#monk mode meditation
harrelltut · 1 year
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
The evolution of Wukong through the eyes of the Pilgrims (mainly Zu Baije and Sja Wujing)
A terrifying beast that is only held back by the monk's presence and his divine leash. Can and will kill them all at the first chance. Wujing suspects that he might also be very lonely, but hesitates to reach out. Baijie is just grumpy and resentful.
When Wukong gets banished they are initially worried about retribution. That he'd attack them once Tripitaka reveals the circlet does not come off and he doesn't know how to remove it. When Wukong instead, visibly upset but not angry, Wujing begins to suspect they went too far. Baije is smug. Both soon realize that they definitely went too far when Ao Lie immediately bucks Tripitaka off and kicks Baijie before transforming back into his humanoid form to ask what the ever loving HELL was wrong with them. They all are horrified to realize Wukong had kept his pregnancy secret.
Upon entering FFM at Ao Lie's insistence, the pilgrims are immediately confronted with the smell of smoke and the sight of burnt trees and ashes. At first, Baije suspects Wukong might have done it, only to be reprimanded by the Stalwart whom had met them. Wujing us just feeling sorrow upon being told thus was Heaven's doing. An example made of a once paradise to punish the king who was trapped and already facing the Budfha's wrath, completely out of sheer spite. Baije is horrified upon being told this very bluntly and that with Wukong's return they finally have hope for the first time in over 500 years.
When they finally see Wukong on FFM it strikes them. It was the first time they've seen a gentle Wukong and realized he was not a monster. Baije grumbles that he's still a jerk and Wujing finally feels encouragement to approach and befriend Wukong. Things start to look up.
As months pass, they gradually get closer, Ao Lie noticeably being protective. Baije comes to the wrong conclusion and jokes about Ao Lie trying to be Wukong's baby daddy. Wukong shoots back that he already had a mate thank you very much, Baije and Wujing are shocked, Tripitaka asks if they were one of the monkeys on the island Wukong admits that Macaque wasn't there and he had no idea where he left, nor was he aware of the Egg. He says Macaque and him had broken up before he could tell him and tells then about the incident uner the mountain, claiming it to be his fault as Macaquehas appeeared shortly after some mountain gods had poured molten copper down his throat and made hurtful comments and he had lashed out at his mate. Baije feels righteous fury and makes a mental note about hot foods. Tripitaka needs a moment. Wujing punches a boulder. They start to notice Wukong's habits.
Dr. Wukong chapter happens. Pilgrims have the realization that Wukong is hella smart. Tripitaka gifts Wukong with some alchemy and medicinal books they picked up in town, stating that medicine is a good skill for a monk to have as an excuse for the luxury. They hadn't expected him to jump up and down like a little kid at the thought of learning! Cute.
Macaque appears! Wukong and him are forced to fight until Baije finally gets fed up and shouts at him to stop before he kills his unborn child. Macaque freezes as he suddenly registers one too many heartbeats. Unable to handle the revelation that Wukong was pregnant and he almost struck him with his staff, Macaque flees to gather his thoughts. Wukong is heartbroken. They begin to see a shadow following Wukong.
Macaque appears again at the request of the Brotherhood and gets bitten by Ao Lie and punched by Tripitaka, respectively. The events of Camel Ridge happen. Baije and Wujing are pissed. Wukong is very upset. Macaque has gained the Pilgrims' respect.
Macaque awakens, happiness abounds. Teasing begins soon after as Wukong is in full lovestruck monkey mode. Who knew his type was tall, dark, broody artists? Baije is envious. Wujing is highly amused. Tripitaka just wants to meditate in peace.
Pretty much the character journey of the main Pilgrims.
They see Wukong as a beast on a leash at first. Bajie's and Wujing's experiences as Celestials have already painted the Monkey King as a villain with no remorse. Tripitaka is so sheltered that in his mind; Sun Wukong is the most evil creature he has met. Ao Lie is the only one that dares see past his preconceptions (ones which are painted poorly through the stories shared between royal dragons) and approach the monkey as a fellow convicted being.
Then they begin to see him as an unstable but reliable bodyguard after the events of the Ginseng Tree incident.
Then during their first encounter with the White Bone Spirit where Tripitaka formally banishes Wukong as his disciple after being convinced of the evils he can commit (but not of the ones the spirit could do) and nearly caves the monkey's skull in with the Headache Mantra... as a hurt animal?
A pregnant creature according to the (until now silent) horse!?
A creature capable of grief and softness? A beloved king? A beacon of hope for his people? The ruler of a paradise scorched by Heaven to set an example for all demonkind?
A hurt companion. Someone who's missing their mate and has suffered terribly before he joined them. Someone who's traumatised by food being too hot, the ceiling being too low, and by being beheld by too many eyes.
When the king of Zhuzi/Scarlet-Purple Kingdom needs a healer to cure him of a confounding illness - Wukong shows a surprisingly intellectual side to him. One that he's been rarely able to flex with his role as bodyguard. He reveals a vast knowledge of medicine and healing gained from years of study under Master Subodhi. With the crafted medicine; Wukong manages to heal the King so he's able to reveal the real reason for his malady - the loss of his mate. Wukong feels so sympathetic for the King - even if the Queen had been kidnapped to punish him for harming one of the Buddha's kin. Wukong disguises himself as the stolen Queen - only for Sai Tai Sui/Jupiter's Rival to be defeated by three very protective fellow disciples after he gets a bit too fresh with the pregnant monkey.
Wukong and Tripitaka are mid-argument over valuing the Monk's safety over that of murderous bandits, when a completely new monkey appears and interrupts their fight.
The new monkey has fur as dark as night, and is shouting at Wukong about how he's become "the lapdog of Heaven". Staffs clash between the pair as tears run down Wukong's face.... until the King's pregnancy is revealed. Then the shadow monkey quietly wiggles his many ears, backs away in shock, and disappears into the shadows. Wukong cries, revealing that very monkey is his mate! The Pilgrims feel the need to teach the Macaque a lesson.
They become more aware of a shadow that follows close to Wukong's side.
This leads them to the demon-occupied city of Camel Ridge, where they encounter three more of Wukong's former sworn brothers.
Things don't go so well. The Macaque proves himself to be more loyal to his mate than to his own anger, and seemingly sacrifices himself to protect their unborn child.
The Pilgrims pray for the Macaque's recovery - and when he finally awakens, finds that their "savage bodyguard" is a cuddly love truck sap towards his mate (at least when the Macaque isn't a current obstacle). Wukong and the Macaque make adorable fluttering/purring sounds as they nuzzle and hug - the shadow monkey petting the orange one's round stomach with equal guilt and wonder.
Bajie complains loudly; "Why can't I bring my spouse along?! I wanna kiss my wife!" - and Tripitaka just knows that he's in for a headache. Sha Wujing and Ao Lie are delighted for their brother, and tease his interest in "bad boys" enough to make Wukong blush.
Now the Tang Monk has a pair of cuddle bug monkeys as his bodyguards. One that's much more willingly to murder to keep his mate safe. And although the Headache Sutra works on the Macaque (as it did in the novel), he is more likely to believe that the violence was a necessary evil. Tripitaka (nor many Bodhisattvas) cannot fault a man for protecting his pregnant spouse.
The Pilgrims even find themselves some unusual allies in the form of the Demon Bull King, his wife the Iron Fan Princess, Macaque's extended theatre family of the legendary Nine-Tailed Vixen, her twin sons, and the Jade Faced Princess. All excited to see the two monkeys back together and having a cub.
And one day, this troupe of Pilgrims will have a more precious creature to defend than the Tang Monk. Their brother's child.
(tysm for this post I really love how much y'all get into the lore of the aus <3)
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thesirencult · 9 months
Astrological Predictions I Wrote Down Last Year Which Are Still Relevant- and will continue to be!
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Note: I'm not here to spread fear and anxiety. Bad aspects do not exist. Our lives and the way the Art Of Astrology is expressed in our reality is a mix of different colours and vibrations. These predictions have been made with my own personal way of interpretation so please don't ask how I came up with some things. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to see the "mechanics" and "practical details" behind the predictions, simply read them and see if intuitively you vibe with them. Keep in mind these are written in a "personal notes" style so it is a tiny bit chaotic!
A year ago I did not post any content about astrology and tarot online, at least at this scale. Posting these personal observations is not a way fro me to "toot-my-own-horn". I'm actually quite skeptical about Astrology's capacity to "predict" but right now, looking at those notes it is apparent that most of those things have already manifested or are beginning to take form in our physical reality.
Enjoy and let me know what your thoughts are about what's coming.
Pluto In Aquarius (23/3/2023, 3 months and then again in 2024): 20 year cycle, society, tech, consciousness, innovation on STEROIDS, last time 795,819, 1781 -> discovery of uranus, islamic/arab domination in north africa, fall and rise of dynasties in europe (foundations of europe as we know it now, al-Khwarizmi founded the field of algebra
Saturn In Pisces (7/3/2023, 26 february, may 2 2026): structuring the "unstructureable"
Jupiter In Taurus (16/5/2023-25/5/2024): wisdom of nature, stay ready/still, green
17/7/2023 -> N.Node in Aries/S.Node in Libra: love-war, Ares-Aphrodite, war between the feminine and the masculine. Fall of red pill and radical feminism, individual vs parrtnership.
