#siberite headcanon
Sib's thoughts on Yugiri
Imma be real with you here, Sib did not give Yugiri her full attention when she first came to the Scions. its not that Sib didn't feel sympathy and didn't want to help she was just very much in her own little world where she was trying to handle her own problems, aka her relationship with Thancred. This didn't leave the best first impression on Yugiri but the woman could see Sib meant well just was always preoccupied, and admittedly Sib did give her a cold shoulder for a week after Leviathan because she was convinced that she and Thancred were havin' some fun. Sib was very shallow and selfish and that didn't reflect well on anyone.
Fast forward to the Heavensward and Sib is very grateful for her having kept Tataru safe and becoming their eyes and ears. Yugiri checked up on Demos and that was something Sib didn't think to do and looking back is pretty sure that had Yugiri not done that he would have left after Haurchefaunt's death and stayed gone. Yugiri much like Demos became this source of stability and reassurance in a very turbulent time for her. She was genuinely sad that Yugiri had to leave to go back to Doma as she felt she missed her chance to get to know her and treat her like she should have when they first met.
In Stormblood she did take the time to speak with her more and felt a connection in their shared experiences of being a stranger in a strange land looking the way they do, especially up in Coerthas. There was a friendship there and understanding in her anger and wanting to do all they could to win back their home, but it wasn't all serious. It was through these conversations that Sib found out how much Yugiri liked Demos and he was pretty obvious in his feelings so it made her go into matchmaker mode, which didn't pan out quite like she hoped (yes in her mind at some point the two of them would kiss on the battlefield confessing their love and then promptly kick some ass).
The two overall get a long really well, but there's an acknowledgement that they just aren't quite two people that mesh for the same kind of relationship that Yugiri and Demos have as friends, before the feelings kicked in. Sib is also very happy for the two of them and finally getting together and enjoying their time with one another. She does ask that Demos let her have a role in the wedding though because she felt she contributed a lot to their relationship happening (yes on the flip side Thancred also thinks he played a big role. No neither of them really did but you try telling them that).
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For the relationship ask game: Siberite and Lyse!
Ah yes the two impulsive women. Back when Lyse was still Yda she was much more in the line of excited friendship as she was in on the secret but never made it known and Sib was happy to go along with it. Sib didn't have many friends growing up and Lyse reminded her of the girls she envied back in Thavnair that lived their lives with little care in the world. The two grew together in Stormblood as it was really at that point that war was becoming a very real and tangible thing to Sib, they all seemed pretty fantastical in a way prior, very hero centered. The two were also learning what it meant to be a leader and know when you must admit your shortcomings and work with others to make up for them.
Sib looks up to Lyse in her journey and finding herself behind the mask and expectations that come from an older sibling that is no longer there. The lessons didn't stick at first but it was something Sib needed to see in action as she was still trying to figure herself out now that she was no longer the younger child to a noble family having taken on the expectations of her older brother, then no longer a noble lady, no longer being this idealized, fantasy hero she became in ARR. She felt a bit lost and seeing someone else go through something similar gave her hope that she wasn't really lost forever, there was a her somewhere inside she just had to work to find her.
I do need to go back and think on them more because there's a lot there with their similarities and coming into their own. However I will end it on this note, they loved to have their sparring matches and Sib learned just as much on how to be a monk from Lyse as she did from the monk master. And Sib still needs to tell her just why she ran away from home because its still bugging Lyse because was she running away from an engagement? Came to find a lost love her parents never approved of? She needs to know okay.
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Thrapt: Being awed at the impact someone has had on your life, feeling intimidated by how profoundly they helped shape your identity.
(for any/all)
Thank you for asking! I did the main three for you! And while technically Sib and Demos would be the number one answer for both of them so I decided I'd discuss the second answer for both of them.
She's always surprised how much of an impact Emet-Selch on her in a positive way. Yes he did....a lot that she will need to work through in the years to come, however! he changed her perspective on mourning and remembering those she has lost. She acknowledges that he took it to an extreme but she was on the extreme on the other side with forgetting those she had lost and acting as if they never existed. Yes they would be mentioned but she could tune it out and act like it was effecting her like how it should but outside of that she repressed all memories. He showed her the importance of remembering and how it can be a strength rather than a weakness.
He gets surprised how much Thancred became an influence in his life. Demos didn't really want him as a friend, Thancred just kind of attached himself to him since they're the same age and Demos is more likely to be convinced to go out and have a fun time. But as the two got to know one another they found they vibed really well (and no the irony isn't lost on Demos that the one person with a matching soul is dating the man). Demos was always pretty quiet and more wanting to stay close to home but here was this person that was the opposite of him pushing him out of his comfort zone in the best way possible to a point that Demos feels comfortable with going out on adventures albeit on his own terms but he's not as dependent on being close to home like he once was. Frankly the first time you see Thancred having some influence on him was Demos being convinced to keep his face scars and keeping a confidence with them.
There is part of Anthea that forever will feel undeserving of Hythlodaeus as he changed the course of their life since the moment they met. He never pushed Anthea to be anyone but themselves but always offered a hand to help guide them to the doors and windows they could take, as sad as it is, Anthea was at a point they could find the options on their own before the Final Days happened. Which is seen in Anthea rejecting Hades' offer to take on the seat of Halmarut during the Final Days.
