#more slytherin of them to drop hints and hope someone would figure it out and do the big reveal for them
blackcathjp · 3 months
harry has random (ADORABLE!) photos of a white ferret in his house, but his friends never see it when they come over. they always ask, "where's your ferret?" and harry goes, "huh? oh! i don't have one, i just like having these around. i like ferrets."
draco has random (ADORABLE!) photos of a black cat in his flat. his friends are desperate to meet this mysterious cute black cat, but where is it?? draco shrugs, says, "not mine, he just comes and goes." ok... then why do you have a photo of him on YOUR COUCH??
at draco's house party, ron notices the photos of a seemingly singular animal... reminds him of harry's odd collection... then he sees one of a white ferret chase and tackle a black cat into a cuddle and then it CLICKS. he whips around, a little drunk, shouts, "HARRY JAMES POTTER. YOU'RE DATING DRACO MALFOY..?! HE'S THE FERRET?" he points aggressively at photo. "ARE YOU THIS CAT?"
the party is silent. everyone is staring at ron, and then at drarry, who look so embarrassed. draco clears his throat. "seems like the jig is up potter." harry awkwardly nods. "yes, seems so."
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avnkin · 4 years
Shake On It [ 2 ]
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Author’s note: I was really in my harry feels whilst writing this so sorry about that lmao also I proofread this so many times and it still SUCKS ASS. I posted this entire thing earlier from my phone but tumblr deleted everything except the title so yeah I’m sorry if there aren’t italics and bolds on some of the words where they should be but i’m just to lazy to go through the entire thing and find them all again, maybe i’ll do it later but who knows. I do not own harry potter or the storyline/characters they are the intellectual property of J.K Rowling. (not my gif)
Word Count: 5.9k
Summary: There’s little to nothing Draco values more than his reputation so when he sees it slipping, he’ll do anything in his power to catch it.
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader / Platonic!Harry Potter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, foul language, asshole!draco and daddy issues lol
This is an AU so all the information doesn’t exactly line up with the HP storyline for example Voldemort hasn’t returned but still exists so little from Harry’s history changes but Dumbledore’s still alive.
After yours and Draco’s interaction the other night you’d strongly begun reconsidering his offer to accompany him to the ball, maybe he wasn’t as bad as you thought, I mean what’s the worst that could happen? So many things your anxiety was quick to answer, the most important one being that Harry and Ron would probably never speak to you again.
“Y/N are you even listening to me?” Hermione’s voice snapped you out of your trance, her blurry hand waving in front of your face, you quickly began blinking in an attempt to bring your surroundings back into focus, “sorry” you then muttered sending her an apologetic smile before gesturing for her to continue with whatever she’d been talking about.
“As I was saying, I need a cute date for the ball, who do you think will annoy Ron the most?” you were about to answer when a voice from behind you beat you to it.
“Annoy who the most?”
You rolled your eyes having a pretty clear idea of who it was, you reluctantly turned around your eyes immediately locking onto Draco’s who stood there in all his glory a smug smile plastered onto his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Excuse me who invited you to this conversation?” you retorted before turning back to Hermione who had an amused grin on her face causing you to lightly kick her from underneath the table, you didn’t want Draco putting two and two together and realizing you’d talked about him with Hermione.
“I was just wondering if you’d changed your mind about going with me to the ball” Draco cajoled causing your eyes to widen realizing you still hadn’t told Hermione about the fact he’d asked you in the first place.
You sent Hermione an an ‘i’ll tell you later’ look before twisting your body to face Draco’s who now had his hands placed in his robe pockets, his self assurance radiating off of him despite the fact you’d rejected him only days before, the boy had clearly never been told ‘no’ his entire life.
“No and I won’t be, so run along” you stated before making a shooing gesture with your hand which only seemed to have the opposite effect you’d intended it too, since he began to take a few steps forward, licking his lips as he looked you up and down.
“Yes you will” he stated matter of factly and it took all self control you had not to smack him right across the face, who did he think he was?
“Is it really that hard to get it into that tiny little brain of yours that there are girls alive who don’t like you” you practically growled missing how Hermione’s attention had drifted away from the scene unfolding before her and to the two figures who had begun making their way towards you.
“Yes because there aren’t an-”
“Malfoy find someone else to bother can’t you see she’s not interested” Harry cut him off as him and Ron now fully came into view, the two of them standing tall behind Draco whose attention had now shifted from you to them.
“Oh look who it is, dumb and dumber” chortles could be heard from the Slytherin table at Draco’s words causing you to roll your eyes, it was pathetic how they would lick up every single thing he did.
“Offers still there Y/L/N” Draco turned to you before he slowly started to ascend back towards the Slytherin table where he was greeted with numerous pats on the back as he squeezed himself in between Crabbe and Goyle.
“What a slimy git” Ron huffed as he took the seat next to yours, immediately beginning to scoop all the food in view onto his plate.
“What did he want anyways?” Harry asked resting his elbows on the wooden house table as he sat down opposite you.
“He asked if I wanted to go to the ball with him” you feigned disgust as you shook your head, hoping he would drop the subject, you’d never been a good liar and if anyone could see through you it would surely be your best friend.
“Just tell him you’re going with me if he asks again, then he’ll leave you alone” Harry suggested, Ron nodding along with him as he stuffed a chicken wing into his mouth.
“Yeah- yeah ‘course thank you Harry” you scratched the back of your head cringing at the obvious hint of disappointment lingering in your words which thankfully no one but Hermione seemed to notice since she reached her hand out across the table and laid it gently atop of yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
You gave her a small smile before your eyes began dancing around the Great Hall somehow coming to a halt on Draco’s figure, he had his chin resting in the palm of his hand as he engaged in conversation with Blaise.
No one could say that Draco Malfoy wasn’t handsome, rude and a prat? Sure, but unattractive no. He was the only boy you’d ever seen who was able to pull of such a hair color and as your eyes travelled along his sharp jawline up to his chiseled cheekbones you felt the uncontrollable feeling of heat rush up to your face as his eyes met yours.
He sent you a wink before turning back around, you mirroring his actions the feeling of butterflies swarming your stomach slowly melting away as you pushed any remaining thoughts of him aside.
The ball was only a few days from now and you and Hermione had decided to take a trip down to Hogsmeade in an attempt to shop for dresses, not wanting to repeat what had happened last year when you both had made the mistake of trusting your parents with your attires, the dresses they’d choosen had arrived the same night as the ball and you had been forced to show up in matching bright pink gowns since it had been too late to go and buy new ones. You’d been the laughing stocks off the school for a couple months after that, never again.
You cringed at the memory that would surely be edged into your mind forever but as you pushed open the wooden door that led into Gladrags Wizardwear you found yourself entranced with all the beautiful dresses littered around the shop.
“Have you decided who you’re gonna go to the ball with?” Hermione hummed as her fingers trailed over a blue gown that hung along with hundreds of others at the front of the store.
“Yeah I think I’m just gonna go with Harry, I don’t want to risk my friendship with either him or Ron by going with Draco” you sighed not feeling the need to hide your disappointment in front of her.
“I get that but if you really do like Malfoy you should just ease Harry and Ron into the idea of you two being together” Hermione shrugged in response before removing the dress she’d been looking at from its hanger and placing it into her arms as you continued browsing.
“How am I supposed to do that you know how much they hate him” you sighed as you lightly dragged your hand over the multiple fabrics that hung on the clothing rag next to you.
“You could dance with him at the ball” Hermione suggested, you nodded silently in agreement before coming to an abrupt halt as a certain dress caught your eye. It was champagne colored and made out of silk with a thigh high split running down the side of it, not the type of dress you’d usually go for but nevertheless you carefully placed it into your arms deciding their was no harm in seeing how it looked on you.
“Who are you going with?” you changed the subject not feeling like talking about Draco anymore, it was really killing your mood.
“Hero Finnigan asked me” your eyes widened at Hermione’s words. Hero Finnigan was in the year above you and was quite the heartthrob around school, he’d been known for having a new girl underneath his arm every week and it seemed that this time around it was going to be Hermione, much to your surprise.
“Please tell me you said yes, if anyone’s going to make Ron jealous it’s definitely him” you assured her, looping your arm with hers as you continued skimming through the store.
“Of course I said yes, I’m not that daft” she shook her head before continuing, “I don’t know though I-I guess I was just hoping that in the end Ron would ask me, but apparently he’s going with Lavender” her nose scrunched up at the mere mention of her name as she let out a heavy sigh.
Your heart ached for your best friend as you put an arm around her shoulder giving her a tight side hug, a subtle way of letting her know you were there for her no matter what.
“Enough about that let’s go try on our dresses and we can tell each other what we think” Hermione was obviously trying to distract herself but you didn’t feel like pressing the subject any further so you only nodded in agreement as you started searching for the changing rooms, it was a surprisingly big shop compared to how small it had appeared from the outside.
Once you’d finally found them at the far end of the shop you both entered separate rooms, simultaneously pulling the curtains shut shielding you from the watchful eyes of the other customers, although there weren’t that many.
You took one last look at the dress letting your fingers wander down the silky fabric before carefully removing it from its hanger and slipping your legs in between the opening.
Once you got it on, you weren’t able to reach the zipper on the back, no matter how hard you tried so you stealthily peeked your head out behind the curtain and seeing no one you began to make your way towards Hermione’s changing room hoping she could be of some assistance.
“Need some help with that?” a voice stopped you dead in your tracks, swiftly turning to see Draco standing there, a mischievous smirk resting on his lips as he took a step closer to you.
“Are you stalking me or something?” you shook your head, furrowing your brows once you noticed how his eyes weren’t meeting yours, instead they were trailing up and down your body, devouring every inch of you.
“Eyes up here Malfoy” you teased which made him finally look up at you, but instead of replying with a snide comment of his own he threw the suit he’d been holding onto a clothing rag nearby and slowly began to stride towards you.
You weren’t able to get a word out as he tenderly placed his ring clad fingers on top of your bare shoulders scanning your face for approval witch you granted by carefully nodding your head taking in a deep breath as you felt him begin to slowly turn you around.
You shivered once the cold metal wrapped around his fingers began to run down your arms, his fingertips then gently dancing down the small of your back in a painfully teasing manner.
You couldn’t help but let out a breathy sigh as he took a step closer to you his lips ghosting over your ear as he began to pull the zipper upwards causing you to almost involuntarily lean into him. As soon as you did his scent consumed you, he smelled of expensive cologne and spearmint, even better than you could have ever imagined.
He stopped as the zip reached the bottom strands of your hair, he thought for a moment before he carefully wrapped his hand around your h/c locks, twisting them gently around his fingers before letting them fall over the side of your shoulder, the tips of his fingers ever so slightly running across the side of your neck as he moved them back down to where he’d stopped.
You gently tilted your head, closing your eyes in content once you felt his hot breath fan over your neck, you leaned your head back at the sensation resting it atop of Draco’s shoulder, shivering once you felt his lips ghost over the sweet spot just behind your ear, one of his arms finding your waist as the other continued to work its way up your back.
Once you heard the faint sound of the zipper click as it reached its closing you slowly opened your eyes feeling him take an impossible step closer to you, your behind now pressed into his front as he trailed his hands down to your hips.
“You clean up quite nice Y/L/N” he breathed out as he began running his hands up to your stomach before finally reaching your waist where they abruptly stopped so that he could turn you back around, you let out a gasp at the sudden forced movement your hands clinging onto his shoulders to prevent you from falling.
You opened your mouth but no words came out as you were consumed by the feeling of his fingers digging into your sides, his lips mere centimeters from yours you almost unknowingly began to lean in.
He mirrored your movements but just before your lips could meet someone cleared their throat from behind you causing you to jump away from him, frowning at the sudden loss of contact.
Once your eyes met Hermione’s you quickly cleared your throat acting as if nothing had (almost) happened, she raised an eyebrow obviously confused at the scene unfolding before her.
You turned back towards Draco who was looking at you almost expectantly, “I’m going with Harry to the ball” you suddenly felt the need to tell him, hoping he wouldn’t get the wrong idea from the little moment you had just shared.
“Potter seriously?” Draco scoffed in return before making his way around you and Hermione, your eyes following his figure and as soon as he was completely out of sight you finally felt like you could breath again, staggering backwards into Hermione who quickly put her arms up to catch you.
“Oh I’m in trouble”
You’d decided to buy the dress you’d tried on in the store, even though every time you put it on you couldn’t shake away the feeling of Draco being pressed against you as his lips hovered dangerously close to your neck.... You shook your head in hopes that it would toss the memory out of your mind, you couldn’t be thinking about Draco right now, not when Harry was standing just outside the Gryffindor common room patiently waiting for you to get ready.
“Can you zip me up?” you turned your back to Hermione who quickly rushed to your side swiftly beginning to pull the zipper on the back of your dress upwards. As you closed your eyes you got momentary flashes off Draco’s ring clad fingers wrapped around your body and you tried with all your might to shake the tingling feeling you got away, but nothing seemed to be working.
“Okay do a little spin for me” you let out a laugh at Hermione’s words but nevertheless you began spinning around your dorm playfully, letting your hair fall across your shoulders as Hermione threw her head back in laughter.
“You look incredible” she complemented as you engulfed each other in tight hugs mentally preparing yourselves for the night ahead.
“Oh please, I’m nothing compared to you” you stated linking your arms together before the two of you began to make your way to your awaiting dates.
Once the door to the Gryffindor common room opened the first thing you saw was Harry engaged in conversation with Hero, you could tell by his uncomfortable shuffling that the exchange had been awkward causing you to let out a small giggle which captured the attention of the two boys.
Harry’s mouth hung open as he let his eyes wander all over you, from the thigh-high front split on the front of your dress to your flawless makeup and perfectly styled hair, he was speechless, if you two weren’t best friends he’d probably be tripping over his own two feet by now.
“Well this is certainly an upgrade from last year” Harry let out a teasing laugh as he bowed down to take your hand in his.
“Oh shut up” you feigned annoyance as you stood beside him, feeling goosebumps run up your arms as his hand came to rest on your lower back, leading the two of you towards the Great Hall.
“In all seriousness Y/N, you look amazing” Harry gushed as he pulled you into his side. An uncontrollable blush creeping onto your cheeks at his words as you let your head fall on his shoulder.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Potter” you teased, the two of you letting out simultaneous fits of laughter as you followed closely behind Hero and Hermione.
After a moment of silence Harry suddenly spoke out, “Ron was going to ask her you know” the two of you shared knowing glances at his words, it was so painfully obvious that your other two best friends were head over heels in love with each other but neither of them dared to make the first move, either to scared of being rejected or ruining their many years worth of friendship.
“Figures” you shrugged a comfortable silence overtaking you as you walked over to one of the many rows of couples stood in front of the entrance leading into the Great Hall.
As the doors begun to open you excitedly smiled up at Harry but before you were able to move forward another couple had harshly pushed their way in front of you and you were immediately able to identify the mob of platinum blond hair.
“Excuse me” you rolled your eyes causing the two of them to turn their heads towards you, you couldn’t hold in your scoff once you saw who he’d decided to bring, Pansy Parkinson of all the people in this bloody school.
“Don’t start anything Malfoy” Harry warned before either of them were able to get a word out, it looked like Pansy was going to throw a snide comment your way but stopped as soon as her eyes met Draco’s, she let out a huff before reluctantly turning back around.
“You look dashing” Draco complimented, you could feel Harry tense up beside you and you snaked an arm around his waist in an attempt to calm him down, the last thing you wanted was to cause a scene.
“Shouldn’t you be telling that to your date?” you retorted gesturing towards Pansy who seemed to be strangely quiet, usually she couldn’t keep her mouth shut no matter the circumstance, but you weren’t complaining.
Draco didn’t respond instead he just shrugged his shoulders before turning back around his arm slipping down towards Pansy’s lower back, you felt the inkling feeling of jealousy begin to form inside you but you forced yourself to push it away giving Harry’s bicep a reassuring squeeze knowing it had taken all his might not to hex Draco then and there.
As soon as Draco and Pansy had left you two be you quickly pulled Harry along with you into the hall so you wouldn’t get trampled by the entourage of students crowded behind you who were also squeezing their way through the double doors.
You intertwined your fingers with Harry’s as you took in your surroundings. It looked even better than last year, snow was falling from the starry black ceiling stopping just a few feet above you, mistletoe’s and every traditional Christmas decoration you could think of were littered all across the hall and instead of the usual house tables there were hundreds of smaller silver ones, each having it’s own floating candle above them.
Once you spotted a decent place to sit you tugged onto Harry’s arm gesturing for him to follow you towards the table your eyes were set on, somehow along the way you managed to spot Hermione and you threw your arm up gesturing for her hand Hero to come sit with you and Harry.
It wasn’t long until the chair beside you was being pulled from underneath the table and Hermione placed her self atop of it along with Hero, you happily greeted both of them but all joy inside you seemed to fade away once you noticed Ron and Lavender heading your way.
Oh please no
Ron placed a chaste kiss on Lavender’s cheek as he pointed towards your table.
Don’t sit here
Lavender eagerly began to nod following behind Ron as they inched closer and closer.
Anywhere but here
Despite your silent praying Ron was now pulling a chair out for Lavender before taking a seat himself and as soon as he did an awkward tension filled the air. You grabbed Hermione’s hand from underneath the table giving it a reassuring squeeze noticing how she’d tensed up once Lavender had bitterly greeted her.
“Whose this then?” Ron could be heard from the other end of the table, you rolled your eyes at his tone, how did Hermione not realize he was jealous hell even Hero seemed to notice it as his eyes uncomfortably shifted between Hermione’s angered expression and Ron’s annoyed one.
“Hero Finnigan, and you?” he reached his hand out over the table and for a split moment your eyes had widened thinking Ron was actually going to sit there and ignore him but thankfully the ginger haired boy reluctantly reached over the table and connected his hand with Hero’s.
“Ron, Ron Weasely”
“Weasely, eh? could have guessed, I’m good friends with your brothers” Hero attempted to make conversation but Ron didn’t seem all to keen on it only muttering a “whatever” underneath his breath causing you to kick him from underneath the table, you gave him a warning glance to which he replied by throwing a small ‘piss off’ in your direction.
Before you could begin to scold him for his rude behaviour Dumbledore’s voice tore throughout the Great Hall preventing you from doing so although you had a feeling that if it hadn’t had been him it probably would have been Harry.
“Welcome students to our annual Jingle Ball, may I say you all look wonderful tonight” Dumbledore gingerly smiled, his wand lightly pressed against the side of his neck as he gestured towards the numerous students all dressed in their finest attires.
“We’ll start the evening with a three course meal prepared by our lovely house elves” claps begun to sound around the Great Hall which you quickly joined in on, smiling brightly once you noticed the numerous elves clumsily standing up from their seats and waving at the students.
“Once you’ve finished eating a band will be preforming for us and I hope that you and your dates will be joining me and McGonagall on the dance floor” laughter sounded around the hall at the last part of his sentence but instead of joining in like you usually would you found yourself draining out all noise as your eyes met Draco’s.
He’d already been looking your way and you couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on your lips as his icy grey eyes burned through yours, you felt like there was some type of force drawing you to him and you couldn’t do anything about it, even though your head was screaming at you that shouldn’t be developing feelings for someone as arrogant and cruel as Draco Malfoy your heart seemed to be having trouble following.
Once everyone had finished eating you were eager to get away from your table, somehow Hero and Ron had begun a full blown argument which you and Hermione had to quickly shut down by asking Lavender to take Ron somewhere else until he’d calm down, that boy could not control his temper if his life depended on it.
You’d managed to cheer Hermione up after the entire ordeal telling her that she should focus on herself for once and have fun, thankfully she’d listened and you couldn’t help the giddy expression overtaking your facial features as you watched her and Hero sway together on the dance floor.
“Care to dance M’ lady” Harry merrily bowed down in front of you reaching his hand out towards yours, you placed a hand on your chest in feigned surprise before gently laying your hand in Harry’s palm.
“Why, I would be delighted to” you attempted a posh accent unable to contain the giggle that fell past your lips as you let Harry lead you to the dance floor.
As soon as his arm had wrapped around your waist and the other intertwined with your hand another slow song began playing, most of the students were still digesting their food so their weren’t many on the dance floor, it was only you and Harry, Hero and Hermione and about six other couples.
You leaned your head on Harry’s chest letting him slowly sway you to the soothing melody of the song. “You know I love you right?” Harry mumbled as he placed a kiss on top of your head.
“I love you too, silly” you brightly smiled up at him, you both knew there weren’t harbored feelings for the other hidden behind those three words so you had no trouble voicing it to each other.
You tightly wrapped your arms around his waist continuing to slowly move around the dance floor. You knew how hard his life had been leading up to this point, losing his family, Sirius, and then Cedric he always had the inkling fear that one day he’d lose you or Ron or Hermione so you wanted to make sure he knew you weren’t going anywhere.
Sometimes silence speaks louder than words and you knew you were saying everything you needed just by being there with him, it felt like hours that you’d stayed that way wrapped in each others arms but soon students begun to make their way to the dance floor so you and Harry decided to take a short break, heading hand in hand back towards your table.
Unbeknownst to you whilst you and Harry had been in your own world gently dancing with each other for all eyes to see, Draco had been enduring pure torture over at his table.
“I can’t believe she choose Potter over you”
“That’s gotta sting”
“How’s it feel being the second choice”
“Hope you’re ready to do my homework for the rest of the year”
Was all he had heard for the last hour as he’d watched you and Harry dance with one another. No matter the threats he threw their way and menacing looks they just wouldn’t stop, he felt as if his power of being crowned the Slytherin prince was slipping away from him, since in his world losing to someone like Harry Potter was as low as you could get.
Then and there Draco decided he wasn’t going to endure it anymore he was making his move tonight no matter the circumstance.
“You know Ginny’s been eyeing you all night” you wiggled your eyebrows nudging Harry’s shoulder who awkwardly began shifting in his seat as he mumbled a ‘really’ in response to which you nodded.
“Go ask her too dance!” you stood up so you could force him out of his seat along with you, you subtly pointed towards Ginny’s direction who had swiftly looked away as soon as her eyes had met Harry’s.
“But what about you?” Harry frowned realizing you didn’t have anyone to spend time with if he’d leave since both Hermione and Ron seemed to be preoccupied with their dates.
“Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine! now go” you ushered him forward giving him a reassuring thumbs up as he began to walk towards her.
“You’re quite the matchmaker aren’t you?” Hermione had suddenly walked up behind you and you both watched in amusement as Harry almost fell over twice before he was able to reach Ginny who had happily agreed to dance with him.
“Where’s Hero?” you asked as you turned to face Hermione eyes wandering around the hall in an attempt to spot her date, “oh he’s just gone to get us some drinks, you’re welcome to join us if you’d like” Hermione offered but you shook your head.
“No its okay honestly I’m fine” you assured her, you did not want to spend the evening third wheeling your best friend and her date.
Hermione began opening her mouth surely to convince you to join them but stopped once her eyes landed on something behind you or rather someone behind you.
“Care to dance?”
You swiftly turned around to see Draco with his hand reaching out towards you, you tried your best to contain the smile that was so desperately gnawing at the sides of your mouth as you turned back to Hermione who was giving you knowing smile.
“Find me if you need anything alright?” you eagerly nodded at her words only turning back to Draco once Hermione had fully vanished into the crowd.
“One dance, that’s it” you attempted to sound serious but it came off in a more teasing manner as you let your hand fall into Draco’s.
As soon as you’d reached the middle of the dance floor, Draco’s arm had snaked around your waist pulling you into him whilst the other intertwined your fingers. You let out a giggle as he began twirling you around, gracefully catching you back in his arms as both his hands moved to rest on your lower back.
“You’re quite the dancer” you complimented, without a doubt boosting Draco’s already large ego, “I know” he had replied with a knowing smirk, twirling you around one last time before pulling you flush up against him your noses bumping together since you’d already been looking up at him. You’d held the eye contact for a minute as you brightly smiled at each other before you gently let your chin rest on his shoulder as he slowly began swaying you from side to side.
As your eyes began dancing over the students you didn’t think anything could burst your happy bubble until your eyes found Harry’s who had a look of disappointment edged onto his features as he pulled away from Ginny who had frowned at his sudden dismissal as she watched him begin to make his way out of the Great Hall.
You cleared your throat as you uncomfortably began shuffling away from Draco who gave you a look of confusion as he watched you pull your hand out of his and back away from him.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry I can’t do this” you muttered before hurriedly turning around and squeezing your way through the crowd of students all huddled together on the dance floor, most of them giving you annoyed glances as you pushed them out of the way but you didn’t care all you wanted to do was find Harry. You couldn’t imagine how he’d felt once he saw you his best friend, dancing with someone who’d made his life a living hell ever since the first year.
Once you’d exited the Great Hall you frantically began looking around the empty corridors in an attempt to find Harry who’d stormed out here only moments ago.
“Y/N!” you heard Draco call from behind you but you ignored him, picking up your pace once you heard his nearing footsteps echoing around the empty hallways.
“Y/N please wait” you felt him grab ahold of your wrist swiftly turning you back to face him, his grip only tightening as you began attempting to pull your hand away.
“No! You can’t treat my friends like shit and then expect me to give in on whatever the hell you’re trying to do” you finally managed to rip your hand out of his grasp as you turned back around but he quickly ran in front of you placing his hands on your shoulders to keep you in place.
“Listen I’m sorry alright, bloody hell I just- I can’t stop thinking about you I don’t know how to explain it but I think I might-” he cut himself off hesitating to speak his next words unsure of how you’d react since he didn’t want to return to his friends with yet another failed attempt.
“You think you might what?” you crossed your arms over your chest glaring up at him as you watched his mouth open and close again.
“Fancy you” he finally let out, your eyes widening as you let your hands fall down to your hips. You took a few steps back until you couldn’t move any further the tall walls of the castle preventing you from doing so.
“You what?” you barely whispered and Draco took that as his chance to walk towards you placing both his hands on the wall next to you.
As you looked back up at him he slowly started to remove one hand from the wall so he could place it onto your cheek and just like he’d done in the store, he began leaning in until his lips were barely hovering above yours, you so desperately wanted to close the gap between you but a part of you was screaming to push him away and never look back, but as your eyes met his once more you couldn’t bring yourself to do it your heart taking control as he pressed his lips against your own.
Your lips continued dancing with each other at a normal pace until he’d moved to deepen the kiss swiftly wrapping his arms around your waist so you were able to loop yours around his neck, he pushed you even tighter up against the wall causing you to let out a gasp allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth.
You ran your fingers through his hair gently pulling on the strands on the back of his head before letting your head fall to the side as he began leaving kisses down your neck his hands trailing down your sides until they wrapped around your hips pulling you even further into him.
You gently blinked your eyes open as you pulled away from him, your lips undoubtedly swollen and your lipstick smeared but you didn’t care.
“No one can know about this, not until I talk to Harry” you breathed out leaning your forehead against his as you attempted to slow your heart rate by taking deep breaths in and out.
“Of course I won’t tell anyone” he lied, he’d gotten quite good at that after having to continuously lie to his father ever since he was a child, one particular incident that he would never forget was when he’d accidentally let one of the house elves go because he didn’t know that to free them they had to be granted an item of clothing and on a particularly cold night he saw no harm in granting the elf his jacket since it had been shivering beside him and when his father had barged into his room later in the night furious at his son’s stupidity Draco had lied and told him that the elf had tricked him into doing so and upon hearing this his father had tracked the elf down and casted the unforgivable curse onto him, after that Draco lied to his father about almost everything he did to ensure something like that would never happen again.
Amongst his peers he was powerful and feared but when it came to his father he was nothing, never good enough and always in the way. School was the only place he felt he was more than his father’s words so he knew that as soon as he would make his way into the Slytherin common room the first thing he was going to do was tell his friends that he’d done it, that you were slowly but surely beginning to fall for him, which put him right back on top. 
@itzsoff @multiversegalaxygirl @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @awkwardnesshabitat @tiredplier @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @macheregrace @dobreesersei @voidmalfoy @lana-isabelle @fangirlyah @dracomalfoyswifey @lonely-kermit @mrsmyamalfoy @fuzzy-panda @sluthug @urbankaite2 @chickeebabe @classygirlything @dark-night-sky-99 @ranialih @pillowjj @im-a-stranger-thing @christinechickiee @imstillhere-butallislost @spencerreidisbootiful @hip-hopphile @justmesadgirl @gia-kerks @lilxnvm @kelly182001 @moonbug26 @gabiconstellation @sleepinmoonbean @mautand @oldschoolkiddo @naomiiiiiiiiiii04 @dreams-in-blxck @stalker83005 @criesinlies @sxlted-carxrmel @moonjooniee @maskd-hearts @little-honey-bear @dobreesersei 
Let me know in my inbox or asks if you’d liked to be added, much love <333
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
An unsafe home
Sirius Black x Slytherin!Reader
Requested -  A Sirius X reader story where the reader is a Muggle born and a Slytherin. So when the tension of the war gets heavy in the castle she gets attacked by some fellow housemates. Maybe regulus is involved? I don't know. A protective and scared Sirius who just realises how violent things are starting to get even at a "safe place" as Hogwarts.
Warnings - Injuries. 
A/N So I went a little overboard here and perhaps it may be rushed in the end. And Regulus has got quite a major role in here. Anyways, hope you enjoy @too-many-unhealthy-obsessions 
“Another one,” Remus muttered, grimly as his eyes scanned rapidly over the newspaper, ignoring the minimal amount of food he had on his plate.