Where Jupiter goes, Saturn follows. Dune, The Hermit energy. In the past few years with Jupiter in Pisces and Aries disillusionment was IN! Fights through screens (Aries), were just another day. Saturn clears the way after Jupiter's orgy. Dreams NEED a practical use (note from now : we have this whole hustling culture thing of set goals and be practical, we are basically trying to give structure to our dreams and create a step by step path to our vision). Example: astrology, NFTs and crypto, drugs, manifestation, art -> how are they contributing to our society and the betterment of it? Dissolving-then Forming-> identifying, dreaming-act/plan -> success. Only through the loss of individual power we realize we are nothing without a link to the rest of "life". Submitting to something greater/ fear (misty) of something destroying us or confronting external life. Sacrifice/Servitude. Who are you when stripped away from the world? (prison): stripped off the matrix/network, inner contemplation, power to serve to experience unity, science+spirituality meeting. loneliness + isolation = going deeper within,monk mode. developing a conscious ego. Information utilized/weaponized to help/guide the masses. Increasing consciousness and broadening the mind. We are realizing we are experiencing the "shadow" not the "idea" (Plato/Jung/archetypes)/Antigone-> divine law / human law/ loss of faith and search dor a new framework of values. Discipline in meditation, yoga driven towards God. Fight between atheism+spiritualism/nihilism+purpose. Turning inside because you lost faith, there you will find God and meaning. The form has outlived its usefulness -> conflict with the status quo and law. No church in the wild/godless. Saturn's death by Jupiter (taurus = structure).
Transformation of rules, social norms, ideas of humanity and how we use science+technology to manifest those ideas. Social + technological REVOLUTION. Renaissance. Turning to humanitarian, liberal arts/spreading knowledge-teaching. Astronomical discoveries, vaccines/antibiotics(shortages?), innovations in trade, change in the way religions and churches are structured as well as other organizations. More open. Blockchain. "Anonymity" but transparency. 48 laws of power, the prince. philosophy-> utilitarian/kant/pure reason. "how to maximize happiness for the majority. streamlined techniques. Pluto in Aquarius will bring the desire to reform. After 2044 these changes will be established. Everything will be brought to the surface. going deep and facing demons. PROMETHEUS MYTH , FIRE -> DARK SIDE OF TECH (note: AI). decentralised internet, open sourcing, energy. YOU CAN'T REACH GOD THROUGH TECHNOLOGY/CAN YOU? Grid failures+extreme weather. Internet cables connecting countries -> separation from WEB -> Who are we? power over...= domination / power with...= networks Pluto -> Πλούτος, abundance but can turn to greed -> eruption -> realizations. Society = individuals -> change= self change!
Society is going to turn its hopes, wishes , knowledge, resources and tech powers towards abundance and sustainability. Physical environment = abundance. I'm seeing a rise in holistic+cyclical approaches, natural medicine and art expression close to natural processes. Expect movement from big cities to the countryside and creation of luxury reatreats/hotels close to nature-sustainable.
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vindelllas · 1 year
frivolous or fated: buddha and beauty 🧖🏽‍♀️🛀🏽
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Disclaimer: this is only part one (my document was too long to include in one post). If you would like for me to post part two, please let me know!
🛁 The predominant attitude towards the beauty of things in the classical texts is one of suspicion and met with usual hostility. Physical beauty, especially that of women historically, is accused of causing attachment and craving. Beauty is deemed as “the nutriment for sensual desire” in mercurial principles and thereby being acclaimed as the source of greed, hate, and delusion too. Enjoyment of one’s beauty, and repulsion at another’s ugliness, is deemed as incompatible with the great virtue of equanimity that enjoins us to be mindful and attain enlightenment without the filtering usage of the prism of worldly subjection. Whereas, worldly beauty is demonized, as it is attributed to distracting the masses from the ubiquity of suffering in this earthly plane. This is why in many buddhist principles, the antithesis to beauty-based seduction is focusing oneself upon bringing awareness to the “ugly”, such as death. Yet in countries like Thailand, beauty is theorized to be rewarded to women who have lived without expressing aggression, perpetuating hatred, and experiencing feelings of resentment in a previous life. Focusing on an object such as a disc (or a yantra in vedic culture), is taking in great beauty and bestowing the onlooker with tranquil meditation abundance. In this post, I will be evaluating what true beauty means in various cultures and how we can incorporate these theories into nuanced conversations about self care and overall beautification of oneself. The following deep dive into primarily eastern literature and spiritual concepts does not mean that these are solely accurate opinions, but it is designed to expand one’s palette to spiritual beautification outside of western ideologies.
🛀🏽 There are several modes of beauty. However, the main three categories of beauty I have stumbled upon are inner beauty, wordly beauty, and physical beauty. Inner beauty is the beauty of one’s character, the beauty of the person’s spirit, or moral beauty. But this inner realm or entity is not exactly disjoined from bodily and physical existence. It is simply the beauty that belongs to a person in virtue of their character, moral qualities, understanding, and experience. In contrast with the beauty of things or the world, there is substantial evidence for the importance of inner beauty in Buddhist knowledge. In the Cakkavatti-Shanda sutta, buddha answers his own question, ‘What is beauty for a monk?’, with a list of qualities such as “right conduct, restraint, perfection in habit, and an awareness of danger in the slightest fault”. In the verses of the female ancestors, who repeatedly celebrate their emancipation from the desire to cultivate physical beauty, there is an interesting reference to one nun, Subh, who it is said “went forth full of faith, beautiful by reason of the true doctrine”. In the Abhidhamma, whole sections are devoted to defining the various forms of beautiful consciousness and beautiful mental factors: including compassion, non-delusion and mindfulness (some of which are present in all the beautiful states of consciousness).
🧼 However these references towards beauty have sparked much debate. The word “beauty” is used to talk about “the inner”, about character and virtues. Translators have begged the question why does Buddha not speak of the restrained, alert, right thinking monk as simply being “good” or “holy”? Why is he described as beautiful? And why was Subh deemed beautiful, rather than just virtuous, by reason of dharma? This literature is explicitly stating there is a lack of connection between inner beauty with the beauty of things as seen, heard or otherwise perceived through the ordinary senses, such as sight and hearing. It is, after all, the domain of sensory/what may be perceptually experienced. As children, we learn the use of words like “beautiful” via connecting the term with what is visible, audible or otherwise available to the senses.
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🧴 Prominent aesthetic-based philosophers Immanuel Kant (ashwini surya and revati chandra), Alexander Baumgarten (pushya surya and hasta chandra), and Francis Hutcheson (ashlesha surya and uttara bhadrapada chandra) studied the primacy of the sensorial experience by defining beauty in terms of sensory experience. But it has long been recognized that sensorial beauty was a sign of a more elevated form of beauty. For example, Plato, in Phaedrus, states that true beauty is something that one on the earthly plane may only discern when “reminded by the sight of beauty on earth” and that beauty is apprehended through sight: “the keenest of our physical senses”. The journey towards this appreciation of “true beauty” prescribed to Socrates by Diotima in The Symposium, is through witnessing the sight of beautiful figures (bodies). For Kant and others, it was believed that it is the beauty of God that finally matters. As Abbé Suger stated: “the multi-coloured loveliness of gems has… [transported] me from material to immate- rial things, for our dull mind is incapable of rising to the truth except through that which is material”. According to these ideologies, it is in this manner too that one should interpret Suger’s succinct definition of beauty as what pleases through being seen. This is a concept explicitly explored in the rashi of virgo. In my previous notions on virgo nakshatras, I have stated that the journey through this rashi is the journey towards uncovering the jewels of chitra through the eroticism of uttara phalguni and abstinence of hasta, the material cravings of the flesh have become transmuted into the immaterial learnings all virgo natives crave.
🪒 In Buddhist ideologies of beauty, some writers have proposed certain analogies between inner beauty and that of objects of perceptual experience with the intention of justifying their references to inner beauty. For example, a beautiful mind has been compared to a beautiful garden due to neither being considered wild or disorderly. Additionally, similar to carefully crafted art pieces, the beautiful mind possesses balance, proportion, and rhythm. However, unless such analogies are developed and deepened, suspicion about the merely figurative use of beauty will continue to arise. The mind of a man (note this is only in reference to men and not women in this literature) is controlled via craving/delusion and may be disorderly. However, is this “disorder” comparable to that of an untended garden?
🖼️ Some ancient texts argue the causal connections between moral character and physical beauty, with the potential purpose of inviting a transfer of the vocabulary of beauty from the latter to the former. For example, think of the passages mentioned earlier where Buddha describes physical beauty as a future karmic reward for a virtuous life. However, causal connections like this are insufficient to warrant a transfer of terms from physical beauty to its correlation to a person’s character. If references to inner beauty are to be justified, more intimate connections than ones of analogy and cause and effect need to be established between the inner essence of a person and the primary domain of beauty, things as experienced through the ordinary senses. So let us explore further…
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🎀 Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (ashwini surya, conjunct buddha to the exact degree, and uttara bhadrapada chandra) once spoke “the human body is the best picture of the human soul”. As a painting may express the feelings of an artist, so too the body, via gesture, comportment, facial expression, or demeanor, is an expression of a person’s inner reality, their character. Inferring only when the inner finds beautiful expression in the body, there is good reason to speak of inner beauty. Similar to when a person’s attitude is described as cheerful due to their cheerful smile and physical gestures that convey it to other people. In this case, the beautiful soul is “beautiful” because its bodily expression in the world is beautiful. Expression, therefore, is a kind of intimate connection required between the inner and the outer. The virtuous mind and/or character is only beautiful because it finds beautiful expression in and through the body. The idea that virtue, like courage, finds bodily expression is no more difficult and controversial than the idea of bodily expression of feelings, i.e. cheerfulness and sadness. A gesture, for example, is an expression of anger or courage when it is itself angry or courageous, and in a way that presents itself as having such a quality, at least to the mindful observer. So why should virtue find expression in beautiful gestures? Is this a matter of luck?
