#mostly just rambling
totally-here · 10 days
Ultimate Enemy in DP in DC world
Okay so, I think we can all concede that logically in an au where danny phantom takes place within the dc universe, Ultimate Enemy's bad timeline would not happen. Like, Dan would not be able to take over the world, even with Vlad's ghost half helping him.
(though i do really like the takes of how that would happen, even if i don't ultimately agree with the end result. It's a fun story and a great opportunity for angst.)
But! I have an idea! I propose that the dark danny timeline would be in line with the evil teen titans timeline. The one with cloned Bart and Kon, champion of Ares Cassie, and, of course, batman with a gun Tim.
No, not just because I recently finished reading the 2003 run of teen titans.
(actually that's the major reason, yeah. it was a pretty good comic and i think it'd be cool if other people read it too)
But because I think it'd be interesting if it was a East titans vs west titans vs some ghost taking over the midwest and a majority of canada.
(does dc have any canadian heroes? I bet they do, but I've just never heard of any...)
And!! As a bonus!! Danny in the future would've probably gotten into a tussle or smth with the titans, which might lead to an uneasiness working with the present version of them. If he recognizes them. Like, Kon and Cassie I could see him knowing, Bart was on the good side iirc, but Tim?? No, no, he had a mask! A very distinct mask.
Anyway, what I'm trying to get at is that Danny totally thinks Batman snaps one day.
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chrysanthemumgames · 10 months
Hello! I've just been wondering if there's a way that you designed your characters visually, I feel like they're so vibrant and so different from they way they're typically depicted in Greek myths. Did you draw inspiration from anything, or did they sort of just come together along the way of writing? I do love how they 'look' (despite this being a text game hehe) and thank you for such a fun IF! Looking forward to the release tomorrow :)
Well, I don't know that I have any specific process I can point to, heh. It started with looking at deities associated with the Underworld in Greek myths and thinking about which ones had stories or motifs or other things that I thought would make for interesting inclusion in a game like this.
When it came to designing them visually, I tried to take inspiration from those same elements, but certainly not feel constrained by what we have of Classical art. Not that there's anything wrong with Classical art, of course, but this isn't really at its core a Classical story anymore. It has some elements and some themes, but not at all in the same way, and I felt it was probably fine if the characters reflected that.
I also wanted them to reflect the diversity of 'the Mediterranean region,' if you like. There's a very whitewashed way of looking at the ancient world in this region, and I wasn't particularly keen to play into the stereotype, so the majority of the main characters are people of colour. I don't necessarily have specific identities in mind for most of them, as they're also gods, and in this case, that detaches them a bit from those sorts of concepts. (A god isn't Etruscan or Cretean or Ethiopian or what have you—they're a god.) But it was still important to me that, detached from very human ideas of identity, the gods still be a diverse-looking lot, because why wouldn't they be?
As it turns out, that left me with loads of possibilities, and so it was a matter of making each character visually distinct from the others, in a way that made sense for who they are. Alekto is a Fury, someone whose job it is to hunt down people who try to evade the justice of the gods. So she's tall, and strong, and often dressed for combat. But she also has a particular relationship with her gender, which she's given a lot of consideration, and when she's not doing that, she likes to present herself in a very feminine way, so she keeps her hair long and has an entire wardrobe full of colorful, elaborate garments and accessories.
Pyri was always going to be shades of orange and red and gold and the like, because they're a fire deity. Hades in some important sense is his realm, and so he's taken on some of its features, just as it has taken on some of his. I admit I gave wings to Hermes because I just wanted to haha, so it's not always that deep, either.
Also, I can't take full credit for how well they turned out; all the artists who've been kind enough to bring them to life have contributed to that sense of distinctness as well. I'm sure that without those contributions, they wouldn't seem half as unique and distinct as they do!
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useless-moss · 26 days
Shipping everything is both a blessing and a curse cause on one hand there's plenty of fanfics and art about vigcup or dagcup or the ot6 but then when my brain decides to scream RYKER X DAGUR or VIGGO X DAGUR at 11:00pm on a Sunday there's only one good fic for me to read and I'm left wanting to claw my hair out
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ghost-pasta · 1 year
no one thinks about Freakshow like I think about Freakshow.
(that being; thinking about him at all and with a sense of strange affection. he's so terrible with so many layers that you have to unpack. except you literally don't have to and most don't.)
he's so scrungly.