Sirius sighed, “Who?”
“A muggle-born,” James read over Remus’ shoulder, discreetly placing two more toasts on his place, “In a muggle town. It's not the worst case, she’s been there to meet her parents, and...all of them,”
Sirius winced, “Enough, Remus,” he gently pried the newspaper off his best friend’s fingers.
“It's growing rapidly,” James whispered, “Dunno what's gonna happen next,”
Peter, who sat next to Sirius, shivered. Noticing that Sirius looked at James, subtly shaking his head, asking him to drop the topic.
“Sirius!” A voice called him, happily. He knew the voice way too well for he has heard them rant for hours in the end and he had listened without a hint of annoyance.
Sirius whipped around to look at you, walking towards him with a wide grin, your green robes contrasting amidst the red and yellow on either side. You were different, you were unique and above all you were his. Sirius loved you, loved you more than anything in this world, after all, he had thousands of reasons why.
“Hello,” You greeted him with a big smile, almost startling him to think of how lucky he is.
Sirius pulled you into his arms, kissing you softly, as though you would break if a speck of dust fell on you, but both you and Sirius knew that wasn't true but completely opposite. Pulling away, he placed his forehead to yours.  
“You guys are so cute,” Lily cooed.
Sirius laughed as you buried your head into his shoulder, “I know, Evans,”
“But not as cute as us though,” James said, grinning at Lily, who shook her head with a subtle smile on her face.
“I still don't know how I ended up with you, Potter,” she said, kissing his cheek.
You glanced at Sirius and then at the two of them and back at him, “I know what you are thinking, darling,” He said, and then raised his voice, “You need to stand your point, Evans,”
“Oh, shut it, Black,” she rolled her eyes and then laughed.
“Alright, then, ladies and gentlemen,” You pulled away from Sirius and held the strap of your bag tightly over your shoulder, “Unlike you seventh years, we have some real studies to do,”
“Well, the sixteen year olds nowadays are real arses, arent they?” Remu commented, smirking at you.
You scoffed, “Trust me, Lupin, you haven't been with a thirteen year old for very long,”
Regulus joined you as you walked to your Potions class, “How are you?”
Remus chuckled, “She’s not wrong though,” he said to James.
“What the-?” you chuckled at the sudden choice of question.
“Did you complete the potions assignment Slughorn gave?” Regulus asked, skimming through the parchments in his hand.
“Did you?” you asked. Regulus gritted his teeth and shook his head.
You sighed having a vague idea of what might have taken his time. Smiling, you linked your arm with him, “Slughorn loves you, Reg, so, no worries,”
“Woah, look at that, will you?” a group of students blocked your path, the silver and green ties flashing as the malicious smirk on their faces made the two colours look dirty.
“What's wrong with you Black boys, one hanging out with the same mudblood his brother shags,” A girl in the front said, twisting a piece of hair between her fingers, a nasty smirk on her artificial pink lips.
Before you could react, Regulus had his wand out. “Regulus, no,” You warned, tugging his arm, “Let's leave,”
“Aw, to where?” The girl asked, “To that traitorous disappointing scumbag of a lover you have?”
She struck the nerve and she knew it for she let out a maniacal laughter, pulling out her wand from her robes.
“Stupefy!” “Petrificus totalus!” The two of you yelled simultaneously.
Slytherins behind the girl laughed and giggled watching curses fly off from two ends of two contrasting wands and motives.
A beam of red light flew from yours and the girl - Carie, you heard after one of the Slytherins cheered her - ducked it, hitting the buff boy behind her.
His nostrils flared as he held out his own wand, hurling curses towards you just as Carie did. Regulus raised his wand too, trying to fend them off but another Slytherin kid engaged him in a duel of his own.
You were getting exhausted, struggling to keep up with the hexes thrown towards you. Suddenly, there was a different burst of green light from the tip of someone’s wand, hurling right at you.
The next few minutes were spent in a blur - the green beam hit you right in the chest. You gasped, feeling as though the air was knocked out of your lungs as your head spun rapidly. Struggling with proper balance, you felt your body curve into a graceful arc and sensed the shirt of your school uniform get wet. The vicious dancing black spots took over.
On the opposite end of the castle, Sirius sat in his transfiguration class, doodling on the piece of parchment before him and often glancing over Remus’ shoulder at what he is writing.
Suddenly, a violent shiver ran down his body, a feeling of dread settling on his chest.
“What's wrong?” Remus asked, irritatedly, finally looking up from his parchment.
“I dunno,” Sirius mumbled, taking a deep breath and loosening his tie. Remus glanced at him, concerned one last time before returning to his notes.
Sirius glanced around the room for his friends, James was seated before him with Lily, raking a hand through his messy hair and staring at her while she listened intently to Professor McGonagall, Peter was to Sirius’ left, twisting the quill in his hand.
Sirius rubbed his neck, the restlessness rising within his figure as he shuffled in his seat.
The moment the bell rang, Sirius dashed out of the room, not even caring to take his bag as he rushed down the corridor in search of his brother and you.
He found Regulus first. Unfortunately, his little brother stood right before the hospital wing that did nothing to stop the dread rising in Sirius.
“Reggie,” Sirius gasped, “I mean, uhm, Regulus, have-are you alright?!” He spotted the red blotch on the front of his shirt.
“Yeah,” Regulus breathed.
“Then what's this!?” Sirius asked, panic raising to an unwanted amount.
Regulus took a deep breath and shuddered. He looked around the corridor as if expecting someone to be there, once he realised it was after all deserted, he threw himself into his elder brother’s arms, holding Sirius tightly.
Sirius drew a sharp breath as he uncertainly wrapped his arms around Regulus. He could feel his brother shaking, “Reggie, hey, it's OK, I am here,”
“She-they-(Y/N)-” Regulus stuttered into Sirius’ shoulder.
“What's wrong with her?” Sirius asked hurriedly, pulling away from Regulus, who took a shuddering breath and gulped. He raised his hand, pointing towards the hospital wing.
Sirius looked at the door and then back at little brother, the grip on his arm tightened, “Come with me?”
Regulus’ filled with tears as he slowly shook his head, pushing his brother away he ran.
“Reg-” Sirius watched as his brother disappeared into the corner and clenched his shirt tightly, looking down at it, he realised the red liquid - which resembled so much like blood - was now on his white shirt too.
Wiping his tears, Sirius warily walked to push the door of the infirmary open, afraid of what waited inside for him.
The smell of blood and potions filled his nostrils making him flinch. Sirius looked at the bed around except one crowded with nurses, he hoped his (Y/N) wouldn't be there, he hoped.
“Mr Bl- Sirius?” Madam Pomfrey looked at Sirius, her eyes widened. She rushed to him, “What are you doing here?”
“(Y/N),” Sirius said simply, looking behind her shoulder.
“Sirius,” she placed her hand on his arm, “She is not here,”
“Oh? But Regulus said-” he pointed behind him.
A young nurse rushed towards Madam Pomfrey and whispered to her. She sighed in relief and nodded, “Sirius, she is alright,”
“So she is here?” Sirius asked, hopelessly looking around, his eyes were drawn to the crowded bed however he distracted himself.
“Sirius,” Madam Pomfrey moved to stand before him, her hands on his arms, squeezing with motherly affection. She sighed and looked as though she was contemplating something, “She is here. I will let you see her only if you assure me that you would stay calm, am I clear?”
Sirius nodded rapidly and desperately. Madam Pomfrey took a deep breath and guided him to the farthest bed - the crowded one. He felt the air knocked out of his lungs as he realised that, after all, his hope was squashed into a pulp.
You laid on the bed wrapped in a new robe and the infirmary white sheet pulled up to your chest, nurses by you, checking your pulse and pouring measure potions into goblets. Sirius felt his world crumble as he saw your discarded white blouse, it was drenched with blood, the white colour almost invisible; if he hadn’t known better he would have thought you were simply asleep. 
Sirius grabbed whatever was next to him, providing support to his shaking figure. His breath came out in struggled pants. The red stain on his shirt is the love of his life’s blood.
Madam Pomfrey watched as the boy shivered and his knees wobbled as though he would collapse any second. She watched as he blankly stared at the ground, his mind, perhaps, occupied beyond necessary that allowed tears to well in his eyes but not drop.
Sirius drew a deep breath as he stumbled towards you, alerting the nurse who glanced behind him at Madam Pomfrey who shook her head.
He crouched before you, one hand cupping your cheek the other resting on top of your hands that laid on your stomach. With Sirius’ wobbling lip he leaned up to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“What happened?” He asked to no one in particular, his eyes still scanning your face.
“We don't know,” Madam Pomfrey answered, honestly, “Regulus had barged in with her, she was unconscious,” and she hurriedly added, “She is alright now,”
“When will she wake up?” he asked.
“Within an hour or so,” Madam Pomfrey muttered.
So, Sirius waited, often heaving deep breaths to calm himself. This was supposed to be his home, where he could be safe and protected, where his loved ones could be safe yet here you were.
Every since “Voldemort” was rising, ever since he ran away from Grimmauld Place, ever since the tension between him and his little brother rose, Sirius just wanted to take you away, away to a place where he knew you would be safe and secure, not a thing can harm you. Just you and him, like a family that he always wanted - protected, protective, safe and loved beyond measure. 
“Sirius,” You mumbled, squeezing his hand.
“Puppy,” Sirius whipped his head to look at you, “You alright? What happened?”
Gulping, you pulled Sirius closer, resting your forehead against his. Sirius moved so that he was sat on the edge of the bed, leaning towards you.
“I love you,” You gently whispered. Finally, the tears that were collected in Sirius’ eyes broke free and rolled down his cheeks rapidly.
Before you could react, Sirius smashed his lips to yours in a wet kiss. It was salty from the tears that still leaked from his eyes.
You pulled away first, hurriedly wiping away his tears although it was of no use, “Sirius-”
“I love you,” he took a ragged deep breath, “So much,”
“I love you too, Sirius,” you leaned to kiss his forehead. Wiping the tears from your eyes, you chuckled wetly, “It's OK, I am alright. Nothing is wrong. I am alright, Sirius, look at me”
“You couldn't have been,” a dry sob racked his body, drawing a gasp to tumble from your lips. You pulled him even closer, holding his hands that cupped your cheeks tightly and allowing him to rest his head on the crook of your neck.
“Please, please, it's OK,” you tried to console him.
Sirius pulled away and wiped his tears as you watched him intently. You tried to sit up and to help you, a young nurse was immediately at your side and that's when you realised there were people watching the interaction.
The nurses understanding the situation shuffled away from your bed to others’.
“What happened?” Sirius asked, shifting closer to you after nodding slightly as though asking for permission.
“Just-it was nothing, Sirius,” you mumbled, lying through your teeth and you knew Sirius found out.
“What happened, darling? Please, please, tell me,” Sirius said on the verge of begging.
You looked around using the time to contemplate your options - You could either tell him and refrain him from marching to the Slytherin common room (which would be definitely hard) or you could not tell him which is absolutely not possible.
You took a deep breath, taking Sirius’ hand in yours, holding it tightly, “I just -I-the Slytherins,” you sighed, “A duel, Sirius, and I missed it,”
“A duel!?” Sirius yelled, his forehead scrunched in confusion, “Who!?”
You were silent making Sirius repeat his question this time even insisting that before, “Carie, Carie Travers,”
The rage that painted on Sirius’ face was unlike anything you've seen before. His grey orbs were ablaze with fire and hatred as his body shook.
“Sirius,” you said, worriedly. He gritted his teeth, nose flaring as he stared at the goblet on the bedside table.
He let out a deep breath, composing himself and he nodded, “Travers, isn't it?”
“No, no, don't worry, I won't do anything,” he said, frightening calm.
“Sirius, please,” You said but he ignored it.
“How? How did the duel start?” He asked, looking into your eyes, intently.
“Not now, Sirius, please,” you pleaded, not wanting to deal with it now.
Sirius sighed and leaned in to kiss your forehead, “I'm sorry,”
“It's OK,” you uncomfortably wrapped your arms around his torso and Sirius held you for a few minutes before shifting so that he leaned against the headboard and you protectively within his arms.
It wouldn't be OK. Perhaps, worse but not alright, Sirius knew that, of course, he did but he vowed to himself that he would protect you at any cost even if that means he would have to give his life, “I love you, mon amour,”
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smutandfluffohmy · 4 years
His Sweater
From: Smutandfluffohmy Pairings: George X Slytherin!reader A/N: This is written a bit weird? Uuu tell me what you think of the writing I’m trying something out. Summary: Slytherin! reader wonders around the castle and comes across George and Fred.
Read Part 2 here
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I had a nightmare that night. I’m sure it was a horrible dream but I didn’t remember or perhaps I didn’t want to remember once I woke up.  The morning was not there yet but I could feel it, it was not early enough for others to be awake nor was it late enough to go back to sleep. I rose my head looking around the room hoping my roommates would for some miracle be awake; but everyone was still fast asleep. 
I got myself out of bed slipping my feet in the slippers. My pajamas bundled awkwardly around my thigh and knee, using my foot to tug it back in place. The dorms were warm but so quiet, I felt that this is what it must feel like to be the only person in the world. 
Walking out of my dorm and making my way into the common room I expected to bump into someone at any second, but I didn’t. I was the only one awake me, the kraken and the fire. 
Making my way out of the Slytherin common room I looked around the stretched out halls.I wondered who was awake at this time, why they were awake and what they were up to. Perhaps they were always early rises and they will be surprised to see me.
The usually loud halls were deadly quiet. I wonder if I’m dead, a curious thing it would be if I was because I don't remember dying.Looking around the halls, watching all the sleeping paintings that framed the tall halls. Despite walking down these halls hundreds of times they felt too big, too old and my bunny slippers felt too out of place. 
My mind started to wander, not enough that I didn't know it was wondering but enough to not keep my wits about me. 
Someone bumped into me , making me stumble backwards before a hand reached over and kept me on my feet. Looking up at who it could possibly be that bumped into me with the entire hall free. I looked up to see George Weasley’s eyes that were filled with worry and confusion as to who would be awake at this hour as if he himself wasn't awake at this hour as well.“Jesus Weasley you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“If you want I could finish off the job.” Fred sneered appearing from behind his brother.
Shooting him a glare I tried ignoring the burning spot growing where George was touching me “Haha very funny. What are you guys doing up.” I said straightening my already straight pajamas, cursing myself for wearing my green pajamas and white bunny slippers, I looked like a walking Slytherin banner.
George looked from me to his brother to my slippers before speaking “Could ask you the same thing.” he said.
“I asked first.” I retorted, scrunching my eyebrows together.
“Shame you’re outnumbered.” Fred shrugged hiding something behind his back. Technically they’re outnumbered if they would only count my bunny slippers.
Shrugging my shoulders I looked between them “Had a bad dream.”
“So you got out of bed to wonder the halls.” Fred said scrunching his nose at me.
“Your turn.” I said 
“Counting the paintings wanted to make sure they hadn’t hopped off the walls.” George said with a face splitting smile that seemed too bright and too happy for an hour when the sun wasn't even out.
“Fine I’ll just follow you two around if you’re going to be like that.” I said, maybe I’ll get another smile from George even if I had to put up with Fred.
“No.” Fred said spinning around walking in front of me, his hands still behind his back hiding water it was.
“You can’t stop me.” I answered confidently, as confidently as someone with no wand and no socks could sound.
George snickered beside me “We can.” he said. But his threat was empty, a sweet empty like an empty sweets wrapper.
Fred seemed to catch on to the tone in his brothers voice because he rolled his eyes before saying “Whatever hurry up we have lots to do, places to be”
George shifted uncomfortable besides me, Fred rhythmically tapped the thing in his hand, the silence too loud for us to ignore.I shivered from the cold and the awkwardness.
Fred laughs “Did you think Hogwarts was warm at 3am? In the winter? A bit dense aren't we.” he says stretching his arms over his head, my embarrassment spread across my face.
George broke my silent embarrassment “Don’t mind him he’s upset were awake this early.Here you can borrow my jumper” he said tugging the jumper off, messing his hair in the process. 
The color returned to my face, was it possible for someone to be attractive with bed head? Apparently it was. I just wish I realized this in a less compromising moment “Are you sure? Aren’t you going to be cold?” I said hesitant to take the offered jumper.
George smiled “I’m sure. I hardly get cold” he said putting my head through the jumper, the flappy arms hanging off my shoulders.
My thoughts left my head, I couldn't even remember what it felt like to have any. “Thank you I re-” I mustered out
Fred sighed making George and I jump, forgetting he was there at all “Barf. Can we hurry up.” He said. Putting my arms through the sweaters arms, smoothing out my hair trying to get rid of the static.
“What are you guys doing.You never said” I said speed walking trying to keep up with their long strides.
“Feeding the narwals the live around the castle I reckoned they were a bit peckish.” Fred said pointing at deep dark corners in the hallways.
“Narwhals live in the ocean.” I said, far too serious and far too matter a factly that made me wince inside.
“It doesn't matter they’re not real.” George said with a laugh tugging at his shirt collar.
“Mate...” Fred said with a mix of bemusement and a horrified look before laughing, shaking his head and continued making his way to wherever they were going.
“What?” George said looking from his brother to me, trying to figure out the punchline he felt we’ve hidden from him.
“George narwhals are real animals.” I said quietly to him.
“Oh.” George murmured his face getting as red as his hair, a task I didn't know was possible.
“Besides can’t tell you, you might go on and tell your boyfriend Malfoy.” Fred said waving me off. Now it was my turn to turn red.
“Yea can’t say we can trust a Slytherin with our plan.” George said with a hint of something in his voice and a different spring in his step.
“First of all Malfoy isn’t my boyfriend. Second I love a good laugh come on Weasleys spill.” I said, excitement running through me at the thought that I could be part of one of their pranks.
“I still don't think we can trust them.” Fred said looking over my head to talk to George.
“I don't think so either, feel like she’s a secret spy sent out.” George said pretending to whisper.
“Just tell me.” I said looking up at them, as they averted their eyes up to the ceiling. 
George let out a laugh “Slytherin and Gryffindor quidditch game today so we’re hexing Slytherins area to turn into-” he said
“Gryffindor colors.” Fred said finishing the sentence his brother had started. 
“Hmm brillant but-” I said cracking my fingers, wincing at the loud sound promptly dropping my hand.
“But?” Fred said cocking his eyebrow at me, wanting and not wanting to hear what I had to say.
George mimicked his brothers expression looking down at me “I don’t think it gets more brilliant than that.” he shrugged.
“BUT.” I said poking both of the on the arms. “What if you changed our horns to cheer for Gryffindor instead.” I said, unsure if it could work or not but I’m sure if it could be pulled off the people to come to was the Weasley twins.
“Well take it into consideration.” George said, side eyeing me perhaps sizing me up or perhaps a bit crossed he didn’t pitch the idea first. I could feel myself beam at the thought I might have possibly contributed to a great Weasley prank.
Steps echoed through the empty halls. Stiffing at the sound the three of us froze, too unsure or afraid of the volume of our own voices afraid they might come out too loud and give us all away.
“Fucking hell someones coming.” George said barely above an audible whisper but it felt like he was shouting at the top of his lungs in that moment.
“Told you they’re was a mole” Fred scoffed at his brother eyeing me with fake anger and trying to hold back a laugh. Or perhaps he was in fact a bit crossed with me.
“Shut up. Go on I’ll take care of it.” I said stepping in front of them, shooing them away to continue on. Offering myself as a sacrifice, I only wonder if I was going to be a eye rolling encounter or an after class eraser dusting sacrifice.
“I knew they weren't a mole.” George smiled from me to his brother.
“Perhaps.” Fred said dragging out his s, not believing me until I proved it.
Rolling my eyes I took a step backwards “Go on carrot tops.” I smiled up at them.
“Oi no need to come after the hair.” Fred said in moving his hands up in defense, a laugh threatening to leave his mouth and running his aloof demeanor.
“I’ll be cheering for you Wesley. Even if you don't hex the horns.” I said smiling at George, I wondered what smile wouldn't give my crush on George but it didn't matter because I couldn't see it.
“Thanks glad to see I’m finally being appreciated.” Fred said puffing his chest out pretending to throw a bludger, a faint smile spreading on your face.
“Oh guess I’ll cheer for you too carrot top. Now go hurry” I said shoving them as I started running towards the source of the sound, my bunny slippers ears bouncing in different direction with each step.
Harshly stopping, and turning around “Wait George your jumper.” I shouted, a shouted only above a whisper but still too loud.
“Give it to me later!” George whisper shouted towards me a lopsided smile on his face, a smile I don't think I’ve seen on others.
“Earth to George hurry up.” Fred said slapping his brothers arms to get his attention that I’m sure he had as soon as he said his name.George turned to his brother as they ran side by side. “I think you’re carrot top and I’m Wealsey.”
“Ha whatever makes you feel better.” George laughed shoving his brother before running towards the Quiditch field.
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
Silent Cries and Comforting Words
Draco Malfoy x Reader, Ex-Harry x Reader
Summary: You never thought that Draco would be correct. That when he said that Harry was cheating on you, that he was right. And now, you can’t be gladder you have a best friend like Draco.
Using the prompt: “Wh-why would he?” and “I’m going to kill him, Golden Boy or not”
Warnings: Nothing terrible, a couple of swear words (From Draco and Cedric), Tears, and angst, but eventually ends in fluff. Plus, it’s my first Harry Potter fanfiction, so I hope I got the character’s essence.
I listened to Arcade by Duncan Laurence while writing this one.
Posted: May 21, 2021
Word Count: 2.2k
Here is my Masterlist in case you want to read some more work of mine. Also, my requests are open :)
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“He what?” Draco yelled out, his face lighting up. Infront of him stood a brown haired Hufflepuff. Cedric nodded, his face contorted into an unusual grimace. Draco shook his head, trying to figure it out.
“Saw him by the bleachers, the rat. Had his arm around the Ravenclaw girl, Che or something.” Draco could feel himself getting madder every second, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel sympathetic for you.
“How will we tell her?” Draco asked, running his hands through his hair. Cedric looked confused, spluttering,
“Just say something like, your boyfriend who you thought loved you is cheating on you Y/N! Go break up with him; he isn’t good for you….”
Draco muttered something incoherent, pissed off. “I-I can’t say that, Cedric. Do you know how many times I’ve told her to dump that piece of trash? You know what it ends in?”
“Yes. I can’t ask her again. Sh-she won’t believe me. Maybe you can tell her?”
“Nope, can’t do that. As it is, I’m the big brother, but now I’m trying to tell her to break up with the guy she loves?” Cedric said, taking notice of how Draco’s face tensed up at the love part. “But I’m sure you could do it. I’ll talk to Harry and try him to come clean, and you can talk to Y/N. Okay?”
Draco rolled his eyes, nodding. “Yeah yeah, meet me by the Slytherin towers, and be there as backup if Y/N doesn’t believe me.”
Agreeing, they both split up, anger almost bubbling over for the Boy Who Now Might Not Live...
“Hey Y/N”, Draco called out, running to you. Turning around to see him, you smiled, giving him a hug.
“What’s up Dray?”
He looked down concern swimming in his eyes, making you worried. “I’ve tried to tell you so many times, and none of them works, so I’m just going to rip the bandaid off, I guess…”
You started to worry now, making you look around. Catching your eye on Harry, who was walking away into a dark corner, you saw that Draco noticed it as well. But he didn’t say anything, instead of grabbing your hand.
“Come with me Y/N” Walking with him, you stumbled at how fast he was walking, but eventually found yourself near the Hufflepuff towers, right next to the dungeons.
“So what happened?”
“Um-so...Harry is cheating on you.” He said this in a rush, hoping you understood, but you just looked away, scoffing.
“Seriously? This again? I was worried Draco!”
“You have to believe me Y/N! Why would I lie to you?”
“Because you hate Harry!”
He sighed, peering at you sadly. “Well, because Harry is cheating on you when you are way too good for him!”
“No, no I’m not Draco. Stop this crap about him cheating on me. He would never do that. Now let me go.” Pulling away from him, you saw your brother walk out of the dorms, glancing at Draco, who shook his head.
“Y/N, whatever Draco said was true. I saw him and-”
“You too Ced?! Stop it, stop trying to ruin this for me?”
Fuming, you pushed past both of them, which made Cedric run infront of you, hoping to lock the door, but you didn’t even stop. Draco tried to walk after you as well, but he stopped, staring at Cedric.
Draco’s attention was diverted by Cedric, whose eyes were wide open. Violently crossing his arms, he tried to make you stop. “Harry and Cho!” he mouthed, pointing forward.
You were too angry, too frustrated by Draco’s accusations. It was the first time someone had liked you, and it was the first time you had gotten over Draco in a long time. But now, with him trying to tell you right from wrong and how Harry was wrong for him, you couldn’t help but feel that he might be hinting at something. Pushing that from your mind, you started moving back to your dorm, wanting to get away from him for the moment. You could see Cedric running towards you, but you ignored him and kept walking, turning the corner.
And boy, oh boy, was that a mistake.
“Y/N, no!” Draco yelled out, but it was too late.
“Wha-Harry?” you whispered, not believing the scene in front of you. Harry’s robes were on the floor, his arm’s bare and his shirt half-open. Around his neck, hickies were littered here and there.
“Y/N, it’s not what it looks like-”
“Uh-Cho?” you muttered out, looking behind Harry at his lover. She was completely stripped of her clothes except for her underwear and bra. Her robe was haphazardly thrown around her, which she clutched tighter when she saw you.
“I’m so sorr-”
“You-you were my friend. I-I talked to you about Harry...all while you were fucking him behind my back?!”
“I’m sorry-”
“How long has this been going on?” you asked, relieved that your voice was steady. They didn’t answer, which made you move closer towards them, wand out. “I’m going to ask again, Harry. How long have you been seeing her behind my back?”
After a few minutes of both of them trying to look everywhere but at you, Draco stepped up, his eyes glaring so hard that they both should’ve melted. “Answer her, Potter. Tell her how long you have been cheating on her”
This time, Harry answered, so quietly, you took a few seconds to figure out what he said. “About a year….”
“Y/N, it’s not-”
“Don’t give me that crap about it’s not you, it’s me. It’s not some stupid mistake, Harry! If it were, you would’ve stopped and come clean to me a long time ago.” By this time, your voice was shaking, and you were sure that if they both didn’t leave, you would break down.
Looking at Cho, you felt nothing but hatred for the despicable, lousy girl. “And you, don’t ever come near me again. Both of you stay away.”
She didn’t reply, her eyes filling with tears as she looked down. Sniffling, she backed away from Harry, grabbing her clothes as more and more sobs came out from her mouth. You saw Harry look at Cho and turn back at you, and for a second, you thought that he would leave her. Say it was a dumb mistake. But your hopes were crushed when he just quickly glanced at you, not one bit of emotion in his eyes. Turning to Cho, he gathered her in his arms, whispering to her softly.
You scoffed, tears gathering in your eyes. You were his girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend. Who just found out she had been cheated on. And he was trying to comfort his booty call? You could hear Draco growl behind you at the sight of Harry and start to move towards him, but you held your arm back, stopping him.
You silently watched, numb, as Cho pathetically cried into Harry’s chest and then raised her head. “Harry, I need to go” Raising her head, she made eye contact with you, her face contorting into pain. “Will you come with me?”
And you knew that who he went with result in losing the other. Even though you knew in your heart you knew that taking him back would be wrong. You, still wished he would run to you.
All you got was one last look and a silent sorry before Harry and Cho disappeared into the halls, the darkness encompassing them. As soon as they left your vision, you fell to your knees, feeling the stone ground dig into your leg.
Draco dropped with you, hugging you tightly, as he swayed you back and forth gently, whispering words into your ear. You vaguely remember Cedric coming, but he left just as quick, muttering threats under his breath about Harry. At some point, you were cried out, and it was only dry hiccups and heavy breathing. But that was the last thing you remember as you fell asleep in Draco’s arms, providing warmth and comfort against the cool air of the tower…
“Hey love, you alright?”, Draco whispered against your back. Opening your eyes to adjust to the brightness of the sunlight, you took a deep breath, sighing. Stretching your legs, you felt Draco hold you closer as if he didn’t want to let go...and you didn’t want him to let go.
You opened your mouth a couple of times, trying to think of your answer, but stuck to the real one. “No…”
Draco sighed behind you, tutting softly. “I know, it’s gotta hurt-”
“It doesn’t hurt. I don’t feel sad or disappointed. I’m angry.”
“Wha-” Draco asked, turning you around to meet his sharp gaze. His grey eyes searched your own, trying to see any sign of tears or distress, but only found a boiling pit of anger.
“I’m angry because I wasted so much time, my time and effort on him. On a disgusting, cheating scoundrel of a person. How I thought of him as my partner for life, when in fact, he deserves nothing more than what his aunt and uncle were giving him. And that bitch Cho. They both may be purebloods, but they act like fucking mudbloods.” You said this, tears now seeping out as you practically spit out the words. Draco lay next to you, not saying a word, but then he took you closer to him, hugging you tightly.
“Yeah, I know”
“I’m sorry Dray. For not believing you…”, you said into his chest, making him feel the vibrations.
“It’s fine”, he replied effortlessly, running his fingers through your hair.
