#mortgage companies utah
rjzimmerman · 5 months
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Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
At first glance, Dave Langston’s predicament seems similar to headaches facing homeowners in coastal states vulnerable to catastrophic hurricanes: As disasters have become more frequent and severe, his insurance company has been losing money. Then, it canceled his coverage and left the state.
But Mr. Langston lives in Iowa.
Relatively consistent weather once made Iowa a good bet for insurance companies. But now, as a warming planet makes events like hail and wind storms worse, insurers are fleeing.
Mr. Langston spent months trying to find another company to insure the townhouses, on a quiet cul-de-sac at the edge of Cedar Rapids, that belong to members of his homeowners association. Without coverage, “if we were to have damage that hit all 17 units, we’re looking at bankruptcy for all of us,” he said.
The insurance turmoil caused by climate change — which had been concentrated in Florida, California and Louisiana — is fast becoming a contagion, spreading to states like Iowa, Arkansas, Ohio, Utah and Washington. Even in the Northeast, where homeowners insurance was still generally profitable last year, the trends are worsening.
In 2023, insurers lost money on homeowners coverage in 18 states, more than a third of the country, according to a New York Times analysis of newly available financial data. That’s up from 12 states five years ago, and eight states in 2013. The result is that insurance companies are raising premiums by as much as 50 percent or more, cutting back on coverage or leaving entire states altogether. Nationally, over the last decade, insurers paid out more in claims than they received in premiums, according to the ratings firm Moody’s, and those losses are increasing.
The growing tumult is affecting people whose homes have never been damaged and who have dutifully paid their premiums, year after year. Cancellation notices have left them scrambling to find coverage to protect what is often their single biggest investment. As a last resort, many are ending up in high-risk insurance pools created by states that are backed by the public and offer less coverage than standard policies. By and large, state regulators lack strategies to restore stability to the market.
Insurers are still turning a profit from other lines of business, like commercial and life insurance policies. But many are dropping homeowners coverage because of losses.
Tracking the shifting insurance market is complicated by the fact it is not regulated by the federal government; attempts by the Treasury Department to simply gather data have been rebuffed by some state regulators. 
The turmoil in insurance markets is a flashing red light for an American economy that is built on real property. Without insurance, banks won’t issue a mortgage; without a mortgage, most people can’t buy a home. With fewer buyers, real estate values are likely to decline, along with property tax revenues, leaving communities with less money for schools, police and other basic services.
And without sufficient insurance, people struggle to rebuild after disasters. Last year, storms, wildfires and other disasters pushed 2.5 million American adults out of their homes, according to census data, including at least 830,000 people who were displaced for six months or longer.
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samycaree · 2 months
What is Supported Independent Living?
Supported Independent living is senior housing that focuses on self-sufficiency. If your loved one needs a little help with daily tasks but not significant hands-on care, this could be the right choice for them.
You can access SIL through your NDIS plan. This article will explore what this means for you, including how to find and engage a service provider.
What is a CCRC?
Continuing Care Retirement Communities, or CCRCs (also called Life Plan Communities) offer seniors the option to live independently, then access care services as their needs change. Typically, residents begin their CCRC residency in independent living and can later transition to other levels of care—including assisted living and skilled nursing—while still living on the same campus.
Generally, a CCRC offers a wide variety of amenities and programs designed to keep its residents active. These can include fitness classes, art workshops and happy hours, and many CCRCs feature on-site healthcare facilities.
Most CCRCs charge a one-time entrance fee and monthly service fees. Depending on the contract type, some build the cost of future care into those fees while others offer a refundable entrance fee or refundable portion of the one-time entry fee to help protect your assets. Download our free CCRC Insider's Guide Workbook to learn more about this senior living option. It is a useful resource for financial or legal advisors as well as individual consumers.
What is an ILC?
ILCs are state-chartered institutions (currently operating in California, Colorado, Hawaii, Indiana, Minnesota, Nevada, and Utah) that under certain circumstances do not qualify as “banks” under the Bank Holding Company Act. This means that a nonfinancial company may control an ILC, and it would not be subject to the same regulatory oversight and supervision as a BHCA-registered bank.
ILCs provide property line estimates to help mortgage and title companies verify that new fences or other improvements don’t encroach on neighboring properties. They are also commonly used by municipalities for construction permitting.
In a sense, an ILC is a less comprehensive version of a land survey. For example, it doesn’t examine all boundary lines or locate all utilities. For this reason, we recommend seeking a full survey to get accurate property deed dimensions before beginning any construction project. That said, our team has decades of experience supplying ILCs that satisfy mortgage and title companies. We can also recommend the best way to solve any issues that an ILC uncovers.
What is a SIL?
SIL provides NDIS participants with support services to live in their own home or share accommodation, such as a supported living arrangement, community residence, or a host family. SIL providers work with individuals and their families to develop a personalised support plan that meets their needs, goals and preferences.
The NDIS’s SIL funding covers the cost of support workers who can help with daily activities, including cooking and washing. The funds can also help with accommodation costs.
SIL stands for Safety Integrity Level and is used in functional safety standards like IEC 61508. The term SIL has become commonplace in Request for Proposals (RFPs) and purchase requirements in many industries. Nevertheless, many engineering managers don’t have a full understanding of SIL’s meaning and how to apply it in their work. This course, AN INTRODUCTION TO FUNCTIONAL SAFETY, breaks down the basics and gives attendees a clear framework to follow. SIL can be calculated from the risk assessment methodologies PHA and LOPA, using probability of failure on demand or per hour (PFD/PFH) to meet a target SIL level defined during the allocation process.
What is a CIL?
Generally speaking CIL is a way to fund paid support to help you learn new skills and live independently in the community. Usually participants will receive this funding through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (the NDIS).
Development that may be liable for CIL includes new homes and buildings such as extensions, self-build houses and annexes. The levy is payable on any new building with a gross internal floor area of over 100 square metres, but there are some types of development that can be exempt or qualify for relief from the levy – see the CIL Guidance section for more details.
A key feature of CILs is consumer control – meaning that a person with a disability is assumed to be the expert in their own needs and circumstances, and should be at the centre of decision making about how they are supported. This is why all CILs are governed by a board of directors composed of people with disabilities, as well as other community members.
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ecsundance · 8 months
2024 Sundance Film Festival Summary
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Sundance, Slamdance, what-a-chance to see a lot of movies and have a lot of fun!
I now have an idea of the evolution of the film festival in Park City, Utah. After attending both Sundance and Slamdance for the first time, I have come away with a new appreciation for the effort and challenges faced in making a film. I also have a better understanding of Michael Z. Newman’s claim in his book, Indie: An American Film Culture, stating that indie films cannot simply be defined in economic, stylistic, or thematic terms but rather, needs to be understood culturally. In his book Newman identifies three strategies to use when viewing films: characters as emblems, form is a game, and when in doubt, read as anti-Hollywood. Throughout my time watching here at the festival, I tried to engage with these films using these strategies.
