#money in fandom
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stil-lindigo · 1 year ago
I am so sorry to bother you with this stupid question, but Bisan has asked for a complete stop in economic activity. Can I still donate to help Palestinians or is it better to avoid any transactions for the week ? Thank you so much for what you're doing
hello anon. don't apologise, you're a breath of fresh air after the recent visitors in my inbox. I think a slightly more accurate description of Bisan’s ask is to stop or minimise all economic activity not in direct support of Palestine. Now more than ever, I would encourage people to donate to escape funds for Palestinians, to direct aid organisations like CareforGaza and the PCRF, and to buy e-sims as they’re running low.
Below I’ve compiled a list of resources below but this is definitely just a small sample size of what you can do to help during this strike. This post here is an extremely comprehensive resource that I’d recommend you have a look at.
credible organisations that are doing work on the ground in Palestine:
Care for Gaza:non-profit charity that distributes money, food and other resources directly to families in Gaza.They maintain a regular presence on Twitter and Instagram. You can donate to them via Paypal here.
PCRF / Palestine Children's Relief Fund: non-profit organisation that distributes essential food and resources to families in Gaza. Most recently, they delivered 30 tons of vital medicine, and 82,000 pounds of flour.
Medical Aid For Palestinians: deploys medical teams to treat Palestinians suffering under Israel's malicious bombardments.
Donate e-sims to Palestine: massive post with tutorials and relevant links, with discount codes included in the post and in the replies.
help people leave palestine (donate what you can)
Help a Family Evacuate Gaza (GoGetFunding)
Save Sanaa and her Family (Gofundme)
Save Amjad Saher and his family (Gofundme)
Help a family of 13 escape Gaza (Gofundme)
Help a Palestinian children's book illustrator save her family of 12 (Gofundme)
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pinkpunkdotpng · 7 months ago
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artist rendition of what my mom just walked in on
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spirk-trek · 1 month ago
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Julia Howarth, editor for The Communicator (a Star Trek fanzine/newsletter), 1975.
"There is a new baby in the family. His name is Randy. He is grey, with green teeth and a great carriage. He typed the entire COMMUNICATOR. He is my typewriter, which I up and bought with $20 that should have gone to the electric bill!" "[The Communicator] was assembled by literally cutting and pasting. Articles were cut out and glued on the pages. Artwork was also cut out and glued to the page. The titles and page numbers were hand written or calligraphed. Sources of artwork were fannish artists, prints of Star Trek film clips, TV Guides and newspapers, and photocopies of pictures from professional magazines. We then took the masters to one of the few copy shops available in the 1970s to print the pages. The magazine was hand folded and collated, then stapled with a tiny Swingline Cub stapler. This magazine was a very amateur labor of love."
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aeriona · 3 months ago
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(Total drawing time: 12 hours, 49 minutes)
Alternate colours under the cut:
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I couldn’t decide whether i liked the yellowed old-timey version or the original unedited blues, so you guys get both :).
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zhelin-thames · 2 months ago
Now pay interest - 10% per year
As the Bat-family processed what had just happened, Jason was already plotting.
“So,” Jason began, a wicked grin spreading across his face, “does this mean we have a ghost King in the family now? Because I’ve got so many questions.”
“Focus, Todd,” Damian snapped, though his own curiosity was evident in his furrowed brow. “That... entity was clearly powerful. Father, why did you not inform us of this connection sooner?”
Bruce didn’t even glance up from his computer. “It was irrelevant.”
“Irrelevant?” Dick exclaimed, gesturing wildly. “A glowing ghost guy just popped out of a portal in our cave to collect a debt, and you think it’s irrelevant?”
Tim, typing furiously, pulled up the mission logs from Bruce’s early years. “Okay, I think I found the mission in Prague where this all went down. It says here... wait. Danny wasn’t just some guy you ran into. You trained with him in the League of Assassins?”
Steph leaned over Tim’s shoulder to read. “Wait, what?! He’s an assassin ghost King?”
Jason let out a low whistle. “This just gets better and better.”
Duke raised his hand, hesitant. “Uh, just a thought… if he’s the Ghost King, doesn’t that mean he has control over, like, all ghosts? Including... uh, Lazarus Pits?”
Everyone froze. Slowly, they all turned to Bruce, whose expression darkened slightly.
