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emiqip · 1 day ago
Pt.3 Apocalyptic Ponyo AU ft. Shockwave and his... kids. @keferon
For all they've been through together, this had to be the dumbest thing they've ever done- which is saying something, considering not too many months ago they collectively decided to raid the city's garbage dump not taking into account that a) there would be some kind of security system (who defends trash anyway? weirdos) b) the smell and c) the local population of possums they inevitably bothered. 
All in all, that could have even been considered a good day in Skywarp's book- yeah, they didn't find anything, they all smelled pretty fucking terrible without any way of washing the stench away and they were covered in bite marks, hoping none of those things had rabies- but they laughed and joked about it for weeks after. 
This situation, however, was anything but funny. 
Following Blue's little stunt, the remaining children left at base were informed to meet at the nearest shore, where the youngest's new... friend? Still waited for them. A few minutes of shock and surprise from both parties after, they finally decided on how to fix whatever this was. The plan was simple too: separate Blue from the sea freak, gather all of their stuff and set off to the sparkly horizon, leaving all of this behind their backs- no strings attached. 
Obviously that would've been too good to be true, something had to go wrong: of course their youngest still refused to leave, even when Damus finally gained some courage and went over to pick Blue up by force- too bad the little menace immediately started ugly sobbing. Not only that, the twins got over their fear pretty quickly, replacing it with the raw force of curiosity little kids have for anything ugly, sticky and new. Cue Soundwave being assigned as their official babysitter lest the two would sprint and try to climb the fish like a pair of coked-up squirrels. And, yeah, not the smoothest outcome but hey! Now they could, you know, leave. 
He was so so wrong. As soon as the Thing noticed they were walking away it started  chirping at them over and over, like it was calling for them to get back. Kinda sad, but they could ignore it (unless you were Blue- still crying in TC's arms while making grabby hands at the mer), what alarmed them was the fact that it started to use all of its upper body strength and try to slowly beach itself in the goal of reaching their group. Needless to say the situation called for a new plan fast- even in ten, considering its size, they still weren't enough to push it back in to the water. 
The solution was just to camp out on the shore and find a way out of this in the morning. To the absolute delight of their youngest, who decided that for the night he would be sleeping with the freak, and unsurprisingly the twins only followed by starting to poke and prod at the being, who seemed to enjoy the attention as much as them. Windcharger joined their little huddle too for the evening, explaining himself with a little shrug of his shoulders and a quick, "He's warm and I'm cold- you can freeze for one more night for all I care," and left it at that. That traitor.
Oh well, this would soon be over anyway. 
Two. Weeks. 
Two whole weeks passed since this whole charade was supposed to be over, but instead he found himself being ferried away on the wettest, most fucked up recreation of the 'Magic School Bus' he's ever seen.  Worst of all Ms. Fizzle was replaced by an oversize pancake with gills. 
This was supposed to be the closest thing to a compromise: the kids got to keep their fish and the others got a free ride trough the apocalypse- pretty sweet if you asked him.
They were slowly making their way towards what was once the busiest side of the city: he remembers coming here with his brothers and getting overwhelmed every time by the sheer amount of people bustling around. Both locals and tourists blended perfectly in a vortex of voices, faces and mannerisms. For a boy who lived at the edge, this was exhilarating. 
But the best part of this chaos were the shops windows: there was one who was squeezed between a tiny flea shop and a bakery owned by a couple of kind old people- the window's space was taken by a plethora of several vintage televisions, each of them displaying something different- his favorite old show was filmed at their local aquarium and had as protagonist a young orca mer, chirping away happily at the camera, while the crowd gasped in awe at the adorable display. 
He saw his face stare right back at him from the surface of the water. Tired eyes, sunken cheeks and hair grown matted and way too long- what would he do to reverse it all and go back to their shitty daily life. 
From the front of their unusual mean of transportation, he could hear the youngest kids screaming and laughing, more likely pestering the mer like a swarm of particularly persistent flies. Being too focused on eavesdropping the racket, he didn't notice Damus approaching him on unsteady feet. 
"I saw a billboard a few minutes ago: big bright and with the directions to the biggest mall in the city- I'd say we are overdue for a scavenger hunt to restock our resources, what do you say?" The older asked, before staring off into the distance. 
"Sure, why the hell not? I'm pretty sick and tired of eating only fish anyway- cheers to the big guy for catching it for us though." He absentmindedly patted the mer, earning a pleased rumble up ahead.
With a brief nod of assent, he took off to most likely talk to Skids- the teen, after a very intense game of charades, managed to establish a method to communicate with their newest addition, he was even successful in teaching the fishman some very simple words, and in turn the mer taught him some of his language: it was mainly made up of sounds and gestures but Skids, being the fast learner that he was, took to them pretty quickly- a shame that he never had the chance to attend a public school, he would've at the top of his classes for sure. 
He felt the mass he was sitting on stir briefly, as the massive mer changed the course of their journey. The scenery around them slowly changed: hills of crumbled and deformed buildings gave way to a forest of skyscrapers looming over all of them like giant concrete pillars. Since the wave hit, putting a stop to all human activity, nature was steadily taking over- vines descended from a top of buildings, patches of seaweed and sea flora were dotting the submerged asphalted streets. 
They watched in awe as schools of brilliant colored tropical fish darted past them- he heard Blue squeal along the lines of, "Sir. Pancake! Look, it's you!" when a familiar looking shark swam past them.  He could vaguely recognize some of the roads and alleyways, now nearly completely covered by corals and anemones, housing a variety of oceanic wildlife.
Despite everything, there was still beauty left in this abandoned world. 
The dark gaping maw leading inside the mall stared right back at them. Having no way to access the lower levels, since they were long lost under the waves, they had to find another way in- one of the walls had luckily given away to the erosion of the water, leaving the perfect entry point for them and their fishy companion. They were all well aware the mer wasn't too keen on leaving them alone for too long without becoming restless, so this was a win-win situation.
As the shadows progressively engulfed them, the smell of dampness and mold welcomed them inside. He felt TC's hand grabbing his right sleeve to catch his attention, as he turned around he saw his brother pointing at the water with his mouth agape. 
What he saw made him inhale quickly in complete surprise- a pool of neon blue light surrounded them from all sides, swaying gently at the rhythm of the mer's movements. 
"...bioluminescent algae- read about them once, but I never thought I would ever see them for myself." He heard TC whisper softly at him. 
"Woah, this is so fucking cool..." Soft murmurs of assent from his siblings filled the silence he left behind, as they all watched the water entranced by the spectacle of lights. 
They were all suddenly woken up from their trance by a brisk movement from their means of transport that almost made all of them topple over into the water. Apparently 'Sides decided he wanted to touch the pretty blue lights, nearly taking a dip for himself if the mer didn't glance over and quickly caught the little kid with one of his huge webbed hands. At least the pest had the decency to look away sheepishly at the mer's silent but admonishing expression. 
Without any other close calls, they made it to what was once the food court- a huge circular dome where the pavement had partially collapsed, leaving behind a slope where dry land and water could meet, the perfect place to finally get down and stretch their legs after hours of swimming around. Trailbreaker reached into his ridiculously big backpack and started passing around a bunch of flashlights- the teen liked to be prepared for anything, even if that meant bringing around some additional weight. 
The moment his feet met the ground he let out a happy sigh- exploring the sunken city was great and all, but nothing could compare to the chance of finally burning all of his residual energy. Damus clapped his hands to get everyone's attention and started his usual spiel before any resource-gathering trip. 
"Alright everyone, you know the drill: six of us are going in pair to explore the building- pick up only things you think will come in hand, leave everything else. Do not take more then you need, we are not the only survivors around, so let's not doom other people only because we felt a little bit greedy today. See something? Scream. Lastly, the brats stay here with Sir. Pancake, while one of us will also remain to keep watch- can I have a drum roll for our lucky winner?" The question was met with an enthusiastic chorus of voices. 
"Aand- Trailbreaker you're up!"
"Awh man- what?" The teen sagged his shoulders as Windcharger smugly patted his arm. 
"Look at the bright side dude: you'll have fish-dad helping you this time." 
"Not helpin' Charger, kudos for trying though..." Trailbreaker's muffled response came from behind his hands, as the other kid only shrugged and joined Skids to prepare for departure. 
In the meantime, Skywarp gingerly hooked his right arm with TC's, leading him towards one of the halls connected to the dome.  From the ceiling stray cables and crumbled pieces of drywall dangled freely, occasionally disturbed by a gentle breeze coming from inside the hallway. He gave himself a few seconds to glance behind his back: the children, in the few minutes they arrived, had apparently started their very own game of tag, skidding away on the wet floor, completely unbothered by what was happening around them. Trailbreaker, accepting his fate, decided to use this time to clean the barrel of his shotgun, while sitting on the floor with his back leaning on the mer's arm.
The creature however was looking apprehensively at them: worry and fret swirled in his blue eyes- they all knew he didn't like to see them leave, but this was necessary. He absentmindedly threw him his best calming smile, hoping to reassure him enough. The mer was briefly taken by surprise before nodding and giving Skywarp a hasty nod. 
 'I trust you.'
"Good luck everyone! If you're not back in an hour we'll come find your sorry asses, so be on time- I'm talking to you Skids!" Damus voice bounced on the walls of the abandoned building. 
"...you get lost one time-" The cut-off whispered replay of his sibling was the last thing he heard before entering the hall with TC in tow. 
Their wet footfalls was the only noise filling in the utter silence around them.
The bright beams of their flashlights cutting through the thick wall of darkness. Now that he had the chance to look at it up close, he could pinpoint exactly when life had come to a stop between these molded walls: on tiny cafe tables sat long forgotten coffee stained cups, the occasional eerily empty stroller was abandoned haphazardly in the middle of the hallway, still pale mannequins were silent witnesses to the disaster, while purses and toys littered the floors. Moments frozen in time. 
He felt himself shudder, trying to shake off the feeling of wrongness from his shoulders. 
So far they found only a couple of useful things, mainly industrial tape, iron wire and other items from a hardware store they had just raided. All the possibly edible things they dug up have all been either completely or partially covered in mold- all of this moisture made it difficult for things to stay fresh, especially since electricity had been one of the first things they'd lost to the massive wave, completely cutting off all of power to fridges. 
Hopefully the others had been more lucky, he really wasn't looking forward to another overcooked sardine- none of them had always been the greatest cook after all and he doubted Sir. Pancake knew his way around a stove. Great now he was thinking about the mer holding a comically small pan, while wearing a pink frilly apron with the words 'Kiss The Fish' printed on the front- 
He was interrupted mid-giggle by TC's pointy elbow digging into his side- which he was about to comment on before his brother nudged him again, signaling with his light to something on the wall. 
"Storage Room." Read his sibling aloud, with a knowing smile.
"Fucking jackpot, baby!" Skywarp blurred out- ooh the joy he'll feel when they'll be able to shove in their losers sibling faces a box full of protein bars. 
A wide new hallway opened up for them, at the end of it he could discern the top of a pair of rusted shut down automatic stairs. They eagerly hurried down them, impatience and hunger for discovery was eating away at them- before diving waist deep into a pool of freezing water. 
They both startled for a few seconds, and then realization hit. They both forgot the lower levels were entirely flooded, but thankfully water didn't seem too high from what they could see through the darkness- hopefully the floor was built on the same level and didn't suddenly dip under them. The water was way too murky to see what was happening under the surface, and that did nothing to appease the apprehension this place was giving off in waves- he suddenly felt the shivers he shrugged off return in full force. 
"Thunders, not gonna lie, I have a bad feeling about this." His whisper echoed on the walls enclosing them. 
"Yeah... I feel like there's something we're missing." The other confessed, as they slowly trudged forward. "It's been scratching my brain since we passed that cafè...".
"Right?! I feel the same... all that chaos and we only find a bunch of litter on the floor-"
Thundercracker stopped abruptly in his path, making him stop too. 
"Uh- TC, you okay?" He lifted his torch to better look at his brother. 
"...the corpses."
"Oh! Yeah, this was a very busy place, how come we haven't found... any... corpses..."
One of the worst mistakes humanity ever made, was to think that they had any chance at being on top of the food chain. Centuries of time spent spreading and conquering all known continents, had led them to believe that nothing could touch them if they hid behind their big wars and even bigger weapons. However, Hubris is the first deadly sin, condemned to be a human's last. 
From the void, a pair of bulging white eyes stared back at him. A gaping maw full of jagged yellowed teeth, was framed by two lines of receding gums barely attached to the skull. Ivory white plaques covered a shiny metal body underneath, decorating a lizard-like muscular frame, still as stone- like a spring ready to be released. 
They were moving even before his brain could catch up with him. Fight or flight on full force- his main goal was to get away and do it fast.  
Thundercracker quickly followed him, as he felt the large creature pounce towards them. 
Climbing the stairs and reaching the top almost slipping down and falling on his brother. 
They sprinted down the hall- heavy footsteps never too far behind as the beast snapped his monstrous jaws, trying to catch them. 
Blurs of the coffee shop and hardware store passed next to them, as realization hit him once more- they were bringing a human-eating mutant right to their little brothers. 
'See something? Scream.'
And screaming he did. 
His alarmed voice filled the dome as in a moment of distraction his foot slipped on a nearby puddle, leaving him to fall face first unto the hard ground- hopefully his little siblings where not stupid enough to try and come help him. 
He knew this was coming. 
A hot breeze hit the back of his head, as the stench of death reached his nostrils. The heavy weight of a massive clawed paw, pressed him flat on the floor, painfully crushing his chest. He wanted to say he had been brave enough to face his fate, but instead he hid his face inside the crook of his elbow, heaving a last breath verging on a whimper- he only wanted to help his family, and this is how he died, it felt a bit like deja-vu...
Too busy giving thought to his adrenaline infused rants, he didn't immediately feel the crushing weight being suddenly lifted off of him- a giant wall of muscle and pure unbridled fury, tackled the beast into the other side of the room. A low guttural threatening growl woke him up from his stupor and he was on his feet in seconds- the now enraged mer stood between Skywarp and the monster. 
The teen almost didn't recognize him, a completely mirrored image of the usually peaceful creature- what was once a beacon of gentleness, who always moved like he knew he could easily hurt any of them, oh so very careful of his size and strength- now gave away to a terrifying predator, claws and fangs fully on display and ready to use. 
The mutant pounced once again, now his attention taken solely by the mer, who in tow used his massive tail to spring forward and grab the monster by the tail- hastily pulling it towards the water where he could've a clear advantage. 
Too focused on the feral brawl, he didn't hear Damus' muffled voice calling him through the static ringing in his ears.  
"-warp, we need to move! Shit, Skywarp move your ass, goddamnit!" A hand forcefully grabbed his left arm, before he was pulled to his unsteady feet. The front of his shirt was snatched and he felt himself move and duck behind a nearby counter- his eyes never leaving the fight.
If this thing was anything else, now it would be long dead- but unfortunately genetics were on its side. The ivory armor covering its body made for an impenetrable defense- meaning, it was not only built to hunt things smaller than itself, but also to wear out bigger predators and use twist their tiredness on them to deal the final blow. 
"...he's not going to make it." 
"Uh? What are you talking ab-?" 
"He'll lose- WE HAVE TO HELP HIM!"
A still out-of-breath Thundercracker slowly approached him with his hands held up, like he was placating a wild animal and not his own brother. 
"Warp, please be reasonable- What chance do we have against that thing? Bullets will not work and we can't risk hitting our only ally against it, we shou-"
"What? Run? I'm not going to save my ass while someone else is going to die- you're not making me give him the Smokey treatment, no chance in hell." 
Only the sound of the background fight remained, as a mournful silence descended upon them. That name was bound to stir flashes of awful memories in all of them- the darkest times since the beginning of their broken little family. Their missing piece, forever lost. 
"...what's the plan?" The trembling voice of their youngest broke the silence. 
Skywarp drew in a ragged breath as he blurred out their only chance for all of them to get out of this alive. 
"Metal! The- that thing's body is made of metal underneath, if we can find a way to electrocute it, its own body is going to act as a super-conduct and fry it's organs from the inside out." 
"Me and 'Charger found a small generator not too far from here, I think we can use it," Skid's chimed in from the back of their little huddle, "we attach some cables on it and pinch that thing- than boom fried fish." 
With a plan in mind they all moved like a bunch of frenzied rats. Windcharger and Skids ran to fetch the generator, while Soundwave followed them in case they needed to jump-start it. The kids were ordered to stay put and not engage, as the others watched the fight, waiting for their time to strike. 
But as they took in every detail of what was happening, it was clear they had run out of time. The mer was clearly using the last of his energies to just keep the thing still- deep bleeding wounds littered his frame, one of his eyes was closed off by a cut that run at the center of his face, as he gasped for breath- eye dazed and a shaky pupil stared at his enemy. 
He registered his siblings returning with the small generator, but he was quick to snatch the cables attached to it from Soundwaves' hands. 
"We don't have time- I'm going to do something crazy, but it'll be fine!" He cried out, ignoring his siblings' shouted protests- metal was not the only super-conduct present in the dome. 
As he skidded to a stop and knelt near the water, he felt time slow down. He watched as the mutant freed itself and in a few seconds snapped its mouth on the mer's side, trying to rip off a large chunk of meat. The mer let out a haunting pain-filled cry, as he desperately used his last energies to claw at the mutants' skull, in hopes of getting it to let go. 
Skywarp had to act now.
Before he plucked the sparkling cables into the pool, he glanced once more not expecting to lock eye with the blue one of the mer- illuminated by the blue hue of the algae, covered in gaping wounds and suffering immense pain, was smiling at him- one of those familial calming smiles that he became used to on a daily basis, since their crazy companionship began. 
'I trust you.'
Those same eyes that were looking at him with only fondness, suddenly became bloodshot as an immense wave of energy traveled through his frame in a matter of seconds. Skywarp felt his, now free, hands tremble with adrenaline as they all watched their guardian being electrocuted- and with him the beast.
What had been merely moments, felt like hours. 
They won. 
The limp body of the beast slowly sunk into the depths dragged by it's own heavy body, as the victor stood tall in the middle of the dome. Water fell from his broad back in droplets, a deep purple hue cloaked him from underneath- the algae, who soon changed color after being hit by the wave of electricity. The mer red blood-shot eye never left his gaze as he held the other half of his face, covering his wounded eye with a clawed hand.
Skywarp and his brothers watched as their guardian's form eventually staggered and swayed, until his worn body hit the shore with a shuddering thud. A keening sound left the mer's mouth as his body convulsed a couple of times, before finally settling into a fetal position. 
A small blur rounded the counter he left behind his shoulders- Blue sprinted towards the now still body of the mer, halting himself near his head before hugging it as best as he could. 
"Get up... please, you have to get up- I don't want to leave you here," A sob escaped the little kid as he gently pushed at the mer's cheek, "please Sir.Panca- Dad, get up..."
Slowly they all began to huddle around the still-breathing, even if ragged, body of their guardian- the mer shuddered as he gently lifted his head to nudge soothingly at his youngest. He looked over all of them, as if to assure himself that nobody was injured, until he locked eyes with Skywarp once again. The mer cooed, lifting his hand to beckon him to come closer. 
The teen got up on unsteady legs and made his way toward his guardian, collapsing into the crook of his massive neck. As a clawed hand started caressing his back, he found it so difficult to hold in his tears. 
"I'm sorry- this is all my fault," he wailed, "and now you're hurt and- and I did this to you... when you've been nothing but gentle and patient with us from the beginning... some fucking friend I am." 
"...hurt?" He was taken by surprise as the mer spoke to him- a thick warped accented voice. 
"What? No, you big dummie- I'm not hurt..." 
His guardian had the gull to smile down at him- the huge fucking sap. He couldn't help but smile in tow as he felt Bluestreak join their little hug, and settle himself down to nap away the residual adrenaline. 
He watched as his siblings sat all around them- weapons in hand, standing on guard and silently daring anything or anyone to attack their guardian. 
Yeah, he was not ready for this to end just yet.
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randomshyperson · 2 days ago
One Of Your Girls - Wanda Maximoff Oneshots
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summary: A study session turns into a make out session. Or the one where the most beautiful girl on campus is your situationship and you would never refuse to distract her, even during exam weeks.
words: 3.820k | warnings: (+18), college au, fuck buddies, popular!wanda x loser!reader, mostly smut but there’s actually some plot here, bottom!wanda (we need way more of this sorry), oral, fingering, some dirty talk, reader is briefly described to be shy and introverted because of the loser archetype, w and r are actually super comfortable with each other don’t be fooled, text messages are in bold cause i never tried that before.
A/N-> I have written more than 100 works for wanda, but I don’t remember ever writing casual sex before. To be a demisexual is really something, huh? Anyways, this was actually based on “One of Your Girls” from Troye Sivan, but around the middle I just started doing my own thing honestly. Good reading!
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad | Song-Based Collection
To inspire students to have sharper minds, as she likes to say, Miss Harkness is known for having the hardest tests on the entire campus. This means that you needed to study seriously for next week's exam, without quick readings or breaks to watch the television or talk about anything other than Applied Sociology with your friends.
And definitely, no 'study' sessions with Wanda Maximoff.
You shouldn't even think about Wanda, and her emerald eyes and bold hands. You need to think about Émile Durkheim or Max Weber, and any other sociologist from past centuries, with their difficult theories from which long and complicated questions will be in your exam.
But Wanda and the casual thing you two have is like clockwork. You had barely made up your mind about keeping your distance, and prepared a proper study session in your dorm - empty that afternoon due to a divine miracle that occupied Natasha and her girlfriend Maria all day - for your cell phone to vibrate with the notification from the person you had decided to ignore.
Stealing a glance at the contact name, you grunted quietly and turned your attention back to the book that had just finished reading the first page.
Another vibration makes you roll your eyes.
Wanda didn't do anything wrong, maybe you could just say you’re busy.
"I am bored."
Her text makes you laugh through your nose. Typing quickly, you don't expect a return to your "And I’m busy. Talk to u later."
Your cell phone vibrates again, but you stand firm. Sociology will not study itself. There's a shift of pages, and you taste some of the mint tea from the mug on the table before your cell phone rings again.
Maybe it's someone else. It may be important.
You can’t even fool yourself.
The book is placed on your lap, and you unlock the screen for a photo that brings a warm color to your ears and spreads around your body as quickly as this whole thing began.
