#more than a drabble bc i dont know how to shut up but
itsjaywalkers · 2 months
a little silly jegulus for my darling @veryinnovative !! happy birthday ino MWAH <333 (very very light nsfw)
"What the fuck did I just walk into?"
Regulus doesn't even bother to look up from where he's sitting on the floor, head between his knees as he waits for God—or whoever is up there, really, he isn't fussed—to fucking smite him. He does, however, let out a pitiful sound, both in acknowledgement and as a response. It doesn't explain much, he's aware of that, but Barty knows him enough at this point. He doesn't require anything else from him.
"Yeah, I can see you're having a bit of a breakdown," Barty huffs out, and Regulus hears his steps, light and careful, getting closer to him. "What brought it on this time, though? I literally just went to the corner shop to grab some Redbulls. It's been 15 minutes since I left and you were fine."
Regulus makes another pathetic noise, still refusing to raise his head. This one is a bit more petulant, because Barty has a talent for bringing out his pettiest side, even when he's experiencing unknown levels of distress.
"Babe, I'm gonna need you to give me something else," Barty insists, before sighing heavily. His walking comes to a halt, and Regulus doesn't need to check to know he's standing right in front of him.
He groans, but decides to be merciful, despite being aware that Barty knowing about what's upsetting him this much won't do him any favours. Barty can be a surprisingly supportive friend when it matters, but he's insufferable when he's right.
Regulus lifts his arm and points to his left, hoping he's being accurate enough, considering he isn't even looking. He keeps the position for a couple of seconds before dropping the arm back down, going back to hugging his legs tightly.
Barty begins moving once again, but stops after taking a few steps. "And what the fuck does that mean?" Barty exclaims, and Regulus can picture him throwing his hands up in the air. It almost drags a smile out of him. "You pointed at the couch. Am I supposed to believe our couch attacked you?"
Regulus exhales loudly through his nose, but doesn't deign that with a response.
"Because even if it did, Reg, I'm sorry to say you're gonna have get over yourself and your cute little breakdown. That couch cost us a fortune, and it's where Rosie first kissed me, so I refuse to—"
A sudden buzz interrupts Barty's train of thought. It makes Regulus' blood go cold, and he attempts to bury his face even deeper between his legs, a pained moan escaping his mouth as his face burns.
"What was that?" Barty mumbles, pacing around their living room. "Was it your phone? Why don't you have your phone on you?"
Regulus lets out a grumble, burrowing himself tighter in his own embrace while he listens to his best friend search for the origin of the sound.
It buzzes again, and Regulus is this close to grab the stupid device and throw it out the window, when Barty clicks his tongue, some ruffling following the noise.
"There it is," he says quietly. "Why the hell did you bury it under all the cushions? I know you're not a big fan of it, but this is simply—"
Realisation dawns on Regulus way too late, and by the time he snaps his head up, clumsily trying to get back on his feet as fast as possible but only ending up on his knees, Barty already has his phone in his hands. His eyes are wide, lips slightly parted, and he seems to be reading Regulus' notifications.
He's never regretted giving him his password as much as this instant.
"Barty, that's not—" Regulus starts, strained.
"Oh my fucking god," Barty murmurs, gaze fixated on the screen of the phone. He's not even blinking, and the stupid thing buzzes again, lighting up with a new message.
"Shut up," Regulus says, the blush on his face worsening by the second, as if it knows what's coming.
"I told you," Barty responds, still not looking away from Regulus' phone. "I fucking told you, dude—"
"Shut up!" Regulus repeats in a hiss, pushing himself up a little shakily but managing to regain his balance, not even hesitating before beginning to make his way towards his friend. "Give me my phone back!"
"No way," Barty snorts, dodging Regulus at the very last second, barely avoiding getting tackled into the couch. "This is too good, Reg, I can't believe you fucked up this badly. I would've killed myself if I were you—"
"Shut the fuck up!" Regulus snarls, cheeks aflame while he follows Barty around their apartment, attempting to get his phone back. "As if you're not completely shameless—"
"At least I've never been caught screenshotting my crush's thirst traps—"
"He's not my crush! I literally cannot stand him!"
Barty barks out a laugh, and it makes him falter enough for Regulus to get ahold of the hem of his shirt. However, his grasp is too loose, and Barty breaks away from it before Regulus can tighten it and finally take back what's rightfully his.
"Tell that to the dozen screenshots of his shirtless pics you have in your gallery."
Regulus makes an outraged sound, doubling his efforts, the heat in his face becoming almost unbearable as he chases his annoying best friend.
"That's an invasion of privacy!" he yells, grabbing one of the cushions and throwing it at Barty's head. He hits him right on the face, and it makes him feel considerably better, especially when Barty gives him his most deadpan expression. "Why are you in my gallery?"
"Well, Reg, after reading Potter's texts I got curious. I thought 'it can't be that bad, Reg is subtler than this' but it definitely can be that bad—"
"Stop! You're making such a big deal out of it, there's barely any—"
"Reg, babe, you have a folder just dedicated to James Potter's snapchats."
"It's for better organisation—"
"You must've been blowing his phone up with all those screenshots. Honestly, I don't understand how he hansn't blocked your creepy ass yet—"
"I know you aren't lecturing me about being creepy. You just aren't. Or do I have to remind you the kind of shit you pulled back when Evan wasn't giving you the time of day—"
"The joke's on you, idiot, Rosie is very much into my creepy shit," Barty retorts, stopping for a second just so he can put his hands on his hips and stare down at Regulus. "Although, I suppose Potter must like your freak behaviour too, considering how desperate he seems to be about getting you to reply. Not like I'm surprised, it's gotta be a boost to his massive ego—"
"Stop. Stop. Stop fucking talking—" Regulus lunges at him once more, but Barty is prepared every fucking time, avoiding him without breaking a sweat. "This is all your fault!"
Barty gapes at him. "How is this my fault? I warned you, dude! I told you people get notifications when you screenshot their stories—"
"Well, you didn't warn me hard enough!" Regulus schreeches, burying his hands inside his curls and pulling frantically. He feels like he's a breeze way from losing his shit. "James followed me back out of fucking nowhere, even though I was on my secret account, and then he began texting me all these things. Teasing me, making fun of me, always so fucking full of himself. And as if that weren't bad enough, then my brother also texted me just to sent me a voice note of himself laughing his ass off for two minutes—"
"I don't blame him," Barty snorts with a shake of his head. "Doesn't he live with Potter?"
"Yes. Yes, he does," Regulus mumbles, nearly hysterical. "And I really didn't need the reminder—"
"Sorry, sorry." Barty doesn't sound sorry in the slightest. "Listen, it might not be as bad as you think. Potter will get tired of you ignoring him soon, and then he'll give up and drop it, and this will just become an anecdote that we'll all laugh about in a couple of months. I mean, I'm already laughing."
Regulus stops trying to tear his hair out for a moment, narrowed eyes focusing on his best friend as he squirms in his place, shifting the weight from one foot to another. "You think so?"
"I know so," Barty assures him, and his confidence is somehow relieving, even though Regulus knows better than to trust anything that comes out of his big mouth. "You can finish having you breakdown, if you want, but you have nothing to—"
Another buzz cuts Barty off. The noise makes Regulus tense up almost unconsciously, because after today, he doesn't think he'll be able to listen to the bloody sound without having a heart attack. His shoulders relax slightly a second later, before going stiff once more when the buzzing doesn't stop.
"Oh," Barty whispers, eloquently. "Someone's calling."
"Potter is calling."
"Fuck," Regulus says, with feeling. "Fuck."
"Yeaaaah," Barty drawls, gaze jumping from the vibrating phone in his hand to Regulus' panicked face. He's wearing that irritating shit-eating grin of his. "Forget what I said. I was lying anyway. You're fucked, dude."
"Shut your fucking mouth and hang up," Regulus snaps, heart beating so violently he can feel it in his fucking throat.
Barty tilts his head to the side, considering. Regulus gives him a warning look, getting mildly sick at the way in which Barty's smirk only appears to spread even wider. "Where's the fun in that, though?"
Regulus feels himself go pale, bile climbing up his throat. He swallows it back down with some struggle, his insides burning.
"You wouldn't," he mumbles, his phone still ringing.
"Wouldn't I?" Barty questions, arching in an eyebrow.
His best friend is picking up the phone even before Regulus has finished uttering his name. Barty presses the device next to his ear a second later, and there's an almost manic quality to his grin.
"Hey, Potter," he greets, voice filled with glee. Regulus almost screams. "Yeah, yeah, he's here, why?"
Regulus shakes his head furiously, hands moving widely and forming cross after cross, despite Barty ignoring every single one of his signs. His best friend starts walking towards him, and Regulus retreats hastily until his back meets the wall.
"Oh, you wanna speak to him?" Barty is saying into the phone, gaze never leaving Regulus. "And it's urgent? Hm."
Please, Regulus says inaudibly, the perfect picture of desperation.
There's a pause, and for a brief moment, Regulus thinks Barty is about to take pity on him. Put an end to the joke before it ruins what's left of Regulus' dignity.
But Barty is Barty, and considering he seems to feed on Regulus' misery, he ends up smiling big, showing all of his teeth, before he gives James another affirmative reply and then he's handing the phone to Regulus.
He's convinced that Barty has never spoken this politely to James, but Regulus supposes that Barty is more than willing to put his hatred aside when the goal is to take the piss out of him.
Regulus clutches the phone and slowly, his hand shaking, he presses it to his ear. He doesn't say anything, but he lets out a shuddery exhale.
"Regulus?" James murmurs at the other side of the line, and the sound of his voice is nearly enough for him to drop the phone.
"Yeah?" he responds after a beat, the word coming out surprisingly calm.
"Finally done ignoring me?" James questions, and Regulus closes his eyes tight, turning away from Barty's figure. If he has to keep staring at him poorly repressing his laughter, he'll end up murdering him.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Regulus sniffs.
"Oh, don't you?" James chuckles, amused, and Regulus hates the havoc that that mere noise wrecks inside his guts. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, love. I'm very flattered, you know?"
"I bet you are," Regulus bites back, glaring at nowhere in particular. "It really isn't what you think—"
"No? You haven't been taking screenshots of all my shirtless pics?"
"Not all of them were shirtless pics," Regulus complains weakly.
James laughs again, louder this time, and it fill his chest with warmth. "True. I think there was a couple of selfies, too."
"And that one pic with your little cousin," Regulus adds, because he hates himself, apparently.
Barty's cackles turn unbearable, and Regulus' fingers twitch around his phone. He's making a run for his room a second later, slamming the door right behind him, even though the walls are so thin he can still hear the faint sound of his best friend's laughter.
"Ah, yes," James hums, seemingly deep in thought. "That one threw me off a little."
"How so?"
"You see, I assumed you were just collecting wanking material—"
"James!" Regulus hisses through gritted teeth, so ridiculously flustered he feels mildy dizzy. "Don't be disgusting!"
"Nothing wrong with that," James rushes to say, and Regulus hates how sincere he sounds. How pleased.
"Really? You wouldn't find it weird? Knowing that I—that someone has masturbated to your pictures?"
"Well, have you?"
"You wish."
"I do," James retorts without missing a beat, always so shameless. "It'd make me feel better about all the times I've jerked off to the thought of you."
Regulus sits down on the edge of his bed, knees failing him and ears ringing. He swears he can feel his soul leaving his body.
"What?" he says, voice embarrasingly high-pitched.
"What?" James repeats it with a laugh, as if this is all very amusing to him. "Say, love, what are you wearing right now?"
Regulus pulls his phone away from his ear momentarily, blinking at the screen. The call is real, and still ongoing, even though Regulus is certain he must be imagining this whole conversation, because there's simply no way.
"No," he retorts robotically as soon as the phone is back against his ear.
"No?" James inquires, some hesitance slipping into his tone.
"We're not doing this," Regulus insists.
"And what's 'this', hmm?"
"You know what! I don't know what game you're playing, Potter, but I want no part in it."
"There's no game, love. I mean this."
"No, you don't."
"No offence, Reg, but I think I know what I want better than you do."
Regulus laughs, but it's nervous, and shaky, and forced. "And what do you want?" he asks, trying his best to sound as mocking as possible. Regulus isn't sure he does a good job. "Me?"
"Yeah. Yeah. I want you so bad it's actually driving me insane."
Regulus lets out a choked off noise, and the urge to throw his phone against the wall is so strong he has no idea of how he manages to supress it.
There's a moment of silence, and then, "Regulus," James calls him again, and he straightens up as a reflex. "What are you wearing right now?"
Regulus rolls his lower lip between his teeth, pressing his thighs together. "Just some shorts and one of Barty's shirts."
There's a sharp inhale of breath.
"I hate that," James grumbles, and Regulus can feel himself frown.
"Well, I'm sorry it's not anything sexy, but I wasn't expecting—"
"No, no, it's not that, love, you look gorgeous in everything."
Regulus puts the back of his hand over his mouth, despite the fact that there's no one to see his smile.
"Then?" he questions.
"I just—you're wearing his clothes."
"Who's? Barty's?" Regulus blinks a couple of times. "Yes, of course, he's my friend—"
"Just that? Just your friend?"
"Why, Potter? Are you jealous?"
"Yeah, James," Regulus sighs, probably sounding more pleased than he should. "He's just a friend."
"Good. Good."
"You know, this talk isn't really turning me on."
James chuckles softly, and Regulus' cheeks hurt from how big he's smiling.
"Aw, man, really?" he whines, almost making Regulus laugh. "That's such a shame. I've been half-hard since we started talking."
"James!" Regulus scolds him, but it probably doesn't have the desired effect, considering his grin is basically audible.
"I'm serious!" he laughs, and Regulus shakes his head, leaning back until his back touches the bed. "It's not my fault your cock is so fussy—"
"Don't have a cock," Regulus answers without thinking.
James falls silent, and Regulus is about to take it back, laugh it off or even hang up without an explanation, but then James is speaking up again.
"A cunt, then," James says, and he sounds okay, casual, even if a little stiff. "Is that—are you comfortable with that word, or...?"
"Yeah," Regulus tells him softly, almost in a sigh. "I don't really mind that much, I just—I didn't want you to think—"
"It's completely fine, love. Really. Doesn't make any difference to me. And I know I shouldn't have assumed—"
"You're fine, James," Regulus reassures him, endlessly endeared by this ridiculous man.
"I'm glad, because I genuinely want to do this," James says quietly, like it's a secret. A confession only meant for Regulus' ears.
"And what's 'this'? Phone sex?"
"That, and a date."
Regulus stops breating. "A date?"
"A date," James affirms. "More than one, hopefully, but I'm trying not to push my luck."
"Aren't you doing this a bit backwards? Considering you're already attempting to get in my pants."
"Maybe. But I'm very impatient, and I've been waiting for this a while, love."
Regulus goes silent, pretending to think it over. James' tension is palpable even through the phone, and he delights a little in making him squirm for once.
"Okay," he ends up saying, hoping his enthusiasm isn't too obvious.
"Okay?" James repeats dumbly.
"Okay, I'll go on a date with you."
"Shit, really?" James sounds so excited it drags a giggle out of Regulus. "That's—fucking amazing, we're gonna have so much fun, Reg—"
"And about that phone sex," he goes on, casting a glance at his closed door, "you can call me again tonight, and then we'll see.
James' breath hitches on the other side of the line, and Regulus presses his legs even closer together. He hasn't felt this giddy in quite a long time.
