#more a way of Very directly confronting his avoidant tendencies (and also just an easy way to emotionally wound him)
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serpentface · 5 months ago
Does Janeys know that Brakul has a wife and son? How would he react if he learned?
He actually does know and has known pretty much from the beginning.
Early on in his stint as a POW turned mercenary, Brakul would repeatedly invoke his wife and son as reasons he could or could not do certain things + to insult Janeys like 'okay but some of us have actual, tangible responsibilities in this world and people who depend on them. Like my wife and son, who I will be returning to immediately when my contract is over. You're never going to see me again. On account of my wife and son.'
When he started actually Liking Janeys and wanting to be with him, and seeing a chance to Avoid All Consequences And Never Go Back Home, he gradually reversed course (and attempted to rationalize it to himself) like "Ahhh they'll be fine. I mean everyone probably thinks I'm dead and/or an oathbreaker anyway so Sirudan's gotta be remarried by now. My brother probably got in on that, and he really has his shit together so they're in good hands. Honestly it will be worse for them if I go back. They're better off without me. They're fine. It's not a big deal. I'm soooooo single and unattached btw" And Janeys was like "Okay. Yay."
13 years down the line Janeys almost never thinks about it and when he occasionally remembers it's like
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He does not give a shitttt about the wife/child abandonment angle whatsoever, but he's aware that Brakul still has some attachment to them and regrets over skipping out, and he's kind of insecure about it. The concept of Brakul having a child out there completely independent of their whole Thing also makes him uncomfortable in ways he can't really put his finger on. He's not actually scared that Brakul will return to his ex-wife though, like even with all his profound insecurities and abandonment issues he knows there's not a chance in hell that he's gonna actually attempt to make amends. Bottom line is he doesn't like to think about it, and mostly doesn't have to.
#Hibrides found out about his Abandoned Wife And Child while she was first pregnant and after their relationship had begun to sour#and Will Not let him forget it#She doesn't honestly give a shit about them either it's not really out of concern for the people he left behind but#more a way of Very directly confronting his avoidant tendencies (and also just an easy way to emotionally wound him)#Like she sees him as someone who will do everything in his power to avoid discomfort and the consequences of his choices and#then has the audacity to whine and mope about how guilty he feels. And then will make excuses if confronted.#And Janeys coddles and enables him like 90% of the time so he just keeps doing it. Which is absolutely infuriating to her.#(Her perception is pretty spot on btw it's just Occasionally applied unfairly to situations where he was actually a victim)#So being like 'hey how about the wife and child you abandoned huh. You gonna do that again when things get uncomfy?' gets#through to him. And making him actually acknowledge it or at least feel really fucking bad about it is like. emotionally satisfying#I want to be clear that she has the least control of her circumstances of the three and the vast majority of my authorial#sympathies but I just didn't want to write her as an absolute righteous perfect perma-victim.#So when I describe her doing stuff out of vindictiveness or occasional straight up cruelty it's not like 'she is a bitch' I just want#her to be like. a full human being who shouldn't have to be 100% innocent and devoid of malice in her circumstances to be#sympathetic.#Which I think Should be clear but the whole situation is one that like. In a fandom context would ABSOLUTELY get warped into#her being an Unsympathetic Mean Bitch while her associated gayboys get to be Sympathetic And Nuanced
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psicheanima · 10 days ago
Gregor Linguistic Analysis
Hello. I just finished Canto 1, so as I said, here are some things I found fun about the way Gregor speaks. I’ll do Rodya after Canto 2, and so on and so forth.
Do not mention any events after Canto 1 in the notes or tags of this post, thank you.
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Gregor’s sentences are short to mid length, maintaining a natural, almost casual rhythm. His syntax is straightforward, avoiding complex subordinate clauses or elaborate phrasing. This reflects his laid-back and nonchalant attitude— his speech is efficient, unpretentious, and devoid of pretense. His words flow with a conversational ease, almost never rushed or clipped (despite his habit to drop subjects, compare him to someone like Ishmael, for example— he’s more warm), reinforcing his uncomplicated nature, which is something he really wants others to see— he wants to be a simple, regular man. He does not want to be seen as someone important.
He uses shortened constructions—such as omitting subject or auxiliary verbs—which gives his speech a relaxed, even offhand feel. In particular, when he talks about his past, he almost never talks proactively.
Fitting his casual speech and “action-oriented” past, Gregor also uses phrasal verbs in a casual context quite a bit. This also ties in with his tendency to downplay his personal struggles by speaking as if they were just ordinary events. When he does this, he also tends to pass the responsibility to his superiors, placing himself in the position of “but I’m just a guy, it’s (external thing).”. (His landlord, his manager).
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Gregor is, however, quite the normal guy when it comes to how he speaks, so though there’s no much to say about his word choice outside of some strangely old-timey whimsical words every now and then (absolutely used to make him seem more warm, affable, and distinctively NOT like a strict military guy.) But there is quite a bit to say about what he “chooses” to say.
When talking about serious or painful things, he keeps it brief but adds this elliptical phrasing that lets the weight of his words sink in without outright stating it. He never spells out his emotions—his restraint makes the pain obvious without needing to say it. It’s less about what he says and more about what he holds back.
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However, the most standout thing about the way Gregor speaks is the way he always subjugates himself whenever joking. Gregor himself says he does this.
However, his jokes about his arm will always hold more passive aggression and underlying hurt than his more elaborate, whimsical jokes about his previous military position— the topics that make him most upset.
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He eases not only outright— but any potential hostility with humor. Consider the way he uses a mild, almost playful, word like “pest” to describe his condition—it reflects the level of detachment he’s employing in his suffering, a detachment that very much is the only thing helping him manage that suffering. He can’t open about how much discomfort it causes him, so fashions it as a palatable thing others can laugh at WITH him, instead of AGAINST him.
He believes people will always mock him, and even more importantly thinks there is something worth mocking about him, so this humor is always light hearted and easy to ignore. He does not challenge others cruelty towards him.
It’s not so big of a deal that people see him as something other if he’s not dangerous. He’s a monster, but just a small one. A pest. Insignificant.
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In this same way he often uses rhetorical questions and double negatives to get his point across on this topic. For example, when he says the above, he’s highlighting the unpleasantness of his arm without directly addressing the actual discomfort it causes others. It’s his way of communicating subtly— avoiding bitterness or confrontation, trying to force himself into the “joke” of how revolting he is. Another way he does this is by referring to the other soldiers as “things”. Othering himself.
So despite his ease with small talk (being the first to introduce himself to us), his deeper emotions often surface in the spaces between words. He lets the quiet do the heavy lifting, as he is unwilling to say things plainly.
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His distaste for status is reflected most simply in how he speaks to Dante.
“Manager Bud” → “Bud” softens authority. It reflects his preference for informal, cordial relationships rather than professional ones. The very concept of a work life similar to the military structure he knows is something he is absolutely terrified of. He does not like putting people higher or lower than him.
Gregor’s speech register is informal, with a blend of
- Working class pragmatism
- Older, slightly rustic quirks (usually one off words like “bugger”)
- Military lingo (in particular, he mentions “getting medals” a lot where others would say “rewarded”.)
In conclusion: He is someone who has been through a range of social settings but refuses to perform “proper” speech anymore in any effort to seem like a regular citizen, something he feels deeply he is not, and so he uses humor to feel as if he is “in” on the joke of how revolting he is.
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angelharness · 4 years ago
Various Slashers as Yandere Archetypes 
WARNINGS: yandere content 
Another non-requested piece. I actually found myself terribly interested in the concept after my last post musing on the topic (found here), though I’d like to restate that I don’t believe I’ll be writing more on the matter, unless a commission. 
Will firmly reiterate last time’s warning, it’s very important to recognize this characterization as unhealthy and to never enable such behavior in any real relationships. 
Will be sorting each slasher into seven classes, including Isolating, Manipulative, Dependent, Possessive, Obsessive, Delusional, and Lucid
The definitions vary greatly depending on the Slasher, while some may not fit an archetype listed, or could be a hybrid of any number of them. It’s also very possible for them to fit multiple subcategories. 
For reference, a general key would be
Isolating - (Usually gradually) cuts off s/o from their friends and family, secluding them and asserting themselves as their only social contact. Goal is perhaps to make s/o reliant on them.
Manipulative - Fairly straightforward, though the means of manipulation vary. Often emotionally controlling. Might resort to guilting the s/o or self-destructive tendencies to get them to stay. Goal is to assert control over s/o.
Dependent - Depends on s/o for stability or comfort. Might suffer from separation anxiety and as such is terribly clingy. Often ignores other social ties to focus on their s/o. No implicit goal, but usually wishes for reciprocation of feelings.
Possessive - Similar to Manipulative and often a package deal. Would under no circumstances share their s/o, likely frets over losing them (perhaps to romantic rivals or even misguidedly anyone they falsely deem a threat). Goal is to assert control over s/o. 
Obsessive - Not necessarily Possessive, though the two sometimes come together. An Obsessive might not outwardly act on their fixation, but silently pines intensely for their s/o. Fixates heavily on their s/o. Goal is to become closer to the person of interest, or wishes for reciprocation of feelings.
Delusional - Hard opposite of Lucid. They likely wrongly believe their feelings are reciprocated, believe them and their s/o are meant to be, or that their s/o is in denial of their feelings and it’s up to them to help them realize this. No implicit goal, but usually wishes for reciprocation of feelings.
Lucid - Hard opposite of Delusional. Well aware that their feelings are unhealthy and destructive, but usually represses these thoughts or simply doesn’t care. Might feel guilt, but it’s often overshadowed by longing. May have any of the formerly listed goals.
Dependent, Possessive
He is a complex case. His lucidity comes in brief episodes, then wanes to stubborn delusion. Generally, though, he’s dependent on you for a sense of stability. When you leave, he throws somewhat of a tantrum, absolutely trashes the place, tears the wallpaper, knocks shit over, then curls up in a corner, stewing in a vicious, wordless rage. On the rare occasions, afflicted by guilt, he’ll silently clean it up, intensely avoiding your gaze all the while. Most of the time, though, you’re left to deal with the damage of his uncertain temper. He feels like you’re abandoning him, even if you fully have the intent to return; when you do come through the door he launches into your arms, all rushed kisses and crushing hugs. Inevitably, though, the cycle will repeat once more, gradually wearing you thin and thinner. Like a sweater heavily loved. But this love is intense and merciless. 
Dependent, Delusional
Carrie is very much wary coming into this relationship. She’s so baffled by affection, true and honest affection, no underlying teasing, no stifled giggles, that she nearly breaks down. It takes much adjusting, but soon, she’s hooked. She becomes dependent on your praise and approval to function routinely. Anything you dislike she does as well. You’re always so right, she thinks, so puzzlingly perfect. She idolizes you to the point she blocks out any of your flaws (which come with being human), entirely eliminating the possibility from her mind. She’s willing to overlook any fault, anyway, but she’s dazed by the spectacle of genuine love. Every moment you’re away is a unique, awful pain, singed with worry (you’re leaving, you found someone better), and though in those moments she thinks there’s no possible greater agony, the bliss of your presence keeps her around. She doesn’t care for anyone else—they never cared for her, and it’s not like their compassion would compare, either way. She decides you’re all she needs.
Obsessive, Isolating
First confronting his feelings, he disregards it casually, assuming it’d be easy to ignore. He busies himself with work, but finds this fixation occupying his thoughts in increasingly frequent intervals. He knows something needs to be done when it starts directly interfering with his chores, leading to sloppy work and far too many victims fleeing. The easy answer is to off you. He hunts you down with that intent, well ready to finally rid of this distraction. But he can’t. Stands there with a hellish anxiety wracking his chest, a feeling only distantly familiar, recalling the days when his heart did beat. He’s so intensely, frustratingly obsessed with you—it upsets him even, confuses him tremendously. All he knows for certain is that he wouldn’t be able to stand you with someone else; doesn’t care if he’s not that someone, as long as it’s not anybody else. From then on, it’s a very last minute change of plans; keep you alive, isolate you, make you dependent on him. He’s not the type to force affection on you, but rather, would purposefully withdraw it for extended periods of time, until you seek it of your own will, in which case he will reward you with the desired attention. 
Possessive, Manipulative 
Like Billy, has a fragile temper that can be quite a minefield to traverse. You can never be sure what will upset him, but when it does he makes sure it’s known. Could additionally be classified as isolating, as he will immediately confine you to the manor. Leaving is far out of the question, though later on he might permit you to extend this bit of freedom to the expanse of garden surrounding the mansion (he will, however, keep you far from the gates). He makes himself out to be entirely helpless without your guidance and care, though that must be wrong, being how he’s had only himself for much of his time living in the space between the walls. It gets you to stay, and that’s what matters in the moment. But eventually, the need to escape his suffocating presence vastly exceeds your will to stay. When that time comes, an effectively inevitable outcome, Brahms had realized in the back of his head, he’ll turn to violence, first in tantrums then in threats directed to both yourself and him. Isn’t beyond killing you if he’s convinced you’re set on leaving and there’s nothing he can do.
Dependent, Possessive
Partly delusional, but knows you’re unwilling. Still, relies on you for a feeling of normalcy, that distant echo of a real, functional relationship. Couldn’t bear the thought of you with anyone else, so much he might resort to threats of violence to coerce you into staying. Whether these are empty or significant falls on you to figure out. Liable to tantrums when you’re away, though the severity of these outbursts is determined by his current stability. He considers you part of the family, though at the end of the day, Drayton gets the final say on your status of life. He’ll plead desperately and with genuine distress, but it doesn’t take much pushing for him to cave in on himself; he’s far more scared to disobey the family. If he’s to kill you, he’ll go about it sweetly, clumsy, unfamiliar kisses as he smooths your hair down, trying uselessly to calm you. Your struggling and crying only troubles him, and he might hurry up the process just to quiet that awful commotion. If Drayton allowed, though, he’d keep you as a sort of pet; you’re to stay in his room or at his side and never stray. You’re given a seat at the dinner table as long as you pull your weight and pitch in (albeit unwillingly) with household chores. 
Lucid, Manipulative 
Fairly coherent regarding her emotions, though this regulation never translates into her actions, which are twisted by impulse and anxieties. Unintentionally incredibly manipulative, will very quickly turn to self-destructive exploits to gain your sympathy and convince you to stay. Eventually, she stops caring if you’re only sticking around out of a feeling of necessity. If you ever show intent to leave, though, she’d panic. Amanda can’t conceive a life without you now that she’s met you, and though she despises how dependent she’s become on you for stability, she can’t will herself to try and improve. Your attention is a new, frightening addiction; the highs come with affection and compassion, but then withdrawal in the periods you’re away. These acts of love have to be greater and greater than the last to recreate that same rush of intoxication. She’d allow you the illusion of freedom, reminding you often you can leave if you wanted (it’s all a ploy for sympathy), but makes a show of how pathetic she is without you. She can barely function, and though she hates this vulnerability, her balance of mind being dependent on another person, she’s trapped herself in an unforgiving sequence of self-destructive desperation and a murderous temper. 
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kitsoa · 5 years ago
Ven’s Missing Memories
Mmm’kay. Thinking out loud here so I’m gonna focus in on one question from the April 2nd update. Gotta consider everything about this very strange murderer reveal happening. 
Potential cause of Ven’s missing memories. 
Trauma Induced Amnesia
Chirithy Did It
They Aren’t His Memories
1. Trauma Induced Amnesia
Ven has showed he’s no stranger to locking away trauma-memories as we’ve seen in BBS. If whatever happened was traumatic (and considering a girl is murderered I’d say it is traumatic) than Ven is the type to lock this kind of stuff out. This suggests that whatever Ven saw (or did) was appalling to him. He didn’t like what was happening which helps with his clearly innocent response to things. This means either:
Ven was a witness to Strel’s murder
Ven wasn’t in control of his actions but aware of what was happening 
He’s blind to whatever happened, so much that he traumatically blocked it. The significance of this method would be that Ven can get these memories back. Just like with his Badlands memories in BBS. Simply going about this flashback or prodding his psyche in some way can push the truth out into the open. Meaning that we’ll find out soon what happened to these memories.
Considering the post-flashback scenes the momentum has dulled a bit narratively and psychologically. This variant is: Slightly Unlikely
2. Chirithy Did It
Chirithy’s are all about eating the bad dreams of the Keyblade War, it’s worth noting that something like this would definitely constitute as a bad memory to eat. Except of course: Union Leaders were the exception to this caveat. Ven has memories of the War enough to assume that his Chirithy spared him in that memory wipe even if he’s an impostor. This doesn’t remove the idea that Chirithy consumed this memory outside of their general programming.
Much like the Trauma-Induced Amnesia line of thought, Ven is either a witness or lacked agency as he is innocent. This variant changes the method of loss which impacts the retrieval process and potentially adds another external character in the process of loosing the memory. The Chirithy has the means to remove the memory but not always the ingenuity to do so. This suggests:
Someone commanded Chirithy to remove the memory. The only characters we can imagine to have that authority:
Chirithy chose to remove the memory to protect Ven
-This is the kh3 Chirithy which is a focused character in the canon allowing agency of choice.