"What if I was in public?." You type with a certain harshness, which doesn't match the way your heart missed a beat. Or how you've completely forgotten about the book now, and all you can do is bite back a sigh at the image of the prettiest nipples in this galaxy.
Wanda responds in the same second, and you want to ignore the way your stomach twists at the thought of her feeling eager for a response from you.
You laugh, rolling your eyes. "You're the worst" That's what you type. You end up sighing when looking at the pile of books around. Wanda only needed one stupid photo to completely take your focus away.
She types before you can tell her off for it. "Are you in your dorm? Wanna see you."
You bite your lip. She is so infuriating.
"I have to study."
You can almost hear her giggling on the other end. "Don't you always?"
You think about cursing at her teasing, but you don't want to cross any lines. It's true that this relationship is a constant push and pull, but Wanda isn't clingy for no reason. You're about to ask if something happened when she adds "Are you really gonna force me to send another photo..."
You swallow hard. "I'm not forcing you to do anything. I was innocently studying until now.”
It takes her a moment, but finally, there's another photo. With your fingers shaking, you forget to breathe at the image of her thighs, a red garter belt in contrast to the pale skin, barely covered by her mini-skirt. It was such a simple image yet so provocative, Wanda truly had talent.
"Fuck me." You sigh quietly, unable to type anything back for a moment.
And so she does it first. "Did I melt your brain?"
“Please come here.” You begged, only imagining her smirk on the other line.
Wanda typed back a second later; “I thought you were studying. I wouldn't want to distract you.”
You huckle incredulously at her cynicism, and almost type back a curse but end up deciding to get up instead, hurrying to make the room less messy for your guest.
Wanda takes a while to show up at your room - Unlike you, she lives on the other side of campus, in an apartment shared with her brother. The outfit she's wearing is definitely more impressive in person, and you have to control yourself not to feel jealous at the realization that a good part of the university has just seen her parading around looking so stunning. This was definitely Yelena's doing, the one responsible for trying out everything she learned in her course on her friends and successfully dressing the whole group like supermodels.
Sometimes you wish you were more sociable, at least to be friends with Yelena and get new clothes.
Not that you have any idea of ​​this, but Wanda did a great job of hiding the way her stomach did two flips when she saw how comfy you looked, the dark green sweatshirt covering your shorts making her immediately think about exploring underneath.
"What's up, loser?"
Wanda had this problem. High defense barriers, almost all the time, but especially when she was feeling things that were out of her control. Like the way her heart raced in your presence, or how she was starting to run out of decent excuses to meet you without admitting the only reason was simply because she wanted to spend some time together.
When you first talked, freshman year, she was the most intimidating person on campus (she still is), but with a little insistence (or friends playing cupid) you had managed to see sides of her that no one else had seen. And vice versa.
It was a pretty interesting dynamic, the most popular girl on campus and a big nerd with social anxiety were somehow dating. Wanda dragged you to parties whenever possible, a possessive hand on yours and a threatening look at any idiot who thought of giving you a hard time. And often you end up in some drunken Instagram live or records of friends making out in the background.
When you weren’t doing the things she liked, Wanda would just show up. After your classes, in the study hall, during your break from your internship, and in your dorm. She didn’t mind showing you off, but there was something so soft about spending time alone. When her defenses were down, the mean girl mask would fall and she would laugh at your stupid jokes, or dress up in your clothes to make pancakes in the middle of the night.
It wasn’t an official relationship, but it was something really closer to one. Something that gave her free rein to come and go as she pleased from your life, and mess everything around as she went.
You made room for her to enter, and she gave a long kiss to your cheek before leaving her shoes at the entrance. You were blushing when you closed the door.
The dorm you shared with Natasha had little more than the space needed for two beds and two desks, but somehow you and her managed to squeeze in enough decorations on the walls and even some of her ballet and fighting awards. Your side was covered in band and movie posters and science holiday medals. A barely used keyboard sat dusty in the corner, and you had made a mental note to show Wanda how to play Over the Rainbow sometime. She tossed her backpack on the corner of your desk, and you hurried to try to clear up some of the clutter on the wood, blushing even more when she chuckled. 
“Come here.” She asked softly, and you swallowed hard as you stumbled closer to her again, guided by her hands holding your wrists. Wanda actually wanted your arms around her, and that’s where she put them. So her hands went up to your shoulders. “You always get so shy when we’re alone.” 
“I am shy.” 
She shakes her head slightly.  “That’s not true,” she says, leaning in close to brush her lips against yours. You gasp slightly, and Wanda pulls away, teasing. "You're an introvert, but no one shy says the things you say when you're turned on, darling"
Yochuckle, shaking your head with pink cheeks. "Shut up." 
She bites back a smile, and leans in, but the kiss is too short, it's so unfair. You try to chase her mouth, but Wanda pulls away to hug you. And that surprises you as much as her breathing deeply into your neck. 
You don't remember hugging her before. Not really. There's plenty of sex of course, and making out and pillow talk and late-night snacks. But Wanda isn't the type to cuddle, or hug. It gives what you two have an intimacy that you understand she doesn't want to have, or didn’t, past tense. 
Your hand caresses your back, and you're not quite sure if you should say anything but finally you do; "Is everything okay?"
It's like throwing a bucket of cold, reality-filled water over her. She breaks the hug, forcing a laugh that doesn't convince you at all.
"Of course!" She says, pulling you close at once and giving you a kiss that's much more determined than before. That almost makes you forget where you were, almost. "Let's take these off." She pulls the folds of your sweater up, but even though you let her, you risk:
"Wanda, are you sure-"
She cuts you off again, this time kissing you with tongue. It's definitely hotter, and it elicits a breathless moan from you. Her hand holds your face, controlling the kiss until you whimper against her mouth. Wanda lets you breathe as she pushes you by the shoulders to the bed, and you fall sitting, facing her.
"I said take your clothes off." She repeats, but it's her who puts on a little show. She pulls off her blouse at once, and the exposure of her breasts covered only by a red lace bra leaves you mesmerized. Wanda giggles at your reaction. “Every damn time.” She teases, her hands moving to undo it. But you move suddenly, grabbing her hips and pulling her onto your lap in urgency. Wanda gasps in surprise at the heated kiss, losing herself in the task of removing her bra as you start to suck on her tongue. With one hand on your shoulder for support, the other ruffles your hair before she feels her bra loosen on her body, not having even noticed your hands working on the clasp until now. She bites her bottom lip as she feels the item being pulled away from her body. 
“You’re getting better at this.” She teases again. You look at her with lust-bright eyes but also with a frown.
“Better? When have I ever been bad at this? Certainly not with you, because you came three times on your first time together.” 
Wanda raises an eyebrow at you, her hips grinding slowly against your lap. “Like I said, not shy at all.” You roll your eyes, gripping her hips a little more firmly to guide her movements. It's Wanda who chases your mouth again, returning with equal fervor every kiss you give her.
Your hands let go of her hips to slide down her thighs, until finally touching the garter belt. You break the kiss with an affected groan, and Wanda takes the opportunity to catch her breath a little. If the image of her swollen lips and dilated pupils wasn't enough to drive you crazy, looking down did. Her skirt was wrinkled up, and the red garter belt was truly a sight. A damp spot was now visible on your pants from all her grinding, and you would have time to feel proud of making her so aroused with just kisses later.
As you pulled the garters and made them slap gently against Wanda's skin, you smiled when she shivered, a breathy moan escaping her mouth. It was such a beautiful thing, turning all her bad girl attitude into a pathetic mess of whimpering.
But suddenly you remembered that she had walked across half the campus wearing this, so your clenched jaw had another reason.
"Did you get dressed up for me?"
Wanda gave a short laugh, not really understanding what you were saying. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
You glared at her, your hands giving another warning tug, and Wanda wanted to hate the way her body twitched, but she couldn't help it.
"If not me, who?"
She blinked in confusion, deep in her own lust. 
Why were you still talking when she was literally dripping on your lap?
"What are you-" She fell silent when you grabbed her throat, your grip making her thrust her hips in desperation for friction, her mouth opening in a needy moan. Her own reaction surprised her, and Wanda would have tried to work things out if you hadn't taken away her ability to respond when you kissed her again, dirty and hard until she started whimpering on your tongue again. When you pulled apart again, your fingers invaded her mouth and Wanda's eyes widened, realizing that this might be the first time she'd come without even being properly touched.
You seemed to have noticed the same thing, a chuckle escaping you as she began sucking on your fingers with the same fervor she was trying to grind into your lap.
"Tsk, look at you, Wanda." You began, your hand moving from her throat down to her garter belt, to pull it off again. "You really want me to believe anyone else can turn you into this needy mess?" Flushed with arousal, Wanda still manages to frown in confusion. Anyone else. What the hell are you talking about? There’s no one else.
But suddenly, you remove your fingers from her mouth, and when she tries to ask, it's too late. Your soaked fingers have moved down and they fill her without warning, sinking inside her and eliciting a throaty moan that makes her head fall forward, forehead to yours, and nails digging into your shoulders. You laugh hoarsely. "Fuck, you're so wet, Wands."
The dirty sound of your fingers moving inside her echoes in the room along with her breathless moans, but you don't prolong things for too long. There’s an urgency and roughness to your movements that makes Wanda roll her eyes back and bounce on your fingers in animalistic desperation.
“Oh, baby, I’m gonna come, I’m gonna—” It’s always such a beautiful sight. She arches on top of you, spasming as her climax hits her and spreads hot waves of pleasure. Your hand is soaked, but you pull your fingers away to lick them one by one as Wanda tries to get back into orbit.
When she finally does, it's rewarding. It's your turn to have your throat grabbed, and Wanda presses forward until you're lying on the bed, at her mercy, even as a smile plays on your lips.
It's time for her to shake that smugness off your face.
"You're overdressed." It comes in a warning tone, and her hands go down to remove your clothes, one by one. You help her, between one kiss and another, a touch and a squeeze, until finally, Wanda ends up on your lap again, this time, with no fabric between you other than the beautiful lingerie she picked out for you.
Oh, of course she lets you know.
"I don't want you to get any more cocky than you already are." She began between the countless breathless kisses you were exchanging, minutes on end in this hot make-out session. "But all I could think about when I bought it was how you were going to look at me." She takes advantage of your gasp in surprise to bite your lip and pull, making you tremble. With a smug little smile, Wanda looks at you with darkened eyes. "And how were you going to take it off."
Your hands move of their own accord - There's a hard tug to pull her against you, and you end up rolling around on the bed, until Wanda ends up underneath, writhing at your touch. Your fingers slipped under the belt again, but now you take your time to remove the item, slowly until Wanda couldn't hold her breath any longer.
Stealing a glance at her dripping pussy that she displayed so proudly on her parted legs, you clicked your tongue again before finding your space in her middle, your hands fitting behind her thighs.
"You spoil me, you know?" You whisper, feeling her fit her ankles into your back, an impatient whimper escaping her. You were so close to where she wanted, needed, but still not giving her what she was begging for. "I don't know what I did to deserve such a sweet gift."
Wanda tries to play along, she really does. But you give her a tentative lick, and another, and all that escapes her are shaky moans, as one hand grips your hair, the other seeks support in the sheets. Something she can pull at will without hurting.
She feels hot in all the right places, and she wants to police herself for how addicted she is becoming to the feeling of having you like this, but it's impossible to think about that right now. With you eating her so well and making her forget all her problems.
You hum suddenly, satisfied at the taste, and at the vibration, Wanda loses it. There's a loud whimper escaping her throat as she arches against you, begging for more, but you hold her in place, your own hips grinding against the bed as Wanda starts to sound desperate for your tongue to go deeper.
When you risk teasing her again, shallow tongue strokes that leave her dizzy and shaking, Wanda loses her patience. She curses under her breath, and grabs your hair with determination, managing a satisfied grunt from you before she forces your face against her pussy. Not caring if she’s hurting you or suffocating you, Wanda chases her high with near desperation. She grinds her hips against your face, and locks her legs behind your back, using you until she comes.
She sounds so hot when it finally happens. Your name drips from her tongue as she drips into your mouth. It’s so strong that her body instantly goes weak, her legs shaking around you. You chuckle against her thigh, taking great satisfaction in leaving her like this.
Still catching her breath, she calls out. “Come here, asshole.”
You think she wanted a kiss, maybe another orgasm. But Wanda just adjusts you to her side, so she can rest against you. This is new too, spooning. It's the kind of thing casual encounters shouldn't do.
Of course she notices how tense you've become, and it only takes the moment for her to stop shaking for Wanda to look up, her chin resting on your chest.
"You don't have to overthink everything."
A nervous laugh escapes you. "I wasn’t."
Wanda makes a small grimace of unconvincedness. "I know you were. It's what you do. It's one of the things that makes you, you." She says, and it takes you a little by surprise. She sighs then, and looks away, resting her face against your chest again. You almost think she's not going to say anything else when she continues. "It's good that you think of all the possibilities. That way I'll never be able to disappoint you, you'll always see it coming."
You frown, absorbing her words in silence for a moment. Wanda begins to draw patterns on your stomach that look like her initials, until you sigh.
"I know we haven't named it what’s between us, but whatever it is, you can always tell me what's bothering you." You let her know quietly, your fingers playing through the strands of her hair. "And we can just talk, you know? It doesn't always have to end in sex. You don't have to get a new lingerie as an excuse to see me. No matter how hot you look on it."
She pinches you for the joke, but she’s smiling when she looks back at you.
“You’re not good at the whole casual sex thing, are you?” She teases, but she’s genuinely so happy with your previous words that she just can’t hide it.
You smile, watching her hover closer and closer. “You think? Because I think I’m doing pretty well at this, miss-Oh, baby, I’m gonna come,”
You do an imitation that makes Wanda's eyes widen and she blushes deeply while she huffs in embarrassment. You burst out laughing when she tries to cover your mouth and stop the teasing, and it ends up turning into a small fight of hands and tickles until Wanda ends up underneath again, now with her hands pinned on either side of her head.
There is an exchange of glances between the two of you, and you are smiling just like her.
You know that today, Wanda will not tell you what bothered her, what brought her here. She is right, however, you’re an overthinker and already have a hundred possibilities for what could have brought her there, and considering that you know from her friends how much she has been fighting with her father in the last few weeks, it is not hard to assume it is related to that.
But Wanda returns the intensity of your gaze, and you know that something between you has changed. She will tell you when she is ready.
Your grip on one of her hands loosens, and Wanda uses the opportunity to touch your cheek.
"What are you thinking about?"
You sigh, and she can tell. Her heart misses a beat, and she considers if she’s ready for a confession. If it would scare her or make her so happy, she would freeze. Maybe both. 
But you grimace a little, and smirk, and Wanda feels silly for even considering.
"I'm definitely going to fail Miss Harkness's class this semester."
Wanda frowns and then bursts out laughing, confused and incredulous.
"What?" She asks between laughs. “Why would you be thinking about this now? With a naked girl in your bed, you nerd!”
You giggle at her words, your free hand fitting on her waist as you wait for her to stop chuckling. "I don't know why you're laughing, this is your fault. You ruined all my study sessions with your... distracting presence."
She rolls her eyes in a playful manner. “"Well, I could always just leave-"
You grip her waist tighter, holding her in place. "Nah, who cares about classes anyway? Come here."
Wanda will definitely help you study, she makes a mental promise. But she will kiss you first just a little longer.
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coffeekenzie · 4 hours ago
I worked for a startup for a few years that was trying to make beanless coffee (like impossible foods but coffee) and the early stages of said product development was just harvesting the microbes from coffee farms and fermenting anything and everything with it and then roasting and brewing it.
I don’t even think I could tell you what the worst things actually WERE because after a 6 week fermentation with wild soil microbes it does not resemble any food whatsoever. More like a solid state fermentation of a vegetarian’s vomit that I then had to dehydrate and force through some approximation of the Maillard reaction and brew in a French press. And collect tasting notes from the team, for science.
I have no idea how many aflatoxins we ingested during this time. I had a couple of what I suspect were penicillium-related allergic reactions.
Also turns out a few of the ingredients we worked with were toxic because lots of seeds and legumes need to be boiled to be safe and fermenting then roasting isn’t an appropriate alternative. There was that one nut that made all our mouths numb for a few hours.
Don’t work for a early stage food startup yall.
what is THE worst thing you've ever drank. all liquids acceptable. please tell me what it was, bonus points for why
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codnasties · 2 days ago
p!link collection 5 👻🚬🧢🧼🪦🗡🐺 (🌽 links)
includes: ghost, price, gaz, soap, graves, konig & makarov
· · ────── ꒰ঌ·✦·໒꒱ ────── · ·
ghost 👻
the fucker ghost is, having fun with new rectruits, especially the ones that dare flirt with him
new pretty admin staff? it isn't gonna take long for ghost to have you half naked on your desk as he fucks you
seeing you do such a good job deep throating him as a surprise almost makes ghost cum instantly
being fucked by ghost big cock feels like being impaled, and theres is only so much your cunt can take
· · ────── ꒰ঌ·✦·໒꒱ ────── · ·
price 🚬
a handful of words coming from price is all it takes to turn you putty, even more so when he's talking you through it
if price is going to be stuck in a safehouse with you, might as well live out some of his exhibitionist fantasies
price makes sure to use his strong arms to keep you still as he explores your sweet cunt with his tongue
all the knots price learnt in the military pay off when he gets to tie you up nicely
· · ────── ꒰ঌ·✦·໒꒱ ────── · ·
gaz 🧢
do not let this menace have acces to your tits, because he can't not get his hands on them, espacially your nips
gaz is one of those people that just won't shut up during sex, dirty words always leaving his mouth
gaz fucking the milf he has as a neighbour when he has the chance to, making sure to fill you up nicely
just gaz getting lost in the pussy while eating you out
· · ────── ꒰ঌ·✦·໒꒱ ────── · ·
soap 🧼
soap will holeheartedly beg on his knees for you to sit on his face, like please give him a chance to eat you out
it's soap's mission to make a fucking mess, making you squirt and his cum leaking out of your cunt
a glance of skimpy lace lingerie and soap is furning into a feral hungry animal in need of some pussy
soap has a thing for feet, not just the feeling of your feet, but give him a sock and that's enough for him
· · ────── ꒰ঌ·✦·໒꒱ ────── · ·
graves 🪦
graves loves himself some tits, particularly when you are riding him and he can take them in his mouth
graves is one hell of a strong man, an he for sure uses his strength to manhandle you as he fucks
graves doesn't own a leash, be he for sure has a belt that he loves to wrap around your neck
graves has learnt how to deal with the inconveninet boners he gets sometimes, even when he's driving
· · ────── ꒰ঌ·✦·໒꒱ ────── · ·
konig 🗡
do not push your ass against konigs hard cock even when still in underwear, he will make a mess out of his boxers
my biggest konig hc: he as hyperspermia, cock always leaking and making massive messes with his cum
my pathetic little baby konig, just the feeling of his sweats against his hard cock is enough to make him cum
plumber!konig won't take payment. well, at least not in cash, but maybe some pussy sound good
· · ────── ꒰ঌ·✦·໒꒱ ────── · ·
makarov 🐺
makarov pulls your thong while he spanks you, making your clit catch in the soaking wet fabric
502 notes · View notes
cent-scratchnsniff · 3 days ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
#library of ruina#yesod lor#yesod#netzach lor#netzach#PRETEND ITS THE 14TH FOR ME OKAY!! god this thing made me feel so tired but its over. its over. am i happy w it? no.#ahhhghg the dialog is subpar. you can see visibly where i started and stopped some days. yk what. its. done.#ill do a whole different reblog from the sideblog on just ramblings of getting through it plus choices made. tldr aroace and harder to writ#romance that feels genuine. either way its done!! i was going to have it not as detailed but since i already missed the date by a lot might#as well put more effort into it yk. the last one made me want to die though. its really iffy compaired to the others . struggled so hard to#make it look right. ended up just going w one of the other previous sketches and just giving up and shading it in. i dobnot gaf it can look#weird but be done. HUZZAH!!!#ohbright forgot#netsod#probablt will do the text reblog abouuutt ???? 2 hours after og goes up. just to properly format it and collect thoughts and write#to who ever sent that anonymous ask. hope u like it. sorry it took so long#if this isnt in order i will melt into the floor and be consumed into the earth. PLEASEPELASPELASPLEASE#i onow i will make a seperate post abt it. but also. still just very. eh? i wanted to try and be true to what i had originally come to enjoy#with lor. but also i know im not capable of replicating such aspects and works and craftsmanship. but i still want to keep to what i can or#try to express facets that drew me into it all. which makes me a bit skittish abt writing dialog or drawing them in any other situation that#isnt just like. white void or the like. but still... .. .. . ahgh. skittish and overthinking. i cant tell what is attempting to handle with#adoration and care and what is just being overly terrified of having words or intent misconstrued#rechecking and rechecking and rechecking and .. . .. ect ect. i cannot look at it lest i explode
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pbaz7 · 12 hours ago
paige x azzi
word count: 7.3k
A/N: I don’t even know. I’m real iffy about this (i hate it) but a lot of people wanted it so here we are lol. This is honestly a random ass chapter and it’s a little all over the place. There’s at least a common theme throughout the chapter which is good I guess! Let me know what you think :)
Paige has been chronically offline since the accident. Of course she still scrolls on her accounts but her social media presence was almost nonexistent—just a collection of sponsored ads and the occasional basketball dump that, knowingly to fans, was usually Azzi’s doing these days. If it weren’t for her teammates tagging her in posts, some people joked they’d forget she even had social media.
Because Paige was so inactive online, fans paid extra attention to her whenever she did show up. Every glimpse of her—whether it was a blurry background appearance in someone’s TikTok or a split-second cameo in an Instagram story—became something to dissect. It wasn’t just about what she was doing, but who she was always with.
Azzi wasn’t much better when it came to social media. She posted more than Paige, but that wasn’t saying much. Her feed was mostly basketball, occasional glimpses into her workouts, and sometimes a rare photo dump. But what fans noticed most was that, when she did post anything remotely fun or glimpses of her life, Paige was often in the videos.
