#dragon ball grand tour
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Special Poster ''Dragon Ball GT - The Personages''!
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nm-mattuz · 2 months
GT Gogeta would 100% schadenfreude after every kill in TF2
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shib4guette · 16 days
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saw this frame in the gt sparking zero trailer and had to draw it EXPEDITIOUSLY
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quantumleper · 6 months
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Whether you love or hate Dragon Ball GT, you can't deny that this shot of Hell Fighter 17 is fucking diabolical
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hetopotato · 11 months
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“ Hehehe…man, it’s been such a long time since I’ve been so excited! To think my last Budokai Tenkaichi was all the way back then…and now there’s so many new strong guys around… “
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“ Guess I’d better bring my A-game, then! I’ve still got a few more days to wait, so I’ll go see if Uub’s down for some extra training. “
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crimsonscloud · 3 months
started a gt rewatch since i got the dvds with the menza (tv broadcast) score and opening, and man does it feel good to have the soundtrack i remember. i grinned so wide my face hurt when the notes to step into the grand tour played.
childhood restored.
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flowerisevil · 2 months
For I am yours.
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Gwayne Hightower x Targaryen princess original character.
A/N: this was one of the request I received but I accidentally deleted i along with my previous works:( anyways I use an OC for this one sorry, I hope you'll like it.
Disclaimer: mention of past attempted SA, inform me if i miss anything also possible grammatical and typographical errors ahead. English is not my first language
Summary: he was sworn to her, he is hers in any way she requires him.
Elaerys Targaryen, the epitome of grace and beauty in the Seven Kingdoms, many have said she had surpassed the qualification of the beauty of Targaryen woman, they said she was favored by the Sevens for having a such gorgeous features. And Elaerys was much aware of the attention and beauty she acquired, and her face is the exact reason why she have different guards every moon.
Her father, the King had to change her sworn protector every moon because of two reason, they had attempted to took advantage of her, or fell for her beauty. All of them broke their oath to the princess leading them to be exiled from the position and in King's Landing.
"It is none of your fault, Elaerys" her older sister comforted her, as she heard the news that her new sworn protector was caught glimpsing at her bathro door.
"Nyra, t-this is the exact reason why his grace would not allow me to go outside these walls, I want to go out, I want to visit the cities and people!" Elaerys complained, she envy her older sister Rhaenyra when their father allowed her to have her marital tour, Rhaenrya was abled to travel while her stayed in the Keep.
"next moon perhaps father will less strict to you after your name day" Rhaenyra cheered for her as she finished braiding Elaerys white hair.
"you look exactly like mother" her sister added smiling at the sight of her younger sister.
Elaerys bittersweet smile, she loved and hated it the same time, she loved being beautiful no doubt but its the very reason why she's also caged in here.
"Do you think If I get married I will be much more free?" Elaerys asked, her hand scratch the blade of her shoulders anxiously.
Rhaenyra sighed. "It depends but mostly no, when you became a wife you have duties to attend to Elaerys" Rhaenyra pitied her, she knows the exact feeling of being prisoned here in the castle.
Rhaenyra only hugged her to show comfort, she knows when the time has come the King will learn to let her fly on her own wings, after all she is a dragon nonetheless she is made of fire and blood too.
Her name day came, and the right time for marriage, the King prepared a grand celebration for her second born daughter, a ball and feast.
Elaerys sat on her seat beside her was her sister Rhaenyra almost drunk from all of the wine she drank tonight. The princess looked around setting her eyes on a familiar deep blue eyes, Ser Harwin Strong.
"You missed him don't you?" Rhaenyra whispered beside her, teasing her sister to its past lover.
Elaerys shrugged her, her sister wasn't wrong but she had decided to stay away from him. He was her almost, if only Ser Harwin is not bounded by too much honor, that he chose his duty than asking for her hand in marriage, but she could not blame him for not risking his position.
"Why don't you tell our father that you want him to marry? I am quite sure he will trust Ser Harwin on your protection, that man can dead someone who will dare to lay a finger on you" Rhaenyra jested as she loudly laughed.
It's not like she did not thought of that but other than his bounded to his duty, Elaerys felt Harwin did not want to do anything with her anymore, she would not want to tie him in a loveless marriage with her forever.
Her eyes searched for him again once again, she looked for him in the dancing crowd, maybe his out there dancing with some other highborn ladies.
"Done looking for that brawny man?" Her eyes promptly looked up to see their cousin Laenor, just like her sister he also knew the past business she and Ser Harwin once had.
Laenor sat on the other empty side chair beside her. "Happy name day cousin, welcome to the right age of marriage" Laenor and Rhaenyra both laughed, looks like their three years in marriage are already taking big impact on each other.
She both sign them to stop when they saw the King approaching beside him was his Hand and another red headed man.
The three youngster Targaryens stood up, bowing to the King before Viserys spoke. "My daughter happy name day, here may I present to you your new sworn protector"
A man stepped forward, wearing a green and silver tunic, his hair looks like an ginger auburn hair close up, pale skin, blue eyed and freckled man reveals himself.
"Ser Gwayne Hightower of Oldtown" the King introduced.
Elaerys eyes darted to Otto, this is his son?
"Hightower? I did not assume Ser Otto has a knight i their family" Rhaenyra commented.
Otto simply smiled, sarcasm filled his face. "Gwayne is Alicent's older brother, my heir to Oldtown"
Laenor spoke first of the three of them. "An honor to meet you Ser Gwayne, I do hope you enjoy your stay here in King's Landing and you will keep an eye at my cousin, the princess she can be very hard to handle sometimes"
It made the group laughed, Gwayne smiled while nodding in acknowledgment, his gaze moved to the princess, Gwayne noticed the discreet look she gave him. He bow in respect but Elaerys only nod and offer him a small smile.
"Thank you your grace, I shall observe Ser Gwayne's skills" Elaerys uttered, it earned a laugh from her father.
As the celebration continued Gwayne stay near her, she thought he would start his duty by tomorrow but the knight stayed close to where she was.
Gwayne was relief and bizarre for the princess, commonly highborn ladies would love this kind of events but instead she sat there and watch the crowd, most specifically he noticed that she's eyeing someone in the crowd.
Gwayne examined her, all of the stories about her graceful beauty, he thought people was just exaggerating again about someone from the Targaryen dynasty but no, her white silver hair neatly dropped down, her lilac eyes, and flawless skin, her entire aspect screams elegance and royalty, she was indeed a princess.
Elaerys was feeling spiritless around this crowd, she wish to have a breath of the air outside, she stood from her seat and walked away from the banquet, she was thankful Laenor and Rhaenyra both left her for a moment so no one would stop her from leaving.
