#morality wasnt created by fucking religion
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very-evil-dragon · 1 year ago
Most religious people are so fucking patronising istg. Just let me be an atheist in peace, im begging you.
I dont care if you had a ‘revelation’ by God of me in my thirties when I still wasnt born, mum.
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ithisatanytime · 2 years ago
Scooter - Rebel Yell (Official Video)
 a woman recently killed a couple while drunk driving and on the dashcam video she “laughs and sings” which is the clickbait element of this story, this highlights a phenomenon ive ALWAYS took issue with, people pretending they dont understand how alcohol works. im not saying this lady isnt responsible for drunk driving and killing a couple but her laughing and singing is irrelevant after the “drunk driving part” i know this might be hard to understand but its literally the same idea as saying “drunk driver kills couple, slurs her words from the sheer pleasure of murder” no these are all well recognized and accepted side effects of the worst drug ever manufactured. its important to note, im not absolving anyone of responsibility, but people click on youtube videos of drunk people getting arrested and make all kinds of aspersions about their home life and psychology based on a snippet of drunk behavior. do you know why? because they are whores, they are gay, they are greedy eaters of their own children who DONT FOLLOW THE BIBLE so their “morality” is nebulous and diffuse, they’ll do anything to feel superior for another person including pretending alchohol dont real so they can jump on every little thing they do to feel superior, religion wasnt replaced by reason, it was replaced by satan.
  Hard liquor was ALWAYS the primary jewish racket, always. they ruined entire towns in eastern europe with alchohol and any drug prohibition that doesnt start with alcohol is retarded. alcohol can, will, and frequently does make normal good people do fucking AWFUL shit in a way no other drug does, but other drugs get a far worse reputation. some small percentage of heroine addicts will steal to support their habit, but EVERY regular drinker has made at least one god awful soul marring mistake while fucking drunk, i actually hate alcoholics more than anyone, because there are FAR better drugs, cheaper and better drugs that do the same thing, but they over indulge in the worst drug ever created because they are automatons. alcoholism is the most obvious NPC behavior.
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glittercatmomma · 5 years ago
What is happening right now in America is disturbing and unnerving and I’m going to rant about it.
I’m a white woman. I have been discriminated against for many reasons but here is the thing. RACE IS NOT ONE OF THEM. That’s why the #BLM movement is so big. There are literally millions of people being discriminated against every day but no race, gender, sexuality, or religion has been mass discriminated against for this long and this badly by everyone, especially white people. African Americans are basically being borderline hunted by police and cops are never held accountable. Enough is enough.
George Floyd should not have died. He could have bombed the entire state Minnesota and the cops still should have been able to peacefully arrest him without issues considering there were 4 cops and only 1 George Floyd. He was already in his stomach and cuffed. What the hell is he going to do? Wiggle worm his way away from the cops if they look away for a split second? FUCK NO HE WOULDNT. And he was only accused of using a false check. That is not a crime that would even be close to warrant the death penalty, life, or even a large prison sentence. Crimes like that are given short sentences or just probation but here’s the kicker. THE CHECK WASNT EVEN BAD.
-no one could attempt to help him because they’d also be shot or killed or arrested for “obstruction of justice” or some bullshit crime like that because there were three other cops who weren’t actively standing on his neck that could have taken down people attempting to help.
-this is also why cops should always wear body cams. That won’t solve all problems but it’s a start and that’s something for this corrupt ass country.
-this mans death better create change. He better not have died for nothing. No one who has been murdered at the hands of cops better have died for nothing. They all deserve justice and they all deserve good lives for their families who have not been killed. They better not have died in vain. Their living family and friends deserve a life where they are not afraid to be alive and get killed for the color of their akin.
-I don’t know who said it if it was the mayor or chief of police but some dumbass white supremacist said “i saw nothing wrong with the video. if he can talk he can breathe”. NOPE THATS NOT VALID. I can guarantee with his dying breath he said that and it was the hardest three words that man ever said. So no stupid old racist white man, he couldn’t breathe. He literally fucking died.
-90% (or some other ridiculously high number) of incarcerated individuals are African American. If they’re not killed, they’re imprisoned. I’m going to law school specifically to fight situations such as these. I’m so sick of seeing black individuals imprisoned for shit that a white person walks free for. It’s utter bullshit. This justice system is bullshit.
