#most of gt i like don’t have much thought or care for
web-pets · 1 year
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worlds worst dragon award
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reborrowing · 6 months
some thoughts on tiny stardew because the idea is running away with me, open to other thoughts on it!
I’ve seen other stardew gt where the farmer is tiny, but I like the concept of the valley as a kind of oasis insulated from reality where magic still exists that the farmer stumbles into in a desperate bid to escape their current life. So it makes more sense to me if the farmer is still Literally Just Some Dude
probably most of the village will be traditional, small winged person fairies. definitely the mountain family.
might have seb be half Something Else, but I don’t feel anything specific atm
Wizard is a human like the farmer, but mostly there to observe the little magical creatures. Everyone finds unnerving but he doesn’t seem malevolent so they just keep their distance
Linus is also Not Tiny, but maybe not human either?
Elliot as a tiny mer
Leah is a nonmagical borrower who was looking for some country farmhouse to disappear into and found this place instead, loves it.
Pierre is also a borrower but has an inferiority complex about it, even though no one else really cares.
Don’t know what I want to do with Caroline yet, but I do enjoy the image of opening your bag after a day of mining to find a purple haired gremlin eating your haul, so she should probably be some degree of magic that gets passed on to Abigail
I don’t usually care much about Shane but snoozing on a giant chicken? Excellent
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ladytauria · 5 months
Jaytimsteph falling in love with your best friends partner you say 👀 please say more
this one is being written as a prompt response to @waffleinator-inator <3
writing it was my first time writing steph pov and she just---ran away with me <3 basically: steph and tim are besties but also exes, because as much as they love each other, they finally decided to give up after one too many break-ups. and now! tim is with jason <3 and steph is really happy for him. really, and truly she is.
if she could kindly tell herself to stop falling in love with jason too, that would be nice <3
i THOUGHT i had shared snippets of this wip before but i,,, have not. or if i have, i can't find them in my tags / through tumblr's search. which is upsetting bc it means i now have to pick which of these segments i want to share TuT
you know what.
actually i won't pick. you get um. 3 snippets <3
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Steph spins her chair, balancing her elbow on the arm and cradling her chin in her hand. She thumbs her phone open. One unread message in the group chat she shares with Jason and Tim.
Her traitorous heart flutters; a smile curling on her mouth despite herself.
[TIM] gna mss mv nte. sry steph 😔 m SO bhnd on bdgt rvw; tam’s gna kill me. u 2 shld stl hve fn tho
Ah, yes. Timothy “vowels are optional” Drake. He’s the most atrocious texter Steph has ever met, and she hates that that makes her feel fond.
[STEPH] i thought you loved paperwork?
[JAY] No, he’s a stalker who loves digging through other people’s stuff. Actual paperwork he could care less about
[TIM] 🛑
[JAY] No <3 I told you to do it last night, babe.
[STEPH] lmao busted
[TIM] ws bsy
[JAY] He was gaming with Kon and Bart.
[TIM] & cassie & cissie
[JAY] And Cassie and Cissie.
Steph snorts.
[STEPH] oh, well, that was more important, obvs
[TIM] steph gts it
[JAY] Please don’t encourage him.
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[STEPH] that sounds perfect. ur the best jay 💜
[TIM] 😭
[STEPH] do your paperwork, tim 💅🏼
[TIM] prsctn
[JAY] …wtf tim
[STEPH] damn, babe. u made jay drop capitals
[STEPH] but also. what the fuck tim
[TIM] persecution
[JAY] Would it really kill you to type out full words?
[TIM] y 🙂
[STEPH] losing battle, hon. we’re lucky he still uses letters.
He doesn’t bother with Cass. Their conversations happen in full emoji, like modern hieroglyphics. Steph gives herself an 80% chance of correctly deciphering them.
With the rest of them, Tim uses words. Or, well. Something approximate to words, chopping them down to their basest parts. It’s kind of entertaining, especially when it makes both Bruce and Jason furrow their brows in exactly the same way.Not that Steph would ever point that out. She has some sense of self-preservation.
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Steph will always be a little bit in love with Tim Drake.
It’s something she’s come to accept about herself, the same way she accepts that her curls will always have a mind of their own, that her stretch marks are here to stay, and that her left knee will always ache before it rains.
She also knows that it’s best they stay just friends. Not that that’s a hardship, or anything. Tim is a hell of a lot better friend than he was a boyfriend—though in hindsight, Steph can admit she wasn’t a stellar girlfriend, either. They were young and dumb—or, well, younger and dumber—and now their history was too fraught to ever think about trying again.
Steph loves being Tim’s bestie, even when that means biting her tongue about his relationships.
Especially with Jason Todd of all people.
Steph can honestly say she never saw that coming.
Like, sure, okay. He’s hot. Steph can admit that, she’s got eyes.
He’s the kind of guy you could actually climb like a tree—tall and broad and thick to boot, with thighs made for biting and pecs Steph is pretty sure would fit nicely in one of her bras. He’s also handsome, in a rugged sort of way, with his twice broken nose and the scar curving up his cheek and his full, kissable lips. His curls always manage to be perfect, too—artfully messy, even when he falls asleep on the couch or takes off that helmet of his.
It’s enviable, really.
Some day she’ll ask him his secret.
But… Steph always kind of saw him as a walking bad idea. The kind of guy baby Steph would have adored, which… Steph loves baby Steph—or she’s trying to—but she had shit taste in men. And Jason, with his leather jackets and guns and daddy issues (and mommy issues too, come to think of it)—
He certainly fit the bill.
Despite all outward appearances… Jason is a good guy. He’s smart, and funny, and passionate, and kind, and—
Steph kind of hates him a little.
Because, like. Steph can handle thinking about Jason sometimes, in a not-so-friendly, maybe-a-little-bit-sexy way. Tim, too—or even both of them together. Maybe sometimes it gets a little awkward but… Fantasizing is human, and Steph is an adult. She can picture them fucking her and each other six ways to Sunday, doing whatever the raunchiest part of her brain cooks up, and still behave normally around them after.
She’s a grown woman. Her hormones are not the fucking boss of her.
So. Attraction? Handled. Steph has that shit on lock.
What she cannot handle is—Feelings.
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severingt · 15 days
Eulogy for Steve (12th October 2001)
When I was asked to say a few words today, I was very proud to accept. I’d hoped to get this opportunity. Steve and I have within months, the same length of service, 10 years. Within months of being the same age, my youngest son sharing Steve’s birthday We worked very closely together on staff training and previously on inmate Pre-Release Training and have shared similar formative life experiences
So, I thought about how to tackle it, what angle should I take? Then I thought: ‘Why not ask Steve?’ After all, I know him better than most, at the prison anyway. So I did. The first thing I think he’d say would be ‘You got a poison chalice there, bud’ (one of his favourite sayings)
Then I think he’d say what he always said to me regarding presenting training ‘I have confidence in your judgement and trust that you’ll come up with the goods’
Someone once wrote: ‘Shall I mourn your decline with some thunderbird wine and a black handkerchief?’ I don’t think so, that’s not what Steve would want I think Steve would want us to celebrate his life.
I asked for people’s thoughts about Steve and some felt that he believed in what he was doing, others felt that he was very focused. Some felt that he would always try to do right by people. The Samaritans group, and Rachel in particular, will remember him for his constant support.
Within the Prison Service cynicism can easily develop, bearing in mind the nature of the business. Steve rose above this being always both caring and supportive (and I certainly know this to be true). His approach was both individual and unique. Perhaps the nail was hit on the head when someone remarked that Steve was too nice to be a Prison Officer?
My own thoughts are of him being very generous and self-deprecating. For example, he asked me to help him create some computer generated overhead projector slides for his Senior Officer promotion board presentations. He applied for three posts and got offered all three. Even though my contribution was minimal, Steve very generously suggested that my help with the presentation slides contributed to his success. But it wasn’t that, at all. We all knew that he was offered the jobs because he was the best man for each of the jobs.
In his role as training manager at HMP Ford, as with all areas that Steve was involved with, he always tried to go that extra inch to make your experience more rewarding. I would like to relay an anecdote that reinforces this. One of the officers at Ford wrote this for me to use and I think it’s fitting as it involves the Prison Service, the Fire Brigade and this chapel.
An officer at Ford asked Steve if it would be possible for himself and his teenaged son to take a look around Chichester fire station. Steve asked them to come along on a Wednesday parade night. They arrived and Steve started to show them round. After about 10 minutes the alarm went and Steve ran off.
A couple of minutes passed and he returned and said they should cross the road as the church opposite was on fire. They spent the next hour watching Steve and two crews tackle the fire. When the firemen had all packed up, the Prison Officer said to Steve, there was no need to set fire to the church to give us a practical demonstration as well, you know. Typical Steve.
That’s all I have to say apart from to say thank you to Steve for being the best mate anyone could wish for and I (or we) shall miss him very much. -Glenn
(c) 2009 GT
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Could you please write one of those 5+1 things for naga tommy trying to hide being a naga from his family then the one time he doesn’t hide.
Btw I’m sending this to more gt/vore writers so don’t feel pressured to do this just thought it’d be fun to see everyone’s different styles
i actually do have a fic similar to this but it's nice to write a series so naga tommy part 3! yaay! my voice is literally dying irl help-
Warnings: Soft vore
Words: 1.2K+
Tubbo and Ranboo hid in a large cavity of a tree, large enough to for the two of them to hide in from the sights of Tommy, it was hunt and go seek and Tubbo and Ranboo hoped to win this time around because if they did, they could get the grand prize.
Tubbo could almost buzz in excitement, but he had to keep it to a minimum if they wanted to keep hidden, they weren’t the only ones participating after all. There was also Wilbur, Philza and Techno in this game. Who were more than professionals.
They all wanted to win the grand prize, what was it?
The grand prize varied on the person, but for Tubbo and Ranboo. They’d go spend time with Tommy and the others for a couple of days in the woods, having their adventures. Tubbo giggled as he knew he’d win this game.
As for Techno, he was determined to win as he climbed the steep trees, climbing into the most hidden leaves and climbing as high as he could. He hoped this be the vantage point needed to win.
Wilbur was simply hiding behind some rocks but a nearby lake, the rocks being tall enough to provide cover for the boy to hide in, he hoped this would be enough, enough to win his prize of doing his chores. He hated doing them, this was an opportunity of a lifetime.
Now Philza, Phil’s prize was fairly simple. The kids would have to do the housework for a week, he wasn’t determined to win as he didn’t really care for winning, he just put that as his prize since he had to say something.
What did Tommy get out of all of this though? Cuddles, if he won he got cuddles. And boy was he excited to win.
How the game worked was exactly what hide and seek is. If Tommy won, he’d get to simply store everybody in his storage stomach, if he couldn’t find the last person he’d lose and the other person would win and get their prize.
Tommy had yet to lose, he smirked at the thought of another victory.
He slithered across the woodland plains as he scented Phil, his first catch. His head snapped towards a bush, which moved ever so slightly. As if it were breathing, a smile threatened to turn his features.
Before Phil could run, Tommy pounced and cupped his hands around the bush, catching Phil in his hands, he then raised his hand to level and opened up his hands to see a dizzy looking Phil.
“Found you!~”, he sang. “Mate, you gave me a fucking heart attack. Jesus.”. Phil huffed as he came to his senses and looked up at his son. Tommy used his other hand to pick up Phil by the back of his shirt and brought him closer to his face.
“No, you know the rules!”. His dad said as Tommy opened his mouth. “Awwhh” he pouted, “But only I win! I might as well!”, “You never know, Tommy”. “Finee”.
He moved Phil to his shoulder, who moved to the crook of his neck. Once he made sure Phil was safe, he moved on to find the others.
He found Wilbur easily hiding in the rocks, but then he was bribed an almost irresistible deal. “Tommy if you let me win, I’ll let you eat me for a week”. He almost took the deal, until their dad spoiled it, “No bribing.”. The two pouted and continued to find.
Surprisingly Techno was found next because he made the mistake of moving to a weak branch and almost falling to the ground. Tommy caught him in time though and lastly it was Tubbo and Ranboo’s turn to be found.
But time passed and everyone grew worried, it was almost night, and they couldn't be found. And with the night came mobs, which wasn’t something Tommy wanted to really deal with along with the anxiety of potentially missing family.
The four of them called out for them and eventually separated in different directions to find them but there was no sign of the two. And that’s when Tommy really began to panic, his family and himself growing tired with every second passing.
They eventually returned with neither of the two. And with them exhausted Tommy offered them to rest, and he takes over the main search. They wanted to refuse but Tommy already took it up himself and swallowed the three of them. One by one.
Once Tommy felt them safely tucked away, he gave a quick rub before heading off to find his two other friends…
Meanwhile, Tubbo and Ranboo weren’t having the best of times. They may have accidentally gotten lost whilst trying to find their way back. And were now trying to avoid as many mobs as possible.
“Tubbo fly up!”, “But there’s spiders! What if I get caught?!”. “Please try?! We need a high ground!”, he narrowly dodged an arrow as he said that, squeaking as it passed over his head.
“Okay! Okay!” The tiny boy flew upwards towards the trees, any of the ground mobs now looking at Ranboo. But the moment they stepped towards him was gone. Teleported right next to Tubbo.
“It looks like we’re stuck here for a while”. Ranboo said after making sure the coast was clear, Tubbo sighed. “I hope Tommy finds us soon”.
It was about an hour later, with Tommy frantically scanning every area he came across, crushing any mobs to see if they had a sign of his friends.
Tears were streaming down this point; he was mainly relying on his instincts of scent and hearing as his eyes became almost unreliable. His occupants tried to comfort him, but he knew they were just as worried themselves.
He turned again, then he heard a faint voice in the distance. It was so faint, but his head immediately snapped in the direction of the small voice. He wiped at his eyes and saw something moving, it’d jump and disappear from tree to tree, coming towards him.
Tommy slithered quickly towards the two, “Ranboo!”. Ranboo landed at another tree as Tommy stopped next to him, Tommy’s hands moving to cup him and his eyes scanning for any injuries.
“Are you okay?!- Where’s Tubbo?!”. He said frantically. Ranboo turned with his back facing Tommy, revealing a little sleeping Tubbo. “He flew around a lot, trying to find a sign of you. But, eventually got too tired”. He laughed slightly.
Tommy sighed with relief as the two of them were safe and cupped them gently in his hands. “I’m gonna store you guys then, I don’t want you out in the middle of the night”. He moved Tubbo from the back of Ranboo and brought Ranboo closer to his mouth.
He quickly tasted Ranboo with his chocolate and vanilla flavouring, he titled his head back and swallowed. He purred as he felt Ranboo tuck him with everyone else.
Now for Tubbo, he carefully placed the boy in his mouth, as much as he wanted the flavour of honey, he resisted in favour of not waking Tubbo. But failed as Tubbo half-asleep stretched on Tommy’s tongue and hugged it as much as he could.
“Did we win?”. He slurred, half sleepishly. Tommy giggled slightly, “Yeah, you won. But it’s late so you’re going to bed��. He said quietly. Tubbo mumbled an inaudible response.
Tommy tilted his head back and swallowed and moved to find a place to sleep. In his stomach, Tubbo landed who looked for Ranboo. He found the boy and cuddled up to him for the night, happy to have been found.
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masterhandss · 3 years
Forbidden fruit ask time: Keith x Katarina. I know people in western fandom are understandably wary of this ship, but apparently it's one of the favourites for the Japanese audience and based on what I heard it actually has some decent foundation in novels (not as much as GeoKata, but still). Since you read novels and are #1 hamefura blog on Tumblr and know so much I wanted to ask you to tell us how KeiKata is doing in novels if it's okay owo??
owo!! lmao, I don't know about being the "#1 hamefura blog on tumblr" (I-I... I thought I was an art blog... :')) I mean I just like to ramble about hamefura lmao but I'm always happy to answer questions!
Yeah... Keith x Katarina is a hard subject to talk about considering how violent reactions can be depending on who you're talking to. I remember when Season 1 was airing, people really doesn't like Keith as a romantic option for Katarina due to them being siblings, and I'm honestly waiting for those people to react to the S2 OP and S2 in general. I've talked to a few people who don't like KeiKata at all, and they have the absolute right to dislike any ship that they want, but it did make me sad to know how much Keith is hated by the EN Fandom considering how loved he is in the JP Fandom. He's pretty much the most favorite male character and the second most shipped with Katarina.
-> hamefura x(s2) & ln spoilers ahead <-
A lot of people's issues with Keith stems from the fact that he and Katarina are step-sibling and that it's really weird for Keith to be romantically interested in Katarina (a person who sees him as a little brother completely). People are accusing him of taking advantage of Katarina's trust in him to keep her to himself and that pursuing her romantically would destroy the familial bond that they've had for years. The thing is that Keith treasures Katarina as a person, not as a sibling. Yes, Keith sees her as family, but he also sees her as more than family. To him, being able to be together with Katarina doesn't mean that he'll have to love her differently, but that he will be able to love her even more deeply and honestly. You can even headcanon that the reason Keith calls Katarina "big sister" is because he's asked to do so, and because it's a symbol of his acceptance into the family, but maybe not necessarily how he sees her.
Some of the material that will be covered in Season 2 is about Keith, so I don't know how much I want to talk about that since most fans will be able to see it themselves. Keith has it the hardest because his position makes it so that he's the least likely to get his feelings across to Katarina due to their relationship. In one of the upcoming arcs in the anime, Keith will be able to break Katarina's baka shield in the same way Geordo does: by using actions instead of words, and by just literally finding the courage to take the risk and tell her.
That's where one of the interesting things about hamefura comes into play: one of the reasons why people dislike KeiKata so much is that they feel like the reveal of Keith's feelings would awaken disgust and betrayal in Katarina. Few fanfics of hamefura portray it that way, that Katarina would be weirded out by his feelings and reject them immediately. Maybe it's because Katarina is aware of Keith as not only a sibling, but also as a romance-able character in an otome game (also because of the nature of this series lmao), that in canon, she doesn't take his confession negatively and is flushed/embarrassed by it just like Geordo's confession. I know the "weirded out" reaction is the most realistic, but maybe Katarina also understands that their relationship doesn't have a clear label. They care for each other very much and whether that bond is romantic, familial or friendship isn't something they bothered to really name, maybe? Lmao I don't know, that last bit is just speculation on my part, I can't exactly get into Katarina's head and pinpoint what she thought of Keith's confession.
If I'm being honest, she forgets about Keith's confession more often than she does Geordo, mostly because nothing really changed after he made his feelings clear. I wouldn't say that she dismissed it, it's just that she's forgetting it because in her perspective being loved as a woman and as family by Keith both means that he'll take care of her and shower her with attention (aka no difference).
When I think about how "KeiKata is doing in the novels", for some reason the first thing that comes to my mind is the line "how they treated Geordo in the anime, from a JP perspective". I know that sounds confusing, but what I mean is that a lot of Arc 2 - FL2 scenes with KeiKata is kinda fanservice (aka the thing they tried to do for Geordo in the anime which worked for JP fans but made him hated by the EN fans) (not me trying to insert Geordo in a post about Keith hehe :V). Excluding all the Keith scenes that are coming in Season 2 of the anime and the current arc of the manga, the story really likes to test Keith's self-control when it comes to seeing Katarina as a woman.
Keith's scenes with Katarina aren't necessarily "hot and spicy" by any means, but people nowadays tend to be quite bothered and annoyed at typical japanese romance tropes being played out in modern anime series (such as bed-pining, surprised kisses and kabedons). I mean yeah I'd be bothered too if someone pulled those moves on me in real life, but for the japanese audience this is what their fanservice is like so that's the kind of stuff we'll see in hamefura. Just like Geordo, Keith is given a few scenes where he's put in a romantic spot with Katarina after he confessed, but it always just ends with him backing out and hoping that it at least could remind Katarina of how he sees her (like bed-pinning in LN6 & affectionate touches from Katarina in LN8). A lot of hate towards Keith stems from these scenes because people sees this as a disrespect towards Katarina and the familial relationship they have. These scenes helps reinforce how Keith sees Katarina as a woman and not as a sister, but depending on who you're siding with, you're either gonna be disgusted at Keith or extremely pissed off at Katarina's lack of propriety & density.
Like, people are getting angry at Keith for being a teenage boy who is being bothered by affectionate touches from the girl he likes who is also always approaching him with only a nightgown? I mean blame the author or Keith all you want but at least put some responsibility on Katarina as well :V People are really saying "well, he shouldn't be bot and bothered by it in the first place, they are siblings! that's disgusting!" well again, Keith sees her as a woman and Katarina needs to be aware that she shouldn't be so touchy with the opposite sex regardless if it's family. Keith kinda blames Katarina for the way he feels given how she acts around him despite being unaware of his feelings, which is also the cause of some hatred towards Keith.
People are saying that Keith is dumping *all* the responsibility onto Katarina because she acts in such an affectionate way towards him, but in reality Keith feels really bad & also hates himself for being so attracted to her when she doesn't even know about his feelings. He puts a lot of blame onto himself and thinks he's just as bad as Geordo sometimes (not saying Geordo is bad, more like Keith's "idea of Geordo" being bad lmao). Keith always walks on eggshells around Katarina because he doesn't want to disrespect how he feels about her and how she feels about him. It's just sad to see people hate him for the few moments where his self-control breaks so that he can act on his honest emotion, and accuse him of abusing Katarina's trust :((
Just like Geordo, Keith has made it clear how he feels and strongly desires to pursue her romantically, but his problem of being the step-sibling is still there. I haven't gotten my own copy of JP Volume 10 yet, I feel like I just wanna wait for the EN version instead of using GT, but multiple spoilers have noted that while Keith hasn't made progress in getting approval of his feelings from Katarina's side, he's at least able to get an approval from his family. Well, by that I mean Keith has already confessed his romantic feelings about Katarina to their father Luigi, and he replied by saying that he approves of whoever Katarina chooses for herself. Keith realizes that all he needs to do is get Katarina to return his feelings. When he does, his family wont hate him, but instead he'll be able to love them and be loved in the same, yet different way.
TLDR; a lot has happened to Keith throughout the light novels. He's progressing slowly and steadily just like Geordo, and is leagues ahead compared to the other characters. He has confessed his feelings and got reassurance of his relationship with his parents. Keith and Katarina's relationship itself hasn't really changed though, but it's nice to know that Keith is at least laying the foundations for his hypothetical future with her. Katarina doesn't really think about Keith enough to be able to tell how she feels about his confession or if her opinion on him has changed at all though, so take that as either an L or a W for Keith.
Thank you for the ask! I'm sorry if this isn't as elaborate as you wanted, anon. I like Keith and Katarina but I guess it's because they aren't my bias that I don't pay too much attention to the tiny details of how Keith is written in the books qwq
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mach-speed-spin · 2 years
So I finished watching DB and I have some thoughts
Let’s start with the main character. Bell/Bel (sub/dub names) was a great concept with poor execution. Bell felt like they could do something similar to Aiga, where he is introduced with noticeable character flaws that worsen over time until he is forced to confront them. Instead we get something more akin to Drum in GT. Now, Drum, despite his lack of character growth (not counting becoming more skilled), works because he is in the right in pretty much every conflict in the season. Bell however, is an asshole the entire time, and the show acknowledges this by having his personality cause others to dislike him (mainly Rashad, but also Wakiya and Basara). The problem is that it never goes anywhere
When Belial breaks, it’s not Bell’s fault, so that can’t be used as the moment where Bell reflects on himself (like Aiga when Z Achilles broke). If anything, it devalues Bell’s potential growth by having the main person calling him out be a massive hypocrite when he breaks a bey and doesn’t care. Could they purposely have drawn parallels between Belial breaking and Ranzo’s Glide Ragnaruk breaking? Yes. Did they? Not really
For other characters, things aren’t much better. Basara and Rashad should have great arcs, but don’t because of the limited time. Payne’s writing is a mess. Shu, Free, Wakiya, and Lui are underutilized. Valt is given a lot of screentime with very little development. Ilya shows up but becomes irrelevant quickly. Hanna is the only character I think is perfectly fine
Ranzo is presented like the other members of the Kiyama family (and Amane). He is a supportive friend who is the MC’s most common training partner and who loses a lot but is still always there for his friend. Ranzo, personality wise, acts more like Amane towards Drum than Rantaro towards Valt or Ranjiro towards Aiga. Bell has very obvious flaws, but Ranzo doesn’t help. Rantaro served as a coach/mentor to Valt in season 1, and the entire Dead Gran arc was Ranjiro doing everything he could to reel Aiga back in. GT didn’t need that because Drum was in the right, and Amane basically supported Drum in everything (except some strategic decisions in battles). Ranzo does the same thing Amane does. He supports Bell in everything. The problem is that in Bell’s case, it’s basically just enabling him to keep being the way he is. And this isn’t presented as a problem within the series
The Flying Dynamite Battle Tour is the worst major tournament arc in the entirety of Beyblade. It feels like a massively downgraded version of the Battleship Cruise, and the main draw of the Tour is that you get to battle the legends, except the Legend Festival and the Super Tag League did that much better. The encounters with the legends didn’t feel satisfactory, and the lead up to those encounters was pathetic. Let’s look at the rounds individually
Scavenger hunt to decide the order of who battles Valt: The scavenger hunt is nowhere near as exciting as the Beyathlon or the Ghost Ship in the Battleship Cruise. And also how little they showed of Valt’s battles with Basara and Ranzo doesn’t help either (compare to how much we saw of Aiga vs Amane and Aiga vs Drum in Battle Island before Delta had his turn)
Bell vs Valt: Can someone explain how is Valt’s defeat by Rashad later in the series supposed to be surprising when Valt lost to Bell this early on?
