#moot circle server?
mossycattail · 10 months
For everyone in the moot circle, how do we feel about maybe making a discord server so we can interact more?
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spacebuck · 1 year
genuine and srs post do any of my moots play and would be open to talking abt either g/enshin or s/tar rail because I'm going actually insane lmao
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iceskatingmobsters · 1 year
I want a beta/writing buddy for this fandom so bad, rip
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leafofkudzu · 2 years
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Hear ye hear ye, you are cordially invited to Verdant Shield [VS]’s third monthly community art party, open to one and all across both NA and EU servers!
An idea migrated over from Final Fantasy XIV, art parties are basically community get-togethers where artists of all kinds can hang out, chat, and create together! Digital, traditional, mixed-media, screenshots, poetry, prose - whatever your chosen medium, these sorts of events are for everyone, regardless of skill level! Dress your best, find a character that inspires you, and create! Afterwards, you can post your creations in the party’s specific tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see and spread the love around via reblogs! As I’ve said every time I’ve written one of these up - the ‘goal’ of attending an art party is not to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
After last month’s NA party spilled out of the intended locale before it even started, this month’s location will be a nice open space most should be familiar with: the Crown Pavilion in Divinity’s Reach! Host to not one, not two, but (sort of) three in-game festivals, the main grounds under those graceful eagle wings offers ample room and excellent lighting for scoping out your next victim subject with ease! The squads for each party will open approximately 15 minutes before the start time and will, as usual, not be posted in LFG in order to deter party crashers (though we’ll be way easier to spot in this location so that may be a moot point haha).
Check under the cut for extra time info, location stuff, and /squadjoin info! ♥
Ah Divinity’s Reach, land of so many excellent locations that are all very very tiny and hard to swing a camera around in. I didn’t want to accidentally steal any RPers locations and also wanted a well-lit open area after the NA Grove party’s perpetual darkness, so the Crown Pavilion it is! If you somehow haven’t been to DR yet you can backtrack into it from the auto-unlocked Shaemoor Waypoint in Queensdale or take the asura gate from the Lion’s Arch Gate Hub Plaza! The whole map is a big circle, and the Crown Pavilion takes up the Westernmost section:
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I am ecstatic to report that there’s a Jade Bot terminal located right smack in the middle of this place, so zooming around to get reference screenshots has never been easier (but when will they let us launch at will like in that one instance?)!
Now, on to the real nitty-gritty stuff:
Just as last month, this month’s party will consist of two separate art parties, each 3 hours long, with a 1 hour break in between to let people rest, grab snacks, swap accounts if they want to attend both, etc etc.
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Time (that’s 3pm Eastern Standard Time for NA). I’ll once again be hosting on my EU alt, so to join you’ll want to either whisper Ashelin Falstaff for an invite or type ‘/sqjoin ashelin falstaff’ in chat to auto-join.
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Standard Time (that’s 1am Central European Time for EU). I’ll be on my main account for this one, so to join please either whisper Naveen Sen for an invite or type ‘/sqjoin naveen sen’ in chat for that sweet auto-join action. Should there be an overflow for the NA party like last month, I’ll either rope another [VS] guildmate into hosting an overflow squad, or start shooing people who are already in the right map out of the squad to allow others to taxi in - we’ll play it by ear should the need arise!
And that’s it! Expect to see me reblogging this a few times between now and go-time, and maybe even a few times once things are rolling if any weird overflow shenanigans happen. Thanks everyone for coming out and making last month’s party such a rousing success, I can’t wait to see you all there again for yet another fun time! ♥
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slytherinshua · 1 year
warning: sappiness ahead fr
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it's been 424 days since i started my blog, and here we are.
10 to the power of 3.
that is, in fact, a lot of people.
i can't even begin to understand how 1000 people like my writing. i think that it will still take me a while to feel like a good writer, even though i've just accomplished this milestone of followers.
i feel like a novice all the time, because, well, i've only been writing since january of 2022 (613 days, if i've calculated correctly). this hobby of mine was spontaneous and new and is still something i need to get a lot better at. i never wrote when i was younger apart from academic essays, it just wasn't something i found interesting, but since i've gotten into fanfiction, i've found my place where i can write and be creative.
the sincerest thank you to everyone who likes my writing. whether you were my first follower or my 1000th follower, i love you.