“Yes,” Bruce admitted reluctantly.
“Holy crap,” Jason said, leaning back with a stunned look. “He’s the reason the Pits freaked me out after I came back, isn’t he? I thought it was just the resurrection thing, but you knew he was tied to them!”
Bruce’s silence was answer enough.
“I want to meet him,” Cass signed firmly.
“Seconded,” Duke added. “He seems cool.”
“No,” Bruce said, finally standing and cutting through the rising chatter. His tone was firm, brooking no argument. “Danny is not someone you want to get involved with.”
But before Bruce could elaborate, the room was bathed in green light again.
Danny reappeared, now sitting cross-legged in mid-air, holding what looked like a spectral clipboard. “Forgot one thing,” he announced casually.
Bruce’s glare could have burned through steel. “What now?”
Danny smirked. “I want interest. Fifteen years is a long time to wait for sixteen bucks. So let’s say... ten percent per year?”
Jason cackled as the rest of the family broke out into laughter. Even Damian couldn’t entirely suppress a smirk.
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose again. “I’m not paying you interest.”
Danny shrugged, grinning. “Guess I’ll have to stick around until you do. Hope you’ve got extra space, because I’m moving in.”
The Batcave erupted into chaos. Jason and Steph cheered, Tim frantically calculated how much Bruce technically owed, and Bruce’s patience reached its breaking point.
“Fine,” Bruce growled. “But you’re staying in the guest room.”
Danny floated down, looking entirely too smug. “Deal. Now, who’s up for pizza? I’m starving.”
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raimi · 14 days ago
i'm decreeing February 27 "write a bad fanfic day."
What "bad" means is up to the author's discretion but your goal is to write something. You don't have to share it if you don't want to but I recommend doing that so we can all have fun together.
If you want to post to AO3, here's a collection you can post to: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/writeabadfanfic2025/profile
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metalomagnetic · 26 days ago
Canon Marauders meet Fanon Marauders
“I will kill him, James. I simply have to kill him. It’s a duty at this point,” Sirius whispers, at breakfast. 
James is morally opposed to murder, to say the least, but now when he opens his mouth to automatically tell Sirius he can’t kill people, the Abomination walks into the Great Hall, and James closes his mouth, with a sigh. 
He condones it. 
“Can you kill me, too, please?” Remus asks, as he watches his counterpart walk behind the Abomination. 
“Oh, come on! The Other You isn’t so bad.” 
“They’re all bad,” Peter mutters. “Just unbearable to watch.” 
They’ve only arrived in this cursed universe the day before, but it’s already too much to suffer. 
When Sirius met this universe’ version of himself, he had to be restrained from committing unspeakable violence. 
“What’s with the pranks?” James wonders. “Look, they’ve only just entered the Hall and they’ve already pulled a few pranks.” 
“You call those pranks?” Sirius sneers. “Those lame jokes?” 
“They probably take the ‘prankster’ label too seriously,” Peter bemoans. “And I’m missing again. It’s like I don’t even exist here, like those guys forget I’m their best friend.” 
After the Other Sirius, Other Peter was done the dirtiest. He’s much uglier than the real one, far shorter, and so stupid Sirius thinks he shouldn’t even be allowed to attend school. 
Not that Other Sirius is smart- oh, no. Other Sirius is a moron, apparently allergic to books. 
Remus got an upgrade- he’s now a wise genius to rival Dumbledore, and he spends his days giving people chocolate frogs.
It’s a wonder the Abomination is so thin, with how much chocolate he’s getting from Other Remus. 
So thin and short. 
“Why am I short?” Sirius growls. “I don’t know mate, it’s like the creator of this universe misremembered our heights and switched them around,” Remus offers, watching his other self, a very tall bastard. He’s even taller than Real Sirius. 
“I could suffer you short,” James says. “But look at him, he’s - why is he so…is that ...nail polish? Gods, what have they done to my Sirius!” 
“I asked him if he still has the bike,” Peter whispers. “He said he does, but I mean- he’s so fragile and dainty, how does he even manage that monster bike?” 
Sirius shakes his head in horror. “I have to kill him, there’s no way around it.” 
The Other Sirius whines in the distance. “MOOOOONY,” he pouts, and that's it, Sirius stands-
“Not here,” James pulls him by his sleeve. “You can’t have witnesses.” 