Choose the right door then have a 1v1: Pure luck eliminates half the competitors. Previous tournaments had luck elements to them (randomly drawn teams, the entire dice gimmick in Battle Island), but with enough skill, one could overcome bad luck. You keep rolling 1′s in Battle Island? You can still win if Aiga beats everyone before you and you can beat him. Got a weak teammate in the Legend Festival? If you’re powerful enough you can still win. Chose the wrong door in the Tour? Sorry nothing you can do about it. Bell vs Rashad was pretty good
Rashad vs Free: The fact that this didn’t happen is a problem. It devalues the entire tournament and makes it feel less legitimate than the Dead Gran “challenge” (which was obviously rigged from the start)
Bell vs Free: This should’ve taken place after the Tour, or at least after Rashad battled Free
Battle Royale: Finally something good. It’s fine, but not as good as most battles in the Super tag League. As for Ilya’s addition, it’s messy. They could’ve gone the Battleship Cruise route and tease her earlier, but instead she shows up and joins the Tour, even when as Wakiya points out, completely disregards the rules
Lui vs Ilya: Blueballed us from a Guilty Upper in the first round but made up for it in the second when Guilty Smash made Dead Gravity look like child’s play. Lui was great but Ilya was disappointing
Bell vs Lui: This should not have happened until after the tournament, but it’s an improvement over Bell vs Free
Bell vs Rashad: Great battle but Belial’s Gold Turbo is just never addressed. Either you do something with it or just don’t have Gold Turbo at all
After the Tour, the plot just shifts away from Bell to Valt and Rashad (and I guess Payne is also there). I don’t mind that on its own, since Bell really doesn’t have much of a relation to Rashad like Valt and Payne, but it’s just that everything was executed so oddly. Bell, Ranzo, Valt, and Hanna as the heroes makes perfect sense, but Rashad’s group having Basara and Ilya doesn’t really. At least not for Basara since his switching sides is rushed and his arc is never properly explored. Ilya is just very underdeveloped for her role in the story (a role comparable to that of Blind in GT or Boa and Norman in God, all of which were much better characters)
Payne, on his own, is fine (even if underused). Everyone’s reactions to Payne aren’t. We’ve seen Phoenix before. Everyone not named Bell should be familiar with how Phoenix’s armor works. Sure, Payne uses it in more creative ways than Phi, but no one brings that up. They’re just astounded by the armor, which is nothing new
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vore-scientist · 3 years
Like A Good Neighbor (sfw safe vore)
[M/nb vore with fearplay. safe soft oral non-sexual]
A tale of the Mystic Woods! Featuring Yonah HaEsh and Myran the Dwarf Witch and many other fun characters!
A story of bad first impressions and making new friends! Lots of GT, and a cute little adventure at a magical farmer’s market!
Warning: Careful there are references to Fa.tal! An example would be “ogres are far more likely to eat smallfolk than giants!” (implying that said actions are deadly). That is the extent of such references!
Other warning: mild harm during the immediate post-vore scene. Yonah just goes a little too far in scaring Myran.
“Did you hear?”
“Have you been told?”
“A new resident!”
“I haven’t checked it out myself! But Ms Zukkar told me-”
“A wizard!”
“Didn’t there used to be an old sorcerer there?”
“-new guy’s a witch!”
“So, hear about that new giant!”
“A giant wouldn’t fit in that tower! And wizards is all human!”
“A criminal, on the run they say”
“Maybe a magician? They like towers sometimes!”
“His Majesty wouldn’t hire a criminal!”
“-supposed to be evil?”
There were so many rumors being flung around that the dwarf witch Myran Gamadin decided to see for themselves and set out to investigate. Undoubtedly there was a new resident. The story was that he was a Mage, and a criminal, but also just expelled from The Academy of Wizardry. And a giant? That was strange, the old tower was much too small for a giant! Even if it was magic it was only 10ft taller than your average giant in the first place. However… they did hear about the trial of a giant recently… stuff that happened in the civilized court didn’t really concern those in the Woods.
“Why would you go to see a villain? You’re not evil!”
The World’s Largest™ Maine Coon cat trotted alongside the handsome young dwarf, looking more like an oddly fluffy pony than a cat.
“It’s important to know your neighbors! Even the evil ones!”
Siv flicked his tail up into his witch’s face.
“And he’s got to be just a young man! So young and the expectations on evil mages is so high! He will appreciate a friendly face!” Myran had done the math. If this Mage hadn’t even graduated from The Academy, he was at most 23. Unless he started his education late. But they doubted this.
“Why are we walking! You have your broom!” the cat complained.
“That’s for the tower, Siv. It’s one of those designed by assholes who think it’s clever to have the only entrance be the window at the top.”
“Hrfff,” said Siv.
“Do you think he will appreciate the house-warming gift? I didn’t really spend much time on it…”
“Fresh fish would be better.”
“Maybe if he were a cat. This is for a Mage.”
“Clippings of magical plants? Maybe for another witch. This is someone who was studying Wizardry.”
“Wizards use magical plants too!”
“Yeah, they buy them from witches!”
As the pair stepped out of the trees, they froze.
“I think he’ll like the gift,” Siv admitted as he And Myran stood in awe at the largest magical garden either of them had ever seen.
It wasn’t even finished yet! Plots of earth were freshly turned, and piles of wood, half built into beds that lay in patterns across the clearing. And massively spread apart. At least 3 meters between plots. And the finished ones. Well. They already had some amazing specimens. Even if they were just sprouting. Myran noticed the Twisted WyrmFern and harpy’s breath; delicate, but common magical plants that were being used to test out the soil. It was working great.
The garden did make Myran worry a bit.
Maybe this wasn’t a wizard at all! It could be a witch. And he could be very evil indeed. Even evil witches treated their gardens with the utmost care and attention.
But they had come this far. And the tower that looked over the garden was calling to them. Well. Not really. The green-black thorny vines screamed “STAY AWAY!” But when one had a flying broomstick, one didn’t need to heed such warnings.
Flipping their broom around like a baton, they sat side saddle and Siv hopped on the end, somehow managing to balance his prodigious fluff. They took off. And flew into the window.
It was like hitting an unexpected and large wave on a boogie board, but a magical one that flowed through the body! And Myran had never been to the ocean, so it made their brain swim.
The room, which from the outside looked normal, was anything but. The rumors of this being a giant were not just rumors.
This place was HUGE!
And yet, it was much too small.
Growing up, Myran had visited some giant villages with their family. They hadn’t been THAT much smaller then, but the houses and items in the village were definitely much larger. While giant mages certainly existed, they had their own traditions and made their own supplies.
This looked exactly like the workshop for a young wizard, with additions for the wizard being a giant. It was wild to see some of the common arcane tools at such an immense scale.
Flying over, Myran saw that the resident Mage had an ancient book under a magnifying glass, and had been translating it, with notes and commentary. Spell equations and diagrams were additionally copied in a dedicated smaller notebook.
While it was surely a fascinating read, they could tell at a glance the notes were somewhere in the middle of an involved spell, and they didn’t want to be the reason the Mage lost his place. The workbench had plenty of other diverting materials.
Siv had no interest in such things and curled up against the base of the magnifying glass. The sun hit the metal through the window, making it quite warm.
Myran put their broom down and explored the desk. There were several magical tombs! Rare ones! They flipped through and saw fresh handwritten notes tucked inside. Smart, this mage did not want to tarnish the original pages. There was also an open notebook and a few spell components laid out.
They stepped carefully back onto the notebook to get a better idea of what this wizard was up to. The notebook was written in giant, which Myran wasn’t fluent in but got the gist of. So this was indeed a giant wizard. Fascinating.
That’s what they were thinking until...
Myran nearly jumped out of their boots.
No longer fascinating. Very bad. Very dangerous! They’d heard stories that quoted these lines, classic, even amusing. However, hearing them bellowed by an actual giant nearly stopped their heart. These words were so loud and so immediately panic-inducing, especially when accompanied by thundering footsteps.
There was a pause and maybe a stutter
The trap door off center in the room burst open and a giant with a mane of black hair, a trimmed goatee, and a wizard’s hat, climbed out. He was smiling, snarling, showing off impressive fangs.
Eat them!? Oh No. Myran scrambled to their feet as the giant advanced.
Siv had gone catatonic, or nearly, and fled behind the mirror. But Myran just stood there. The next thing they knew, they were in the giant's fist… AND THEN IN ITS MOUTH! There was a brief moment where they thought the giant was going to bite them in half… but no. Worse than that, the giant fulfilled his promise to make a meal of Myran by swallowing them whole.
Never had Myran imagined themselves in this predicament. Witches, as far as they knew, were not prone to being eaten by giants! Giants ate thieves, slayers, adventurers! Though... giants were known to occasionally eat random people that happened to be rude to them as they went about their business.
Myran had not been rude! They just hadn’t had a chance to be polite! This giant had no business eating them.
Not that any of this was actually going through Myran’s mind. Oh no. Myran’s thoughts were preoccupied with panicking about their impending doom!
First, they tried to stop the giant from swallowing. But the teeth threatened to crunch their limbs if they dared to try and find purchase! So, failing that, they tried to slow their progress down his esophagus.
The problem was the walls were too damn slippery! They knew that their slow progress was merely due to the tight fit, as they couldn’t stretch out. The flesh was too tough.
Right before they started to worry about suffocating, they were deposited into a large chamber, sliding into a puddle of nasty smelling fluid. They took a regretful breath of the rancid air.
Yonah sighed as the dwarf left his throat and settled into his stomach. Small yet still filling.
He patted his stomach lightly. “A bit disappointing. Dwarves don’t taste nearly as good as most other smallfolk, but I’m not complaining.” His prey thrashed and yelled but didn’t seem to be coherent.
Something bit his hand and he waved it violently. Whatever it was released and smacked into the wall that the desk was up against, crumpled into a motionless pile. Curious and momentarily forgetting his snack, Yonah investigated.
A cat!? And still alive but unconscious. Why had a cat attacked him? Then he saw the abandoned broom next to his notebook. And his stomach twisted.
“You’re— not a thief!” Technically, he could eat anyone he wanted, he wasn’t restricted to adventurers. He was still figuring out what kind of villain he wanted to be. Such self exploration would take time, time the person he ate didn’t have.
“I’m a witch!” He heard them squeak.
“A witch? Invading the lair of a wizard? Are you stupid!” He poked at them. They didn’t like that.
“Let me out!!”
So Yonah spat them up, sooner than he would have liked to, and leaned over them with a frown and glowing eyes.
The moment the witch hit the desk, the cat woke up and was between him and the witch as it hissed.
The witch was shaking and coughing, glancing at him with wide fearful eyes.
“If you’re a witch then what the fuck were you doing in my tower?” Yonah demanded.
The witch was still in shock but recovered enough to speak. “I’m… Myran! I wanted to introduce myself!”
“A likely story! Why would anyone want to introduce themselves to me?” Yonah wasn’t really in the mood for conversation, but figured he could use the practice at evil banter.
“You’re… new to the forest” they coughed.
“What’s it to you?”
“I’m your neighbor!” they said,
Yonah narrowed his eyes, “The forest is constantly moving, no such thing as neighbors.”
“I figured I’d try to be friendly!” they continued as if he hadn’t replied. “Everyone was talking about the new mage in the tower, but no one had any definitive stories.”
Another mistake. The giant snarled.
“You are a fool then! I don’t want any friends!” He hesitated briefly as he said it, not sure of the truth, but recovered fast. “But I don’t want you spreading rumors about my mercy either…” he picked them back up. Gripping them hard and getting their right arm between his teeth. He didn’t bite their arm off, but broke the skin with a fang and pinched their hand. They yelled.
“Stop! Stop! I won’t tell! I won’t tell!”
He dropped them and they sat, crying, holding their bleeding arm and hand which was turning a plum purple.
“Good,” he hissed steam in their face, scalding the skin red as his eyes glowed bright orange. “Now get the fuck out before I eat you for real!” He flicked the broom at them. “And if you ever show your face around here again, I will.”
Finally, they listened to him. They got onto the broom along with their cat and with a burst of magic kicked into the air and fled out the window. Yonah watched until they disappeared, then sat down. His hair hadn’t been smoking before but it was now. Additionally, his eyes still glowed.
His first visitor in months wasn't an adventurer and he’d eaten them without a second thought! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Maybe this was his destiny. For years he’d trained himself to be restrained. Keep his anger in check, Keep his half giant identity a secret and become a wizard. But that had all gone to shit when he’d been discovered not as just a half giant, but as a half fire witch. Chased out of the academy but captured by the authorities of Orr.
Forced to sign a contract with King Ben to become his new pet monster! So why not be a monster!?
But he still wanted friends… his friends from the academy weren’t allowed to visit him. His tower of magic and wonder was so empty. He put his elbows on his desk and buried his face in his hands.
~chink~ his elbow brushed against something.
He looked down and saw a broken clay pot, the soup spilling out and a seedling now helpless and exposed on the desk.
Quickly yonah dipped his fingers into a pouch at his side and licked it, saying a spell. With a puff of smoke he stood on his desk, a mere 8ft tall, and he knelt down.
With his more appropriately sized hands he gathered the soil and with a wave of his hand and another mutter the pieces of the pot shook and flew back into their original places. The pot was… functionally repaired. The proper repair spell required materials to fuse the pieces properly. So it wouldn’t hold water, but it could hold soil.
As he scooped it back in, a piece of paper fell from the loose soil. Curious he dug it back out of the pot and cleaned it off enough to read:
“Welcome to the Mystical Woodlands new neighbor! This seedling is from my own garden. A special cultivation of Frozen Thyme.”
The moment he read it he was instantly planning where this would go in his garden. But… this gift. Did he deserve it? He’d eaten the one who brought it. He chased them away!
He couldn’t accept this gift but he couldn’t just let the seedling wither and die. It didn’t deserve that. And thus, his brain rationalized a way for him to keep the gift. So now what?
Yonah’s brain was too full of rage to do any proper work, so he decided to take it out on the garden, which was still in a state of construction. He’d already torn up old dead pieces of the overgrown mess left behind by the predecessor. Now he was digging spots for flower beds and what would hopefully be an orchard. There was even a designated spot for herbs.
The reason this was slow going was he refused to use magic. For the most part. Thankfully, being giant made digging and construction easier. Now that he had the thyme, he prioritized the herb beds. It was with a sour pride that he completed one as the sun started to go down.
A large wooden box that curved in a lovely arc close to the tower. The wood was specially imported from his The Blue Sky Mountain Giants Tribe in the Implausible Mountains, the smell of it reminding him of home. The frozen thyme seedling was given enough space to grow. He even gave it some friends that he knew would be compatible.
With his mind a little more at ease, he managed to get himself to sleep.
And awoke the next morning with an ache in his heart and a new plan in his brain.
For the first time since he arrived in this prison of a forest, he ventured beyond the boundaries of his clearing. Yonah knew he was allowed, a certain distance from his tower, to walk the forest. It had just seemed pointless. Not wanting to draw too much attention, he wore his gardening outfit: a pink plaid button up and light blue overalls. He had a straw hat that he recently wove to be a wizard hat, as well as his wizard staff. He couldn’t really leave that behind.
The trees in the forest were shorter than back home, but still very large. Thankfully he didn't have to duck so much to avoid branches. In his mind was a list of ingredients he needed to find. Foraging in the forest might seem like a fruitless endeavor, but when you have the keen nose of a giant, tracking down wildberries was a simple feat.
What a bounty! A huge patch of bramble with perfectly ripe berries. He didn’t need a giant’s amount and they would just get squashed if he tried to pick them at his normal size so once again he shrank down. He retrieved a basket from his hat and started to pick berries.
About ten minutes in, the bush began to shift! A section opened up and out ran a gnome with a garden spade. It smacked into his hand mid berry pick.
“Stop! Thief!”
Yonah was so startled he backed away and returned to his normal size, the basket of berries spilling over.
The gnome yelped. “Giant!” They dropped the spade. “Don’t eat me! Take berries! Don’t eat me or family!”
There was something satisfying about the gnome’s fear and Yonah grinned, “While you would make for a nice little snack,” he said, “I’m not in the mood for gnome today.”
The gnome shook and took up the spade again, pointing it at him as if that would help. From inside the bushes, Yonah heard rustling, and smelled more gnomes. This must cover their burrow.
“Put that away, or I might change my mind!” Yonah growled, showing his fangs. The gnome complied, tossing it aside.
“But you are also in luck. I am not interested in being a berry thief. I have more honor than that. If you would permit me to buy some of your berries, at a discount for me not making a meal of you and your family, I will leave you in peace”
The gnome gulped and nodded, “Am… sure we can make a deal.”
“Pick up the ones I already picked, will you?” Yonah ordered.
The gnome scrambled. “You will need more?”
Yonah nodded. The gnome whistled. And a troupe of younger gnomes carefully came out of the bramble.
“Kind giant has offered to buy some berries. Exchange for not eating us!”
The kids looked nervous and their fear didn’t spark the same kind of joy as the adults. But Yonah had a reputation to build! And he had to admit, it was still a bit fun.
He watched as the gnomes gathered berries until the basket was full and the adult gnome put it down in front of where Yonah had sat down. He picked it up and took off his hat, dropping it in and noticed the gnome’s eyes get wide. Storage space items were not uncommon, but storage hats were tools of professional mages, not common folk.
“That all?” the gnome asked.
Yonah stroked his beard thoughtfully, “Yes. I think so.” He reached into this hat. While he didn’t have a lot of money, Ben had supplied him with funds should he need them, and he had distributed the rings between his various pocket spaces. He got out a large wooden dowel upon which hung many metal rings. Small ones and large ones. With a pair of tweezers, yonah removed a few silver rings and one gold ring and put them into his palm, placing it up in front of the gnome.
Who did not take it.
“Do not insult me by refusing my payment,” Yonah insisted but the gnome did not move.
“More than we charge normally… You wanted discount: berries, a silver a pound!”
Yonah blinked. He still wasn’t good with smallfolk money. When purchasing as a giant, you purchased such large amounts it always cost at least a gold.
“Oh? Er-” he didn’t want to actually exploit these gnomes. “I'm not taking it back! Take the money Or I’ll eat you!” his voice faltered and the gnomes looked a little confused, and a little more relaxed.
“Leave us alone then, yes?” The gnome reached out a hand. Yonah nodded. The gnome finally took the money, giving each of the kids a silver ring. Any fear the kids had was gone as soon as they studied their rings and looked at Yonah with excitement. It was hard not to let the warmth in his heart at their expressions show on his own face.
“Actually!” Yonah announced as the gnomes started to back away into their burrow.
The adult stopped and looked nervous again. Yonah huffed. “I’m not going to eat you, I never was. I just have a question.”
The gnome ushered the kids away, not trusting Yonah, before turning back to the giant. “And if don’t have a good answer, you won’t eat… right?”
With a sigh Yonah shook his head, “No. I won't.”
“Then ask.”
Yonah took a breath, “I am... looking to get some ingredients. I… lashed out at someone recently and I very much regret it, and want to make some amends. I have giant ones back home but… giant sized ingredients do not taste as strong as small ones. Do you know where, or who, I might be able to look for?”
The gnome smiles, “Yes! Mystical Market. Sell our berries there. Open today, also gnome holiday.” They gave Yonah the instructions on how to find the market.
“Thank you- er…” Yonah put a hand to his chest and bowed.
“Kalle” said Kalle.
“Yonah,” said Yonah. The gnome bowed as well, “Don’t be flaunting riches, mysterious half giant. Marketeers take advantage”
Riches!? He did not have endless funds. He would have to be more careful with his spending.
“I am also looking for… Er... Shit!” he exclaimed and was glad the kids were no longer outside, “I don't know their name. Dwarf witch.”
Kalle considered, “Know them. Likes almond cookies. Sorry. Market easier find than people. That all?”
From their tone of voice, Yonah knew the gnome desperately wanted to get back to their family. It was a holiday after all. Yonah stood up and nodded, leaving without subjecting them to any more conversation.
Almond cookies? That changed things. He had only made almond cookies once! He needed a little more help. However, he did not backtrack to the tower. He knew that if he went back, he would lose motivation. Locating the market was his current task.
Unfortunately, it took some luck. According to the gnome, it was a special place that one happened to come across, just by wanting to be there. The more familiar you were with it, the better chance there was of that happening. Yonah really really wanted to be there. So he gathered his will and set off in a random direction.
After an hour of walking yonah felt a weird tingle all over his arms and legs. Like his hair was standing on end and all pointing in the same direction. Had he entered some magical field? No matter, he was fairly immune to passive magic.
Then he took another step and a jolt of magic electricity surged through his body, causing him to freeze up. Before he could collapse, he felt as if a giant hook had caught around his middle. There was no physical hook, but it still yanked him back, pulling in through the forest.
Eventually it stopped and finally Yonah fell over, breathing shallowly as his heart raced. He rolled onto his back and stared up into the trees.
“What’s the big idea!?” Someone kicked him in the side and he sat up. “You’re blocking the way!”
An elf!
Yonah frowned. “You’re so bold for someone I could crush with a finger!” To tease the elf, he poked them in the chest.
For the second time that day, Yonah got bitten. This time, it was the elf who sank their fangs into his finger, letting go before Yonah pulled away.
“Don’t get sassy with me! Messing with smallfolk isn’t allowed in the market, you'll be banned!”
Yonah looked around “The market?”
He had assumed it was the Mystical Market because it was in the Mystical Woodlands. But now he realized that the name was rather accurate. An entire marketplace incorporated into the forest itself. Stalls and restaurants built into the trees, with carts parked in between. The trees here were also… there was no other word for it: majestic. Larger and older and, compared to the forest he had been exploring before, more deliberate spacing. He couldn’t even see all of it. The forest stretched on for a while, and thus was obscured by the very trees that made up the shops.
There were even buildings in the branches so that ogres, trolls, and giants did not have to bend down to make transactions. He even spotted a few trolls. Amazing! Trolls (and ogres) were much more likely than giants to eat smallfolk. Giants mostly threatened unless the person in question did something really, really stupid.
And yet, there was a troll, large with brown fur and green spots, purchasing a roll of fabric from the elevated section of a gnome shop.
“Yes you idiot, the market! And my cart won't fit through any other path! Move your giant ass or I’ll get the guard to move it for you!”
His elation at having found the market was in conflict with his pride that was being so insulted by this little creature.
“Apologize for biting me, and I’ll consider it!”
The elf looked indignant. “You threatened to squash me! MAGEN!!” they yelled.
Thunderous footsteps were heard and Yonah turned as a proper, full blooded giant, made her way through the shoppers, somehow avoiding stepping on anyone. She was maybe 17, but full grown and taller than Yonah by at least ten feet. Her skin was a light greyish pink and her eyes were a dark red. She wore a lovely headpiece of woven flowers and vines to look like hair, which full giants do not have.
She knelt “This man bothering you?”
The elf nodded. Yonah threw his hands up, “Hey! I don’t mean any trouble!”
“He threatened to squash me!”
The giant glared at Yonah, who glared back.
“How largefolk deal with smalls outside of the market is their own business,” she said. “But inside the market we do not even threaten to squash, or kick, or stomp, or eat!”
“I did not intend to and I did not know I was in the market! I have never been before!” Yonah stood up so that he was not at such an extreme height disadvantage. Magen was a rather short mountain giant, only 35ft tall.
She nodded, “I can believe that.” She stood up. “I would have remembered you for sure.” She sniffed and said in implausible Giant: “You are from the blue sky tribe?”
“Yes! I am.” he answered, also in Giant. “I just moved to the forest. I was looking for the market but… I must have… hit something magic. I sort of fell into here”.
The elf took the opportunity to weave their cart around the giants’ feet, disappearing into the market.
“Ah, the seller seems to no longer push this issue. My name is Magen.” she introduced, bowing.
“Yonah HaEsh,” Yonah answered in return.
“HaEsh! I know the name. Fire man who helped save the Implausible Mountains from the Society of Wizards!”
“That’s my dad,” Yonah said, a little embarrassed.
“Mom told me the story! How exciting!”
Yonah brushed himself off and glanced around, “So... What are the rules here, then?”
Magen shrugged, “Just don’t start fights, alright? All sales are final, so don't go making a fuss if you haggled wrong or think you got cheated unless you believe your items are defective. There are ways to deal with fraudulent goods, but we cannot risk collateral damage.”
“Does that happen often?” Yonah asked, “I only mean to buy food, I can tell if that’s fresh”
“Oh, you have a giant’s nose then. Good. It does not happen often. Makes my job easier. And I usually manage to break up confrontations before they get out of hand.”
Knowing he could likely sniff out the stalls he needed, Yonah asked if Magen could show him around and help him find all the items on his list. She happily agreed. He had to walk behind her as there wasn’t room for two giants to be side by side.
As she carefully led him, she took glances back and down Yonah who was getting a little nervous. It had been a while since he encountered other giants. He was watching his feet to make sure he didn’t hurt anyone, and he was stopping constantly to look into the shops and stalls and carts.
“What is it like, being half giant?” Magen asked, who somehow managed to walk without looking at her feet very often at all. Maybe Yonah was being too careful and people here knew to stay out of the way of largefolk's feet… Still, he didn't want to take chances.
