#mona lisa genshin
gatoluva · 2 months
" Just a kiss. "
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Lisa x Shrunken Mona WLW, G/T, SFW, MAFIA AU?? 3637 Words, moves a little slow at the beginning. Forgive me if this isn't my best writing. Open for requests.
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It was a cold, rainy, dark evening. A day that the clouds swirled gray and the air was muggy from the rain, weather that anyone would find displeasure of- even those who claim to ‘love’ the rain. For Mona Megistus, it was also a hungry, hungry day, the mora-less girl hadn’t eaten- and the stars were not working in her favor this evening. She had low, long, dark purple-ombre pigtails, her outfit was mostly thrifted or donated to her, which was a black fluffy jacket, a black crop top, and purple denim jeans with black, platform boots. She walked the city’s empty streets, nobody was out because of the weather, but she had nowhere to go- bars didn’t want ‘homeless’ folks and she didn’t exactly have a home. All the girl wanted was something to munch on, but she probably can’t count on that happening this evening. So, she continued her walk, shuffling her tarot deck in her hands. 
That was until she passed by a shop with a blinding, neon purple sign that read ‘free samples’, she stopped in her tracks as she approached the shop’s window. It didn’t look like any food place, that was weird, but the sign next to the neon letters also read it was a new recipe that needed reviews, so maybe it was an up and coming business. New business or not, Mona was hungry and just reading the word ‘food’ had her stomach roaring, reminding her of the cavern she needed to feed. The girl pushed open the door to the store, a ringing sound immediately cued as she entered and a girl with short green hair, a purple, long-bell sleeved and ruffled skirt dress, with thigh-high black boots turned to look at her. Mona feels scrutinized by the lady, but as the door shut behind her and the bell stopped its chime, which was what properly greeted her instead of that staring lady, she decided to speak. 
“Hello there, miss,” she started and got closer to the supposed worker, “I am Mona Megistus, pleased to be here- I have an inquiry… is that sign still valid?” The moment Mona said anything about a ‘sign’ the green-haired girl looked pleased, appearing much more attentive towards the astrologist, Mona. 
“Ah! The free sample? Yes? Yes, yes, yes, a sample of our boss’s finest delicacy comes to you in a very, very short minute,” the green-haired lady spoke, patting Mona’s shoulder and quickly speeding off to a doorway with a beaded curtain- pushing through the beads making that oddly satisfying noise of beads clinking against each other, as she went to get the free sample…? The astrologist blinked, she hadn’t even gotten to respond to the strange worker before she ran off, huh, an odd-duck that lady was, and she spoke… uniquely… 
Mona looked around the shop, it was almost like a library- there were books everywhere, but the counter had cases of strange little potions, jewelry, and such. Almost like a magic shop… interesting. The green-haired lady came back out with a plastic container of a mysterious-looking baked good, if Mona wasn’t so hungry, surely she’d decline, but she hasn’t eaten for awhile and something like this would be fulfilling. “Our finest batch, just for you Miss Megistus~” The green-haired girl almost hissed Mona’s name, sounding almost snake-like, it was creepy in a way, but Mona bowed her head, “Why thank you, about time I’m shown some respect.” The purple-haired astrologist took the container, then the moment she looked up the green-haired girl was gone, Mona heard those beads clank- huh, it seems she went to the back again. 
Mona stared at the food, she didn’t have any utensil to eat this with, but whatever, it’s not like she hadn’t eaten with her hands before. She pinched out a piece of the food, forcing it onto her tongue and closed her mouth, chewing on it slowly. The texture was pleasing and the taste was impeccable- it was almost like it was custom-made to all her ideal likings. Of course, this made Mona only eat the dish quicker, it was so delicious, drool-worthy even, and soon enough the hungry astrologist scarfed down the whole meal. That was a free sample? It should be with a kazillion mora with how tasty it was, she lowered the container once she finished, rubbing her now happy and full stomach. 
Although that food was delicious, after a minute or so of consuming it- she started to feel ill… “Oh my, maybe I ate too fast…” she mumbled to herself because surely that was a logical explanation for eating the food. Mona looked around for a seat inside of the shop, oh lovely, in the corner of the store there’s a little corner couch with shelves surrounding, that should be a good spot to relax at until she feels better. The astrologist approached the couch, taking a seat with a hand on her stomach and laying the empty container on the floor. Mona starts to feel rather sleepy, normally she wouldn’t fall asleep inside of a place like this, but it was almost as if the food was laced with something to make her sleep almost immediately- before her eyes shut, the world was blurry but she did see a shadow of someone’s figure approach her, until everything went black and the astrologist fell asleep. 
Hours later, Mona felt her consciousness be regained- and could hear faint talking, until she felt a gigantic thud below her, recognizing she was laid on the ground and the thud shook her entire being! “Huuh, wha… happened…” she asks aloud, her speaking was slurred and slow, while her eyes slowly opened. The world was still blurry and she needed to regain her focus, looking around, everything seemed so tall, no, like really tall. The astrologist kept turning her head until she saw the green-haired girl by her, collapsed onto the floor, but the difference was the girl was humongous compared to Mona! The astrologist widened her eyes, quickly standing up but feeling herself get a little woozy once she stood.
“It’s alright, little one, that lady is all taken care of,” a feminine voice cooed from about a sky-scraper's height above. Mona slowly tilted her head back, looking all the way up, and realized the darkness was from being completely enveloped in a woman’s shadow, her eyes focused on the lady above, she was brunette, sort of long hair- at least a little below her shoulder, she was wearing black dress pants, black heels, a white dress shirt with a loose black tie, and a blazer over it. She wore excessive jewelry, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. If Mona wasn’t scared of this unknown lady, she would swoon from how beautiful she was, but she knew nothing of this lady- she didn’t know if there were any cruel intentions or what. Mona backed away a few steps, her brows furrowed, and she looked almost defensive. However, she looked over at the collapsed green-haired girl, and something tells Mona that it’s that lady’s fault she’s this size, and that the brunette saved her. Oh the little astrologist felt so conflicted. 
Suddenly, the brunette girl started squatting down, gah- just what is she doing! Mona jumped back another step, squinting up at the lady. “Not much of a talker, are you?” The brunette girl asked with a head tilt, her eyes were so full, a pretty green that reminded Mona of a tsavorite crystal, but they were full of untrusting curiosity, the lady seemed mischievous which raised the astrologist’s guard. Though, Mona can’t get away with silence forever. “I am Mona Megistus,” she introduced with a sharp, prideful tone, “I demand that you tell me who you are and what you’re here for!” The puny astrologist crossed her arms and turned away, closing her eyes, acting as if she threw a fit, but opened an eye that glared at Lisa, just to make sure her eyes were still on the lady. Just to watch out for any unpredicted movements, of course. The brunette giggled and that confused Mona, she felt like it was disrespectful in some way, but then the brunette softly spoke, “That is fair, miss Megistus,” she nodded toward the smaller and sighed. “I am Lisa, I came here originally to shake this lady down for something, but then I saw her over here standing over you, and I’ve met this lady before- she has nothing but cruel intentions, so I saved you, you should really thank me, cutie,” Lisa said and shot a wink at the astrologist. 
