#mostly based on The Nice Guys
sinclairstarz · 4 months
Action-comedy buddy detective AU byler, anyone?
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loosely based on the movie ‘The Nice Guys’ because I’m obsessed with, in love with, etc, that movie. The plot is ultimately different but just know it’s based on that. More info under the cut :3
So it’s the late 70s in Hawkins, which is a big city in this AU.
Will Byers is a 25 year old private investigator. If you want help with a custody battle, or to see if your partner is cheating, he might be the person to go to. Business is a little slow because people often don’t trust how young he is. He’s a heavy smoker who’s mother died a year prior, perpetually tired and burnt out but always trying to look on the bright side. He lives with his little sister, El, who’s 19 and deceivingly clever and helps him with his cases a lot. His older brother Jonathon has fallen in with some shady people since he got into drugs at a young age, and he’s hooking up with an unknown actress, Nancy Wheeler. One day, a porno actor Nancy knew, Steve Harrington, is killed in an onstage accident. His friend Robin, who’s also close with Jonathon and Nancy, suspects foul play and seeks out Will to ask him to investigate. After discovering some evidence, Will is lead to believe a drug-dealer named Max Mayfield who has recently gone missing is the killer, and begins to seek her out. El, who knew Max in middle school is ambitious to help Will, but to her annoyance he won’t let her follow him to the parties and bars and dangerous streets, worried for her safety.
Mike Wheeler is a private investigator who’s legitimacy is… questionable and who’s well-being and mental health is worse than questionable. He lives alone in a crummy apartment, he grew up wealthy but stopped speaking to his parents after he dropped out of business school. He mostly deals with shadier crimier clients, people who go to him because they can’t go to the police. He’s work multiple cases for Billy Hargrove - an asshole with a dense criminal history, mostly involved in the drugs+sex+party scene - and his guys. Billy’s little sister, Max Mayfield deals for him and is known for getting into trouble. When Max goes missing, Billy comes to Mike to find her.
In their investigations, Mike and Will keep running into each other at the same parties and drive-ins and gunfights and after having to help each other out multiple times, they figure out they’re both looking for the same girl and decide to just join forces. Tension and romance ensues. El is extremely annoyed of Mike being at their house.
- Dustin’s a bartender Mike goes to for information because he’s always at the same hangout places as the criminals Mike’s investigating.
- Lucas is Max’s boyfriend. He’s not super pleased with Mike and Will sniffing around trying to find her,
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ollywander · 2 months
Mr Nettleship, who frankly sounded wonderful, was really sad to discover one of his students had been left with such a negative impression of him (especially when he went out of his way to be a friend to her mother when few others would) and JKR was always very dismissive when asked about him in interviews in the early 00s. Sent him a cease and desist when he finally decided to stop being sad about being the basis for Snape and leaned into it by dressing up and giving talks. When he died her spokesperson said she didn’t want to comment. Always felt her contempt for him betrayed a littleness about her.
I completely agree. I can’t imagine what he could have done to earn her ire to this level and be so unable to forgive him to the point of Snape-ing him when (I believe) the only reasons she gave for not liking/basing a misanthropic and surface-level (and further) nasty character off of him were that she disliked chemistry and her grade in the class, and that she thought for whatever reason that he didn’t like her, despite his being close with her mother and hanging out with the both of them in teacher break rooms.
I also thought this moment from her was a little petty:
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[image description: screenshot from an article to do with the subject of this post quoting a piece of an interview with J.K. Rowling. Quote, “If you’d seen my grades in Chemistry… That’s why Snape teaches potions… Don’t say awwww! He deserved it! We can all think of teachers we’d like revenge on.” Unquote, J.K. Rowling, 18th October 2007. End of image description.]
Not to be petty myself, but I’m sorry, what exactly did he do to “deserve” “revenge” besides giving her a less than ideal grade? And this was years later. 2007! Surely she could not still have been salty about that report card.
Oh! I did read that during the time she had his class, he was in the middle of a divorce and so he was sleep deprived and a little more short with his students than usual. (I think he admitted so himself, but don’t @ me, lol.) Even so, she must have at least known from his being friends with her mother that he was really a good person overall and that the bitterness wasn’t personal (and that her grade definitely wasn’t).