“Er… I have hair, I guess?” he said.
“I was wondering if that was natural or a wig.” Magen brushed the vines spilling from her head.
“But mostly, things were just a bit inconveniently large for me. I still managed.” Then he countered. “What’s it like being a guard in the market?”
“The shopkeepers pool money to have me stand around, mostly. Smallfolk behave when an angry giant is within earshot.” She grinned with all her fangs.
“I thought you said giants couldnt mess with smallfolk here?” Yonah inquired.
“You can’t. It’s my job to interfere,” Magen retorted. “I haven't hurt anyone… badly. I’ve only worked here for a year. But I know everyone and everyone knows me!”
They stopped at a stand selling nuts and Yonah purchased the almonds he needed. The seller seemed a bit disappointed that he bought so few.
“Shopping for someone small?” Magen asked.
“Er- yeah.” Yonah said. They both had to back between trees to let a trio of trolls go by. One was only 10 feet tall and barely came up to Yonah’s waist, but another was nearly 20 feet! They carried baskets and bags on their furry backs, and even had some tied to their tusks!
Before they continued, two elves leapt from the tree nearby and onto Yonah’s shoulders! He was about to brush them off when Magen stopped him.
“Don’t! They are just hitching rides!” At that, he spotted more elves on her head. “You need honey, yes? I know the best shop!”
He followed Magen around the market, which was much larger than he had realized. The elves had no qualms about leaping on and off him and other largefolk shoppers and eventually he ignored them. Magen even helped him avoid making a bad deal for oat flour, saying she couldn’t believe the nerve of the shopkeeper trying to take advantage of a new resident.
Before Yonah left, he wanted to properly thank Magen. “If there is anything I can do to show thanks. Perhaps er-” he looked around.
“You know, the juice stand behind that tree has new flavors I’ve wanted to try. How about you buy me a drink? You should get one too. It’s very refreshing!”
“They make them giant sized?” Yonah asked.
“Oh, they are made by ogres!” Magen replied, rounding the indicated tree.
Ogres, kin of trolls and even more dangerous due to their magical powers. Typically smaller than trolls, but that was not the way to tell them apart.
An entire family of ogres were operating a massive open storefront. Jugs hung from branches or were strapped to the trunks of trees and fruit swung in baskets. Behind the counter was an elaborate prep station operated by two large ogres. Around the entire display were platforms sticking out from the nearby trees. Smallfolk sat on stools enjoying drinks and food at an elevation that made it easy to be served by the ogres. Magen walked up to the counter, which was not at an ideal height for her but was easily manageable. She spoke to an ogre with straw colored fur, blue spots, and large horns.
“Edna! I’d like two passion fruit smoothies please! One giant sized and one…” She glanced back at Yonah. “Full Troll sized!” She stepped aside and pointed at Yonah. “He’s paying”
Edna nodded and passed on the order.
Yonah stepped forward. Bowing “Yonah HaEsh”. She bowed back, “Edna Baneclaw. That will be a gold bracelet for the giant and half for the full troll”
Yonah’s heart nearly stopped. A gold bracelet and a half !? He looked at Magen who flashed her fangs mischievously then back at Enda.
Edna smiled as well. “We don’t have enlarged passion fruit, not in high demand by largefolk.”
With another glare at Magen, Yonah fished into his hat. He didn’t have gold bracelets but he had rings. 10 silver to a gold. Rings to Rings. Bracelets to Bracelets… 10 gold rings to a silver bracelet… 10 silver bracelets to a gold ring. That’s 100 gold rings to a gold bracelet (he had really overpaid the gnomes for the berries... A holiday gift he supposed), but this was not money to spend on frivolous fruit drinks!
Too late, however. The drinks were ready, and he carefully removed golden rings from silver bracelets. 50 gold rings and 10 silver bracelets exchanged for two smoothies. They came in wooden cups with bamboo straws.
This better be fucking worth it. Yonah took a sip.
His eyes widened as the cool icy tart concoction hit his taste buds and he took a long drink. Finally, he looked at Magen and then Edna. “This is incredible!” he exclaimed. Magen grinned and sipped hers as well. “Yeah. Too bad we’re the last two to have some for at least a month!”
“What do you mean?”
“That took all the passion fruit we had,” Edna informed. “Won't get more for a while”
“Worth it! Suck it smallfolk!” Magen teased the people on the platforms, a few looked a bit annoyed, but most didn't seem to care. She didn't seem to care either.
“Well it was nice meeting you, Yonah. I hope to see you again. Oh, and by the way, you can return your mug to the ogres for a silver bracelet, even if you take it home today!”
Yonah glanced at his drink. “Oh! Thanks for letting me know. But where are you going?”
Magen sipped at her smoothie loudly before answering. “This was my break, silly, I need to go back on proper duty now, and you have all your things.” Magen held out her free hand and Yonah shook it, bidding her goodbye. It was getting late in the day now and he wanted to get to work on the almond cookies.
Wait… which way was back to the tower? How could he be so stupid wandering off like this!? His mom taught him better than that. Forest ranger rule number 1: DON’T GET LOST. ...okay, so that wasn’t really a rule. It was supposed to imply that you paid attention to where you were going so you could get back. This was not so easy in the Mystic Woods.
The moment he had walked far enough away from the market, he turned forward and then back, and it was already gone. He had nowhere to go but forward.
It was to his great surprise that only a minute later, he exited the dense trees and found himself in the clearing. The tower was on the opposite side. While he was elated to have made it back safely before dark, there was a distinct absence of any gladness to be home. This was not his home, after all. It was his prison.
Yonah HaEsh climbed up the tower and back into his prison. He took off his hat and sat down at his desk in the workshop, staring into the reflection on the large, ornate mirror that rested upon it.
To do this right, he needed help. Professional help. So he activated his mirror. Or at least… tried. He stared at his own reflection, then spoke. “Mirror Mirror on the desk,” he faltered, “Could you please connect me to Shoshana at the academy?”
The mirror snorted. “You think politeness will work after all this time? I don’t make exceptions. This is why your friends think you’ve forgotten about them! Put in the effort! Ask me properly or don't at all.”
“They’ve called me!!” Yonah insisted, but the mirror said nothing in response. Just like he would do when he got calls from his friends. Yonah growled and snorted back at the mirror, fogging it up. “Mirror Mirror, oh magical vanity, I wish to call Shoshana, at the wizard academy”
There was a whistle from the mirror. “Now that’s how you do it!” it praised. The fog cleared and for a brief moment, he saw his own face again before the reflective surface turned grey. Another moment and the face of his friend Shoshana emerged.
“Yonah!!!” she exclaimed. “You called! I cannot believe it!”
Yonah’s face turned a bit red. “I’ve… been distracted.”
Shoshana waved her hand, stopping any further excuses. “You’ve been through so much! I was worried! Since we graduated, you haven't called at all!”
/I never called before either... / Yonah thought. /It was always you.../ When Grand Master Sean reinstated him as a wizardling student, his friends would call regularly to work on homework and their theses, as he wasn’t allowed to actually attend the school in person. And while he attended the graduation…
That wasn’t a happy memory at all and he didn’t want to think about how he sat behind all the students in the amphitheater in magic chains looking more like a beast one of the adventuring tract students had wrangled for their final than a student.
“I need a recipe!” he said.
Shoshana raised her brows “That’s it!? First call in over a month, and it’s to get a recipe! You don’t want to catch up at all?!” Yonah’s eyes flickered and Shoshana backed off. “Alright, I can see you’re not in the mood. But please, we’re all missing you so much. We’d assumed you embraced the evil hermit wizard life.”
“I… haven’t meant to. But it’s surprisingly easy,” he admitted, grinning awkwardly. “I’d rather not go full hermit, of course.”
“Well, then dont go a month without calling your friends!” Shoshana chided. “Or make some new friends! The forest is full of interesting people, right?”
Yonah looked away, but his eyes were probably glowing orange now.
“This… is for that.”
“Oh!” Shoshana exclaimed, “I should have figured! Of course, I will give you whatever recipe you’d like.”
Yonah got out his ingredients to show Shoshana and explained what he wanted to bake. She nodded and made some suggestions for ingredients and spices to really make these cookies great. He did not have all the supplies she suggested, which led to some back-and-forth as Shoshana pointed out some substitutions for what Yonah bought or already had in his tower.
“Got that all down?” she asked, as she watched Yonah scribble out the final lines to the recipe.
“Yes!” Yonah exhaled in relief. “Thank you so much, Shosh!”
“Next time, we will catch up properly, but I had fun designing this recipe!” Shoshana chirped. “What a challenge. I wish you had called first, before just buying random ingredients.”
“I was already in the forest, Shosh.”
“I know, I know.” Shoshana blew Yonah a kiss and the mirror flickered back to his reflection.
It was time to bake! Which he did after shrinking down.
By the time he was done baking his jam print almond cookies, it was past midnight. He needed sleep and didn't think finding the witch at night was a particularly wise idea, especially since he was getting tired. That meant he was extra likely to be grumpy and irritable. So he placed the cookies in a special cooling rack to keep them magically fresh, then went to bed.
It was right after breakfast that Yonah HaEsh left the tower and, for the second time, entered the forest.
Once again, he had no direction, not that one could in the Mystic Woods. It wasn't even possible to have a map unless it was incredibly magical. Still, he was determined and willing to wander the forest for days if he must! But he’d do so at his full size, which would allow him to cover more ground.
That’s… That’s a witch’s hut! He hoped it was the correct one. It was more of a mound than a hut, with one side covered in rocks and moss and the other a more sheer side with windows, plus a flatter side with a door.
As he approached, a garden came into view and he heard a yelp before watching a small figure dart into the hut and close the curtains. The door opened briefly and a hand hung a sign that read “NO SOLICITORS”
That was the evil giant! Why was he here!? Why did the forest let him find the hut!? Was he here to eat them?! To finish the job!? Could they take on a giant fire witch?! Myran was a damn skilled witch, and at least 15 years the giant’s senior by their estimate, but they were quaking in their boots.
A knock sounded at their door. It didn’t sound forceful enough to be a giant. Siv was in front of them, hissing at the door. Thinking it better to be safe, they peeked out the window, then ran to open the door. Just a crack.
Red faced and holding a basket was… the giant. Only he wasn’t giant. Not exactly. He now stood at about twice Myran’s height. A little less actually. Right. Wizard. Giant wizard.
“May I come in?”
“Depends… what’s in the basket?” They narrowed their eyes. “I don’t want any nasty surprises.”
The wizard’s face got redder as he removed the cover. They opened the door and stood aside. They took the basket with their right hand… Yonah hesitated. Their arm had a massive scar from shoulder to elbow, but the hand was unbroken. The Dwarf noticed and gave him a hard look as he crouched low to get through the dwarf sized door, Siv still hissing at him in warning.
Myran put the basket on the kitchen table and motioned to the couch. “Please, sit.” Yonah did. The couch was small for him but it took his weight. “I’m going to be honest.” Myran leaned against the kitchen table and crossed their arms. “This is quite the unexpected visit.”
“Oh?” Yonah said. Of course, it made sense. He chased them out. Why would he then try to find them again?
“You bit me!” Myran reminded him harshly. “You broke my hand, and you said if you saw me again, you would eat me. Again. And kill me.”
Yonah’s breath caught before managing to say. “I did… didn’t I?” He looked down at his feet.
Myran. sighed. “Yep. Though eating me at your current size would be an impressive feat. So... What the fuck are you doing here? Besides bringing me cookies to fatten me up.”
“I’m not-!” He looked back up to defend himself and saw their cheeky grin. “I didn’t come here to eat you…” They raised an eyebrow in sarcastic disbelief. “I want to apologize. For what I said… What I did. After I ate you. I was so angry. I still am, though mostly at myself. I shouldn't have hurt you. It wasn’t right.” He was almost crying. Dammit, he’d gone nearly a month without crying!
“And for eating me?”
“Huh?” Yonah was thoroughly confused.
“You’re sorry for what happened after you ate me, but what about eating me?”
Yonah bit his lip, “I’m… I’m not sorry about that.”
The witch raised both eyebrows now, genuinely curious as to the workings of this monster’s thoughts.
“I’m supposed to eat people! Especially those who enter my tower unannounced. It’s part of my job! And… And I like it!” He startled himself with that statement. He liked his job? He didn’t even want this job!! He was forcefully employed by the King under threat of death! Being evil had never been his plan and he didn’t want that. Did he?
The witch didn’t look completely satisfied with this answer. But they didn’t get to inquire further as Yonah’s curiosity got the better of him.
“Er- your hand…”
Myran smiled “It was rather mangled by your jaws yesterday. Luckily, I am a very good healer, and well-known in this forest. If you had killed me, you would have had a lot of angry forest residents after your head.” Myran began preparing a pot of tea as Yonah Processed that statement. “You’re a lucky giant aren’t you?”
“What?” Yonah voiced. “For not killing you and putting a target on my back?”
“Yes, exactly. And that was curious. It is rare that evil giants are merciful.”
Yonah looked away, “I’ve only been evil for a few months. I… you’re the third person I’ve eaten at all. And I dont… I haven’t yet… killed anyone.”
That surprised Myran. “I guess I do not know the frequency that giants normally encounter adventurers… but what I meant was you’re lucky that you even get to eat people. Most giants like the taste of smallfolk but they don't actually eat them. It’s rather rare.”
“You said it yourself. Evil Giants eat people,” Yonah pointed out. “Which I am one. I guess it’s… nice that I get to eat folks. But it comes with a cost… It’s only a matter of time before slayers come after me.”
“Most evil giants kill their victims, right?” Myran asked.
Yonah shrugged “I met another one once. Said it depended on his mood.”
“Fascinating… though if you keep up your more merciful streak, perhaps you are less likely to attract slayers?”
“Perhaps…” Yonah had not considered that. He just felt he wasn’t ready to kill anyone yet, but maybe there were other perks than just a clear conscience in continuing to let his snacks go.
“Cracked some sort of code then?” Myran inquired. “Getting to eat people without attracting too much attention? Not that this would stop all slayers,” they added. “I expect you would kill a slayer?”
Yonah nodded, sniffed, and wiped his nose. In that case… Guess he was lucky. Indeed, he’d gotten to taste plenty of smallfolk. Plenty of giants did. It was unique that he’d had his human dad while growing up. But all of the smallfolk in the village knew that when giants kissed their hands, the giants were getting little tastes. Sometimes giants would lick a friend playfully or freak someone out. He’d had a few elvish and human friends growing up, and they sometimes let him and the other giant kids lick them during games of Jacks and Giants. And his academy friends were quite amused by his affections. He very much missed them. It had not taken long for him to get used to living amongst human friends, not just because he got to taste them. And so quickly, that was taken away from him. Friends…
As tears welled in his eyes he couldn’t look at Myran any longer. He closed his eyes and turned his face away. Should he keep talking? Shit, how much of that had he said out loud!? The words continued to come out regardless.
“I know I said I didn’t want any friends. But I do! I need them. And I know I can’t be your friend. You came to me and I fucked it up. But I beseech you to not tell everyone else in the forest to avoid me. I already went to the mystical market and-“
“You… how did you find out that I liked almonds!”
Yonah looked up. They weren’t looking at him but reaching into the basket for another cookie. They munched on it thoughtfully, not a crumb falling into their beard. The tea was ready and Myran poured it with magic, leaving their hands free to hold more cookies. They walked over to Yonah, the tea cups floating with. He took the larger one out of mid air. It was very hot! And he drank. It was… It tasted like tea he’d had at home. His village had alway gotten various teas from the dwarves. New tears came to his eyes.
“You alright?” Myran asked, offering a handkerchief. “You’re a very emotional evil giant.”
Yonah took it and dried his eyes. “The tea is… really good.” That wasn’t the real reason but right now he couldn’t process all of his emotions.
“It’s my grandma’s blend,” Myran said. “I’ve tried to replicate it using my garden, but you just can’t replicate those tunnel grown fungi.”
They dipped one of the cookies into the tea. From their expression, it wasn’t really a mistake but likely didn’t improve the experience. Still they munched thoughtfully.
“I’ll be your friend.”
Yonah’s jaw nearly hit the floor and he almost dropped his tea. It was a few seconds before he managed to pick his jaw back up. Were they serious? They walked over to him, placing their much smaller hand over one of his. Then they smiled most disarmingly.
“Just don’t eat me again.”
Yonah smiled.
“I think I can manage that”
(You can imagine that Yonah got to hug Myran before he left, probably a little too tight but dwarves are tough!)
REBLOGS HELP SPREAD MY WORK! I also love knowing that people read my stories! My askbox and DMs are OPEN!!! let me know!!!
[Thanks for reading! please reblog! Or message me telling me what you think! I crave feedback! For more mystic woods go to vore-scientist.tumblr.com/tagged/mystic+woods+story or search ‘mystic woods story’]
big thanks to my amazing editors @j0hnnymouse and @vixen525
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corysmiles · 3 years
There has been so much dark aus and angst in the mcyt gt tags lately. Can I ask for either a hurt/comfort or a pure fluff drabble? Maybe about little streamer, but any au you want.
I haven’t written for the friendly giant au in a bit so I’m gonna do it with that (Giant monster Ranboo, human Tubbo) :]
This is the most pure fluff I’ve ever written
Old Friend
Many months had passed since Ranboo had met Tubbo for the first time. However he didn’t expect to see the small human again since he spent so much time making sure his den was well hidden from people. He knew he was frightening to look at and he’d rather not have a whole village hunting him down.
So when he arrived home after a successful fishing trip and he noticed that there was a light coming from inside his den he was completely baffled. Carefully he creeped inside to see the source of the light and when he found a human lantern laying in one of the pathways his mind filled with fear.
At least until a familiar voice called to him from behind.
“Ranboo! I can’t believe I found you big man!”
All of a sudden a small human was tackling his leg and wrapping his arms around as much as he could while snuggling into his soft fur.
“Tubbo?” Ranboo asked in shock.
Carefully he laid his hand down next to Tubbo and watched as the boy crawled on to his palm. Tubbo was barely the size of his thumb now that Ranboo had grown even more but god had he missed his friend.
Tubbo grabbed onto his thumb to help him balance while Ranboo brought him up to his face. His eyes rested on the tiny form of his friend and a large grin spread across his face.
“How...how did you find me again?” Ranboo asked softly.
The tiny laughed and yelled back at Ranboo, “I tracked you down big man, you didn’t really think I’d let you save me and then not come back to give you proper thanks.”
The giant grinned and let a soft pleased purr resonate from him causing Tubbo to giggle and fall over in his hand.
“I brought you something by the way,” Tubbo said reaching into his leather backpack, “It’s a fishing net...it’s kinda small, but I thought maybe it would help you.”
Ranboo watched in awe as the boy unravelled a decently sized fishing net. He laughed though when he realized it looked awfully like the one he’d found Tubbo caught in when they first met.
With his other hand he gently took the net from his friend and put it down on the floor of his den. He wanted to give all his attention to the small human.
“Hey big man you good you’re acting like a cat,” Tubbo laughed as the purring got louder.
“Mhm,” Ranboo murmured happily, his ears twitched back and forth with joy.
The featherlight feeling of his friend in his hands caused waves of protectiveness to wash over him. He’d do anything for the small human who’d come back for him.
He didn’t realize he had started nuzzling against the human though until he heard a surprised shout from the boy who he had knocked over with his nose.
“Oh sorry,” he laughed while the small human stood back up.
“It’s okay,” Tubbo chirped, “I’m glad you like the gift big man.”
Ranboo sighed happily and gazed at the tiny human.
His human.
“I love it but I don’t need the gift just...promise you’ll come back again?” Ranboo asked hopefully.
Tubbo stared at him in confusion before his face melted into a soft grin.
“Of course I’m coming back, you’re my friend Ranboo.”
Ranboo felt his heart melt as he wrapped his hands possessively over the small human. Careful, to not move him around too much he laid down against the ground and placed Tubbo next to his face.
When the tiny human curled up next to his nose he gently pressed against him before falling asleep.
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link4eva · 3 years
Kiro’s Collection of Sounds Date Translation [CN]
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Hey! Just a couple of things before you begin reading. I don’t actually know Chinese so this translation was done through the power of Google Translate and with help from @keliosyfan​. Thank you! 💛
I highly recommend reading the prologue to this date which I’ll link here. It gives some context and has some sweet and spicy moments. 😍 There’s also a phone call that comes before the date which I’ll link here.
This translation contains spoilers for a date that has not yet been released to the English server. If you wish to not be spoiled, please don’t look below the cut.
Hope you enjoy~ 💛
*Spoilers below for future content!*
[First Part]
The moment I opened the car door, unlike the smell of the city, fresh air flooded into my nose.
The air seemed to carry the fragrance of grass, and there were also some hints of wet grass.
Several flat brick houses in the distance were scattered on the hillside, and the smoke from the chimneys was also reflected by the sun with a faint golden light.
Ahead is the end of our journey; a village far away from the noise--
Kiro is currently composing a new song. To add more special elements to it, we are here to collect sounds.
Kiro: Miss Chips, come and help!
The flustered tone brought my thoughts back. I looked behind and saw Kiro getting out of the RV with several pieces of recording equipment.
I quickly hugged the microphone boom on his shoulders in my arms. He stabilized his balance, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Kiro: The air here is so good. I picked a good place. 
Kiro: We will definitely find the best sound here!
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Kiro: Gogogo! 
We picked up the hand-drawn map and started to walk towards the village not far away. 
MC: Passing through the small forest ahead, you will reach the elderly lady’s house!
As soon as the voice fell, there was a rustling sound in the grass not far away, accompanied by a few animal noises.
I followed the sound, and a big plump goose appeared in the gap between the grass and walk towards us swayingly.
I don’t know who was blocking the other’s way but we both stopped at the same time.
I couldn’t help thinking of the stories of many people being chased by geese, and my feet involuntarily took a step back.
Kiro: We unexpectedly met the rumoured “Country Bully”; Goose Boss! 
It flapped its wings, telling us in a high-pitched manner, “Don’t mess with me!” 
*Can confirm. Geese, especially Canadian geese, are hella vicious. They will just stand there and 👁👁. If you stare long enough, they’ll start honking and flapping their wings at you. They’re cute though!*
Kiro: Hahaha, it’s really as fierce as the ones in the video.
Kiro looked at Big Goose curiously and didn’t seem to realize the “crisis-ridden” situation at hand. I couldn’t help pulling on his sleeves.
MC: Let’s take a detour, just in case….
Before I could finish, there was another noise coming from the grass.
A few goslings poked their heads out. They are like yellow pompoms, and their eyes are looking at us steadily.
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Kiro: Hey~ *The way he said this was so cute!* 
He spoke softly, bent down and waved.
Immediately afterwards, the goslings wandered over with wobbly feet, trying to climb on his calf again and again.
Kiro couldn’t help laughing. He put down his luggage, sat down and carefully touched the goose.
Kiro: Hello, future Goose Boss~
[Second Part]
After a while, one of the goslings flapped its wings and struggled to climb to the toe of Kiro’s shoes while making a soft sound.
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Kiro: Little guy, do you want me to hug you? *He’s talking so softly here 🥺* 
The gosling seemed to understand what he meant by spreading its tiny wings and shaking its body.
Kiro gently held it up, looking at the little life in his palms without blinking.
Kiro: Miss Chips, would you like to come closer?
MC: Ok!
I just took a step when the ‘Goose Boss” in front of me gave a more threatening honk than before, and it rushed towards us with its neck thrust forward.
MC: ….Be careful!
Kiro quickly put down the goose in his hand steadily, but it was too late to dodge the collision of the Big Goose.
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The moment the Big Goose pounced on him, he opened his arms and held the Big Goose in his arms. 
“Goose Boss” was stunned for a second, then spread its wings again and his long beak approached his cheek.
Kiro smiled without worry. He stretched out his palm to cover the goose’s head and gently pet it.
Kiro: Don’t be afraid, don’t be angry. I won’t hurt you. *Changed some wording*
The Big Goose shrank its neck somewhat resisting and honked a few times in protest, but Kiro still stroked it without letting go.
Kiro: We can be good friends, right?
His voice seemed to have magical power, and the Big Goose gradually quieted down. Its menacing wings also retracted.
It leaned lightly on his shoulder and squinted its eyes in content.
Kiro smiled and hugged the Big Goose and couldn’t help rubbing its white head a few more times.
Suddenly, the young goose at his feet wailed as if hungry, and the Big Goose immediately spread out its wings and jumped out of Kiro’s arms.
It gently combed the feathers on the goslings and then swaggered away with them.
Kiro smiled crookedly and waved his arms.
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Kiro: Goodbye, Goose Boss~ 
Watching them disappear gradually, Kiro stood up and rubbed the mud off of his body.
MC: Unexpectedly, the frightening Big Goose gave in to the “head pats”~ *This came out weird in GT so I changed this part up a bit*
Kiro: Of course, no one can resist “head pats”.
MC: Are you the same?
Kiro walked towards me, lowered his head and shook it.
Kiro: Miss Chips, would you like to try it too?
The curly blond hair swayed gently in the breeze as he shook, seemingly sending me the most sincere invitation.
It looked so soft and vibrant under the sun, I couldn’t help rubbing it a few times.
Kiro: Well….it’s true.
He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head into my neck and shoulder.
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Kiro: I am like a big goose now. I don’t want to leave anymore. 
His warm cheeks were close to my collarbone, and a sudden rush of heat quietly reached the tips of my ears.