Talking to people who have lived in Park City their entire lives, I have come to realize that the Sundance Film Festival has changed significantly over the years into what it is today. First off, the film festival scene has not fully recovered from the effects of COVID. Secondly, the 2023 writers’ and actors’ strike also had an impact on the filmmakers, some of which were not able to meet the Sundance deadline. In the years prior to COVID it was difficult to walk down the street due to the crowds. This year the crowds were definitely larger but did not get back to pre-COVID levels.
Sundance has grown over its forty-year history. It is still bringing indie filmmakers together, but often in a larger way in multiple areas. Whether it be star power, budgets, scope of the film, or trying to get studio or distribution support, it is definitely larger than it was. Additionally, there are now major companies sponsoring Sundance, setting up large tents, buildings, and erecting facades on the storefronts in the Main Street area during the festival. These included Adobe, Acura, Audible, Canon, Chase Sapphire, DoorDash, Dropbox, Shutterstock, United Airlines, and United Talent Agency (UTA) as well as media publications such as IndieWire, Variety, and Vulture.
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Contrast this to Slamdance, which is held in three theaters right next to each other inside the same hotel. Having them close together along with lounges above provided convenient access for the production staff and created an atmosphere that makes it easier to speak and connect with the filmmakers. They were very willing to talk about the films, how they got there, lessons learned, and even to provide their contact information. Slamdance appears to be more like what Sundance started out as.
I also have a better understanding of some of the challenges that go into the business of independent filmmaking. The first is obtaining funding. Sources for funding include personal funding (like George Lucas who mortgaged his house to make Star Wars), state grants, crowdfunding, and major studio backing. The other challenges come from all directions. Planned and unplanned. Planned like trying to get the actors that you want to work with you such as the interviewees in The Greatest Night in Pop which was the “We Are the World” production. Unplanned challenges which can come from out of nowhere and are sometimes technical. For example, imagine losing part of the audio and having to later fill in the missing audio during editing and not having the actors available since they had already left. This happened to the filmmakers of Thirsty Girl.
Every film, regardless of size, will have its own goals. Some want to increase their funding to produce a larger project. Others want to make a political statement. Still, there are documentaries that may want to show the effort it takes to accomplish something like The Greatest Night in Pop or the film, Union.
When it comes to making indie films, Newman states, “It [independent cinema] is most centrally a cluster of interpretive strategies and expectations that are shared among filmmakers; their support personnel, including distributors and publicists; the staffers of independent cinema institutions such as film festivals; critics and other writers; and audiences. All of these different people are audiences who employ these [three viewing] strategies, and it is only because filmmakers are also film spectators that they are able to craft their works to elicit particular responses from the audience. Indie constitutes a film culture: it includes texts, institutions, and audiences. Indie audiences share viewing strategies for thinking about and engaging with the texts—they have in common knowledge and competence—which are products of indie community networks” (Newman 11).
While watching the films during the Sundance Film Festival I tried to analyze the films using Newman’s three strategies. For example, characters as emblems are used in Winner as the main character is symbolic of anyone that stands up for what they believe to be right but is in conflict with the law or society. Form is a game is another strategy of Newman’s that I saw used in the short film, Pasture Prime. This film transitions from a stalker to horror film with a twist at the very end as the snake slithers away. The third viewing strategy, when in doubt, read as anti-Hollywood, is identified as movies that do not have a happy or conclusive ending. Examples of this include Winner, where the hero goes to jail as well as the short film, The Lost Season, where people are indifferent to climate change. Anti-Hollywood movies also include films that leave you asking questions at the end. For example, in the instance of Winner, I am left wondering why there is such a difference in her punishment for crimes compared to others that were more serious. Also, in The Lost Season, I wonder if the next generations would care if they never got to experience winter. For short films, like Pasture Prime and The Lost Season, you have to wonder why they hit home for the director and how long they had this burning desire to make them. Newman’s three strategies are not mutually exclusive and often overlap as in Winner with the use of characters as emblems and when in doubt, read as anti-Hollywood.
As you can see, independent film is much more than inexperienced people with little money and unknown actors and directors producing a film. It encompasses films that are trying to send a message, provoke thought, think outside the box, or just be different.
Here is a list of the films I saw broken out between Sundance and Slamdance. My favorite film is Rob Peace, and my least favorite is I Saw The TV Glow.
Including both Sundance and Slamdance, I watched a total of 24 films (this is counting each short program as just one film).
Feature Films
A Different Man – Very well done. Psychologically the character in this film is crazed by the fact that he changed his appearance, but it did not make him who he wanted to be. This is because people preferred someone else that looked like he used to, begging the question, is personality or looks more important.
A Real Pain - Two cousins tour a concentration camp. They then have to rethink what they consider pain and suffering after seeing what the Holocaust victims experienced.
As We Speak - We have freedom of speech, however, the way our words are interpreted can be based on our skin color. This is a major problem when our words are used against us in court.
Freaky Tales - Based vaguely on real events, this movie intertwines the lives of four distinct groups in a very interesting and fun way. It reminds me of a live action anime, and I found myself engulfed in each story. The culmination was perfect.
How To Have Sex - An interesting take on consent and dealing with assault and the emotions that come along with it. Great cinematography and music selection. The director stated it was loosely based on personal experience.
Ibelin – A sad but heartwarming film about a boy who was born with muscular dystrophy and even though bound to a wheelchair he could still have friends online. It demonstrates that online communities should not be stigmatized and that you can find love, friendship, and be able to make a difference in others’ lives from across the globe.
I Saw The TV Glow – A strange film about a warped reality, where the TV show is the actual reality and not knowing you are trapped. It was very strange and confused me.
Krazy House – Krazy is a perfect title for this film, with it being a completely normal sitcom and then as the director says, “everything gets f****d up.” This film foreshadowed later events in the film very well. It is the only film I have ever heard people laugh when a dog dies. It is just so entertaining, and you are left thinking after the film is over, “what did I just watch?” It is so hard to explain this film, but I highly recommend seeing it.
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Little Death – This film asks questions about wholeness and drug addiction. It manages to tell the stories of two different characters over the course of one film while only following each story for half the film, which I found really cool, interesting, and very much enjoyed.
Presence – A creepy horror film about just that: a presence in someone’s home. It ends up saving someone’s life, but at what cost? I found this film intriguing as the camera is handheld the entire time from, I assume, the presences’ point of view. I really enjoyed this film, and it gave me chills.
Rob Peace – This was my favorite film. The acting was amazing. The storytelling was great. It was able to keep the audience engaged and take artistic liberties without losing the true story of the film.