We’re in the middle of a pandemic that is getting worse every day because our TV show host president values the economy over peoples lives.
-other countries solved their crashing economy with mortgage and rent freezes and consistent stimulus checks. (Most Americans (including myself) did not receive a check. I’m a 23 year old law student who pays for everything myself. Government didn’t see my need for my rent. Luckily my college was kind enough to refund students some money since our classes went online mid-semester when they did not have to pay us back at all.) The economy would still not be perfect but less people would die and I think that’s more important.
-other countries also have FREE HEALTHCARE so they can receive mass testing which lowers the spread of the virus even more because everyone knows who is positive or not!!!!! WILD HOW FUCKING SCIENCE WORKS. TOO BAD TRUMP DISMANTLED THE ENTIRE PANDEMIC RESPONSE TEAM IN ORDER TO HELP OUR COUNTRY LIVE. Other counties’ citizens also won’t go into debt for receiving treatment for Covid.
The #BLM movement is full swing and cops are literally using a chemical weapon that cannot be used in war.
-tear gas can legally be used to defuse RIOTS. Tear gas was used before there was even riots and there was only peaceful protests. People began rioting when Target (a corporation that the owners are literal billionaires) wouldn’t allow people that were tear gassed to get milk from the store. We have a right to protest in America. I personally don’t agree with tear gas being used at all because if we cannot use it in war time to defend a whole country, cops should not have access to it.
-if cops can arrest mass murders without even a scratch on their demented little heads, they can peacefully arrest a single black person without fucking killing them.
-If you’re a cop and you’re scared that any black individual is a threat, you’re in the wrong profession. Also, you’re racist.
-rioting occurs when peaceful protests are no longer enough. Rioting is how things got done in America. This is the last stitch effort before a full blown civil war.
-also, you cannot tell a whole ass race how to feel when a person of their race was killed at the hands of the police, who are supposed to keep us safe. They deserve to act in whatever way they feel. They are scared and threatened and they shouldn’t be. It’s 2020. How can we be this far in the future and still be racist. Its time to fucking evolve.
Trump pulled America out of the WHO. WHO is literally making vaccines and trying to make them available to as many people as possible and help begin mass testing but according to Trump, if they have any affiliation at all with China we can’t be involved with it.
-Chinese people did not cause this virus. I don’t give a flying fuck if someone fucked a duck in China and that’s what caused the virus to start spreading around the world. It’s not China’s or any Asian persons fault for this virus. Not all of China hudled together and was like hey let’s kill millions of people with this virus hehehe. NO. THATS NOT POSSIBLE. STOP BEING FUCKING RACIST.
These issues happening in the country right now no longer have anything to do with political and everything to do with morality. If you do not believe health care is a right and it’s a privilege, your morals are questionable. If you don’t believe all individuals of any race deserve equal rights and should be treated with respect and dignity, your morals are questionable. If you believe George Floyd should not have died, but also believe rioting went too far, your morals are questionable. If you support Trump, your morals are questionable.
Nothing I say or do will ever be enough to express how upset I am and how much I am hurting for the black community. I’m sorry this is the America we live in. I hope to help change it one day and when I get my law degree I will be fighting every day along side you. I hear you. I see you. I understand you. I stand with you.
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selchwife · 4 years ago
ok SO im a bit late but i come with the essay.
Douma's trauma is related to religion and abuse: when he was a child, his parents saw his unusual appearance and used him to create a cult, saying he could hear gods. so you have a 4 year old hearing adults venting about their personal life issues- at first he'd cry because he felt so bad for them (ntm hes four). his dad also cheated on multiple women- and, based on douma's behavior, its implied his parents also beat him up. when he was 5 his mom killed his dad IN FRONT of him, then proceeded to kill herself. for the rest of his life until age 20, he ran the cult on his own (before muzan offers to turn him into a demon)
the amount of trauma he has is incredibly heavy, and he was forced to grow up too fast while being dehumanized by everyone- he shows symptoms of ptsd (e.g emotionally numb)
still, he's shown to try getting away from this. he tries befriending other demons. i see it as trying to break away from his dehumanization
during his death, he comments on how, despite living for more than 100 years, he never achieved happiness. which IMPLIES he kept searching for it
one of the girls that came to his cult was escaping from an abusive husband and MIL. when they came for her, douma killed them. it's the only time he's shown disliking anyone- it feels important to add.
akaza is the demon douma pesters the most. maybe the reason he's (unconsciously) driven towards him is bc he's the only moon who seems to have a moral compass / some sort of 'kindness' towards humans. it may be unintentional, but the fact he's driven to that talks about what he seeks in a person.