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👌 = Does your muse thing they are/would be a good parent?
Demos thinks he would. Not perfect, but enough for his kid whatever that might entail. He had two very loving parents and so he doesn't have many of the bad habits that other ocs would have. He does want the settled down family life, it is an end goal for him. When that will be is the question!
Anthea takes awhile to even think they're worthy of Hyth, but when they do get to the point of being able to accept that they can be imperfect and still wanted/have worth they do turn their thoughts to maybe starting a family. They know they'd be nervous and wanting so badly to do everything perfect but with Hyth at their side they'd be able to be a good parent. The two did try for a little while to have a child but it wasn't in the cards for them and they left it as a thing of "Well if it happens it happens. A child isn't needed for our lives to feel complete, but it will be all the sweeter if one did come around.". In Bird Parent AU Anthea is a very patient, loving, and empathetic kind of parent to Meteion. They had high expectations for themselves in Meteion's recovery and mental well being, but they didn't meet their goals. However considering where they started great strides were made in a matter of six months!
Siberite is an answer in that she feels she'd be a better influence on a child than a parent. Parenthood kind of scares her and is something she currently doesn't want as she wants to experience the world. She knows she most likely will have to become a parent but she wants it to be on her terms and wants to be in a place in life to fully commit to it. She wants to not be like her parents and be there for her kid in all ways that hers never were, she wants to just be the best she can be and she can't be she feels. This is also a woman that would rather Ryne not refer to her as a mother figure in any way (but lets her if that's how Ryne wants to see her because who is she to dictate that), because she feels she wasn't like that in anyway and again the idea of being a parent kind of terrifies her.
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92% for sib & demos (have i ever asked you a question on tumblr rather than discord? lord help)
Oh my it has been a hot minute my friend! But here we are! Thank you for sending one in! Let’s get to it!
92%. Is your character particularly confident? Does their confidence level change if less people are around?
She is very confident in many parts of herself. From her physical appearance to her diplomatic skills to her ability to get others to pay for things on her behalf. It almost is a stubborn kind of confidence, like it just comes from the fact that she's too stubborn to let anyone tell her she can't. She will go and go until she decides she can't anymore. This is useful when she runs away from home finally and everyone in Ul'dah says she can't but she knows she can, she knows she can be capable of doing the fighting if they just let her show them. The only time she really starts to doubt her skills are with the time in the ending of ARR into Heavensward, she'll still put on the show that she's the best and capable at everything but there's so much more pressure and attention to detail in her actions.
In terms of people being around it doesn't effect her confidence anymore. She used to be less confident in bigger crowds just due to the fact she never could say the right thing or follow the right etiquette and it would result in some lecture from her mother, so she just kind of stayed quiet if possible and away from most people at the party. Her parents really are about the only ones that will make her confidence falter at this point. They just bring about this sense of smallness for her and can make her feel like she's not doing enough or just doing everything wrong. It was something she was unaware would still effect her until she sees them once again in EW and completely shut down. Though she should have seen that it was possible considering her reaction (or lack there of) to what the twins' dad did.
He's more confident in skills that leave a result. That never changes, he will always have that confidence. The man knows his worth in that regard. He is less confident in his ability with words. He never was much of a talker and always had a habit of fumbling over them and feeling like no one understands him when he tries to explain something. He thinks very visually and he doesn't have the words to describe certain things, much rather why he would prefer to make his feelings. He also isn't confident in his looks, he doesn't think himself unattractive, Demos just finds himself more awkward. He's on the taller side and a bit bulkier and doesn't have grace. He's tripping, bumping into people/things, letting things slip from his hands, and just you would have a hard time believing he could hold a writing utensil or paint brush with such a precise and steady hand.
This does get worse with people around as more can witness his insecurities and its why he tries to stay more in the background of things. He was absolutely not happy about becoming the new face of the WoL since it involved much more talking than both Sib and Alphie let on, and Alphie was already doubting his own skills that made Demos having to speak more on their behalf. Frankly he was fine risking the heresy with Sib handling the leaders of Ishgard if it meant he didn't have to do public speaking. Crowds will not effect his artistry and in fact he wants you to see what he's capable of, unless its from his personal sketchbooks then you gotta ask first.
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98%. Would your character have a social media account? Do they? Why or why not? How often do they update their status? How many friends do they have? + for siberite and carly?
Liz you picked the two girlies that would be all over social media! So the short answer is yes both Carly and Sib would have social media accounts. We already know Carly in her original verse is an Instagram Queen™️ and she would be no different if it was a thing in FF.
Carly would probably have two different socials though. I would think a Twitter and an Insta. She's got so many followers but only follows like 5 people, three of which have never did more than put a profile pic up and their name, one is just memes, and the last her social media frienemy :) She's posting multiple times a day, she's got the good shots on insta, she's starting discourse on Twitter, she's defending her enemy and hating on her in the next tweet. Her insta photos and videos are about her day to day life and just showing off. Like you may have never followed her but you for sure have seen her posts in like screenshots on tumblr at some point or another. So you know of her but nothing more than that.