🧧 This connection is not at all a matter of luck. Beauty that is expressed bodily is the expression of virtue. We recognize and appreciate gestures, facial expressions and so on as beautiful precisely because we experience them as expressions of virtue. A woman’s smile, for example, is found to be beautiful because it is seen to express compassion. A monk’s comportment is deemed to be beautiful because it is experienced as an expression of humility. It may perhaps be that this expression of compassion or humility is faux. But that does not negate from the fact that our reasoning for finding the smile or comportment beautiful is the perception of it as an expression of virtue. Behavior that expresses anger may be feigned, that does not mean that the connection between angry behavior and an angry mood is merely contingent. Nor is the connection between beauty of expression and virtue. This is why bodily altercations for the purpose of increasing one’s beauty is not necessarily warranted for demonization.
🪭 This virtue-based attitude toward bodily beauty was personified by the words of Kant. Kant argues beauty belongs to the human body due to the body’s manifestation of moral virtues. There are similarities to this virtue emphasis in Buddhist texts too. For example, it is implied that it is appropriate to call Subh “beautiful by reason of dharma” because of the ways her holiness is manifested in her personal cleanliness and calm/grace of her comportment. Some testaments to Buddha’s physical beauty are centered around his sexual attractiveness to women who are “overpowered by passion” in his presence. Therefore, it is true that sometimes Buddha is found to be physically beautiful, even by people deemed to possess pure minds, as gentle dispositions are casual for other virtues such as fine countenance and posture to manifest. According to canonical texts, nearly all of which make for masculine physical beauty, include “the torso of a lion” and “straight limbs” of which are aspects of the Buddha’s comportment, such as effortless grace of movement, cleanliness, and calm that are expressions of his virtue. It is not only in Pali and Sanskrit literature that there is evidence of a virtue-based understanding of bodily beauty. In eastern asian Buddhist writings, there are similar understandings and underlying connections. For example, beauty is not merely of appearance, but of the spirit (suggesting both are intertwined). It is this inner quality that possesses beauty precisely because of the way it manifests itself outwards via grand gestures, glances and poise. Thus implying there is no warrant for referring to inner beauty as beautiful unless this beauty is expressed in and through the body.
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📿 For a person’s character or inner reality to qualify as beautiful, it must possess magnetism. It must attract the heart. Whether this magnetism or attraction is thought of as a further condition of inner beauty, in addition to bodily expression, or as an aspect of this expression that deserves to be made salient in an account of inner beauty is up to one’s personal spiritual journey. Either way, it is through the body that a person exercises magnetism and attracts the hearts/adoration of others. This beauty must be magnetic and attractive via exerting radiance that draws people to it, is an idea found in the teachings of Plato, Plotinus and a minority of later Christian thinkers such as the pseudo-dionysius. It is this magnetism that distinguishes the beautiful from the good. Certain states of a person can be considered “beautiful” and this is due to the person who exemplifies such beauty embodying or mediating a certain concentration of energy. This energy sustains a certain demeanor and perspective and through this radiation and attraction. It is an energy that is aptly described as an object or form of eros (erotic love). For a person to count as beautiful, it is not enough that their virtue shows up in some way, such as solely via donations that one makes to charities or volunteer work. It must show up in an aesthetically charged way: via gestures, demeanor, style, and presence that draws others, sensitive to the energy being radiated, to the person. For just as there was recognition that inner beauty must be bodily expressed, so there is an acknowledgement in some Buddhist texts that inner beauty must attract.
🔮 Consider once more the texts that attest to Buddha’s personal beauty. Gotama was said to become radiant in the presence of Buddha’s beauty and seeing him there, standing in his beauty, men and women are drawn to devote themselves and offer reverence to him (similar to the powerful mahavidyas discussed in the vedic religion). Contrarily, consider the sequence of verses in the Dhammapada in which the search for perfection is compared to a bee’s search for a beautifully scented flower. In order to possess beauty, the words and actions of one must exude a perfume that attracts others. This perfume of virtue, one verse tells us, “gives joy to the soul”, as the light of wisdom is emitted by a truly enlightened follower of dharma. So too inner beauty exerts the same magnetism on the searcher for perfection as a flower’s scent attracts a bee. This theme of beauty’s magnetism is a persistent one. In the thirteenth century, Dogen observed that the body of a true follower of Buddhism feels at ease and “their actions take on grace”, so that this person’s “appearance attracts others”. In this text, Dogen is drawing upon not only Buddhist principles, but a Daoist and Confucian tradition in which the de (‘virtue’) of “the consummate person” or sage is conceived of in terms of charisma, of an inner goodness that is at power to influence and attract others.
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🪔 Beauty’s magnetism is attested to by contemporary Buddhists as well. In “Attracting the Heart”, Samuels examines the aesthetics of the emotions in present day Sri Lankan religious life. Samuels’ research provides a source of Buddhist testimonies, mainly from monks and novices, in relation to the magnetic power of moral beauty. For example, he speaks of how they attempt to go beautifully in order to attract the people’s hearts via their dignified posture, speech, or cleanliness. Stating a monk must be “beautiful to the eye” or to the ear, when reciting verses in order make people feel longing for “the holy life”. As Samuels states, his research confirms that there is value in an aesthetic standard that informs Buddhist practice and invests into a quality of bodily movement, posture, speech, and action. Thus, inducing an aesthetically pleasing transformation. This attempted to justify the notion of inner beauty that several authors attribute to Buddhist thinking. Such a justification is at least intimated in Buddhist texts and testimony. Thus, virtue, in order to constitute beauty of character, must be beautifully expressed in and through the body, in a way moreover that exerts magnetism or attraction. Later on, I explore the possibility that a distinctively Buddhist understanding of beauty in art may be inspired by the Buddhist understanding of inner beauty. Earlier, I spoke of the assertion that awakened experience is an experience of beauty, but it may be right to suggest, immediately afterwards, that through the awareness sought by Buddhists, our appreciation of the arts is also enriched. If this is true, however, it will solely be attributed to the beauty appreciated in art as it is intimately related to the inner beauty previously discussed.
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🧘🏽‍♀️ For some Buddhists, the most contrary feature to the religion of the ordinary discourse of beauty is its discrimination, on the basis of subjective experience, between beautiful and non-beautiful things. The “beauty” that simply stands opposed to ugliness is not true beauty… but deemed to be rather a dualistic idea according to Yanagi Soetsu (uttara bhadrapada surya and swati chandra). True beauty, Soetsu describes, is a state of mind, of “freedom from impediment and preoccupation”. For someone who achieves this state of mind, “everything is beautiful”, includ- ing all works of art. These remarks attempt to relate beauty in the world to an inner, ‘true’ beauty of the mind but not without nuance. Yanagi himself makes the very distinctions between beautiful and vulgar (or graceful and garish) artworks which can be contradictory. Whether or not an intelligible concept of beauty, according to which everything is beautiful, can be developed, it is clear that this would not be the ordinary, central concept of beauty. To be told that, in the Buddhist understanding of ‘true beauty’, all art is beautiful is, in effect, to be told that Buddhism has nothing to contribute to the aesthetics of beauty in art.
🎨 The challenge is to work outwards towards a notion of beauty in the world and in art, one that is compatible with discernment between the beautiful and the non-beautiful, from the notion of inner beauty previously spoken about. We have encountered, in effect, a clear-cut, paradigmatic, case of worldly beauty–in the gesture, demeanor, comportment or whatever bestows a beautiful expression to virtue of character, and thereby justifies reference to inner beauty. The body and its actions are in and of the world, their beauty is, in this sense at least, worldly beauty. Crucially, we have also encountered a case where beauty of bodily expression is at the same time a case of beauty in art. Zeami’s view that a certain kind of inner beauty manifests itself outwards in the gestures, glances and poise of an individual. But this individual is an actor, whose beautiful bodily expression therefore belongs to an art form. More generally, in an appropriate context bodily movements and activity may constitute artistic performance, such as a dance. In such contexts, there is no difficulty in seeing that art inherits, via the bodily activity that constitutes it, the inner beauty that it expresses.
🪻 This concept may be applicable to other arts and practices, including many of those that, in East Asia, are called “ways" (Japanese do, as in judo). Not all of these – swordsmanship, for example, or calligraphy (shodo), or the way of tea (chado) – are accepted by the standard Western connotations of ‘the arts’, and certainly not of ‘the fine arts’. But, in Asia, a distinction between arts and crafts, and between these and various other do, is not a definite one. Indeed, it is regarded as an artificial and potentially misleading dualism. Arts or ‘ways’ such as archery, the tea ceremony and gardening differ from dance and mime, typically, in having a practical purpose, such as hitting a target, making tea or creating a garden. That is one reason why these arts require the use of ‘instruments’--a sword, a tea whisk, a hoe–as well as bodily movement. But it is not unnatural to regard these instruments as extensions of the body, as specifically honorary parts of the body. For in none of these practices is the instrument deemed to be a mere tool, to be used in a way dictated solely by a goal. These instruments are to be used with respect and, like one’s hands, with expression. The gardener or tea master is not just clearing away weeds or brewing up a nice cup of tea. They are engaged in a practice that bodies forth the virtues, including compassion, humility, mindfulness, and friendship. In effect, they are concerned with practicing an art or following a way in a beautiful style. Like Zeami’s actor or a dancer in a Buddhist temple, the gardener and tea master via their own and their extended, ‘honorary’ body seek for beautiful physical expression of an inner beauty.