somehow this has started to feel like a well thought out thank you speech for some big occasion, even though it's just funny old tumblr dot com where little zanna reached a milestone. but this feels like an eventful day, but i'm still writing just whatever comes to my mind, none of this post was planned beforehand.
i want to really really thank the people who have been a big part of my life, my tumblr moots and close friends. (more sappiness ahead ew)
@eternalgyu hannie is the entire reason i am even writing on this platform. she was the start to everything, from the very second i created this blog to now, she's been here for all 424 days. and i can't even understand why she has stuck with me for that long, but i love her more than anyone else on this planet. i've dumped all my ideas on her and given her spoilers for fics i was writing. she's given me so many ideas and suggestions that have really helped along the way to create this blog and get it to where it is today. she will always be number 1 for me. she is irreplaceable. hannie, i love you so much.
@blue-jisungs axe :D the first blog i followed, and my first moot. she has been here from before i hit 100 followers. she's read my shitty old writing from when this blog was just starting to form. and i thank her for sticking with me cause my writing back then was not the greatest, let's just say that. axe has always been someone i looked up to, especially when i was first starting. i loved her writing and it inspired a lot of the first fics i wrote for this blog!! she'll always be one of my closest friends, i love her so much.
@hannahsophie0103 thank you for being one of the first people to send in requests, and for continuing to give me ideas. i get a lot of requests now, but when this blog was still a fetus, my inbox sat empty for weeks and weeks. i got so inspired and motivated whenever i got a request, and writing was truly so fun whenever i felt like i was writing for someone.
sorry for lumping you all together, but all my caratblr moots, i love you so much. everyone in the moot circle especially-- who i've talked to on the discord server-- you are some of my closest friends, and i love how we're all here, just writing some silly little fics for seventeen on tumblr. some of you have absolutely incredible writing that i can only hope to achieve one day. when i read some of your fics, it feels like actual art. words strung together so beautifully that i can say with no hesitation that you've created an actual masterpiece. thank you for inspiring me and talking to me daily, i hope you haven't gotten bored of me. you all feel like my close friend group, who i could share anything with and you'd still support and love me. thank you for being friends with me, and i love you.
i think that we've passed all the sappy speech part yay!! now to announce my 1K follower event :) *drum roll*
the love sight event.
what's the love sight event, you may ask? well, although i had dozens of ideas for what to do once i reached 1K, i decided that since txt was the start for this blog, i wanted them to be the centre of my event.
love sight will be a multiple part series where each member of txt will get their own fic.
i've put a lot of thought and planning into this event (only the planning though, i have a long way to go for actually writing the fics, but i'll get there eventually). i expect that actually completing this event will take... a very long time. so please bear with me as i write these fics!!
i have some other things planned soon for fics, such as the caratsland song event and some possible collaborations, so if there is a wait between fics for love sight, i'm sorry about that!!
i hope you all really enjoy the event, and once again, thank you. all 1000 of you, thank you so much. - zanna
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wheeboo · 9 months
hmmm what positions would we (aka ur moots ✌🏻) would have in a kpop group???
omg ummmmm no cuz why is trying to imagine all of us as a kpop group the most HILARIOUS THING EVER LMFAOOO
also i'm doing this purely based on vibes meaning that i will 99% get you wrong 💔
@slytherinshua - leader + vocalist cuz it makes the most sense out of all of us since she's the one who made the disc server (tho i was the one who first brought the idea of up a moot circle server 🤭 we both thought abt it tho and it happened yipee!!!)
