#tmagp s1 what if
cirrus-grey · 8 days
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gammija · 7 months
the real reason tmagp is on break 'til april 11th is so sam can observe ramadan without being chased by a murderous clown blob
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faultyvessel · 1 month
I love how Chester is so deliberately fucking with Gwen in this episode
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Remember TMAGP 15?
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The computers are getting more and more bold every day and I have a feeling that’ll come to a head soon
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acearchivist359 · 22 days
.. so we’re all in agreement in thinking colin got the sergei ushanka treatment right …?
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semi-see-through · 9 months
oh boy I love all these new characters. can’t wait for them to probably all die horribly.
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Me reading the description of episode 30: oh, that's fine! that's not so bad! i can deal with that!
Me after listening to episode 30:
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some-fantastic-kay · 1 month
born to listen to tmagp episodes right when they come out, forced to go to school
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OK but seriously how did he end up in there? Can FR3-D1 move or is it working with someone? Did he feed himself to the computer after it became 'unbalanced'?
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statementends · 9 months
Noticing a theme of transformation in these first statements. You have the transformation of the Magnus institute, you have a partner so desperate to see their love again and the being they find is only part of what has been made, you have the perfectionist trying to make themselves perfect by mutilating themself, and you have guy that turns into tree.
It all lines up with Chester and Norris if they are who we believe them to be. Transformed into something that runs on computers.
It could also be a new version or aspect of the Dread Powers.
Like the concepts have blended or evolved so instead of the stranger/flesh you have the Transformation.
So new colour palette for the new show potentially.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 month
The people are different versions but still exist in TMAGP and that absolutly is the one thing moving a very specific TMA AU.
Basically besides joining the Institute, Tim gets very into online supernatural foruns trying to find people with similar experiences. So one day he gets a mysterious mensage from someone about the "thing wearing my brother's skin". The e-mail is about a young lady that says something very similar happened to her and her uncle and she has been investigating similar stories since. They chat more and with Sasha advice Tim decides fuck it and meets the woman, both pretend it's a date.
Everything is well until Tim mentions working dor the Magnus Institute, she, who presented herself only by Gwen, pales and goes "oh you're one of them" and leaves after saying "I'm not playing his games. I'm not feeding him." Tim is very confused, he thinks maybe the Institue tried to investigate her case and failed. They are not in the archive yet so he asks Jon and Sasha with help without giving any detail, basically hoping Sasha conection with Gertrude means she has acess to the archives and Jon being way to into spending long nights working will help them sort whatever Sasha finds.
Except Sasha finds nothing. Until a random day were she comes up with a big grim and goes "you guys won't ever be abble to guess what I found out?" and open in a very funky web page advertising Gwendolyn Bouchard, paranormal lawyer. Sasha is laughting, Jon is ranting about what a paranormal lawyer would even be but Tim is like "oh shit, that's her".
He doesn't connect the dots at first. Or doesn't want to. But he keeps thinking about "I'm not feeding him" and he is like "random question what do you guys know about Elias" and Sasha goes research into it.
At this point he and Jon aren't close friends but they are friends and if their boss is one of the things that ate his brother he needs to figure out something. With the assumption Elias is a clown, Tim does actually notice how creepy Elias is with Jon and is fully "Jon won't belive me but Elias is totally into eating his insides or whatever". So he tells the truth to Sasha and tricks Jon into visiting Gwen's lawyer thing for answers.
I still did not figure out most of the other things, except that Alice and Gwen are together in this verse and Alice made the web design for Gwen's page. I also know I want alt Sam and I want just our Celia who keeps almost meeting them but never doing. Or even a Celia that came back and has a dificult time being at her world and interacting with different versions of people that mattered so much to her.
I don't know still what to do with Sam, because I think Martin was very clearly Jonah backup archivist and the thing is Elias will try to convince Jon Gwen is the crazy/evil one and either he'll suceed making Jon betray his friends and be the archivist but with different assistants (except Martin) or he won't and Martin will start as the archivist. And while backup archivist/archival assistant Sam makes sense I'm unsure I want that for him. I'm thinking maybe this version of Sam after failing to get into Oxford went into a "rebelious" phase instead of doubling down in trying to met his parents high expectations and ended up joining Melanie ghost hunting channel. But not sure.
Like if I actually go the route of Celia is back trying to find help for both her worlds a Sam that's not quite the Sam she knows/cares about would be interesting. Like he is deep down the same but also he isn't in some obvious ways and she might just miss her Sam more. But if this is an AU not as connected with Protocol than maybe a Sam that's pretty much our Sam but if he was in Archives would make sense. Idk.
And ofc Basira and Daisy that I'm always partial to but I have no clue how to add, except maybe with them starting as Gwen and Alice rivals because Gwen attorney bussiness interferes with their sectioned police work. Also Gwen being an attorney is a 100% because I fully think she was her normal manipulative rise to the top and keep the Bouchard's name girl and went into law school for it except she mets Alice and by the same period Jonah happens and she was close to Elias (even if in parts was because she looked better in the family eyes when they were together by comparison) and it changed everything.
I don't know a lot about Alice either but she was Lena's college roomate and atended classes with Colin (yes he is here as well, unsure what to do with him tho). She had a paranormal encounter that left a scar similar but in oposition to Georgie's where she has a "spider sense" sort of think and can feel when the fears are involved, she knows if a library or book fair has a Leitner and where for example. It happened when she was young and possibly involved meeting my boy Gerry but she tried to avoid the supernatural ever since. She was very reluctant over helping Gwen except she acidentaly overheard her talking to "Elias" and Jonah messed with her head. More importantly she knows that ignoring sometimes is worse because some secret involving her baby brother who may or may not have joined Grifters Bone and becamed a Slaughter Avatar.
The supernatural lawyer was a joke from Alice but Gwen took it seriusly and Alice was loke "really?" and guess this moron will need help to not die/became an avatar and became her paralegal (tho it had nothing to do with her actual college diploma).
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cirrus-grey · 8 days
So even in this world, Freddie lives on in Sam's phone...
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gammija · 7 months
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joking aside, while jonny, alex and tim fearon are all credited as [ERROR], the casting image clearly has different garbled text for all of them. So it seems like [ERROR] is something like a status condition, though how exactly you get it... dimension-hopping? avatarhood? being a computer and/or tape recorder? who knows
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theeldritchcorvid · 4 months
What if The Magnus Protocols unleashes a whole new generation of alchemists as a result of everyone going researching into alchemy in the hope of retrieving LORE
(imagine if you will the newly formed Tumblr alchemists pooling their knowledge and research and THAT's how we get the philosopher's stone. It would be so fucking funny)
(I am among the alchemy research enthusiasts. If anyone knows of any good Alchemy For Dummies resources I'd love to give them a read.)
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sadeggsforbreakfast · 3 months
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starsandwriting · 6 months
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No cos I was ALSO going "slow down, it could be any institute, not everything in the world is about one building." Just like us fr<3
[ID: Sam (quietly): No. No. Could be any institute. End ID]
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burningfunobject · 1 month
Guys it's on the train
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