Also i hope that wasnt a text wall its just douma lore runs deep JFBJSD but yeah. Even though he was a villain he had a really fucked up childhood and im sad he died before being able to get over him trauma. [Holds them] you will heal SO much in my canon
AHHHH im so sorry i was so late to respond to this but omg ;O; poor douma!! PLEASE help him heal he deserves it he deserves the love
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realitista · 4 years ago
It may be a cult, but we should know what they want.
Conservatism (big C) has always had one goal and little c general conservatism is a myth. Conservatism has the singular goal of maintaining an aristocracy that inherits political power and pushing others down to create an under class. In support of that is a morality based on a person’s inherent status as good or bad - not actions. Of course the thing that determines if someone is good or bad is whether they inhabit the aristocracy.
Another way, Conservatives - those who wish to maintain a class system - assign moral value to people and not actions. Those not in the aristocracy are immoral and deserve punishment.
Part of this is posted a lot: https://crookedtimber.org/2018/03/21/liberals-against-progressives/#comment-729288 I like the concept of Conservatism vs. anything else.
A Bush speech writer takes the assertion for granted: It's all about the upper class vs. democracy. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/06/why-do-democracies-fail/530949/ “Democracy fails when the Elites are overly shorn of power.”
Read here: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/conservatism/ and here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservatism#History and see that all of the major thought leaders in Conservatism have always opposed one specific change (democracy at the expense of aristocratic power). At some point non-Conservative intellectuals and/or lying Conservatives tried to apply the arguments of conservatism to generalized “change.”
The philosophic definition of something shouldn't be created by only adherents, but also critics, - and the Stanford page (despite taking pains to justify small c conservatism) includes criticisms - so we can conclude generalized conservatism (small c) is a myth at best and a Trojan Horse at worst.
Incase you don’t want to read the David Frum piece here is a highlight that democracy only exists at the leisure of the elite represented by Conservatism.
>The most crucial variable predicting the success of a democratic transition is the self-confidence of the incumbent elites. If they feel able to compete under democratic conditions, they will accept democracy. If they do not, they will not.
And the single thing that most accurately predicts elite self-confidence, as Ziblatt marshals powerful statistical and electoral evidence to argue, is the ability to build an effective, competitive conservative political party before the transition to democracy occurs.
Conservatism, manifest as a political party is simply the effort of the Elites to maintain their privileged status. One prior attempt at rebuttal blocked me when we got to: why is it that specifically Conservative parties align with the interests of the Elite?
There is a key difference between conservatives and others that is often overlooked. For liberals, actions are good, bad, moral, etc and people are judged based on their actions. For Conservatives, people are good, bad, moral, etc and the status of the person is what dictates how an action is viewed.
In the world view of the actual Conservative leadership - those with true wealth or political power - , the aristocracy is moral by definition and the working class is immoral by definition and deserving of punishment for that immorality. This is where the laws don't apply trope comes from or all you’ll often see “rules for thee and not for me.” The aristocracy doesn't need laws since they are inherently moral. Consider the divinely ordained king: he can do no wrong because he is king, because he is king at God’s behest. The anti-poor aristocratic elite still feel that way.
This is also why people can be wealthy and looked down on: if Bill Gates tries to help the poor or improve worker rights too much he is working against the aristocracy.
If we extend analysis to the voter base: conservative voters view other conservative voters as moral and good by the state of being labeled conservative because they adhere to status morality and social classes. It's the ultimate virtue signaling. They signal to each other that they are inherently moral. It’s why voter base conservatives think “so what” whenever any of these assholes do nasty anti democratic things. It’s why Christians seem to ignore Christ.
While a liberal would see a fair or moral or immoral action and judge the person undertaking the action, a conservative sees a fair or good person and applies the fair status to the action. To the conservative, a conservative who did something illegal or something that would be bad on the part of someone else - must have been doing good. Simply because they can’t do bad.