@blue-jisungs - rapper + fotg idk guys but i feel like axe can spit some bars if she rlly wanted to ?! also she's rlly popular n social and will be a perfect face 😍
@mirxzii - vocalist for obvious reasons
@haecien - vocalist cuz we got that filo blood flowing fr ☝️
@eternalgyu - dancer and i don't rlly have a reason why JDKLFJDSF
@fairyhaos - fotg ?? and/or center ?? yena our popular bubbly bright sunshine bringing us all the fans fr
@weird-bookworm - vocalist or rapper ?? idk just the vibes 😭😭 leaning more to vocal tho but maybe vernon her spirit animal will help her w some bomb ass raps
@etherealyoungk - another dancer of our dysfunctional group 😍 she will bring out her inner horanghae and slay choreos
@rubywonu - lowkey another leader if zanna can't handle us nia just gives off leader vibes fr 💅and maybe dancer as well
then our resident maknae line is respectfully zanna, hannie, sky, and,,, lmk if i missed anyone </3
and if i were to give myself a postion i'll give myself vocalist and/or dancer cuz i danced a lot in choir 💪 + co-leader when everything turns to shit and i am needed as a last minute resort
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many-but-one · 6 months
on ur dni i saw that you guys said “fine with dms” in regards to “dx’ing” experiences or validating experiences. are there any limits to that? such as age or things to talk about? we’re bodily 17, turning 18 later this year, and i wanted to ask if it was alright for us to shoot a dm
-xavier (he xe) 🪐
Hi Xavier, we are fine with DMs from anyone, but we keep things professional and distant with minors (though more like under 20 now since we’re almost 26) which is for our own comfort. We’ve had minors get very parasocial with us across various platforms multiple times and it makes us incredibly uncomfortable. (Adults too but it seems more common with young folks) If you have CDD related questions you’re free to ask, but if you’re looking for casual conversation or friendship you’re probably better off going elsewhere.
This is more for the wider audience on our tumblr: In general if people are looking for close friendships with us they’re probably better off going elsewhere. We are incredibly distrustful of most people on the internet, as we’ve been burned by people we’ve called friends. (ie if you follow us on TT, the Corvidellow incident is a good example of this.) So we don’t let ourselves get close to people online anymore. We’ve got a small social circle in our private server we adore, and a few TT moots we really like, but other than that we don’t want online friendships. Nothing personal, really.
Thanks for asking beforehand. You’re still free to send asks whenever you’d like and we’ll get to them when we can. If you think DMs will expedite answers to your questions, that’s pretty unlikely. We rarely answer DMs with any more quickness than we do asks.
Take care—
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carn1epretzelz · 3 months
harhar yeah im doing a syscourse guys look away ahhhh !!!
upon the topic of: Endogenics. from: a traumagenic system. huzzah. like this hasnt been done a gajillion times over. also hello moots, yes i am a system; i do not talk about it frequently bc tbh its something i prefer to mention in my circles only or in the sys help discord i help run. (very nice server btw if anyone needs a break from typical discourse-y servers feel free to reach out our server is a safe space and a mental health group !! :3c )
ANYWAYS. syscourse. endos. arg ! i pride myself on being Radically Incluse… with a small exception towards endogenics. But wait! that doesnt make you radinclus at all! and okay, you got me. i do admit, this makes me a hypocrite. theres no ifs and buts about that. if you personally wish to take that title away from me, feel free to do so, because i'd rather you make your experience online more comfortable rather than try to make excuses for me. dont make excuses for me.
my specific gripes with endogenics in particular is the enroachment on specifically traumagenic terms and spaces. in particular, i dont personally believe endo systems "aren't real" or "aren't plural"- i simply don't believe they should be using all of the same resources as trauma based systems, for the exact reason that BOTH experiences are so different that it calls for entirely different ways of management. this is not to say that all resources should be gatekept from endos btw there could very well be things that help both types of system, and there could be things that only help/are meant for an individual. support tools are for everyone; if it helps it helps! its like how able bodied people may like buying pre-sliced and shredded veggies for a salad for the sake of it being quick prep, when originally those are meant for disabled people with little to no arm/upper body strength to chop those veggies for themselves.
in all honesty, i think a System in of itself is ONLY a traumagenic thing. I only think traumagenic people can be "SYSTEMS". i think just about anyone can be PLURAL.
the way DID/OSDD comes about specifically is about how trauma at such a young age causes certain sections and parts of your brain to not function or "merge" the way it's supposed to (very scientific terms, i know). i think, if ur brain is not doing those things with no inclusion of trauma, that theres absolutely still something going on and it deserves it's own time, spaces, research, terms/phrases, and communities. hell, even its own therapy/psych specialists.
endos and traumagenics are so WIDELY different, to me personally, that i think it's incredibly hard to welcome in people that didn't experience some shape or form of trauma that caused their systems… into a space where trauma is the very root cause of other people's systems. if the space is meant for anyone and everyone, absolutely mingle! get along! hang out! share your experiences of ur human brains not functioning properly! otherwise if a space and community is dedicated to traumagenics only; its that way for a reason. traumatized people inherently may just feel uncomfortable and unsafe around people that do not have trauma relating to being a system and thats okay. people are allowed to want those spaces.
