Stuff about God, love, lust, and SuperWonder. Love God and love people. ALL people. Matt 22:37-39
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SuperWonder: the Case against Batman and WonderBat
This is coming from someone who loves Batman and probably read more comics than the “average Batfan.”
Guys, would you want Diana—-a self respecting Amazon—-to be with Batman?
Batman—-the guy who talks down to his teammates and always acts like he’s better than everyone, is ready to take you and your friends down in a heartbeat but is unwilling to take down those who have no interest in repenting (jonkler), doesn’t trust you, and treats everyone like his pawn?
Yeah… exactly… don’t be blinded by the cool gadgets and the dark mysterious aura and the fact that he gets girls (they only want him for his looks and money. They don’t actually love him. Matthew 5:28.)
The DCAU just has Bruce Timm’s idol “Batgod” get all the ladies’ attention. Wonder Woman in that show is NOT the one we see in the comics. She is NOT desperate for Batman’s attention like she was in the show.
In the comics, she even expressed her love and desire for Superman (Wonder Woman #141, Action Comics #818, Superman 80-Page Giant #2, She even had a statue of her and Superman kissing in the Wonderdome (look up the Wonderdome on the wiki page.
Even many WW fans said that Batman is NOT the man for Wonder Woman.
Besides, Batman is way more popular than Wonder Woman. She’ll always be reduced to “Batman’s girlfriend”. She gains nothing from Batman, but Batman will always dominate any appearance he makes.
People always talk about what Batman gains, but what about Diana? She’ll just be Bat’s property. They already made Superman Batman’s errand boy. Remember when Superman led the Justice League? Yeah. Exactly. A long time ago.
Average Batman and Wonder Woman interaction if they were married:
“Hey Bruce, can we go to—-“
“No Diana. I’m busy.” (Or he’ll just ignore her.)
Superman and Wonder Woman are where it’s at. Superman and Wonder Woman are each other’s equals in every sense. They’re each other’s best friends.
If you can’t see Supes and Wondy past their powers, then you’re just like Lex Luthor. He only saw them for their powers as many others do.
“They aren’t people at all. They are power. Unpredictable, horrendous power, and nothing more.” -Lex Luthor, Superman/Wonder Woman #5
Even the creators for Superman and Wonder Woman said that they’re perfect for each other.
Lois literally flirted with other men and made Clark jealous. in front of Superman. She even cheated on Superman with Jeb Friedman. Is that what you want for our boy in blue?
And as for Batman: BatCat all the way.
Batman sees not all criminals are evil—-just hurting. “Hurt people hurt people”
And Catwoman learns not all rich people are evil. There are good people out there
both of them are loners who learn how to trust each other. (Batman: Hush. The issue where Batman fights Superman.)
(This is coming from a formerly bi person, not important in this context): Also, i don’t mean to force anything on anyone, but we have various types of evidence for biblical events, if anyone is interested. I also found ways to combat lust, if anyone is interested. (I’m talking archaeological evidence, miracles caught live, arguments against evolution, divine revelation, science, cosmology, fulfilled prophecy, evidence for the Bible outside of the Bible, God’s work in people’s lives, etc.)
#jesus saves#jesus christ#faith in jesus#jesus#jesus loves you#jesussaves#bible#faith#holy spirit#christianity#superman#wonder woman#clark kent#lois lane#lex luthor#kal el#dc universe#dcu#dc comics#batman#batfam#diana prince#diana of themyscira#diana of themiscyra#steve trevor#lgbtq#lgbtqia#lgbtq community#batcat#bruce x selina
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Superman and Wonder Woman
This is coming from a Clois fan but I’m a SuperWonder shipper at heart.
Lois GROUNDS Superman? Steve GROUNDS Wondy?
Hold on, Supes was raised by human parents, loved by humans and loved humans. To say that he needs a human in order to understand humans is a bit mean.
Isn’t the human thing to love and be loved? To serve God and serve others? Regardless of color, origin, and background?