Horny, too, but he thinks the wait will be more than worth it.
"Yeah?" James exhales.
Regulus is already counting down the minutes.
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Hi! I’ve recently joined the TCF fandom (about a month ago, and I’m currently reading the novel hehe) and I guess you could say that I’m a really huge simp for Cale SO ITS A BLESSING THAT I CAME ACROSS YOUR ACCOUNT THANK YOU SO MUCH I REALLY LOVE YOUR WRITING!!
I was wondering if it’s alright to request? Could you write on what would it be like if Cale is jealous bc reader isnt giving him any attention or smth?im curious on how youd interpret him if he does get jelly like is he possessive of reader or just petty to others or to reader? Or a mix of both?
It’s really alright if you won’t accept this request, have a good daayyy!!
HELLOOO BABEYYY im about to go to sleep so let's talk about this for my late night scenarios
I hope it's okay for me to just write about what I think instead of a drabble🥲 also my first time working with bullet points yikes
there's a spoiler in here so please pay attention to the red letters! im putting a warning inside so u can skip the spoilers.
i've had this rant before in my voice memos but i'll share my thoughts with the world
my man Cale is such a chill person so i think it's a bit hard(?) for him to get jealous
not that he doesnt care, he just trusts his significant other
i usually associate jealousy with insecurity so im pretty sure he's gonna be fineee
he's really confident with his looks and wealth and isnt the slightest bit insecure
(honestly? remembering the life he led before this one, im pretty sure he's grateful of what he has now)
hes also pretty sure you're not as close to other people than him
(let's be honest here, if you manage to steal this guy's heart, chances are you're spending nearly a 100% of your time with him and sharing the most deepest and vulnerable parts of your life with him)
he might not be all jealous but i have a feeling that he's territorial (im using the term as loosely as possible)
it's important for other people to know that you're a part of his family and know that they shouldn't bother you with nonsense
this would actually result in you walking around with a certain item that basically screams CALE HENITUSE'S PEOPLE, PROCEED WITH CAUTION
possessive? i dont think he's one to get possessive.
i forgot in what chapter but when the half-blood dragon mentioned about raon being "cale's dragon", cale immediately shuts him down
"Why is he my dragon? He is Raon Miru. Just Raon." or smth along those lines.
that really made me believe that Cale isn't the type to get possessive with people
Cale has always been someone who preaches about "being alive is the best" so if he were to be possessive, it would just be really,,, out of character ig💀
let's not talk about the priest smut i got in here
he had always talk about how people (especially his kids) are allowed to do whatever they want so yeah, him being possessive doesnt really fit him imo
(okay whee this got kinda long)
everyone stand back, I have HCs about needy!Cale
the most annoying motherfucker on earth istg
you're just trying to look over reports
and hes staring at you with a frown on his face bcs??
this is snack time, [name]. SNACK TIME
why are you working???
why are you not enjoying your break with HIM?
do you know that tendency cats have when they see glass on the table?
where they just swoop on the fucking thing while staring at you dead in the eye as the sound of breaking glass fills the room?
he does that but with more consideration
basically he WILL make you stop working
he'll start with asking you questions and you'll answer him without looking up
"how was your day?"
"mhm, it was fine"
okay thats a bit...
cale doesnt like the fact that you're not looking at him and telling him about your day because what the heck?
he loves listening to ur voice and how your day went.
how dare u rob him of that pleasure?
"what's that?"
you waved the papers a bit but still doesnt look up, "work. you know, the usual."
"right..." cale stared at the papers in your hands. "what's it about?"
at this point, he's desperate to make you talk to him
"it's boring stuff," you told him, flipping a paper to check for something. "you'll fall asleep on your chair if i start explaining it."
okay WOW that's so not true!!
that paperwork shit is really boring tho, he cant make any promises💀
okay so cale failed his first attempt of getting you to pay attention
next attempt is by bothering you with another method
he's placing his hand on yours to get you to look at him, but even that was futile
you pulled your hand back because you needed to write smth
he's shuffling closer to you and you barely reacted because "yeah thats normal behavior for cale"
okay WOW, how long are you gonna keep this up?
you know how cats just slithers into your lap when you're doing smth?
he does that
he just laid his head down on your lap and while you're startled, he takes the paperwork away from your hand and placed it on the table
"cale... i need to work," you'd say with a frown.
"you can work later," he told you, grabbing your hand and giving it a light kiss. "you're supposed to be spending time with me."
"you've been paying attention to your paperwork ever since you entered my room," he cuts you off with a small frown. "and didnt i say my bedroom is a free work zone?"
you raised an eyebrow. "i thought that only applies to you?"
"well, now it applies to you, too. so stop working."
honestly, what are you going to do with this man?
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introloves · 4 years
i saw you mention destroying virgin hinata,,,,,pls elaborate. i didn’t realize i needed that in my life but omg. head full many thoughts
omg my first drabble for hinata, lets see if i can do this sunshine justice bc brazil hinata lives rent free in my head so we going with big muscle, sun-kissed hinata for this one hehe (ALSO OOPS THIS GOT KINDA LONG SORRY!) also this is for f! reader!
he felt guilty, hinata felt absolutely guilty looking at you like he wanted to devour you.
the way your thighs looked beneath the dress you wore, your soft skin, you looked supple and beautiful.
you were perched on his couch, legs crisscrossed, comfy around your boyfriend.
“y-yeah?” you giggled at the way he seemed to be absolutely out of it.
“you’ve been staring at me for a long time, you okay?” the tips of his ears flushed red, he looked away swiftly, unable to meet your gaze.
“yeah! its just...” he exhaled, steeling himself, “you look good.”
hinata pinned you with a stare you’ve only seen him sport during volleyball.
this time you ran hot with his gaze, your hand came up to block him from view while you basically simmered into the couch.
he was on you in no time, prying your hands away, he thought that he had made you feel bad. you quickly dismissed his claims. explaining to him just how intense he could look.
by this point he was well aware of the feelings simmering in his stomach, no one had ever made him feel like you did. you made him feel like a man, so far his life practically evolved around volleyball, he just recently squeezed you in. you had been quickly taking a larger part of his heart, and as he hovered over you, wrists still in his hand, he realized that he was aroused.
he felt gross at the thought, you weren’t doing anything particularly sexual, just the way your skin looked presented so pretty for him made his baser instincts flare.
your eyes formed half moons as you smiled brightly up at him, still in a playing mood you shook free of his grasp, wrestling your much stronger boyfriend down beneath you.
your dress had hitched itself even higher as you perched on his lap not caring about flashing your undies at him, hinata always made you feel safe and you weren’t a very modest person anyways.
he squeaked as you settled right on top his dick, which was growing with need, throbbing at the heat currently situated right atop it.
“s-stop you shouldn’t-“ he squeaked out, your eyebrows furrowed at the sudden change in attitude he had.
“shouldn’t what?” you asked, leaning forward to try and lock your gaze with his. he jumped, hands coming to clamp down on your waist.
your eyes widened at the realization, he was hard against you.
he made a move to tug you off him, but you placed a hand on his forearms.
“l-let me... help you.”
he was your boyfriend after all, this was something boyfriend and girlfriends did.
those words like a punch to the gut, he was sure he was going to cum embarrassingly fast with how just your words affected him.
he nodded, releasing a breath he didnt know he was holding as you smiled... and began rocking your hips against him.
there was no soft build up, he quickly blinked in awe at the feeling of your cunt dragging over his dick.
his hands kept a bruising grip on your waist, biceps bulging with the restraint of ‘dont cum, dont cum, dont cum’ playing over and over in his head.
your own pants lingered in the air as his dick provided the hardness you needed to get off, there was little barrier between your undies (which were soaking... much to hinatas pleasure) and him.
hinata had never felt like this, the fantasy of a woman’s heat so close to him paled in comparison to you rocking against him. his toes curled, his own hips rocking up to meet you.
he couldnt keep up, this was too much too soon for him. he didnt wanna cum in his pants like a teenaged boy. he was ashamed at how little expirience he had, but he still wanted to make you feel good.
you sped up suddenly, wanting to see how he’d react to your teasing, but it felt like his world was tilting on its axis.
he stopped you, mustering all the strength he could to keep you still above him.
“s-stop! stop... please stop.” he cried.
“you dont wanna?” you huffed, struggling to keep your undulating hips still. hinata groaned out a painful noise, he ran a hand through his vibrant hair in frustration, and embarrassment. how was he going to tell his absolute sexy girlfriend he was twenty something and still a virgin.
with a deep breath he managed to stutter out a coherent sentence.
“i’m a virgin.” the words hung heavy around him, he sat there once again unable to meet your gaze.
you shuddered at the confession, it was like a switch had flipped. you once again moved against him and hinata all but choked at the feeling of your cunt work yourself over him.
“i’m going to ruin you.” you rasped out, hands coming up to cup his face as you held him against you while your mouth clashed against his.
“fuuuck.” he groaned at your words, his head thrown back agaist the couch to breathe, disconnected from your kiss for just a second.
you were going to ruin him? those words played over and over, he pondered the thought before he realized he wanted you to ruin him.
he nodded, unable to speak, his tongue heavy in his mouth.
you made quick work of his pants, moving his boxers down his thighs.
your eyes roamed up his dick, it was so pretty. it was pale and much bigger than what you had thought, you knew it was going to give you a good burn once you sunk down onto it.
it was your turn to let out a fucked out noise and hinata ate it up, swallowing hard at the way you regarded him.
“all good?” he questioned, nervous at having someone else look at him like this.
“oh shoyo, its better than good. you have such a nice cock.”
and with that you move your panties to the side, once again hinata tenses at the look of your dripping pussy. he moans unabashedly at the sight, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as you begin sheating yourself onto him.
hes never felt anything so tight, his eyes wide as he stares up at you in awe.
you thought you’d hold up better than you were currently, maybe it was because it was shoyo filling you up, or because of the position you were in made him reach inside you extra deep, whatever it was you panted like a dog in heat.
“sthat okay?” you slurred and he could do nothing more than nod, eyes tightly closed. his hips jerked beneath you, twitching.
you bit your lip at the jolts, knowing he wasnt going to last long.
“i’m already close. i’m sorry, im so sorry.” he whines, and you quickly shut him up.
“shh.” you coo, starting a slow pace up and down his cock.
“youre doing so good, youre doing so good for me.” you whine, choking on the way he felt against you... fuck maybe you were going to cum.
however that thought is short lived as you impale yourself onto him, over and over.
“fuck! i’m cumming! i’m cumming!” he babbles, taking a hold of you and pushing you down on him, you let him, you let him use you for the time being while he cums hotly inside you.
hinata jerks with the force of his release, cumming harder than he ever as.
you do nothing but coo above him,
“there you go, cum for me.”
he’s dizzy with your words and the way you clench around him to prolong his release.
hes well spent by the time he finally stops painting your pussy white with his cum.
there’s a minute of reprieve, just breathing against you until he gasps as he realizes just exactly what happened.
he grabs you unexpectedly. pushing his nose right between your boobs, laughing.
“youre my first!” he laughs, the type of laugh that comes deep within his stomach.
“and you just made me cum so hard.” he holds you tight, hands roaming your back, squeezing your ass slightly.
you laugh with him, heart so very light because with hinata everything is so easy.
“you know i’m going to pay you back for that right?” you make no noise, still processing what he means by that statement- until he makes a show of pistoning his softening cock in and out of you, making an absolute mess, his cum and your slickness dripping down his balls, slickening your thighs, making you squelch against it all.
you pant, worried about your pussy as you remember his insane stamina.
“w-what a second shoyo! you need to wait, aren’t you still sensitive?” you question, and he pins you with another intense gaze.
“whats that gotta do with anything?” he deadpans.
he had the gaze of a predator now, as you looked up at you between your tits.
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bangtaninink · 3 years
“it’s never a bad time to watch 'shrek’!” + joon (i dont have an au for this bc theres never a specific instance for shrek. watching shrek is good all the time)
DRABBLE NUMBER......... 006 MEMBER............................ kim namjoon (rm) AU......................................... police
"_____, i count two behind you," namjoon's voice comes through your earpiece. "watch your six."
"got it," you reply, voice low, keeping your grip tight on your pistol as you round the corner, pressing your back against the wall and listening for approaching footsteps.
"they're about five steps behind you."
you nod, despite not being able to see namjoon directly. the footsteps grow louder, and you count one, two, three, four...
you quickly turn over the corner of the wall, arm extended to fire a bullet into the shoulder of each of the men following behind you, impact knocking them back. another bullet each shoots the guns from their hands, and you run, gun pointed at the them.
"don't even think about moving, you two," you say, boot coming down onto one man's chest to keep him still. "seoul metro police. you're both under arrest."
"man, i hate to say it, but that was kinda badass," hoseok says, grinning as he approaches you and namjoon. "good job, you two."
"thanks," you say, chuckling as you pull the velcro strip keeping your vest shut.
"i hardly think i can take any of the credit," namjoon says, leaning against the patrol car. "considering i was just surveillance today."
"i know," hoseok says, already walking off. "i was just trying to be nice. _____ definitely did all the work."
"_____. namjoon."
the both of you turn to see yoongi approaching, arms tucked into the pockets of his coat, plumes of smoke slipping from the top of the thick scarf wrapped around his neck.
"congratulations," he says, corners of his lips just slightly lifted in something that looks like a smile. "i see your crazy plan paid off in the end, _____."
"ah, well. you know me, captain. i'm a big fan of the unconventional," you reply, shrugging.
"and i'm sure i'll have your report for this case on my desk first thing tomorrow."
"sure you will. namjoon will make sure of it. right, joon?"
"ah, well. you know me. i love a good written report hours after completing a raid," namjoon says, shrugging too.
"i feel like i should be concerned that you're being genuine about that, but it saves me a lot of time, so i'm gonna move on from that," yoongi says, expression hardly shifting. "clean yourselves up, and then you're dismissed for the day."
you and namjoon nod, watching as yoongi walks off, laughing quietly to yourselves when hoseok visibly tenses and straightens up when he spots the captain coming his way.
"hey," namjoon says, nudging your shoulder. "wanna come back to my place, order some takeout and just hang out? i think we deserve a chill night."
"sounds perfect," you say.
"behold! one of the greatest movies of all time!"
you look up from your chinese takeout, chopsticks halfway to your lips, at the screen of namjoon's tv.
"you're kidding, right?" you say, eating a mouthful of noodles.
"this is a classic," namjoon says, sitting down on the sofa next to you, reaching for his container of sweet and sour pork.
"we just took down the second biggest drug cartel in the city -- maybe the country -- and you wanna celebrate that by watching 'shrek'? sounds bad."
"it's never a bad time to watch 'shrek'! it's fun for the whole family, has an original plotline, and ends with an iconic musical number."
"namjoon, as your partner, i feel like i have a responsibility to tell you when you're being weird, so i'm gonna go ahead and say it: you're being really fuckin' weird," you say, sighing and chuckling as you shake your head, watching the opening scene fade in from black.
"i would watch this in our car if i could. or at my desk. maybe i'll watch this again tomorrow morning when i write up our report," he says, turning up the volume.
"you're literally missing the best part right now," namjoon says quietly. he doesn't look away from the screen, watching animated robin hood swing from branch to branch as he sings, eyes wide, the corners of his lips slightly raised in a small smile. "'monsieur hood'! hah. so good."
he mouths along to the dialogue, completely engrossed in the movie; until, that is, he feels a weight on his arm all of a sudden.
namjoon turns and looks down to see you leaning up against him, eyes shut, lips slightly parted, soft, equal breaths clearing showing you're asleep.
