see you on my dash you're always so happy and it's so lovely! Cyber - when the frick are you offline? like tell me when, i need to know for your sanity!!! do you even have it??? Goldenrod - i really wanna sit next to you and watch a sunset/sunrise. or maybe just look at you. Orange - if you were a fruit you'd be a orange. no explanation. Rust - you seem like you're hanging on by a thread. Mahogany - let's go on a late night drive together and listen to one of your playlists. Red - i am so in love with you. first it was ironic, now it's unironic. so in love. Ruby - you are such a gem, you deserve so much better <3 Pink - biting you biting you biting you biting you licking you biting you biting you Violet - honestly i just wanna kiss you just to shut you up. yeah. Blue - you are the sad mood. the crying moot, even. i am offering a tissue in this trying time. and maybe a hug. only if you want ofc Navy - i have a feeling you hate jeans. Lime - i can't tell if you're serious or what but i am avidly waiting your next post. Green - wanna go touch grass with me? Jade - honestly you have some of the best takes on this hellsite.
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Interesting..does that not make you one of these..‘metas’? That is what the boy called them..we have yet to grasp this odd language you creatures use.
It is..good, yes, that’s it. It is good to meet you, Izakk.
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Thank you, creature, though we will ask the orb weaver to observe you for a time.
We are Butterteeth, though many creatures of flesh have taken to calling us by other names. What manner of being are you, creature?
What name have you taken from the webs of Chaos?
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..we do not like your intentions towards our guardian, creature.
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butter-yellow-chompers · 12 days
Odd; it recognizes his soul but not his being. Creatures of flesh are not meant to change as such; years sloughing off like candle wax. This is..new. It does not know what to make of this boy.
She tells it he is scared, it does not mean to scare him. It melds its silken form down into that of a child, shredding off the wraps of silk in a gauzy trail before stepping forward to where it can be seen. The eyes of those of flesh are so much weaker than its own; it does not understand them.
“Interesting..you have the soul of that which we seek, yet you do not look the same. Beings of flesh can seldom change their nature, creature, you are Jason Todd, no?”
It takes a step forward, its trail of silk melding into something more corporeal; a cloak of silver held in a pair of its many hands.
“We do not mean you harm, creature, it is simply that we believe ourself to know you, as friend and as ally; that which comes baring blessings and salt.”
The lamppost across from Jason flickers once, twice, before it goes out, glass shattering across the concrete of the alleyway. He can feel something watching him, the sound of cloth dragging over stone.
“Hello, creature..it has been some time since we have seen you last.”
{ @butter-yellow-chompers }
The young boy flinches; the sound of the shattered glass echoing throughout the empty area. A chill runs up his spine, and his grip tightens on his trusty tire iron as his eyes flicker about his surroundings.
It’s getting colder.
He doesn’t like it.
Anything cold he instantly associated with being ‘bad’.
Once the voice reaches his ears, he whips around to face whoever was there.
 who are ya? I don’t think we’ve met before..! Maybe you’ve got the wrong guy!”
He calls out, failing to hide the few trembles in his voice.
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butter-yellow-chompers · 13 days
Interesting, creature. We thank you for this gift of knowledge, in return we have for you a gift of salt; a skin of steel and the mending of bones; the gift of Achilles for a time to be yours.
3 spoons of fireweed honey, 12 ounces of clay, a nail thrice bent, and a cup of salt mixed into a small pail of water. Stir twice and wait for the mixture to run red, that of newly tapped sap. Apply over nose and eyes for strength, or over palms and knees for healing.
We wish upon you luck in the coming days, creature, and may you be guided by that which you seek.
Hello, creature, you are odd; unlike us. Tell us, what are you? Have you knowledge to spare?
We require feast, creature, will you lend us your aide in turn for a charm?
{ @butter-yellow-chompers }
I've seen enough people getting indorctrinated into cults to not trust this.
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butter-yellow-chompers · 13 days
Simple; to understand. We have little knowledge of this world, creature, we must learn more if we ever have hope of caring for the child.
There are many a manner of creation in this city, as we have come to learn; those of flesh and those of scale, those of silk and those of stars. Those which lay in the rolling tides of being and unbeing. We wish to understand it all, beings and unbeings, and all there is to know.
However, knowledge taken is of no use; sour and spoilt as rotted fruits in the garden of the Hebrides. We may take what you can spare and nothing more, creature, if you do not wish it given.
Hello, creature, you are odd; unlike us. Tell us, what are you? Have you knowledge to spare?
We require feast, creature, will you lend us your aide in turn for a charm?
{ @butter-yellow-chompers }
I've seen enough people getting indorctrinated into cults to not trust this.
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butter-yellow-chompers · 13 days
Odd..is that not how you creatures of flesh live regardless?
And we do not understand this word..google. We have been given this as means to hasten our search, nothing more.
You are..odd, creature. Tell us, of what manner of creation are you? Flesh and blood, feather and stone, or silk and glass as we?
Hello, creature, you are odd; unlike us. Tell us, what are you? Have you knowledge to spare?
We require feast, creature, will you lend us your aide in turn for a charm?
