despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
Hey if anyone wants a starter.. I am kind of starting from scratch here to feel less overwhelmed.
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
Okay I'm here for real
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
Last few weeks have been rough. I keep saying I’ll be on and than I’m not. Uh. I’ll try after work. I really do love my muse and I’m excited to write him but real life keeps getting in the way. I look forward to writing with all of you.
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
✨ reblog from the source ✨
what does it mean? basically, reblog the meme from the original poster. like me. or the meme blog that created it. basically, the very first person to write the meme out.
" but soulmemes! surely it isn't a terrible thing to reblog from the person i saw on my dash who reblogged it! "
excellent remark, and terrible is a strong word, but it's kinda rude to reblog a meme from someone who reblogged it, not only from the source, but quite clearly hoping someone might send one in. even if you do send one in, you're flooding the notifs. and reblogging from the source is a far easier alternative.
" well, what if the source blog is deactivated? "
most memes are reblogged by other meme resource blogs. most memes are then reblogged FROM those meme resource blogs BY roleplay blogs. please do that. it's aggravating as hell to receive a notif just to find someone reblogged the meme from you, and didn't send you one in return. it's fine once or twice. and if you have a good friendship with someone and they don't mind, that's fine too. but being used solely as a meme resource is pretty hurtful. and rude. and mean. don't be that way. maybe you didn't know. but now you do! i believe in everyone and in your kind hearts. but this is your little warning about reblogging from the source. okay? okay. ily. drink some water. have a snack. reblog from the source.
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
{sorry for being inactive finals. Also my month old sister’s father relinquished his paternal rights to my sister yesterday but it’s been coming since Friday.. so obviously my mom is a wreck and needs help.}
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
{sorry I was watching my sister while my mom ran to do something. She threw up all over me and so I’m going to shower and than get to all of the stuff!}
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
Like for single dad things
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
Like this to plot a ship
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
History of violence by Theory of a deadman is my new favorite song..
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
Want to ship? Feel free to tell me straight off!
Yes, shipping does need chemistry between the two muses, but if you look at my muse and think ‘You know what, I’d like to ship my muse with theirs!’, feel free to tell me, even before we start threads!
I love having a direction/goal to work the characters towards – when I write fiction on my own, I like having goals and plot points, like romances, family and friend relationships, rivals and enemies.. why wouldn’t I like having the same with RP? RP is just collaborative fiction writing!
There’s no shame in liking ships, or even RPing for ships. There’s tons of people in the world who love to read romance novels, and no one tries to tell them that’s wrong or worse than liking mysteries, or fantasy adventure. Neither preference is wrong, it’s just that – a preference!
So please – if you want to ship, or work towards of ship, in any capacity : romance, family, friends, rivals, and everything in between – TELL ME! I’d love to see what we can come up with together!
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
Bruce frowned as he looked at the stranger with a sigh
"You know, people don't usually come to me for well, anything." he sighed, he was tired and he was trying to be pleasant but after years on the run his social skills were lacking.
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
Bruce:*wants kisses*
Also Bruce: *avoids people*
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
Reblog if you Multiship :)
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every relationship is in its own verse. no one is cheating unless plotted
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
Bruce glanced up at Ruby from his book before looking back down again quickly
"Hey." he sighed, he looked at her again, offering a small smile as he tried to look less uncomfortable than he was, he wasn't sure why, but he really liked her already. There was a part of him that felt drawn to her, maybe she reminded him of his mother.
"Did you need something? You looking for Jennifer?"
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
Bruce sighed as he sat next to Christine
"sorry I.." He shook his head and looked at her
"There isn't anywhere else to sit." he smiled at her and sighed softly before getting his books out to take notes, he had never been a social person, but he wasn't impolite, Christine was beautiful, which really didn't help his nerves, but he knew better than to ogle her, simply smiling at her and than looking back to his text book.
"I'm Bruce." he sighed
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
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despairwithwalnuts · 3 years
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Bruce groaned, looking at Grundy with a nod, he wasn't entirely sure why Grundy wanted to confront him when he clearly wasn't there to threaten him, he really just wanted to go for a walk
Monsters (New Thread)
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His senses were telling him that there was something dangerous here. His nose twitched……and he growled. Like a huge dog growling at a potential threat. 
Something in him was telling him to stay away from this human….he smelled…..wrong. So very wrong. 
“ You stink like danger……bad thing in you….”
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