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coockie8 · 2 years
The Superpower Wiki lists Danny Fenton/Phantom as an example of a Character who is a Medium, and I don’t know if I really agree with that. Danny is Half-Ghost, obviously he can see and communicate with other Ghosts.
Listing Danny as a Canon Medium would be like listing every single Full Ghost character as a Canon Medium because they can see/communicate… With their own kind...
He’s not a Medium, he just has Ghost Powers. Different things. If he’d been able to see/communicate with the Ghosts before the accident, then I’d agree, but not after. After the accident he’s just Schrodinger’s Boy, but that doesn’t make him a Medium.
Like, if Danny is supposed to be a Medium because of his Ghost Powers, then why isn’t Vlad there?
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immarainbowpatooie · 2 years
Author: sorry to disappoint, but there will be no romance or smut in this fic
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wywysighs · 1 year
Oh gosh, 29.
It’s the last year of my twenties and I’m not sure how I feel about it. My birthday was so much fun. I was able to enjoy it and not worry. It’s nice to know I have people in my life who care and wanted to make sure I had a good time.
Now I start living again and wondering what I’ll do with this next year of my life. It looks entirely different than it did a year ago. I’m more settled into the East Coast. I found a career path that feels like it’ll get me to the success I want. I’m generally happy with where I am.
Yet, here I am always wanting what’s next and wondering where I can improve. I hope I can feel better about myself. And be more dedicated to my health at this age. Slow life down and not feel like I’m wasting time doing things I want to do. I’d like to take more chances. I know I need to move more and make better choices with the food I eat.
This is just me attempting to shift my perspective again. I had a terribly hard year and I’m ready for some more happiness and self-improvements.
If you read my little ramble, thank you. Just needed to get this out of my head. I hope anyone that decides to read this would give a silent cheer and pass encouragement with thoughts. I’ll need it. Here we go with 29.
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bassforte · 20 days
Looking back, I do want to rewrite the first couple of chapters of Ever-Changing Gears.
Like at least just the Prologue and Block Man’s chapter
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Just finished reading Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin and. Oh my god. I was going to try and make this spoiler free, but there's no way. It's beautiful. This has been said before, but I feel the need to say it again. The narration style made David's characterization as impersonal and terrified of his own feelings that much more real. The framing of having the novel told as a recollection after the events makes the sparse happy moments torturous. And then the end. So good. I didn't cry, mostly because I was at work but also because this book, similarly to The Stranger, made me feel sort of dead inside. In a good way?? I already bought it, so I'll probably reread it within the month.
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fox-guardian · 1 year
"maybe if i dress more boring i'll get gendered correctly by strangers" that's the devil talking
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productofaritual · 7 months
Getting into genshin, might post about it idk
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you-know-i-get-itt · 27 days
neil josten really said “maybe the real game was the friends we made along the way” and then he also immediately responded to himself with “no i want my fucking championship trophy”
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mirpkechi · 28 days
this is me btw . . . me when online frienfds . . . me when close mutuals . . . me talking to the silly people in my phone . . .
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puppyeared · 1 year
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learned something about myself lately
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kiki-strike · 1 year
🧐🧐was watching a serial killer documentary with my family (which I hate because it feels exploitative to the victims) and of course my mom doesn’t throw away any chance to compare me to him. Every symptom every behavior. Like I know! I know you think I’m bad and I Am bad but not like that!! It’s literally my worst fear to become bad like that!! Please shush!! Go away!! (At least it wasn’t one of the ones where they inevitably list the diagnoses of said serial killer and my mom looks at me and goes Don’t You Have That One Cass like she doesn’t know exactly what she’s doing).
ANYWAYS they were showing like news footage of crowds of environmental protests in the 90s and my mom fucking goes. Hey that’s me. ?????? Mom cameo in the fucking. Unabomber documentary. Weird crossover but ok. Was not expecting to see a 30 year old My Mom in a stupid docuseries about serial killers during the battle of seattle?? Not entirely sure what that had to do with the unibomber but idk it was in there. Strange and odd.
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coockie8 · 7 months
I feel like corporate big wigs that pull the "we're like a family here, so treat me like it" either just don't have family, or are wildly abusive to their family, because me treating you like "family" includes me telling you to go fuck yourself to your face when you expect me to burn myself out working for you for free because we're "family".
But of course that's not what they mean. "Family" means "let me walk all over you" to them, which says a lot about what their relationships with their actual family must be like, I think.
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