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🎭 Many of the Buddhist-inspired arts or ways, the sharp distinction familiar in Western discourse between practice and product, between artistry and artwork, is rejected. It may be an exaggeration to say that, for gardeners, caring for the garden is not a chore, but the very point of having a garden in the first place. But it not only conveys that gardening is not a mere means to an end, the garden itself, but it is a place that depends on a gardener’s continuing care, the garden is not a finished product distinct from the practice of making and maintaining it. To focus, therefore, on the beauty of a practice is not, in the case of many ‘ways’, to ignore the beauty of something, the work, that is separable from the practice. Additionally, even when a distinction is made between a bodily action and its artistic product, many Buddhist artists would refuse to accept that aesthetic attention should exclusively, or even primarily, be devoted to the latter. It is easy enough, of course, to distinguish a calligrapher’s action in drawing with a brush and ink from the characters that are the result of this action. But when it is said of Kobara Sensei, that he and his art “had become one”, the point is to emphasize that the products of an individual’s art are not to be appreciated in isolation from admiration for the individual themself, for the virtues, like kindness, enable their works to look the way they do.
🩰 Kobara’s virtue, his inner beauty, enables his works to look as they do in and through the bodily movements, the physical style, that at once express it and create the characters on the paper. This is an example of the general way in which, for Buddhists, artworks inherit the inner beauty of the people who make them. By giving a sense of the beautiful bodily engagement through which they came into existence, the works themselves body forth the inner beauty of the virtues. Interestingly in twentieth-century Western art criticism, there also developed an appreciation of works as expressive of the bodily activity responsible for them. A significant aspect, for example, of people’s enjoyment of works by Van Gogh, Rodin and Pollock is the palpable sense these works require a certain strength and energy that went into their making. The difference between this occurrence in Western art appreciation and the more abiding Asian tradition is the concern in the latter for the moral beauty that is expressed in an artist’s bodily practice. By extending to art the idea of the body as being beautiful in and through its magnetic expression of inner beauty, it is possible, then, to endorse Batchelor’s beliefs that Buddhism is not just inner experiences. It is known through buildings, gardens, sculptures, paintings, calligraphy, poetry and craftwork’ and “present in” the marks and gestures of artists and artisans.
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💋 Please do let me know if I should post the second installment of this document! I have been candid to some about my current health struggles and taking a leave of absence from ballet. I am so incredibly touched with everyone’s kind words and appreciate the amount of kindness i have been met with during these vulnerable moments. I love each and everyone of you and am deeply praying for your successes and triumphs. While I spoke of Buddhism in this post, I will talk about Buddha (mercury) and certain nakshatras correlated to this theory soon…
angel 💋
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ohimsummer · 3 months
As a lone wolf alpha male, I don't need any friends, let alone feel the need to mess with friends i don't even need. I've been in monk mode for the past 3 years, ingesting red pills and meditating on female nature and the different laws of power and attraction. I am stronger, tougher and sharper than any blue pilled beta who feels the need to have a social and romantic life. I don't need any sexual activity either, I've been doing nofap for those 3 whole years while also never picking up females like I used to since i realised it's a waste of time. I now run a nootropics and crypto investment business where i'm projected to be making 7 figures by the end of next year. I still believe in the sanctity of marriage so I do plan on getting married, just not with a liberal college "educated" stacy who's been riding the carousel since her teen years. I am the alpha terminator, and nobody can stop me. Peace.
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librarycards · 2 years
It would seem absurd to ask monks or rabbis to instruct others without having ever meditated or prayed, and yet, I’ve never once been asked to develop my own meditation practice before leading mindfulness exercises for patients. True collectivism may also upend today’s clinical norms; deep embeddedness within community is tricky in neoliberal frameworks of individualism, privacy, and fees for service. In the face of social crisis, spiritual leaders and their congregations often come together, making political use of their collective positionality; therapists—especially when trained to be neutral—sometimes struggle to articulate the place of their political convictions in their work, let alone their solidarities with one another in a shared goal of collective healing. Without more deeply engaging the sacredness of our work, psychotherapists risk becoming obsolete in the task of repairing the social and psychic wounds we are allegedly supposed to remedy.
A reevaluation of how we see mental illness is also necessary. Healing, as defined in typical clinical frameworks, often looks like productivity and compliance. Alternative definitions of thriving that emphasized spiritual rather than clinical modes would instead involve reducing alienation, increasing historical and political consciousness, and helping patients connect with sources of meaning that transcend shallow consumerist markers. This might include asking patients to consider questions about ancestry, the meanings of one’s life, and of course, community. It would likely include somatic therapies—largely siloed from psychology and psychiatry because of academic rigidity and the hegemony of the white, conservative American Psychiatric Association and its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual—that help repair the toll that oppression takes on peoples’ bodies and nervous systems. And, as many radical therapists started to argue in the ’60s and ’70s, it would likely involve significant time in groups, learning from shared exchange and collaboration. Freud allegedly believed that if we all received analysis, eventually one’s friends would be able to take on the role of the analyst and we could analyze each other, much in the way observant Jews studying together in yeshiva could understand and lay claim to ancestral teachings as a community.
(-hannah baer, 9/14/2022)
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thetavolution · 9 months
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Paloma \ Seldarine Drow \ Monk \ She/Her \ 39
Paloma is inspired by a character that will appear in my show @weregoingtokillthequeen (which will be revamped in the near future). Originally, she was a wood elf, but I thought she'd be more interesting as a drow.
Full name: Paloma Silkflower Name meaning:  Paloma: dove; Silkflower: it's pretty self-explanatory Pronouns: She/Her  Race: Seldarine Drow Age: 39 Orientation: Pansexual Romance: I have no idea if she'll go the Astarion or Halsin route or both (Or perhaps other?) Class: Monk Subclass: Way of the Open Hand Origin: Urchin  Theme song:  Reach - Madds Buckley / Surface Pressure - Jessica Darrow
Personality Paloma is the quintessential older sister. She’s protective, responsible, determined, and bossy. She’s also short-tempered, high-strung, and sarcastic.
She grew up in an orphanage as one of the older kids. She stepped up to take care of the younger children and she took responsibility for them at a young age. Even after they reached adulthood, she continued to clean up after them and care for them like she always did. She has a habit of stepping in and doing things for other people.
Paloma believes she has to "earn" the right to be in people's lives, which means taking care of them. She has a very dry sense of humor that can sometimes go over people's heads.
History Paloma was raised in the Holy House of Nym orphanage. She never met her father and she doesn’t have a lot of memories of her mother anymore. Her father’s whereabouts are unknown since he left long before she was born. 
When she was two years old, her mother, Veera, died from the plague. Paloma arrived at the orphanage around the same time as Lamia and immediately took on the role of an older sister. She’s one of the few people who knows Lamia is a Changeling and doesn’t care. Even as a child, she wasn’t concerned about it. 
She aged out of the orphanage, but rather than turn to crime (like Lamia) or a trade, she traveled to a Selûnite monastery to train in martial arts. While at the monastery, she met Belgos, a drow ranger, who was traveling Faerûn. He declared his love for her and made promises to be with her forever. 
They would have three children together, Orianna, Lucan, and Meriele. Paloma was head over heels in love, but after Meriele’s birth, Belgos grew tired of “playing house.” He returned to the Underdark without so much as a goodbye, leaving Paloma alone with the children.
Years later, she would migrate to Baldur’s Gate due to her monastery being destroyed in a drow raid. Paloma never found out if Belgos had anything to do with the raid, or if it was just coincidence. 
Likes: Being with her children, nature, meditating, martial arts, keeping warm, organization, warm rainy days, soup, tea, nature walks, adventuring, dry humor, afternoon naps, and reading
Dislikes: The cold, feeling useless, disorganization, Lolth-Sworn Drow, small talk, bibberbang, and the sound of loud chewing
Fears: She's terrified of being useless and unneeded. She assumes she'll eventually let everyone down or not be able to protect the people she loves. She believes she'll never be able to live up to other people's expectations. As far as she's concerned, she'll never be good at anything.
Of course, as a mother, she’s scared of anything happening to her children. She’s also terrified that she’s a terrible mother. She does her best, but it’s hard to be a single mother in Faerûn. She does her best not to let her kids know how she’s feeling about things though. She just wants them to have the best life possible
Quirks: She talks to herself sometimes. She gets cold easily and her body temperature doesn't regulate itself very well. When it's even a bit chilly, she prefers to wrap herself up in a bundle of blankets or stay indoors. She’s also used to going into mom mode to take care of people, including small things like cleaning smudges off their 
Mental Health: She has an older sister and mom mentality and it leads her to put a lot of pressure on herself. She constantly feels as though she's not enough or could be doing something more. What is that something? No one knows. She certainly doesn't. She spreads herself thin and berates herself when it wears her out. She was took damage when her ex just up and left her with the kids. It’s left her feeling like a complete, unloveable failure.
Favorite Foods: Cinnamon Roll, Eel, and Vegetable Soup
Favorite Drinks: Tea with honey, lemon, and ginger and Suzailian Sweet
Favorite Flower: Snapdragons, Violets, and Ylang Ylang
Height:  5’6"
Skin: Light Blue
Hair:  Bluish-Black
Eyes:  Purple (Right) and White (Left)
Color Scheme:  She doesn't stick to one color scheme in particular. She'll wear a lot of black and dark blues, but she'll also wear golds, reds, yellows, and purples.
Fashion Sense: She doesn't always wear armor. She keeps to lightweight clothing so she can move freely. She generally dresses very practically, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to look good. She remains well groomed and she can dress up when the occasion calls for it.
Lamia Ambler — Lamia is like a sister to her. More on that to come... eventually.
Orianna Silkflower — 12. She’s Paloma’s 12-year-old daughter.
Lucan Silkflower — 10. He’s Paloma’s 10-year-old son.
Meriele Silkflower — She’s Paloma’s 9-year-old child.