tldr: i am not necessarily anti-endo, i am pro-safe space for traumatized systems to mingle with exclusively other traumatized systems without feeling like the non-trauma based systems are enroaching on their community. i am pro-shared plural/system spaces for any and all to hang out in and find other people with the same brain dysfunction as themselves. i am pro endos getting the change to make their own spaces and terms and communities specifically for themselves that may or may not exclude other types of systems, because thats okay too !!! have ur individual spaces, i think thats awesome.
i hope that makes sense sorta??? and its probably obvious my opinions have changed over time and im still in a transitional phase of how i think. ive swung back and forth on this particular opinion multiple times now, ive been fully pro to fully anti in a VERY short amount of time and i've only started properly thinking about it a long while after i've discovered myself as a system; needed time to think about myself first before i thought about others. anyways, i learn things all the time, get new new information. yay ! sorry for the ramble buwomp :(((((
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mousegard · 2 years
why hubert von fireemblem is a trans woman
ok so this morning i wrote a rambly little essay in a discord server i’m in about why i read hubert von vestra from fire emblem three houses as a closeted/in-denial trans woman and figured i’d share it here on tumblr:
so the in-game details about hubert, the pegasus knight yearnings, the straight razor as one of his lost items (prefers a close shave... i bet you do, buddy), outright disliking being called a man is all just... so very very eggy but what really got the trans headcanon juices flowing was the way hubert talks to edelgard in their supports. particularly their c-support. the dynamic of edelgard's feelings of regret that hubert is forced to share her path in life and hubert's insistence that there is no path he would rather walk really struck a chord with me regarding gender dysphoria and what it does to you 
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in my experience, most of the trans people i know, myself included, start out from the assumption that our own desires are impossible to achieve. whether because you don't yet know that trans people even exist, or because you've only ever seen them portrayed as jokes or cheap pathos perverts. even when you know that transition is possible it still feels like something you can never hope to achieve. and so since you can't live your own life, you live someone else's life. you bury that yearning part of you that knows what it wants and dedicate yourself to being the person your parents want you to be. or your friends want you to be. what your social circle expects you to be. and you say, "yes, this is what i want. this is the path i want to put my life on. this is who i am. no it doesn't bother me. i'm happy like this" 
not to discount hubert's loyalty to edelgard, of course—he's clearly a true believer in her ambitions and her goals and will do anything to bring about the world she seeks to create. and like edelgard, hubert is willing to throw aside his own desires, his own freedom to decide what is to be done with his life, so that the rest of the world can have that freedom. like edelgard is resigned to being a villain and dying a villain's death, so too is hubert resigned to being a man and living a man's life. i think details in the game, from the way he carries himself and performs masculinity, to very obvious things like the pegasus knight fixation (more on that later)
somewhat related, there are some lines in hubert’s b-support with byleth that really jump out at me when i associate them with the dynamic between edelgard and hubert:
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hubert is, of course, talking about byleth in these quotes and discerning the presence of sothis within them. but, of course, there's no way for him to know just how literally correct he is in these lines. after all, only byleth can see or hear sothis. so i think the aptness of hubert's similie here and how telling the language he uses ends up being for byleth isn't just hubert talking about byleth but rather him using that imagery of a second self with desires different from one's own lurking beneath the surface to describe himself
there are no details in fe3h canon regarding how easy or difficult it would be to transition in the game's setting, which is hardly surprising, but it's a bit of a moot point. even in the modern world, with hrt more easily available than ever before in human history and the vast strides in transition related medical science that have been made through the 20th and 21st century, transitioning still feels impossible before you've started to do it. you'll tell yourself, "well, sure, that other person transitioned, but i can't, it's still impossible for me," whether because transitioning would expose you to danger in your family/larger community or because "hormones just won't work on me like they work for other people, because reasons" or both. but i digress. with fodlan's institutional heteronormativity we can assume cisnormativity as well.