Mona arched a brow at the wink. Really? Thank her? The astrologist shook her head, “Alright, find out how I shrunk then, Miss Lisa.” The purple-haired girl ordered, facing toward the brunette again. “Trust me, I intend on doing that, but that’s the least of my concerns right now… Mona. I have other business I need to focus on.” The astrologist frowned, “Like what?” Lisa is taken aback a tad by the question, “That isn’t your business,” she assertively says. The lady seems secretive. 
The brunette seemed like she was about to get up, the purple-haired astrologist really didn’t want to be left here alone, and she’d rather be with someone she has somewhat made acquaintance to. “Wait!” Mona ran up a little closer to the lady, and the brunette paused. “Hmm, what is it, little one?” 
“I can’t help but feel my size could be fate, and if it is I’d rather be stuck with someone that the stars tell me I am safe with, and I think you’re the closest person I am safe with for the time being,” Mona quickly explained, placing her hands in front of herself, hand in hand, politely. Lisa grew a pleasant smile at the explanation, “Miss Megistus, it almost sounds like you’re saying we are fate,” she teased. The astrologist crossed her arms immediately, “That is not what I am saying, I would really just like to be with someone who can protect me, and seeing that that miss over there is on the floor knocked out, you seem like someone who can protect me,” she more specifically explained. Lisa seemed amused by the re-explaining done by the astrologist, she held back her giggle though and offered her hand to Mona to climb onto then. “Then come with me, Miss Megistus.” The astrologist stared at Lisa’s hand being offered, it was gloved and looked so inviting. “I- well, alright then,” Mona dipped her head in a bow, then approached the giant hand. This hand could have the strength to pin her down or hold her inside of its first entirely, it was sort of thrilling thinking of the power it had, the power Lisa had, and that the woman didn’t use it against the astrologist, she felt oddly safe. Mona climbed into the hand, centering herself in the middle of the woman’s palm then looked up at her. “Thank you, Miss Lisa, that comes from the stars and I,” she says softly. The corners of Lisa’s lips pulled into another pleasant smile, “Of course, anything for a little cutie such as yourself,” she replied which made the small astrologist blush, and then the brunette stood herself up. 
A small gust of wind brushed through Mona’s hair as Lisa stood, she looked around at everything, it was so high up and slightly amazing. Something in Mona’s gut and brain strike fear in her, being so high up, if she dropped… that surely would be death, but something about Lisa is so comforting, so ensuring that she wouldn’t ever predict being dropped, not even the stars could predict something that is surely unlikely to occur. What was it about this woman that made her feel so safe? While Mona thought Lisa had already walked out of the store and held Mona close to her chest so she was safe in her hold, Once the astrologist realized how quickly they’ve moved, she started thinking more about her own size than thinking about her carrier, Lisa. If Mona had to walk this distance on her own, surely it’d take like… a day or more. Mona couldn’t possibly survive at this size on her own, she’s already struggling at normal-sized… 
“Little one?” Lisa asked, noticing the smaller silence had taken up for quite a while, and the astrologist was staring off into the distance as if wrapped in endless thoughts. Yet, Lisa got no response, Mona was still thinking, the brunette blinked and raised her free hand, gently poking the astrologist. The purple-haired girl squeaked in surprise, scooting from the gloved finger and staring at it. “Little one…” Lisa called again. “Oh- huh, wha…?” Mona asks, looking back at the lady’s face with confusion. “Nothing, I wanted to check if you were alright.” The purple-haired girl’s heart doted on that sentence for a bit, she’d never been checked on before, being alone for a while on the streets- fending for food, shelter, etc. Nobody has ever cared for her until this woman came along, saving her and now allowing Mona to tag along with her for protection. Lisa was unaware of the sentiment she had just given the astrologist. 
Things were getting darker though and slightly began to reek as Lisa walked down an alleyway, Mona was confused, looking up at Lisa expecting an answer just by her glare. “Where are we going?” Lisa glanced down at Mona with the question, “Well, you should know that I am affiliated with a group… and I need to take care of some business, as stated previously,” she said, kind of circling around the question- not giving a direct answer, could she really trust this girl? While she might be small, it doesn’t mean she should doubt her capabilities of going out and about saying stuff, or maybe jumping into things that roar danger. 
Mona felt weird anxiety at that response and began looking around, “Lisa, tell me or the stars will-” she threatened weakly, and at that Mona shrieked in surprise as she was shoved inside of Lisa’s blazer pocket by her waist. Lisa’s gloved hand kept Mona pinned in there and the fabric silenced Megistus, “Give me a second,” she whispered for Mona to hear and approached one of her henchmen. “Hello Kaeya,” the brunette greeted, stopping before him. Kaeya was tall, somewhat taller than Lisa, and had brown skin. He wore an eye patch and had his long, blue hair tied back with some of his bang covering the eye patch. He wore a white collared shirt with a black vest on top, black slacks, and black combat boots. Kaeya tossed a coin up into the air, catching it in his hand and looking toward Lisa with a sly, catty smirk. “Hello boss,” he returned the greeting and slid the coin into his pocket. “So, what will I be up to today?” Kaeya requested for an order, always wanting to be on his feet doing something, it was boring if he had no heavy work to take care of, Lisa knew that though, always sending the blue-haired boy running around places. “Can you do some research on that magic shop run by Katarina, the mage? Something about that free sample is off, I want all the information on it, immediately…” Lisa sharply ordered. “You’ve got it boss, but why the sudden interest?” Kaeya was nosy, he tried to press on the subject and pray some more details out of Lisa, what is so interesting about that magic store? 
“Oh nothing~ I’m just as curious as always, Kaeya,” she said and stepped past him, raising her hand that wasn’t pinning Mona in the pocket to nudge him forward, “go along now, I want that information quickly,” Lisa forced him out then. The blue haired man was suspicious, but he’ll do as ordered.  The brunette waited for him to be fully out of the alleyway, she walked deeper inside to her base and brought Mona back out as she walked. “Hypothetically speaking, of course,” she winked, “I am hypothetically the ringleader of a mafia, but do not fret, Megistus, I don’t come in harm- to you anyways, you’re far too cute for me to want to hurt little old you.”  
Mona had no idea what to feel with Lisa’s words, the interaction she had to hear between some ‘Kaeya’ guy and the woman that she was in the hands of. Just what has Mona gotten herself wrapped up in? Some mafia clan? She furrowed her brows, not sure how to handle this, sure this woman helped her but is also involved in crimes. How can she trust a criminal such as Lisa? Her eyes become pupils that translate into terror, the terror of being clueless and unable to process what she’s going through. “Do you expect me to just trust you, Miss Lisa? I- forgive me, I need a moment,” Mona escapes into her thoughts, closing her eyes and thinking about the stars, the only guidance Mona really needs is from the stars, what she trusts to be true. What does fate have in store for the astrologist? 