It takes them a few days to figure out what’s wrong with Other James. At a first glance, he looked normal, compared to the others. Almost unchanged from his real version, if only stupider. But not as stupid as Other Sirius and Other Peter, of course. 
A chicken wouldn’t be dumber than those guys. 
When they do figure it out, James throws up. 
“There, there,” Sirius pats his back. “Breathe, mate. Breathe.” 
“I’m fucking your brother! Your brother, Sirius!” 
“Oh, no, that is not my brother. That is Other Brother.” 
This version of Regulus is apparently not a bigot at all, it’s all just a big misunderstanding. He’s an Animagus, too, somehow. 
Sirius actually thinks Other Regulus is an alright lad- nothing like his brother, mind you, but alright, in general. 
James throws up again. “Me! With Regulus Black! I’m not even gay! I love Lily, and she loves me-” 
“Well, apparently she’s gay, too, in this world.” Remus says, which only makes James cry.
That isn’t so bad, really. Many things are wrong with this universe, but Lily and Dorcas look hot together. Sirius had a wank thinking of them the other night. It’s fine, he tells himself. He’s not betraying James. This Lily is nothing like their Lily back home. This one is like a goddess of beauty here, hair far more vibrant than the Real one, flawless skin and overall perfect in everything she does. Extremely selfless, saint-like, to the point she apparently offered to carry Regulus’ and James’ baby after Hogwarts.
Real Lily would hate her. 
She’s still not worse than Other Sirius. Nothing is worse than that. Real Sirius has taken to bullying Other Sirius, daily. Hourly. The Abomination whines about it to Other Remus all the time. 
“I want a word,” Other Remus hulks over, ridiculously muscular and, for some reason, with scars on his face. 
What the fuck happened to this bloke? Who even is he?
Real Remus slinks back. He was never one for confrontations, their Remus, but apparently this upgraded version is all up for it. 
“Listen,” Sirius tells him, because he doesn’t hate the man- sure, he’s not Remus, but he seems like a nice lad. “Why do you put up with that insufferable drama queen? He deserves to hang, and you deserve better.” 
“That’s my baby! That’s my Pads,” Other Remus says, suddenly all violent, his eyes turn yellow- what the actual fuck? 
But Sirius is already nauseous, stomach turning as soon as he heard ‘baby’ and ‘Pads”  coming out of his mouth. 
Real Remus cheers from the sidelines as Sirius wipes the floor with Other Remus. The Abomination cries somewhere in the distance, all helpless, until Real James hits him over the head with a candlestick. Other James is too busy sucking Other Regulus’ face to notice anything. 
Other Snape has a split personality, as if someone out there can’t decide if he’s evil reincarnate or a mewling, innocent boy. 
It’s jarring to see the shifts, day to day, and Sirius doesn’t know which version he hates more. 
He never thought he’d miss Snape, but he does. He misses their Snape, gods damn it, the Real one. 
He finds out his parents- or at least his parents in this world- torture Other Sirius on a daily basis. With the Cruciatus, even. 
Other Regulus tells him this, all traumatised. 
“Well,” Sirius says, shocked to the core. He almost laughs at the absurdity of it. “To be fair, if I had a son like the Abomination, I’d torture, him, too.” 
Dumbledore is Evil. But stupidly so. Even a random eleven year old saw through his evil plans and humiliated Dumbledore at breakfast. Some smart arse kid, who’s apparently Lord Potter Black Gaunt Slytherin, and talks like an eighty year old politician. Apparently Dumbledore stole his money or something. 
“I wonder how Other Voldemort is like,” James says, anxious to consider it. 
“I don’t even care,” Peter says. “We should join him. It’s either him, or siding with these lunatics.” 
They all nod in agreement. Voldemort can’t be worse- nothing can be worse than Other Sirius and Evil Stupid Dumbledore.  
There’s two Voldemorts. 
One is practically a ‘cartoon character’ Remus says. Sirius has no idea what that means.
This Voldemort is Ridiculously Evil. 
Insane Bellatrix is his most loyal. For some reason Insane Bellatrix cackles all the time, and mutters about blood and the Cruciatus under her breath. She’s also dressed like a slut. 
Real Bella, like the aristocrat she is, would never be caught looking like that in public. 
