#black smoke shenron
bigfan1811 · 8 months
Black Smoke Shenron goes fucking HARD
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web-pets · 1 year
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worlds worst dragon award
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modeus-the-unbound · 2 months
Say what you wanna about Dragonball GT....frankly it deserves most of the criticism aimed at it....
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But my man Shenron was SERVING with his new evil look. Shame we got Omega Shenron as the final villian of that series instead of this baller ass Black Smoke Shenron.
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tyote · 2 months
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nm-mattuz · 3 months
After seeing this...
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I felt inclined to assign every shadow dragon a different drug (this guy obviously already has tobacco) so here it is!
First we got alcohol because of that beer belly!
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Trust me the connections get worse...
A side effect of ketamine is numbness so...
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This isn't what I was referring to when I said it gets worse...
The weakest connection IMO is this one, because she doesn't really utilize the shape-shifting much, besides to look good. So it kinda works with the hallucinations of LSD.
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This is the one I was referring to.
He's a pretty chill guy when it comes to shadow dragons, and what is weed famous for?
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You smoke it (there are other options though).
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Ice ice baby another name for meth
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And the man himself, the first one you probably think of, crack rock cocaine. The user feels confident and strong, but becomes dependent on the drug, like how he was depending on the other dragon's power and like his confidence.
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nebulacritter · 1 year
it's funny how dragon ball gt has a villain who's just a dragon who likes to smoke kush
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kopawz · 7 months
hey gang i have a new icon now and it's
BLACK SMOKE SHENRON because he is my favorite of the summoned dragons because he is mean
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melonteee · 11 months
every time i see a youtube poll for favorite characters or powerscaling polls and king is there i always always say something along the lines of “i love king. he’s a fallen angel in a gimp suit and he’s best friends with black smoke shenron from dragon ball GT” before stating my actual opinion. its just an important prerequisite
I had no idea King had friends outside of Kaido but the rest sounds correct yes yes
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 057
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“My own clone!  Now neither of us will be virgins!”
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Last time, Vegeta tried to fight that Goku Black jerk who’s been bullying his son, and he got stabbed through the chest.  Remember when Frieza shot a Death Beam through Vegeta’s chest and he died?   Yeah, well, that doesn’t happen here. 
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Also Zamasu shows up to help Black, so now Goku has to fight them both all by himself.  He beat Zamasu a few episodes back using SSJ2, but now he’s in Blue mode and Zamasu is turning out to be a lot harder. 
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Black and Zamasu agree to kill the Saiyans together, since they both enjoy killing so much.  They try to gang up on Goku, but then Trunks jumps in and seems to do surprisingly well, even though he’s nowhere near as strong as Goku. 
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Trunks even manages to stab Zamasu with his sword...
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But he just shrugs it off and the wound heals over instantly.  His clothes heal too.  Huh. 
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So Trunks presses on, and unloads with the Final Flash.  There’s a lot of fanservice-y moments in this arc, where Trunks uses Vegeta’s signature moves.  It doesn’t improve this shitty story.
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But Zamasu survives unscathed, and he reveals that he has an “invincible body” now.  Trunks begins to despair, and then Goku Black charges up a Kamehameha.  Goku and Trunks try to get out of the way, but Zamasu grabs them both and holds them in place so they have to get hit by the blast.  That’s smart, because Zamasu’s invincible body won’t even be hurt.  So how do Goku and Trunks get out of this one?
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Uh... they don’t.  They end up taking the full force of Goku Black’s Kamehameha.  So... they’re dead, then?
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Of course not.  They’re not even unconscious.  What was the point of forcing them to take a Kamehameha at pointblank range if it couldn’t even kill them? 
How does this even make sense?  Trunks is a lot less powerful than Goku, so you’d think that if Goku was worn down by that attack, Trunks should be in much worse shape. 
And now Zamasu and Black charge up a follow-up attack to finish Goku and Trunks off.  Why would we expect this one to do any more damage than the last thing they tried?   Well, fortunately, it doesn’t come to that, because their big purple power ball gets knocked away by...
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Vegeta?  The guy Goku Black stabbed through the chest?