Sib on the other hand has almost all fun social media in some capacity. Her youtube channel has gone through phases and is abandoned for months or years until she posts a video about some far away land. Her insta is the same way but the time between is less, she never does stories though. Twitter is thoughts and some activism. She's on tumblr doing asks and reblogging the memes and art, it keeps her most in tune with how people are seeing her and the Scions. She loves seeing the art and stories people post. She's got this influencer kind of aesthetic but is chill like some of the active celebs on tumblr. Like she's promoting a restaurant with a nice aesthetic picture only for the little video of it to be with the chef and they're having a nice time. She also does not expect her food to be free (if she has a date they will pay but other than that she's paying and giving nice tips). She follows a few people but they are close people to her irl and hardly anyone from online spaces. Carly likes to believe they are in a rivalry but really its one sided and they do band together when its needed and warranted.
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💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? (For Siberite!)
Ah thank you!
Sib is a fairly heavy sleeper. She can be woken when you’re actively trying to do so but she’s not light enough where almost anything wakes her. If it does she’s waking just enough to maybe mumble something but is quickly falling back asleep. In cases where Thancred wakes in the middle of the night because of nightmares she half wakes up to at least wrap her arms around him and tell him that she’s there and she’s going to protect him. This usually ends in her falling back asleep with her face pressed into his back.
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Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
Thank you for asking! I just did the core 4!
Siberite: Oh 100% she is a romantic at heart and its what got her in a little trouble in ARR when it came to Thancred. Granted the woman only had one relationship before him which had a very secretive element to it and it ended with him leaving to join the Radiant Host to try and make something of himself to be worthy of a Lady like her. While she's more of a realist now she's still wanting that epic romantic adventureous love. A wedding is kind of a nice bonus but she's not sure anymore if she wants one or how big it would be, though would have a big one to appease her mother if and when she ever comes around to accepting Thancred.
Demos: Oh he's a romantic also he's just the silent artist kind. He wants a partner, to settle down, have a little ceremony, a family of some kind the whole thing. He was just a small town boy and has that kind of mentality.
Anthea: They didn't really have any dreams about love. It wasn't something they were looking for and really wanted to focus more on making something that was worthy of the Star first as if they could do that then maybe they would be worthy of having love. They are such a slow to warm person in being open with all of themselves but once you get to that point they will want you in their life for a long time.
Deimos: He doesn't have dreams of any kind of romantic love. Really he's more striving for the love from people around him. He wants to be loved for who he is and not who he's related to, his natural talents, or position in society.
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What is Siberite's favorite thing to do with Thancred when they have down time?
"Hmmm, weellllll there are a few things I can think of that we would need catching up on....," she smirks, "Though that's a discussion for more private company." Siberite looks upward with a wistful smile, "I love to just sit some place with a view next to him and look over and down at the world filled with so many possibilities for us. He knows a little bit of everything when it comes to nations and people so I make him tell me stories and what he knows and I try not to correct him when I know he gets something wrong. Its either that or lying down in bed and reminiscing on days of old and planning for the future and just where we think the wind will take us next."
Truly she loves to just sit and listen to him speak or just take in the view in some silence. It reminds her of their first more private interaction with the Ifrit and he told stories and legends Thanalan has since she hadn't heard any before. They still recrate that kind of feeling when some time is taken away from one another post EW and they both find a spot and talk while on the link pearl. Typically it ends when one of them falls asleep on the line, but its her favorite thing. Sex would be number 2 on the list but I mean like that's fairly obvious with those two.
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how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone? || siberite 👀
Ahhh! Thank you! Love talking about baby girl #1!
Sib is very action based in that she will do something for a person. This can range from running an errand to stepping in front of them in battle. You will just see it happening. She does also more so show she cares by sitting next to you, listening, and holding your hand (if it’s okay with the person), or slight variations. This is a big comfort thing for her when others do it to make her feel better so in turn she believes it will also help someone out. It’s also the most unconscious thing she will do to show care for a person as she never knew just why it felt comforting, she finds out eventually that it was what her brother did when she was upset because he didn’t want her to go through rough times alone like he did at her age.
I will also note that if you have a more hm how to put this antagonist/rocky start to your relationship with her you can tell she likes and cares for you by how much she will poke the bear so to speak. It can be some light teasing but also more so is asking questions and trying to get them to open up. RIP to Stasia but she’s now her favorite problematic blorbo.
Which leads into the fact that if she doesn’t like you she will pretty much tell you or be very blatant in her actions towards you. She will give the cold shoulder. She will stare you down. She will snap at you. She will tell you she doesn’t like you. The jokes and teasing are always punctuated with a tone that is very mean girl-esque. This can change and there’s very few people that will stay on the end of this dislike train coughLahabreacough But yeah. She doesn’t like games and will let you know straight up.
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If your character was holed up in their home due to bad weather - be it heavy rain, a snowstorm or anything in between - what might they do to pass the time?
Ahh!! Thank you! I answered for all the ocs so I hope you enjoy!
Siberite Akagane (WoL)
Sib is honestly not going to take it very well unless you distract her. She spent a lot of time indoors growing up and would rather be stuck inside by her choice. Typically Thancred can think of more than a few ways to keep her occupied until it passes 😉, the other Scions come up with games to play or jokes or giving her a job or something new to learn. Reading is never an option as she will start clawing at the walls. Though if she wants to go outside for a few seconds (if possible) to enjoy the weather let her, trust me better to let her get her way for a few minutes.