I didn’t know if he could hear my accelerating heartbeat. He raised his head and looked at me with pure blue eyes.
The next second, a hand fell on top of my head and rubbed it.
When I didn’t react, a sly smile raised at the corner of his mouth.
Kiro: Now it’s your turn.
He opened his arms and seemed to be waiting for me to pounce into his arms.
MC: ….Let’s hurry up and get to the elderly lady’s house!
I pretended to glare at him and walked forward with a chuckle.
But even if I speed up my pace, it seems that I can’t hide the sound of my heart beating like a drum.
(Cut to elderly lady’s house)
Soon we arrived at elderly lady’s house.
She is the person who is most familiar with the mountains and forests in the entire village. After she learned that we need to collect sounds, she enthusiastically introduced us to many places here.
After we gave her a greeting gift that we had prepared a while back, she took us to the backyard.
Although I heard many things about this lady’s backyard filled with a sea of flowers; after seeing it with my own eyes, it was even better than I had imagined--
Clusters of slender branches are adorned with flowers of different varieties. Large painting-like flowers rippled with the wind, setting off a “wave”.
I closed my eyes and the wonderful sounds around me continued to interweave, entangle, and overlap, as if playing a song.
I turned my head to look at Kiro and found that he had also closed his eyes.
The sunlight gleamed on the side of his face and the corners of his lips curled up as if greedily taking everything in around him.
Against the background of the sea of flowers, all the light and colours are gathering towards him, becoming extremely dazzling.
I don’t know if he felt my gaze but he opened his eyes and looked at me.
Kiro: Miss Chips, are you ready to move into our Flower Sea View Room?
(Cut to room)
We walked into the cabin. Although the space was not large, it was very tidy. Some flower buds had even bloomed, filling the cabin with life.
MC: It’s really nice here and the scenery is pleasant. And along the way, it was very quiet because there were no people around!
MC: This way, you don’t have to worry about being interrupted, and you can do what you want without any restraint.
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Kiro: With no restraint? 
Before the words finished, he raised a lazy smile and dragged me into his arms. Our center of gravity was thrown off at the same time and we fell on the soft bed.
I stared at Kiro above me in a daze. He pushed some hair on my face away, leaving an itchy feeling.
Kiro: Then I have a lot of things I want to do….
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Kiro: You will cooperate with me, right? 
His breath was so breathy and soft, it made the tips of my ears turn red instantly.
MC: If it is a reasonable thing….of course I will cooperate.
Kiro: Let’s rest for a while.
He fell on the bed and hugged me tightly, leaving only a small gap for us to breathe freely.
Kiro: Before collecting sounds, let’s be lazy. But not too much~
[Third Part]
After the afternoon nap, Kiro and I walked into the mountains with our equipment and started the official sound-collecting trip.
Seeing the porcelain doll originally placed in the RV hung on his backpack, I couldn’t help but be a little surprised. He seemed to see my doubts and shook his backpack.
Kiro: It is the main character of this song, and I want to take it and set off.
Kiro: I believe that everyone listening will be moved by it. *Changed some wording*
Kiro: Creation is like a kind of communication. The creator just tells us what the character wants and does it another way. 
Kiro: So since it is going to find the “fragments” that have been lost, this doll cannot be absent from the process. 
Kiro lowered his eyes and gently rubbed the porcelain doll with his fingertips. I couldn’t help holding his hand.
MC: So have you figured out what sound you want to collect?
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Kiro: Of course….I’m collecting all of the beautiful sounds. 
Kiro: There are always people experiencing unsatisfactory things, I want to use these sounds to awaken the beautiful memories that are not noticed by them.
His earnest words can’t help but remind me that each of his songs seems to bring light and power to everyone.
MC: Then I have to make a contribution and prick up my little ears to find the sound!
Kiro looked at me and raised his brows slightly.
Kiro: Miss Chips, do you know?
Kiro: In fact, in some special circumstances, you can let the sound actively find you.
MC: Really, how do we do that?
Kiro: Such as….
He pressed the corners of his lips, his eyes closed, and then a warm touch pressed against my ears.
Kiro: I am the “sound” that will come to your door. *It took everything in me to keep to the original as much as possible. My mind went many places 😳*
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Kiro: Whenever Miss Chips gets bored or misses me, I will be the first thing to pop into your ears. *HIS VOICE IS SO BREATHY AND LOW AAAAAAHHHH*
I couldn’t help but tremble and my heart was beating wildly.
MC: You….!
He tilted his head, smirking like a little devil.
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Kiro: I seem to hear a special heartbeat. 
I realized that I had accidentally fallen into his “trap” and had to blush and ran forward.
MC: There seems to be a sound in front of me. Let me go and take a look!
(Cut to spring)
Kiro and I walked forward slowly and the sounds from the distance before became clearer and clearer--
The gurgling clear spring faintly made the sound of water colliding with the stones, and the crisp birdsong in the sky also flew near and above.
Kiro put in his earphones and walked forward softly.
He bends down for a while and stretches his hands in front of him; he raises his arms high again as if he is adjusting his posture following the bird’s path.
The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves, through the mist in the forest, and poured a little bit onto him, creating a beautiful aperture.
Looking at Kiro like this, I was subconsciously drawn in.
It seemed that whenever he was immersed in the world of sound, his expression would become extremely pure and profound.
There is a sense of keenness in his eyebrows, but the curvature of the corners of his mouth never fell.
He is very happy.
Thinking of this, I smiled to myself.
Suddenly, he walked up to me, took out the earphones and gently put them in my ears.
Kiro: Listen with earphones; you will find many unexpected nuances.
Following his whispers, the natural sounds around me rushed into my ears like a spring.
The sound in the earphones seems to be completely different from the sound heard by human ears at ordinary times--
The sounds of birds, cicadas, springs, and the wind brushing leaves are more delicate and clearer than usual.
These pure sounds are usually drowned out by the sounds of the city.
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Kiro: How do you like it? 
MC: I think these sounds have become a song….
Kiro looked into the distance with a serene smile in his eyes.
Kiro: They are original songs created by nature.
Hearing this, I quickly took off one of the earphones and put it in his ear.
MC: The let’s listen for a while~
I leaned against Kiro’s body, quietly feeling the “music” in the earphones.
The sounds around me kept flowing and flowing into my ears. I couldn’t help but close my eyes and imagine the invisible scenes one by one--
The leaves fell on the ground with the wind and the fish flipped in the stream with splashes, water droplets falling from a height….
These sounds automatically filled the picture inside my mind, drawing every detail. I couldn’t help but laugh softly.
Kiro: MC, what are you laughing at?
I opened my eyes and found that he had seemed to have been looking at me the whole time.
MC: I was just imagining the scenes of these sounds and I thought that the experience this time was amazing.
MC: I haven’t finished yet, why are you laughing!
I said, poking at the corner of his raised mouth.
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Kiro: Because I found myself thinking the same thing as you. 
Kiro: So I can’t help but feel…. very, very happy.
Suddenly, a ray of sunlight seemed to pierce through the clouds and shoot straight down, making the surroundings shine brightly.
Even the porcelain doll hanging on Kiro’s backpack was shining brilliantly.
[Fourth Part]
As it was getting late, Kiro and I were passing by the small pool in the backyard with a “full load” when he suddenly stopped.
MC: What’s happening?
Kiro glanced at the pool next to him, his eyes flickering slightly.
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Kiro: MC, do you want to cool down? 
Although my clothes weren’t soaked, the sweat from my forehead kept coming.
I looked at the cold pool and couldn’t help nodding.
We put down the equipment in our hands, turned on the hose and walked towards the pool.
He sat down by the pool first and then stretched out his hand to me.
I thought he was going to help me sit down but I didn’t expect him to gently pull me to sit on his lap.
Kiro: There is mud on the ground. Sit with me.
As if guessing what I would do next, he wrapped his arms around my waist and tightened them.
MC: I’m….I’m not afraid of getting dirty.
I blushed and retorted but did not continue to struggle. My feet splashed the water gently.
The water splash sounded continuously and it blended into the surrounding cicadas seamlessly--
This is the sound of summer.
I couldn’t help but lean my head on his shoulder and the porcelain doll was reflected by the moonlight in the corner of my eye.
Thinking of its story, I couldn’t help but feel something in my heart and spoke slowly.
MC: This porcelain doll may represent a lot of people. Despite being “broken”, it felt that it was not a big deal.
MC: But over time, more and more cracks in the body began to make it incomplete….
MC: When I think about it, it must feel empty.
Kiro lowered his head, his breath lightly brushed my cheek.
He looked at me quietly, his eyes seemed to be mixed with inexplicable emotions.
MC: However, I’m not worried about this situation!
MC: Because I have you, Kiro.
MC: Whenever I encounter problems in life and work, I will face them more positively as much as possible.
MC: Because of you, I am not afraid of anything.
I couldn’t help laughing and there was a little splash on my feet.
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Kiro: Mm, Miss Chips has me. 
Kiro: I hope you are always happy.
His tone was with undeniable certainty and a warm current suddenly surged in my heart.
MC: However, Kiro, you also have me.
MC: I will also make you happy forever and ever.
Kiro looked at me deeply and suddenly widened his eyes slightly as if thinking of something.
Kiro: I seem to have a new idea!
He raised the corners of his mouth and hummed a brisk melody on the spot.
MC: Is this your new song? It seems different from the demo before.
Different from the soothing tune before, the melody this time is light and free; as soft as lying on a cloud.
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Kiro: Because MC has changed it. 
MC: Eh, how did I change it?
Kiro wrapped his arms around me tightly again and looked at me softly.
Kiro: Before, I wanted to awaken some of the beautiful memories that people hadn’t noticed and retrieve the lost goodness.
Kiro: But there are actually more powerful ideas than this, like a porcelain doll, for example.
Kiro: Even if it doesn’t get its lost fragments back, it can still use the leaves, petals and grass that pass by to complete itself again--
Kiro: It can have a new ending in the future!
Kiro looked straight at me, his eyes full of stars.
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Kiro: In fact, we can also re-decorate with the beauty around us and become who we are now. 
Kiro: Just like how you have been by my side, I became the current Kiro.
Kiro: When I am happy, you turn it into double happiness. When I am tired, you will be my power bank. When I’m frustrated….
Kiro: You are the reason that I won’t fall down.
Kiro: I accepted all the “fragments” you gave me and became my current self; a better Kiro.
Each word he spoke pulled my heartstrings inadvertently.
MC: Kiro….
Before I finished speaking, there was a sound of water pouring coming from the hose.
I don’t know why the hose was still trickling just now. A large amount of water came gushing out of it and began to dance in the air.
Kiro and I couldn’t avoid getting most of our bodies soaked and he hurriedly reached out to hold the hose in a panic.
Just as Kiro had grasped it, the hose sprayed me.
I instinctively turned my head and threw myself into Kiro’s arms, but my lips brushed against something soft.
I immediately lowered my head and buried it in his neck.
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Kiro: What’s wrong? Why is your face suddenly hot? 
MC: It’s nothing. It’s just a bit hot.
Suddenly, his chest trembled slightly, as if he has seen through my cover and was trying his best to hide a laugh.
Kiro: Oh~ So that’s the case. Let me cool you down.
As soon as the voice fell, he raised the hose in his hand and pointed it at me at a relatively safe distance.
The jet of water brushed my ears, bringing a comfortable icy coolness.
Kiro: Is it cooler now?
I subconsciously looked away and responded to him in somewhat of a daze.
MC: Okay, much better, thank you!!
Kiro: Now that you’ve said thank you, can I ask for another reward?
MC: ….What do you want?
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Kiro: I want Miss Chips to replicate the moment with me before. 
He seemed to be deliberately reminding me that he was very close to me, his hot breath blew from the tip of his nose.
I stared at him blankly and finally looked at his lips.
My thoughts flooded like a tide, and my lips suddenly became a little hot.
MC: You are shameless….!
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Kiro: No, I’m asking for it honestly. 
Seeing him blinking his eyes cheekily, I wanted to laugh.
MC: Well….
I took a deep breath, held his face and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
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In the next second, a jet of water splashed my ears-- 
Kiro: That one just now doesn’t count. Do it again.
MC: Kiro!
As soon as the voice fell, he touched the tip of my nose, his eyes locked onto my face.
Kiro: I want more than that.
His soft voice crept into my ears, leaving traces of tickling.
Kiro: Those lost fragments….
Kiro: Let me fill them in for you.
After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and my lips were instantly covered by a soft touch. His breath is sweet, like a fruit gummy.
He seemed to pour out all the hidden emotions that he couldn’t express out into this kiss, which was long and uncontrollable.
I also close my eyes and responded softly. In fact, I still have a lot to say.
I want to tell him--
Actually, you have done more for me.
You have brought light to me, and you have made me more courageous to look forward to a better future.
Because of you, I gradually became a better version of myself.
The call that comes after the date can be found here!
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gt-adventures · 3 years
Like A Good Neighbor (sfw GT story!)
A tale of the Mystic Woods
Featuring the “Evil” Giant Wizard Yonah HaEsh and Myran the Dwarf Witch and many other fun characters!
A story about bad first impressions and the start of new friendships! Lots of GT, and a cute little adventure at a magical farmer’s market!
Warnings: intense fearplay and mild harm involving an intimidation tactic with biting (no loss of limbs!). Yonah is a Fee Fi Fo Fum kind of “Evil” giant but it’s all an act. He’s just very convincing. And in this story he is still new to his Evil job. Also casual mentions of man-eating monsters/giants (no scenes).
For more detailed warnings go to THIS POST
“Did you hear?”
“Have you been told?”
“A new resident!”
“I haven’t checked it out myself! But Ms Zukkar told me-”
“A wizard!”
“Didn’t there used to be an old sorcerer there?”
“-new guy’s a witch!”
“So, hear about that new giant!”
“A giant wouldn’t fit in that tower! And wizards is all human!”
“A criminal, on the run they say”
“Maybe a magician? They like towers sometimes!”
“His Majesty wouldn’t hire a criminal!”
“-supposed to be evil?”
There were so many rumors being flung around that the dwarf witch Myran Gamadin decided to see for themselves and set out to investigate. Undoubtedly there was a new resident. The story was that he was a Mage, and a criminal, but also just expelled from The Academy of Wizardry. And a giant? That was strange, the old tower was much too small for a giant! Even if it was magic it was only 10ft taller than your average giant in the first place. However… they did hear about the trial of a giant recently… stuff that happened in the civilized court didn’t really concern those in the Woods.
“Why would you go to see a villain? You’re not evil!”
The World’s Largest™ Maine Coon cat trotted alongside the handsome young dwarf, looking more like an oddly fluffy pony than a cat.
“It’s important to know your neighbors! Even the evil ones!”
Siv flicked his tail up into his witch’s face.
“And he’s got to be just a young man! So young and the expectations on evil mages is so high! He will appreciate a friendly face!” Myran had done the math. If this Mage hadn’t even graduated from The Academy, he was at most 23. Unless he started his education late. But they doubted this.
“Why are we walking! You have your broom!” the cat complained.
“That’s for the tower, Siv. It’s one of those designed by assholes who think it’s clever to have the only entrance be the window at the top.”
“Hrfff,” said Siv.
“Do you think he will appreciate the house-warming gift? I didn’t really spend much time on it…”
“Fresh fish would be better.”
“Maybe if he were a cat. This is for a Mage.”
“Clippings of magical plants? Maybe for another witch. This is someone who was studying Wizardry.”
“Wizards use magical plants too!”
“Yeah, they buy them from witches!”
As the pair stepped out of the trees, they froze.
“I think he’ll like the gift,” Siv admitted as he And Myran stood in awe at the largest magical garden either of them had ever seen.
It wasn’t even finished yet! Plots of earth were freshly turned, and piles of wood, half built into beds that lay in patterns across the clearing. And massively spread apart. At least 3 meters between plots. And the finished ones. Well. They already had some amazing specimens. Even if they were just sprouting. Myran noticed the Twisted WyrmFern and harpy’s breath; delicate, but common magical plants that were being used to test out the soil. It was working great.
The garden did make Myran worry a bit.
Maybe this wasn’t a wizard at all! It could be a witch. And he could be very evil indeed. Even evil witches treated their gardens with the utmost care and attention.
But they had come this far. And the tower that looked over the garden was calling to them. Well. Not really. The green-black thorny vines screamed “STAY AWAY!” But when one had a flying broomstick, one didn’t need to heed such warnings.
Flipping their broom around like a baton, they sat side saddle and Siv hopped on the end, somehow managing to balance his prodigious fluff. They took off. And flew into the window.
It was like hitting an unexpected and large wave on a boogie board, but a magical one that flowed through the body! And Myran had never been to the ocean, so it made their brain swim.
The room, which from the outside looked normal, was anything but. The rumors of this being a giant were not just rumors.
This place was HUGE!
And yet, it was much too small.
Growing up, Myran had visited some giant villages with their family. They hadn’t been THAT much smaller then, but the houses and items in the village were definitely much larger. While giant mages certainly existed, they had their own traditions and made their own supplies.
This looked exactly like the workshop for a young wizard, with additions for the wizard being a giant. It was wild to see some of the common arcane tools at such an immense scale.
Flying over, Myran saw that the resident Mage had an ancient book under a magnifying glass, and had been translating it, with notes and commentary. Spell equations and diagrams were additionally copied in a dedicated smaller notebook.
While it was surely a fascinating read, they could tell at a glance the notes were somewhere in the middle of an involved spell, and they didn’t want to be the reason the Mage lost his place. The workbench had plenty of other diverting materials.
Siv had no interest in such things and curled up against the base of the magnifying glass. The sun hit the metal through the window, making it quite warm.
Myran put their broom down and explored the desk. There were several magical tombs! Rare ones! They flipped through and saw fresh handwritten notes tucked inside. Smart, this mage did not want to tarnish the original pages. There was also an open notebook and a few spell components laid out.
They stepped carefully back onto the notebook to get a better idea of what this wizard was up to. The notebook was written in giant, which Myran wasn’t fluent in but got the gist of. So this was indeed a giant wizard. Fascinating.
That’s what they were thinking until...
Myran nearly jumped out of their boots.
No longer fascinating. Very bad. Very dangerous! They’d heard stories that quoted these lines, classic, even amusing. However, hearing them bellowed by an actual giant nearly stopped their heart. These words were so loud and so immediately panic-inducing, especially when accompanied by thundering footsteps.
There was a pause and maybe a stutter
The trap door off center in the room burst open and a giant with a mane of black hair, a trimmed goatee, and a wizard’s hat, climbed out. He was smiling, snarling, showing off impressive fangs.
Eat them!? Oh No. Myran scrambled to their feet as the giant advanced.
Siv had gone catatonic, or nearly, and fled behind the mirror. But Myran just stood there. The next thing they knew they were in the giant's fist.
Never had Myran imagined themselves in this predicament. Witches, as far as they knew, were not prone to being eaten by giants! Giants ate thieves, slayers, adventurers! Though... giants were known to occasionally eat random people that happened to be especially rude to them as they went about their business.
Myran had not been rude! They just hadn’t had a chance to be polite! This giant had no business eating them.
Not that any of this was actually going through Myran’s mind. Oh no. Myran’s thoughts were preoccupied with panicking about their impending doom!
They tried to get themselves free of the giant’s grip but like the giant said, it was useless to fight. Then the giant LICKED THEM IN THE FACE. Ugh it was so gross!! They sputtered.
Yonah sighed and pulled the dwarf away from his face just a bit. “It is rather disappointing, dwarves don’t taste nearly as good as most other smallfolk, but I’m not complaining”
He briefly loosened his grip and Myran took their chance to get an arm free. Big mistake. The giant hissed and caught the arm between his fangs!
Their arm was free but the giant still held them. Myran was barely paying attention, for the screams of the giant rattling their brain and the giants grip had intensified making it hard to breath.
Something bit his other hand and he waved it violently. Whatever it was released and smacked into the wall that the desk was up against. And crumpled into a motionless pile. Curious and momentarily forgetting his foe he investigated.
A cat!? And still alive but unconscious. Why had a cat attacked him? Then he saw the abandoned broom next to his notebook. And his stomach twisted.
“You’re— not a thief!” Technically he was a villain to anyone, he wasn’t restricted to adventurers. He was still figuring out what kind of villain he wanted to be. But now was not really the time for self exploration.
“I’m a witch!” He heard them squeak.
“A witch? Invading the lair of a wizard? Are you stupid!” He poked at their face. They didn’t like that.
“Let me go!”
The witch was shaking and wheezing, glancing at him with wide fearful eyes. Yonah loosened his grip to allow them to breathe properly.
“If you’re a witch then what the fuck were you doing in my tower?” Yonah demanded.
The witch was still in shock but recovered enough to speak. “I’m… Myran! I wanted to introduce myself!”
“A likely story! Why would anyone want to introduce themselves to me?” Yonah wasn’t really in the mood for conversation, but figured he could use the practice at evil banter.
“You’re… new to the forest” they coughed.
“What’s it to you?”
“I’m your neighbor!” they said,
Yonah narrowed his eyes, “The forest is constantly moving, no such thing as neighbors.”
“I figured I’d try to be friendly!” they continued as if he hadn’t replied. “Everyone was talking about the new mage in the tower, but no one had any definitive stories.”
Another mistake. The giant snarled.
“You are a fool then! I don’t want any friends!” He hesitated briefly as he said it, not sure of the truth, but recovered fast. “But I don’t want you spreading rumors about my mercy either…” he picked them back up. Gripping them hard and getting their right arm between his teeth. He didn’t bite their arm off, but broke the skin with a fang and pinched their hand. They yelled.
“Stop! Stop! I won't tell! I won’t tell!”
He dropped them and they sat, crying, holding their bleeding arm and hand which was turning a plum purple. The cat instantly got up and ran to his witch. Alternating between purring and hissing.
“Good” he hissed steam in their face, scalding the skin red, as his eyes glowed a bright orange. “Now get the fuck out before I decide to actually eat youl!” He flicked the broom at them “And if you ever show your face around here again, I will”
Finally, they listened to him. They got onto the broom along with their cat and with a burst of magic kicked into the air and fled out the window. Yonah watched until they disappeared, then sat down. His hair hadn’t been smoking before but it was now. Additionally, his eyes still glowed.
His first visitor in months wasn't an adventurer and he’d traumatized them without a second thought! Stupid stupid! Stupid!
Maybe this was his destiny. For years he’d trained himself to be restrained. Keep his anger in check, Keep his half giant identity a secret and become a wizard. But that had all gone to shit when he’d been discovered not as just a half giant but as a half fire witch. Chased out of the academy but captured by the authorities of Orr.
Forced to sign a contract with King Ben to become his new pet monster! So why not be a monster!?
But he still wanted friends… his friends from the academy weren’t allowed to visit him. His tower of magic and wonder was so empty. He put his elbows on his desk and buried his face in his hands.
~chink~ his elbow brushed against something.
He looked down and saw a broken clay pot, the soup spilling out and a seedling now helpless and exposed on the desk.
Quickly yonah dipped his fingers into a pouch at his side and licked off the powdered fungus before saying a spell. With a puff of smoke he stood on his desk, a mere 8ft tall, and he knelt down.
With his more appropriately sized hands he gathered the soil and with a wave of his hand and another mutter the pieces of the pot shook and flew back into their original places. The pot was… functionally repaired. The proper repair spell required materials to fuse the pieces properly. So it wouldn’t hold water but it could hold soil.
As he scooped it back in a piece of paper fell from the loose soil. Curious he dug it back out of the pot and cleaned it off enough to read:
“Welcome to the Mystical Woodlands new neighbor! This seedling is from my own garden. A special cultivation of Frozen Thyme.”
The moment he read it he was instantly planning where this would go in his garden. But… this gift. Did he deserve it? He’d terrorized the one who brought it. He chased them away!
With a thump he sat on his desk, looking around him, trying to imagine what this experience had been from the witch’s perspective. Tried to imagine what it would be like to have a snarling giant loom over you and snatch you up, when all you wanted to do was say hello...
He couldn’t accept this gift but he couldn’t just let the seedling wither and die. It didn’t deserve that. And thus, his brain rationalized a way for him to keep the gift. So now what?
Yonah’s brain was too full of rage to do any proper work, so he decided to take it out on the garden, which was still in a state of construction. He’d already torn up old dead pieces of the overgrown mess left behind by the predecessor. Now he was digging spots for flower beds and what would hopefully be an orchard. There was even a designated spot for herbs.
The reason this was slow going was he refused to use magic. For the most part. Thankfully, being giant made digging and construction easier. Now that he had the thyme, he prioritized the herb beds.  It was with a sour pride that he completed one as the sun started to go down.
A large wooden box that curved in a lovely arc close to the tower. The wood was specially imported from his The Blue Sky Mountain Giants Tribe in the Implausible Mountains, the smell of it reminding him of home. The frozen thyme seedling was given enough space to grow. He even gave it some friends that he knew would be compatible.
With his mind a little more at ease, he managed to get himself to sleep.
And awoke the next morning with an ache in his heart and a new plan in his brain.
For the first time since he arrived in this prison of a forest, he ventured beyond the boundaries of his clearing. Yonah knew he was allowed, a certain distance from his tower, to walk the forest. It had just seemed pointless. Not wanting to draw too much attention, he wore his gardening outfit: a pink plaid button up and light blue overalls. He had a straw hat that he recently wove to be a wizard hat, as well as his wizard staff. He couldn’t really leave that behind.
