#siberite headcanon
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hythlodaeus-mynewoldfriend · 3 months ago
What might your OC wear at a social occasion when they needed to (whether they liked it or not) make the most dramatic impression possible? Would they need help picking out something appropriate?
Demos would wear a nice suit though one he didn't really pick out himself. Demos is a very practical man and his clothes reflect that, so he only has like one suit and its just plain and not really anything to write home about. Man would need someone else coughsib,thancred,andtatarucough to pick it out/make it. And what's funny about him is that for being so practical about clothes he's also very picky about them. It would drive people up a wall if they didn't have access to stuff being made custom, like truly Demos is the man that when he finds a shirt he like he gets like five in different colors (ish) and it will stay his wardrobe until it falls apart. Actually you should have seen him on the First and shopping that first few days because he had nothing with him. In the end though you'd end up with something like below the cut
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There would be variation in colors and patterns/designs of the embroidery, along with accessories worn, but to give a general idea what the consensus would be with others picking his look. If you left him to his own devices you'd end up with the following, all of which probably don't fit the best because he just bought them off the rack rather than getting properly fitted (and he would have only spent like 100 of the gil out of the couple thousand that was given to him with nothing on sale).
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Sib would have no problem dressing to make the most dramatic impression. She grew up knowing no other way to dress. The difficulty may be due to lack of funds if its pre-ShB as she's not in contact with her parents and is therefore not able to access the wealth she would need, it would also lie in the audience. Is it her mother and other nobles? A little trickier as she's known for it hard to up the ante. Is it in Ishgard? Then she needs to tone it down a bit. Is it on the First? She needs to first learn the common styles and what would subvert expectations. Overall though she knows how to and would end up in something that is covered in rhinestones, metals, embroidered, made with shiny silk, two piece more than likely, and just so over the top you know right off the bat it cost a couple thousand gil. Things like below
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If you want more subdued versions they're like these
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and in Endwalker when she sees her parents for the first time in 3.5 years she wears the following outfit with a bit more jewelry and some other differences but it makes the Scions that were there jaws drop as it was the first time seeing her all glamed up.
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Sib’s name came after a lot of thinking on her past and her family and who her parents were. Her full name is Siberite Akagane, Siberite for the gemstone that is the same purple as her hair and it is believed to have meaning of giving of hope which means the stone can help with feelings of anxiety and depression. But I did find out later there is the word Sybarite which is someone that has a fondness for luxury and that was a happy accident. The last name Akagane is from game lore and means rose gold which fit as Sib’s family found their fortune in a rose gold mine and since expanded to other rare gems and metals. Her mother wanted to have her kids named after things in the business for uniqueness and to remind them of who they were. Sib’s brother is named Palladium and it is due to the properties of the metal in being something that’s very supportive of many components in life. 
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Demos’ name was picked due to the idea of just sound. Like I knew what kind of shape the name made in my mouth and I went from there. Demos means of the people which being a WoL fits. His last name Reyes came from me knowing I wanted him to be associated with rays of light. Translations put it as meaning king or royalty I picked it more based on the sound that was similar to how rays is prounounced in Spanish. I don’t think his name is lore compliant but I picked meaning and symbolism over canon lore.
Anthea was a name they picked out for themselves once they were able to make it known and they loved flowers and this was a name that would help represent that. Anthea was the goddess of vegetation, gardens, blossoms, especially worshipped in spring and near lowlands and marshlands, favorable to the growth of vegetation.  Their name is canon lore compliant given the society’s Geek roots and connection to the gods though their name is the Roman spelling. 
Deimos was another funny accident in that my friend had finished playing AC and said there was the temptation to spell Demos’ name with the i because of the game. When I looked it up later I found it to be the god of fear, dread, and terror which since he was Azem was funny. But it grew on me and it helps a lot with some stuff in ShB due to the twin soul situation that his name be so close to Demos’. But to add onto that Deimos also has another god associated with him named Phobos and they embody the same kind of message, which also funny to work in with the splitting himself in two. His name also feels canon lore compliant in its Greek roots and connection to the gods.
WoL QotD: What made you choose your WoL's name? Does it have any important meaning or did it just sound nice?
Follow up: Is it lore accurate? If it isn't, why not?
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hythlodaeus-mynewoldfriend · 4 months ago
9) How does your OC handle their physical health? Do they take care of themselves? (For whomever calls to you!)