Demos Reyes (WoL)
Demos would take to it much better, especially given his childhood in the woods of the Shroud. He’s a crafty guy and will take the opportunity to work with different mediums for his art. Typically painting as he relies more on sketches being on the road constantly moving. While in Ishgard he took up making smaller and more intricate designs in metalwork to put on the machinist’s weapons which proved to be very coveted given his prior work done on other weapons from his blacksmith days. Demos overall likes the slower life and just taking the time to work on appreciating life.
Anthea (Ancient)
Anthea would hardly get stuck in inclement weather given the paradise they lived in, but! if they did they would spend the time sitting by the window and watching it happen with a warm drink. Eventually Hythlodaeus would join them and they’d just sit in contentment talking about life and plans for the future. For a long while their sundered self they did this alone too but finally having Hythlodaeus’ shard it feels much more natural and comfortable.
Stasia wir Galvus Enache (Half-Ascian and former protégé of Emet-Selch)
Stasia is always planning, always has some paperwork to do so she keeps pretty busy it wouldn’t matter that the weather is bad. If it was like a blizzard or something that kept her indoors for days and she ran out of things to do she’d take the time to organize her spell components.
Carly van Enache (Garlean and Zenos’ Right Hand)
Carly would have to have fake dummies or you’re gonna find holes in the wall. She will laze about (until her and Zenos get in the mood) and just act like that one kid that’s been forced to join their parent at work. She’ll try to read on new tactics and forms but is better suited to doing something of an activity. This led to a practice room being made in the Imperial Palace where she could train as much as she wanted.
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♥ (18) Does your OC have a “type”? For all of them. Yes I know that's a lot.
Thank you Jess and @mimble-sparklepudding for asking! Sorry it took a hot second but like Jess said its a lot of ocs (7 in total) and I am prone to rambling (however i tried my best to not get too rambley so things make sense). Anyway hope you enjoy!
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She doesn't have too much in the way of looks, but taller than her while a default is also a preference. What Sib gravitates towards most are people that feel or offer some kind of freedom. While she had many one night stands (she had to catch up to the thancred numbers i'm sorry) they were only offering the freedom of expectations because none of them really wanted anything more than just sex, except for that one lancer npc in the HW trusts she broke his heart a little sorry my dude. When it comes to longer term relationships she wants someone that can free her from the life she's lived and will continue to do so when needed, but also more importantly give her the freedom to be herself and explore what that is and means. Thancred gives her the most freedom and agency of her major relationships all while still keeping her grounded in reality. Not to say the other ones didn't offer any its just that with Haurchefaunt he offered her agency but not the freedom from her sheltered life since he was still within high society (her parents would have given him their title nullifying bastard status). Ardbert offered freedom from the choices and life she had been leading up to that point, but not the agency to explore what it all meant for her because there would be an obligation to be whoever they needed her to be. Her first love Jalshir was in the middle but they were both so young and so idealistic that it would have translated in disaster if Sib had managed to run away with him. So all in all Sib's type is someone that offers some kind of freedom and agency in her life.
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It would be quite simple to say that Demos when it comes to females his type is "Ones who could easily kick his ass" but its a bit more than that. The women that he gravitates towards are ones that are self assured and have a connection or love for their home. Its the connection to home that really strikes a chord with him, as he's someone that was a mess of a person being so far from his, like he didn't feel like himself or that he would continue to be who he found himself to be there, while Sib had no idea who she was he was very sure only to start doubting it and having a hard time assimilating the new ideas of what that meant until the end of ShB. So women like Yugiri and Lyna really resonate with him even if he's not fully aware of it, and they vibe with his quiet listening and observation of the world around him.
When it comes to male partners he's drawn to those that are extroverted and hypemen to an extent. Demos is someone that just listens and observes so having a partner that will do nothing but talk for hours on end doesn't bother him, he finds it interesting and fun to see the world they weave and share. He's also drawn more to the artsy types because they seem to just understand each other better and are more accepting of his ways of communication that can at times be simply drawing a picture to express his thoughts and feelings. Like there's this kind of artistry that comes from people who have experienced the world and a multitude of people that just translates to this understanding that just works and hard to put into words.
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They're drawn to the more gentle spirits of life. While a gentle spirit themselves its very comforting to find someone else that fits and understands that. The main ships I have for them is Hythlodaeus and aus with Hermes, both of whom also have different perspectives on the value of lives which can be placed on a scale of "Everything deserves to have a chance". Hyth with his inability to say no to concepts and Hermes in his determination to rule out all options before putting a creation down. It also has to do with their ways of not disregarding imperfect things, Anthea is so susceptible to creating things that aren't their creations even when making multiple of the same things is a lot like baking homemade cookies in that they're all cookies but they all are slightly different shapes have different ridges and chocolate placement, and both find this kind of value within them. Like these are people that see their insecurities in the day to day and gives Thea hope without even fully knowing it by having this more positive outlook on such things. Unfortunately though I will note that this is a curse along with a blessing because the timing is everything for Hermes and Thea to work out in a positive manner, if it doesn't work out the two will feed off one another's despair and it will become a never ending cycle.