Would that not apply to both Supes and Wondy too? They were loved by their parents, loved the people around them, were hurt and bullied, learned to find their place in the world, and were taught by their parents to love the people they shared this messed up rock with and to help others. And this was BEFORE Lois and Steve.
Speaking of mean, Lois is just a jerk (she loves power), but I like to think after interacting with Clark, she became a better person. But then again… Lois literally flirted with other men and made Clark jealous. in front of Superman. She even cheated on Superman with Jeb Friedman. Is that what you want for our boy in blue?
Supes and Wondy are each other’s equals—-emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually. They know what it’s like to live in a world made of cardboard.
Even many WW fans said that Batman is NOT the man for Wonder Woman.
But they also share the same goals and optimism—to better the world and end crime and all that. Besides, they don’t need a human lover to learn to be human.
And as for Batman: BatCat all the way.
Batman sees not all criminals are evil—-just hurting. “Hurt people hurt people”
And Catwoman learns not all rich people are evil. There are good people out there. both of them are loners who learn how to trust each other. (Batman: Hush. The issue where Batman fights Superman.)
This is coming from a formerly bi person (19 M at the time I’m writing this. Not important in This context): Also, i don’t mean to force anything on anyone, but we have various types of evidence for biblical events, if anyone is interested. I also found ways to combat lust, if anyone is interested. (I’m talking archaeological evidence, miracles caught live, arguments against evolution, divine revelation, science, cosmology, fulfilled prophecy, evidence for the Bible outside of the Bible, God’s work in people’s lives, etc.)
#jesussaves#jesus loves you#jesus christ#holy spirit#faith#christianity#bible#faith in jesus#jesus#superman#kal el#lois lane#clark kent#wonder woman#diana prince#diana of themyscira#steve trevor#diana of themiscyra#lgbtq#lgbtqia#lgbtq community#dc comics#dcu#dc universe#batman#batfam#bruce wayne#superman comics
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How to combat lust. This is a big one for both men and women
This is coming from a formerly bi person (19 M at the moment I’m typing this)
How to combat lust: Triggers
“Trace it, face it, erase it, replace it.”
The fact that you’re trying is good. After all, “For the righteous man falls seven times and rises again.” (Prov 24:16)
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6
Make sure to cleanse your mind. Don’t think about certain things, don’t check out girls (Or check out guys, if you’re a girl). Keep your eyes on their faces. Even then, just straight up don’t look at them if it’s possible.
Watch out for the music you listen to (dirty words. That is a trigger. Trust me. I know.)
Try some ACTUALLY GOOD Christian music (see below)
Check these out for
Metal: some skillet, theocracy, divinefire, golden resurrection, REFORMED
Rock: dcTalk, red, skillet, ashes remain, old Tobymac, Kevin max (from dcTalk), thousand foot krutch, jars of clay, switchfoot
Also, watch out for The shows, memes, etc. you watch. Those are triggers as well. (Dirty jokes and whatnot)
Get the correct amount of sleep. Your hormones will be thrown off.
Don’t look at men or women in a certain way.
In the words of Stan Lee, “that man sitting next to you, that’s your brother. That woman sitting over there-that’s your sister.”
Besides, some of those people are taken. How would you like it if someone gave your boyfriend/husband or girlfriend/wife a certain look?
Also, the people you see in those videos are people who are being trafficked and r@ped. It’s NOT what you think it is. Imagine if that happened to your girlfriend, wife, sister, friend, mother, grandmother, aunt, etc. them begging for their life inside while ACTING as if it’s okay? They’re called “ACTORS” for a reason.
My friend, don’t do this. These men and women are just trying to get by. They don’t need anyone looking at them in a certain way. They just want to be loved, Not lusted after. Not looked at and used like a s3x toy and put away when not needed. They might be low on money, they could have been traumatized, they could be su!cidal, they could be selling their bodies unwillingly so they can get cash. Please. You don’t know what theyre going through.
protect and look after everyone as if they were your children. Care for them as you would your own spouse or closest/only friend. Love and look at them as if you had one hour left to be with them.