Suncoast – This is about a girl, Doris, taking care of her brother who is dying of cancer while at the same trying to navigate the teenage years.
The Greatest Night In Pop - This film did a great job in capturing the stress that went into the making of the song, as well as how much was unknown going into that night. It showed the seriousness of the process, and the comedy that lightened the mood, which had the whole crowd laughing throughout the film. It was a heartwarming film that brought laughter and joy to the entire crowd.
Thelma – A heartwarming and humorous film based on Thelma, the grandmother of the director, Josh Margolin, who was scammed out of ten thousand dollars and her journey to get the money back while also asking questions about when to ask for help and is being on your own always best?
Union – A documentary about organizing the Amazon Labor Union in New York. You may have to offer new incentives to get people to listen to your pitch. Would you like pizza or weed?
War Game -A documentary about a simulation held to help prep the government if something like January 6th were to happen again. I got the opportunity to talk to the producer of the simulation after and it was very interesting.
Winner - I gave it five stars. I thought it was thought provoking on the difference between what is right and wrong in that situation. It must have been difficult having that inner conflict about what is morally right but illegal in the eyes of the law and trying to make the decision of what to do.
Shorts Films
Midnight Short Film Program (3 of 6 shorts watched)
Bold Eagle – This was about a man named Bold who is struggling during the pandemic. He talks to his cat and engages in online sex. I did not enjoy this film. The Looming – This was a very interesting horror film about the elderly and their struggles with mental disorders and dementia.
Dream Creep – This was about a monster living in his partner’s ear, and while trying to help her, he accidentally sets the monster free and traps his partner.
Short Film Program 2 (3 of 7 shorts watched)
The Lost Season – This is a narrated view of an entire season, winter, disappearing due to climate change and no one really seems to care after it is gone. Thirsty Girl – This was about one person’s battle with sex addiction while also trying to help her sister who is battling drug addiction. Pasture Prime – This is about one person’s obsession with another and ends with an interesting twist.
New Frontier
Being (the Digital Griot) – This film uses artificial intelligence, dance, and poetry to speak about race and slavery.
Eno – A film based on the life of musician Brian Eno. It is unique because you can watch it repeatedly and have a different experience every time.
Feature Films
Citizen Weiner - This feature is about the true story of someone running for City Council in New York and the trials and tribulations that come with running a campaign. They filmed the entire process to encourage other young people to get involved in politics and I think they did a great job. This movie had the whole audience laughing from start to finish, sometimes unable to believe that this really happened.
Shorts Films
Dumpster Archeology Short - This was about a man who dumpster dives for things for his house as well as mementos. He feels as though every item tells a story and he enjoys uncovering those stories after he finds the objects.
Slamdance Short Narrative 2 (3 of 6 shorts watched)
Hunter - This short was about role reversal if animals were to hunt humans and humans be the food. I thought it was very clever and the director also made it as a music video which I thought was very interesting.
Fettyland – This was filmed in Sarasota, Florida, not far from Eckerd College. It is based on the drug crisis in the Tampa area and in the USA in general. There are no “actors” so to speak in this film; everyone in it is basically doing things they would do in daily life as they are all in this drug life and live it every day.
Dissolution – This is a film about going through a divorce after so many years of marriage. I thought it was such a great description of what that is like. The filmmaker’s parents actually went through this, and he used them as the actors.
I can’t believe my time at the Sundance Film Festival is over. I really had a great time! I saw a lot of wonderful movies and throughout, I tried to implement what I had learned in class prior to heading out to Park City. I really hope to continue this journey in film and add to what I have learned so far.
I really hope to make it back to another Sundance Film Festival!!
Referenced Text link:
Newman, Michael Z. Indie: An American Film Culture. Columbia University Press, 2011.
Ryan McCormick
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ovpwebnetwork · 1 year
October 17, 2023
Media Contact:
Danny Wimmer
Michigan Joins Settlements to Resolve Data Security Errors with ACI Worldwide and Inmediata
LANSING – Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced two settlements today involving financial and healthcare technology companies ACI Worldwide and Inmediata. ACI Worldwide is a large-scale payment processing company, Inmediata a healthcare clearinghouse that facilitates financial and clinical transactions between healthcare providers and insurers.
“We must rely on organizations such as these to secure our financial and personal data to a reasonable and robust standard,” said Nessel. “I am happy to join my colleagues in protecting consumers and holding corporations accountable when they violate that trust.”
ACI Worldwide Settlement
Michigan joined a coalition of 48 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico in announcing a $10 million settlement with payment processor ACI Worldwide over a 2021 testing error that led to the attempted unauthorized withdrawal of $2.3 billion from the accounts of mortgage holders. Michigan will receive $246,258.97 from the settlement. A private class action settlement is providing restitution to persons affected by the testing error. Affected Michigan residents who may wish to submit claim forms must do so by November 13th, and more information on the class action settlement is available here.
ACI Worldwide is a payment processor for Nationstar Mortgage, known publicly as Mr. Cooper. On April 23, 2021, ACI was testing its Speedpay platform. Due to significant defects in ACI’s privacy and data security procedures and its technical infrastructure related to the Speedpay platform, live Mr. Cooper consumer data was entered into the system. This resulted in ACI erroneously attempting to withdraw mortgage payments from hundreds of thousands of Mr. Cooper customers on a day that was not authorized or expected. The error impacted 477,000 customers, some of whom were forced to incur overdraft or insufficient funds fees.
State regulators, including Michigan’s Department of Insurance and Financial Services, have entered into a separate agreement with ACI for an additional $10 million. The regulators’ settlement also orders ACI to take steps to avoid any future incidents, including requiring the company to use artificially created data rather than real consumer data when testing systems or software and to segregate testing or development work from its consumer payment systems.
Along with Michigan, the settlement was joined by the attorneys general of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Inmediata Settlement
AG Nessel also announced that Michigan, along with 32 other state attorneys general, has reached a settlement with Inmediata, a healthcare clearinghouse that facilitates transactions between healthcare providers and insurers across the U.S. The settlement is in response to a coding issue that exposed patient information of approximately 1.5 million consumers for almost three years.
On January 15, 2019, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of Civil Rights alerted Inmediata that personal information maintained by Inmediata was available online and had been indexed by search engines, potentially allowing sensitive patient information to be viewed and downloaded by anyone with an internet connection.
Although Inmediata was alerted to the breach on January 15, 2019, the company delayed notification to impacted consumers for over three months and then sent misaddressed and unclear notices.
The settlement resolves allegations of the attorneys general that Inmediata violated state consumer protection laws, breach notification laws, and HIPAA by failing to implement reasonable data security.
Under the settlement, Inmediata has agreed to make a $1.4 million payment to the states. Michigan will receive $217,049 from the settlement. Inmediata has also agreed to overhaul its data security and breach notification practices going forward, including:
implementation of a comprehensive information security program with specific security requirements, including code review and crawling controls;
development of an incident response plan with specific policies and procedures regarding consumer notification letters; and
annual third-party security assessments for five years.
