burnlikeme Ā· 7 hours
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š™¼šš„šš‚š™“š™°š™¶š™“ššš™øš™“Ā  :Ā  aĀ  multiĀ  fandomĀ  multiĀ  muse,Ā  featuringĀ  seasonalĀ  musesĀ  fromĀ  beetlejuiceĀ  (1988),Ā  fearĀ  street,Ā  alongĀ  withĀ  otherĀ  musesĀ  fromĀ  theĀ  umbrellaĀ  academy,Ā  variousĀ  marvelĀ  comics,Ā  andĀ  more.Ā  hauntedĀ  byĀ  moon,Ā  followsĀ  willĀ  comeĀ  backĀ  fromĀ  pareidolah.Ā  (Ā  Ā©Ā  ).Ā 
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burnlikeme Ā· 7 hours
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burnlikeme Ā· 7 hours
setting prompts Ė—ĖĖ‹ ź’° šŸ•Šļø ź’±
Ā¹ā¾ a rural gas station in the middle of the night
Ā²ā¾ the last room at a drive-in motel in the small hours of the morning
Ā³ā¾ a cold, draughty church on a thursday night
ā“ā¾ a strangerā€™s bedroom at noon
āµā¾ a window seat on a red-eye flight during a storm
ā¶ā¾ a hospital waiting room with only one other person in it
ā·ā¾ a sleeper train eight hours from its destination
āøā¾ the first night in a new house, alone
ā¹ā¾ the steps of a wedding chapel in the rain
Ā¹ā°ā¾ a dingy truck stop after ten hours on the road
Ā¹Ā¹ā¾ a divorce attorneyā€™s office on valentineā€™s day
Ā¹Ā²ā¾ the beach at ten on a monday morning
Ā¹Ā³ā¾ a police station in a foreign country
Ā¹ā“ā¾ a coffee shop at two in the morning
Ā¹āµā¾ a concert venue, hours after the bandā€™s set has finished
Ā¹ā¶ā¾ a boat miles from land in any direction
Ā¹ā·ā¾ the third highest floor in a skyscraper
Ā¹āøā¾ the end of the line at a b-list movie starā€™s meet-and-greet
Ā¹ā¹ā¾ a bar an hour after last call
Ā²ā°ā¾ an overgrown garden in a heatwave
Ā²Ā¹ā¾ a car park lit only by streetlamps
Ā²Ā²ā¾ a film set two days from the end of production
Ā²Ā³ā¾ a graveyard in spring
Ā²ā“ā¾ the lap of someone whoā€™s been gone for too long
Ā²āµā¾ a kitchen counter whilst dinnerā€™s being made
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burnlikeme Ā· 7 hours
He tries- he really does- but it comes out closer to sounding like an Australian saying naur than anything else. Of course, her gentle encouragement even when he absolutely butchers the words she teaches him has him of the mind he's doing a fantastic job, and maybe for a Brit, he is.
He nods in agreement to the vehicle and grabs a patch-and-pin covered leather moto jacket off the back of a nearby chair. It's bright blue and matches absolutely nothing else he has on, but he's never been about coordination as much as he has the effortless layering he's brought along with him from the early days. Streetwear trends come and go, but sometimes you'd swear it was still the 90s around him.
"It's good you've got a nose for food, 'cause the last time I trusted Murdoc instead I spent the night puking my guts out in an alley." Not the worst thing to come of following the bassist's nose, to be fair.
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"Narutomaki," he tries again, and it's close enough he gives himself a little fist pump of celebration. "Them little swirly bits. Right."
He follows her to the garage, long stride kept slow to match her own pace. He's had to learn to adapt over the years, all ungainly limbs even before the worst of his accidents left him so uncoordinated.