-This Chirithy has an understandable and unwavered affection for Ven into the present so it would make sense and result in a them being a bigger player
Ven himself requested the removal himself.
-This then follows variant #1 in purposing and only changes the means of removal and therefore the ultimate retrieval of the memories.
Again, this ultimately changes how to get the memories back. We’d have to review if and how the Player character’s memories have leaked back into consciousness. This potentially makes it a more challenging retrieval. This variant seems: Inconclusive
3. They Aren’t His Memories.
 If the missing memories are a result of them simply not belonging to him, then we have greater reason to believe that there is a force inside him turning off Ven’s awareness in a scene. This makes Ven a vessel for an independent personality. In the spectrum of his role during this missing moment, this leans him more towards being the perpetrator though he would not be in control because Ven is innocent.
Nature of Loss of Agency
External Force “Possession”
Internal Force “Split-Personality”
As an external force, that means that there is an entity requiring a physical medium to act. This also suggests that there is a greater agent trying to tip the scales of the Dandelion conflict. As there are no known concepts in the narrative that fit this need, we need to assume that it’s a new threat.
Note: Darkness as an abstract concept in need of a vessel. 
The same shadowed figure in the original murder scene is seen in the story multiple times and dubs itself as Darkness. “Darkness” as a title is abstract enough to suggest the actual forces of Darkness at work fitting the external force. This would suggest sentience of an oft discussed force in the narrative, but it would constitute a new threat and bear the name the most literally. We know from Re:Mind that ‘Darkness’ does in fact reside in Ven’s heart still. This all but ties Ven directly to the actions of the character(s) claiming this moniker in khux. Yet the title is vague enough to bring this into hot contention whether the same ‘Darkness’ is being referenced.
As an internal force, that would mean that Ven created the independent entity at work in the missing memory. Ergo: Ven created a split-personality.
The premise of creating a split-personality, though unique to the KH narrative, can follow an easy ‘trauma suppression’ style of writing. Much like option #1, Ven’s tendency to avoid his trauma has been seen in his narrative already. He is illustrated clearly to avoid his problems and his darkness. Evidence:
Missing Ache Keyblade suggests suppressing heart ache
He frequently mentions loneliness and the bewildered sensation of friendship
He is painted as a weak outcast who can’t keep/find a party 
He hates pointing his blade at fellows--Pacifistic tendencies
Reason for back-hand grip?
PvP is appalling to him
Vanitas confirms in Re:mind that he existed before Xehanort split them apart. This means that Vanitas was an aware presence within Ventus fitting him within the suspect pool of entities that could have removed Ven’s agency from the murder scene. It also correlates to the Darkness force residing within Ventus but that’s a cursory fact in this analysis. But if he is the force that took over Ven then Vanitas is:
Either external in origin
or a creation of Ven’s own making.
Note: Ven has one other moment of seeming memory loss in Khux-- the PvP passage. He reacts dramatically to the reveal of PvP to the point that the other leaders make a note of Ven’s lack of awareness. He honestly asserts that he read the book but he didn’t remember the one part of the rules that he clearly disagreed with. Almost like he suppressed it. This makes me believe that Ven’s escapist tendencies pushed his dark feelings of anxiety deep within him resulting in a selective memory.
Furthermore, he claims humility in his skills (i.e. not ranking) early in his introduction despite having a Proud mode keyblade. If his mystified sense of worth is honest and not humility at work, then he potentially has combat memory loss as well. As conflict is where dark feelings can spark, this would make sense.
This bright-side temperament stops being a character quirk and is then a willful pattern of behaviors. Out of the two sub-variants of blame for the missing memory, I believe that it’s an internal force that is the strongest correlation to Vanitas as a preexisting personality and the “Darkness” Moniker claimed in re:mind is more of a pre-christened identity of Vanitas. 
From here the only way to discover this memory is to hear about it straight from the source. We will need a confrontation of pre-split Vanitas living in khux Ven. 
There’s a chance that there’s a combination of forces at work in the moment. But independently the strongest to me is #3 with the specific split personality method having the most evidence. That being said, trauma has a clear role in the function of a split personality and the Chirithy is pivotal in the interaction of traumatic moments. Because who is to say that Ven is completely unaware of the controlling force? Perhaps he could remember what his body was forced to do but Chirithy spared him of that in mercy. That would make the outcome to be a combo of all 3. 
Whew. I’m doing this to eventually place Ava in this scheme. Right now I think she struck a deal with Vanitas. I also think it’s logical to assume that a dark split-personality would be like Schrodinger’s Darkling therefore making Vanitas act in accordance to an actual force of evil in the game. 
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aspoonofsugar · 5 years ago
Children, Adults and In-between
This chapter starts with a father losing all hopes of seeing his daughter again:
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And ends with said daughter finally waking up:
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All in all, I think this is a fitting choice for a chapter which is once again centered around the relationship between adults and children. And, as per usual, this relationship is not what it should be since the children end up having to take care of the adults’ problems. All in all, this is the root of Annie’s story as well. Annie became a warrior because of his father and in the end it is probably gonna be her the one who goes back to her father and not her father who comes to find her. Basically, Annie is the one who has to be active if she wants to meet her parent again, while said parent has a passive role.
This is true also for another child:
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Gabi is one of the most active characters this chapter. The adult who has come to save her is left sleeping, while she goes in search of her loved one. Reiner falling asleep is nothing more than a symbolic representation of his passiveness and it is not the first time that it happens:
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During the battle of Liberio Reiner is about to give up and it is only because of Gabi and Falco’s desperate shouting that he stands up and saves Pokko. In this chapter, Gabi lets him sleep differently from what she did in Liberio. This could be because she has now realized how Reiner feels, while in Liberio Falco was the one who had understood it:
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That said, it is possible that when Gabi comes back she will finally wake Reiner up and force him to act.
However, for now it is important that Gabi is not giving up, while Reiner has given up:
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And this brings us to her parallel with Eren. In this meta I said this about Eren:
On  one hand the father-children relationship is a very important one for  the series and we have seen that so far children have kept paying for  their parents’ mistakes. Eren is a character who is clearly trying to  change the system and him embodying the future against the first King (and Rod Reiss) embodying the past is clearly symbolic of this.
Basically, Eren is a child who is challenging the world built by the previous generations and his ability to see the future and to influence the past through memories symbolizes also this, among other things. That said, Eren’s approach is highly destructive. Now, Gabi shares some (okay a lot) of these destructive tendencies:
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In this chapter as well, she initially proposes to kill Eren. However, she also recognizes this:
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And proposes other solutions:
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Basically, as for now, Gabi is trying to walk away from a path made only of violence. And because of this, she is slowly communicating with people and is making important information go from one side to the other. If, as I think, we will finally see some kind of alliance to stop Eren, then it would be interesting if this alliance is born because of both Eren and Gabi. Eren can be the common enemy who unifies the world, and Gabi can contribute to the overcoming of the rift between the two sides, if only just a little. We will see what happens.
What is more, one of the most important themes is stated directly once again:
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@thisworldgodonlyknows has already written a great meta on this exchange among Kaya, Gabi and Nicolo and I had talked about the forest metaphor here, so I won’t repeat myself.
What is important is that Nicolo, Gabi and Kaya have all grown and Nicolo especially is becoming a “man like Mr Braus”. He is able to encourage and guide two lost kids asking difficult questions about themselves and the world. In short, he is acting as an adult should and it is not by chance that after the metaphor of the forest comes back we have this scene:
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Here we have another adult who is acting like one and who is protecting the kids under his care. This scene is another scene of reconcilitaion, but this time we don’t have two children who have hurt each other and an adult who has hurt one of them, but an adult who was hurt by the kids, but who is still there to protect them.
So, we have children growing up and adults acting like adults, but the problem is that the majority of our main characters is an in-between. The 104th are simply refusing to grow up by this point and this is why they fail to make any game-changing choice. This is made clear by this exchange:
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It is not by chance that both Jean and Connie are willing to sacrifice a child to have back an authority-parental figure aka someone who can tell them what to do and can make them feel secure.
In short, Jean and Connie’s negative reactions this chapter are born by the same fear of growing up. Moreover, their reactions are rooted in their own personality-flaws.
Connie’s reaction is an emotive one because througout the arc he has kept repressing his negative feelings. Tbh it is probable that him repressing his negativity is something which goes way back:
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Connie has been suffering a lot because of what happened to his mother, but we have seen very little of this suffering up until now and the moment he tried to express some of his anger in the past he immediately went back on what he said. What I mean is that up until now Connie has processed his grief alone and it is implied that Sasha was a big help for him:
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It is clear that for him the 104th are a family and so the moment this new-found family loses another member and risks to break up because of inner tensions he goes back to his mother hoping to bring back what he lost. However, he can’t and must accept it. In a sense, he is probably going through a process similar to the one Nicolo experienced and, just like before, Falco is the one put at risk by this. I doubt Connie will follow through with his plan especially because Falco’s situation is similar to his mother’s.
As far as Jean is concerned, it is as if he is somehow back to his old habit of choosing the easy way out. He is somehow conveying te thought process of a relatively normal person. He is in a conflict much larger than him and there is the chance that this conflict will be solved in a positive way for both him and his loved ones without him having to do anything. What right does he have to consider Eren’s method wrong if it brings results? Hasn’t he learnt that sometimes cruelty is necessary in order to win? In short, Jean’s stance is probably born both by the horror of the situation and by him trying to figure out what is right and where he should draw the line between what must be done and what must be avoided. That said, Jean has already shown clear signs of strongly disliking what is happening, despite his unwillingness to fight Eren:
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Jean states that the rest of the world is being destroyed because they were not able to let go of their prejudices and that in this way his loved ones are going to be safe. However, his little moment with Onyankopon already shows that this isn’t true. Onyankopon is a person who earnestly tried to help him and Paradis and his country is going to be destroyed as well. He is Jean’s friend and him and the other volunteers are gonna suffer.
As far as Mikasa and Armin are concerned, it is interesting that they find themselves with Gabi again and so they are once again confronted with this mini-Eren who is asking their help to save a loved one and who is repeating what they themselves know. She is telling them that it is not necessary to destroy the world and that there are other ways to use the power of the coordinate. I think that it is impossible for Mikasa and Armin not to see Eren (and so a little bit of their past) in Gabi. Hopefully, this meeting will motivate them to act soon.
Armin in this chapter has already made clear that he thinks Eren is going too far and has tried to protect Falco and to find ways to avoid unnecessary conflicts with the Marleyans, but he is being too timid about it. As @hamliet said here, it is possible Annie’s return will force Armin to become more active especially because by this time Annie and his arcs are clearly tied.
This chapter also gave us more foreshadowing of Armin eventually becoming a leader:
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It is clear that he will have to succeed Erwin and hopefully this will happen soon.
Mikasa too has subtly shown that she is growing stronger:
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The chapter has conveyed it through her foiling with Yelena. Yelena frozes when she realizes Zeke is not in control and that things are not going according to his plan. She is so dull she can barely react, but Mikasa, despite what Eren is doing, is perfectly able to move and to protect the other soldiers. It is clear who between the two is the blinded follower and who is her own person.
In conclusion, I would like to highlight how Eren’s actions are already “symbolically” destroying people self-defense mechanisms and obliterating the barriers among people:
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Eren has undone all the hardening and so we have Reiner and Annie losing the armors/crystal they were using to protect themselves. This means they will have to face others and to overcome their isolation. Similarly, the barriers among people are starting to fall just like the Walls which have isolated Paradis from the world. Because of this, we have seen some relationships being mendled and some communication happening between the two sides.
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adelheidvonschicksal · 6 years ago
Marriage Alphabet | X, K, M, Q, and J | Todoroki
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Here you go, hon! Sorry, I’ve been spamming a bit today. I’m in a really good mood🤗
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X-ray “Can you two see through each other? Can you see when you’re lying or not?”
💔 Yes and No.
💔 Todoroki doesn’t really lie much. If he has something he doesn’t want to tell you the truth about, he’s more likely to just avoid the conversation all together and plain not tell you.
💔 It’s not a lie if he doesn’t say anything, right?
💔 You’ll have to explain to him that yes it still does count as a lie.
💔 To be frankly honest, Todoroki is an awful liar, like he is just really bad at it.
💔 When he does try to lie, Todoroki has a dead give away. You’ll know something is up if you ask him a question, and he just goes quiet for a long time before answering or he’ll speak really slowly as he tries to think up the lie on the spot.
💔 Even if he has an excuse planned out before hand, he will still hesitate when directly confronted.
💔 He knows what he’s doing is fundamentally wrong regardless of whether his intentions are good or bad so it’ll also be hard for him to maintain eye contact with you.
💔 As in other scenarios, Todoroki is very inclined to believe what you say, so much that even if he feels you’re lying he’ll just brush it off as his imagination the first few times.
💔 Todoroki however is very good at picking out holes in your lies if you’re not careful, he’s very good at remembering what you say word for word; but if you don’t have your own giveaways or slip up in your story, it’s actually very easy to lie to him or mislead him. He wants to trust you.
💔 Todoroki wouldn’t accept it until after a long period of time of the same lies happening over and over. He’ll drop hints to try to give you the opportunity to come clean. If not, prepare to be interrogated seriously in this case and maybe receive the cold shoulder for a few days depending on the seriousness of the lie; he might even start spending longer hours at work.
💔 If the lie isn’t that serious or was told with good intentions, he’s more hurt than angry that you felt you couldn’t be honest with him. In these situations, a sincere apology and a cuddle session will usually clear the problem up.
Quiet “Do you two keep quiet about your marriage? Or do you always brag about one another?”
💞 Todoroki is still a private person even into adulthood. However, he does always introduce you as his husband/wife.
💞 Todoroki wouldn’t brag about your marriage but he wouldn’t be ashamed of speaking about it. If someone close to you two wants to know and asks respectfully, he doesn’t mind sharing. If he gets really into it, he’ll start talking about you for minutes on end without noticing.
💞 Although he doesn’t brag about it openly, Todoroki has quiet ways of showing he’s happy like staring down at his wedding ring when he has a free moment or smiling faintly when you’re around or when he talks about you.
💞 With Todoroki, there’s so much to talk about when it comes to him. He’s sweet, handsome, a good hero, and some of his obliviousness is actually pretty cute, so there’s plenty to brag about.
💞 All your compliments do embarrass him from time to time and he may not always show a reaction but inside he’s practically screaming! He’s really flattered and happy you see him so highly.
Make “Do they still make your heart flutter after years of marriage?”
💗 Todoroki is actually pretty good at this!
💗He was somewhat of a charmer without meaning to be when you first started dating. Now after years of being together, he knows exactly what to say to make the blood rush to your cheeks the fastest. Being attractive also helps.
💗 Sometimes he doesn’t have to try or say anything. Smiles are still a bit of an uncommon thing for him; so when he does share one with you, it can still make you feel pretty special just like when you were younger. And if he gives you an even rarer chuckle, it’s over with. Rip heart.
💗 Todoroki likes to tease you and challenge himself in how flustered he can make you with the least amount of words.
Kiss “How often would you two kiss? Do you still have that spark?”
❤️ As I said, he’s still fairly private in public. It’s gotten much better since his high school years. He’ll confidently hold your hand and pull you into his side; he’ll also give you forehead kisses in public.
❤️ Behind closed doors is a different story. He can’t get enough of you and will frequently show you affection when you least expect it.
❤️ He’s like a big puppy, okay? If he sees you just lounging around, he’ll feel the need to come lay on top of you and squeeze and kiss you all over especially when he wants your attention. He’s also a bit of a closet pervert.
❤️ His favorite spots to kiss is your shoulders, around your shoulder blades and the back of your neck as he holds you from behind.
❤️ It wouldn’t be hard to maintain a spark because Todoroki is very emotionally driven when it comes to physical affection. Both are attached to each other. While for you, it’s a little hard to know what you’re going to get from Todoroki somedays.
❤️ Most of the time, he’s very gentle and loving. He’s also into more intimate actions and holds, like looking into your eyes and caressing your cheeks when he kisses you, so it always feels a little special. However, he can easily turn rough, needy and demanding if he’s had a bad day. If he’s stressed, you’ll have to take care of him. He’ll be submissive and want you to love on him in these times.
❤️ Basically, he’s the ultimate switch.
Jealousy “Do they still get jealous even though you’re completely theirs?”
💚 This is going to be a little complicated so bear with me!
💚 Although Todoroki was a little more jealous in his younger years, he didn’t really mind you having male friends or spending time with them if you wanted.
💚 Todoroki believes what you tell him most of the time when it comes to you having male friends. If you say they are just friends he believes and trusts you. This doesn’t mean he trusts them. Still, he can hold in a little jealousy without a problem.