thinking about how impossible it might feel to be trans in fodlan makes me think of a section of a poem written by a 14th century jewish philosopher, kalonymus ben kalonymus, that is very clearly about transfeminine longing and suggests the possibility that kalonymus may have been a trans woman. this section, titled "prayer for transformation," is such a strong examination of dysphoric feelings and despair. i personally love this poem and i have used it in other trans headcanon fics in the past, in other fandoms, and you can read the full english text beside the original hebrew here: https://opensiddur.org/prayers/civic-calendar/international/transgender-day-of-visibility/prayer-of-kalonymus-from-sefer-even-bohan-1322/
that's not even getting into hubert's overall character design—with his height, his build, and the general matt smith-esque features of his face, being a trans woman would no doubt feel more impossible in his eyes than it would be for someone who got a more "favorable" spin on the genetic roulette wheel (someone like ferdinand, perhaps, who definitely seems like he could perform androgyny or femininity with so much more ease if he were so inclined than a broad-shouldered, six-foot-two frankenstein's monster). and of course, he prefers clothes that cover from head to toe, much like edelgard herself does, hiding as much of the body he does not feel comfortable in as possible. which is, also. a very trans thing. all in all, hubert comes across as uncomfortable in his own skin and with the trappings of masculinity to a degree that honestly strikes me as entirely intentional on the writers' part, especially with this (thanks to teaspoon translations on twitter for this nugget of localization):
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this in particular is what pushes my thoughts on hubert being a trans woman from "headcanon" to "no, this isn't a headcanon, this is actually just what the game's text says, and i will die on the hill of hubert having been intentionally written by someone on the writing team to have gender dysphoria and be a closeted/in-denial trans woman"
i could go into so much more detail about how hubert performs masculinity and how he leans into being off-putting and frightening around other people because it’s easier and safer than being the person he wants to be while also not wanting people to feel unsafe or uncomfortable around him (see his supports with bernadetta) but i think that’s enough on why hubert is very obviously written in-game as a closeted/in-denial trans woman for now
lastly, i want to talk about how i write transfem hubert in my fire emblem fanfics and how i picked a name for her, which of course lean harder into headcanon territory since they involve actually making things up:
the name "hubert" is derived from the germanic elements hug, "heart, mind" and beraht, "bright"—bright heart. when i was searching for a name to make hubert's own in my first transfem hubert fic, i looked for similar meanings and found "heidrun"—derived from old norse heiðr, "bright, clear" and rún, "secret"—"bright secret." a secret that has been made clear, a desire of the heart brought forth for all to see. making "heidrun" the name of an in-universe fictitious(?) (wink wink) legendary pegasus knight whose origin story was a boy being blessed by the goddess and transformed to a girl as a reward for his faith so that he could be a pegasus knight was my way of tying that name as well to hubert's feelings of religious disillusionment and complex attitude toward his faith
also if some sort of magical and/or folk medicine hrt does exist in fodlan (1.) manuela definitely knows about it and (2.) a couple years of facial feminization via hormone replacement would make heidrun look like sigourney weaver and i think that’s great
also also jeritza is also very arguably canonically transfem in the same respect, but you can go to @strawberry-crocodile​ to learn more about that because i am not the jeritza expert here. anyway both in-universe and irl edelgard von hresvelg just draws trans women toward her like stand users attracting other stand users and i think that’s real fuckin neato
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siieeko · 6 months
i know the hype is gone now probably, but i am still reaching out tentatively to find some new moots in this space 🥺
i still love this game dearly, even if it seems quiet now.
missed my chance at getting into moots/friend circles & discord servers for this but i just wanna rave about our faves orz
anyways , enjoy your adventures fellow tavs <3
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Hi Lost! <3 I know that Twitter has long been home to a wonderful eruri community. I’ve never had Twitter, but used to be able to casually snoop on the art, conversations, and AO3 updates. With the recent changes to Twitter that’s not really possible anymore :( and I’m not planning on making a Twitter account..
Do you think the public-facing community will go somewhere else at same point with all the uncertainty? (Maybe Threads? Maybe elsewhere?)
I know there are discords but I tend to be a true lurker (besides asking questions on your tumblr) so I don’t think I’d contribute much.
Curious about your thoughts!
Twitter is a complete shit show right now. Just when you think it couldn't possibly get worse, it manages to plumb new depths. Its utterly pointless and self defeating that you have to be logged in to see twitter content, but then again pointless and self-defeating business decisions do seem to be the current CEOs specially, that and being an utter twat.
Despite all the bullshit, there doesn't seem to be any signs of a mass exodus to another platform. Many people, particularly in fandom, are rightly wary of Threads because Meta has a nasty habit of linking your accounts together no matter how carefully you try to keep them separate. It's almost like they have no concept of consent, privacy or data protection. So yeah, not many folk are keen on having their fandom account linked to social media accounts they may use with family or work colleagues.