She knew her new sworn protector was following her, it was his duty what else did she expect?
She stopped infront of the empty balcony, she turned around seeing her knight near the open dood to guard it. Silence filled the balcony, Elaerys was quite familiar with that aspect but her knight on the other side seems bothered it.
"Don't you relish the grand celebration inside, princess?" Gwayne spoke, he wasn't use to a such silence.
"I seem to grow tired of it Ser"
"Then why don't you rest on your chamber?"
Elaerys frowned, turning her head to look at her knight, his voice was filled with sarcasm?
Gwayne seem to take notice about the change of expression of the princess, "I mean no offense, princess"
After that silence filled them again, until excuse herself to rest no one talked again.
Months had passed Gwayne surprisingly was able to keep his oath and duty, but he did admit it to himself that somehow he catched an attraction to the princess, with her kind and pleasing demeanor he tried his best but it was too late.
They had interacted and shared a lot of unexpected proximity many times, just like right now. Both of them under of one of the trees in Kingswood. Elaerys sneaked outside the King's Landing after hearing the news that the is planning to match him with Tyland Lannister, Gwayne spotted her sneak outside the castle and when he confronted her, the princess plead him and there they are.
"That man age is near his deathbed" Elaerys muttered, a bottle of ale on her right hand, she felt like her head was spinning.
"That is a very rude thing to say princess" Gwayne looked at him and continued "but I very much agree so"
Gwayne watched her reaction, when Elaerys laughed he did the same, relieved that he managed to let out a pretty laugh from her mouth. A few moments later the two shared a deep conversation.
"Ser Gwayne did you ever had a relationship with someone you shouldn't had?"
Gwayne rested his head on the pillar of the tree. "I never had a serious relationship my princess"
"you mean you only dealt with whores in brothels?"
"not only in brothels my princess" Gwayne fixed his armor before speaking again. "But those were before I was appointed as a knight, as I enter knighthood I have left all of those behind"
Elaerys smiled as she nodded. "I do not criticize your Ser for acting like a normal human"
"I do not think you're the type of judging someone without fully knowing them"
A smiles formed on the drunk face of the princess, she drank another sip from her ale, Gwayne did not want to stop her, he knows she had a rough day and he would not neglect her for having freedom for once.
"If you do not mind princess, have you fell for someone you should not have?"
She did. And looks like she was about to again.
Gwayne saw the glint in her eyes, he nodded. "i shall take that as a yes. If I may, who is this lucky Lord then?"
Gwayne can feel his heart beating fast, he was hoping for the answer that he wants. That his name would be the words that would trail off from her mouth.
"Ser Harwin Strong, he was my first lover.."
Gwayne let out a dramatic gasp. "You have a very surprising taste, princess"
Who knows that the man of honor, the one they call the hard Breakbones and the Lord Commander of City Watch fell for the princess beauty?
But who wouldn't? That's the very reason why the King appointed him to this position. His Grace had expected him to not have any romantic attachment to the princess.
Elaerys talked about Harwin for hours and it was making Gwayne's ear fuzz, the constant utter of the name Harwin from the princess pain his ears, maybe letting the princess finish those three bottles of ale was a bad idea, she was intoxicated.
"Ser Gwayne"
Her words caught his attention, finally a good name came out from her pretty lips. As he turned his face to her, he was stunned by their proximity, he hadn't realize that Elaerys already closed the gap between them.
"You shall have your very own oath to me" The princess declared. "I want you to make your own vow and swear it to me" He thought maybe its just one of the princess nonsense game driven by the alcohol but somehow in him felt to take it seriously.
His eyes pierced into her, he suddenly lost all his ability to look away, she was more than beautiful, its not just her hair and eyes, but what her face express and trying to tell that makes her beautiful. As she looked up to him their gaze met, both glued on each other.
"I Gwayne Hightower of Oldtown vow to you my Princess Elaerys Targaryen, that I will do my very best and offer my very last breath serving and protecting you, I shall serve no one but you, and you shall have me for anything you require, for I am yours"
It almost sounded like a marriage vow.
Elaerys beamed at him her hand reaching to cup his cheeks "You are a very beautiful man Ser Gwayne" were the last think she muttered before she drift off to sleep.
Is she always like this? Is this the reason why her past knights all head over heels to her? If yes then he himself is no different from those knights.
"No wonder those men was enchanted by this lovely princess" he exhales, guiding the princess to lay comfortably on the grounds, he cannot risk riding his horse with a wasted princess with him.
He took of his white cloak and placed it on the ground to serve as a sheet of the princess, after placing her to her handmaid bed he leaned and pressed his back on the tree.
He cannot end up like those knights, exiled from their position and in King's Landing. The King trusted him with his daughter and Seven hells the princess is younger than her sister Alicent.
"I am not even sure if she feels the same way" he chuckles.
After that night, Elaerys felt a wall that her knight build, he became distant and cold. And she knew the very exact reason why.
She hated that she yearned for him after that night, she hated that she have to pretend everyday that his distance from her did not bother her, she hated that he placed a barrier between them. A lot change after that night, she sometimes caught herself looking at him for too long, glimpsing at his lips, looking or searching for him when she would lose the sight of him.
"I want to go to Rhaenyra" Elaerys spoke while walking through the halls.
"As you wish princess, I shall accompa-"
"I would like to go alone, for the meantime you can have an hour off Ser Gwayne, you have nothing to worry I'll stay inside her chambers" Elaerys explained
He wanted to protest, to not let her take away the only opportunity he have to be close to her, the only chance he can see glance at her for as much as he can, but reading her eyes he sense that he should let her after all he is serving her and he should do whatever she commander him to do.
Elaerys started walking away from him, he can hear the fast click of her shoes showing her urgency.
Elaerys did not bother to knock on her sister's door as she opened it, she walked to Rhaenyra's bed and hugged her.
"What's the problem?" Rhaenyra spoke but the princess keep her head on her older sister's shoulder.
"Rhaenyra, what if I wish to marry someone?" Elaerys lifted her head, facing her sister's confused face.
"and? You make it sound that the man you want to marry is someone who you shouldn't" Rhaenyra replied.
Elaerys did not manage to answer, Rhaenyra had hit the right words. Rhaenyra sat straight concern filled her face.
"It's Ser Gwayne isn't it?"
Elaerys nodded her head dropping ashamed of what she put herself into.