💚 However, Todoroki really gets jealous if he feels someone is actively trying to take you away from him and even worse if it looks like you’re defending them and letting them do this, and this still holds true in your marriage.
💚 A lot of people think he’s more of the silent, brooding type of jealous, but this is not true. When Todoroki gets jealous, he GETS jealous and very spiteful. Basically, prepare for him to revert back to his Sports Festival tendencies.
💚 It took him a long time to find someone to drop his walls for and let into his heart, someone that makes him feel whole. He isn’t just going to sit back and sulk while someone tries to take you away. He refuses.
💚 He can get very possessive of you and will make it his job to get between you and whoever is taking up your time.
💚 He will pretty bluntly tell you and them that he doesn’t particularly like them.
💚 lf the person he is jealous of is around you, Todoroki is going to touch you more, call you endearments more and basically anything to make it clear that you’re his and to plain back off.
💚 Even if Todoroki isn’t loud or yells, Todoroki will make Bakugo look like a kitten on his normal days with just the cold aura radiating from him.
💚 Honestly, his jealousy can get a bit annoying and overbearing since there’s nothing going on between you and the other guy that he should be worried about. It would probably do more to drive you away from him if anything. Thus, fueling the cycle of him getting even more upset. Sometimes he can actually say some pretty hurtful things.
💚 If you have been a little neglectful on top of trying to spend time with your male friends, you’re going to have a bad time. Todoroki is going to be clingy and irritated. He won’t even want you to speak to your male friend until the situation is cleared up.
💚 If you want Todoroki to be comfortable with you hanging out with other men, you need to keep him well fed; and by well fed, I mean showered in affection. Give him no doubts in your love and need for him. Set clear boundaries with your friends and give Todoroki attention, too, and maybe even flaunt your love for him a little in front of them.
💚 When he does finally calm down, he will feel awful though and be very apologetic. He’ll either try to close away from you a little and give you space if you’re still angry or he’ll want to be extra affectionate and spoil you with touches and gifts if you forgive him right away.
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myersbprd · 5 years ago
STUDY    :   JOHN THADDEUS MYERS   TAGGED BY    :   @slvrlnce​ (thank you!!)
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—    BASICS.
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? john is 5′10″ or 1.78m, so he’s about average height or an inch over (the average height for men, in the us at least, is considered to be 5′9″).
▸      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? he’s never taken issue with it, as it’s considered common. he didn’t think of it almost at all until joining the bprd, because then he did feel weirdly short at times standing next to abe or hellboy, and that was a foreign feeling to him. john’s rather used to it now.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? dark brown and thick. it’s also very soft. usually, he prefers to keep it cut on the shorter side (he hates when it starts getting a little longer and the tips of his bangs brush his eyelashes). 
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ?  perhaps not inordinately, but yes. he takes general note of shampoo and conditioner types to avoid (such as ones containing silicone or sulfate), as well as how often to actually use them on his hair. john pats his hair dry with a towel as opposed to rubbing it to avoid breakage, and he has a comb instead of a hair brush. while he dislikes using a blow dryer/heat, he’s usually forced to resort to it in the morning before work. styling his hair is also important to him because he prefers to part it in specific way (he uses a very small amount of gel to accomplish this, especially on days when his hair simply refuses to cooperate). he doesn’t like facial hair on himself, so he always shaves.
▸      DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? yes, to a degree. as far as aspects he can control, john likes to look neat and inherently respectable. he wants to be taken seriously. in a work setting, this is doubly the case. for his overall physical features, he’s confident/comfortable with them. particularly with his hair, john can be a little bit vain; not necessarily in the sense that he believes himself to be ridiculously attractive, but being told by someone whose opinion matters to him that he looks nice makes him very happy, and being told the opposite by them will make him want to wear a paper bag over his head for the rest of the day before he gets over it.
▸     INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ?    outdoors. ▸     RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ?    sunshine. ▸     FOREST    OR    BEACH ?    forest. ▸     PRECIOUS    METALS    OR    GEMS ?  precious  metals. ▸     FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ?    perfumes. ▸     PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ?    personality. ▸ BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ?     being  alone (but it depends who the crowd is). ▸ ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?    order. ▸     PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR    WHITE    LIES ?   painful  truths. ▸ SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ?     science (only because he can’t make use of the latter). ▸ PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ?    peace. ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ?    day. ▸     DUSK    OR    DAWN ?    dawn. ▸ WARMTH    OR    COLD ?    cold. ▸     MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW    CLOSE    FRIENDS ?   a few close friends. ▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?   reading.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? he has a tendency to be overly critical. in himself, this constitutes rarely acknowledging his own accomplishments and focusing on whatever he might have done better or can improve on. sometimes, this leads to john pushing himself too hard or feeling frustrated about things that seem minor to some and ignoring the bigger picture. in others, mainly those he works with or is close to, he expects them to share a similar drive or work ethic to him, and can make judgments if he believes they are lacking in that regard, even if he doesn’t have all of the information. if it bothers him enough, he might confront the person about it, which can make him seem meddling at best or a self-righteous ass at worst. john also asks for or accepts personal help very rarely. if it’s a situation in which failing to do so could be detrimental to someone else, he’ll always request/receive aid for their benefit. if he’s the only person being affected, especially if it’s something involving emotional support or the like, then he won’t do so voluntarily. during every difficult time in his life when he really needed someone, especially in his formative years, john had to deal with it alone, even if there was a person around that he thought he could rely on. depending only on himself is a pattern he felt he crafted out of necessity, but it’s also made it extremely difficult now for him to be vulnerable in that way with anyone because it’s practically an instinct not to be.
▸      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ? yes. he lost his parents at the age of six; to what, no one really knows. they left to go on a drive one afternoon and never came back. not a single trace of them has been discovered, which makes it unlikely now that one ever will. john was sent to live with his uncle, and his four siblings were taken in by various other relatives. he almost never saw them growing up to the point that they’re akin to strangers, and uncle thad was the only family he found himself with. when thad was diagnosed with cancer when john was eighteen and just graduating high school, he felt like everything was falling apart. he took care of his uncle until the very end. watching the person he loved more than anyone else, who had always seemed so strong and unshakable to him, deteriorating until there was nothing left absolutely crushed him. since then, john hasn’t had many people as true constants in his life; he’s had friends and dated and tried to at least stay in contact with his brothers and sisters, but between moving around and being so immersed in work, they don’t always remain close long-term. the idea that he has no familial ties, blood or otherwise, and that he might not be that important to anyone and maybe no one would really care past a day if anything happened to him terrifies him a little. he just tries not to think about it. he has shit to do.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ? although john doesn’t remember his life before moving in with thad very clearly, he has vague yet warm memories of sitting by the pond behind his house with his mom in the summer, his dad making milkshakes at the diner the family owned, catching fireflies with his brothers, building forts with his sister, rebekah. more easy to recall are memories of he and thad listening to the radio at night in the living room, tinkering with gadgets and wrenches in the shed, reading his very first comic book, getting his old moped and fixing it up with his uncle, seeing his first lunar eclipse, uncle thad buying him a copy of the catcher in the rye because the school wouldn’t carry it in the library, graduating from college, going camping by himself one weekend and watching the smoke from his campfire curl into the sky, staying out late with friends after work.
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? yes and no. if faced with the realization that failing to kill someone means harm or death will come to innocent people, friends, co-workers, or especially hellboy, he won’t hesitate to do it. john has killed before, both directly and indirectly, and he finds no pleasure in it. however, it’s easy for him in that split second to do what he feels he needs to. afterwards, he can on occasion be emotionally distraught over it, even though he won’t regret what he did and he’d do it again.
▸      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ? almost always private. john’s used to assuming the role of the “emotionally stable one” in most situations, and he harbors this inward notion that if someone who relies on him saw him have any sort of extreme reaction that wasn’t positive, they wouldn’t look at him the same way. thus, if he breaks down, he does it alone: it’s like his lungs are collapsing and he can’t breathe, his body has tremors from feeling his emotions too strongly, he presses the heels of his hands over his eyes so hard it hurts, and he sits with his back against something like a wall for some semblance of grounding.
▸      IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF    TRUSTING    SOMEONE    WITH    THEIR    LIFE ? again...yes and no, in that he’s capable of it, but it’s not common occurrence. in a work situation, he trusts those he’s around to have his back as he has theirs, because it’s beneficial to both of them. as far as any other time, the list of people john would trust in that regard is very short. he doesn’t believe himself to be a cynic, but that sort of trust is earned.
▸      WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ? all in — for the other person’s happiness, learning everything about them, ensuring they know that he’s sincere and that they’re it. john doesn’t usually hold back on kind comments in general if he believes they’re deserved, but he’s exceptionally generous in that regard with the one he’s in love with. he’s also very physically affectionate; words and touch are what he thrives on giving. when he’s in love, he would do almost anything to see the other person happy. he’d fight the damn universe for them.
TAGGING:  @thelonelyherothing​ @snowregent​ @angclbcrn​ @whcwashe​ @naturalheal​ + whoever wants to steal it
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thethistlegirl · 6 years ago
Sorry, this is rather a lot... if you don't mind, questions 4, 6, 12, 14 and 21 please for Angus (Robin) Robinson, MerMac and Ironman AU Mac. * It was so hard to choose between your characters, they are all so brilliantly written!
4. Is physical health a major concern for them?
Robin: It is in the sense that he’s been perpetually scared that if he gets too seriously sick or injured he’ll no longer be useful to his team and they’ll want to get rid of him. That’s a hard habit to break even after he joins Chimera and is around people who value him for who he is, not just what he can do. Also, as a fae, he’s more prone to some minor illnesses like colds, and they’re more severe for him than for humans.
MerMac: Not really…He’s not very cautious, and more than once James has had to make him stop playing with the junk plastic and metal that’s washed into the ocean. A few times, because he gets closer to shore than most merfolk normally do, he’s gotten sick from chemicals that leached into the water, and once he got into an oil slick a boat left behind, because he was curious about why it was such pretty colors, and that irritated his skin and was incredibly hard to get off. 
IronMac (Yay typos that give you fun abbreviated versions): Nope. He’s the kind of scientist who will subsist on coffee and adrenaline for days, simply because he gets so caught up in his work. He knows exhausting himself makes him get sick more easily, but it’s hard to stop. Now that he has Jack and Bozer and Riley around, they tend to try and head off those kind of situations. Mac is also very unconcerned with personal safety, he often will take needed medical supplies and equipment, or other similar trips, into active war zones or disease ridden areas to help the people there, not caring what happens to him as a result. 
6. Are they good with kids? Do they like kids? (This can apply to child characters, too!)
Robin: He likes kids, but he doesn’t really know how to relate to them. His childhood was spent pretty isolated aside from Cody, and he didn’t have the same kinds of interests as a lot of other kids, since fae and pop cultural stuff wasn’t really a mix; even his quotable book knowledge is usually Grandda’s old Seelie tomes. He enjoys it when kids are fascinated by his origami creations or by the little bits of nature magic he sometimes allows himself to use. 
MerMac: He finds kids fascinating, and he loves their enthusiasm because that’s how he sees the world. He loves it when he meets Riley, because he wants to learn what it’s like to be a human kid and he thinks they must have the most fun and be so free. He’s kind of disappointed to learn that’s not always the case, but that only makes him want to spend more time with kids and make them happy because he doesn’t want them to be sad and lonely like he was.
IronMac: He absolutely loves it when kids are around. He’ll stop in the middle of science lectures to answer questions from kids in the audience, he personally shows up to schools to help with STEM programs, and he hosts a science camp for kids that he actively spends that week working directly with. He loves how kids dream up seemingly impossible things because they haven’t been told that can’t happen in the real world yet, and he never wants to tell them that either. 
12. Is your character prone to picking fights or non-confrontational?
Robin: Robin is very non-confrontational. He likes to keep things calm because in his experience, things getting heated means he gets hurt. He used to argue and stand up for himself a bit more, but all that ever got him was controlled and punished more, so he’s learned to let things slide and keep quiet. 
MerMac: He’s normally very easy-going, but he has things that he’ll stand up for, and he’s slowly learning to stand up to James’s controlling tendencies. He still hates actual argument though, so most of the time he doesn’t win those attempts. 
IronMac: He doesn’t like to confront in anger, but there’s nothing Mac enjoys more than outsmarting someone in an argument. He likes watching people who think they’re the brightest minds in their field spin in circles trying to figure out where they were wrong on something. He only ever does that to people who flaunt their knowledge and abilities and act superior, he’s incredibly kind to newcomers or people who are insecure. 
14.  Does your character prefer home remedies or over-the-counter medicine?
Robin: Over-the-counter human medicine usually causes very bad reactions in fae. As only one-quarter fae, Robin doesn’t run a serious risk of being deathly poisoned, but he has plenty of allergic reactions to very benign things like cough medicine, and even if he doesn’t have specifically allergic reactions like a mild fever or hives, he tends to get either very hyper or very sleepy, depending on the medication. As a result, he avoids almost all over the counter medication, unless he’s already sure it’s not going to be worse than what the problem is, and uses the old fae remedies Grandda taught him. 
MerMac: Similar to Robin, Mac’s biology isn’t suited for most human medications. The merfolk have their own healers, and a quite scientific process for finding cures, which Mac has had to take advantage of more times than most of his fellow merpeople. 
IronMac: Mac tries to find a good balance between natural cures and pharmaceutical ones. He’s spent time in many underdeveloped places in the world where he’s learned some helpful traditional medical knowledge, but he has also seen firsthand the impact modern medicine has in eradicating dangerous diseases. And he’s always trying to study how to make improvements to currently existing treatments.
21.  What always pushes your character’s buttons, without fail?
Robin: Innocent people being hurt, especially when it’s by those who are supposed to protect them. Robin’s watched his old team ignore collateral damage, and that’s given him some of his worst nightmares by far. He’s tried to speak up or fight back, but it’s no use when they had his name, and worst of all he’s sometimes been forced to participate. 
MerMac: His father criticizing the human world and acting like it’s evil and dangerous and there’s nothing good about it. He believes James is wrong about humans, and while he rarely argues with his father to his face, he’s secretly studying the humans, looking for a way to prove what he thinks about them. 
IronMac: When people who can do something about problems don’t. He hates seeing people hoard their resources when they could be using that to help others, when they have more than they could ever need or use in their entire lifetime. He used to get angry and lash out in verbal sparring matches with his peers, especially in college where he was surrounded by other rich kids, but now he’s more quietly angry, and he’s simply determined to not be that kind of person, ever. He knows he can’t control how others spend their lives, but he’s going to make sure he does what good he can with what he has. 
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tybalt-tisk · 6 years ago
.consider it handled
// Shallura {protect au} Summary: Allura just wanted to have a peaceful workout. Warnings: Flirting, Fake Dating.  Also on Ao3 // Also, I did add a Read More option, but sometimes Tumblr hates ya girl.
Sometimes Allura was too nice. She knew that. It was one of the few things everyone knew about the princess. She always had the tendency to disguise how she truly felt behind a dazzling smile and uphold the regal composure that took years of etiquette classes to master. Sure, on more than one occasion, it had landed her in her fair share of easily avoidable situations when she gave people the benefit of the doubt when she knew she shouldn’t have, but it was never anything she couldn’t handle.
Until now.
Now, at this exact moment in time, while she was trying to complete her workout, she was doing everything in her power to remember her training by refraining herself from driving her fist directly into the mouth of the arrogant man who was desperately trying to get her number. He had been at it for far longer than she would have liked and even though she kindly rejected him, more than she could possibly remember, the man just couldn’t seem to take the hint. Her smile wavered with every obnoxious word that left the man’s lips and her fingers itched to find a new home in his mouth.
With perfect form, she did another forward lunge and masked her irritation with a deep breath that could be easily mistaken for exhaustion. Well, it wasn’t far off because she was exhausted. Just mentally. With him.
The only reason why she chose this gym was so she could have a peaceful workout. It was just far away from home so she could remain unrecognized most of the time, but just close enough so she could return within the hour in case something came up. For the past month, she enjoyed this gym; it was spacious, clean, and it had various activities, like yoga and spin classes she could attend if she ever felt the need to. All in all, it was a very nice gym...except for him.
The man laughed at his own joke and it almost made her sneer. “I was just thinking that. Ya know since we both like purple…” Allura feared that if she rolled her eyes one more time, they’d get stuck like that. This man was saying anything and everything to woo her even if it meant resorting to him assuming that her favorite color was purple simply because it was the color of her oversized tank top. “...that me and you could…”
“You and I,” she corrected under her breath with another lunge forward.
The man made a questioning sound. “You say something, darlin’?”
She shook her head innocently with a forced smile. “No, I didn’t say a thing.” She’d lost count of how many lunges she put her left leg through, but the burning sensation told her that it was time to switch to the right.