You looked up at him to see him smiling down at you, his hair ruffled and cheeks pink. “So, where is it? The accusation. Saying that you were right?”
He looked at you, eyebrows scrunched up. “Why would I do that? Sure I hate him, bu-but he meant something to you. What type of person would I be if I tried to insult him right after you broke up.” He smirked down at you. “I’ll wait for a week and after you drink a couple of Butterbeers to start insulting him.”
You laughed loudly, feeling like yourself again. And you knew what you should do now. What you have been wanting to do for a long time. “You know why I’m most mad Draco? It’s because I could’ve done so much better than him. I could’ve done so much more if he came clean a year ago” You looked up at Draco from under your eyelashes, smiling at his confused face.
“You know what I should’ve done?”
“What?”, he asked quietly, the room suddenly too calm.
“I could’ve told you I liked you. That I lov-”
You sadly didn’t get to finish your sentence, because the minute you said that, Draco pulled you up towards him, cradling your face in his palms before he kissed you. Shocked, you stayed still for a few seconds, but then kissed him back with equal enthusiasm. Years of pining and feelings came out in one shot. Pulling away when you needed oxygen, you kept your forehead against him, giggling softly. Draco opened his eyes, which were filled with adoration and...love.
“You know it’s rude to interrupt somebody when they are speaking..”
Draco chuckled, the sound running through your body. “Oh, I’m sorry darling. Please continue.”
“As I was about to say”, you pushed him down, sitting on his thighs as you looked down at him. “I love you. I have loved you for years, and I could’ve told you that a long time ago.”
Draco turned red, a lazy smirk appearing on his face. “Well, in that case, love, we have a lot of time to catch up on”, he whispered, quickly turning you over, hovering about you as he brought his lips over yours, “isn’t it?”
Yay! My first Harry Potter themed fanfiction. I loved writing this, and have wanted to for quite some time. I hope you all liked it, and if so, I’ll keep on working on a couple more ideas I have. My requests are also open, and in my Masterlist, you can see which characters I write for in case you have some ideas :) Also, tell me if you want to be tagged in any upcoming Harry Potter fics or just my general taglist. Until next time 👋
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Surprise- Draco Malfoy x Female reader
   Request: Hi bb,, if your requests are open may i pls request for a fic where it’s the reader’s bday and she thought Draco forgot about it but by the end of the day he surprised reader with a lovely dinner where he cooks all the food? Just pls make it super sweet hehe thank u! 🐻💓
   Kody- hehehehehe okay okay. Sounds interesting. I’m going to age them up for plot purposes. I also added a lot of extra things, i couldn’t help myself.
   Warning: Ginny supremacy, cursing, and Draco being the absolute sweetest.
   House: N/A
   eyes fluttering open, you were met with no sign of your fiancé. Which was strange, you expected him to be there since he said he take the day off of work for your birthday. You prop yourself up on the bed and wipe the tiredness from your eyes.
   a piece parchment was laid on the edge of the bed in front of you. Grabbing it, you unfolded it and noticed Draco’s handwriting. Reading its contents only made you more confused ‘Hey, love. Sorry i’m not there this morning. I have a early morning today, hope you have a lovely day -Draco’ 
   your mouth twisted into a frown. Had he forgotten your birthday? No, he couldn’t have. He wouldn’t, right? As your mind continue to rationalize, you stood up from the bed and made your way over to your dresser to change out of your night clothes.
   you slip on some more comfy house clothes and leave the master bedroom. It was bit lonely being stuck in the house all day, but Draco had insisted he wanted you to stay home. So you were a housewife just without the ring.
   sitting at the table alone and eating breakfast you made felt more lonely than usual. Maybe it’s because it was your birthday. Just as you were about to take another bit, the doorbell rang. You sighed and pushed the chair back, standing up. You walk over to the door and open it.
   giving you a bright smile, Hermione waves “Happy birthday Y/n!” she exclaims and pulls you into her embrace. You smile and return it, wrapping your arms around the used to be Gryffindor women. She pulls away and you smile “Thanks, ‘Mione”
   she smiles and reaches into her purse, shuffling around before she grabbed a small neatly wrapped present. It was red wrapping paper with a small black bow. “This is for you! I was hoping i’d make it in time before work” she laughs a little as you grab the present.
    “You can’t stay?” you asked, a hint of sadness in your tone. Hermione shakes your head sympathetic smile on her face “No sorry, but hey you have Draco to spend the day with right?” she waves before turning on her heels and walking down the path, apparating away.
   your smile drops as you slowly close the door. “Right” you repeat her words in a bittersweet way. You look down at your hands at the gift and began to tear at the wrapping paper. Underneath the paper is a small black box, opening revealed a silver necklace with a small dragon. It was beautiful.
   you take it out of the box and unclip it. Reaching behind your neck, you clip the necklace on, the cold metal made you shiver slightly. It was a pretty gift and you would write a letter to Hermione thanking her for it later. Draco would of liked it, if only he was here right.
   slipping the black robe over your bare body, you turned off the shower. You slowly walked out the bathroom and made your way down the stairs making a beeline for the kitchen. Harry had gotten you some nice red wine and you figured why not since you were along anyway.
   As you poured the wine into the glass you began to feel bitter. Draco hadn’t talked to you all day. No surprise visits during his lunch break, no letters, no nothing. How could he forget about you on your day? You lift the glass to your mouth and take a sip.
   “Is the wine good?“ a voice intrudes from behind. You turn quickly and see the one and only Ginny Potter “Ginny? Bloody hell, i have a door for a reason. You cant just apparate here” you narrow your eyes and take another sip. She eyed you up and down before placing a hand on her hip.
   “You don’t look like someone who has been showered in affection and you definitely haven’t been getting railed because your still walking ” She points at you, laughing “Tell me about it” you hiss and take another sip. “I thought he’d be here considering he hasn’t been at the ministry all day”
   your eyes widened. He what? “but he left a note saying he had an early morning. Are you telling me Draco lied?” you questioned and her eyes go wide as well “Holy shit. That slimy Slytherin did lie. You seriously haven’t seen him all day, like all day?” Ginny asked, walking over to you to lean on the kitchen counter.
   you shake your head slowly. Draco lied to you? You felt your heart tug violently. Ginny looked visibly pissed. “Is that bastard cheating?” she said out loud. Your face contorted into one of sadness and distraught. She looked at you and shook her head “oh my merlin! I’m sorry i didn’t mean to say that”
   you waved her off and grabbed the bottle of wine, going to take a chug “yeah no we are getting you proper hammered, not whatever this is-” she took the bottle and looked at it, her face twinging in disgust “-what the fuck is this weak shit?” Ginny questions and you shrugged “Harry got it for me”
   she rolled her eyes setting the bottle down on the counter “of course he did” she shakes her head slowly. “Anyway, go upstairs and don’t come out until you look somewhat decent” Ginny says and you nod slowly before leaving the kitchen.
   walking down the stairs in boots almost made you trip, but you were okay in the end. As you neared the last steps you saw Ginny sitting on the sofa. You walk down and she spots you in the outfit. “Good. You look great. Let’s bounce ” She stands up and walks over, grabbing your hand. 
   “where are we going exactly?” you ask. Ginny gives you a wink before apparating with you. You blink a couple times and you were standing outside a bar “Aw makes sense” you nod and the ginger leads you inside.
   you had only finished a bit of your drink when your mind flooded with different thoughts. Was Draco really cheating on you? It would make a bit of sense considering he hadn’t seen you all day and had been a bit distant in the days leading up to your birthday.
   you hadn’t noticed the fresh tears rolling down your cheeks until Ginny tapped your shoulder “Hun, are you alright?” she asked, setting her glass of firewhiskey down. You shake your head, standing up from the stool “I just want to go home and sleep” you choke out, wiping a stray tear. 
   Ginny checks the time on her wand and nods “Yeah okay, lets go” she says and grabs your hand and off you both apparate again. This time outside the Malfoy Manor “Couldn’t you apparate me inside?” you question, turning to face her. Ginny shrugged “Sorry love, anyway Happy birthday” she winks.
   you raise a brow and look towards the manor, why are the lights on? You turn to face the ginger, but it seems she already apparated away. You sigh and walk up the door, pushing it open. Your met with a very delicious smell, which makes you super confused.
   you pull out your wand thinking someone had broken into your house, too cook? That didn’t make any sense. You slowly crept up to the kitchen and could see a shadow placing stuff on the table. You quickly lept from around the corner and startled the intruder- wait no it was Draco.
   “What the bloody hell Y/n! You could of killed me!” he exclaims as he placed the plate on the table. You stood there frozen for a moment before the metaphorical dam broke. “I should’ve killed you Draco Malfoy! How dare you show up this late!”
   Draco eyes widened a bit as he opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. “and don’t even say you were at work, because no one has seen you all day! So if your cheating on me just take your fucking ring and leave!” you shout and pluck the engagement ring off your finger and slam it on the counter.
   you look at the counter that had a bottle of wine on it and your eyes slowly trail to the table that wa set with a literal four-course meal spread on it, two glasses of wine and card that said ‘Happy birthday Y/n.’ you snap your head to look at him and see he was a wearing an apron.
   it hit you in the head like a train. Oh-. You slowly gulp and slide down the counter until you reach the floor and sit down in shame “This was a surprise wasn’t it?” you ask, not even looking at it and he nods slowly, taking his apron off and setting it on the counter “Spent all day preparing?” you question.
   it earns another nod from the pale boy, he grabs your ring off the counter and slowly sits next to you. He hands you your ring and you push it away “Love?” he says, a worried tone present in his voice “i can’t believe i thought you cheated on me, i mean how overly dramatic can i get?”
   “I mean- you are engaged to me and i’m the most dramatic person i’ve ever met” Draco jokes, trying to lighten the mood. You snicker, a small smile forming at your lips. He grins and wraps an arm around you “Don’t beat yourself up over this. It’s okay, i most likely would have overreacted more than you did”
   you lean onto him as he grabs your hand, slipping your ring on your finger once again. “Alright enough sulking, let’s eat” Draco stands up and pulls you up from the ground, he leads you to your chair and you sit down. He leans down to press a kiss to your temple, making you smile.
   “Happy birthday, my love” he whispers before taking a seat next to you. You look at the food, it was all your favorite dishes. He really went all out and it made your heart flutter. “Thank you so much. I really don’t deserve it” you forced out, making the blond boy roll his eyes. 
   “of course you do. Now hush and eat darling before the food gets cold” he grabs a serving spoon and begins to put food on his plate. When he’s finished you lean over and plant a sweet kiss on his lips. Surprised, he kisses back. You both pull away and you smile warmly “I love you Draco Malfoy”
   “As do i, Y/n Malfoy”
   Kody- uh, this took me three days because procrastination is great. I also went like a million different directions with is, eh- i’m not feeling to great about it. Anyways, peace.
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tiphprince · 3 years
I have many thoughts and feelings about snape leaving Hogwarts. (I would write it but one I am well lazy and I have this weird internal conflict but yes anyways) I will be signing of as 🤺 (this is so long I am so sorry)
So for scene + background purposes : both the mud blood incident and the werewolf prank happens at the 5th year and I guess eileen leaves him. And snape is in this absolute bedroom depression because rn he can't stand himself, there is no scope and like he knows what possibilities lies in both sides but rn he's craving for fimilarity and the only person who he hates that he's connected to is his father right. They both have this anger that eileen leaves them in spinners end and one of them is free. So he does something he hasn't done ever since he met Lilly : he takes a chance and applies to ilvermony he knows he won't get in he's so sure (until he gets proven wrong). And when he gets that letter that says ACCEPTANCE he somehow empathizes with the women who first introduces magic and the same women who ran away from this horrid place and figures that eileen is a clever witch and she's probably okay of not she'd be back or they would find out that she's dead.
He knows that he's meant to be alone (he does the paper work for a transfer alone, he packs alone and he celebrates alone on his departure by allowing himself to feel something when he buys himself a small plum cake) and he feels incredibly small when he enters the ministry where he meets the headmistress but he's hopeful.
And ilvermony is big and it's grand and it's so much more accepting. On his first day he meets a brown eyed girl who's made him feel absolute concern and exasperation in 14 minutes of meeting her (why do you think that England is a sad place he asks her and she simply looks at him dumbly saying your two weather's are rain and heatstroke, and he can't help but agree with her) but he can't help but feel light. There is no Potter, no black no werewolf and maybe his life is worth something. And he's less alone (he doesn't ever say it out loud because he's scared after all he is someone who's great at ruining friendships) because he makes friends some who understand the guilt and the shame and the anger he is carrying while others (and some really good adults) just know that it's not fair that you should treat your own life like this and now he's able to speak about his regrets his guilt to those closest to him 'what you did was wrong but I also think it's wrong that you have been told that holding on to the guilt is the only way you can forgive yourself, I think you have hurt yourself enough' she says to him and there is an absolute pin drop silence until severus takes all the courage to say i think I need help.
Flash forward it's 2 years later in Hogwarts and a ripple effect occurs.
Regulus black feels at first a great deal of anger towards snape because he managed to escape this. Narcissa and lucius understand but they will never admit it. But snape left their snape this tiny greasy kid from coke worth felt his life was worth more or if not he believed in enough spite to take some direct action. That spite is what drove them to stay effectively neutral and hint on supporting dumbledore despite a war that there in the horizon. James and Lilly are together, the loss of friendship leads to a kinship which lead to a romance while Sirius and Remus are okay but they aren't. And Peter well he's shifty ( some days if not most days they all find it liberating to pretend that snape doesn't exist)
And now they all in this campaign to promote unity are in advanced muggle studies class, regulus black is the only slytherin and its painfully obvious on what's to come. And charity Burbage who is this cheery hufflepuff decides to do her video essay on schools but she has this pen pal who is in ilvermony and who's willing to help to show off her school and the people she loves (do you fucking see where I am going with this?????)
And BAM it's this heartfelt Supercut of her favorite places and the people she loves and meets there are snippets of their endearing conversations. And everything is okay until severus snape the boy who left at 15 is smiling at the one recording the video and is sitting casually at a sofa 'hey sev what do you gotta say about Americans' your tea sucks, and to think you would learn from the Boston tea party incident. And the rest of the video shows more people but it's severus who makes the video so much better and so much worse. Because she records his laughter, his joy but it's them who have this weird gut feeling and Lilly cant help but hold James hand tightly and James can't stop staring at the same boy he hurt.
And Lilly comes into this horrible but truthful realization that she's feeling what her ex best friend feels (the disbelief when she can't understand why can't she see him like this, the same way snape felt when he couldn't understand what Lilly saw in James) because there is so much betrayal she feels when he watches him smile at other people and can't understand why couldn't the snape that they are seeing in this video be the one who went at Hogwarts with them??? and James has to see this version of snape he hasn't seen before and thinks maybe they could be friends. And Lilly at that moment doesn't want to answer the question : he's happier because he's away from this place, the same place you love. Would you ask him to leave earlier knowing he could be happy like this?
The video is over and its regulus black who looks so pensive and has this look of hope that maybe goods thing can happen says in a too quite class because everyone knows : I haven't seen him smile like that at all. The bell rings and they just go on and walk a little bit more heavier because all they can think of Severus snape, the boy who escaped and the one who isn't coming back .
Okay so... this was a completely unsolicited surprise in my inbox the other day, but damn if I didn’t love every single part of it!
For the the other characters it doesn’t change that much, Lily still ends up with James, the Marauders are sad that their favorite target is gone but they get over it quickly, the other Slytherins don’t give a fuck about the poor and dirty halfblood, and the teachers... well, they’re as useless as usual.
But our baby! It’s awful for him at first, the fact that he suddenly finds himself so far away, and so alone, from everything he’d ever known, even the bad. Because at least he knew what to expect at Hogwarts and at home, it was all about the evil you know, and adventure is definitely not his thing.
I’ve always been in love with the “was gone for several years, and came back a changed man” (must be the Naruto fan in me), it’s a bit like anon’s video here, a way to show everyone what they missed, the huge mistake they made in hurting this kid who just wanted to be left alone
I want to see the Marauders praising this dude from America before learning that it’s Snape because he doesn’t look anything like what he used to (meaning he actually looks like a functioning human being).
I want to see Lily, high and mighty with her perfect husband and her son on the way, frown when she recognizes her former best friend laughing and smiling with another girl, looking happier than he’d ever been with her.
I want to see Slughorn in shock when the best potions master of his generation is revealed to be the weird ass teen he’d dismissed on the first day because he didn’t have a powerful family name.
Basically, I want every character who ever underestimated Snape, who ever hurt him, to, if not regret their actions, then at least realize that there was something more to him even back then, that if only he’d been given a chance he could have become that amazing person right here in the UK and not halfway around the world.
Also, I want Snape to not forgive them. Maybe he has to work with them for one reason or another, and he acts just civil enough to not outright provoke and insult them, but he’ll never forgive and he’ll never forget.
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malfoys-demigod · 4 years
“Maybe I could skate my way into your heart?” - Draco Malfoy x Reader
Summary: Draco finds out what your after-school activity is. 
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed it! The first version of this was accidentally deleted so I had to make some changes at the end. 
Word count: 2.3k 
Tagging @the--queen-of-hell​
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It was one of those winter days, Thursday, to be specific of the current day at Hogwarts where you had the free time to head over to the iced Black Lake and secretly pull out your hidden talent: figure skating. 
As you were standing at the edge of the lake, you embraced the cold snow and breeze by sitting down, feeling the cold in your bottom and legs as you folded your knees, holding them tightly to your chest. While you were smiling, watching the view of the lake, there came a visitor who was walking towards the Black Lake. 
Draco Malfoy, the unexpected visitor, heard about your daily whereabouts and decided to see what you were up to. This pureblood took a liking in you during the start of the year and has always tried searching for opportunities to start a conversation, or even to find you alone, so he could be the only one to notice how beautiful you could be doing the simplest things in life. 
It wasn’t hard asking about your whereabouts since everyone but him practically knew where you’d be but it was really hard for him not to sound genuinely interested or curious that people would suspect that about his liking for you. 
First, had Crabbe and Goyle sent around the Slytherin common room looking for Blaise who was asked by the two to find both Pansy and Daphne who was last with you at the Great Hall before you left for the lake. 
When Pansy and Daphne told Blaise where you were, they asked if Draco had something to do with Blaise being sent. Saying yes, Daphne and Pansy hoped for the best since they all secretly knew how Draco liked you, even with the simplest gestures he gave. 
So when Blaise told Draco where you were, the Slytherin prince grabbed his nearest coat and beanie and ran off to the Black Lake, quickly placing his gloves on. He wasn’t nervous about seeing you. He was only planning to watch you from the sides, hoping you wouldn’t freeze to death. But from what he saw the minute he arrived, he thought wrong. 
As you were still by the edge, sitting down as you placed your knees on your chest, Draco assumed that you were out by the lake, but freezing yourself to death, not on purpose, but his scared emotions led him to think about the worst things possible. 
He dropped from watching over you to running towards you as fast as he could. Draco was already removing his coat, thinking he was going to wrap you in it, but his tracks suddenly stopped when he saw you stand up and placed a step forward onto the lake. He was going to scream and ask if you were mad but when his eyes moved onto your feet, he happened to see that you were wearing a pair of figure skates, something that he never expected you to wear. He never knew you were a figure skater. Maybe you were trying out the sport, maybe this could be his way of talking to you, teasing you on how you can’t skate.
But he was wrong. 
The minute you placed your other foot onto the ice, you started gliding around the ice, quickly giving yourself a couple fast laps around the lake. 
He was stunned. He was possibly one of the few people left in school that was not aware of your special talent. How did nobody tell him of your skill? The audacity of some people! It made him feel less updated than usual and it made him slightly scared that there could be other many things that he was not aware of concerning you. 
While you were unaware of him being there, Draco watched how skillful you were in figure skating. He was amazed. He loved every movement you made on ice and how gorgeous you were and made the sport. The way you made edges with only one skate on the ice to smoothly rotate on air as you clipped yourself together as you jumped to spinning gracefully from easy to difficult positions, he was mesmerized by you. You looked so joyful and at home as you were in your element. Knowing that you probably did not want to be bothered, Draco turned around to make his way back to the common room with an idea in mind. 
The next day, Draco was more than excited to end classes. He was so thrilled with what he came up with yesterday that he was willing to run off during the last five minutes of potions class and meet you at the Black Lake. 
He was a table behind you as he could hear the excitement from the conversation you were having with Daphne and Pansy. The three of you started chit chatting during the last five minutes as Snape was giving last minute instructions regarding the potions experiment he has been rambling about for the whole period. 
“So, what are today’s plans for Y/N Y/L/N?” Daphne asked with curiosity. 
“Obviously the usual, am I right, Y/N?” Pansy added to the question. 
You grinned happily, thinking your two friends were reading your mind. “You know it,” you nodded.
“Oh how lovely,” Daphne sarcastically said as it was the same plan every weekend. 
Then a sudden voice from the back interrupted your conversation, “You know, Greengrass, I think it would be SO lovely if you could save this conversation for after class. Some of us are striving to stay on top of the class instead of yammering about their plans.” 
The three of you turned around to see a slightly disturbed Draco Malfoy as he was holding his quill tightly to his notes. He crossed his arms when the three of you gave him an irritated look. “What, can’t a man listen to Snape? Or are you three actually jealous that I might have better plans than you?,” he said slightly grinning. 
While Daphne and Pansy rolled their eyes and looked back at Snape, you remained looking at Draco with a scoff coming from your mouth as you shook your head. 
“So, what are today’s plans for Draco Lucius Malfoy?,” you tried sounding interested as you added a hint of fake excitement in your tone with his last name. 
Draco got the sarcasm from your tone and leaned in closer from his table and whispered, “You’ll see.” He suddenly looked back at his open notebook and started scribbling things on his notes. 
Before you could ask what he meant, you felt a figure in front of your table towering you as you could see a shadow by Draco’s table. 
“Trying to distract our fellow peers are we, Y/L/N?” 
Turning around, you saw Professor Snape hold his book tightly to his chest as he looked at you with disappointment in his eyes. The third best student, as Hermione was second, getting distracted in potions class was something Snape did not want to see but unfortunately he did. He shook his head in disappointment as you were speechless. 
“Try not to distract Mister Malfoy again or I will change your seating arrangement.” He demanded. 
While Draco was silently snickering, you gave him one last eye roll as he smirked, then looked back at the class and waited till class ended. Thought of Draco telling you that you’d see what he was talking about was swimming in your mind as you were confused by what he meant. After packing up your things, you turned around to see that he was already by the door of the classroom, hastily walking away from class. Nevertheless, you gathered your sling bag and bid your friends goodbye as you started making your way to the Black Lake. 
It was another wonderful afternoon to feel the snow fall on your face as the breeze of the cool wind was felt on all parts of your body. As you were tying your skates, you heard footsteps walk on the snow behind you. Amused that there was someone taking up the lake as well, you signed as you realized that today was not a private skating day for you. 
“What that a sigh I heard from you, Y/N?” chuckled Draco, who was towering over you with a big grin on his face. 
Standing up to still being towered thanks to his height, you looked up at Draco with your famous eye roll and scoff. “I just didn’t expect you to be here, Malfoy.” you crossed your arms as your eyes darted to the pair of skates he’s been holding. 
“Darling, I told you that you’d see what my plans were, didn’t I?” 
“Are those your skates?”
Draco lifted up his skates confidently as he presented it with such happiness. “Father bought me the best skates. He said I should skate in the best skates, especially during this freezing time of the year.” Draco then plopped on the snow and started tying his skates like a happy little five year-old who was so excited to wear their favorite pair of shoes on. 
“Mind if I join you?” he asked. 
Putting your arms high up in defeat, you replied, “I don’t see how I can stop you.” Then when he was finished tying his skates, you helped grab his hand, pulling him up as the two of you faced each other ever so closely as there was little space left in front of you. After staring at each other awkwardly, you finally broke the silence and blinked. 
“Well, let’s get going, Draco. Wouldn’t want others beating us to the ice.”
He chuckled from embarrassment and nodded in reply. He thought that seeing you skate so effortless made him think that skating was something easy to pick up on, so as he placed his first skate on the ice, there was absolutely no fear in his eyes. But when he started placing his other foot on the ice, Draco thought he was starting to lose balance and fear arose in him as he was shaking on the edge of the ice. 
You only realized that he was struggling after skating farther away from him. Being afar, you squinted as you examined Draco’s facial expressions as he was trying to stand up straight on the ice. Seeing that he was muttering things to himself and trying to place his foot forward to continue skating, you laughed at him for a second then skated back at him. 
Nearly arriving at the ice patch he was in, you decided to joke around and attempted a hockey-stop closing up on him that he almost thought you were purposely going to make him fall that he actually lost complete balance and fell on his own.
“Merlin’s beard!” he winced in pain as he crashed onto the hard ice. 
You chuckled to yourself as you definitely knew the feeling he went through and being a nice person, you extended your hand for him to reach. “Maybe I can help you up”
At the same time when Draco had gotten a reach of your hand, he grew a smirk on his face that was too late for you to notice and understand that when his grip became tighter, he strongly pulled you down to the ground, forcefully hitting your bottom onto the tough ice as yelped in shock. 
What wasn’t part of Draco’s plan was that as soon as you fell to the ice, your body smoothly yet quickly glided to his, colliding into each other and before your body could react and glide away from his, the both of you held on to each other tightly without thinking. You grabbed his shoulders, while he grabbed your waist, then when the two of you held on to each other, the gliding stopped. Draco looked at you with careful eyes as you started blushing. 
It was only a matter of time when your blush was about to get even redder until he thankfully cupped your face with his hands. The soft warm feeling of his gloves relaxed your tenses as you exhaled slowly and shakily as his face was close to yours. 
There was a smile in Draco’s face as he was waiting for a perfect moment like this to happen in his life. Without second thinking, he tilted his head, signaling that he was going to kiss you. You closed your eyes as you felt his soft lips plant a passionate yet careful kiss which was briefly deepened as you wrapped your arms around his neck, while his in your waist. 
Finally pulling back, there was a slight chuckle from Draco which made you raise your eyebrows. You crossed your arms in confusion to where this meant. 
“Anything funny, Malfoy?”
Draco slowly stood up by himself, regaining his balance as he whisked away the snow that was falling onto his clothes. “Maybe I could skate my way into your heart.” 
You gave out a genuine laugh as it was cheesy yet funny enough. He extended his arm as you grabbed onto it tightly, standing up beside him as you rolled your eyes playfully at him and nudged him in the shoulder. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you didn’t know how to skate? Just because you bought the best skates doesn’t mean it will automatically turn you into a good skater! You can’t buy talent, Malfoy.”
“Father suggested I get the best. Maybe you could teach me?”
“How to skate your way into my heart?” You giggled. 
Draco pointed at you with a smirk saying, ‘Hey, that was you who said that, not me!’ 
“Darling, we all know I meant by skating. But, I suppose that could work too.” 
“Well, maybe we could start with your suggestion first, wouldn’t want Mr. Malfoy’s money to go wasted if you don’t use your skates.” Then you held out an arm for him to cling on so that you could start gliding together.
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lov3nerdstuff · 4 years
Voluptas Noctis Aeternae {Part 6.4}
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*Severus Snape x OC*
Summary: It is the year 1983 when the ordinary life of Robin Mitchell takes a drastic turn: she is accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the struggles of being a muggle-born in Slytherin, she soon discovers her passion for Potions, and even manages the impossible: gaining the favor of Severus Snape. Throughout the years, Robin finds that the not quite so ordinary Potions Professor goes from being a brooding stranger to being more than she had ever deemed possible. An ally, a mentor, a friend... and eventually, the person she loves the most. Through adventure, prophecies and the little struggles of daily life in a castle full of mysteries, Robin chooses a path for herself, an unlikely friendship blossoms into something more, and two people abandoned by the world can finally find a home.
General warnings: professor x student, blood, violence, trauma, neglectful families, bullying, cursing
Words: 4.7k
Read Part 1.1 here! All Parts can be found on the Masterlist!
The moment they were back in Snape's office, Robin got started on making them coffee. It was early afternoon by now, and she was well aware that there still was plenty of work to be done before they could move on over to the lab. Once again she offered her help with his work, but his (admittedly very much justified) objection remained that he couldn't let her grade other students' essays, and Robin had to accept that. Thus she merely sat down at the smaller table with her own coffee after handing him his, and henceforth listened to him complaining about the many stupid mistakes the second years had made in their essays. Eventually it became a real game between them, to keep a list of the most ridiculous things people had written in their essays, and to rank them by their level of idiocy. Robin, void of anything else to do for once, actually wrote it all down on a piece of parchment, both the most ridiculous statements and the ranking points they had given them.
In the end, they successfully managed to miss dinner entirely, as their game was more entertaining than either of them had anticipated. But the work was done, and Robin was proud to say that she had made it less dreadful for him after all. Even if not entirely on purpose, but still very much willingly.
"You know, you could probably fill an entire lesson just with reading out the dumbest quotes on this list and have the students figure out why it's so wrong." Robin sighed with a smirk as she stretched in her chair. The piece of parchment in front of her looked almost like a piece of art at this point, littered not only with the most desperately wrong quotes from the essays, but also Robin's corrections of them, as well as some extended elaborations on the matter and little drawings of ingredients. Yes, she had been that bored between judging ridiculous quotes.