It started subtly—Azzi posting TikTok trends with the team, Paige reluctantly included but always standing closest to Azzi. Then, she’d randomly post duets of them. Ones where Paige didn’t even try to hide her smile when Azzi pulled her into frame, or where she’d roll her eyes but still play along, because it was Azzi. Fans ate it up, stitching their videos with captions like Azzi is the only one who can make Paige do anything.
Then there were the off-the-court moments. Paige and Azzi getting caught whispering on the bench regardless of who was sitting in between them. The way Azzi’s hand would linger on Paige’s arm after huddles, or how Paige always seemed to turn to Azzi first when she was talking.
None of it was concrete. But to fans who had been paying attention, it was enough to start putting the pieces together.
The suspicion grew more on a random night after a game. KK, Aubrey, and Ice were piled in one of the team suites, Ice’s phone was propped up on live. They weren’t talking about anything in specific—just answering questions, talking about the game, and laughing about something they were trying to explain they saw from the bench.
In the background, Paige was in her own world, sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone like she didn’t even know the live was happening. Which wasn’t unusual. Paige was rarely the one front and center in these kinds of things, and the fans knew it.
But that didn’t stop them from trying.
The comments flooding in.
Pls get Paige in the camera!
Can Paige come say hi???
Ice glanced over her shoulder. “Yo, they’re asking for you,” she told Paige, shifting the camera slightly to show the fans her reaction.
Paige didn’t even look up from her phone. She just shook her head, laughing. “Nah, I’m good.”
The comments started flying in:
She always does this 😭
Why is Paige allergic to cameras but will be in every single Azzi TikTok?
KK snickered, reading the comments in her head but not saying anything out loud. She, Ice, and Aubrey went back to talking about what happened on the bench during the game, reenacting the moment that had them in tears. The chat kept moving at full speed, fans still begging for Paige to come into frame, but the three ignored it, too caught up in their conversation.
After about 15 minutes the door to the suite opened, and Azzi walked in with Jana.
When they stepped in, Ice perked up. “Look who it is!” she said, grinning.
“Come say hi to the live real quick,” KK said, motioning for them to get in frame.
Jana, always down, strolled right over and leaned into the camera. “What are y’all doing?” she said, reading some of the comments as they flooded in.
Azzi, on the other hand, didn’t fully step in. She just popped her head into frame, flashing a quick smile. “Hey, guys,” she said casually before popping back out.
With the addition of Jana, the energy in the room picked up again. Ice, KK, and Aubrey focused on interacting with fans. The chat was flying, a mix of people laughing along and still—relentlessly—begging for Paige to get in the camera.
KK was the first to notice. She shook her head and nudged Aubrey, who glanced at what KK was pointing at and laughing. Jana and Ice caught on next, and within a few seconds, the four of them silently reached an agreement.
They all turned toward Paige simultaneously, eyes wide, lips jutted out in exaggerated pouts.
Paige, still lounging on the couch, didn’t even have to look up to know something was off. They had gotten way too quiet. With a small sigh, she lifted her head—only to be met with four identical, pleading expressions staring directly at her.
She blinked. “That looks like a scene from a horror movie.”
KK snorted, but no one broke character.
Paige let out a long sigh before pushing herself off the couch. “Alright, alright, chill,” she mumbled, as she walked toward them.
The live chat exploded:
We finally won 😭
She stepped into the frame and forced a tight smile. “Hello,” she said simply.
She looks like she’s being held hostage 💀
Someone check if she blinked twice
Paige glanced down at the screen, reading through a few of them which were definitely inappropriate and shook her head. “Y’all are crazy,” she mumbled.
Then, her attention shifted slightly—just past the camera.
Her lips curled into a small grin, subtle at first, but it grew when her ears tinged a faint shade of red. “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked. Her voice was softer, more familiar, like she had completely forgotten they were on live.
The chat instantly reacted.
Wait, what’s happening?
Y’all saw that shift in energy?? HELLO???
Just then, another voice mumbled something from behind the camera. "You look cute when you’re all shy like that."
Paige’s smile deepened as she shook her head, a small huff escaping her lips. “Did I say I was shy?” she shot back, raising an eyebrow.
Was that Azzi???
Paige is actually blushing. I’m sick, it's not me.
Azzi’s voice came again, a little clearer this time, but still low enough that it wasn’t obvious who was speaking. "You don’t have to say it. I can see it."
Paige bit her lip, eyes flickering downward for a second before shaking her head again. “Mhm,” she hummed, her amusement clear. “That’s crazy.”
Now the fans were in full meltdown mode, scrambling to piece it together.
KK glanced down at the comments, but she hadn’t been following the chaos leading up to them. All she saw was "Who’s behind the camera?"
“Oh,” she said, reaching for the phone. “It’s just Azzi Fudd Fudd.”
She turned the camera toward Azzi, who barely had time to blink before being on the live. Azzi gave a small smile, waving before KK propped the phone back in its original spot.
Paige, babe, be so real with us right now. Like be fr.
Paige, for her part, had already retreated back to the couch, stretching out with an arm over the backrest.
Eventually, Azzi wandered over, standing in front of Paige, who tilted her head up to look at her. The fans couldn’t hear what they were saying, but it didn’t matter because Paige had that goofy grin on her face—the one she only ever gave Azzi.
Paige picked up her phone, holding it out in front of her as she showed something to Azzi. Azzi took it, leaning down just a little closer, her eyebrows furrowing as she examined the screen. The fans could see her jaw drop in mock disbelief.
“Absolutely not,” Azzi said, shaking her head with a playful, incredulous tone.
Paige looked shocked. “Wait, what?” she asked, but before Azzi responded, she was turning to walk off frame, clearly trying to hide a grin.
Paige jumped up from the couch to follow her. The camera caught her moving quickly, her hand still holding her phone as she trailed behind Azzi, just as the two disappeared off-camera.
A moment later, a playful squeal is heard, followed by Azzi’s laughter. “Paige, stop!” she yells through her laugh.
There’s a bit of shuffling—movement that suggests a playful struggle—before Paige’s voice comes through. “You act like you don’t like it.”
After that there was a soft thud, like someone bumping into furniture, then the distant click of a door shutting.
KK glances toward the door before turning back to the screen, eyebrows raised.
As time passed and Paige and Azzi still hadn’t returned, the live became chaotic, with Ice and KK taking over, entertaining fans the best way they knew how—by arguing.
“Bro, you literally just said the opposite like five minutes ago,” Ice argued, pointing at KK.
“Girl boo. No, I didn’t,” KK shot back.
“Oh my God bro yes you did,” Ice insisted, shaking her head. “Somebody roll the tape.”
Then, someone finally asked:
Where did Paige and Azzi go???
KK glanced at the chat. “Prolly with they boyfriends.”
Ice turned her head, eyes widening before she let out a snicker, barely holding back her laugh.
Paige and Azzi somewhere laughing at us rn.
KK YOU’RE NOT FUNNY (yes you are but still).
After that live, it seemed like the fans were watching their every move. It wasn’t like Paige and Azzi were hiding anything—it was more that they weren’t about to make any official announcements, nor were they ever planning on doing anything overt in front of the cameras.
Still, the speculation never stopped. Fans were divided—some adamantly claimed the two of them weren’t even gay, others argued they were just best friends, while a small group swore up and down that something was definitely happening between them. Despite all the chatter, Paige and Azzi never commented on it. And that, in itself, said enough.
There were no denials, no confirmations, just the two of them continuing on with their lives, the bond between them only becoming more obvious with time. It was clear to anyone who paid close enough attention that Paige and Azzi were something more than just teammates, more than just friends. But until they decided otherwise, everyone would have to keep guessing.
The podcast started, and the two of them were settled in front of the mics, the cameras already rolling. Paige looked a little stiff at first, clearly still not quite used to the whole “podcast” thing, while Azzi was a little more relaxed.
The Overtime WBB manager gave them a thumbs up, signaling for them to just start talking, telling them they’d chime in if they needed anything..
Azzi leaned into the mic first. "Hi, I’m Azzi Fudd."
Paige raised a hand, half-waving at the camera. "Paige Bueckers."
Azzi flashed a grin. "Um so, we’re partnering with Overtime WBB for a few podcast episodes, and honestly, it’s just gonna be a yap session. Nothing too serious. Just us talking and they’re going to clip whichever parts they like."
Paige chuckled at that. "Yap session? That’s one way to put it."
Azzi turned to her with her grin still in place. "Basically what it is. And yes, you have to participate."
Paige huffed as she leaned back in her chair. "I don’t know why I got picked for this.”
"You know exactly why you got picked for this."
Paige just shakes her head, picking up some of the cards they had in front of her, flipping through them absentmindedly. She wasn’t quite sure where to start.
Azzi raised an eyebrow, glancing at the cards in Paige’s hands. "So, how do you wanna do this?"
Paige looked up, smiling softly. "You can start."
Azzi leaned forward, giving Paige a look. "Just so you know I’m not running this whole thing. I’ll let you sit there being mysterious for a little bit though."
Paige laughed. "I’m not tryna be mysterious. I’m just… tryna figure out how to talk into a mic without sounding awkward."
Azzi laughed softly. "Just act like we're on the phone or FaceTime or something."
Paige gave her a look—one silently saying, you definitely don’t want us doing that.
Azzi caught the look and rolled her eyes slightly, laughing again. "Okay, maybe let’s not do that."
Paige nodded with a grin on her face. "Exactly."
Azzi shook her head, picking up the cards in front of her. She scanned through a few trying to find one that she knew would relax Paige a little bit. After a second she turned back to Paige with a grin. “Who's the best shooter on the team?"
Paige snorted. "Me."
Azzi raised an eyebrow "So, we're starting off the first episode with lying, huh?"
"Azzi, I’m a better shooter than you."
"Really? Do we wanna tell everybody what happened yesterday after practice?"
Paige sat up in her chair as she squinted her eyes at Azzi. "You mean when you cheated and threw your ball in the air on my last shot?"
Azzi grinned. "You still missed. Meaning you lost."
Paige shook her head. "You cheated.
Azzi’s grin only grew as she shrugged nonchalantly. "You're just a sore loser."
Paige shot her a glare. "I’m a sore loser? You still can't admit I beat you in a one-on-one."
"Because you didn’t win."
Paige threw her hands up. "Bro, I was up 18-17!"
Azzi’s grin only grew when she saw Paige getting riled up. "Exactly. It was win by two. So, no, you didn’t win."
Paige let out an exaggerated sigh, shaking her head. "Whatever."
Azzi laughed, leaning back in her chair. "I’ll let you be delusional today but we both know what's good."
Paige smirked a little at this but didn't say anything back. Just raised her eyebrows at Azzi before she looked down at her cards. After a moment, she picked one out and glanced up at Azzi.
"Would you rather be stuck in a room with me or Coach for 24 hours?"
Azzi snorted, her face lighting up with amusement. She pretended to think for a moment, tapping her chin dramatically before glancing at Paige with a grin. "I don’t know man...that’s a tough one...you’d get a little annoying after like hour ten."
Paige dropped her jaw in disbelief, looking at Azzi like she’d just been betrayed. "Wowww."
Azzi's eyes sparkled as she looked back at Paige. "Still…I’d rather be stuck in a room with you, Paige."
The way she said it and the way she looked at Paige as she tilted her head slightly, made the words hang in the air for a moment. There was a beat of silence, the slight tension between them clear to everyone in the room. Paige held Azzi’s gaze, and for just a second, neither of them said anything—too caught up in the weight of the moment.
Paige’s smile faded slightly, her heartbeat a little louder in her ears. Azzi blinked, breaking the spell, and leaned back casually in her chair, her grin returning like nothing had happened.
Azzi flipped to the next card, reading it over before glancing at Paige with a curious expression. “Who's the hardest player to guard in college basketball?”
Paige barely hesitated before answering, her voice smooth in the mic. “You.”
Azzi blinked, caught off guard for a split second before a slow smirk spread across her face. “Oh?” she leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. “Go on.”
Paige rolled her eyes at Azzi’s reaction but continued. “You’re shifty, your release time is basically nonexistent, you can get to the rim, and you never stop moving. It’s annoying.”
Azzi grinned, clearly pleased. “Annoying, huh?”
Paige nodded. “Very.”
“So what I’m hearing is, I give you problems.”
Paige scoffed, shaking her head. “Alright I never said allat.”
Azzi turned to the camera, her smile still present. “You hear that, everybody? Paige Bueckers just admitted that I’m the toughest player she’s had to guard. Basically said she can’t guard me.”
Paige groaned, rubbing her temples. “See, this is why I don’t say nice things. Your head gets bigger than it already is.”
Azzi laughed, clearly enjoying every second of Paige’s frustration, before turning back to the camera. "I swear she’s a lot nicer to me when she isn’t in front of a camera."
Paige scoffed, tilting her head slightly. "That’s funny, ’cause I was just thinking the same thing about you."
Azzi smirked. "Oh yeah?"
Paige nodded, her eyes locked on Azzi. "Mhm. You act all innocent in front of people, but when it’s just us? Whole different person."
Azzi raised an eyebrow. "What kinda different we talkin'?"
Paige leaned forward, a smile forming on her face. "The kinda different when you’re all over me."
Azzi laughed, shaking her head. "You’re wild for saying that on camera."
Paige shrugged, her smile growing. "What? It’s not like I’m lying."
Azzi tilted her head, pretending to consider if she was going to play into this with Paige. "You’re the one who gets all soft when we’re alone. Acting like you don’t melt the second I touch you."
Paige let out a soft laugh. "I don’t melt."
Azzi smirked. "You do."
Paige and Azzi exchanged a look before breaking into quiet laughter, clearly amused by how quickly their conversation had derailed.
"Now look who's flirting on camera," Paige teased.
Azzi shook her head, feigning innocence. "They can cut it out."
Both of them instinctively glanced to the side where the Overtime WBB crew stood, watching. One of the staff members, who had been jotting down notes, simply nodded. "Say no more," she mumbled, scribbling something down—probably making a note to edit out that part.
The staff member finished jotting down notes and looked up at them. "Alright, we’re going to do a speed round of questions to see how well you two know each other which should give us enough to wrap it up for today."
Paige and Azzi both nodded, settling in. Paige glanced at the paper, huffing out a laugh when she saw the question. "What’s my go-to order?"
Azzi snorted. "Chicken tenders and fries."
Paige grinned, satisfied with the answer, but Azzi wasn’t done as she adds, "She eats like a toddler."
Paige gasped. "No, I don’t! They’ve just never failed me. Gotta stick with ole-reliable when I go to new places."
Azzi shook her head, laughing, before reading the next question. "What’s my pregame ritual?"
"You always have to poop right before the game."
"This is true."
Paige continued easily, describing Azzi’s pregame routine as if she had been Azzi’s teammate for years. "But other than that, we both listen to the playlist I made, you tie your shoes a certain way, right first then left, and then you stretch longer than everybody else so you can pretend like—"
Azzi cut her off, eyes widening. "Alright, alright, let’s not spill all my secrets!"
Paige chuckled saying, “What you got opps?”
Azzi mumbles out, “Probably.”
Paige just laughed, shaking her head. She glanced down at her paper again. "What’s one of my pet peeves?"
Azzi didn’t hesitate. "When people chew too loud."
Paige pointed at her. "Facts."
Azzi looked slightly toward the camera before turning back to Paige. "Any time somebody chews loudly, she physically looks like she’s in pain. She’s too nice to say anything, though."
Paige rolled her eyes but didn’t deny it. Instead, she moved on. "Alright, what’s something I always say on the court?"
Azzi laughed instantly. "‘That’s off’—you used to only do it when you shot and knew it was about to miss but you’ve started doing it when I shoot now too."
Paige laughed. "Cause you gotta rebound more so I’m tryna help you out."
"Yeah whatever."
Paige gestured for Azzi to go next.
Azzi glanced down at the paper in front of her, skimming a few of them before asking, "What’s my guilty pleasure TV show?"
Paige leaned back in her chair confidently. "Any Bachelor or Love Island spinoff. You swear you don’t care, but then you get way too invested every time."
Azzi playfully rolled her eyes but grinned. "Okay, fair."
Paige wasn’t done. "Then you force me to watch it with you every night and start asking questions like, ‘Why did he pick her over the other girl?’"
Azzi laughed, shaking her head. "Alright you’re just adding all the extra details to these questions. "
Paige gave her Azzi smile and shrugged. "That’s the game, right?"
Azzi exhaled, looking down to hide her blush before picking her next question. "What’s something random I love?"
Paige didn’t even blink. "The smell of fresh laundry. You always say it’s one of the best smells in the world."
Azzi raised an impressed eyebrow. "I’m surprised you got that one so quick."
Paige shrugged like it was obvious. "That’s because every time you do laundry, you take a deep breath and say, ‘That’s elite’ before you make me fold em."
Azzi covered her face laughing. "Okay, stop exposing me!"
Paige just grinned before asking the next question. "What’s something that instantly annoys me?"
Azzi hummed. "When people take too long to tell a story."
Paige pointed at her again. "Oh my god bro! If you have a five-minute story, please don’t take twenty minutes to tell it."
Azzi shook her head, smiling. "She gets so impatient when people don’t get to the point. I can literally see it on her face. Then she starts fidgeting around like a child."
Paige let out a dramatic sigh. "Because why are you dragging it? Just get to the point!"
Azzi laughed, nodding before glancing at her next question. "What’s one of my biggest fears?"
Paige’s smirk faded slightly as she answered the question softly. "Not reaching your full potential."
Azzi blinked, the playful air between them shifting just for a moment. Paige held her gaze, the answer coming too naturally—reflecting the long conversations and late nights the two of them shared talking about things like that.
Azzi nodded slowly. "Yeah," she said softly before clearing her throat and forcing a smirk. "That and spiders."
Paige let the moment pass and grinned. "Yeah, those too. You basically crawled up my back when there was a spider in my bathroom once"
Azzi laughed, shaking her head. "Alright, next question."
Paige smirked. It was clear she was enjoying herself. "What’s something I do when I’m overthinking?"
Azzi exhaled, already knowing the answer. "You play with your ring on your finger and if you’re trying to not be too obvious because I’m around you bite the inside of your cheek."
Paige stared at her for a moment before grinning because of course Azzi had picked up on the second one "Okay, stalker."
"I just pay attention to you."
Paige didn’t say anything for a second, just held her gaze with that small smirk of hers.
After a beat of silence—just the two of them smiling at each other—the staff member cleared her throat. "Alright guys thank you. I think that’s good for today."
Azzi turned toward them, flashing a polite smile. "Sounds good, thank you."
Paige, however, was still looking at her, that smirk lingering like she knew something Azzi didn’t.
Azzi stood up, stretching her arms above her head before mumbling under her breath, "Stop staring at me creep."
Paige leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms—eyes never leaving Azzi. "Not my fault you’re in my line of sight."
Azzi rolled her eyes but glanced over her shoulder, seeing which staff members were still lingering around. After a second, she seemed satisfied with what she saw and then turned her attention back to Paige.
She moved closer, standing between Paige’s legs, her presence drawing Paige's gaze upward. The smirk on Paige’s face never faltered.
Azzi tilted her head slightly, a glint in her eyes as she reached out to take Paige’s hand, fingers casually playing with hers. "What?" she asked.
Paige tugged gently at Azzi’s hand, pulling her down into her lap. "I like your hair like that," she said softly, her fingers playing with the ends of Azzi's curls as she settled her more comfortably.
Paige glanced up at Azzi, smiling up at her softly. "This okay pretty?"
Azzi looked around again, checking the room before her gaze returned to Paige. She nodded, her voice quiet. "Yeah," she replied, settling into Paige's lap.
As soon as she got confirmation Paige pulled Azzi into a kiss by her jaw. Azzi’s hand instinctively found its way to Paige's cheek, her fingers tracing her face as she kissed back, both of them losing themselves in the moment for a while.
When they broke apart, Azzi whispered softly, her breath still warm against Paige’s lips, "You did well. I’m proud of you baby."
Paige chuckled, her smirk returning as she leaned back slightly. "Thank you."
Azzi raised an eyebrow at Paige’s demeanor, her tone teasing as she asked, "Did you like it?"
Paige, still with that same smirk, shook her head playfully. "Nope."
Azzi laughed, her fingers gently running through Paige's hair as she leaned in again, clearly enjoying the playful tension between them. "You're cute," she mumbled affectionately, her lips brushing Paige's temple.
Azzi’s fingers gently continued to play with Paige’s hair, a soft rhythm as they both relaxed into the moment. Paige let her head fall back against the chair completely, closing her eyes, letting the peace of the moment wash over her. The warmth of Azzi’s presence beside her always felt grounding.
Azzi, always attuned to Paige’s needs, let her take the brief moment of quiet. She shifted slightly, resting her head against Paige's shoulder, her hand still lightly grazing Paige’s hair as she hummed softly when she smelt Paige’s cologne, content to simply be there.
But the stillness didn’t last for long. A soft voice broke the moment. "Hey, sorry to bother you guys."
Azzi blinked, her eyes opening to see a staff member standing nearby. She straightened up, offering a polite smile, though there was still a relaxed air about her. "No problem," Azzi said.
The staff member looked at both of them. "Just wanted to check in to see if there's anything else from the podcast you want to be taken out, besides that one portion we already talked about?"
Paige opened her eyes, glancing over at Azzi showing she fully expected her to answer it for them.
"I think we're good," Azzi said, giving Paige a quick look to silently confirm. "Just that one part...everything else should be fine."
Paige simply nodded in agreement before closing her eyes again.
The staff member made a quick note on her clipboard. "Alright, cool. Just wanted to check in before we wrap up. You can just message us if anything else comes up."
As the staff member walked off, Azzi shifted back into a more relaxed position, her fingers resuming their movements through Paige’s hair. She mumbled, "Kinda crazy how we spent our off day working."
Paige mumbled in response—her eyes still shut. "Tell me about it."
Azzi huffed out a soft laugh, amused by Paige’s tired tone. She leaned in and kissed Paige’s neck gently, the brief contact making Paige grin.
Pulling away just enough, Azzi sat up, looking down at Paige with a small smile. "Let’s get you back to the room before you pass out sleepyhead," she said softly as she helped Paige sit up.
Paige stretched slowly, a contented sigh escaping her lips as she finally met Azzi’s eyes, still smiling. "I’m not sleepy… just...happy I don’t have to talk."