A few folk I know have Bluesky accounts, but it seems to be very niche and doesn't have much traction yet. Mastodon doesn't seem to feature at all in fandom circles, at least not that I've seen. There has been a slow drift back to tumblr but I don't think tumblr will ever have the same kind of presence as it used to unless the porn ban is lifted and I can't see that happening any time soon. Tumblr did post a twitter thread explaining the reasons porn is not allowed here, which in their own words boils down to
1. credit card companies and app stores are anti-porn 2. there are new rules around verifying consent and age in adult content (and our top priority is ensuring that all of our users are safe)
It sucks, but at least they're up front about it.
Discord still seems to be the best bet for fandom communities. The fact that servers can be closed and controlled is one of Discord's best features, but as you rightly pointed out, that doesn't help fans who prefer to lurk, of whom there are many. Having said that, there are bigger servers where you can lurk pretty anonymously. I tend to stick to smaller servers with a few close friends, so I'm not sure how big the biggest Eruri servers are. I know there are a few that have been around for a good number of years now, so I suspect they're a pretty decent size.
I do wonder if twitter might eventually reverse the decision about having to be logged in to see content, but the way things are going right now, it's a moot point whether the platform will survive at all.s
Personally speaking, I'm not going anywhere for the time being. AO3, Tumblr and Discord still feel like my main fandom homes and Twitter is just an added extra where I go to see cool art and roll my eyes at the discourse. I'd be interested to hear other fans thoughts on this, so feel free comment!
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lupusmusicis · 10 months
psps i know we dont interact a bunch but would you like to be a part of the moot circle discord server?
I don’t use discord much but adding another channel to the list wouldn’t hurt.
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internalriot · 10 months
hi! do you wanna be in the moot circle discord server?
yeah sure !!
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not-spiders · 9 months
did you still wanna be in the moot circle server?
hey sorry i only just saw this i’m not active on tumblr anymore but yeah if you’re still cool with adding me i’d love to! y’all are great :D
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singswan-springswan · 6 months
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stargirlfeyre · 9 months
hiii ☁️ was wondering due to you not being as active here as you used to be, are you mostly on booktwt bc it’s easier than being on tumblr with all the anons?
i tried booktwt but personally that app is so ���what’s the word…restricting? people block if you don’t like the same book or characters, people go on priv so they don’t get blocked by others for having a different strong opinion, they used to hide on circles instead of actually publicly tweeting which is way funner unless you have alot of priv moots which is rare, people priv qt the most minor things and you can’t see it, people go through your likes on twitter if they don’t like you to cancel you, people are just scared to share their opinion or are too priv to where whoever isn’t in the gc is bored on the timeline.
or when they all do voting for the over hyped, mid characters or books that shouldn’t be winning best book or character in the polls they do frequently. there’s just so much that’s restricting and lame about booktwt compared to all the other apps that are less priv, priv qt savvy or block button happy
this is so out the blue but it’s just something that came to mind after just getting off of booktwt a sec ago and realizing some people here are more active there. meanwhile i’m like booktwt sucks so bad unless you get lucky with a cool group of moots who aren’t petty or priv qrting.
tumblr, ig and even reddit are way less scary. anons suck and people are weird on reddit but at least people aren’t on priv talking shit bc their too weary to say it all publicly bc “my moots won’t like that opinion” like is it just me or is twitter the weirder app for books? it’s fun! but i don’t invest too much like others do. if i found solid moots on the slight chance then ..maybe id like it better.
i can see why it’d be fun to have circles or groupchats or be on there in general if u have solid moots though! just rare imo
sorry for the rant! 🫶🏻
I’m not that active on here because I joined the Feyre server and now I just rant to them about my thoughts instead of posting it all on here😭.
But yeah I did make a booktwt account and it kinda turned into a kpoptwt account but I’m not active on it at all so I just put it on private until I figure out what to do with it (it’s probably going to remain inactive until Percy Jackson and Atla comes out and then I’ll join those fandoms).
And book twt can be really restrictive that’s why I only jump into it sometimes. I’ll unprivate my acc to give my opinions on certain things but for the most part I keep a healthy distance from it. I mostly just watch all the drama from afar😭. Twt is a place where you need to have that block button ready. My first week on my new acc I blocked so many people (mostly kpop stans and weird acotar stans).
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