To them Donald Trump is inherently a good person as a member of the aristocracy. The conservative isn’t lying or being a hypocrite or even being "unfair" because - and this is key - for conservatives past actions have no bearing on current actions and current actions have no bearing on future actions so long as the aristocracy is being protected. Lindsey Graham is "good" so he says to delay SCOTUS confirmations that is good. When he says to move forward: that is good.
To reiterate: All that matters to conservatives is the intrinsic moral state of the actor (and the intrinsic moral state that matters is being part of the aristocracy). Obama was intrinsically immoral and therefore any action on his part was “bad.” Going further - Trump, or the media rebranding we call Mitt Romney, or Moscow Mitch are all intrinsically moral and therefore they can’t do “bad” things. The one bad thing they can do is betray the class system.
The consequences of the central goal of conservatism and the corresponding actor state morality are the simple political goals to do nothing when problems arise and to dismantle labor & consumer protections. The non-aristocratic are immoral, inherently deserve punishment, and certainly don’t deserve help. They *want* the working class to get fucked by global warming. They *want* people to die from COVID19. Etc.
Montage of McConnell laughing at suffering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTqMGDocbVM&ab_channel=HuffPost
OH LOOK, months after I first wrote this it turns out to be validated by conservatives themselves: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/16/trump-appointee-demanded-herd-immunity-strategy-446408
Why do the conservative voters seem to vote against their own interest? Why does /selfawarewolves and /leopardsatemyface happen? They simply think they are higher on the social ladder than they really are and want to punish those below them for the immorality.
Absolutely everything Conservatives say and do makes sense when applying the above. This is powerful because you can now predict with good specificity what a conservative political actor will do.
We still need to address more familiar definitions of conservatism (small c) which are a weird mash-up including personal responsibility and incremental change. Neither of those makes sense applied to policy issues. The only opposed change that really matters is the destruction of the aristocracy in favor of democracy. For some reason the arguments were white washed into a general “opposition to change.”
* This year a few women can vote, next year a few more, until in 100 years all women can vote?
* This year a few kids can stop working in mines, next year a few more...
* We should test the waters of COVID relief by sending a 1200 dollar check to 500 families. If that goes well we’ll do 1500 families next month.
* But it’s all in when they want to separate migrant families to punish them. It’s all in when they want to invade the Middle East for literal generations.
The incremental change argument is asinine. It’s propaganda to avoid concessions to labor.
The personal responsibility argument falls apart with the whole "keep government out of my medicare thing." Personal responsibility just means “I deserve free things, but people more poor than me don't."
Look: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwpBLzxe4U
And for good measure I found video and sources interesting on an overlapping topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vymeTZkiKD0
Some links incase anyone doubts that the contemporary American voter base was purposefully machined and manipulated into its mangle of abortion, guns, war, and “fiscal responsibility.” What does fiscal responsibility even mean? Who describes themselves as fiscally irresponsible?
Here is Atwater talking behind the scenes. https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/
a little academic abstract to lend weight to conservatives at the time not caring about abortion. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-policy-history/article/abs/gops-abortion-strategy-why-prochoice-republicans-became-prolife-in-the-1970s/C7EC0E0C0F5FF1F4488AA47C787DEC01
They were casting about for something to rile a voter base up and abortion didn't do it. https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2018/02/05/race-not-abortion-was-founding-issue-religious-right/A5rnmClvuAU7EaThaNLAnK/story.html
The role religion played entwined with institutionalized racism. https://www.forbes.com/sites/chrisladd/2017/03/27/pastors-not-politicians-turned-dixie-republican/?sh=31e33816695f
Likely the best:
I'll leave it at that. Anyone who can read these and come away doubting the architecting of the contemporary American Conservative voter base is a lost cause (like the Confederacy).
Via Gray Idolon on Reddit:
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yvvaine · 7 years ago
A Meta on Madness
Here’s the thing with Targaryen madness. Most weren’t just born raving mad.  They developed it. Some as early as childhood, others well into adulthood; sometimes even instigated by some event (like the Defiance of Duskendale which affected Aerys II Targaryen’s madness). Grand Maester Phycelle even commented how Aerys had been “a good man. such a charmer....” until he became obsessed with his dreams of “fire & blood”. 