Hmmm this is a bit of a toughie of a question as there are different ways this can be interpreted. But nevertheless let's see where this takes us shall we? I only answered for Sib this time.
When it comes to overall health she does take care in it that comes more from habits formed growing up simply due to her mother putting more emphasis on her appearance and part of conventional beauty standards is how skinny one is. So while Sib was never stick thin she certainly never got any chubbier than what she is today. She didn't do much exercise so most of it came down to her diet which leans into the more balanced meal, though at this stage in the game it is simply bigger portions due to the fighting and training. So in that regard she is caring for herself.
When she is ill/sick this is harder to for her to do as she insists on doing what she can still despite physically being incapable. She doesn't get sick often but when she does man is she sick sick. She will need to be bed bound for like a week, there's stuffy nose, fever, muscle aches, the whole shebang, so she really should not be doing anything at all but she will try because she's just stubborn and its "not that bad".
There is another aspect to this that may apply but may not depending on who you ask, but there was a time where Sib gave no regard for her safety or physical well being just kind of letting whatever happens happen. This was due to the events at the end of ARR from her reality that she created about being a hero was smashed, her friends missing and having felt so powerless to save them, to eventually the loss of Haurchefaunt. She was a mess and really had a hard time seeing any point in going on, only doing so because people needed her and she was being placed into actively dangerous situations where it was possible she wouldn't make it. There was a lot of suicidal ideation there and had she not had Demos with her in battles she very well could have found herself dead in any one of those fights. This isn't even touching on how much she drank and how often she found herself being carried out of taverns by Demos and/or Haurchefaunt, though even then she'd end up at some random person's place or room where just about anything could happen especially for an aura. So no she wasn't taking care of herself during this time period, she had so little regard for it that if it wasn't for having people around her to keep up an act for and actively care about her wellbeing for her she wouldn't have made it out of HW.
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At the start of the game events none of them do. The only one who (currently) has kids of their own genetics is Demos. Down the line when all seems a bit safer in the world and Doma has been more rebuilt he and Yugiri have 1 or two kids. A few more under the cut for length and potential spoilers. I did keep it vague though.
Sib and Thancred don’t other than Ryne (even then its a little complicated with her feelings towards being called a mom for a long while with it, but will never deny or correct Ryne otherwise if that’s the term she wishes to use in relation to Sib ever). Sib doesn’t want kids and is unsure on if she ever will. She’s not closed off to the idea and more than likely she would have one to continue on her family line. She will absolutely love that child, but would rather be the parent her parents weren’t when she and her brother were growing up, which does mean putting away the adventures and daring missions for a long while and she’s not ready to do that yet. At most currently the two will take on a stray or more and those will be their kids. Frankly their ending does have them becoming mentors/parents/guardians for many adventurers that come into the Rising Stones or some other location.
Anthea and Hyth don’t have any kids. There just isn’t the time. There was a desire to have them and at one point they tried to make it happen, but it just wasn’t happening. It didn’t get them down though and took to a notion of “If its going to happen it will and if it doesn’t then I am still in love and happy with the life we have currently.” Had time gone on I would have seen them adopting a child more than their own genetics. Frankly a buddy of mine finds it very sad that they don’t get enough time to figure out or really have that choice in life. I can bring comfort in that there is an AU where Thea steals bird child away and is then cared and raised by Thea and Hyth. Their sundered selves being a whole other thing but that one is a little hmmm to me currently no kids of their own. They are simply the happy couple that lives down the street that everyone goes to for whatever they need because their home just feels safe and comforting.
Stasia is one that I am still a little unsure of. In her og universe she had a daughter and her bloodline continued on. But I haven’t decided if its something that happened or happens potentially down the line. Having it be a past thing wouldn’t be so far fetched due to her being over 300 years old, but its an unknown at this point and the only other one to have a kid. Unless I decide Carly should be carrying Zenos’ kid then its a different story.
Does your WoL have children? Do they want any?
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hythlodaeus-mynewoldfriend · 11 months ago
For the relationship ask game: Siberite and Lyse!
Ah yes the two impulsive women. Back when Lyse was still Yda she was much more in the line of excited friendship as she was in on the secret but never made it known and Sib was happy to go along with it. Sib didn't have many friends growing up and Lyse reminded her of the girls she envied back in Thavnair that lived their lives with little care in the world. The two grew together in Stormblood as it was really at that point that war was becoming a very real and tangible thing to Sib, they all seemed pretty fantastical in a way prior, very hero centered. The two were also learning what it meant to be a leader and know when you must admit your shortcomings and work with others to make up for them.