Azzi grinned, raising an eyebrow. "Whatever you say," she replied. Her eyes softened when she noticed the way Paige’s eyes were starting to droop. "You’re gonna pass out the second we get back to the room, aren’t you?"
Paige didn’t answer right away, but the lazy smile on her face and the way she leaned slightly on Azzi as they began to walk was enough of an answer. Azzi shook her head in amusement, offering her a gentle nudge as she led the way toward the door. "I knew it," she mumbled with a grin.
Once small clips of the podcast were released, the attention on Paige and Azzi only grew. The fans were watching more closely if possible, dissecting every interaction, every glance, every touch.
The two of them didn’t mind. Paige who was still reacclimating to the overwhelming attention, was more reserved around fans in general. But one thing she never did was change how she acted with Azzi. Whether cameras were on them or not, Azzi remained within reach—adjusting Paige’s hoodie strings, fixing her chain, brushing something off her sleeve. Small gestures that didn’t go unnoticed because there was no one else on the team doing them.
It was ironic, really. Fans remembered Paige playfully yelling at Ice during a livestream, claiming she hated being touched after Ice bear hugged her. Yet, with Azzi, she never seemed to mind.
Some of the more in-tune fans noticed subtle shifts in their demeanor when they were in public versus when they were on lives or behind the scenes. Paige was usually the protective one—shooting glares at the team when they bothered Azzi, draping an arm around her when she was pouring about something. But when they were at games or events, surrounded by fans, the roles seemed to reverse. Azzi subtly became the protective one.
She was the one gently guiding Paige away from crowded situations, standing just slightly in front of her when fans ran over to them too quickly, placing a hand on her lower back when the attention became too much. People other than just fans were starting to notice.
"Have y’all realized that Paige acts all big and bad with the team but the second they’re in public, Azzi’s the one protecting her???"
"No, let's talk about it bc Azzi is always making sure Paige is comfortable in crowded spaces and I think I’m gonna cry."
The event was supposed to be simple—meet fans, take pictures, sign a few autographs. And if this had been two years ago, it probably would have been much calmer. But things had changed.
With the rise in popularity, the number of fans crowding the venue had grown, completely filling the space with excited chatter and eager energy. People called out players' names, some holding jerseys and posters, others just wanting a quick interaction. Paige, despite being a transfer, had been welcomed with open arms. And if there was any doubt before the event, it was clear now—these fans completely adored her.
Azzi was caught up in conversation, taking pictures, signing things, flashing smiles when she needed to, but every so often, her eyes drifted toward Paige.
At first, it was just out of habit—glancing over to check in, to get a quick glimpse of her girlfriend.
But then, the crowd around Paige continued to grow.
Azzi’s stomach tensed as she watched more people press in, everyone trying to get a moment of her attention. At first, Paige didn’t seem to mind. She was still smiling, still quietly answering questions.
But Azzi knew better.
She remembered one night, months ago, when Paige had admitted, almost offhandedly, “Since the accident I get really claustrophobic sometimes. Not all the time, but when too many people are around me, and I can’t move the way I want or go where I want, it just…gets to me I guess.”
Azzi hadn’t forgotten.
Which was why she kept glancing over now, watching the way Paige’s shoulders stiffened just slightly, the way her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes anymore. The way she was playing with the ring on her finger was always a clear sign of discomfort.
Azzi didn’t hesitate to make her way towards her after that. She didn’t rush, didn’t make it obvious—just started subtly making her way toward the crowd, offering a few more smiles, taking a couple more pictures along the way.
Azzi was nearly there when she saw Paige tensing as a fan wrapped an arm around her waist for a picture. It might have looked normal to anyone else, just a casual pose for the picture but the fan's arm was pressed securely around Paige’s torso, right where her scar was.
Paige didn’t say anything. She just offered a tight smile, her fingers still idly twisting the ring on her finger relentlessly.
Sliding smoothly into the group, Azzi greeted the fans with her usual warmth, her voice light. “Hey guys, how’s it going?”
The distraction was enough. The fan instinctively loosened her hold as she turned toward her, and in that split second, Azzi slid in. “Mind if I hop in for one?” she asked, flashing her grin. Before the fan could fully process it, Azzi gently moved their arm away from Paige, positioning herself in the middle instead. The way she did it was subtle—done so effortlessly that no one would think twice about it.
The picture was taken, and Azzi smiled at the fan before signing something for her.
After that she turned toward the group smiling as she said, “Sorry, guys, I need to steal her for a second,” already reaching for Paige’s hand to tug her away from the group.
Azzi guided Paige toward the exit, her hand resting lightly on Paige’s back as they weaved through the maze of people. As they neared the door, Azzi caught CD’s questioning look from nearby. With a simple glance, CD silently asked where they were going.
Azzi mouthed, Just taking a quick break.
CD gave a small nod of approval, trusting them both, before turning back to the chaos of the event.
Azzi led Paige toward the team's coach bus, still parked out front. The cool air was a welcome contrast to the heat of the packed venue, and the moment they stepped onto the empty bus, Paige exhaled deeply. They slid into a random seat, and as soon as she was sitting, Paige dragged her hands down her face, finally letting herself breathe.
Azzi didn’t say anything at first. She knew Paige needed a moment to gather herself. Instead, she just sat beside her, letting the quietness settle between them.
But when she noticed Paige starting to zone out, her eyes becoming unfocused, her fingers idly twisting the ring on her hand again, Azzi reached over and gently took her hand.
“What’s going on in that pretty head?” she asked her softly.
Paige let out a quiet breath, giving Azzi a small, appreciative smile before shaking her head. Her voice was barely above a whisper when she admitted, “I don’t know if I can do this, Az.”
Azzi’s brows knitted together as she turned toward Paige. “What do you mean?”
Paige let out a slow exhale, her fingers still playing with the ring on her finger. "I don’t know how to do this whole public figure thing anymore," she admitted, her voice quiet. "Before the accident, it was easier. Even though it was hectic, I could handle it—I loved it. But now… everything’s just harder. Social media, interactions, all of it."
Azzi frowned slightly, wanting to ease her worries. "You don’t need to be a public figure to be a basketball player P."
Paige simply gave her a look—one that silently told Azzi they both knew that wasn’t true.
Paige took a deep breath before continuing, her tone filled with frustration. "How am I supposed to be a face of a league team when I can’t even handle a crowd at a damn bowling alley?"
Azzi sighed softly before adjusting, hooking her arm through Paige’s and leaning her head against her shoulder. She reached down, replacing Paige’s hand with her own as she began absentmindedly playing with the ring on Paige’s finger, both of them staring ahead in silence for a moment.
Then, after gathering her thoughts, Azzi finally spoke. "You’re going to be perfectly fine, baby."
She paused, knowing she needed to explain why in a way that made sense to Paige. After a brief moment, she continued, her head still resting against Paige’s shoulder. "You’re so easy for people to love, to root for, to gravitate to."
Azzi lifted her head slightly, glancing at Paige before leaning down and continuing. "The moment you announced you were transferring to UConn, your name was everywhere. Every sports outlet, every social media page—everyone was talking about the return of Paige Bueckers." She paused, her fingers still gently twisting the ring. "You didn’t even have a social media presence and brands still threw the craziest deals at you."
Paige listened quietly, her chest rising and falling steadily as she took in Azzi’s words.
"You went from not being mentioned on draft boards to jumping into the first round after what…four games?" Azzi tilted her head slightly before laughing at herself. "I started rambling and kinda lost my train of thought."
Paige chuckled softly, the sound warm as she kissed Azzi’s head before leaning her own against Azzi’s.
Azzi smiled before letting out a quiet breath. "I guess my point was, I’m saying all of this to remind you that despite everything you went through, despite how much it still weighs on you. How much you still want to work on…you’re a light for everyone else. You’re a genuine person, you have the sweetest soul of anyone I’ve ever met. You’re talented, honest, and just…” Azzi pauses to gather her thoughts, silently thanking the universe for giving her someone like Paige. She continues saying, “You’re just an amazing human baby. And people don’t see that a lot in public figures these days."
Paige closed her eyes for a moment, letting the words settle.
"You could never post on social media again, you could hire a social media manager to handle everything, and people would still love you," Azzi continued. "They love you even when you don’t interact with them. Just being in the same room as you is enough for some of them. Just getting a glimpse of you—I don’t know if I’m cut out to make the decisions but if I was a GM that sounds like a damn great person to build my team around.”
Paige swallowed, her fingers curling around Azzi’s. She didn’t say anything right away, but the tension in her shoulders slowly began to ease.
Azzi squeezed Paige’s hand gently, grounding her before she continued. "No, you might not be the same Paige from high school—the one who filmed TikToks with kids after games and didn’t mind when hundreds of people waited for her and warmed her." She glanced up, making sure Paige was listening. "But this version of you? This perfect version of you that I love more than anything in this world. You still find time to make people’s day, even when you don’t realize it."
Paige exhaled softly, her body relaxing against Azzi.
"It’s gonna take time to get used to it again," Azzi admitted. "And that’s perfectly fine. Until then, just doing it in small bursts is enough." She played with the ring on Paige’s finger again. "And just so we’re clear—you are not obligated to give your time to anyone."
Paige let out a quiet huff of laughter, shaking her head slightly.
Azzi raised an eyebrow, a smile forming. "What?"
Paige turned to her, her blue eyes soft and filled with something Azzi recognized instantly. "I just love you," she whispered. "And I’m so thankful that God brought you into my life."
While Paige was saying this, Azzi's brown eyes were locked onto Paige’s blue ones the entire time. Her heart swelled, a slow smile forming as she whispered, "I love you too beautiful."
Azzi held Paige’s gaze for a moment before suddenly perking up. “One sec,” she said, standing up before Paige could question her.
Paige watched in confusion as Azzi walked toward her actual seat on the bus, rummaging through her bag. “What are you doing?” she said, brows furrowing.
“Hold on,” Azzi replied, focused as she finally pulled something out. She turned back, making her way toward Paige again, a small box now in her hand.
When she reached her, she held it out. “Here,” she said. “Open it.”
Paige looked at the box, then back at Azzi, suspicion flickering across her features. “Azzi…”
Azzi groaned, already anticipating the resistance. “Don’t be difficult.”
Paige huffed out a quiet laugh, shaking her head before finally lifting the lid. Her breath hitched when she saw the delicate silver necklace inside, a heart-shaped locket resting in the center. She blinked, stunned, before looking back up at Azzi, who was watching her with a soft smile.
“Open the locket,” Azzi said gently.
Paige carefully lifted the necklace from the box, her fingers grazing the cool metal as she unclasped the locket. Inside there was a small picture staring back at her—one of the first pictures they’d taken together. The memory was still so clear even though it seemed like two different versions of them.
A lump formed in Paige’s throat as her fingers trembled slightly, tracing the edge of the locket. No one had ever given her something like this before—something so thoughtful.
Azzi shifted beside her, watching her reaction closely. “You always say I make crowds and things like that easier,” she rambled. “So, I wanted to give you that—so you know I’m always there, even when I can’t be physically next to you.”
Paige took a long exhale, her chest tightening in a way she couldn’t quite explain. Slowly, she looked back up at Azzi, her blue eyes glistening.
“Baby…this is beautiful,” she whispered, her voice almost lost in the empty bus.
Azzi smiled and reached for the locket. “Here, let me put it on.”
Paige turned slightly, pulling her hair to the side as Azzi unclasped the necklace and carefully fastened it around her neck. Her fingers lingered for a moment, rubbing the back of Paige’s neck gently which only made her chest fill with more warmth.
When Paige let her hair fall back into place, her fingers found the locket resting against her shirt. She held it lightly, rubbing her thumb over the surface. “I love it,” she admitted, her voice softer than before, more vulnerable. “I love you.”
Azzi grinned, nudging Paige’s knee with her own. “I know.”
Paige rolled her eyes, a chuckle escaping her lips. “Bro you’re annoying.”
Azzi laughed, nudging her one more time. “I love you too, big head.”
They sat there for a moment in comfortable silence, both knowing they needed to head back inside. With a shared sigh, they stood, their fingers brushing briefly before Azzi stepped toward the door.
Just before they stepped off the bus, Paige gently grabbed Azzi’s wrist, stopping her in place. Azzi turned, a silent question in her eyes, but before she could say anything, Paige tugged her in, pressing a delicate kiss to her lips.
Azzi, of course, kissed her back, her hand resting on Paige’s hip, rubbing a few circles against her skin before she pulled away slightly. “You ready to go back to the chaos?”
Paige huffed out a laugh, shaking her head. “Not really,” she admitted.
Azzi grinned. “Too bad. I gotta go be the people’s princess.” With that, she grabbed Paige’s hand, giving it a quick squeeze before pulling her off the bus. As they neared the entrance, they made sure to drop their hands, slipping seamlessly back into the world that was waiting for them.
This time, though, Paige felt much better about everything.
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astrolook · 1 day ago
Birth Chart Family Secrets: What Your Planets Reveal About Home Life
1st House:
Sun - Whether you liked it or not, you were the center of attention. Your father probably made sure everyone knew you were the one to watch.
Moon - Your mother is either super loving or way too overbearing. Emotional rollercoaster, anyone? 🎢
Venus - you could be superficial at times in family gatherings. Maybe you don't want certain people around you.
Mars - You probably had some fiery family debates. “Who’s going to win this time?” 💥
Jupiter - You grew up with big dreams. Sometimes, your parents pushed you to take on more than you could handle. 🌍
Saturn - Your self-image was shaped by heavy responsibility. From a young age, you probably had to grow up fast, especially with your family’s expectations weighing on you. 👔
Uranus - You were the odd one out in the family. Probably the rebel who challenged norms and didn’t fit into the “traditional” family mold. ⚡
Neptune - Your sense of self might’ve been blurry. Family life felt like a dream—or maybe a fog. Were they loving, or were they distant? Sometimes it was hard to tell. 🌊
Pluto - You either love your family or hate them. Nothing in-between. Adopted children sometimes have this placement in their birth chart.
2nd House:
Sun - Money and security were at the core of your family’s identity. Success and status were everything, and your parents probably emphasized these values constantly. 💰
Moon - Whether your parents showered you with material goods or made you feel guilty for wanting more, there was always an emotional attachment to what you had. 💸
Mercury - Your family talked about money a lot. If you have a younger sibling, they could be earning well or would earn well.
Venus - Your family's way of showing affection and love is through gifts, comfort and luxury - whether it was food or designer shoes. It also shows you have a sweet tooth.
Mars - There was probably some tension over money, especially when it came to what was “mine” vs. “yours.” You learned to fight for your share, especially in a big family. 💥
Jupiter - If you have an elder sibling, they could be earning well and would spoil you with gifts or just buy you big things. Your parents probably showered you with bigger items or maybe you have a collection of these.
Saturn - The values in your home were built around hard work and discipline. Money didn’t come easily, and your family probably taught you that nothing was given to you.
Uranus - Unexpected financial situations and rebellious spending habits were a thing. You might have had a family that was either too conservative or too experimental when it came to money. 💡
Neptune - You probably saw your family’s relationship with money as a bit hazy. Was there enough, or was it all a mirage? Confusion was the name of the game.
Pluto - Power struggles around money. You might’ve grown up seeing money as a way to control or dominate.
3rd House:
Sun - You were probably the star of family discussions. Your voice was always heard, whether you wanted it to be or not. 👑
Moon - You communicated emotionally with them. Whether it was through feelings or moods, you shared your inner world with your family. Sometimes it was a bit much for them to handle. 😅
Mercury - Family conversations were fast-paced, witty, and a little too sharp sometimes. Growing up, you had to keep up with all the intellectual chatter. 🗣️
Venus - Your communication was all about harmony and beauty. You probably had the smoothest way with words—making everything sound more loving than it really was. 💕
Mars - You argued. A lot. You had the spirit of a warrior in family discussions. If you didn’t get your point across, you’d fight until the very end.
Jupiter - Your family encouraged you to think big and never settle for small talk. 🌍
Saturn - You may have felt like there was little room for emotion in your family’s conversations. 📜
Uranus - Your family probably had unconventional ways of communicating. Forget normal—there were oddball opinions flying around.
Neptune - Your family’s way of communicating was either filled with fantasy or complete miscommunication.
Pluto - Things get real fast, and sometimes, it was like you were discussing life-or-death issues at the dinner table. 🔥
4th House:
Sun - Your family probably made sure everyone knew you came from good stock. 🏡
Moon - Your family could be supportive and nurturing—or super moody and unpredictable.
Mercury - There were always family meetings, talks, and debates. Sometimes it was exhausting!
Venus - Your home was probably filled with art, nice things, and a lot of effort to create a peaceful atmosphere. 🖼️
Mars - There were likely a lot of arguments, physical activity, and maybe even fights over space and control. 🔥
Jupiter - You could be from a big family. Your home was probably full of optimism, maybe even too optimistic, and your parents encouraged you to think big. 🌍
Saturn - Two words - childhood trauma.
Uranus - Your family’s ways were always a bit… out there.
Neptune - You might’ve felt like things weren’t as they seemed, with a bit of an illusionary family dynamic.
Pluto - Family secrets or a secret family?
5th House:
Sun - Your childhood was likely full of performances, plays, or maybe even "My child is special" moments. 🎨
Moon - Emotions were a big part of your creative process, and your parents probably encouraged you to share your heart openly (sometimes too much). 💫
Mercury - Your family might’ve had clever inside jokes and sometimes you could have felt misunderstood.
Venus - Family valued beauty and art. Either you or your parents see the beauty in things or could be highly judgmental based on one's appearance.
Mars - You probably fought for attention in the family. Middle child syndrome.
Jupiter - Your family thought you could do it all.
Saturn - Your parents were strict about how you channeled your creative energy. 🏗️
Uranus - You probably rebelled against the “traditional” forms of expression. ⚡
Neptune - Your family’s vision of creativity was often dreamy, and it might’ve felt like there was a lot of idealization and escapism. 🌊
Pluto - Your family probably dealt with intense emotional highs and lows surrounding your self-expression. What you created could’ve sparked big changes. 🔥
6th House:
Sun - Health and daily routines were a big deal. Your family likely expected you to be disciplined with your body, maybe even pushing you toward a healthy lifestyle (even if you didn’t want to). 🏃‍♂️
Moon - Your family encouraged comfort, but it may have felt like an emotional rollercoaster when it came to health and wellness.
Mercury - Family advice on how to stay healthy. Sometimes too specific - eat this, not that.
Venus - Your family might have connected self-care routines with beauty—taking care of the body was just as much about looking good. 💅
Mars - Your family probably had a work hard, play hard mentality that may have led to burning the candle at both ends. 🔥
Jupiter - Your family believed in the power of positive thinking when it came to health, sometimes a bit too much. “Everything will be fine—just eat a salad!” 🥗
Saturn - Your family probably emphasized discipline over indulgence. “Get up early, work hard, and don’t complain!” ⏰
Uranus - Your family might’ve tried alternative methods or medicines that weren’t exactly mainstream. You probably rebelled against the standard family diet or wellness practices. ⚡
Neptune - Your family might’ve been either too focused on wellness myths or completely vague about it. A lot of idealistic views on “feeling better” but no real plans.
Pluto - Whether it was a major illness or personal transformation, your family might’ve faced some deep health-related struggles. 🔥
7th house:
Sun - Your would always have an opinion on your relationships/partnerships. You could even be the high earner in your family or would become one.
Moon - Your family was either overly supportive of your relationships or way too involved emotionally in every romantic decision you made. 😅
Mercury - Your family had constant discussions about your relationships, offering advice (sometimes unsolicited) and diving deep into every detail. 🗣️
Venus - Your family could be pushing the ideal of what true love or marriage should be.
Mars - Arguments in partnerships were common.
Jupiter - Your family probably has an expectation to expand your connections (sometimes to an overwhelming degree). 🌍
Saturn - Serious relationships were a big deal. Your family probably emphasized commitment and long-term partnerships. They were strict when it came to your choices in relationships. You either marry late or marry an older partner or not marry at all.
Uranus - Your family might’ve had a unique view on relationships, supporting unconventional or non-traditional pairings like same-sex relationships/marriages.
Neptune - Your family’s take on love might have been idealized, or there were a lot of illusions about what partnerships should be. 🌊
Pluto - Your relationship with your family is either intense emotionally or non-existent. Could also be living far away from family.
8th House:
Sun - your relationship with your father is either too intense or distant completely. Sometimes I have seen people with this placement who father died before the native turned 30.
Moon - Ancestral secrets. Could be mixed race. Internal conflicts with mother or family.
Mercury - Either you or your younger sibling could be homosexual or bi-sexual.
Venus - You could be having 2 or more sources of income. Your spouse could be richer than you. Wealth through marriage is possible.
Mars - Power struggles were a big part of the family dynamic.
Jupiter - Family business is possible here. Your family likely believed in the idea of growth through joint ventures or life-changing transformations. 🌍
Saturn - Family dynamics may involve financial burdens, secrecy, or a strong sense of responsibility toward ancestral debts.
Uranus - Family dynamics may be unpredictable, with sudden financial changes, unexpected inheritances, or unconventional attitudes toward death and shared resources. There could be secrets or shocks related to ancestry.
Neptune - Family matters may involve illusions, secrecy, or hidden emotional depths, possibly linked to financial deception, spiritual inheritance, or unclear ancestral ties.
Pluto - Generational trauma, or transformative experiences related to death, inheritance, or deep emotional bonds. There may be themes of secrecy, rebirth, and karmic debts within the family.
9th House:
Sun - Family identity is shaped by beliefs, education, or foreign roots; a strong father figure may be a guide.
Moon - Emotional connection to family comes through travel, spirituality, or distant relatives; a nurturing yet changeable home.
Mercury - Frequent relocations and you may even know more than one language.
Venus - Values centered on culture, arts, or diplomacy; may have wealth from in-laws.
Mars - Family tension with in-laws.
Jupiter - Luck through ancestors.
Saturn - Strict family beliefs, possible limitations in education or foreign connections; wisdom comes with time.
Uranus - Unconventional family traditions, sudden moves abroad, or a rebellion against cultural norms.
Neptune - Mystical or unclear family background, possible illusions about origins, or religious/spiritual ties.
Pluto - Intense, transformative family beliefs; deep ancestral karma or hidden power dynamics in the lineage.
10th House:
Sun - Your family basically handed you a résumé at birth. Success and reputation were everything, and you were expected to make the family name proud—no pressure.