"I could. Should I, however?" He raised an eyebrow at Robin with a not-smirk while he got up from behind his desk at last, only to sit down again across from her at the small table. Without taking his eyes off hers, he snatched the piece of parchment out from under her fingertips and only then lowered his gaze to inspect it. A few seconds passed before he frowned, and Robin smiled.
"I think you should." She remarked innocently, replying to his earlier question while leaning back in her chair. "Have them correct the mistakes, that is, not mock the person who made them."
"I am surprised that you bothered to correct them."
"Didn't have much else to do between judging students' idiocracy. Besides, at this point I really should know the second year topics, shouldn't I? Did them twice, after all."
"Twice because…?"
"Once in my own second year and then again last year when tutoring Jorien and Cas. So technically I only did them once, and then tried to teach them a second time."
"You still tutor your roommates regularly?"
"Yeah." Robin shrugged with a smile. "Not just them though, and by far not only in potions. Just this morning I actually had sixteen students, can you imagine?! Sixteen thirteen-year-olds! And they actually listened to what I said!!!"
Now Snape's eyebrows rose in surprise, but the not-smirk turned into a real one; small, but definitely visible. "I had no idea that was even a possibility."
"Me neither!" Robin laughed, then kept on grinning. "So, just in case you get a suspicious amount of high quality essays from your third years next week, you know who to blame. Or who to thank."
"We will see about that." He replied with the same smirk, but then continued on a more serious note as he took another look at the parchment in his hands. "May I keep this?"
"Sure." Robin shrugged easily, and for whatever reason her heart skipped a beat. "I hope you can decipher all of it… I didn't specifically try for readability."
"I have been reading your handwriting for years, Robin. Not only in tests or essays written specifically to be handed in, but in scribbles and working notes as well. I would even say I know it quite as well as my own."
"Good." Robin couldn't help grinning at him with enough excitement to make him frown a little in suspicion. Before he could ask however, she had already summoned her handbook out of her backpack and dropped it on the table in front of him with a dull thud. "Because there's something else I have been dying to show you."
A quiet rustling of sheets, soft breathing, hushed whispers. "Robin…" The mattress dipped gently at her side. She smiled, curling a little closer around the new source of warmth. "ROBIN!!!"
She jumped at the loud voice, sitting up with a start, and her head bumped against something hard in an instant.
"Ow…" She grumbled with a deep frown, rubbing her now aching forehead in an instant, while her eyes finally went into focus enough to see Cas sitting in front of her on her bed, rubbing her forehead just the same. Jorien sat on the other side, laughing at both their misery without a hint of guilt or pity.
"Very funny, you guys…" Robin groaned tiredly as she crossed her legs underneath her to make room for the two girls. "The last time you woke me up like this was-..."
"Happy birthday, Robin!" Both girls cheered before she could finish her sentence, and Robin had to smile despite the small mishap.
"Thank you! Is it really the twentieth already? Again?" She sighed, but by now she knew that resistance to Cas was hard, and resistance to Jorien was entirely futile.
"Twentieth of October, six o'clock in the morning!" Cas grinned, and crossed her legs as well while Jorien followed suit a few seconds later.
"Six?! Good gods…" Robin groaned exaggeratedly and frowned at them with a desperate smile. "Why on earth would you wake me up this early?"
"Because it's Thursday and our present for you requires some time before breakfast." Jorien replied factually, and Cas nodded in her usual giddy eagerness.
"Do I need to be scared?" Robin inquired with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile. She knew that look on their faces, and she knew that they were up to something. A second later, a small box very much like the one she had received last year was placed in her lap and Robin opened it with a curious smile. When her eyes fell onto the contents however, her brows furrowed, and she looked up at Cas and Jorien with a big question mark on her face.
"We're not doing anything you don't want to, of course… But you liked those onyx earrings so much when we went to Hogsmeade, so we decided to get them for you." Cas shrugged with an excited smile, and Jorien merely nodded in no less amusement.
"That is very sweet of you, but you realize that I don't actually have any holes in my ears but the ones nature demands, yes?"
"Yet. That is part of the present." Cas replied mischievously, and both girls smiled at Robin in a way that made her realize that they were absolutely serious in what they were planning to do. It humored her more than it probably should have.
"Alright." Robin said with an easy smile. "Thank you for the lovely present. If you take joy in stabbing holes into my skin, feel free to. I don't mind."
"Wait… really?!" Cas frowned incredulously. "I thought you were going to protest! I prepared an entire speech to convince you that it was for the best!"
"I told you she would be all for it." Jorien shrugged at her friend, with a humored smile similar to the one Robin wore herself. "And you didn't write a speech, you practiced saying 'please' in as many ways as possible."
"Don't tell her that!" Cas protested with a roll of her eyes, and Robin merely had to chuckle at the two of them. They were like an old married couple sometimes, and it was hilarious and adorable at once to observe. Cas turned to Robin once again. "Anyway, we asked McGonagall for a spell to pierce your ears that wouldn't blow your head off along the way, so you don't have to worry about a thing. It's all approved and safe for use."
"I'm not worried." Robin replied easily, and really she thought the idea was rather sweet. It was such a typical teenager thing to do… something of the kind she had never spent a second thinking about before now. But to Cas and Jorien it actually seemed to be of immense importance to do this themselves, and Robin felt touched that they included her in their spark of youthful rebellion. And she wouldn't mind getting her ears pierced after all. "So… You actually asked McGonagall for a spell?"
"Who did you expect us to ask?! What Professor Snape is for you, McGonagall is for Jorien. I'm just swimming on her wave." Cas explained, then motioned for Jorien to go ahead and do the actual work. A typical Cas move, giving the speech and leaving the work for someone else. "This is probably going to hurt, so you might want to grab something."
"Don't worry, it takes a lot to hurt me these days." Robin sighed and for once, she would just have to trust them; there wasn't much that could go wrong anyway. "But try to keep my head intact, alright?"
Ten minutes later, and luckily without any accidents, Robin had two neat holes in her ears and could at last make use of the gift she'd received. Two studs of black onyx, small but just as gorgeous as she remembered them to be from the two times they had looked at them through the shopwindow in Hogsmeade. She smiled when she looked at herself in the mirror, admiring the subtle new detail about her appearance. The deep black really was a sharp contrast to her ashen skin, but so was her dark hair anyway. The new piece of jewelry probably wouldn't be all too noticeable in comparison to that.
"You look absolutely gorgeous, birthday girl…" Cas declared dramatically, still lounging on Robin's bed even while Robin herself had gotten up. "Now we just need to get a little colour onto your face and you're ready to seize this day!"
Robin spun around to face them in an instant, glaring at the two girls in both horror and defense. There was a lot she would let them do to her, but that most definitely did not include turning her into a canary! "Cas no! Absolutely not!"
"Cas yes!"
"Jorien?" Robin pleaded with both her tone and her eyes while moving back over to her bed and to the girls. "I already let you make holes into my ears!"
"Sorry, but it's all part of our present." Jorien shrugged with a sympathetic half smile before she moved off the bed to get ready. "Just let it happen."
"What is your present if it includes piercing my ears and painting my face?!"
"We're making you pretty, dumbass! Like they do in the movies!" Cas groaned loudly and rolled off the bed as well to pad back towards her own. "You're bloody 17 now! And you still don't have any dates! We're trying to get you one."
"Not that again…" Robin sighed in return, hiding her head in her hands for a moment to regain some composure before she started getting dressed for the day of classes. "Don't you guys have anything better to do than meddling in my affairs?"
"No." Both Jorien and Cas replied at the same time, then giggled at their synchrony, and Robin finally had to realize that resistance was futile indeed. Sometimes living with thirteen-year-olds demanded a sacrifice; sometimes Robin just had to make concessions to their youth. And honestly, she couldn't deny them a thing, being as excited as they were about this now.
"Fine…" She sighed at last, mindlessly buttoning up her blouse with long practiced moments, then tugged it into her trousers. "You may paint my face if it means so much to you. But I'll get the bathroom first, now and all to myself. And I forbid you to use anything actually colourful."
"But colour is the best part! It's ALL colour!!!" Cas cried as she struggled into her tights. "Some charcoal would do wonders on your eyes!"
"Black isn't actually a colour but a value." Jorien corrected with a roll of her eyes. "So technically you can use all the black, white and grey you want."
"Precisely! Thank you, Jorien, your thought-out input is always very much appreciated." Robin smiled proudly at the girl, who in return grinned to herself upon the praise. "Now, do we have an agreement? I get the bathroom first and you will use no colours, but you may otherwise do with my hair and face as you please. Deal?"
… … …
In the end, Robin had to make another compromise: in exchange for not getting any brown paste and powder onto her face, which Cas seemed to be very fond of unfortunately, she had to agree to let them use colours, dark colours, on her eyes. Thus Robin ended up sitting on her bed, sighing repeatedly, while Cas painted her face and Jorien braided her hair. Honestly, she still didn't know how or why exactly she (the older one!) had become their dress up doll, but under the pretext of 'making her look pretty for her birthday', Robin still found herself unable to deny them. Even if, on the inside, she very much felt like running.
When all three of them made their way towards the great hall for breakfast at last, Robin still felt mildly uncomfortable. The braid Jorien had forced her hair into was rather charming actually, and also very much useful to keep the wavy, bushy mess out of her face, but she wasn't so sure about the 'smokey' black, brown and green Cas had layered around her eyes. Robin felt more like a raccoon than herself… but in comparison to what some (few) of her classmates wore on a daily basis, or those women in the magazines Cas read instead of books, it still was subtle enough to tolerate for a day. Makeup may be fun for some other people, which was fine, but it most definitely wasn't for Robin and she had a rather strong interest in not repeating this masquerade. Oh well… she still would be racoon-Robin for a day now. Besides, it would break the girls' hearts if she didn't suffer through it with a smile on her face, so that's what she did as they hurried to breakfast.
"And where would we be coming from?" A taunting voice stopped all three of them just outside the great hall, and Robin had to smile while the other two looked rather panicked upon the unexpected appearance of their potions teacher. "Miss Miller, Miss Blakeley… Punctuality is a virtue, not an option. Breakfast started fifteen minutes ago. You are late."
"So are you, professor..." Robin replied with an innocent smile, which however turned into more of a smirk as soon as her eyes met his. "Isn't that a funny coincidence?"
Snape approached them with long strides and his usual public facade, and the closer he came, the more Cas and Jorien hid behind Robin. She still didn't understand how they could miss the humor in his face that even now was obvious as day! All they saw was the menacing scowl he wanted them to see. That they probably wanted to see as well; expectation and prejudice were the masters of deceit in one's own mind.
"Funny." He said to Robin in a particularly flat tone that made her bite her lip to keep from laughing, then he turned to look at Jorien and Cas instead. "You two would do well to be on time from now on, even if for a mere meal. I tolerate no slacking. Now find your seats before your classmates leave nothing but their empty plates for you." With that, he motioned for them to get going, clasping his hands behind his back with that indifferent look that made Robin smile even more.
"Robin…? Are you coming?" Jorien asked carefully while Cas straight out started walking off already, gaining as much distance to Snape as possible until she disappeared out of sight. Jorien still stood between Robin and the doors, looking at her insecurely.
"You should be fine without your precious Robin for five minutes, or is that too much to ask?" Snape drawled in feigned annoyance, and Robin gave him a look before turning to Jorien.
"I'll be there in five minutes, just save me a seat and some toast, will you?" She smiled at the girl as positively as possible, who only nodded with a weak smile in return before quickly following behind Cas, out of sight.
"Did you have to scold them for something so minor?" Robin finally asked as she turned back to Snape with a small frown. "They were only late because of me, or rather because of what they did for me. Today, at least…" Really, they were usually late for all meals. No matter what day it was, and no matter if they were with Robin or without her.
"Had they been any later, all they would have found left is scrapings. It might have slipped your notice, but their classmates are more animals than civilised beings when it comes to meals." He pointed out calmly, and Robin had to sigh. He was right. "Unless you wish to show them how to use the kitchens or leave them to fend for themselves in the future, I would prefer to teach them punctuality."
"Yeah, alright, I see your point." She said with another sigh. "Nevermind. I usually prefer being early anyway."
"I am aware." He replied with a not-smirk, upon which Robin had to smile again as well. "Is that colour in your face the reason for your mutual lateness?"
"Ah, well, yes." Robin chuckled awkwardly, and before she knew her fingers nervously brushed over the rough spot of skin on her neck again. "It is, uh… it's part of their birthday present to me, I guess. They insisted on it."
For a moment Snape observed her closely, with a curious frown that made Robin feel both nervous and tingly. He leaned a little closer for a second, then back again. "Something else about you is different than it was yesterday evening, but I cannot tell what it is."
"Well, uh, I also let them pierce my ears, because they really wanted to, so it's probably that." Robin shrugged with an almost apologetic frown. Did he observe everyone that closely? Probably.
His eyebrows rose in surprise, torn between incredulity, humor and irritation. "Why would you let them do all that to you? I was under the impression that people did nice things for others on their birthdays…"
"They gave me earrings, so they also had to make sure I could wear them. And as for the colour on my face… you better don't ask what made them do that to me." She shrugged again, deeming the way he said 'nice' highly amusing. "I let them do it because it quite obviously made them happy."
"It is your birthday. People are supposed to ensure you are happy."
"Oh, I'm quite happy as it is." Robin replied with a small smirk, and a soaring heart once more. "I can manage looking like a raccoon for the day. Perhaps it'll scare Morgan off at least."
A quiet snort escaped him before he could make an effort to remain stoic, and even then he seemed to struggle not to smirk. "Raccoon certainly is not what I think of when I look at you, Robin. But you make me curious about their reason to obviously try for exactly that visual."
Now Robin had to snort as well, shaking her head to herself. Damn, she didn't want to tell him… but she also knew that she could deny him even less than the two girls. What was it about the people she cared about?! The only weak spot she knew of, and they all were entirely oblivious to it.
"If you have to know, they wanted to make me look pretty for the day." She sighed, but as soon as he even made an attempt to reply, she added, "Don't. Please. No scorn or mocking on my birthday. I know I look stupid, but I have to make concessions if I want to keep my sanity when living with them, and this was such an instance. I could have looked far worse."
"I was merely going to say that they obviously have a strange concept of beauty if they are blind enough to try to cover it up with paint." He said as if it wasn't enough to make Robin's entire body feel too hot all of a sudden. Actually, he didn't even seem to realize what exactly he had just said in the first place as he went on. "I do very well understand your need to make concessions, and your diplomacy is certainly appropriate. However you don't have to tolerate everything they do to you merely because I told you to watch over them."
"I know. That's not why I do it, not at all." She sighed, regaining control over her heartbeat by simply ignoring what he hadn't even said on purpose. "They care about me, they really do, and they only want the best for me in their own kind of way. A thirteen-year-old way, which unfortunately entails trying to draw more positive attention to me."
He frowned at that, with a lingering hint of amusement. "They paint your eyes black to draw positive attention to you? How… curious."
"I know, right?" She huffed in both humor and dread. "I for my part like black better than anything else they could've put on my fave, but it's probably the wrong colour to make other people think 'pretty' and not 'scary'. I forbid them to use bright colours though, so perhaps it is my fault that I'll scare people off all day, which I do almost every day anyway, so-..."
"Robin." He quirked an eyebrow at her, and Robin took a deep breath to untangle the mess in her head that caused her to ramble.
"Yes. Sorry. Nevermind, just forget about it."
"Give me your hand." He ordered calmly an instant later, holding his own out to her with his palm facing up. Robin's heart skipped a beat, but she did as he said without question, placing her hand in his only to feel the familiar surge of electricity running up her arm and through her body.
To her surprise, he turned her hand around to rest in his with the inside facing up as well. Then, without a word, a small spark of light flickered to life inside her palm. It glowed softly in different colours that came and went so quickly it left the light white, an addition of all colours, and yet black at once in its subtraction. Robin couldn't have described it even if she'd wanted to, for her eyes and mind were too drawn to their hands to even try such a thing. The spark grew, not into a bigger light, but into a shape, a web of atoms that made up matter one by one. It grew, blossomed and rooted until at last it took on the unmistakable shape of a flower. A flower Robin had never seen before, one that was entirely black in its impossible existence, but yet consisted of all the colours in existence indeed. She couldn't take her eyes of it as it rested in her palm, all light gone but the impossible colours remained. His hand was still curled around hers, long fingers brushing against the delicate skin of her wrist beneath the cuff of her blouse… Robin didn't know which of the two fascinated, enchanted her more. Perhaps both did, in a different way.
"Now, would you expect someone to deem this flower scary?" He asked after a few seconds, dropping his hand from hers at last.
"No…" Robin replied quietly, holding the blossom in her palm like the greatest treasure. "It's beautiful, breathtaking even. I've never seen anything like it."
"Because it stems from your mind alone, which makes it entirely unique in its existence."
"But, how… I mean…" She didn't even know what to say, leave alone what to think, neither in a positive nor in a negative way. Why had he shown this beautiful piece of magic to her? Why hadn't she known that he could do something like this in the first place?! The overwhelming urge to be closer to him overcame her when she looked up at him, and it couldn't even be lessened by his perfect neutral facade. Gods, why did he always hide when she wanted to see him the most?! "Why?"
"It is nothing but a reminder that darkness does not scare everyone." He replied neutrally, neither bothering to feign indifference nor to let his honest expression shine through. A few seconds passed in silence, and they merely looked at each other as they did so often.
"Thank you." Robin finally said, giving him the most sincere smile that had graced her lips all day. "It's a lovely gift."
"It isn't a gift." He was quick to respond though, frowning first, then looking almost humored again. "But it might counteract the racoon visual nonetheless."
Robin chuckled, closing her eyes for a second to dwell in the happiness of the moment. The overwhelming bunch of emotions tied to the impossible flower in her hand. "Well, thank you either way. I appreciate your help with my facial issues."
Finally the not-smirk was back on his face, and if Robin wasn't mistaken, so was the humor in his eyes. "What kind of… person would I be if I didn't help you even with the most obscure problems?" Again he raised his eyebrows at her, and she smiled brightly enough to light up the entire hallway, until he spoke on. "That, among other things, is why I want you to be prepared at two o'clock this afternoon."
"Huh?" Robin's brows furrowed into a deep frown in an instant. "Prepared for what?"
"To play along." He smirked for real this time, quite obviously basking in her confusion. "You will see."
Then, without another word, Snape turned on his spot and disappeared down the hallway towards the dungeons before Robin could say another thing. Two seconds later, the doors to the great hall were opened by the first students already leaving breakfast, and they stormed the hallway with enough noise and chattering to break Robin free of her frozen state. Did Snape actually enjoy being that cryptic?! He probably did; insufferable idiot.
Robin sighed to herself, looking at the flower in her hand in careful consideration, then moved to tie it into her hair with a smile. Having this little piece of magic with her, his magic, would certainly make her day a lot better, even if it was prone to cause her constant tingles. Who cares… it was her birthday, she could allow herself to enjoy one single day of dwelling in her feelings. And besides, nobody had to know who had given her such an impossible flower; it wasn't a gift after all, just a point proven.
As Robin made her way into the great hall at last, hoping that at least some kind of food was left for her, she wondered what would be happening at two o'clock. She really couldn't wait to know. Then again, the anticipation and excitement of not knowing was also quite delightful. Two o'clock… that was a third into her defense against the dark arts class. And that meant whatever was going to happen, it could only be an improvement.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CXXVIII (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: From chapter 25 to 36 I just love everything -Danny
Words: 5,260 
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Listen to: ‘Payphone’ -by Maroon 5
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Chapter Twenty-Six: Delusions of Power.
Mel spent the next days in constant anxiety. 
She even stopped her mischief out of fear of how the interview could backfire, it was keeping her awake at night. 
At the end of a particularly rough quidditch practice Ron, Ginny and her were walking back to the castle in a very grim mood, but they still were curious about what exactly had Mel added to Harry's story.
"Well, you know," Their friend replied as she undid her braid. "Talked about Barty Jr. and how his father brought him from Azkaban — and that he fired Winky, which was a complete lack of respect for the honourable work of House-elves  (Hermione was very pleased with that part), I talked about the corruption in the Ministry, that Fudge made it very clear that the main reason why he didn't want to act was because of the money he was getting from pureblood families involved... I reckon I'll never get a job in the Ministry after this."
"I hope this works out," Ginny said. "Maybe the Order we'll get more help once people read the article, your version makes much more sense than whatever Fudge wants to sell to the public."
They walked into the Great Hall leaving mud stains on their path, Hermione and Harry were having dinner already, and they seemed to be arguing.
"Is that what she was doing?" Harry was asking. "Well, wouldn't it have been easier if she'd just asked me whether I liked her better than you?"
"Girls don't often ask questions like that," Hermione responded.
"Well, they should! Then I could've just told her I fancy her, and she wouldn't have had to get herself all worked up again about Cedric dying!"
"You're still talking about that?" Mel frowned. "Listen, I agree with you about Cho exaggerating a bit, but to be fair you're slow at picking up hints."
"You're one to talk," Harry retorted. 
"I'm not saying what she did was sensible," said Hermione, throwing a nervous glance at them and interrupting before things got awkward. "I'm just trying to make you see how she was feeling at the time."
"You should write a book," Ron said, "translating mad things girls do so boys can understand them."
"Yeah!" said Harry.
"Girls are humans just like you," Mel scowled. "There are no 'rules' — Just try to get to know the girl for a change instead of just looking for a quick snog."
Harry looked back at the Ravenclaw table wistfully, Cho was leaving it with her friend Marietta, and she didn't glance his way before walking out.
"So, how was Quidditch practice?" He sighed, turning his attention back to his friends.
"It was a nightmare," said Ron.
"Oh come on," Hermione tried, "I'm sure it wasn't that —"
"Yes, it was," Ginny pouted. "It was appalling. Angelina was nearly in tears by the end of it."
Mel let out a long sigh and pushed her hair out of the way, it was starting to get a bit impossible to handle at this point and it was always messy, she really needed to get rid of half of it.
"Can't say I'm doing marvellous work as a beater if I'm honest. I'm not as strong as Angelina would like..."
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By the time Mel was going to play her first game ever the atmosphere was extremely dense. Her Hufflepuff friends wished her luck in a way that let her know they already felt like the winners. She couldn't blame them, Ron was looking greener and greener with every step he took towards the dressing room. 
Mel was about to enter when Fred caught up and kissed her. She couldn't even react properly.
"For good luck!" He smirked. "Isn't that the tradition?"
Mel was flustered, she ushered him away and stood there in shock, hearing as he laughed about her reaction with George. Someone cleared his throat behind her, it was Harry.
"When did you get here?" She asked in dread.
"Just a moment," Harry said, a faint blush on his cheeks. "But I saw you were... er... having a moment. I figured it was better if I just waited until Fred was gone."
"Okay," Mel said clumsily, pushing her hair back. 
"I wanted to wish you good luck," He said. "It's your first game... when it was my game you were there so... it's my turn, isn't it?"
"You don't have to," Mel said, panicking about Harry kissing her cheek after such a long time without physical contact. She no longer knew what boundaries existed between them. 
"It's the least I can do," Harry hesitated before awkwardly stepping forward, holding out his hand so she could shake it.
Mel grabbed it and shook it firmly.
"Good luck."
"Thanks," She smiled.
Once inside and dressed in the uniform, Mel stared at her reflection in awe. 
"I'm wearing a Quidditch uniform," She told Ginny. "And I look so good..."
"Yeah, yeah, you're pretty," Ginny rolled her eyes grinning. "Let's go, before your big-head stops you from looking away..."
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The good part? Ginny caught the snitch. 
They still lost.
She'd threw a bludger directly to a chaser and caused him to drop the quaffle, but Slope was dreadful, he kept missing every time. Ron was beyond miserable when the game was over, now not only the Slytherins were singing, but also the Hufflepuffs. 
Back in the common room, once she had taken a bath, she walked in and listened to Harry and Ginny's conversation as she sat down tiredly next to them, hanging her legs over the armrest and leaning on Ginny's shoulder.
"I was lucky," The girl was saying. "It wasn't a very fast snitch and Summerby's got a cold, he sneezed and closed his eyes at exactly the wrong moment. Anyway, once you're back on the team —"
"Ginny, I've got a lifelong ban."
"You're banned as long as Umbridge is in the school. There's a difference. Anyway, once you're back, I think I'll try out for Chaser. Angelina and Alicia are both leaving next year and I prefer goal-scoring to seeking anyway." 
Mel sighed, rubbing her temples. 
"You were right about how cathartic it is to be a Beater, but I think I'm not good enough for the position. Maybe chaser— or even seeker, if Harry insists on staying on the bench —"
"It's not like I want to stay there, you know?"
"If you say so," The girl yawned.
"Angelina still won't let him resign," Ginny added, making a vague head movement towards her brother. "She says she knows he's got it in him."
"Because he does," Mel rolled her eyes. "That idiot... if I could take away his insecurities by knocking his lights out with a bludger, I'd do it."
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The next morning during breakfast was the moment when the bomb dropped. Two editions of the Quibbler arrived –one for Mel and one for Harry– inside they had their interviews. Not only that, but at least ten owls landed around the table, all with letters directed to them.
"It's good, isn't it?" Luna sat down between Fred and Ron. "It came out yesterday, I asked Dad to send you a free copy. I expect all these are letters from readers."
"That's what I thought," said Hermione. "Guys, d'you mind if we — ?"
"Help yourself," said Harry. 
"I'm too scared to touch any of those," Mel said hesitantly. "Don't want anything on my face..."
"This one's from a bloke who thinks you're off your rocker, Harry," said Ron. "Says Mel is probably hormonal — gross lad, honestly. Ah well..."
"This woman recommends you try a good course of Shock Spells at St. Mungo's," said Hermione.
"This one looks okay, though," said Harry, he was reading through the mail now as well. "Hey, she says she believes us!"
"This one's in two minds," said Fred who had taken the liberty to open the one's directed at Mel. "Says you don't come across as mad people, but he really doesn't want to believe You-Know-Who's back so he doesn't know what to think now... Blimey, what a waste of parchment. I would believe you in a second, Lady."
"Thank you Fred, but I'm afraid you're biased," Mel grinned, deciding to start opening letters too.
"Here's another one you've convinced!" said Hermione happily. "'Having read your side of the story I am forced to the conclusion that the Daily Prophet has treated you very unfairly... Little though I want to think that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has returned, I am forced to accept that you are telling the truth... and Miss Dumbledore's claims seemed to be legitimate, I had a friend who got in trouble with the Ministry and they forgave him in no time after he let go of a few galleons...' Oh, this is wonderful!"
"Another one who thinks you're barking," said Ron, throwing the letter without paying attention, "but this one says you've got her converted, and she now thinks you're a real hero — she's put in a photograph too — wow —"
"At this rate, you won't have to worry about any future dates with Cho," Mel teased.
"What is going on here?" Umbridge asked over their heads. "Why have you got all these letters, Mr Potter, Miss Dumbledore?"
"Is that a crime now? Getting mail?" Fred frowned.
"Be careful, Mr Weasley, or I shall have to put you in detention. Well, Mr Potter?"
Harry pondered his options quietly but shared one resolute look with Mel and knew there was no point. She would find out eventually.
"People have written to us because we gave an interview," said Harry. "About what happened to me last June." 
"And about how much of a fraud Fudge is," Mel concluded.
"An interview? What do you mean?" Umbridge asked.
"I mean a reporter asked us questions and we answered them," said Harry. "Here —" 
He threw his copy at Umbridge and Mel got a pleasant tug at the base of her stomach at the sight. It quickly faded as she watched the woman read carefully all they'd said.
"When did you do this?" She breathed.
"Last Hogsmeade weekend," said Harry.
"There will be no more Hogsmeade trips for you two." 
"How would've guessed?" Mel replied carelessly.
"How you dare... how you could... I have tried again and again to teach you not to tell lies. The message, apparently, has still not sunk in. Miss Dumbledore, hadn't I told you to learn where your place is? You have no right to speak like that about your Minister!"
Mel thought that if she was already in trouble, she was going to earn it fully. 
"I thought you'd understand, isn't blood status your biggest priority? That's why you're giving Hagrid such a hard time, right? I'm just following your lead," She glanced at the teachers' table, where Dumbledore was talking to Flitwick without paying attention to them, although she had the feeling he was just pretending. "I'll always be loyal to my people."
"Fifty points from Gryffindor and another week's worth of detentions!" Umbridge spat, barely able to control her anger. 
"It'll be my pleasure!" Mel shouted, watching the woman stomp away from the Great Hall.
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Hermione and Mel smiled at each other at the sight of the decree.
— by order of —
The High Inquisitor of Hogwarts
Any student found in possession of the magazine The Quibbler will be expelled.
The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-seven.
High inquisitor.
"What exactly are you so happy about?" Harry asked them. 
"Oh Harry, don't you remember what Mel said? If she could have done one thing to make absolutely sure that every single person in this school will read your interview, it was banning it!" 
If Mel was popular before, now she was almost idolized. The only student at school that had stood up against Umbridge apart from Harry. Of course, there were people like Malfoy, and kids that were related to the death eaters that were definitely not happy about it, but little did they know that Daphne and Erick had her back. Not only that, but several Slytherins were starting to realize some things, as Mel would find out in her next D.A. meeting.
The students weren't the only ones making quiet declarations, Professor Sprout rewarded Harry with twenty points when he'd done nothing but to pass her an empty watering can. Flitwick discretely gave them two boxes of squeaking sugar mice during his class and ran away almost as fast as he'd approached. 