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elluendifad · 10 months
Hello aaah I've been following you for a while and I think you're really cool and I have so many questions!! -- What does your daily practice look like? Did you come up with those texts you recite (like what you quoted in that Earenya post you had a couple weeks ago) yourself (they're very pretty!)? How do you feel about which language you use (since I'm sure using English vs, say, Quenya will feel differently)? How does Buddhism intersect with your practice? -- Feel free to answer all or some -
- or none of these questions, whichever you prefer :) I'm so very very curious because I'm also an elf (not of the Tolkien variety, though I love his works very dearly too) with both a personal and scholarly interest in Buddhism (I love Shingon the most!) so I'd love to hear more about your practice :) I hope me asking so many questions isn't too weird!! Thank you very much and have a beautiful day ♥" part one and two of this ask put together for readability: Hi and thank you for sending these asks!! i love talkin elf stuff and am very glad to do so with all kinds of elves, not just tolkien folks. i parked this in my drafts for a while so i could ponder the answering! the majority of it will be below this cut here. I am also going to re-order the questions and answers. tumblr keeps destroying this in my drafts so i am just going to post it as is and follow upwith additional posts.
Question 1: Did I write the recitations for calling the valar in this post ? Yes! What I say wiggles around a little bit day to day, but the basic parts of these evocations are standard for me. A hello, this is your day or month, you are the power of (sphere of influence) and i will tell you how i am engaging with your sphere today/this month. Enjoy this gift. Question 2: How do i feel about language used (quenya vs english) ? I am a native english speaker, and have been fiddling with quenya for a few years using two resources: the elfdict dictionary and the atanquesta grammar. I do most things in english just for ease's sake, but do enjoy practicing translation and writing. My usual writing form is quenya-mode sarati <3 i leave the tengwar to the younger elves lol. i will especially use quenya for written spells or charms, as it is less immediate than spoken spells and gives me more time to fiddle and make it pretty and double check grammar. there are one or two 'mantras' or small spoken spells i regularly utilize in quenya, but when i say small i do mean that 'aiya earendil elenion ancalima' is one of the longest ones. Question 3: How does buddhism intersect with my practice? Buddhism is a philosophical backbone for my life, and i am influenced by a few traditions moreso than others: There are Tibetan monks who travel through my region, and they are some of the most dear presenters I have ever met. They are magnificent to sit with. I am also influenced by Soto zen via authors of that tradition, and Thien zen primarily through Thich Nhat Hanh. One of the most formative books i read early on in my introduction to buddhism was Thich Nhat Hanh's "Old Path White Clouds", which is a telling of the life of buddha. I also visit a zendo regularly, and my teacher there is a mix of contemplative christian practices and Soto zen. he's very open to my own unique path, and engages me in serious and respectful conversations about my relationship the legendarium and how the deep still places in my heart connect me to the One. It's been since about 2017 that i took on a modified version of the oldest buddhist precepts for laypeople. To reduce harm, to not steal, to not lie, to avoid unhelpful behaviors (my version of avoiding intoxication), and to avoid unhealthy relationships/to change course if they become so. These 'rules' still make up the meat of my axiology and inform my behavior. They work pretty well with elven philosophy ime and there's a lot of overlap. So, the practical aspects are that 'just sitting' zen style, and doing mantras and compassionate meditation tibetan style are parts of my weekly activity. I do a meditation group via zoom with my zendo teacher and companions every anarya (sunday), and when i am well i generally hold well to daily meditation. when i am unwell, it is harder for me to keep to a schedule and i don't treat myself rough about it. i kind of view re-reading Old Path White Clouds as an occasional pilgrimage. Suffering is inherent to life--this is true for all kindreds including eldar. I can act wisely to reduce un-necessary suffering, and i can extend compassion and patience and wisdom to all my fellow sufferers. quiet observation reveals the nature of this extra suffering and how it has occurred, and how it might abate. Question 4: What does my daily practice look like? I might write a longer post about this sometime, but the basics are that i incorporate small repeated rituals daily or weekly, and do bigger spellworks for my constellation of eldar at the full and dark moon. my minimum daily rituals are: -cleaning my body. this is just the basic brushing teeth and washing face. my adherence kind of fluctuates depending on how busy i am. -anointing seven points in the shape of the septaquetra, usually while intoning the weekdays (so starting right wrist=elenya, and following the progression i use
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jellymeduza · 2 years
January, February and early March updates
Why can’t I just keep a schedule and make a post about updates at the beginning of a month or something? *sigh*
8th of January 2023: Becks’ One Tile FT Cribs and Changing Table with 2 recolorable subsets -  I fixed a piece of code that could lead to an error for people who don’t own M&G
12th of January 2023: TS4 fin one and fin two blue recolors - improved blue recolors of fin one and fin two present in standalone am files. 
13th of January 2023: umbodyclosedcoatlongpants default - added new version of default with which aqua lapels recolor has got white shoes 
1st of February 2023: sell poison from inventory - sims with ‘born salesperson’ trait will now sell poisons to their enemies, but they will deduce additional $25 per item from them (non-enemies won’t pay extra price)
1st of February 2023: herbal crafting station - Sims can now use the station to apply for the cure maker’s license if you have ‘physician’ trait by @sunmoon-starfactory​ in your downloads folder
6th of February 2023: Daffodil dress with docs and sandals - I followed @pforestsims​ tip, because it's smart, and put some shoes textures inside mesh files. I only moved black docs to AF Daffodil dress docs mesh file, because there's one recolor that uses floral docs and one recolor that uses red docs. I also moved black and brown sandals texture to AF Daffodil dress sandals mesh file - light brown sandals texture still can be found in the cream recolor.
6th of February 2023: witches can gain energy by meditating, part 1, part 2 and part 3 of bending mod, useable half-pipe - disabled “view” interaction on objects that are placed in Sims’ hands or on their feet (staves, bending effects, skateboard, snowboards)
7th of February 2023:  MogHughson’s manuscript displays novel writing progress - added two new versions: both incorporate @midgethetree​‘s Practice Writing edit of the manuscript, but one of versions is also compatible with @episims​‘ Pencils by Color Traits
7th of February 2023: monk robe for women, long airbender tunics - added new two-groups version of monk robes in case you want to use @simborg​‘ edit shared by Almighty Hat. Old three-groups version is still available in the download file.
11th of February 2023: sell cure from inventory, sell poison from inventory - added versions of these mods that are compatible with @episims​‘ Gifts by Color Traits
15th of February 2023: Bigfoot mod - added compatibility for Pick'N'Mix’ “Age Transition Messages” 
23rd of February 2023: part 1 of Klyntar mod - I removed “view” interaction from Klyntar blob, but I added option to put the symbiote into inventory from live mode (action called Take Symbiote) and alternate way of viewing the alien (action What is that thing?) with reaction depending on traits
23rd of February 2023: cleaner hospital mod - restored turning ambulance into book, improved nurses and dialogs; collab with aelflaed
23rd of February 2023: Chris Hatch hospital mod + visit other Sims made compatible with witches only fly if have broom, CJH’s hospitals, visits and Midge’s ‘witches only fly if have broom’ - Globe edition - improved dialogs; collab with aelflaed
5th of March 2023: even more computer options - fixed deletion of token which controls Sims’ thought bubbles during writing and browsing paranormal blogs
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nitewrighter · 1 year
niche ask game zenyatta edition?
a song that reminds me of them: Indian Summer by Jai Wolf
what they smell like: All the mechanics on the team lowkey want to take a power washer to Zen and wax him--there are your typical omnic smells of metal and wires and 'hot laptop,' but Zen is kind of like a well-loved car at the end of a big crazy roadtrip--he's picked up a little of everywhere he's been. Shambali incense, layers of steam of different food market stalls and car exhaust in different cities, earthy smells of long treks across unpopulated areas, lots of little things have seeped into the nooks and crannies of his chassis--it's not a bad smell, it's one of those smells that feels like home despite going everywhere.
an otp: Bobyatta.
a notp: Can't say I really have one.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: Him and Satya!!! I love their friendship so much!!!
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: Every time someone humanizes Zenyatta they draw him as this utterly flawless baby-faced pristine supermodel twink, but if you look at him for 10 seconds it's clear he's COVERED in scratches and weathering. He's a TRAVELING MONK! If you're going to take one of the most interesting aspects of his character away (Being a robot) by making him a human, then at least respect his lifestyle and give him some sun and wind weathering. Also the fact that they make him look like a supermodel when--look, I know his robot looks have a lot of appeal, but also he's remarked that he was 'one of thousands'--Human!Zenyatta would be Just Some Guy with very chill vibes and you all know it.
the position they sleep in: He doesn't sleep, but he can go into a low-power mode when meditating.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in: Honestly I'd love to write Corrupted/Talon!Zenyatta sometime. Like, I know Ramattra is very well established as the Evil Shambali (TM) but I love the ~drama~ of Genji being forced to fight his master.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: Cultist skin!!!
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harrelltut · 1 year
who tf Censoring [Crucifying] SPIRITUAL CHRIST KING SOLOMON-MICHAEL in Monk Mode on Tumblr?!?!?!
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they censoring [crucifying] le christ [holy spirit] in me again... smdh
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
So technically, buddhist monks are not supposed to marry or have romantic or sexual relationships. Normally, the fact Wukong has a mate and is traveling with him while he is acting as a pilgrim under the tutelage of a buddhist monk would automatically disqualify him from enlightenment and break his oaths...
Luckily for him, Macaque is a master at loopholes, and Wukong never actually swore to become Buddhist, merely that he'd protect and learn from one. It also helps that his Master fully supported the relationship, Tripitaka had never thought he'd see his mot troubling pilgrim so happy and affectionate even after all those years and meeting his family on FFM
Tbf the Gautama Buddha was married (Yaśodharā) and had son (Rahula). He straight up abandoned them shortly after his son was born in his quest for enlightenment. His wife became a female arhat but never forgave him for abandoning her and their child.
