#mother of queue
buriedpentacles · 2 months
When I say "connect with nature" I don't just mean the aesthetic forests with deer and beautiful flowers.
I mean the weeds growing through concrete, the fungus that grows on the rotten shed, the nettles that always seem to return and the scary, spindly cellar spider in the corner of the bathroom.
Nature is not always pretty or magical - the pigeons and seagulls you swat at are nature too, the wasps and flies that hover by your meals are animals too, store-bought strawberries and the leaves that fall from your neighbour's tree are not all that different from the Giant Sequoias and it's seeds.
If you want to connect and understand nature, I mean *really* connect to it, in it's entirety, you have to seek out and learn about the ugly, scary and mundane things as well. You don't have to like it, just don't forget that it's there.
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voidhri · 2 months
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Sometimes MC doesn't even make it to the prologue
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autistrix · 5 months
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[https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/49766069] Mediterranean Banded Centipede || Scolopendra cingulata Observed in Bulgaria
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cirrus-grey · 8 days
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James Sant (1820-1916) "Portrait of his wife Elizabeth and daughter" (1852) Oil on canvas
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writing-for-life · 6 months
The Truth of Mankind…
…Is Also Dream’s
These quotes are from episode 5 (24/7):
“Garry dreams of proving his father he was wrong about him.”
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“Kate dreams of running away where no one will find her.”
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[But you do, and we see your star in so many panels of The Wake 🥺]
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“Bette dreams of creating something that matters to people.”
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You are the magician who became the man, Morpheus. And you are the king who left his kingdom, but not without making sure everyone else would be okay first--perhaps that is a different definition of a graceful ending, but it is graceful nonetheless.
You’re so painfully human, and yet, you are also not 😭
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preqvelle · 3 months
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tiddygame · 2 months
yall ever think about the discussion between ghoap about who takes who’s last name?
cause with ghost there’s the conflict of him literally being the last riley, wondering if keeping his last name would honor the few good people that were in his family or be a constant reminder of who his father was
and soap being proud of his heritage and not wanting to give it up but also not wanting to force ghost to give up his
it doesn’t even really matter all that much because they’re still gonna be sgt mactavish and lt riley regardless of which one they go with
every time they talk about it, they just end up going in circles. and if soap ever argues in favor of taking ghost’s last name, ghost more or less plays devils advocate and argues in favor of taking soap’s and vice versa. it’s a nightmare.
i think they’d end up discussing for so goddamn long that they land on doing a coin toss to decide. and even that was a struggle with which name took heads or tails since an actual coin toss isn’t a true 50/50. leading to them using a digital one, until one of them asks if it’s possible that one is skewed too.
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fung-fungus · 3 months
eddie brock 🤝 will graham
sweaty bisexual men have their shit royally rocked by a maneater, who makes them worse before making them better, and suffer the curse of cassandra in their profession then runaway with said maneater despite The Horrors
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buriedpentacles · 2 months
"I can't connect to nature because I live in a city" Incorrect.
"I can't connect to nature because I can't travel" Nuh-uh.
"I can't connect to nature because I-" Wrong.
Anyone can connect to nature. Please, remove the mindset that nature is something *out there*. Nature is all around you.
The dandelions peeking through pavement cracks, the birds you don't notice on your windowsill, the brambles in the alleys, the storms and sunshine.
All of this is nature. You are surrounded by it. Notice it, learn about it. Write down when you notice the days getting longer, when more butterflies appear and when ripen blackberries ripen. Connect to the nature that lives outside your window, just past the boundary of your front door.
Watch nature documentaries, build a small windowsill garden, let the spider in your room corner stay for a while.
Connection is not determined by proximity, but by effort.
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dmc-questions-anon · 7 months
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Do it for women.
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newvision · 3 months
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Acts Of Desperation, Megan Nolan // My Mother And I, Lucy Dacus
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commandernachos · 4 months
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Friedrich von Amerling (1803-1877) "Mother and Children" Oil on canvas
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800db-cloud · 11 months
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franklin badge
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empyreansentinel · 24 days
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hey can we talk about how after angel accidentally kills her mother with a turret jack. continues to make her kill things. because. uhm.
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