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nemmet · 1 year
thinking about be cool scooby doo fred on this delightful evening. he's afraid of widths. he gets emotional over a drumkit. he knows how to apply eyeliner perfectly. he's a sleep deprived, paranoid, manic danger to himself and others. he becomes enemies with a goat. his shoulders are so tense that they can break a chair. he goes to jail twice. where on earth did he get the funds to give the mystery machine all those high-tech upgrades. he hired a guy to make his epiphanies look more dramatic. the exterior of his house is an affront to god. he cannot take care of himself to save his life. he is a middle aged dad stuck in the body of an eighteen year old. he has childhood trauma related to halloween. he accidentally parked his van on a space shuttle. he is consistently aggravated by daphne’s commitment to the bit. he really needs to let go of those tiny red shorts. he's a court jester. he represents the order to his criminal father's chaos. he has control issues stemming from this but tries to overcome them for the sake of the gang and always apologises when he goes too far and knows that even when they wind him up it isn't a threat because he loves and trusts them so much and they care about him in turn even before he fully opens up to them about his childhood and—
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chalkscrub · 11 months
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not enough moral fibre between these four to knit a small lady's handkerchief
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murdleandmarot · 4 months
Hi hello to you! For the ask game(s), 2, 6, 10 and 14? And 🖐️🐌🎭 (for bluebelle, I'm not aware if you have other ocs :0)
Hi hello!!!! Thank you so much!!! Ooo these ones are making me think……
2. She is 1000% down to do whatever shenanigans of the week the rest of the gang is up to. When I think of this, I’m mostly picturing her with other OCs, but in general, if it’s her friends, and she’s comfortable enough, though she’s not as loud with her ideas, she will 100% help you rob a bank.
6. It definitely depends on the situation. She doesn’t encounter many situations that go against her moral code, but if she did, it wouldn’t take much more than a threat against her or the people that she loves. Bluebelle will stick to her morals, but she is not willing to risk injury or harm to her friends, or to herself, though the latter of the two depends on the situation, and how bad morally the action is.
10. Bluebelle’s backstory is already pretty much a fairytale au, but that’s still a go to, but outside of that is a detective sitcom with the rest of the gang. And this is not because I’m watching Psych for the first time what do you mean.
By Detective sitcom I mean anything from Murders She Wrote to Scooby Doo. Just her and her friends investigating spooky situations. It’s so so fun.
Bluebelle would be the quiet type best for gathering intel undercover, as a security guard or something, mostly where her job would be snooping around. She would NOT be good at talking to suspects or witnesses. She could just if push came to shove, but it’s just not her forte.
14. Bluebelle just really, really wants to be loved and trusted. Victoria is her person, so she really, really cares what she thinks. Misto and Plato definitely less so, but only by a slim margin. Bluebelle cares so so much for her people, and wants them to do the same for her
I’ll do the silly emojis under the cut bc whew this got long :DD
I already did the handshake one :)))
🐌: this snail is now her new best friend. She will not go anywhere without this snail. Bluebelle has been trusted with this snail’s life and she will NOT fail.
🎭: Probably Mary from JCS(Jesus Christ superstar).
Woah…another alw musical…..is it too late to say I’m sensing a pattern….
I think she’d really relate to I Don’t Know How To Love Him, and probably have a pretty easy time dipping into those complicated and upsetting feelings you have to be in to sing that song, (I am calling myself out 100%).
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deeisace · 6 months
#sorry sorry I just woke up and im having yesterday-was-weird thought again#and they are going here so i don't have to talk to the person that they're um about yet#basically im glad that im in a good enough space now that um#someone ive ive had text-based sex with and uhhh sent an ill-advised video to in like oct when i was Feeling Bad™ and doing. hm. too much.#like 6 months post text-based sex/ill adised video now aha and we've not spoke at all since like january and that was 'how was hols'#they asked to meet up 'not for sex just as friends' or i forget exact wording but basically that#no-pressure museum not-a-date#and i said I'd think about it. because i am as everyone knows a fucking idiot.#basically im glad that im in a better place now than the last time someone like expressed an interest in me as a person#because while this did give me a day long wobble i didn't have a full weekend long actual panic about it#tho they are two v different situs#an ace poly friend asking to go out with me vs someone i uh virtually fucked aha um asking to meet up for (mostly) being-friends purposes#same several-hours-later 'oh god no what have i done bad bad bad no thank you actually no sorry i cant sorry' but less intense this time#but at least i only said ill think about it?#and not actually immediately said yes because it's nice to feel wanted#and then gone Maximum Regret™ because actually all of this is way too much i don't like it i don't want it thank you but im sorry no#weird. i guess i don't have such a high baseline stress level any more? since i'm not at uni n stuff#and someone over messages going no pressure you want to be irl friends (maybe fwb no pressure)? is um#is different. to someone irl going you want to go out acely? yeah? awesome lets hold hands here is the discord with a whole buncha people#i guess#but i am being equally aro-not-super-ace Autism™ about it aha#and i am. eventually. going to be like. thought about it and no sorry. eventually.#if they ask again#i am kinda hoping they'll leave it there and forget they asked so i don't have to navigate social stuff#im much better at navigating canals everybody leave me alone please thank you#(everybody over there leave me alone. y'know. you guys are fine.)