Ayo, i don’t mean to force anything on anyone, but we have various types of evidence for biblical events, if anyone is interested. I also found ways to combat lust, if anyone is interested. (I’m talking archaeological evidence, miracles caught live, arguments against evolution, divine revelation, science, cosmology, fulfilled prophecy, evidence for the Bible outside of the Bible, God’s work in people’s lives, etc.)
#jesus#jesussaves#jesus christ#jesus loves you#faith in jesus#christianity#holy spirit#bible#faith#lgbtqia#lgbtq community#lgbtq#queer#love#love quotes#lovers#relationship#tenderness#romantic#feelings#anti pornography#jesus saves#artistic nude#art nude#nudephotography#nude photos#nude pose#natural body#lustful desires#lust for life
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When you’re Cheated on in a relationship
The one who is cheated on has two options: stay AND forgive or leave AND forgive. forgiveness is mandatory. “Forgive as God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32)
But don’t worry, Justice WILL come for all parties (the husband, the wife, the side dude/chick. (Proverbs 6:26-35, 7:5. Read proverbs 5-7. Focuses solely on cheating and marriage. Good stuff, really.)
also, watch “amazing Love.” The acting’s okay, but the lesson is that we are just like Hosea’s unfaithful wife. We’re the unfaithful wife to God. But God will ALWAYS take us back, regardless of the r@pe, murder, cheating, lies, denies of Him, etc. if we repent.
Also, I have to inform you that you CANT divorce UNLESS you get cheated on, and you CANT get remarried after divorcing someone unless your divorced spouse dies. So make it count the first time. (Matt 5:28-32, Rom 7:1-3)
freeze all your credit cards and money. Make sure all assets that he or she has access to are revoked.
then, (I don’t mean to force anything on anyone) but ask God to bestow His grace on you to forgive him or her, then ask God to bestow His grace on her to forgive him or herself.
Grieve. Take time to know that you may never get back together again. Distract yourself. Get to know the single you again. Find your strengths, weaknesses, and turn them into strengths. Pray to God to help you heal.
I’m gonna tell you what I tell the others. Hear me out.
ultimately, (I don’t mean to force anything on you,) but ask God to send the right friends in your life and to remove the wrong ones for you. Same goes for your future wife or husband. Just pray, and wait. keep God first, as Billy Graham said.
Look around you. People did things their way and now people commend cheating (emotionally and physically), open relationships, and open marriages.
Unfortunately these people (both non-Christians AND SOME Christians) encourage cheating (both emotional and physical) and open relationships and open marriages (more emotional cheating) are crossing the lines of {Lev 18-20, Ex 20:26, Num 5:18-31, Prov 5–7, Mal 2:13-15, Matt 5:28-32, Matt 7:12-23, Matt 25:11-12, Lk 13:27, Heb 13:4}
The real one that God has for you won’t cheat on you emotionally or physically and won’t want open relationships and open marriages. It’ll be magical—-your wife/husband will only want you and no one else. He/she will only want to be with you and know you while serving God with you. How cool is that?
After all, “The Blessing of the Lord brings wealth. He adds no painful toil to it.” -Prov 10:22
And “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” - prov 18:22
And “Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.” -Prov 19:14
(I don’t mean to force anything on you,) but ask God to send the right friends in your life and to remove the wrong ones for you.
Same goes for your future wife or husband. Just pray, and wait. keep God first, as Billy Graham said.
these men and women are your brothers and sisters.
“That man sitting next to you, that’s your brother. That woman over there, lthat’s your sister.” -Stan Lee
Treat them as such. Besides, some of these people are taken. How would you like it if someone gave your girlfriend/wife or husband/boyfriend a certain look?
My friend, don’t do this. These men and women are just trying to get by. They don’t need anyone looking at them in a certain way. They just want to be loved, Not lusted after. Not looked at and used like a s3x toy and put away when not needed. They might be low on money, they could have been traumatized, they could be su!cidal, they could be selling their bodies unwillingly so they can get cash. Please. You don’t know what theyre going through.
