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My other oc blog was getting full and so here we are! 28/FSiberite Akagane WoL (Monk main until post Endwalker) // Demos Reyes WoL (White Mage and Machinist) // Anthea The Moon Watcher (Ancient, not an Azem)I’m not the best at tagging, I do try my best though!, so please be warned for potential spoilers.Header by @ziorre!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
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"Nothing can be forgotten. Nothing can be lost. The universe itself is one vast memory system. Look back and you will find the beginnings of the world."
—Jeanette Winterson, Lighthousekeeping
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hythlodaeus-mynewoldfriend · 12 hours ago
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Phoenix (FFXVI) and Starbird (FFXIV) sticker! CBU3's beloved birds.
I made these to give away at the FFXVI x FFXIV special Distant Worlds concert.
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hythlodaeus-mynewoldfriend · 23 hours ago
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reblog if you want your followers to ask you anything they're curious about.
With Siberite taking on Ardbert's soul, does this have any implications for her relationship with Thancred? Or have they not really discussed it?
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Ohhh very interesting! Thank you for asking! That there do be a situation haha
It was something that was almost not discussed by the two of them, as initially there was more relief from her not dying. The more he thought about it though the more he felt a bit off about it. It wasn't unknown that Sib and Ardbert had a fling back in post-HW, but it also wasn't really talked about. There was a bit of jealousy there because of that relationship especially when Sib made mention that at the time she almost left the Scions to join Ardbert in his crusade, something that wasn't known to anyone but the two of them. All of it further complicated with the learning of the whole soul situation, so trying to then wrap one's head around the sharing of souls between the two of them and with Demos.
There was almost a more long term separation between Thancred and Sib, because it was a lot. However like other times before he turned to Demos to try and talk it out make sense of it, which put things a little more in perspective. The first being despite the shared soul all three of them were their own person with different wants, needs, and personalities, which is what makes a person. The second being that Thancred needs to actually sit and come to terms with Sib having had other relationships during the time that they weren't together, that some of them had benefits (despite the heartbreak of some of them) in making her into the person she is today, and that he had the power the entire time to make his feelings known to her, so while some jealousy is understandable he's using it to mask self blame and he needs to stop doing that/accept mistakes made. The third thing was that Thancred had to look at what Ardbert did without the relationship he had with Sib. Look at who Ardbert was as a person and he'd find that even if that romantic angle wasn't there he'd make the same choice to save her, to be a hero. A choice that both Demos and Thancred would have also done if they were able to.
It was after that the two were able to really talk about it and discuss where to go from there. Which came down to that they wouldn't talk about it much, but there is a thankfulness for it having happened. And soon joked about how guess it made sense Sib was so willing to join him back in post-HW cause they were more connected than they knew at the time. The only time its really thought about deeply on Thancred's end is the wondering on if he had a past life, were they still in love back then? Were they fated to meet and fall in love every time? Because its not just Sib he has a deep connection with, he has one with Demos and while that's platonic its still the same soul. Thancred can confidently say that of those living he's the one that knows this "Azem" better than anyone. Its not a thought that comes up often but now and then it does, and came up once again post-EW having heard about Anthea and Hyth's reborn souls finding one another and falling in love all over again.
And to answer the unspoken question that's probably been raised: No, Thancred isn't a past love of Deimos nor Phobos. While I do hc that some of the Scion's having shards/ancient counter parts I don't put much thought into it as it never feels relevant. Not only that, while he has had sex a few times with a very select few people Deimos is ace both sexually and romantically, and there was never any partners long term/beyond the sexual encounters. Phobos for obvious reasons also did not take on any lovers. So no Thancred and Sib are not fated lovers in that regard like Hyth and Anthea. Fated friends is a possibility though, I just again never put much thought into that aspect as there's little relevance to the story currently.
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Matching your freak is beautiful and all but what you really need is a boy who's infatuated with your freak. Down bad for your freak. Deeply intrigued by your freak. Eager to see more of your freak. Supportive of your freak. Gets bricked up witnessing your freak, even.
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reblog if you want your followers to ask you anything they're curious about.
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a far sky
Prints // Twitter // Bsky // Goodshop
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SE put a Bloodborne character into XIV, and made her into the coolest person I've ever met
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shhhhh that's non canon
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The Princess Bride (1987) dir. Rob Reiner
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Collection of dumb FFXIV AO3 tags I've made.
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Working from home means I get to paint Soft Raubahn TM while I listen to a professional development lecture
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Sponsors Wanted!
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Savage gear is pretty expensive, and so I am seeking sponsors for Johnny's upcoming debut in the Arcadion Cruiserweight division! In exchange, I would love to take photos of your WoL and their friends!
Base price is 2 mil, though the simpler stuff like memes and Discord stickers are half price. A scene with 3 people or more is +1 mil per extra character.
You can send me a .mcdf or .chara file through Discord, link it to me on Google Drive, or if you're on console I can meet up with you in-game to get your appearance data!
On Offer:
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Use as a social media banner, or set these up on Tomestone.gg and then flex them using !me new in any Discord server with Kupo Bot!
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Couples' Photos!
Tell me about your WoL and their partner or best friend, and I'll capture their relationship in film!
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Action Shots!
Have a funny moment from raid, a cool MSQ headcanon, or a fanfic scene you want to see realized? Tell me and I can can bring them to life!
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Put yourself, your friends, or your favorite NPCs onto internet in-jokes!
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Discord Stickers!
Transparent emoticons of your WoL or an NPC to use in your server! Get your raid leader's look of disapproval on demand!
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SPECIAL OFFER: Magic the Gathering Cards!
Put yourself into the upcoming Final Fantasy set! I can throw this in as an add-on if your commission fits into the frame well.
If you're interested, you can send me the details here!
I'm excited to meet your character!
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when the lover takes the beloved’s hand and presses it against their chest where their heart is. or when the beloved takes the lover’s hand and presses it against their cheek.. i was going somewhere with this
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