Wukong having his Egg, and having a partner who abandoned him, accidentally makes him a mirror to the Buddha's wife. Except unlike the Enlightened One; Macaque came back and stayed.
Wukong technically not promising to be a monk is hilarious to me, since while he might not be a "true" buddha - he'd be considered a Bodhisattva/Demi-God like dear mama Guanyin. The "Victorious Fighting Bodhisattva" if you will.
Also him, Bajie, Wujing, and Ao Lie frequently break Buddhist no-nos throughout the book. There's a scene during the Dr Sun Wukong chapter where the Tripitaka straight up tells his diciples to get drunk in his place.
Also dont tell me that Bajie wouldn't put up a fight over the rules about not eating onions or garlic (apparently monks arent allowed cus it "produces hormones" aka makes you flirty). He'd pout harder over onions more than meat.
Macaque would straight up refuse any buddhist titles if offered at the end of the Journey. Get that out of his face. He's just Macaque. He learned his lesson back when he tried calling himself "Great Sage Informing Wind". I love the thought of him pulling out reciepts in case anyone tries arguing that Wukong is breaking buddhist vows.
Tripitaka is a poor celibate monk/divine-bug dealing with a pair of diciples in permanent honeymoon-mode for the next 14-17 years. And he thought dealing with Bajie's lustful nature was bad enough, now he has to deal with the Pig's drunken, envious wails for his own spouse to come smooch him.
But the Great Monk ultimately approves of Wukong's relationship with Macaque. Not only because it keeps the monkey calm and gives him and extra bodyguard, but because Wukong is genuinely happy with his mate. The Wukong of now - cuddling and feeding his mate fruits - is a far cry from the tiger-crushing beast that greated Tripitaka at the mountain.
Now if Tripitaka could find a polite way of telling the monkeys to please stop kissing while the monk tries to meditate?
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sonicasura · 1 year
Jim's Familiar: Path of the Beast
Just like Path of the Blade, I'll be adding small snippets to help people vote. I probably make at least three more paths for the Jim's Familiar Polls. They are: Dragon, Darkness and Memory. It will share the same number of events like the Blade Path here. Now let's get started shall we?
Drilling Through Destiny, Rasenmon/Rasenmon FM
Nickname: Spike, Species: Mega Level Digimon/Rasenmon, Gender: Male, Size: 16'3(True)/32'9(Fury Mode), Size with the Compression Program: 8'2(True)/16'4 (Fury Mode), Element Alignment: Earth/Darkness, Terms for Children: Hoglets(term for baby hedgehogs) or Pusumon(Fresh stage of the species)
Jim slips away to the creek so he could let out his frustration. He accidentally stumbles upon a meditating Rasenmon and is surprised when the Digimon asks if he wants to join in meditation. Jim obliges, his frustration simmering down as he shares what happened.
Spike takes him back home leaving a small red scarf behind. The boy continues to visit the Digimon after their faithful encounter. Their familiar bond fully forms when Jim comes face to face with Rasenmon's monstrous Fury Mode and accepts the 'beast'. Two flavors of hedgehog dad? Yup.
In his true form, Spike is a soft kindhearted individual although he's quite awkward when it comes to Jim and Toby's interests. Gun Robots? The Digimon doesn't fully grasp the series but will still watch it with the boys. If they need to vent about a problem, then the Rasenmon will lend a ear and advice.
Fury Mode is more like an oversized puppy that is quick to go mama bear mode. Spike definitely carry Toby and Jim on his back or nuzzle them both(very mindful of the spikes). A purring mess if given pets and especially chin scratches as he will be down in seconds. Spike is fully aware of his actions in this form, albeit can get quite embarrassed when he does something dumb.
Some quirks Jim taken from his familiar are quite noticeable. He goes to martial classes(half the reason being for self defense), tied his bangs yellow, wears fingerless gloves and a hedgehog pendant.
Archie teaches the Rasenmon to take a human or hedgehog form if he doesn't want to do the 'plush' disguise as Herissmon.(Quite a common gag where certain Digimon pretend to be plushies and people in costumes.) Jim learns some basic earth spell under Douxie's tutelage but masters it thanks to Vendel. Spike helps manage the dark magic.
Trollhunter Jim: He assists in not only Jim's training but everyone else as well. Spike wants to cover all bases so if one member of Team Trollhunters is in trouble, they can at least escape. He avoids Strickler for awhile as Fury Mode is less forgiving and eager for vengeance. Spike only cuts him some slack cause the Changeling is trying to better himself. Jim has to keep the Digimon away from Merlin because the wizard will trigger a shift.
Whether by the one-sided bias or tricking his little Pusumon to become half troll, the man has way less sway when it comes to Spike's forgiveness. Absolutely adopted Draal who laters gets dragged into Fury Mode shenanigans.(He can't believe something so huge and scary acts like a puppy.)
Jim's Trollhunter Armor bears makeshift fur scarf, six drill like spikes on the shoulders(half purple, half red), gold spiral cuffs around the wrists and the sword's blade is shaped like a drill.
Not Trollhunter Jim: Spike was on early morning run when he came across the clash between Kanijar and Bular. He chases off the latter due to his bloodthirsty nature then leaves before the Trollhunter could follow. Kanijar doesn't know Spike is a familiar but kept running into the Digimon multiple times. It's only when Jim gets poisoned is what leads Spike to take him to Trollmarket.
In battle, young Lake is a fighting monk who mainly uses his magic to enhance his strength and bring out other spells should the need arise. He wears a customized gi similar to Spike but with added flairs such as shoulder armor to enchanted brass knuckles.
Troll Jim: Has silver thick fur around his chest, back, feet and back of his hands with small yellow quills amongst it. Three long tails with a red-purple spiral drill pattern although there are some "void" splotches of dark blue outlined by red similar to a data frame from Spike's Fury Mode. Even more frame splotches on the stomach, shoulders and elbow. Has hedgehog like ears alongside nose. Jim is often called 'Trollhog', 'Glitchstone' and 'Prickleback.'
Bond of Flame, Komadoros
Nickname: Missy, Species: Evolved Spectrobe/Komadoros, Gender: Female, Size: 10'9, Element Alignment: Fire, Term for Children: Pup or Komainu(child form of the species).
Jim had gotten her charm from his mother and accidentally summoned Missy when a harsh fire broke out in the house. The Komadoros saved the now mother-son family although had to pretend to be a very lifelike statue once the firefighters arrived. (Only thing that got completely wrecked was James' gift.)
Missy is quite silly and playful when she isn't in 'mama mode' i.e soft to her children but quite vicious to strangers. Every cat in Arcadia often go to her for protection if they don't feel safe(obvious reason being trolls.) This usually leads to Jim and Toby helping strays find loving homes, the Lakes getting two cats(Missy adopted orphan kittens, they were named Toffee and Beans), alongside feline meat being rare in Trollmarket. Every troll is terrified of the Komadoros or the "Cat Guardian".
Missy has a homemade dog house, a fire pit to lay on and bamboo has been added for extra privacy. Jim took up knitting so any shed fur is made into fireproof items such as clothes or blankets. He wears gloves made from Komadoros fur alongside a dog charm.
Jim is taught basic fire spells alongside charm making by Douxie that are later refined with help from Vendel and Archie. The draconic familiar tends to the visit the Lakes in his free time mainly cause Missy being troll repellant for cats is hilarious. He isn't breaking Merlin's rules as Archie's just watching the show.
Trollhunter Jim: Keeps an eye on the house and Barbara whenever she isn't summoned. Missy knows that their enemies would go after Jim's loved ones especially if they're unaware of the troll world. Tolerant of Strickler but has growled at the man and ruin his shoes. Missy tried to maul Merlin on sight multiple times as she can only handle one manipulator. Draal is her new pup instantly and she often carries him by the scruff like a kitten much to his embarrassment(alongside Jim's amusement.)
Jim's Trollhunter is adorned with spirals that lead turn into flames at the end, the chestplate looks like a beast face, gauntlets bear claws and Daylight's hilt is adorn with spirals while the blade is wavy like fire.
Not Trollhunter Jim: Super protective of Jim and Toby's families as events. Two certain trolls clash had disturbed some nearby cats during a weekly visit so Missy ran out to give both fighters utter hell. (Just know scorched troll hide smells terrible.) Kanijar gets put on bed rest so Draal, AAARRRGGHH and Blinky search for the Komadoros. Neither expected the beast to be a familiar as Jim summons her when accidentally coming across goblins. He stumbles upon Trollmarket by mistake and is put under house arrest.
Troll Jim: Thick red fur covering his back, shoulders, chest, feet and wrists. Has a second pair of small black spiral horns in front the larger pair. Two more tusks that curve outwards at the edge of his mouth. Eyebrows are light blue and now spiral similar to clouds. Has a red fluffy curly tail. Troll Jim is often called 'Fluffy', 'Komatroll', or 'Stone Hound'.
Lord of Lightning, Zinogre
Nickname: Wolfie, Species: Zinogre/Fanged Wyvern, Gender: Male, Size: 42 ft, Element Alignment: Electric, Terms for children: Pups
Jim came across a quite ill Wolfie in the woods and help nurse the Zinogre back to health, a familiar bond forming between the two. Barbara finds out when a bear attacks the two during a camping trip only for the Fanged Wyvern to chase it off. A tree house was set up in the woods so both boys can visit the Zinogre and hang out.
Wolfie is a calm yet mischievous monster who indulges in Jim and Toby's antics. Whether it be games of fetch, give them rides or watch something on a portable DVD player. He often slips into Arcadia at night for surprise visits at either boy's house especially if one is having a bad day.
Wolfie was given the ability to disguise himself as a wolfdog with help from Archie. Douxie taught Jim a few electricity spells that are later refined under Vendel's watchful mainly cause electric magic is quite dangerous to teach without supervision. Taken martial arts as the Zinogre's movements are similar to one, wears a wolf and some clothes that have lightning bolt patterns.