Indiana led the multistate Inmediata investigation, assisted by the Executive Committee consisting of Connecticut, Michigan, and Tennessee, and joined by Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Canada-based cryptocurrency payments platform FСF Pay has taken to its page on the X platform to announce that it has expanded the adoption of more than 30 cryptocurrencies used on its platform to U.S. states Idaho and Utah.Now, their residents can enjoy paying for their broadband connections using SHIB, DOGE, BTC, XRP and other cryptos via FCF Pay.The X post of the company reads: "You are now able to pay for your broadband connections using cryptocurrencies. Use your Bitcoin, Binance Coin, Ethereum, XRP, Shiba Inu, Doge, Floki and 30+ others.Apparently, this move is part of FCF Pay’s Bills service that helps customers to manage their finances and bills, allowing them to pay for goods and services at more than 20,000 leading U.S. companies, including Tesla, Amazon and American Airlines.Earlier this week, the cryptocurrency payments company announced that it had included Chase Bank on the list of companies it collaborates with. Now, all clients of FCF Pay can use crypto to pay for their mortgage, loans, credit cards and other banking services; this includes popular coins such as BTC, ETH, SHIB, DOGE, XRP, BNB and many others.Chase is part of the banking giant JP Morgan Chase, with millions of customers in the U.S. More countries are going to be added soon, according to the company.
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robertawilliams · 1 year
MMI ranks No. 15 on Utah Fast 50 list of fastest-growing companies
Please consider Sponsoring FTHM on Patreon SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Aug. 29, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Mobility Market Intelligence (MMI), a leader in data intelligence and market insight tools for the mortgage and real estate industries, today announced it ranks No. 15 on the 2023 Utah Business list of fastest-growing companies in the state. This marks MMI’s second consecutive appearance on the…
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Bankruptcy Attorney Utah
Bankruptcy Attorney Utah
Bankruptcy is a last resort for many people in debt. It effectively wipes what you owe in just 12 months but has a huge lasting impact on your credit rating and living situation. You may be at risk of losing your home if you own it and any other assets you may have. It can also affect your employment too. This is why it’s a good idea to look into how you can reduce the likelihood of needing to take it on.
Debt can be damaging in many ways, and it affects more people than you might think. At the end of March 2021, household debt in the U.S. including mortgages, auto and student loans, and credit cards reached a total of $14.64 trillion. That’s a lot of money, and it’s not all because of just overspending. Often, circumstances outside your control can cause you to fall into debt. This may include job loss, long-term disability, or medical bills. If you’re faced with a large amount of debt, you may feel like bankruptcy is the only way to go. But bankruptcy may not be necessary, depending on your situation. Bankruptcy can have a devastating effect on your credit score. It can stay on your credit report for up to 10 years.
Here are some ways you can avoid bankruptcy to keep your credit score intact.
Increase Your Income
Increasing your monthly income could give you extra money to put toward your debt. If you can, pick up extra hours at work, apply for a part-time job, or start a side hustle to bring in extra cash. Alternatively, you can sell any spare items, such as furniture or jewelry, and use the money to pay down your debt balances. The sooner you take action, the better. If you wait until you’re behind on payments, it may be too late to catch up and avoid further action from your creditors.
Reduce Your Spending
Spending less money may allow you to dedicate more of it to paying down your debt. You may be able to free up money in your budget by cutting cable, canceling your gym membership, or skipping takeout for dinner. This could help you pay off your debts over time to avoid filing bankruptcy. Review your budget and consider switching to a new one to find areas where you can spend less and pay more money toward your debt.
Negotiate With Creditors
Many creditors are willing to work with you, but you have to communicate with them proactively. Let your creditors know you are having financial difficulty and want to avoid bankruptcy. Express willingness to pay off the debt, and ask if they can help make it easier by lowering your monthly payment or interest rate or even both. Many credit card companies and banks have hardship or payment assistance programs intended for this type of situation.
Seek Consumer Credit Counseling
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, getting help from a professional consumer credit counseling agency may bring some clarity to your finances. A credit counselor can review your finances to help you figure out a budget, and may potentially work out a debt management plan with your creditors. Under a debt management plan, you work to repay your debts in three to five years.5 First, the credit counselor negotiates with your creditors to get you a lower monthly payment. Then, each month, you send a single lump-sum payment to the credit counseling agency, which then distributes your payments to your creditors.
Settle Your Debt
Debt settlement isn’t the ideal solution, but you may consider it if you’re on the brink of bankruptcy.
Settling a debt means you pay the creditor a percentage of the total amount due to satisfy the debt. Once you reach a settlement agreement, be prepared to pay the settlement amount in a lump-sum payment. While there are debt-relief companies that can settle debts for you—for a fee—you can do this on your own. Start by focusing on debts that already are charged-off or in collections. On top of that, your credit score could be impacted if the debt-relief company encourages you to intentionally fall behind on payments so it can negotiate a settlement.
Before Doing Anything Else, Decide If Filing Bankruptcy Is Right for You
Before jumping in, you need to determine whether filing bankruptcy will help you. Bankruptcy is a powerful debt relief tool, but only if it makes sense for your financial situation. A bankruptcy discharge does not wipe out certain non-dischargeable debts like most student loans, child support obligations, alimony, and recent tax debts. If you have any cosigners, they will not be protected by your personal bankruptcy.
If you have great credit when your Chapter 7 bankruptcy is first filed, your credit score will likely drop a bit at first. Most people are able to rebuild their credit and have a better score within a year of getting their bankruptcy discharge. Anyone can file Chapter 7 bankruptcy without a lawyer. Here is an overview of the steps you’ll need to take to obtain your fresh start.
How to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
• Collect Your Documents • Take Credit Counseling • Complete the Bankruptcy Forms • Get Your Filing Fee • Print Your Bankruptcy Forms • Go to Court to File Your Bankruptcy Forms • Mail Documents to Your Trustee • Take Bankruptcy Course • Attend Your 341 Meeting • Dealing with Your Car Loan
Collect Your Documents
Your first step is to collect all your financial documents so you understand the current state of your finances. Start by getting a free copy of your credit report. You are entitled to one free report from each one of the three credit bureaus per year. Some of your debts may not be listed on your credit report. Common examples include medical bills, personal loans, payday loans, and tax debts. Make a list of all debts not on your credit report so you don’t have to look for the information when you’re filling out your bankruptcy forms.
In addition to your credit report, you will need the following documents: • Tax returns for the past 2 years • Pay stubs or other proof of your income for the last 6 months • Recent bank account statements • Recent retirement account or brokerage account statements • Valuations or appraisals of any real estate you own • Copies of vehicle registration • Any other documents relating to your assets, debts, or income.
