#moriarty kidnaps john
bonsoir would u like to marathon the saw movies?
Not with you. Already got my entertainment currently, sorry.
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under-loch-n-key · 7 months
Longggg Sherlock & Co plot rant. You have been warned.
I know the creator of Sherlock & Co. found the idea of writing Moriarty into the series intimidating. Plus, not knowing how to do Sherlock's "death" over a podcast and such. But I had an idea.
I love the idea of Professor Moriarty being some sort of hacker/online troll and MORIARTY is the name of a dark web corporation that is trying to hack into the Sherlock & Co. Company to send Sherlock puzzles/cases. You lot know those shady anon hackers on the dark web in films and certain websites? Like that.
I think it would be cool if at first Moriarty leaves hate/weird comments on John's podcasting sites and Watson just thinks it is some hater and thinks nothing of it and deletes the comments. He just grumbles about the comments being a continous thing.
Suddenly the comments stop. Watson isn't complaining about it, he is relieved by that because they were really annoying him. (no matter how many times Sherlock & Mariana told him to ignore them.)
Later on, Watson gets these emails from an unknown email of some shady guy (Moriarty) taunting Sherlock (and the rest of the company) and sending them on goose chase cases (Like the BBC did in that one episode with the phone calls, in a way?)
When Moriarty becomes the main centre of the podcast episodes, instead of Sherlock dying, he gets kidnapped by Moriarty's network. Watson and Mariana embark on and have to solve their most important case yet "Where is Sherlock Holmes?" This would give us some cool dynamics and more screentime between Watson and Mariana.
Watson starts to panick because he thinks he isn't like Sherlock and Sherlock did tell him that he would never be able to figure out stuff the way he could. Mariana is there to support and be there for him. Watson and Mariana have to channel their inner Sherlock Holmes to solve the case.
Idk whether I like the idea of Sherlock expecting this to happen and leave behind clues in some way. I do know though, that I like the idea of the following cases being them trying to work on finding Sherlock.
When they do, Sherlock is banged up and Sherlock tells him "I trusted that you would find me, Watson. You really are a persistent fellow."
And Watson just runs up and hugs him and Mariana joins in and they are just mother henning him like crazy.
Watson tells Sherlock "Don't do that to me again. Don't disappear on me again, you hear?"
And Sherlock is like "It's not like I was expecting to kidnapped, John. Besides, your podcast wouldn't last without me."
Watson just huffs and tells him "No, no, it wouldn't. Just come here," and then goes to hug him again.
Mariana pulls away from them both in realisation and she tells them "Boys, I don't mean to break up our moment, but we still do have one problem."
They both look at her and Sherlock nods and says "Moriarty. He's still out there."
I want it to be implied that they came face to face while Sherlock was kidnapped.
"He? Sherlock, you saw him?" Watson replies.
"Indeed, Watson and I think I know where he'll be waiting next."
*cue Sherlock & Co. End of episode music.*
Anyways, then we get to the episode of the Reichenbach fall, they have their final facedown. Sherlock doesn't die, but Moriarty does fall.
Watson would 100% be grumbling about how he can't pick up any audio over the sound of the falls.
Sherlock and Moriarty would begin fighting and Watson would start describing the scene in a panicked tone.
Sherlock calls over "Not helping, Watson!"
After more sounds of fighting and nervous ramblings from Watson. Sherlock & Moriarty turn the corner of the falls into a blind spot.
All Watson hears and sees is a cry and someone fall and crash into the water.
Watson panicks and shouts "SHERLOCK!" then dashes up to where they were fighting. Sherlock is sitting down and catching his breath.
Sherlock would probably make a smartarse comment like "Ah, John. Glad you make it. Help me up will you?"
"You're not dead."
"Clearly, or else we wouldn't be speaking. Now, would you please help me up?"
"Right, yeah." Watson helps him up.
"So, you, erm, you killed him?"
"I did. His baritsu was lacking, so his demise was inevitable."
"You're a clever, bugger, mate. Now, lift home?"
"Yes, of course."
I think it would be funny if the episode ended like this. They get home and Mariana starts mother-henning them both and she is scolding them both in Spanish about being more careful, how much she cares for them both, etc. Then she hugs them both.
Later on, we cut to them sitting in their chairs and talking about, well, everything.
"It's good to have you home, you know? I- well, Mariana and I both missed you."
"Mm. It's good to be home, Watson. I prefer the smell of our flat to the vile odour of where I was."
"Do you want to talk about it? Because, I, erm, am always here if you need a good talk."
"Not at the moment, Watson, but I will keep that in mind."
Long pause.
"So, Moriarty's network.. is it?-"
"Gone? Mm. No, but it will be taken care of."
"How? They are bloody HUGE, Sherlock. Shouldn't we, I don't know, contact Lestrade? Actually, the whole bloody Scotland Yard?"
"They're useless here, Watson. I'll leave this to the government."
"The government? Sherlock, we both know what they are. The government is not reliable in the slightest."
"Mm. The government you are discussing, yes. They are indeed unreliable, but in this instance I am discussing a WHO not a what."
"Friends in high places?"
"No. Much much worse."
"Oh, erm, an enemy then?"
"Mycroft is not an enemy, but certainly not a friend."
"What the devil is a 'Mycroft'?"
"My brother."
There's a long silence in the audio
*Cue end of episode music*
I think this concept would be a cool way to be introduced to Mycroft, Watson realising his capibilities since meeting Sherlock, more screentime with Mariana and John's friendship, a way to do the podcast without killing Sherlock and having the time gap between Sherlock's "death" and resurrection, etc.
If you made it to the end of my Sherlock & Co plot concept ramble, good for you. Lol. Anyway, I just thought this would be a cool concept. The rant kinda blended into a fic, but oh well.
Do you lot like this idea? I thought it would be neat.
If John (or even the creator of Sherlock & Co) sees this ever, I will spontaneously combust. 😳
Enjoy my story/plot rant-
(Sorry for any typos, I am sick and half-asleep)
(I am so normal about them, I swear-)
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calaisreno · 1 month
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Déjà Vu, Chapter 8
Summary: Sherlock and John investigate the Murder of James Moriarty. Details of the case are laid out and discussed. Seriously, this chapter is a lot of talking, a lot of deductions and theories. But also some lovely domestic moments. And one very important piece finally clicks into place.
One Such Domestic Moment:
John sets a jar of apricot jam in front of him. “You don’t have to say it. I feel it, too.”
He’s a little bit afraid of saying how it feels as if they’ve known each other for years, as if he’s been waiting for Sherlock since before he knew what love involved.
It is love. But he’s hesitant to say it out loud.
“I know.” Sherlock smiles, piling a ridiculous amount of jam on his toast. “What I want to know is this: why hasn’t Mycroft kidnapped you yet? He knows everything that goes on with me, and never hesitates to stick his long nose into whatever I’m doing.”
John shrugs. “I’ve kept my eyes open for that black car, but haven’t haven’t seen him. Doesn’t he live in Oxford?”
“He does, but comes to London regularly to check up on me. At least he doesn’t put cameras in the flat anymore.”
“That’s a level of devotion I can’t quite fathom,” John replies, glancing around the room with new eyes.
“Don’t worry,” Sherlock says. “I checked for surveillance when I moved in.”
Thank you for reading, for the lovely/lively discussions in the comments section. I can hardly believe we're here, just two chapters to go!
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Five Fics Friday: Sept 6/24
Happy Friday everyone! Here's a great selection of fics to start off your weekend!! Enjoy!
Please note because I am busy this weekend, there will be NO NEW SUNDAY LIST. It will be a reblog. Thanks!
Little Supermarket Bottles of Wine by GhostOfNuggetsPast (T, 2,320 w., 13 Ch. || Inspired By Fic, Limericks, Sherlock/OMC & Johnlock) – I'm still in limerick-mode. I can't stop. You can't make me. Anyway... These are comments I'm making for Silvergirl's lovely fic "Holy Wine" as it goes. A friendship burned, a Sherlock concerned. Part 4 of 2024 Ghost Display Case Series
Scaffolding by Raina_at (E, 14,617 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship Relationship Negotiation, Trust Issues, Mary is Not Nice) – Sherlock and John are just settling in to their new life as a couple, but will their still fragile honesty and trust last when it's shaken by a case, and by some news from John's past life? Part 4 of Nothing Gold Series
A Christmas Connection by jadztone (E, 40,066 w., 9 Ch. || Mystrade || 1970's AU || Alternate First Meeting, Christmas, Pining, UST, Angst with Happy Ending, Period-Typical Homophobia, References to Drug Use, First Kiss / Time, Frottage, Anal, Blow Jobs, POV Mycroft, Fluff and Humour) – It’s Christmas 1974 and Mycroft and Greg meet for the first time in France. Mycroft is visiting his Grandmere Vernet and Greg’s family have just inherited a fortune and the estate next door. Over the next 38 years the holidays show glimpses into their life choices, influenced more by ambition and social expectations than the desires of their hearts. Will the time ever be right for love?