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A few days... yeah, she can tell. But, she smiles ear to ear, in that way she does when she's pleased with them. Its been difficult having three boys! But from time to time she can actually get this one to come to dinner with her. " I know of 'somewhere good' in every city of every country in the whole world, 2D! " She says, with almost an air of mysticism, bouncing off their shoulder to be upright again. " Come see, I shall show you how I sense it~ "
Life of a rockstar is... a lot, to say the least. For the incident prone group, specifically? Maybe...ten times worse than is logically possible. It may be in her nature to be a bit more... put together than the others, but she understands, she knows where all his stressors lie, such an analytical little girl since she found them. She's long since made note of the habits they're prone to. It's ok. She knows how to make dysfunction function... And-- to be fair-- were it not for her treasured quiet time, believe me, she could not pull off this bubbliness...
" Pinwheels... You mean the fish cake? Narutomaki? " She tries to teach them its name with a laugh, though he knows he famously does not say her language quite right, just about ever. Their accent never stops being funny.
" Okay if we take... my motorcycle? "
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burnlikeme Ā· 7 hours
I keep light on the IRL details posting so you won't see much of this, HOWEVER, I got a major promotion at work (yay) and my schedule may get a little funky for a bit starting next month (boo). Due to the nature of my job I don't have much in way of cell service for a portion of the week. Come November I'll consider opening up my Discord for new friends to add me on too. Thanks for giving me my space + time to get used to being Perceived again.
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burnlikeme Ā· 7 hours
@purrgatorial continued
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"Ooh, roasted pumpkin seeds. I know there's a name for those...dunno what it is, though. I sh-should really brush up on some Spanish." Bungling his way through DƩsolƩ with a phrasebook in hand was hard enough. His Nepali is shockingly passable. Otherwise? Good luck.
"Here, look at this one!" He tugs on Damian's arm until his friend's facing the right direction, then scoops up a brilliantly orange pumpkin that's taller than it is wide. ...Just like him. "This is perfect. I'm gonna carve a zombie on it!"
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burnlikeme Ā· 7 hours
"Bet you've never been to one quite like ours." He's always proud to brag about the hard work their team and family pour into bringing the catalogue to life. "I've told the others so many nicer things about you, and-and I'd like to introduce you, if you want to meet them too. But now that I say it, I...I think that was a little bit too much of an assumption for me to make. So-so you can say no! Really."
He's already been lectured about inviting people to shows with guest and comp passes. He's given out way too many, and Murdoc claims it's hurting their finances.
It's definitely not, but how's he going to prove that when one look at a budgeting spreadsheet would send him into a coma?
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"E-ehm, so...thanks, either way! And-and if you'd prefer a raincheck, we can find something else to do together. It's not like we're playing tonight or nothing like that."
"Oh I'm sure you'd manage just fine without me! Though I can't promise someone else wouldn't charge you for fixing things. I'm just happy to be around you!" Nex is glowing with excitement, because honestly tinkering with anything makes her happy. Usually robots or code but fixing something else was always fun too. "Well hopefully this one last a bit longer in survival. Though if it does get broken again just let me know I can be here in a flash." She snaps her fingers as moving from one part of the room to another in a flash of lightning.
"Backstage? Uh sure! I was just going to ask for some broken pieces of tech but I can totally go to a show! It has been forever."
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burnlikeme Ā· 8 hours
wherein Dents attempts to sing his daughter's famous song and fails
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burnlikeme Ā· 8 hours
"Ehm...worse, I think. I'll prove it. I've got a sharpie, on account some people want autographs when I go places I'm recognized and all." He pulls it from his pocket- shiny silver, and fairly new. Without a moment of further hesitation, he squats and writes on the side of someone's post box. It's...distinctly not legible, but it appears to be print.
"Well? Go on. What does that s-say?"
@burnlikeme // cont.
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"That's a lot different names, but sure I'll stick with Stu." A small nod. Maggie supposed she couldn't talk, she had a lot of official names and undercover names over the years. Been called everything from Maggie to Margaret to Agent Doyle... still it was better than the full name... that's when she knew she was in trouble. "Yeah I guess so, I mean we didn't exactly get off on the right foot. But time can certainly change your perspective. I'm sure you're handwriting's not that bad... it's gotta be more legible than a doctor's right?"