Rhaenyra chuckles as she raised her sister's face. "You have nothing to be ashamed of Elaerys, Ser Gwayne is an honorable knight"
"exactly Rhaenyra he is a knight, my sworn protector, he took an oath, it is treason if we engage into any romantic relations"
"Elaerys sometimes you have to take a risk and know its outcome than not doing anything"
Rhaenyra talked to her like how an older sister would, she gave her advices and guidance of what she should do.
"The decision is on you sister, and whatever it is I will support you" was Rhaenyra's last words.
Is the decision truly on hers?
She have thought of her sister words, after all Elaerys is not sure if Gwayne even felt the same.
While walking in Godswood and Gwayne guarding her as usual, she was admiring the fall of leaves from the branches when someone called her from behind.
He knew exactly those deep gentle voice, she turned around and faced the man infront of her.
"Ser Harwin"
Harwin Strong bow to her, his large hand reaching for her as he pressed his lips on her knuckles. Gwayne's face on the other hand grimaced at the sigh, he was not liking the sigh he was having.
"I pass by outside and I saw you and thought I should pay you a visit" Harwin replied.
Elaerys smiled bitterly "How ironic that you only thought of that now" it came out as a whisper but Harwin clearly heard it.
"I will be away for a very long time darling" he tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear, before he softly cupped her cheeks.
Elaerys expected that she would melt as soon as he does that but she felt nothing instead her eyes looked for Gwayne, as soon as they locked their eyes Gwayne looked away like he saw nothing.
"I do not see any reason for you to inform me Ser Harwin, I have thought you do not want anything to do with-" she stopped her words when Harwin leaned his forehead to hers.
"my Elaerys, forgive me for what I have done, once I come back I promise I will ask for your hand in marriage and I will fight for it no matter-"
Harwin was pushed away from her, she looked at Gwayne who had separated the both of them.
"I expect you are well known on the ethics and policies of touching the princess Ser Harwin, it is treason" Gwayne informed, he stepped forward placing her behind him.
"I meant no harm to the princess, apologies for my insolence"
Gwayne wanted to curse him, he can resist him touching her hands but leaning his forehead to hers? Acting like their a married couple? Fuck that.
Elaerys tried to defend Harwin but Gwayne keep on talking about the boundary Harwin crossed.
"Ser Gwayne, do not worry he meant no harm"
Elaerys looked at Gwayne when he faced her, she can almost read his entire face, it was mixed of emotion, hurt, anxious, possessiveness and jealousy? He was looking intently at her, like he wants to say something.
Gwayne felt his heart sank everytime Elaerys would defend this man, he looked at her with defeat and resignation.
"Ser Harwin you are dismissed" Elaerys command.
"But Elaerys-"
"May the Sevens bless you for your long journey"
Was what Elaerys only answer before she left the Godswood, Harwin gaze dropped on Elaerys fingers that swiftly pulled her knight's hand, dragging him inside the castle.
Gwayne was too clouded too realize that Elaerys was holding his hands, he tried to pull away only for the princess to tighten her grip. Soon they stopped in an empty hallway, Elaerys dropped her grasp to him.
"Ser Gwayne, what is it up with you? You don't to be yourself lately?"
"Princess you have nothing to worry about"
"What was that earlier? You dare to threaten Ser Harwin Strong?"
"He touched you princess, he was too close to you it was improper" Gwayne stood straight, defending his argument.
"Are you jealous of him?" Elaerys blurted out, it was an embarrassing question to ask.
Elaerys can see him frown, she looked away after a few minutes of no answer. "I am sorry Ser Gwayne for that I did not mean to-"
"It was more than jealousy that I felt earlier princess"
Elaerys looked at him, his head was facing down, completely avoiding her eyes.
"I had become one of the knight that broke their oath to you" he added "so when I saw you with Ser Harwin earlier with his forehead resting to yours I was...furious, I wanted to break his face and make sure he would not be able to do that to you again." her sworn protector confessed.
Gwayne sighs before he let out a plain chuckle "How can I ever resist someone like you? I cannot blame those men even Ser Harwin for falling to a such beauty" he added, his words delivered compliments but its voice was filled with hurt.
Gwayne bowed before he excused himself, Elaerys was left there frozen, not a single word even left her lips, she was too stunned to his confession.
Gwayne was no where to be seen the rest of the day after their encounter, Elaerys searched for him, she even asked the servants and other kingsguard but they all said that they did not saw him.
Elaerys has to express herself to him too, he has to know what she felt for him.
Elaerys gave up and was taking rest on her chamber when there was a knock on her doors, she let them in and it revealed Rhaenyra.
"Father....he summons you in the throne room" Rhaenyra informed a comforting smile carved on her lips.
"For what?" She asked but Rhaenyra only shrugged, with a complaining groan, Elaerys stood up before walking with her sister through their way inside the throne room.
As the door opened, the two princess walked infront of the king as they bowed.
"Ah my daughter Elaerys I would like you to meet Lord Cregan Stark, from the North son and heir of Lord Stark" Viserys introduced, the man Cregan walked up to her and bow.
"An honor to meet you princess" he politely greeted.
He looked like a chivalrous man, well men from the North tends to be more honorable than men from here.
"Lord Cregan is here to begin his courtship to you" Elaerys eyes widened at her father's last words.
"Since you have not found someone you wish to marry than I already find one for yours, Lord Cregan is your betrothed from now on" the King commanded.
The princess fisted her hands, "I do not wish to marry him your grace"
"you will not disobey your king, Elaerys"
Elaerys stepped back away from Cregan and face the King.
"Forgive me your grace but I do not plan marrying Lord Cregan and be sent to the North after?"
Viserys looked at Rhaenyra signing her to stop and convince her sister but Rhaenyra looked away like she saw nothing.
"Elaerys, Ser Cregan will protect you"
"By how? Isolating me in a cold place? Father I am a dragon why would you put a fire in a place like North?"
Viserys stood up, even his Hand try his best to calm him down Viserys refused. Elaerys breathed out composing the right words to deliver her message.
"Father...I have someone in my mind that I wish to marry, forgive me" Elaerys said before walking out of the room, she felt suffocated.
Viserys on the other hand was left with frustration, he have thought he would not have a hard time finding a match for his daughter.
"The princess is probably exhausted your grace, her young mind is new to the reality of betrothal and marriage" Rhaenyra defense.
"She said she wish to marry someone, do you know who is this man?"
The people inside the room waited for her answer, she can feel cold sweats forming on her forehead, the King's Hand spoke.
"News had spread in the previous months ago your grace said that the princess Elaerys was caught visiting the quarter of the City Watch and she is often caught in the presence of the Lord Commander of City Watch" Otto announced.