The trees in the forest were shorter than back home, but still very large. Thankfully he didn't have to duck so much to avoid branches. In his mind was a list of ingredients he needed to find. Foraging in the forest might seem like a fruitless endeavor, but when you have the keen nose of a giant, tracking down wildberries was a simple feat.
What a bounty! A huge patch of bramble with perfectly ripe berries. He didn’t need a giant’s amount and they would just get squashed if he tried to pick them at his normal size so once again he shrank down. He retrieved a basket from his hat and started to pick berries.
About ten minutes in, the bush began to shift! A section opened up and out ran a gnome with a garden spade. It smacked into his hand mid berry pick.
“Stop! Thief!”
Yonah was so startled he backed away and returned to his normal size, the basket of berries spilling over.
The gnome yelped.  “Giant!” They dropped the spade. “Don’t eat me! Take berries! Don’t eat me or family!”
There was something satisfying about the gnome’s fear and Yonah grinned, “While you would make for a nice little snack,” he said, “I’m not in the mood for gnome today.”
The gnome shook and took up the spade again, pointing it at him as if that would help. From inside the bushes, Yonah heard rustling, and smelled more gnomes. This must cover their burrow.
“Put that away, or I might change my mind!” Yonah growled, showing his fangs. The gnome complied, tossing it aside.
“But you are also in luck. I am not interested in being a berry thief. I have more honor than that. If you would permit me to buy some of your berries, at a discount for me not making a meal of you and your family, I will leave you in peace”
The gnome gulped and nodded, “Am… sure we can make a deal.”
“Pick up the ones I already picked, will you?” Yonah ordered.
The gnome scrambled. “You will need more?”
Yonah nodded. The gnome whistled. And a troupe of younger gnomes carefully came out of the bramble.
“Kind giant has offered to buy some berries. Exchange for not eating us!”
The kids looked nervous and their fear didn’t spark the same kind of joy as the adults. But Yonah had a reputation to build! And he had to admit, it was still a bit fun.
He watched as the gnomes gathered berries until the basket was full and the adult gnome put it down in front of where Yonah had sat down. He picked it up and took off his hat, dropping it in and noticed the gnome’s eyes get wide. Storage space items were not uncommon, but storage hats were tools of professional mages, not common folk.
“That all?” the gnome asked.
Yonah stroked his beard thoughtfully, “Yes. I think so.” He reached into this hat. While he didn’t have a lot of money, Ben had supplied him with funds should he need them, and he had distributed the rings between his various pocket spaces. He got out a large wooden dowel upon which hung many metal rings. Small ones and large ones. With a pair of tweezers, yonah removed a few silver rings and one gold ring and put them into his palm, placing it up in front of the gnome.
Who did not take it.
“Do not insult me by refusing my payment,” Yonah insisted but the gnome did not move.
“More than we charge normally… You wanted discount: berries, a silver a pound!”
Yonah blinked. He still wasn’t good with smallfolk money. When purchasing as a giant, you purchased such large amounts it always cost at least a gold.
“Oh? Er-” he didn’t want to actually exploit these gnomes. “I'm not taking it back! Take the money Or I’ll eat you!” his voice faltered and the gnomes looked a little confused, and a little more relaxed.
“Leave us alone then, yes?” The gnome reached out a hand. Yonah nodded. The gnome finally took the money, giving each of the kids a silver ring. Any fear the kids had was gone as soon as they studied their rings and looked at Yonah with excitement. It was hard not to let the warmth in his heart at their expressions show on his own face.
“Actually!” Yonah announced as the gnomes started to back away into their burrow.
The adult stopped and looked nervous again. Yonah huffed. “I’m not going to eat you, I never was. I just have a question.”
The gnome ushered the kids away, not trusting Yonah, before turning back to the giant. “And if don’t have a good answer, you won’t eat… right?”
With a sigh Yonah shook his head, “No. I won't.”
“Then ask.”
Yonah took a breath, “I am... looking to get some ingredients. I… lashed out at someone recently and I very much regret it, and want to make some amends. I have giant ones back home but… giant sized ingredients do not taste as strong as small ones. Do you know where, or who, I might be able to look for?”
The gnome smiles, “Yes! Mystical Market. Sell our berries there. Open today, also gnome holiday.” They gave Yonah the instructions on how to find the market.
“Thank you- er…” Yonah put a hand to his chest and bowed.
“Kalle” said Kalle.
“Yonah,” said Yonah. The gnome bowed as well, “Don’t be flaunting riches, mysterious half giant. Marketeers take advantage”
Riches!? He did not have endless funds. He would have to be more careful with his spending.
“I am also looking for… Er... Shit!” he exclaimed and was glad the kids were no longer outside, “I don't know their name. Dwarf witch.”
Kalle considered, “Know them. Likes almond cookies. Sorry. Market easier find than people. That all?”
From their tone of voice, Yonah knew the gnome desperately wanted to get back to their family. It was a holiday after all. Yonah stood up and nodded, leaving without subjecting them to any more conversation.
Almond cookies? That changed things. He had only made almond cookies once! He needed a little more help. However, he did not backtrack to the tower. He knew that if he went back, he would lose motivation. Locating the market was his current task.
Unfortunately, it took some luck. According to the gnome, it was a special place that one happened to come across, just by wanting to be there. The more familiar you were with it, the better chance there was of that happening. Yonah really really wanted to be there. So he gathered his will and set off in a random direction.
After an hour of walking yonah felt a weird tingle all over his arms and legs. Like his hair was standing on end and all pointing in the same direction. Had he entered some magical field? No matter, he was fairly immune to passive magic.
Then he took another step and a jolt of magic electricity surged through his body, causing him to freeze up. Before he could collapse, he felt as if a giant hook had caught around his middle. There was no physical hook, but it still yanked him back, pulling in through the forest.
Eventually it stopped and finally Yonah fell over, breathing shallowly as his heart raced. He rolled onto his back and stared up into the trees.
“What’s the big idea!?” Someone kicked him in the side and he sat up. “You’re blocking the way!”
An elf!
Yonah frowned. “You’re so bold for someone I could crush with a finger!” To tease the elf, he poked them in the chest.
For the second time that day, Yonah got bitten. This time, it was the elf who sank their fangs into his finger, letting go before Yonah pulled away.
“Don’t get sassy with me! Messing with smallfolk isn’t allowed in the market, you'll be banned!”
Yonah looked around “The market?”
He had assumed it was the Mystical Market because it was in the Mystical Woodlands. But now he realized that the name was rather accurate. An entire marketplace incorporated into the forest itself. Stalls and restaurants built into the trees, with carts parked in between.  The trees here were also… there was no other word for it: majestic. Larger and older and, compared to the forest he had been exploring before, more deliberate spacing. He couldn’t even see all of it. The forest stretched on for a while, and thus was obscured by the very trees that made up the shops.
There were even buildings in the branches so that ogres, trolls, and giants did not have to bend down to make transactions. He even spotted a few trolls. Amazing! Trolls (and ogres) were much more likely than giants to eat smallfolk. Giants mostly threatened unless the person in question did something really, really stupid.
And yet, there was a troll, large with brown fur and green spots, purchasing a roll of fabric from the elevated section of a gnome shop.
“Yes you idiot, the market! And my cart won't fit through any other path! Move your giant ass or I’ll get the guard to move it for you!”
His elation at having found the market was in conflict with his pride that was being so insulted by this little creature.
“Apologize for biting me, and I’ll consider it!”
The elf looked indignant, “You threatened to squash me! MAGEN!!” they yelled.
Thunderous footsteps were heard and Yonah turned as a proper, full blooded giant, made her way through the shoppers, somehow avoiding stepping on anyone. She was maybe 17, but full grown and taller than Yonah by at least ten feet. Her skin was a light greyish pink and her eyes were a dark red. She wore a lovely headpiece of woven flowers and vines to look like hair, which full giants do not have.
She knelt “This man bothering you?”
The elf nodded. Yonah threw his hands up, “Hey! I don’t mean any trouble!”
“He threatened to squash me!”
The giant glared at, Yonah who glared back.
“How large folk deal with smalls outside of the market is their own business,” she said. “But inside the market we do not even threaten to squash, or kick, or stomp, or eat!”
“I did not intend to and I did not know I was in the market! I have never been before!” Yonah stood up so that he was not at such an extreme height disadvantage. Magen was a rather short mountain giant, only 35ft tall.
She nodded, “I can believe that.” She stood up. “I would have remembered you for sure.” She sniffed and said in implausible Giant: “You are from the blue sky tribe?”
“Yes! I am.” he answered, also in Giant. “I just moved to the forest. I was looking for the market but… I must have… hit something magic. I sort of fell into here”.
The elf took the opportunity to weave their cart around the giants’ feet, disappearing into the market.
“Ah, the seller seems to no longer push this issue. My name is Magen.” she introduced, bowing.
“Yonah HaEsh,” Yonah answered in return.
“HaEsh! I know the name. Fire man who helped save the Implausible Mountains from the Society of Wizards!”
“That’s my dad,” Yonah said, a little embarrassed.
“Mom told me the story! How exciting!”
Yonah brushed himself off and glanced around, “So... What are the rules here, then?”
Magen shrugged, “Just don’t start fights, alright? All sales are final, so don't go making a fuss if you haggled wrong or think you got cheated unless you believe your items are defective. There are ways to deal with fraudulent goods, but we cannot risk collateral damage.”
“Does that happen often?” Yonah asked, “I only mean to buy food, I can tell if that’s fresh”
“Oh, you have a giant’s nose then. Good. It does not happen often. Makes my job easier. And I usually manage to break up confrontations before they get out of hand.”
Knowing he could likely sniff out the stalls he needed, Yonah asked if Magen could show him around and help him find all the items on his list. She happily agreed. He had to walk behind her as there wasn’t room for two giants to be side by side.
As she carefully led him, she took glances back and down Yonah who was getting a little nervous. It had been a while since he encountered other giants. He was watching his feet to make sure he didn’t hurt anyone, and he was stopping constantly to look into the shops and stalls and carts.
“What is it like, being half giant?” Magen asked, who somehow managed to walk without looking at her feet very often at all. Maybe Yonah was being too careful and people here knew to stay out of the way of large folk's feet… Still, he didn't want to take chances.
“Er… I have hair, I guess?” he said.
“I was wondering if that was natural or a wig.” Magen brushed the vines spilling from her head.
“But mostly, things were just a bit inconveniently large for me. I still managed.” Then he countered. “What’s it like being a guard in the market?”
“The shopkeepers pool money to have me stand around, mostly. Smallfolk behave when an angry giant is within earshot.” She grinned with all her fangs.
“I thought you said giants couldnt mess with smallfolk here?” Yonah inquired.
“You can’t. It’s my job to interfere,” Magen retorted. “I haven't hurt anyone… badly. I’ve only worked here for a year. But I know everyone and everyone knows me!”
They stopped at a stand selling nuts and Yonah purchased the almonds he needed. The seller seemed a bit disappointed that he bought so few.
“Shopping for someone small?” Magen asked.
“Er- yeah.” Yonah said. They both had to back between trees to let a trio of trolls go by. One was only 10 feet tall and barely came up to Yonah’s waist, but another was nearly 20 feet! They carried baskets and bags on their furry backs, and even had some tied to their tusks!
Before they continued, two elves leapt from the tree nearby and onto Yonah’s shoulders! He was about to brush them off when Magen stopped him.
“Don’t! They are just hitching rides!” At that, he spotted more elves on her head. “You need honey, yes? I know the best shop!”
He followed Magen around the market, which was much larger than he had realized. The elves had no qualms about leaping on and off him and other largefolk shoppers and eventually he ignored them. Magen even helped him avoid making a bad deal for oat flour, saying she couldn’t believe the nerve of the shopkeeper trying to take advantage of a new resident.
Before Yonah left, he wanted to properly thank Magen. “If there is anything I can do to show thanks. Perhaps er-” he looked around.
“You know, the juice stand behind that tree has new flavors I’ve wanted to try. How about you buy me a drink? You should get one too. It’s very refreshing!”
“They make them giant sized?” Yonah asked.
“Oh, they are made by ogres!” Magen replied, rounding the indicated tree.
Ogres, kin of trolls and even more dangerous due to their magical powers. Typically smaller than trolls, but that was not the way to tell them apart.
An entire family of ogres were operating a massive open storefront. Jugs hung from branches or were strapped to the trunks of trees and fruit swung in baskets. Behind the counter was an elaborate prep station operated by two large ogres. Around the entire display were platforms sticking out from the nearby trees. Smallfolk sat on stools enjoying drinks and food at an elevation that made it easy to be served by the ogres. Magen walked up to the counter, which was not at an ideal height for her but was easily manageable. She spoke to an ogre with straw colored fur, blue spots, and large horns.
“Edna! I’d like two passion fruit smoothies please! One giant sized and one…” She glanced back at Yonah. “Full Troll sized!” She stepped aside and pointed at Yonah. “He’s paying”
Edna nodded and passed on the order.
Yonah stepped forward. Bowing “Yonah HaEsh”. She bowed back, “Edna Baneclaw. That will be a gold bracelet for the giant and half for the full troll”
Yonah’s heart nearly stopped. A gold bracelet and a half !? He looked at Magen who flashed her fangs mischievously then back at Enda.
Edna smiled as well. “We don’t have enlarged passion fruit, not in high demand by largefolk.”
With another glare at Magen, Yonah fished into his hat. He didn’t have gold bracelets but he had rings. 10 silver to a gold. Rings to Rings. Bracelets to Bracelets… 10 gold rings to a silver bracelet… 10 silver bracelets to a gold ring. That’s 100 gold rings to a gold bracelet (he had really overpaid the gnomes for the berries... A holiday gift he supposed), but this was not money to spend on frivolous fruit drinks!
Too late, however. The drinks were ready, and he carefully removed golden rings from silver bracelets. 50 gold rings and 10 silver bracelets exchanged for two smoothies. They came in wooden cups with bamboo straws.
This better be fucking worth it. Yonah took a sip.
His eyes widened as the cool icy tart concoction hit his taste buds and he took a long drink. Finally, he looked at Magen and then Edna. “This is incredible!” he exclaimed. Magen grinned and sipped hers as well. “Yeah. Too bad we’re the last two to have some for at least a month!”
“What do you mean?”
“That took all the passion fruit we had,” Edna informed. “Won't get more for a while”
“Worth it! Suck it smallfolk!” Magen teased the people on the platforms, a few looked a bit annoyed, but most didn't seem to care. She didn't seem to care either.
“Well it was nice meeting you, Yonah. I hope to see you again. Oh, and by the way, you can return your mug to the ogres for a silver bracelet, even if you take it home today!”
Yonah glanced at his drink. “Oh! Thanks for letting me know. But where are you going?”
Magen sipped at her smoothie loudly before answering. “This was my break, silly, I need to go back on proper duty now, and you have all your things.” Magen held out her free hand and Yonah shook it, bidding her goodbye. It was getting late in the day now and he wanted to get to work on the almond cookies.
Wait… which way was back to the tower? How could he be so stupid wandering off like this!? His mom taught him better than that. Forest ranger rule number 1: DON’T GET LOST. ...okay, so that wasn’t really a rule. It was supposed to imply that you paid attention to where you were going so you could get back. This was not so easy in the Mystic Woods.
The moment he had walked far enough away from the market, he turned forward and then back, and it was already gone. He had nowhere to go but forward.
It was to his great surprise that only a minute later, he exited the dense trees and found himself in the clearing. The tower was on the opposite side. While he was elated to have made it back safely before dark, there was a distinct absence of any gladness to be home. This was not his home, after all. It was his prison.
Yonah HaEsh climbed up the tower and back into his prison. He took off his hat and sat down at his desk in the workshop, staring into the reflection on the large, ornate mirror that rested upon it.
To do this right, he needed help. Professional help. So he activated his mirror. Or at least… tried. He stared at his own reflection, then spoke. “Mirror Mirror on the desk,” he faltered, “Could you please connect me to Shoshana at the academy?”
The mirror snorted. “You think politeness will work after all this time? I don’t make exceptions. This is why your friends think you’ve forgotten about them! Put in the effort! Ask me properly or don't at all.”
“They’ve called me!!” Yonah insisted, but the mirror said nothing in response. Just like he would do when he got calls from his friends. Yonah growled and snorted back at the mirror, fogging it up. “Mirror Mirror, oh magical vanity, I wish to call Shoshana, at the wizard academy”
There was a whistle from the mirror. “Now that’s how you do it!” it praised. The fog cleared and for a brief moment, he saw his own face again before the reflective surface turned grey. Another moment and the face of his friend Shoshana emerged.
“Yonah!!!” she exclaimed. “You called! I cannot believe it!”
Yonah’s face turned a bit red. “I’ve… been distracted.”
Shoshana waved her hand, stopping any further excuses. “You’ve been through so much! I was worried! Since we graduated, you haven't called at all!”
/I never called before either... / Yonah thought. /It was always you.../ When Grand Master Sean reinstated him as a wizardling student, his friends would call regularly to work on homework and their theses, as he wasn’t allowed to actually attend the school in person. And while he attended the graduation…
That wasn’t a happy memory at all and he didn’t want to think about how he sat behind all the students in the amphitheater in magic chains looking more like a beast one of the adventuring tract students had wrangled for their final than a student.
“I need a recipe!” he said.
Shoshana raised her brows “That’s it!? First call in over a month, and it’s to get a recipe! You don’t want to catch up at all?!” Yonah’s eyes flickered and Shoshana backed off. “Alright, I can see you’re not in the mood. But please, we’re all missing you so much. We’d assumed you embraced the evil hermit wizard life.”
“I… haven’t meant to. But it’s surprisingly easy,” he admitted, grinning awkwardly. “I’d rather not go full hermit, of course.”
“Well, then dont go a month without calling your friends!” Shoshana chided. “Or make some new friends! The forest is full of interesting people, right?”
Yonah looked away, but his eyes were probably glowing orange now.
“This… is for that.”
“Oh!” Shoshana exclaimed, “I should have figured! Of course, I will give you whatever recipe you’d like.”
Yonah got out his ingredients to show Shoshana and explained what he wanted to bake. She nodded and made some suggestions for ingredients and spices to really make these cookies great. He did not have all the supplies she suggested, which led to some back-and-forth as Shoshana pointed out some substitutions for what Yonah bought or already had in his tower.
“Got that all down?” she asked, as she watched Yonah scribble out the final lines to the recipe.
“Yes!” Yonah exhaled in relief. “Thank you so much, Shosh!”
“Next time, we will catch up properly, but I had fun designing this recipe!” Shoshana chirped. “What a challenge. I wish you had called first, before just buying random ingredients.”
“I was already in the forest, Shosh.”
“I know, I know.” Shoshana blew Yonah a kiss and the mirror flickered back to his reflection.
It was time to bake! Which he did after shrinking down.
By the time he was done baking his jam print almond cookies, it was past midnight. He needed sleep and didn't think finding the witch at night was a particularly wise idea, especially since he was getting tired. That meant he was extra likely to be grumpy and irritable. So he placed the cookies in a special cooling rack to keep them magically fresh, then went to bed.
It was right after breakfast that Yonah HaEsh left the tower and, for the second time, entered the forest.
Once again, he had no direction, not that one could in the Mystic Woods. It wasn't even possible to have a map unless it was incredibly magical. Still, he was determined and willing to wander the forest for days if he must! But he’d do so at his full size, which would allow him to cover more ground.
That’s… That’s a witch’s hut! He hoped it was the correct one. It was more of a mound than a hut, with one side covered in rocks and moss and the other a more sheer side with windows, plus a flatter side with a door.
As he approached, a garden came into view and he heard a yelp before watching a small figure dart into the hut and close the curtains. The door opened briefly and a hand hung a sign that read “NO SOLICITORS”
That was the evil giant! Why was he here!? Why did the forest let him find the hut!? Was he here to eat them?! To finish the job!? Could they take on a giant fire witch?! Myran was a damn skilled witch, and at least 15 years the giant’s senior by their estimate, but they were quaking in their boots.
A knock sounded at their door. It didn’t sound forceful enough to be a giant.  Siv was in front of them, hissing at the door. Thinking it better to be safe, they peeked out the window, then ran to open the door. Just a crack.
Red faced and holding a basket was… the giant. Only he wasn’t giant. Not exactly. He now stood at about twice Myran’s height. A little less actually. Right. Wizard. Giant wizard.
“May I come in?”
“Depends… what’s in the basket?” They narrowed their eyes. “I don’t want any nasty surprises.”
The wizard’s face got redder as he removed the cover. They opened the door and stood aside. They took the basket with their right hand… Yonah hesitated. Their arm had a massive scar from shoulder to elbow, but the hand was unbroken. The Dwarf noticed and gave him a hard look as he crouched low to get through the dwarf sized door, Siv still hissing at him in warning.
Myran put the basket on the kitchen table and motioned to the couch. “Please, sit.” Yonah did. The couch was small for him but it took his weight. “I’m going to be honest.” Myran leaned against the kitchen table and crossed their arms. “This is quite the unexpected visit.”
They leaned against the kitchen table and crossed their arms.
“Oh?” Yonah said, of course it made sense, he threatened them, bitten them, chased them out, why would he then try to find them again.
“You bit me! You broke my hand! And You said if you saw me again you would eat me!”
Yonah’s breath caught before managing to say “I did… didn’t I.” He looked down at his feet.
They sighed.
“Yep. Though eating me at your current size would be an impressive feat. So- What the fuck are you doing here? Besides bringing me cookies to fatten me up.”
“I’m not-!” He looked back up to defend himself and saw their cheeky grin. “I didn’t come here to eat you…” they raised an eyebrow in sarcastic disbelief.
“I want to apologize. For chasing you away like that. I was so angry. I still am, though mostly at myself. I shouldn't have hurt you, you weren't an adventurer. It wasn’t right.” He was almost crying. Dammit, he’d gone nearly a month without crying!
The witch raised both eyebrows now, genuinely curious as to the workings of this monster’s thoughts.  “Youre sorry for chasing me away!? You threatened to eat me!”
“It’s my job! It’s my job to terrorize people, Especially those who enter my tower unannounced. It’s part of my job! And… and I like it!” He startled himself with that statement. He liked his job? He didn’t even want this job!! He was forcefully employed by the King under threat of more conventional imprisonment! Being evil had never been his plan and he didn’t want that. Didn’t he?
The witch didn’t look completely satisfied with this answer. But they didn’t get to inquire further as Yonah’s curiosity got the better of him.
“Er- your hand…”
Myran smiled “It was rather mangled by your jaws yesterday. Luckily, I am a very good healer, and well-known in this forest. If you had killed me, you would have had a lot of angry forest residents after your head.” Myran began preparing a pot of tea as Yonah Processed that statement.  “You’re a lucky giant aren’t you?”
“What?” Yonah voiced. “For not killing you and putting a target on my back?”
“Yes, exactly. And that was curious. It is rare that evil giants are merciful.”
Yonah looked away, “I’ve only been evil for a few months. I… you’re the third person I've faced as my er… villainous self. And I haven’t… I dont plan on... eating anyone.”
That surprised Myran. “I guess I do not know the frequency that giants normally encounter adventurers…”
“You said it yourself, Evil Giants eat people…” Yonah pointed out, “But it comes with a cost… I am worried… even if I don't... It’s only a matter of time before slayers come after me.”
“Most evil giants kill their victims. Right?” they asked more directly.
Yonah shrugged “I met another one once. Said it depended on his mood.”
“Fascinating… though if you keep up your merciful streak, perhaps you are less likely to attract slayers?”
“Perhaps…” Yonah had not considered that. He just felt he wasn’t ready to kill anyone yet, but maybe there were other perks than just his own conscience to continue to let his victims go.
“Cracked some sort of code then? Getting to be a villain without attracting too much attention?” Then they added “Not that this would stop all slayers. I expect you would kill a slayer?”
Yonah wasn’t really listening to Myran any longer. There were other things on his mind. Things he had spent the entire walk over here mulling over, and he had to voice them sooner rather than later.
As tears welled in his eyes he couldn’t look at Myran any longer. He closed his eyes and turned his face away.
“I know I said I didn’t want any friends. But I do! I need them. And I know I can’t be your friend. You came to me and I fucked it up. But I beseech you to not tell everyone else in the forest to avoid me. I already went to the mystical market and-“
“You… how did you find out that I liked almonds!”
Yonah looked up. They weren’t looking at him but reaching into the basket for another cookie. They munched on it thoughtfully, not a crumb falling into their beard.  The tea was ready and Myran poured it with magic, leaving their hands free to hold more cookies.  They walked over to Yonah, the tea cups floating with. He took the larger one out of mid air. It was very hot! And he drank. It was… It tasted like tea he’d had at home. His village had alway gotten various teas from the dwarves. New tears came to his eyes.
“You alright?” Myran asked, offering a handkerchief. “You’re a very emotional evil giant.”
Yonah took it and dried his eyes. “The tea is… really good.” That wasn’t the real reason but right now he couldn’t process all of his emotions.
“It’s my grandma’s blend,” Myran said. “I’ve tried to replicate it using my garden, but you just can’t replicate those tunnel grown fungi.”
They dipped one of the cookies into the tea. From their expression, it wasn’t really a mistake but likely didn’t improve the experience. Still they munched thoughtfully.
“I’ll be your friend.”