Trollhunter: Wolfie usually accompanies Jim whenever Barbara is as at work. The Fanged Wyvern knows the workplace is much safer and has too many witnesses for any enemies to cause trouble. Destroyed Strickler's clothing or knives a lot outta spite. Wolfie definitely tried to electrocute Merlin as the Changeling learn from his mistakes via harsh karma. Draal got adopted in seconds and Jim has pictures of the two doing stuff together.
Trollhunter armor has spikes hidden by fur jutting out on the shoulders, knuckles and back. A false tail similar to a Zinogre that functions with electric magic. Daylight's blade is jagged similar to a lightning bolt.
Not Trollhunter Jim: Bular, on his way to confront Kanijar, got a bit too close to Jim's house. Wolfie chases him down and the Trollhunter gets dragged thanks to 'Wrong place, wrong time.' Both end up taking shelter in two different not connecting sewers so that fateful battle doesn't even occur. Kanijar investigates Wolfie for answers as the the beast's behavior is similar to a wolf protecting their den of pups. The Trollhunter discovers the monster's familiar nature with Jim when Wolfie leaves to fetch a gift. Of course, the young lake gets kidnapped and taken to Trollmarket. Barbara later busts in with Wolfie.
Jim is a beast rider who works together with his monster in complete unison. Without Wolfie, he's a monk style fighter that enhances his abilities via lightning magic. He wears light armor made from Zinogre scales and fur.
Troll Jim: He has white fur going down his back, upper chest, hands and feet with green scales following after. Two large yellow front horns awkwardly merged to his main pair while his nose is wolf like. Short yellow spikes grow from knuckles, back, tail and chin. Jim's nicknames are 'Wolf Troll', 'Howlstone' and the embarrassing 'Thunderwhelp'.
Heel Against Destiny, Incineroar
Nickname: Pepper, Species: Pokemon/Incineroar, Gender: Female, Element Alignment: Fire/Dark, Size: 6'9, Terms for Children: Kittens and Littens
Jim snuck out to go to the forest but ends up taking shelter in an abandoned fitness center thanks to a goblin run-in. He's rescued by Pepper and has an emotional breakdown once safe. A bond forms between the two while the Incineroar takes him home.
Just like her namesake, Pepper has a fiery personality but also a sweet side. Often reassuring Jim and Toby on their days or join in on their antics. A cat magnet since the felines seek Pepper for safety and sometimes babysitting kittens although the Incineroar doesn't mind. Barbara finds out when Jim forgets to disable the fire alarm one night during the weekly 'sneak over'.
Pepper has a "fire pit cat bed" with some added bamboo stalks around the fence for privacy. Jim might've taken a few wrestling classes than just watch the show, he's a bit more bold against Steve's bullying, and usually wears a tiger bracelet.
Douxie teaches young lake some fire spells alongside charm making but Vendel and Archie help handle the rest. Jim is guided through dark by Pepper. Archie tends to visit the Lakes mainly to see the Incineroar be a terror to a trolls wanting cat for a meal.
Trollhunter Jim: The group's personal trainer specifically AAARRRGGHH and Toby's(given some gauntlets to fight with until he gets his hammer). She teaches the Krubera some throws or maneuvers to use that don't go against his pacifist nature. Quick to show her distaste towards Strickler and ruin some of the man's stuff. Pepper tried to pile drive Merlin on multiple occasions. Congratulations Draal, you are the first troll whose been adopted by a feline Pokemon. (They definitely bond via roughhousing.)
Not Trollhunter Jim: Ran into Bular and Kanijar during one of her goblin hunts(Pepper can hold a massive grudge too). She violently chases them off as a troll had hurt a cat two days earlier so the Incineroar assumes one is responsible. Both escape but were injured enough to be put on bed rest. Draal is sent to investigate(hunt for him) Pepper with Blinky and AAARRRGGHH's assistance. They find out the Incineroar is Jim's familiar when the teen gets attacked by a Stalking. He's taken to Trollmarket by Pepper due to a nasty injury from the fight.
Jim is a berserker type fighter who enhances his attacks with dark or fire magic. He wears a luchador outfit that resembles his Incineroar companion alongside metal gauntlet claws.
Troll Jim: Carvings that resemble Pepper's own stripes cover his body. Thick red fur splotches cover his cheeks, back hands, feet, and dip of his chest. Black fur cover his back, waist, but also arms. Jim's ears are cat like, eyes are slits, has paw pads and a tiger tail. Often called 'Catroll' or 'Stripes'.
Tear Apart Fate, Fluffal Leo/Frightfur Leo
Nickname: Simba, Species: Duel Monster;Fluffal/Frightfur, Size: 8 ft(Fluffal)/12 ft (Frightfur), Gender: Male, Element Alignment: Earth(Fluffal)/Dark(Frightfur), Unique Magic: Patchwork, Term for Children: Cubs
Jim received Simba's plush form as a gift from Toby, who was unaware of the item's true nature. The boy summons Frightfur Leo to defend his mom against James' anger. His father is chased out while a familiar bond forms between Jim and the Duel Spirit.
As a Fluffal, Simba is a cuddly sweetheart ready to brighten up everyone's day. Jim and Toby are often cuddled next to the giant toy with Barbara joining to destress. In Frightfur form, a playful prankster who has a huge pranking streak. Simba tends to prank the boys' bullies or anyone that gives Barbara or Nana a hard time.
He has a homemade scratching post, cat bed to even cat nip which can also be used for Frightfur mode. Jim makes n repairs toys and clothing in his spare time, one article being a beanie that depicts both of Simba's forms in a two face style. He usually does this for free of charge although will only accept cash to help out his mom.
Douxie taught Jim a few earth spells although the young lake transformed charm making into Patchwork Magic. A unique magic that utilizes various crafts and crafting tools for various uses such as toy golem creation. Vendel helped refine Jim's earth but Simba guides him with dark magic.
Trollhunter Jim: A spy during the daytime since the monster can disguise himself in as a Beanie Baby toy and slip through small crevices. Simba usually protects the house at night unless summoned by Jim. Ignores Strickler in Fluffal form and destroys the man's stuff as a Frightfur. Completely hostile towards Merlin. Quite protective of Draal in both forms, quick to ease away his stress or rough house.
Jim's Trollhunter armor bears multiple colorful patches that hide mini sawblades, crimson claws on the gauntlet knuckles, a false lion tail that ends in a saw blade, and Daylight's blade is serrated with a keychain lion hanging from the hilt.
Not Trollhunter Jim: Simba was stalking around in Frightfur form to find someone to scare but ends up finding two certain trolls instead. He chases them both which has Bular and Kanijar retreat from the hostile killer toy. The Trollhunter deduces a wizard must've made Simba so he searches for them. Although the Duel Spirit remain hidden in plain sight as a Fluffal until Toby and Jim run into Bular one night. During the clash, Kanijar takes both boys to Trollmarket where they were put on hostile arrest.
Jim is a Crafter who creates various toy golems or enchant various craftsman tools such as scissors with dark and earth magic. He wears a patchwork wizard's robe while his weapon is a staff topped by a toy lion.
Troll Jim: Various gray and light yellow cloth patches are scattered haphazardly on his body. Slot like carvings that conceal mini sawblades can be found at the center of his chest, knuckles, alongside palms. Fake greying yellow fur on his back, feet, wrists, and waist. Jim has a plush lion tail that ends in a sawblade. Often called 'Plush Troll', 'Lionstone' or 'Toy Maker'.
And that's it! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in Arcadia!
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automaton-otto · 2 years
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Jeanne was currently in deep meditation. Her sword all the while floating in front of her while humming quietly...at least that’s what she wanted to but her mind kept wandering to other places. Most notably a certain clockwork goddess that keeps overtaking her thoughts.
The young knight squints her eyes and tries to do everything in her power to stay focused but to no avail. With an aggravated groan she covers her face and lays on her back in frustration, “Uhhhhhhhh....what’s wrong with meeeee...?”
“Somethin’ troubling you?” Jeanne opens her eyes and standing above her is her master, Bonnie Kalsang, The Knight of The Wheel of Fortune. She didn’t have the usual grouchy look on her face this time just a glance of understanding.
“Normally, whenever you don’t follow my instructions it’s because of a lack of discipline but you’re clearly trying so I won’t reprimand you this time.” The old monk says sitting down beside her.
Bonnie pats a hand on her thigh and Jeanne rests her head on her lap, “You wanna tell me what’s the matter? It’s not like you to struggle with simple meditation.”
Jeanne was silent at first. It was hard to let her walls down around people especially around adults but Bonnie had always cared and never talked down to her. It also helped that she had all the answers. Maybe she had an answer for this too?
“Earlier, when I was with Otto I heard this...girl cry out for help.” Jeanne sheepishly admits, “I had this urge this compulsion to spring into action and help her. She even unlocked a new power in me I never knew I had. So then I...uh...”
“You used this new power and immediately crashed and burned, didn’t you?” Bonnie finishes.
“I fell down her stairs and on my sword. It was really embarrassing...” Jeanne admits, “...But she didn’t laugh at me or anything! She was...I don’t know how she reacted. I was just so transfixed by her y’know? Her eyes are so forthright and piercing, her confidence is incredible, and she does this adorable little thing with her hair where she brushes it out of the way-”
“Sounds to me like you’re in love.” Bonnie says trying to control her student’s gushing. 
“Love?!” Jeanne yells out getting back up, “That’s impossible! I’m a bon vivant, a bachelorette at the top of her game and professional career! I can’t possibly be...that?”