Sib looks up to Lyse in her journey and finding herself behind the mask and expectations that come from an older sibling that is no longer there. The lessons didn't stick at first but it was something Sib needed to see in action as she was still trying to figure herself out now that she was no longer the younger child to a noble family having taken on the expectations of her older brother, then no longer a noble lady, no longer being this idealized, fantasy hero she became in ARR. She felt a bit lost and seeing someone else go through something similar gave her hope that she wasn't really lost forever, there was a her somewhere inside she just had to work to find her.
I do need to go back and think on them more because there's a lot there with their similarities and coming into their own. However I will end it on this note, they loved to have their sparring matches and Sib learned just as much on how to be a monk from Lyse as she did from the monk master. And Sib still needs to tell her just why she ran away from home because its still bugging Lyse because was she running away from an engagement? Came to find a lost love her parents never approved of? She needs to know okay.
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hythlodaeus-mynewoldfriend · 11 months ago
Thrapt: Being awed at the impact someone has had on your life, feeling intimidated by how profoundly they helped shape your identity.
(for any/all)
Thank you for asking! I did the main three for you! And while technically Sib and Demos would be the number one answer for both of them so I decided I'd discuss the second answer for both of them.
She's always surprised how much of an impact Emet-Selch on her in a positive way. Yes he did....a lot that she will need to work through in the years to come, however! he changed her perspective on mourning and remembering those she has lost. She acknowledges that he took it to an extreme but she was on the extreme on the other side with forgetting those she had lost and acting as if they never existed. Yes they would be mentioned but she could tune it out and act like it was effecting her like how it should but outside of that she repressed all memories. He showed her the importance of remembering and how it can be a strength rather than a weakness.
He gets surprised how much Thancred became an influence in his life. Demos didn't really want him as a friend, Thancred just kind of attached himself to him since they're the same age and Demos is more likely to be convinced to go out and have a fun time. But as the two got to know one another they found they vibed really well (and no the irony isn't lost on Demos that the one person with a matching soul is dating the man). Demos was always pretty quiet and more wanting to stay close to home but here was this person that was the opposite of him pushing him out of his comfort zone in the best way possible to a point that Demos feels comfortable with going out on adventures albeit on his own terms but he's not as dependent on being close to home like he once was. Frankly the first time you see Thancred having some influence on him was Demos being convinced to keep his face scars and keeping a confidence with them.
There is part of Anthea that forever will feel undeserving of Hythlodaeus as he changed the course of their life since the moment they met. He never pushed Anthea to be anyone but themselves but always offered a hand to help guide them to the doors and windows they could take, as sad as it is, Anthea was at a point they could find the options on their own before the Final Days happened. Which is seen in Anthea rejecting Hades' offer to take on the seat of Halmarut during the Final Days.
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👌 = Does your muse thing they are/would be a good parent?
Demos thinks he would. Not perfect, but enough for his kid whatever that might entail. He had two very loving parents and so he doesn't have many of the bad habits that other ocs would have. He does want the settled down family life, it is an end goal for him. When that will be is the question!
Anthea takes awhile to even think they're worthy of Hyth, but when they do get to the point of being able to accept that they can be imperfect and still wanted/have worth they do turn their thoughts to maybe starting a family. They know they'd be nervous and wanting so badly to do everything perfect but with Hyth at their side they'd be able to be a good parent. The two did try for a little while to have a child but it wasn't in the cards for them and they left it as a thing of "Well if it happens it happens. A child isn't needed for our lives to feel complete, but it will be all the sweeter if one did come around.". In Bird Parent AU Anthea is a very patient, loving, and empathetic kind of parent to Meteion. They had high expectations for themselves in Meteion's recovery and mental well being, but they didn't meet their goals. However considering where they started great strides were made in a matter of six months!
Siberite is an answer in that she feels she'd be a better influence on a child than a parent. Parenthood kind of scares her and is something she currently doesn't want as she wants to experience the world. She knows she most likely will have to become a parent but she wants it to be on her terms and wants to be in a place in life to fully commit to it. She wants to not be like her parents and be there for her kid in all ways that hers never were, she wants to just be the best she can be and she can't be she feels. This is also a woman that would rather Ryne not refer to her as a mother figure in any way (but lets her if that's how Ryne wants to see her because who is she to dictate that), because she feels she wasn't like that in anyway and again the idea of being a parent kind of terrifies her.