Trelawney openly wept and claimed that Harry was not going to suffer an early death after all, but he and Mel would live to a ripe old age, become Minister of Magic and have twelve children. Since she didn't specify which part was for each, Mel blushed deeply at the mention of babies.
Even Cho forgave Harry for his silly mistake on Valentine's day, and she was telling to anyone who was interested that they had shared a lovely date the day he'd done the interview, and that she was very proud of him. 
Fred was another person who was taking great pleasure in strutting around the castle with Mel by his side. Students would look at him with sneers and faces of contempt, and although Mel didn't appreciate being treated like a prize, she was definitely enjoying the way Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Nott would glare at her from across the hall without being able to touch her.
Seamus approached her and Harry before their Transfiguration class.
"I just wanted to say," He said, avoiding their eyes, "I believe you. And I've sent a copy of that magazine to me mam." 
Mel was so pleased that she hugged him, Seamus didn't know how to respond. That night a party took place in the common room, she hadn't seen her friends this happy for a very long time, and she was proud to be part of it.
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"What you did was foolish and impulsive”
"I'm aware."
"I thought we'd agreed on keeping a low profile this year," Dumbledore stared down at her over his glasses.
"We agreed on keeping my lessons a secret. There's nothing in that interview about my lessons with you, Professor. However, we never said I couldn't talk about Fudge."
They were outside the main entrance of the castle, Dumbledore had asked her for a private word as she walked past the entrance after finishing diner. Neither Harry nor Umbridge were near, which could be part of the reason why Dumbledore had asked her now. She didn't know what he'd been doing outside at this hour, but she was more worried about the lecture she was about to get.
"This is not the time to take things lightly," Dumbledore said gravely. "You know you're one of Voldemort's targets, he wants to use you to his advantage and now you've turned into a person of interest for the Ministry as well."
"I already was," Mel replied. "I merely talked about Fudge, I kept you out of the conversation! They might accuse me of slander, but then again they're probably too afraid of you to try it."
"And you're planning to live under my shadow?" Dumbledore asked.
Mel's annoyance increased. 
"Of course not! I've improved lots this year, I daresay I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself —"
"You have to grow up first before making such decisions," Dumbledore replied in a hard tone that took her off guard. "That kind of behaviour is what kept Aberforth from turning into his best self. You mustn't follow his lead. Matthew would've wanted you to be better."
"Give me a break, won't you? I'm fifteen — I want to have fun, I hate that I have to act like an adult when all my friends are allowed to fool around and —"
"You've been given enough freedom," The man replied. "Haven't I turned a blind eye to your acts of so-called justice? It wasn't wise of me, but I allowed it. Why?"
"Because you hate Umbridge as much as everyone else?"
"Because you wish to be something else than just a Lastname. What you haven't realized is that you already are Mel, but what you're representing right now is no better than what you used to be. You're repeating history and that won't help you." 
Mel was about to reply when a woman's scream reached them. They both turned to the oak doors, hearing attentively. Two trunks came down flying and landed roughly at the foot of the marble staircase, Umbridge walked down in tiny cheerful steps, Trelawney stumbled down holding a bottle of sherry. She was looking around frantically.
"NO!" She yelled, and the students inside the Great Hall walked out to see the scene. "NO! NO! This cannot be happening... It cannot... I refuse to accept it!"
"You didn't realize this was coming? Incapable though you are of predicting even tomorrow's weather, you must surely have realized that your pitiful performance during my inspections, and lack of any improvement, would make it inevitable you would be sacked?" Umbridge asked cruelly.
"You c-can't! You c-can't sack me! I've b-been here sixteen years! H-Hogwarts is m-my h-home!"
"It was your home, until an hour ago, when the Minister of Magic countersigned the order for your dismissal. Now kindly remove yourself from this hall. You are embarrassing us." 
Surprisingly, McGonagall stepped forward and hugged the woman protectively.
"There, there, Sibyll... Calm down... Blow your nose on this... It's not as bad as you think, now... You are not going to have to leave Hogwarts..."
"Oh really, Professor McGonagall?" Umbridge sneered. "And your authority for that statement is..?" 
Dumbledore opened the door completely, his figure stepping into the scene.
"That would be mine," He said.
Mel followed him, but she stayed behind as he reached the place where Trelawney was.
"Yours, Professor Dumbledore? I'm afraid you do not understand the position. I have here an Order of Dismissal signed by myself and the Minister of Magic. Under the terms of Educational Decree Number Twenty-three, the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts has the power to inspect, place upon probation, and sack any teacher she — that is to say, I — feel is not performing up to the standard required by the Ministry of Magic. I have decided that Professor Trelawney is not up to scratch. I have dismissed her."
"You are quite right, of course, Professor Umbridge. As High Inquisitor you have every right to dismiss my teachers," He smiled the same way she would do whenever she could get away with something. Her father's smile. "You do not, however, have the authority to send them away from the castle. I am afraid that the power to do that still resides with the headmaster, and it is my wish that Professor Trelawney continues to live at Hogwarts."
"No — no, I'll g-go, Dumbledore! I sh-shall l-leave Hogwarts and s-seek my fortune elsewhere —"
"No. It is my wish that you remain, Sibyll," He turned to McGonagall. "Might I ask you to escort Sibyll back upstairs, Professor McGonagall?"
"Of course. Up you get, Sibyll..."
Professor Sprout hurried to help Trelawney by holding her other arm and Professor Flitwick held out his wand and exclaimed "Locomotor trunks!" the objects floated in the air and followed the group of teachers.
"And what," Umbridge continued, so angry she could barely speak, "are you going to do with her once I appoint a new Divination teacher who needs her lodgings?"
"Oh, that won't be a problem," said Dumbledore. "You see, I have already found us a new Divination teacher, and he will prefer lodgings on the ground floor."
"You've found — ? You've found? Might I remind you, Dumbledore, that under Educational Decree Twenty-two —"
"— the Ministry has the right to appoint a suitable candidate if — and only if — the headmaster is unable to find one. And I am happy to say that on this occasion I have succeeded. May I introduce you?"
On queue, there was a sound like hooves behind her and she turned at the same time that the rest. The sight almost made her doubt her sanity, but it wasn't an illusion. There, standing in the entrance was a centaur. 
"This is Firenze— I think you'll find him suitable." Dumbledore beamed.
When the crowd erupted into loud exclamations of shock, the old man spoke in a lower voice.
"It's not about breaking the rules for the sake of provoking," He told her. "Is memorizing your way around them, so you can use them in your favour."
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The sentence 'I must not tell lies' was throbbing on the back of her hand. Hermione was already waiting for her with a jar of murtlap which she and Harry took turns to use. She knew Harry had felt the first day of her detention because he quickly approached to examine her injuries, although she rejected his help.
"Now you know how it feels," She said calmly. "Now you understand why I couldn't just ignore you, right?"
Harry looked uncomfortable, yet he had no choice but to admit she was right.
Daphne Greengrass was one of the first students to arrive on the day of the D.A. meeting, but she wasn't alone. A total of eight Slytherins had accompanied her and though they looked tense, they wanted to know what Umbridge was hiding, they wanted to learn. Once again, the group welcomed them with open arms.
"You know," Ron told her while he took a break from being Hermione's partner. "I reckon you may be right, maybe not all Slytherins are evil."
"Took you long enough," Mel patted his back lovingly. "Now be a good boy and practice with one of them."
"Are you afraid of snakes, Ronnie?" She raised a brow.
"Of course not!" He said, his ears gaining a reddish colour. "Hey — Hey, you! What's your name?"
He walked up to a fourth-year Slytherin so they could practice together, Mel's chest swelled with pride. It was Harry's turn to walk up to her.
"Okay, you win," He sighed, looking rather impressed. "We haven't got any fights — I guess we can all be friends."
"Can you write that down and sign it?" Mel smirked.
"Nah," He walked away with a smile.
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Their first divination class with Firenze proved to be highly interesting. When Mel walked in she felt slightly disoriented, like she had walked out of the castle without really wanting to.
The classroom floor had become springily mossy and trees were growing out of it; their leafy branches fanned across the ceiling and windows, so that the room was full of slanting shafts of soft, dappled, green light. 
The students who had already arrived were sitting on the earthy floor with their backs resting against tree trunks or boulders, arms wrapped around their knees or folded tightly across their chests, looking rather nervous. In the middle of the room, where there were no trees, stood Firenze.
"Harry Potter," Firenze walked up to them and shook hands with Harry.
"Er — hi– Er — good to see you..." The boy replied awkwardly.
"And you," said the centaur, inclining his white-blond head. "It was foretold that we would meet again. Miss Dumbledore, you continue to grow into your power, I see."
"Er..." Mel accepted Firenze's hand and shook it, trying not to stare at the bruise on the centaur's chest. "I... I suppose?"
She remembered the night Firenze had saved them from Quirrel, he'd said something about her 'vibrating', she knew enough about herself now to guess he meant her magical skills were quite good.
"Professor Dumbledore has kindly arranged this classroom for us," Firenze said once the students had taken a place on the ground, "in imitation of my natural habitat. I would have preferred to teach you in the Forbidden Forest, which was — until Monday — my home... but this is not possible."
"Please — er — sir —" Parvati had raised her hand, "why not? We've been in there with Hagrid, we're not frightened!"
"It is not a question of your bravery but of my position. I can no longer return to the forest. My herd has banished me."
"Herd?" asked Lavender. "What — oh! There are more of you?"
"Did Hagrid breed you, like the thestrals?" asked Dean.
Mel cringed at the question, Dean immediately realized his mistake, but it was too late.
"I didn't — I meant — sorry..."
"Centaurs are not the servants or playthings of humans," said Firenze calmly.
"Please, sir... why have the other centaurs banished you?" Parvati insisted.
"Because I have agreed to work for Professor Dumbledore. They see this as a betrayal of our kind."
Harry and Mel shifted awkwardly in their places, they could still remember the way the other centaurs had treated Firenze after helping Harry and her to leave the forest.
"Let us begin..."
[Firenze] swished his long palomino tail, raised his hand toward the leafy canopy overhead then lowered it slowly, and as he did so, the light in the room dimmed, so that they now seemed to be sitting in a forest clearing by twilight, and stars emerged upon the ceiling. There were oohs and gasps, and Ron said audibly, "Blimey!"
"Lie back upon the floor," said Firenze in his calm voice, "and observe the heavens. Here is written, for those who can see, the fortune of our races."
Mel laid down between Ron and Harry, her eyes fixed on the ceiling. The centaur's words resonated on her mind. 'Here is written, for those who can see...'
Erick's words also came to her mind.
'Knowing what's written in the stars won't help you.'
Maybe it would have. Maybe she could've skipped her whole thing with Harry and she'd be dating someone else for real, happy to have everything she wanted in life, including her best friend.
A thought crept inside her. If she would've known everything, more importantly, if she knew what's waiting for her in the future, if she still had a chance with Harry... No, she needed to get rid of those thoughts as soon as possible, they weren't even that close. Worse yet, he was dating Cho! 
All those novels she'd read for years had messed up her mind, she needed to get a grip on reality. They were over for good, she was sure someone out there was her second chance, and she just had to look around.
"I know that you have learned the names of the planets and their moons in Astronomy," Firenze's voice brought her back abruptly, "and that you have mapped the stars' progress through the heavens. Centaurs have unravelled the mysteries of these movements over centuries. Our findings teach us that the future may be glimpsed in the sky above us..."
"Professor Trelawney did Astrology with us!" said Parvati excitedly. "Mars causes accidents and burns and things like that, and when it makes an angle to Saturn, like now, that means that people need to be extra careful when handling hot things —"
"That is human nonsense."
Ron snorted beside her, Mel had to kick his foot to shut him up.
"Trivial hurts, tiny human accidents... These are of no more significance than the scurryings of ants to the wide universe, and are unaffected by planetary movements."
"Professor Trelawney —"
"— is a human," Firenze replied without getting upset. "And is therefore blinkered and fettered by the limitations of your kind."
If Mel was honest, knowing there were things that humans simply couldn't comprehend was comforting. She could be smart, but at the end of the day, she was still human and had her limits. After a whole year of feeling out of control, the idea was a glorious revelation.
"Sibyll Trelawney may have Seen, I do not know... but she wastes her time, in the main, on the self-flattering nonsense humans call fortune-telling. I, however, am here to explain the wisdom of centaurs, which is impersonal and impartial. We watch the skies for the great tides of evil or change that are sometimes marked there. It may take ten years to be sure of what we are seeing." 
Their Professor pointed to a little red dot that was right above them. 
"In the past decade, the indications have been that Wizard-kind is living through nothing more than a brief calm between two wars. Mars, bringer of battle, shines brightly above us, suggesting that the fight must break out again soon. How soon, centaurs may attempt to divine by the burning of certain herbs and leaves, by the observation of fume and flame..."
If that was really true –and she figured centaurs could be trusted to an extent– then she would live long enough to see the next war. Her hands closed in tight fists, trying to control the way they were starting to fidget.
Firenze asked them to look for shapes in the smoke of a fire, but it didn't feel like he was actually expecting them to see things. On the contrary, it was more like he was just babysitting a bunch of children he didn't find particularly clever.
Either way, he also mentioned how this technique was sometimes useless for centaurs since they could interpret the signals wrong, so in conclusion, no one should ever fully trust their own minds. Mel got the feeling that he wasn't trying to teach divination, more like rational and individual thinking. Which, in Mel's opinion, was more valuable than any kind of fortune-telling.
"He's not very definite on anything, is he? I mean, I could do with a few more details about this war we're about to have, couldn't you?" Ron whispered.
Mel didn't want to know more. Actually, she'd been comfortable in her ignorance, and she was happy being the popular, nice girl from school. Still, she knew she had responsibilities to attend. Responsibilities that she would have to pay attention to eventually, even if she didn't feel like it. A war she had to fight. 
It wasn't just her and her mother now, it was the baby,  Sirius and her uncle Lupin. It was the Weasleys, the Dumbledores, the Longbottoms, Hermione, Erick, Daphne, their classmates, and of course, Harry. 
The bell rang and Mel gave a start. Her breathing was erratic, her hands were sweating. She got up hastily and picked up her things in a hurry, but before she could leave, Firenze called her and Harry to stay for a second longer. Ron stood there, unsure of whether he should leave. Firenze noticed this and allowed him to stay, only asking him to close the door.
"You are friends of Hagrid's, are you not?" Their Professor asked them.
"Yes," said Harry.
"Then give him a warning from me. His attempt is not working. He would do better to abandon it."
"His attempt is not working?" Harry frowned.
"And he would do better to abandon it," Firenze nodded. "I would warn Hagrid myself, but I am banished — it would be unwise for me to go too near the forest now — Hagrid has troubles enough, without a centaurs' battle."
"But — what's Hagrid attempting to do?"
"Hagrid has recently rendered me a great service," said Firenze after a moment of contemplative silence. "And he has long since earned my respect for the care he shows all living creatures. I shall not betray his secret. But he must be brought to his senses. The attempt is not working. Tell him. Good day to you."
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Next Chapter —>
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ariparri · 4 years
Pairing: Diego x Veruca (With a hint of Tulip x Carson)
Written by cursedautumn on Instagram
A/N: This was written from a story for art type of trade we made on IG. English isn’t cursedautumn's first language, so she apologizes if there are any mistakes.
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Day 1
It was the fall of 1988. This fall, in contrast to several previous ones, was full of sweet aroma of rotting leaves and the hot honey sun covering playgrounds, classrooms, and the forest near Hogwarts; fresh gold autumn leaf carpet lay on the stone slabs of the courtyard and soft field grass; saturated with moisture, the trees are seriously bent and the crystal was glittering with rain drops, remaining after another warm rain. The sky was clear and blue, with a milky foam of clouds, and it was tempting to run out of the heavy walls of the castle and lie under it, roll on the grass, feel the sweet water drops on your tongue, and run to the lake, which shone like pure crystal, and a couple of students even swam there once — although they had to report to Professor McGonagall and serve detention for quite a long time afterwards.
Veruca McQuaid went into the courtyard and sat by the fountain, near the place where everyone usually play Gobstones. After sitting in the semi-darkness of the Slytherin common room for almost twenty-four hours, she just needed a little bit of fresh air. She had expected to skip lunch and spend the rest of the day here alone with her homework and a bottle of cold pumpkin fizz, but her plans for privacy were not going to come true, because ten minutes after Veruca settled down next to the fountain, a voice came from above her head, "Hello, Veruca."
"Oh, Merlin!" thought Veruca with exasperation, and looking up, she recognized the intruder as Diego Caplan, a fellow Hufflepuff, a well-known ladies' man and a very good duelist. He always had a contented swarthy face, a strange yellow scarf, and beautiful dark eyes. He was holding a small bouquet of red roses and smiling. "Caplan? Veruca asked indifferently. "Well, hello."
"I hope I'm not interrupting you," Diego said with a charming smile. Veruca was tempted to say that he was interrupting, but she just smiled tightly and shook her head. To be honest, she was never hypocritical and enjoyed interacting with people, but right now Caplan chose a very inappropriate moment to talk to her... or whatever he wanted to do. "Did you want something?"
"Yes." Diego peremptorily handed her the aforementioned bouquet of roses and flashed his snow-white teeth. His smile was attractive and confident. "This is for you. I thought that such a beauty just needs a bouquet of flowers."
Veruca accepted the bouquet, but she wasn't sure why Diego had done it in the first place. She had never been insecure, but didn't consider herself strikingly beautiful either: a pretty face framed by dark hair, light green eyes, neat pink lips, and a well-formed figure - that's all, so Diego probably didn't want to grab her attention because of her incredible beauty, even though he said so.
She was also Coby McQuaid's sister, and a lot of guys shunned her just because they were afraid that the "crazy brother" would appear out of nowhere and wring their necks for his little sister. In general, she sceptically smiled at the bouquet, and said:
"Thank you. Now leave me alone, please, I'm a little busy."
Diego left after blowing her a final kiss, and Veruca gave the bouquet to Penny the same day — she simply couldn't believe that Caplan could really be interested in her. Most likely, he wanted new sensations, that's all. But if he thinks he's found a goal for one day, he's very, very wrong, Veruca thought with a grin as she watched Penny lovingly arrange a bouquet of roses in front of the statue of the headless knight.
Day 2
It rained that day, and the flying lesson with madam Hooch was canceled. Veruca, who had not slept well last night, was not too upset: she had no desire to cut through the thick, glass-like walls of rain on a broomstick. She spent the entire first half of the day running between classes, listening to Snape's unflattering comments about her personality, her brother, and so on, sitting in madam Rakepick's perfume-and-wood-scented classroom, and spending time with Penny and Chiara. Penny once said, "By the way, you shouldn't have refused the roses, they were so beautiful!"
"Yeah," Veruca grinned and looked at the Ravenclaw girls as they passed. One of them, a girl with dark eyes and fluffy brown hair, mentioned Diego Caplan in the conversation, and several of her friends immediately began to whisper and giggle with curiosity. It seemed that only Veruca disliked him, for even Merula spoke quite favorably of him, and if Merula approved of a person, then it was a waste of time — everyone adored him without exception, and there was nothing to be done about it.
On this day, Veruca couldn't shake the eerie yet strangely pleasant feeling that someone was watching her. Someone's already familiar dark eyes, clear and sly. It seemed to her that someone was staring at her back in class, studying her face at lunch, spying on her during recess... This, however, did not inspire her with any fear, firstly, because Veruca had managed to get used to being watched during her five years at Hogwarts, and secondly, it was a kind of harmless surveillance - as if she was an interesting performance, and she was being watched by a curious spectator. And for some reason, it never occurred to her that it might be HIM...
Veruca shivered and looked up from her potions homework. In the faint greenish light of the Slytherin drawing room Merula Snyde's pale face looked like a cloud of smoky mist with two purple lightning-like eyes. She was holding a small bouquet of purple orchids wrapped in shimmering translucent pale yellow paper.
It exuded a sweet fragrance that overlaid the smell of underground dampness and pine needles (there were scented candles in the living room), and it looked lovely. A cream-colored paper was perched between the purple blossoms.
"What is it?" Veruca was taken aback. She had seen a lot in her life, but... for Merula to give her flowers?.. However, fortunately, the rival muttered, "Somebody asked me to give this to you," she plopped the bouquet on the table, the soles of her gaudy leather boots clattering indignantly, then went into their shared bedroom and slammed the door.
Veruca had no idea, freaked out if a classmate saw because it was torn away from the important contemplation of their own greatness or because Merula handed the bouquet to her and no one thought to do that; but understand she did not and pulled out a fragrant bouquet of cream paper box, which was briefly written:
"It is not good to give the gifts away, Veruca. But I'll try again, since you didn't take me seriously. -D.C.".
It wasn't hard to guess that D.C. was Diego Caplan. Well, then, he really wanted to get her attention for a while. At first Veruca felt flattered by the attention, then offended, because she didn't like intrusive people, and then she just decided to let the boy indulge. After all, she couldn't possibly forbid Diego from sending her flowers, so Veruca just got up, went to the trash can, and threw the unfortunate bouquet in there. The sweet scent gave her a headache. Let Caplan send her his stupid flowers as much as he wants. Let him... It's just a little cruel joke, isn't it?
Day 3
Sunflowers. Bright yellow, like Hufflepuff robes, as if woven from sunlight, they caught Veruca's eye as soon as she opened them. At first she didn't understand why the dark green Slytherin dorm room seemed to have a window that let in a flood of thick sun, but then she looked up and saw the pretty heads of flowers perched on her nightstand. The sunflowers didn't fit in with the luxurious and dark atmosphere of the room, and as she passed by, Ismelda grumbled that she should have gotten them, and immediately would throw them away.
Veruca, oddly enough, felt more alive and somehow light when she saw these flowers. They were so simple, of the usual yellow color, not scarlet roses or purple orchids, but she liked them very much, until she found it in the pile of golden flowers the same small creamy square, on which was written the same handwriting as yesterday:
"Attempt number three. I hope you like it and don't throw them away or give them to someone else. -D. C.".
Veruca furiously crumpled the paper and threw it away. Caplan could be as nice and generous as he liked, but his impudence and desire to use her for his own incomprehensible purposes irritated her terribly, so she hastily changed her clothes and washed up, took the sunflowers and went straight out of the living room with them, catching the surprised and mocking looks of her classmates and others. 'I'll kill you, Caplan,' Veruca thought as she left the common room.
To be honest, she liked the flowers very much, but Diego Caplan was known as a fan of ending relationships as quickly as starting them, and she wanted something more serious than being the one-night stand of a cheeky Hufflepuff.
She found Diego right after breakfast, playing Gobstones with some other Hufflepuff whose name Veruca didn't know and didn't want to know. When Caplan saw her, he broke into a satisfied smile, as if not noticing the girl's grim expression, "Sorry, Reg, there's a lady here who wants to talk to me."
"Hmmm," Reg muttered, absorbed in the game. He glanced at Veruca, who was holding a golden bouquet of sunflowers, and continued to hunch over the game. Diego got to his feet, very pleased, and sauntered over to Veruca. For some reason, she was uncomfortable with the way his gaze slid over the top button of her shirt, and she muttered, "I see you're not going to leave me alone." Diego flashed his white teeth. "Actually, it's unpleasant when your gifts are thrown away or misused."
"You'll get over it," Veruca said. Anger mixed with guilt (?!), and she just watched Diego's dark hair flutter in the light autumn wind. He was beautiful. Very handsome, no matter what... "Caplan, I'm not interested in a one-night stand. And I'm not one of those people who will throw themselves at you. So keep your flowers and give them to someone else."
"Should I keep them or give them to you?" Diego grinned. Veruca gave an exasperated sigh. "Calm down, baby. Maybe I just want to go out with you. And spend more than just one night."
Veruca gasped with indignation. Who does he think he is? "First of all," she hissed, " I'm not a baby, I'm a McQuaid, or at least just Veruca. And secondly, you want to spend not only one night, but also one day? No, thanks. I'd rather be alone than lie under someone else and then get muddied, okay?"
Diego smiled. In a strange, affectionate way, there was something mysterious and hungry in his dark brown eyes, as if she was a piece of candy that he couldn't wait to unwrap.
"I see," he said softly. "See you later, Veruca."
In the evening, after she slapped Caplan, left him and complained about him to Chiara, before going to bed, Veruca remembered that she had never returned the sunflowers, and they were shining in the dark Slytherin bedroom. Well, that's fine. They are beautiful...
Day 4
On this day, the sky suddenly frowned, clouded with a silver haze; a cold wind blew, carrying with it a pile of dead leaves, no longer burning with gold. A bloodless pallor settled over Hogwarts like a semi-transparent mist, as if someone invisible had suddenly drained the last of autumn's juices and warmth, and Veruca, wrapped in her robes, came to Herbology class. Professor Sprout, warm and plump, was as friendly as ever and talked about how to turn the most common weeds into the most common tulips, Tulip immediately noticed that she liked it, and frowned at Carson — they had a fight a couple of days ago. Rowan walked calmly past Ben, who she'd almost gotten into a fight with the day before, and Veruca noted grimly that she wasn't the only one with boy problems.
"So, get ready!" professor Sprout clapped her hands. "Today's spell does not apply to magic plants, but it helps a lot if you want to give your friend or partner a bouquet of beautiful tulips!"
"Carson only needs one beautiful Tulip," Rowan said, and she and Veruca giggled. Tulip pursed her lips grimly, "Well, yes. That's why he said yesterday that he was sick of my eternal thirst for adventure." Veruca knew perfectly well that this was said in a much milder form than the one Tulip had given her, but it was useless to argue: Carson and Tulip will make up tomorrow or the day after, which means it doesn't make sense to take their conflict seriously.
So she decided to take up the lesson and diligently wrote down everything that Professor Sprout said, and by the end of the lesson she had mastered the spell perfectly. As they were about to leave, a familiar voice called out to Veruca. A voice that stretches like hot chocolate. For some reason, she was a little pleased to hear him, although at one time she was irritated.
"How are you?" Diego sauntered over to her and touched his hand to his silky dark hair. "Did you learn your lesson with the-tulip weeds?" Veruca smiled dryly, ignoring the surprised looks from Penny and Rowan. All they probably wanted to do was tell everyone about their little affair with Diego. "And you?"
"I'm glad you asked," Caplan smiled charmingly (if Veruca had been any other student, she would have been nothing but a pink puddle) and, waving his wand as if he was going to show everyone his beautiful hands with flexible fingers, pointed to the weeds — and the unsightly, flabby plants instantly transformed into a wonderful bouquet of yellow and pink tulips with elastic buds and a pleasant aroma. Fortunately, no one was paying attention to them except Rowan and Penny, who were standing behind her, but that was enough: Veruca could feel their eyes boring into her back. Diego took the tulips and handed them to her. "Here. A bunch of tulips will add to your dark dungeons, won't they?"
She stood looking at him for a few seconds, wanting to laugh. How stupid, persistent, and sweet he is, this Diego Caplan! What a fool! Is she supposed to be flattered by such intrusive attention? Veruca didn't like it when someone invaded her personal space, and when she looked into Diego's dark chocolate eyes, she smiled, took the bouquet and said sweetly, "Thank you." She turned and shouted: "Hey, Tulip!"
"What are you doing?" Diego's smile faded instantly. Tulip watched Carson leave, then slowly walked over to Veruca and asked sadly, "What is it?"
"It's from Carson," Veruca said, and passed the flowers to Tulip. She was stunned, looking at the fresh bouquet as if it were the eighth wonder of the world, and so was Diego, and Veruca, smiling triumphantly, took her bag and left the greenhouse, feeling that she had put Diego Caplan in his place. But for some reason, the sweet feeling of victory was mixed with something bitter, like... regret?
Day 5
Veruca didn't know what was happening to her. Honestly, she just didn't understand. Diego Caplan had stopped annoying her. When she woke up in the morning, she felt a gnawing sense of guilt for giving his flowers to Tulip, for ignoring his attentions so actively, which were actually not so bad — it was better than if he was spreading his hands or making obscene compliments.
Diego was cute. He gave her flowers. And she just took it and, without even trying to be polite, rejected it. So Veruca thought the next day as she tossed and turned in the pearly gray, rattling light of morning; the bedroom was dark and quiet, except for Liz, who was snoring peacefully in her bed; Veruca suffered from the urge to go and apologize to Diego. Sunflowers added the melancholy, spreading a bunch of pure gold to the gloom of the Slytherin bedroom — Caplan's gift. Diego Caplan.
So in the morning, slipping out of the soft embrace of the bed, Veruca dressed quickly and went to breakfast before anyone else, hoping to see Diego on the threshold of the Great hall and apologize. Yes, her pride will howl...
Fortunately, Diego showed up at his table, and as soon as he finished and went to the door, Veruca left the half-eaten sausages and ran after him. Diego walked with his usual slightly swaying gait, so unhurried and confident that Veruca began to feel less confident, but she ran up and touched him on the shoulder. He turned around. He looked perfectly normal, not at all sad, and Veruca wondered if Diego wasn't upset at all. It's kind of a shame. "Veruca McQuaid," he smiled a little. "Hello."
"Hi," she stammered. Diego chuckled. "Look, I want to apologize for giving your flowers to Tulip yesterday." she found herself painfully short of words. "But Carson and Tulip made up."