Bonnie could only shake her head and puts her hands out to the young knight, “Come here, dear.” She softly commands. Jeanne hesitates and goes back to resting her head on the monk’s lap. She was flustered and her heart was beating so quickly and the thought of being with Aisha made her feel...something. What it was...she didn’t know?
“Jeanne...do you love her? That girl?” Bonnie asks
“Her name is Aisha.” Jeanne says avoiding the question, “And she is a...a valuable ally.”
“Going all detective mode isn’t going to work on me.” Bonnie says running her hands through the young knight’s hair, “I know you know what love is because your heart is so full of it. You love Otto, you love me, you love Imelda. You love every single friend you have ever made. What I am asking is if you love her?”
“....” Jeanne stays silent not sure what to say but a pit had slowly began to form in her stomach.
“Come on...be honest.” Bonnie prods.
“When have I not been honest?” Jeanne asks looking up at Bonnie.
“Whenever your feelings are involved you’re never honest. You’re especially not honest with yourself.” Bonnie answers which earns her an annoyed grumble from her ward.
“Let’s see now...let’s say Aisha has been chained up and suspended over a vat of hydra blood. An anti magic cannon is also in front of her and has just fired. What do you do?” Bonnie plots out.
Without any hesitation, Jeanne answers, “I would cut the chains and ram into Aisha in a single motion. The force would be enough to carry her out of harm’s way.”
“But it wouldn’t be enough to save you.” Bonnie adds, “The cannon would nullify your magic and hydra blood is potent enough to kill a god. You wouldn’t survive.”
“I know.” Jeanne answers.
“You would give your life for hers and you would do it with no hesitation. Before you say it, I know you would do the same for me and Mel and your friends. Because you love us but if you stop seeing things logically and instead with your heart. You would see that the love you feel for us is different from the love you feel for her.” Bonnie explains
Jeanne curls up into a ball, “Aisha is just a dear friend...she just makes me feel whole. I don’t...”
Bonnie reaches and moves Jeanne’s hair out of the way wiping the steaming tears off of her face, “It’s alright, dear. There is no shame in feeling how you feel.”
“...I think...I think I do love her, Bonnie.” Jeanne admits hoarsely.
Bonnie can only smile softly, “Ah to be young and in love. I remember when Imelda and I first started dating. We had happy moments, we had sad moments, we even had out fair share of spats but it was always worth it in the end.” She says with a pleased sigh. 
“That love you feel for her is special but it must be cared for and treated delicately. Think of love as a butterfly. Keep your hands open and it can blossom into something wonderful but keep it closed and it can turn into something horrible.” The monk advises.
“I don’t want her to leave.” Jeanne admits feeling genuine fear, “What do I do if the butterfly flies away?”
The monk sighs and pats the knight on the head, “Simple, you hold your hands high and let it go all the while you cherish the flowers that it leaves behind. I’m sorry dear but love is never easy. Have faith that things will work out and live with no fear in your heart.”
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Bonnie then puts on a face, “And for Pete’s sake just tell the gal how you feel. Mothers may be psychic to keep better tabs on their children but not every girl is one. She isn’t going to know how you feel unless you tell her, understand?”
Words failed Jeanne and all she could do was to simply nod.
“Very good.” Bonnie says standing up and with a turn of her heel she started to walk away, “Take all the time you need to collect yourself. I’ve got some work that needs to be done.”
And with that, Bonnie is gone and Jeanne is by herself the only thing on her mind is that goddess of time and the hurricane that is her thoughts. 
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homocidemania · 2 months
Transforming My Mornings - Trying Robin Sharma's 5AM Club Routine
Marie Forleo here, talking with Robin Sharma, bestselling author an international speaker and expert in leadership. He claims it is the secret to Hollywood stars, billionaires and geniuses. He suggests waking up in the morning to devote the first half hour each day to pondering, exercising, and learning new things. This strategy isn't simple to implement. What to Expect According to Sharma that one hour of concentrated focus each day can allow you to develop the quality of your work by as much as 30 percent. This is because the early part of the day is clear of distractions (other people are sleeping, you're not checking social media, or ensuring that your emails aren't being sent) and you're able to truly improve on what matters to you. He suggests 20 minutes sweaty exercise, followed by 20 minute contemplation (journaling, meditation) as well as 20 minutes of learning the latest technique. He suggests that these tips can be altered according to your preferences and needs. It's the same process that billionaires and movie stars utilize to reach a state of relaxation for their most crucial tasks. If you continue to follow the routine for a week you will experience what Sharma calls "the automated level" and you will be able to feel that it's your normal routine. Getting Started Consistently committing to action is essential to alter your routine. This includes setting aside an hour for reflection, vigorous exercise (to let go of BDNF and lower cortisol levels that hinder the development of genius) and learning. Sharma is a proponent of multiple mentors in order to expand your perspectives and abilities and also the 60/10 method, which is where you put in a lot of effort for sixty minutes and take ten-minute breaks, which boost productivity and focus. Sharma also focuses on two phases of excellence in performance: the Monk cycle which emphasizes focus and a deep focus, and the Brahmin cycle, which encourages relaxation and self-care. While Sharma's ideas and personal stories are motivating the 5am Club ritual may not be suitable for all. Some readers might be turned off by the book's dedication to a certain wake-up hour and the insufficient scientific support. Exercise The 5AM Club suggests you spend the first hour working out vigorously to "work at world-class levels in your area of expertise." Exercise lowers cortisol levels, a stress hormone that stunts genius, and boosts BDNF which creates new connections to the brain. The following 20 minutes are time for reflection and journaling, or taking a moment of meditation. Sharma says you should focus on goals and the future. The final 20 minutes is to be used for growth. This is possible by learning the new skills or by reading the book. Sharma says that his self-improvement system has been able to help billionaires, athletes and others succeed. What do you think? Give it a go! Reflection It is possible to allow yourself some time and space to discover the way that a daily routine works to you. Start with asking yourself why you want to set up a routine, and how it can help you achieve your goals. It's important to remember that changing habits require practice and that a new routine will take some time to become familiar with. Your new routine could seem a bit forced and not flow naturally however this is an indication of good things to come. In the second part of the 5am Club routine, Sharma recommends that you take 20 minutes to reflect and learning. It's possible to do anything including listening to a podcast or reading a book, to making a list of your goals, plans and commitments. It is an opportunity to preview your day and spot challenges before they surface later in the day. Find out more about the Learning Program
Having a solid morning routine isn't just about getting things done (although it's a good thing too). It's about removing yourself from the habit of living in survival mode and establishing the image you have created as a person who has the determination to do more than the minimum. Do not be intimidated by all the articles, podcasts and other sources on how to establish a morning ritual. It's more important that you find what you like and be mindful of your personal rhythms. It can take some time to get your new routine established and, at first, they won't feel completely natural. Just like any habit repeated practice is essential. Make sure you do the things that are important to you every single day, despite what life can throw at you. Go to YouTube
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ethicalarcana · 4 months
Tarot// The Lovers Real Choice
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The Lovers
The union between the masculine and feminine energies is represented in The Lovers card. We set aside under definitive reality in this card. It is the feeling of being oneself without limitation and being devoted to others without limitation. Every human has a period of rest and activity. Every human has times of deep need and deep self-sufficiency. A balanced human asks for what they want and goes where the need to go. 
Archetypally, Masculine energy is independent and goal-oriented, and feminine energy is receptive and waits to fill the needs and expectations of others. To be integrated, a person should slip between these energies without shame. Defending what is yours and releasing desire where it impedes the rights of others is the dance of The Lovers. Each twist in the energy can ask deep questions about co-dependent and forthright desire. Most of Tarot is love and career readings. When we pull cards on this subject, The Lovers can let us know that we are at least asking the right question of the right circumstance.
In fairy tales, an intuitive, shy feminine must integrate her worldview with the pomp of the masculine prince, who is steeped in traditions of right and wrong. Somewhere along the journey the prince carelessly leaves the firm castle walls with the hypothesis that love exists in the heart, not in the consensus of history. In the children's movie Ferngully, a feminine creature flies past her ancestral home to see if humans exist and if the lore of their evil is true. She meets a foolhardy guy with a tape deck and no knowledge of magick and they have to reconcile their differences to save a small but vital natural area. She finds the depth of her magic and he finds the depth of his empathy. Similarly, when The Little Mermaid seeks to cultivate her knowledge of human inventions, she swims to the surface and gives up her voice and her mythical status. Love is the answer in these simple tales but a modern or adult viewer knows it will be tricky to move on from jarring confrontation with the other.
Leaving fairy tales behind, scientists, historians, and doctors-- in their masculine modes of thought, who have mastered their craft, can release control of the ephemeral questions. Experts in physics have begun to ask questions regarding the quantum nature of life on Earth. In a broad sense, quantum theories of reality accept that 99% or 100% of the observable reality conforms to concrete theory. Yet the inclined among them pause this certainty to ask what if there are duplicates and reversals in these laws, What if there is motion in stagnancy? What if location is not singular but working in duplicates? in a mirror reality of our own lives, the person we share everything with is having an alternate and contradictory experience. How can that be? What do I ask of them and what do they already know?
Experts of this liminal zone between certainty and possibility are exemplified by members of the scientific community who embrace psychedelic and transpersonal experiences. Additionally, historians who respect ancient, primal cultures live between lines as well. Medical doctors can see that it's not more medication but meditation that helps a patient blend the masculine application of a cure with feminine surrender to pain and confusion to achieve stasis. Most of us need feminine therapy techniques and masculine prescription drugs to finally cure psychological diseases. Monks with a scientific or academic background are leaders as they embrace The Lovers' questioning of lecturing dynamics. Where does science acquiesce to god and where are gods karmic punishments thwarted by scientific explanation and resolution? Will we look foolish amid this blending process? Can I look beautiful and perfect while it happens?
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