"really?" he scoffs quietly. "you're gonna fall asleep in the middle of 'shrek'? how disrespectful..."
his words trail off, because the longer he looks at you, the more he realises that maybe there's more to you than being his hot-headed partner, who drinks a minimum of three large coffees a day, and smokes a couple cigarettes at every lunch break. it's strange to see you so... calm, so relaxed and peaceful.
his eyes fall to the small bandaid stuck above your eyebrow from where a piece of glass had cut you earlier, confused as to why he suddenly feels so worried about how the scar will heal, or if the raid you both pulled off tonight might somehow come back to haunt you in the future. namjoon feels a small flutter in his chest at the thought that maybe you'll have trouble sleeping at night because of this case -- or any of your other cases later on -- and maybe, just maybe, he should do a better job at looking out for you, the way you seem to do for him all the time without him realising.
"mmm... do you know the muffin man?" you suddenly mutter in your sleep, turning to hide your face in his arm. "'cause i do, you son of a bitch."
it takes every ounce of willpower for namjoon not to laugh.
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thotantics · 5 years
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✦ genre — smut, drabble
✗ warnings  — graphic description of sex, mmf threesome, unsafe sex, rough sex, gagging, choking, forced oral sex (all consensual, just rough uwu)
✎ word count — 1,275
[A/N] someone requested a dom!chankai threesome M O N T H S ago but i recently cleared out my inbox and drafts so i dont have their exact request, but i wanted to do something short and fun bc they’ve been killing me recently so, @ anon, wherever u r, i hope this is ok for u :((
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You definitely didn’t think your evening would lead to this, but you had no complaints. Jongin had pulled you over his lap so he could run his hands up your shirt as you kiss, tongue slow and sensual while his fingers leave goosebumps in their trek over every blazing inch of your skin that he could reach.
For the first few minutes, Chanyeol is content just watching the two of you. He’s so quiet that you almost forget he’s there, that the whole reason you moved to the other side of the couch to snuggle up to Jongin was to make him jealous. He doesn’t react outwardly at all until Jongin’s unhooking your bra, mouthing eagerly down your chest to capture a nipple between his lips.
“Go ahead and get her nice and wet for me, then.” Chanyeol says, voice low and husky even as Jongin’s lips curve into a smile around the tip of your breast, eyes flickering up to gaze at your expression.
“Are you going to let him play with you, baby?” Jongin coos up to you, head lifting from the valley of your breasts to tease your lips with his tongue, eyes dancing over your face to gauge your reaction.
“He only wants me because you have me.” You tell him, glancing back to see Chanyeol shifting his legs farther apart, erection straining in his jeans.
“You say that like I haven’t already had you, my pretty little slut.” Chanyeol laughs, “Go ahead and have your fun. I want to see how far you’ll take this.”
His cockiness only spurs you onto your knees, tits out, wrestling briefly with Jongin’s zipper to get his throbbing cock free and into your mouth. You sit closely, breasts on display, toying with your nipples while you bob your head, gagging yourself on the length of him.
You weren’t sure who were showing off for more at this point, Jongin or Chanyeol. Both were staring wide eyed at you, mouth agape. Jongin was resisting tangling his hands in your hair and fucking your pretty mouth, because you were doing such a good job all on your own. Instead, he flexed his hips in time with the pace you set, rolling up to meet you, groaning when your throat convulsed and tightened determinedly when you gagged on him.
Chanyeol’s impressed. He didn’t think you had this in you but he’s not going to break up the party just yet. He wonders if you’ll make Jongin cum, if you’ll swallow, if your mouth will taste like him when Chanyeol kisses you next. He’s surprised when you stand and strip out of your jeans, fingers massaging against your clit just before you spear yourself on Jongin’s wet dick.
Watching someone else slide inside of you is equal parts infuriating and stunningly beautiful. Chanyeol’s been inside you more than a handful of times but he’s never seen you take dick like this. You’re bouncing on it like it’s your job, head thrown back, moaning like a porn star and he knows it’s all for him. It’s all for show, but that just makes the whole thing more infuriating.
Jongin is enjoying your tight pussy far too much, and Chanyeol needs you to shut the fuck up with all the high pitched moaning, squealing Jongin’s name, so he stands and crosses the room with his cock in his hand. Gripping your hair at the back of your head, he feeds you his cock, successfully stopping all the noises you’re able to make except muffled groans and harsh gasps when Jongin snaps his hips up, controlling the pace.
It’s a punishing rhythm that the two men sync up in to, Jongin fucking you with precise thrusts directly to your cervix and Chanyeol, hips jutting out, yanking you by the hair back and forth, dragging your mouth over the length of his thick cock.
“Slut,” He hisses, finally giving you a moment to breathe, his mouth crashing down onto yours, kissing you messily, his hands cupping your face firmly to make up for the way Jongin has you bouncing on his lap. “You fucking love this, huh?” Chanyeol then he yanks and pulls, disconnecting you from Jongin harshly so both of you cry out in complaint, but Chanyeol shoves you over just as quickly, bowing you so your face is in Jongin’s lap and he enters you from the back, hissing, “Clean up the mess you made, slut.”
You’re barely balanced on your feet, calves aching but the deep punch of his cock repeatedly slamming into you feels so fucking good. You grab onto Jongin’s thighs for balance and he lifts his hips, bringing his slick dick closer to your face, his hands tender when he pets your hair back out of your face for you.
“That’s it, baby,” Jongin chuckles quietly, “Open wide..”
You do what he says, mouth flying open and tongue reaching out until you taste it, a salty mixture of precum and your own pussy fluids coating the gorgeous cock in front of you. Jongin is kinder about it than Chanyeol, letting you do the work but with the other man behind you slamming your cunt so fiercely, it was difficult to build a rhythm.
Instead you find yourself noisily slurping, mouth vacuum suctioning and sporadically choking, spit drooling onto Jongin’s lap but he’s so sweet, stroking your hair and your cheeks, he doesn’t even care.
“Fuck me so good,” He whispers for only you to hear, “Such a good girl.”
At the same instant Chanyeol’s heavy hand comes down hard on your ass, and your knees buckle, but he tucks an arm around your midsection and holds you up.
“You can’t give up yet,” Chanyeol tells you, “Make him cum.”
You double your efforts, arms shaking as you try to steady yourself and Jongin, toes curling into the carpet, finally grips tightly onto your hair and juts his hips up harsh, one final time, cumming so much that it spills from the corners of your lips and drools into his lap while he groans your name.
Chanyeol rips you back from Jongin then, standing you upright, your back pressed tight to his chest, and he fucks you with one leg lifted high, giving Jongin a good view of exactly where your bodies are joined.
With one hand lifting the back of your knee, his other grips your throat, squeezing tight enough to make your head spin while he whispers against your ear lobe, “Who’s pussy is this?”
“Yours,” You choke back to him.
“Louder.” Chanyeol grunts.
“My pussy’s yours!” You gasp when his hand massages your throat and lets you catch a lung full of air, eyes on Jongin who’s smirking up at you from his spot on the couch, relaxed and amused, cock still rock hard and flexing when he notices you noticing it.
You cum like that, limbs flailing wildly, Chanyeol pinning you to his front like you’re his doll, and Jongin smiling at you in that wicked way that makes your knees feel weak. It’s explosive, soaking down your and Chanyeol’s thighs, every muscle in your body tensing and releasing rhytmically as he fucks you through the height of your orgasm. His cock stutters and his hands dig in tight to your hips, slamming you hard against him, rubbing and grinding and pulsing, his breath ragged and husky and desperate until he’s filling you with hot pumps of cum.
Chanyeol is breathing heavy and collapsing onto the couch next to Jongin while you’re left standing, legs wobbly like a newborn giraffe, naked and dripping down your thighs in front of the two of them.
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scandeniall · 4 years
Singing Disney Songs
a/n: no thoughts. What singing disney songs would be like with Seijoh, Nekoma and Inarizaki I have no idea why I did this. Its in drabble form and in whole team form (which i’ve never done). Featuring HSM, Starstuck and Hannah Montana
wc: 1.1K
Seijoh: best boys to do it with. Core 4 in all their chaos? Sign me up! Oikawa, Makki, Mattsun are all down 110%. Iwa is down by default to keep your messy asses in line (but he lowkey wanted to do it too). Everyone knows all the words to EVERY song.Y’all get into a heated debate about which high school musical had the most bangers. Makki and Mattsun are like “come on now how can you not say HSM 2” and someone else like you chimes in “because everyday is boring as shit. They act like their in a cult.” So y’all end up going through the HSM discography taking tallies. This concludes that HSM 2 had the best songs. As y’all just sit there listening, you cross off some songs automatically and Oikawa is like “Gabriella’s songs are boring as shit.” Anyways y’all force Iwa to do the dance to “We’re all in this together” and he leaves y’all shook because he has RHYTHM. oikawa on the other hand—. Iwa simp hours for a large part of it with all y’all being like “Be the Troy to my Gabriella” He hates u all :) At some point y’all are just drunk karaoking to HSM. Dancing on the coffee table and couches to What Time is It (which if y’all were sober yeah Iwa would murder u all). “Bro remember when people used to call u the king?” and that leads to you and oikawa tryna turn Fabulous into a duet. Both drunk on the 2 couches pretending you're at a pool making the others be the little servers. Makki and Mattsun decide to reenact Gotta go My own way. Very drunk and dramatic. Rubbing all over each other's faces. Pulling away then running back doing the most. Yall force drunk Iwa to do Bet on It. Hes seen it so many times and is too intoxicated to not do it so mans goes all out. Does troy dumbass jumping and yall are the best hypemen. Someone is recording but yall can barely hear him through the loud ass cheering and laughing. 
Nekoma: Another fun team to do this with. Yall do the unappreciated movies like STARSTRUCK. Kuroo is a sucker for those and yall both swear up and down the its one of the best and deserved more than it ever got. (He knows all the words to these songs). Yall do this while your on a roadtrip. One of those vans so its you, kuroo (in the driver/passenger), kenma, yaku, kai, lev, fukunaga. Up front yall are living your best lives “Something about the sunshine babyyyyyyyyyyy” acting like the main characters and shit. Someone brings up what if you all played Starstruck characters. “Lev looks the most like Christopher Wilde. Lanky, no rhythm. creepy eyes when he stares too long-” “Hey!” Back to the music. We all know you and kuroo know all the words, lev is pretty good and knows most so hes able to keep up. Yaku is like 50/50. Kai, babe only knows the main ones and only partially. Sits and smiles and laughs at his friends. Gets songs dedicated to him by all of you. Kenma? Don't care. Hes really only on this trip because you guys are his friends. This is one of his least fav disney movies so truly is in mental anguish trying to tune yall out. Fukunaga only knows Stubby’s verses so does the rapping. Lots of “AYEEEEE” going around. Very hype when those songs come on. Lev tries to sing What You Mean to Me to Kenma, but just gets told to shut up. Being very loud and obnoxious with all of them save for Kenma to Starstruck. If you stop at a red light the neighboring cars can probably hear yall’s screeching. Yaku is most likely to be recording the monstrosity on his snap chat, but will not catch himself slipping and entertaining yall. He has a reputation to upkeep. For songs only you and Kuroo know (like welcome to hollywood) he takes one hand off the wheel to hold at you like a microphone. Plays the acoustic and regular version of Hero back to back. Wants to pretend he’s in a music video for the acoustic. One of those sad montage types. 
Inarizaki: what is even going on. You propose it. Kita just shrugs and is like “Ok” Yall listening to Hannah Montana. Twins ruin your singalong time with the debate of How could they not know Miley was Hannah. You dedicate If We Were a Movie to Aran bc dream boy. He sings along happily. Wouldn’t hesitate to hit Atsumu for trying to interrupt and you're like “This is a duet stfu.” Kita watched the show but probably couldn’t really recall many of the words but that's ok. You all do know Best of Both Worlds and even Suna sings along. Not with much energy, but whatever he still participates in. Twins and Suna all are embarrassed to say they know every word to He Could Be the One. Get Kita to threaten the twins and they’ll sing along to it. Another must sing song is Nobody’s Perfect. Grab Suna’s hand and make him sing and dance along, he does it lazily. Maybe a few bobs and sways. Him not screaming the lyrics is drowned out by the rest of yall. That's one of those songs that like you hear that intro you go running towards the dance floor because BANGER. Mid convo- you hear that intro yeah your soul leaves your body and is taken over by the spirit of miss Hannah. Twins try to act that out and do the soul leaving body meme because they share 1 brain cell. Atsumu is more aggressive with his singing along. Like damn calm tf down. When hes hype hes going so hard yall are like “dont hurt yourself lol” Once you start getting into them obscure songs Aran saves the day again by being the only one that knows them. At True Friend Atsumu asks if you think hes a true friend/ “(Y/N) i’m yer best friend right.” Damn yall hear something. Ignore him and keep singing while Osamu and Suna clown his ass. “Kita’s a true friend.” Kita just thanks you. Might return the compliment. “He doesn’t even know any of the songs” ok and???? Yall play another sadder song right after like “i’ll always remember you.” Atsumu lowkey starts tearing up and sniffling. Ha ha pussy. Sad hours when you then play wherever I go and yall all start getting sad. Kita not knowing the songs just looks at yall like ?????? Then he starts listening to yall sadly sing along and its like “damn” sad team hours then. Yall annoying and put your arms around each other and like start swaying because no brain cells are found. It ends up getting aggressive and u feel like your shoulder is gonna fall off so u stop.
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chemicalpink · 4 years
content creator year in review ✨
tagged by the lovely @bangtanjimin-cb
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: okay so listen... I mainly got into BTS just for the sake of writing fics like my old 13 year old did with 1D, it was around this time of the year when I was still a baby ARMY so pls don’t come for me, it’s Absolutely Smitten a fic that was requested and back when i (foolishly) thought I would never write other than fluff. The most recent is Teen Idle, part of my ongoing Electra Heart series (yes, from Marina the singer bc its funny shes Marina, I’m Marina I’ll shut up now) it somehow got lost in the tags due to the algorithm but hey, it’s there.
one of your favorite creations from 2020: If you are familiar with my writing I think you can guess this one, it’s actually a series, 대취타 (DAECHWITA) (which yeah I may or may not continue with drabbles and ask my characters you just wait till I get my writer mojo back), but it just means so much for me, I actually loved it, had fun with it, writing it was therapeutic and I also adored the response to it.
a creation you’re really proud of:  Imma keep bringing it up. 대취타 (DAECHWITA) but also Kids in the Dark, idk how that came to be bc I was crying the whole time writing it, I just let all of my feelings out on that one.
a creation that took you forever: gotta give this one to Power and Control it took me a whole month in the middle of exam season, but we made it.
a creation from 2020 that received the most notes: mmmm listen, the queen takes it all 대취타 (DAECHWITA)  is my most read fanfic.
a creation you think deserved more notes: i think all of them have received the love they deserve, I honestly wish I could up my quality content (and im working on it) but mmmm it really took me some time and a lot of effort to put out  Teen Idle so i hate the fact that Tumblr messed up.