Deleted Heart Series by AndThenThereWereWords (M, 42,115+ w. across 3 works || Series WiP || Post-TRF / Hiatus, Past Relationship, Hurt / No Comfort, Angst, Canon Divergence, Sherlock's Mind Palace, Amnesia, Sad John, Implied Mystrade, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Kidnapping) – Sherlock comes back from the dead, but in his mad quest to take down Moriarty's network, he had to delete his memories of John. John finds all this out the day after he proposes to Mary.
Painting Pictures On Silence by Elfbert (E, 56,395 w., 17 Ch. || Rock Star AU || Johnstrade, Celebrity Lestrade, Musicals) – Greg Lestrade is one of the biggest rock stars of his generation - talented as fuck, gorgeous, and been at the top of his game for nearly thirty years. But his band is facing an uncertain future after their drummer OD'd in a Little Chef off the M1, and Lestrade is spending his time turning his band's greatest hits into a West End musical. But it's nearly ready to open, and it seems someone is murdering his cast. Scotland Yard's crack team of Dimmock and Donovan are stumped. Enter Sherlock, and his assistant John who is secretly one of Lestrade's biggest fans. Sherlock wants to solve the murders and get out of there as soon as possible. John wants to solve the murders, and also snog the face off Lestrade. Lestrade just wants his career to end on a high, not getting slagged off by two-bit theatre reviewers in the Evening Standard.
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karereiko · 1 year
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I watched Musicals of Moriarty (Op1-3) and those were amazing, everything I wished anime had in matter of plot and characters was there. And no I don’t mean Truck of the sherliam that Musicals have (it’s nice add and I love it, but if they didn’t go so hard for it I would be still happy) because it had what I think was important in manga, small details of story and characters that made me love Moriarty so much now. Like the matter of taxes in Durham and how William fixed it right away to help poor, overworked people living there. I really don’t like how anime makes him for first few episodes “the devil” who only whispers on others ears and pushes them to kill and he himself doesn’t dirty his hands. He always put himself on the first line of his plans, like with “Kidnapping of noble” chapter, he kills Albert’s brother on his own etc. Like how Baskerville arc was SO important for Louis, Fred and Moran characters. Like in anime because of lack of it you can change those three to any other characters and it wouldn’t matter. Miss Hutson is amazing in musicals, gosh, poor women, how she didn’t get a stroke or heart attack yet I don’t know XD and musical doesn’t skip on that scene between her and Irene with dress that I found quite funny when I first read it in manga and thought this adds a lot to both women characters. 
You know you did wrong when your anime has less action scenes then musical... Like really, the person who did script for anime did so many strange changes to plot and cut so many important ones while adding own one it's crazy and I have no idea why it happened.
As for character, the best from the start was Sherlock for me, he’s amazing.  I think Liam's one was little too stiff and not enough emotional in Op1-2 but in Op3 he finally is perfect Liam, smiling, hurting, sassy and I think his vocal got better. As for other characters they were amazing too. I only couldn’t get used to William and Albert but only because their anime saiyuus did so amazing job. Louis had the best vocal at the start I think. From songs I think the middle one in Op2 made most impression for me, I need to rewatch it and remember names of songs for future. The “Catch me if you can” scene in the musical was the only one weaker I think in compare to anime and manga, but when at the end of Op2 they come back to theme “Catch me” it did earned a few points back in my eyes. And wow Op3 songs were so much longing of William and Sherlock to each other it’s just wow, I didn’t think they will go so hard for it and I’m not complaining. I guess Op4 focuses more on Whiteley and John&Mary arcs so probably there is not so much sharliam there, but if Op3 was like this then I can image how hard they will go with William visit at Sherlock’s place, letter and bridge scene. And I will only need Op6 with hospital and marriage vows to die happy XD.
ps. If anyone knows if it’s possible to pay and see Op4 somewhere online, please let me know. Buying stuff from Japan is always very expensive for me because of shipping cost, if I can avoid it the I would gladly watch it this way.
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renx01 · 2 months
Out of Sight - Part 5
General idea: Moriarty is your boss. After he helped you out of a precarious situation when you were still a minor, you started working for him. Now, he has a new job for you. Get close to the Holmes brothers to keep an eye on them for him. Pairings: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Reader  & Jim Moriarty/Reader Fandom: BBC Sherlock Word count: 2006
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The show was interesting to say the least, but you were happy when you finally managed to return to your flat. Keeping Sherlock from constantly over-explaining the acts to Sarah, who only got closer to John as the show continued. At some point Sherlock disappeared backstage, only reappearing by crashing into the auditorium with a warlord on top of him. John shooting out to help him as the audience scattered, you take Sarah out of the room. You’re followed by the two men, not too far behind you. 
On the way to the police station, Sherlock explains what he had been doing behind the scenes. He’d found the yellow paint moments before he’d been attacked by the warlord. He also notes that he had seen a tattoo on the bottom of the foot of one of the performers, with it matching the ones they’d seen on the victims. You mostly just nod and enquire about what the seal looks like. ‘It’s a seal with a lotus of some sort.’ Sherlock had said. Upon your arrival at the nearest police station, you’re met by an officer you haven’t seen before. Sherlock quickly explains to him what happened, noting that you’d been followed out of the venue. The officer puts it into the system before sending you away, saying he isn’t able to do much more at the moment. 
The four of you leave and head back to Baker Street, where John decides you should probably have some food. Not wanting to be a part of John’s date for much longer, you tell them you’re quite tired and before heading downstairs to your own flat. Not too long after, you hear the front door open, you suppose for their food delivery. You turn to your kettle to start boiling some water, but you stop midway through the motion because you hear shuffling and something drop. That’s unusual. You put down the kettle and walk to your door, opening it as quietly as possible. When you look around the corner, you see a man dressed in black quietly shuffling down the stairs with John, who you’re pretty sure is unconscious, thrown over his shoulder. Quickly, you close the door. Had it not been for you having to lay low and you’d have helped him then and there, but you supposed Sherlock would find out soon enough and go look for his companion. You turn on the kettle and message Jim.
You should reel them in, they just kidnapped John and his date. I assume they think he’s Sherlock or something. Will probably have to help SH and intercept. -S
As the water starts to come to a boil, you quickly change in some more comfortable, black clothes. Something that doesn’t look too suspicious given what you usually wear, but will help you manoeuvre around without too making much sound. You also grab one of your (many) guns and put it in one of your somewhat hidden pockets, where it’s easy to reach but hard to find if you don’t know it’s there. The kettle finally boils and you make yourself a cuppa. Upon taking the first sip, you hear multiple heavy and somewhat frantic knocks at your door. ‘I’m on my way.’ You put down the cup and open the door, where you’re met by the consulting detective himself. He looks quite panicked, which in a way you had expected, just not to this extent, meaning his weakness for John is much bigger than Jim (or Mycroft for that matter) had anticipated. ‘John’s gone. I’m certain that he’s been taken by the murderer and by extension the criminal network we’ve been investigating.’ Nodding, you grab your coat and join him, heading outside as quickly as possible.
