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angelfoodscake · 7 months ago
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reboot has got me thinking about my fop ocs again….. wanted to draw some scenarios ive been thinking of !!!!!
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flame-shadow · 2 years ago
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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Has your OC ever taken on a secret identity or used a disguise to achieve their aims?
Beyond some of the msq moments where it calls for you to pretend to be someone else this is actually a big part of Sib's story, and something that Phobos did to an extent. Below the cut for potential spoilers and length.
I'll start with Phobos as its shorter, but they went back to Amaurot in the time just before the sundering hoping to do a little damage control for Deimos and at least let Emet and Anthea know he was okay and alive still. When getting there though Phobos finds out about the future and Emet's end, and that hurt to know that their brother essentially lets his grief be the end of him. However, because no one knew Phobos was even a thing Hydaelyn told them that they're the unknown factor so maybe they do something to change the future, maybe they don't. Hearing this Phobos continues on with the intention of pretending to be Deimos if it became to late because maybe Emet didn't see his brother and that's what led him down this path of grief. Easy to do since they look like Deimos save for their personal style and eyes. When the sundering happens and Phobos ends up being the one to push the unsundered into the rift they speak to Emet as if they are Deimos and as far as Emet knew that was his brother who's last act was to save him and express how he has faith in Emet to lead the people onward to a better tomorrow. It is a very short moment but one that feels needs to be said, as Phobos would much rather let themselves be forgotten or never known if it means helping more people.
Sib's whole start of story is her running away from home to a place where no one knows who she is, and she intends to keep it that way as much as she can. So in an effort to keep her high born status under further secrecy she changed how she dressed, her hair color, and even her accent, along with opting to never disclose her last name. She wants to be known for who she is behind the title and she does a damn good job of it with only a few people knowing for sure who she is (Minfilia, Thancred, Urianger, Y'shtola, Lyse, Count Edmont, and Aymeric, Estinien and Alphie after HW), until you get to EW and she kind of has to let it be known. Even books of the future that G'raha read never made mention of her Lady status.
Its imperative to her to have some kind of outside identity as she doesn't know who she is outside of being a Lady and she knows there has to be someone there she just can't find her and she definitely won't find her if everyone treats her a certain way because of her status or she gets ratted out to her parents because her mom was offering up a nice reward for bringing Sib home. The goal was attained, she finds who she is and is all the better for it.
How people find out though at different times of the story are as follows:
The og Scions (Minfilia, Thancred, Y'shtola, Urianger, Lyse, Tataru, and Papalymo) know because her mother sent a letter asking for their help in locating her as a hail mary i am determined to find my daughter one way or another kind of deal. While it's not made a priority, they keep a general eye out, with Thancred finding her and letting Minfilia know. By that time though Hydaelyn was letting it be known to Minfilia that Sib needed to stay with them and not go back home, so she wasn't sent away and didn't make it a deal to acknowledge it.
Alphie, Count Edmont, Aymeric, Haurchefaunt, and Estinien find out because Count Edmont thought her face familiar looking, which it was because there were posters making their way among some high society with Sib's face (yes her mother went overboard) and really put time into confirming Sib's identity when he saw her and Haurchefaunt get close because it would ensure a higher status for his son that couldn't ever really be more than a bastard. Basically knowing that her parents would grant him that title of Lord more officially and so he sent a letter inquiring to her mother on if there were any engagements or anything Sib ran away from and to make arrangements to wed the two. It did lead to conversations with Aymeric about it, and it was during a dinner that it was brought up around Alphie and he found out that way. Alphie though didn't want to believe it because she certainly didn't act like her title and that's his friend, she surely would tell him. After more thought he understood, and frankly kicked himself a little for not figuring it out sooner since there were obvious signs the entire time. Estinien found out because once finding out that Sib had befriended Aymeric her mother sent the man....so many letters asking him to take her daughter's hand in marriage. Estinien heard the grumbling from Aymeric and took some time out from his travels to go to Thavnair and attempt to strong arm Sib's mother into stopping her letter writing (it didn't last long).