Yonah’s jaw nearly hit the floor and he almost dropped his tea. It was a few seconds before he managed to pick his jaw back up. Were they serious? They walked over to him, placing their much smaller hand over one of his. Then they smiled most disarmingly.
“Just don’t eat me!”
Yonah smiled.
“I think I can manage that”
(You can imagine that Yonah got to hug Myran before he left, probably a little too tight but dwarves are tough!)
Big thanks to my editors @j0hnnymouse and @vixen525
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1kook · 4 years
paint job, hand job
a some way, some how jk smut drabble  ((there’s references to it but honestly this could be read alone)) tags; established relationship, more autoshop fun, handjobs, praise pink, spitting :/, nipple play, jk gets pampered basically, hints of domesticity notes; I wrote sw,sh bc I specifically wanted to write this scene and in the end I forgot about it…. so here it is in drabble form 🤩
also thank u to my buddy @kigurumu for reading this over for me 🖤🥺 no more wrong usage of verb tenses🤩 and u have rumu to thank for it!!!!!! also thank rumu for sliding me this gif v.v
In the past few months, you’ve come to learn a multitude of new things about Jungkook. He was still as wonderful and endearing as he’d been his whole life, and with no soul-crushing secrets between you two, you were exposed to a whole new side of him. There were, of course, a lot of nice things, tiny actions you had only just begun to notice; the way his eye twitched when he was looking at a car, the mindless way he’d bump his foot against a wheel when he was thinking. But for all the wonderful things Jungkook was, you would also catch sight of weirder quirks. Not weird in that they made him a terrible person, but weird as in they weren’t exactly qualities the majority of society strived to have. There weren’t many, but the ones you knew of weren’t exactly ideal to your position as his girlfriend.
One, he was extremely bad at asking for help. One time you caught him floating through the bread aisle at the supermarket, hands drifting over the plastic bags as if his touch alone would remind him which was your preferred brand. It was amusing watching him wander like a ghost until you finally walked up behind him, gestured towards a loaf. You didn’t mind little things like this, after all you were very picky about buying the correct brands, and Jungkook knows this. At the time, you thought it was adorable. Overtime, however, you can admit that his fifteen minute detour to the bread aisle could have easily been cut in half with one simple text your way.
Two, he was easily stressed. Jungkook’s job was pretty grueling during the fall, when college kids were back on the roads and fucking up their cars every chance they got. Thanks to the multitude of employees on his team, he was never doing too many repairs at once. But every so often, he’d find a project that spoke to him and he’d pour every ounce of dedication into it. He always did good, always left customers happy. The real obstacle was Jungkook’s own need to always one-up himself. He was perpetually unsatisfied with his work, no matter how many times people praised him.
Lastly, and probably where you find yourself struggling the most, was his inability to communicate these things. He never asked for help, never told you he was feeling stressed. It was a guessing game with him, trying to figure out if he needed some extra support or not. You slipped up at times, tried to help him with something only for him to wave you off with an amused smile.
But there were other times where he desperately needed you and didn’t know how to ask. Like now, the shop completely dark save for a lamp shoved up beside his lonely form in the empty garage.
Rolling your sore ankles around once, your heels clack loudly as you enter the space, keys tossed somewhere onto the metal tabletop as you set to work preparing him a snack. His newest project was repairing a beat up Ford GT from the early 2000’s, a silver body with dark blue decals running over the hood. He had found it somewhere by his mom’s house, fell in love, and had been on a mission to revive it since. All this would’ve been fine, normally, if Jungkook wasn’t so set on getting everything perfect down to the last detail. Tonight, it was fixing the exterior. The garage reeked of paint.
It had been like this for the past three days. You would come over, catch him cooped up in the garage late after working hours, and make him something to eat. The weekend had been okay because you had stayed over most of the day and checked in on him when you could. But Monday was trickier to plan around; one glance at the clock told you it was a little past nine.
That morning, as you packed your lunch, you had been mindful of setting aside some for him too. Now, as you pulled a plastic container of washed and scalped strawberries for him, you were glad you had thought ahead.
It’s much brighter where he is compared to the rest of the garage, the yellow glow of the lamp glaring down at where he’s carefully running a brush against the edge of one, straight line. If he hears you come closer, he doesn’t acknowledge it, furrowed brows narrowed at the metal before him. Setting the container on a tool cart beside him, you lean down to brush your lips against his cheek. “Hi,” you murmur, wait for him to mindlessly turn his head and kiss you.
He does, a quick kiss, before diving back into his work. A beat of silence, and then, “hi, baby,” quietly, almost robotically. You don’t mind, leaning over his shoulder to glance at how perfectly he manages to paint along a straight edge, even with you breathing over his neck. He’s got the stool raised up today to properly lean over the hood of the car. Shorter than you still, but higher up than how you usually find him beneath a car. After a moment you return your gaze to the side of his face, pink bottom lip caught between his teeth as his eyes scan over his work, round glasses barely clinging to his nose. Cute, you think, faintly nudging the spectacles up the bridge of his nose for him. He mutters a soft, “thanks.”
You hum, wrapping your arms around his shoulders when he finally leans away from the car, dark eyes scanning over the paint job. Occasionally you pluck a strawberry out from the container, hold it to his lips as he munches through it, puckered lips mindlessly opening and closing for you. You don’t stop until he’s eaten half of them, by which you then move on to your daily questioning. “What else d’you eat today?” You ask.
It takes him a moment to respond. “Subway,” he says, gestures with a nod at the discarded wrappers in the trash.
“And when was that?”
“Around noon.”
You sigh, rest your forehead on his shoulder. “Baby, that was a long time ago. Have you even showered today?” You ask, tug the beanie off his head to get a whiff of his hair. It smells okay, but you have a feeling his last shower was yesterday night. Jungkook doesn’t say anything but at the first brush of your fingers through his hair, he dissolves. His head rolls back, desperate to feel your touch on him for the first time in a while. You snort, dragging your nails along his scalp. “Feel good?”
“Mhmm,” he hums, body loosening. “So good.”
You beam, trace your fingers down the curve of his neck, until goosebumps are springing up. “You’re so tense,” you note, hands drifting to rub over his shoulders. Jungkook sighs, head falling between his shoulders as you get to work on them. “You need to relax, honey.”
“I know,” he sadly agrees, and, like a baby, stretches his arms up cutely, before letting himself slouch again. You let your hands drop, wrapping your arms loosely around his chest. “But I wanna do good.”
“You always do good,” you tell him, squeezing his middle in reassurance. Jungkook sighs like he doesn’t believe you. “But,” you add, and at this he visibly deflates. “You’d do even better if you relaxed every now and then. No one’s waiting on this car. It’s just for fun, remember?”
He’s always had this obsession with perfection. You suspect it stems from his past, his relationship with Sojin, and most importantly, his relationship with her dad. One can only take so much criticism from their lover’s parents until they snap. Snap, or begin to believe it’s true. He must’ve suffered through so much in their time together and never once did he fight back, a thought that makes you frown as you watch his knee bounce nervously.
Another sigh. You kiss behind his ear, rubbing your hands soothingly over his chest. However, you greatly underestimate how strongly your thirst for Jungkook runs, because even now with him all mopey in your arms, you want nothing more than to please him.
A subtle brush over his abdomen, and Jungkook inhales a tight gasp, abs curling beneath your wandering hands. The sweatshirt he's wearing is your only obstacle. Pressing your lips to the mole on the back of his neck, you move your mouth to his ear. “Let me take care of you?” You murmur, nibbling at one of the tiny hoops that lines his ears.
He tenses up, turning his head, half-lidded eyes analyzing your features. After a moment, he nods, cheeks flushed.
“Good boy,” you purr, hands creeping beneath the hem of his top, faintly tracing over his skin. Jungkook lets out a shaky exhale, muscles tensing under your touch. Another kiss beneath his ear.
It’s rare that he lets you do this, let’s you pamper him while he does nothing. Jungkook was a fairly proactive lover, always making sure you were completely satisfied before anything else. In the past few months of being in a relationship with him, you can hardly remember a time he came without you.
Which is why you take extra care gliding your hands up his chest, over his pecs. His heartbeat thunders beneath your palm, skin so soft and kissable. You’ll save that for another day, you think, tracing a finger over his nipple. It hardens quickly, and you don’t miss the way he shifts in his seat as you begin rolling it between your fingers. “You like that?” You hum, lips pressed against his ear.
It’s so easy to get as close as you’d like, breasts pressing against his back. Jungkook nods, shaky breaths escaping his throat.
While one hand busies itself on his chest, tugging at the sensitive buds until he’s jolting in his seat, the other creeps back around his waist. You run your hand along the skin above his waistband and relish in the way his muscles twitch, until you’re finally slipping it down over his sweats.
His cock is hard, painfully so, and a soft moan escapes him when you run your hand over his length, cupping the head gently. “Look how hard you’ve gotten,” you tease, pressing your palm down more forcefully. Jungkook huffs. “Just from me playing with your nipples,” you chuckle, kissing down the side of his neck. Even through the fabric, you can feel every twitch of his cock, every throb as he grows more and more aroused.
“You like having your nipples played with?” You ask, abandoning his cock to slip both your hands up his shirt again. Jungkook complains with a soft whine, rolling his head back to the ceiling. He’s choked off when you catch both nipples in your hands, pinch the pebbled buds. His hips squirm against the stool, rutting up into nothing, as you continue over his chest. “How does it feel, sweetheart?”
“G-Good,” he gasps, knuckled fists trembling on his knees, pale from how tight he squeezes them. “Can you…?”
“Can I what?” You hum, finally releasing him in favor of gliding your hands down his stomach and over his thighs teasingly. He’s pliant under your touch, muscular thighs reduced to two trembling masses at your every touch.
Jungkook bites down a whimper, eyes trained on the hands that dance over his lower half, barely brushing over his cock like he wanted them to. “Kook?” You croon, right against his ear. He bucks into the air, his head finally lolling back to rest against your shoulder. “Finish your sentence, babe.”
He nods but you can tell he doesn’t remember what he wanted anymore, eyes rolling back behind his foggy glasses. You smirk, pressing a chaste kiss to his jaw. “I, um,” he falters, legs spreading wider as you continue massaging your palms over them. “You…um.” A few more stuttered ‘ums’ later, and then, nothing.
After a moment it’s obvious he won’t say anymore, mind a frazzled mess as he falls headfirst into the sensations you’re bestowing upon him. “It’s not proper to say ‘um’ so many times,” you scold, finally let your hand rest over his cock. He sucks in a breath, teeth clenched. “Good boys don’t do that, y’know.”
“S-Sorry,” he chokes out, and you forgive him with a squeeze around the head of his cock. “Wanna be good,” Jungkook pants, voice strung high.
“I know you do,” you murmur, kissing down his neck as your hand continues rubbing over his cock. His hips circle, body sinking further back onto you as he melts under your touches. “Wiggle your pants down for me, sweetheart.”
“Yes, yes,” he concedes, hands scrambling for his bottoms. Unravelling yourself from around his waist, you wrap your arms around his shoulders instead, watching him as he struggles to tug the rest of his jumpsuit down.
“Kook?” you call, watching his trembling hands fight with his boxers. “relax, okay?”
He nods, takes a deep breath, and then slowly tugs his bottoms down. He doesn’t manage to get that far before his eagerness wins over, and he’s struggling to push them down past the bulge of his muscular thighs. You decide it’s enough, pushing his hands away as you wrap yourself around his waist again, nuzzling your face behind his ear.
“Good boy,” you praise, and a tiny whimper catches in his throat. You glide your hand over his thigh and let it sit at the base of his cock, thumb and forefinger teasingly wrapping around the base.
“Fffuck,” he moans, twitching beneath you.
There’s a pearly bead of precum that forms at the tip, creamy substance slowly dripping down his cock and leaving a glistening trail in its wake. “Pretty,” you comment, watch it pool around your fingers. “But not enough. Kook, spit,” you demand, feel the way his body tenses up at your words.
“Huh?” He chokes, ears and neck flushed as his brain fully wraps around what exactly you’re telling him.
You shift closer, tightening your hand around his cock as you listen to the whine that rips itself from his throat. “You heard me. Lean over, and spit on your cock,” you repeat, feel him shake beneath you. “You’ve done it before, right? Used your own spit to get yourself off.”
He doesn’t answer, so you give his engorged member another squeeze that has him sputtering back to life. “I-I have,” he admits, blush high on his cheeks. “But I never just...spit. On it.”
You hum, watch the way his fingers flex on his thighs.
Deciding to switch tactics, you push as close as you can, licking a thin stripe up the curve of his ear. “But I love watching you spit,” you pout, loosening your grip on him ever so slightly. His cock remains just as stiff, standing almost completely on its own. “Love feeling it all over my body, down my pussy,” you moan, and the way you rub your thighs together is no act. Jungkook throbs in your hold, biting down another groan. “Don’t you wanna know how good it feels?”
His breaths come out shaky, head nodding at your words. He ducks down, dark hair covering his eyes from your view, but not his mouth. His lips pucker, and ever so slowly, a thin trail of spit drips down from his mouth, glistening in the lamp light until it finally reaches his cock, coating his length in a thick sheen that drips down over your knuckles.
Fuck, he was gorgeous. “That’s it,” you gently encourage, slowly beginning to work your hand over his cock. The glide is slippery, squelching noises filling the huge garage as your fist pumps up and down his cock. “Doesn’t that feel good?”
Jungkook groans, bucking into your palm with every squeeze you give. “Ye-yes,” he pants, skin warm and flushed as you kiss over his neck.
His cock is still so hard, twitching for you. You could do this for hours, feel the heavy weight of his arousal in your hands, listen to his tiny gasps of excitement. His head lolls back again, and you can’t help the endeared smile from watching him fall apart in your hands. “Sweetie, look,” you call out, finally making your other hand useful as you cup his balls.
Jungkook hisses. “Babe, that’s—“ a moan rips itself from his throat, your hands massaging over his swollen balls, caressing him as your hand picks up its pace on his cock. “Too much,” he whimpers.
You press a kiss to his neck, nibble at the skin until it’s bruising. He’s quivering like a leaf, sweat trailing down from his hair and over his skin, your name falling from his lips like it’s all he knows.
The head of his cock is angry and swollen, dripping in precum and his own saliva. You want it in your mouth, but the moment was already so fragile, so close to the end, you didn’t want to mess that up by pulling away. So you tighten your grip, licking the beads of sweat from his neck until Jungkook spasms in your hold.
“Fuck, shit, I’m gonna,” he grunts, body caving over as his orgasm hits, grabs him by the throat until he’s gasping for you to stop, voice wobbling on every syllable. You don’t, choosing to stroke him through until his cock is limp, jumpsuit stained with pearly splatters of white.
After he’s done, you press another kiss to his ear. “Good boy,” you smile, straightening your back after wiping your hands against his soiled uniform. You step away and snatch some napkins off the metal table to wipe him down.
You can tell he’s not completely there yet when you crouch down in front of him, dark eyes unfocused as you make a lousy effort to wipe the splattered droplets of cum off his jumpsuit bottoms. “Hello,” you tease, nudge his chin with your hand. “Anyone there?”
Jungkook snaps out of whatever post-orgasm trance he’d been in and helps you to your feet. “Fuck, that was good,” he sighs, and you giggle. “Screw the car, can we just go to your place?”
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fatandnerdy30 · 3 years
Loki Helps a Boy
So this is the second installment to Loki Finds a Boy which so many people have been asking for. So I hope you like it!
@lokiismyhubby @laurenandloki @gt-marvel
It had been a two weeks since Peter had been found by Loki and the boy found he wasn't as scary as people made him out to be. He was curious and overly mischevious. But he had made sure not to be seen by the giant as he traversed the overly large tower. He had a few near sightings on his journeys to acquire the things his uncle needed for his sick aunt.
But it seemed like it wasn't enough, because May kept sicker. He sat by her bedside leg bouncing as he stared at her ashen face. Her breathing was heavy and raspy and when she coughed it sounded like sandpaper was trying to escape her lungs. Grabbing the towel from her forehead, Peter wet it again and placed it on her face half expecting it to sizzle with how hot to the touch she was.
Peter couldn't sit here any more and do nothing! He had to get help. Whatever help he could get. Running from the room he slammed into his Uncle Ben who looked shocked to see him. "What's wrong, Peter? Is May all right?"
"She-she's all right...but she just keeps getting sicker...I need to find help." He ran around Ben and ran to grab his bag and shoes, ignoring the wide eyed Ben.
"Peter if you're doing what I think you're doing it's not a good idea! If the humans spot you, they'll squish you flat! I won't let that happen to you!" The man reached for the boy' shoulder, but he just dodged him.
"I've already met one of them, Ben! He was nice and let me go...I think he'll do that again." Or at least Peter hoped that he would be coming back for May's sake. It was with that hope he ignored Ben's pleas and ran from the tiny home in the walls.
Using the beams and concrete ledges, Peter managed to make it to where he climbed down what seemed like so long ago now. Wiping his nose the boy dropped his rope and watched it land on the same shelf he thought he would lose his life on, but had made a friend instead.
Wedging his hook into the vent, Peter began to climb down, grunting a little bit from how tired he was from staying up as long as he could while Ben was running onto the garden floor to gather the herbs that weren't working on May.
"Well, well. You finally show again, little one." Loki's voice snapped Peter from his thoughts as he turned his head to see the black haired man staring at him from a chair with amusement. "I thought you had forgotten about me. You cut me to the quick." Loki placed a hand over his heart and smirked, but it died when Peter didn't laugh. Instead he stared at the man with watery eyes, his lower lip trembling. The giant rose quickly and made his way over to the boy, concern written on his face. "What is it?"
"My aunt....she....she's really sick and not getting better...I didn't know what to do, so I came here, but now I'm thinking it was a bad decision to come here...." Peter shimmied his way down to the shelf to give his arms a rest as he stared up at Loki's face. "Please...can you help me?"
"What are her symptoms, little one?"
"She's gray, her skin is hot and she's coughing a lot, her breathing is harsh like there's something in her lungs...I dont know what to do! I...I can't lose her...Ben can't lose her either." Looking up at the man, Peter fell to his knees. "Please....I have nowhere else to turn."
Loki smiled kindly and placed his hand up to the shelf, palm up. "Fear not little one. I do by chance know a way to help her, but...there is a catch." He sighed and shook his head. "I don't know if you are desperate enough, but it involves meeting someone else...perhaps multiple Midgardians."
Tp say Peter was shocked was putting it lightly. Would he have to meet the person? Or people? "What...what are Midgardians?"
It took a few seconds before Loki laughed low in his throat. "I forget you live on Midgard, so you would not know of their other name, but they are humans, which I am not. I am Asgardian, the prince of Asgard, brother to Thor."
The boy stared at Loki in shock while taking a step onto the man's palm timidly. He was speaking to a prince?! "I-I-I didn't know Mr. Loki! Should I be calling you 'your highness' or something like that?" Slowly he made his way into the man's hand, still a little nervous around the man's fingers that could literally crush him with so little pressure. So when Loki gave him a look, he tensed afraid he'd hurt the man's feelings.
"You will call me Loki, young Peter. I like you so you do not have to call me as such. As for the others living here...they show me no respect and Stark is the worst with his names..." The god shivered and brought Peter close to his chest as he started walking. "I will bring you to meet doctor Banner, for he is the most familiar with human illnesses. I do not trust the others to care for your aunt." Ever since his first meeting with the doctor's alter ego he had gained a certain respect for the man.
Beginning a brisk pace, they left the room and making sure no one was around before he started for the elevator. He didn't want to stop and explain Peter's existence especially when the boy seemed to be more than worked up about the woman's condition.
"I hope he knows what happened and how to treat May," the tiny boy said. He was gripping onto Loki's fingers like a life line, his limbs shaking as he felt the wind in his hair with each of the man's steps.
"I'm sure he knows. Just explain her symptoms to him as you did to me." Loki sent a reassuring look down to the boy who looked frightened. "Are you all right?" Peter nodded, though his lips were tightly sealed which made the prince smile. "Would it help if I did this?" Bringing the boy closer to his body he secured his hand this way there was no way he would be able to fall.
Feeling the heat behind him made the boy open his eyes and look to see green fabric pressed against him. He turned his eyes upward and saw the bottom of the man's chin and little else. And believe it or not, Peter did feel safer knowing that Loki was protecting him so he slowly let go of the fingers and sat back and was actually able to enjoy the breeze, smiling a bit. 'This feels nice,' he thought as he sighed letting the beating of the giant's heart under and behind him calm him down as well.
Loki tried to pay little attention to the being leaning into his chest as he made his way to the elevator. "You are not allowed past the thirtieth floor," Friday reminded him making the man roll his eyes.
"Yes I know you dimwitted machine. You tell me every time I enter this infernal contraption. Take me to Banner."
"I can't do that, Reindeer Games," the machine replied making Peter giggle. "He is on the fortieth floor."
"Then tell him to come to me you daft waste basket!" With a huff he stormed off the elevator and made his way back to his room. I swear that idiotic mainframe is trying to make me go insane." He then brought his hand up to his face, scowling at Peter who stared at him in shock.. "And what were you laughing at in there, hmm?"
The boy's face went red and he stared down at Loki's palm. "Sorry...I thought the name was funny."
"You would. That was one of the names Stark made up when we were in Germany. He was making fun of my helmet, it had long horns adorning it."
"I'll bet it looked really cool! Not like a reindeer at all!" Peter tried to make up for his laughing wich made Loki narrow his eyes and sigh.
"You are forgiven. This time. For now we must await the arrival of Dr. Banner." Loki walked back into his room to find his brother sitting on his bed staring at the door.
"Brother! Why do you have need of a doctor? Are you sick? Injured?" Thor got up and rushed to Loki's side, completely missing the small boy in his palm and began patting Loki down, much to the smaller's disapproval.
"I am fine, Thor...I do not need the doctor." He took a look at Peter, seeing how scared he was but the small being had agreed to this. "This boy does." Finally Thor brought his gaze down to his brother's hand and his eyes went wide.
"Is that...a borrower?" He was whispering but his voice still boomed. "I have only heard stories of them! How ever did you manage to capture it?" Thor went to poke Peter, but Loki brought his other hand up to block the impending finger.
"I did not capture him. He came to me of his own volition, isn't that right young Peter?" The by who was too scared to say anything just nodded. "See? Now stop scaring him and back away." He glared at Thor until he did that. He swore his brother was the thickest idiot of them all. How did he get the offer of King before Loki?
"I truly am sorry, little one. I did not mean to scare you. I was simply excited to see one of your kind. Please accept my apology." Thor bowed his head and Peter stood there looking dumbfounded as he nodded.
"S-sure..." Was a human apologizing to him!? He knew the people of this tower were weird, but this took the cake!
"Loki, I swear if you called me up here because you turned your brother into a certain type of toy again, I will gladly ask for those chains your brother used on you last time-" Bruce stopped as he stared at the tiny figure in Loki's hands. "Please tell me that's a doll and not an innocent from the streets.." He could not handle the situation if it wasn't a doll.
"He is not a doll, nor have I shrunk him. This is Peter, he is a borrower and in dire need of your help, doctor." Loki swept his hand forward and Peter was frozen in the dark man's gaze as they stared at one another. "Do not be afraid, Peter. He is a doctor and can help your aunt."
At that Bruce snapped out of it and a look of concern came over his face. "What happened? Is someone hurt?" He bent down to look Peter in the face, concern written on his features. "Tell me what happened?"
It took a minute for the boy to unfreeze, but his need to heal his aunt came out and he nodded. "It started last week with a cough, then May was having a hard time breathing now she can't even get out of bed. She's burning up and barely wakes up and every time she breathes or coughs it sounds like she's got something in her chest but nothing comes out."
Bruce's brows went down in worry. "That sounds like pneumonia, which is serious. Peter, can you get her out here?"
At that the boy shook his head. "Uncle Ben would never allow it. He's too scared of humans." But, if it meant May's life, he was sure Ben would approve. "Maybe...maybe you can talk to him through the vents? Tell him how dangerous it is if she's not taken care of...please?" Peter was really hoping his uncle would listen to the humans. May's life depended on it.
"Well...I can try." Bruce was stunned that this being smaller than his hand was sentient enough to feel emotions. He wanted to run so many tests, ask so many questions but right now he had another patient to worry about. "Where should I speak?"
"I'll get him to come to the vents. Mr. Loki? Can you please put me on the shelf? I can climb up from there."
"I can do much better than that, little one." Loki's hand started glowing a dark green and suddenly the boy was lifted in the air, his cries turning into happy laughter as he rose towards the vents.
"Thanks Mr. Loki! I'll be right back!" Peter started running through the walls using the ledges and beams to fling himself forward untl he was slamming his front door open startling his uncle who apparently was getting ready to go out. "Uncle Ben! Come on, I found a doctor! He says she has something called Pneumonia which can kill her! Let him help May please!" He was sweating and panting, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
"P-Peter? Where have you been? Your aunt...she's not eating or drinking." He looked down at the ground sadly. "I think this may be the last for her."
Peter's head started shaking back and forth, tears falling from his eyes. "NO! Uncle Ben, you have to let this doctor take a look at her! Please! He can save her!"
Ben stared at the boy and nodded. "Where is he?"
"He's outside the vents...but...he's human." Peter winced when he said that and Ben's eyes went wide.
"H-humans?" He stuttered. "Peter how could you? You know the rules! Never be seen! Now we'll have to move and with May being so sick she'll never make it.." The man sat heavily on the armchair and stared at the boy. "You've doomed us.."