‘Sherlock, I suggest you go in and I help from the shadows. You’re an amazing distraction and then I’ll be able to get John and Sarah out from the shadows.’ He nods, agreeing that it’d probably be the best plan of action. And so, that’s what the two of you do when you go in. John and Sarah are bound to separate chairs with rope about five feet from each other. While John has a gun pointed at him, Sarah is unfortunate enough to have a balasta pointed at her. John does look somewhat worried, Sarah on the other hand looks frightened and like she’s about to lose it. Given that she probably hasn’t been in such a situation, it makes sense, and any sensible human being would probably react like she is. Being the drama-queen he is, Sherlock waltzes in as if he owns the place, ridiculing that they hadn’t realised they had the wrong person entirely. Still, the ballista is slowly getting closer to being fired at the woman. It’s unclear to you what exactly happens, but one moment Sherlock’s trying to untie Sarah, and the next he’s been caught by some sort of a rope, forcing him away. ‘For god’s sake, he can’t do anything on his own, can he?’ You whisper to yourself before shooting in the shoulder of the man that’s trapping the detective. After which you immediately sprint to the ballista and point it towards one of Shen’s other henchmen, since it’s about to fire. It does so, and pierces the man through his chest. You take the opportunity of the confusion that ensues to run to John and cut the ropes. Sherlock does the same for Sarah. However, when you look up, Shen is gone.
The following day you contact Sebastian while you’re on your run. It isn’t that you see him or anything, you just leave him a codified message for him to find while you’re at the park for your daily run. The response follows in the form of a text message as you’re making your daily morning coffee. 
We dealt with it, you don’t have to worry about them anymore. -SM
You suppose he was the one to “deal with” them last night. 
I’d hope so. It really was a bit of a pain and entirely unnecessary. -S
Rather than getting a text back, he calls you.
‘Hello?’ His voice sounds low, as if he doesn’t want to alarm someone of his presence. ‘Hi, hope you’re alright.’ ‘Yes, yes, don’t worry about me.’ He pauses before continuing. ‘Jim’s pretty mad about the situation, he’ll probably contact you to apologise at some point soon.’ You sigh. ‘Will he? He isn’t one to apologise generally speaking. No matter, tell him to make sure the camera’s aren’t working wherever we meet up. The eldest Holmes seems to be keeping an eye on me. Probably wants to gauge if I’m trustworthy.’ You take a sip of your coffee before getting out your laptop. It’s one you usually use for purposes related to your actual job. Jim’s had it encrypted so that even the best systems the government uses can’t get into it. ‘I’ll let him know.’ As you’re typing in your password, he speaks up again, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled momentarily. ‘You know I do miss you, you know that right?’ You’re scrolling past a few documents, so you only make a noise that confirms you do. ‘We both miss you. The penthouse feels a bit empty. You were barely back and had to leave again…’ Jim rents a penthouse with enough rooms for all of you to live comfortably while still having your own space. The three of you have always been pretty close, with you and Seb being Jim’s closest confidantes, having been there pretty much from the beginning. And it’s true, you’d barely been back in England and Jim had sent you off, not even being able to stay in the penthouse you’d usually call home. Still, it was mostly you and Seb there, with Jim being at his estate most of the time to take care of business without being bothered too much. ‘I miss you guys too, but we both know it’s necessary.’ ‘You’re right, I’m just being sentimental.’ He sighs. ‘Don’t be, you know it’s a form of weakness.’ That last sentence comes out a bit harsher than you’d hoped, but it is the motto most go by in your profession. ‘We’ll meet again soon, I have to go now.’ You say as you hear someone walking down the steps, probably John based on the sound of it. ‘Yeah, soon Spike.’ He says before ending the call.
When you check for the caller ID, you see that there isn’t one. Not that it really mattered, this isn’t the phone you use to contact anyone you interact with on this mission. You have several phones you keep on you, two of them basically at all times. This one in particular is a blackberry, very much contrary to the iPhone you use on the daily to keep up appearances of you being a regular person that works at the Yard. A knock at your door has you going into action. Quickly, you close and put away your laptop before grabbing your cup of coffee and (somewhat) casually walking to and opening the door. As expected, it’s John. ‘Hello John, good morning.’ He looks up slightly as you open the door, since you’re about an inch and a half taller than him. ‘Good morning Charlie. I wanted to thank you for last night. You really helped us out there.’ You smile at him. ‘No problem at all, you were in a bit of a pickle and I suppose friends help in such situations.’ Friends. It’s a term you hadn’t used with him yet, but you guessed that he probably sees you in that way, so using the term could only strengthen that feeling. ‘Still, it was a lot; quite dangerous as well.’ The look you give him is nothing short of unimpressed. ‘John, I work at Scotland Yard, I’ve been in worse situations. Despite what you might think because of my current role, I’ve had basic training and been out in the field multiple times.’ He looks a bit surprised. ‘Do you want some coffee perhaps? It’s Saturday so I don’t have anywhere to go and I just made a pot.’ You step aside to invite him in. ‘Sure.’ He steps inside and you close the door behind him. You gesture for him to have a seat at your kitchen table. ‘I do hope I didn’t ruin your date with Sarah last night.’ He laughs. ‘Oh you didn’t ruin it. I think we both know Sherlock’s the one that was behind that.’ ‘About that, you are correct. Though maybe I should’ve expected where we were going and stopped him.’ You hand him his cup of coffee and sit down opposite of him. By the sounds of it, he doesn’t sound too worried about the entire situation. ‘So why do you tolerate it, John?’ ‘What do you mean? Tolerate what?’ Surely he knows what you’re talking about but just doesn’t want to admit it immediately. ‘Tolerate Sherlock ruining your dates, taking over your life and social life. All that sort of stuff.’ You make eye contact with him as you glance over your cup. ‘He does not take over my life Charlie.’ He deflects a little bit too quickly. ‘If you say so.’ You take another sip. ‘Well anyway, how is Sarah? Is she doing okay after yesterday evening?’ John stayed for about an hour before heading back upstairs, saying he’d promised the consulting detective to go on a case with him. From your conversation it became clear that John cares for Sherlock as well, though you aren’t certain whether he really knows that himself yet. You didn’t care, but you’re sure Jim will use it to his advantage.
That afternoon you decided you’d probably need to go to the shops again, realising that you didn’t have much food in your pantry. You went out not too long after in order to go get it, but you were stopped by a sleek black car pulling up next to you and stopping. Mycroft.
Tags: @h-malacus
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swissmissficrecs · 9 months
Top 10 Sherlock fics by kudos in 2023
Top 10 fics completed in 2023 that garnered the most kudos on AO3. Excluded: chaptered "fics" that are actually collections of standalone ficlets and crossovers that are mostly about the other fandom. Fics that began posting earlier (in some cases, years earlier) obviously have the advantage of more time to rack up kudos. Kudo counts as of 2 Jan 2024.
1. 1,720 kudos: The Case of the Man Who Was Wanted by MyDearLadyDisdain (232K, M, Sherlock/Harry Potter) After an inexplicable case in Surrey, Sherlock is after the strangest criminal he's ever encountered: a mass murderer, that has eluded the authorities for almost 14 years. Unfortunately, Sherlock Holmes is the only one that can see right away that this Harry Potter character is completely innocent. And hang on, is that tea set floating?
2. 1,682 kudos: Shift by stopthat (48K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock is tired. John senses a shift.
3. 1,102 kudos: Ride On by Silvergirl (38K, E, Johnlock) After the disastrous reveal at the Landmark, John tells Sherlock there can be no excuse for what he’s done, and no forgiveness. Sherlock leaves London and starts a new life, and not even the British Government knows where. It’s up to John to track him down and make things right, with a trip around the world and a clue only John would recognize.
4. 851 kudos: Till Death Do Us Part (Not Yet, Not Yet) by Civilized_muppets (8K, T, Johnlock) In which Sherlock and John have been married for years, not that any member of the yard has ever heard of John, much less that Sherlock was married at all, until John is kidnapped from Afghanistan.
5. 797 kudos: The story of the Forgotten Wallet. by Headphones_on_the_Skull (25K, E, Johnlock) Just some dirty Alpha/Omega Johnlock porn.
6. 788 kudos: Nothing to Celebrate by DiscordantWords (30K, M, Johnlock) Sherlock Holmes is back from the dead. Things only get worse from there.
7. 726 kudos: A Tale of Two Soldiers by batslikepastel (14K, T, Johnlock, Jolto, Mystrade) It's Christmas, and Sherlock and John are finally flatmates again after the tumultuous events of the previous year. But a sudden revelation about John's sexuality and James Sholto's unexpected presence throw a wrench into Sherlock's plans, and his jealousy threatens to overwhelm him even as John remains blithely oblivious. Their relationship has reached a turning point, and the ball is in John's court now.