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: listen I’ve been here since 2013, this is the new fandom. But I guess I once wrote a Criminal Minds fic during the year (not on this blog tho).
a creation you made that breaks your heart: this year hasn’t been easy on me tbh, on top of it all, my dog passed away and that inspired On the Edge of Sunshine
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: (imma tell u a secret I love writing poly BTS) Staying Home with Bangtan
a creation that was inspired by another one: I don’t know if it counts but I read a fic on AO3 (can’t remember which, I’m sorry) and it made me inspired enough to write Take a Selfie, Fake a Life
a favorite creation created by someone else: OMFG DONT DO THIS TO ME, 2020 was THE YEAR of reading fanfics for me, mmmm please refer to my rec blog @minareadsfics
some of your favorite content creators from the year: ALL OF THEM. I’m sure I wont be able to tag everyone BUT please know that if you are a content creator, I wanna thank you so much for your love, time and effort that you put out for the readers.  If anyone that I tag hasn’t done this, feel free to do so @bangtan-madi @gamerguk @ot7always @jamaisjoons @wwilloww @btssavedmylifeblr @ironicarmy @seulgiology @jingabitch @justcallmenikki7 @gukyi
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imagineurfavs · 4 years
Liquid Confidence
I'd like to submit a request for a drabble with GOT7 Youngjae, 37, 43, & 57. IMO, there just isn't enough for Youngjae...
Pairing: Youngjae (GOT7) x reader Prompts: “I’m not drunk enough to have this conversation” “Would a friend do this?” “Can you just shut up for 5 minutes please?” Summary: just a drunken confession lol Genre: Fluff?? idk really... Word Count: 1,485  A/N: this is beyond terrible im sorry im apparently terrible at writing anything with any kind of emotion sjghsjgns
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Pushing your way through hordes of sweaty strangers, you make your way to the exit of whoevers house it was you were actually at. You’d only tagged along to this party because you had been assured you that your friend Youngjae would be here; but it didn’t look like he’d bothered to turn up. Without his desperately needed comic relief, you really didn't see any point in hanging around.
 Just as you reach the door and go to grab the handle, a clammy hand reached over and rested upon your own. You spun around expecting to see a red faced stranger ready to ply you with more alcohol in an attempt to get you to stick around. Instead, you were met with an equally red faced, and very drunk Youngjae “y/n!!!! I’ve been looking for you all night- I was hanging out in the kitchen then for some reason i ended up in the bathroom, I’ve been everywhere but I didn't see you so i thought you weren’t here but I spotted you from the other side of the room so i ca-” he rambled on, his sweaty hand still on yours atop the door handle.
“Wait. You’re leaving?” He stopped himself mid sentence to ask, spotting your hand still trying to turn the handle. With his eyes growing larger, the drunken giddiness on his face turns to a look of disappointment.
“Well yeah, I don’t really see any point in staying. I was waiting for you but honestly now I just think my social interaction meter has run out for today, I just wanna be somewhere quiet and ma-”
“Wait no. You can’t leave, I’ve got something to talk to you about, come with me.” He cut you off, now grabbing your hand and leading you through the rooms, making his way to the back door on the other side of the house.
Pushing open the door, you’re hit with a cold blast of crisp night air, the sounds from the inside vanishing slowly as the door closed behind you.
“Everyone went inside because it’s getting kinda cold out” Youngjae said with a nervous giggle as he let go of your hand, beckoning you to a garden table surrounded by worn out plastic lawn chairs. “Plus at least you can get a bit of quiet now” he continued, picking up a half empty class of unknown alcohol someone had left behind.
After a few minutes of relishing in the new quiet atmosphere, you turn to Youngjae, who was leaning back in his chair, staring blankly at the night sky, “What was it you wanted to talk to me about...?” You said across the table, breath hanging visible in the air.
“Oh...yeah, right, that” He answered, snapping back to reality and sitting upright, finishing what was left in the glass in one big gulp. Letting out a big sigh and leaning closer to you across the table. “y/n...I like you. Like...really like you...”
“Oh god, that was blunt...are you saying what I think you are..?” shifting uncomfortably in your seat you mumble with a sigh “I’m not drunk enough for this conversation.” trying to avoid eye contact, but you can still feel his gaze piercing into your cheek.
“Well” He draws in a long breath, trying to compose himself as much as possible “I am drunk enough and I really need to tell you. I promise it’s not just the alcohol talking, it might seem like it is but I promise it’s for real. I’m being serious.” Without looking you feel his hands shift closer to your own, barely touching, but close enough to feel the warmth radiating from them.
You keep your gaze locked firmly on the ground below the glass table, but listen as he speaks out loud. His stream of consciousness continues “I know you know what I’m gonna say y/n, we’ve been friends for such a long time, I know, but I really think I like you more than that, y’know? Like...we’re like peanut butter and jelly, Tom and Jerry...and other analogies I can’t think of because to be honest...I’m pretty hammered...” he trailed off with a giggle. “What I’m tryna say is, we’re inseparable... there’s no me without you...”
“I really need you to think about what you’re saying Youngjae, we’re friends...best friends I might even say.” You knew you should probably stop talking, but you couldn't stop your words coming out, before you knew it you were babbling right back at him “And I’m not saying that I’ve never thought about you in that way, I have, many times but like what if everything goes wrong and we end up hating each other, I dont want that to happen but like wha-”
“Can you just shut up for 5 minutes please?” He spoke clearly, the intoxication in his voice almost fully disappeared. “Are you saying you feel the same way y/n?” You could pretty much hear his massive grin in the tone of his voice, you wanted to see that smile so badly but you didn’t think you could face him.
“Well...I don’t know. Maybe” You hear the sound of the plastic chair moving across the patio and Youngjae standing from his seat “I mean, yeah, I guess I do...but we’re friends Youngjae, I don’t wanna lose that...ah, I dunno...”
Before you could look up, you see his feet directly in front of you, he crouches down so his face is inches from yours. Taking your chin with his thumb, he lifts your face so your eyes meet with his own.
“Would a friend do this?” He spoke with a shaky breath, leaning forward to plant a soft kiss on your lips. An overwhelming taste of alcohol on his lips is the first thing that hits you, replaced slowly by his overwhelming warmth. Suddenly the cold air felt like a hot summers day. 
The kiss was sloppy, but meaningful. Messy, yet innocent. With every move of his lips against yours, the world around you began to feel further and further away. One of his hands rested on your shoulders whilst your own cupped his soft flushed cheeks. His free hand sat comfortably on your thigh, drawing small circles with his thumb.
Even with the awkward crouched position he was in, you felt his body relax next to yours, deepening the kiss as he leaned in closer to you. Every movement of his lips telling you everything he never had the courage to admit to you before. 
Your moment was cut short by the door being flung open, a rowdy friend of yours practically falling out on to the patio next to you. Youngjae pulls his lips away from you, but keeps his hand protectively on your shoulders, pulling you closer to him.
“Ooooooooh...whats t-this...did I interrupt you two...hah- sorry...it was about time you two got together though...we’ve all been waiting for you both to ad- admit you like each other loooooooool...sorry- pretend I was never here..” They said as they stumbled backwards, quickly tried to make their way back indoors.
“Well...now I’m embarrassed” you mumbled quietly, head hanging low.
“To be honest” Youngjae replied laughing “I’m more embarrassed they said lol out loud. You’ve got nothing to worry about. Plus like they said, it was about time anyway”
He moved slowly to his feet, offering you his hand as he stands. “Come on, you wanna get out of here?”
“What exactly are you insinuating?” you laughed, standing up, ready to make your way out.
“What?!?” I’m not suggesting anything like that!” He answered with a jokingly shocked expression on on his face, “You said before that you wanted to go somewhere quiet...and I wanna be with you, so I thought we could both go somewhere together, yeah?”
As you make your way back through the house, you’re met with the laughter filled cheers of your intoxicated friends as they spot you walking hand in hand with Youngjae. You turn to him just as you reach the door you very nearly walked out of earlier, met with the crescent eyed smile of your...friend?...boyfriend...?
“We’re totally dating now by the way, we’ve kissed and everything, it’s the law” He places one last very dramatic peck on your lips, one that he obviously wanted everyone close by to see. After causing chaos you quickly scurried out of the house to the sounds of yet more rowdy excited cheers. 
The night was bitterly cold, but you didn’t care; you’d stay out all night if it meant getting to stay with Youngjae even an hour longer. Before you were even aware, the boy had let go of your hand and was removing his jacket, draping it carefully over your shoulders. “I wanted to do that earlier, but I didn't wanna let go of your hand” he admitted quietly as you continue strolling peacefully though the dimly light suburban streets.
a/n lets just pretend i ended this on some super sweet note and didnt just cut it off randomly bc I apparently have no idea how to end things lmao sorry 
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haikyuuscreaming · 5 years
omg hi! you started off your blog greatly, im so proud of you! do you think you can write an angsty scenario for akaashi? where his crush likes this guy and wants help from him and he feels all sad :( but she ends up confessing to him! i love your writing so far, keep it up!
UMM so i accidentally got really invested in this so it’s WAYY longer than a drabble and i often write long stuff bc of ao3 so this might sound a little more like that kinda fanfic style instead of a tumblr scenario? mainly cos im really a sucker for this stuff hehehe love you anon
also ! the request made it sound sort of akaashi-centric so i hope you dont mind? there will still be a lot of reader-chan here though! please dont leave yet and i hope u enjoy
again ALSO i wrote this half on my laptop half on my phone so please dont mind if it seems a lil clunky in some areas 
3092 words jesus ok here you go
Crushes weren’t necessarily a new sensation for Akaashi. Just an uncommon one. In fact, the last time he remembers even being attracted to someone was in first grade when everyone had a crush on this popular girl. He’s not even sure if he really liked her, or just found the idea of it interesting.
Now, second year of high school, Akaashi finds himself in trouble. Because for once, he really, really, really likes this girl. You. 
He can’t even fake himself out of this, because every damn time he looks at you, he feels all warm and tingly and his stomach feels less calm and he can hear his heart bump against his ribcage and god, his face even flushes a little bit.
(A little bit inconvenient when he accidentally finds himself staring at you and daydreaming.)
Akaashi doesn’t like this feeling.
I mean, yeah, Akaashi has somewhat of a sense of confidence in his looks, manners, and ability to make friends. He’s not exactly the top in each subject he thinks, but it lets him pass through high school without too much of a depressingly lonely life. He could easily befriend you and steal your heart, his inner ego-brat says.
But.. but what if you reject him?
He should become closer to you.
(For the record, he doesn’t not like the feeling. He kind of likes the serotonin boost you give him. But he definitely, more than kind of likes you.
A lot more.)
And one day, in the spring, he finds himself paired up with a special biology partner. With familiar, sparkling eyes and the cutest, most gorgeous voice he’s ever heard that always makes his heart fucking backflip.
Akaashi doesn’t think he can survive this.
His teacher blares, “Start brainstorming ideas for your science fair project! It’s due in a month, you know!”, but Akaashi blocks out the noise because all he can focus on is you, goddamn it. He can only focus on the way you push your hair out of your face, the way your lips upturn into the most stunning smile he’s ever had the fate of encountering, and he really hopes he doesn’t get h-
(Fuck you and your completely gorgeous voice that drives him up the wall and makes him want to kiss you.)
“Oh– sorry, yeah?” He kind of hates himself for how his voice lilted a pitch higher.
You laugh, sounding like a goddess. He hopes that it means you don’t hate him. “Ahaha, I was just wondering if you have any ideas for the science fair? It’s a pretty big chunk of our grade, and I am… not the smartest when it comes to AP Bio..”
Akaashi thinks quite the opposite, but he isn’t currently in the position to contradict you.
“Um…” He pauses and thinks furiously. He comes up with some borderline generic idea that has enough room for a unique twist. And your eyes brighten.
“Waaaoo, Akaashi-kun’s a genius, hm?”
(God, he thinks he might have a little more than a crush on that teasing grin and glittering pair of eyes.)
He musters the courage to smile without looking stupid. “Of course.”
Two weeks later, he wants to sink into a hole.
Yes, it might have been his request that you two meet up to work on the project, but that was because he knew you were a procrastinator! You would start the project the night before if he’d let you!
But it was not his idea to do it at his house.
Now he has to live with the fact that you’re lying on HIS bed, spread-eagled in your sweater and shorts, complaining about how lazy you are.
(He wonders how you’re so comfortable about wearing shorts to a male classmate’s house. You two aren’t even that close, although you claim otherwise.)
“Come on, get up,” he rolls his eyes. “We have work to do.”
“But I’m so tiiiiiredddd… and lazyyyy…. wouldn’t it be such a gentlemanly act of Akaashi-kun to do the project for me?” You flash him a sweet smile while stretching out even more on the bed.
Snorting, he watches you sink into his mattress and roll around idly. “Hey, don’t you need the grade? You can’t pass if you make me do your work.”
Sighing, you hum in defeated content. “Well, it was worth a try.” You reach out your hand and tousle his wavy hair, and he almost flinches at the touch. He hates to say it but he loves it so much that you’re so affection with him, and Akaashi knows he would give anything to keep you teasing him with all this attention.
“Yeah.. yeah, it was,” he murmurs to himself before letting himself sit down next to you. He notices how you scrunch your body from a spread-eagle to a cute, curled up position to make room for him.
“Mm, so how are we gonna do this?” you ask, with a subtle mixture of bored and curious seeping into your tone. Then, he watches your features melt into a warm, mischievous smile as you hum, “Unless you just wanna nap and cuddle or something.”
(Holy fuck.)
Akaashi forces himself to scowl playfully and he shakes his head, sighing loudly in mock disappointment. “I don’t know what to do with you.” And equally as teasing, he adds, “I should just kick you out and not treat you to lunch if you’re going to be like this.”
“Noooooo!!!” you whine in this adorably frustrated and threatening voice. “Don’t you dare starve me or I’m feeding you to the rats.”
He chuckles. “See, that’s what I thought.”
But of course, your face wraps into a devilish grin as you say in a singsong voice and throw your arms around him (which makes him flush and makes his heart go WABAM), “It doesn’t matter though, ‘cause I got this whole-ass meal right here~”
“Shut up.”
(But you both know he never means it.)
Thanks to Akaashi (and your obliging albeit lazy participation), you two blow the science fair out of the way and get an A. He’s never seen you so delighted about a grade.
“I’m so happy~” you never shut up about how grateful you are for him, not that he’s complaining. “This is probably the highest mark I’ve ever gotten in this class.”
“Don’t over exaggerate. You’re not too bad at Bio,” Akaashi remarks. “You just need a tutor, probably, if you’re struggling.”
(By the way, he is ecstatic that you two are ACTUALLY FRIENDS!!! He’s even met your dog!!)
“Hmmmm…” You eye him warily before shrugging. “Whatever you say, Akaashi-kun.” Your eyes flit around before returning on him, and you start rambling about the newest anime you’ve gotten into and how it’s practically on-par with the manga, and how hot one of their characters are-
(For some reason Akaashi really zeroes in on that part.)
He really feels like he has to contribute something to the conversation, so he puts in, “Wow, [Name]-san, you’re such a fangirl.”
You snort loudly and put two peace-signs to your face like some kawaii anime girl, doing this mock-sweet smile. “Waaaooo, you’re rightttt. I’m Akaashi-kun’s number one fan!! He’s so cute when he’s yelling at me to do my work and super hot when he helps me with homew-”
He swears to god his face is radiating an inhuman amount of heat and he rolls his eyes before shaking his head and jabbing your side lightly. “Didn’t I tell you not to say that?”