Moon - Family might’ve been emotionally invested in your career choices. “Are you sure you want to be an artist? What about law school?” 🎭
Mercury - Career advice came constantly. Your family always had opinions on what you should do, and you probably learned to communicate professionally before you could even walk. 💼
Venus - Your family wanted you to have a respectable job that looked good—maybe even one that involved art, fashion, or diplomacy. 🎨
Mars - Family pressure to succeed at all costs may have left you feeling like you had to fight for recognition. Career competition might’ve started at the dinner table. 🏋️‍♂️
Jupiter - Big expectations, big ambitions. Your family believes that you are destined for greatness, whether that meant running a company, publishing books, or becoming someone important.
Saturn - Family expectations around success were strict, and you probably felt like you had to work twice as hard to prove yourself. Work-life balance? What’s that? 😬
Uranus - Family may have wanted stability, but you likely rebelled and chose an unconventional profession. “So, you’re telling me you want to be a… YouTuber?”
Neptune - Maybe your family pushed you toward a dream job that didn’t align with reality. “Just follow your passion, money will come!” (Will it, though?) 😵‍💫
Pluto - Your family’s expectations may have felt overwhelming, pushing you to transform your career path multiple times before finding your true calling. 🔥
11th House:
Sun - Either they knew all your friends or expected you to network your way to success. “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” 🤝
Moon - Either your family was super involved in your friendships, or you felt emotionally connected to finding your people outside of home.
Mercury - Your family loved discussing big ideas and future goals. Conversations were filled with debates about the world, innovation, and why society needs to change.
Venus - Your family probably valued charm, diplomacy, and making connections with the right people. 👑
Mars - Friendships = competition. Arguments with friends? Likely a common theme.
Jupiter - Your family encouraged big dreams and global connections. Travel, education, and broadening your horizons were a major focus. “Why settle for one country when you can live in five?”
Saturn - Socializing wasn’t always easy. Friendships might have felt like serious business, and making connections took effort. Your family may have encouraged quality over quantity.
Uranus - Your family encouraged uniqueness. You probably felt like the odd one out growing up, but your family may have secretly admired your rebellious streak. “You’ll thank us when you’re older.”
Neptune - Family encouraged you to dream big, but sometimes, social expectations felt blurry. “Just trust the universe!” 🌌
Pluto - Your family might have taught you that not all friends are who they seem. 🕵️‍♂️
12th House:
Sun - Your identity felt hidden in the family. Maybe you were the one keeping secrets, or perhaps your family just didn’t see the real you until later in life. “Oh, you have feelings? Weird.”
Moon - Deep emotional wounds from childhood may have made you feel like you had to suppress emotions. Your family may have been emotionally distant or unknowingly made you feel invisible. 😶‍🌫️
Mercury - Your thoughts were often private or misunderstood. You may have been the one in the family who kept deep reflections to yourself.
Venus - You may have been raised to give without expecting anything in return. Maybe your family had a history of romanticizing suffering. “Love means giving everything!” 🥀
Mars - Internal battles? Too real. You were probably raised in an environment where conflict was hidden, and learning to assert yourself took time. But when you do fight back? It’s explosive.
Jupiter - Whether it was spirituality, religion, or trusting the process, your family pushed you toward a higher understanding. ✨
Saturn - Isolation, responsibility, and heavy lessons. You may have felt alone in your struggles, and your family likely reinforced themes of sacrifice and patience. You were the “old soul” kid.
Uranus - Your upbringing was unpredictable. Maybe you felt disconnected from your family or experienced unexpected shifts that shaped your identity in ways no one saw coming.
Neptune - Family life may have felt like a dream—or a complete illusion. Maybe there were secrets, blurred truths, or unspoken expectations. “Everything’s fine!” (It wasn’t.)
Pluto - You may have had to navigate shadows from an early age, experiencing profound losses or intense emotional shifts that made you stronger than you realize. 🔥
💫 Your birth chart holds all the tea on your childhood, family dynamics, and why you turned out the way you did. Want to know exactly how your planets shaped your upbringing, relationships, and even your subconscious patterns?
📩 Message me for a Complete Birth Chart Reading and uncover the full story behind your everything! ✨
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heliosunny · 2 days ago
Lucky Egg Anaxa? Unless someone has already requested it
Yandere!Anaxa x Reader
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The Lucky Egg Dispenser was tucked in the corner of a bustling shopping district, wedged between a neon-lit café and a magic supply store that specialized in beginner-friendly spell kits. You had walked past it dozens of times, always amused by the ridiculous concept—spend a few credits, get a mystery egg, and see what hatches. Most people treated it as a harmless novelty, something fun for kids and collectors.
But today, for reasons you couldn’t quite explain, you stopped in front of it. Before you knew it, you had inserted the required amount and turned the crank.
With a soft chime, an egg rolled into the collection tray. The display screen above flickered with a message:
Congratulations! Your egg will hatch in 3 days. Take good care of it!
Three days? Most of these eggs were just decorative trinkets with tiny charms inside. This one… felt different.
Tucking the egg carefully into your bag, you exhaled.
Three days.
The egg sat on your bedside table, warm and pulsing like a second heartbeat in the quiet of your apartment. It had been two days since you got it from that stupid Lucky Egg Dispenser.
At first, you thought it was just some novelty, something that would crack open to reveal a mechanical pet or a glowing stone. But this thing… it felt alive. You caught yourself staring at it more often than you’d like to admit, your fingers hovering just above the shell, feeling the faint warmth it gave off.
What was going to hatch from this?
"Guess I'll find out tomorrow."
The next morning, something was different.
The egg had grown warmer. The glow had intensified, flickering like a candle on the verge of going out. You reached out, fingertips brushing against the shell. The moment you touched it, a sharp crack split the air.
You jerked your hand back.
Another crack. Then another. The shell was breaking apart, jagged lines spiderwebbing across its smooth surface. You barely had time to react before the egg burst open with a sudden flash of light.
And then, he was there.
Slumped on your bed, half-covered in shattered shell fragments, was— a person. Or, at least, someone who looked like a person.
His hair was damp, strands clinging to his face as he slowly pushed himself up. His single eye locked onto you, intense and piercing, while the other was covered by a dark, ornate eyepatch.
"You’re mine now."
"You picked my egg. You waited for me. That makes you mine. Obviously. The name is Anaxagoras by the way."
You opened your mouth to argue—but his gaze pinned you in place.
"Tch. You look surprised." His tone was blunt, unimpressed. "What, did you think you were getting a pet? Some tiny, harmless thing?"
You had no words. None at all.
"Doesn’t matter." He stretched, rolling his shoulders as if testing his own body. Then he turned to you again.
"You’ll take care of me, won’t you?"
There was no hesitation in his voice. No doubt. Just the unshakable confidence of someone who had already decided the answer.
You said nothing.
Just stood there, staring at the strange man who had just hatched from an egg on your bed like this was normal.
Not dealing with this.
Slowly, carefully, you took a step back. He tilted his head, unimpressed.
"Running away?"
You didn’t answer. Just kept backing up until you reached the door to your room. Your fingers found the handle, twisted it, and I slipped out, shutting it behind you. The lock clicked into place.
You stood there for a second, listening.
Maybe… maybe he’d disappear if you left him alone. Maybe this was just some weird, elaborate illusion. A trick of the mind. You’d go outside, take a walk, come back, and your bed would be empty. The egg would be gone. Everything would be normal again.
With that thought, you grabbed your coat, shoved your hands into the pockets, and left the apartment.
The city was the same as always. The hum of magic-powered trams, neon signs flickering in the afternoon haze, people moving through the streets. You walked like nothing was wrong, like today was just another normal day.
Stopped by a café. Got a drink.
Browsed a bookstore, ran your fingers along the spines of titles you weren’t planning to buy.
Took the long way home.
You didn’t check your phone. You didn’t think about the locked door. You didn’t think about the man who definitely wasn’t real still sitting in your room.
At least, you didn’t think about it until—
"Why do you look so surprised?"
There he was.
Standing right in front of you.
Same hair, same eye, same outfit he had hatched in. Like he had walked right out of your apartment and followed you the entire way.
"I’ve been following you" he said, tone completely matter-of-fact.
"You didn’t notice?" He clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "That’s pathetic. If you can’t even sense when you’re being followed, you’re clearly incapable of protecting yourself."
"Well?" He crossed his arms. "Aren’t you going to say anything? Or are you just going to keep pretending I don’t exist?"
Your brain was still trying to catch up.
He was real. He was standing in front of you, completely unfazed, like it was the most natural thing in the world to hatch from an egg and then casually stalk you through the city.
Before you could react, a gun materialized out of thin air, appearing in his grip. No incantations, no dramatic movements—just instant manifestation.
You flinched hard. The sharp crack of the gunshot echoed through the street, causing a few distant heads to turn. But before panic could set in, you noticed what he had aimed at.
A fly.
Or at least, what used to be a fly. Now it was nothing more than a tiny burnt mark on the pavement.
Anaxa exhaled, looking mildly annoyed as he lowered the gun. "Sorry. It was annoying."
You just stared at him.
Then at the gun in his hand.
Then back at him.
"You—" Your voice came out strangled. "You just shot a fly."
"Yeah. I did." He blinked at you, as if waiting for you to say something less obvious.
You ran a hand down your face, trying to process. "You shot a fly."
"And?" His eye flicked toward you, utterly unimpressed. "You should be thanking me. That thing was buzzing near your ear for at least five minutes. It was bothering me."
You inhaled sharply. "You shot a fly."
"You’ve said that three times now. Are you broken?" He narrowed his eye slightly, scanning you with what almost looked like genuine concern. "Did your brain short-circuit? That’s unfortunate. I just got you, and you’re already defective."
You just gaped at him.
He sighed, shifting the gun between his fingers before it disappeared—vanishing just as easily as it had appeared. "Anyway. Let’s go."
That snapped you out of it. "Go where?"
"Home." He gave you a look like you were the weird one for asking. "Obviously."
You took a step back. "I don’t even know you!"
"That’s not true. You know my name. I’m Anaxagoras. You’re mine." He tilted his head. "And you’re not very smart if you think I’m letting you wander around alone when you clearly can’t defend yourself."
You blinked rapidly. "I—"
"Case in point," he continued smoothly, as if you hadn’t even tried to argue. "You didn’t notice me following you for half the day. You flinch too easily. And you look so unguarded it’s almost laughable. What if someone else had found you before I did? You’d be dead by now."
You exhaled sharply, gripping your temples. Your brain was fried. Completely and utterly fried.
There was a man—a man who hatched from an egg—standing in front of you, casually materializing and firing a gun like it was nothing. And now he was acting like you were some helpless child who couldn’t be trusted to walk outside alone.
This was too much.
You needed a reset. Something normal. Something grounding.
Maybe if you sat down and ate something, your brain would start working properly again.
You grabbed Anaxa by the wrist before he could start walking. He tensed slightly at the contact, glancing down at your hand, then back up at you. "What?"
"We’re eating first" you said, already dragging him toward the nearest restaurant.
"Eating?" His brows furrowed slightly, but he didn’t resist. "We can eat at home."
"I am not going home with you yet. We are going to sit down somewhere, I’m going to eat something warm, and you are going to—" You glanced at him, realizing you had no idea if he even needed food. "—do whatever you want, I don’t care."
Anaxa made a soft tch sound, clearly unimpressed, but let you pull him along anyway. "Fine. But if this is some attempt to delay the inevitable, it won’t work."
You ignored him, spotting a small ramen shop on the corner and steering him inside. The place was cozy, filled with the rich, savory scent of broth and fresh noodles. You picked a table and sat down, finally letting go of his wrist.
Anaxa sat across from you, looking around briefly before his eye settled back on you. "You look less stupid now."
You sighed, rubbing your face. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"You were about two seconds away from mentally shutting down," he stated bluntly. "Now you look like you can at least function."
You scowled but couldn’t even argue. He wasn’t wrong.
The waiter came by, and you ordered your food. Anaxa didn’t order anything, just resting his chin on his hand as he watched you with that same unreadable expression.
You drummed your fingers on the table. "You’re really not gonna eat anything?"
"I don’t need it," he said simply. Then, after a pause, "But if you tell me to, I will."
You frowned. "That’s… weird."
"No, it’s not."
"You just said you don’t need to eat."
"I don’t." He tilted his head slightly. "But if you want me to eat, I will."
You stared at him. "That’s even weirder."
He shrugged, unimpressed.
The food arrived, and you dug in, hoping the warmth of the broth would help ground you. Anaxa, true to his word, didn’t touch anything. He just sat there, watching you, like he was analyzing every move you made.
It was unnerving.
"Can you not stare at me like that?"
"Because I want to."
You groaned, shoving another bite of noodles into your mouth. This was going to be a long meal.
You sighed, slurping up the last of your noodles, and set your chopsticks down. The warmth of the broth helped, but it didn’t magically fix the fact that there was still a man who hatched from an egg sitting across from you, staring like you were the most fascinating thing in the world.
Anaxa hadn’t moved once. Hadn’t blinked much, either. He just sat there, elbow on the table, chin resting on his hand, eye locked onto you.
It was weird. Unnerving. You needed a distraction.
You got into another place, ordered something sweet, hoping the sugar rush would give you enough energy to deal with whatever the hell this situation was. When it arrived—warm, fluffy pastries drizzled with syrup—you picked one up and took a bite, savoring the taste.
And then you looked at Anaxa.
Still watching.
You sighed through your nose. “You’re really not gonna eat anything?”
"I told you. I don’t need it."
You narrowed your eyes, then, on impulse, grabbed a piece of pastry and held it up to his mouth. “Then just chew it. For my sake.”
He blinked, seeming vaguely surprised. “You’re feeding me now?”
“You’re the one acting like a guard dog,” you muttered. “Might as well feed you.”
For a second, you thought he was going to refuse. But then, without breaking eye contact, he leaned forward and took a bite straight from your fingers.
…That was weirdly intimate.
But before you could dwell on it, Anaxa started chewing.
And kept chewing.
His mouth was still full, but you pushed another piece at him, and he took it without hesitation. Then another. And another.
It was ridiculous.
His usually sharp, composed expression was ruined by how much food he had stuffed into his mouth. He was chewing mechanically, like he wasn’t even used to the act, but he didn’t stop you from feeding him.
By the time you were down to the last piece, his cheek was slightly puffed out from everything he had crammed in there.
You tried to hold back a snort. “You look stupid right now.”
Anaxa just gave you a blank look, still chewing.
Then he swallowed everything in one go, setting his elbows on the table. "Are you satisfied now?"
You shook your head, unable to hide the grin tugging at your lips. “That was the funniest thing I’ve seen all day.”
"I fail to see how that was funny."
“You chewed for a full minute straight.”
You just laughed, shaking your head as you finished the last bite for yourself.
At least now he wasn’t just staring.
You leaned back in your chair, feeling a little more grounded now that you’d had a full meal. Maybe warm food did help. At least, you could think a little clearer now.
Anaxa, meanwhile, had finally stopped chewing and was watching you with that same expression.
You exhaled, finally letting reality sink in. This wasn’t a dream. He wasn’t an illusion. This wasn’t something that would disappear if you ignored it long enough.
You did hatch something from that egg.
And now he was here.
And judging by how he had been acting all day—stalking you, critiquing your survival skills, eating just because you told him to—there was something deeper at play.
“So. What are you?”
Anaxa raised a brow. “That’s a stupid question.”
“No, really. What are you? I get that you came from the egg, but what does that mean? What does that make me?”
At that, he tilted his head slightly, watching you like he was reevaluating something. Then, without a word, he lifted his hand.
A faint glow flickered between his fingers, and something materialized— A thread. No, not just a thread, something more like a bond. It shimmered in the dim lighting of the restaurant, thin but undeniably real. It stretched between his hand… and you.
“So” you muttered, “the egg really did choose me.”
"Obviously." He flicked the thread lightly, watching how it pulsed in response. "The moment you turned that crank, it was decided. You’re my master. This bond is proof of that."
"That’s what I said."
You stared at the glowing thread, then back at him. “So… what can you do?”
Anaxa blinked, caught off guard by how fast you got to the point. “You’re not even going to question it?”
“Would it change anything?”
He considered that for a moment. Then smirked. "No. It wouldn’t."
“Exactly.” you muttered. “So? What can you do?”
His smirk widened slightly, amused by your directness. He let the thread fade and leaned forward slightly, resting his arms on the table.
"Many things."
"Fight. Kill. Protect. Track. Destroy. I can eliminate threats before they even think of harming you. I can ensure no one so much as looks at you the wrong way. I can wipe out anything that stands in your path."
“That’s a lot of violence.”
"Is that a problem?"
"I don’t need a walking weapon."
"That’s unfortunate. Because that’s what you got."
You exhaled, looking at him for a long moment. "Alright, then. If you’re mine, then I should be able to make requests, right?"
"That depends on what you ask."
“Good,” you said, finishing the last sip of your drink. Then you locked eyes with him. “Because I think we need to set some ground rules first.”
Anaxa blinked again. Then huffed out something that almost sounded like a laugh. "Fine. This should be interesting."
A few days had passed since Anaxa hatched, and while you were slowly getting used to having him around, he was still ridiculously overbearing.
You’d barely gone anywhere alone—if you so much as turned a corner without telling him, he was suddenly there, watching, waiting, making sure you weren’t about to get yourself killed. It was suffocating.
But also kind of funny.
Because for all his sharp instincts and deadpan remarks, Anaxa wasn’t exactly used to regular human behavior. And that gave you an idea.
A prank.
Something harmless. Something just to see how he’d react.
So as you walked side by side down the street, you subtly reached for the ice-cold bottle of water in your bag, already planning to flick some at him. Just a little—nothing crazy.
"Don’t think about it."
You froze.
Anaxa hadn’t even looked at you. He was still facing forward.
Your grip on the bottle tightened. “What.”
"You heard me."
You frowned. “Did you just—read my mind or something?”
Anaxa finally glanced at you, looking unimpressed. "No. I simply predicted your next move."
“…Excuse me?”
"Your expression changed three seconds ago, which means you had a new thought. Your hand moved slightly, signaling intent. And given your recent behavior, it's likely something irritating." He sighed. "I’ve already accounted for every possible action you might take in the next five minutes. Trying to surprise me is a waste of time."
You gawked at him. “That is insane.”
"No, that is intelligence." He smirked slightly, just enough to be infuriating. "You should try it sometime."
Your jaw dropped.
Oh, it’s on.
You weren’t sure how, but you were going to catch him off guard one day. Even if it took years.
You had tried. So many times.
You planned. You strategized. You executed.
And yet, every single prank attempt on Anaxa had ended in humiliating failure.
The moment you so much as thought about messing with him, he knew. It was like he had a built-in prank radar, and no amount of creativity or misdirection could fool him. He would predict everything.
You threw a pillow at him? He caught it without looking. You put salt in his tea? He smelled it instantly. You tried to trip him? You ended up tripping instead.
At this point, you had no choice but to admit defeat. For now.
So you gave up on pranking him and focused on something else: a dungeon run.
It was a routine thing. You ran dungeons occasionally to rack up points, earn some cash, and hone your skills. Anaxa had been glued to your side since hatching, but this time, you left him at home.
Not because you were scared of bringing him—he was probably the best bodyguard in existence—but because you needed to do something on your own.
You headed out with your usual party, braving the stormy weather as you entered the dungeon. It was a decent run—some challenging fights, some good loot. Nothing too crazy.
But what you didn’t account for was how long it would take.
By the time you and your party emerged, the rain had gotten worse. Heavy drops soaked through your clothes, chilling you to the bone. And, of course, you had forgotten your umbrella.
So you huddled under one of your party member’s umbrellas, standing very close to stay dry. Maybe even a little too close. You laughed at something they said, nudging them playfully, completely unaware of anything unusual—
"You're awfully comfortable with them."
You nearly jumped out of your skin.
Turning sharply, you found Anaxa standing just a few feet away, completely unfazed by the downpour. His hair was slightly damp, but his expression was the same as always.
In his hand was your umbrella.
“...Why are you here?”
"You forgot this." He held up the umbrella, his voice calm. But then his gaze flickered toward your party, who was still standing close. "And I was curious."
Your party members exchanged glances, sensing the tension in the air. One of them awkwardly cleared their throat. “Uh… is this a friend of yours?”
Anaxa didn’t answer. He just watched you, waiting.
For what, you weren’t sure. But the storm wasn’t just in the sky anymore. It was standing right in front of you.
You let out a quiet sigh, feeling the weight of Anaxa’s gaze on you even as you turned back to your party.
“Guess I’ll head home. See you guys later” you said, waving them off.
Your party exchanged looks but didn’t question it. “Yeah, see you. Don’t let your friend glare us to death on the way out.”
You shot them a dry look but didn’t bother defending Anaxa. Mostly because… yeah. He was definitely glaring.
Without another word, you took the umbrella from his hand, popped it open, and started walking. He followed silently, his footsteps perfectly in sync with yours.
The walk home was… tense.
Not that he said anything. If anything, his silence was worse. Normally, Anaxa was either making sharp remarks, throwing blunt observations at you, or predicting your next move like some smug, all-knowing entity.
But right now?
By the time you got home, his hair was damp, strands clinging to his face from the rain. You frowned, tossing your wet jacket aside before turning to him. “Sit.”
Anaxa raised a brow. "What."
You crossed your arms. “Your hair’s wet. I’m blow-drying it.”
He blinked once. Then, for whatever reason, exhaled through his nose like he found that amusing. But he did as you said, sitting down without complaint.
You grabbed the hairdryer, plugged it in, and stood behind him, fingers threading lightly through his hair as you began drying it.
Still, he said nothing.
You huffed, ruffling his hair as you worked. “Alright, what’s your deal?”
"What deal."
“You’ve been quiet this whole time.”
"No, I haven't."
“Yes, you have.” You fluffed his bangs to dry them faster. “You’re usually the one lecturing me about every little thing I do. But now? Silence.”
Anaxa remained still, letting you dry his hair.
You sighed. “Look, if this is about the dungeon thing, I was just doing my job. That’s all.”
"I know."
…That was it?
You frowned, turning the dryer off and running your fingers through his now-fluffy hair. He still hadn’t moved.
But something about the way he sat there—the way he let you do this without a single complaint—felt off.