{ @butter-yellow-chompers }
I've seen enough people getting indorctrinated into cults to not trust this.
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butter-yellow-chompers · 13 days
Odd; we do not understand this..cults. The language of you creatures of flesh continues to evade the orb weavers tongue; twisted and flowing, unlike those of the recluse.
What is it, creature, this..’cult’? Will you share with us what it means?
Hello, creature, you are odd; unlike us. Tell us, what are you? Have you knowledge to spare?
We require feast, creature, will you lend us your aide in turn for a charm?
{ @butter-yellow-chompers }
I've seen enough people getting indorctrinated into cults to not trust this.
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butter-yellow-chompers · 13 days
Man people have asked that question.. I fear I do not have an answer..
I simply am, I simply am not.
Maybe there is nothing more to being than that, I do not know.
We understand, creature, sometimes one just exists, that is their nature; their making and unmaking.
Do you have a name then, creature? Or any manner of salt? Salt and stories, if you have them to tell, would be blessings beyond measure.
If you are so willing, share with us your gift of knowledge, creature, and we shall share with you a charm.
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butter-yellow-chompers · 14 days
Odd..we have yet to meet this ‘god’ or any like it, creature, though we have heard spoken of gods by Mother Arachne and Brother Cazimir.
Our liege of creation named itself Chaos long before the dawn of the others, or so it says. It rarely speaks now, the creatures of flesh have tired it and it has once again commenced a slumber.
We have more questions, creature. If you are able to share more of your knowledge with us, of course.
Knowledge taken is worth less than gold leaf to us; inedible, soft. Weak, forced to glow; the trade of the fool. Knowledge given freely is far more valuable to us.
What was there to gain from rebellion? We have never felt the push to do the same, but we would like to know from one who had lead the charge.
Our second question, creature, is simple; plain, though we ask you answer it regardless of weight and substance;
Will you tell us your name, creature? Do so and we shall speak ours in turn.
New, odd, interesting. We do not understand this..
Creature, we have yet to meet a manner of being such as you. Tell us, are you like us; unlike us? Are you of flesh like many of the creations of this world or made and unmade by silk and glass like the orb weaver’s brood?
Share with us your knowledge, creature, as much as you may spare. We are very..curious of you? Yes, that’s the word; curious, curiosity, courtesy. Courtesy, a vow of it we swear. Share with us your gift of knowledge and we shall share with you a gift in turn; equal and equivalents.
Will you tell us, creature?
{ @butter-yellow-chompers }
No, I'm am not like you, I am a fallen angel. A celestial. What exactly would you like to know?
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butter-yellow-chompers · 14 days
I thought I was the only thing that didn't cling to some semblance of their humanity!
I am very happy to learn I am not alone.
Humanity, that which creatures of flesh so desire, is dust in the web of the living. Beautiful, strange, but not for us, no. We do not exist to be human, we exist to be eternal.
We are..glad you do not feel alone, creature. Lonesome be the souls of the damned, damnation in itself hiding in the absence of thought.
You seem kind, creature, we do not wish such a fate on one such as you. What manner of creation are you then, if not flesh?
Unlike us or like us once more; silk and glass and sinew? Tell us, creature; what are you?
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butter-yellow-chompers · 14 days
..we are not supposed to fear, to cower, yet we do.
It is not us that fears, it is her, our unmade remnants, that hide in the corners of the webs of bones even Mother Arachne could not reach.
She fears not for the child, for the orb weavers, but for us. She fears of Brother Cazimir, fills our dreams with gold and violet; the screams of the child and white marble tables.
She makes us hate them. We do not know why.
We do not want to hate.
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butter-yellow-chompers · 14 days
Oh hello!
You aren't fully human, are you?
No, we are not, creature. We are of silk and bone and lambs lung, never flesh; never blood.
Why? Do you have questions for us, creature? Or may we have questions of you?
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butter-yellow-chompers · 14 days
What does this mean..fallen angel? Celestials..Mother Arachne often speaks of such things, false gods she says.
We would like to know anything and everything, creature. But yes, an..origin, spawn, start. Yes, a starting place would be of use.
Tell us these things, creature, if you so may; What is your name, creature, and how is it you are made. Of straw and stardust, glass and silk. What is it, creature, that twisted and tore your form from the swirling clouds of creation?
New, odd, interesting. We do not understand this..
Creature, we have yet to meet a manner of being such as you. Tell us, are you like us; unlike us? Are you of flesh like many of the creations of this world or made and unmade by silk and glass like the orb weaver’s brood?
Share with us your knowledge, creature, as much as you may spare. We are very..curious of you? Yes, that’s the word; curious, curiosity, courtesy. Courtesy, a vow of it we swear. Share with us your gift of knowledge and we shall share with you a gift in turn; equal and equivalents.
Will you tell us, creature?
{ @butter-yellow-chompers }
No, I'm am not like you, I am a fallen angel. A celestial. What exactly would you like to know?
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butter-yellow-chompers · 15 days
Are you a sort of demon?
We are not a
demon as you say, we are homunculus; made an unmade by the will of time and Mother Arachne.
We do not know of these ‘demons’ as you creatures say, what are they? Will you share with us your knowledge, creature?
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