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hythlodaeus-mynewoldfriend · 11 months ago
Sib is very familiar and well versed in politics, high society, high quality clothing and jewelry, and gems and minerals. However because she was not wanting people to know she was high society she didn't speak up if something seemed wrong in ARR, a mistake that bit her in the ass but also in her defense no one asked her opinion on things like that. It wasn't until HW and the crew was discussing things and since she was still under "house arrest" (aka dragon girl cannot go outside into city that hates dragons) she finally piped in with her own solution that impressed the Count because it took the class aspect and politics of Ishgard into consideration and was exactly what he was going to say (This was also how he made his case that this was the missing Lady from Thavnair). Everyone was shocked she shrugged it off and it turned into there being a few times while Alphie was still trying to get his groove back in speaking with people that they at one point had her listening in through a link pearl and telling him what to say. They did this with Demos too and it was much needed since that is not his forte at all.
Demos is anytime they picked Alphie's art over his! He's spent decades honing his craft and he's damn good at what he does and it stings a little to know no one wants to use his art for whatever bs reason is needed for the story to be a bit funny. He admits he didn't know Gosetsu well enough to draw him from memory but he knew how to draw Yugiri amazingly there would be no guessing about it. Thancred was very pleased that Demos got his good side and was also disappointed everyone else used Alphie's picture and not Demos'. And in ShB he is so upsetti that he gets dubbed the assistant because they assumed that since Alphie handed over his journal since he's the better speaker that it was Alphie's work and not his. He just wants his work to be appreciated is all!
#wolqotd! Was there ever a specific moment where the story touched on a topic your character is intimately familiar with or even an expert on? Did they grit their teeth and stay silent, or did you headcanon an entirely different take on the situation?
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92% for sib & demos (have i ever asked you a question on tumblr rather than discord? lord help)
Oh my it has been a hot minute my friend! But here we are! Thank you for sending one in! Let’s get to it!
92%. Is your character particularly confident? Does their confidence level change if less people are around?
She is very confident in many parts of herself. From her physical appearance to her diplomatic skills to her ability to get others to pay for things on her behalf. It almost is a stubborn kind of confidence, like it just comes from the fact that she's too stubborn to let anyone tell her she can't. She will go and go until she decides she can't anymore. This is useful when she runs away from home finally and everyone in Ul'dah says she can't but she knows she can, she knows she can be capable of doing the fighting if they just let her show them. The only time she really starts to doubt her skills are with the time in the ending of ARR into Heavensward, she'll still put on the show that she's the best and capable at everything but there's so much more pressure and attention to detail in her actions.
In terms of people being around it doesn't effect her confidence anymore. She used to be less confident in bigger crowds just due to the fact she never could say the right thing or follow the right etiquette and it would result in some lecture from her mother, so she just kind of stayed quiet if possible and away from most people at the party. Her parents really are about the only ones that will make her confidence falter at this point. They just bring about this sense of smallness for her and can make her feel like she's not doing enough or just doing everything wrong. It was something she was unaware would still effect her until she sees them once again in EW and completely shut down. Though she should have seen that it was possible considering her reaction (or lack there of) to what the twins' dad did.
He's more confident in skills that leave a result. That never changes, he will always have that confidence. The man knows his worth in that regard. He is less confident in his ability with words. He never was much of a talker and always had a habit of fumbling over them and feeling like no one understands him when he tries to explain something. He thinks very visually and he doesn't have the words to describe certain things, much rather why he would prefer to make his feelings. He also isn't confident in his looks, he doesn't think himself unattractive, Demos just finds himself more awkward. He's on the taller side and a bit bulkier and doesn't have grace. He's tripping, bumping into people/things, letting things slip from his hands, and just you would have a hard time believing he could hold a writing utensil or paint brush with such a precise and steady hand.
This does get worse with people around as more can witness his insecurities and its why he tries to stay more in the background of things. He was absolutely not happy about becoming the new face of the WoL since it involved much more talking than both Sib and Alphie let on, and Alphie was already doubting his own skills that made Demos having to speak more on their behalf. Frankly he was fine risking the heresy with Sib handling the leaders of Ishgard if it meant he didn't have to do public speaking. Crowds will not effect his artistry and in fact he wants you to see what he's capable of, unless its from his personal sketchbooks then you gotta ask first.