Like a storm had passed, but the tension still lingered in the air.
Even after everything—the rain, the silence, the weird tension—you and Anaxa somehow ended up bickering before bed.
It started with something stupid. You didn’t even remember what exactly, but it spiraled into another one of your usual back-and-forths.
"You should be more aware of your surroundings."
“I was literally fine.”
"You were unaware of my presence."
“Because I wasn’t expecting you to stalk me in the rain like some horror movie villain.”
"A lack of expectations leads to vulnerability."
You groaned, flopping onto your bed. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, Anaxa.”
His eye twitched. “Anaxagoras.”
You blinked.
Anaxa blinked.
You stared at him. His expression remained eerily neutral, but you could see the moment he realized his mistake. His jaw tightened just slightly, and he looked like he was mentally rebooting.
Slowly, painfully, his eye closed in resignation.
“…Fine.” His voice was low, grudging. “But only you may call me that.”
You grinned in triumph, stretching out on the bed. “Good.”
He exhaled through his nose, crossing his arms as he stood near the doorway. His usual sharp gaze flickered toward you, but this time, he didn’t say anything else.
Not even when your breathing slowed.
Not even when sleep pulled you under.
You fell asleep easily, comfortably.
Anaxa, on the other hand, remained wide awake.
His eye lingered on your peaceful form, watching, thinking. Even as the room settled into silence, he made no move to rest.
Instead, he simply stood there, keeping watch—like he always would.
You woke up feeling well-rested—until you turned your head and saw the towering pile of books stacked haphazardly around your room.
What. The. Hell.
You groggily sat up, rubbing your eyes, only to see more books. They were scattered across the floor, some open, some closed, some stacked so high they threatened to topple over. The smell of ink and old paper filled the air.
And right in the middle of this chaotic mess, Anaxa sat calmly on the floor, flipping through yet another book.
You stared at him in horror. “What… is all this?”
Without looking up, he turned a page. “Books.”
You inhaled sharply. “I can see that, Anaxa.”
"Then why did you ask."
You groaned, pushing aside a book that had somehow made its way onto your bed. “Where the hell did you get all these? We don’t own this many books.”
"I retrieved them."
“…From where?”
He finally looked up, "From various sources."
That was not an answer.
Your headache worsened as you stared at the sheer number of books surrounding you. Titles about history, science, politics, philosophy, technology—some about this world, others about subjects that made your brain hurt just looking at them.
Your stomach dropped. “Don’t tell me you—”
"I read them all."
Your jaw dropped. “In one night?”
"Yes." He closed the book he was holding and grabbed another from the pile. "Most of them were inefficiently written, but I extracted the necessary information."
You pressed your palms against your temples. “That’s not normal.”
"Neither am I."
You groaned, glancing around at the literary apocalypse that had consumed your home. “Please tell me you at least plan on returning them.”
You inhaled deeply, staring at the absolute disaster of books flooding your home. You couldn’t live like this.
So, naturally, you went for the most drastic measure possible.
“I’ll burn them.”
Anaxa, still flipping through a book, barely spared you a glance. “No, you won’t.”
You grabbed the nearest book and held it up threateningly. “Watch me.”
That got his attention.
Before you could even think about setting it on fire, Anaxa moved.
One second, you were holding the book. The next, it was gone—snatched from your hands so fast you barely even registered it. He tossed it back onto the pile like nothing happened, his gaze sharp.
"Do not." His voice was firm, not angry, but absolute. "You lack the authority to destroy knowledge."
“I lack the patience to live in a damn library.” You glared at him. “Clean this up, or I swear—”
Knock. Knock.
Both of you froze.
The air in the room shifted instantly. The argument forgotten, tension replaced it. You exchanged a look with Anaxa. He was already on alert, his body subtly shifting into a more defensive stance.
You exhaled, stepping toward the door. “It’s probably nothing—”
But you had already turned the knob.
The door creaked open, revealing a figure standing just outside—a man draped in a dark cloak, his face shadowed. Something about him felt wrong.
Before you could even greet him, his hand moved.
A gunshot rang through the air.
The man jerked back, staggering. He didn’t fall—just hissed, clutching his side before his eyes flicked toward Anaxa.
Anaxa, who had already drawn a gun, his aim perfectly steady, his expression cold.
The man clicked his tongue and, without another word, ran.
You barely processed what just happened before Anaxa stepped forward, his eye narrowing as he watched the figure disappear into the streets.
"Tch. Coward." He lowered his gun but didn’t put it away.
You swallowed hard, adrenaline still rushing through you. “…What the hell was that?”
"An attempted murder."
Your heart was still pounding, but something caught your eye—a small object glinting on the ground.
You bent down, picking it up. A badge.
The design was strange—an unfamiliar symbol etched into the metal, a twisting shape that made your head hurt if you stared at it too long.
“…Anaxa” you called, turning it in your hand.
He glanced down, eyeing the badge. Then, recognition flickered across his face.
"I’ve seen this before."
You blinked. “Where?”
"One of the books." He turned away, stepping over the scattered mess of texts he had dragged into your home. "This symbol belongs to a cult. A rather peculiar one."
A cult? That explained why that guy felt so… wrong.
You frowned. “What kind of cult?”
Anaxa picked up a book, flipping through the pages until he landed on the one he wanted. He held it up, showing you a faded illustration of the same symbol. “They believe in the revival of an ancient being. One that is expected to bring the world to a ‘new state.’”
“Define ‘new state.’”
"Destruction. Rebirth. The usual nonsense." He snapped the book shut. "They offer human sacrifices to fuel their goal. An inefficient and foolish method."
You exhaled sharply, gripping the badge. “Why would they come after me?”
“They weren’t after you.”
“…Then who?”
He didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he glanced at the badge again, then at the scattered books around him.
"They may have sensed something about me."
That alone was unsettling. If he was their target, then what exactly did they know?
Tracking them down wasn’t difficult.
Anaxa was efficient. Between the books he devoured and his own unsettling ability to predict outcomes, it didn’t take long to find their gathering spot.
A massive, ancient tree stood before you, its gnarled roots twisting through the earth like veins. The air was thick here, charged with something unseen.
“This is the place” you murmured, gripping your weapon.
"Naturally." Anaxa stood beside you, his stance casual, but you knew better. He was ready.
Shadows flickered beneath the tree’s canopy. The distant sound of hushed voices reached your ears.
“So. What’s the plan?”
He smirked slightly, rolling his shoulders.
"We do what we must."
And with that, you both stepped forward, disappearing into the darkness.
Anaxa moved like a force of nature.
One moment, the cultists were gathered in their eerie chants, their cloaks blending with the shadows beneath the great tree. The next, gunfire rang out, and bodies crumpled before they even realized what hit them.
"Pathetic." Anaxa’s voice was cold as he reloaded effortlessly, stepping over a fallen figure without a second thought. "They waste their lives on delusions."
You weren’t paying much attention to his massacre—you had your own job to do.
Slipping through the chaos, you avoided direct combat, focusing instead on the scattered documents and maps tucked away in makeshift altars. The more you could find about their leader, the faster you could end this.
Because in the end, that was the goal.
Not revenge. Not heroics.
Just peace.
You weren’t interested in whatever twisted faith these people had. And neither was Anaxa. He wasn’t fighting out of righteousness or hatred—just cold efficiency. Every bullet he fired, every movement he made was meant to erase the problem.
Because problems like these?
They got in the way of your life. His life. Your shared, quiet, normal life.
You rifled through some notes, eyes scanning messy handwriting about their leader’s whereabouts. Not far. Just deeper into the forest, a hidden ruin beneath the roots of this very tree.
You turned back to Anaxa just as the last cultist standing let out a strangled gurgle, collapsing to the ground.
“Find what you needed?” he asked, as if he hadn’t just slaughtered half a cult.
You nodded, holding up the documents. “Yeah. Their leader’s underground.”
"Then let's be done with it."
The underground ruin was exactly what you expected—dark, damp, and crawling with the last remnants of this cult.
You and Anaxa moved fast, cutting through whatever was left of their resistance. It wasn’t much. The ones left behind weren’t fighters—they were zealots, clinging to their faith even as they died screaming.
Eventually, you found him. The leader.
A gaunt, hollow-eyed man draped in ornate robes, standing before an altar, his expression eerily calm despite the carnage surrounding him.
"You are too late," he murmured, his voice carrying through the chamber. "The cycle will begin anew. The great one—"
Anaxa shot him in the leg without hesitation.
The man let out a choked scream, collapsing onto one knee. His breath turned ragged, but his eerie smile didn’t falter.
"You cannot stop what has already been set in motion," he rasped. "Sacrifices have been made. The gate—"
Anaxa was in front of him in an instant.
You barely saw him move. One moment, he was standing beside you; the next, he had grabbed the man by the front of his robes, yanking him up with ease.
“I am not interested in your nonsense” Anaxa said, voice eerily calm. "You have wasted my time"
Before the cult leader could respond, Anaxa's hand—no, his fingers—sank into the man’s chest as if the flesh and bone were nothing. A sickening crack echoed through the chamber as Anaxa pulled his arm back, widening the gap in the man’s torso as though he were tearing paper apart.
You watched as the cultist’s chest cavity split open, ribs snapping under Anaxa’s grip. A hollow, gaping wound remained where his heart should’ve been.
The man let out a wet gasp, eyes wide with shock, before his body twitched and fell slack.
Anaxa let go. The corpse hit the ground with a dull thud, utterly ruined.
You exhaled, rolling your shoulders. “Well. That’s one way to do it.”
Anaxa shook the blood from his hands, not even sparing the body another glance. "I took the most efficient route."
Of course he did.
You stepped past the corpse, glancing at the ruined altar. Whatever ritual they had planned—whatever insane goal they were working toward—died with that man.
Anaxa turned to you, wiping the last of the blood from his fingers.
"Shall we go home?"
By the time you got home, exhaustion was hitting you hard.
Your legs ached, your head pounded, and all you wanted was to collapse into bed and not exist for a few hours.
But then—
You opened the door.
And there they were.
The mountains of books Anaxa had hoarded still sat in your home like a damn dragon’s treasure pile.
You stared at the disaster before you, something inside you snapping.
“Nope,” you said, voice flat. “I’m done. I’m burning them.”
"No, you’re not."
“I am.”
"You are not."
“I am, Anaxa. I swear to every god and force in this world, I am setting fire to this damn mess—”
Before you could even think about moving toward your lighter, Anaxa appeared in front of you in an instant, his hands gripping your wrists, effectively stopping you in place.
You struggled, glaring up at him. “Let me go.”
"You lack the capability to properly organize this knowledge. It is better under my possession."
“Oh my god, I don’t want to organize it, I want it gone—”
Anaxa leaned in closer, his face inches from yours. “You are being irrational.”
Your breath hitched, and suddenly, you were very aware of how close he was.
His grip on your wrists was firm, his fingers pressing against your skin—but not painfully.
“You hoarded like, a hundred books in one night. I think that’s way more irrational than me wanting to burn them.”
"Incorrect. My actions were logical. Yours are emotional."
“Oh, shut up.”
You yanked one of your hands free and jabbed his cheek with your finger.
For a moment, the two of you just stood there. You glaring, him staring. His hand was still wrapped around your other wrist, but he wasn’t holding it too tightly anymore.
"You are amusing when you are frustrated."
You groaned, dropping your head against his shoulder in defeat. “I hate you.”
"No, you don't."
Damn it. You really didn’t.
After all the chaos at the dungeon, and the strange cult, you figured your friends deserved something for always having your back.
So, you decided to cook for them.
The problem? You weren’t exactly a master chef.
But thanks to someone’s obsessive hoarding, you had plenty of resources to learn from.
Anaxa had finally cleaned up the disaster he’d created—mostly because you forced him to by threatening to burn everything again. You even bought shelves so he could actually store his ridiculous book collection instead of letting it take over your floor.
And now, one of those books—a cooking guide—was in your hands.
You flipped through it, scanning the recipes. “Alright,” you muttered. “Let’s do this.”
Anaxa, lounging nearby, raised a brow. “You are attempting to expand your culinary skills?”
“I’m testing out different dishes for my friends” you said, already gathering ingredients. “Since they always help me out.”
"Logical. It is good to maintain positive social relations with allies."
You shot him a look. “You could just say it’s a nice thing to do, you know.”
He smirked but said nothing.
What started as a simple plan quickly spiraled into something bigger.
Every day, you tried a different dish, experimenting with flavors and techniques. Some turned out amazing. Others… well, let’s just say there were a few disasters along the way.
And Anaxa?
He was your official taste tester.
At first, you weren’t sure if he’d even care about food. But surprisingly, he gave some of the most detailed feedback you’d ever heard.
"Too much salt. The texture is acceptable, but the flavor balance is slightly off."
"This one is adequate. Not outstanding, but not offensive to the palate."
"Interesting. The layering of flavors in this dish is commendable. You are improving."
And sometimes—when you made something really good—
He would go completely silent after taking a bite. Then, after a long pause, he would just say, "More."
It was almost funny seeing someone as composed as him get that into food.
After a week of testing, you finally decided on the perfect dish.
A warm, comforting meal—one that was simple yet flavorful, something that would make your friends feel appreciated.
You set the final plate down in front of Anaxa, watching as he took a bite.
A pause. Then, he gave a slow nod. “This is the best one.”
You smiled. “Yeah. I think so too.”
Peace never lasted long in your life.
Not because you were reckless. Not because you sought out trouble.
But because trouble always found you.
And now, with Anaxa by your side, that fact had only intensified.
The cult wasn’t the last problem you faced. Far from it. Strange anomalies began surfacing—events that defied logic, creatures that shouldn’t exist, distortions in reality itself.
At first, you thought they were just isolated incidents. Freak occurrences. But after the third time you and Anaxa had to deal with something that shouldn’t be possible, you realized this wasn’t a coincidence.
Maybe that was the reason he was sent to you in the first place.
"You attract chaos" Anaxa had commented once, standing over the remains of a creature that had melted into nothingness after you defeated it.
You scoffed. “I attract chaos? What about you?”
"I am the solution to chaos."
That was debatable.
But as time passed, and the two of you continued dealing with these anomalies, you started to notice something unsettling.
If Anaxa had ended up with someone else—someone dangerous—
What would have happened?
Would he still be this person in front of you? Cold, blunt, but genuine? Or would he have been twisted into something else?
You weren’t naïve. You knew people would kill for power like his. The thought of him in the hands of someone truly evil made your stomach turn.
But he wasn’t with them. He was with you.
And despite the chaos, despite the exhaustion, despite the endless stream of bizarre encounters—
You didn’t hate this life.
You glanced at Anaxa, who was casually flipping through a book, as if the two of you hadn’t just fought some reality-warping entity an hour ago.
This life wasn’t so bad.
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rosy-hollow · 3 days ago
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Birds like to collect pretty things; it's in their nature! So, obviously, Keigo had his eye on you from the start.
Though, contrary to his bird nature, Keigo didn't 'collect' you, no.
He just more or less miserably tried to woo you, and you were nice enough to give him a chance.
Or at least, that's what he tells himself as he looks at your sleeping form against his chest, sitting in your living room, bathed in orange light. Your cheek was smushed against the part of his chest right above his heart, his heartbeat syncing with your even breathing.
God, you're just so perfect.
Your eyes, your cheeks, your eyebrows, the curve of your nose, the curl of your eyelashes... and the way you snuggle into him like you're meant to be here because you are.
Keigo thought himself a selfish man - he didn't deserve your love, in fact no one did - you were just too perfect. He was selfish for keeping you all to himself, selfish for embracing you and your love every day.
But when you mumble his name sleepily in your sleep, his heart beating a little faster, Keigo takse a deep breath.
Maybe it was okay to be a little selfish.
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A/N: fictional men when they're in love with you >>>>
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girlyrafe · 3 days ago
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❝ getting yourself all worked up on Rafe's lap ❞ ⋆˚࿔
ᡣ𐭩 ❝ ꜰᴀʀᴍᴇʀꜱ¡ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ ⟡ ݁₊ ❞ 
The barn is quiet except for the soft creak of wood and the distant chirp of crickets outside. The summer air is thick, heavy with heat, but nothing compares to the warmth between your bodies. You’re in Rafe’s lap, perched on his strong thighs, your dress bunched up around your hips, his big hands wrapped around your waist, holding you steady.
“Shh, sweetheart,” he soothes, his lips grazing your ear, his voice a deep rasp that makes your stomach flip. “Just want to feel you a little.” 
You whimper, barely able to breathe, your fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt. You don’t understand the way your body aches, the way your thighs tremble as you shift against him, searching for something, anything, to ease the tension coiling inside you.
And then you feel it—hard and thick, pressing up against your inner thigh through his jeans. The realisation makes you freeze, your breath catching in your throat.
Rafe groans, his fingers digging into your hips. “Fuck, sweetheart.” His voice is tight, strained, like he’s barely holding himself together. “If you keep squirming’ like that, I’m going to have to take care of you. Is that what you want?” 
You don’t answer—not because you don’t want to, but because you don’t know how to say it. The words are stuck in your throat, too shy, too innocent, too unsure. But your body betrays you, hips shifting just slightly, pressing down over the ridge of his cock, sending a sharp jolt of pleasure through you.
Rafe sucks in a breath, his grip on you tightening. “Jesus, sweetheart.” His voice is nothing but gravel now, thick and rough and barely restrained. “You like that, huh?” 
You nod, dazed, your lips parting in a soft gasp as you roll your hips again, a slow, tentative movement that makes heat lick up your spine.
“Fuck—” His head falls back against the wooden wall, his jaw clenching as he watches you move, watches you use him to get yourself off like you don’t even realise what you’re doing. His hands guide you, strong and steady, teaching you how to grind against him properly, how to chase that feeling.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he murmurs, his voice strained. “Just like that. Look at you, getting’ yourself all worked up on my lap.” 
You can barely keep your eyes open, pleasure building low in your belly, a delicious, unfamiliar pressure making your legs shake. Rafe’s hands squeeze your waist, helping you find the perfect rhythm, letting you rub yourself against the hard press of his cock, each slow grind making you more desperate, more needy.
“Shit—y’gonna come just from this, kid?” He groans, watching the way your body moves, the way your breath hitches. “Just from grindin’ on me like a needy little thing?” 
You don’t know. You’ve never felt like this before, never felt so full of want, so utterly consumed by the sensation, by him. But it’s not enough—not really. You can feel it now, the need for something more, something deeper, something that only he can give you.
“Rafe,” you whimper, your voice barely more than a breath. “I—I need—”
He groans, dragging his lips down the side of your throat, his fingers slipping beneath the hem of your panties, teasing through your slick folds. “I know, sweetheart,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your racing pulse. “Fuck, I know.” 
Your hips buck instinctively as his fingers slide over your clit, stroking slow, lazy circles that make you tremble against him.
“You’re so wet, sweetheart,” he breathes, his voice thick with hunger. “Been gettin’ you all worked up for me, huh? Bet you don’t even know what you need.” 
You shake your head, eyes glassy, and he groans, his fingers dipping lower, teasing at your entrance, collecting your slick.
“S’alright, angel. I’ll take care of you,” he murmurs, lifting you slightly, shifting beneath you, the sound of his belt unbuckling making your breath stutter.
Before you can even process what’s happening, he’s pulling himself free, the thick, flushed length of him pressing against your slick folds. Your body tenses, overwhelmed, unsure—until he grips your waist again, steadying you, guiding you, pressing the head of his cock against your entrance.
“Shh, sweetheart,” he soothes, his voice a quiet rasp against your skin. “Just let me in, sweetheart. Let me make you feel real good.” 
And then, with one slow, careful push, he does. Rafe moves slowly, guiding you down onto him with steady hands, his breath ragged against your throat. The stretch is overwhelming, foreign, but his grip is firm, reassuring. “Shh, sweetheart,” he murmurs, pressing his lips to your temple. “I got you.” 
Your fingers tighten against his shoulders, nails digging into his sun-warmed skin as you try to adjust, every inch of him filling you in a way that steals the breath from your lungs. He groans, his jaw going tight as he holds himself back, his own body trembling beneath you.
“Fuck,” he rasps, voice thick with restraint. “So goddamn tight, sweetheart.” 
You whimper, burying your face in the crook of his neck, overwhelmed by the sensation, by him. He strokes his hands up your back, soothing, murmuring sweet things against your hair, waiting until your body relaxes around him.
“Look at you, sweetheart,” he breathes, tilting your chin up so he can see your face, his blue eyes dark with hunger. “Takin’ me so good.” 
You barely know what to do, still trembling in his lap, but he guides you, his hands firm on your waist as he rocks you forward just slightly. The movement sends a shiver through you, pleasure sparking in places you’ve never felt before.
“That’s it,” Rafe groans, watching your lips part, your eyes flutter. “There you go, sweetheart. Just move nice and slow for me.” 
You follow his lead, moving tentatively, feeling the way he fills you, dragging against sensitive places inside you that make your stomach flip. He groans at the way you clench around him, his fingers flexing against your waist, his control slipping.
“Sweetheart,” he rasps, voice wrecked. “You’re going to ruin me.” 
Your thighs shake, but you don’t want to stop. The pleasure is something new, something dizzying, each roll of your hips sparking more, making you desperate for more. Rafe groans, dropping his forehead against yours, his breath hot and uneven.
“You feel that, angel?” he murmurs, his fingers slipping between your bodies, finding the soft, sensitive bundle of nerves between your thighs. “That’s what I want—want you to come for me, want you to feel real good.”
The sensation is too much: his touch, his voice, the way he fills you. You gasp, clinging to him, the pleasure coiling tighter and tighter until it finally breaks, warmth flooding your limbs, your whole body trembling as you fall apart in his arms.
Rafe groans, pressing his lips to yours, swallowing your soft cries. “That’s my girl,” he whispers, his own control fraying as he holds you through it. “So goddamn sweet for me.”
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hemi-demi · 1 day ago
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Jon and Martin doing just a little birdwatching
Hey all! I'm still chipping away at the main fic, but wrote a short little thing that I thought might be fun to share here as a bonus! And some bonus art as well, because I really like drawing birds, lol.
Short fic below the cut! Rated G, just a bit of fluff.
Takes place sometime between chapters 4 and 5 of Oathbreaker, but it's spoiler free, so no worries if you haven't read it.