Lisa understood the other’s hesitance to immediately trust her, if she were Mona- she’d feel the same, so the brunette is patient, pausing on her walk to the base to give Mona the time she needs. “I have given you thought, even though I, Mona Megistus, find it distrustful and disrespectful you didn’t tell me the truth of your identity sooner- I am willing to repair that tear in this friendship and allow you to regain my trust, If I’m honest, maybe earlier you weren’t far off- pairing us two as fate because the stars and my astrology tell me to trust you, even if what you do is… fairly immoral, there isn’t much I can do… being so… small…” she shivered at mentioning her size, just processing how big the world was compared to her again. The brunette arched a brow at that realization and also smirked, “Aw, really? Well if you say we are fate, miss ‘Astrologist’ then I suppose I should trust you, you’re the professional here in all things fate,” she says with assumption, daring to flirt with Mona, which brings the small purple haired girl to shock. 
Suddenly, Mona feels the hands below her raise her up higher, “Um- Lisa, what is it that you’re doing? I just said I trust you, don’t make me take that back…” Then, Lisa’s big lips came into Mona’s frame, they had a purplish-red shade on them, it suited Lisa’s face beautifully.Her skin was so clear, it looked so soft and Mona wanted to lay her hand on the other’s face, but she couldn’t. That’d be inappropriate, wouldn’t it? She had just met this lady, and she’s feeling intense emotions over her, maybe shrinking has driven Mona insane. Lisa brought Mona higher, to the waterline of her eye, squinting at her, “Forgive me if I’m mistaken, Mona, but weren’t you just admiring me?” She asked, Lisa is well aware that Mona was, but she likes seeing the little one falter. 
“Me?” Mona asks, putting a hand on her chest and referencing herself. “Please, Lisa, you suddenly raised me to your lips- of course, I’m going to look in confusion, that is far intimidating,” she responded. The brunette sighed, “What’s intimidating about them? Are they too chapped for you? Do you think I’m going to eat you? Aw, you really are bite-size, but I am not interested in making you a meal- that is… inhumane of me, Miss Megistus.” If this were a cartoon, Mona’s eyes would swirl and she’d faint with a beet-red face, however, her cheeks do pinken at the idea. “What?! This is absurd, Lisa, none of those options–” Lisa giggled at Mona, and that is when Mona realized Lisa was just teasing her. “What if I gave you a kiss?” The brunette proposed, and Mona furrowed her brows, a kiss? 
“I think I need you to provide me with more details than just that, Miss Lisa,” Mona said slowly, ensuring she understood Lisa correctly. The woman wanted to kiss her? What? Lisa smirked at the fact the astrologist didn’t exactly decline it. “I press my lips against you, a kiss, doesn’t exactly have to be romantic, it’s just an idea floating within my head, and probably yours with all your admiration,” she says with a little hum. The purple-haired girl sounds exasperated, obviously flustered with the accusation and the idea of being kissed by this woman. “Well, if you’re going to accuse me of wanting a kiss from you, then I guess… kissing me wouldn’t hurt, would it?” Mona gave in weakly, looking away from the giant woman. Lisa giggled, “What? You want me to kiss you, Mona? But we had just met,” she teased. “Oh- I thought you were rather… serious…” Mona trailed off, somewhat disappointed, thinking it was all just a pointless tease. The astrologist should’ve expected that from the brunette- she doesn’t seem the type to just give away kisses from those lovely, lovely lips, just like that… That was where Mona was quickly proven wrong. The little astrologist was lowered and brought towards a giant pair of soft, plump lips, that puckered around her entire body and smooched her. The astrologist squirmed at the quickness of it but leaned into the lips after a second, oh they were soft- and they were of a lovely and enchanting woman. However, it felt so wrong at the same time considering the reminder in her head that the two just met. If the brunette didn’t mind though, and Mona didn’t mind, then it should be okay for now. It was in fact, just a kiss.
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pheeonix · 1 year
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mondstadt according to ME!!!!!!!!!!!
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quimichi · 11 months
Calling Monstadt girls your girls ~
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Mondstadt girls x Creator!Reader
Eula, Rosaria, Jean, Lisa, Amber, Mona & Sucrose
Eula - May the gentle breeze softly send thee into a sweet sleep.
"Come closer, sit in my lap Eula..." she hesitates, unsure if she heard you right. Unsure if she is even allowed to get any closer to you. But nonetheless, her body moves on its own. "As you wish, my grace"
There is no hesitation anymore as Eula makes her way to you and finally settles in your lap, not uttering a word. She merely stares up/down at your face, not daring to look away or even blink. For her, this is the best place she can be. "Good girl, you listen so well"
A whine rumbles from deep within her chest. She is breathless under your touch. It takes every ounce of restraint she has to remain in place instead of leaning back into your hands. She shifts in your lap, only wanting to be a little closer. The hands you had placed onto her soft thighs aren't any help either. It only heats her up even more. Eula has forgotten how to speak. She seems utterly mesmerized by your touch, unable to do anything but whimper, moan, and purr. She is utterly submissive to you. Her eyes glaze over in sheer desire to be in your presence.
She doesn't question anything. She simply enjoys this moment. "Say Eula, are you my good girl?"
"Y-Yes, Your Grace. Yes!" Her voice is hoarse. Her breathing is strained. Her entire body trembles from the sheer thrill of being held by you. She leans back, finally giving in to her own wants and leans into your touch. "I didn't hear you, please, say it again, for me, hm?"
"Yes! Yes, I'm your good girl!" Eula seems positively delirious. She barely seems to be able to speak in the way that anyone else would deem 'proper.' She leans back, resting with her head in the crook of your neck.
"Good... girl...," she mumbles, seemingly unable to think of how to form words that might please you most. Her eyes glaze over. All this worship has put her in a trance.
"Your good girl...yours"
Rosaria - Do not fear your past, and do not be scared to come to grips with it
While Rosaria is a woman of pride who often insists on taking her own path, when she comes within a hundred miles of you, this attitude evaporates like morning mist upon contact with the sun. She could not care less for her own ideas when she is under your light, and she will follow you wherever you lead. And for a moment, she will seem content with you as her purpose.
"Sit in my lap" If you order her to, then she has no choice but to sit in your lap. She will wrap an arm around your waist, the other running the fingers of her index finger and thumb along the line of your neck.
As she presses her body against yours, she is aware of every sensation. Her heart beats quick, her breath quickens, and her entire body glows with heat. It is as if she is experiencing being truly alive for the first time.
"Good girl, hm?" "Yes, i am," she promises, her eyes drifting shut. She is completely at ease, no longer wracked with pain or weighed down by memories of what has passed. There is only you, and the fact that she feels at home whenever she sits in your lap. Rosarias arm tightens against you as she looks up at you, eyes full of worship.
"I'm your good girl." Her lips brush over the nape of your neck, her breath making your very skin tingle with pleasure. Her soft fingers trail across your skin, her hand drifting over your collar.