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To preface, Deimos is aroace so what his descriptions refer to are the platonic relationships in his life. This man though seeks people that will take the time to see him and only him. See growing up Deimos was a prodigy (until Menphina he was the youngest for many things) and it was discovered pretty quickly in his schooling and because of it was moved to higher grade levels where the only reason he stayed where he was, was because his parents didn't think it the best idea to have him be in classes without Hades there since there was that age gap. Because of this the two were always paired together and many teachers referred to the other as the other's cousin eliminating any individual identity, which while that is almost a norm this kind really would have stifled any talents, creativity, and drive to seek the positions they ended up in the two had that were valued in Ancient society. Outside of academics and society at large though no one really took the time to engage with Deimos because there was a misunderstanding of just what was happening, that Hades eventually understood because he answered every question that boy had and noticed that Deimos wasn't simply moving about or having his hands do something constantly because he was bored it was just a way for him to focus, because no matter the question thrown at him Deimos had an answer for it that was thoughtful and correct. Hyth was the same way in that he listened and engaged with Deimos ignoring the supposed "boredom" behaviors which led to the same conclusion. When he got older and looking for his own passion in life, Lahabrea was the one (future) mentor that didn't outright disregard the far fetched idea of a creation he presented and offered a quick critique of it before promptly leaving to some meeting or another an interaction that the man hardly remembers as Deimos was very much prone to just asking strangers just anything he felt they could have an opinion on and the old man was preoccupied with other things. Like despite all the relationships he has to people in a superficial sense the deeper ones really do involve those that right off the bat didn't lump him with Hades, seeing him as his own person, and listen to him and will respond in kind so he too can listen and have engaging discussions which leads to him opening up more.
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Now this is kind of going a little into the different universe he originally came from but it's important that you know of his prior relationships. This man gravitates to people that are very decisive in life. People that have this wonderment for life and the world around them. People that take in moments and somehow manage to keep their head in the clouds. Because as much as he likes to put an air on that he's not like this at times he very much is and it does take being around people that are always like that and unashamed in it. People that encourage him out of his shell and also just see him for him and still love that about him. Now there's probably some questioning on well how does Themis fit into this? To which the answer is, in this universe Conner is the archetype that he gravitates to in other universes, whereas Themis is Conner. There are things that will always be true of Conner, but there's been no opportunity for him to be shamed or need to be hidden that put these walls up (no being a stranger in a strange land, no hiding because someone is trying to kill off your family line, no illicit deals to a mob boss so you're in debt to them, no being undercover in a place that detests your kind because that was the favor the mob boss cashed in) so he's able to be decisive, have his head in the clouds a bit more, and just be more open about his wonderment. And from everything that I've seen and my interpretation it seems like Themis very much has these same qualities but there is a wall there because of his duty. Themis is a man that found joy in the antics of Azem when it came to the whole saving an island because of some good grapes, a man that cheekily used his position of power to win one over Lahabrea, a man that took a chance on a supposed prophecy (the validity of which varies from Azem to Azem, my personal little guy was simply joking/being a little sarcastic so it was coincidence) and waited for the arrival of a falling star that may or may not have come. Like there are many hints of who he was outside of the title Elidibus and part of what makes it such a tragedy, and it was that person that Conner gravitated to. He saw beyond that title and mask, and sure the wall was thicker and harder to get through than Conner's in his og universe, but it was still there, it came through behind closed doors and those times when the uniformity of their society worked in their favor to be out in public. So like all in all, Conner gravitates to decisiveness, extroverted, wonderment, and a dreamer.
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Stasia isn't one to have many relationships in her life both platonic and romantic/sexual, there's a danger to them and so its safer to just not have to deal with it at all. However! this doesn't stop them from happening and it is different in terms of gender. Females Stasia gravitates to those that hold anger, feel they've been wronged by the world in some way, and want to serve in some manner. Like her partner will always be equal to her but there's a trust that has to be earned first, so there's some servitude to be expected, but Stasia also loves a woman that can and wants to take care of herself and is ambitious. Even if they are not successful yet the fact that they are is what Stasia is after and will help them. This is what happened with Carly and why Carly is always her primary partner, though they do bump heads now and then which results in minor dramatics of break ups. In terms of men, Stasia gravitates the ones that talk (which is a bit of a broad definition), that let her do her own thing, but still have this tenderness about them and how they treat her especially in the night. In her original universe Stasia had two male love interests, the first of whom was the father of her child, and he was a man that respected her and treated her status as legitimate as the woman just made her own kingdom, but he liked to tell stories of his adventures and complimented her and listened to her when she did speak. It could never be more than a few times a year that he would visit as he was married and had his own duties to tend to, but it was the treatment of her that just spoke to her and what made him be her choice to have him be the one that fathered her child. Her second one was that of her creator that really gave her a lot of power but he, at first, took a lot of what she had to say into consideration and kept her as an equal from the start, man loved to talk and be dramatic in the same vein as Lestat from the movie version of Interview with the Vampire, so suffice it to say he didn't last long and really was mostly for sex. Now! for ffxiv this becomes Urianger that she kind of has a thing with but not really but yes they do. The two met though when handling the Void Ark and in some of the minor dealings Stasia had with the WoD, but most of their interactions happened in the Void Ark storyline. Now this is a man that is willing to try and look past initial impressions and which side a person is on, which works for Stasia and he manages to get some conversation out of her that comes easily to him because he hides it in his words and thoughtful responses. He also sees the benefit of her style of making choices and executing them, but he also cares for those around him and there were plenty of times he could have let her just die or be in pain and he opted not to do that and Stasia in her life hasn't really had anyone that chooses her and chooses to care what happens to her. Now this isn't to say that he forgives all her wrong doings or is in agreement of the choices she made/makes but he has an understanding and acknowledgment of when they can provide positive benefits. Like there's just this air about him that calls out to the parts of her that have been hurt and broken from the people in her life. And really at the end of the day that's what Stasia gravitates to, people that validate who she is and her beliefs but also have the ability to heal parts of herself that she will never acknowledge outside of very specific circumstances and choose to do so.