Having these documents next to you will help you get an accurate picture of your financial situation.
Take Credit Counseling
Every person who files for bankruptcy has to take a credit counseling course in the 6 months before their bankruptcy petition is filed with the court. This is a requirement in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases. The course has to be taken through a credit counseling agency that is approved by the Department of Justice.
Credit counseling courses like this one give you an idea of whether you really need to file for bankruptcy or whether you could get back on your feet through some type of informal repayment plan. The course takes at least one hour and can be completed online or by telephone. The course fee ranges from $10 to $50, depending on the provider. If your household income is under 150% of the federal poverty line, you should be able to get this fee waived. Once you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of completion. Keep it.
Bankruptcy laws require that you provide a copy of this certificate to the court when you file your bankruptcy forms in Step 5.
Complete the Bankruptcy Forms
The bankruptcy forms include at least 23 separate forms, totaling roughly 70 pages. The bankruptcy forms ask you about everything you make, spend, own, and owe. You’ll also include some bankruptcy basics, like what type of bankruptcy you’re filing under and whether a bankruptcy lawyer is helping you. If you hire a lawyer, they will complete the forms for you based on the information you submit to their office. If you can’t afford to hire a lawyer but don’t feel comfortable completing the forms on your own.
Get Your Filing Fee
The federal court charges a filing fee of $338 for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This amount is typically due when the bankruptcy petition is filed with the court. If you don’t have the funds to pay the filing fee now, you apply to pay your fee in installments, after your case has been filed. You can ask to make up to 4 monthly payments. If paying in installments isn’t even possible, you can submit another form to apply for a fee waiver. To qualify, your total household income must be under 150% of the federal poverty line. The court will decide whether bankruptcy laws support granting you a waiver. This happens after your bankruptcy petition. If your application is denied, the court will typically order you to pay the fee in installments.
Print Your Bankruptcy Forms
Once you have prepared your bankruptcy forms, you will need to print them out for the court. You must print them single-sided. The court won’t accept double-sided pages. You will also need to sign the forms once they are printed.
You will need: • The petition forms including any required local forms • Your credit counseling certificate • Your paycheck stubs • If needed, your application for a fee waiver or installment plan
Most bankruptcy courts require just one signed original of the petition, but some courts require additional copies. So, before you head out to submit your forms, call your local bankruptcy court to find out how many copies you will need to bring and confirm you have all the required local forms.
Go to Court to File Your Bankruptcy Forms
Once you enter the doors of your local courthouse, you will be greeted by security guards, who will ask you to pass through a metal detector. Once you pass security, you will go to the clerk’s office and tell the clerk that you’re there to file for bankruptcy. They will take your bankruptcy forms and your filing fee (or application for a waiver or to pay the fee in installments). Do not submit your bank statements or tax returns to the court. These documents go to the trustee after the case is filed. for more.
While you wait, the clerk will process your case by scanning your forms and uploading them to the court’s online filing system. This usually takes no more than 15 minutes.
Once done, the clerk will call you back to the front desk and give you: • Your bankruptcy case number • The name of your bankruptcy trustee • The date, time, and location of your meeting with your trustee (this is called the “Meeting of Creditors” or “341 meeting”)
Mail Documents to Your Trustee
The Chapter 7 trustee is an official appointed by the court to oversee your case and liquidate, or sell, nonexempt property for the benefit of your creditors. Not all types of bankruptcy require the involvement of a bankruptcy trustee, but both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases have one. Pay attention to mail you receive from the trustee after filing your case. The trustee will send you a letter asking you to mail them certain financial documents, like tax returns, pay stubs, and bank statements. If you don’t send the trustee the requested documents following the instructions provided in their letter, you may not get a discharge of your debts.
Take Bankruptcy Course 2
After filing your bankruptcy forms, you will need to complete a Debtor Education Course from an approved credit counseling agency. It can be completed online or by phone and typically takes at least 2 hours and costs between $10 – $50, unless you’re eligible for a waiver. The purpose of the course is to educate you on making smart financial decisions going forward but does not provide legal advice about the bankruptcy process. You’ll learn how to prepare a budget and avoid incurring debt with high interest rates. You’re not eligible to receive your bankruptcy discharge and obtain a fresh start if you don’t complete the course and file your certificate of completion from the credit counseling agency with the court.
Attend Your 341 Meeting
Your 341 meeting, or meeting of creditors, will take place about a month after your bankruptcy case is filed. You’ll find the date, time, and location of your 341 meeting on the notice you’ll get from the court a few days after filing bankruptcy. The main purpose of the 341 meeting is for the case trustee to verify your identity and ask you certain standard questions and most last only about 5 minutes. Your creditors are allowed to attend and ask you questions about your financial situation, but they almost never do.
Dealing with Your Car Loan
If you own a car that you still owe on, you’ll have to let the bank and the court know what you want to do with it one of your bankruptcy forms. If you want to surrender the car to the lender and discharge the debt, you don’t have to do anything other than stop making your payments. The bank will either file request with the bankruptcy court to ask permission to retake the car, or wait until your discharge is granted before picking it up. If you want to keep the car, you can either reaffirm the loan or redeem the car. If you’re reaffirming your loan, the bank will send you a reaffirmation agreement after your case is filed. You have to complete and sign the agreement and return it to the bank within 45 days from your 341 meeting. The bank files the signed agreement with the court for approval. To redeem the vehicle you have to file a motion with the court and, once granted, buy the car from the bank for its current value. This gets you out of having to pay the amount left on the loan, but payment has to be made in one lump sum.
Free Initial Consultation with Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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Advantage of Hiring agency for consulting Home buying Rebates
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When considering purchasing a home, many people often overlook the benefits of hiring an agency for consulting home buying rebates. If you are looking for buying home in Utah here is the good news for Utah home buyers. Here are some advantages of hiring such an agency:
Expertise: Home buying rebate agencies have experienced real estate agents who are knowledgeable about the local housing market. They can help you navigate the complex process of buying a home, from finding the right property to negotiating the best price.
Cost savings: A home buying rebate agency can help you save money by offering cash rebates on the purchase of a home. These rebates can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars, depending on the value of the home.
Objective advice: When working with a Utah home buyer rebates agency, you can expect objective advice, as they do not have any vested interest in the sale of a particular property. They can provide you with unbiased information about different neighborhoods, schools, and amenities to help you make an informed decision.
Time savings: Hiring a home buying rebate agency can also save you time. They can help you narrow down your search to properties that meet your specific needs and preferences, reducing the amount of time you spend looking for a home on your own.
Networking: Home buying rebate agencies often have an extensive network of contacts in the real estate industry, including mortgage lenders, home inspectors, and contractors. They can leverage these contacts to help you find the right professionals to assist you throughout the home buying process. One of the leading company you can trust in Utah for this could be Discount Agent.