Cool story—many of these women are being tr@fficked and r@ped in YOU KNOW WHAT. these pictures aren’t consensual. Imagine if this happened to your wife, girlfriend, sister, mother, cousin, friend, grandmother, aunt, etc. them begging for their life while doing terrible nasty things.
Ayo, i don’t mean to force anything on anyone, but we have various types of evidence for biblical events, if anyone is interested. I also found ways to combat lust, if anyone is interested. (I’m talking archaeological evidence, miracles caught live, arguments against evolution, divine revelation, science, cosmology, fulfilled prophecy, evidence for the Bible outside of the Bible, God’s work in people’s lives, etc.)
#jesus christ#jesus loves you#jesussaves#faith#holy spirit#christianity#bible#jesus#faith in jesus#marriage#marry me#scripture#christian living#christian faith#unfaithful wife#unfaithful women#unfaithful husband#unfaithfulness#open relationship#polyamory#polygamy
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The Contradiction of Open Relationships and Polygamy
Couples have been where you’re at, got older and now they are divorced. Now they are warning others to not do open relationships. Learn from them!
When someone wants an open relationship, He or she was or is probably cheating on you emotionally or physically, and now just wants permission to continue.
Look, please stop this. Spare yourself some STD’s along with physical and emotional cheating. You do know your either or both partners will just regard you as “free food, free shelter, and a free therapist.”
Open relationships is literally cheating but yo don’t confront the cheater. And it’s EMOTIONAL CHEATING!! YOURE RUINING OTHER PEOPLE’S RELATIONSHIPS ALONG WITH YOURS!
You say you want to spend time WITH the one person, yet you spend time WITH OTHER PEOPLE!
take marriage for example: I mean, did you notice how it was only you two making vows to one another, and not three or more people there?
as for those who encourage sleeping with others while in a relationship: You don’t need validation from other people. these people don’t care about you. They don’t care about your personality, what you like or dislike. What your favorite cereal and superheroes are. What your favorite movie genres and hobbies are. What your favorite music genres are. They just want to use you—-use your body as a pawn, a mere object, a mere sack of meat For their own gain. They don’t care for your well being.
Think about think about it, you’re pouring your heart out to your romantic partner yet your partner is thinking about someone else entirely as you’re doing so.
look, I love everybody as Christ tells us to, but you woke people are crazy at times
#jesus#bible#jesus christ#faith in jesus#faith#jesussaves#christianity#holy spirit#jesus loves you#unfaithful women#unfaithful husband#unfaithfulness#married life#marry me#polyamory#lgbtqia#polygamy#divorce#love#lovers#relationship#love quotes#tenderness#romantic#feelings#cheatinggirlfriend#unfaithful wife#cheating gays#tw cheating#hotwives
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Dating and Marriage Advice! ✝️❤️☦️
get ready, simps!
Just some dating, love, and life advice below (hear me out)
I’m gonna tell you what I tell the others. Hear me out.
ultimately, (I don’t mean to force anything on you,) but ask God to send the one for you. Same with the right and wrong friends. Ask God to Add the right ones and remove the wrong ones. Just pray, and wait. keep God first, as Billy Graham said.
Also, I have to inform you that you CANT divorce UNLESS you get cheated on, and you CANT get remarried after divorcing someone unless your divorced spouse dies. So make it count the first time. (Matt 5:28-32, Rom 7:1-3)
Look around you. People did things their way and now people commend cheating (emotionally and physically), open relationships, and open marriages (both of which promote even more emotional cheating).
The real one that God has for you won’t cheat on you emotionally or physically and won’t want open relationships and open marriages.
It’ll be magical—-your wife/husband will only want you and no one else. He/she will only want to be with you and know you while serving God with you. How cool is that?
please. Enjoy your wife/ husband for yourself. And your wife/husband should enjoy only you. This will lead to emotional cheating if this is not followed. I mean, it’s already physical and emotional cheating.