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designernishiki · 1 year
it’s just sorta hitting me that we know like almost nothing about what the fuck majima was doing in 5 when he was supposed to be dead??? like???? he was in on katsuya/mirei’s plan and caught onto what was going on really early and whatnot but. what the hell was he DOING for all that time. he just shows up at kurosawa’s at some point with zero explanation how or under what pretext or anything. how did he fake his death in the first place? how did he get it announced on the radio and put in the news despite there being no body or anything to prove that he died?? I have so many questions about his side of the story it’s insane how much was brushed off bdhffdjdjdjsjdnd
#I could go on#especially about his and saejima’s last fight/argument(?) because I’m still REALLY unsure how much of that was true and how much majima#(and saejima but mostly majima) was lying/acting for kurosawa and his men to buy time. because majima’s way smarter than people give him#credit for and quickwitted as hell- I seriously doubt he didn’t have a plan and some of the shit he said was too absurd to be true imo (him#having written the expulsion letter. calling saejima weak based on the batting cage fight. etc)#and I think he was trusting that saejima knows him well enough to know how absurd some of that was and pick up on the act he’s going for and#play along. I mean it worked out didn’t it? bought them enough time for shinada and co. to fight baba and keep haruka safe and all that#anywho that’s the only thing that makes sense to me but. would’ve been nice for them to have made that clear and given majima and saejima#a more genuine heartfelt reunion#and don’t even get me started on kazumaji not getting a damn reunion. that’s a topic for another post#majima was just sorta neglected at least considering his importance in the plot and all. he should’ve talked to haruka too imo. and katsuya#and. you get it.#yet again he was left to clean up the tojo clan’s mess and just expected to deal with it while his two closest companions go to prison#(AGAIN) and daigo’s recovering from a bad wound (AGAIN) and so on. this guy does not get enough goddamn credit#rambling#y5#yakuza 5 spoilers
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
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So I Have Started Reading Armadale.
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keeps-ache · 1 year
my nose is runny.. it's the end of the woooooorlldd
#just me hi#oh the unbearable agony!!! [blows my nose very dramatically]#oh never mind lol#//anyway i'm drawing#i say 'drawing' and maybe i Meant drawing like three hours ago but i'm actually animating this darn thing now so thoughts and prayers guys#/also been trying to write#which has been going eeeehhhh [so-so gesture]#it's going. just not very well. or very fast lol :)#i need quality or quantity and currently i'm getting neither! it's a fantastic problem that i'm remedying by animating#i didn't even Mean to start animating but i was on the first frame and thought 'oh! this would look nice if it moved' and that was a#Terrible thought o' mine. thanks a lot. Me#/OH and also my brother has taken up writing!! which is really cool!! i convinced him he'd have a lot of fun doing it :3#yes that was probably mostly a lie. he Is enjoying himself though (i think hfvbshf)!#and we decided to both write something based off of a prompt :>#he's already started and we have until Oct. to finish#i. opened a new document the other day and have ignored it since then :)#//what is going ooon with the tags today man#c'mon tumblr what did you do today. why is my tag jiggling like this#and why do you keep trying to tell me i can colour my tag words ? don't lie to me like that#jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle#ohh no it didn't like that#not doing that again fhvshd#//okay now i'm going to prance off#imagine the most graceful and..... what was the word........ i'll say fanciful- imagine the most graceful and fanciful prancing you've ever#contrived of! now imagine the opposite#ciao for now :3
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quietautumn · 4 months
we should put goro in deltarune and see what happens...
goro voice god dammit joker where the hell are we.