"Saying such gossip and stories about my sister is treason my Lord Hand" Rhaenyra pointed out.
Otto face formed in a small sly smile. "I am only informing the King of what people inside the Keep see, some said the Lord Commander was saw leaving the princess chamber in the middle of the night-"
"Are you questioning my daughter's virtue Otto?"
The Hand stopped his sentence, shock and defeat spread on his face. "I mean no offense you grace"
"Rhaenyra I need to know who is this man?" Viserys turned his attention back to his eldest.
When Rhaenyra did not answered he spoke again. "I command you Rhaenyra, is it true that Harwin had defile your sister?"
"Sevens! No Father!"
"Then what is the truth-"
"She intends to marry Ser Gwayne!"
A loud silence occupied them, Viserys mouth half opened, the shock om Otto's face was a pure sight.
"Elaerys came to me one night, she was scared when she confessed to me that she wanted to marry Gwayne, she said she was afraid of how you will react and what you will do to them" Rhaenyra added more, her head remained high directly looking to the King.
"Gwayne Hightower he poisoned your sister's mind, he seduced her!" Viserys turned to Otto, grabbing the collar of his clothes. "Your son dare to disrespect me by breaking his vow is this the reason why he resigned and decided to go back in Oldtown?"
Otto wanted to unalive him right there, "Your grace I know nothing about this"
Rhaenyra frowned, Ser Gwayne resigned to his position?
Elaerys was running through the halls looking for any signs of him but she failed, she visited the quarters of Kingsguard but he was no where to be seen. When she lost her hope, she saw her sister Rhaenyra walking fast towards her.
"Elaerys, Ser Gwayne he is on his horse going back to Oldtown, he resigned to his position" she informed.
"How did you know?" Elaerys looked at her sister the smiled cheekily.
"I tell you later, for now go and find Ser Gwayne and bring him back here." Rhaenyra said before turning back against her.
Elaerys wasted no time as she mounted her dragon Silverwing, as she settle on its back they immediately flee on the sky.
Silverwing was a quick dragon, looking down the ground she searched for any sign of him, she see a few men in horseback with their Hightower sigil, she lead Silverwing towards them.
Gwayne was occupied ever since they left in King's Landing, the King was curios and uneasy when he humbly resigned his position, he had to come up with several reasons. The King even mentioned how he did well on his job.
If he only knew.
He did not want to leave King's Landing, he did not want to leave her, but resigning and leaving his position is the only proper way he could ask for her hand.
His head turned when he heard a voice calling him from behind, he stopped his horse as he saw the princess dismounting her dragon.
"Ser Gwayne" she called her out, Gwayne dismounted himself from his horse as soon as she approached him.
"Princess, what made you come here?" He said bowing his head.
Elaerys raised an eyebrow, crossing her arm as she spoke. "Where are you going?"
His head remained face on the ground, a small smile forming on his lips. "Back to Oldtown princess, the King approved my resignation"
"You are sworn to me Gwayne" Elaerys uttered, she pushed back her hair as she continue "You took a personal vow to me, and now you leaving without even informing me?"
"I see the princess wasn't too intoxicated to remember that" he smirked, he stepped closer to her facing her intense gaze. "Tell me princess, do you wish for me to stay?"
This may be greedy or selfish of him, but he wants to hear her admit it, he wants to hear her say that she wish for him to stay, to stay and be close with each other.
"Gwayne do not leave me" Elaerys was able to utter those words earning a small smile from Gwayne.
"I will come back princess, I have to leave my position in order to properly ask for your hand" he explained, as he tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear.
He lay his forehead against hers, while he reached for her hand and pressed a kiss on her knuckles before guiding it to wrap around his neck. For a moment peace surrounded them, feeling the warmth of breathe of each other, their skins touching.
"This is how I always dreamed about you princess, leaning on each other, with your face close to me, hands intertwined" he described, his eyes dropping to her lips. He can feel the princess' pulling him closer, her lips claimed his.
Gwayne can feel his heart melt, his hands moved to cup her cheeks, this is all he could ask for.
Elaerys massage the back of his head as they kiss, her heart won't stop beating fast, when they pulled away both catching breathe. Elaerys was flustered after the kiss, she looked away from him her hand remained to where it is.
"Do not ever leave no matter in what circumstances Gwayne"
Gwayne held her chin, making her face him. "I truly haven't forgot my vow, princess" he chuckles.
Gwayne took her hand, as he kneel infront of her. "I am sworn to you Elaerys Targaryen, I will give my very last breath to no one but you, I shall offer my heart and soul to no one else but you..."
Gwayne looked up to her while he rose from his knee and place a kiss on the back of her hand.
"For I am yours princess."
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blazing-dynamo · 2 years
I just finished Dragon Ball GT for the first time after being adjacent to it for 30 years or whatever and I wanna post my thoughts.
The writers just plain don’t like anyone but goku.
And kid goku at that. It could be they just didn’t know how to write groups of people fighting a common enemy, but then they shouldn’t have been given a show about your friends giving you the strength to fight a common enemy.
They at least gave us trunks in the Black Star Saga, but he’s not Kid Trunks personality but grown up, and he’s not future trunks personality so it’s basically not trunks. But when goku gets home, all the Saiyans are taken over so goku has to fight baby himself. Then he alone is sent to hell to fight the old villains (more on that later). Then he goes off on his own to find the shadow dragons. Then he tells people to not fight and just give him their Saiyan energy (which, as you may know is not a thing) so he can keep fighting 1v1.
When I was first looking into GT growing up I wanted to know if Uub was cool, or what teen goten got up to, or literally anything about any character, but no, we get kid goku and that’s it.
Why did they make a sequel to Dragon Ball instead of DBZ?
Like I get why, because this was the team that made the filler in DBZ and the filler was always “””comedy””” hijinks like DB, but man the first half of the Black Star Saga is ridiculous. It’s canon at this point that everyone moves so fast that mortals can’t keep up. So even without instant transmission, every planet should have been Goku/Trunks goes SS, runs over, gets the ball, whoever had it wouldn’t notice, then they leave.
There are a few dope moments prior to the Baby Saga, but boy howdy does the “he wasn’t the leader, I was” “no, I WAS” “NO I WAS” chain to get us into the Baby Saga just not make any damn sense. It was obviously because the first saga was getting shit ratings, and It’s just whiplash and a bunch of failed Big Bads before one sticks.