Diego laughed. He had a beautiful laugh, low and clear. "How kind you are," he said. "Well, I will forgive you on one condition: you'll accept the next bouquet of flowers from me."
Veruca looked at him blankly. Does he have metal nerves or what? "Um," she said. "If you accept, I'll forgive you," Diego said, running a hand through his silky chocolate hair. Veruca noticed that they were beautifully, cleanly shining. "Do you agree?"
Veruca sighed. It's not so bad to get flowers. But she was supposed to be apologizing to him, making up for her "sins" in some way, not getting a gift, right? But Diego seemed serious, and she decided that if this was a way to let him know that she, Veruca McQuaid, was apologizing to him, let it be so: awkward, but not humiliating. It would have been far worse if he had asked her to leave him alone, or simply ignored her...
"All right," she said. "Okay, I agree." she looked into Diego's dark, shiny, soft eyes, framed by black lashes. And, for some reason, her heart fluttered with joy.
That evening, a first-year student wearing large round glasses approached Veruca. The girl was sitting on the couch reading a book when a first-year, Elora Dunn, came up to her and told her that she had received a gift. The gift was a bouquet of Calla lilies — white and pale pink, neat, velvety and delicate to the touch. Veruca took the bouquet from Elora and just stared at it for a few seconds, not noticing that the first-year had gone to her dorm and it didn't really matter.
The bouquet of Calla lilies had a delicate and soft aroma, like some ice cream. Veruca lifted the bouquet to her face, and the fragile petals brushed her cheeks. I guess sometimes you need to be able to apologize. The thought made her smile, and when she went to bed, Veruca felt extremely happy, as if a star had been lit somewhere inside her that would never go out...
Day 6
Veruca expected this farce of flowers to end after she accepted a bouquet of Calla lilies from Diego. Now, perhaps, he is tired, and he will no longer approach her with another bouquet of flowers, beautiful, bright, sweet-smelling... It would seem that Veruca should have been relieved — at last he was behind, she should be happy!
But when Diego didn't speak to her the next day, didn't even look back or come up with a bunch of flowers, she felt abandoned and sad, even though, of course, Diego didn't owe her anything. After a few days of pampering, that's enough. But why did Veruca feel that she really wanted to talk to Diego, to hear his voice again, to look into his dark, hot chocolate eyes again...
"Stop it!"
Veruca snapped, brushing her hair in front of the mirror this morning. Today, she had let her thick brown hair down, and it fell in a dark wave over her shoulders and framed her pale pink face beautifully. A bouquet of calla lilies, delicate and pleasing to the eye, stood on her bedside table and gave off a delicate fragrance.
Merula, passing by, grumbled that "McQuaid has already got everyone going mad with her flowers," but Veruca ignored this, preoccupied with her own thoughts, and put an emerald pendant around her neck to set off her eyes. Perhaps Diego might have been interested in her because of her looks, even though she hoped he liked her for more than just her pretty face...
"Stop it now. It's probably over. He's tired of you, and you're tired of him. And it is over."
But now she didn't want it to end so much. It was Saturday, and Veruca had decided to stop by the Hospital wing to help madam Pomfrey — sometimes on weekends she tended to patients and helped the elderly matron with some medical matters. Madam Pomfrey was not in the wing today, so Veruca began sorting through the used bottles of medicinal potions, selecting those that needed to be washed and those that needed to be treated first with a special antiseptic — the potions in them had to be poured into an exceptionally clean container.
Working here was very boring and time-consuming, but Veruca felt that sorting out bottles, bandaging wounds, and so on would help her miraculously put her confused thoughts in order. There was something right and clear about it. Suddenly the doors opened and Veruca turned to greet madam Pomfrey, but when she saw who it was, she froze, startled.
Diego Caplan stood in the doorway of the Hospital wing with a bouquet of pink flowers with crimson cores and yellow petals — Alstroemeria. He was smiling, and it seemed to warm Veruca. She just stared at Diego for a few seconds, unable to say anything, and he stepped up to her, "I didn't specify how many bouquets you should accept in order for me to forgive you."
Veruca opened her mouth awkwardly, "Oh... I... thank you," was all she said. Diego gave her a deep, mesmerizing smile.She picked up the flowers and then felt her nose itch and sneezed. "Bless you."
"Thank you... ah!" Veruca sneezed again. Her nose itched, her throat seemed to narrow slightly, and it was harder to breathe. Diego looked at her blankly. Veruca wiped her nose and looked at Alstroemeria. Then she slapped her forehead and started laughing.
"What is it?" Diego looked startled. "Hey, Veruca? What happened?" he took her by the shoulder. Veruca sneezed again, already trying to hide her slight pleasance at the touch of someone else's warm fingers, and said, "I'm allergic to these flowers..."
Diego looked so dumbfounded that she was sneezing and laughing for a long time, and then stopped sneezing and continued to laugh until dinner. But there were still tulips and sunflowers in her room, and the alstroemeria had to be given to Chiara, who was happy to put them in her dorm, so there were enough flowers for everyone, there was no doubt about that...
Day 7
Veruca slept well that night. She dreamed of Diego, smiling, wearing a light gray frock coat and holding a bouquet of roses. They seemed to be dancing under a vast starry sky, and from somewhere an unfamiliar melody was flowing, light and pleasant; it ran like a stream between stones, harmonious, subtle; then Diego suddenly literally disappeared, the melody stopped, everything was plunged into darkness for a few seconds, and Veruca woke up.
There was a strange, happy peace in her soul, and at the same time an anticipation of something very, very good; outside the window, the morning haze turned the ground and horizon ruby and tangerine, and the dim bedroom was bathed in warm light. Her roommates were snoring peacefully in their beds, behind the drawn curtains, and Veruca was left to her own thoughts and beautiful dream...
Everything went fine in the morning: the weather was fine again, and Veruca liked her own reflection in the mirror very much today — her hair were shining, her eyes were shining, her face was fresh and rested; it was a warm Sunday outside the window, and she wasn't even annoyed by the ever-dissatisfied Merula and the untidy Ismelda. Veruca cleaned her room peacefully, had a breakfast of scrambled eggs, played a game of gobstones with Tulip and Carson, who made up and looked at each other with loving eyes again, and passed her Charms homework.
But the best part, what she had been subconsciously waiting for all this time, happened after lunch. She and Diego ran into each other near the forest. It was empty: the students were gathered closer to the castle. The first thing Veruca saw was a familiar blue denim jacket, and then a bunch of blood — red carnations and familiar soft dark brown eyes. At first, she couldn't believe her eyes: another bouquet?
Diego stopped when he saw her. Grinned. "This is the last one," he said, turning over a bunch of carnations wrapped in milky white shimmering paper. "I hope you're not allergic to carnations."
"No," Veruca said, and then automatically repeated to herself, "the last one." Just a few days ago, she wanted it so much, and now...
"Along with this bouquet," Diego announced softly, smiling, "I want to ask you out, Veruca McQuaid. What do you say?"
Veruca froze. Ask her out? On a date? Diego Caplan? Her?
"I will understand if you refuse," Diego was calm. "But accept the bouquet. This is the last one."
And he handed her the flowers. Veruca picked up the delicate scarlet flowers wrapped in paper and stared at them for a few seconds. They were so beautiful. Fragrant. And from him...
The sun shone even brighter. The foliage is flushed with pure gold. Hogwarts castle suddenly became not clumsy and heavy, but majestic and beautiful. Veruca looked at Diego, feeling her heart flutter sweetly, happily, and sing, and Diego seemed to her the most beautiful young man on earth, and a bouquet of carnations was the most beautiful gift, the most elegant and appropriate...
"Well, so what?" Diego held out his hand. "How about a walk in the woods, an evening at Hogsmeade, Madame Puddifoot's cafe, and the company of a handsome man like me, hmm?"
Veruca couldn't help but laugh. "I agree, handsome man," she said softly, and put her hand in his. They walked towards the forest, through the golden trees, looking at each other and assessing each other anew...
And that was just the beginning of their story.
And the reason for everything...
Were flowers.
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drawlfoy · 5 years
request guidelines
requests are open as usualllll
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pairing: draco x slytherin!reader
request: yes! i’m combining 2 slytherin!reader requests because they’re rather similar and i feel weird putting two nearly identical ones out, but i swear the storylines aren’t altered.
summary: draco has a teasing relationship with the reader--they playfully argue and go back and forth but never acknowledge the fact that there may be something more. draco notices her pulling back and becoming more reserved. he follows her out of the dining hall one day to find her having a breakdown over a dark secret.
warnings: breakdown (and not the dancing kind), if the summary didn’t already explain that. swearing and potentially suggestive argumentation. also ooc draco and i say “fuck you” to canon in this one
a/n: this is the first time i’m merged two requests together, so i’m feeling a little wacky but i hope it turns out to what you guys wanted! i’m so so lucky to have readers. i’d love any comments that you may have on my work, even if they’re constructive criticism!
music recs: peach pit is what comes to mind but i’m listening to scary stories as i write this lol because i live on the edgeeeeeee
word count: 2,924
Y/N was an organized girl, no doubt about it. So organized, in fact, that she never lost anything, and she most certainly never lost track of her wand.
So when she noticed in Charms that her wand was not stowed away in her cloak pocket, she immediately knew who did it.
Without even as much as a hello, Y/N strode over to her “friend” and fellow house member Draco Malfoy and shoved her hand into his pocket, wiggling it around.
“At least buy me dinner first.” Draco had started at the sudden sensation, but once he smelled the perfume of the witch behind him, he knew exactly who it was, not bothering to give her much of a reaction.
Y/N fished around his pockets for a bit before grabbing his shoulder and yanking him around.
“Where is my wand, Draco? I know you have it.”
He smirked evilly down at her, his eyes glinting with mischief. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, sweetheart.”
“Yes, you do!” She pulled him towards her by his green and silver tie, trying to look as menacing as possible. “I swear to god, Draco, I’m gonna hex you into oblivion if you don’t give it back.”
“With what wand?” He laughed. “And let’s be real here, Y/N, you wouldn’t anyways. You love me too much.”
Y/N’s cheeks grew red at the suggestion.
“As if, Draco! Give me my wand back, or I’ll throttle you with my bare hands!”
“Ooh, kinky.” 
She let go of his tie, shoving him away. Who was he to suggest these things to her? He’d never been interested as long as she could remember--no matter how many subtle hints she’d dropped, he remained oblivious, instead choosing Pansy’s incessant fawning.
Pretending like it didn’t hurt when he was ignoring her was easy. Pretending it didn’t hurt when he was inches away from her face and fake flirting with her was a whole other deal. 
“Give me my wand, you git,” she commanded, holding her hand out. Perhaps if she was animated with her hands, he wouldn’t notice her blush. 
Draco raised an eyebrow, one side of his lip rising along with it. 
“Ask nicely.”
“May I please have my wand back?” she spat, each word filling her mouth with venom.
“We could work on your tone a tad, but I guess I might as well,” he responded, nonchalant and ignorant of the searing look she sent him. Digging through his satchel, he retrieved her wand, pressing it into her hand.
Y/N sent him a syrupy sweet smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. In the corner of her vision, she could see Pansy watching her with a sour look on her face.
She was never one to disappoint an audience.
“Thank you, Draco,” she cooed, taking a complete 180 from her previous demeanor. Throwing all caution to the wind, she stood up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek, lingering for a moment longer than necessary. 
When she settled back down to her usual height, she noticed that his eyebrow was still arched, but his evil look was replaced with one of inquisitiveness. 
“I knew you were in love with me,” he crooned.
“No, I’m just a big fan of charity work,” she shot back, spinning around and walking back to her desk.
It was, after all, just another Tuesday.
“Are you still hopelessly obsessed with Draco?”
“Huh?” Y/N diverting her attention from her studies to what her roommate, Millicent, had just asked her. “Sorry, I was deep in a passage and didn’t catch that.”
Millicent rolled her eyes, crossing her legs on her bed. 
“I asked, are you still into Draco? I remember you talking about him in 4th year when we were getting dates for the Yule Ball arranged.” 
“Oh.” Y/N let her eyes fall back onto her textbook. “I don’t know, Mills. I think he’s kind of an arse. He totally knew that I was into him and asked Pansy instead.” 
Millicent chuckled sourly at that.
“Yeah, he was kind of immature back then,” she offered, resting her chin in her hand. “But, I don’t know, don’t you think that you guys have chemistry?”
Y/N thought for a few moments.
“I can’t say,” she responded. “But chemistry doesn’t really mean anything if they don’t care about you, you know? I think he messes with me just so he can feel like I’m still on the hook.”
“How do you know that?” 
“How do I know that he’s just using me?” Y/N rolled her quill over in her hands a few times. “I can’t say for sure, but I’m normally good at reading these situations and I don’t want to get my hopes up.”
“So you’re saying that you do have hopes that he’s interested?” Y/N didn’t have to turn to know that her roommate was plotting. 
“I’m saying that I really don’t have time to be worrying about it right now,” Y/N opined. 
Before she knew it, a hand was taking her quill out of her hand and closing her textbook.
“Hey! You can’t--”
“It’s been too long, Y/N,” Millicent whined. “We need to have a good gossip, and now that midterms are over, we can catch up. Please?”
Y/N couldn’t help a smile from creeping into her stony expression. While she had had reservations about her roommate at first, she soon learned that they brought the best out in each other.
“Okay, okay, but I’m not making any rash decisions, alright?”
“And when would I ever let you do that anyways?”
They both erupted in giggles while Y/N allowed her friend to pull her onto the bed.
“So, for starters,” Millicent began. “I heard that Draco and Pansy are going through a rough patch right now.” 
“And who did you hear that from?”
“Irrelevant. But if you care, Blaise, and Theo confirmed it as well. And I would’ve found out without their help...they’re acting weird. Pansy looks like she’s ready to slit his throat at a moment’s notice, if you haven’t been paying any attention for the past 4 hours.”
Y/N laughed nervously. Of course she had noticed...but she didn’t want anyone to realize how much she actually cared.
“Yikes, I hope they figure that out. Their parents are going to be mad if they break up, right?”
“No, probably not. His parents really want him to end up with a Greengrass...something about settling a deal from a few generations ago.”
“Oh.” Y/N swallowed any other hope that she had left. “That sucks for Pansy. I know how much she likes him.”
Millicent paused for a moment, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t act like you haven’t been feeling bad as well,” she said, her tone softening. “I’ve noticed the pain in your eyes whenever you see them together.”
“And it doesn’t help when he seeks me out to mess with me!” Y/N exclaimed, throwing her hands up. “I try so, so hard to forget about him and pretend like he doesn’t matter to me, but he finds all of these ways to keep butting back into my life and it always works...”
Her roommate began rubbing her back, allowing the few tears being shed to fall in peace. 
“You’re worth so much, Y/N,” she told her firmly. “And unless I’m wrong, which we know is impossible, I think he kind of likes you too.”
“I don’t think you understand, though,” Y/N whispered. “Why would I ever want to be with someone who thinks of me as a second choice?”
Millicent was silent for a few breaths.
“Yeah. Maybe his parents pushed him to date her, though? Maybe he has a good excuse?”
“I don’t know, Mills. I’m just not going to think about it anymore, alright?”
Draco was sitting across the breakfast table from Y/N, watching her sip her tea, waiting for the moment to throw another comment her way. 
The screech of owls interrupted his thought process, signaling that the morning post had arrived. A snowy owl landed gracefully next to Y/N’s plate, bearing a letter with a red wax seal on the back.
She shook herself out of her daydreams--she had been up late the night before cramming for an exam and had burnt through an entire candle. Stroking her owl, she whispered a genuine thank you and instructed it to fly on home.
Y/N picked up the letter, fingering the parchment. It was clearly from her parents--the wax seal bore the mark of her family’s crest. Confused, she ripped open the envelope and began skimming the letter.
Oh, no. Oh, no.
Her vision began to blur as she folded the parchment up, shoving it back into her pocket. 
“Hey Y/N, what’s going--”
Before Draco could finish his sentence, she was already halfway down the aisle, moving quickly to the exit. He watched her go, wishing that he could follow but knowing that it wasn’t a good idea with the tension regarding Pansy.
It was high time to break up with her anyways--no reason to keep up appearances when he didn’t desire her.
As the week went by, Draco noticed more and more changes in Y/N’s demeanor. She was eating less and spacing out more. Her skirt was wrinkled on Friday, something that rarely ever happened, and she was no longer sending him bitter remarks in response to his flirty ones. On Saturday, she stayed in her dorm instead of joining her friends for a day in Hogsmeade, something he had never seen her miss before.
Something was clearly wrong with Y/N, and for some reason, this twisted something in his chest more than breaking up with Pansy did. He couldn’t remember the last time he saw her messing around in the common room, either. It was unnerving, really. The witch had no business worrying him like that.
So, when he passed by her during a free period and saw her walking ahead of him, he made the executive decision to finally do something.
“Y/N!” he yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify the sound. “Y/N, wait!”
She halted, turning around slowly. When she saw who had called her name, she stiffened and made to continue on her path. 
Draco, anticipating such a reaction, had already begun to jog towards her, lightly pushing past the rest of the students going the same direction.
“Y/N! Please, I need to talk to you!”
 She picked up the pace, but Draco’s long legs caught up to her as he slipped a hand into the crook of her arm, startling her.
“What do you wa--”
“Can I please talk to you? It’ll just take a second. I promise.”
Her expression was unreadable, but he could tell that she was considering her options. 
“Fine,” she finally said. “What is it?”
“Not here,” Draco quickly said. “Somewhere private. The common room, maybe?” 
“If you wanted to off me, I doubt anyone would notice if you did it right here,” Y/N said, waving her hand dismissively. “But if you would really like to talk there, then I guess I’ll comply.”
Without another word, Draco led her down to the dungeons, keeping his hand tucked in her arm, not trusting her to stick by him. It felt strange--normally he was the one holding his arm out, but then again, this entire situation was out of character for him. 
Once they had reached the common room, Draco waved his wand and lit the fire, sitting down in front of the couch to watch the green flames lick the stone.
“Sit,” he instructed, patting the space on the couch next to him. 
Surprisingly, Y/N did as she was told, folding her legs up on the couch and sending Draco a death stare.
“Get on with it.”
“I just...I wanted to make sure that you were alright,” Draco faltered. Playing therapist was not something he had experience with. “I’ve noticed you acting strange since you got that letter at breakfast and it’s making me worry. Can you just tell me what’s wrong so I can fix it and we can be normal again?”
Y/N was silent for a while.
“You can’t fix this. Not this time. I’m sorry.”
“What do you mean I can’t? Just tell me, Y/N, please.”
Silence again...except for something else. Draco stole a glance at Y/N and was stunned to see the firelight illuminate tears rolling down her face. 
“Oh, no, Y/N, what’s wrong?” 
The question only made her gasps for air louder as Y/N curled herself into a ball.
“I’m sorry,” she managed. “You should go. You can come back later when I’m calmer, I’m sorry.”
“No, no, don’t apologize,” Draco murmured, bringing up a hand to steady her shoulder. “Tell me what’s wrong and I’ll make it better, alright?”
“My parents are forcing me into an arranged marriage,” she whispered, hugging her knees to her chest. “He goes to Durmstrang. I hate him. They offered my hand in marriage because they want his father to be more amiable to mine in this business deal, and since I’ve never been in a relationship, they think it’s the only chance I have anyways at finding a life partner.”
The sobs had stopped. Her tears fell silently now, staining the whites of her sleeves.
Draco himself had to process the information. Y/N, married to someone else? No, he never could’ve imagined that.
Without anything particularly useful to say, Draco just opened his arms.
“C’mere,” he awkwardly mumbled. 
Y/N studied him for a few seconds.
“I’m going to get snot on your shirt.”
“I don’t care.” 
With that settled, Y/N released her knees from her hold, instead crawling into his lap. He stroked her hair as she wept into his shirt and clung to him.
Oh, how this was embarrassing for her. She supposed that there was a reason why her parents were so desperate to accept an offer for her hand. 
Draco suddenly stopped, moving his hands to tap her shoulder.
“Y/N,” he began, “Would they make you marry him if you were already in a relationship?”
She sat up, blowing her nose into her handkerchief before answering.
“No, probably not. Why?”
“Well...” He pondered for a second, wondering if he was really going to be brave enough to say what he wanted to. “What if I was in the picture? They wouldn’t care to pass you off to some random Durmstrang boy if you had a Malfoy instead, right?”
Y/N stared at him.
“Er... probably not. That’s nice wishful thinking there, Draco.”
“I’m being serious!” He wasn’t expecting it to go this direction. 
“How do I know that you’re not joking?” she queried, scootching further away from him and trying to ignore the pain that flashed across his eyes.
“I let you cry all over my dress shirt,” he reminded her, motioning to the stains on his chest. “Do you think I’d do that for any girl?” 
Y/N just shrugged, hiccuping once before she stuffed her handkerchief back into her pocket. 
“I wouldn’t.” Draco answered his own question, reaching up to gingerly brush her hair out of her eyes. “I know it must be weird seeing me with Pansy.”
“Yeah, no shit,” she mumbled. “I didn’t even think about that. My disbelief was due to the fact that you’ve never been interested.”
Draco flinched. 
“I don’t think you’re completely right there,” he said, his hand pausing to cup her face. 
“Are you forgetting the Yule Ball ordeal? How you knew how much I liked you but you still went with Pansy instead?”
“You don’t understand,” he responded hastily. “I didn’t know--I was 14 and an idiot. I couldn’t tell if you liked me or not and I knew that she did, so I wasn’t afraid.”
“And so you dated her for another 2 years?” Y/N answered in disbelief, seemingly forgetting the fact that she had just been crying her eyes out.
“At first it was to make you jealous,” Draco explained. “But then Pansy’s parents began to expect a lot out of us, and I was waiting for the right time to break it off, and it just didn’t....ever come around.”
Draco jumped as Y/N smacked his shoulder.
“You’re an idiot,” she snapped. 
“I know.” Draco gulped. “And I’m sorry about that, Y/N, I really am. Let me make it up to you. Owl your parents and tell them that you had forgotten to mention that you’re already in a serious relationship with me.”
He curled an arm around her waist, highlighting the fact that while she wasn’t lying on his chest, she was still nestled into him.
“Under one condition,” Y/N told him, an elvish glint in her eyes.
“Yes?” He reached up his free hand to boop the tip of her nose.
“What was that?!” Y/N jerked her face away from his.
Draco smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry, I’ve always wanted to do that. You were saying?”
Her mouth was parted slightly in confusion as her brain tried to recall what she was about to say.
“I--just don’t be a pill, Draco, alright?”
“C’mon now, when have I ever been one?” He smirked down at her, wearing the expression that he adopted whenever they teased each other in class.
Y/N was trying her hardest to stay composed, but a genuine smile fought its way onto her face. It only widened when Draco leaned forward, pressing his lips to her forehead.
Pulling away, he uttered the words that would lead to her lightly smacking him on the shoulder again:
“I told you I could fix it.”
final a/n: kindaaaaaaa mad that i took on this request at this point because i totally could’ve turned this into a series where the reader and draco don’t admit feelings this early and instead decide to “fake date” so both parents would be happy but i have a lifeeeee grossssss
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 1: The Accident...
It is recommended, though by no means a must if you know the Marauders history enough to be reading fanfiction about them, you read We Were first. The first five chapters are slightly AU to the continuity of this fic, but the grand point and especially the final chapter are key to the beginning of this fic as you get plopped in the middle. Link is below or you can find it in my profile.
Before you get started; Warnings include- Explicit Wolfstar (Remus/Sirius), and on the whole a rather flimsy premise that I honestly created to indulge myself because I didn't let myself do it the first time. A lot less logically based and a lot more I just felt like having fun with this one. It's not to say I'll let this degenerate into tropes and one note things, but there's going to be even less reading of the books involved, as in literally they're just interacting around the story with only passing mentions of what's going on in there. If you want a much more grounded basis and more 'realistic' approach to a reading series, I put my heart and every cell of my mind into The Life that Never Lived, PDF's upon request. I'm pretty sure this one grew from my funny bone that I broke when I was seven.
The dungeons where Potions were held had always felt like the most oblique part of the castle, and Sirius had been in every corner of it to claim as such. It wasn't entirely the fault of the dark stone walls, sweltering hot air from the many flames, or the often unexplained fumes. The feeling seemed to seep up straight from the cold stone floor no matter how many fires were lit, as if the wooden stool itself were trying to pin them all with the unknown.
Sirius had never been more grateful for a Potions class to be over, and that was really saying something. It was the last one of this bleeding school semester, and if he had to spend one more day glaring at a cauldron and somehow inexplicably turning it the wrong color one more time without the usual helpful hint from Peter telling him why, he was going to chuck every last drop of it in Slughorn's face for constantly telling him he'd figure it out!
He'd never packed up his bag faster, even managing to multitask by muttering under his breath how stupid all this was. He was the first person to make it to the door, but collided with someone even less pleasant to see than the three people he'd most been avoiding lately. He cursed loudly, earning several dirty looks as the rest of the class was now passing. His bag had ripped upon stumbling into his little brother and smashed to the ground, sending his things flying and managing to spray him with ink.
Regulus hesitated in the doorway, muttering a quick, "sorry Sirius."
"Oh, it knows my name," Sirius growled under his breath, though his tone was far less hateful than usual, considering this was the first time he'd had a proper conversation with someone in nearly three weeks. His little brother was hardly his first choice, given his proud Slytherin status and being two years younger didn't remotely have them coming near each other most days, a fact he was usually grateful for.
"Yes, he does," Regulus' scowl looked remarkably close to Sirius', the two put side by side at once was rather eerie. His tone though was even more friendly than Sirius', which wasn't all that hard as he tried to explain his abrupt appearance. "I ah, I came sprinting down here to see if I could catch Slughorn, ask him if I could pick up an extra credit assignment."
Sirius straightened with his stuff still half strewn around, but again that pull for someone to talk to seemed greater, especially as he glanced back and saw who hadn't left yet, so he responded no matter how unenthusiastically. "Yeah, what you struggling with?" While tapping his bag and mending the tear, slowly bending down to pick each item back up while he absently listened. Regulus even began to help him while he explained in short, precise sentences like he was practicing for the teacher.
Frank Longbottom and Alice Smith slipped in past the two Black brothers at the doorway and found the room mostly empty, and they shared an exasperated look as they wondered if they'd just walked in on Slughorn telling this group off again. They were early for their next class after all, but the teacher was nowhere in sight. They did get a full view of what started quite an interesting journey.
James was hanging by Evans' cauldron, trying to chat happily with her, but mostly waiting for Sirius to leave first. He could hardly stand to look at him these days, let alone pass by him in such a restricted place, yet the wanker had struck up a conversation with Regulus of all people, someone he'd hardly spoken a whole sentence to in the past five years, but no, he'd chosen now! Probably just waiting for them to walk past first, like this was all still some game to him.
Remus and Peter were hovering on edge right beside him, Remus fidgeting with what was left of his cauldron on the desk while Evans was trying to pack hers up and being hampered by James staying in her way. "Won't you at least consider coming? It's our last game of the season! What if you're my good luck charm, you've always been the best at those! Do you really want to be the reason Gryffindor loses?"
"They've gotten on just fine without me there the past years," Lily snipped. She never knew why she even bothered responding to him half the time, but considering it no more discouraged him than ignoring him, at least this way she got to vent.
She tried to sidestep past him, James once again stepped into her way, and the two collided with each other, their hands accidentally slipping into her cauldron Remus had just mistakenly dumped his own potion into.
Whatever the concoction the two mixed together created upended the entire world.
At first though, nothing really changed. There was no marvelous flash of light, no force of nature that showed everyone outside of this room had vanished. Lily simply made a gagging noise as she pulled her hand out of the vat and glared furiously at the oddly pale teen, pulling her wand out at once with her less dominant hand she hadn't tried to catch herself with and banish the gunk off while hissing at him, "You are so lucky I turned that in already Lupin! What the hell did you even create? I've never seen this before," she finished with a critical eye at the now steaming mess, that vanished before their eyes.
"Wow Remus, you should do that more often, really makes cleanup easier," Peter chuckled while Remus looked rather concerned.
"I, err, I'll admit, I really screwed up my potion worse than usual. I think I added three things I actually wasn't supposed to, so you've got me."
James just flung the mess from his hand, which also vanished before it had even landed on anyone, and glanced back hopefully like he'd thought his source for this mess had left already.
He hadn't.
His face was turned in their general direction, like he'd been trying to subtly glance over and hope for the same, but now he was looking right through James. That wasn't uncommon lately, but the stunned look of confusion on his face was enough James grudgingly turned his head the other way to see what.
Back on the lip of the cauldron, was a slim red book with a golden one on the spine. It was just sitting there, like Evans had left it on purpose, but it certainly hadn't been a second ago.
Lily took his distraction as a chance to bolt from the room, Regulus gave his brother an awkward wave goodbye and went back out towards Slughorn's office since he'd clearly missed him, and Alice and Frank tried to casually step back out as well. Even being a year above those four had not left them oblivious to their fight. The whole school was aware of the fact the four Marauders had not been seen together in quite some time, and neither of them particularly felt like putting their nose into why.
James was still frowning in confusion at the odd title stamped across, which simply read Harry Potter Year One.