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98%. Would your character have a social media account? Do they? Why or why not? How often do they update their status? How many friends do they have? + for siberite and carly?
Liz you picked the two girlies that would be all over social media! So the short answer is yes both Carly and Sib would have social media accounts. We already know Carly in her original verse is an Instagram Queen™️ and she would be no different if it was a thing in FF.
Carly would probably have two different socials though. I would think a Twitter and an Insta. She's got so many followers but only follows like 5 people, three of which have never did more than put a profile pic up and their name, one is just memes, and the last her social media frienemy :) She's posting multiple times a day, she's got the good shots on insta, she's starting discourse on Twitter, she's defending her enemy and hating on her in the next tweet. Her insta photos and videos are about her day to day life and just showing off. Like you may have never followed her but you for sure have seen her posts in like screenshots on tumblr at some point or another. So you know of her but nothing more than that.
Sib on the other hand has almost all fun social media in some capacity. Her youtube channel has gone through phases and is abandoned for months or years until she posts a video about some far away land. Her insta is the same way but the time between is less, she never does stories though. Twitter is thoughts and some activism. She's on tumblr doing asks and reblogging the memes and art, it keeps her most in tune with how people are seeing her and the Scions. She loves seeing the art and stories people post. She's got this influencer kind of aesthetic but is chill like some of the active celebs on tumblr. Like she's promoting a restaurant with a nice aesthetic picture only for the little video of it to be with the chef and they're having a nice time. She also does not expect her food to be free (if she has a date they will pay but other than that she's paying and giving nice tips). She follows a few people but they are close people to her irl and hardly anyone from online spaces. Carly likes to believe they are in a rivalry but really its one sided and they do band together when its needed and warranted.
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💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? (For Siberite!)
Ah thank you!
Sib is a fairly heavy sleeper. She can be woken when you’re actively trying to do so but she’s not light enough where almost anything wakes her. If it does she’s waking just enough to maybe mumble something but is quickly falling back asleep. In cases where Thancred wakes in the middle of the night because of nightmares she half wakes up to at least wrap her arms around him and tell him that she’s there and she’s going to protect him. This usually ends in her falling back asleep with her face pressed into his back.
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Anthea had to witness the downfall and degradation of one of their best friends and of others they once knew. Watch and see the lengths they would go to in order to bring back the past. Helpless to getting through to any of them. Helpless as they heard the cries that would come from the souls within Zodiark with each rejoining that also called for freedom and peace. Hear the lament and worry that should the Ascian's succeed that they would have to once again witness the downfall of man and be almost helpless to stop any of it. They have a worse fate in the AUs where Anthea is an Ascian, having gone back to the past and being close to killing Hermes in front of the warrior and Hyth who knows its them despite the different face and in their despair give enough power for Meteion to run away to the edge of the universe with them where they then spend another 13k plus years in their despair and loneliness. Those same emotions that would give rise to the Final Days within the game that they wanted to never happen again.
trigger warning for passing mentions of abuse, suicide, and sexual assult
For Carly and Stasia its the murders and war crimes really. But Carly a bit more specifically murdered her mother because of how abusive she was, starving and beating her for starters, and had it not been for her finding the dark knight stone she would have killed herself in the ocean. While Stasia not wanting to find out just how old she can live for has ritualistically killed 3 young mages every decade or so about a decade after meeting Emet-Selch as a way to prolong her youth, beauty, and power fresh, for a bit more context she's been alive since the War of the Magi, about 3,000 years or so.
Siberite was gaslight her whole childhood in regards to her brother having ever existed after his death. On top of that Sib spent a lot of her teens and young adult years trying to find a suitor and not all were close in age to her. While her mother would have waited to actually marry her off to the older gentlemen, it didn't stop them from trying to make subtle passes at her. It thankfully never went anywhere past groping or the pressure for a single kiss it still left its mark on her. After that it was bearing witness to the world as it was having been sheltered and it was a bit of a shock for her to say the least. And the Final Days hitting her home of Thavnair first was a big thing!