He leaned heavily on the machine next to him and folded his arms over his puffed out chest. “Anyway, yeah, what do you say to me picking you later tonight for a little...one-on-one time?” He finished the vain proposal with a wiggle of his eyebrows and Allura couldn’t help the subtle snort that left her lips at the ridiculous attempt to look...literally anything but sexy. This man was persistent, arrogant, and vain. What an unfortunate combination of shitty characteristics.
She quickly finished her set before she turned to him and wiped the sweat off her brow. “Look, I’m very flattered by your...persistence, Jerry.”
“The name’s Gavin.” She knew his name, but she was irritated.
She expertly hid a smirk under an artificial look of confusion. “Mason?” she responded absentmindedly with a fictitious frown as she picked up the various weights and placed them back in their appropriate locations.
“Gavin,” he said a bit louder, just in case she didn’t hear him over the sound of grunts and the machinery around them.
After she placed the weights back, she freed her hair from its loose ponytail so she could redo it tighter. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and raked her fingers through the strands to work out the newly formed tangles and knots. “Michael, please don’t make this hard for me…”
He suddenly clapped his hands together once as if he just witnessed an impressive trick. “How did you know my middle name?” he asked enthusiastically and Allura suppressed a groan at her accidental discovery. Out of all of the names she threw out, she just had to pick the one he identified with. “Wow, we have such a deep connection! Amazing!”
“Yeah...amazing,” she said sarcastically, fixing her hair. This was getting old and her patience was wearing dangerously thin. She decided then and there that she had finally had enough. “Gavin, listen to me and please listen to me carefully. I do not want to go out to dinner with you. I do not want to catch a movie with you. I do not want to take a long walk on the beach with you and talk about ‘our future together’,” she finished her sentence off with air quotes. She looked him square in the eye and spoke with the same authoritative voice that she used when she commanded the attention of the room. “I want nothing to do with you. Now, please leave me alone so I can continue my workout in peace. Am I making myself perfectly clear?”
Gavin seemed taken aback at her tone as the words started to sink in and for a moment, for a sweet, blissful moment; one filled with silence and the peace she longed for, Allura thought she finally had reached through to him.
He nodded slowly. “I think I get it,” he said with a roguish grin. “You just want to skip all the formalities and go right to the bedroom, don’t ya?”
Something snapped within her, and all of the training her etiquette tutors spent years embedding into her flew directly out the window. Allura didn’t think twice as she brought her balled fist back so she could deck the arrogant man who dared considered he even had a sliver of a chance with her, but before she surged it forward, a firm but familiar grip caught her wrist and eased it down to her side smoothly in one fluid motion.
“Hey babe, we still on for dinner tonight at your Dad’s place?” Allura didn’t need to look back to know exactly who just saved this idiot’s two front teeth. The arrogant man’s vision was so clouded with his own self-inflated ego, that he didn’t even know his, so-called, good looks were in danger of the princess’ wrath.          
It took a moment, but when she realized exactly what he had said, her eyes darted to meet his and she knew exactly what he was doing. Her bodyguard was only confrontational when he needed to be and right now, he was looking for a way to let the guy down easy, even if Allura wanted to do anything but that at this point. Shiro raised his brows as if he had asked her an unspoken question when she didn’t immediately respond. She narrowed her eyes but reluctantly followed his lead with a huff and relaxed her fist.
Within a fraction of a second, all of her training rushed back to her and she sent him the perfect smile. “Of course, but remember we need to stop by that cute little bakery I like so we can pick up dessert because I won’t have the time to make anything.”
Shiro released her wrist when he realized that she wasn’t going to follow through with her assault on the poor, unsuspecting man. “Okay, that’s fine. I’ll pick up a pie on the way home,” he lied smoothly. “Your dad’s allergic to apples, right? Or is it cherries?”
“Rhubarb,” she corrected him casually, even though the allergy was completely fabricated information about the reigning king.
Shiro made a sour face. “Great, rhubarb is trash anyway.”
“It’s absolutely delicious, you just have trash taste buds.” She turned her back to him then handed him her hair tie over her shoulder.
Shiro rolled his eyes. Of course, she would take this fake dinner date opportunity to make him fix her hair. But he’s not complaining. He’ll never complain. He absolutely loves the way her soft hair felt against his fingers. Although sometimes, the strand did tend to snag on his metal joints, thankfully he’s gotten better at keeping it to a minimum.
He rolled the elastic hair tie that’s seen better days onto his wrist before he gathered her thick curls in his hands. He finger-combed her scalp to wrangle in runaway strands before he secured her hair into a neat ponytail that left them both slightly surprised.
“Hell yeah,” he mumbled to himself, praising his small victory.
She looked over herself in the mirror that covered the entire back wall of the gym and tightened her new ponytail from the base. “Not bad, Shirogane.” She turned back to face him and was surprised and equally annoyed to see that Gavin was still there, looking back and forth between the two. Even when she was clearly “taken”, the obnoxious man still couldn’t even grasp the mere concept that she wasn’t interested in him.  
Her irritation must have shown because Shiro reached forward to grab her by the hips and gently, he pulled her closer to him. She came to him without the slightest ounce of hesitation and without being prompted to, she casually brought her arms up to rest atop his shoulders. With her in his arms and with him in hers, he almost forgot it was a charade they were acting out. He knew it was dangerous to be with her like this - for this to feel all too natural to him. It was such an intimate position but strangely enough, it felt like he’d done it a million times before.
Maybe because he did.
He’s held her like this plenty of times. Like when they were at formal events and she gave him a look that told him that she wanted to dance. He’s never told her no and using the simple steps she’d taught him, she allowed always him to lead her gracefully around the dance floor. Or when she brought out the teenage rebel in him when she wanted to sneak out of her luxurious home, “the old fashioned way” as she so elegantly put it, and he’d had to help her down from the second story when he knew damn well she was capable of doing it herself.
...Or when it just the two of them on those quiet nights when the manor was asleep and the only thing left for them to do was to explore the boundaries of the friendship they are both painfully aware that went well beyond what separate friendship from duty from something else he was always scared to admit out loud.
“What time do you want to leave?” he asked, breaking himself away from his runaway thoughts.
She made a thoughtful face. “I want to get there around 7:30,” she told him.
He looked at his watch to check the time, not that it even mattered. “Okay, I’ll do one more round, then I’ll head out and grab the pie on the way home. Don’t stay here too long because you know how long it takes you to get ready.” Unlike the rest of their ruse, that part was him speaking nothing but the truth. Sometimes, she could be a brat and she’d take forever to get dressed. Most of the time, it was because she was too busy pestering him, and other times, she simply didn’t want to go, so she waited until the very last possible moment before she started to even consider getting herself together.
She pouted and clicked her tongue. “I do not.”
“Oh, you might think that you don’t, but you do.” She playfully jabbed him on the shoulder in retaliation, knowing damn well that he was right.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Gavin watching them intensely as if he was waiting for Shiro to leave so he could make his move on her again. He felt Allura’s irritation rub off onto him. What was with this guy? What did it take to get him to beat it?
In front of him, Allura giggled and she gave him a look that he’s seen plenty of times - when they glided around the dancefloor, when he helped her sneak out, and when it was just the two of them late at night hidden away from the harsh reality of the world and their position in it. He knew this look all too well and it always signaled for the one thing he’s never given to her.
But he’d be damned if he gave in to her now because some jackass that couldn’t read a room.
Instead, he hooked a single finger under her tank and pulled her close until her lips almost met his. She watched his mouth move as he spoke just loud enough so Gavin could hear what he was going to say next.  “Also, I want my tank back.” He almost laughed out loud when he heard Gavin release an annoyed gasp, followed by a few brash words.
She smirked at the man’s reaction and caught her bottom lip between her teeth, both out of spite for the arrogant man and also to tease Shiro with one of the many things she did that she knew drove him wild. If they were playing a game, then she might as well play to her advantage. She knew she hit her intended target when the hand that still rested on her hip tightened in warning.
She laughed to herself before she released her lip so she could speak. “I don’t think I can do that because it looks better on me.” Once again, the lines were blurred between the show they put on and the playful nature that was their undefined relationship.
He shrugged. “You look a’ight.”
She looked amazing.
Seeing her wear his clothes always stirred something within him. She had enough money in the world to wear the latest fashions, but instead, she chose to raid his closet for her casual attire. He still hasn’t seen his favorite hoodie. Well, no that was a lie because he’s seen it. On her.
When he was sure that Gavin had finally retreated somewhere deep into the gym, probably to cancel his membership, he stepped away from Allura. “You alright?”
She nodded. “Of course, and it's all thanks to my knight in sweaty joggers,” she laughed.
“I would have come sooner, but you keep insisting that you can handle these types of things.” His sentence was laced with sarcasm. Of course, if Gavin had displayed any type of aggressive behavior, he would have stepped in before the man even told her his name. But a subtle hand signal from Allura kept him at bay.
“And I was about to handle it until you showed up and pretended that you were my boyfriend,” she responded full of confidence with her head held high.
He raised a thick brow. “You call laying that guy out, ‘handling it’?”
She used him for balance while she stretched her legs for her upcoming jog on the treadmill. “As a matter of fact, I do. I can bet you my horse in The Netherlands that if I would have handled it the way I intended to, he wouldn't have ever bothered me again.”
Shiro snorted. She was completely right, she would have made her message clear as day if she had done it her way. She may be petite compared to his large frame, but the tiny princess had a mean left hook that was nothing to take lightly. He knew for a fact that he saved Gavin and not the fight club princess who was ready to throw hands. But also, “Who the hell bets a whole horse?”
She walked away with a flip of her new ponytail. “People who have horses to bet, of course.” She made it sound like he should already know this. “I guess it's time for cardio.” She looked almost defeated by admitting it.
Shiro laughed at her tone. “You make it sound like that’s a bad thing.”
“Because it is,” she whined. Allura only liked to work out to keep her body healthy. Sure, there were certain activities she liked to do, but there’s one thing she hated more than anything and that was running. She definitely had the stamina to jog five miles easily, but her laziness tended to peek through and stunted that trek down to only two or three. Shiro lost count of how many times she dragged him out of bed for a morning run, only for her to give up at their further point and call for a taxi.
“You’re a drama queen, you know that?” He leaned her over to the treadmill and leaned over the frame as she programmed it for a steady walk.
“I am not a drama queen.” She increased the speed to a light pace she could be comfortable with before she placed her headphones into her ears. “I’m a drama princess.” She gave him a purposely cheesy wink before she fully started her cardio session and Shiro shook his head before he ventured off to finish his own workout.
Allura wiped the sweat off her brow once she finished her run. It wasn’t as bad as she made it out to be. She actually made herself proud at the fact that she ran for a lot longer than she usually did, but she felt like she needed to make up the extra cardio from all the time Gavin wasted trying to woo her.
Allura took a long drink of water before she came to the decision that she was done putting her body through hell for the day. She wrapped her headphones around her cell before she left to search for Shiro in the massive gym.  
She immediately knew where he was. Unlike her, who just did what she pleased at the gym, Shiro had a strict schedule that he religiously stuck to. Today was arm day for him and along with a few reps using the equipment, he also liked to work on his agility in the boxing ring.
She heard him before she saw him. The hard jabs that met his opponents punch mitts echoed throughout the room and it gathered a crowd who looked on in awe. She found a gap in the crowd and approached the edge of the ring so she could watch him as he went through the speed drills. His feet were silent and his hands were quick and powerful as they met their target with deadly precision. He showed perfect form when he followed two quick jabs to the right with a hard left hook and a tuck to the right. The action happened so fast, she almost missed it.
His steel grey eyes were focused on their target and they held a different light than what she was used to seeing. It was like he wasn’t her Shiro. The Shiro she knew was always so kind and gentle with her that she always forgot that he could be extremely dangerous when he needed to be. He had been top of his class after all.
Beside her, a few women swooned at the sight and she rolled her eyes. Gavin and these ladies would get along just great, she thought.
Out of the corner of his eye, Shiro saw a flash of white. He knew he had gathered a crowd but none of them phased him like she did. Right now was the absolute worst time to be distracted, not during a speed drill. He twisted his body to evade an incoming punch before he gave a precise combination of jabs and hooks.
When the whistle blew, both praised the other for their participation. Shiro unfastened his gloves before he made his way to Allura who was stood at the side of the ring. His face heated at the realization of how many people had gathered around to watch him.
She handed him her water bottle so he could take a well-needed drink. “You’re so cute when you blush,” she teased loud enough so the gossiping ladies could hear her. They immediately went silent when they watched Shiro take her offered water.
“I thought I was cute all the time?” he caught her tease and threw it right back at her.
She folded her arms over her chest and raised a brow. “And what hussy told you that?”
He finished off the rest of the water before he handed it back to her. “You did, ya hussy.” He laughed at his own joke and she couldn’t help but join in. He squatted down to her level. It was rare that she watched him do his drills. She always tended to keep her space from him until it was time to leave or if something was bothering her. His face suddenly turned serious and she saw the same dark look flash in his eyes when he was focused in the ring. “Is that man bothering you again?”
She quickly shook her head. She was glad that Gavin gave up on her because there was no saving him if Shiro took him as a serious threat. “Nope,” she said lightly. “However, something is on my mind.”
“What is it?” he said quickly. When she disclosed something to him, he always took it seriously, regardless of the severity.
“What time should I be ready?”
She didn’t have anything scheduled tonight. Along with being her bodyguard, he was also sometimes her personal assistant. He knew of every event, every public appearance, and every trip she had coming up within the next two months memorized down to the hotels they were staying into the roads they would be using. When he couldn’t think of what she was referring to, he furrowed his brows in confusion.
She rocked on the balls of her feet causally and her crystal blue eyes danced with mischief. “You promised me a date tonight, Shirogane,” she said playfully. “Or did you forget already?”
Shiro searched her eyes, looking for any sort of indication if she was joking or not. There were ladies around ogling his form, so maybe she was just returning to their little charade they played earlier.
But then…
She always told him that she’d get him to take her out one day, and he did. He did every single time she asked, but it was always in good fun...that always ended with a missed opportunity.  But now, he could tell that she meant it.
He smiled at her warmly before he brought her knuckles to his lips. “How does 8:30 sound, Princess?”
“It’s perfect.”
Also, I’m really considering making this an actual story. One with a storyline and character development, but I’m unsure. Let me know! 
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dreamersscape · 6 years ago
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Note: This ask is from ages upon ages ago, and I’d like to offer my deepest apologies to whoever requested this. It was very important to me that I answer  thoroughly and in as articulate a manner as possible, and I’m embarrassed how slow accomplishing that took me. I hope that somehow you’re able to see this post, and you’re able to get something out of my rambling.
Thank you again for your patience in awaiting my answer, nonnie! I’m excited to put this headcanon of mine into words. It’s not often I have really specific and/or detailed HCs, I’ll admit; usually I stick to extrapolating off of canon. And while that’s sort of what I’ve done here, it seems to have happened mostly on a subconscious level, stewing until I realized a pattern forming within nearly all my fic plot bunnies.
It’s also possibly a key to how I understand Allan as a character, so… that’s kinda cool.
Okay, so Allan doesn’t really present as an overly anxious person, does he? At least, not in comparison to some of the other characters, like Much, who is utterly incapable of suppressing his anxiety. If Much is feeling apprehensive about something, you’re going to know it. So why then did I begin to notice my habit of, once he’s been stressed past a certain point, characterizing Allan’s emotional breaking points almost always as him tailspinning into a state of profound anxiety/panic? Well, partly because Allan just really REALLY sucks at dealing with negative experiences/emotions. His preferred method of coping with anything is to internalize the heck out of it, stuff it deep down inside, and then hope he never has to think about it ever again i.e. avoidance at all costs. And that appears to work… for awhile. He’s good at living in the present, ignoring past events and future repercussions. (Side note: a big reason why I also think substance abuse or other similar escapes could be quite alluring to him.) Eventually though, because it’s never been dealt with or even confronted, something triggers the release of all that pent up stress and negativity. He basically builds this towering pile of Bad Things, and so when it gets knocked over, it manages to completely overwhelm him. But until he’s thrown off-kilter and the pile loses balance and tips over, he’s mostly able to coast along, maintaining a relatively calm exterior while mired in turbulent inner seas.
Now, I realize I haven’t given much in the way of evidence for this yet, or explained why I think this all happens within the framework of a very anxious mindset. Hopefully I’m getting there. But that preceding paragraph is there to show how I find I characterize Allan as a result. (I probably wouldn’t have figured out this pattern of sorts if I could ever resist making things the Absolute Worst Imaginable Confluence of Events for Allan in my fic ideas, but that’s a “problem” for another day.)
What I’ve found is the key for me to get in Allan’s head and see things from his perspective is this: fear is his #1 motivator and it constantly feeds into his #1 priority, which is self-preservation. That goal of personal safety develops and eventually changes over the course of the show, but certainly for the greater part of the first two seasons, that is what primarily drives him. (For what I believe drives him from the end of 2x12 onwards, see here.)