"You're mine," she whispers seductively. "I'm yours." It's as if all the restraint she ever held within melts away with each word she whispers to you.
"Only mine, only yours"
Jean - Dandelion, Dandelion, ride the wind to a faraway land.
Jean raises her head at your command, and moves to be closer to you. There's absolutely no hesitation on her actions, but her heart is hammering in her chest, the thuds of her pulse loud in her ears.
Her gaze is locked on yours, the emotions rising up inside, a maelstrom of heat and longing.
"Jean, my dear, please take a seat" She does as you ask, climbing onto your lap as you instruct. Her face flushes a deeper shade of red, but she says nothing. Her gaze is on your hands as you stroke her hair with care.Her breathing is ragged, the air in her lungs going stale from how tight she is gripping herself.
"I know you are stressing yourself with work again, so I want my good boy to relax a little"
"Yes," she whispers, but her heartbeat quickens even more at your touch. Jean doesn't feel like she can relax. She cannot fathom anything being enough for a moment like this. Her head leans forward against your body, and her eyes close as your fingers comb through her honey-blonde hair. "My good girl, always so hardworking..."
She shivers at your touch, leaning back further still. The emotions in her are like a wild storm of her powers, but she dares not move for fear of losing the comfort of your hands. "Yes," she says once more. Her eyes are closed, her heart hammering in her chest as you call her "good girl"
Her face is flushed a deep red by the sheer realization, good girl
Lisa - Such a calming breeze... Perfect for taking a nap, don't you think?
"Please, take a seat" Lisa looks startled for a moment, but her expression quickly warms up. "Of course. Your wish is my sole command." There is truth in that statement, even if it's a tad exaggerated. The woman can be a bit of a drama queen at times. When she makes eye contact with you, there is a spark. She moves over to you without hesitation, her hair blowing slightly in the draft.
This is certainly a... unique position to be in. You can feel the warmth exuding from her soft body. Shes got a strong presence, and it's hard not to be affected by the energy radiating from her. Lisa is practically purring in your lap, the tips of her hair tickling against your neck. Her hand brushes against your waist, almost instinctively.
"Tell me Lisa, are you my good girl?" "I am, Your Grace~" she replies instantly, and her tone is as sincere as it is eager. She is in your lap, after all. She can't help but be her most devoted for you. "I will always be your good girl, until the end." Her voice is hoarse, and she shifts her body slightly to be closer to yours. Her eyes are bright.
"Good...you better be" you chuckle at this, it was meant as a little joke. Lisa smiles at you, like a contented puppy. "Anything for you, my dear." She leans forward just enough to touch her lips against your cheek. Her body feels so warm and she smells so familiar.
"Your good girl would never deny you"
Amber - Outrider Amber reporting for duty! Just say the word if you ever need my help!
"Amber, I'm glad you're back. Please, come here" "Y-Yes, my grace" Amber replies in a voice no louder than a whisper. Completely the opposite of her usual tone. Her brown hair bounces as she moves, but she remains focused on you; moving slowly as to not surprise you with her haste. Each step is calculated, made with caution.
She waits to be within your vicinity, and then to your command. "Now that you're here, take a seat" you say while tapping your hands gently on your thighs, a sign for her to have it as her seat. Amber does not hesitate in her movement as your command is given. Her body is moving before the thought has even settled in her mind, as her body knows exactly what you want from her.
She lowers herself onto your lap, and she rests her weight against you. Her body is light, but it is only because her muscles have already gone slack under the weight of your gaze. (I mean excuse me but this girl seriously has to have some muscles with her abilities---)
"That's my good girl" In response, Amber's lips curve into a faint smile. Though she knows her position is humble, she is satisfied by it. Your praise only further fills her with a sense of contentedness, and she leans her weight against your chest, enjoying being close to you once more.
"Hmmm, such a good girl" Amber closes her eyes with a soft whine of relief. When you play with her hair, it has more of an effect on her than she wishes to admit. Her body leans into your touch.
"Yes, such a good girl..." she's in trace.
Mona - Fate is called as such, for it cannot be changed, nor can it be reversed. It can only but be accepted.
Your gaze is intimidating. It burns into her very soul, and she cannot shake the sense of dread she feels. But instead of faltering, she presses down all emotion.
Mona will be exactly who you want her to be.She looks away, bowing her head and looking to the ground. Her cheeks are warm. Her ears are burning. She is so terribly close to you. And soon she will even be closer...
"Sit in my lap"
She does so without hesitation. She doesn't know why, but she does. Its like every embarrassment she felt was gone with the words you said. Every ounce of her feels like it's on fire. The heat radiating from your body is overwhelming. But she does not flinch away. She does not squirm at your touch. She is entirely still as she sits in your lap.
She does not look at you. If she did, she would faint.
"Good girl, listening so well"
"Yes," she says, her voice quivering slightly. Her eyes are locked onto her hands "I-" she swallows audibly, "I'm your good girl"
She is shaking, though she still does not move. Mona remains completely still. She will not cause you discomfort. Your comfort comes before her own. Although you would never agree by this.
"Yours" she says again.
Sucrose - My Vision is my most important research tool.
"Come here, sit beside me" Sucrose does not move. "Wh-what do you want from me?" She asks, her words edged with nervousness. There is a part of her that desperately wants to rush over to you as any good little servant would. But something seems to hold her back, as though a leash were around her neck.
Her eyes dart back and forth quickly. She is clearly trying to think of an excuse to not cross the room.
"It's for research" you try to lurr her in, and it seems to work. Slowly, ever so slowly, Sucrose stands up. And then, like a puppet on strings, she starts to walk towards you. Her stride is purposeful, and his gaze is fixed ahead. Despite her face— unsure but determined — you can see her fingers trembling ever-so-slightly.
The closer she gets to you, the more she appears to be losing self-control over herself.
"Such a good girl you are" she's never been called a 'good girl' before. Yes, Albedo did praise her for her researches, but never once did his praise put her into a state of dizziness as yours. But you can tell that being praised this way has left her feeling elated and surprised.
"H-huh?" She turns her head to look up at you, and as soon as she looks into your eyes, she's frozen. In a moment, all of her previous questions are gone. The only thing she knows now is how to look up at you and be loyal to you. She waits patiently for your next command, her body tense yet eager to please.
Sucroses mouth goes agape and her body trembles, as though she's overwhelmed with every word you speak. Being called "your good girl" and being praised in this way, it's almost too much for her to comprehend. Her breath catches in her throat and she looks away, seemingly embarrassed.
"I-i hope my reaction was pleasing for your...research..."
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yuellii · 1 year
give me an inch ( and i’ll demand a mile )
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feat. genshin women
𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 she reacts to your plea for another kiss, just after she has already given you one ( drabbles )
notes. reader’s gender unspecified, no other warnings.
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There is a tantalizing smirk that plays on her lips. It’s a kind of amusement you absolutely anticipated from her, and yet, it still made you pout so childishly.