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It is so easy to just say she loves evil people but its not that simple. Because the two love interests Carly has in ffxiv (one of whom is from the og universe) are not as simple. We can start with the fact that Carly does not want to ever feel powerless, she spent her entire childhood being powerless and abused, so she wants a gravitates to people that will either grant her power or not stifle her ambition to have more power. Stasia and Zenos both check this box. Stasia in that Carly was still pretty low in the ranks of the Garlean army when they met having just been passed up by Gaius as he chose Livia over her, so Stasia coming in and offering her a position of protection at the royal family level only to then find out what Stasia was capable of magic wise, and who she was working with, it was a no brainer. It was then the treatment of Stasia to Carly that just cemented her loyalty and love as Stasia never looked down at her, treated her like an equal, and stood up for her until she had the confidence to stand up against the Unsundered and their orders (she wasn't loyal to them what did it matter). Zenos fulfills this because he showed time and again he does not care to be around people that cannot hold their own both on and off the battlefield, he actively encourages her drive to gain power to achieve her goals, and he gave her more power because near anything he had and gained he shared it with her. The other thing that Carly gravitates for is validation for her past and present. Stasia always knew the anger and hatred carried for the world, but she never let it be something to hold that woman back, she justified how right she was for doing so without ever once asking just why she held such emotions. Zenos is the only person that ever actually got to see Carly in her "true" form (aka the body she had before becoming a dark knight and letting her esteem take over full time) and confirm that she really wasn't that person anymore, that there was strength for who she was but she is beyond that woman now and nothing else matters or exists. Like for someone that internally at times felt like she was still that girl that was so desperate to leave her mother she killed her and then kept finding more and more reasons why that young woman wasn't good enough, it was such a solidifier in her mindset to know that she was and will never be seen as that version ever again. Which I guess the short of it is Carly wants someone that will grant her power, give her the freedom to pursue what she wants, validate who she is and not judge her for it, and if you do all of that then congrats you have her undying and unwavering loyalty and love.
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Swap QOTD #4
Qotd, talk about your OC's hair? How did you choose the color and style of it while making them? Does it change through the course of their journey? Have you changed it in game as you've gone?
Sib's hair was originally going to be magenta only because "I wasn't going to get attached and make a whole oc". Once I ate my words she ended up with a purple because I like purple but still wanted the pink so i put it into her backstory of being a runaway trying to hide her identity. Throughout her story it doesn't change in style, she always has part of it loose and with braids to help keep it out of her face a bit, but it changes in color a bit because she gets more sturdy in her identity and is prioritizing things around her rather than smaller things. She does away with keeping up with the roots always being the same color as her ends by ShB, but it started a bit near the end of SB. By EW her hair is half natural hair. After EW she wants to not be so easily recognized so she chops it off and then dyes it a dark blue which works in not being known right away, even Estinien didn't recognize her standing next him buyin the map. By DT she has grown it back out so there's still a bit of blue on the ends but she has settled on her whole head being her natural color and has also put all of it up rather than just half of it.
Demos just had vibes of having brown hair and I wanted him to be a bit opposite of a color scheme to Sib since I needed it but also he was meant to always do things different then her and have his own universe/timeline. This man though has long hair in ARR like just past the shoulders and its always a bit messy because he just kind of runs his hands through it and maybe puts it up if he's doing important things, and the tips of his hair always are bit more golden because of the amount of time he spends outdoors. In HW after the vault he cuts his hair off completely because it was the one thing that made aiming with a gun hardest and tying it back wasn't feeling the most comfortable for him. As he gets more confident in his skills he lets it grow back out a bit and takes to putting half of it back in ShB when long enough. After EW going into DT he has let it grow to just brush his shoulders and keeping some care of bangs to make it easy to see like he should.
Anthea always had messy short hair vibes and their hair ended up being dark to be aesthetically different a tad from Hyth. I also just liked this idea that they would have really dark hair and really light eyes. Lore wise anthea had longer hair as a kid but got upset at it flying everywhere in the wind they just grabbed some scissors and chopped it off. and it was badly done as they were like 6. Their mother freaked out a bit but their father found it the funniest thing and helped them fix it up best they could. It stayed that way until they got some higher education in Amaurot where it was something they were passively picked on as it contributed to them being odd and they already were having lived on Elpis where things could be a bit more relaxed. So they grew it out long again and immedietly cut it once graduating essentially and its stayed that way ever since. They never let it get longer than the bottom of their neck.