I mean, okay, let’s just say that Vegeta’s a tough bastard, and he can somehow not only survive a stab wound through the chest, but he can get back up and help the others.  But he’s using Final Flash here, and that’s like his biggest, most powerful move.  And he’s in Super Saiyan Blue. 
Sure, he collapses right after he does this, but what the hell?  Like I said last time, this isn’t even a matter of power scaling.  This is me asking whether offensive moves even hurt anybody now.  Goku Black has attacked Mai, Vegeta, Trunks and Goku, and none of them seem to be too bad off for it.  It reminds me a lot of Omega Shenron, who kept beating up characters far weaker than himself, and they kept surviving and showing no sign of injury or fatigue. 
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So while Vegeta makes his big play, Yajirobe runs over and drags Goku and Trunks to safety.  He couldn’t get Vegeta, so he’s on his own.  Or he would be, except for...
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Smoke bombs!  How did they guess Goku Black’s one weakness?
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Yeah the Resistance throws smoke bombs all over the place and the bad guys are too busy coughing to kill Vegeta or notice anyone else rushing in to save him. 
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So almost as soon as Yajirobe says he couldn’t save Vegeta, Mai rolls up on her scooter with Vegeta.  She goes over to Trunks and she’s like “Yo, I just saved your dad, nbd.” 
This shot is a complete mess.   Vegeta looks ridiculous, and Mai’s upper body is completely disproportional to her lower body. 
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Mai reaches into Trunks’ pants to get.......... the capsule containing the Time Machine, and she programs it to launch with the three Saiyans lying helplessly inside.  Trunks begs her to stop the launch and go back with them, but she just stands there and watches them go.  Who showed her how to operate the time machine? 
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Goku Black finds them just before the time machine vanishes, so he missed his shot once again.  Well, it’s not like he would have killed them even if they hadn’t escaped. 
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For some reason, the time machine falls on its side when it lands, and the good guys all spill out like a bunch of losers falling out of a box of losers. 
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Meanwhile, in Universe 10, Zamasu serves Gowasu tea... again.  This time he’s watching TV indoors, so it’s totally different.  Zamasu calls this “GodTube”, and the video is footage of the Destroyer Tournament, so I guess one of the Kais at the arena must have filmed this.  Gowasu suggests that this footage of Goku fighting Hit might change his tune about mortals, except Zamasu despises Goku, and this is how he learns about Goku’s ability to use divine ki, which makes him hate Goku even more.  Also, I just watched the Universe 6 Saga myself, and I can’t say it restored my faith in humanity or anything.
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What really catches Zamasu’s interest are the Super Dragon Balls seen floating in the sky above the tournament.  He’s never heard of them, so Gowasu explains how they grant wishes and such.  And that gives Zamasu a li’l idea...
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Next thing we know, he’s on Zuno’s planet, demanding to know everything there is to know about the Super Dragon Balls.  Ruh-roh.
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pussyfootmaneuver · 2 years
you can't beat dragonball fanfiction written by children on the internet. have recently been doing nightly readings of this one where trunks is possessed by black smoke shenron and becomes dark TRUNKS and goku goes super saiyan 6-10 in sequential order because dark TRUNKS killed everyone he cared about including bardock who had come to help them from the otherworld
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op-dbz-ladies · 3 months
Actually.. Now i imagine dark shenron is also in the dragon balls and he only took over because his bro collapsed from exhaustion
Black Smoke Shenron pops in
Becomes 7 other people
And then dips from existence
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machimachilegends · 7 months
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I know we don't get to see this place in the main canon of Dragon Ball (did in Heroes though), but... There has always been room to explore even after their death.
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Wherever the heck this place is (likely outside of Universe 7 but who knows), I'm kind of hoping we get something similar in Dragon Ball Daima, assuming we're going to be getting hella lore when it drops. Plus, thinking about Super Shenron and Black Smoke Shenron (and the others Popo alludes to) make my brain hurt just like that weird space made for Instant Transmission in the movies.
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laladbzland · 3 years
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tyote · 2 months
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textfromthelookout · 2 years
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homefryboy · 4 years
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drawin dragons
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