Then, the Baby Saga actually whips for the most part. Baby seems to be competent, menacing, and a relevant baddie for goku and vegeta to be fighting. Goku gets a new powerup, which while I think is a dumb way to unlock a power up I at least think it makes sense in the lore enough. Not for them to just warp digivolve back to SS4 constantly but the original unlock sure. It definitely was a return to DBZ style plotting and genre and there’s a reason I’ve heard Baby Vegeta talked about throughout the years.
But then they lost confidence in themselves and the next DBZ style villain was a returning DBZ villain, backed up by returning DBZ villains, and it just was poorly thought out and executed, so after fewer episodes than the garlic Jr saga, they pivot back, not to another Baby style big bad, but ALLL THE WAY BACK TO AN ADVENTURE FOR THE DRAGON BALLS. Again with only goku and pan and giru. It insists on itself, lois.
This also sucks ass and tests poorly because again, 7 episodes in, it pivots hard again to having a single big bad like DBZ. It literally has a clip show episode to remind us that DBZ has two main characters, and brings vegeta to the fight to not even give him a whole episode to shine before the narrator decides he’s not enough and we have to Gogeta.
Gogeta, which isn’t canon. But whatever.
But even that doesn’t last too long, before kid goku is back in the fore and does yet another spirit bomb with yet another call for help and yet another montage of the friends we made along the way and yet another time skip to watch yet another tournament where we see goku again.
I don’t hate the ending and I don’t hate the Baby Saga, but man, I wish they would cannibalize that for Super2, finally making GT very not canon, instead of dubiously canon, and we not have to Sit through GT to see the “ending”.
It just sucks because it’s constantly almost good.
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artemiscrocksgf · 2 years
pleasure | rhaenyra x fem!reader
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rated: mature, explicit 18+ (minors DNI) nsfw
pairings: rhaenyra targaryen x fem!reader
summary: “There are other means of pleasure”
warnings: smut, some explicit language, fingering (receiving and giving), oral female
word count: 2.5k
loosely inspired @delfiore 's story <3
a/n: this is my first time ever writing smut or fanfic in general so please forgive me if this terrible!! but if u do enjoy i'd appreciate if you like or reblog
The grand hall filled with chatter, as the King hosted his festivities in honor of his son's fifth nameday with the Lady Alicent Hightower, now Queen Alicent. It had been years since you had returned to Kings Landing though back then you were a mere child – now a lady to be paraded to the court for a husband.
Rows of tables fill the hall, each accompanied by the royal Houses of the kingdom allied to the King. You slowly trail behind your father, the soft glow of the candles and the sounds of the orchestra warmed the air of the Red Keep – the feeling almost nostalgic to your childhood. Your father was among the Kings' council, your mother a dear friend to the late Queen Aeema meaning you often frequented Kings Landing.
As you made your way to your table, indulging in false pleasantries with people you did not know, you found your eyes wandering the hall for a certain Targeryan. Your gaze lands on the empty seat beside King Viserys' royal table, a twinge of disappointment pierces your heart letting it soak for a split second you turn your attention back to the feast that lays in front of you. That was one of the many riches you adored during your stays at the Red Keep, the King did know how to throw a grand feast. Although you try your best to distract yourself, filling your cup with the juice of the grape – your eyes cannot help but drift to the empty seat.
You let your mind turn off as you fake conversations, nodding absentmindedly at the politics thrown at you. When a glimpse of silver-blonde braided hair catches the corner of your eye, she walks towards the King, her guard on tail. You subtly watch her movements, she looked the same as you once remembered but something had changed about her — she stood more confidently. Her eyebrows furrowed as she sternly spoke to her father, you were seated too far to hear the conversation but you could tell neither one of them was happy. Ending the conversation, Rhaenyra abruptly exited the hall ignoring the calls from her father and her guard.
You wait a few moments before excusing yourself from your table, quietly leaving the festivities. You wonder the torchlit corridors, your footsteps echoing the stone pavement. You search the grounds when you catch her sitting on a stone ledge with her knees in her arm. Her face was lost in thought oblivious to your presence, "A gold dragon for your thoughts Princess?".
Following the voice that startled her, Rhaenyra turns, her eyes lighting up when she sees your familiar face. "I did not know you would be attending…" she smiled, pulling you into a gentle embrace, "I would have greeted you if I had," her fingers lingering across your arms. Her fingertips stop at the Valyrian steel bracelet that adorned your wrist. She smiles softly, "You still wear it?" fumbling with the red stones encrusted around the bracelet.
"Of course, it was a gift from the Princess… now heir to the Iron Throne! I shall treasure it with my life." you laugh holding your hand across your heart.
"Heir… to the Iron Throne.." Rhaenyra repeated, her smile fading as she picked at the threads on her embroidered gown. Her expression was not of one that was happy with being named Heir. Rhaenyra exhaled through her nose, letting out a sigh in annoyance. "My father sent me on tour to find the most suitable knight or lord for my impending betrothal…" she paced back and forth. "All of them were halfwits who would not know the difference between their own balls and a dragon's egg." she scoffed letting out her annoyance, "Just the mere thought of having to bed with any of them makes me want to be ill". You sat down on the stone ledge, trying to stifle your amusement at the Princess' disgust.
"This is not a laughing matter, you will not find this amusing when you are devoid of pleasure," Rhaenyra hissed, her arms crossed. Just the thought of Rhaenyra experiencing pleasure sends a blush across your cheeks. "What is it I hear? That you are to be betrothed to Lord Jason Lannister of Casterly Rock?" she teases.
It would be a lie to say you did not find the Princess attractive, but the feeling of heat that seared from your center was something you had not felt for Rhaenyra before. Perhaps the wine had given you confidence or perhaps the haze of desire that clouded your mind drew you towards her — her eyes softly watching your movements as you stood toe to toe.
"There are other means of pleasure," you murmur, your fingertips grazing the sleeve of her gown, your words lingering in the quiet air. What you and Rhaenyra were doing was unfit for the Heir of the Iron Throne, unfit for any becoming lady but the adrenaline that pulsed throughout your body hid your worry.
Her eyes drifted to your mouth, "Tell me," she prompts. Rhaenyra steps forward, the warmth of her body heat lingers, as her deep blue eyes burn into yours. She was so close to you, you could smell her scent – a mix of lilies and dragon, everything about her was intoxicating. Without realizing what you were doing, you reach up cupping her cheek as you bring her closer to your lips when the sudden slam of the grand hall doors startles you both.
She hastily grabs your hand, pulling you with her as she runs down the corridor, the voices from the hall becoming quieter as you run farther away. She pulls you behind one of the stone columns, hiding from the guards that patrolled the halls. Seeing the opportunity she continues running your hand still in hers. Before you could even decipher where you were, Rhaenyra tugged you into a dark room locking the door behind her. You lean against a pillar trying to catch your breath as you study the room you were in, "Are we in the spare quarters?"