Deimos needed to have long blonde hair because he's a free spirit and just "never has the time" to do anything more with it. So its always messy and emet wishes he'd at least try to make sure its decent for formal meetings since yes there were times leaves and twigs were in it still.
Phobos actually cuts his hair a bit (its a few inches shorter than Deimos) and then puts it up in a ponytail since he's doing much more melee combat and needs it out of his face as much as possible. If the final days were averted he would have kept it that way and messed with the length and ended up on keeping it on the longer side of things.
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For swap chat qotd
Siberite had an older brother named Palladium who she almost was convinced never existed had Khutula not been there to confirm he was someone that lived and was her brother. Palladium was almost 20 years older than Sib and had plans on bringing Sib with him to Old Sharlayan for 9 months out of the year not only for her education but to thrive like he was never able to living with their parents. He wanted better for her, but sadly never got the chance as he was fulfilling their mother's requirements (getting some field research finished in the Steppe) when he was conscripted into the Garlean Army where he was first sent to teach Hein but then frontlines after he stood up to one of the guards for someone else and it was shown that he was not partaking in teaching their propaganda, he would die a few years after. However Sib's father lied about what happened and in his grief and guilt wanted no one to speak of him and anytime Sib (who was 6 at the time) asked she was told she just made him up and never existed. Had Palladium's partner Khutula not been there she would have forgotten him. The two of them had a very great relationship, she adored him so much, and would look forward to the days he visited and he cared for her so so much, he truly wanted nothing more than to be the best older brother for her (even before Hydaelyn spoke to him). He's watched over her from the aetherial sea and hitched a ride ghost style to ultima thule where she would see him and he would help her once more.
Deimos and Emet while technically cousins consider each other brothers as they grew up really close to one another. Emet is the one that really understands Deimos more than anyone else even though he finds him annoying at times but hey that's how little brothers are sometimes. Emet looked out for him fiercely once he skipped grades and was in his classes where many times the other kids would speak about him behind his back or teachers were ready to dismiss Deimos because he just couldn't sit still and had a blase attitude about everything. This continued well into their adult years because Emet just knew how he was despite the outward personality, this wasn't to say Emet wasn't a bit harsh at times (he most certainly was) be he did so because he cared and knew the potential he had. Deimos is also just as fierce in looking out for Emet because of his personality, to an extent where even before truly in the Azem position Deimos stood in front of the convocation and burned a list of other potential Emet-Selch candidates so Hades had a fair shot (it wasn't the only list like he thought and if he looked Hades was listed 3rd). However the two had a little bit of a falling out before the Elpis events in EW wherein Emet found out about the stunt and went no contact for awhile because he was just done cleaning up messes and frankly at that point in time Deimos should have known better, which Deimos did need to grow up a bit but it still hurt him like no other to lose his brother. They did make up and had a better relationship until the final days. But yeah they're both loyal, protective, and want the best for the other.
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👩⚰️ siberite!
Well you know what you got yourself into friend with this! Have fun with my ramblings! Endwalker spoilers below the cut
👩 = What’s your muse’s relationship with their mother, what made it that way?
Wow Kate you're just comin' out of the gate with this one aren't you? Sib's relationship with her mother is something that for sure needed separation to be healthy. Siberite's mother always had high expectations for her kids, but they were a bit looser for Sib before Palladium's death.
There was still this notion that she wanted Sib to marry equal or higher in their social status, but it wasn't based in as much fear as it would become after the death of her brother. You can chalk it up to her mother believing that so long as Palladium was alive Sib would have someone there to protect her and stand up for her and be who she needed should her husband not want to play fairly or should society take a turn for the worse. So when he was gone it really kicked the over protectiveness into overdrive and it became all about making Sib the perfect lady so that she could marry in a high enough position that she didn't have to worry so much about her headstrong-ness getting her into trouble, she would be able to travel the world more freely, and would have more physical protection should the Garleans decide to take over wherever she was to end up. Its a very old school notion to think that if her daughter was to ever marry down she would lose any kind of power or control of her life but it was the way her mother was brought up and what she had seen happen with her friends. So when she could see that even at a young age Sib was very naturally independent she knew that she would need a husband that would give her the most power to be who she wanted to be, love would come second. Another thing that occurred after Palladium's death was that Sib was no longer allowed to really leave their estate or go anywhere beyond Thavnair unless her mother was there with her and they had the right amount of protection. Her mother lost one child she wasn't about to lose her other one, so it was a pretty lonely life for Sib.
Because of all of this it culminated into her mother being a kind of helicopter mom and made Sib hold a resentment for her mother. Sib still loves her mom very much and worries about her but she couldn't be in the same house with her any more. Siberite didn't speak to her mother for nearly that whole time she was away during game events because she did love her mother enough that she would have gone back had the right words been said, but she also needed to show her mother and herself that she was capable of being on her own. Though that last part is still being worked on as once reunited her mother falls onto the old habits and this time would quite literally refuse to leave Siberite's side, until she yelled at her mother in a pretty big scene which prompted outside help to be sought for Sib's mother. And this help was in the form of Ameliance who was able to talk through some of the fears she has as she held the same ones with her own twins being out in the world. Her mother isn't magically fixed but makes the steps to take a step back from her daughter's life and let her come back to her, which she does. It honestly means a lot to Siberite when she learns about the (slightly) heavy hand her mother had in her final armor for Ultima Thule and the fact that her mother was no where in sight when it was given to Siberite. She cares and loves her mother deeply but they really needed to have that space to even start to have something better. It's never going to be perfect, far from it, but they can be closer than they were and sometimes that's whats needed more than anything.