Demos grew up and lived in the Shroud and bore witness to the after effects of the fall of Dalamud. Once with the Scions he then contends with the guilt that piles on from being unable to save an old friend, knowing that he was taking on the light for Sib and still being ineffective against her getting hurt, even thinking he himself is the problem at times, and the end of the world which also resulted in his soul twin's death.
Because I am a little hobgoblin and I love to read about peoples' OC's, I wanted to chuck out a random WoLQotD that I didn't want to use as a single ask for my drive: What, in your opinion, is the most horrific thing about your character's story? Is it who they are and how they treat the world? Is it where they came from; the wars, political divide, state of their family, etc. Is it the magic they wield/was it an event that defined them?
I love a little horror/angst in my worldbuilding, so I want to hear yours.
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Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
Thank you for asking! I just did the core 4!
Siberite: Oh 100% she is a romantic at heart and its what got her in a little trouble in ARR when it came to Thancred. Granted the woman only had one relationship before him which had a very secretive element to it and it ended with him leaving to join the Radiant Host to try and make something of himself to be worthy of a Lady like her. While she's more of a realist now she's still wanting that epic romantic adventureous love. A wedding is kind of a nice bonus but she's not sure anymore if she wants one or how big it would be, though would have a big one to appease her mother if and when she ever comes around to accepting Thancred.
Demos: Oh he's a romantic also he's just the silent artist kind. He wants a partner, to settle down, have a little ceremony, a family of some kind the whole thing. He was just a small town boy and has that kind of mentality.
Anthea: They didn't really have any dreams about love. It wasn't something they were looking for and really wanted to focus more on making something that was worthy of the Star first as if they could do that then maybe they would be worthy of having love. They are such a slow to warm person in being open with all of themselves but once you get to that point they will want you in their life for a long time.
Deimos: He doesn't have dreams of any kind of romantic love. Really he's more striving for the love from people around him. He wants to be loved for who he is and not who he's related to, his natural talents, or position in society.
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how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone? || siberite 👀
Ahhh! Thank you! Love talking about baby girl #1!
Sib is very action based in that she will do something for a person. This can range from running an errand to stepping in front of them in battle. You will just see it happening. She does also more so show she cares by sitting next to you, listening, and holding your hand (if it’s okay with the person), or slight variations. This is a big comfort thing for her when others do it to make her feel better so in turn she believes it will also help someone out. It’s also the most unconscious thing she will do to show care for a person as she never knew just why it felt comforting, she finds out eventually that it was what her brother did when she was upset because he didn’t want her to go through rough times alone like he did at her age.
I will also note that if you have a more hm how to put this antagonist/rocky start to your relationship with her you can tell she likes and cares for you by how much she will poke the bear so to speak. It can be some light teasing but also more so is asking questions and trying to get them to open up. RIP to Stasia but she’s now her favorite problematic blorbo.
Which leads into the fact that if she doesn’t like you she will pretty much tell you or be very blatant in her actions towards you. She will give the cold shoulder. She will stare you down. She will snap at you. She will tell you she doesn’t like you. The jokes and teasing are always punctuated with a tone that is very mean girl-esque. This can change and there’s very few people that will stay on the end of this dislike train coughLahabreacough But yeah. She doesn’t like games and will let you know straight up.
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Demos no, he's staying the same overall with just a change in some attire to better suit the climate.
Siberite is not only having her annual outfit change but she will be shifting to Viper. She's already picked up samurai post EW and with the latest weapon for it having two swords well it just seems like a natural progression if she's been there for awhile with Thanny, which also helps with it using scouting gear too.
FFXIV Daily Question n°128 : With Dawntrail new classes and the hrotgirls being a reality, do you intend to swap classes and races for your character(s) canon ?
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Has your OC ever taken on a secret identity or used a disguise to achieve their aims?
Beyond some of the msq moments where it calls for you to pretend to be someone else this is actually a big part of Sib's story, and something that Phobos did to an extent. Below the cut for potential spoilers and length.