In conclusion, hiring a home buying rebate agency can be a smart choice for anyone looking to purchase a home. The expertise, cost savings, objective advice, time savings, and networking opportunities provided by these agencies can help you find and purchase the home of your dreams.
For more Information you can visit: https://discountagent.com/
Original Reference: https://bit.ly/3LAeqVX
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justinyoder · 2 years
The Importance of Realtors
Agents in real estate play an important role in the economy. Their success depends on the volume of transactions they are able to complete and the number of commissions they can earn on those sales.
Aside from their extensive experience in the industry, they can also help buyers and sellers navigate through the complexities involved with buying or selling a house.
They can negotiate the best deals for clients, including closing costs and home warranty premiums. They can also access a variety of services such as title companies, home inspectors, mortgage lenders, and mortgage lenders.
Realtors in Salt Lake City Utah provide market information and neighborhood background that is difficult to find on your own. They can even help you with local crime rates or commercial development.
Their job is to provide real estate support for clients. They must be available to answer questions and address concerns at all times. It is possible to reduce stress by scheduling check-ins or proactive communication.
Agents can often work long hours in order to generate new business and to establish a clientele that is vital to their financial future. This is done by building a network and generating new leads through referrals.
Although these tasks may seem exhausting, they are essential to an agent's success and happiness. A good agent will always put your interests first and give you the best possible service.
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Homeowners Insurance Buying Guide
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Homeowners insurance protects your home from a wide variety of perils, from fire to lightning. It may also pay for your medical bills if someone is injured on your property. If your home is damaged by a disaster, a home insurance policy will pay to rebuild it. Learn more about home owners insurance utah, go here.
Homeowners insurance is available in three main types. The standard is the barebones HO-1, the HO-3 has endorsements for mobile homes and multi-family dwellings, and the HO-8 is designed for older homes. Each type of coverage has its own limitations and strengths, and you should decide what is best for your unique situation. Find out for further details on builders insurance quotes right here.
Insurance companies weigh different factors when it comes to pricing, from the size of the deductible to the value of the replacement cost for your home. Some insurers offer more extensive coverage than others, so you may have to shop around to find the best deal. There are several online price comparison sites that can help you compare quotes from different companies.
A "guaranteed replacement cost" policy is a good choice, especially if your home has been completely destroyed. Unlike a renter's policy, this one pays to replace your home with the same materials as it was before the storm. Insurers also provide personal liability protection, which is important in the event you are sued for a negligent act on your part.
Although a homeowner's insurance policy will not pay for routine wear and tear, it will usually cover damage caused by fire or other covered losses. Additionally, if your house has a fire alarm and/or sprinkler system, your policy will be easier on the wallet. Another bonus of a home insurance policy is the service charge from your local fire department.
Getting the most accurate home insurance quote is the first step to buying the right coverage. The company will review your home and provide a custom estimate. You can choose from a number of options, including annual payments and bundling.
A homeowners insurance policy should be reviewed at least once a year. You can do this by calling your insurance agent in person or online. Make sure you are aware of the minimum requirements for your state, and understand the potential costs and benefits of adding new rooms, a security system, or a new roof. Depending on the type of home insurance you buy, you may be required to make monthly or annual payments. Take a look at this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Builder%27s_risk_insurance for more information.
Most homeowners insurance policies cover a range of common hazards, from flood to lightning to fire. However, there are some exceptions. For example, you can get coverage for theft, vandalism, and explosion. Also, you may be required to buy liability protection in order to refinance your mortgage. This is especially true if you have children or other family members living in your house.
One of the more fun aspects of home insurance is shopping for the best rate. Just as you would with a car, you should consider comparing quotes from multiple companies. Many insurance companies will offer discounts and promotions. To find out which company is best for you, you can visit an insurance website, call your favorite insurance broker, or look through a list of local insurers.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Helsingin Sanomat has an editorial (siirryt toiseen palveluun) on the dangers of housing company loans now that zero interest rates are no longer available. The Helsinki housing market has been dominated by new housing sold with debt loaded on to the housing company.
Most Finnish housing is sold as shares in a housing company, allowing the owner of the shares use of an apartment or dwelling owned by the company. These companies can take on debt to pay for renovations or improvements — but in recent years building firms have often used this collective debt to fund the building's construction itself.
That makes the housing cheaper for buyers, as the housing company loan covers a hefty chunk — up to 80 percent in some cases — of the purchase price. It also offers some tax benefits to landlords who want to rent out the property for profit, rather than live in it.
Often there would be a period of 3-4 years when buyers had to make interest-only payments on the loan, making this an affordable way to buy property close to central Helsinki. This was especially the case when interest rates were at or near zero, even though some observers have been warning against this practice for years.
Now interest rates are rising, with the 12 month euribor rate north of three percent, HS notes that those chickens are coming home to roost. The conditions for housing company debt are often not as favourable as those for mortgages, making a rapid increase in costs possible.
The paper reported on one housing company in Helsinki's Kalasatama district where the cost of maintenance fees and debt servicing for a 100 square metre apartment recently rose from 200 euros to more than 1,700 euros.
With that kind of increase, there could be turbulence on the way for the Finnish housing market.
Electricity now as cheap as 6 months ago
Ilta-Sanomat reports (siirryt toiseen palveluun) on a dip in the cost of electricity, with new contracts currently available at the same price they were six months ago.
Currently, fixed-term contracts are available at just over 17 cents per kilowatt hour. That comes off the back of fluctuations in price that have seen some signing up for contracts at more than 30 cents per kilowatt hour in the autumn and early winter.
Current prices include the VAT discount brought in by the government that brings the rate down from 24 percent to 10 percent up until April this year.
Meanwhile IS also reports that on Monday the government agreed (siirryt toiseen palveluun) the details of a new package of support for those struggling with larger bills. The proposal will see those paying more than 10 cents per kilowatt hour get support for 50 percent of their bills from November and December, paid in March with a 90 euro deductible.
All-Star Markkanen
Finland's basketball star Lauri Markkanen has had an impressive start to the NBA season. The Utah Jazz man is averaging 24.5 points per game, and plenty of people are now talking about him as a potential All-Star player.
That means that fans, players and coaches might vote him on to the teams for the All-Star game to be played in Utah in February. It would be the first time a Finn has played in the game, so Iltalehti tries to explain (siirryt toiseen palveluun) what it's all about.
Even though it's a bit of a circus, with dunk contests and no defending at all, the game is one of the ways basketball lore is created. You cannot be an NBA great if you're not an All-Star player at least once or twice.
It raises Markkanen's profile, basically, making him one of the faces the NBA will use to sell the sport.