Rhaenyra lights a candle illuminating the room, "Do you recall when we would sneak out of our chambers and come here to drink in the late hours," she laughs, the sweet sounds of her laughter making you smile. She catches you staring at her lips while she extinguishes the match, a cocky grin spreading across her face. Heat rushes to your cheeks maybe from the embarrassment or from the heat that filled the air, "Or when you convinced me to ride dragon back with you" you reply diverting the attention, "Gods, we gave our parents a fright when they saw us — my father stationed a guard outside my chamber every night for a week after that,".
"I did not hear the end of it for a month!" she whined, both of you reminiscing on the memories of your childhood. You move towards her gently holding her hands, "Rhaenyra forgive me for not visiting you sooner." You smile sincerely as you rub the back of her hand with your thumb – Rhaenyra's composure changes, her eyes darkening giving you a coquettish glance.
"You are here now," she murmurs, her fingers caressing yours. Pulling you closer to her, she wraps her arm around your waist causing you to let out a small gasp from the sudden contact. Her hands were on your torso, the warmth of them seeping through the fabric of your gown. Goosebumps travel up your spine as you feel her fingers linger up the base of your back to the nap of your neck, gently resting her thumb on your jaw. Your breath catches in your lungs as the Princess brushes her hand on your cheek. "Show me the other ways" her soft eyes locked on yours, slowly pulling you closer to her lips nose skirting yours as her lips hover mere inches away. Her lips brush yours, moving against yours hungrily, and in a way that leaves your mind dazed and your lungs nearly breathless. Rhaenyra's lips smother your small moan as the warmth of her tongue skims against yours.
You pull away from the kiss, a frown spreading across Rhaenrya's face, her lips missing yours. You hold her hand guiding her over to the dressing mirror, pulling her in front of you as you both stand looking at the reflection. She tries to turn and face you but you hold her firm, "Stay," you command.
The rise of your chest is pressed against her back, your hand following the curves of her body - the other tangling in her gown as your lips gently press against her shoulders. Her eyes follow your gentle touch, her lips parting slightly when your palms gaze down her stomach. You reach the hem of her gown and pull it up, your fingertips leaving a trail of goosebumps. The effect you have on her leaves you with searing heat from the center of your core. Leaning forward, you slid your hands further up her thigh, Rhaenyra's breath quickens as her skin prickled with heat under your touch. Your hands part her thighs, the distracting caress of your touch has her eyes sink closed, her breathing grows heavier. Your fingers trail the top of her wetness, circling her clit and then down to rub over her dripping entrance. Sliding your fingers through her soaked folds, back and forth they tease.
Letting out a soft whimper, Rhaenyra pushes your palm closer to her wet lips. With a smirk, you rest your cheek down against her shoulder, circling her clit, you tease the entrance of her wetness – slowly sinking the tip of your finger inside her. Her knees buckle with your touch – gliding like silk you easily slip in with ease—all the way up to the second knuckle. You watch her in the mirror, as you slip two fingers into her slit, slowly drawing them out, your finger slick with her wetness. You thrust them back in, setting a steady pace, making her eyes roll back with pleasure with every stroke. Rhaenyra wrapped her arm behind her grasping your face, as you curled your fingers pumping in rapid beats against her wetness. "Seven hells," she moans, her face flustered as her hips grind into your palm.
"Open your eyes," You coo into her ear, Rhaenyra's back sinks further into your chest, almost causing you to lose your balance. Your other hand gripping her breast through her gown, her eyes locked on you as you continue to sink further in her. Thrusting in her, you feel her body seize up tight – squirming underneath your hold, you continue to pump your fingers through her orgasm. As she heaves for a breath, you slowly pull your fingers out – dripping with her cum. You turn her around, capturing her mouth in a deep kiss, your hands gripping her face as you back her into the pillar. You lower yourself kneeling as you lift her gown, getting a perfect view of her wetness. Letting out a gasp Rhaenyra trembles as she feels your mouth teasing her entrance, her eyes instantly rolling back as you lick her wet folds. Her hand tangled in your hair, "Fuck" she cries, your tongue pushing in and out of her. You send her into another frenzy, her sensations spilling over as you savor the taste and the noises that she makes.
She slowly brings your face up to hers, her hands tangled in your hair as she pulls you in for a kiss, your mouth parts as you feel the soft brush of her tongue. You feel her lips tug into a smirk as she pulls away, grappling with your gown she guides you to her bed.
Her fingers toyed with the string of your gown, gently tugging and pulling until the material pooled by your ankles, leaving you bare. Doing the same, Rhaenyra tugged the cloth over her head freeing her breast. You lay down on her bed, admiring her exposed body. The ethereal lines of her face, and the softness in those blue eyes as she watches you. It drives you wild. Straddling on top of you, her hands explore your body – the flats of her fingertips rolling over your nipple. "Rhaenyra you do not need to", your voice shaky.
"I want to pleasure you as you did me,". Leaning down, she molds her mouth to yours, Rhaenyra nips at your bottom lip, her lips smothering your soft moan as she draws you in for another kiss you. Pulling away, she slowly moved down your body leaving wet kisses across your bare skin until she was between your thighs. A whine escaped your lips, unable to close your legs as a burning tension collects in your core. Rhaenyra lowers herself, arching her back to get the perfect view of your wet folds – her fingers trace circular patterns into the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, sending ripples to your throbbing center. You tense as the tips of her fingers brush down your wet slit, back and forth she teases.
"My love…" letting out a needy moan, "I will not be able to take it if I do not feel you inside me", aching for her touch, you shift your hips closer. With no warning, Rhaenyra thrusts her fingers into your entrance – your hands gripping her sheets as she plunges deeper into you. Deep inside your core, her finger brushes against the rough spot of nerves against your walls. You tense as you feel Rhaenyra slip two fingers inside, your walls stretching around them, sending waves of pleasure through the walls of your cunt. Her two fingers slick with your wetness plunge deeper without resistance. Doing her best to replicate what she had experienced, her mouth slips around your clit – tracing circles with her tongue. Waves of pleasure cascade through every nerve in your body. Her mouth laps your entrance, gently sucking your clit while her fingers are still thrusting inside your clenched walls. The sight of the Princess devouring your swollen lips sends you over the edge, and the bubbling energy coiling in the pit of your stomach violently spills over. Head thrown back and panting, Rhaenyra continues to lick you through your climax, her fingers plunging faster into you. You feel your muscles tense as the orgasm grows, pulsing around her fingers – everything tightens like a vice, stars imploding behind your eyelids. You whine and subconsciously try closing your legs as the ecstasy sends waves from your core to every nerve in your body, Rhaenyra's hand dipping further into your thighs, her other hand pinning down your legs.