"No Uncle Ben! They're nice, I promise...please..just let the doctor treat May. I know he can save her, please! We can't...we can't lose her. Please." He whispered the last word and Ben looked up at him and finally nodded. Smiling, Peter raced into May's room and taking a look at her sick form got her to sit up. "Ben! Help me carry her please!"
Ben walked slowly into the room and collected his wife who woke to look up at him with confusion but he smiled down at her. "It'll be okay, May. I promise." He kissed her forehead and leveled a gaze at Peter. "If this doctor turns out to be just a scientist who wants to study us..."
"He's not like that. Now come on..." He started walking out of the house when doctor Banner's voice came through the vents echoing around them.
"Peter? Are you there? I've been trying to call to you for the past five minutes."
"Doctor Banner! We're coming out!" Peter helped carry May up the ledges and through the maze of bars before they reached the vents and he poked his head through. "Mr. Loki? Can you pelase do the green thing? May's too weak to climb down." The dark haired man nodded and in the next instant they were all lifted, Ben crying out and holding May closer to him as they were brought down to the dresser where the man tried to stand proud but his knees were quaking and he was trembling.
"Sir, there's no need to be scared. I'm doctor Banner. I heard your wife was sick. May I see her please?" Bruce kneeled next to the dresser and smiled softly as the man nodded and loosened his grip on May to let him see her face. "It's worse than you said, Peter. She'll need fluids and medication quickly. Mr. Parker I know its hard but please allow me to bring her to the med bay where my equipment is. Please."
Ben stared at the human for a moment before nodding. "Under one condition. I go with her." Bruce nodded and put his hand down next to the dresser and Ben stepped onto the palm, almost losing his balance but he righted himself. "You can lift us now, human."
Peter groaned and shook his head. Trust his uncle to treat the man trying to save his wife's life with an attitude. Suddenly there was pressure on the back of his shirt and he was lifted to look into Loki's eyes. "You, young one, will be staying with me until the deed is done and the doctor has save your aunt." He smiled and placed Peter in his palm. "Come. We can go and meander and look at the sights and hopefully not bump into Tony Stark."
A week had passed and May was up and feeling much better. Peter hadn't seen her since Ben had taken her up to the floor because Loki wasn't allowed up to the medbay but Friday told him multiple times a day how her condition was. So it was with anticipation that he was waiting on Loki's bed while the man paced and kept looking at the door. "Damn it all, where is that looney doctor? He said he would be here within the hour!"
"And this looney keeps his promises." Bruce walked into the room and frowned at Loki. "Peter could have come up and visited with one of the others."
At this Peter shook his head. "I..I don't know the others so I'd rather stay where I know people."
"And that's how we raised you." May's voice came from the doctor's hands and Peter smiled up and jumped trying to see her.
"May! You're okay!"
Loki who had been watching rolled his eyes and picked the boy up. "Go see your family." He brought the boy to Bruce's hands and Peter jumped off. He looked like he wanted to run to May but he knew she was still weak.
"Oh Peter...." The woman smiled and opened her arms to Peter who ran into them with a little sob.
"I'm so glad you're okay..." It felt good to be held by the woman who raised him and he held her as tight as he dared. He looked up at the doctor and with eyes he smiled. "Thank you," he said and buried his head into her shoulder. He was glad he had met Loki and that he had brought doctor Banner to save May. He knew they would always have a special place in their hearts.
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mudhornchronicles · 4 years
dreamboat | greaser!frankie morales | part two
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diner cred to @thatretrobitch​
pairing: francisco “catfish” morales x reader; 1950’s greaser!frankie x reader
warnings: swearing, drinking, smoking, ya know… 1950s stuff + death and war, and being rude af
a/n: part two of dreamboat
dreamboat: part one | part two
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“If I didn’t know any better, Francisco, I’d say you were teacher in a past life.” You look up at him and smirk. He looks over to you and gives you a crooked smile. He adjusts his jacket and runs his left hand through his hair.
Frankie taught you a lot more history than the teacher. Frankie had a lot more patience and explained each topic that was covered in much better detail and simply enough to understand. Like when Hattie Wyatt Caraway of Arkansas became the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate in 1932 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of her husband. Frankie compared it to the demonstration of the first long distance telephone service between New York and San Francisco in 1913 – surprising but needed.
You didn’t have Frankie for a third period, just first and fourth, but he made sure to meet you out each of your classes and walked you over to your next class. He had conversed with the boys about asking you to Rosie’s Diner on Friday night. Everyone knows when a guy takes a little darlin’ down to Rosie’s, she’s unavailable. Frankie knows you probably don’t know what going to the diner with him means but he assumes if you did, you wouldn’t go. So he decides that the less you knew the better – well at least that’s what Tom decided.
“Ya know, doll. I like the way you say my name, but how ‘bout ya just call me Frankie, huh? I don’t use the entire thing anymore.”
You cock your head to the side and your smiles turns into a slight frown. “Do you not like the way Francisco sounds?”
He tucks his hands into his jean pockets, shrugs, and looks down at his dirty Chuck Taylors. “Thanks, I do like it, but it don’t… it don’t sound cool, you know? I got a reputation to keep up – all the guys do.”
Frankie stopped using the name Francisco at the start of freshman year. Pope stopped using Santiago around the same time. Their teachers would call them Francis and Saint because they found it difficult to pronounce the boys’ names correctly. Frankie was too shy to say anything and Pope was still unsure about his accented English, so when Will laughed and told the teacher, “Ain’t that a bite? You got a degree, but can’t pronounce an ABC name,” the boys knew Will was going to be a great friend. The boys thought that would be the end of it, but then Benny decided to join his brother and say, “How ‘bout, since ya feel so high and mighty, you call ‘em Frankie and Pope? We got Francisco like that city on the west coast, so call ‘em Frankie. Then we got Santiago. You wanna call ‘em Saint, then give ‘em the highest honor.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better,” you stopped walking and placed a hand on his arm. “I like your name. I think it suits you very well.”
He smiles and nods. He doesn’t know if he’s nodding because he’s convincing himself he likes it too or if he’s nodding because he’s glad you like it too. He liked your company because you weren’t too invasive, but he could also tell that you wanted to get to know him. He knew he wasn’t the most open to people, he has his father to thank for that.
As young 19-year-old – about a year older than Frankie – his father was drafted and fought in World War 1 in 1918 as a US Army soldier and was then sent off to France a few weeks in to fight with the AEF, the American Expeditionary Forces. Because of this, Frankie’s father wasn’t the most expressive when in public but was easily the most caring when it came to his family. When Frankie was growing up, his father had spoiled his baby boy and made sure he worked hard as a welder so that Frankie wouldn’t want for anything. Frankie remembers his father coming home from work late at night, oil and bits of metal stuck to him, and always turning his frown into a smile when he laid eyes upon his son.
His father’s closure to the world only grew when he saw his family in danger. Frankie figured that by growing up within a military family, it would lead to him serving in the military as his father did before him. When Frankie was coming to the age of enlistment, he told his family about him wanting to go off to the military, but his father was very much against it. All his father wanted for his son was for Frankie to live his life the way he wanted to, so Frankie didn’t enlist. One day when Frankie was at school, recruiters came to the Morales home and were knocking the door down. Frankie’s father had informed them that his son would not be serving. He was told that because Frankie was able, male, and was soon to be of age, he had to enlist whether he was needed or not. His father complied; except he wrote his own name down instead of his son’s.
His father never regretted going to war. He still had nightmares, which Frankie knew all too well. He had met Frankie’s mother when he came back home in 1921 and after years of trying, he was blessed with a son in 1935. All was good in the world until the year 1950 – Frankie was 15 years old. In August of 1950, a letter came in the post reading the following:
You are hereby notified that you, on the 21 day of August of 1950, have been legally drafted in the service to the Armed Forces of the United States of America. You are to report to the Armed Forces station below and will be transported to Daejeon, Korea.
Frankie’s father never came back.
His body was never recovered – just his ID tags. Frankie’s mother was told that the last transmission received with the whereabouts of Francisco Morales Sr. were near the Nakdong River in South Korea. Frankie always carried his father’s ID tags around his neck no matter where he went. Those tags always reassured him of himself knowing that he was doing what his father wanted him to do.
Frankie walked you down the steps of school building and stopped at the sidewalk. “Ya know, if ya need a ride, I can take ya home – aint no trouble.”
You smile and shake your head. “I appreciate that. I told my mother I’d take the bus back home.” You knew your mother would have a fit if she saw you get dropped off by a boy, but she may still be at work. You looked back at Frankie and saw that he had a slight frown on his face as he played with a necklace hidden in his white t-shirt. You weren’t sure the reason behind it, but he didn’t want to pry. “Actually, I’ll take a ride.”
His eyes lit up and nodded. “Great but I do gotta warn ya, doll. I gotta take Ironhead and Benny back to their place. Pope usually goes back to mines.” A ride home in a car full of teenage boys – what can go wrong?
The pair of you walk down to the school’s parking lot and there you see students laughing in their cars – 4 to 5 in a car – all while having a smoke and others are drinking from beer cans. You have no doubt that it’s beer cans when one gets tossed towards you with left over beer splattering over your white skirt. Frankie takes notice of the yellow stains and the grimace growing on your face. He looks over at the teenagers in a beat-up Chevy.
“Aye watch where ya tossin’ shit, birdbrain.” The teens look over at Frankie and walk over to him. You place a hand on his arm and look up at him.
“Frankie, c’mon. Let’s just go to your car, huh?” you plead. His arm tightens and as the teens arrive in front of him, Frankie protectively put you behind him and adjusts his jacket – a tick of his you’ve taken note of. The three boys who walked over to Frankie look over at you and smirk.
“Well shit Frankie, pal.” One of them takes a smoke and blows the out towards his side. “You already smashin’ up this little new betty? Don’t you work fast… first Michelle, then Tiffany, now this one?”
Frankie’s jaw tightens and his hold on your arm shifts. “How ‘bout you stuff it, Jack? You know you ain’t even supposed to be here. This ain’t your turf.”
Jack removes his hat, a cowboy hat he’s become fond of, and fixes his hair. He puts it back on and laughs. “You’re right, but I clearly don’t care. Oberyn ain’t out the can ‘till Friday, so I call the shots. My boys wanna be here and screw all these chick-a-dees, then they will. I know you ain’t gon’ do nothin’.”
“He will,” you hear a click and quickly turn your head to see Pope and the boys, Benny holding up a pocketknife. “But he ain’t doin’ it alone either.” The Bandits circle the three men and puff up their chests.
“Alright,” Jack holds his hands up. “We’re gone but trust me when I say that Oberyn ain’t gon’ be too happy to hear this.” With that he snaps his head over to his boys directing them back to their car. They turn to leave and Jack walks away backwards. When he’s satisfied with the distance between himself and The Bandits, he turns on his heel and runs to his car. He jumps in the driver’s seat, gives his girl a smooch, and revs the engine – with that he’s gone.
Pope looks at you and gives your shoulder a quick squeeze. “You good? Hope those bumrats ain’t spook ya too bad.” You shake your head and smile shyly. You look down at your ruined skirt and shrug.
“Just a ruined skirt but that’s okay. I wasn’t fond of it.” Will laughs at your comment fluffs yours skirt from the bottom, earning a nudge from Frankie.
“Let’s get her home, huh? I gotta drop off everyone else,” Frankie says. Tom tells Frankie that he’s got detention and to go on without him. Tom goes back towards the building while everyone piles up in Frankie’s Cherry Red 1945 Mustang GT – his father’s gift to him for his 15th birthday, also his last gift.
Per usual, Benny and Will leans the driver’s seat forwards and get in to sit in the back while Pope goes to sit in his usual spot as shotgun. Frankie tuts at Pope and points to the back. Pope scoffs but shoots Frankie a wink. He gets in and sits in between the brothers, being the smallest of the three, and Frankie runs over to open the door for you to sit up front. He grabs your books and hands them to Pope. As you situate yourself and buckle your seatbelt, Frankie gets in and turns on his baby. He revvs the engine and backs up out the school’s parking garage, but not before revving his engine one more time for the freshmen per Benny’s request.
On the drive to the brother’s house, Benny grabs your notebook and looks through your notes of the day. He looks through the math notes you took during 4th period and immediately closes it. “You sure are smart if you’re taking this angle stuff. I’m guessing it’s college prep?”
You look over your shoulder and nod. “I’m currently taking college preparatory trigonometry. They unfortunately didn’t have any other advanced placement for me here.”
The boys let out a harmony of “ohs” and Will shakes Frankie’s shoulder. “Frankie! She’s smart like you, buddy!”
Pope smirks and joins in on the teasing. “Lo vez, hermano! Being smart doesn’t make you un-cool. Being you does! No te hagas ver como el tonto porque no lo eres.”
You see, brother… don’t make yourself seem dumb because you aren’t.
You look at Pope and smile. “I agree with you, Santiago. Frankie is very intelligent so he shouldn’tdumb himself down because he thinks that’s what people think of him.” Pope stops and looks at you. “You know some Spanish, angel face?” You eagerly nod. “I’m very familiar with the language. They had us choose electives at my old school. I took Spanish, Italian, and French. I had a lot of a free time.”
Pope looks at you in shock but happily hollers. “Well sugar you sound pretty good speakin’ ‘em”
You couldn’t explain it, but you felt giddy. You felt happy to be around the boys and you knew you wanted to continue to be around them.
With Frankie getting out of the car and moving his seat forward, Will and Benny get dropped off first, but not without teasing him about “asking the chick.” Frankie flips them off and Pope lets out a belly laugh. Frankie apologetically looks at you and mouths sorry. You blush and mouth that’s okay.
Once leaving the brothers, Pope tells Frankie to turn up the radio. Frankie looks at Pope through the rearview mirror and narrows his eyes. “Switch to 12,” Pope says with a wink. Frankie rolls his eyes and turns the knob so the needle hits channel 12. Once Frankie hears the recognizable melody from “Takes Two to Tango” by Pearl Bailey. Frankie goes to switch the channel, but you stop his hand. He glances over to you and he sees you mouthing the words. He looks back at Pope who wiggles his eyebrows and sings out loud and to Frankie’s surprise, you join Pope singing at the top of your lungs. He laughs at your attempts at dancing in your seat and looks back at Pope who was waving his hands in the air.
Frankie thought that you’d be this proper, shy little thing but here you were having singing and laughing with his best friend. You gave him the slightest nudge and smiled in his direction. “C’mon Frankie. Don’t be a sour puss. I know you know this song!” You were right. He did know this song. He and Pope sang it so much because Pope thought he could woo some girl – he didn’t really know what the lyrics meant so you can guess what happened. If you guessed he slept with her… you’d be correct.
You poked Frankie in the ribs light enough to not affect his driving and giggled as he sang out with Pope. You liked seeing this Frankie – not that big tough guy you saw at the parking lot. He seemed like he had a big heart but was scared to show it and you were determined, but you were ripped away from your internal planning when Frankie politely asked for your address.
“It’s a shame you ain’t hangin’ longer sweetheart,” Pope began. “I think you’d like being around us two mucks. You would definitely like Frankie’s mom’s cooking. She makes the best food in town.” You smiled as the two best friends bickered about whose mom had the best food.
“I would have loved to, but I have to be home and do chores before my mother gets home.”
Frankie looks over to you and gives you a reassuring smile. “It’s alright. Maybe next time, cool?” You smile at the invitation and nod. Frankie continues to drive as you and Pope make a conversation about the possibility of you tutoring him in math. With them being high school seniors, they are not failing one class.
You feel on top of the world, laughing and talking with your new friends, until you spot the yellow Pontiac in the driveway and your mother coming out of it. Your face drops and the boys immediately take notice.
“What’s wrong?” Frankie asks. You straighten out your top and ask Pope for your books as you ready yourself to run out of the car. You look at Frankie and offer a weak smile.
“My mother won’t be happy with me is all.” You’d ask Frankie to drop you off a couple of houses before your own, but you know your mother has already seen you. As Frankie pulls up to your house, the boys’ jaws drop. You wouldn’t say your house was big, but to the boys, it was huge. Your two-story home consisted of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The exterior of the home was beige with dark brown trimming and the river rock pathway leading up to your home was lined with grass so green you’d think it was plastic.
Your mother, dressed to the nines in a pale pink dress and white belt, looks at the hot rod parked in front of her home and places her hands on her hips as she sees Frankie run out and open your door. Your mother would normally love seeing her daughter be treated by a gentleman, but she isn’t very happy to see that it’s Frankie. She has always dreamed of her daughter being courted by a young man in polished Oxford shoes and ironed pleated pants not a worn out leather jacket and dirty chucks.
You thank Frankie for the ride and look over at your upset mother. The boys say hello to her as she gives them the ungenuine smile of hers you have seen many times. You wave goodbye to both boys and begin to walk up to your mother. You hear whispers behind you and then you hear your mother say, “Is there something else you’d like to say, boy?”
You turn and you see Pope shove Frankie towards you. His face turns red as he sees your mother staring him down and he knows that this may not be the best time to ask you.
“On with it, young man. My daughter and I have work to do.”
Frankie once again runs his hand through his hair and clears his throat. “I- I, uh, I was wonderin’ if ya wanted to hang with us at Rosie’s on Friday. The shakes are pretty good so we could ma-“
“What’s your name, young man?” You look at your mother. You narrow your eyes at her for interrupting Frankie.
“It-It’s Frankie,” he stutters, “my name’s Frankie, ma’am.”
Your mother gives her less than friendly smile again. “Well, Frankie, you’ll understand where I’m coming from when I tell you this – you are not the kind of person I want my daughter befriending. You just don’t quite… how can I put this nicely? You don’t fit a mother’s standards.”
“Quiet.” she tells you. “You will not be around these boys again, do you understand? Your father works too hard for you to just ruin your life like this. You asked to be taken out of the pristine private school we paid for you to go to and we allowed you to enroll in public school. Why are you bringing home some… some hoodlum! How can you do this to us?”
You wished this had surprised you, but it wasn’t the first time your mother disrespected your choice of friends. You huffed and you felt tears coming to your eyes as you saw Frankie’s defeated look in his eyes and Pope fighting the urge to get out of the car.
You mother calls your name, and you turn to look at her. She walks to you, heels clicking the pavement, and cups your jaw. “You will not associate yourself with these boys, do we understand each other?” You see Frankie nod to you and walk back to his car. You look back at your mother and nod. “Yes, Mother. I understand.” Your mother smiles at you and gives your cheek a pat. “Good girl. Now… get inside and put that skirt in the hamper. Your allowance is going towards a new skirt.”
She leads you into the house and you look back and see Frankie’s car is still there. You stop in your tracks and look at your mother. “Mother, may I please run back and grab a paper I left?”
“Is it school related?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Very well. Go grab it and say goodbye and come back in. We have to get dinner going.” You nod and run back to the car and your mother walks into the house.
Pope rolls down the passenger side window and both boys look at you. You smile at Pope and look at Frankie.
“Does Rosie’s Diner have sundaes?” Pope smirks and turns to Frankie while Frankie nods with a confused face. “Well,” you start, “If Friday’s invitation is still open, pick me up by the green house down the street at 6pm. She’ll be going to my grandmother’s house up north.”
“Sounds like a plan, doll.”
The light breeze surprises you as it picks up the more you walk down the street. You walk past two houses and you see the red backlights of the cherry red mustang you seemed to miss.
Your mother, thankfully, left to your grandmother’s home about two hours ago, much earlier than expected. She called not very long ago to make sure you were home and doing homework. You told her that you were planning to retire early as your homework began to give you a headache. She insisted you eat dinner and sleep as she didn’t want to see eyebags under your eyes when she got back tomorrow. She bid you goodnight and said she’d be home by tomorrow’s lunchtime. Once you hung the phone on the hook, you ran to your room and began to ready yourself for the night.
You grew giddy as 6 o’clock crept closer and closer. You had applied your blush and mascara so carefully you’d have thought you were dusting the finest of china. You did not want to wear too much makeup; you didn’t want to seem as though you were trying too hard. You picked out the pins out of the curls on your head you’d put up right when your mother left and watched as the soft and tight curls fell and framed your face. You grabbed your wide tooth comb and brushed the curls out, parting your side at a side so there was more hair and volume on one side. You sprayed a tight hold hairspray all over so you could make sure your hair stood – Frankie wouldn’t want to see frazzled hair, no man would, you thought.
As you went through your closet, you decided that a dress was the best choice as it was simple enough to either be dressed up or dressed down. You went with a white collared black dress with thin white windowpane patterned lines all over. You wore your black flats and added a black shiny belt running across the waist. You get closer to Frankie’s car and you see him get out of his car – you figured he had seen you coming.
“How ya doin’ there, doll?”
“Hello, Frankie.” You wave and get closer to him. Once you’re in front of him you fix his jacket lapel and look up at him. “Aren’t you sight for sworn eyes.”
His eyes widen then starts laughing loudly and your face goes red. He nearly falls in laughter as his hands catch himself on his knees. “W-What’d ya just say?”
“I said aren’t you a sight for sworn eyes,” you frown. “Is that not appropriate?”
He catches his breath and puts a hand on his belly. He reaches over and tucks your hair behind your ear with the other hand. “The saying is a sight for sore eyes, doll; not sworn eyes.”
You feel as if your face is about to burst as you start laughing at yourself. You just cannot believe you’ve messed up your first attempt at flirting with Frankie. “I was really sure it was sworn.”
He smiles brightly and shakes his head. “Hey… can’t say ya ain’t tried right?” You giggle and nod. He look you up and down and lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Te vez hermosa.” You look beautiful.
Have you ever had that feeling when there’s a puppy trying to get comfortable, but it can’t so it walks over to you and lays with you – falling into a deep and peaceful sleep? You know how it makes your heart feel as if it’s grown twice in size because the puppy chose you and trusted you to protect it while it slept? That’s how you felt when those words came out of Frankie’s mouth.
“Muchas gracias, Francisco.” Thank you very much, Francisco.
He playfully rolls his eyes at you and lets out a laugh. He points to the car and says, “get in the damn car.” He runs over to your door and lets you in, as per usual, and off you two went to Rosie’s Diner.
Frankie leads you into a bright neon-lit diner not very far from your home, about 25 minutes from your place. The diner stands out from the black concrete parking lot and pine trees decorating its background. He opens the light brown doors and places a hand on your lower back as you walk in – not too low or too high.
“Howdy’ho kiddos.” You’re greeted by a woman in her late 40’s or early 50s – the grey hair and sweet smile give it away. “Hey there, Frankie. Bandits meetin’ ya here?”
Frankie smiles at the woman, gives her a hug, and a quick kiss on the cheek; a kiss she smiles at and hums in content. “Hey Ro. Boys are comin’ in a while. You know they ain’t missin’ your special tonight.”
“There’s a special night every night for my favorite bandits, Frankie. Who’s this, huh? You finally bringin’ a girl for me to meet?” Frankie shakes his head from side to side smiling. He turns to you and introduces you to Rosie, the diner’s owner and one of his favorite people. “She’s new in town and I wanted to show her the best diner in the world.”
Rosie slaps Frankie’s arm and laughs. “Stop talkin’ sweet ‘fore your teeth rot, boy. You’re too pretty to be all gums now. I knew my boys were comin; your usual booth’s open, but take the table next to it, yeah. Ya need the extra seat ‘less you sittin’ the girl on ya lap.” Frankie begins to stutter a protest as you stifle a laugh.
“It’s very nice to meet you Miss Rosie. I’m in awe of your diner and excited to try your food.”
“Well it’s very nice to meet the girl who Frankie finally decided to bring to the diner. It’s a very special moment in his life ya know?” You cock your head to the side and take a quick glance at Frankie.
“Why’s that, Miss Rosie?”
As Rosie was about to explain the beginning of courtships of 99% of the teenagers in town, Frankie dragged you away with the dramatic excuse of being so hungry he can eat a horse and how he’ll drop dead if he doesn’t get a shake.
As you make it to the table Rosie had sent you to, you’d think that Frankie would have pulled out your chair, but a couple of some teens you remember seeing at school look in yours and Frankie’s direction whispering among themselves. You took a seat and looked at Frankie to ask if he knew them but as you were about to ask, you saw his face looking back at them with a deep stare. He gave them a single nod towards the door and to your surprise, they ran. Frankie scanned the room and he knew everyone would be taking in the scene. Frankie had never taken a girl out in public – especially not a girl like you. Sure people knew about other girls he’s been with, but everyone knew they weren’t together.
Frankie sat down after everyone in the diner turned their attention back to where it previously was and he passes you a diner menu, but still tense due to the eyes that locked with his back once more.
When the waitress you learned was named Vi and was obsessed with Will, Frankie had ordered a basket of fries for the two to share, a cherry soda for him and a sundae of your pick for you. Vi was also an older woman, best friends with Rosie, and had an innocent crush on Will’s blonde self. Frankie told you about the time Will brought Vi a bouquet of flowers for her birthday and Vi almost attacked the poor kid to the ground with kisses. Vi was sweet and she made you feel very good about yourself as she fixed your collar and fluffed your hair because “her Frankie needs to see what he’s got in front of him.”
You were nearly done with your sundae as you heard the distinctive pitch that is Benny’s voice as he said “What’s cookin’ good lookin’ don’t you look like a dream,” and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You greet each and every one of the boys as they take their seats around the table – Benny calling dibs on one of the seats next to you. Benny puts his arm around the back rest of your white chair and calls Vi over to place a new order.