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burnlikeme Ā· 9 hours
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burnlikeme Ā· 9 hours
would anyone like me to make a "mvs with actual story in them" masterpost for rp's sake? I'd include the ones fans went on to finish based on the storyboards too.
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burnlikeme Ā· 9 hours
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If someone tries to knock you... I suggest you learn jujutsu.
CARRD ā™„ļø
IND. SEMI SEL. Noodle from the band Gorillaz! Primarily age 20 - 30 but open to any age / era ( i just might not have the icons for it lol )
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burnlikeme Ā· 9 hours
Mental Health
Spoiler! It's BAD!
2D's memory issues, odd behavior/Big ND Energy, and speech impediments stem from repetitive TBI (traumatic brain injury).
He is a binge/purge bulimic who has a very bad relationship with food. (See Saturnz Barz, where his entire nightmare is eating the whole fridge and then making himself sick after and wanting tea to soothe his throat.)
He's clinically depressed, a state he makes worse with all of the painkillers he downs. The addiction absolutely has full control of him. He does see a therapist regularly, but all it's done is keep him above water.
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burnlikeme Ā· 9 hours
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Heads or Tails
2D sketch I did a long ass time ago. I should finish this somedayā€¦
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burnlikeme Ā· 9 hours
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special edition microKORG crystal is a crystal-clear testament to the iconic style of the 2000s.
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burnlikeme Ā· 9 hours
"Y'know what, mate? Me too. It's mutual." 2D wasn't so sure about this project, but all it took was this brief conversation to assuage his concerns. "If you wanna go with me now, we can walk over together. Otherwise, I'll see you around, say...one this afternoon? It's n-not far..."
Whenever Danny does choose to stop by the address, he's greeted with the second story of a squat storefront. The lower level seems to be a pawn shop, but possibly not a functioning one anymore. There are signs someone- someones, probably- have been living here for a while. Past the clutter and up the back stairs, Dents pushes open a door to reveal a messy but functional studio space jam-packed with instruments and recording equipment. They're alone, but the chaos of one of the messiest found families to hit stardom is everywhere. It's not hard to image the lot of them hard at work (as well as hardly working).
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"S-so, this is where the magic happens! Murdoc likes to rent out weird spaces, like, for the, ehm...the inspiration! Which means we don't always get the best sleep, to be honest." He licks his lips and taps a small synth, letting the chord linger for a moment. "But, ehm...I can play some tracks back for you, some samples...and you can tell me what sticks, alright? And-and if you want a drink, just don't touch the whiskey with the skull on the top. Or else Murdoc will probably kill me."
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"That's no problem. We're not announcing any of the official artists until everything's set in stone, by the time that comes around, you'll have the decision of what name you want to use. Right now, all they know are the movie actors and actresses who are going to be on the soundtrack."
Danny was one of them, he had three songs expected of him, one of which would be with the man he was talking to right now. The idea that he'd get to hear what Stu was working on was exciting, but then again, when was music not an exciting situation for this cat? Danny lived and breathed music, he had since he was just a kitten and he heard a song on the radio.
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"This afternoon would be great! My schedule is pretty free right now, all of this week is devoted to the whole music direction stuff, so hearing what you've been working on would probably fall under that."
A studio... He never got tired of seeing those, though it was uncommon for him to actually record in one. Not unless it was this situation, himself appearing on a soundtrack. Recording artists must have been in the studio all the time.
"I gotta say, I'm really looking forward to working with you."
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burnlikeme Ā· 11 hours
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I donā€™t want this isolation. See the state Iā€™m in now? If I pick it up when I know that itā€™s broken, do I put it back? Or do I head out on to the lonesome track and let you go?
Gorillaz - HumilityĀ 
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