Your ears ring, the ecstasy bursting through your trembling body. Your knees buckle, your eyes squeezed shut – the feeling descending upon you in a vicious wave. Your chest heaving, you pull Rhaenyra from your thighs to your mouth capturing her in a deep kiss.
"Realm's delight indeed.." you smirk.
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mawrblaidddrwg · 2 months
“I’m picking the song, you’ll probably pick something shitty,” Bulma whined as she nudged Vegeta trying to get him out of her way. He slipped past her easily and shoved his coin into the machine. As he began to click through a few of the options, Bulma pressed her chest against his side to lean forward and look as well. The feeling of her body touching his and the intoxicating smell of citrus and flowers in the perfume she wore was enough to distract Vegeta and for Bulma to punch in the number selection before he could stop her. She grinned victoriously as she pulled away and put distance between them.
“You’re used to getting whatever you want, aren’t you?” He said indignantly.
She palmed one hand onto her hip, noticing that his eyes followed her every movement earnestly. She intentionally stuck her hip out with slightly more oomph than was necessary.
“And what’s wrong with that?” She asked.
“Nothing, really. But what happens when you don’t get what you want for once?”
She took a step towards him, and she noticed the way that his black eyes darted to her mouth and then did a grand tour of the rest of her without any care for how obviously he was looking. It was as though he wanted her to know that he was checking her out. The tequila between them had really taken down any of the small flimsy walls that either one had up in this little back and forth conversational foreplay. She took another step forward so that they were only a few inches apart. “Something tells me that I’m not going to find out.”
Her lips were so close to his that if either of them breathed too deeply they would touch.
“Not tonight at least.”
AU set in America in 1987. Vegeta is working under the Frieza Force when he finds out the truth about who murdered his family and rival motorcycle gang, The Saiyans. He searches for his estranged cousin, Goku, to help seek revenge for the death of their families. In his travels he comes across Goku’s friend and mechanic, Bulma. He doesn’t see any harm in taking a little detour on his road to vengeance. What could possibly go wrong?
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datcloudboi · 9 months
List of Video Games Turning 20 Years Old in 2024
Alien Hominid (started off life as a Flash game and graduated to a real game.)
Army Men: Sarge's War (the sequel to the Sarge’s Heroes games, but this one was rated T for Teen and used realistic guns instead of plastic ones)
Astro Boy: Omega Factor (seriously, if you have a chance to play this, take it. This game is AMAZING)
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
The Bard's Tale (the 2004 version with the guy who played Wesley in The Princess Bride)
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings & the Lost Ocean (hey! That collection with this game and it's follow-up is out on the Switch now! Go get it!)
Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space
Blood Will Tell: Tezuka Osamu's Dororo
BloodRayne 2
Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django (this GBA game had a special cartridge that required you to go outside into the sunlight to power up your character in game)
Bujingai: The Forsaken City (the game where you play as Gackt)
Burnout 3: Takedown
Call of Duty: United Offensive
Call of Duty: Finest Hour (a side story to the original Call of Duty, which came out the year before)
Capcom Fighting Evolution (the darkest of the dark age of fighting games)
Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen Drums (a full-on adventure game where you play as the mascot of a series of edutainment games)
Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (the rare movie-in game that's not only really good, but is actually better than the movie it's based on)
Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage + Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy
Crash Twinsanity (a childhood favorite)
Crimson Tears
Crusader Kings
Custom Robo (the first one in the series to release in North America)
Cy Girls
Dead Man's Hand
Dead or Alive Ultimate (remakes of Dead or Alive 1 and Dead or Alive 2)
Def Jam: Fight for NY (the vastly superior sequel to Vendetta)
Dog's Life
Doom 3 (the original version. Hope you've got a flashlight on you...)
Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors
Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury (the final game in the Legacy of Goku series)
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
Drakengard (Yoko Taro's debut as a game director)
Driver 3
Evil Genius
Fable (another childhood favorite)
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (the last Fallout game made by Interplay before Bethesda acquired the IP.)
Far Cry (the very first one.)
Feel the Magic: XY/XX (a launch title for the Nintendo DS)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (the only Final Fantasy game to release for the GameCube)
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls (remakes of the first two mainline Final Fantasy games)
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone
Front Mission 4
F-Zero: GP Legend (the last F-Zero game to release for almost 2 decades, until F-Zero 99 released in 2023.)
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (the PS2 one. There was another version of SAC that released for the PSP a year later that is completely different.)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2
Godzilla: Save the World
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent
Gradius V (the last mainline Gradius game)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto Advance (yes, there was a GTA game on the GBA.)
Growlanser Generations
Guilty Gear Isuka
Half-Life 2
Halo 2
Hitman: Contracts (the third one)
Hot Shots Golf Fore! (yet another childhood favorite)
It's Mr. Pants (Rareware made this for the GBA after being acquired by Microsoft)
Jak 3
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing
Katamari Damacy (the very first Katamari game)
Killzone (PlayStation's supposed "Halo killer".)
KOF: Maximum Impact
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kirby & the Amazing Mirror
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
Lifeline (a microphone-based survival horror game for the PS2 by Konami.)
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (a turn-based RPG that uses the exact same battle system as Final Fantasy X.)
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth
Mario Golf: Advance Tour
Mario Party 6
Mario Pinball Land
Mario Power Tennis (not to be confused with "Mario Golf: Power Tour" for the GBA.)
Mario vs. Donkey Kong (the first one, which is getting a remake for the Switch in February!)
Maximo vs. Army of Zin
MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf
Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
Mega Man: Battle Chip Challenge
Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun/Blue Moon
Mega Man X: Command Mission
Mega Man Zero 3
Mega Man X8 (yeah, there was a lot of Mega Man stuff in 2004.)
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (a remake of the original Metal Gear Solid for the GameCube)
Metroid: Zero Mission (a remake of the original Metroid for the GBA.)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Monster Hunter (the very first one)
Mortal Kombat: Deception
Mushihimesama ((a bullet hell that you’ve probably seen a lot of if you search for “HARDEST GAME OF ALL TIME?????” on YouTube)
Myst IV: Revelation
Need for Speed: Underground 2
Ninja Gaiden (the reboot from the Dead or Alive devs)
The Nintendo DS
Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors (an action-adventure hack & slash made by FromSoftware)
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (can you believe this is getting a remake this year??)