It seems that that is the commonality. Fire & Blood. And also obsession. Most of the “madness” starts out as personality traits, like unchecked outbursts and impusliveness. Some form of violence (during said outbursts) develops shortly thereafter. Mixed in is usually a god-like self-image and some personal obsession / quest. Also paranoia. Delusions and hallucinations, for the most part, dont develop all that fast. Theyre “charming good men” with hot heads, and that slowly escelates, little by little until it begins to snowball. Again, some earlier than others. 
But obsession seems to be reaccuring throught all the circumstances. 
They fixate on something (Fire & Blood, religion, beliefs, etc) and take it too far, and the more they do, the more obsessed they become, the more the ‘madness’ seems to set in. 
King Baelor the Blessed was overzealously obsessed with religion and purity, to the point that he starved himself into an early grave because he believed that food is of this world, and the material world is sinful.
Prince Aerion Brightflame, son of King Maekar and nephew of the Prince Rhaegel. Aerion killed himself drinking wildfire, believing it would turn him into a dragon.
Visery’s ‘madness’ (mostly outbursts, paranoia, and cruelty), according to Daenerys at least, was linked/instigated to a somewhat traumatic event; the selling of their mother’s crown. My guess is that he was old enough to be traumatized by the events that sent them into exhile, put all his hopes and dreams into that crown, idolized it, and losing it was kind of the final push. 
Madness ≠ Certified Crazy Person
In fact I dont even really like the term madness, because it denotes that the Targaryen in question is 24/7 insane. And dont get me wrong, some def are. But in GRRM’s world their ‘madness’ is MUCH more subtle than that. Its pathology is almost like a disease. And people can live with the most terrible diseases for quite along while and work around it/not have it effect them. As a Certified Sick Person myself, I know that particular lesson more than quite a bit of people (thanks autoimmune system!) Id say. Look at diabetes! People can live with diabetes and not have to cut their foot off or die (like the olden days) with the right amount of lifestyle and personal choices. But untreated, without proper checks and balances, symptoms get worse, other manisfate on top of one another.  To say they have the “Targaryen madness” is not a black and white issue, because their “insanity” is not as simple as : “that persons obv crazy and that persons not!!” You cant equivicate mid-story/life Daenerys with late-in-life Aerys. Its a cultivation of symptoms over years. Theyre not at equal points in their life to one another; obv shes not blinded by “KILL THEM ALL” attitudes yet. 
Early-in Life Aerys (perhaps a better parallel to Daenerys’s timeline) was: 
“...while not being the most intelligent, nor the most diligent of princes [I wonder who that sounds like? Cough Mereen] he was described as having an undeniable charm. He was generous, handsome and resolute, although somewhat quick to anger. [SOUND LIKE ANYONE. A good heart? Beautiful? Determined and passionate? SOMEWHAT quick to anger?] He was also vain, proud, and changeable, traits that made him easy prey for lickspittles and flatterers.” 
The last part is more up for debate but Dany does think quite highly of herself and is VERY proud. Shes also reminded frequently of her amazing-ness, as well as her beauty, which would bloat anyones ego. And while she realizes the difference between blatant kiss asses (“People used to tell that kind of thing to my brother”) she also prefers those that agree with her or her line of thinking and suck up to her. Shes kinder to those that fall into step and bestows greater favor on them in that moment (even when the person in the room disagreeing is a “friend”). 
“As he grew older, Aerys became increasingly jealous, suspicious and cruel, prone to furious outbursts.”
I think a lot of readers and show viewers see this increasingly “bratty” quality to her character. Even when her anger (toward the slave masters for instance) is morally and technically VERY justified (Personally I hate this POV, as I’m someone whos decided to dedicate my lifeswork to human rights law, so decidely I am not for cruel racist individuals. Moreover, I dont think many people, if there is any at all, who believe in dark!(or just a generally darker)dany are racist and pro-slavery - which is something i see stans misguidedly clapback with often in the face of criticism) her “justice” becomes all she see’s to disastrous consequences, including crucifying those that shouldnt have been.
“My father spoke out against crucifying those children. He decried it as a criminal act but was overruled. Is it justice to answer one crime with another?” - Hizdahr zo Loraq, S04E06 “The Laws of Gods and Men” on Daenerys crucifying his father because of the status he was born into.