"Branding and image are big things," says Hanno Möttölä, the former Atlanta Hawks centre. "It can sound strange to us in Finland, because over here we don't really have any money in sport. No branded sneakers and suchlike, but out in the big wide world these kinds of selections are quite significant."
IL makes sure to remind readers that anyone in the world can vote, even from Finland, if they just go to the right page (siirryt toiseen palveluun) on the NBA website.
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cheaphousespending · 2 years
Academy Mortgage settles whistleblower lawsuit for $38.5 million
Academy Mortgage settles whistleblower lawsuit for $38.5 million
“Lenders that knowingly cause the government to guarantee loans that are materially deficient put both homeowners and the public fisc at risk,” said Brian Boynton, principal deputy assistant attorney general and head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. The Utah-based mortgage company will pay $38.5 million to the US government without admitting or denying liability. The DOJ said there was…
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newzzwired · 2 years
Academy Mortgage settles whistleblower lawsuit for $38.5 million
Academy Mortgage settles whistleblower lawsuit for $38.5 million
“Lenders that knowingly cause the government to guarantee loans that are materially deficient put both homeowners and the public fisc at risk,” said Brian Boynton, principal deputy assistant attorney general and head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. The Utah-based mortgage company will pay $38.5 million to the US government without admitting or denying liability. The DOJ said there was…
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ascentlawllc · 2 years
Good Side of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Why is Chapter 11 bankruptcy good?
Chapter 11 bankruptcy is a debt reorganization that allows you to restructure your liabilities to maximize the value of your assets. That sounded like legal jargon, but Chapter 11 will enable you to pay back old debts with a smaller monthly payment and room for future financial growth.
There are other reasons why this type of bankruptcy might be a good choice for you, such as:
Chapter 11 bankruptcy is a particular kind of bankruptcy. It's an avenue for businesses to reorganize, streamline or liquidate their assets in order to pay off outstanding debts and emerge from the process like a phoenix from the ashes, stronger and more competitive than before.
It can help a business work out debts and reorganize its operations in a way that works for them and its creditors. The best way to understand it is to think about a home mortgage: you can refinance that mortgage and get a lower monthly payment, but you still have the same debt obligation at the end of it.
Business in a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
A company in financial trouble can use Chapter 11 bankruptcy to restructure their debt, ultimately reducing what they owe. It gives them more time to pay back their debts and allows for some debt reduction.
It gives the company more freedom in how they operate since they aren't constantly worrying about how to pay off their debts—they can focus on making better products, improving the company, and ensuring the tools they need to compete in the market.
This type of bankruptcy also has other benefits;
Restore your credit rating
Allow you to keep your assets and property, even if you can't afford the mortgage payments on them
Help you get out from under overwhelming debt by restructuring your monthly payments at a manageable level so that you can start again with a clean slate
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Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Attorney Free Consultation
If you are looking for a legal advice about chapter 11 bankruptcy or in need an attorney, call this law firm for free consultation. We have the Best Attorneys in Utah.
Ascent Law LLC
8833 S Redwood Road Suite C
West Jordan UT 84088
(801) 676-5506
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if legal advice is sought to contact a licensed attorney in the appropriate jurisdiction.
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rizehomesource · 2 years
Rize Property Management - Investing In Multi-Family Properties
There are numerous approaches to getting started in real estate investing. A good strategy for a beginner might be to buy a multi-family unit to rent out.
The ideal size is four families or less per building. This allows you to still buy a house with a residential mortgage and benefit from lower interest rates. Investing in a multifamily building may be less risky than investing in other types of housing.
You earn more money per month if you have multiple family units
Depending on your market, a duplex or triplex property may cost the same as a single-family home. However, two units can generate more rent than a single unit. As a result, you will receive more money per month for roughly the same mortgage payment.
A multi family property management company like Rize Property Management has the staff, resources, and skills to manage your property effectively. Rather than the investor searching the phone book or the internet for multiple contractors to bid on a repair, the property manager already has a bank of qualified resources ready to complete the job.
A property management Utah firm has already established designated marketing channels, leveraging opportunities and advertising expertise to help provide continuous rental contracts. Losing multiple months of rental income due to a lack of qualified rental occupants can significantly reduce the overall profit of some rental properties.
Hiring a property management company to help with the day-to-day operations of a real estate investment is far less expensive than some investors believe. A residential property management firm Rize Property Management offers amazing services at affordable cost, depending on the number of services required on the rental. When compared to the time an investor would spend self-managing the entire rental property, this is a very small fee.
When an investor begins the process of residential property management, they frequently underestimate the amount of time required. Between finding tenants, performing timely and necessary property maintenance, and maintaining appropriate financial records, an investor unexpectedly spends a significant amount of time managing the property.
About the company
With the help of a professional residential property management company Rize Property Management, investors can enjoy more free time while spending surprisingly little on the additional assistance of a knowledgeable professional.
Visit https://rizepropertymanagement.com/contact/ for an expert Property Management Team!