"Err, did either of you-" James looked at the two as if in some kind of explanation, but both gave a mystified shake to their head. James couldn't help it, he still looked automatically towards his best mate, and then he caught himself and realized they were the only four left. Sirius' eyes had still been locked in on the odd object, really ridiculous his mind supplied as James had no relatives named Harry, and wondered if this was some odd attempt at a prank?
Sirius didn't stick around to care, completely forgetting the rest of his things, he turned on his heel and finally exited as well, when they all heard a shriek.
As one, the four bolted up to the Entrance Hall, Alice and Frank right behind them as they hadn't wandered off far, to see Lily standing in the middle and stamping her foot in frustration upon seeing them. "Damn, I thought someone would have reacted to that."
"Err, Evans," James began in concern as if for her health.
"Where is everybody!" She demanded while gesturing to the Great Hall where there should have been a packed lunch crowd. Nobody was in there, and now that they were listening for it, the din of a castle filled with people, was deadly silent all around them.
As if given a signal, everyone began shouting all at once, sure the ruckus would cause someone to appear, but the only other arrival was Regulus coming up from the stairs as well, looking at all of them with great concern. "Geez, you lots shouting usually has a much greater audience."
"Thank you Regulus for that helpful insert!" Sirius snapped.
Regulus ignored that and seemed to look around himself and really acknowledge his own words, before realization slammed into him as well as he whispered, "What's going on?"
"We'd all like to know that," Frank put his hands up in frustration, this was what he and his girlfriend got for getting to class early.
"This is ridiculous," Lily seethed, stomping up towards the stairs. She was intending to barge into every crevice of this place and find someone other than these idiots to deal with. She didn't know what the school was playing at, but it wasn't funny.
Alice and Frank followed her as they still considered her the least craziest compared to the others.
Sirius still couldn't bring himself to look at the other three and bolted out onto the grounds for an exit, and Regulus couldn't think of anything better to do but follow him.
James waited until they were back alone before nodding to Peter, who pulled the Marauder's Map back out and cast the charm to activate it. On cue, the magical ink appeared, spreading through the tattered paper, but only revealing eight names instead of the several hundreds it normally housed.
"What the bloody hell?" Remus demanded, snatching it away as if sure somehow Peter had cast it wrong. He deactivated it and retried five times before looking up in exasperation, to see James flipping through the book. "Of all times, you chose now to pursue one of those!" Remus demanded.
"Remus, what the bloody hell was in that potion," James whispered to him.
Remus looked at him askance. "I told you I don't know, I was, well I-" it was hard to admit how thoroughly distracted he'd been, even more than usual in his potions classes. His past two attempts had been utter messes as well. Somehow without Sirius by his side and being a constant distraction, he'd found a way to blow up his more recent attempts, so he'd been rather proud this one had only changed the wrong color seven times. "What's your point?"
"This," James waved it around, his face still looking somehow detached as if he had no clue what he was really saying, "it's-" he broke off, and Remus huffed in exasperation as he snatched it away.
"Yes James, it has words, glory look at that they're even strung together with sentences! What's the big-" he stopped abruptly at what he saw quite clearly had Prongs so thrown off. Remus could feel it now, this book was giving off as if the most powerful magic to exist, certainly that he'd ever been around.
"This isn't, there's no way-" he tried to protest what his eyes weren't changing.
"What?" Peter demanded in exasperation of the two.
"That's from the future." James stated coolly.
Peter laughed, realized neither was pulling his leg, and then yanked the book to him as well.
"It, it's a joke or-" he tried to say, but it was the exact same to his eyes as well.
"Remus, what the bloody hell did you mix with Lily's Profligare potion?" James asked again like he'd have another answer!
"I, I told you, I have no clue!" Remus insisted, his heart restricting painfully in his chest.
"Why aren't their words in the rest of this book?" Peter asked curiously. There were an easy three hundred pages to this thing, but only the first sentence was visible. The rest was blank.
"Put that down," Remus suddenly yelped, slapping it away from him. It thudded to the ground and even skidded a few feet while Wormtail looked offended.
"Merlin Remus, James was holding it for a whole five minutes and he didn't explode."
"Let's prioritize for a minute," James insisted. "Ignore that thing and figure out where everyone is, maybe show that to Dumbledore-"
"That might be a problem, as there's no one else here!" Remus snarled.
"Well I'll say one thing, Evans sure can make one good banishing potion," Regulus commented as he stepped back into the Entrance Hall minus Sirius.
The question burst out of James before he could consider doing otherwise, "where's your better half?"
Regulus scowled hatefully, hesitated, but still answered, "still wandering the damn grounds, think he said something about checking the bottom of the lake. I don't know what you lot are fighting about, but for him to be saying that even as a joke really is something."
James flinched with the first spot of guilt he'd felt, and Remus looked away as if he hadn't even heard. Peter took the opportunity to shove the map back out of sight before he twisted his fingers together and just deciding to ignore that as well and said, "We might as well go find the other three and show at least them. Something Dark is going on around here, perhaps we shouldn't go wandering off."
"Oh that's nice, just leave him out on the grounds by himself then if that's what you're thinking," Regulus muttered as his two friends seemed to agree and took off up the stairs, Peter having to jog to keep up.
They found them already up to the second floor, and with every empty room they'd opened, they'd become increasingly more panicked. This just wasn't natural! Even during the holidays you were likely to run across someone by now! A ghost even! What was left of the Marauders caught up to them, and Lily's near hysterics weren't helped with their answer to this.
"Just come back downstairs!" James was trying to put his hands up in a comforting, surrendering gesture to the vivid redhead who hadn't stopped shouting for a solid minute, so her face was as bright as her hair. "We found something you lot really should see!"
It took a bit more persuading and Frank and Alice agreeing first before Lily conceded searching every room wasn't helping.
They went back downstairs and saw Sirius had rejoined his little brother, and the two were frozen in place over what had already been discovered with the book still open on the ground for all to see.
"You wanted to show me a book!" Lily demanded as she looked murderously at Potter. "How is that helping to find out what happened!"
"Just look at it," Potter insisted.
Without touching it, she went to where it had fallen on the floor, and then she too along with Frank and Alice saw.
Scrawled across the top was the title The Boy Who Lived, which meant nothing to anyone so their eyes skipped down to below that, which was just under the date 1981. Six years from now.
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malfoymuch · 5 years
Nightttime Patrols [Draco x Reader]
Request: @itsmalfcys — Hello! Can I please ask a Draco x reader with number 2 from the “fluffy” prompt list? Thank you!!!! xx
Prompt: Fluffy Prompt #2 — “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
A/n: okay for this one i’m going to make two separate ones? One where the reader says the quote and one when Draco does… hope you enjoy it!!
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You didn’t have the out-going type of personality people would compliment you with as you aged in Hogwarts. You just thought you’d do what everyone else would for the sake of helping others in need. You weren’t a bystander when it came to things, you were that one person trying to resolve all the conflict without it resulting with someone hexed, or a bloody nose. You weren’t exactly sure if it was really sticking-up for what’s right, or just being a moronic toad and chasing after what your heart forced you to do. There were times when your help had been a great deal of help, and others… led to a few visits to detention…
But whatever the reason, it seemed to bring smiles on the professor’s faces that the world hadn’t just gone to rubbish— they maybe there were a still very, brightly young lads who could potentially change the future— changing it from what others had greatly damaged. Well, except Professor Snape… he wasn’t in the best of moods to see you all the time. It was just… a work in progress…
You wanted to be that someone that wasn’t going to sit around all-day waiting for problems to suddenly disappear; you were completely independent, but wanted to be the person other’s could depend on when they truly needed to, but no one ever returned the favor. It was just something you realized as you got older, but you guess the saying is right. The world is full of those who take, and prey on the innocent, that give too much for their own good.
The bottom of your shoes skid against the ground slightly as you groaned at the pain emitting from your shoulders. You had slept awkwardly the night before due to your procrastination of homework— soon resulting in well… this. An aching pain in your shoulder that was soon leading to your neck and upper back being strained as well. You held your small bag in your left hand while you subconsciously twirled your wand in your right. It was a weird habit you had when anxious…
“Look who stopped by,” a voice dragged out. You groaned at the sound of the feminine voice, dropping your bag near you and turning around to stare at her. “How’s your day going for you, Pansy? Still stalking people, I assume?”
“Are you still getting into fights you shouldn’t concern yourself with?”
“Of course I am. Better than seeing you… perfect way to ruin my morning,” you snarled at her; watching as her minions began to circle around you, each staring at you menacingly. Threatened at their sudden tactic, you held your wand tightly… this wasn’t going to end well…
Pansy was already readying herself, wand in the grasp of her hands. Quickly, you and Pansy both pointed your wands at each other, yelling:
“PANSY!” A voice intervened, grabbing Pansy’s shoulder and swinging her to the ground. Pansy yelped as she made contact with the floor, her eyes viciously darting to the suspect before gasped. “Draco…? What’re you doing here?” She asked nervously, laughing slightly as she pushed herself off of the floor.
“I could ask you the same question, Pansy. Go somewhere else…” Draco then turned to the swarming girls around you. “And take them with you.” Pansy stared up at him shocked, strands of hairs out of place as she sprung from her position and wrapped her hands around his arm.
“Wait! You don’t think I started this, did you? I would never! (Y/n)—“
“I don’t want to hear it, Pansy. Now go,” Draco demanded, throwing her hands off of his arm, and pushed her away from his again. She let out an exasperated scream before stomping her foot on the ground and walking off, furiously. The others trailed behind, making sure not be too in the way of Draco.
You, on the other hand, walked towards your bag and picked it up once more, preparing yourself to walk away from the scene.
“You’re lucky, you know…” Draco started as he watched you. “I don’t do this for everyone…”
“I know you don’t, usually you’re in Pansy’s place.” You said, rolling your eyes.
“A ‘thank you’ would be nice!” He retaliated, raising an eyebrow at you, curiously.
“Fine then, thank you.” You praised, making sure your voice was heavily laced with an immense amount of sarcasm. Unfortunately for you, you were too busy being sarcastic that you threw on the straps of your bag on you, creating a sudden sharp pain for your shoulders. You flinched, hoping Draco wouldn’t notice as you turned around and walked away.
As you began to walk away, you felt an arm plop itself on top of your head, making you wince at the sudden contact. As you were about to kick whoever the individual was, the same person grabbed your bag and removed it from you, holding it in their hands as they began to walk off.
“Hey!” You screamed at him, catching up to Draco as he began to walk off. “Just what do you think you’re doing?”
“Walking to your common room… what else would I be doing?” Draco asked back, sending a quick glance your way as he continued walking.
“Okay… but why?” You fumed, attempting to keep up with his long and fast steps.
“If you really think I haven’t noticed your off-behavior this whole day, then you’re a blistering idiot. You flinching earlier proved my theory of you being hurt in some way… I’m not a blind bat, you know. You sure are an idiot.” He insulted, smirking at your blank reaction. You let out a quick huff and turned your head away from him, still matching up to his speed.
“Well, we’re here.” He declared, stopping in front of the double-doors. He stared at you softly, before handing you your bag. “Don’t expect me to do this ever again, I did it because I was in a spontaneous mood.”
“Maybe you should do it more often. After all, this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.” You choked out in a soft whisper, making Draco’s eyes bulge.
“You’re kidding, right? Don’t you have any friends?” You shook your head slowly, shrugging in the process. “Not really.”
“That can’t be, you help everyone… I would assume someone would offer…” he trailed off as your shoulders sunk, staring at your shoes awkwardly. “I’ve never been good with people. Doing the right thing, maybe. But defiantly not socially-appealing to talk to, you know? It’s fine, I prefer to be alone sometimes, it gives me comfort.”
Draco shook his head at your response, handing you your bag as he ruffled a hand through his hair, leaning against the wall.
“You remind me of a phrase I once heard, actually…” his voice dragged on, making your ears perk up as you brought yourself closer to him.
“Really? What is it?”
“Candles are like good people; they burn themselves out too quickly to give others the light they seek.” He quoted, You can’t help everyone,” Draco suddenly spoke out, staring at the doors. “But everyone can help someone, whether it’s all the time, or once in a great while. Remember that, sometimes it’s better to put yourself first before others.”
“I’ll keep that in mind… and of course the best advice one can give, especially from our sly and caring Slytherin Prince—“
“Oh, shut up.” He interrupted, both of you breaking out into a fit of laughs. As it died down, he placed his hand on top of your head.
“You’re something else, you know that? You’re either too stupid or too confident in yourself to be putting yourself out there like that,” you were about to protest when he cut you off again. “But maybe, that’s a good thing. Maybe if you run in another little showdown with Pansy I could come to your rescue? Maybe after that we could get supper depending on the time…”
“Draco Malfoy… are you hinting that you want me to go out on a date with you?”
“I don’t know, that’s for us to wait and see… Probably want to get inside before the professor’s start patrolling…” he encouraged, pushing you towards the doors and turning to walk away.
“What about you!?” You silently screamed as you opened the heavy door, Draco turned back and grinned.
“I’m the sly and caring Slytherin Prince! I’ll figure something out…”
Draco wasn’t in the best mood, these past few weeks. The first-years would run a muck all throughout the halls, attempting to sneak off after curfew. Unfortunately for him, it was his turn to participate and look out for any venturing first-years, or anyone in their bloody mind would try and go somewhere they weren’t supposed to. It wasn’t that bad, yelling at a few of them would make his night a bit better… but it was you, that kept irking him.
You and Draco could never see eye-to-eye from the moment you two bumped into each other on your way to Potions in your first year. The two of you were just a non-stop duo when it came to flying insults at one another, sarcastically talking back to each other, yelling from across the class (soon serving detention), and now to tip it all of he was stuck with you as his partner for patrolling.
Just the sight of you made him want to punch something. Hard. Maybe kill it… But it’s not like any of you tried to make amends with your childish behavior for one another, a lasting quarrel over an accidental bump in the corridor.
(Although truth be told, if you were to ask either of them how the fiasco really started and who-pushed-who, they could never give you a clear and direct answer).
Maybe it was from the fact that it had occurred so long ago, or maybe it didn’t matter… really. Just the casual day-to-day scornfulness resonating off of the two of you were tremendous when one was near the other.
So there Draco was, practically dragging himself as the halls and he headed near the dorms; a sudden sneeze taking over him as he shook.
“My oh my, has the Great Slytherin Prince fallen ill? The world must be ending!” You proclaimed, throwing your hands up in the air in a frenzy. “Oh please! Don’t let the world become of this!”
“Oh shut up, you blistering git.” Your mouth swung opened in an exaggerated manner, eyes fully blown as you stared at him.
“I don’t care. You’re a muppet, so piss off and go search over there,” Draco snarled, pointing in the opposite direction of him. You tapped your chin with your index finger, questionably, eyes rolling to the side. “I don’t think so…”
Draco growled as he sneezed again, speed-walking away from you.
“Leave me alone, you twit.” He stuffed his hands into his robes, turning away and speeding off. Your mouth opened to retort, but then you stopped for a second. You closed your mouth, head hanging low.
“If that’s what you want, sorry for bothering you.” You quickly walked off in the other direction, whilst Draco abruptly came to a halt, watching your retreating figure. A rush of panic surged through his system, as he listened to your words. He wasn’t expecting you to just walk of like that, usually you’d stick your ground and make even more blistering insults…
Draco turned his head around and walked back, and for the rest of the hour… Draco really did feel alone. And stupid.
The next morning soon arrived, and Draco pushed the grand doors of the dining room, coughing vigorously as he glared at every person who’d dare to give him a worried look. Draco walked up to his place next to Crabbe, Goyle, and Zambini. As he made his way closer he noticed a basket in his seat, making his eyebrows crinkle as he came closer.
“Is this another failed attempt to prank me from those stupid Weasle-twins?” Draco barked aloud, side-eyeing the twins from across the hall. Crabbe and Goyle shrugged their shoulders in response, “Why don’t you open it and find out?”
“Morons,” Draco bluntly growled, before finally looking into the basket. As he peered inside, his heart clenched at the sight. It was a variety of scented candles, an assortment of teas, a few potions (medicine), as well as a blanket (and a few other things he’s never seen). Rummaging through the basket, he found a small note in the bottom of the basket.
Grabbing the note he briefly read its context:
‘Hey, Malfoy. Sorry for yesterday, thought you might want a few things to help you recover. Get better soon, you plonker.
— (Y/n)
Draco shoved the parchment into his robes, scanning the dining hall for you. When he saw you, he immediately noticed you were staring at him, but soon turned away when he caught your gaze. His jaw clenched before he grabbed the basket and placed it underneath the table, near his feet.
“Draco… are you alright? You’re blushing…”
“Shut up, Goyle.”
When supper concluded he sprinted to his room with the basket in his hands, throwing it into his room before slamming the door shut. He marched down the halls in a frenzy, eyes wandering around… He noticed your figure approaching slowly, your head hanging low with each step.
“You!” Draco screamed, walking his way over to you. Your eyes widened as you lifted your head to see his angered face, quickly turning on your heels and speed-walking in the other direction.
It didn’t prove to do much because he soon caught up and grabbed your forearm, throwing you against the wall. He grabbed the note from his robes and held up to you, angered.
“Why would you do something so idiotic as this?” He questioned, panting from the lack of oxygen. He was sweating.
“You’re sick, all I did was help.” You responded stubbornly, turning away from him. He grabbed your chin gently, making sure you faced him as he spoke again. Though, it wasn’t what you were expecting…
“Thank you.” He managed hoarsely, before turning to the side and coughing.
“I said thank you for the basket… it was um— that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.” You didn’t know why, but you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.
“Don’t laugh, idiot!”
“It’s cute, don’t worry. It’s good to have gifts once in a while…”
“Uh, yeah,” he muttered under his breath, as his cheeks began to burn a bright pink. You smirked as you tilted your head to the side.
“Do you want to go out sometime? When you feel better?” In an instant, his entire face flooded with color at your statement, staring at you questionably.
“Are you asking me out?”
“Yes. Is there a problem?” You teased, Draco shook his head.
“Why not.” You grinned.
“Great, maybe I’ll pick you up?” You teased a bit more, making Draco glare at you.
“The only reason you’re getting away with any of this is that I’ve fallen ill. You wait until I get better,” he threatened chokingly, coughing again. You pouted as you rolled your eyes, nodding to him.
“Sure, Malfoy. Now come on, let’s go look for some idiotic freshman, does that sound good?” You cooed, Draco swatted your hands away from him. “I’m not a baby!”
“Of course you aren’t, Draco. Now let’s go.”
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mira-shard · 4 years
The criminal and the Auror
A Patricia Rakepick X Sae Nijiima one shot, cause what’s better than one milf? Two Milfs!
"Patricia! We're not supposed to go here!" A young Sae hissed at the redhead. 
"Oh come on, Sae," Patricia smirked at the Slytherin over her shoulder as she dragged her trough the sketchy crowd that had gathered in Borgin and Burkes. "Don't tell me you're scared."
"Of course I'm not," Sae scoffed quietly but her grip on Patricia's hand tightened. "I just don't see why you're interested in this supposed sale. This place is barely a respectable establishment-" "Oh shush, Sae," Patricia chuckled and intertwined their fingers. "I thought someone as determined to pass all her O.L.W's as you would at least appreciate a little extra knowledge?"
"Extra knowledge or a cheat?" Sae asked, the annoyance in her voice clear as day. Patricia merely shrugged and looked around the stands as well as possible. 
A mysterious pulsing orb with red and black mist swirling in it caught her attention, and she pulled Sae along as she elbowed people out of her way to get to it.
"It looks like a big remember ball," Sae sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Is it really that important, Patricia?"
"Interested in it, huh?" The owner said with a crooked grin. "We call it Mementos. It's said to allow you to glimpse into the distorted desires of people around you."
"Distorted desires, you say?" Patricia asked with interest. "Can't we just move on?" Sae groaned quietly but stayed anyway. It's not like her friendly rival would actually waste money on these sketchy items, right?
"An official report from Dumbledore himself? That's a first," Sae scoffed at the document her apprentice dropped on her desk.
"Professor Dumbledore requested for you to be leading the case specifically, Nijima," The boy, Goro, smiled politely.
"I'll look into it right away, give me a summary," The Auror said as she started flipping through the file.
"It appears a defense against the dark arts teacher is a part of a group of dark wizards. They call themselves R, their objective is still unknown." 
"Are the students the teacher taught interrogated?" Sae asked as she rose from her chair.
"Not yet," Her apprentice sighed. "She did take three students under her wing. A daughter of two known death eaters, a young man who recently started at Gringotts as a curse breaker and another young man who seems to enjoy defying authority figures."
"I want a testimony of all three of them by the end of the week, with any luck the culprit slipped up somewhere," Sae stated as she gathered her bearings. 
"And where are you going?" 
Sae fought the urge to roll her eyes at the young man and glanced at him. "Knockturn alley. If you'll find any information on R, report it to me as soon as possible, got it?" The witch said.
Goro opened his mouth to speak but by then Sae had already apparated to Knockturn alley.
"Figured you'd start looking for me without backup." A voice called out from Sae's right side.
The auror glanced at the narrow alleyway and leaned against the brick wall so she wouldn't draw too much suspicion, knowing all too well who was hiding around the corner.
"I'm surprised you'd come back here." Sae scoffed quietly.
Rakepick clicked her tongue playfully. "Watch your tone, Sae, I'd almost think you're disappointed to see me."
"I'm more so disappointed that you ended up getting dragged into a cult and are currently on the run from the law you were supposed to enforce." Sae sighed and straightened her collar. "I want you to give me information on R. You give us information and I'll try my best to convince them not to sent you to Azkaban."
"Aww, looks like you still got the same habits Nijima," Rakepick teased slightly, leaving her hiding spot so she could brush a stray hair out of Sae's face. "So quick to get to the point. I hope that's the only thing you do quick,"
Sae simply huffed and straightened her back. "If you think your comments will fluster me like they used to, you are gravely mistaken Rakepick."
"Oh really?" Rakepick smirked and raised an eyebrow. She placed one hand next to Nijima's head and leaned towards her. "Then what's stopping you from arresting me right this instant?"
"Cause I needed to talk to you before officially starting my investigation and second of all," Sae smirked slightly and took a step towards Rakepick, who merely raised an amused eyebrow as a response. "We both know you're quite easy to track down."
"Am I now?" Patricia hummed and gently grabbed Sae's chin.
Instead of swatting her away as she was supposed to, Sae simply leaned into the redhead's touch, her eyes not wavering. "You are for me."
"Of course, we always did use to compete for the top spot back at Hogwarts," Rakepick grinned. "I'm glad you haven't lost your sense of competition, Sae."
"The fact that you'd consider that a possibility is insulting, Patricia," Sae smiled slightly and grabbed the redhead's wrist. If this were any other criminal she'd never let her guard down like this. But this? This is Patricia Rakepick, one of the most dangerous witches around. And yet Sae knows that Patricia would never cause her any serious harm.
Rakepick let out a laugh and pulled her wrist away, only to grab Sae's hands instead. "How about we go on one last adventure before you start hunting me down while trying to bring me to justice, hm?"
"Who says we can't have our adventures while I'm hunting you down?" Sae smirked and stepped away from Rakepick and the wall, making Patricia pout. "I look forward to our game of cat chasing mouse. And I know you do too."
"Do you have to leave already? You're still a bore as well," The redhaired with sighed in mock disappointment. 
"Knowing how diligent my apprentice is, he already has testimony from one of the students you took under your wing," Sae said. Of course, the real reason was cause Rakepick still made her heart beat faster than normal, the same way it's been since their last year at Hogwarts, but she couldn't exactly say that.
"I shall come to look for you at another time," Sae smiled slightly and started walking down the road, having Hogwarts as her next destination in mind.
"Then I'll give you a hint where I'm going in hiding," Rakepick called after her with a confident grin. "There's a pub a little further down this road. Who knows, you might find me there this Friday around 8 pm."
"Make it nine and I just might see you there," Sae looked over her shoulder so she could smile at Patricia.
"Nine it is. Have fun at work." Patricia's smirk was the last thing Sae saw before she disapparated. 
This took way longer than it meant to and I’m not really satisfied with it but I figured I should just post it and maybe make more in the future? We’ll see
@hanihonii and @heleneplays , i thought you two might wanna read    👀👀👀👀
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benscursedkid · 5 years
Are you still doing the prompts thingy? May I request Felix x MC + 1...? You’re really good at writing!
of course you can!! i really appareciate it and thank you for requesting!!
trust me
felix x slytherin!mc!reader
words: 7.5k
genre: fluff, angst
warnings: (mention of??) major character death
a/n: as i stated before, when concerning a prefect, someone you only interact with if you are in their house, the mc in the piece will be in the same house as the prefect!! also!! these prompts are specifically designed to break your heart... so hopefully you’re prepared and hopefully i did them justice!!
also: i did take some creative liberties with the rosier family tree. i’m not quite sure where felix fits into it all, but being a rosier canonically makes him closely related to some of the op series characters and i wanted to play around with that. hope you all don’t mind!!
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"I promise you, just trust me.”
It’s what he said to you when you’d met him again after graduation. It wasn’t planned, quite honestly, you weren’t even sure you’d ever see him again. He was a school crush, a lone part of your childhood that wasn’t tainted with pain and regret. He was a small flicker, the timid burning of light in the midst of all that’s gone wrong in your life until that point. If you were honest with yourself, you were glad that you ended things— not that there was much to end —like you did, able to keep that memory and acknowledgment of him in tact.
So, it was a slight understatement to say you were surprised to see him again, a little older, barely wiser, and freshly twenty years old.
It was December and the wind had begun to kiss your skin harshly, hitting and nipping at your cheeks in earnest. You huddled deeper into the warmth of your heavy winter coat, cursing yourself for opting out of wearing a hat. It whistled vioently in your ears as you searched for your solace in the form of the cozy bookstore peeking into your vision.
You make a beeline for the doors, your entire body immediately shuddering in relief upon entrance. A gloved hand flies up to your cheek and rubs furiously in the hopes to warm them, even if only a little.
The store clerk welcomed you charitably, a soft smile on his face and you returned it as best you could with a face still half frozen. Then with a pleasant nod, you disappeared into the throngs of bookshelves at the display, raking your finger down the spines as you passed.
Each title and set of initials blurred together as you disregarded them, a specific book in mind. Looking briefly above you at the surprising height of the shelves, you took a moment to admire the expansion charm cast on the shop, thanking Rowan for reccommending this place. Christmas shopping had never really been your forte, but thankfully, your mother had dropped the mention of her need for a new copy of her favorite book, her own having been worn and torn for a good while now.
It was as a certain title caught your eye when you heard your name, the voice confused, barely above a whisper.
On instinct your head shot up, your brows already drawn together. And when your eyes realized what they were seeing, they squinted, as if unsure the vision in front of them was really something produced in reality.
He was wrapped in the most formal overcoat you’ve seen so far this winter, the intricate black velvet traveling all the way down the length of it. Underneath was the softest looking grey jumper you’d ever seen and you had to refrain from reaching out to feel for yourself. His hair, as you always remembered it being, was perfectly slicked back, not a single strand out of place.
He was also older, you noticed, which of course you knew but it was more so something you felt than saw. You felt it in the silence that captured you swiftly after, in the weight of it hanging off both your shoulders. You felt it in the way he stared at you, definitely wiser and with many more experiences and first-hand accounts. His curious brown eyes sincere as they take you in for the first time in years.
“Felix?” You queried, even if there was no mistaking the man in front of you, the hint of a smile teasing your lips, something born of fondness and reminiscence.
His own lips twitched, almost as if the action were something unfamiliar. He nodded.
A small breath, akin to a chuckle escapes and you have the urge to hug him, greet him as old friends would, but you stop yourself. You don’t quite know what you were back in school, or now, but whatever it was, seven years without any contact can surely dull the the faint connection. Even as you look at him now, the memory of what you felt for him is simply that, a thing of the past.
“Wow,” You allow, little shame in the way your eyes take him in in recognition, with a tiny dose of interest. “It’s been a while.”
“Seven,” He mumbles in reply, the hint of rose on his cheeks. “It’s been seven years.”
“That’s right...”
Your words trial off and the two of you are left standing in moderate silence, the air around you heavy with recollection from your teenage years, both of yours. When you dreamed of freedom and a family in tact and he all but survived off coffee and two hours of sleep, worries of the future persistent and prominent.
Idly, you notice the book forgotten in his hands. Les Misérables. You smile.
The sound of him clearing his throat startles you back to reality and your gaze snaps back to his.
“Are you holiday shopping?”
He swallows the strange lump in his throat and his stare bounces, refusing to settle in a single spot. You wonder if you should be concerned by how endearing you find the idle action.
Nodding, you gesture to the books around you, not quite sure what to do with your hands. “Mum needs a new copy of her favorite. I’m just trying to find it.”
This time he smirks, no longer withholding the twist of his lips, the kind that you remember used to always succeed in picking up your heart rate. It still has some effect on you, something you’re not certain you’re comfortable with, but it’s far less drastic than it was when you were thirteen.
“Do you still like that muggle author?” Comes his response, dripping from his lips like honey; slow, sweet and a secret to share between you. “Austen?”
You’re about to laugh, hardly able to believe the fact that he remembered something so trivial, when you realize you never told him. You frown.
His pretty brown orbs ask a silent question and you decide to join them. “How did you know I liked Jane Austen? I don’t think I ever told you, as far as I can remember at least.”