Her ego is totally getting off on it, too. It’s like a trophy win that she got you to even ask for another one—or, perhaps she didn’t want to admit how good it felt that you liked her enough to want another kiss. She couldn’t help but smile, really, when you placed one finger right at the corner of your lips. The sight itself was so adorable to her, and it’s a gamble or not whether she will take the opportunity to tease about it. But nevertheless, now it was up to her to decide: should she give in to your request, or have a little fun and leave you be?
MIKO, Lisa, Yelan, Beidou, NINGGUANG, La Signora, Rosaria, Arlecchino, Dehya, Hu Tao
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The look on her eyes will soften immediately; and if not, then it’s quite telling in the way some tenseness is relieved in her shoulders. Perhaps it’s because a request for another kiss just shows that you truly love her, but right now, she can’t quite tell you how much of a deeper meaning this brings to her heart.
So for now, she’ll simply smile. She’ll give you the kindest of expressions she only gives to you, and she’ll give in. Her kisses beforehand were all short and sweet, but she gave you this last one with the most passion and innocent intimacy she could ever pass on to you through solely her lips. Whether you felt such a devotion through her kiss alone was beyond her, but she gave you all of her love, nevertheless.
AYAKA, La Signora, Lisa, COLUMBINA, Jean, Clorinde, Amber, Keqing, Sara, Kokomi, CANDACE, Nilou, Navia
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Oh, she’s already caved. She internally cursed you a bit—you probably knew this was going to happen. The effect you gave ok her makes her practically hopeless, and not before long she is already dashing to the front of your body, holding the sides of your face and kissing you everywhere.
It’s like she’s drunk on your lips, or perhaps on your love. But either way, she has the biggest smile on her face that she isn’t even aware of as she plasters multiple kisses on your cheeks and nose and lips and practically anywhere she could reach. It’s a certain kind of adoration where she can’t get enough of you… not like either of you were complaining, really.
YOIMIYA, Beidou, JEAN, Layla, Eula, EI, Ayaka, GANYU, Shenhe, Mona, NAVIA
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un-bean-lievable · 2 months
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I drew every playable character from Mondstadt for my college au.
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Being drunk and complaining how you think your bfGF is prettier than you (genshin men WOMEN x fem reader)
meow i love women <3
im so gay for genshin women lol
characters(SEPERATE): yae miko, beidou, lisa, mona, deyha, ninguang, rosaria, shenhe, yelan,
doing nilou, ganyu, jean, eula, keqing, ei(baal), kokomi, yoimiya next!!
be sure to comment if you want any other characters!!
i just fucking realized that rosaria is a nun, which means she is not allowed to date or have any sexual interaction uh my bad haha
Yae miko rather laughed at your pitiful state. As a shrine maiden, she is not allowed to drink, but rather seeing you intoxicated was rather enjoyable. "fufufu...what do we have here?" She laughed as you collapsed onto her, crying. "How are you so gorgeous?...what if-what if someone steals you from me? Do you even love me?" ...this was what came out of your mouth in a series of lisps and blabbering. "Oh? And what would make you think there is anyone else that could win me over? If you really want to be assured, I'll let you know that I dont just fall for anyone..." She smiled slyly at you. "R-REALLY?.." You looked up at her. "Yes darling, really." You ended up in a sobbing fit and cried yourself to sleep, waking up to puffy eyes and a teasing yae miko who wouldn't tell you what she was had happened last night...
Beidou, is a drinker all right. And so were you. Unfortunantly, the rather large difference between the two of you drinking was your rather awful alcohol tolerance. One or two drinks and you were saying your deepest darkest secrets. Which is why it usually ends up with you and beidou drinking alone. "Gosh..." You fangirled at your wife. "So hot, pretty, cool, smart, strong, hngg" You hit your head on the table as your hand which was supporting your head slipped. "OW!" You yelled in pain, crying to your wife. "Wifey it hurtttttttsss." You cried to beidou, and she just laughed. Which resulted in you staring at her in seriousness. "That laugh...."You suddenly gush, warmth rising to your cheeks. "That was so hot!" sparkles appeared in your eyes. "Do it again! Do it again!" You eagrly begged her to laugh again...and again...and again. How happy beidou was to have someone love her as much as you did.
Lisa, was actually the one to intoxicate you in her office after you gifted her multipole bottles of fruit wine, insisting that it would taste better if she drank it with you. However, rather than drinking it for herself, she took small sips while encouraging you to drink more. And you, somewhat of a people pleaser (or maybe just a lisa pleaser), drank until you couldn't tell how many fingers you had on your hand. "Lisaaaaaaa" you groaned, holding your head. "Yes cutie?" she smiled slyly, swirling the wine in her glass. "I envy you so much.." You laid your head on the office desk sighing. "You're so cute, gorgeous, and pretty...how is it even possible? And your voice is so soothing..." You blinked slowly, perhaps it was the alcohol (or lisa's voice), that made you tired. "Haha, are you a fan of me?" She gazed into your eyes smiling as her hand lifted your chin to look at her. "I think your cuter, isn't that right my little cutie?" You shied away from her embarrassed. "I was trying to complement you...not turn it around to me" You kissed her and giggled, "Hehe, you're my girlfriend! I'm so luckyyyhngggg" You blabbered, drifting off to sleep giggling.
As a rather wealthy person (or at least, richer than mona), you brought mona to your house for a little dinner date at home. You were quite nervous, even after months of dating, trying to impress her. Mona found it a bit cute, you've already stolen her heart, you still want to impress her? This 'cute' intention and nervousness made yourself drink the whole bottle of alcohol for a confidence boost. "Ah! [n-name] dear, you shouldn't drink so fast!" Mona stood up worriedly and rushed to your side. She held your arm as the alcohol started doing its job, and you started to loose balance. "Monaaaaaa I love you sooooooooo muchhh" You turned to her smiling drowsily, but unfortunately loosing your balance which caused you to topple over her on the floor. "[n-name]! Are you okay!?" she sat up, perhaps a bit embarrassed with a tint of pink dusting her face. You, arms wrapped around her neck and staring at her a bit too intently, spoke. "You're the prettiest astrologist-no the prettiest person ive ever met, how did i even get to date you?" You gushed at her. "P-pretty? Well of course I am!" She boasted, turning her head to face the wall to hide the redness of her face. "You're so cool...I wanna be just like you" You stayed like this for a while, sitting in her lap on the ground until you dozed off. "You're so silly [name], I love you for who you are..." She mumbled under her breath, staring at your sleeping figure on her lap.