As the night continues, you feel free. You feel so relaxed and at ease with the boys around you that you don’t even notice the dirty looks some girls were giving you. Benny puts his head on your shoulder and give his cheek a little pat resulting in Benny playfully trying to bite your hand. Frankie clears his throat and Benny looks over at him and smirks.
“I ain’t trynna steal ya girl, Frankie. If she hangin’ with us, ya gotta get used to us playin ‘round.”
Frankie turns red as Benny calls you “his girl” and rolls his eyes with a chuckle. He looks out the window and immediately tenses. You follow his gaze and see a 1942 black Ford with some boys in it – one of the being that Jack guy from school – revv its engine as it speeds back and forth through the parking lot. He grabs the boys eyes and directs them towards the window and Benny stands up immediately. The boys follow suit and Frankie turns to you.
“Stay here alright, doll? We’ll be back.”
You turn from Frankie to the window and back to Frankie with a worried look painting your face. “What’s going on Frankie?”
“They shouldn’t be here. This ain-“ You both turn at the sound of a crash and see Pope being held against Frankie’s car by a guy in a black tee with its sleeves rolled. Frankie runs out of the diner and you run after him. You know you shouldn’t be getting in between this, but you aren’t going to let anyone hurt your new friends.
Frankie runs up behind this guy, turns him around, and shoves him away from his car and friends. The guy smirks and nods at Frankie. “Did you miss me Frankie?”
“What the hell are you doing here, Oberyn? We already told ya friend there that this ain’t your turf.”
You had to admit, Oberyn had this strut to him that showed his self-confidence and the combination of his flirtatious smile and smoldering eyes only made him more attractive than he already was. Jack came to stand next to him and as he turned to toss some keys over to another friend of his, you caught sight of the word VIPERS with two snakes on the back of his jacket.
“Yeah… he told me ‘bout it. But ya anna know what else Jackie told me? He told me that ya got ya’self a knockout.” Oberyn locks eyes with you and winks. He tries to walk over to you, but Frankie pushes back and away from you.
“Don’t get near her.” Oberyn lets out a sarcastic chuckle and gets in Frankie’s face.
“How ‘bout ya make me, Morales?”
The next thing you knew, you were yelling and crying with Will held you away as you saw Frankie and Oberyn duke it out on the concrete while Benny and Pope tried to pry Oberyn away – Jack and some other guy pushing them away. You caught a glimpse of Frankie’s bruising cheek and Oberyn’s bloody nose. You only noticed the officer’s arrival once Will dragged you back in the diner and making sure Rosie held you back as he ran back to be by Frankie’s side when the local sheriff gets out the car.
dreamboat taglist:
@ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @funerals-with-cake @seasonschange-butpeopledont
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monarchcelebi · 3 years
I think I changed my mind on FNAF again... *Incoherent rant*
So, some of you might have read my old post about security breach here. 
Think I gotta say, my opinions on it have done a 180 and I am kinda back at square one. 
There is a lot to say about Security Breach, and I stand by the stuff I said about the new characters. I still like glamrock chica, monty is cool, and roxy is also awesome! But this is all stuff on the surface. The actual story and lore implications of Security Breach... Yeeesh, this is not what I thought it was going to be. 
I genuinely thought SB was going in a fresh direction, leaving the afton crap behind. Nope. Burntrap did not need to be in the game, and the fact he is there at all is just... stupid? Pretty stupid. Almost as stupid as the game theory videos on SB. The thing is, I like GT. Matt Pat seems like a chill ass dude, but even he pointed out that these theories are stupid, but most likely true logically. 
I don’t even care that much about the game play issues and how it was barely play tested to meet a release date, though that shouldn’t have happened. What really makes FNAF special is its lore and story. For me, FNAFs story should have ended at 3 and gone in an entirely fresh direction from there. I cannot begrudge scott for that decision because the whole point of 4 was to be scary, I guess? I have problems with 4 but gameplay isn’t one of them. 
This whole thing is pretty incoherent so let me summarize: I love FNAF. It’s somewhat important to me, and I think the first 3 games are perfect from a horror and story perspective. That is what I consider “My FNAF”. There are things I like in Security Breach and other FNAF games, I do like this series after all. This series needs to do something fresh for the series to survive. 
If you love SB and all the other stuff, good! Please continue to! 
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chillyminmin · 4 years
han jisung – don’t forget
» han jisung x reader
» words: 4.6k
» You had a little project, but things got messy. Jisung wasn’t who he seemed, but things went a little better than he first planned.
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Hot coffee, loud street, busy passersby, your typical morning.
You sighed as you set your coffee down, watching the street behind your sunglasses, hoping that the boy you were assigned to was someone decent for once. The boys assigned under your care were either too weak, too arrogant, too scared, or too laid back.
If Father gives me another boy who came from an orphaned family, I’m giving him back, you thought. Those never make the cut.
You were the daughter of a man of many influences, legally and illegally. He owned many buildings in Seoul, as well as various properties in the different areas of South Korea. He also dealt with gun dealerships, smuggling and drugs; your father was a businessman and the boss of a very powerful mafia group. You were going to inherit his position in two years, but you’ve been doing jobs like this since you turned fifteen. You were turning nineteen in two weeks, so you’ve been on this job for almost four years.
Finally, a black Hyundai Santa Fe SUV pulled up by the coffee shop, and two men wearing suits got off. In the middle was another guy, you guessed he wasn’t that far off from your age, and from how he was dressed, you guessed your wishes were answered. The SUV drove off and the three men approached your table. The two in suits told the guy to sit with you while they sat at the table close to yours, not ordering anything.
As he sat down, you noticed that he was playing with the hem of his shirt then he seemed to pull his bomber jacket closer to him. He’s nervous, you thought. At least he has manners.
“Want anything?” You asked casually. “Coffee, frappe, tea?”
“N-no.” He stammered and he seemed to curse at himself before clearing his throat. “That’s okay. Thank you.”
You smiled a bit before nodding. “Let’s get straight to the point then. What did my Father tell you?”
“Mr. L/N said that I was supposed to be your little… project?” He answered.
This amused you, he seemed confused as to why he’d be called a ‘project’.
“Did he say anything else?” You pressed.
“Yes. He said that what I learn from you and how I deal with you and everyone else will determine whether I make the cut or not.”
You nodded again and took a sip of your coffee, which was now almost finished.
“Where are my manners,” you shook your head, “I’m sure you know my name.” He nodded. “What’s yours?”
His eyes widened before he abruptly stood up, alerting the two guards. “I’m sorry, I should’ve introduced myself. I’m Jisung, Han Jisung.” He bowed and the two guards settled.
You suppressed a laugh. It was obvious he had heard about you, your behavior, your attitude. It was radiating off him as it did when they all first meet you: fear.
“Jisung.” You repeated. “Please, sit down.” He did so. “Now, do you know what it means to make the cut or not?”
Jisung shook his head. “I wasn’t allowed to ask your Father questions.”
Of course, no one is.
“Well, Jisung.” You raised your sunglasses and rest them on the top of your head. He seemed stunned to see your eyes. “It basically means; at the end of the two weeks you spend with me, whatever you learn will either help you live or kill you.”
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Two days in, you had learned that Jisung may be older than you, but he was still a child.
He had broken five glasses, tripped himself over the stairs thrice, was chased around by your dog, locked himself out in the balcony, and he had no expertise on anything whatsoever.
He was fumbling with his thumbs as you stared at him. You were at your apartment, where all the accidents had happened, in the living room, the both of you sitting down on chairs. Your dog, a Border Collie, laid down by your feet, his eyes trained on Jisung.
“Jisung,” you deadpanned, “are you telling me that you don’t know how to do anything? Anything at all?” He nodded. “How could you not know how to do anything, yet capture the attention of my Father? Every guy he’s sent to me was able to do something. One could hack, another had contacts for drugs, another was an expert in gun dealership- the list goes on, but I’m sure you understand what I’m saying. Or do I have to explain that for you as well?”
Jisung kept his head down, but he shook it, saying no, he understood completely what you were trying to say.
“I’m sorry, Miss y/n.”
“Sorry isn’t going to save your life. I’m telling you. I’ve been there.”
You thought back to the time where your mom had threatened to take you away from your Father, and he didn’t like it. She threatened to turn him in, to expose the family’s dirty business, even if it meant bringing me and her down with him. She’d do anything to remove me from my Father’s influence. When she realized her mistake, she was framed by a former colleague, begging my Father for help, apologizing for what she had said and done. My Father ignored her, and when she tried to run, she was shot down by the police.
That night, my Father told me, “That’s the price for turning your back on your family. Remember that.”
“I can learn.” For the first time today, Jisung looked at you. “I’m a fast learner. I may not be an expert on things, but I learn quickly.”
“Two weeks, Jisung. Weeks. What could you possibly learn in two weeks?”
“What position is open? Who do you need me to be?”
You tilted your head in amusement. This was new. “Who do I need you to be? What do you mean by that?”
“I- I know that there are times where you need to corner someone. But I overheard that whoever you had he was compromised. You’re trying to get him back, but you’re not sure if you can.” Your eyes narrowed. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, I didn’t!”
“Well, that’s one thing you’re good at,” you grumbled. “You can eavesdrop quite well.”
“I can take his place. Try to, anyway.” You raised your eyebrows and laughed a bit. Jisung looked at you anxiously, like he’d pulled a trap. “Miss y/n?”
“Do you even know what his job was? Do you know how he cornered people?” He shook his head. “Jisung. You have the age for the job, but I’m not sure if you have the guts. If Father’s target has a daughter, that’s how he corners them.” He still seemed confused.
“What do you mean…?”
“Jisung, if you take on that job, you’d have to learn how to fuck someone and not fall in love.”
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Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.
You and Jisung were at the mall, a week into his training. Not only did he have to ‘learn how to fuck someone and not fall in love’, but he also had to learn his way with guns and knives. He had to learn how to be a little sneaky, fuckboy assassin.
You were shopping for his suits and clothes you wanted, some accessories too.
“Miss-“ Jisung caught himself, “y/n. Why do we need this much? Aren’t the suits enough?”
“The suits are for when you meet Father. Casual clothing for pretty much everything else that’s not so formal.” You answered, still looking at the watches.
You shook your head and spun to tell Jisung that you’d now go to Pandora, but you stopped yourself as you noticed that he was looking at a watch. You followed your gaze and saw what he was looking at.
It was a gold watch, the inside was black with three smaller clocks, one on each side and the third at the bottom. You hummed to yourself before looking at Jisung again then pretending like you didn’t notice.
“Follow me, let’s go.”
When you finished shopping, you went to the parking lot and placed everything in the trunk, making sure not to crumple anything, both your bags and his. Every time Jisung was about to go in your car, you noticed that he treated it as the most vulnerable thing you owned. Maybe it wasn’t the most vulnerable thing you owned, but it was your most cherished.
It was a black Maserati Quattroporte GTS. Your Father gave it to you for your eighteenth birthday, and he rarely gave anyone gifts, business partners and family members alike. He gave you this specifically because he was sure that he wasn’t the only one with the mindset of using daughters to get to his target clients or enemies. The car was beautiful, sleek and fast. It could go on 530 horsepower and 310 kilometers per hour. You loved it.
As you were pulling out of the parking lot, you noticed Jisung was nervous. Now you knew he was nervous whenever you were the one driving, but he seemed more nervous.
“Jisung, what is it?” He shook his head vigorously. “Jisung.”
“I might be paranoid or- I don’t know, I might be wrong, Miss.” He said quickly, not looking at me, but focusing on the side mirror.
“What, Jisung? Just tell me.”
“They’re after me.” He said, looking at me. I briefly glanced at him and saw that his eyes were full of fear. “They’ve found me.”
“Who’s found you?”
“The Nakamuras. They’ve finally pinpointed me.”
“Naka-“ you pulled over to the side and parked your car, signaling the hazard lights. “Jisung, the Nakamuras?”
You looked at him and he looked at you with fear. “I’m sorry. I tried my best to avoid them, I tried to lead them away, but they—”
“Lead them away? Away from what?” You noticed that a white car had parked behind your car, its hazard lights blinking as well.
“Not what, Miss. Away from you.” He looked down. “They want you.”
“Jisung.” You were becoming angry, your voice was trembling as it rose. “Did you betray us before we’ve even decided if you made the cut or not?”
He didn’t answer.
“I’m sorry!” He looked at you again, and suddenly he seemed different. His eyes were darker, his jawline seemed sharper, he wasn’t fumbling with his hands, and his posture was straighter. Like someone had injected him with confidence. “I’ll explain later, but if you want to save yourself, drive.”
You shook your head. “You asshole.” But you drove and called security, telling them you were heading to your apartment. That’s when you noticed that the white car was following you. You told security to hurry up or else they wouldn’t see the light of day.
“Jisung, what the fuck were you- who are you?”
“I was surprised you didn’t realize immediately.” He answered with a chuckle. “Han Jisung, y/n. How could you have been so blind?”
“Han.” You muttered it to yourself like a chant. It sounded familiar, but you weren’t sure.
“Both you and your Father must have forgotten. But then again, it was easy to kill my parents, wasn’t it? Not even knowing they had a son. Your Father probably thought I was a different Han, not the child of the ones he killed to be where he stands now.”
Suddenly, you remembered. “You. It was you.”
You remembered being with your Father that night, three nights before he finally claimed what he called his rightful place. You were having dinner with the Hans, and you couldn’t be left behind because at that time, your mom was still alive, and your Father knew she’d do anything to get you. It was a good dinner, but when it came down to talking about handing positions, it got heated.
Mr. Han didn’t want to give over his position as the CEO, saying that your Father was corrupted and that it wouldn’t do good to anybody. Mr. Han threatened your family, saying that he knew about our ‘side business’ and that soon, the most wanted mafia boss would be caught by the police. If there was anything that threw your Father off, it was threatening the business. Not his family, his business.
Your Father didn’t hesitate to stand, draw his gun, and pull his trigger twice. The nozzle had a muffler on it, so no one outside the house would’ve heard the gunshots, but you covered your ears and dropped down to the floor. Even at that age, the age of ten, you knew where that dinner was going, how that conversation was going to end.
Before you left, your Father to told you to look at the scene so that you knew what to do if anyone ever turned their backs on you, and if anyone ever threatened the business. You stood there, numb and confused, was killing the answer to everything? You probably wouldn’t have moved if it wasn’t for a boy’s voice.
“Mom! Dad!” A figure brushed against you and went straight to the two dead bodies by the dinner table. He shook them hopelessly, crying and screaming their names.
He looked at you. “You did this? You killed my parents?” You were dazed, even as he approached you, you didn’t move back. “How could you? There’s no way you could be older than nine!” He gripped your shoulders. “Who did this? Tell me!”
You shook your head.
“Tell me!” He demanded. You refused. He pushed you away. “Don’t forget this day. Don’t think I don’t know who you are. I know my parents were going to have dinner with Mr. L/N tonight, that’s why they didn’t want me at home.” He glared at you. “I’ll get back at you one day, y/n. Don’t forget.”
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“What are you waiting for?” You slurred. “Why don’t you just kill me now?”
“No, Jisung. Tell me,” you laughed, “why won’t you get back at me already?”
“You’re not in the right mind, y/n. You’re drunk and high.”
“Your point?” You looked at him and squinted, trying to focus on him, but you decided not to anymore and laughed before averting your gaze to another joint.
As you reached for it, Jisung took it away from you. You pouted as you looked at him taking a hit.
“That’s mine.”
“Stop taking what’s mine!”
He sighed as he put the joint aside and knelt in front of you. For a moment, you realized how handsome he really was. You remembered how he smiled, how he laughed a bit, how he helped you in your apartment, how nervous he seemed around guns and knives, but he had one on him now, he always had one, it was a rule.
Your eyes widened. He has a knife. You tried to scramble away from him but he held your waist.
“N-no, let me go!” You squirmed. “You have a knife, let me go!”
“y/n,” he said sadly, “I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Why not, huh? My Father killed your parents! Why not kill me for revenge? Why not just sell me out to the Nakamuras? Why tell me? Why save me? Why, why, why?” You were screaming at his face now, frightened but angry, disappointed but not surprised.
You knew it wasn’t going to take long until one of your dad’s enemies used your little ‘project’ thing as a way to slip a spy in. Everyone who applied to you knew how your business worked, inside and out, that’s why if they didn’t make the cut, they died.
“Because your Father killed them, not you.” Jisung replied calmly. “It took me some time to accept that. I knew the fastest way to take revenge on him was to kill his only child, that’s why I feigned stupidity. To get closer to you. But as I got to know you, I realized, you had nothing to do with their deaths.” Jisung’s eyes were tearing up. “You were just there when he killed them, he made you stay there. He made you look at their deaths.” He started crying.
You lowered your hands, his hands still on your waist. “Jisung…”
“I wanted to kill you, I did. But I can’t bring myself to.” He sniffled and rested his head on your legs, you could feel his tears wetting your thighs. “You have no fault. And I can see this isn’t the life you want.”
You stiffened. Maybe it was because his warm breath was hitting your skin and you were drunk and high, or maybe because he was right: this isn’t the life you wanted.
You used your hands to lift up his head and wiped his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Jisung. I know how it feels like to lose one parent, I can’t imagine how it feels like to lose both in one night.”
He smiled sadly and held one of your hands.
“You know, you’re not as bad as they say. You have a heart.” He said softly and you felt yourself tearing up. “They don’t see you like I do, why is that?”
“Maybe because,” you hesitated. Were you really ready to admit these to both yourself and him? Were you ready to admit how something about him made you feel close to him, how you felt safe to seem somehow vulnerable to him?
“y/n, tell me.” He said softly as he wiped your cheek. You didn’t even notice that you had started crying.
“Maybe because I let you in my heart without even knowing it.” You admitted. “You saw me smile, you made me laugh, I wanted you to be close to me wherever I was. I never took anyone else shopping with me, you know.” He chuckled. “There’s something about you, Jisung. Something I’m afraid of, and it’s not the knife.”
“Don’t be,” he said as he moved his face closer to you, “let me in, y/n. Don’t be afraid of me, don’t be afraid of my heart.”
“I won’t turn you over to the Nakamutas. I won’t kill you. I’ll come up with a way to get revenge on your Father, that is if you don’t rat out on me and get me killed.”
You laughed softly. You knew you couldn’t turn him in. Without knowing, you had fallen in love with him.
“I won’t.” You promised. “I won’t turn you in.”
“So, you’ll let me in?”
“I’ll let you in.” You said softly and that was all he needed to hear before kissing you.
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The two weeks were over, you and Jisung may have fucked every now and then, and you kept your promise as he kept his. The revenge he decided to take was taking the risk of falling in love with you and seeing if he made the cut. If he did, then he’ll work his way up from there.
You knew his plan. He knew you were inheriting your Father’s place, both as Boss and CEO, in two years. But that was something you’d worry about some other time, now it was time to see Jisung’s abilities. And your Father couldn’t have been crueler.
He made Jisung’s deliberation day your birthday.
And if there’s another thing you knew about your Father, he never missed a thing that was happening.
You were seated at the far end of the table with all the other important people of the mafia. Your dad was in the center and at each side, there was the head of Security, Kim, then there was the head of weapon dealerships, Khon, followed by the head of drug dealings, Im, and lastly, the head of smuggling, Lee.
At first, the deliberation was going smoothly, and it seemed as if Jisung was safe. His performance in the past week was incredible. He was an expert in shooting, he could throw knives from a couple of feet away and hit the target right in the chest, he knew how to smuggle items from Father’s corporation to another, and he knew who to target to deal drugs.
But your Father had to pull one last question.
“Jisung,” he started, “it has also come to my attention that aside from all the training you receive and lessons my daughter has given you, it seems that you’ve given her your heart as well.”
Your eyes widened, but you tried to stay calm. There was one rule between you and your clients: no strings attached.
“Is this true?”
“No, sir.” Jisung answered, not missing a single beat. He looked at you. “I don’t love your daughter. I only used her body.”
“And why is that?”
“She was vulnerable, sir. Let her guard down.” He was stabbing you in the heart. “She means nothing to me.”
Your Father stood up and went towards you. You didn’t look at him, you were too busy trying to read what Jisung was trying to do, see if he meant anything he said, you hoped he didn’t.
“Then, you won’t mind if I do this.”
Before you knew it, your Father, your own Father, had a gun pointed at your head.
“F-Father!” You spun your head and met his gaze. No fear, no warmth, no regret- your Father didn’t seem human at all. “What are you-“
“What did I say about vulnerability? It gets you killed.” He cocked the gun and looked behind you, at Jisung. “You haven’t said anything. This is your final test. Do you mind if I killed my own daughter?”
Your heart broke as Jisung answered, “No, sir.”
“Then you have failed.” Your Father aimed at Jisung, and without thinking, you reached for your knife and stabbed your Father in the chest. His eyes widened. “y/n-“
“It was something I should’ve done long ago, Father. You killed mom, you killed his parents, you kill anyone and everyone. You care for no one.”
“I care about you!”
“You only care for me because I’m your only child. If I had a brother, you would’ve had him inherit this company and this group. Do you not know what people say behind your backs? How they plan to kill you? The very men you made as your heads-“
“Miss y/n!”
“Sir, she’s lying!”
“I’m only doing them a favor.” You finished. “I’m doing myself a favor.”
You were at the ground now, your Father slowly dying. “I can still pull the trigger.” He threatened.
“Jisung’s smarter than to stay where he was.”
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That night, your Father’s death was mourned by the country, as if a King had died. You rolled your eyes as you shut the television off.
“They don’t even know him. If they did, they would’ve celebrated his death, not mourned it.”
Jisung sat beside you and hugged you. “You say that, but I know it hurts.”
It was true. “Stop reading me.”
Jisung chuckled and pulled away to kiss your forehead. “You were brave. I didn’t think the meeting was going to go that way.”
“Neither did I.”
“But you’re okay now. Tomorrow, you’ll face the press claiming your spot as CEO.” You nodded. “But tonight, you’re mine.”
Jisung kissed you and you let out a surprised sound before kissing him back. You both smiled in the kiss before it got heated. His hand went from your cheek to the back of your neck, deepening the kiss. You parted your lips and he slipped his tongue in. You straddled him and wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him closer. His other hand went under your shirt and drew small circles at your waist as his lips went down to your neck.
You sighed softly as he nipped and licked your neck, sure to leave marks. He then slowly took you off his lap as he made his way down, taking your shirt off in the process. He kissed your chest as he worked on your bra buckle and took them off. He licked your nipples and you tugged at his hair as he laid you down on the bed and made his way down to your stomach, peppering it with soft kisses.
He made it to your shorts, and he took them off before going back to your lips and kissing you harder, deeper, more passionate than he ever did. One hand supported him as he hovered over you, while the other made its way down to your panties. He stroked your clit from the outside, making you wet little by little. You squirmed under his touch and he chuckled, going back to your neck and focusing on the areas he hadn’t marked yet.
“Jisung,” you breathed out.
He hummed against your skin as he made his way down once more, this time reaching your panties. He slid them off and kissed your thighs.
“You’re wet, baby.” He said proudly. “Who made you wet?”
“You did, Ji, you did.”
He licked your clit and you gasped at the sudden sensation. He then started to eat you out, hands holding onto your thighs. He moaned and pulled away briefly to say, “You taste good, baby. So good.” He then continued to eat you out. You moaned and gripped the sheets as his tongue darted in and out of you at a pace you didn’t think was possible. Just when you thought you were going to cum, he pulled away and you whined.
Jisung chuckled. “I want you to cum from my cock, baby, not my tongue.” He took his clothes off and you watched him the whole time, your heart hammering against your chest.
Sure, you two have fucked, but this time, it felt different.
“I love you.” You blurted out. Jisung stared at you and you blushed. “F-forget I said that-“
“I love you, too.” Jisung cut you off as he went back down and kissed your forehead. “I love you.”
He looked into your eyes for permission, and you nodded. Not long after, he entered you and groaned as you moaned.
“How are you still so tight? I fuck you every day.”
“Maybe- ah- maybe you just get bigger every time you fuck me.”
That seemed to turn him on. “Fuck, y/n.”
He started slowly, looking at you as you squirmed and moaned under him. He loved it, he loved the way you looked. He loved how he was the only boy who could see you like this. How he was the only one who could make you moan and scream his name.
“Faster, Ji. I want more.” You breathed out.
“Okay, baby.” He followed, quickening his thrusts, hitting the spot every time. “Fuck, you feel so good.”
You couldn’t make words out as his cock filled you up, going in and out of you at a fast pace. You moaned as he made it even faster, praising you and telling you how good you were, how good you felt. He was as close as he could possibly be, skin on skin, your moans filling up the room, heat rising.
The heat at the bottom of your stomach pooled up and you scratched Jisung’s back, sure to leave marks on him the way your neck had marks from his kisses.
“Jisung, I-I’m close.” You managed to breathe out between moans.
“Me too, baby.” He pulled away from your body as to not hurt you as he went as fast he could, chasing both yours and his climax.
His groans grew louder as your moans did. He moaned your name as he came, his cock twitching inside you as you came as well, almost screaming his name.
You were both a panting mess as he pulled out and laid down beside you. After some time, he peppered your face with soft kisses, and you giggled a bit. He smiled and brushed his thumb against your cheek.
“I love you,” he said, “don’t forget.”
chan woojin minho changbin hyunjin felix seungmin
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