After all, “The Blessing of the Lord brings wealth. He adds no painful toil to it.” -Prov 10:22
And “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” - prov 18:22
And “Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.” -Prov 19:14
these men and women are your brothers and sisters.
“That man sitting next to you, that’s your brother. That woman over there, that’s your sister.” -Stan Lee
Treat them as such. Besides, some of these people are taken. How would you like it if someone gave your girlfriend/wife or husband/boyfriend a certain look?
My friend, don’t do this. These men and women are just trying to get by. They don’t need anyone looking at them in a certain way. They just want to be loved, Not lusted after. Not looked at and used like a s3x toy and put away when not needed. They might be low on money, they could have been traumatized, they could be su!cidal, they could be selling their bodies unwillingly so they can get cash. Please. You don’t know what theyre going through.
Cool story—many of these women are being tr@fficked and r@ped in YOU KNOW WHAT. these pictures aren’t consensual. Imagine if this happened to your wife, girlfriend, sister, mother, cousin, friend, grandmother, aunt, etc. them begging for their life while doing terrible nasty things.
Ayo, i don’t mean to force anything on anyone, but we have various types of evidence for biblical events, if anyone is interested. I also found ways to combat lust, if anyone is interested. (I’m talking archaeological evidence, miracles caught live, arguments against evolution, divine revelation, science, cosmology, fulfilled prophecy, evidence for the Bible outside of the Bible, God’s work in people’s lives, etc.)
#jesussaves#jesus christ#jesus#bible scripture#bible verse#bible#bible study#jesus loves you#christianity#faith#faith in jesus#holy spirit#lgbtqia#lgbtq#jesus saves#marriage#marri#married life#love#love quotes#relationship#tenderness#romantic#lovers#feelings
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LGBTQ and Christianity: Can they coexist (part 2)
This is coming from a conservative-ish, 19 year old brown dude.
For the Christians who go around gay bashing and telling our LGBT brothers and sisters that they’re irredeemable—SHUT UP!
they just want to be loved and accepted as well. Yes, All sin is sin, but doesn’t mean we’re without our own faults as well.
you think that people will come to the faith like this? Through fear? You’re driving them away.
God loves all, but is He PLEASED with us all? Big difference. That applies to straight people, gay people, trans, theists and atheists alike
think of it this way: you love your friend, but your friend betrays you. You still love that friend, but you’re hurt.
He doesn’t want to let anyone go, but you hateful Christians are hurting people. Are you even trying to get them in the God Squad?
There are three ways to respond to LGBT stuff:
1) keep on sinning! The Bible is wrong!
2) you’re irredeemable. God doesn’t want you. You’re going to hell. See you never, loser!
3) hey friend, I understand you feel this way. I love you and so does God. You’re not irredeemable nor are you a devil. Let me show you a better way to live. It’s one thing to be tempted, another to act.
Just because you have an urge to punch someone doesn’t mean you did. Same thing. Just because you have these thoughts doesn’t mean you automatically are gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc.
Which one are you supposed to pick? 1, 2, or 3?
#love#jesus saves#jesus#jesus christ#christian living#christian faith#christianity#lgbtqia#lgbtq#lgbtq community#bible#scripture#faith#unconditional love
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LGBTQ and Christianity: Can they coexist? (Part 1)
This is coming from a conservative-ish, brown, formerly bi person (I’m 19 M at the time I posted this. 2/26/2025)
I say this out of love, not out of hate.
you’re not a devil. You’re a child of the Most High.
Now for the tough love. Again, I do not say this out of hate. Everyone (straight and LBGT alike) is my brother and sister and nothing less.
Don’t listen to these people who say it’s okay to be part of the LGBT community. I don’t want to come off rude, but I have to tell you bluntly and straight to the point. (If I come off derogatory, please know that wasn’t my intention. So sorry if I do).
Simply ask and beg God to get this out of your system. If it doesn’t go away, God can help you fight it for you (I have ways to combat lust. Hit me up)
it’s one thing to be tempted, another to act on it.
you get an urge to kill someone, but you don’t do it. Does that make you a murderer? No! But resolve everything with love and peace.