“Ummm, maybe.” Your ‘innocent’ grin tells him otherwise. “But you know, you’re right, Akaashi-kun,” you cross your arms and give your cute little smirk again. “I am a genius, and I’m suuuper good at Bio. I just need someone to channel it.” And you lean forward until both your noses are touching, and Akaashi thinks he’s about to explode. “So maybe you could help me out?”
The subtle pleading undercurrent in your voice compels Akaashi to straighten up a little bit without flushing even redder. Keep cool, keep cool.
(He prays that his skill of keeping a poker face will hide the blood rushing around in his dick.)
“Well, what time?”
This time around, he finds himself at your house instead. You both are sitting at your desk, ‘working’ on your math and Bio homework. In other words, just talking.
He’s confident now in that the two of you are close friends. He’s learned that from afar, you were a sweet and confident yet perfectly kind girl. That was the girl he based his feelings off of. During your Bio project, he found the cheeky, sly and vibrant yet chill girl who always teased him but was still nonetheless sweet.
And now, under that facade, you were an anxious mess with a shit-ton of insecurities.
(He thinks it’s funny how you boast that you’re just like Shrek. You have layers.)
Akaashi glances at you, groaning with your head down onto the table. “I hate math..” he hears you grumble.
“Hey, you’re not too bad. You just have to be careful when plugging in your equations,” he counters.
“But what if I can’t remember my equations??”
“We both know you’re fine at remembering them.”
“I’m gonna fail.”
“Have faith in yourself, because I do.” And Akaashi is being completely honest. His confidence in you being just fine and being able to pass all your classes is strong because he’s seen you work (after procrastinating). “You just have to work on not putting things off until the last minute.”
You make a frustrated noise before resting your chin on your propped hand. “Sometimes I feel like I’m just.. destined to be set back, y’know? Like, everything I do is gonna somehow backfire on me.”
He knows the feeling, especially late at night in bed, stressing over what tomorrow might bring him.
“And like… I have this whole thing set up for me. When people know me as a classmate, I’m an average student, right? Then when we’re like… ‘friends’, I’m all weird and tease-y.” You let out a loud sigh. “And to the unlucky people who get to this stage, I’m a mess.”
“Stop.” Akaashi’s surprised at how firm he is. “I’m grateful to have met you and to have become your friend, [Name]. You’re going to be fine, you need to trust yourself more. Because I trust you more than anything.”
(Yes, he is on first-name basis with you!! Yes, he trusts you even more than he might even trust Bokuto!!)
Your lips twitch into a small smile, one that he’s grown to love and adore. He’s confident that he’s so fucking deep in love and he doesn’t know how to move on. “You really think so?”
“Of course I do.” He flicks some crumpled-up post-it at you. “Since we’re not doing any homework anytime soon, what else do you want to talk about?”
Your gaze becomes a little more shy and nervous. “Umm… Weeell, I need help.”
“I mean, why else would I be here?”
“No, seriously, Keiji-kun. Seriously!!” You throw mock-fit, despite obviously looking anxious.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m listening. Sorry.”
“Uh. Um, so…” You blink and pretend to look focused on doodling on the corner of your math paper. “There’s this dude I like. Like, I reaaally like him, which is surprising even for me.” You laugh a little bit, and as Akaashi feels his heart start to tear in half, he forces out a chuckle to match. “He’s suuuper pretty– I think that’s the word for it? Pretty. And he’s kinda funny in his own way, and he’s really sweet and listens to me all the time even when I don’t deserve his time. And I dunno, I think he might like me back? Also, I really really really like him. But I don’t really know how to confess…
“Because you know, I’m kinda wack like that, haha. I’ll probably screw up the confession and make things worse, and, well, I need help.” You finish your ramble with a loud breath and you collapse your head onto the table, groaning.
“Uh–” Fuck, oh fuck him, fuck his life. “I mean… I think just a heartfelt confession would do? Something simple and sweet that says you really like him, in case somehow your words don’t work.” Akaashi feels like he’s sweating, a lot, and he feels even more frustrated than ever. His heart is crashing against his ribcage, and his mind is a fucking mess.
You frown a little bit, and suddenly a gush of words fly out of your mouth like a stream bursting from a dam. “Oh my god, what if I’m reading the signs all wrong and he doesn’t at all like me back? I mean, I wouldn’t blame him because I’m kinda ugly and have this weird personality thing going on and I’m shit at math and Bio-”
“Stop.” Akaashi forces himself to intervene, mainly because 1) you’re literally the light of his life and 2) he feels like he has to leave really soon after dealing with the news. “Shut up, [Name]. You aren’t ugly at all, and I, for one, enjoy your weird personality. And I already told you, you’re fine with academics.” He makes himself make eye contact with you, peering up from your arm covering your face, and says, “If he rejects you, he isn’t worth your time at all and you should move on.”
(Preferably with me.)
He watches you exhale, like he just unwound a tight spring from inside of you, and your shoulders relax and you melt from your anxious state, just a little bit. “You’re right. If.. if he doesn’t feel the same, I’ll just forget about him.”
“Because you’re a genius.” Akaashi tries to hype you up, but he still feels like crumbling. Falsely checking his phone, he stretches and stands up. “I have to go now, sorry. My mom asked me to pick up my little sister from tutoring.”
“Huh, already?” Confusion flits across your face, and it hurts him even more to just leave you after you confided in him, but he knows he has to leave before he says something he might regret. “Oh, okaayy.. see you tomorrow then. Thanks for helping me out.” You yawn before standing up to hug him goodbye.
“No problem.” He says it casually, but Akaashi feels his mood drop faster and lower than ever. He hugs you back, but he breaks away fast.
After leaving your house and collapsing onto his bed in his locked bedroom (with his 11-year-old sister knocking on the door and curiously asking what’s wrong), he can’t help but feel hurt that you couldn’t even tell him who your mystery crush’s name was.
A week passes by, and neither of you mention the conversation at your house. It doesn’t matter either way, since you two are still so casually best friends. At the same time, he desperately wants to push the matter just to find out who it is.
Otherwise, Akaashi has noticeably been more quiet and moody to the point that he doesn’t know how to control it. Sure, he keeps up the same as he would before your conversation, but he can’t help but feel his heart sink everytime he sees you. His mind is ecstatic every time he talks to you, while simultaneously wanting to tear itself apart.
He’s tried getting rid of feelings for you, in literally every way possible. From avoiding thinking about you (which backfired horribly because he ended up thinking more about you) to focusing on other girls (ew, none of them were even capable of creating the same effect on him as you do), he’s tried it all and it’s all failed.
Akaashi realizes his silent slump has gotten so bad to the point that Bokuto made him sit out a few practice matches in the gym just because Akaashi was nowhere near the spot that any of the team expected him to be at.
After school, he meets with you near the vending machine as always. You buy two cans of coffee, one for you and one for him.
As soon as he takes the can gratefully, you clear your throat.
“Yeah, [Name]?”
Glancing around before staring him in the eye, you start, “Keiji-kun, before you run away, I just…. I just wanted to let you know I really really really like you. Like, a lot.” You start speaking kind of fast, so Akaashi can’t process what you’re saying.
“And I mean it. Ever since the Bio project, you’ve been so nice to me and you’ve been such a great friend even though I made it hard sometimes, and along the way I just caught feelings. You honestly mean everything to me, and I appreciate you so much for everything we’ve been through. I- I think, I love you, Keiji. And I hope you accept my feelings.” You smile, almost nervously but nonetheless sincere, and Akaashi thinks he’s about to explode.
“I- I,” Fuck, oh my fucking god, he thinks to himself. He’s shaking a little bit– that’s how happy he is. “[Name], I..” God fucking damn it, he can’t even express how happy he is. He feels his cheeks blossom and he feels his lips quirk into this goofy smile.
But then he watches you shy away a little bit as you hurriedly say, “I- I mean, sorry. It’s okay if you just wanna be friends-”
“No.” Finally, Akaashi can use his mouth and then he gently takes your cheeks in his hands and closes the gap between you two, lips connecting in a display of pining and affection.
He practically melts into the kiss, he’s never been so happy. He thinks he’s actually about to implode; he’s been dreaming about kissing you like this, against your soft, plush lips. And finally he’s able to call you his, to call you the one. When the two of you finally break away for air, he’s breathing hard and his mind is a mess, which is rare considering his usual stoic state.
Akaashi has also never seen you so flustered and blushy. He murmurs into your ear as he takes your hand, “Feelings are 100% reciprocated.”
“I can tell,” you laugh breathily, and he’s so happy to hear that some of your anxiety has dissolved in that sweet kiss. He’s absolutely infatuated with you in every aspect. He leans in for a soft, quicker kiss on the lips and savors the feeling of warmth he gets. “Dork.”, he whispers.
“Only for you.”
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mccnyoongi · 5 years
the yoongi thigh riding drabble 😫😫😫 sis ur tryna kill me alsooo i know u said ur trying not to go for the “riding yoongi in his studio chair” trope however i FULLY support indulging in this trope 😉 i rlly love ur writing tho omg 🥰
+ anon said:  hi im uh read your latest work and rEALLY LIKED IT so can i please request riding yoongi in his studio chair??? thanks if you would posts it!
+ another anon said: yoongi drabble, were where y / n and he have sex in his studio, pls?
hsfjksfh TWIST MY ARm why dont u !! (i told yall id do nasty soon) now i wanna write a multi-chaptered undergroundrapper!yoongi sjkfjsdf 
⇢ word count: 2K+ (lmao)
⇢ warnings: unprotected sex, dom!yoongi, starts SUPER soft then devolves into filth, undergroundrapper!yoongi bc ion like writing idol!au skdfjsdfk, degradation, yoongi’s hands
Yoongi’s passion has always been one of your favourite things about him- if he cares about something, he’ll give his all to it. Thankfully you fall under that category. The only question is whether you’re first or second on the list, constantly competing with his music.
With Yoongi garnering a fair amount of success from his life as an underground rapper, you understand why it’s starting to take over more and more of his life, you really do. You loved Yoongi, you loved his music. But you couldn’t help but start to… miss your boyfriend. A sad irony that you could miss the man who’s been, as of late, spending the majority of his time in his ‘studio,’ aka the spare room of your shared apartment that he said was about a quarter the size of a proper studio. 
How could you miss someone that was less than fifteen feet away from you, two doors away? You weren’t sure that it was possible until now, lying in bed, Yoongi’s side cold and the offensive red light of your bedside alarm clock telling you it’s far past the time your boyfriend promised he’d be in bed by. You sigh, sitting up, knowing that you wouldn’t get any sleep if you just sat there and stewed in your negativity. So instead you’d seek him out.
Thankfully there isn’t a lock on the door, he hasn’t gotten around to putting one in yet. You know the day will come soon, since last time your friends were over, Jungkook and Jimin had managed to sneak their way in, looking like guilty puppies when Yoongi had caught them. 
Lock or not, Yoongi didn’t even hear you, ears covered by his almost comically oversized headphones, his dyed blonde head bobbing to whatever beat he’s working on at the moment. You can’t help but smile fondly at the sight of your sweet boy so immersed in the thing he’s dedicated his life to.
He’s only made aware of your presence when you wrap your arms around his shoulders from behind. He finally takes those ridiculous headphones off, pausing the track and letting you rest your chin on the top of his head.
You look at the two monitors in front of him as though you have any idea what’s going on on the screens. “Hard at work, huh genius?”
You feel him cock his head under you and he hums gently, one of his large hands- something about him you first fell in love with when you saw it, pale and slender, gripping a microphone on stage- grabbing at yours. “Sorry,” He mumbles, and you can tell by the timber and the gruffness of his voice that he hasn’t spoken a word since he came into this room a couple of hours ago. “Lose track of time in this room. No windows.”
“S’okay Yoon. Just missed you is all.”
Your words are innocent but they tug at his heart and make him shut his eyes for a moment. He never wants to make you feel like second best, but the way he falls into things sometimes makes him forget that anything else exists in the world. But now he wants to be close to you, to touch you, to make it all up to you. 
“C’mere,” He’s tugging at the hand he has in his grip, and he keeps tugging until you’ve circled around his chair to stand in front of him. “Up on my lap, babe.” An offer you couldn’t refuse. So you don’t.
You’re straddling him now, well-toned but not overtly muscular thighs under you- a familiar and welcoming seat of yours. His warmth is comforting to you and vice versa. “I’ve been neglecting you, haven’t I?” You don’t want to say yes, afraid of hurting his feelings but the pout that graces your features gives it all away.
“I know, baby, I’m sorry,” One of his large hands comes up to cup your face, and he coos softly when you lean and nuzzle into his palm, as if he isn’t thinking of all the filthy and depraved things he’s been missing out on with you while he’s been cooped up in his studio. “‘M gonna make it up to you.”
And then his mouth is on yours, and you’re reminded why you love kissing Min Yoongi so much. He’s careful and intense, every movement backed by the same confidence and dominance he exudes when he’s on stage. It’s when you deepen the kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth, skilled and tactful, that you realize you weren’t just here for a quick visit.
“Yoongi,” You murmur as soon as he’s pulling back, detaching your mouths. You’re momentarily hypnotized by the string of spit that still connects the two of you, staring at it until it breaks. Yoongi notices this fascination of yours, and give you a smirk you regret ever confessing to him you find sexy. 
“Are you getting all desperate for me, silly girl? Hm?” You can’t help but rut your hips against his own at the words, loving the way they fall out of his mouth so lazily but with as much purpose as a presidential speech. “So needy ‘nd squirmy for me… Love seeing you so fucking desperate, you know.” His hands are travelling up your sleep shirt- aka an old band shirt of his that you had staked your claim over before the two of you had even moved in together.
His hands don’t go where more inexperienced ones might immediately go but instead traverse up and down your back, leaving delicious goosebumps in their wake. You shiver both from the feeling, and from the anticipation of what’s to come. You go to take your shirt off but are stopped by two hands circled around your wrists. “Patience,” Yoongi’s voice is next to your ear now, as he’s pulled you down using the grip he has on you. 
He’s made it clear that while you may be on top of him, he’s the one with control. And he’s fucking revelling in it, you can see it in the sparkle in his eyes as he lets go of your wrists. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll take care of you, I promise,” You trust him wholeheartedly, and communicate this with a nod. You know he understands when his hands slide down, under your shirt once more, this time staying far lower. 
“Soaking wet and I’ve barely even done anything,” He’s so cocky and you should be annoyed but you can’t find it in you, instead you feel yourself get even hotter at his words. “Panties off, little girl.”
His tone leaves no room for arguing, so you scramble to stand up and follow his demands, panties lost somewhere behind him. You go to get back onto your spot on his lap, missing it already, but are stopped once more by his hands. One is on your waist, holding you steady, only using a portion of its strength and the other is on your face, squishing your cheeks, opening your mouth and pushing your lips out obscenely. 
He looks like he’s still deciding what the hell to do with you, how hard to go. Then he’s cocking his head, brazen smirk back on his face as he pushes you down to your knees. The carpeting immediately makes the position uncomfortable as you feel it grating against the skin of your knees. But any discomfort is immediately quelled, or, at least, forgotten, at the sight and sound of Yoongi undoing his belt in front of you- any thoughts of your knees and carpet burn are replaced with the thoughts of Yoongi’s cock. He had that effect on you.