8. 671 kudos: Nightjet by khorazir (22K, M, Johnlock) Officially deceased for eighteen months and still looking for the last remainders of Moriarty’s criminal empire, an exhausted Sherlock boards a night train in Germany to bring him to his next hunting ground. Due to a mishap with the sleeper cars, he is forced to share a compartment with a stranger – who turns out to be not quite as strange as Sherlock thought. The universe isn’t lazy, after all …
9. 646 kudos: Our Love Keeps the Things It Finds by her_ladyships_soap (25K, T, Mystrade) Everyone has a soulmate. Everyone. It's simple human biology. Over the course of every person's life, they develop tattoos of the things their soulmate loves most. Though he has always disliked the concept, Mycroft Holmes is painted from head to toe with dozens of brightly-coloured tattoos. Greg Lestrade, once-firm believer and hopeless romantic, has just nine. They are all quietly sophisticated, sketched in smooth shades of black and grey and easy to hide. Neither of them has gained a tattoo in years. But when they both suddenly find new markings, things finally fall into place.
10. 636 kudos: In Fine Spirits by EventHorizon (189K, M, Mystrade, Johnlock) A very upscale bar/private club needs a bartender and scruffy, punky Greg Lestrade is certain he has the right skills (and needs the job), so walks in to apply in person. He didn't realize that someone else he knew works there, also. Though… 'knew' probably isn't the proper term for a one-night stand where you didn't even learn their name during the fun…
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anneangel · 11 months
Ok, every time I watch 'The Great Mouse Detective' my mind clings to this.
Okay, there's nostalgia in this, my childhood and such. But that's not all, there's something 'magnetic' about the character Basil (Sherlock), which I can see why Dawson (Watson) is so impressed on Basil's presence. Basil is so energetic that he should come with a warning on his forehead: "danger 440 Volts".
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This little mousie called Basil is incredible and unbearable at the same time, he is so full of energy that watching him act and talk makes me lose weight just by looking at him. Lmao. The fact is, Basil is very agitated and hyperactive.
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And he's smart in a way that seems mad, especially when he gets an idea in his head and no one is going to stop him from following through. Basil can be harsh and full of himself at times, but he also redeems himself, as he can regret his bad actions seconds later when he realizes he hurt someone's feelings.
He wants interesting and vibrant cases like himself, like his mind is, that's what he likes. But he also hides too well that he knows how to care about people, when he should. Some empathy is in him, although he acts like a hyperactive machine of reasoning and action most of the time, who cannot remember client names or have no time for sentimentality. Lmao.
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He is focused and proactive when his mind is working and everything is going as he wants. And at the same time Basil is a complete Drama Queen when things don't go as he plans. Changing mood so abruptly, from extreme vigor and energy to depression and anguish, that he is insanely exaggerated in 'Holmes' mode. Is fun to me.
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Basil of Baker Street completely steals all the show, being a brilliant and charismatic protagonist
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There is almost no space for Dawson (Watson), whose personality can go unnoticed and those who casually watch it may think that he is just the "fool and comic relief", the movie and fans are so focused on Basil, that we almost don't see how Dawson has so much empathy inside him, and a giant gentle, sympathetic and kind heart.
Dawson is balanced and calm and brings a good counterpoint to Basil's personality. Dawson is so naive, he seems silly in comparison to Basil. But don't be so easily fooled, Dawson can also be direct and angry and put Basil in the right direction, be it with questions, or by grumbling and bothering about how stupid the detective is being, or act sadness about something harsh, said by Basil, and its making the detective regret and be more 'condescending' instantly.
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Dawson has the patience of a saint, an (half) limitless peace in relation to Basil, possibly Dawson is the only mouse who can be in the presence of the mouse detective without being overwhelmed by all of Basil's striking personality. Dawson colludes with Basil, without really being swallowed by him, knowing how to impose himself when he must.
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Dawson makes a perfect pair for Basil, and yet it's barely noticeable, because he's there humbly adjusting Basil to good, but ignores his own participation, giving all the credit to Basil, adoring the 'amazing' Basil. When in fact Dawson also had a lot to do with the case and its good outcome. But Dawson doesn't care and is fine with making Basil proud as the star of the Show and giving him all the credit, and Dawson really thinks Basil deserves it all.
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Basil and Dawson definitely manage to convey the Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson 'vibe' very well, so much so that for me this movie is a good adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes and John Watson universe.
1) the 'case', although it is a Disney children's plot, is charming enough and brings good drama, from the beginning with the kidnapping scene to the end with the Big Ben scenes, the case has charismatic characters with whom we import (Olivia and Flaversham) and the film is full of references to the Canonical Sherlock Holmes books and others adaptations, to everyone's delight.
2) Ratigan (Moriarty), madness and dangerous he can be, beneath all the fancy pomp and satin. He kills a drunken accomplice for calling him 'Rat' (in other words, the truth). He tortures his most loyal henchman, Fidget, with his pet torture device (the cat). And he's so falsely polite when he's both blatantly cruel and mad. He is a villain with a lot of charisma, as well as scary
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3) The movie soundtrack is so good. I love it from the 'main title', to the 'end title-credits' (Goodbye So Soon).
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weast-of-eden · 6 months
I was wondering if you have any recs for longer fics? You seem cool btw, I'm surprised I haven't come across your account before <3
(I hope this isn't annoying, and feel free to ignore me if it is)
Hi!!! ok well if i seemed cool my five unnecessary exclamation marks probably relieved you of that idea. BUT it’s always nice to meet new people and give some recs!! i have some here if you want to try these out:
The Case of the Stolen Doctor by flawedamythyst 47k | Rated T | For Archive Users Only Summary: Moriarty kidnaps Watson. Notes: I would check the tags before I read this one, but it's soooo good. I can't give anything away but basically moriarty realizes watson is holmes' weak spot, and uses him for leverage. also there's a literal Paget-style drawing at one point in the text that looks amazingly real and i'm blown away every time i read it.
The Quiet Disciple by ApprenticeofDoyle 33k | Rated M Summary: "There have only been two times in my life where I have regretted putting my adventures with Holmes to paper. Both of these instances occurred on the same case, nearly two weeks ago, and leveled such an impact that I have questioned whether or not I could continue—in good conscience, and for either of our sakes." November, 1894. A case in Kent goes dreadfully awry, and forces Holmes and Watson to admit feelings long nurtured and long concealed. Notes: AU of the golden pince-nez, this fic hits me right in the feels. especially at the end when [REDACTED] and then [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. (spoilers, srry)
Forbidden Fire by rudbeckia 71k | Rated E Summary: It’s 1870, September, and John Watson has earned a scholarship place at a boarding school just outside of London. He has just a few months to get his education up to the standard he needs to pass the matriculation exams for medical school. As luck would have it, he’s paired with a boy called Holmes who is just as lonely as he is. Together, they negotiate a harsh school life, solve a spate of petty thefts and, in so doing, uncover a much bigger crime involving extortion, embezzlement and blackmail. And all this whilst falling in love. Notes: ok please look at the warnings before reading this one too, the story is definitely a little heavy but this is such a good AU. boarding school meet-cute, rugby, watson in a kilt, school dances, and mini-lestrade.
I hope at least one of these is your glass of tea!! (tplosh reference lol) and nice to meet you :]
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aloe-plant-yippee · 1 month
rambles under cut (and spoilers for eps 1-5)
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anonymousewrites · 18 days
A Study of the Heart and Brain (Book 4) Chapter Ten
Father Figure! Sherlock Holmes x Teen! Reader
Chapter Ten: Broken Busts
Summary: The mystery of the Thatcher busts grows larger and more complicated.
            Sherlock paced in front of Mycroft. His brother leaned back in his chair, his secretive office keeping them away from prying eyes.
            “I met her once,” said Mycroft.
            “Thatcher?” said Sherlock.
            “Rather arrogant, I thought,” said Mycroft.
            “You thought that?” said Sherlock.
            Mycroft chuckled. “I know.” He looked at his phone. “Why am I looking at this?”
            “That’s her, John and Mary’s baby,” said Sherlock.
            “Oh, I see. Yes. Looks very…” Mycroft stared at the photo. “Fully-functioning.”
            Sherlock deadpanned. “Is that really the best you can do?”
            “Sorry, I’ve never been very good with them,” said Mycroft primly.
            “Babies?” said Sherlock.
            “Humans,” said Mycroft.
            Sherlock rolled his eyes and took back the phone. “Moriarty. Did he have any connection with Thatcher? Any interest in her?”
            Mycroft scoffed. “Why on earth would he?”