⚰️ = How would the loss of a family member affect them? Does it vary based on type of family member?
Okay listen....Sib already lost her brother and then was told to forget him, like how do you think she's gonna be affected! But full answer is that losses take a toll on Sib no matter what. She doesn't want to lose anyone because if she loses them then her brain's initial response is to try and forget them, which she's gotten over a bit throughout the game but it still terrifies her. Sib loves her parents, even with all the flaws, and they are nearing their senior years so their deaths are closer than she ever really wants to think about. Granted she did have to think about it in Endwalker as the first place effected by the Final Days was Thavnair, and she compartmentalized that fear so hard, had she lost her parents then she wouldn't have been able to go on if I'm being honest here. She loves her mom and dad and losing them before they ever got a chance to try and reconcile after she made it clear she wasn't giving up her new life just because they asked and expected it of her. By the end of Endwalker she's slightly more okay with their loss in that now it would be natural and expected in a way, predictable. She's still going to be sad and would come home and stay for quite awhile but she's better equipped to handle such a thing.
Her brother is a bit of a special case as she's now really confronting the fact that he is gone and he was real and that his death was pretty preventable. She hadn't really thought about her brother in years and now she's free to and doesn't know how. During the Growing Light arc (the whole of the EW patches sans meeting Wuk Lamat) she develops a savior complex having been given a chance to save Vrtra's sister who he thought was lost to him forever, and this makes her reckless to the point she about throws herself into the crater after Azdaja had Demos not been there and pulled her back with the rescue maneuver healers know. That was the first and only time he ever felt like he had to use that move on anyone! and he's pretty upset about it and makes her (more inadvertently than anything) confront just why she's doing dumb shit like that. And its in Vrtra that she confides first that while she understands she was just a kid, she can't shake the feeling that she could have done something about bringing her brother back and saving him, and if she could save Azdaja then she can right that wrong essentially. She's trying to live up to who he saw her as or who she was becoming but with little knowledge on who that is. She doesn't, for now, want to try and contact him in the sea, so she's going to try and figure it all out on her own and who knows how that will end up as her adventures continue. to sum up she's a bit of a mess and needs some better closure.
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🌟 : A secret wish headcanon
Sorry for being slow. But have my WoLs' and Azem's secret wishes!
Demos is minor in that he wishes that the Scions would take him a bit more seriously with his artistic skill. This has nothing to do with the new job announcement and has always been a bit of a sore spot since it first happened in HW. He's shown off his work, people have loved it, his work was used as maps for the shinobi from time to time (boy loves to climb and will draw the layout of the city that he can see), he's damn good at drawings of people and still Alphie is praised as the artist of the group :') The biggest insult was when he had to relinquish his latest journal in ShB to get them into Eulmore as more evidence of Alphie's skill since the single used paintbrush just wasn't cutting it and Demos isn't going to let it go any time soon. Let him take the drawing reins now and then and he'll be happy. He will never, however, have the same beef with Krile because that's just justice in his eyes.
Sib's secret wish is that somewhere her brother is still alive and it was just her projection on Ultima Thule of him, not his actual soul. Especially knowing what she knows now like she really wants to meet him and get to know him again, thank him, and show him that she's gonna be okay now. Hell she'll even settle for encountering a shard of him at this point to even get a more genuine glimpse into the core of him. Part of her now kind of feels like its missing or something she doesn't quite understand yet, but in honor of him she's gonna keep going to find out just what it is and have fun along the way. Could she go into the Aetherial Sea and seek him out there? Sure, but where's the fun in that? Not to mention the fear of knowing he's there and that he can't speak to her. Which is far from true, Palladium would love to speak with her and tell her what happened and how proud he is of her and wish her well on all the adventure's to come, but she's to scared to find out.
Deimos wishes that he was never made to skip grade levels at such a young age. Like one maybe two wouldn't have been that bad he thinks but going from the equivalent of kindergarten to 5th grade was a bit much and so othering. Like it would have been one more but that was where his parents stopped it because at least at that level he wouldn't be alone, he'd have his cousin Hades with him. But the grade skipping really made it hard for him to connect with kids his age because he was adapting to try and get kids older than him to like him and accept him which ended up in him not really having any friends other than Hades and Hyth. And this is still true well into his adult years, he has a hard time connecting with people in his eyes because he's finding more peers his age but he's not able to find common ground and while he's fine having friends that are older than him there's a part of him chasing the experiences he feels he missed out on. While being Azem afforded him a more variety of people and those that understood him, it still just wasn't quite the same as someone from the culture and society you come from. He's starving for some kind of attention he can't really articulate and it tends to come out in him well being impulsive, loud, out there, constantly moving, etc., thankfully he's always had Hades and Hyth in the wings translating essentially.
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