“Hey, Jon? What are you-”
Martin had already been speaking quite softly when they tapped Jon on the shoulder. Not quietly enough, as it turns out, as the thought is abruptly cut short by a slender finger pressed against his lips. 
A sudden rush of adrenaline surges through him, and he draws back his cloak, preparing to take the sword from his hip before Jon's tail wraps around his wrist, silently asking him to stop.
Martin tries to speak again, but Jon just shushes him with no real concern as to how rude it comes off, then points up to a nearby tree. 
Tilting his head up, Martin spots a bird. Not a particularly stunning one as looks would go; it's feathers a soft brown with an even paler belly, almost indistinguishable from the bark on which it's perched. 
But its song is far more distinct; a collection of chirps, clicks, and warbles that come in rapid succession and seemingly no rhyme or reason. It's a song he's heard before, but certainly not often, and Jon seems utterly entranced by the creature.
“Didn't take you for a birdwatcher.” Martin half whispers, once Jon allows him to, at least.
“Nightingale,” Jon replies, jumping ahead a few steps in conversation, their eyes scanning the trees for more of the little tawny things before turning back to the bird just above their heads, “don’t see a lot of them in this part of the continent.”
“Yeah, haven't seen one in ages…bit early for them, isn't it?”
“Yes…” Without looking away, Jon settles against the bark of the tree. “Apparently they practice their song in the winter months. Bit of choir practice before the big show.”
“Sorry, ‘show’?”
“Their mating season,” Jon clarifies, drawing their coat a little tighter as a cool breeze rolls last, “Sometime around late spring, I believe.”
“Ah,” Martin stifles a chuckle, “so the little guy is rehearsing his pick-up lines. Wonder if he's nervous.”
The bird's song comes to an abrupt stop, raising its wings up high before flitting off into another branch a few trees away. Jon's eyes follow the motion, and then the bird shoots up through the empty branches above and disappears into the sky. Its song plays out one last time, carried on the wind as it finds another spot for its practice, well out of sight.
“Certainly seems to be…” Jon replies. They almost sound – sad for the little thing. Or maybe they're just sad it left, their head hanging low, shuffling their feet without concern for the sound of crunching leaves now that the bird has left. “Can't say I blame him. Although memorising a song sounds far easier than most courting rituals.”
“Yeah…” Martin notices a bit of debris from the tree stuck to Jon's coat, reaching out to brush off the bits caught against the wool. “Just sing a little tune until someone fancies you. Would be nice if it were that simple. I think I’d much prefer that.”
That earns Martin an odd look, that same calculating gaze once fixed onto the bird now turned squarely in his direction for what feels like far too long. Long enough for Martin to wish he could fly off like that nervous nightingale before Jon can identify the source of the creeping blush that blooms across his cheeks.
Then Jon blinks, bowing their head again before stepping back towards the trail. “Right, so…camp, yes? I ah – saw a spot we could set up just this way.”
Before Martin can ask, Jon has already paced halfway down the path, and he's forced to jog behind to catch up.
Didn't take long for them to set up camp. Jon made quick work of things, nervously bouncing around the site and setting up tents, laying out bedrolls. Hardly sitting still for even a moment. 
Martin would have said something, maybe taken some of the work off their hands, but they seemed far too focused on their tasks. 
And if he did, Jon might have stopped humming whatever song they had stuck in their head, and that would be a shame. He always rather liked birdwatching.
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deansbeer · 2 days ago
birthday boy ・ COWBOY!JENSEN ACKLES. ៸៸៸ 𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ! ♡ library
eighteen plus. minors do NOT interact.
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୨୧ synopsis. jensen's birthday turned out perfect, but he wants more—stealing you away from the bonfire to claim you in the barn.
୨୧ warning(s). smut | oral (m!receiving) | unprotected sex (are we even surprised LMAO) | semi-public sex | barn sex | praise | mild dominance | dirty talk | slight roughness | orgasm control | birthday sex.
୨୧ word count. 1.1k
୨୧ kari notes. it felt necessary to do cowboy!jensen for the prettiest birthday boy ever !!!!!!! i miss him dearly and i know i've left him + the christmas series to collect dust (my bad 😔) i promise it was not intentional <3 i hope to get back to it someday and FINALLY wrap the series up. anyway! enjoy this somewhat of a revival of cowboy!jensen and happy birthday to jensen <3 my sugarplum pookie wookie princess butt 🤍 i love him so very much. 🥹
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the fire crackles, casting a golden glow over the field, laughter ringing out as jensen's friends pass around beers and swap stories. the air smells like burning cedar and summer grass, the heat of the flames licking at the night breeze.
you've spent the entire day making sure his birthday is perfect.
his favorite breakfast in bed, a homemade cake, little surprises scattered throughout the day—things only you would know he'd love. but this? the bonfire, the laughter, the way his friends are all gathered around, celebrating him? this was the part he didn't expect.
and from the way he keeps looking at you—warm, lingering glances, like he can't decide if he wants to say thank you or take you apart—you know he appreciates every second of it.
he looks damn good tonight, too.
the sleeves of his tan flannel are rolled up to his elbows, the fabric unbuttoned revealing the white wife beater clinging to his chest. his old levi jeans sit low on his hips, worn in just right, and his brown cowboy boots are planted firm in the dirt, like he's the only thing keeping the earth steady.
but it's his eyes that get you the most. green, sharp, locked onto you every time you move. like he's waiting. like he's hungry.
so when he finally makes his move, it's not subtle.
a warm palm at the small of your back. a quiet, "come with me, sweetheart."
no one notices when he leads you away, his fingers curling around yours, guiding you past the parked trucks, past the wooden fences, into the barn where the scent of hay and leather lingers thick in the air. "been waitin' all damn night to get you alone," he mutters, voice low, gravelly, sending a shiver straight down your spine. "you spoil me too much, darlin'."
"only 'cause you deserve it," you tease, fingers tracing slow over his chest, feeling the heat of him through the fabric.
his lips twitch, eyes darkening. "yeah? think i deserve somethin' else too."
the way he says it—the weight behind those words—makes your stomach tighten, anticipation thrumming through your veins.
"yeah?" you murmur, letting your hands drift lower, teasing at his belt buckle. "what's that, cowboy?"
his breath hitches, just slightly. his hands flex at your waist.
"get on your knees, baby."
heat floods through you, pooling low in your belly, and you don't hesitate—not when he's looking at you like that.
the dirt is cool beneath your bare knees as you sink down, your hands sliding up his thighs, slow, deliberate.
you undo his belt, pop the button, drag the zipper down with aching precision, just to watch his breath stutter.
"teasin' me now?” he rasps, fingers threading into your hair, tilting your chin up.
but you don't tease for long.
you pull him free from his jeans, his cock already hard, thick and heavy in your palm.
"fuck, look at you, sweetheart," he mutters, thumb brushing over your cheek, voice rough. "prettiest damn thing i've ever seen."
you smirk, pressing a slow kiss to the tip, then licking a teasing stripe along the underside, feeling him twitch in your grasp.
"jesus," he mutters, his head falling back for just a second before his gaze snaps back down to you, dark and demanding. "c'mon, sweetheart. know you can take it."
so you do.
you take him into your mouth, slow at first, letting him feel every inch as your lips stretch around him, your tongue swirling just right.
his groan is deep, raw, his hips jerking slightly as his grip tightens in your hair.
"yeah, that's it, baby," he grits out, watching you, his chest rising and falling faster now. "too damn good f'me."
you hollow your cheeks, take him deeper, until he hits the back of your throat, your hands gripping his thighs for balance.
"love this mouth," he mutters, his voice thick with need. "gonna make me come if you keep that up."
you hum around him, the vibration making him curse under his breath, his hips stuttering forward.
but before he can get too close, he yanks you off him, his breathing ragged, his cock slick with your spit.
"as much as i'd love to finish like that," he says, voice uneven, "need to be inside you, darlin'."
before you can even respond, he hauls you up, spinning you around, pressing you up against one of the thick wooden beams.
his hands are everywhere—pushing up your dress, ripping your panties off, gripping your thighs, lifting you effortlessly as you wrap your legs around his waist.
"hold onto me," he orders, and you do, arms looping around his shoulders as he lines himself up, teasing you with the head of his cock, watching it drag through your slick folds.
"jensen—" you start, but the words die in your throat as he thrusts into you, stretching you open in one smooth, deep stroke.
"goddamn, baby," he groans, his forehead pressing against your shoulder for a moment, his breath hot against your skin.
"you feel so good."
you whimper, nails digging into his shoulders blades, your body already trembling from how deep he is, how perfectly he fills you.
"been watchin' ya' all night," he mutters, his voice rough as he picks up the pace, his grip on you tightening. "watching you in that little dress, smilin' at me like you knew exactly what you were doin'."
he drives into you harder, deeper, the friction sending sparks up your spine. the rough drag of his jeans against your thighs, the way his body presses firm against yours—it's too much, too good, setting your nerves on fire.
"wanted you to want me," you manage to whisper, and his responding growl sends a shiver straight through you.
"always want you," he rasps, his hands gripping tighter, his pace turning relentless, desperate, like he's making sure you feel it, like he's carving himself into you.
"fuck, baby, mm—"
his fingers slip between you, rubbing tight circles over your clit, the pleasure winding sharp and fast in your belly.
"do it f'me, sweetheart," he urges, his breath ragged, "wanna feel you—wanna feel you come all over me."
you shatter, your orgasm crashing over you, your walls clenching around him, making him curse, his rhythm stuttering.
"mmm, good girl," he groans, burying himself deep one last time before he follows, spilling inside you with a shaky moan, his body tensing before finally relaxing, both of you breathless, clinging to each other.
for a long moment, there's nothing but the sound of your heavy breathing, the distant sounds of the bonfire happening outside.
jensen chuckles, pressing a lazy kiss to your lips.
"best damn birthday ever, sweetheart."
៸៸៸ 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. @titsout4jackles @daylighted @bluemerakis @honeyryewhiskey @figthoughts @dollyfiles @starzify @ultravi0lence14 @soldiersgirl @sunsbaby @abox-of-rocks @whisperingdaze @eepwtf @chris444evr @deanswidow @voidsuites @jasvtsc @cowboysandcigarettes @beausling @stereotypicalbarbie @bejeweledinterludes @jensenacklesballsack @h8aaz @sunsbaby @jjmbbg @freeluigihesbae @suckitands33 @ultravioletrayz @unfortunate-brat @a-lil-pr1ncess @notsocoqquete1 @deerlysacred @benscumgluzzer @chevroletdean @deanangel @bluestrd @rubyvhs @ohsc @deansw1fe
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reading-stains · 9 hours ago
Important to make clear. Meta has actively changed their policy into end-to-end encryption, so no one outside of the recipient and sender can access your texts messages. Which means that while the case (Aug. 2022) referenced above from Facebook is real, they changed their policy in 2023. This doesn’t mean that we should be any less aware about the companies that we use and their data collection, I just wanted to update the facts on the post.
Please make sure to double check information we find on all media platforms. I had originally reblogged before checking the info, but I got curious about the details and figured out that this is no longer applicable to the same degree.
Other info I think are important to highlight after I read up.
1. X does NOT make it easy to mass delete messages. Conversations are very likely stuck on the platform, whom we know does not respect data collection ethics. I would refrain from having any intimate or important conversations on the platform.
2. Meta, aka Facebook and Instagram (and technically WhatsApp but they’re not included in this policy), automatically uses your texts, posts, photos, and captions as a means to develop their AI models. You can turn this off. This article explains how.
3. Meta’s, particularly Instagram’s (I know right, you always hear Facebook as the bad one), third-party data sharing has been abhorrent. And it’s not so strange that the easiest articles to find are now a couple years old. Their policies haven’t radically changed - the news coverage on it has. Make sure to keep an eye out. I can’t list to you what their third-party policy is, because after fifteen minutes, I can’t find a clear list. This is not a new problem, the company likes to separate information into many smaller articles that are scattered across different terms and links.
4. TikTok has some very complicated policy descriptors. You do not need to be a user for your data to be collected, you just have to open a link. They collect data from private messaging. They may collect contact lists from your relationship with other apps (the private policy listing says the following: “if you choose to sign-up or log-in to the Platform using a third-party service such as such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Google, or link your TikTok account to a third-party service.”) They do not a describe a requirement for you to agree to this collection from other parties.
5. TikTok may also use your user content to help identify you. According to their policy, they “may collect biometric identifiers and biometric information as defined under U.S. laws, such as faceprints and voiceprints, from your User Content.” In other words, they may track and collect information for things such as vocal and facial recognition.
I hope you learned something with me. Make sure to double check information when you find these things, and don’t be afraid to double check me! Let’s all just stay safe 💪
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PSA: never discuss private affairs in your DMs, especially contraception and abortion. Social media moguls will absolutely sell you out to the government. There are already cases of people being charged based on evidence in their DMs.
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daylighted · 1 day ago
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meet lore . . . again, because she's not someone that you should be unfamiliar with, if you know the winchester boys ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ a lonely baby leads to an extravagant adventure involving a witch and a family journal ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ knowledgeable and kind, outgoing and adoring, lore is happy to help the winchester brothers on their hunts, while also being the best friend to a car-turned-girl ㅤ — ㅤ so long as she gets to know her favorite winchester in the process, sam.
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PUT IT IN MANUAL !! it is hard for dean to ever say no to baby, as much as he likes to pretend in his tough exterior and firm stances that he can. this is the beginning point in lore's story, the "once upon a time" in her pages. baby wanted something, baby got it; and baby wanted a friend who didn't smell like old spice & use two-in-one shampoo . . . other than sam. taking it upon herself & making dean do the driving, the two end up in a witch's humble home to cast the same spell that made baby into a human — on john winchester's old journal.
THE WORLD SLIPS AWAY !! lore is a bank of knowledge when she comes to life. she is made up of every thought and scribble and scrawl. whereas baby is learning the ropes of humanity, a lot of john's ideologies & thoughts are embedded into lore's psyche. because of this, there are few things that need to be taught to her about the world & all of its dark and sinister secrets. the downside? a lot of her thoughts and knowledge comes from john winchester's research, including bias & theories that centered from him.
DROWNED IN PERMANENT INK !! like baby arrived in only a leather jacket, lore arrives in a faded, worn brown jumper, similar to the one sam's iconic bomber jacket that he often sported around in the beginnings of the reunited brothers' hunting journey. though, beneath the sleeves of hers is something more surprising than the fact a journal became a woman. her skin was littered in dark ink; rough sketches john did in his research of creatures and monsters and everything in between, alongside some off-handed doodles in the blank spaces. it is not known if the ink extends beyond her arms & over the rest of her body, but it is a theory that dean encourages sam to find out.
AN ANGEL WITHOUT HER WINGS !! if baby was lovingly deemed the hellion of the growing collection of insentient objects becoming mortal, lore was the angel on the winchesters' other shoulder. she is quick to want to help them, offering any information that she has in any instance she can. sometimes, it is endearing how desperate she is for their approval and validation. other times, her diluted knowledge on things ends up sending them down wrong paths or simply being more of an irritation than help — but at the very least, it is known that she only means well.
FRAGILE HEARTS !! the last thing sam winchester wanted was another baby trailing the brothers & their journeys around the country. though lore proves to be less of a hassle and chaotic disaster than her car companion, it isn't easily that sam opens up to lore, even though baby had the idea to spring her to life for sam . . . and because she wanted a girl best friend. as closed off as sam is from her in the beginning, it's hard to fully shut out a girl who knows how to weave her way into his heart, even when it still feels so broken from the losses he carried.
GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS !! lore and baby are polar opposites in every way, but that does not stop the two from getting along as easily as anyone could. it turned out that, yes, sometimes baby was right, and a lot of her overwhelmed frustration could be solved in having someone next to her that was in the same boat. even though that meant the winchesters now had two object-turned-girls to watch over, it was much easier when lore seemed to domesticate baby's impulses, and baby was overjoyed to show off all of the fun exclusive features that came with being human.
—ㅤㅤㅤREAD HER TALE !! ㅤ ๋࣭ ㅤ ⭑ ㅤ ⋆ ㅤ ⭒ ㅤ ˚ ㅤ 。 ㅤ ⋆
. . . or, the chronological timeline of journal!reader. full map, including anecdotes, to be written soon! ㅤ — ㅤdiscuss journal!reader nation here !! official join the roadtrip post coming soon.
journal!reader, interactive version, only found on c.ai. soon!
01. TBD.
—ㅤㅤㅤANECDOTES !! ㅤ ๋࣭ ㅤ ⭑ ㅤ ⋆ ㅤ ⭒ ㅤ ˚ ㅤ 。 ㅤ ⋆
. . . or, the pinnacles of thoughts and headcanons about journal!reader. join the discussion in the link above !!
ㅤㅤㅤ✎ᝰ TBD.
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notes. i wanted to introduce u guys to my beloved lore asap even though i have nothing written for her ( clearly ) because she's been living in my head !!! just like baby!reader !!! i hope u all agree it is very baby-like to get lonely and manipulate dean by being pretty to go and take her to another witch to make another girl. this is honestly his & sam's fault for telling her how she was made !!! can't blame baby ever !!!
biggest shoutout ever to @jollyhunter for bringing up this concept & for helping shape it !!! what an angel girl we have brought to baby!nation <3 !! and of course once again layout inspired by my pookie twin @deansbeer <3 !!!
tags. @titsout4jackles @honeyryewhiskey @ultravi0lence14 @figthoughts @theosaurous @stereotypicalbarbie @whyyouegg @eepwtf @rositaslabyrinth @rubyvhs @aileenunfiltered @abox-of-rocks @sunsbaby @bluemerakis @misatxox @angelblqde @bombarda-babe @unfortunate-brat @funkycoloured @chevroletdean @chiierful @cowboysandcigarettes @voidsuites @bitchykittenconnoisseur @beausling @soldiersgirl @dulcescorderitas @hyacinnths @couturewinx @blushpinkdoll @mccartneyqp @svbnra + all of the rest of baby!reader nation hehehe
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judenostopwaitkeepgoing · 3 days ago
A Class Analysis of the Crown Villains
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Analyzing all of the EN-released Villains from who would be the most to least wealthy in 1890s Victorian England.
A/N: This is just for fun! These characters/stories are not that deep, and I don’t want them to be! I just find it fun and silly to think through what this world would actually look like in history, and maybe you do too! 😊 Spoilers for pretty much every villain on the EN server, so read at your own risk! Also I am not a historian or economist, just a gal with a computer, so take all of this with a grain of salt.
Also, I’m assuming that Ikémen Villains takes place sometime in the 1890s in London, England—the tail end of Queen Victoria’s rule. This estimated time frame is based mostly on Harry’s love of Arthur Conan Doyle and passing mentions of when “he has a new novel coming out.” Doyle was a prolific writer and wrote for a long time, but I wanted to keep the time period specific enough to really think through what the economics would be like.
Wealthiest - Jude Jazza
Originally I was going to put the villains who belong to the gentry (Elbert and William and ... Victor??? Maybe?? haha) at the top of the list, but the more I thought it through, the more it became clear that in order for Jude to realistically carry out some of the actions in his route (which I haven’t finished!) or various story events/collection events, he would need to be so fucking rich. Like stupid wealthy. Like not quite at Jeff Bezos level of wealth, but pretty up there.
And baby started from the bottom now he’s here, okay! The fact that Jude grew up in abject poverty then became a successful CEO of a trading company originally struck me as one of the more unrealistic things in the game (which I do not care about, he’s still daddy), but the more I looked into it, the more I got on board with it. The writers were smart to add a rich benefactor to his backstory, because in 1890s London, that was probably the only way for a poor kid from the slums to receive an education. Wealth disparity was bad in the 1890s, and people were mad about it! Jude’s hatred of the rich and powerful is in keeping with working class (and even some middle class) attitudes at the time. And with the rapid development and expansion of the Port of London (from the completion of the Royal Victoria Dock in 1855 to the Port of Tilbury in 1886), trading was the business to be in at the time. So it’s not impossible that Jude could have just lucked out in a few key ways and worked extremely hard to get to where he is (although he would still probably be considered a unicorn in this time period).
As for Raven Co.’s annual profit: who knows. I’m guessing it’s in the billions in today’s money. I’m unsure what Jude’s salary would be, he is explicitly characterized in his route as a fair boss who pays his workers a living wage, but he’s also like randomly really generous with like Ellis or Kate (i.e. giving Ellis a blank check for Xmas, giving Kate more than enough money to get a dress, etc.) so he’s probably taking home plenty. And considering how smart Jude is, he’s probably pretty savvy about saving and investing his money. He also makes a lot of deals and has a lot of involvement overseas, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he has bank accounts in several countries. The man is committed to building his rocket, okay! I’d say his annual income is in the hundred millions of dollars (in today’s money). But his net worth is probably in the billions.
Lord Elbert Greetia
Okay, now on to our first landed-gentry boy: Lord Elbert. Lord Elbert is most likely the wealthiest member of Crown in terms of generational wealth, with William coming in a close second.
Elbert is a member of the landed gentry or “peerage” and uses the title of “Lord,” which he inherited from his father. Being in this class means that he not only has significant wealth (in literal pounds and assets), but it also means that he has a rock-solid social standing and owns land. Land ownership is a big deal here because it means that Lord Elbert has the power to control anyone who might be living/working on property that he owns. And I’m not just talking servants/staff at his estate, I’m talking residents of any townships or villages on the likely acres and acres of land that he's in control of. So he has a passive income via taxing residents and laborers on his land(s)... forever! Being in this class also makes his wealth a lot more stable and immutable than say, Jude, who is a great businessman but whose income and assets are at the mercy of the market/demand.
Elbert’s character in the game is very stoic (until Kate shows up!), and he has deep trauma from his childhood home, so he doesn’t seem to exercise a ton of the privileges that would be available to him in terms of controlling the people who live on his properties. But, if we’re talking the 1890s here, he would probably have entire villages or even small towns under his economic purview. I think of him as a Mr. Darcy type, probably bringing in about £10,000 a year, or a little over £1.5 million/$2 million in today’s money. This combined with the cost of all of his assets or “beautiful things” that he compulsively collects (artwork, fine furniture, jewels, real estate, etc.) means I’d estimate his net worth to be about $70-100 million in today’s money.