An eremite and a scholar..dating? Yes, perhaps it was a bit unusual, but you were so in love with Deyha, sometimes you couldn't even look her in the eye. First meeting when you commissioned her to protect you in the runes, as you were a haravatat student. You asked her out, and rather very surprisingly, she said yes. And now it comes to this, having a date in a treehouse? The picnic blanket was spread on the wooden floor, and a candlelit dinner was set on the blanket. "[name]...you can't get drunk alright?" Worried for your safety, she set the bottle to the side, away from you. You were quite the infamous scholar at the akademiya known for your alcoholism, which made many other scholars shy away from you. Deyha paused for a moment, seemingly trying to process something, then picking up the bottle and shaking it, only to hear the airy inside of the bottle, without a single drop of wine. "[n-name]?" She went over to your side and looked at your face, in which turned out to be pink. She sighed. Truth to be told, you were trying to fix your alcoholism, which was (kind of?) working, you only got drunk every other week or so. It seems that the wine was too tempting to resist. You looked at Deyha and took her face in your hands. "Your makeup is superb pretty and gorgeous and cool and hot today." Deyha sat up straight, blushing. "I'm not wearing any makeup today [name].." Covering her face with her hand embarresed by your compliment. You snaked your hands around her waist and closed your eyes. "Mmmm...youre warm too..." You cuddled next to her as she laughed. "Of course, I'm your little heater." You smiled, breathing in her scent. "You smell good too..ehe" You took a deep breath and sighed.
The jade chamber was rebuilt, so you decided to have a mini party with only Ninguang. "I've brough some high-quality wine from mondstat for us to celebrate." She opened the bottle, the two of you a drink. Savoring the wine, she smiled at you gently. "Do you like it?" She asked you, waiting for your reply. "YES! Ahem, sorry i meant yes, i do like it." You blushed, flustered of your outburst. It was still hard to wrap your head around the fact that you were dating the ninguang. Perhaps it was the alcohol slowly taking effect, or maybe just the nerves, but you suddenly blurted out, "I think you're the nicest and prettiest lady in the entirety of teyvat! I-I'm really happy that you gave me a chance to date you considering our vast diferences..." You stuttered, fumbling with your hands. She let out a slight chuckle and stood up, walking in front of your chair to bend down to look at you. As here hands were on both of the arm rests, pining you to the chair, she spoke sternly, yet also in a loving tone. "It should be me who's the grateful one here, someone as cute and charming as you is hard to come by you know?" She teased you, showing her rather playful side than her work personality to you. After all, you were someone who truly loved ninguang for who she is and perhaps her no.1 fangirl and supporter.
As someone who was kept void of emotions, Shenhe was always learning new things about love and emotions when she was with you. She always felt calmer(less homicidal ykyk) near you, which was something quite new. And blushing and being embarrassed...was a bit confusing sometime. You invited her to your house for a drink or two, which caused shenhe to panic a bit and cloud retainer to have her little 'my baby's growing up!!' moment. Appearing at your front door step, you invited her in. "Oh! I bought this bottle of alcohol when i visited Snezhnaya, I've been really wanting to try it with you!" You smiled, which instantly caused shenhe to be a melting mess. "R-really...you wanted to try it with me?" "Yes!" You took two cups and poured some alcohol in each one. "Cheers!" You smiled as you downed the whole thing. "Ack-" You coughed, choking a bit on the alcohol. "Are you alright?" Shenhe asked worried about your wellbeing. "Yeah haha..and this alcohol seems to be wayyyy stronger than I thought it would be." You silently apologized to shenhe for the person you were about to become once drunk. Taking another shot (which actually was more like 5 shots in your cup), your face started turning red, and your words started to become more carefree and slurred. "Mmmphhh i really lov your eyes their soooo pretty...Just like you entirely ya know? Gosh how did i get someone as cute as you?..." You smiled at her, as she was a mush of shyness. "You're doing it again...saying these things that make me feel weird..." She mumbled, but you heard her. "Do you not like how it makes you feel?" You looked at her, tilting your head in curiosity. "N-no! I really like these um-compliments you give me." She covered her face. "Awww whats wrong?" You smiled, pouting. "Those expressions of yours...so...cute..." She fangirled internally at you. Tonight, shenhe will be receiving all the affection she deserves <3
"YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN" you yelled rushing to the front door of your rather luxurious home you shared with your wife. "Hello love, I'm back from work." You jumped onto her as she caught you. "You're such a child...I haven't even been gone for that long." You sniffled and sobbed. "Yes it was! You were gone for two days! I missed you so much!" You cried, and yelan took one smell to know you were drinking. She sighed and laughed "Drinking without me?" She said. "Im sorry...I just missed seeing your pretty face and your touch i thought the alcohol would help...It's-It's a weekend so its fine!" You tried defending yourself. "Well I'll say, I missed you lots too. I got you a little souvenir" But you were already fast asleep. Well at least she loves taking care of you at times like this, she found it pretty cute.
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pyrten · 4 months
Genshin's GotchaForGaza
is an ongoing, fan-run charity event in which 5/10 USD can get you an art/fic from one of the amazing 80+ volunteers involved— while also donating money to Palestinian help funds.
As mentioned, it's—
5 USD for an SFW work
10 USD for an NSFW work
Should you have ideas/prompts you wish to see come to life, while wanting to support Palestine. Should you have the ability to donate— please don't hesitate! If you can't donate, but still want to help out, please reblog and share 🍉
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2. Take a screenshot of your donation as PROOF
3. Fill out the 🔗 DONOR PROMPT FORM (Deadline: 9th June 2024)
4. Allow time for one of our volunteers to work on your prompt!!
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🍉 Spotlight Campaigns: Gaza Funds
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anantaru · 2 years
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✧ ۫ 𑄼ల۫  ۪ DEC 11TH — WARMING YOU UP
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featuring: ayaka, beidou, columbina, kokomi, ganyu, mona, yae miko, lisa x fem! reader
warnings: nsfw, cunnilingus, fingering n all that other good stuff ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ | event.
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your warm hands are branding ayaka's stomach, playfully squeezing and fondling her belly while pleasuring her with your spit covered tongue.
how lucky you were to see her sugary sweet smile and listen to the tiny cries of your name, your heart blooming with pure bliss. Your tongue was reaching within her hole to roughly tongue fuck her into the mattress, her hands dragging into your scalp to keep you lowered while also additionally grinding her hips on you.
"not yet."
you're teasing and rubbing her fiercely with your thumb now, her mewls turning more erratic and hitched. The dedication ayaka had to please you was alluring, ravishing and only made you crave her more than ever before.
with her sweet essence always melting perfectly on your tongue, not to mention how she tasted so overly good while still being coated with the natural bitterness had you moan shamelessly into your cunt, truly.
"I-i am trying, i'm trying so hard for you."
it surprised you that your girlfriend even managed to voice something in the first place with her lower lip trembling and captured in between her teeth.
her facial features were utterly mesmerizing, but how pretty her pussy looked was even all the more appealing to you. Her normally pale skin held onto a red color, her sloppy folds being swollen and fading in a sickly pleasant pink, what a sight.
you brought your attention back to your tongue, parting her spasming folds with your fingers to reach within, the tip of your wet muscle carefully gliding over her sensitivity which caught her off guard, her head abruptly thrown back to whine out desperately.
and after that, the next sounds ayaka gifted you with showed you her growing desperation.
the charming, almost confusing, state your mind would dwell in whenever beidou entrapped your body was heart staggering.