Contact Details
Address: 1600 S State St., Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Call us: 801.210.7002
Website: https://rizepropertymanagement.com/
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Estate Planning Attorney Tremonton Utah
Estate Planning Attorney Tremonton Utah
In Estate Planning you need to determine who you want to get what from your estate, and who will handle all those matters if you ever become incapacitated or die. Sometimes it can create discord to appoint an immediate family member as your power of attorney (POA) unless it is your spouse. It can also have the opposite effect if you decide on someone who is not a family member. Give it quite a bit of thought before you decide. Discuss it with family members if you think it will help. You may also want to get some direction from friends and neighbors. You could make an appointment to get feedback from an estate attorney. Estate attorneys typically provide the first consul for free. Just make sure you’re armed with specific direction before any estate documents are created. Several Pieces Of The Estate Planning Puzzle Include The Following: • Estate Attorney – Although, you can do it yourself, you may want to hire an estate attorney to assist you in your estate planning. Estate attorneys should be well-versed on the federal and state laws that govern estates. This is especially advantageous when you don’t have the time to research it and do it yourself. • Power of Attorney (POA) – Who will you designate as your POA? This will be the person you will include in your will to conduct the affairs of your estate after you become incapacitated and after your death. You’ll want to weigh this heavily before deciding. You may want to appoint two different POAs – one to address your health and one to address your financial affairs should you become incapacitated. • Living Will – You need to complete one and sign it in the presence of a notary. This will dictate your wishes should you become too ill to determine the course of your own health. • A Will – Your will determines how your property will be disbursed upon your death. It may also include provisions from your living will. • Payment on Death (POD) – Contact your banks and securities holdings companies to complete a POD for each of your accounts. This will simplify the transfer of all assets in these accounts to go directly to your beneficiaries, bypassing the probate process. • Transfer on Death (TOD) – Contact your mortgage company and other secured loans holders to complete a TOD. The TOD will facilitate the transfer of ownership from you to your beneficiaries upon your death eliminating the need for the assets to go through a lengthy and expensive probate process. • Insurance Policies – Make sure you have 1st and 2nd beneficiaries designated on all your life insurance policies. • Retirement Savings – Be sure to designate 1st and 2nd beneficiaries on your retirement savings programs. • Business Interests – You’ll need to designate a TOD on any business interests or holdings you have to ensure a smooth transition of assets to your beneficiaries upon your death. • A Trust – Depending on your resources, you may want to create a trust to protect your assets. Creating a trust bypasses the probate process after your death. It directly transfers your assets from the trust to your beneficiaries. Get Help From an Estate Planning Lawyer to Create a Valid Will If you earn and spend, there must be some personal possessions. In case you die without a will, these would be distributed according to the rules and regulations of your state. Moreover, this does not include your material possessions only, it also includes any minor children you have. You need to consult an estate planning lawyer to deal with the matter. It is, therefore, essential to plan about what would happen to your assets in case of your death. Statistics show that only approximately 30-35% Tremonton Utah has a will. You need to think about estate planning to ensure the security of your loved ones when you are not there to take care of them. What needs to be mentioned in a will? Here is a quick checklist of it. 1. Your full name and date of birth 2. The names, dates of birth and addresses of the individuals who would inherit the assets 3. The details of your assets and liabilities 4. The details of who gets what 5. The name of the executor/administrator of the will The next thing to consider is what comes under the category of your assets. All material possessions are distributed by the will. This includes real estate properties, motor vehicles, cash, bank accounts, safe deposits, jewelry, furniture, heirlooms, and so on. Whatever seems worthy is suitable to be included in your will. An added advantage of creating a will is that you can ensure the future of your minor children with its help. It is quite simple; all you need to do is mention the name of the individual who would be appointed as a guardian for the child in the case of your death. You could also leave some portion of your property for the child’s upbringing. Another common question is why opt for an estate planning lawyer when you can do the task on your own. You can draft your will according to your wishes. However, without the help of a good legal professional it may have flaws like errors and omissions. Such a will won’t be acceptable to the state and would never serve its purpose. You can distribute all you possess as per your wishes with the help of a will. Most states would allow this. However, the state authorities would not permit giving effect to something like destruction of your property in case something happens to you. Your estate planning lawyer would be able to help you understand the best possible way to make a valid will. You can opt for any of the proficient Tremonton Utah Estate Planning Lawyers to help you deal with the process. He/she would be able to draft the document in the right legal way, check for errors and omissions, file it and see that it attains the status of a valid will. What is an Executor in Estate Planning? Estate planning is the process of accumulating and disposing of wealth before the death of an individual or married couple. The most important goal of estate planning is to make sure that the greatest amount of the estate is passed to the estate owner’s intended beneficiaries while paying the least amount of taxes. An executor in the will, normally is the lawyer or someone who you trust will carry out your intentions in the will after you die. Since you have named someone as your will executor, in general the executor will gather up all your assets and after paying all your debts, he or she will distribute the remaining assets to the beneficiaries. 1. Paying funeral expenses: Funeral expenses are usually paid out from the assets of the deceased, although sometimes the executor considers the wishes of the deceased person’s relatives. 2. Paying all other debts: The executor is also responsible to pay off all the debts of the deceased person including all credit cards and charge cards, personal loan, and other debts. 3. Notify all beneficiaries who are named in the will. 4. Submit the necessary probate documents to the court to get probate before he or she can handle the deceased’s estate. 5. Notify the government pension office, if the deceased person received pension payment before his or her death. 6. File the income tax for the deceased person and pay all income tax if owed and get a tax clearance. 7. Distribute remaining assets to estate beneficiaries. Estate Planning Tips – Five Things to Ease the Process Estate planning is never an easy conversation to have whether you’re planning ahead for yourself or assisting a loved one in the process. Knowing how and where to get started is the first step. Here are five tips to ease the process. 1. Keep organized files. One of the best ways to make the pre-need planning process easier for you and your family is to organize and clearly label your files, including your will, assets, taxes, burial wishes, information pertaining to life insurance and bank account details. These items can be stored in a deposit box for safekeeping. 2. Keep it simple. There are many estate planning software options that will help you to organize your information. These software packages will guide you through initial preparations and legal documents. Planning software allows you to stay organized and prevent you and your loved ones from feeling overwhelmed with all of the details. 3. Have the tough conversations. The next important step-albeit a difficult one-is to discuss your wishes with your spouse, children and other loved ones. You’ll also need to choose an executor. Once your decisions are organized and accessible, your loved ones will have a road map for your wishes. 4. Write out all details. In addition to the “administrative” tasks surrounding details like insurance and finances, it’s important to outline your burial wishes. Traditional burial planning will entail details about burial plot location and casket choice. Cremation planning may involve choosing a final resting place for ashes and urn selection. In either case, consider details like the funeral home, type of ceremony, whether there will be visitation, obituary information or memorial contributions. 5. Remember your virtual life. Though an online presence may not be the first thing we think of addressing in pre-need planning, the web is increasingly a public place-and a lot of personal information may be stored in various accounts. Make note ahead of time about how to delete or remove social media and web-based email accounts. Also note details for cell phone, insurance and credit card online bills, online bank accounts and any sites that store personal photos and videos. What A Personal Property Memorandum Can Do For Your Estate Plan When you make a will as part of your estate plan there is a portion that is reserved for specific bequests or items that you want to give to a person. Instead of listing all of your personal property one by one in your will there is a manner that will allow you to give items away to specific people in a much easier way. A Personal Property Memorandum that is available in most states is a document that is separate from a will that is referenced in a will that allows the maker of the will to dispose of tangible personal property in a matter and time they later wish. This means that when you make your will all you have to say is that there will be a PPM and it will be acceptable. Tangible personal property is property that you can touch such as household items as furniture, but not property with a title, such as a car, or intangible physical items such as a stock certificate or cash. The Personal Property Memorandum can be in your own handwriting or typed as long as it is signed and dated. You can change or update the memorandum at any later time without the need of an attorney or notary public. All household tangible property that a married couple own automatically pass to the surviving spouse in some states, so it is only necessary to include items on the memorandum that would not go to the spouse, such as a family heirloom to a child. For an unmarried person all household tangible property would pass in the residuary of the will, or all assets not listed as a specific bequest in the will, so it would only be necessary to name items not going to the person listed as the beneficiary of the residuary under the will. You can gift items before you die, but after death items in the house cannot be gifted unless as directed under the will or personal property memorandum. Just because an item was designated verbally, such as a child should get my antique vase, has no effect unless it is included in the will or memorandum. It is important to give away items that have a high sentimental value to a specific person before you die or in a memorandum because these are the items that cause the most family fights even when the items have a small monetary value.
Free Initial Consultation with Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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