He chuckled at the look in your eyes, finally releasing himself from the confines of his jeans. He sighs at the release, cold air hitting his skin a shock to his rock hard dick. “Practically fucking drooling for this cock, aren’t you?” You nod earnestly and lean forward, towards his cock where his hand works over it lazily. He grabs a fistful of your hair with his other hand, withholding you from what you really want. “So fucking desperate, you slut. You wanna suck my cock so bad? You better do a good fucking job of it, convince me you deserve it in that slutty cunt of yours.”
You barely have time to think about how quickly he shifted from the sweet, loving Yoongi you normally know to this darker version of Yoongi, the one that comes out whenever he’s properly turned on before his hand that’s fisted in your hair is dragging you toward his achingly hard cock. You open your mouth, ready and willing, and mouth at his tip, letting your spit, your drool, collect and fall over it, dripping down the rest of his impressive length. You pull back to give the tip a gentle kiss, barely holding back a giggle when it jumps angrily at you
He breathes out heavily from his spot above you and yanks you back off his cock. “You wanna be a messy fucking tease? Fine. Open your mouth. Now,” You do as he says, not wanting to anger him further. 
He collects spit in his own mouth, and you're made to sit and wait patiently, hair a mess and mouth wide open. You don’t have to wait long until he spits into your mouth, the act so filthy, so dirty, you can only close your eyes and whimper, so turned on from it all that you can feel your own wetness starting to drip down your thighs. Messy. “Don’t swallow,” He doesn’t need to explain more as he leads you back to his cock.
You let the combination of your and his spit fall onto his cock, the act obscene but astoundingly erotic. You finally start to swallow down his length like you know he wants, your hands coming up to help. Both of his hands are in your hair now, entirely controlling your actions, the speed of which your sucking his cock.
He finally pushes you down as far as he can, your hands falling to his thighs. Your nose is against his stomach, tickled by the sparse amount of hair there. You can barely breathe from this position, but you take it if only for the groans you hear tumble out of his mouth. “Such a good girl, my best fucking slut,” You moan at the praise, the vibrations making his head fall back on his chair. There’s drool covering both him and your face now, tears welling at the corners of your eyes from the intensity, and every second you can feel yourself getting wetter.
His hands fall slack on your hair, but you don’t pull back just yet, instead, taking the opportunity to swallow around him once, twice, three times. He yanks you off of his cock, his breathing ragged and heavy. He looks at you with a half-lidded gaze. “Up.”
It’s only one word, but he doesn’t need anymore, not with a commanding tone like that. You get back on his lap, immediately calmed and comforted by the spot. He finally tears off the shirt, now wrinkled and covered in drool and precum. 
“Now fucking sit on it,” And you can hardly hold yourself back, eagerly lifting yourself up and positioning the head of his cock against your slick entrance. You let yourself fall, the whole of him filling you up perfectly, and so so good.
Yours and Yoongi’s groans mingle together in an unrivalled harmony, the two of you still for a moment as you bask in the feeling. “Being such a good fucking girl,” His hands work up and down your sides. “Now fuck yourself on my cock, and don’t you dare stop. Don’t stop until you full of my fucking cum, ‘till you’re my perfect, messy bitch.”
You start slowly, lifting yourself up until barely an inch is left in your pussy, and drop all the way back down. You continue like this, deep, strong strokes, slowly speeding up until your bouncing on his lap, the obscene sounds of the two of you filling the room, your very own symphony when combined with your groans.
“So good, baby, so fucking good, bouncing on my cock, gonna make such a fucking mess out of you, yeah?” He’s lifting his hips to meet yours, making every downstroke that much more intense. 
He lands a spank on your ass, then another, the sharp pain only serving to make you wetter and bounce on him harder. He chuckles in between moans. “You like that, huh? You’ll take anything I give you, ‘cause you’re my perfect little whore.”
You can feel the crescendo coming, building up like a tsunami. “Yoongi- Yoongi please, please, you have to let me come,” Any other time you’d have reservations about begging, but when it came to Yoongi, all pride was left at the door. “Need it.”
“I have to? I don’t have to do anything, whore,” His hand is back on your face, lips puckering out again. You nod in desperate agreement. He’s collecting spit in his mouth once more and you open your mouth wider in anticipation of what’s about to come. He spits in your mouth again, this time wanting you to swallow. It’s a dirty act, so vulgar, and you both groan at the site.
“You see that, slut? You swallow my spit, bounce on my cock and cum for me, all when I fucking tell you to? You understand?”“Yes, Yoongi I do, I’m sorry, please, I’m sorry, jus’ lemme cum.”
“Yeah, yeah, do it, fucking come for me.”
And cum you do, the feeling washing over you like nothing else, eyes closing and your head burrowing itself into Yoongi’s neck, the smell of his sweat comforting. You can hear Yoongi talking himself and you through your orgasms, but the words are too much for you to focus on. You can only feel his cum fill you up, already starting to spill out of you.
You’re both panting in the aftermath, his hands, once harsh, now softly caressing your back. The two of you are slick and sticky with sweat, but it’s the last thing on your minds.
“You still need to work on that song or are you finally gonna come to bed?”
“Please, neither of us are leaving that bed for the next 48 hours, besides to get the door for the take out we order.”
“Sounds perfect.”
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emybain · 5 years
im a sucker for the au where nova’s family lives,,,so here’s another fic that I wrote with no shame. I definitely plan on writing more fics where she’s younger, and I might have to make a masterpost for this au (I also need to update my current masterpost of all my fics bc,,,yikes I haven't updated that in forever.) anyway, here’s a little drabble where adrian’s family comes over for dinner and the two families haven't seen one another in FOREVER and nova hasn't talked to Adrian in a couple months soooo :)) I may have gotten a little angsty but that's not my problem. also yes I definitely played into the stereotypical teenage romance trope and I dont care
.     “I’m home,” Nova called out as she closed the front door behind her. The smell of onions and ginger hung in the air. Nova checked the time on the clock in the living room, setting her bag down beside Papà’s favorite armchair. It was only late afternoon, so she wasn’t hallucinating; her mom was making dinner early. Nova’s family tended to eat much later than the average family, usually in the late evening. According to Papà, that’s how he grew up, so it’s how Nova and her siblings would grow up. Maybe her mom was just cooking now so she wouldn’t have to later; she had done that a few times in the past. Nova shrugged it off. 
    From the kitchen, her mom called out to her in Tagalog, her first language. Another thing that made Nova frown; she rarely spoke in her first language unless it was for a specific reason. After all, English was the only language all five of the Artinos had in common. Nevertheless, Nova answered back in Tagalog to appease her mother, telling her how her day went. When her mom asked about her therapist appointment, though, Nova switched back to English so that her dad, who was probably in the kitchen as well, could understand. 
“Dr. Sterling says hi and that she-”
    Nova had just plopped her car keys down on a side table in the kitchen when she noticed that they had guests over. She faltered, biting back her usual report she would give to her parents following her therapist appointment. So that’s why Mom was speaking in her first language. 
    “No one told me we were having people over tonight.” Nova raised an awkward hand toward the Everhart-Westwood trio, not quite sure if she were speaking to her parents or their guests. Smoothing down her oversized tee shirt, Nova ignored the way her cheeks lit up at her appearance. An old shirt of her dad’s, workout shorts she had been in since her run that morning, and torn up tennis shoes with holes beginning to peak out in the toes. “I would’ve dressed nicer.”
    Hugh was the first to break the awkward silence, chuckling and beckoning Nova forward. She gave him and Simon a one-armed hug. 
    “It was sort of last minute,” Simon explained, looking Nova up and down. “After all, it’s been so long since we’ve all gotten together.” A smile lit up his face. “While I can’t say you’ve grown, you’ve definitely changed, Nova. Every time we see you, you look more and more like your mother.” He was right; it had been a while since the two families had spent time together. Nova hadn’t seen Adrian’s dads in months other than the occasional wave from across a room at headquarters. When she was younger, it seemed as if the two families had more time for one another. It was odd, when she considered it, how close her family was to the Everhart-Westwoods, all because of a series of events that occurred when Nova was no older than six. Her father had gone to the Renegades for protection from Nova’s uncle, and they promised to protect him and his family. After a failed attempt by Nova’s uncle to kill her entire family, they were sent to a temporary home where they would be much safer. Then after Ace Anarchy was defeated, Nova’s father went to work for the Renegades with a vision of making the world a better place. Now, he sat comfortably as head of the weapons department, something Nova knew he wasn’t necessarily proud of, but it brought in a decent amount of money for his family. And besides, the weapons were currently being used for good. At least, that was what her dad said to reassure himself and his family. 
    “Too bad I also got her height,” Nova retorted.
    “Nak, you’re perfect just the way you are,” Mom chided from the stove where she was stirring a pot of what looked like a soup or stew. Nova rolled her eyes, used to her mother lecturing her on her negative view of her appearance. 
    She turned to Adrian to hug him next, as it was expected, despite the sudden skip in her chest. It had been a few months since she had seen much of him or talked to him, both of them being held down by responsibilities and Renegade duties. Ever since they got their own teams a couple years ago, she had noticed how they began drifting apart. It was upsetting because they had been so close when they were young, but what could they do about it? Nova barely had enough time these days for her studies, something her parents were strict on her having. She supposed it was a good thing, seeing as she had developed confusing and distracting feelings for her childhood friend that went beyond friendship. And as her mom liked to say, people would enter and leave her life when she needed them, that they were there or not there for a reason. 
    It was hard not to breathe in or let her eyes fall shot when Nova wrapped both of her arms around Adrian’s shoulders, lifting up on the tips of her toes. She tried not to shiver as he bent down to meet her, arms encircling her waist. Then it was over too soon, and Nova hopped up on the kitchen counter beside where he stood. 
    “Get down from there,” Nova’s dad passed by her with a handful of bowls, swatting at her lightly once he set them down. Sharing a look with Adrian, who bit his lip to hold back his smile, she slid back down. 
    “So, what’s for dinner?” Nova leaned against the counter. 
    Papà opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Nova’s siblings came running through the kitchen, Thomas chasing after Evie with a red face and tears running down his cheeks. 
    “Give it back!” Thomas screeched. He managed to wrap a fist around Evie’s shirt before she ripped it from his grasp, dancing away. “Papà, tell Evie to give my action figure back!”
    Nova saw her father’s face age about ten years as he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose beneath his glasses. “Evie, give your brother his toy back, please.”
    “He wouldn’t leave me alone!” Evie stuck her tongue out at Thomas. “He kept opening my door and running away laughing, so now his stupid toy is mine.” 
    Nova shifted toward Adrian, who leaned down to listen as she mumbled, “She just got herself into huge trouble, watch.”
    Papà narrowed his eyes at Evie. “Evie Grace Artino, what have we said about closed doors in this house?” 
    Nova elbowed Adrian softly. 
    Evie faltered, her hand that was held over her head to keep the toy away from Thomas falling. “Did I say my bedroom door? I..I-I um...I meant-”
    “Give the toy back, and I’ll consider lightening your punishment for breaking the rules.”
    Evie groaned loudly and shoved the toy at Thomas, whose skin and hair, Nova noticed, was a soft shade of red. At this point, Nova was used to her brother’s recent discovery that he was a prodigy like her. It wasn’t much, seemingly, because he only changed colors depending on his mood. But Nova had a feeling that there was much more to it, and that he would learn more about himself in the coming years. 
    “It’s not fair! Nova’s allowed to have her door shut!” 
    Nova began to speak, retorting that she had earned that right, but Mom beat her to it.
    “Nova is five years older than you, Evie.” She brought the stirring pot over to the island where she set it on a hot pad. “And much more mature. She’s a leader in the Renegades and has nearly perfect grades in her studies and she does her chores and work without being asked. She’s earned that right, and you will too, once we see you trying in school and emptying the dishwasher on time and not after we’ve asked ten times.”
    “Explains why you’re always grounded every other week,” Evie grumbled, shoving past Nova. 
    “Anyway,” Mom took her apron off. “Dinner’s ready. And to answer your question, Nova, it’s Sinigang.”
    Nova smiled. Her favorite. 
    “No boys in bedrooms!” Mom called up the stairs as Nova led Adrian up. 
    “Oh darn, there goes my plan to seduce my best friend.” She shrugged at Adrian. “Sorry, maybe next time.” She pretended not to notice how he averted her gaze, cheeks red. 
    “I mean it, Nova Jean!” 
    “We’re just going to watch a movie or something, calm down!” 
    Even as she said it, she led Adrian to the back of the upstairs where her bedroom was. 
    “Didn’t your mom just say-”
    Nova reached for his hand, pulling him inside. “We’re not going to be in my room.” She nodded to her window. “The roof?”
    A smile crept onto Adrian’s face, understanding filling his eyes. He let Nova pull him to the window. She lifted it up and stepped out onto the sill, then pushed herself up onto the roof, an easy feat as the roof was slanted right beside her bedroom window. When they were little, she and Adrian would climb up there and talk for hours until Papà would have to go out in the backyard and yell up at them to come down because it was time for Adrian to go home. 
    The wind picked up slightly, and Nova peered back over her shoulder. “Grab a blanket from my bed.”
    She crawled to the center, their spot, and waited for Adrian. When he poked his head up, she grinned and caught the blanket thrown at her. She wrapped it around herself as he joined her. 
    “How’s your team doing?” She scooted closer to him, telling herself it was because she was cold and he radiated heat. “I saw Ruby the other day in the training hall. We ran a few laps together before she had to go.”
    “Good, I suppose.” He rested back on his elbows. “Danna misses you, by the way. She won’t shut up about how you two need to grab coffee or breakfast.”
    Nova chuckled. “I know! We’ve been texting, but our schedules just haven’t lined up in a while. I haven’t been able to relax much the past few months with this new schedule I’m on.” She let out a sigh, resting her chin on her knees. “Especially since I-” she stopped herself, shoulders tensing up. Adrian didn’t know about her therapist. In fact, no one knew that she had started going to therapy, not even Adèle or Ramona or Benton, some of the people she spent most of her time around. She didn’t need people thinking she was weak.
    “Since you what?” Even though she her back was to him, Nova could hear the frown in his voice. 
    “Nothing.” Nova chewed the inside of her cheek. “Forget I said anything.”
    Adrian sat up. “No, what?” When she didn’t give him an immediate answer, avoiding his piercing gaze, he nudged her gently. “Come on, Nova. We’ve been friends for almost ten years. You know you can tell me anything.”
    She picked at a hole in her leggings. “It’s not that I’m embarrassed or anything. It’s a completely normal thing people do. It’s just...not everyone would agree with me, and you know that I’m not the most liked person in Gatlon.” It wasn’t something she acknowledged often because it always left her in a sour mood; it always lingered at the bottom of her conscience, like how Evie would overstay her welcome in Nova’s room sometimes. Because of her uncle, because of what he did before his death, the Artino’s had to tread lightly in the city. Her parents, maybe not so much, since so many sympathized with them choosing to do the right thing and nearly losing their lives over it. And Evie presented no danger because she wasn’t a prodigy, and she was too young to even remember her uncle. Thomas was still a young child, despite being a prodigy, and didn’t even know how to divide numbers bigger than twenty without help. Nova, on the other hand, was kept under supervision by just about all of Gatlon. There were people who didn’t like the fact that she was a Renegade, much less a team leader for one of the best teams in the city. They didn’t like that she was friends with Adrian Everhart, son of the late Lady Indomitable and adopted son of the Dread Warden and Captain Chromium, all three being members on the Renegades Council. Rumors had been spread in the past of her true intentions with the Everhart boy, and how much she trained, and how intelligent she was. After all, she had known Ace Anarchy; he was her Uncle Alec. She had loved him and the gifts he brought her family. That was all before she knew who he truly was, of course. 