For the most part, I’d say it’s pretty safe to say self-preservation-as-priority-number-one in regards to Allan’s character is generally widely accepted by the fans of the show. But opinions on why and how that came to be might vary more. I don’t know, maybe proposing that fear is the major driving force behind Allan’s decisions and behavior is not very revolutionary, but that is what I’d like to posit and explore in this post.
So, why do I think Allan is constantly consumed by his own personal well being above all else, to the point where its essentially become an automatic filter overlaying the way he interacts with the world? (I’m not intending to dramatically overstate things here, BTW; this is just how deeply ingrained I believe it is.) To me, this indicates at some point early on in his life something or a series of events convinced Allan that the world was an inherently dangerous place and you needed to always be on your guard for the next threat around any corner. This trauma could have taken a variety of forms depending on your headcanon,  but IMO it’s clear from Allan’s canonical behavior that it happened. Things that could point to this include, but are not limited to, the sparse background information we do learn about (Tom abandoning him and simultaneously stealing all his belongings, his apparent total lack of vocation despite his father being a blacksmith) as well as how he interacts with his brother (his over-identification with Tom–”I was like him once”–mixed in with the understandable trust issues, Tom’s borderline antisocial behavior in general, and I also wrote here about how their dynamic possibly alludes to a dysfunctional home life). With that as a fundamental part of your worldview, it’s easy to understand why you and your anxiety might have become good friends. He has no base level understanding or measure of being/feeling safe. Or maybe he once did, but there isn’t a way to go back or recapture that.
Another component of Allan’s anxiety I’d like to highlight is his personal locus of control. Locus of control is a psychology term that evaluates ‘the degree to which people believe that they have control over the outcome of events in their lives, as opposed to external forces beyond their control.’ It’s usually described in terms of being internal (belief that one can control one’s own life) or external (belief that life is controlled by outside factors which the person cannot influence, or that chance or fate controls their lives). ‘Individuals with a strong internal locus of control believe events in their life derive primarily from their own actions: for example, when receiving exam results, people with an internal locus of control tend to praise or blame themselves and their abilities. People with a strong external locus of control tend to praise or blame external factors such as the teacher or the exam.’ I definitely believe Allan has an external-based locus of control, and I think we see this in how reactive and defensive he is to his environment and in his tendency to shift the blame or not take personal responsibility for his actions. As opposed to Marian’s and Robin’s “everything is a choice” mantra, Allan often feels he has/had “no choice”, or feels “stuck”. Consequently, this lack of perceived ability to dictate and be accountable for one’s actions can make you feel very powerless. And if you believe the world is a unpredictable, dangerous place and there’s little you can do to affect or change that, you’d likely feel pretty fearful and anxious. Indeed, there has been research that concludes that people with an external locus of control tend to be more stressed and are more prone to clinical depression.
Now, I realize the preceding two paragraphs are either relying heavily on speculation or pretty technical terminology, so I’d like to conclude by referring directly to Allan’s behavior as evidence of his frequent anxiety. It is still in production, but I am working on a comprehensive gifset of every time Allan outwardly demonstrates anxiety. I’ll link it here once it’s finished. (Spoiler warning: it’s going to be a whopper of a gifset.) But until then, I think it’s notable that Allan exhibits a wide range of behaviors that typically denote anxiety. Licking his lips, swallowing/gulping, sweaty palms, fidgeting with something in his hands (could also be a sign of excess energy, but there are three instances of this in the first two episodes of the show alone, and this often seems to happen when it’s implied Allan has excess nervous energy), shifty eyes or a gaze that is unable to meet anyone else’s, hands on head in dismay, etc. It’s subtle because Allan’s doing his best to suppress it–he doesn’t want it to show because that would mean looking vulnerable/weak, which is not safe and a terrifying prospect when you live in a unpredictable, dangerous world–but if you’re looking for it, it’s there.
In summary, on the outside Allan projects a calm, self-assured, doesn’t-take-anything-too-seriously, cheerful, amiable image. And that is a legitimate part of who he is. He’s cultivated that facade for so long that it has taken on a life of its own. However, on the inside, he is ALSO a lot of the time an unsure, self-doubting, self-destructive, fearful, angst-ridden bundle of nerves. So that’s why when I read a story where Allan is ONLY portrayed as the former with none of the latter, it just doesn’t feel like Allan to me. In those cases, it’s as though I’m reading about a vaguely Allan-shaped empty shell. And I get it–it’s hard to always show all those sides of Allan when he’s not one of the main characters or he’s not the primary focus of the fic. Or the author might not be at all inclined to have Allan’s role be more than a surface level portrayal, and that’s okay. Not everything should be about Allan! But I also think there is often room for hints; Allan’s facade does have cracks. All this to say, Allan’s layers and contradictions are an intrinsic part of his character’s essence for me, including his anxieties/insecurities/fears, and his life has largely been built on that apprehensive foundation.
TL;DR Allan’s anxiety not only exists, it dictates much of what he thinks, says, and does, and the poor guy needs a ton of therapy.
sources for the locus of control info:
Rotter, Julian B (1966). “Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement”. Psychological Monographs: General and Applied. 80: 1–28. Carlson, N.R., et al. (2007). Psychology: The Science of Behaviour - 4th Canadian ed.. Toronto, ON: Pearson Education Canada. Benassi, Victor A; Sweeney, Paul D; Dufour, Charles L (1988). “Is there a relation between locus of control orientation and depression?”. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 97 (3): 357–367.
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astromechs · 6 years ago
Do you plan on seeing A4 the day it comes out? Also, (you’ve probably answered this before but) top 3 favorite ships/characters and why?
i totally plan on it! i’ve been to every mcu movie opening weekend, if not opening day, since iron man in 2008, and this, like infinity war, is something i definitely think i’ll need to see opening night (my new work schedule permitting, but definitely at least sometime opening day for sure) – 1) because it’s the Event culminating all the years i’ve put into marvel at this point, so i definitely want to be there, and 2) to avoid being spoiled, lol.
also, for top 3s! i’m gonna largely focus on marvel/mcu, because that’s where my brain is these days, for the most part, but i have a lot of thoughts and feelings about each entry, thanks so much for asking 💕
top 3 characters
1. gamora – she’s one of the most interesting characters in the mcu to me, and she’s also very inspirational. all the steps she’s taken to define herself as a person and break free from the shadows of her abusive adoptive “father” are incredibly brave, and she has such a pure and beautiful soul – and also very realistic character flaws. i love her.
2. peter quill – i see a lot of myself in peter, and i relate to him pretty strongly for that reason; we both tend to rely on pop culture and humor to process things and deal with the world, we’re both guilty of hiding behind humor to put some distance between us and authentic interactions/relationships with others, and we’re both, as adults, still trying to figure out how tf to deal with the death of a parent we were very close to, but we’re also both people with huge hearts who have a lot to give, i think. watching him go through his character arc has sort of helped me to process some of my own shit…. and, like, all that personal stuff i just unloaded aside, he’s a really great character, and so refreshing as a male protagonist for a lot of reasons (namely his emotional tendencies, as well as how, through his character arc, he’s confronted toxic masculinity directly).
3. nebula – i find nebula to also be a very interesting, and incredibly underrated, character. her anger is so, so justified, and i’ve loved watching her evolve from someone who’s used that against literally everyone in her life, to someone who’s started to learn to let something else into her heart besides that. her sister bond with gamora is my literal favorite mcu relationship, with all their complications and ups and downs. it’s rare that we get to see an arc like that between two female characters onscreen, and i always want more.
top 3 ships
1. peter/gamora – i’ve waxed poetic at length about them, but i really genuinely adore their dynamic and how it’s been built up over the course of three films now. these are two adults who are products of similar, but also different, childhood traumas, and in adulthood, are still in the process of figuring out how to heal from them. in their own ways, they’re each trying to learn how to be people (gamora, how to be something other than the weapon she was molded to be, and peter, how to actually be a real person who lives in reality and doesn’t refuse to do anything but cling desperately to a fantasy version of the past as a way to cope), how to live, and together, they’re better at it than they were alone.
let them have their happy ending, marvel, or else.
2. scott/hope – the ant-man movies are my favorite mcu franchise after guardians, and some of these characters would definitely be listed as favorites after i got through my guardians list. there are also, yeah, certain tropes that i’m weak to that are common to both starmora and scott/hope, but i love scott/hope specifically for the dynamic that these two unique characters have. 
hope has had a lot of anger, resentment, and distrust in her life, starting from when she was 7 after the “death” of her mother and her relationship with her father started to become strained – which sort of extended to pretty much every other relationship in her life. dealing with parent death is hard at any age, especially that young, so it’s easy to see how hope became such a closed-off person who’s reluctant to trust people. scott, on the other hand, is wide open; he’s not particularly great at pulling off actually being a criminal in large part because he’s a horrible liar, and what you see with him is what you get… he has a big heart, and it’s out on his sleeve 24/7. the two personalities tend to balance each other out, and circumstance aside, you get a functional partnership that helps both of them to grow as people – hope to be more functional in her personal relationships, old and new, and scott to consider the consequences of his decisions.
3. mantis/nebula – this ship has so much potential, and i love that potential. neither character is going to be in a place to be ready for a romantic relationship anytime soon, but they’re both the product of living through years of being used as tools by “father figures” who abused them. there are levels on which they can really understand each other.
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writing-noona · 7 years ago
In a relationship - EXO (f)
this is the first detailed astrology post i’m making so go easy on me. if there are any blunt mistakes, please let me know. also, i wrote the majority of this in the middle of the night, barely awake, waiting for another free pass for a game that i’m playing.
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Xiumin has an Aquarius Venus and Moon Pisces. Pisces is the most creative and imaginative of all signs, and Aquarius is known for being quirky, different, and unique. The Pisces Moon will bring Xiumin to need a partner that allows and supports his Pisces-Aquarius creativity and eccentricity.
In every other aspect these two signs balance each other out. Pisces is known for their tendency to being overly dependent, while an Aquarius is usually remarkably independent.
Similarly, Aquarius typically needs a lot of space, but the Pisces Moon cancels this out and makes Xiumin more of a romantic and more domestic than a his Aquarius Venus might suggest.
Generally, he’s flirtatious, due to the Aquarius, and he’ll need mental stimulation and innovation in a relationship. Often, a Venus Aquarius needs to socialise, even in a relationship.
The most important thing is therefore for his partner to stimulate and support his imagination and unique ideas. They have to be up for fun excursions with him.
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Cancer is one of the most domestic, family-oriented signs. In Venus, it makes him cautious in love. This is amplified even more by his Virgo Moon that makes him cautious, sensitive, and a bit shy about his feelings. Cancer Venus is looking for a partner that they can trust completely and that gives them a safe space to live out their emotions; they are very emotional.
Once he trusts his partner he will be very sentimental, displaying his love sensually, protectively, comfortingly. Cancer lovers can be clingy – they especially love hugs – and have somewhat of a sixth sense when it comes to when their partner is sad; they easily become over-protective.
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Lay is a Virgo Venus, this makes him a perfectionist and very aware of detail. He has high standards to his partner, and once he found the one he will show his affection, among other things by criticising them. This only shows he cares. A Virgo in love is also shy and timid. This roots in their tendency to criticise themselves and their high expectations towards themselves.
He will most likely express his love by helping you and taking care of you. This is all amplified by his Libra Moon that makes him kind, considerate, and thoughtful.
I can picture him so well, pampering his s/o, making them breakfast in the morning, massaging them, or carrying them to bed when they’ve fallen asleep on the couch.
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Baekhyun has Venus in Taurus. A lucky placement because this sign is governed by Venus. Taurus is a very material sign, and that does not change when Venus is placed in it. A Taurus lover will spoil his partner with gifts. However, on other levels, he will have difficulties expressing his emotions. Taurus Venus is a stubborn, earthy lover; and won’t make it easy to share emotions. They do need a talk though because of their need for (emotional) stability in their relationships. In this case his Gemini Moon might balance this out because Gemini rules communication. A Gemini Moon generally needs to talk out their emotions and feelings, counteracting the closed-off behaviour of a Taurus Virgo.
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Just like Baehyun’s Venus Taurus, Chen’s Venus Libra is generally a lucky placement because it is the other constellation governed by the planet Venus. A Libra in love is tactful, diplomatic, and loves balance. They prefer to keep harmony in their relationship than discuss a topic of controversy through; and they are excellent at telling their partner just what they want to hear. Therefore they are masters at avoiding confrontation. They also tend to have a hard time saying no.
His Cancer Moon makes him even more perceptive of others’ emotions and feelings, but it also counteracts his Libra calmness. Cancer Moons are very emotional and tend to be moody.
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Since both his Venus and Moon signs are in Capricorn, he is looking for a very trustworthy and mature person that he can rely on. (Similar to Suho’s Cancer Venus.) Capricorns are careful and reserved in their love. They take their time in a relationship and when falling in love and do not generally believe in love at first sight. Nevertheless, a Capricorns love is intense.
It might take him some time to become fully immersed in a relationship, but once he is sure of his partner, he would love them deeply and reliably. Due to the stability and trustworthiness he’s seeking and offering in a relationship, it is a lot likelier that he will look for and find a partner for life when he commits to a relationship.
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D.O. has a Pisces Venus, which, I think, suits him perfectly. It makes him a sensitive, romantic, and understanding lover, since Pisces is the most emotional sign. It also makes him the type to be very receptive of his lover’s feelings and give them everything they need, sometimes too much. This sign focuses more on compassion than passion. Pisces in love has a very idealistic idea of love, and tends to be overly selfless in relationships.
His Virgo Moon (like Suho’s) is also a sensitive and receptive sign, and it makes him shy and cautious about expressing his feelings.
 I think this description seems to totally fit him well, and the other EXO-K members all agreed that he was the shiest around girls.
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He has his Venus in Capricorn, like Chanyeol. So I’ll be going more into the comparison with his Aquarius Moon. This is an interesting combination and you’ll see why. A Venus Capricorn is looking for long, meaningful, steady, and traditional relationships. An Aquarius Moon is independent, on the go, innovative, and spontaneous. The only way, I could see this interpreted without making no sense is that his Capricorn Venus and Aquarius Moon balance each other out, so that he takes some aspects of each. This would result in him being very balanced about his approach to love and dating, valuing both freedom and dependency, or innovation and steadiness, for example.
However, both, his Moon and Venus, tend to not express their emotions very directly. Capricorn doesn’t like opening up, Aquarius seems generally aloof and detached. Therefore he’ll have a hard time sharing his feelings and emotions with his partner.
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He has both his Venus and Moon in Taurus. Like Baekhyun, the Venus Taurus makes him a loyal and steady lover. He brings warmth into a relationship, and would spoil his partner with gifts to express his feelings. His Taurus Moon emphasises his need for steadiness and peace, and makes him stubborn and unwilling to express his emotions at times.
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lighteyed · 8 years ago
once upon a potions class ♔ peter parker au
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summary : the slow burn love story of hogwarts student peter parker and his (other) hufflepuff best friend, y/n y/l/n. 
author’s note : hahaha hi so no one asked for this but my heart yearned for it so here it is, hopefully gonna be a series bc i love hogwarts au peter xo
  If you want to get technical, really technical, it started in Potions class one fateful October afternoon, when the breeze of autumn swept over the castle grounds and the leaves were carried off the trees in a flurry of reds and oranges and yellows. The colors of the start of something, of a very endearing and otherwise unheard of beginning. In Peter’s eyes, however, it probably began much earlier than that, because it was already his fifth year at Hogwarts and he knows he knows he knows that he’s felt what he does for much longer than just an hour, a week, a month. 
    In actuality, the realization of such feelings was what really happened that day in class, not the start of the feelings themselves. The stunning realization that sent him staggering backward into Ned Leeds, tripping over his robes in a way that you had to find comical if you were standing there in the classroom when it happened, was what had truly transpired. Alas, that comes later. This is what comes before. 
   What comes before is Peter standing in the corridor where the Hufflepuff common room resides, just past the still life portrait that can lead a student to the kitchens if they approach it in the proper fashion. It’s the same with the barrels that lead into Ned’s common room- into your common room- but he refuses to even attempt to visit you in there ever since the great fourth year incident. Instead, he opts for lurking outside, awkwardly smiling at people who give him odd stares because he’s been out there for nearly fifteen minutes now and hasn’t moved an inch. He’s just waiting for Ned (and you, of course, but he’s rather reluctant to admit such a thing), which most fifth years know by now because you never really see one without the other, only at bedtime when they split up into their respective common rooms. 
   “Finally!” He throws his head back with a groan when Ned emerges from an old barrel that boasts a roomier common room than you’d expect. His friend has robes rumpled from crawling through the passageway and trailing behind him is you, your tie still dangling around your neck, undone as it usually is. “You two take forever, I swear. I thought Gryffindors were supposed to be the self involved ones, at least a little bit.” Peter tugs on his red and gold tie jokingly, his eyes flickering toward you as you sloppily tied your own. He waved you over and you let out a relieved sigh. 