Sirius takes her aside to have a few words with her, and then he finds out apparently she, too, was tortured daily by her parents, like Other Sirius. 
“And raped,” she remembers, with a shrug.  
Wow, and Sirius thought the Real versions of the Blacks were bad, but these people take the fucking cake. 
If the Real Blacks would find out what these Other Blacks are doing to their children, there’ll be hell to pay. 
His mum is a right basket case back in his world, insufferable and cruel with her words, unreasonably strict, but if she’d ever find out another version of herself is torturing her children- why, she’d cut that bitch in pieces. 
The second Other Voldemort is some misunderstood good guy with a sob story. He whines about his tragic childhood as much as Other Sirius. 
At least this Other Voldemort is still tall, unlike Other Sirius. 
“It’s all Dumbledore’s fault,” he ends a monologue. “He made me do all I did. Or-” he checks a list. “Apparently sometimes he simply framed me and I didn’t do anything at all. Also, you can call me Tom, in private,” he invites them. 
It’s a tragic state of affairs. 
They decide to join Ridiculously Evil Voldemort, simply because he’s the only one that wouldn't protest to murdering everyone. He talks about murder every single day, and Sirius promises him he’ll do anything If he’s allowed to kill Other Sirius. 
“Oh, by the way, you should deal with Good Guy Voldemort.” 
“With who?” 
“You know, the hotter you, the one that’s innocent of all wrongs and calls himself Tom.” 
Evil Voldemort has a heart attacks and dies. 
They’re on the run from everyone in that crazy world, when a hooded figure enters their tent.  
“Is it you? Is it really you?” the man asks. “Potter? Black? Lupin? Pettigrew?’ 
“Yes, it’s us.” 
The person lowers his hood. It’s Snape. Real Snape. With greasy hair and a large nose, but with intelligent, sharp eyes.
There’s no ‘Victim’ stamped on his forehead, nor is he an evil arrogant bastard, like the Other Snape.
“Fuck, Snivellus! A sane person! I could hug you!” 
“I’d rather not,” Snape spits at James. “Alas, I am...relieved to have found you. We need to work together. I came here after you-” 
“Of course you did, you berk! You were stalking us, as usually, weren’t you?” 
“Yes,” Snape says, unashamed. “I killed the Other me.” 
“Good job. I killed the Other me, too,” Sirius boasts. “I took my time with him.” 
“I killed Other Lily,” Snape says. “She had to go. She was all ...wrong.” 
James sniffles. “She was.” 
And then they all sit down, and plan how to kill Good Guy Voldemort and Evil Stupid Dumbledore. 
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humbuns · 1 month ago
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clair de lune
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tatibyg · 1 year ago
Headcanon that Branch is very good at playing gambling games
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He learned from the best
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doodle-empress66 · 1 year ago
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Minor spoiler
but I was not expecting a reference to the jokes about that Val money counting scene from Addict
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sydneighsays · 2 years ago
I drew some Jon cuz he's begrudgingly my favorite
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[ID: Magnus Archives fanart of Jon Sims, a thin brown man with chin-length white-streaked hair. In the first piece, he frowns as he holds up a manila folder and says, "| know you guys hate me, but please stop hiding the statements.. I need them." The second piece shows him sitting on the floor of his office in front of his desk, biting his nails with a tired, distant expression. The lighting is dim and yellow. Captions show there's knocking followed by a muffled "Jon?"
End ID]
ID by princess-of-purple-prose
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horsegirlsodapop · 2 months ago
arg! the outsiders fandom should all collectively talk more about poverty! ah! talk about cps. talk about food stamps talk about government cheese talk about stealing and not in the fun way talk about fear of going hungry talk about the reason the gang is a gang and not just a friend group. um. talk about dallas living in buck merril's like spare room talk about soda giving up his paycheck to darry so they can stay together talk about MORTGAGE talk about the vietnam war and poverty and enlistment and the draft! ah! talk about the class divide! talk about debt! talk about how darry could never "go soc" because no matter his skill in football or the way he wore his hair he could never rise above his socioeconomic class enough to be considered one of them! talk about paul holden punching him in the face! talk about county lock up! talk about police brutality! talk about pony craving escape!