“seek peace and pursue it.” -Psalm 34
Remember it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve nor Adriana and Eve. Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:10 even speak about this. Again, this is coming from a guy who WAS bi (kinda). it’s one thing to be tempted, another to act on it.
Many have said that God delivered them from homosexuality and they now have a wonderful family married to the wife (if a male) or husband (if a female) of their dreams.
Research shows that conservative, heterosexual women had a happy marriage.
Research shows that lesbian couples got divorced in later stages in life.
Research shows that TRUE Christian men (not the fake ahh ones) who go to church three times a month were reported to be more gentle and respectful to their woman.
If they are vibing with God like how I spoke, you can too, my friend. Hope this helps, my friend.
Ayo, i don’t mean to force anything on anyone, but we have various types of evidence for biblical events, if anyone is interested. I also found ways to combat lust, if anyone is interested. (I’m talking archaeological evidence, miracles caught live, arguments against evolution, divine revelation, science, cosmology, fulfilled prophecy, evidence for the Bible outside of the Bible, God’s work in people’s lives, etc.)
#jesus#jesus christ#christian living#lgbtq#love#lust#lustful desires#faith in jesus#jesus loves you#jesussaves#lgbtq community#lgbtqia#christianity#christian faith#bible#scripture#faith
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the next time you look at p0rn or “check someone out,” think about this.
This is coming from a formerly “bi” person: My friend, don’t do this. These men and women are just trying to get by. They don’t need anyone looking at them in a certain way. They just want to be loved, Not lusted after. Not looked at and used like a s3x toy and put away when not needed. They might be low on money, they could have been traumatized, they could be su!cidal, they could be selling their bodies unwillingly so they can get cash. Please. You don’t know what theyre going through.
protect and look after everyone as if they were your children. Care for them as you would your own spouse or closest/only friend. Love and look at them as if you had one hour left to be with them.
Cool story—many of these women are being tr@fficked and r@ped in YOU KNOW WHAT. these pictures aren’t consensual. Imagine if this happened to your wife, girlfriend, sister, mother, cousin, friend, grandmother, aunt, etc. them begging for their life while doing terrible nasty things.
these men and women are your brothers and sisters.
“That man sitting next to you, that’s your brother. That woman over there, that’s your sister.” -Stan Lee
Treat them as such. Besides, some of these people are taken. How would you like it if someone gave your girlfriend/wife or husband/boyfriend a certain look?
Proverbs 10:17–Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but one who rejects a rebuke goes astray.
Just some love, life, and dating advice below:
(I don’t mean to force anything on you,) but ask God to send the right friends in your life and to remove the wrong ones for you. Same goes for your future wife or husband. Just pray, and wait. keep God first, as Billy Graham said.
Also, I have to inform you that you CANT divorce UNLESS you get cheated on, and you CANT get remarried after divorcing someone unless your divorced spouse dies. So make it count the first time. (Matt 5:32, Rom 7:1-3)
Look around you. People did things THEIR way and now people commend cheating (emotionally and physically), open relationships, and open marriages.
The real one won’t cheat on you and won’t want open relationships and open marriages. It’ll be magical—-your wife/husband will only want you and no one else. He/she will only want to be with you and know you while serving God with you. How cool is that?
After all, “The Blessing of the Lord brings wealth. He adds no painful toil to it.” -Prov 10:22
And “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” - prov 18:22
And “Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.” -Prov 19:14
Ayo, i don’t mean to force anything on anyone, but we have various types of evidence for biblical events, if anyone is interested. I also found ways to combat lust, if anyone is interested. (I’m talking archaeological evidence, miracles caught live, arguments against evolution, divine revelation, science, cosmology, fulfilled prophecy, evidence for the Bible outside of the Bible, God’s work in people’s lives, etc.)
#Jesus#Jesus saves#NSFW#anti pornography#marriage#married life#christianity#christian faith#christian living#bible#faith#love#relationship#unconditional love
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