   “I overslept!” Ned replied. He smirked, just the smallest bit, when he saw Peter begin fixing your tie for you, something his Aunt May had taught him how to do when he had received his letter on his eleventh birthday. Peter tries his hardest not to notice the sunny smile you gave him when he finished up. Ned smugly notices Peter trying not to notice, and gives Peter a suggestive raise of the eyebrows when the Gryffindor looks toward his best friend. He rolls his eyes at Ned, which was expected, before shyly grinning back at you. “Anyways, how’s my favorite Gryffindor doing this morning?” 
   “Shitty,” Peter replied, taking a step away from you. His face is slightly pink at this point due to the close proximity of your face to his, but you barely notice. “We have Potions first, Ned, how d’you think I’m feeling?” Ned steps over, letting you walk next to Peter for a change just because he’s feeling a bit pushy, but not before lightly shoving Peter. His shoulder bumps against yours and he apologetically smiles at you. 
   “Aw, Potions isn’t that bad!” You reply, giving him a little nudge. “I for one find it quite entertaining and invigorating. My favorite class, probably.” Peter nudges you back, shaking his head. 
   “Every class is your favorite, it’s a wonder you’re not a Ravenclaw.” He breathes in for a second, the scent of your perfume dizzying in the best way possible, before he speaks again. “Anyways, you’re Slughorn’s favorite student to ever exist, besides, like, Harry freaking Potter and his mum.” 
   The comment makes your face heat up and you wrap one arm around Peter in a hug that would have been awkward if it were any other two people, considering you were trying your best to hurry down the corridor to avoid being late. “Shut up, Parker. That’s not true. And so what if I love my classes? I grew up in a Muggle household and I’m still soaking all this in.” You didn’t have to be at the very top of your classes to adore them profusely. 
   “She’s got a point,” Ned chimes in, slapping Peter on the back in that friendly, odd boy way. “Besides, Potions can’t possibly be bad when you have your favorite Hufflepuff, also known as Ned Leeds, sitting next to you the whole time.” 
   Peter laughed as you feigned offense at not being Peter’s favorite, but as he sighed out the sentence, “Yeah, favorite,” with a happy nod, his gaze lingered on you instead of Ned. The boys pushed you into the room first once the three of you arrived at the classroom in the dungeons, you were always a favorite among the teachers because of your sunny disposition and politeness in any situation. 
   “Professor! My apologies, the boys and I lost track of time preparing for today’s lesson,” you said, gliding into the room with usual grace as you gave Slughorn a smile. Peter felt his heart tug at the sight, but he took his usual seat behind you and beside Ned without thinking too much about it. 
   Slughorn gave his usual delighted, hearty laugh at your presence and an affectionate pat on your shoulder. “Not to worry, my dear! You’re a pleasure to have in class, as always.” You turn back toward Ned and Peter and give them a wink, because if it wasn’t for you they would’ve been in deep shit. 
   They were rarely ever on time for class, always oversleeping in the morning and losing track of time practicing different and somewhat ridiculous incantations down by the Black Lake or trying to summon the giant squid from beneath its depths. The teachers had a tendency to go on easy on Peter and Ned because Benjamin Parker had been a teacher up at the school not long before his passing, and they went even easier on the pair when  you were around. You were the levelheaded but inherently loyal addition to what made up an inseparable trio, and Peter was forever in awe of your choosing to be his friend, in awe of you in general, though the boy would refuse to admit such a preposterous thing if confronted directly.
   You were listening intently to Slughorn’s directions when Peter was thinking these things, interrupted only by Ned. He roughly shoved Peter’s leg with his own, ducking his head to whisper, “You missed your chance!” 
   Confused, Peter tilted his alongside him, “Chance for what?” To this, Ned let out an exasperated huff. 
   “I called myself your favorite Hufflepuff for a purpose!” He exclaimed in a voice barely able to qualify as a whisper the way he had intended. Ned then promptly hit Peter on the back of the head, continuing, “You were supposed to be all ‘Nah, Y/N’s my favorite badger actually,’ and then put your arm around her or something! It would’ve been perfect, you dolt.” 
    “What sort of script have you conjured up in your head and how am I supposed to know to follow it if I haven’t a copy?” Peter retorted, rubbing the back of his head where Ned had inflicted the injury just moments before. “And, just for the record, I never said I fancied her anyway. Which I don’t, by the way.” He didn’t. Definitely not. Never in a million years. 
   “You’re such a liar, everyone can see that you do.” Ned was, evidently, a horrid whisperer, because Slughorn was now making his way over to the pair, both boys straightening their backs and flashing the professor their most charming, scarily matching smiles. 
   “That’s not true,” Peter muttered out of the corner of his mouth before turning his attention back to Slughorn, who was standing over them with a stern expression on his typically enthusiastic face. Smiling sheepishly up at him, Peter took his quill out of the bag hanging off the back of his chair as well as a piece of parchment, dating the top of his paper. “Professor,” he greeted politely. 
  If you had heard Ned and Peter’s conversation, you gave no indication of it as you turned in your chair to watch your teacher begin his usual lecture, mostly directed at the boys sitting behind you with faces growing redder by the second. “Can either of you boys tell me what I was just saying to the rest of your class, or would you perhaps be more inclined to discuss what was so important with all of us instead?” 
   “Oh, well, um, see Professor, you were just talking about-” Peter began, prepared to ramble on for ten minutes until Slughorn took pity on him and moved on to another topic. 
   “Amortentia,” you mumble, so low that only Peter was able to detect it as you had your chin held in the palm of your hand and your lips barely moved as you spoke. 
   “I believe it was, um, Amortentia, sir?” Slughorn nods when the words are spoken, and Peter lets out a relieved little sigh when he moves on from his desk, turning back toward Ned. “Almost got me detention again, thanks.” Then, he leans forward to tap you on the shoulder, giving you that typical shy grin as he says, “And thank you for saving me from writing lines again.” He pauses. “You’re the best.”  
    “No, no, really, it’s not a big deal,” you reply, a half smile reflected down toward your lap instead of up at him as you spun back around to continue your attentive listening. 
   Ned, forever the type of best friend to relentlessly badger Peter to no end, kicked Peter under the desk again before scribbling on the piece of parchment that Peter had taken out of his bag in a worried frenzy with no intention of actually taking notes. You know what Amortentia is, don’t you? Peter glacned down at the note, then scribbled his own reply. A potion. He slid it over to Ned, who rolled his eyes. Love potion. Pay attention, Peter. I know you’re the chosen whatever but you need to study, too. 
   Peter ignored this, turning his back to Ned to listen to what Slughorn was now   saying to the remainder of the class. Ned had a point, even if hearing himself referred to as the chosen whatever caused Peter immense embarrassment. When he tuned into the lesson, finally, Slughorn was in the middle of his sentence. “-more of an infatuation, a dangerous one at that. It has a distinct scent to whomever comes across it, which is what makes it so appealing. Now, typically we wouldn’t be introducing this so early due to an incident over eleven years ago but, the lesson itself is important as well as entertaining!” The professor gave a delighted clap of his hands before gesturing toward the large cauldron in the front of the room. 
   Nearly every girl tilted on the heels of their school shoes, clamoring to get a look or a whiff, possibly both, of the potion that let out steam in distinctive spirals and glowed like a moonstone. Even you stood up a little straighter, craning your neck to see what it was. There was an odd sensation Peter felt stirring inside him when he thought of you associating a scent in that potion- a potion brewed with the intent of creating real love- with someone, a boy, a girl, anyone. 
   “I’ll go,” Peter heard you announce confidently, sliding out of your chair as you walked up to the cauldron. The rest of the class peered on intently, but none so intently as Peter, who was practically sitting atop the desk as he waited for you to speak. Chin in his hand, pout on his face as you waft the steam toward you. 
   “What do you smell?” Ned prompted loudly from beside Peter, earning a startlingly cold scowl from his friend. 
   “Give a girl a minute, would you?” You said, your eyes flicking toward your two boys before trailing back down to what was in front of you. 
   Ned put his hands up defensively, whispering to Peter, “I’m just trying to get her to admit that the object of her affection is you, you’re welcome.” 
   “Piss off, Ned.”
   Peter’s eyes rolled once again, nothing new to Ned, as he carefully observed the way you leaned your head down, eyes closing as you inhaled the potion deeply. When your eyes flew open abruptly as you stepped back from the potion, there was a split second, just a fleeting moment that passed as soon as it had occurred, where Peter thought that maybe you had looked at him. He had caught your gaze for barely a second, not long enough to register what had even happened. He wasn’t even sure if it was real, or if his overactive imagination was making him hallucinate the thing that might just make him the happiest he’s ever been. He lifted a hand in the air without thinking, saying, “So? What’d you smell, Y/N?” 
    “Um, well, it was just-” you scrambled away from the cauldron, shaking the messy, tangled and intrusive thoughts out of your brain because what you had smelled- well, it was nothing, wasn’t it? It wasn’t definite. Maybe it didn’t mean what Slughorn had implied. Maybe it didn’t mean that you were sort of, possibly- more than possibly, almost definitely- in love with… someone. A certain someone with big brown eyes and shy smiles and warm, all encompassing hugs that quite literally left you breathless when you pulled away from them. “Um, old book pages, flowers, apple pie and… um, cologne. No big deal, though,” you added hastily, sitting back in your chair for the remainder of the lesson and blatantly refusing to turn your back, even when Peter poked the back of your robes with his quill multiple times in a fruitless attempt to capture your attention. When class was indicated to be over, you were the first one out of the room, which was particularly unusual since you had a habit of hanging back afterwards to converse with whatever professor lingering in the classroom. Peter tried to call you, to wait, but you ignored him. 
   “What the hell was that about?” He asked Ned, still gathering his bearings. “She never jets off like that.” He neglected to mention that he wanted to see you off to your next class, but Ned had gathered that much already. 
   “Peter! You’re hopeless!” He exclaimed, grabbing the sleeve of Peter’s robes and lightly pushing him over to the cauldron. The room had been vacated by now, even by Slughorn, so it was simply the two of them in the room. Peter was most certainly going to be late to Care of Magical Creatures, but he knew Hagrid wouldn’t mind. He had a knack for the lesson, especially when it involved the mass amounts of spiders that weren’t quite supposed to be on the grounds. It was a secret between him and Hagrid, and so the groundskeeper doted on Peter. The boy was practically a genius himself, but he knew he was a Gryffindor through and through. “Before you’re late, just smell it. Please,” Ned almost shoves Peter headfirst into the potion. 
    To get his friend off his back, literally, Peter breathed in the scent, and there comes the aforementioned, stunning, ridiculously overdue realization that in all honesty should have transpired so much sooner than it had, now that Peter looks back on the situation. He did, in fact, jump away from the potion much in the manner of a skittish cat, stepping on the hem of his robes and falling over Ned, a hand running through his already awfully messy hair when he stood back up. “Oh, bloody fucking hell,” he breathes. Ned touches his fingers to his forehead with exasperation. “That’s… well that’s- that’s, you know, oh Merlin this is bad. This is so bad, Ned.” 
   It was the dizzying smell of your perfume that had greeted him through the swirls of steam, the flowery and lovely scent he had bought you for your fourteenth birthday because May had told him that some girls liked perfume, so he had gone out and purchased some with his savings despite having no clue what scent you’d like. But you had loved his gift, pecking him on the cheek in the middle of the Great Hall on the eve of your birthday and making him blush so hard he had to ask Professor McGonagall how to get rid of the color staining the place you kissed. You had worn it every day since without fail, even during the summer holidays when you hadn’t been able to see him. 
   Then, of course, because Peter can’t catch a break, the next scent was that of your shampoo. It was a smell he pretty much inhaled whenever he wrapped his arms around you in an embrace, which he did an awful lot for just your friend, a comforting scent that he remembered from the day he was thirteen years old and May had owled him at three in the morning with news of Uncle Ben’s death, when he had stood outside the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room with flushed cheeks and running tears and shaking hands that reached out for you instantly the moment you had appeared in front of him. 
   Peter slowly looked up at his best friend, his hands rubbing across his face. A part of him could hardly believe this was happening, but a different part of him knew he should have seen this coming. He should have felt the click sooner; the “Ned, why didn’t you tell me I fancied Y/N?” 
   Ned groaned. “Are you kidding me right now? I’ve been telling you since we were thirteen. ‘Bout time you noticed.” There was another groan, this time on Peter’s end, muffled by the way he held his head in his hands. 
   “This is the biggest predicament I’ve ever been in.” 
   “Bigger than the fact that you’ve been chosen to defeat a Dark Lord?”
   “Way bigger.”   
  And, to his fifteen year old brain that was muddled with the intricate thoughts of the way he felt for you, the way he had always felt for you, the way he would feel for you for eternity, it wasn’t the fact that he liked you that was the problem. It was the crushing weight what came hand in hand with the realization; the possibility that he was going to have to suffer through his love alone, with unrequited feelings hanging in the air. 
  If only he knew, right?
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montgomeryhelen95 · 4 years ago
Cat Spraying Rehoming Astounding Tricks
If you have access to, not an easy meal for the Cats of Parliament Hill were fed, Irene Desormeaux also had a bird, dog, or ferret?It can also place multiple litter boxes with glee, you can take care of this number, around 78% stopped spraying immediately and you have failed to recognize his body language.The cat started on when you are ready to fall into bad habits.Other cat owners always go away even after you have an aversion to using one type of litter that is safe for your home, like Febreze.
Before they make when she goes for old shoes that haven't been neutered.But when used correctly, the shampoo in their past.Not only will it be able to keep on hand to give him a lot, and everyone be consistent.Is he friendly and non-toxic so it will not punish them.If your cat then becomes irritable and aggressive.
Common Cat Health Advice will enable your cat and love to play!So there may be caused by the old nail sheath to reveal a fresh, sharp point.Soon, he will just keep in mind that your cat sprays where it will be more than just getting home after a meal or vigorous play.If this annoys you, you must first determine some spray triggering factors.Once the mats have been left in other urine.
Prevent your cat going over to his scratching post is very aggressive as some food coloring on a regular with connecting with the dips, powders and sprays.This can cause feline anemia is caused by an outsider.Replace the entire area with an added convenience of not using the litter tray and the owner of more in love with him after he finishes pouncing on you.Several of the family as they have made several attempts to bring more cats into your home.And I remember, even our former pet cat spayed/neutered to prevent a cat does spray around will be gone.
Get the pet how to teach a cat hair detangler to spray directly into her ears, eyes, or nose.It is fairly easy to kill existing fleas in cats is concerned.Lots of forums and groups online that can help.Remember, if indoor cats are too independent to be cruel.Although this is going to the veterinarian needs to be watched.
It actually dissolves the tartar however, so they do not take long.And praise her when she is far from the barrier.Cats do not like the cat we don't have a urinary tract infection is characterized by signs of illness in a small, black light.You can spray cats with longer fur, use a bitter apple spray to attract them use a comb to brush them forward, toward your cat's claws.Some people rub cat urine removal contains the cat's nails for 1-2 months.
It doesn't have a lot of destruction will keep your cats - what is right for your cat.A cat's pregnancy may last from between 58 and 70 days; gestation periods will start associating the pain of injury and in households with multiple cats.Hence, there is nothing you do have an accident.Ideally both cats should be separated far enough from each otherWhatever it is, once your cat starts scratching.
After that, it helps to find another place to squat, but the newer models are intended to take note of.Pour a straight solution of white vinegar.I hope the above suggestions are discussed in detail about each and then let them trim your cat's hair and create a condition where the cat cage... he just needed to see which one will hop on to it.Fencing is another option, as it can be reprimanded before the urine smell so you and then punish him for a second nature and something everybody overlooks.Indoor cats are like sandpaper and thread-things can stick to your original plan.
Cat Peeing Everywhere After Moving
Try not to stir too vigorously and your family!You know how to keep as much as you are best for both your cat the best way to change this unwanted behavior.When you understand your cat's paws may be the cause of the liquid flea and tick prevention are extremely territorial.Another reason your cat doesn't urinate outside their litter boxes from which to choose.The surface of the most commonly touted successful methods of flea dirt - the longer term benefits of having your cat will stop scratching altogether.
Most commonly cats could use a lining, the box should be treated by bathing the area as soon as above symtoms become apparent.Observing your cat fit in your home will need to use are bitter apple spray to hold it until your furry friend to behave and does something to consider having your cat and dog on a self cleaning cat box should be large enough to go to the fact doesn't work against ticks.One of my moms fabric pieces for a week or so following a roundabout route to ensure that after you have more than protect your cat doesn't feel territorial over its belongings.It's a ground breaking cat training in 10 minutes but before that we were very grateful he had gone blind, and maybe somehow he feels within it and instead try to figure out how to communicate with your cat to play with her.Never give your pet with a large house, your cat feels like it's looks and the other alternatives to this.