By EW Krile finds out a bit first because Sib didn't want to make waves right away in Sharlayan so she tried to switch out paperwork so it had the correct information on who she was to save the hassle of "Why did you lie on your identification?" that probably would have ensued. By the time you get to Thavnair and its after the Tower of Zot when you get the boxes of talismans that everyone else that wasn't in on it finds out, because her mother was not letting her daughter leave Thavnair without seeing her parents and so she held a box hostage to make her come to dinner. Gig was up she had to tell them all that yes she's a Lady and she had been the whole time, she just never thought they'd ever end up in Thavnair so didn't say anything. Ali still has a hard time believing it until getting to her house and its kind of hard not to believe it at that point. Raha was thoroughly confused as to how that information was never recorded anywhere or that no one else put the two together. Demos also feels a little bamboozled cause he should have known and its like the one thing he kept missing in his observations with her. Everyone thought that man was in on it from the start but he wasn't and kept accidently turning a blind eye to it all.
The only other person to know who Sib is and her identity from the start was Godbert Manderville, and that is simply because he and his wife had attended some of her family's parties as she was growing up. So he knew what she looked like even with the dyed hair, but he understood why she was hiding. His son would have known if her hair hadn't been a different color other than its natural purple.
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alittleannihilati0n · 1 year ago
Daydreaming about having a boyfriend to go to walmart with jesus hell just kill me atp
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mossymage · 2 months ago
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reminder to give your ghost king lots and lots of smooches
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taterdraws · 15 days ago
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alright i will also stop keeping this in my art folder
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igucci · 2 months ago
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sonic fanart be upon ye
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hyperrealisticblood · 6 months ago
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pencilscratchins · 2 months ago
sorry i stopped posting, i got medicated and also engaged
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cabinette · 3 months ago
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AU martin i've been cooking on the tma rp twitter....
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once-a-mortal · 1 year ago
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keferon · 8 months ago
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The tac net crash chapter is one of my favorites so far~
Ah and. Guess what. I just discovered that including this post, I made 50 pieces of fanart for Mistakes on mistakes until.. I’m so sane and normal about this story can you tell👍
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doctorsiren · 8 months ago
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the doodles I did while flying back home today
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catilinas · 1 year ago
definitely a favourite ship dynamic is like. um. the fighting temeraire tugged to her last berth to be broken up 1838. big beautiful but decrepit ship of the line and grimy little tugboat. and they are even lesbians
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unsung-idiot · 6 months ago
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heartinhyacinth · 5 months ago
Something that I’ve always loved about Hualian is that throughout the series, people had warned Xie Lian of Hua Cheng left and right, told him various horror stories, rumors of cruelty and malice, etc., and yet…Hua Cheng never once (as far as I can remember) tried to counter the accusations with words. He never defended himself or his actions to Xie Lian, never told him of the ways it was false or not as bad as it sounds.
At times, he even went as far as to do the opposite, one example being when Xie Lian said he’d heard rumors of eming (to which Hua Cheng responds, “like how it’s evil, forged from the blood of a living sacrifice?”); when Xie Lian brushed them off as only rumors that shouldn’t be taken at face value, Hua Cheng only smiled (in the donghua at least, we couldn’t see his reaction in the novel considering Xie Lian’s back was to him), and didn’t say anything else on the matter, not refuting or confirming whether it was true, nor proving the details that would surely paint him in a much better light than Xie Lian’s colleagues had.
He’s always let Xie Lian form his own opinions on things, and that includes himself.
Much like the novels themselves, Hua Cheng takes a very “show don’t tell” approach to things. He doesn’t need to tell Xie Lian he can trust him, that he’d never harm him, and that he has reasons for doing what he does. Xie Lian already knows this. He’s shown it to him in his actions. If he had to say the words for Xie Lian to believe him, he’d have seen it as a failure to live up to them. It’s very in character for him imo—he hates hypocrisy and hates when people say one thing and then do another. So it makes sense that he would simply sit back and trust that Xie Lian would see him for who he is.
It’s all very similar to the fact that they don’t say “I love you” throughout all eight books (which I absolutely adore and I’ll make a separate post on soon).
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