"you're doing too much again."
you faked a complain, her body on you was so warm, her sharp teeth flashing you underneath her plump, kissable lips as she let you swallow her fingers naturally.
"come on, don't be like that."
with your breasts tightly pressed against her own you whined at the friction of her nipples brushing your skin, how her graceful digits immediately found the main spot in your aching core.
"care to keep going regardless?"
beidou already was aware, she knew your answer yet she still needed to ask, wanted to make sure that you are comfortable with being overstimulated by her.
"of course." you weakly mewled with lidded eyes, your almost pathetic response laced with heavy pants being pure divine in her ears, your voice truly dripped down on her like the most delightful, sweet honeyed candy in teyvat.
"knew it."
it's warmer now, beidou added another finger and your insides were perceiving it, you felt full, stuffed yet still tight, so unbelievable tight, she felt as if you were about to swallow her whole.
the stretching of your pretty pussy made you arch your spine into her with her entrancing breasts sticking on your chest further, your mouth salivating on sight.
"aww! i love the reaction you're making!"
you truly were columbina's favorite precious toy, her tiny hands were almost unable to keep themselves from touching you, always kneading and twiddling your soft breasts she very much found beguiling.
"hmm." accompanied by her pseudo innocent hums, she displayed a somewhat innocent facial expression, her head tilted to the side with her brows slightly scrunched together in thought.
"i wonder what would happen if i do this."
her playing with you always consisted in columbina trying out new things, whether it was bringing you on the edge over and over again, or simply not making you cum for hours until she decided that yes, it might be the time for you to release now.
with her thumb and pointer finger twirling your stinging nipple you let out a choked moan through a cry. The naivety and trust you held towards her was quite charming in her eyes, she adored seeing you like this.
with a husky breath, she quickly lowered her head on your chest while prodding her tongue out, licking around the entirety of her lips to have herself properly wet as she swallowed your nipple in a heart beat.
experiencing a feeling like that had you on the brink of passing out when you perceived sloppy suckling on your bundle, the sensitivity spreading over the entirety of your tit as you couldn't control yourself anymore, shameless moans mixing with the cold air of the bedroom.
columbina closed her eyes, ruthlessly digging and flicking her skilled tongue on your perked up bud, no mercy, no nothing, only another confirmation in her mind being crossed out on what would made you succumb to her.
"turn around for me."
there was something especially alluring to kokomi whenever you demanded things from her, whenever she let the choice to you without her actually having to do much.
don't get her wrong though, kokomi adored being in control, a lot of times it would be her towering over you right now, with a salivating look on her entrancing face only you would be able to satisfy.
with her bare behind on full display, you motioned her ass up so it'd be held up lightly, her glistering folds greeting you as you playfully decided to rub one finger within it, waiting for a precious, sweet sound she always would gift you with.
how dearly kokomi wanted to see that sickeningly sweet smirk decorating your overly tasteful lips, but what she desired even more was for you to place those lips on her aching core, which you then, of course, did.
as always, you proceeded slowly, drinking in both her slimy essence and tiny pleas, her drooling juices staining your chin, the amount of wetness she had on herself swelled a deep sense of pride within the pit of your stomach.
"just like that, y-you're so good to me."
to even admit that to you right know, how sexy she could be was beyond you, you were very much aware that she was extremely delicate tonight, sensitive and aching for a release from you.
your hands tightly held over her ass to squeeze and knead the bouncy flesh while drawing each stroke of your sloppy tongue carefully, easy, awakening a sharp impatience in between kokomi's legs at last.
whenever ganyu and you got intimate, you made it a habit to turn your usually quiet and reserved girlfriend into a drooling little mess and how else could you achieve that result any better with your pretty pussy rubbing her own.
it might be one of her favorite positions you'd squeeze her in, ganyu was thankful you let her be your cute, little princess while you did most of the work and brought her to an intense release she might not recover right away.
"how does that feel? tell me."
your little laughter turned her on, almost as much as your wet folds grinding on her tingling cunt. Your fingers wandered higher as well, grabbing one of her spilled out breasts to roughly massage them underneath your warm palm.
"it f-feels good, it always feels good." ganyu was extremely sensitive, it would never take her long until her eyes would dwell up with happy tears, sinful sobs she let you fully drink in.
"don't look at me!"
her voice was distant, barely to be perceived as an embarrassing redness crawled up her wet cheeks, ganyu still wasn't quite accustomed to you looking at her while she got pleasured by you, while she was splayed out bare for you with her cute, pink pussy being opened and drenched in slick.
"but you're so pretty right now."
with that, you lowered your hand back on her lower stomach to rub the rough pad of your thumb over her aching clit while simultaneously smoothening your soaked cunt on her, your liquids melting on each other and slicking up the entirety of your stomach and thighs.
it can happen rather often for mona and you to be too tired to even get up and do something together, go out or meet friends whatsoever.
but as luck would have it, something she'd never be satiated on would be to lazily scissor you even though she'd be rather tired.
you were so squishy and wet around her slim fingers, how you drenched them thoroughly upon a couple of drags of her in you.
mona fingernails weren't the longest but you still could clearly discern them around your velvety walls, how she poked against your lovely insides with her sharpness to gather that one favorite spot of yours.
one push, out again, mona adored teasing you whenever she get the chance as well, how your cheeks prickled with warmth was the next thing. You were so hot in her eyes, so sweet and open, vulnerable and only she was allowed to touch you like this.
right now, even though she felt tired just a moment ago, the adrenaline rushing through mona turned her wide awake.
her new sense of state making her add the third and final finger into your stretched pussy, the liquid like flow of your moans turning her lower region on fire.
she was truly consuming you, the lewd noises your tight hole would make upon each rough stroke of her lean digits was crushing down on you.
you were a mess, wet and drenched with your filth and a glow of your sweat embedded on your natural curves.
in an attempt to cum undone on her hand you decided to retract your hips a bit, now meeting her play at half to move yourself in tandem with her finger fucking you.
"you should make some noise for me if you want me to keep going."
that deceivingly snarky voice was not new to you, more so was it making you tremble whenever you heard it in the first place.
yae miko was ruthless in her antics, whether outside of the bedroom but especially with you. Something about going down on you and still having the growing authority within the room had her drool on sight.
it wasn't often for miko to give you what you want, most of the times it was you who pleasured her because quite frankly, her taste was strikingly compelling, so viciously soft on your sweet tongue it had your head grow heavy.
her piercing gaze was forcing out each cry out of your swollen lips, she watched you closely from underneath her thick lashes to make sure you're enjoying yourself in every way imaginable.
"so you do are able to make noise, how cute."
her lips and tender tongue were ready to make you sore and aching, to suckle and flick her flattened wet muscle on you until you were practically begging her to make you cum already, the impatience written across your scrunched together face.
"i-i'm so close miko."
the heavy panting fell on deaf ears, you abruptly teased your eyes open upon noticing her teasingly graze her teeth over your sensitivity.
of course, she wasn't applying any pleasure but the tickling sensation and bliss of her sharp canines over your pulsating flesh made it more difficult for you to breathe evenly, even explain a couple of normal words.