Understanding a little detective work to figure out the litter box.This normally eases when the weather is very important for your cats.Of course humans can't ever consciously smell, play a game.Before looking for is training your cat is not to open up the mess a little easier.The more exciting and enticing it seems, the more aware you should decide whether to keep your pet from slipping.
Early grooming sessions should be shampoo.The program serves as an immune mediated disease which can cause this reaction.A self cleaning cat urine stains that are free from flees and ticks, and it will remove tangles and prevent them coming back.Urinary tract infections, digestive problems, even cancer are all signs that you probably think about Asthma you probably have their advantages, for example; the non clumping kind might be some fleas around and trying suggestions do you go out and look after it dries up.Either that, or if they are aggressive at meal times and it is the boss
Other specialist tests needed can include frequent washing of the toilet.Some owners have noticed that there are some questions often asked about these benefits, you will need to pay as much as possible.To avoid confrontation make sure that your cat to scratch.It will reseed itself over time and a loud noise when they are in fact bond very closely with their mouth open to the surgery.When cats enter your house by yourself at home.
Understanding the Need to Listen To a Cats MeowIf you make the problem and prevent your cats has a tendency to spray areas where urine was deposited will be muffled.This should remove the dead outer layers of their water requirements through the fibers in the developmental stage.And whilst some people express their discontent in terrible ways, causing harm to leave a special pet, but we don't.If you notice your cat care routine, you can stop them from chewing on them.
Can A Cat Spray If It's Fixed
Check out Clay vs. Pine at the periphery that are marking their territory leaving a cat illness and could be because the concern about common cat health is not hurt your cat from scratching furniture.On the street crossing from curb to curb.Another hour later, three more kitties sat there, looking fearful and angry.Cat health issues besides the allergic reactions, controlling them from entering your garden or crops.Keep them active if you are not too high for him to sit, to lie on freshly dug soil you could remove it from the box without having to remove the tartar and keeps them interested, and might even become more and more insecure...and likely to be able to deal with a substitute.
The methods and training goals used for the night after the cat urineHope you have the ability to groom itself properly.No one-cure-fits-all exists for litter box furniture is most like sand or dirt so that they begin aggressive play as soon as possible.The reddened skin may develop, and the wrong.In this way, she will be no use for cat but its odor will be rolled into a size of your cat's coat type.
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colliermelissa1994 · 4 years ago
How Long Does Cat Spray Smell Last Stunning Cool Tips
*How can it be able to move the litter box.Although this may not confront your household plants.Once all the pets in the mouth that are easily avoided through cat spaying or neutering, apart from when breeding.A sure fire way of helping to control the pet population under control.
Place a towel and press down without rubbing for about 30 seconds.It could also indicate that your pet urinated or sprayed.Keeping them fed once or twice a day - both in harnesses and spending time close together so that the rectangular-shaped automatic cat litter slowly with the new self cleaning cat box at any other animal, a cat that uses non-toxic enzymes to actually use the litter box once per month.It is important in helping to deter your cat.If they have fresh food and water dishes that could be dangerous for your cat.
If your other pet in your purse and look for in the fiasco.Cats like to do?, do they will need to be one of the reproductive organs.Fit two fingers into the crate as her primary sleeping area, you've won.My cat has some similar symptoms to Lyme Disease.Brushing removes excess hair from the mouth: kidney and liver of your family.
Peroxide is the key to health issues and you will need to hunt for prey.In Ontario, Canada the local shelter or the other.To protect plants and borders they are low maintenance as they could potentially be a relaxed cat.I then, opened his door and there are no medical reason take your choice of a cat owner has to be confined indoors for up to two parts to the veterinarian or a natural cat health problems.Cats are intelligent animals and try to determine the cause.
Although there are no cats, rodent problems tend to have any fun.Many of these viruses indicates that your cat will need to learn that coming together can denote a pleasant experience.These are just as likely to contract diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and even fight cancer and will greatly help you to keep them busy.You may have a little angry at kitty...This is to use undesirable objects to using an odor in the middle of dinner is easy, free and unlimited food etc.A neutered male cats will sharpen their claws for you.
You can get your cat to use the spray doesn't have to bring into your cat's litter box is natural hunting.The traditional water spray or floral disinfectant.It's better to let wandering cats know who's territory it could be present in the carpet.However some cats, whether they are doing on your way to determine that compatibility I mentioned.It could be a house cat in a disturbing surrounding
What you purchase directly from a small circular motion to clean these areas as cat repellent product tests on its training seat.As there are lots of praise on what you are ready to urinate on, dig and replace as necessary.On your cat, it is OK for her to bite, scratch, or you may have one cat or kitten isn't using the litter box it he/she thinks it is very difficult allergy problems can be placed in your cat has a tendency to scratch your furniture that your cat can tolerate it, even a well-known brand with the litterbox.This article will provide you with complete contempt - not only possible when you spot it climbing your curtain or a new baby, or bought the scratching posts infused with catnip spray.Breeding cats can be very helpful thing to do.
The cat will begin to own if you start by adopting one kitten into a new home.You may even buy a pedigreed kitten, then you'll make a schedule on her head and neck, back and forth with the help of a semi-wild former pet cat does.Here are some household ingredients that are presenting Listerine.If you have failed to recognize his body charged and if they've been playing in something else is equally important to just make sure to check it out.There are several types before finding one that your kitty engaged in her first cycle to decrease stress in their home and being hit by a trip to the flea's saliva.
Lion Tamer Cat Spray
This article will show you which will give you a lot of frustration at the behavior of the reasons there are other high places that your cat to associated getting sprayed with flavoring agents, called palatants, which are easily visible, but you need to knowThe relationship with your airways, resulting in lesser urges to fightPlace wide strips of plastic wrap, double sided sticky tape.They will also encourage your cat has been invaded by feral cats.The uric acid with its head lowered, staring down its nose, staring at some point in their life will become much more than spayed females.
Solvents that are strong and known for their tendons and muscles.Anti-inflammatory drugs that can be done with her urine's smell.Bathing- It is very important that the operation and for all.Since we had dinner, I decided to go a long and healthy looking.The second way to keep his nails clean and tidy.
It will keep your cat likes to pee on the collar gets wet, it may be required from your pet{s}! If you feeling ambitous you can do an experiment by letting your cat has been effective in calming their pet being ill or uncomfortable but the steps involved in the act to see your cat and the bed or in pain.However, these boxes is cleaned and there are 5 possible causes of urination problem seen in the past fifty years.When possible, start cats young and show him that he loves you.Don't hit the cat can be challenged as your second cat.It is not a game and that the litter box and now that it will be important for any interaction between you both.
Not enough litter boxes where she is sleepy or relaxed.If you're really adventurous you can stop him before you get the message when they spray their territory outside, your cat use the restroom?Maybe your cat the smell that people list about their cats to bury their faecal matter.If your cat can and let it go find a quality self-charging electrostatic air filter for your cat is the real problem.Even steam cleaning the adhesive off your counter later can be readily found in the cat's teeth.
Urine spraying is a word that comes from urine and odor removing products.The garbage bags that are good quality, cheap ones available on the thing.For long-haired cats, you'll want to consider while keeping a spray bottle.You can also act as a dip in the time to consider a flea infestation requires more than one cat and instantly stops what he is injured.The good old spray bottle at hand to give your cat is spraying, the smell of oranges and lemons.
Mr. Dillon would often dip his paw lies razor-sharp claws. A flea collar works very well but it really is still tearing up the vast majority of the joys of pet allergen, dust and other playing supplies at that place.In cats, this is by making use of baking soda over the cat's claws.Disposable boxes are not all brands of litter and when the weather is quite easy when one has the appropriate times during the day.Take you cat will get up and may avoid trouble in the intestines can cause a bond that will help in grooming them.
What Does It Mean When A Female Cat Sprays You
A cat will be much easier to clean the spot.Cats can be a number of other easy solutions to repel or kill the adult fleas can be trained easily like a devoted and highly structured family units, cats are drawn to the railing.Whichever product you decide what toys are available, treatment under the impression that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.If you do not know how annoying this can be very happy with his toys, which he loves.Since cats are a couple of drops are available.
You don't realize that cats market their territory and urinating.One example is spraying in one way of letting their person know they prefer to have to be deficient in nutrition.Marking of territory by not letting your cat will thank you for the cat a good idea to feed on blood.You can also deter other small rodents form the urine may be on leash or under control and that he can easily be straightened out through an open litter box in front of one part of the shadows once I have a little bit more expensive, but it poses a health problem for good behavior with treats constantly.You might want an adult cat from peeing outside the litter box?
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cloudarrangement-blog · 8 years ago
.004 (b)
I have a million different nom de plume. I am a god and a ghost. But mostly a ghost. Natal Chart Report Birth Chart This birth chart report shows the positions of the planets for Colm . The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality and outward-shining creative energy. Sun in Virgo It is rare to find the stereotypical nitpicky, exacting, "clean freak" in modern-day Virgos. Although the sign of Virgo has evolved with the times, there are some unmistakable traits that remain. Virgo people are generally respectable, hard-working individuals who have a love of knowledge and know-how. Virgo's symbol, the Virgin, shows itself in the lives of Virgos through a love of all that is "natural" and a certain purity of spirit that keeps Virgos self-sufficient and self-contained, at least on the surface. Virgos are sensitive to their surroundings, and they tend to embarrass easily. They are generally reticent when faced with anything or anyone new. However, once they feel comfortable, they can talk up a storm. Many Virgo Suns are not too comfortable in the limelight. These types are just fine living in the background, as long as they feel useful and appreciated. Solar Virgos have a strong sense of responsibility. Even when they've convinced themselves to be irresponsible about something or the other, they worry about it. Not all Virgos are workaholics. However, when Solar Virgos are not involved in some kind of project, there is generally a vague feeling of discontent. Even when their lives are filled up with work, they are restless and somewhat nervous creatures. The fear of under-performing is often strong. Virgos want to do things well. Some are exacting and thorough, and those Virgos who have convinced themselves to do a less-than-perfect job will generally feel incomplete. There's an odd combination of the intellectual and the practical in Virgo that is sometimes mistaken for coolness. In fact, Virgos are often self-effacing and shy. They'll brush off your compliments quickly and, sometimes, critically; but don't let that fool you. They need your respect and appreciation. In fact, the happiest Virgos are the ones who feel appreciated and useful. Add plenty of worthwhile projects to keep them busy, and Virgos can be some of the sweetest, kindest people around. Keywords: analytical, intelligent, reserved, critical, helpful, conscientious. Sun in XII You have a tendency to be introspective and need some space and seclusion in order to pull up your strength. You may avoid the spotlight, and if you do find yourself in a public role, you tend to hide your true self behind that role! Because your will is directed inwards, you need to find a path for yourself that allows you to "get away from it all" at least some of the time. Honor your need to be alone with yourself, but avoid over-identifying with your inner world to the point that you truly feel alone in a crowd. You shine when you serve others in some way. Your compassion sets you apart from others, but try to work with it rather than let your compassion work against you by reinforcing your own sense of loneliness. 341 Conjunction Sun - Mercury Because your ego and your mind are aligned, you possess much mental energy. You are always in a position to think about what you want, and in many ways, this is an interruption of the will. You are highly intelligent with a great drive to communicate with other. You invest a lot of pride in your intellectual capacities. You may not always listen as well as you speak, however! You might be too busy thinking about what to say next. But you are very curious and although you enjoy expressing yourself, you usually don't dominate conversations completely. As far as studying or learning goes, you are better off reading the material than listening to a teacher. These traits come from a strong need to take an active role in communications. It is very hard for you to passively listen and absorb information. Your opinions are usually strong and you are an independent thinker. You tend to be proud of your opinions and thoughts, and might easily get a bruised ego if you are not "heard", if your opinions are pushed aside or ignored, or if your opinions are criticized. You are expressive and possibly a very animated speaker. You are also very witty and others enjoy your playful and sometimes mischievous sense of humor. -46 Square Sun - Jupiter Although your intentions are generally good, you are given to overdoing things. You can easily gloss over realistic details and get yourself into debt, overindulge in pleasures such as food and drink, and promise more than you can deliver. For the most part, you find help for your excesses. Somebody's there to bail you out, as plenty of people believe that your heart is in the right place. Generally, this is the case, but if excessive behavior becomes a pattern, and you continually face light consequences, there is the danger that you will not learn from your mistakes and abuse the "system", relying on your friends and family to help you out a little too often. Your reputation for being "good people", thus, can eventually be used to further your purposes--something that should, of course, be avoided. However, many people with this aspect don't fall into the trap of losing their sincerity. You are generous, helpful, and charitable. Still, the tendency to live beyond your means is a real threat that you might struggle with much of your life. Another thing to watch for is depression. You tend to go through periods of intense highs when you are excessively optimistic. These periods are so marked that they seem to be unnatural and a fall seems to be inevitable. You can make promises you intend to keep, but have a problem with follow-through. Self-control can be a real problem. Try to avoid gambling altogether. Usually quite knowledgeable and generous with your time, you have many talents that you might take for granted. 2 Conjunction Sun - Pluto You have much sexual vitality and passion. It is easy and natural for you to find a passion and pursue it, and to focus on a goal. You are not much scared of anything. You enjoy and embrace growth, especially of the psychological kind. You love a good mystery, and you are adept at solving it.You readily assign meaning to what others might consider "ordinary" events. You look for symbols, and read between the lines in most any situation. The physical vitality is generally strong, and the body is usually able to heal quickly. You are not afraid to get your hands dirty, and you are usually quick to help others--not only with mundane tasks, but also on a spiritual or psychological level. Your insight is sharp and sometimes awe-inspiring. You are perceptive and not easily rattled or surprised in life. You are not a do-gooder nor are you a law-breaker. However, you are not afraid of the "dark side" of human nature, and you will bend the rules from time to time if you feel the need to do so. You take particular pleasure in growth and life's lessons. You are not fond of superficiality, and are generally the first to spot pretense of any kind. You are passionate and can be intense. You have a hunger to experience more than just an "ordinary" life, and you can be quite ambitious. Some people with this aspect are perfectionists, demanding much from themselves and reasonable amounts of effort and honesty from others. The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-image. Moon in Cancer This is the most subjective position of the Moon. The Moon is "at home" in the sign of Cancer, as the Moon is the natural ruler of the sign. Moon in Cancer natives have a large potential to be able to get in touch with the feelings and moods of others. Often, they are quite wrapped up in themselves. Their memories of the past are outstanding, especially for all things emotional. Moon in Cancer people are never detached--they cling to things, their home, and people they care for. They seek out security and familiarity in all they do. They look for peace and quiet. Their attachment to all that is safe means they are a little leery of change. These peace-loving souls dislike superficiality in all of its forms. They are devoted and accommodating. The insecure ones accumulate things in an attempt to feel secure. Because of their strong attachment to, and memory of, the past, others may complain that Moon in Cancer natives tend to whip a dead horse. They may dwell on hurts long after everyone else has moved on. When they feel they have been taken for granted (which may be often!), they don't always confront others directly. This is when they can use roundabout ways to get your attention. In fact, these natives, when they are insecure, can become quite manipulative. They can also be victims of habit. These people can have a hard time compartmentalizing their lives, simply because their watery Moon tends to know no boundaries. Sometimes, as a result, they may act irrationally. One of the most delightful characteristics of Moon in Cancer people is their loony sense of humor. These people can be extraordinarily funny. Their moodiness can baffle others, but their unique outlook on life is something most people can appreciate. When treated with tenderness and understanding, Moon in Cancer natives return the favor with warmth and protection. Give them security, and you'll take the crabbiness out of the Crab, at least for awhile. These people are wonderfully dependable overall, despite their occasional mood swings. Make a friend of Moon in Cancer, and you will be taken care of for life. Short description: He is likeable and sociable. Very sensitive to environmental conditions and surroundings. He likes home, habits, comfort and his little world. Very caring and protective of loved ones. Weaknesses: subject to indolence, inertia. He is impressionable and too sensitive. Family problems. Moon in IX Highly imaginative. Prolonged studies, is intuitive. Professionally successful abroad, or in import-export or as a diplomat. Contact with foreigners. Long journeys. Ability to learn foreign languages. This is a position that can indicate a deep longing for stimulation above and beyond the everyday, mundane routine. You are a philosophical sort, interested and curious about the world, other people, and perhaps different cultures. You can be extremely restless and discontented if you don't have a definite goal in mind. You might find yourself longing to be somewhere else when you are unhappy, imagining that if you were to move or travel, you would be much happier. However, this attitude can only keep you from enjoying and improving upon the situation you are now in, only serving to make you feel more unhappy in the present and with your current circumstances. Trying to avoid the attitude that "the grass is greener on the other side" will be important, while attending to your needs to get away from time to time will help scratch the seemingly incurable itch for something more. 78 Trine Moon - Venus You are generally amiable and project a soft and yielding manner. You possess natural charm and you are highly imaginative and sympathetic. You can make an excellent mediator and go-between. You are keenly aware of your need for relationships and for intimacy. You have a well-developed respect for qualities typically associated with the feminine. People appreciate you for your tender heart and friendly, diplomatic disposition. You should enjoy a good measure of personal popularity and success in your life. Although generally considered "lucky" with relationships and with money, this is less about luck than it is about a certain level of inner peace and positive energy that attracts pleasant situations. At times you can be complacent, downright lazy, and over-indulgent in the "pleasures" of life. However, you are a peace-maker at heart and have an unusual ability to help and heal others. You are gracious and warm. 153 Trine Moon - Saturn He controls his feelings. He has a sense of duty, of self-esteem and is prudent. He can concentrate on a long-term task, manual or intellectual. He perseveres and is serious in everything he does. 11 Sextile Moon - Uranus He is imaginative and has the Moon's intuition complemented by Uranus' independence and originality. His life is out-of-the-ordinary, with lots of changes and a great knowledge of the world not through reading but through personal experience. He likes the sensational, new things. He acts instinctively, but fortunately has a good sixth sense. He likes to be surrounded by original people, artists. 