            “I don’t know, you tell me,” said Sherlock.
            Mycroft opened up the file in front of him. “In the last year of his life, James Moriarty was involved in four political assassinations, over seventy assorted robberies and terrorist attacks, including a chemical weapons factory in North Korea, and had latterly shown some interest in tracking down the Black Pearl of the Borgias. Which is still missing, by the way, in case you feel like applying yourself to something practical.”
            “It’s a pearl, get another one,” retorted Sherlock.
            Mycroft rolled his eyes. “And finally, Moriarty was involved in two kidnappings of a one (Y/N) Holmes.”
            Sherlock narrowed his eyes at the reminder. “There’s something important about this mystery. I’m sure. Maybe it’s Moriarty. Maybe it’s not. But something’s coming.”
            “Are you having a premonition, brother mine?” said Mycroft, leaning forward.
            “The world is woven of billions of lives, every strand crossing every other,” said Sherlock. “What we call premonition is just movement of the web. If you could attenuate to every strand of quivering data, the future would be entirely calculable.”
            “And you wish to know what is going on so that any ‘quivers’ of the web won’t affect (Y/N),” said Mycroft knowingly. “I’d be careful, brother mine. (Y/N) is quite the weakness for you. Moriarty was the greatest threat to them, but there may be more. Make sure premonitions don’t get in the way of facts.”
            “If I can figure out danger is coming, then I can protect them,” said Sherlock.
            “Some things are unavoidable,” said Mycroft. “Appointment in Samara.”
            “I’m sorry?” said Sherlock.
            “The merchant who can’t outrun death,” said Mycroft. “You always hated that story as a child. Less keen on predestination back then.”
            “I’m not sure I like it now,” said Sherlock.
            “You wrote your own version, as I remember,” said Mycroft. “Appointment in Sumatra. The merchant goes to a different city and is perfectly fine.”
            “Good night, Mycroft,” said Sherlock as his brother began pontificating.
            “Then he becomes a pirate, for some reason,” said Mycroft.
            “Keep me informed,” called back Sherlock.
            “Of what?” said Mycroft.
            “Absolutely no idea,” said Sherlock.
            Sherlock sat in front of their latest client and narrowed his eyes. “(Y/N), will you tell Lestrade to keep it down outside?”
            (Y/N) got up, walked to the door, and flung it open. Hawkins and Lestrade jumped, and (Y/N) looked at them calmly. “Please stop your flirting while we’re seeing a client.” Hawkins and Lestrade blushed, and (Y/N) closed the door. They nodded to Sherlock. “Done.”
            Sherlock nodded before facing their client, a Mr. Kingsley. “Now, you haven’t always been in life insurance, have you? You started out in manual labor. Oh, don’t bother being astonished. Your right hand’s almost an entire size bigger than your left. Hard manual labor does that.”
            “Oh, I was a carpenter, like my dad,” said Kingsley, smiling.
            “Are you trying to give up smoking unsuccessfully?” said Sherlock. (Y/N) had seen all of this, but they were too bored to entertain surprising the clients. “And you once had a Japanese girlfriend who meant a lot to you but now you feel indifferent about.”
            “How the hell—” Kinglsey glanced down sheepishly. “E-cigarettes.”
            “Not just that, ten individual e-cigarettes,” said Sherlock. “If you just want to smoke indoors, you could have invested in one of those irritating electronic pipe things.”
            (Y/N) wrinkled their nose. They hated the smell of those (and vapes. Vape smoke was so sweet that (Y/N)’s senses despised it).
            “But you’re convinced you can give up, so you don’t want to buy a pipe because that would mean you’re not serious about quitting,” said Sherlock. “So instead, you buy e-cigarettes, always sure that each one will be your last. Anything to add, (Y/N)?”
            “Nope,” said (Y/N), popping the “p” with their lollipop.
            “John?” said Sherlock, turning to his chair. He blinked when he found a red balloon with a face drawn on. “John?”
            “Uh, yeah, yeah, listening,” said John, walking back into the room.
            “What is that?” said (Y/N).
            “That is me,” said John. “Well, it’s a me substitute.”
            “Don’t be so hard on yourself, you know we value your little contributions,” said Sherlock.
            “Yeah? It’s been there since nine in the morning,” said John. He looked at (Y/N). “I thought you saw me put it there.”
            (Y/N) shrugged. “I was thinking.”
            John groaned. They’re becoming more like Sherlock every day.
            “What about my girlfriend?” interrupted Kingsley.
            “What?” said Sherlock.
            “You said I had an ex,” said Kingsley.
            “(Y/N), go ahead,” said Sherlock.
            “But this is boring,” said (Y/N).
            “It’s good exercise,” said Sherlock.
            (Y/N) sighed and turned to Kingsley. “You’ve got a Japanese tattoo in the crook of your elbow of the name ‘Akako.’ It’s obviously faded because you tried to have it removed.”
            “But surely that means I want to forget her, not that I’m indifferent,” said Kingsley.
            (Y/N) just looked at him evenly. “If you wanted to forget her, you would have tried again to have it removed or had another tattoo done to cover it up. You can live with the memory of Akako without any strong feelings—indifference.”
            The client chuckled and smiled. “I thought you’d done something clever.”
            (Y/N)’s eyebrow twitched, and Sherlock narrowed his eyes.
            “Oh, no. No, but now you’ve explained it. It’s dead simple, innit?” said Kingsley, still laughing like an idiot.
            “Yes, it’s simple, but idiots never see it, do they? They need it explained,” said (Y/N), closing their eyes and smiling. The snakelike tilt of their head made Kingsley’s laughter falter.
            John sent a warning look to Sherlock to intervene before (Y/N) decided to really hurt the man’s feelings.
            Sherlock cleared his throat. “I’ve withheld this information from you until now, Mr. Kingsley, but I think it’s time you knew the truth.” John wanted him to intervene? He would, but mostly to have his own fun with Kingsley for insulting him and, more importantly, (Y/N).
            “What do you mean?” said Kingsley.
            “Have you ever wondered if your wife was a little bit out of your league?” said Sherlock.
            “You thought she was having an affair,” said Sherlock. “I’m afraid it’s far worse than that. Your wife is a spy.”
            “What?” said Kingsley.
            “That’s right,” said Sherlock. “Her real name is Greta Bengsdotter. Swedish by birth, and probably the most dangerous spy in the world. She’s been operating deep undercover for the past four years as your wife, for one reason only, to get near the American Embassy, which is across the road from your flat. Tomorrow the US President will be at the embassy as part of an official state visit. As the President greets members of staff, Greta Bengsdotter, disguised as a 22-stone cleaner, will inject the President in the back of the neck with a dangerous new drug, hidden inside the secret compartment inside her padded armpit. This drug will then render the President entirely susceptible to the will of that new master. None other than James Moriarty.”
            “What?” said Kingsley.
            (Y/N) had to smother a smirk at his gullibility.
            “Moriarty will then use the President as a pawn to destabilize the United Nations General Assembly, which is due to vote on a nuclear non-proliferation treaty, tipping the balance in favor of a first-strike policy against Russia,” continued Sherlock. “This chain of events will then prove unstoppable, thus precipitating World War III.”
            John chuckled. “Are you serious?” He didn’t believe it, either.
            “No, of course not,” said Sherlock. “His wife left him because his breath stinks and he likes to wear her lingerie.”
            “I don’t,” said Kingsley. He swallowed. “Just the bras.”
            “Buy your own,” said (Y/N).
            “Get out,” said Sherlock.
            Kingsley hurried out.
            “What’s this all about, then?” said John.
            “Having fun,” said Sherlock.
            “Fun?” said John.
            “While I can,” said Sherlock. “Right, (Y/N)?”
            “No, this is boring,” said (Y/N). “I want a mystery.”
            The door opened, and Hawkins stepped in. “I have a—”
            “Borgia Pearl, boring, go,” said Sherlock, pushing her back out.
            “Go,” said Sherlock, shutting the door.
            It swung open, and Lestrade entered this time.
            “Oh, this had better be good,” said Sherlock.
            “Please have a mystery,” said (Y/N). “Preferably a murder.”
            “Oh, I think you’ll like this,” said Lestrade. He held up a plastic bag with the remains of a bust.
            “That’s the bust, isn’t it, the one that was broken?” said John.