She also seems to be developing more and more paranoia. “Betray me and I’ll burn you alive.” (obv betrayal should be punished WHEN IT HAPPENS, but like, shes already imagining scenrarios and felt the need to say something, ie paranoid). The entire beach tantrum and her turning against her ally and HAND Tyrion because she was upset at their(shared) battle failures. And while its great that she doesnt want to be the Queen of Ashes, in her right mind, in moments of anger and fustration she constantly has to be talked down from burning cities. So increasingly more worrisome. 
Shes also increasingly fixated on ‘the iron throne’. As her obsession grows....
Sorta like: Aerys in his youth. 
So while duh, shes not batshit insane like her father was right before the end of his life, people forget, her father wasnt “bad” or “mad” till his later years either. Comparing the two (her father right before he was killed and Dany now) is like comparing a seed to a flower. Same material and DNA. Same circumstances / needs the same to grow (unchecked symptoms like their anger and obsessions). But ultimately different stages in their lives, and as such different consequences and attributes. 
GA (and Stans)‘s Short-sidedness
The “Mad Dany” theory mostly comes from people woh dont neccisarily see dany as stark raving mad like Aerys Burn Them All Targaryen (i know, shocking) but rather see this similarity (past face value cough cough), and see the parrallels between young Aerys the Charming Good But Slghty Tantrum-y Tararyen with Dany now, and made educated forecasts in what that means for future-Dany based on her current arch. The same Dany who is increasingly obsessed with conquering an entire ass continent that shes held up as a symbol and put all her hopes and dreams of ‘home’ into (kinda like the way Viserys did with their mothers crown)  (also a continent that she knows nothing and hasnt bothered to learn anything about). She has no plans on creating a democracy or dispersing power to try to mitigate her faults because shes completely fucking blind to them. She plans on sitting on that uncomfortable ass stupid metal throne and being uncompromising because shes not a Politician shes a QWEEN  #fuckcompromise #fuckdiplomacy #fuckpeace #bendtheknee #ammiright :))))) Meanwhile dancing on really thin ice that could any minute crack under her, and the more it cracks the faster it makes new ones until it snowballs quickly out of hand and suddenly it snaps and kills you. Only shes queen in this scenario with two resusable nukes at her disposal so in this case its not just her but the entire country that drowns.
 Politics is a long game. We - in the real world - choose a leader who is not just best for us in the now, but who will create a better future for our children, and their children, and so on. 
Dany is not a good, stable bet. I originally meant to do a short sassy one liner about this but then I got on a soapbox and started getting all philisophical and now this could literally be my senior thesis its that long. (My apologies!) Im also know where near finished with this so this could maybe be Part One? 
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paperbackwritersblog · 5 years ago
It is March 2020, the world is not at war, at least not in the physically world war sense of the word. And yet the world is very much at eachothers throats! It is impossible to tell if there has always been an underlying issue with ideologies and beliefs not being able to debate and find middle ground in times before now, for I can only take in what history has left us in terms of information, even that information is always told from a perspective. After all isnt all information just a perspective? Isnt everything we think and feel just a personal perspective? The information passed down again a perspective.
With that in mind, the ability to understand that it is all perspective seems to be lost on the vast majority of people! Why else would people venomously defend their set of beliefs unless they genuinely believe they know the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It blows my mind to exist at a time where so many of us sapiens believe we KNOW the truth! When I read about history , the further you go back the less and less people believed they knew anything, only a select few thought they knew anything. And when someone elevated themselves as someone who KNOWS, people hung on their every word. Nearly all belief systems are designed by someone at some point in time who knew THE TRUTH!!
To understand that there is no TRUTH, just your truth. To empathize with others and understand their truths are as real and undeniable as your truths takes either a natural ability or constant mental work. I have met people in my life who naturally seem to feel, know or understand that we are all so very different, the differences are what make our species as remarkable as it is. These people have been rare to come across, possibly just because of my time and place of upbringing.
Most of the people I know and have met in my life think their experiences of life and their reactions to experiences account for anyone elses experiences, they think we all think the same when things happen and if you dont then something is wrong with you!! They believe the first story they are told unless they already have an impression or view on something or someone , they are unable to hear anything contradicting the beliefs they already hold! This is the person I was for the best part of my life so far, id say the first 37 years of my life! Then something happened, a psychological shift in how I see things. And even then, a daily reminder, an hourly nudge! Even with much better awareness of myself it still happens. I now find myself in another group of people who understand yet still have years of programming to be undone, its a daily grind.