“Oh, well, you feel asleep reading Mansfield Park in the common room at least five times a month,” He laughed, a light, airy sound that rings nicely in your ears like wind chimes. “It wasn’t difficult to figure out.”
A laugh of your own tumbled from your lips, stiff and haphazard, but genuine all the same. “I’m just surprised you know Austen.”
Felix shrugged, his shoulders lolling lazily. “I didn’t at the time, but I thought if you loved it so much then it must have been worth a read.”
An eyebrow quirks. “You like Jane Austen?”
“I like Mansfield Park,” He corrects and you roll your eyes, but your smile still sticks to your skin.
You consider teasing him further, but your common sense stops you. Instead, you opt for something else.
“I’m surprised you remembered.”
“Me, too...”
For a moment, all is still. Felix’s eyes seem transfixed, charmed in a sense. A light mirth dances behind his iris, a look you like to think he doesn’t give out to just everyone. The way they gleam, stars reflected inside from the candles lighting the shelves running a shiver down your spine.
You open your mouth to say something else, you don’t know what, but you’re sure you’ll figure it out, when he adverts his gaze down to his watch. A sound of shock leaves him and his lips tug downward. He curses.
“Is something wrong?”
He glances back to you, a regretful quirk of features protrude. “No, I just— uh, should get going. I’ll be late for work, but it was... nice seeing you again, MC.”
You can’t help the upturn of your lips, no longer attempting to hide it. “You, too...”
He fidgets, his fingers twitching, his eyes skittering over to the door, the thought of arriving late obviously weighing heavily on his mind. Still, he bites his lip— an action you’ve never seen from him before —and shifts his weight from one foot to the other.
“Will I, uh— will I see you again?” He ponders, gaze much more hopeful than it was a few minutes ago.
Without even needing time for thought, your head bobs of its own accord. “I hope so.”
A brilliant grin engulfs his face, his entire expression lighting up at the thought.
Your knees go a little weak.
“Then I’ll see you around...”
And he did.
It had taken him almost an entire month to ask you out on a proper date, one that consisted of a bit more than just stolen glances and poorly disguised smiles, on Christmas Day. It tumbled clumsily from his mouth in a subtle panic, the apples of his cheeks red, and this time not from the bitter cold, but instead the way you broke into a dazzling smile.
It was certainly unexpected, the chain of events that suddenly began when you ran into him that fateful day, but you suppose the best things never are.
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It’s what he said to you when the rumors started.
You’d been together for a year now, your anniversary having just passed. You remembered why you fancied him back in school, though truth be told, you never really forgot.
Felix was just so different from anyone else you’d ever met, even back then. He wasn’t a man of grand gestures or romantic schemes, but a collector of smiles and little moments. Things you mention mindlessly in passing, jokes you manage to get out through heaps of laughter, and tiny, little infinitesimal insecurities muttered in the middle of the night; those are the things he stores away, remembers for safe-keeping.
Oh, yeah you suppose the fact that his little half-smile is the most endearing thing you’ve ever seen helps, too.
For the first time in years, you find that you couldn’t care less what the future looks like. So long as Felix is there beside you, whatever it is can’t be that bad. It’s something you didn’t think you could feel, not after Jacob at least.
You thought that trust would forever be an issue with you, something you just wouldn’t be able to get past, which is why it came as a shock to you to realize that all the walls and barriers you’ve built around yourself for years seem to simply bow to him. Just being near him causes them all to shiver, tremble in his wake, their exteriors much more brittle than you recall them to be. It’s incredible, to feel this way; lighter and complete and dizzy with happiness.
And it scares the hell out of you.
Though, you muse, isn’t that what love’s supposed to do?
Looking back, you should have known it wouldn’t last, nothing good ever does. You knew that. You knew that but you dared to hope, dared to ignore the voice in the back of your head, the one that screams from past experience and heartache to just… stay on guard. But you refused. You’ve already played the cynic, wasn’t it your turn to be the dreamer?
“You see the ‘prophet today?” Talbott asked, taking a sip of the coffee in front of him, putting down his half eaten lunch- a measly six inch sandwich he’d thrown together this morning before bolting out the door for work.
Swallowing your own food, you shake your head, the only other employee aside from the two of you taking their leave from the ministry’s break room.
The animagus frowned and pulled out his own copy from his overcoat, the page folded together in nine perfect squares. After successfully unfolding it, he slides it across the small table to you, rightside up for you to read. Your eyes catch on the title, everything else blurring into a jumble of illegible signs and symbols.
You glare at the print in front of you, as if the ink itself had offended you. The words stare back at you, unyielding.
Talbott reaches out to take the paper back, observing you carefully. Snapping back to reality, you shake your head.
It’s then that you notice the slight, almost unnoticeable shadow cast under his eyes and the anxious sag of his shoulders. He’s jittery, you realize, recalling his unsettled actions from earlier this morning.
You lick your lips hesitantly. “Talbott—”
“Do you think it’s true?” Frowning, your head tilts in confusion. Your friend sighs. “Do you think he’s really back?”
Taking a deep breath, your eyes wander back to the article. Supposedly penned by Rita Skeeter, you’re sure it’s a huge exaggeration to say the least, but she also seems to be on the ministry’s side, which happens to be against Harry Potter’s.
You decide to tell him the only thing you can.
“I don’t know,” You explain, Talbott’s face crumbling with worry. You know it’s not what oh wanted to hear, it’s not what you wanted to say, but it’s the truth. You can’t lie to him. “The ministry hasn’t exactly been the most reliable source these days, we both know that, but Harry’s just a kid, Tal. I mean, how old is he? fourteen?”
“You were fourteen,” He insists, his tone unsteady and uncertain. You’ve rarely seen him this way, you think, afraid and riddled with worry so heavy his cares go out the window.
You don’t like it. This kind of feeling never looks good on anyone.
“You were fourteen,” He repeats, a tired hand taking through his hair, causing the strands to tangle and tumble every which way. “When you entered the third cursed vault, having battled several boggarts, an ice knight, an acromantula, a cloaked figure who tried to kill you... so why is this so hard to believe?”
He’s right. You know he is. And for the second time today you wish you could give him the answer he wants, the answer he needs, and again you can’t. This friendship of yours, as slow as it started, has become one of the most important things in your life and it was built on honesty. So if you couldn’t give him what he wanted to hear, the least you could give him is the truth.
He’s staring at you when you finally relent and his eyes hold the most unlikely mix of dread and foolish hope.
“Because I don’t want to.”
That conversation sticks with you for the rest of the day, your attention stolen by all the possible things that could be happening out there in the current moment.
Is Voldemort sitting with his allies, his most loyal followers, and planning his revenge? Is Harry Potter at school, attending his classes with a pretty mouthful of secrets? Or maybe he’s at a funeral, with a heart full of regrets for a passed friend? And the rest of your friends, have they heard the news yet? Are they as afraid as you are? As guilt-ridden as Talbott?
Then a last thought crosses your mind.
Is Voldemort out rallying his followers?
It makes your blood run cold, the image flowing through your conscious not one you particularly enjoy. Would he come after Felix, the son of a known Death Eater?
It’s these questions that plague you when you return home, tired and stressed and oh so worried. You want to smile when you see Felix’s shoes in the entry, able to deduce that he’d got off early, but you can’t. Not today.
You maneuver your way around the half empty moving boxes, your place an utter mess. It looks like a tornado flew through here but at the moment, you had other things in your mind.
Like your boyfriend, sitting silently by the window, cold, abandoned coffee at his side.
He must have heard you come in, you decide, probably having heard the door open and close. Though, if he’s aware of your presence, he doesn’t show it. He simply stares out the window, small and withdrawn.
Growing restless in the quiet, you speak up first.
“You’re home early,” You announce your observation, putting your things down on the sole couch in this cluttered space. “How was work?”
A beat passes and he says nothing. You don’t make him, knowing that he’ll speak when he’s ready. You’re proven correct moments later when his deep voice responds, hoarse and heavy.
“They gave me the day off,” He replies easily, his eyes refusing to part from the view before him. “Said I could use it to get my thoughts together.”
It’s then you realize he must have been sitting there all day. No boxes have been unpacked, his shoes practically untouched and his coffee left forgotten. You wonder where his thoughts have been.
You stop to ponder your next move, contemplate which approach would get you closer. To him, and how he feels, and what he thinks will come.
However, he doesn’t give you the chance, tossing you a copy of the paper Talbott showed you earlier that you didn’t know he had. Its crumpled and torn, as if he’d been clutching it all day, wishing he’d read every word wrong. You know you do.
“I expect you’ve seen it then,” He declares, his voice low and even, calm despite what you know is probably weighing on him. It would unnerve you if you didn’t share the same habit. “You’d have said something by now if you hadn’t.”
You don’t try to deny it, there’d be no use. Instead, you ask what you’ve been dying to since you walked in.
“Do you think they’ll look for you?”
You blink. Once, twice.
“Yeah,” He still doesn’t face you. “Probably.”
You let out a shaky breath, but stumble over to him nonetheless. You take a seat next to him, slowly so as not to startle him. You skip a glance at his profile, slightly shadowed with the dull grey of the dripping sky which seems to reflect the day’s spirit.
Without a word, you look to the view. “What are we going to do?”
It’s only now that he turns his head, his brown hair a scattered mess and his drooping sad eyes fading no better. Your heart breaks just a little in your chest.
“I don’t know.”
You gulp, but nod along without much choice. There’s nothing one can say to that, not really. So, in lieu of coming up with some hearted variation of “we’re gonna be okay”, your palm finds his cheek, your thumb rubbing soft loving circles into the skin. Felix leans into the touch, his head gentle rolling onto your shoulder.
Together, the two of you sit like that for the remainder of the day, listening to the rain pitter patter against the window like tears, trying not to think of what’s to come.
And the morning after, once the sky has finished crying and the two of you have taken another step closer to accepting the today’s truth, he finally says it. Slow and sweet like honey in your ear, "I promise you, just trust me, MC. We’ll be okay.” You know he’s lying, but you choose to believe he’s not.
It’s easier that way.
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It’s what he says when they come for him.
Harry Potter is fifteen now and things have only gotten worse. The ministry has taken over your old school, fired half the staff, and even managed to chase Dumbledore out. You never thought you’d see the day that man steps down, but you suppose nothing is inevitable.
Things at the ministry are much the same. Everyone is on edge, no matter whether they believe Harry’s claims or not, the place is a mess. Those that disagree are fighting regularly and everybody is becoming increasingly more paranoid, even you. Felix has made it his life’s mission to ignore it all, pretend all is as it used to be. He tells you it’s because he refuses to let another war ruin his life just as things started looking up, and quite frankly you agree.
So the two of you don’t talk about it. His family is never mentioned and especially not his parents. You don’t blame him for wanting to get away, if they were your family, you’d do the same. Instead, you go to work and act as if everyone else is just drunk on fire whiskey. You find the time to go out on dates, visit your friends and pretend everything isn’t falling to shit. It’s the only thing you know how to do at this point.
Currently, you’re busy cleaning the last of the mess left by your friends. Angelica had her birthday yesterday but insisted that it be held at your place. Felix wanted to decline, plan it at Chester’s or Penny’s, but you were able to convince him. Your place was the biggest, so it only made sense that you hold it there.
Still, you can see now why he was worried.
There are half eaten cupcakes and gift wrapping everywhere, frosting stuck to your counter and confetti in every nook and corner.
You pout, not looking forward to a morning of cleaning everyone else’s mess. Felix chuckles, amused. “C’mon, I’ll help.”
And with that you get to work. It takes a while, but you enjoy yourselves, a muggle radio playing music for you to listen to as you work, taking short breaks to laugh and mess around.
It’s just past noon when everything is clean, your dishes and rags all put away. Sharing a high five, Felix tells you to change and you can go out for lunch. Excited, you head over to get dressed.
Surpringly, you finish before he does, him needing extra time to fix his beloved hair. This leaves you to wait, twiddling your thumbs and tapping your foot impatiently. You’re about to shout, ask him what’s taking so long when there’s a knock on your door.
Curious and without much else to do, you stride over to the door. Glancing though the peep hole, you see something you never thought you would. Or, maybe you did, you just didn’t want to accept it.
Standing there behind your door is a man and a woman. A man and a woman whom you notice are entirely too familiar. A man with long white hair and stoney grey eyes and a woman with elegant black curls and lips dark and pursed.
“We know you’re home,” The woman drawls, rolling her eyes impatiently. “Just open up, dear.”
Realizing you don’t have a choice, that these are people you just can’t refuse, you steady your breathing. A hand rests on your chest for a beat.
You open the door, gingerly, cautiously.
Swinging the door open, you’re greater with the same sight, not that you expected anything else. The man smiles upon seeing your face, a twisted, charming smile that leaves bile in your mouth. The woman cocks her head, studying you for only a moment before grinning similarly, but with much more mirth and malice.
“Lucius,” You acknowledge with a curt nod, formal and cold. You refuse to to give your thoughts away. “Bellatrix.”
“MC,” Lucius greets customarily, his eyes appraising his surroundings. “Good to see you again.”
Briefly your mind wanders back to when you were introduced, fleetingly exchanging pleasantries at a dinner party for the ministry before being swept away by your respective company. you try your best not to grimace.
“You as well,” The lie drips easily from your mouth as if it were something you’ve always known. You think perhaps you have. “Pardon my blantance,” you lick your lips, never one to beat around the bush, drawing Bellatrix’s attention back to you. “But is there a reason for this particular visit?”
Lucius’ lips quirk, a smirk begging to settle on his face, silently impressed with your boldness. Meanwhile, Bellatrix refrains from scowling, but the way her eyes settle on you in dark disapproval is enough for.
Without wasting any more time for small talk, Lucius clears his throat. “Is Felix home?” He questions, growing tired with formalities himself.
Your heart drops, your blood runs cold, and you swear something in the house breaks. The security, the hopefulness, the dream, the unanswered wishes. Something that you haven’t realized you’ve been clinging to until now.
Squaring your shoulders back, your eyes steeling over and your expression hardening, you take a step back, allowing them entry. Bellatrix strolls ungracefully in, not even bothering to hide the way her face twists with dissatisfaction. Lucius’ brow arches before he, too, makes his way inside.
The woman strides past the shoes placed so obviously by the entryway, walking around to observe the minimal decoration you have set up around your abode. Malfoy, on the other hand, spares it a glance, a brief consideration, then takes a cautionary seat on the couch. With that settled, you excuse yourself to yours and Felix shared room.
You knock sagely on the door, waiting until he opens it with a grin, his hair finalized and his spirits high, completely unaware of the pressing situation accommodating itself in your living room.
Upon noticing your expression, he frowns in concern. “What’s wrong?”
“We have company,” You settle with, sharing with him a distrusting look.
Without further prompt, he takes your hand and leads you into the next room.
Two heads turn in your direction when you return, and you can feel the way Felix stiffens, his hand squeezing yours just that much tighter. You squeeze back, a subtle reminder that you’re still here and luckily it seems to calm him some. At the very least he’s able to nod respectfully to your company in greeting, a charming yet painfully artificial smile tugging at his mouth.
“Hello, Rosier,” Malfoy welcomes him, standing to offer your boyfriend his now outstretched hand. Felix takes it delicately, shaking his hand with a firm grip. “It’s been a while.”
“That it has,” He agrees, nodding more so to himself than anyone else. You stare between them silently, your eyes fleeting over to Bellatrix still in the corner every so often. “And it’s not like I don’t adore your company, Lucius, but MC and I have prior arrangements.”
Malfoy hums in understanding, the baritone of his voice flowing smoothly between the empty space. It sends a shiver up your spine. “My apologies, regretfully we weren’t able to offer a notice of our arrival in advance but we were only given our orders this morning.”
Our orders.
This was it, isn’t it? The moment you’ve been trying for so long to deny, what you’ve been ignoring since the start. They’ve come for him, haven’t they? That means the rumors aren’t just rumors anymore. Voldemort’s alive... a war is coming.
You breathe in, your mask still held perfectly in place. You will not allow people like them to see through you, it simply isn’t an option. They won’t detect your fear or you be damned.
Felix seems to make the same assumption, an epiphany running haywire behind the dark hues of his chocolate irises. He chuckles.
“Oh really, is that so?” It’s a laugh this time, fuller than his minuscule chuckle, broader, coaxing. Challenging. He walks over to the counter in your kitchen, leaning coyly against the marble. He smirks. You wait. “I didn’t think Lucius Malfoy took orders from anyone.”
It’s a ploy, so arrogant and obvious, you’d have to be deaf to think otherwise. His tone is lilt and measured, calculated and dangerous. The deep rumble settles in his chest and briefly you wonder if he’d give the same tone to Voldemort.
Because that’s exactly what this is. The Malfoy’s haven’t visited Felix since the death of his cousin, Evan, upon Narcissa’s insistence. It’s a shame really, Felix rather liked her, far more than Bellatrix anyway. With Bella gone, Evan dead, Andromeda disowned and Narcissa tackling the challenge of motherhood, it’s been a while since he’d seen any of his cousins, really.
They all knew that. And they all knew why they were here now, it doesn’t take Occulmency to figure out. But he needs to hear him say it. He needs the words to leave his mouth, or he thinks he might go crazy. That way there’s no room doubt.
Lucius senses this, sparing a quick glance over to his companion who has just finished her tour– likely not without pickpocketing something of interest –he opens his mouth to speak but she beats him to it.
“Aw, really cousin?” She frowns, her tone scratchy and playful, punching. She smiles wickedly, barely any trace of sanity left in the crevices of her lips. A hand flies up to play with her hair. “You graduated top of your class, I thought you’d be smarter than that.”
You watch quietly as Felix shrugs, folding his arms over his chest. “Perhaps,” He concedes calmly as you struggle not to bite your lip. “But I suppose caution and paranoia is a family trait, isn’t it Bella?”
A genuine grin breaks out across her face now, clearly amused, enjoying their banter much more than she had yours. “I prefer to think of it as... insurance.”
“Then you don’t mind me asking, Bella? For insurance?”
She giggles, low but manic, and a little bit out of it. It suits her, you think. “Clever boy.”
Lucius clears his throat, having finally gathered his wits and turns back to your boyfriend. “Excuse my vagueness, Felix, but as I’m sure you’re aware... the Dark Lord isn’t one you can just disobey.”
A silence sinks onto the four of you, nestling itself into your limbs, itching at your skin. It was what you’d been waiting for, but suddenly you wish you could take it back.
“I take it you’ve heard of his return,” Malfoy inquires, walking back to sit on the couch, nodding placatingly in your direction.
“...I thought they were rumors, if I’m being honest.”
“They’re true,” Bellatrix beams, stepping closer to her cousin, her similarly dark eyes wild. “He’s back.”
“We know you may be hesitant,” Malfoy drawls, his fingers drumming lowly on his walking stick, beating against the head of a silver snake. “With what happened to your cousin and all.”
Felix says nothing and somehow it’s you who finds words pushing past your teeth.
“Oh, you mean how he died?” You snark, all three sets of eyes snapping over to yours. Bellatrix takes you in as if she’d forgotten you were present while Felix hides any emotion behind his facade.
Bellatrix looks as if she wants to snap, bite something back at you, but she doesn’t. No, they need Felix to go with them, so she won’t risk angering him. You take a sense of pride in that.
“Yes, a rather unfortunate fate, but I assure you, Miss L/N, that won’t happen again this time.”
“How can you be so certain, Lucius?” Felix quips without missing a beat.
The white haired man back tracks, folding his words into himself in of fear saying too much. He looks on between the two of you with cold, dead eyes.
“I’m afraid I’m not at much liberty to say, Rosier,” He laments, clearly trying to bribe you, intrigue you with the curiosity that comes with a question in need of answering. “But I am certain that, should you accept it, there is a very respectable place for you among us.”
Felix looks to you in an obvious display of concern, not for your well-being, no he’s aware of your strength. They hold a concern, a question of where you stand in this arrangement of theirs.
The tired man catches this and corrects himself. “Both of you.”
It’s now that Bellatrix closes in on him, her pale hand reaching up to latch onto his shoulder. Her head tilts to reach his ear and you watch as her lips move, but the sound does not reach you. She whispers something soft in his ear, intimate and persuasive, as if they’d been close for years.
When she’s finally finished, Lucius raises an expectant eyebrow in Felix’s direction. “So?” The man queries, curiosity lacing his voice like sugar. “What do you say?”
You can practically see the cogs in his head turn as he runs through his options and you’re ashamed to admit it, but for a moment you’re unsure of what his answer will be. His parents will surely disown him for refusing, even if they’re not exactly on the best of terms at present. It’s his family... that’s bound to influence him even a little, right?
Exhaling, Felix blinks and observes them one last time before walking to his door and opening it with vigor.
He gestures to it, holding it open. “I’m afraid we can’t spare much more time as we’re already late. MC and I really must get going.”
No. He told them no. It’s as clear as if he’d said the words themselves. As invariable as the sun coming up in the morning and obvious as the color of the sky, Felix turned them down.
And they know it.
Admittedly stunned, Lucius and Bellatrix slowly make their way towards the exit held wide open for them. Bellatrix snorts in passing, leaving her cousin behind without a second thought, marching out of your home in earnest. But Lucius stops at the doorframe, looking back to Felix in a final chance for reconsideration.
“Are you sure?” He presses, eyes sliding past you, focused on who they really came here for.
Felix nods. “Quite.”
With nothing left to say, Lucius Malfoy disappears from sight, taking Felix’s last connection to his family with him. The door clicks minutely shut and you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
The silence that takes place in your house feels too big, like it stretches far beyond just these walls. You almost expect him to say something, the drown it out, but instead he takes big steps towards you and grabs your hand.
Before you know it, you’re outside. The sun is beating down on you feverishly, as if it were praising you, it’s favorite person in the world. Pale grass brushes up against your knees and the sky looks bluer than you last recall. But what really catches your attention is a house, towering above you unevenly, random windows doecorating the front that look strangely endearing and yet oh so out of place.
Your mind spins, nothing connecting, no thoughts formulating nor your surroundings making sense. You frown in utter confusion and look to Felix for help, but when your eyes meet his, what stares back at you a reflection, someone who is just as scared as you.
If anything it makes you more afraid.
Nonsensical sounds leave your mouth in broken fragments and sentences, words failing you completely. Felix shushes you softly, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks.
“Shh, it’s okay. Hey, don’t worry, everything is fine,” He coerces you into deep breaths, his fingers tracing random patterns on the apple of your cheeks. Your heartbeat calms but you still feel as if you’re at the bottom of a swimming pool.
“Where are we? What are we doing here?”
“It’s the Weasley estate,” Felix replies, brushing a stray hair behind your ear. “We need their help now, MC.”
“Felix, what just happened? Did they–”
“Yes, they did,” It’s not what you wanted, but it’s all he has and a cold sweat sticks to your skin. “So we can’t go back there. They won’t be happy about my decision, MC, so we need somewhere else to go.”
“What about Chester? Or Tonks or Orion or–”
“We can’t put them in danger,” He rebuffs, shaking his head sorrowfully. He looks just as broken as you do, just as lost, and that terrifies you. “We need to lie low, okay? You can do that for me, right?”
You stutter, still processing the events of your day. Had you known this would happen when you woke up this morning, you would have stayed in bed. It all escalated so quickly, you’re not even sure it’s donned on you yet what exactly it is you’ve just done. The world spins around you.
“I promise you, just trust me.”
You look up at the sound of his voice and your eyes meet his. He’s scared, and lost, and worried and suddenly you realize that he doesn’t have all the answers.
But it’s okay.
You’re in this together now, and if you had to go to war with anyone by your side, you thank your lucky star that it happens to be him.
“I do.”
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You wiggled the keys in the door, cursing under your breath until it finally opened. Releasing a sigh, you hauled the thing open, tossing the keys onto the nearby end table and removing your shoes, allowing it to click shut behind you.
You cast a dreadful look around the place.
It’s the same, you’re aware. Physically nothing has changed since you were here last; nothing moved or altered in any way. The hand-picked drapes are still hanging from the window, your shoes still sit by the door, your pictures decorate the walls just as they always have. It’s almost eerie how similar it looks, yet for the life of you you can’t recognize it.
It’s not your home anymore.
Not able to stand the silence much longer, you let your feet drag against the wooden floor as you make your way to your room. You’re not ready, not yet. You know that, but you also know that you can’t avoid it forever.
He wouldn’t want you to.
Your hand wraps carefully around the handle and you press your forehead against it, only for a moment, before you pull away and bite the bullet. A shaky inhale and another minute later, you finally push it open.
The first thing you notice is the quietness surrounding the room, like an aura. You could feel in your bones how empty it was, as if the air around you was weeping, crying out in isolation. You find you can’t relate, not these days when socializing of any kind seems to be more of a chore than a normalcy. Still, you sympathize with whatever the feeling is, knowing the pain first hand.
It’s weird, you think, how completely untouched by the pain and destruction of war and the time it took to finally end it. You’re almost angry, at how this was able to stay the same when everything else in your life was bent out of shape, played out of tune.
Your legs move mindlessly, eager to explore, to what what else slipped past the war’s watchful eye. They take you to your closet, the huge thing left to collect dust in your absence.
You and Felix had to leave pretty much everything behind when you joined the Order. It was too risky to come return to the house when Voldemort’s followers were watching you. Luckily, the Order was able to help provide you with things like clothes until you’d gotten settled in— Tonks in particular was very generous, but you were unfortunately unable to come back to retrieve the ones you left behind.
Reaching out, your grip latches onto a certain sweater all the way far in the back, buried underneath old t-shirts, worn button-ups, and mismatched gloves. You pull it out.
The stitching is a little loose around the hem and splitting by the neckline. The grey has faded and the thin green streaks around the cuffs are almost indistinguishable. You don’t think you’d be able to identify it were it not for the small pin resting by the right of the chest.
Under any other circumstances you’d probably smile, reminiscing on your school days and perhaps even tease him. Ask why he still has it and why he hasn’t kept up with it, why it’s just sitting in the darkest corner of the closet. Today though, all you can do is pull it into your chest, hugging it just long enough to collect yourself before you gingerly tuck it back into its place. You shut the closet and collapse into the bed.
It feels bigger without him in it.
You’re about ready to waste away the rest of the day exactly like this, your heart heavy and soul tired, but you attempt one last glance around first. You don’t know what you’re looking for, maybe something to convince you that this isn’t your life now, that the last few weeks never happened, but you find it.
There’s a hand wrapped package sitting on his desk, pushed into the corner so far you nearly missed it. It’s tied together with plain string, but you notice the familiar scrawl painted across it.
Jumping up from your spot on the bed, you bound over to it, tearing it open without a second thought.
Your vision is immediately flooded with words upon words etched into prestine white parchment in thick black ink. It’s in Felix’s handwriting, of course like you expected, but for a minute you debate not reading it. You’re not sure you can bare whatever thoughts he decided to write into tangible reality, regardless of the contents, but you quickly shut that down. You’re too curious for your own good, something he always loved to remind you.
So, trying to steady your hands long enough for you to read the script, you sit down to do just that.
I’ve gone through probably a hundred pieces of parchment and yet I still can’t find a decent way to start this. You’d think with the war I’d have my wits about me, but I suppose everyone has to play the fool at some point, right?
To tell you the truth, I don’t even think I know what I’m trying to say here. There’s so many things going on both in my head and around us as I’m writing this, I was barely able to get this moment to myself. But I had to get away. I had to write this. With this war finally coming to a head, I fear what lies in tomorrow’s horizon. Fate, as I’ve come to realize, is so arbitrary. Perhaps there is nothing to it but odds and dumb luck. Either way, we can’t know what happens next, and as morbid as the thought is, there are some things I have to say before the day breaks. I don’t have a lot of time, so I will try to make it brief.
I love you. I know it’s nothing new, but I just thought you should hear it one last time.
Also, I suppose I wanted to say sorry. If you’re reading this then that means that my luck has run out. So I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I can’t be there when you need me the most. I’m sorry that it had to be me who broke us and I’m sorry that you have to do this on your own. I’m sorry I left you.
Lastly, I wanted to marry you.
I know that’s it likely unfair of me to say this, seeing as it is now a dream that could never become reality, but it’s true. I think I’ve known this for a while now, but it’s just always been a thought, an idea, something to look forward to. And even if our time together was much shorter than I’d hoped, just know that it was worth it. I’ve left this earth a happy man, MC, for nothing on this earth, be it magical or otherwise, could ever compare to loving you. Not in a thousand lifetimes. Though a future together is something that we can’t have, I hope you’ll still persevere, like I know you can, to love the life you can still have. This world is on its knees, and it’s begging for someone like you to take advantage of it and all it has to offer.
So promise me you’ll try. For me.
Until Tomorrow,
You read it several times before it become illegible, the tears in your eyes splashing onto the paper and blurring your vision. You shake your head, unable to do anything else, and the parchment slips from between your fingers, floating softly to the ground.
You try to flick the tears away, but they just keep coming, unbidden. They continue to do so even after your eye catches on something hidden in the wrapping of the package and you pick it up with a trembling hand.
It’s a wedding ring, the kind you always imagined you’d have as a child; beautiful and sparkling and made just for you. This is made even more apparent when you see the inscription on the inside of the band, obviously something Felix had required.
“I promise you, just trust me.”
Without anything left to do, you slip it onto your finger and allow yourself to sob well into the night. You sob not only for the man you lost, but for the future that died with him.
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