Lord William Rex
I’m only putting William after Elbert because I do think Elbert has more non-cash assets, simply from the nature of his curse which causes him to be greedy. But let’s be clear: Lord William is also loaded. He, like Elbert, is a member of the peerage of the time and owns lots of land/real estate. He probably receives a pretty substantial passive income from all of his properties like Elbert.
I do think there’s one key difference between them: I have a feeling that William would either redistribute some of the income that he gets from any taxed residents/workers on his properties or lower their taxes—he just seems like the type to be about that. So that’s another reason why I think Elbert might have a higher net worth. Still, we find out that William paid for the construction of a hospital in his route, and for a man to do that in the 1890s, he’d have to be pretty freaking rich. I’d say that his net worth is probably somewhere between $50-100 million in today’s money.
Big question mark around Victor! I’m putting him here just because he is so connected to the Queen, and unless we learn something different from his route, I’m pretty sure that means he’s at least upper class, if not a (former) member of the gentry/peerage. Or perhaps comes from a wealthier family. He also receives a salary and lodging from the Queen (as do all the members of Crown I think) so he’s certainly getting all of his needs met. He’s also the oldest member of Crown, which just makes me assume he’s had more time to accrue savings. But couldn’t tell you what his net worth is even if you held a gun to my head, this is all just vibes haha.
Liam Evans
Liam grew up comfortably upper class, basically wealthy despite not being a member of the landed gentry. His father owns an estate, or at least did when Liam was a child, and had staff and servants. Because of his mental illness and disfigurement, Liam’s father probably relied entirely on family money after a certain point.
As an adult, and considering he is a successful and popular leading actor at a major theater in London at the time, Liam is doing well for himself! He is now much better off than his father! Good riddance! Actors at the major theaters at the time were typically paid anywhere between 2-25 pounds per week, and Liam was likely on the upper end of that spectrum. Let’s say he takes home 20 pounds a week, which in today’s money would be about 3,200 pounds, or about 4,000 dollars. That’s 208,000 dollars a year before tax! Not bad at all! But, it’s worth noting, that at the time actors were definitely not seen as contributing members to society (especially women/actresses—they were essentially thrown into the same category as sex workers), so Liam’s social standing in the grand scheme of things is definitely lower as an actor than it was probably growing up in an upper-middle class house.
Ellis Twilight + Alfons Sylvatica
I’m throwing these two in here together because they are probably doing well for themselves, but only because they are attached to a super-rich person haha. Who knows what their salaries/wages are or what kind of deal they have with their respective sugar daddies (hehe) but suffice to say they don’t have to worry about money. Alfons is probably more irresponsible with his money, only because of his lifestyle, but even so he’s nowhere near as big of a spender as Elbert so it probably all ends up a wash. And I’m assuming that Jude pays Ellis pretty well because he loves him lol.
Harrison Gray
Okay, this one took some digging! Harry’s dad was a police officer, which in today’s world would mean that his family was pretty well-off and Harry had a comfortable upbringing. Not a member of the upper classes/gentry, but probably solidly middle class. This is also implied in the game, or at least Harry isn’t one of the characters that we know grew up poor.
But, it turns out, police officers weren’t paid super well in mid/late 1800s London! Harry’s dad would probably be on the better-paid side of the spectrum because he was a chief/high-ranking, but the police were a relatively new-ish phenomenon and weren’t considered “high-value” professionals. Harry’s dad likely only took home about 10 guineas a week, which in today’s money is about £1,400 or $1,700, so he was making about $88,000 a year in today’s money (before taxes). Which would be relatively comfortable for a single person today, but for a family in the 1800s would be pretty much living paycheck to paycheck with maybe a couple splurge purchases a year (like for Christmas or birthdays). So Harry’s family wasn’t anywhere near as poor as Jude or Alfons were growing up, but they likely lived quite modestly!
As an adult, Harry probably makes a healthy salary as an editor/proofreader. Publishing was booming in the 1890s, and writers were most often serialized in weekly publications, which meant a steady income for both writers and publishers. I’d say Harry is probably taking home a couple hundred pounds at the least per week, so something in the thousands of dollars in today’s terms. It’s unclear to me what the rules of living in Crown castle are. Like do they pay rent? I don’t think so? Let’s say they don’t, which means Harry gets to save/keep all his wages and only spends on personal stuff. He doesn’t seem like the biggest spender, if anything he reads as very sensible with money to me, haha. So he’s likely got a cozy little net worth building up but nothing crazy. Since wealth stratification is so extreme in this time period (the rich were very rich and the poor were very poor), Harry would probably be making enough to still be looked down on by the upper classes and enough to still be the object of contempt for the lower classes.
Poorest ? - Roger Barel
Doctors today are very well paid, but this was not the case in the late 1800s! Growing up, Roger’s dad probably had an annual salary of about 300-500 pounds a year, or roughly $45k-$80k in today’s money. Not a lot to live on for a whole family now, but this probably went further in the 1870s/80s when Roger was growing up. It’s implied that his family lived relatively comfortably, so I’m guessing that his dad had a good reputation and was sought after for his surgical expertise. He may have even gotten paid to teach in surgery ‘theatres’ of the time. (I haven’t read or looked much into Roger’s route so this might be wrong!)
I’m only ranking him last because he seems to not be formally employed haha. Since Roger is not a publicly practicing surgeon, he is relying on his income (?) and lodging from Crown for his day-to-day expenses. This could be any amount it seems, haha, depending on what he asks Victor/the Queen for. He doesn’t seem like a crazy spender, so he’s probably not complaining. I have no idea what his salary would be, though. It doesn’t seem like Crown bothers with all that, haha.
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mrsstarkey1 · 1 day ago
nothing good (getaway car) - d.s.
yn is in a loving relationship with a guy she has no complaints about. tom(blyth, holland, hiddleston, take ur pick) is amazing. only problem? it's too good. restless, always searching for an exit, she never expected to find it in drew starkey. one lingering glance from across the bar and suddenly, she’s slipping into the passenger seat of a getaway car she knows is bound to crash. but that’s the thing about running—it only ever feels good until the chase is over.
wc: 3.4k
warnings: slight smut, infidelity, cursing
obx masterlist
The theater is dark, the screen flickering with golden light, but you can’t focus.
Tom is sitting beside you, his hand resting on your thigh, the way a good boyfriend’s should. He’s completely absorbed in the film—his film—the one he’s poured his heart into. Every time the audience reacts, he squeezes your knee in excitement, like he’s saying, Did you hear that? They loved it.
And you try. You really do. You keep your eyes on the screen, laughing at all the right moments. But your mind drifts, the way it always does.
Because here you are again—bored.
It’s always like this. You get restless, your fingers itch for something new. You don’t mean to be this way. You don’t want to be this way. But no matter how good a man is, no matter how many red carpets or candlelit dinners or whispered I love yous you collect, you always end up feeling like this.
Detached. Distant. Disconnected.
Tom leans over, whispering, “That was my favorite scene. Did you like it?”
You force a smile, turning to him, trying to shake yourself out of it. “I loved it.”
His brows furrow slightly, blue eyes searching yours. “Are you okay?”
You nod quickly, turning your attention back to the screen. “Of course. I’m just tired.”
He believes you. Because why wouldn’t he? You’re the perfect girlfriend—always there, always smiling, always saying the right things.
But tonight, you’re not sure how much longer you can pretend.
The weight of it all presses against your chest—too many eyes, too many expectations. You can feel Tom’s hand at the small of your back, warm and steady, a silent reminder of the role you’re supposed to play. You force a smile, let him guide you through the crowd, nodding at familiar faces, laughing at jokes you barely register.
And yet, beneath the shimmering lights and flowing champagne, something inside you itches, restless and uncontained.
It’s loud. Too loud.
Hollywood types fill the room—directors, actors, agents, all talking too fast, laughing too hard. Tom is in his element, shaking hands, flashing that charming grin. You squeeze his arm. “Go socialize, movie star. I’m gonna grab a drink.” 
He hesitates for half a second before kissing your temple. “I won’t be long.”
You nod, already turning toward the bar.
But once you get there, you don’t leave.
One drink turns into two. Two turns into—who’s counting? The ice in your glass melts as you swirl it idly, your mind still elsewhere.
And then, you feel it.
A pair of eyes on you.
You look up, and there he is.
Drew Starkey.
Sitting across the room, leaning back in his seat, one arm draped lazily over the back of the booth. He’s watching you, a slow smirk playing on his lips, the kind that makes your stomach flip in a way you haven’t felt in a long time.
You should look away.
You don’t.
He tilts his head slightly, as if to say, What’s a pretty girl like you doing drinking alone?
And that’s when you realize it—this is the moment. A moment you experience all too much. The point of no return.
You can get up, find Tom, pretend you never locked eyes with Drew Starkey across a crowded room. You haven’t done anything wrong, yet. 
Or you can pick up your drink, take a sip, and see what happens next.
You don’t look away.
Neither does he.
It’s a game of chicken now, the kind you shouldn’t be playing when your boyfriend is just across the room, laughing it up with his costars. But Drew doesn’t seem to care about that little detail—not with the way his lips curl at the edges, amused, like he already knows exactly how this will play out. 
And then—he stands.
You exhale slowly, turning back to your drink like you don’t notice. Like you don’t feel the heat of his gaze cutting through the crowd as he moves toward you.
A beat. Then, a voice, smooth as silk and twice as dangerous.
“You looked lonely.”
You glance up. He’s already leaning against the bar, a lazy confidence in the way he takes up space. His white dress shirt is unbuttoned just enough to show a hint of his collarbone, sleeves rolled up in a way that feels entirely calculated.
You arch a brow, playing along. “And you just couldn’t let that stand?”
Drew tilts his head slightly, eyes flickering over your face. He doesn’t answer right away. Instead, he orders a drink, “Old Fashioned, please,” before turning his full attention back to you.
“Let’s just say I’m a humanitarian.”
You huff a quiet laugh, shaking your head. “Right. Saint Drew Starkey, patron of lonely girls at bars.”
He smirks, tapping the rim of his glass before taking a slow sip. “Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”
The conversation is easy, effortless, a kind of push-and-pull that makes something in your chest tighten. You’re intrigued—because of course you are. Because he’s intriguing.
And hot as hell.
You knew that before, in a vague, yeah-he’s-attractive kind of way. But now that he’s right in front of you, now that you can see the sharp cut of his jaw, the way his blue eyes flicker under the dim bar lights—yeah, you get it.
He studies you like he’s trying to figure something out.
“So, what’s a girl like you doing sitting at a bar alone at her boyfriend’s movie premiere?”
There it is.
He knows who you are. He knows who you’re here for. And he’s still standing way too close, still watching you like he wants something.
The smart thing to do would be to laugh, brush him off, go find Tom.
Instead, you tilt your head, tapping a nail against your glass. “Maybe I like a little space.”
Drew hums, like that answer doesn’t surprise him. Like he already knew it.
And then, he leans in—just enough for his voice to drop into something lower, more dangerous.
“Or maybe you’re just looking for an exit.”
Your breath catches. "Is that an observation?" You tilt your head to search his eyes, "or an invitation?"
Drew’s lips twitch like he wasn’t expecting you to match his energy so easily. He takes a slow sip of his drink, watching you over the rim before setting the glass down with a quiet clink.
“Depends,” he muses, running a finger along the condensation on his glass. “Would you take it if it was?”
You let out a soft laugh, shaking your head. He’s good—too good. The kind of smooth that should make you wary. Key word being should.
Instead, you angle yourself toward him, elbow resting on the bar as you meet his gaze. “You always talk in circles, or is that just for me?”
Drew smirks, tipping his head slightly. “Maybe you make it more fun.”
His voice is easy, teasing, but there’s something beneath it. A challenge. A dare.
Your fingers tap against the bar. You should excuse yourself, find Tom, do anything but sit here, entertaining this.
But instead, you lean in just slightly, close enough that his scent—something sharp, something expensive—wraps around you.
“You think I’m here for fun?” you ask, lips barely curving.
Drew hums, eyes flickering to your mouth before dragging back up. “Here—meaning sitting at this bar with me?”
You nod once, unsure of his angle.
He pretends to think it over, tilting his glass in his hand. Then, voice dropping just enough to make your stomach tighten, he murmurs, “No. I think you’re here because you hate events where you have to pretend to be in love with your boyfriend.”
Your fingers tighten around your drink. The ice clinks against the glass.
Because he isn’t wrong.
And the fact that he sees it so clearly? That should bother you.
But you find yourself leaning in just a little closer. "And what makes you think I’m pretending?"
Drew smirks, slow and knowing. "Because if you weren’t, you wouldn’t still be sitting here."
You stare at him, your brain and heart running on overdrive.
You know what should happen next. You should finish your drink, put on a smile, and go find Tom—stand next to him, wrap an arm around his waist, remind yourself that he’s good. That he’s kind, and sweet, and proud of you. That you’re supposed to be his.
But of course, you don’t.
“And if I left?” you ask, voice quiet, just for him. “Would you follow?”
His lips twitch, his amusement barely concealed. “That depends. Are you running?”
Your pulse jumps. You swallow, setting your glass down. 
Because yes. Of course you are. You always do.
Drew watches you carefully, fingers tapping against the bar. He could call your bluff. Could smirk and let you go back to your perfect little life. Could make it easy for you.
But he doesn’t.
Instead, he leans in, close enough for his breath to ghost against your cheek. “You want an exit?” he murmurs. “I’ll give you one.”
You don’t have time to second-guess.
Because suddenly, your feet are moving. Your heart is pounding.
You don’t check to see if Tom notices. You don’t check to see if anyone does. You just slip through the crowd, past glittering gowns and crisp suits and clinking glasses, and push through the doors into the cool night air.
A sleek black car is idling by the curb. The driver barely glances up before stepping out to open the door.
Drew nods at him, then looks at you. A silent question.
You take one last breath of hesitation. One last chance to stop this before it starts.
The second you slide into the car, a laugh bubbles up in your throat—light, breathless, entirely uncontrollable.
Drew gets in after you, shutting the door with a quiet click, and that’s it. You’re gone. No cameras, no flashing lights, no careful smiles. Just the two of you and the city slipping past in a blur.
You press a hand to your lips, still grinning, the adrenaline coursing hot through your veins. This is so bad. Reckless. Messy. But God, it feels good.
Drew watches you, amusement flickering in his eyes as he leans back, stretching an arm along the seat. “You always run this fast?”
You shoot him a look, “Only when there’s something worth running to.” He's good, you've seen that throughout the night. But you know you're better.
His lips twitch, and instead of answering, he reaches forward—plucks a chilled bottle of champagne from the car’s minibar like it was meant for this exact moment. The foil crinkles, the cork pops, and you flinch before giggling again, head tilting back against the seat.
“Jesus,” you exhale, watching as he pours, the bubbles rising in the glass.
Drew smirks, passing one to you. “To running.”
You clink your glass against his, eyes glinting under the streetlights. “To the story of my life," you mumble.
The champagne is cold and sharp against your tongue, fizzing like the thrill still buzzing under your skin. You take another sip, letting your body sink into the moment, into the warmth, into the sheer wrongness of it all.
Drew watches you over the rim of his glass, gaze flickering to your lips before dragging back up. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t have to.
Because you know.
This is the part where you should hesitate. Where you should remember Tom, the careful life you just stepped out of, the lines you’re about to cross.
But you don’t.
Instead, you lean in, setting your glass aside, hands bracing against the seat as you crawl onto his lap, fabric slipping high on your thighs.
Drew hums, low in his throat, hands finding your waist like it’s second nature. “You move fast.”
You smirk, fingers curling into the undone knot of his tie. “You just noticed?"
Then his lips are on yours, hot and insistent and God help you, you can't remember Tom's name.
The kiss is messy, rushed, all tongue and need, like you’re making up for lost time neither of you even knew you missed. You fist a hand in his hair, tugging just enough to make him groan against your mouth.
The car takes a sharp turn, and Drew pulls back just enough to look at you, lips swollen, eyes dark. His fingers ghost over your jaw, then trail down, slow, deliberate.
“This is the part," he licks his lips, eyes scanning over your face, "where you tell me if you want to go home, or to the hotel on the end of the street."
You could play coy. You could make him chase. But you don’t.
Instead, you lean in, lips brushing against his, and whisper, “Make sure it's a suite."
The grin that spreads across his face is pure sin. 
The next few minutes are a blur of heat and hands and whispered things you won’t remember in the morning. The car stops, a door opens, and Drew is pulling you out, his grip firm around your wrist.
You follow him through the back entrance, avoiding the glow of security cameras overhead. The way he moves—quick, confident, like he’s done this before—sends a thrill down your spine. Inside, the lobby is quiet, dimly lit. A night worker barely glances up as Drew approaches the desk, exchanging a few low words you can’t quite catch.
It’s the way it happens so smoothly, the way the worker nods without question, slipping him a key card like it’s routine, that has something twisting deep in your stomach.
You should probably wonder. Ask questions. But instead, it just turns you on more.
Drew glances back at you, lips twitching like he knows exactly what you’re thinking. He slides the key into his pocket and reaches for your hand, his grip firm, leading you toward the elevators.
The moment the doors slide shut, his hands are on you again—palming at your waist, pressing your back against the cool metal, mouth hungry at the curve of your jaw.
The ride to the top floor is torturous. Every second feels stretched too thin, charged with heat. When the doors open, he doesn’t let go of you, walking backward down the hall like he can’t bear to break the contact.
The second the suite door shuts behind you, Drew’s on you again—his hands firm on your hips, his mouth already seeking yours like he’s been starved for it. His kisses are deep, urgent, but teasing too, like he enjoys dragging this out just to watch you fall apart.
Your fingers work quickly at the buttons of his shirt, pushing the fabric off his shoulders, reveling in the warmth of his skin beneath your touch. He lets you undress him without protest, but his hands aren’t idle—his fingers skim under the hem of your dress, pushing it up inch by inch, teasing.
As he tugs it over your head, he leans in, breath warm against your ear. “You always this impatient, or am I just special?”
You scoff, raking your nails down his chest. “Shut up and take your pants off.”
His low chuckle vibrates against your skin, but he obeys, kicking them off to be long forgotten. The two of you leave a careless trail of clothing across the hardwood floor, stumbling blindly toward the bedroom.
You pull back for a breath, chest rising and falling, but Drew doesn’t let you go far—his lips immediately attach to your collarbone, teeth scraping lightly against the sensitive skin. A sharp sigh escapes you, your head tilting back to give him more access.
Your eyes flick around the room, momentarily distracted. "God, this place is nice," you murmur.
Drew hums against your skin, his lips still working their way lower. “Yeah? You thinking about interior design right now?”
You chuckle, fingers weaving into his hair as you tug lightly, forcing his gaze down to yours. "No, baby, only thinking of you," you tease, looking at him through your lashes.
A slow smirk spreads across his lips, dark and knowing, before his hands slide down to your thighs—gripping firm before lifting you with effortless strength. You barely have time to react before he all but throws you onto the mattress, the plush bedding sinking beneath your weight.
He towers over you, his eyes raking over your body like he’s committing every inch to memory. Then, he tilts his head, voice rough yet laced with amusement. 
"You know," he muses, finger tracing down your bare stomach, dancing around the fabric of your thong. "I don’t feel great about stealing Tom’s girl, especially on the night of his big premiere," he tsks. "He’s a great actor. Seems like a great guy."
You freeze for half a second, your brows lifting as your eyes snap to his. The smirk playing on his lips is lazy, arrogant—like he knows exactly what he’s doing, exactly how to get under your skin.
Your fingers ghost over the waistband of his briefs, "Are you saying you want to stop? Hmm? 'Cause I'm sure he'd be happy to come take your place. I mean, you've already got me all hot and ready for hi-"
Drew lets out a sharp breath—almost a laugh, but darker. His mouth ghosts over your jaw, trailing down your neck, teeth grazing over your pulse point as he mutters, "Careful."
Heat pools low in your stomach, and you don’t bother fighting the grin tugging at your lips.
"Then shut up the fuck up about Tom."
He huffs out a low chuckle against your skin. "Who?" 
That’s enough talking, you both decide. 
His lips are slow, teasing, dragging across your skin in a way that has you gasping, hands grasping at him, nails digging into his back. He takes his time, savoring every reaction, every breathy moan he pulls from your lips.
And when he finally gives in, it’s fast and slow all at once—like he can’t get enough of you, but also wants to make this last. His touch is firm, controlled, but there’s a hunger beneath it, an urgency that makes heat coil low in your stomach. His hands roam your body, memorizing, mapping, claiming.
He’s good. Too good. The kind of good that makes you dizzy, that makes you forget your own name, let alone the one of the man you left behind tonight.
“God,” you breathe, fingers digging into his shoulders as he moves against you, burning skin on burning skin. He makes a noise in the back of his throat at the sound of your voice, like he’s reveling in the way you come undone beneath him. His name spills from your lips, a whisper, a plea, a curse all at once.
Drew’s mouth finds yours again, swallowing every sound, every broken breath. His hands tighten on your hips, fingers digging in like he’s afraid you’ll disappear, like he knows this can’t last but wants to make it count anyway.
And you let him.
You let him pull you under, let him ruin you in the best possible way, let him set a fire to everything you thought you knew.
Because for the first time in a long time—you feel something.
And it’s intoxicating. 
Drew is asleep beside you, his arm hooked around your waist, his breathing slow and steady. The room is dark except for the city lights bleeding in through the window, painting streaks of gold across the sheets.
Your body is still buzzing, your mind still running in circles. You stare at the ceiling, your heart pounding with something that isn’t just adrenaline. It’s something deeper, something heavier. The weight of everything you just did, everything this means.
You should leave.
But as you shift slightly, testing the idea, Drew’s grip tightens in his sleep, his arm flexing just enough to pull you closer, as if even unconscious, he can sense you trying to go.
You freeze.
A sharp inhale. A pause.
Your eyes flick toward the hotel desk. A notepad and pen sit untouched beside the lamp, waiting.
You think about what you’d write.
I’m sorry. No. Too simple. Too empty.
This was a mistake. A lie.
Don’t follow me. You don’t even know if you mean it.
The words swirl in your mind, shifting, twisting, refusing to settle.
You press your lips together, staring at the blank page from across the room.
And you wonder if you’ll actually write anything at all.
requests open!
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