            “No, it’s another one. Different owner. Different part of town,” said Lestrade. “Sherlock and (Y/N) were right. This is a thing. Something’s going on.” He looked at them as they gazed intently at the bust. “What’s wrong? I thought you’d be pleased?”
            “We are pleased,” said (Y/N).
            “You don’t look pleased,” said Lestrade.
            “These are our game faces,” said Sherlock. “The game is on.”
            “There’s more to this, isn’t there?” said (Y/N), looking at Lestrade.
            Lestrade nodded. “Another two have been smashed since the Welsborough one.” As he spoke, Sherlock took the evidence bag and set up his microscope. “One belonging to Mr. Mohandes Hassan.”
            “Identical busts?” said (Y/N). “In every way?”
            “Yeah,” confirmed Lestrade. “And this one belonged to a Dr. Barnicot in Holborn. Three in total. God knows who’d want to do something like this.”
            “Yeah, but some people have that complex, don’t they?” said John. “And idee fixe.” He looked at (Y/N) and Sherlock. “They obsess over one thing, and they can’t let it go.”
            “That’s Dad,” said (Y/N). “I’m just autistic with a special interest.” They unwrapped another lollipop. “Besides, that’s not the answer. There were other images of Thatcher at the Welsborough’s house, on the same table as the bust. Someone who had it out for her likeness would have destroyed the pictures, too. This was only the bust, so the mystery has to do with the bust, not Thatcher.”
            “Oho,” said Sherlock, looking through the microscope. “Blood. Quite a bit of it, too. Was there any injury at the crime scene?”
            “Nah,” said Lestrade, checking his watch.
            “Then our suspect must have cut themself breaking the bust,” said Sherlock. He stood and bagged the bloody chip. “Come on.”
            “Holborn?” said John.
            “Lambeth,” said Sherlock.
            “Lambeth? Why?” said Lestrade.
            “To see Toby,” said (Y/N).
            “Ah, right.” John frowned. “Who?”
            “You’ll see,” said Sherlock.
            “Right, you coming?” said John to Lestrade.
            “No, he’s got a lunch date with a brunette forensic officer that he doesn’t want to be late for,” said Sherlock.
            “Who told you?” said Lestrade.
            “We could hear you flirting through the door,” said (Y/N). “You smell lightly of formaldehyde, and you keep looking at your watch.”
            “Have a good time,” said Sherlock.
            “I will,” said Lestrade.
            “Trust me, though, she’s not right for you,” said Sherlock.
            “What?” Lestrade paused.
            “She’s not the one,” said Sherlock.
            “Well, thank you, Mystic Meg,” said Lestrade, leaving.
            “How do you work all that out?” asked John.
            “She’s got three children in Rio, and he has no idea,” said (Y/N).
            “Are you making this up?” said John.
            (Y/N) smirked.
            John decided to move on. “Who’s Toby?” he asked again.
            “There’s a kid we know, hacker,” said Sherlock. “Brilliant hacker, one of the world’s best. Got himself into serious trouble with the Americans couple of years ago. He hacked into the Pentagon security system, and we managed to get him off the charge. Therefore, he owes us a favor.”
            Sherlock knocked on the door. (Y/N) and John stood behind him.
            “So, how does that help us?” said Lestrade.
            “What?” said Sherlock.
            “Toby the hacker,” said John.
            “Toby is not the hacker,” said (Y/N).
            “What?” said John.
            The door opened.
            “All right, Craig,” said Sherlock, greeting the hacker.
            “All right, Sherlock,” said Craig.
            “Craig’s got a dog,” said (Y/N), looking at the old dog next to Craig. Toby walked towards them, and (Y/N) took the leash.
            “So I see,” said John.
            “Good boy,” said Sherlock.
            “Hiya!” Mary, holding Rosie, appeared from inside the house.
            “Mary?” John stared. “What are you—We agreed. We would never bring Rosie out on a case.”
            “Exactly, so…” Mary handed Rosie to John. “Don’t wait up.”
            “But what are you doing here?” said John.
            “She’s better at this than you,” said Sherlock.
            “Better?” John glared at his best friend.
            “So I texted her,” said Sherlock.
            “Hang on, Mary’s better than me?” said John.
            “In some ways. She is a retired super-agent with an impressive skillset,” said (Y/N). “But you’re the moral heart of the group.”
            “Thank you, (Y/N),” sighed John. “So I’m supposed to just go home now, am I?”
            “Oh, what do you think, Sherlock, (Y/N)? Shall we take him with us?” teased Mary.
            “John or the dog?” joked Sherlock.
            “That’s funny,” said John sarcastically.
            “John, he’s handy and loyal,” said (Y/N).
            “That’s hilarious,” said John. “Is it too early for a divorce?” Mary just laughed, and John smiled.
            “Anyone up for a trudge?” said Sherlock, showing the smell of the bust to Toby. He barked. “Keep up. He’s fast.”
            Together—even John with Rosie—the group followed Toby. He led them around London in a winding path, stopping to think and smell, but always eventually moving forward. Finally, they arrived at a market full of butcher stalls. Blood and meat was everywhere, and Toby slowed to a halt.
            “Clever,” said (Y/N). 
            “Well, if you were wounded and leaving a trail, where would you go?” said Mary.
            “Like a tree hiding in a forest,” said John.
            “Or blood in a butcher’s,” said Sherlock.
            (Y/N) scratched behind Toby’s ears. “Never mind, Toby. Better luck next time.”
            “This is the one, though, I can feel it,” said Sherlock.
            “Not Moriarty?” said John.
            “Has to be him. It’s too bizarre, too baroque,” said Sherlock. “It’s designed to beguile us, tease us, and lure us in.”
            “I’m not convinced,” said (Y/N).
            Everyone looked at them.
            “No one’s died yet,” said (Y/N). “It’s no fun for Moriarty without death.” They looked around. “But something is definitely going on.”
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rey-jake-therapist · 8 months
@maryholmes94 and @aveline-amelia if you don't mind I prefer to keep our discussion here, because I feel like we took over the other thread with unrelated discussions way too much already ;)
@maryholmes94 please tag me when you post about the antagonistic figures in Sherlock! I'm looking forward to reading it :)
You said you disagreed about what I said about Mary. I also think myself it wasn't pulled under the rug the same way John's violence towards Sherlock was (if that's what you meant), but I still think something was missing in the way her situation was treated by the writers. I'm of course interested in your thoughts!
@aveline-amelia I agree Sally was never a villain, but she was still an antagonist in the strict sense of the word. She isn't a bad person, but she's definitely not Sherlock's ally. I agree about her use of the term 'freak'. I reckon that if the show was written in 2023 she would call him something else, but back in 2021 it was very commun to use "freak" as an insult against anyone who thought out of the box and didn't have good social skills. Not saying this to excuse the writers, but for having been called 'freak' a shit ton of times in the early 00s only because I was different, I think it's more a reflection of the time in which the show was written, than of the character's opinion that Sherlock had a mental illness.
I TOTALLY agree about Greg Lestrade! Pointing Sherlock as a mastermind criminal was a team effort: Moriarty implanted the idea, Sally and Philip thought they finally had a proof of what they always suspected about Sherlock, but Greg listened to them and along with his superior, decided he could be guilty. We see a couple of newspapers pointing at the cops for being wrong about Sherlock's guilt, but... That's it? Sherlock and Greg act as if nothing happened, while idk..... Maybe a "sorry I thought you kidnapped two children and fed them with poison while you were my friend" would have been nice :/
Yep, Wiggins had potential. In a board game I have, Sherlock trained him to be a detective and gives him and his team of street kids some of his cases to solve. It's said John didn't have much faith in him but Sherlock saw his potential. They could have given him a similar arc in Sherlock, instead they hinted at his deduction skills but finally turned him into.... I don't even know what Wiggins was for Sherlock in TLD. His sitter?
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TV Shows Masterlist (L-Z)
In an attempt to organize the blog and keep everything in order, masterlists are being made to join together into a masterlist of masterlists to make it easier for those on mobile. Thanks for being patient!
Not in Alphabetical Order.
⭐ contains smut.
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British Blood, American Heart (Sherlock Half-Sister)
Non-business Meeting (Mycroft Holmes Daughter oneshot)
You Will See Me (Mycroft Holmes Oneshot)
Bullet with Vampire Wings {Sherlock x GN!Reader Oneshot}
Imagine Sherlock passing over a case - just for your birthday.