I thought for a long time that with the right ingredients I would one day have a satori moment! Something would click and I would from that day forth see the truth in things!! And there we are again, the TRUTH!! So to get to a place where there is no truth to strive for, just my perspective to roll back.
How would this be felt by others, how can the world become more aware? Obviously this question has never been answered despite it being asked throughout time! Was Marxism an attempt at this? An attempt to make everyone the same, was confucianism the same? Although these ideologies were an attempt to put everyone in the same place physically! Its painfully obvious it didnt hit everyone mentally in that way or the outcomes would have been completely different when attempted.
I recently sat and watched a parlimentary session, I think it was prime ministers question time. What I found to be so destructive was not the need to keep the government to their word but the want to destroy and tarnish peoples moral code and reputation! I understand the opposition in parliament is there to keep the opposite side in check, oppose bad ideas, suggest better ideas etc etc. But I saw none of that! All I saw and heard were people doing their best to make their opposite number look inadequate, il-informed, stupid, racist, bullying etc etc. So rather than stand tall on their own ideas, they would rather stand tall with their feet on the head of whoever they have slayed!
Wokeness and virtue signaling has become so dangerously destructive, with the finger pointers completely unaware that when pointing at someone or thing, at least 3 of their fingers are pointing back at them. The hypocrisy of the movement is not allowed to be questioned, for doing so gives you an instant label, of us and them. Like religion, philosophy, ideologies it creates a “we are right” and a “they are wrong” , not even wrong! They are evil!!
So I see , that throughout time this has never changed, tribalism is so deeply rooted in us as a species.
I dont think its impossible for us a a species to think or feel differently, however I think time is most deffinately a factor, for evolution is a very long process.
I believe states we reach in meditation is an idea of where our species can eventually evolve to, the world is crying out for understanding , love, kindness. However we are not evolved enough to deliver on our desires on a grand scale. Pockets of people exist that truly understand the only real TRUTH there really is! That there is no truth, only perspective.
Im leaning very slowly that the things I have always believed to be true are only true to me. The hardest part of this understanding is to not judge others when they act in a way that makes me look away. Nowadays when I feel the need to look away a voice whipsers that im turning away from attributes of my own that I cannot face! This causes discomfort in so many areas of my mind, to admit and take ownership of these traits is not something anyone will cheerfully jump into. There are parts of my darkness that are easier to see and admit than others. As someone who was bullied significantly as a child, to recognise the bully in me was something that I did not want to admit, after all I know how it feels to feel stripped of power in that way, yet when I really got down into it, it wasnt so difficult to see how I had bullied in my attempt to claim power back at some point.
When I started to truly dismantle my darker attributes I realised that all of the traits I had worked so hard to subdue or remove from myself completely were all the traits that reminded me of my father! I was so effected by his behaviour growing up and the opinions of him that others held I was determined that no one would ever think or talk about me in that way and this was something I know I felt, this was not subconcious at all, I actively and openly worked to that end. But then for many years I atrributed the shitty sides of myself to him! When I acted out of character I didnt just think but also said aloud thats my father! And this ment not taking any of my own personal responsibility.
This was my truth, and it only applied to me. I cannot speak for my father nor his aims and wishes in that situation. My truth could have been that my father was a cunt and he fucked me up in many ways!! And in a way that is a truth! But its choice , do I choose that to be my truth? I could just say that my father made many mistakes, yet his mistakes are not mine, if anything they are lessons he gave me in what not to do, I could spin this truth very much into a positive.
So you see truth is a very personal perspective, it applies to you. I often wonder if there are any collective truths! Because even the scientific world is not absolute truths, they are answers based on testing and monitored results up to this point! All science is open to new information, all science is never absolute truth, only what we know and have measured thus far.
Do we all feel exactly the same about our truth? Is the feeling shared for all. Peoples protection of the truth is linked to their past present and future! When long held beliefs are disturbed and shaken it can cause such psychological disturbance that we react as if protecting a loved one from a rabid dog. Thats because hard wired truths are so deeply rooted that to shift the perspective of that truth it means to shift the entire lense that life is seen through. From my own experience of this, it is initially destabalizing. If dealt with appropriately we can grow from this and go onto much healthier mindsets, after all these beliefs would be unshakable if they were anything close to a fundamental truth shared. Most of these challengable truths are sets of programming we have taken on from our peers. For me to believe that all black people are criminals, all chinese people know kung fu(all stereotypes are programming), to believe in god, to believe in flat earth, to believe in vaccinations, to belive in anything and everything as a truth, this is ok so long as I understand that this is true to me, its is not true to others.