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ficklecat · 1 year
If the wind turns, if I hit a squall,
Allow the ground to find its brutal way to me
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botseeksbot · 9 months
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going "why'd i feel like it was monday for a sec" earlier & immediately answering it with "oh yeah b/c the summer stock performances 'weekend' is mondays & tuesdays off" and going Whoah just now refreshing myself on the exact schedule when this is the first wednesda & thursday of performances, like, kicking off both days w/2 pm matinees
#having this Enrichment when not only is it [i want to see it] but also feeling more liable to Have Posts than like#casually checking up on a recent off broadway limited engagement like Where's The Posts. where's someone's filmed curtain call. hewwo#even a limited broadway production w/its own dedicated twitter account like Hewwo you never finished your thread hellooo#meanwhile out here Regionally like. erika amato our number one poster it seems....checking up on those fb or ig accounts....etc#it's the revelations that can come through these glimpses like ''idk why the guy in ireland with a pbs travel series had some professional#involvement with the show but he posted the pics ft. the first page of Director Notes & scenes / musical numbers list''#or an ensemble member with a cropped pic of a page of sheet music which confirms [orville gets to sing at all including in a song i already#guessed he'd get to participate in based on detective legwork re: that ireland travel series guy's tweet] ft. harmonizing lyrics w/phil#fun to have something that's at a balance of like; i can't be thee most comprehensive but i can And Will do some fairly thorough digging#and i'll do it more than once especially when like [exhaustively checking for all listed cast & creative team's instagrams] done once can#confirm that not all of them as posting regularly (mostly just erika) (but a few others with Any Recent behind the scenes summerstocking)#don't have to try checking in all thee time on the accounts who haven't / don't post recently or at all regularly#and then of course the scraps of info / glimpses are nice for the Yearning To See It experience#summer stock
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sibyl-of-space · 2 years
who wants to hear more weird kinda bad bullshit. this 20th century harmony class is interesting because it is forcing me to write in styles that i don’t like, and i am learning from the experiences even if i don’t like them.
(and then of course once i finished the harmonization i spent ~15 minutes on the world’s laziest DAW session. just throwing some synths and drum loops on it for shiggles)
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boygirlctommy · 2 years
desperately throwing my animatics at my portfolio please let me into your animation program, school
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lilgynt · 1 year
my dad called me his guardian angel and that i have more patience than my mom and i know i told myself he just says shit but like that actually helped cause same day he was like i do not want to be alone with you and ur crazy so like. that did help a lot!
#personal#he doesn’t mean it and apologizes when his mind comes back to him but like#still good to remember during the bad moments#and this will sound horrible but#it’s not bad. per say.#when he says the nice stuff#but sometimes i do get an uncomfortable spike of anger#it’s like he says stay with me don’t leave help me or calls me nice names like guardian angel or something else#and it’s a flash of anger like im not made for you i don’t exist just for you#and obviously he doesn’t mean that#but hearing that from the guy you’re basing ur whole life around for the past few months#who due to things out of his control and frankly some of his own nature can get pretty nasty#and god im pretty sure it’s just the demita and anxiety but he’s so needy#like my mom can’t get any sleep or space around him#and my dads acting like their married with all aspects and my moms allowing it bc she has her own complicated feelings on the matter#but mostly for him so that’s cool to watch in real time#also watching the stats of how marriage benefits men and not women while my dead sucks the life out of my mom#like he doesn’t mean to but he doesn’t let her relax sleep eat anything like she took a week off work to clean the house & take care of him#and not to martyr my mother cause love her sympathize with her she is still. her.#but no one deserves what she’s going through and i will never have a bad word to say about how she acted during all of this#other things? fuck yeah but this no she handled it like a saint#and she’s been treating me better too so that’s nice#but anyway so fucking needy. i can hear them talking rn bc my dad wakes my mom up to reassure himself#i mean last night i was with him for five hours never left and if i did i warned him. he goes to bed. wakes up screaming my name#not his fault he wants to be reassured but jesus#i mean you go to the kitchen or bathroom from the living room and he says hurry back and interrupts you mid wipe#i’m a little spoiled bc he lets me go to my room some days but my mom doesn’t have any luck#he should get better with meds hopefully#and then worst of all you’ll#okay literally stopped typing bc my dad wouldn’t let my mom sleep and she freaked 😭😭😭 i talked him into just laying down but for how longuh
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