Imagine seeing Sherlock Holmes for the first time since you two had broken up, and realizing it still hurts.
Imagine picking up a drunk Sherlock Holmes at a bar, and letting him sleep off the hangover at your place.
Imagine pretending to be Sherlock’s wife for a case and continuing to pretend after it’s over.
Imagine going for a walk with John Watson.
Imagine John Watson trying to tell you his feelings for you, but it’s too complicated for him to express properly.
Imagine wanting to help with a case, so John Watson uses his puppy dog eyes to convince you to stay safe.
Imagine Mycroft Holmes catching you hack his computer.
Imagine taking Mycroft camping because ‘he needs away from the office.’
 Imagine Mycroft knowing about your hideaway.
Imagine surprising Mycroft Holmes by wearing something sexy to his office.
Imagine volunteering to work a case with Sherlock, and Mycroft fears for you endlessly.
Imagine saving Mycroft Holmes’s life.
Imagine Mycroft Holmes waiting for you.
Imagine Moriarty helping to plan your wedding.
Imagine Jim Moriarty being your blind date, and he had it all planned out.
Imagine being a part of the wedding party at John and Mary’s wedding, and  Jim Moriarty crashes it only to kidnap you.
Imagine working with Sherlock, and tricking Moriarty into opening up to you, but feeling guilty for it after.
Once Upon A Time
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Imagine having feelings for your therapist, Archie Hopper.
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Deserted Halls (Nathan Young)
Painted Dreams (Simon Bellamy)
Home Alone? (Simon Bellamy)
New Apartments and Horrible Beds (Rudy Wade)
Not a Happy Ending (Rudy Wade)
Alonetime isn’t a Good Time (Rudy Wade)
Imagine Nathan tricking you into showing up in costume - but he really likes it.
Imagine Nathan Young making you the leader of his fan club.
Imagine Nathan Young giving up flirting with everyone for you.
Imagine stealing with Nathan Young.
Imagine living with Nathan Young in the Community Center.
Imagine being the newest person on Community Service and Nathan immediately staking a claim on you.
Imagine Nathan Young seducing you in front of your boyfriend.
Imagine partying with Nathan Young.
Imagine Simon trying to impress you at your house party.
Imagine your power being over weather and not being able to control it when fighting with Simon.
Imagine pulling an all-nighter with Simon.
Imagine Simon awkwardly dancing with your family on your wedding day.
Imagine being the only one to notice Simon’s birthday, and giving him a homemade cupcake.
Imagine falling asleep on Simon’s lap during community service hours.
Imagine reading comic books with Simon.
Imagine being able to see Simon Bellamy when he’s invisible.
Imagine going to a carnival with Curtis Donovan.
Imagine the first time Curtis comes over to your flat.
Imagine getting caught with Curtis.
Imagine trying new sexual kinks with Curtis, but he isn’t into it.
Imagine going in for community service and seeing Curtis, who you used to be good friends with.
Imagine meeting Rudy 2.
Imagine Rudy’s reaction to your parents thinking he’s a bad guy.
Imagine always surprising Rudy with your ‘fireworks’ power.
Imagine your powers are getting out of control and Rudy tries to make you laugh to get you to calm down.
Imagine Alex from the Bar being too shy to admit his power.  
Prison Break
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Imagine spending the day on a beach with Lincoln Burrows.
Imagine being Lincoln’s girl, and road-tripping with the brothers.
Imagine Lincoln Burrows following your harasser home.
Imagine being Lincoln’s wife and attending the police celebration undercover.
Imagine being Lincoln Burrows fiance and him being overprotective.
Imagine Lincoln Burrows proposing to you because he doesn’t want to lose you.
Imagine finding out about Lincoln’s prison break and telling him that you’ll never be scared of him.
Imagine trying to help Michael Scofield with his illness.
Imagine getting separated from Michael while on the run.
Imagine Michael Scofield seeing you naked for the first time.
Imagine Fernando Sucre coming home to you after breaking out of prison.
Imagine discovering Paul Kellerman is alive.
Imagine being Michael and Lincoln’s sister and Whip falling for you.   
Imagine T-Bag interrupting your breakfast.
Imagine T-Bag being impressed by you and your sassy remarks.
Imagine T-Bag thinking you’re tastier than any pastry he’s had.
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Imagine Jesse Custer leaving you because he doesn’t want you to worry.
Imagine Jesse Custer using his powers to help you live your dream.
Imagine spending Christmas with Jesse Custer.
Imagine forcing Jesse Custer out of bed to get breakfast with you.
Imagine going on a walk with Jesse Custer and him confessing about his powers.
Imagine Tulip O’Hare saving you from the ‘whore-house’
Imagine Tulip thinking you’re a breath of fresh air.
Imagine being just as skeptical about the misadventure as Tulip is.
Imagine Tulip going up against anyone who called you names.
Imagine Tulip watching over you as you try to get clean and sober. 
Imagine going to an art museum with Tulip, but getting bored and causing more mischief than learning.
Imagine Cassidy trying to help you through depression.
Imagine being the first person to hold Cassidy’s touch-starved hand in a long time.
Imagine Cassidy trying to corrupt you.
Imagine working for the Grail but secretly helping Cassidy. Imagine staying with Cassidy after you find out his secret.
Imagine switching out Cassidy’s wardrobe.
Imagine telling Cassidy that you don’t just want to be FWB anymore.
Imagine Cassidy hearing you talk bad about yourself.
Z Nation
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Imagine being Addy Carver being all cute with you.
Imagine Addison Carver having to leave you behind.
Imagine seeing George again after being separated by the apocalypse.
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Imagine being caught skipping class with Beck Oliver.
Squid Game
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Fear of Disappointment (Chapter 1) (Seong Gi-Hun)
Fear of Disappointment (Chapter 2) (Seong Gi-Hun)
Fear of Disappointment (Final Chapter) (Seong Gi-Hun)
Imagine  Seong Gi-Hun meeting your family.
The Walking Dead
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Imagine being a Dixon and entering into a relationship with Rick Grimes.
Imagine being Rick Grimes’ sister, and starting to date Darryl.
The Umbrella Academy
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Imagine falling in love with Five when you were kids.
The Mighty Boosh
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Imagine getting a minor injury while working with Vince Noir.
Imagine being Howard’s very supportive partner.
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Imagine Lucifer nearly dying, and you clinging onto him.
Imagine Lucifer approaching you about your book series, which paints him out to be a good guy.
Mayfair Witches
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Imagine being Lasher’s favorite witch, and him trying everything to get a body to be with you.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 5 months
Five Fics Friday: May 3/24
Happy Friday everyone! Hope you guys had a wonderful week and are looking forward to settling down with one of these fantastic fics to read! Enjoy!
Hyperballad by PlantsAreNeat (G, 893 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, Feels, Drugs, POV Sherlock) – Sherlock has bought cocaine after his doubts and fears about his and John's new relationship prey on his mind. Not exactly a danger night, but not not one either.
Conductor of Light by rsong912 (E, 8,513 w., 1 Ch. || Developing Relationship, POV John, First Time, BAMF Irene, John is a Mess, Sherlock's Big Feelings, Hurt Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending) – After the incident with Moriarty at the pool, John is amazed at Sherlock's reaction to John being in danger. He never flirted with the detective again after that first night at Angelo's, but maybe it's time to try once more. He does, with spectacular results. But when Irene Adler enters their lives, it has a disastrous effect on their budding romance.
A Midnight Clear by khorazir (T, 13,120 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas-Carol Inspired || Post S3/Post-TLD / TFP Doesn't Exist, Christmas, Angst, Fluff, Pining, Canon-Typical Violence, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Implied / Referenced Drug Use, Magical Realism) – It’s Christmas Eve, and Sherlock is working. Because that’s what he does. He doesn’t need Christmas, or holiday cheer, or even company. He’s fine on his own, thank you very much – until a series of strange encounters on his way back to Baker Street makes him reconsider.