And with that moving forward I think a great place I am nearing is the truth of no truth.
E. Plaistow
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totaltolkientrash · 7 years ago
Okay no, its not stealing. Its definitely derivitive, but you have to give the author some credit because he started writing those books when he was 16. Star wars is about as straightforward of an example of heros journey as you can get.George lucus even worked with joseph campbell on the script. Its a classic mythic archetype. The main similaraties of star wars to the inheretance cycle is.
1:the first act of book one is very similar to that of the first star war movie.
-The dragon egg is the droid. A princess hid the egg in the middle of nowhere to keep the evil empire from taking it, a farm boy finds it, tries to sell it, it doesnt work, the evil empire chases afterthe egg and destroys the farm boys home, killing his uncle who raised him because his parents are inexplicaply not present.
2:brom is a lot like obi wan
- after his parents are killed, the old village storyteller reveals he’s a jedi (but this time he is a dragon rider) and spirits the farm boy away with his driods (dragon) to take them to the rebel base (varden) who oppose the evil empire. Alongthe way they meet the princess who hid the dragon egg in the first place. Along the way the farm boy learns the ways of the dragon rider and learns how to use magic. At some point there is a stand off, and brom sacrificed himself to save eragon. In this story there is no han solo but there is a guy who joins their crew whose name i cant remember. He gets kidnapped at some point. In the second book we find he was tken captive by the empire and turned into an evil dragon rider.There is a fight at the varden base, the first book ends. From the second book onwards, the most star warsy thing you find are that the riders have mystical powers with an element of religious holiness very similarly to the jedi.
-dragon riders are a lot like jedi
-they can do magic, they have a semi religious mystic power vibe to them, they used to be everywhere but the evil emporerer killed almost all of them. And the evil emporer also used to be a rider but turned to the dark side.
-also the elf teacher guy in book too is kinda similar to yoda
Used to be a rider, gives hidden away in the middle of nowhere, eragon spends a long time in isolation there, and learns spiritual dragon shit. Elf guy isnt nearly as funny as yoda too.
The similarities to lord of the rings are
- its a high fantasy book. Lord of the rings created the fucking genre of high fantasy. It has dragons and elves and elves are super peaceful (but still 10x better at fighting than humans) and vegan and shit and have their own hidden cities but thats the case in a lot of high fantasy books.
Like tolkien, paloni put a lot of thought into creating separate languages and developing elven and dwarvish languages. Book 2 spends way too much time desribing how hard it is for eragon to learn the elvish langauge. The language synthesized from various northern european languages, but probably not nearly as well done as tolkien. Although most high fantasy books borrow from tolkien in one way or another, very few borrow the language piece. If palonai took anything from tolkien, it would probably be the language stuff.
General elf shit
- the elves arent nearly as well developed in eragon as in tolkien, but eragon elves give off similar vibes to tolkien ones except -more vegan and less complex and diverse. The compex history and morality of tolkien elves doesnt nearly come out in eragon. But, you can tell he was going for a tolkien vibe.
Overall, i dont think i would call what he did stealing. It was derivitive, it was the kind of thing inexperienced writers come up with, (i mean for gods sake he created an entire completely irrelevant scene in the third book just so he could make a doctor who reference via a poem from a nature magic spirit thing?). In retrospect it wasnt well written but it had a lot of effort put into development, and some ideas were geniunly cool like the sadistic religion he made up. Branding this type of thing as malicious stealing is wrong. Its just inexperienced writing.
Are you familiar with Inheritance Cycle by Cristopher Paolini? I heard a lot about the plagiarism in those books, especially from Star Wars and Lotr, yet I know they were pretty popular and succesful
i haven’t read any of the Inheritance Cycle, actually. i know they were certainly popular (i think my older brother read them as a kid) so i did some digging and this blog post details a lot of the backstory to the controversy, and this wiki page lists everything out more succinctly. overall, it seems to be the type of stealing that sj/m is well-known for. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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