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scarlettohairdye · 2 years ago
PSA to printed zine makers
As a 37 year old who's been running a sole proprietorship for the last 10+ years, I just want everyone who is planning to run a fandom project that involves accepting money for printing & shipping costs to know that you're actually running a small business and you need to plan for taxes. It doesn't matter if you don't make any profit: that is business income and the IRS will see it as such if you get audited.
If you only take enough money in to cover the cost of printing & shipping then you can write that off as a business expense and probably not pay taxes on it, But in order for that to fly you actually have to do business accounting, especially if you're doing it at scale. Like, you can probably skate by without reporting a $500 project; I absolutely would not fucking risk it with a $5000 project.
Back when I was producing shows there were years when I was where I made $20k in ticket sales only to turn around and immediately pay $18k to my performers. I only made $2k for myself, but I had to report the entire $20k, because it was ALL INCOME. (I only paid taxes on the $2000, because that's how writing off expenses works!)
Yeah this is boring grownup shit and I'm getting my boring grownup fingers all over your fun fandom, but boring grownups doing boring grownup things are the reason fandom spaces exist at all (paying for servers is deeply boring), and I'm way more fun than an audit
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zhelin-thames · 2 months ago
Sixteen Bucks and a Grudge
Inspired by this post
The Batcave descended into silence as the glowing figure hovered ominously, his voice reverberating through the space. Everyone stared at Bruce, whose face remained impassive, though there was a faint twitch in his left eye.
"Bruce," Danny's eldritch voice echoed again, the flickering green light from his form illuminating the cave. "You promised."
Jason was the first to break the silence, biting back a laugh. "Wait, hold up. Bats, you owe this guy—" he gestured at the spectral figure, "—sixteen bucks? And you didn’t pay him back?"
Tim blinked in disbelief. "Sixteen dollars? That’s it? Why not just pay him?"
Bruce’s jaw clenched. "It’s the principle."
"The principle?" Danny’s ethereal voice sharpened. "The principle is that you owe me money. I spotted you when you conveniently ‘forgot’ your wallet on that mission in Prague. Fifteen years, Bruce. Fifteen. Years."
Dick swung down from the obstacle course, landing with a flourish. "Bruce, this is... shocking. You didn’t pay back a friend? A ghostly friend?"
"Former associate," Bruce corrected, standing straighter.
"You don’t even have an excuse," Damian said, crossing his arms. "Father, this is shameful."
Cass, who had been silently observing, tilted her head at Danny and then at Bruce. "Pay him," she signed.
"Thank you!" Danny exclaimed, throwing up his hands. "See? She gets it!"
Steph nudged Duke, grinning. "This is the best thing that’s happened all week. I’m rooting for the glowing guy."
Jason smirked, holstering his guns. "Hey, Phantom—what happens if he doesn’t pay up? Do you haunt him or something?"
Danny’s eyes gleamed mischievously. "I’ve had fifteen years to think about that. Let’s just say Bruce would learn the true meaning of regret."
Bruce let out a long-suffering sigh, finally reaching into a compartment in his utility belt. He produced a crisp twenty-dollar bill and held it out toward Danny.
Danny crossed his arms, floating closer but making no move to take it. "Sixteen. Not twenty. I’m not taking tips from someone who stiffed me for a decade and a half."
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, then withdrew a smaller wad of cash and counted out exactly sixteen dollars. He handed it over wordlessly.
Danny plucked the money from Bruce’s hand with a smirk. "Pleasure doing business, old friend."
With that, Danny dissolved back into the glowing green portal, leaving the Batcave in a dim eerie glow for a few moments before it faded entirely.
As silence returned, Jason leaned back, arms crossed, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "So, Bruce, what’s the real story here? Because I need to know why you’d rather let a ghost King hunt you down than pay sixteen dollars."
Bruce turned back to his computer. "Get back to work."
Tim was already typing away. "Oh no, I’m finding the mission logs. There’s no way we’re letting this go."
"Sixteen years of holding a grudge," Dick added, shaking his head. "That guy has serious commitment."
Jason laughed. "Sounds like he’d fit right in."
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doraminatook · 8 months ago
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I have not talked enough about the amazing artwork that I had commissioned through @batfiend
Rose <3 The Doctor
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.
Go check out more of their work and support them on their Ko-fi page!
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plagueislost · 15 days ago
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yes i spent $60 on a tim drake robin compendium. no i do not regret it. no further questions please.
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