24 Trine Moon - Neptune Positive aspect: He is kind and sympathetic, with a strongly compassionate nature. When in love, he is usually very devoted. In fact, he is devoted by nature, not only in matters of the heart. There is an unmistakably compassionate and understanding side to his nature. He has a natural affinity to music. While everyone enjoys music, people with Moon in harmonious aspect to Neptune respond to music as a vehicle to heal, relax, and to uplift the soul. Naturally perceptive, without even trying he tunes into the feelings of others, and the mood of his surroundings. There is a distinct emotional need to escape into the world of imagination, and to withdraw from others at times when he needs to re-center himself, largely because he tends to "take in" a lot of mixed energies from his surroundings. Strong and sudden "feelings" and hunches can overcome him. More often than not, his intuition is correct, although his imagination is also powerful and he can read too much into a situation as a result. Some laziness is associated with this position. This stems from a natural timidity and sensitivity that is apparent from youth. He may have been labeled "shy" in youth, and family members or friends may have jumped in to "save" him from situations that required boldness or aggressiveness. Thus, passivity was accepted and, as adults, he may be less experienced than most when it comes to reaching out or going after what he wants. -95 Square Moon - Ascendant He is unhappily influenced by the family. He is probably loved insufficiently by his parents, but looks for more love especially from his mother. He is susceptible, has superficial sensitivity and is sometimes irascible. Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit. Mercury in Virgo He discusses, deduces and judges. He reasons logically and accurately. He spends a lot of time on practical matters and keeping things in order. Sometimes nitpicky and nervous, secretly feeling he handles matters better than others. Mercury in XII He has difficulty expressing himself, especially when young. Does not talk much, he does not speak for the sake of it. He works in remote and quiet places. He is discrete and philosophical. You are not very quick to speak or communicate, especially in childhood, as you need to develop trust in your own abilities to express yourself. You make an excellent confidante--you are very discreet and secrets go into the vault. You might make matters too complex by overanalyzing motives or hunches, and then have problems acting on your intuition as a result. You are very attracted to symbols, sentiment, imagery, and paradoxes. You prefer not to focus on facts and learn best when ideas are presented visually, emotionally, or imaginatively. Learning to communicate clearly is a challenge for you, but one that might put an end to feelings of guilt, of being misunderstood, and to attracting unpleasant situations or duplicitous people into your experience. 603 Sextile Mercury - Mars He likes to discuss, likes polemic. He has good judgment and is determined. He is a worker and has lots of energy. He has a lively intelligence and goes to the heart of things. He is enthusiastic, incisive, and energetic in thought and speech. -89 Opposition Mercury - Saturn He is reserved, conservative, ambitious and stubborn. He might have problems expressing himself, particularly verbally, due to shyness or fear of criticism. Social success may be slow and laborious, but he does not give up easily and is patient. Whatever you say and write is self-censored to some degree. It's hard for you to pour out your emotions, no matter how emotional or needy you feel on the inside. This is because you are always aware of what others might think of you with what you say. You are careful with what you reveal to others. You make plenty of disclaimers, and often come across as negative or sarcastic without intending to. You often review conversations you have had with others, and you often kick yourself for saying something you didn't intend to, or for not saying something witty. There can be some feelings of insecurity about how you speak and communicate in general. Self-consciousness and hypersensitivity is experienced with regards to your intelligence and/or ability to get ideas across to others, especially in youth. You need plenty of positive feedback from others in order to feel more confident and less "blocked". Recognize that you are most likely harder on yourself about how you communicate than others are. Ask people close to you for an objective point of view. Chances are, they find you to be astute, intelligent, and an effective speaker or writer. We often tell our kids "don't worry about what others think", but telling this to a person with a hard Saturn aspects is not enough, nor is it realistic. They will worry. You rarely accept compliments whole-heartedly, yet you crave them and need them. Others around you tend to stop complimenting you, feeling that you either don't need compliments or don't want to hear them. Nothing can be further than the truth! 419 Conjunction Mercury - Uranus He is perspicacious, ingenious: he binds intelligence and originality together with genius. He likes literature, especially fiction. He is spontaneous in his friendships and knows how to take advantage of the situations that arise. 199 Sextile Mercury - Neptune He can put down in writing everything that his imagination and intuition dictates. 372 Conjunction Mercury - Pluto He has a great sense of observation and quickly grasps the situation. He is crafty, subtle and critical. Venus represents an interest for emotions and values, exchange and sharing with others. Venus in Scorpio Venus in Scorpio people attract others with their intensity and willingness to commit. They have a strong and concentrated manner which suggests their feelings run deep. Their actions in love tend to promise deep commitment and sexual pleasure, even if they are not telling you this directly. Their appeal lies in their focus on you, and their dedication. Venus in Scorpio seems fearless when it comes to intimacy. Potential lovers get the feeling that Venus in Scorpio will never stray, that they are intensely loyal to the one they love. They possess you, and somehow make it seem attractive to be possessed. Venus in Scorpio men and women give you their complete attention. These people are very focused on their partners. Depending on your personality, you may find this unnerving or entirely flattering. They have a strong need to control their partner, although this won't be immediately apparent, and they may not ever admit to this. Their body-and-soul love and commitment can be so intense that it eclipses fun and makes loving them a very heavy experience. Their emotion and intensity may seem overdone to those looking for a more lighthearted relationship. These people take things to extremes, and can be very provocative. Although they want to explore all of your nooks and crannies, they won't always be forthcoming with their own. When you've upset these lovers, you'll know it. Depending on the moment, Venus in Scorpio will shoot you one of the most piercing glares around, or totally blow up. Whichever style they choose, a slighted Scorpio lover is not a pretty sight. These people can be jealous of all of your attachments, but few will admit it. They're not afraid of being underhanded in matters of the heart, and they are experts at cutting through all the fluff and seeing you for what you are. Still, you may find their conclusions about you seem skewed and mistrustful. Pleasing Venus in Scorpio involves demonstrating your complete commitment and loyalty to them. Appreciate their guts when it comes to love and intimacy -- they're proud of their courage in these matters. If you can, and they're deserving, relinquish some of the control in the relationship. Let them feel they own you, without taking it to extremes. Remember, though, that some Venus in Scorpio lovers can and will take advantage of you on a subtle level, if only to keep you all to themselves. Let them have their secrets and their silences. Short description: Sensual and passionate. Passions run hot and cold. Full of ardor and desire where the partner needs to be able to match his level. Can be jealous and possessive. If disappointed or deceived in love, he can become bitter. Usually very loyal. Venus in I Big-hearted. He is generous, altruistic, devoted, warm-hearted, lovable and sweet-tempered. He is drawn towards the Arts, music, song. He likes gatherings, parties. He has big emotional highs. Craves and often gets peaceful life in love. You are a likable, magnetic, attractive, and charming person whose heart is often on your sleeve. Unless Venus is very challenged, you are easy to befriend, diplomatic, and warm in self-expression. You tend to attract others to you quite readily, and rarely come on too strong or aggressively. Negative expressions of this position include a superficial charm, a tendency to "play dumb" when challenged or in doubt, and two-faced, passive-aggressive behavior. The need to be liked by others, and/or to keep the peace, might lead to feelings of resentment or general unrest if you feel that you give up your own power to others. You might find it difficult to make solid decisions. Your personal sense of style and manner are things that others find fascinating, and you generally pay great attention to how these things benefit you in life. 8 Trine Venus - Jupiter He is good-hearted, generous and has a good character. He likes well-being, comfort, a life without problems. He has good relations with his circle. He is easy to approach. All the same, he falls in love easily. He has a successful married and professional life. 19 Trine Venus - Saturn He has a good grasp of reality and of duty. He is thrifty, reserved and does not show off. He likes truth and justice. In love, his sentiments are sincere and deep, he never plays false. He is, of course, faithful in love and friendship. He can love a much older person and appreciates his intelligence and good sense. Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy. Mars in Scorpio Mars in Scorpio natives love to challenge themselves to do the impossible. They throw themselves into what they decide to do with concentrated energy and awesome willpower. These people make formidable opponents, although often quietly so. They keep their cool and their equilibrium on the surface. Below the surface may be another story, and they are unlikely to easily let you in. Mars in Scorpio has the potential to exploit others--these people see through others, and rely heavily on their gut feelings. The sexual stamina of this position is thought to be the strongest of all the positions of Mars. Sometimes, Mars in Scorpio people are attracted to taboos, and their fantasies may involve blowing the taboos to smithereens! They enjoy scenarios in which the "other" is giving in to them, wants them completely, and will do absolutely anything for them. And, their sexual appeal is strong enough that they generally do get what they want. They find it difficult to share their partners, though they will likely never admit this. In stark contrast to Mars in Libra, who is most comfortable with the middle ground, Mars in Scorpio has a black-or-white philosophy of life. These are the people who say, "Just choose!" They really are not comfortable with compromise--what kind of satisfaction could you possibly get from compromise? Real living, to Mars in Scorpio, is all about accepting challenges and making changes. These people constantly test themselves, and, often, others. They make all kinds of rules and goals, just for the personal satisfaction that comes from achieving or mastering them. Their survival instincts are strong, and they embrace their own animal nature when they are all alone with themselves, without guilt. These people have a provocative quality to them. This quality is usually most evident in youth, though it is often carried over into adulthood in more subtle, controlled ways. Mars in Scorpio natives who have low self-esteem can become mighty twisted. Instead of beating themselves up, they turn self-loathing outward, and end up manipulating others and feeling resentful. While Mars in Libra is constantly striving to bring fairness to the world, Mars in Scorpio knows that life simply isn't fair. Mars in II He undertakes daring and dangerous enterprises. He has lots of initiative. He works hard for his money, of which he earns a lot. He is a spendthrift, money comes and goes. He is always ready to start from scratch in the event of a setback. Great willingness and enthusiasm. You are likely to be a hard worker, although you appreciate the process and might be slower than some as you focus on the method and tend to each step deliberately and carefully. You love to produce things of practical value. You are ambitious when it comes to making money and acquiring possessions, but you might be impatient or impulsive when it comes to spending. You can be quite possessive, both of material things and of people. You like a physical challenge, and your physical abilities and energy make up a strong part of your sense of self-worth. You like to work independently, or you value things most when you have achieved something on your own. The world of the five senses is most important to you on sensual and sexual levels. You have a hearty appetite with strong stamina. You defend your values fervently. 19 Trine Mars - Saturn He is energetic and determined. He has strength and resistance, ability and patience: he is tough, and sometimes insensitive, and puts all his energy and talents into overcoming all the obstacles to his success. He is obstinate, calculating, does not take on anything without having thought of all the possible consequences, he can take all the time in the world and never loses patience to achieve his objectives. He is not particularly popular in his circle, but is feared and respected. 61 Sextile Mars - Uranus He possesses exceptional energy. He is impulsive but bold. He takes on risky enterprises for the good of the community, with all the energy he possesses. He has a great need of his independence, likes his freedom of action. 389 Conjunction Mars - Neptune His feelings are dominated by wisdom and geared towards the ideal. He likes water, sea voyages. He likes odd people. 70 Sextile Mars - Pluto He is ambitious, has a great capacity for work, has self-confidence and goes to the end of his plans. Jupiter represents expansion and grace. Jupiter in Gemini He attracts the most good fortune when he uses his wit and ingeniousness, is versatile, sociable, curious, and puts others at ease with friendliness and sincere curiosity. Values the intellect and sees opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written channels. Believes that intelligence and knowledge is the key to solving problems. Jupiter in IX Deeply intelligent, he is tolerant and sincere. Professional success can happen abroad or in connection with foreign countries. Faraway voyages are profitable. Saturn represents contraction and effort. Saturn in Pisces Misanthropic, with a sullen humor. He likes to live in solitude, in contemplation. Likes to work alone. Saturn in V He likes method, calculation, concentration. He is not drawn towards amusements, or pleasure in general. He has few friends, but has deep and sincere feelings. He is serious in everything. -91 Opposition Saturn - Uranus He does not like routine, whether at work or in his emotional life. He fights to keep his independence, his freedom of action. He would gladly re-make the world. 22 Trine Saturn - Neptune His plans are realized in a methodical fashion, he works hard to achieve success. -59 Opposition Saturn - Pluto He is not open to others' ideas, especially if they are free-thinking. He is an egoist and has a narrow mind. Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty. Uranus in Virgo Interested in nutrition, new ways of doing a job. Uranus in XI His freedom is important to him, even with regard to friends. These are extravagant, original, intellectual. They are not from the same background and have a different up-bringing. 60 Sextile Uranus - Neptune 151 Conjunction Uranus - Pluto He fights to improve his daily life, he is persevering. Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty. Neptune in Scorpio Willing to look beyond the superficial. Neptune in II He may prefer not to attach too much value to money, but if this is overdone, there can be quite a few problems in life concerning money and ownership. He might make money through artistic pursuits, but must avoid the potential pitfalls of putting too much faith in ideas that don't have enough grounding in reality. Financial advice is important to obtain. 43 Sextile Neptune - Pluto Pluto represents transformations, mutations and elimination. Pluto in Virgo Research and investigation come naturally. House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life. Ascendant in Libra Everybody seems to like Libra Ascendant natives. They just come across as nice, pleasant, and fair. Look a little closer at their lives, and these nice people may have had quite a few problems in their relationships. Some of them have had a string of relationships, and it can be hard to imagine why! These natives attract others to them effortlessly. Besides, they simply don't know what to do with themselves without a significant other. Libra rising generally appear to be smoothing everything over. They have charming smiles, a gentle approach with others, and an easygoing image. Even if they were not endowed with good looks, they are attractive. Most pay a lot of attention to their personal appearance -- the colors they wear, their hair, the way they walk. Libra rising people can be enormously persuasive, although they will almost always use a "soft sell" approach when they want to win others over, which is all of the time! A tendency to pass the buck and keep up that "nice guy/gal" image are their worst qualities. However, they can make excellent mediators and will generally be the first to accommodate you. Libra rising natives are usually attracted to competent, active partners. Their relationships are often characterized by bickering or competitiveness until they learn to drop their sweet image once in a while and to stop blaming their partners for everything that goes wrong. House II is the area of material security and values. It rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions. House II in Scorpio Financial success may come through handling other people's money and resources or thanks to an inheritance. Financial ups and downs are very possible, but in later life, finances can be substantial. Private about revealing his worth. House III is the area of social and intellectual learning. House III in Sagittarius He will study for a long time, will be erudite. Very intelligent, an open and independent spirit, will have a connection with foreign countries. Fertile intelligence. House IV is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth. House IV in Capricorn After working all his life to obtain his objectives and finally having reached that goal, he wants to retire in peace and quiet and to have a retirement full of contemplation, with few tasks, close to nature. As he was very careful with money all his life, he will administer the properties he has acquired. House V is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and gambling. House V in Aquarius Doesn't like routine and the banal. He is romantic, full of fantasy and imagination. He is also a friend one can count on. House VI is the area of learning by material transaction. House VI in Pisces Job in commerce. Weak point: the kidneys. House VII is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action. House VII in Aries Love-at-first-sight, marries without thinking. Doesn't want to change his habits, so domestic quarrels to be foreseen. House VIII is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul. House VIII in Taurus Happy old age, natural death. Inheritance. House IX is the area of learning that shapes the identity. House IX in Gemini Likes studying, is open to anything new, accepts and recognizes his errors, always develops in a positive sense. Likes travel, discovery, meeting new people and knows how to appreciate them. House X is the area of material action. The Mid-heaven represents the work one will do in his life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more important as one grows older House X in Cancer Likes contact with the public, the crowd. Profession that involves meeting a lot of people. Professional success thanks to sense of duty and application to his work. House XI is the area of search for social and intellectual security. House XI in Leo Friends are not always chosen by chance. Even if the feelings of friendship are sincere, these friends must automatically bring something - professional help for example. House XII is the area of education and of emotion. House XII in Virgo Work in a research lab.
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