Phantom Brave
Pikmin 2
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition (the last game in an series that started all the back in 1982 on the Atari 2600)
Pokemon Colosseum
Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (the 3rd one)
Red Dead Revolver (the predecessor to Red Dead Redemption.)
Resident Evil Outbreak
R-Type Final
Samurai Warriors
American McGee Presents: Scrapland
Second Sight
Serious Sam: Next Encounter
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne (you know that “Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series” meme you guys love so much? This is where that came from.)
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Siren (a spirital successor to Silent Hill from the same creative director)
Sly 2: Band of Thieves
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Battle (an arena fighter for the GBA.)
Sonic Advance 3
Spider-Man 2 ((based on the movie of the same name. The one with the really good web-slinging)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (the 2nd one)
Spyro: A Hero's Tail (the 5th one)
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (the 3rd one)
Star Wars: Battlefront (the one that everyone liked)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
Steel Battalion: Line of Contact ((this, and the original Steel Battalion two years prior, used a special controller called the Mega-Jockey 9000, which had 44 buttons, two joysticks, a throttle handle, a radio channel dial, five switches, an eject button, and three foot pedals.)
The Suffering
Super Mario 64 DS
Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain (the 4th one)
Tales of Symphonia
Thief: Deadly Shadows (the 3rd one)
Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Total War: Rome
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Viewtiful Joe 2
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
X-Men Legends
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nm-mattuz · 3 months
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Is in literally a single episode, and is my favorite fusion (this specific version of him).
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goldstonegolem64 · 29 days
Welcome to the grand tour ,grand tour. In star and time Gt
I just had an idea for an au. This au has two parts to it Part on is Siffrin and co gather other people from the erased country. An Siffrin meets other people who made wishes that altered time,space reality,and the balance of life and death.But each one had a price to pay for their wish. Like how loop's was price to get out of his first wish was to ripped away from his family and losing his original body. An the price Siffrin pays is that he rapidly once getting out of the loops equal to how much time would have passed outside of the loops. So once he left he aged about 25 to 40 day at the longs and 7 to 10 at the shorts which isn't a lot. But if loop hadn't made his second wish they would have aged hundreds of years after escaping and just died. The second part is just Dragon ball gt shadow dragon arc but instead of dragons it super charged sadness and the last sadness is Siffren and LoopsTime loop wishes combined into one king level Boss sadness. Also cause of the super sadness is Siffren loop and the rest of their newly found people all make a wish to restore their loss home and the price every wish that was made during the ten years that the country was erased are turned into those super charged sadness and are scattered acrossed the world
Outside of that I like the idea of Siffrin meeting the guy that traumatized him and ruined croissant them talking.
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rpking99 · 4 months
Jump into the Grand Tour
OPEN RP (Adventure)
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"Haha! This is awesome!" Pan Son cheered as she dove through the air besides your muse, grinning
It had been years since the defeat of Omega Shenron and many things had happened. Battles against Gods, against revived enemies and against more sins of the Saiyan race. It was incredible!
And now... Here she was. Alongside your muse, on a new adventure in order to gather a new set of Dragon Balls! A chance to wish for anything, and to explore the universe once more!
Who knows what today will bring?!
(Any of my Dragon Ball muses are available)
(In this timeline, Super takes place after GT. So Caulifla and Kale are same ages as Bra and Pan. And this RP takes place post GT-Super)
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awesomesauce2929 · 6 months
Goku introduces Zenon to various earthly things (you just look at this guy, he made time for the little god)
Like "this is a frog environment, my dudes". Goku brings a frog to Zenon's house, specifically on Wednesday. And basically just to show Zenon the creature (Zenon eats the frog when Goku is distracted, Saiyan thinks it escaped)
HUGE PILES OF DRY AUTUMN LEAVES. Goku rakes the leaves into big piles and Zenon watches people jump into those leaves and have fun, and participates too. (Now I'm thinking about Whis being introduced to this once, and now he periodically comes to Earth for more than just food)
Maybe introductions to holidays and food (Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and etc)
Fishing with rods???
Maybe Zenon meets Goku's family and Chichi tells him about Goku's adventures and how they got married. (Daishinkan asks Chichi about her food recipes and she is happy to share them with him)
All of this, please someone make this into an slice of life anime of the Adventures of Goku and Zeno (alternative title: DBS: Make Zeno happy saves the Earth, haha)
Goku loves his little friend and personification of destruction - giving him a Earth tour, Zeno-sama will enjoy this very much, considering his interest of that planet may have peaked as most fighters in the tournament were from Earth.  Earth got numerous cultures, traditions and whatever Goku shows would cover a small percentage what the Earth offers but it's a good start introducing Earth to Zeno, navigating through the goods, the bads and often the ugly of humanity. I see Goku being a guide and teacher to Zeno in this.
I like to think that Zeno love to swim in the sea, so I can imagine Goku and others go to the beach, have ice cream or fish and chips or crack a coconut and drink the coconut water.  Then Zeno seeing people surfing on the wave and want to get lessons on it. Beerus and Whis is always with them because Beerus does not trust Goku alone with Zeno-sama, he still fears for another universal tournament of erasure. Zeno had a problem at first with the god following them around but Goku would ease this, making sure this tour would be enjoyable for all.
How I imagine Goku introducing Earth to Zeno, is similar how Goku was introduced to Earth, by humble environment and technology (Capsule Corps). Yes I can imagine Bulma would give Zeno a capsule to put his stuff away if he wants. Ah Goku and Zeno fishing with fishing rods and getting fishes, yes to that a lot. Why not Zeno wants to collect the seven dragon balls with Goku and Bulma, later meeting the earthlings during this adventure, what kind of wish Zeno wants to make, the earthlings wonders? (actually Zeno wants to see Shenron, and ride on him, that would be fun to see)
Zeno likes to stay Earth for much longer, but the Grand Minister picks him for his duty but there's always a next time, especially Goku invited Zeno and Grand Minister for the supper/an event, maybe, hanabi, the fireworks and Zeno and Grand Minister in yukata, so so cute.
Chi-Chi will be more than happy to share recipes with Daishinkan, I can see them making food together under Chi-Chi's direction, a feast fit for the gods. Why not they bond over kids and gossip, they can have couple of teas over this.
""Maybe introductions to holidays and food (Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and etc)"" chef's kiss to this idea, yes yes, especially they come to visit, please imagine Zeno having fun during the easter egg hunting around the field finding the eggs, or Zeno wearing a cute costume during Halloween.
Thank you for this ask, I had so much fun answering this (thanks for waiting)
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