Best Laid Plans by TheMadKatter13 (E, 57,366 w., 9 Ch. || Omegaverse AU || Post-TRF Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Violence, Angst, Marking, Scenting, Time Skips, John's Blog, Nesting, Hurt/Comfort, Torture, Mounting, Biting, Breeding, Bonding, Knotting, Mpreg, Mating Cycles, Alpha Sherlock, Omega John, Omega Jim, Possessive Sherlock, Alpha Moran, Kidnapping) – After the detective's suicide, anyone with eyes could see that there was no John Watson without Sherlock Holmes. Only a rare few even realized there was a flipside to that coin: that there was no Sherlock Holmes without John Watson. Unfortunately, Jim Moriarty is one of those rare few, and while kidnapping his blogger had drawn out out the genius so well the first time, new intel on the 'alpha' doctor has the omega criminal arranging a little bit of 'playtime' between his alpha and his bait while they wait for the not-quite-dead to arrive.
Are We Dating? by AindyGhosh (G, 2,288 w., 1 Ch. || LOKI SERIES || Lokius, S02E05 Rewrite, Flirty Mobius, Flustered Loki, Fluff) – Now that the thought had taken root in Don’s mind, it refused to let go, clinging on to him like a limpet. As it was, Don was infamous in his friends’ circles for his lack of a brain-to-mouth filter. Therefore, it didn’t come as a surprise to him when he just gave in, and verbalised the one doubt that had been making rounds in his head since the moment he had talked to Loki. “Are we dating?” It was only logical to deduce that. And Don couldn’t believe this God-like person had been interested in him enough to agree to date him.
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kajaono · 2 years
Moments in Enola Holmes 2 that set up Enola Holmes 3
1. The most obvious. The introduction of Moriarty and her escape
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The word “perhaps” is confusing me a little bit here. It sounds like “We love to bring her back but we do not know if it will be possible”. But that is probably just teasing because 20 minutes later she escapes prison. So much about the obvious. Let us skip to the more hidden clues.
2. The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets 
The titel of the third book is: “ The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets”. Watson gets kidnapped and Enola can only find him with clues hidden in a bizzare bouquet. And who said something about a horticultural problem?
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Because the third book does not only contains bouquets but also a hothouse. And look how convinent:
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He is already wearing a flower stiched waistcoat in that scene. This scene screams: The next case will be horticultural and the little Lord will help solving the case.
3. Sherlocks lonliness
And here it becomes a Johnlock meta. Let us go step by step. First this scene here:
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Everyone is hugging their sibling or SO, only Sherlock is alone in the middle. With no one to hug. Next:
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Which leads us to this scene:
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Meaning Sherlock is lonely, super lonley. And this is not solved. Yeah Watson is introduced but his lonliness is not cured yet. We know it will happen because he finally found his Watson and let him into his heart 221B. But we didn’t saw it yet. We didn’t saw them hugging like the other couples, we didn’t hear Enola say: You are not lonely anymore, you have him now” etc. And I am really sure this will be an important topic in movie 3 because... point 4:
4. Watsons introduction and kidnapping:
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The main point of book 3 is that Watson is kidnapped and Sherlock is heavily worried for him
What a perfect set up to discuss Sherlocks lonliness and that he finally found someone, ending with a happy end where his lonliness is cured because John is back
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iamsherlocked1479 · 1 year
Chapter 13
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Sherlock woke up before you, it was still fairly early but he wasn't big on the whole sleep thing anyway. He looked down with a small smile at the sight of you still cuddling up to his chest, god you were even prettier in your sleep. He never imagined himself one for cuddles but this is nice, he liked watching the rise and fall of your stomach as you lay sleeping softly, laughing to himself  as he watched a loose strand of hair repetitively fall onto your face, tickling your nose. He found himself closing his eyes again only wanting to stay near you, where he felt safe, where he could protect you.
You looked up at the man who cradled you into his chest, he was gorgeous, you finally lay where you wanted to be, in his arms. You traced your hand to his cheek, hummed pressing his face into your hand pressing his lips to your palm. 
“You’re staring.” he mumbled through his sleep
“You’re still here.” you smiled, he opened his eyes revealing the blue orbs that were hidden in his sleep. 
“I wish we could stay here forever.” he smiled
“I do too but they’ll be coming home soon.” you sigh as you sit up “i still don’t know how this is going to work, moriarty kidnapped me just to confuse you. Imagine what he’d do if he found out we were together, he could go after so many people we care about, louise, mrs hudson, john, mary even the baby.”
“Then what if we hide it? What if this becomes something and we keep it to ourselves.” His palm curved around your face followed by his lips pressing against your forehead.
“Do you think we could?” You grip his writ with an uncertain smile.
“I know most things people don’t.” He smiled as you tutted
“Be serious. You said you don’t do relationships.”
“Then what if it wasn’t?”
“What are you saying?” 
“An agreement, you and me. We share our bodies with nobody else. And when one has something they want to get off their mind they talk to the other?” He tucked your hair behind your ear
“Sherlock, that's a relationship.” You giggle
“Is it?”
“Yes. And what if Moriarty finds out?”you sit on your elbows.
“So what? I’ll find him and send him to prison.” He sighed “What does it matter now.” he sat up pulling you onto his lap “We’re here together, now. I don’t care what the rest of the world wants. I want you.” he pressed his lips to yours, trailing his hand down your spine rocking you against his waist as you leaned into the kiss further, still naked from the night before, straddling his waist. He purred as his teeth sank into your lip still being gentle, you moaned at the sudden pressure. 
“Y/n! I’m home.” your aunt's voice echoed from downstairs you pulled away as Sherlock sighed, dropping his head into your chest.
“Just about to get into the shower.” you shout back “Sherlock is out!” you add as you slide of his waist.
“I could join you.” he huffs
“We both know we wouldn't be quiet enough.” 
“That wasn’t a no?” he smirked
“Out.” you instruct playfully, throwing his clothes to him, he hung his head leaving the room. You smiled to yourself as you shut the door behind you, he stayed the night, which meant an ounce of him had to care at least a little which warmed your heart. Your moment of thought was cut off by the ringing of your phone. An unknown number
“Hello?” You asked 
“Hey, is this y/n hudson?” The familiar voice came from the speaker
“Professor Hiddleston?” Just asked confused
“Yes, I got your number from your friend Louise, sorry to do this so suddenly. I'm really disappointed the board won’t be allowing you back next term. And I was wondering if you wanted to help you write that story? If you’d be comfortable of course.” His voice sounded caring and genuine 
“I’d love to, only the issue is that a bomb went off in my apartment a few weeks ago and my laptop was destroyed.” You sigh
“A bomb?” He sounded confused 
“Its uh complicated, i live with Sherlock holmes if that helps?” You palm your face hearing how you had said something so serious so casually 
“Right.” He paused for a moment “wait I believe i can help, i keep a memory stick of my students work. Incase of any losses, though normally it's just coffee spilled over laptops.” He chuckled 
“Wow you have no idea how much  that helps!” You eagerly replied 
“If you’d like to meet up to discuss an arrangement I would be happy too this afternoon?” He asked
“Sure how about this afternoon, sorry for the suddenness of all this, I'm going away this weekend.” He sounded sincere as he asked
“Sure that's fine there's a pretty decent café on baker street?” You add
“Great, is 2pm okay?”
“Sure.” You smile before ending the call. You look around the room as if checking there was nobody around before doing a giddy little dance, everything was working out. And a month before christmas? Must be a miracle. You skipped to your shower and proceeded to get ready before heading downstairs to find Sherlock downstairs sat in his chair.
“Afternoon” he smiled warmly 
“Hey” you smiled heading to the kitchen to make a cup of tea before you left. It wasn’t long before his arms snaked from behind you as he planted kisses down your neck. “What are you doing?” you laughed as he slid his hands downward playing with the fat of your ass.
“Entertaining myself.” He purred pushing his crotch against you
“As much as i’d like to, we should discuss some things first, but right now i have to go.” You hand him your tea realising it was pointless to make one and headed to the door.
“Where are you going?” He asked curiously 
“To meet my professor he wants to discuss my story.” You say putting on your coat
“I thought you were kicked out of university?”
“He still wants to tutor me.” You smile as you head down the stairs.
Before Sherlock had time to reply his attention was drawn to familiar sound. A buzz in his pocket and a familiar moan, the moan he’d forgotten about, he looked at his phone and there it was.
The woman: Miss me? X
A/N: God ts been so long since i posted a chapter for this. i'll be honest it just a filler but as the ending suggests some interesting things are comming. i finnish college soon and will have about 4 months between now and unversity so hopng to get an upload schedual down so hopefully i won't have big gaps between posts.
I hope you're enjoying reading this as much as i am writing it.
back soon :)
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