I'll start with Phobos as its shorter, but they went back to Amaurot in the time just before the sundering hoping to do a little damage control for Deimos and at least let Emet and Anthea know he was okay and alive still. When getting there though Phobos finds out about the future and Emet's end, and that hurt to know that their brother essentially lets his grief be the end of him. However, because no one knew Phobos was even a thing Hydaelyn told them that they're the unknown factor so maybe they do something to change the future, maybe they don't. Hearing this Phobos continues on with the intention of pretending to be Deimos if it became to late because maybe Emet didn't see his brother and that's what led him down this path of grief. Easy to do since they look like Deimos save for their personal style and eyes. When the sundering happens and Phobos ends up being the one to push the unsundered into the rift they speak to Emet as if they are Deimos and as far as Emet knew that was his brother who's last act was to save him and express how he has faith in Emet to lead the people onward to a better tomorrow. It is a very short moment but one that feels needs to be said, as Phobos would much rather let themselves be forgotten or never known if it means helping more people.
Sib's whole start of story is her running away from home to a place where no one knows who she is, and she intends to keep it that way as much as she can. So in an effort to keep her high born status under further secrecy she changed how she dressed, her hair color, and even her accent, along with opting to never disclose her last name. She wants to be known for who she is behind the title and she does a damn good job of it with only a few people knowing for sure who she is (Minfilia, Thancred, Urianger, Y'shtola, Lyse, Count Edmont, and Aymeric, Estinien and Alphie after HW), until you get to EW and she kind of has to let it be known. Even books of the future that G'raha read never made mention of her Lady status.
Its imperative to her to have some kind of outside identity as she doesn't know who she is outside of being a Lady and she knows there has to be someone there she just can't find her and she definitely won't find her if everyone treats her a certain way because of her status or she gets ratted out to her parents because her mom was offering up a nice reward for bringing Sib home. The goal was attained, she finds who she is and is all the better for it.
How people find out though at different times of the story are as follows:
The og Scions (Minfilia, Thancred, Y'shtola, Urianger, Lyse, Tataru, and Papalymo) know because her mother sent a letter asking for their help in locating her as a hail mary i am determined to find my daughter one way or another kind of deal. While it's not made a priority, they keep a general eye out, with Thancred finding her and letting Minfilia know. By that time though Hydaelyn was letting it be known to Minfilia that Sib needed to stay with them and not go back home, so she wasn't sent away and didn't make it a deal to acknowledge it.
Alphie, Count Edmont, Aymeric, Haurchefaunt, and Estinien find out because Count Edmont thought her face familiar looking, which it was because there were posters making their way among some high society with Sib's face (yes her mother went overboard) and really put time into confirming Sib's identity when he saw her and Haurchefaunt get close because it would ensure a higher status for his son that couldn't ever really be more than a bastard. Basically knowing that her parents would grant him that title of Lord more officially and so he sent a letter inquiring to her mother on if there were any engagements or anything Sib ran away from and to make arrangements to wed the two. It did lead to conversations with Aymeric about it, and it was during a dinner that it was brought up around Alphie and he found out that way. Alphie though didn't want to believe it because she certainly didn't act like her title and that's his friend, she surely would tell him. After more thought he understood, and frankly kicked himself a little for not figuring it out sooner since there were obvious signs the entire time. Estinien found out because once finding out that Sib had befriended Aymeric her mother sent the man....so many letters asking him to take her daughter's hand in marriage. Estinien heard the grumbling from Aymeric and took some time out from his travels to go to Thavnair and attempt to strong arm Sib's mother into stopping her letter writing (it didn't last long).
By EW Krile finds out a bit first because Sib didn't want to make waves right away in Sharlayan so she tried to switch out paperwork so it had the correct information on who she was to save the hassle of "Why did you lie on your identification?" that probably would have ensued. By the time you get to Thavnair and its after the Tower of Zot when you get the boxes of talismans that everyone else that wasn't in on it finds out, because her mother was not letting her daughter leave Thavnair without seeing her parents and so she held a box hostage to make her come to dinner. Gig was up she had to tell them all that yes she's a Lady and she had been the whole time, she just never thought they'd ever end up in Thavnair so didn't say anything. Ali still has a hard time believing it until getting to her house and its kind of hard not to believe it at that point. Raha was thoroughly confused as to how that information was never recorded anywhere or that no one else put the two together. Demos also feels a little bamboozled cause he should have known and its like the one thing he kept missing in his observations with her. Everyone thought that man was in on it from the start but he wasn't and kept accidently turning a blind eye to it all.
The only other person to know who Sib is and her identity from the start was Godbert Manderville, and that is simply because he and his wife had attended some of her family's parties as she was growing up. So he knew what she looked like even with the dyed hair, but he understood why she was hiding. His son would have known if her hair hadn't been a different color other than its natural purple.
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