But even then, in recent years, she had been contacted by the living Anarchists, confronted by them in person sometimes. The Council didn’t know, and it was a secret Nova planned on taking to her grave, despite never acting on their kind words and suggestions to join them, that the Renegades were flawed and corrupt. She knew they only wanted her because of her bloodline. Their words were lies.
Nova couldn’t afford to make mistakes in this world with so many eyes on her. 
Adrian shifted closer, the movement almost subtle. He placed a hand on her back, and Nova tried to hide her shiver. “They can all go to Hell. No one knows you like I do, Nova. The media...the media will always find a way to twist good into bad, no matter how hard you try.” He traced a small pattern on her back. “If you don’t want to tell me, I get it, and I won’t press anymore, but you can trust me. I promise not to tell anyone.”
Nova allowed herself to sink into his touch, just a little. After a moment, she said quietly, “I started going to therapy. You know how I don’t need to sleep? How whenever I try, I’m taken back to that night?” Adrian nodded. She had told him the story years ago. “Well, I’ve been going for that, partly.” She cleared her throat. “I learned from my therapist that I have a decent amount of anxiety, and I’m pretty fucking depressed, so I’m going for that as well.”
His hand paused on her back, then shifted to take her hand. She didn’t even realize it had started shaking. “That’s good you’re seeing someone. You’ve never been good at opening up.” She had to let out a soft laugh at that. 
“Yeah.” She looked down at their joined hands, thought of how they would look better laced together. “But I mean, it’s helped a lot. She’s helping me work through the trauma and pain I deal with on a daily basis. And she’s patient, too, so if she makes a suggestion and it takes me weeks to act upon it, she’s not upset. She’s always happy to hear me try something new.”
“Like?” Adrian looked down at her. 
She hummed. “Well, at first it was little things, like making my team train during the day instead of at four in the morning.” When Adrian frowned, she continued. “I’ve always done that because I was insecure about people watching me, about what they would say. And then it kind of just became routine, so I didn’t bother changing it until she suggested I do.”
“There were a few times I remember seeing you train during the day,” Adrian said. “They weren’t often, and I always assumed it was because something changed in your schedule.”
Nova nodded. “I hated those days. Usually, I would just try to tune everyone out but myself and my team.” She bit her lip. “Now, it’s still a little weird, but I’m getting used to it every day.” A snort escaped her mouth. “And now people can stop saying I have something to hide because I train so early.” 
    “Stop worrying about what other people think.” He squeezed her hand gently, that stupid soft smile returning to his lips.
    “Gee,” Nova deadpanned, “I wish I would’ve thought of that. Thank you. I’m cured.” 
    “You know what I mean.”
    Nova tore her hand out of his, despite liking the way it felt, to push him gently. He was laughing at her now, so she pushed him again, this time a bit harder. It seemed to have no effect on him. Why was he so infuriating? Even from going months without seeing one another, even from drifting apart in recent years, he still had the audacity to be so comfortable around her while she was an awkward mess. She guessed that may also play a part in the reason why her pulse tended to quicken in his presence the past six or more months. She also guessed that was why she enjoyed her friendship with him as much as she did, and that he was debatably the closest person to her. They could always pick up right where they left off no matter how long they were apart, as if they had talked just the other day. 
    Adrian nudged her back with his arm playfully. They went back and forth like this, playing the game for another minute or so, the two of them erupting into quite giggles, before he grabbed both of her arms as they pushed against his chest. She tried to pull away, grinning widely, but her laughter died in her throat when she looked up to meet his eyes. They stared into hers with an intensity that brought color to her cheeks. Her smile faded. 
    “Nova, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while now,” he breathed. Minutes ago, he had sounded so calm, so confident, and now she could hear the trembling in his voice, the uncertainty. She could’ve sworn she saw his eyelashes dip, eyes glancing at her gaping mouth. Instead of telling her, he inched his face closer to hers. 
    Inhaling sharply, Nova almost scrambled away. Was he...great skies. She remained still, though, and surprised herself by letting her eyes flutter shut, tilting in. After all, wasn’t this what she had been wanting for so long? Many nights had been spent tossing and turning in her bed, trying to make herself get at least a few minutes of sleep despite not needing it, wondering if he thought of her the way she thought of him. They weren’t kids anymore. Things had changed. 
    But they were still friends. Best friends. What if...whatever this was...would send them down a dangerous path? It could open up something new for both of them, or it could completely ruin a decade long friendship. And with her schedule, she didn’t have time for it, even though she really, really, truly wanted it. Wanted him. This was the first time they had actually hung out in months, and while they could pick up where they left off as friends, would it be the same in a relationship?
    Too many questions raced through her mind as Adrian’s lips brushed against hers, sending electricity down her spine. She had kissed Adrian before, nearly three years ago at a party where they played spin the bottle. Back then, it was an innocent kiss, an awkward and amateur exchange between two friends who had both just recently had the talk with their parents. She remembered their friends teasing them about it for months, and Nova and Adrian had mutually agreed that it held little meaning and that nothing would change in their friendship. 
    Body trembling, Nova swiveled her head to face the backyard before Adrian’s lips could press against hers and she would be lost in him. She concentrated her eyes on the old playset in the yard. 
    “Do you want to play I Spy?” From the corner of her eye, she could see Adrian blink at her, confused and deflated at her sudden rejection. She dared to peek back at him when he didn’t answer. “It was your favorite game once upon a time, right?”
    Adrian gulped, staring at her for what seemed like an eternity, before he nodded, almost as if he understood what she was trying to silently convey through her eyes. She was scared, terrified even, of a kiss and what it could mean. Their friendship was one of the only things tethering her to sanity some days, at least it seemed that way. 
Please, please, please don’t hate me. I need normal right now. 
He nodded. “Yeah, sure.”
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mybiasisexo · 5 years
A Little Taste 🍰
@baekberrie​ asks: 36,40 and 56! I am literally so sorry to make you do this although it's closed😖😖 but I'll take this chance to congratulate you on reaching another goal! I believe you deserve it so much because you're the sweetest and so talented! I'm so happy to be a mutual with you! 💖💖💖❤️❤️🍓🍓🍓
a/n: I usually dont take 3 numbers but I made an exception bc I too am happy to be your mutual!!! thank you thank you thank you!!! I hope you like this!!! 🌷
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It was odd.
This time last year, you couldn’t stand the sight of Byun Baekhyun.
Now? You didn’t know what to think.
Honored, for one. He was the best baker in the country, and the fact he decided to team up with you of all people, you couldn’t be more flattered. It was a privilege to own a shop with someone as prestigious as him.
Being the best meant he was cocky as all hell. His personality rubbed you the wrong way, coming from more humble beginnings. But there was no denying that the two of you working together was like magic. With your minds combined, you created cakes and other sugary treats that went beyond anything your customers could ever dream.
Working alongside him for so long, you grew into a rhythm, grew rather close. Soon his arrogant words became funny, and his harsh criticisms more like tough love. Your disdain for him slowly turned into respect, that soon turned into friendship that was currently blooming into something altogether.
It was obvious what it was to others. The way your touches lingered whenever you worked. The way you seemed to gravitate towards each other, drawing closer and closer throughout your projects. Not to mention how in sync you had become, as if you could read each other’s minds.
Even though you were suspicious of your feelings, you never spoke on them, believing Baekhyun could never feel the same. He was friendly to everyone, and was just warming up to you.
You practically lived in your shop, so it was no surprise that’s where you were currently, wearing your arm out as you whisked batter in a giant bowl. Sweat built on your hairline as you loosened the thick base.
A body was pressed behind you and before you could register, a finger sunk into the sweet concoction, pulling out a sample for the person to taste.
“Baekhyun!” You barked, not needing to turn around to know who was attempting to sabotage your hard work. It wasn’t a hard guess, he was the only other person allowed in the back.
He hummed in pleasure. “I like it when you say my name. Also, that cake is going to taste amazing!”
Your cheeks flushed, from which statement you weren’t sure. Maybe a bit of both. Lately, Baekhyun had been saying things like that. Little flirtatious statements that made your heart beat erratically and your mind go to places that were forbidden with your business partner.
“Sh—shut up,” you stuttered a bit too late. “and thank you.”
He was practically draped over you, hard to ignore as he watched you finish up the whisking, bringing the batter into a soft, lump less, texture. You were fighting between the urge to ask him to give you some space or sinking into the delicious heat his body brought.
“Alright,” you began, sitting down the whisk. “The cake is ready for the oven!”
“It’s going to be delicious, I can already tell.”
“Thanks, Baek.” Praise from him was the highest form of accomplishment. He had the gift for baking, understood the science of what made something otherworldly.
“No problem, love.” He spun you around, pressing your back against the cold counter and closed in, resting his hands on either side of your hips, thumbs brushing the tough material of your pants. “Why don’t you give your work a little taste?”
Before you could answer, he was scooping another gunk onto his index finger, rubbing it across your bottom lip and then pressing it against the seal of your lips, beckoning you to open. You followed directions well, tentatively opening your mouth, allowing him to slither into the wet cavern. You sucked the appendage clean, letting the sweet goodness coat your tongue.
The whole transaction was super sensual. Your eyes never left his as his mouth fell open from the feeling, only imagining what else that pouty mouth of yours could do.
As soon as his finger left your mouth, his lips were on yours.
It was a slow sultry kiss. His lips were softer than you expected, slotting between yours perfectly and tasting more divine than anything you’ve ever created.
“What was that for?” You asked breathlessly once you separated. Your head was foggy, as if you were just waking up, or had one too many shots of him. By the way his eyelashes fluttered, you could tell he was feeling the same.
He shrugged. “I always want to kiss you,” he confessed with a voice that crawled deep from within his chest.
“You do?” You questioned, surprised by his answer.
“You couldn’t tell?” He asked. You shook your head. “Well, I do. I have for some time now.”
You wanted him to elaborate more, but he was tasting you again. This time allowing you both to fully get lost within each other.
“Baek,” you called between kisses. “The cake…. It needs…. To go into…. The oven.”
“One more,” he bartered. “I promise I’ll stop after one more.”
One more became a few more. You both were finding it difficult to stop.
So, you decided the cake could wait, lifting your arms to knot your fingers securely into Baekhyun’s hair, finally giving into the feelings you had been denying for so long.
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pasteljeon · 6 years
The Clarity of Love (m)
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Summary: He loves the games you play.
Pairing: Jungkook/Reader
Warnings: sub!jungkook, dom!reader, cockwarming, overstimulation, teasing, edgeplay, impregnation kink, dirty talk, masturbation (male), noona kink, subspace, minor assplay (buttplug)
Length: 1.5k
Notes: sorry this is just filth and i released it early bc i got excited. it’s supposed to be a short drabble before the next chapter of nymphet is released. looks like i can’t stick to the deadlines i set for myself but i hope you guys enjoy regardless!!
He sits with his legs spread out casually on the couch, clad in a pair of loose grey sweatpants, drawstrings untied, and a thin matching Puma sweater. His eyebrows are furrowed in concentration, lips pursed and long fingers dancing over the controller with ease as he fights to dethrone Jin in Mario Kart for the fifth time this week.
God, he looks good enough to eat. His manspreading makes you want to fuck him stupid. You want to devour him. “Babe, what are you—” he struggles to peer over your shoulder as you block his view of the widescreen TV momentarily, leaning over him as you hitch a leg over his thigh. You settle on his lap with a happy sigh.
He barely bats an eyelash, too focused on the game to notice the way you’re slipping a hand under the cotton material of his shirt. Your palm is cool against his skin, and Jungkook sucks in a breath when your nails rake down his abs to tug at the band of his sweats.
His muscles tense beneath you, and you smile when you feel his soft cock begin to swell. “Always so responsive baby,” you murmur, nosing along the column of his neck. Jungkook tilts his head back, throat bobbing as he swallows. Still, his eyes remain trained on the screen, though his attention is visibly impaired given the way his pupils are blown out and hazy. Your hips roll against him slowly, catching the slit of his length.
Jungkook chokes on a stifled gasp as the console jerks in his clutch. “N-noona—”
“Go on, Kookie. Play the game,” you whisper, pressing a kiss against the mole on his upper jaw. His eyes widen when he feels you pulling down his sweats, darting to you as he silently pleads you not to tease him. He knows the game you play, knows he’ll lose horribly, yet he can’t seem to find it in him to resist, not with how much he loves when you ruin him.
You admire his length as you free it from its confines. His cock is long and thick, curved at just the right angle, leaking with precum and twitching against your delicate touch and the cold air its exposed to. A moan escapes his mouth as he shuts his eyes briefly, struggling to stay still, your fingers pressing down on his hipbone firmly as you sink down.
The stretch burns slightly and you adjust leisurely, smiling at the way Jungkook lurches forward with every movement. “Don’t drop the controller, baby,” you sing, and his hands automatically tighten over the plastic.
You hum, seemingly unbothered as you reach to the side and prop open the book you were pouring over earlier, flipping through the pages with ease. He grits his teeth, the heat of your walls, the feel of your body pressed against him, the sweet scent of your shampoo wraps his head in fuzzy cotton.
It closes in on him until he can’t breathe. With every inhale, he loses a bit of his sanity. He squirms beneath you, lips parting as he pants, eyes half-lidded and knuckles white. He isn’t even sure if his fingers are still moving. He can’t even see where Jin’s character has disappeared off to. Fuck, even after all this time, he’s still weak as the first day you took him against the wall.
He drops the controller.
Jungkook tosses his head back, letting out a whimper as he gasps your name. “P-please. Y-you know I c-can’t take it!” You clench around him, cradling his cheeks as you bury your fingers in his thick, ebony-coloured locks. Tugging on them lightly, he moans, cock throbbing.
“My little pain slut,” you coo. He makes a soft noise of agreement, eyes rolling back as you rock against him gently. “Tell me what you want, baby.”
“W-want you,” he pants, sweat beading at his temple as you ride him lazily. “A-ah, w-want you to f-fuck me, please noona! I’ll be a good boy,” he cries out when you pinch his nipple in warning, twisting harshly.
“Yeah?” You lift yourself off him abruptly. The loss of your warmth had Jungkook whining in protest, reaching for you blindly. You tilt your head, eyes innocent as you say, “I want to see you touch yourself. Get yourself off for me, baby. Then we’ll see about fucking you.”
The veins in his neck strain, and you suckle at his pulse point as Jungkook squeezes himself, hand coated in your combined juices. He quickens, flicking his wrist as he nears the edge, he can taste his relief already—
“Stop.” Jungkook sobs, unwilling to stop but ever so weak against that that lilting voice of yours, sweet yet edged with something a little darker, a little danger, something that says you wouldn’t hesitate to punish him if he so much as tries to resist.
“Again.” His orgasm has long since faded, and he shakily reaches for his cock.
You leave him teetering at the edge six times before you’re satisfied and he’s openly crying, lashes wet and cheeks stained. His lower lip is swollen from his constant worrying, and you roll the tender flesh between your teeth as you sit down on him once more.
His moans are staccato, breaths stuttering as his chest heaves. “Kookie,” you say. You sound so distant, his mind muddled with nerves frayed with pleasure. It rolls down his spine and lingers in his stomach, electrifying his blood. “Kookie,” you repeat. “I want you to come inside me.”
His hands come up to rest on the swell of your hips, and the hope that blooms in his darkened mocha orbs has you smiling down at him. You run your fingers through his damp hair and nod. “I want this. Want you to fill me up, want you to pump my stomach full of your seed.”
“Y-you want to have my kids?” Jungkook whispers hoarsely. His cock pulses at the thought of knocking you up, stomach round with his children.
“I do,” you say, and he dips his head to crush his mouth over yours, the kiss messy and more teeth and saliva than lips. “But you’re going to have to wait until I come first. Do you understand?”
Jungkook nods frantically, eyes wild as you slam into him. He keens instantly. “N-noona, I can’t! Fuck, I c-can’t hold it!” The edging takes its toll, his nerves alight with a scorching kind of pleasure. His cock seems to swell, and you let out a moan at the way his cock splits you apart.
“You can and you will,” you warn, but he’s too far into his lust-driven haze to register your words. He grips your arms and pushes you flat onto the couch, actively thrusting into you without rhythm, his hips a blur as he fucks you. “N-noona!” He explodes, warmth coating your insides as he moans, tears of relief streaming down his cheeks. You follow soon after, and he jolts at the feeling of your walls pressing into him as he comes down from his high.
Jungkook jerks, head shooting up as he tries, voice wobbling, “K-Kookie’s sorry, h-he d-didn’t mean—it f-felt s-so good,” he babbles, dread creeping into his veins as you prop yourself up, the familiar glint in your eye means you want—
“Again.” He wails, body shuddering as he cums in feeble ropes, thighs slick and stained with his release. The vibrations drill into his prostate, his cock alarmingly red and still somehow managing to remain half-hard despite you coaxing three more orgasms from him.
He collapses, muscles aching as tired moans leak from his lips. He floats in and out of consciousness, thoroughly worn. You gently tug the buttplug from his abused hole, Jungkook fidgeting slightly. Setting it aside, you fetch a wet towel and run it over his skin tenderly. You press a cup to his lips and he reluctantly opens his mouth, drinking greedily. His eyes stay closed, murmuring a croaky thank you, noona and you kiss his temple, heart swelling at his adorableness.
“Now sleep baby. I’ll wake you when dinner’s ready.” You tuck a blanket over his neck, but he catches your wrist before you can leave.
“I love you,” he says sleepily, smiling lopsidedly, brown eyes soft and warm as they peer up at you.
You feel yourself die. “I love you too, Jungkook.” And he knows. He knows just how much you do when he sees the way your lips tremble and eyes glaze over. He knows because he loves you just as much.
He’s yours, just as much as you are his.
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whrrlwind-a · 4 years
fill out & repost !
tagged by:  no one! i stole it from ren <3 tagging:  anyone who wants to do it!!
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my muse is:  canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK and im too afraid to find out Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL How strictly do you follow canon?  —  pretty strictly! it’s really only towards the end of SA2 and after it where i start taking creative liberties! as whirl nearly dies himself trying (and failing) to save his shadow, and then starts going into rider’s time instead of jumping into heroes.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  you like the adventure era sonic? you hate how he sometimes handles really serious scenarios or brushes them off like nothing, as if they aren’t traumatic as shit in any way? wanna see a pretty mentally and emotionally fucked up lad struggle with handling his troubles and keep up the dark/serious theme SA2 set that sega is too cowardly to go back to in modern day? well bOY DO I HAVE THE HEDGEHOG FOR YOU. this bad boy ACTUALLY has emotions and struggles with handling them and many other things due to the position he has put himself in over the course of his life, but also doesn’t completely wear him down and stop him from being who he is! as well as dealing with the fact he and his timeline are MUCH further behind than other alternates of himself and friends. sonic “ whirl ” hedgehog is a young hero still running his way through life the way he wants like the rebellious, free-spirited teenager he is, while learning that not only is he a hero, but he’s also a person.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — quite frankly, he’s sonic. there’s a lot of them out there. he can probably be too energetic, positive, etc, or perhaps this blog focuses a little too much on his trauma and internal struggles or even the general dark theme to the point it’s a turnoff or just hard to really read. he’s also an annoying idiot to the point it’s frustrating.
What inspired you to rp your muse? — yo sonic was my fucking LIFEBLOOD as a kid. lived and breathed this franchise. sa2 was my first game ever, sonic was my fav character (and still is), so my absolute love for this specific version of him became too much to internalize sooooo here we are ; w ;
What keeps your inspiration going? —  straight up, sonic is probably my biggest comfort character to exist ever. always makes me happy, always makes me feel better when im down, etc. there’s nothing he can’t do that doesn’t make me smile, regardless of how sega treats him. being able to pour my ideas into a character i love so much to the point he becomes really personalized (and personal for me), and it’s actually something people enjoy seeing and interacting with? it gives me so much goddamn sertonin.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters.
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Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? Do you frequently write headcanons?  YESSSSS I CANNOT SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT WHIRL ask anyone i Do Not Shut The Fuck Up even if i don’t post abt it on tumblr Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO just bc im bad at writing them abndhjbfd Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO / SORTA. Do you accept criticism about your portrayal?  —  always!! i’m always willing to learn and improve on things, especially with the canon of some events from games and such, as i’m not 100% with everything besides SA2. all i really ask is that when receiving criticism, people are as nice as they can be with it! thanks adhd and personal trauma
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  ABSOFUCKINLUTELY I DO
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  mmmmm? mm. kind of? but also not really? like. everyone’s entitled to their own opinion ofc, i’m not gonna rip anyone apart for disagreeing with something, but like. i have adhd. i’m v hypersensitive to some things, so it can really be processed in my head the wrong way and it makes me feel bad. so i guess just....... be careful about it if you ever wanna tell me why?
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it? — i’d probably just kinda be like “ damn that sucks bro, but thats literally not my problem, there’s a whole ton of other sonics out there bye ” bc like. i dont care? don’t even really tell me bc honestly ur just wasting ur time lmao
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it? — ill be the first to admit im. v attached to sonic as a whole. he means a lot to me! so going off abt how you may (generally) hate him really....... is just upsetting to me. but thats just bc im v attached to him, and there’s nothing wrong with having that opinion on him!! we all get upset when someone talks bad about something we love. all i ever ask is that try to keep it away from me, especially if it’s abt whirl in particular, bc it can really upset me and thats just not fun for anyone <:3c
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors? — absolutely!! i make them all the time and i even have a friend proofread some of my stuff bc of how common it is aBJDBHBJC, again i just ask if people are nice about it when pointing that stuff out to me!!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  oh fuckin yes absolutely, im tooting my own horn and i dont even care, im one of the chillest people on this fuckin planet
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mssjynx · 5 years
Are you doing the soulmate drabble thingy? If yes? Can you please do uhhh krii7y or ohmtoonz 4 "you just saved my life...." (I also thought, what if one hurt themself and is depressed and the other one panicky tries to find their souldmate before it's too late, only for them to realise that it's their close friend?) (Ps: the last one was just one of my tired "what if"s, if you don't want to you can just ignore it and write anything else) (ps 2: love your stuff ÚwÙ)
a/n: i dont wanna make this too depressy bc i like making these drabbles fluffy cuteness so im just gonna go and see where this takes me pfft. but i hope you enjoy either way!
trigger warning; violence
krii7y drabble
4. when your soulmate is hurt, you feel the same pain and receive the same injuries.
prompt: “You just saved my life…”
His soulmate was an idiot, really. A clumsy, dumbass who seemed completely incapable of going a day without somehow injuring himself. And considering the whole soulmate thing, John had to put up with every knee graze, paper cut, stubbed toe and jarred finger. 
If only he had a way of letting his stupid roommate know what an dick he was for not even trying to protect himself from harm. But with absolutely no way to figure out who or where his soulmate was, he couldn’t. 
“Sup fuckers!” Jaren’s greeting to John was always one of a gentleman, slamming his hands down on the older boy’s shoulders and ignoring the glares he got from their peers for his volume. He sneered right back, always a classy asshole, before dancing around the side of the table and falling into the seat across from John. 
He only laughed when Marcel through a fry at him, snarking out a short, “Do you ever speak in a normal voice?” He rolled his eyes at the shit-eating grin, nodding. 
Craig flinched, hand falling to his stomach as he moaned in pain. Snickers scattered the table as he glared up at the roof. “Fucking dickhead,” he muttered. 
“Who?” Jaren asked as the Brit flinched again. 
Craig huffed a sigh. “My prick of a soulmate’s playing rugby,” he grumbled, carding his fingers through his hair and throwing a glare to the window of the cafeteria. He and Tyler had met two years ago, being the only ones in their friend group who had actually found their other halves. 
“Want me to kick you to get him back?” Brian offered, grin broad at the idea of fucking with Tyler. Craig grunted before shaking his head and Brian’s face fell in disappointment. 
John snickered, the idiocy of their friends one that never changed. He rolled his eyes, watching with interest as Jaren jumped to his feet. “Shit, I forgot I had a meeting. I’ll be right back-” Before the words had even finished leaving his mouth, the boy had thrown his backpack over his shoulders and ran for the door. 
He watched the boy go, ignoring the smack of pain that collided with his shoulder. 
The feeling of dread that pooled in his stomach overloaded all of his senses as he sat at the back of his maths class. It hit him like a truck out of nowhere and the sound of his phone vibrating in his bag had him shuddering in worry. He retrieved it, opening it to see a message from Jaren. 
Smit: im in the toilets. i ran from jake but i dont thinf ksdf
His heartbeat slammed against his ribs as that dread filled his body and he felt an invisible hand yank at his scalp. He stood, ignoring the look from his teacher. “I need the bathroom,” he uttered, running from the class and leaving his stuff. 
The bad feeling grew with every heartbeat and he took off running down the hall. The sting of a hit across his face made him stagger as he went, the need to find Jaren one that he felt his soul bleeding for. 
In the numbness of his brain, he feared for his best friend and his soulmate. He hoped he could at least help one of them. 
The blunt force hit to his stomach sent him to his knees and he couldn’t help the trees springing to his eyes. “Jay,” he whimpered, knowing it was his boy who was being hurt this way. He knew, he knew. He had to help him. 
When he rounded the corner and ran for the bathroom door, he pushed through the pain of a punch to his face, barreling into the door and sending it slamming into the wall behind him. 
“Get the fuck off him,” he snarled, the anger in his voice foreign to him as he stood in the doorway and glared at the four boys within. One was his best friend, pushed to his knees with his head down. The other three stood around him, boys he didn’t know or care for the names of. 
The obvious “leader” sneered at John, taking a step towards Jaren as one of the others grasped his hair and yanked his head back. John felt it. When the clenched fist was thrown, he felt the exact moment the punch landed at the underside of his jaw, as well as the strained pain at his neck from how the impact threw him back. 
“Mother fucker,” he growled, striding forward and pulling his arm back. John wasn’t a fighter. He didn’t get into fights, he never had been a victim or a bully. But with the red coating over his vision, he had everything he needed to leave a few black eyes.
His punch landed, throwing the asshole back as he grasped at his nose. The flash of red had a grin crawling over John’s mouth, wishing to give more than just a blood nose to the asshole that hurt Jaren. It was no surprise that he was quickly overwhelmed by the two other boys, obvious rugby players by their muscles and build. 
Then it was his turn for the real punches. He lost count of how many he took; one after the other as Jaren sobbed against the wall of the bathroom. John felt his heartache, wishing his realisation wasn’t true and hating that it was only confirmed. 
Jaren was his soulmate and he was feeling every hit too. 
John didn’t know how long it was before he was kicked to the ground and spat on. He didn’t move, exhausted and agonised as the three boys laughed to themselves and kicked the bathroom door shut behind them. 
Hands on his face didn’t even feel real in the moment as Jaren’s voice slipped into his awareness. “John, John- Stay with me, okay? You’re okay-” The sob that broke through his words was more painful than any of the punches he took and he lifted his hand to cover one of Jaren’s. 
“I’m okay,” he mumbled, voice gruff as he slowly heaved himself up off the ground to sit against the wall. Jaren followed, concern in those pretty brown eyes despite the fact that he’d received the exact same beating. He looked at a loss for words, hands still either side of John’s face as the older boy managed a smile. “So, you’re the clumsy idiot I’m supposed to fall in love with.”
The tears rolling down Jaren’s face didn’t stop the weak smile from cracking as he let out a little laugh, letting his forehead rest against John’s. John brushed his thumb over the boy’s cheekbone, catching the tears and wiping them away. 
“I didn’t know it was you,” Jaren admitted, his voice no louder than a whisper. “I was already in love with you and I didn’t know it was you. You... saved me.” 
“I love you too,” John said, leaning forward to press his lips to Jaren’s bruising cheekbone. “I’m sorry I let them hurt you.” 
Jaren shook his head, eyes squeezing shut to push the tears from his eyes. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “I’m okay. We’re okay. We’re okay. I love you.” The words were brushed barely against John’s lips but that wasn’t enough. 
Without a care for the bell ringing through the corridors to signal the end of school, he pushed forward and sealed a kiss, a real kiss, to his soulmate’s lips. 
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sweetbunnykook · 5 years
Damn that anon rlly tryna ruin it for us fuCKKK oFFFFF, IGNORE EM SWEETHEART WE LUV UR WRITING
Omg bunny the anon that said you’re taking it too far... love your response. I’d like to let you know that I enjoy your mind extremely! Don’t you ever waste internet space with those asks. You’re absolutely brilliant the way you make yandere jk come to life and I don’t know where I would be without it.
Let people enjoy things @ anon x2
Whoa honestly I already sent an ask for this rude anon but the more I think about it the more it pisses me off. What the actual f is this passive aggressive behaviour. There was no constructive criticism or whatsoever. Just plain rudeness. People seriously be thinking they can get away with that shitty behaviour just bc it's anonymous. Dear anon - don't think you're slick - I spot people like you a mile away irl and I hope the people around you do so too and keep their distance to you
Can someone pls tell this bish to shut up? Honestly when you don't enjoy things then shut up and ignore it or unfollow or whatever gives you a boner. But do it without taking the fun away from other people. I love every single comment. It's nice to indulge in fantasies especially when we have to wait between chapters (which is totally fine!) It makes the waiting part easier and more anticipating
Can people actually NOT tell writers they're "going too far" with THEIR work. They dont spend hours and hours for US for FREE just for them to get told their art is too "much". No one is forcing you to read anything, and of course yandere is a sensitive topic to read but... What do you expect? Its literally a mystery/thriller type story so if COURSE its going to be twisted, that's the point. How dare that anon shame you for that. Dont let anyone discourage you from writing what you love bunny.
You guys are all so sweet, thank you so much for sending such supportive asks ❤✨ I don’t let asks like that get to me and make me lose my spark for writing what I want to write. As long as I know there are many readers who enjoy my work and wait respectfully for it, I’ll sleep well at night. 
I write drabbles for the jungkookXnoona universe because it’s fun to indulge in small scenarios while the next OY chapter is in the works. Because people have been waiting so long, it’s fun to think about different reincarnations (since that is also a common au in fanfiction) to make the waiting period fun. I write these drabbles in hallways, in lectures when I’m not supposed to, in cafes, etc etc wherever I can find some small time to squeeze in because I love my readers and I want to thank them in these small ways. If anyone has a problem with that, then they are free to unfollow me. I am not forcing anyone to read my work. 
That being said, I want sweetbunnykook to remain as a positive and lighthearted blog that people come here to escape from reality. It takes less time to unfollow me than to send me an insult. 
- 🐰
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