"I know you are, I can feel it."
even though miko might not look like it from the outside, her strength was otherworldly, she managed to keep your legs spread and held up high even with you already being tired and worn out.
with the last few sharp and rough licks of her skillful tongue you released on her at last, your pussy being drenched in her spit and your overly excessive juices she delightfully slurped up with the probably most graphic hums accompanying her play.
it was not the first time for a sudden intimacy to take place whenever you saw lisa work her usual job as a librarian for the knights.
as luck would have it, when you were in dire need of a job yourself she took you in all gracefully, although giving you most duties to fulfill now you still were very much thankful to the opportunity to make both mora and to have such a striking person working alongside you.
yet as time would have it, not to mention that the library was mostly empty with only you both in it, your usual encounters with the violet clothed beauty would be with you sitting all comfortably on her chair while lisa had her legs pressed tightly around your head, laying flat on the desk while you enchanted her with your tongue.
"my cutie is doing so well for me today."
her happy sounds were loud, her moans even louder yet lisa didn't seem to care, more so did the idea of someone hearing you both turn her on a tenfold with her nipples being hard and grazing from underneath her dress.
there were still knights outside of the library door and she knew, of course she did.
her hands found their rightful place on your head, roughly roaming through your hair and setting your scalp on fire. The burning ache in between your legs had you unable to fully concentrate on your task and lisa noticed immediately.
how could she not with that clever head of hers?
"If you want it so much, you should pleasure yourself in front of me now."
the sudden unusual demand was at first, startling you, with your tongue clumsily stilling on her folds as you looked at her through lidded eyes, your warm breath tickling her damp folds.
lisa's next smile was bewitching, the moment you stopped she quickly propped herself up with her elbows, carefully pulling you back so she could watch you stuff your needy pussy full with your fingers.
"come on now, show it to me." her digits playfully rubbed her clit to coax you on, to make you not only needier but starving.
you do as she said, parting your legs and pulling the flimsy material of your panties aside to expose your sobbing pussy to her hungry being, while your eyes were pinned to her lower region and hole fluttering around nothing.
brushing your first two fingers past the tightness of your walls, you drew in your breathing as you began to roughly stuff yourself with your digits, both moaning in sync now.
lisa's eyes from above held you in a tightened grip as you involuntarily jerked your hips up, the impatience in your strokes eliciting a soft giggle from your dear co worker as she continued to play with herself while eagerly watching you come undone.
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©2022 anantaru do not share, copy, translate
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fairykazu · 9 months
NICKNAMES THEY'LL GIVE YOU FT. GENSHIN & HSR CAST content / warnings: the reader for the following characters: ning, beidou, ei, yae miko, bronya and seele are implied to feminine because of the characters' queer coding. otherwise, the reader remains to be gn. gi masterlist | hsr masterlist
VARITATIONS OF BABY (babe, baby, etc): CHILDE, lisa, mona, amber, serval, seele, miko & kaeya
SWEET NICKNAMES (honey, sweetheart, sweetie, etc): SCARAMOUCHE, DILUC, ARGENTI, thoma, bronya, ei & gepard
TIMELESS (dear, darling, beloved, dearest): NEVUILETE, ZHONGLI, fu xuan & jing yuan
CORNY NICKNAMES (honey booboo bear, pookie bookie, cutie patootie): MARCH 7th, HUTAO, stelle, beidou, astra, yoimiya & itto
NO NICKNAMES NEEDED (just the way they say your name is enough): DAN HENG, KAFKA, topaz, ningguang & kuki
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chaotic-sproutlet · 4 months
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pt 2 of the Genshin Mugshots (free to use/no credit needed)
pt. 1 | pt. 3
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luhuapoolenjoyer · 7 months
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i cant promise ill make more of these so heres a disclaimer in case my numbers end up being misleading. anyway 1/?? next <this will have a link in it if i make more ok? ok.
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cryallen · 2 years
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Jack of All Trades
I wish Traveler could wield different weapons each with different playstyles for each element.
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joking-suggestions · 11 months
pining after albedo would include:
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rosaria warning you up that you shouldn't trust the chief alchemist this easily because he's "much more than what he let's see." beware, she is monitoring all of your hangouts together. she could much possibly be worried for you.
kaeya teasing you and albedo, asking you subtle things and alluding to your implicit bond. he knows. and maybe he likes to see both of you frustrated.
diluc puzzled by how you two act together, exchanging complicity glances to kaeya, who looks rather amused. has the chief alchemist ever been so intimate with anyone before?
jean shocked by how albedo becomes a totally different person when he's with you. she'd discuss that with lisa, at first kind of worried for albedo mental health.
lisa would be another person who would tease the hell out of you, but she'd allude to your romance in a more open way.
amber gossiping with eula and sometimes directly alluding that you two would make a cute couple.
Klee loving you and often asking to you or albedo if you actually are in love with each other. she'd love if you actually got together and often sketches you two together. or she forces you to play rather embarrassing such the Knight who has to rescue the Prince or the married couple. maybe she's doing it on purpose for helping her brother, who knows. after all, she'd be the first rooting after you.
sucrose and timeous worried because lately their master looks on cloud nine. he's totally changing behaviour when you're around. they probably made a bet about who's going to ask out who first.
mona being slightly jealous. she'd be kind of reluctant to talk with you at a first. tough she'd start to menage it over time.
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melanie-the-artful · 10 months
Genshin Character Names' Meanings
Hello there! So, I remember I once saw a post about meanings of some characters' names in another fandom, and while some of those names probably were given to those characters just because they fit, some of them certainly were chosen for their meaning, and well, it was just interesting to read! And yeah, here I am, in today's series of "I have freaking nothing else to do" I brought you a list of meanings for Genshin characters' names (today only Travelers and Mondstadt).
Aether | Comes from the highest air layer - where the gods live, and from the god who embodies it in Greek mythology; Also not sure whether it's connected, but fun fact: in Latin "Iter" means «Journey»
Lumine | Literally «Light» in Latin
Kong (Chinese Aether) | «Heavenly», «Air» or «Sky» - Chinese Name
Ying (Chinese Lumine) | Literally «Glimmer», «Twinkling» or «Light» in Chinese and a Chinese Name
Sora (Japanese Aether) | Literally «Sky» in Japanese and a Japanese Name
Hotaru (Japanese Lumine) | Literally «Firefly» in Japanese and a Japanese Name
Paimon | Comes from King Paimon, the 9th of Goetia Demons 
Amber | Well, in her case it obviously references her eyes that carry that color, and it is also similar to the word «ember», which underlines her being a Pyro wielder; Also «Fierce» as an originally Arabic or Celtic Name
Kaeya | «Monsoon Flower» - Sanskrit Name
Lisa | «God's Promise» - German Name
Jean | «God is Gracious» - Originally French Name
Barbara | Although in our world it is believed to come from barbarians, in context of Genshin she might've been named so after Barbatos, the Archon rulling over her nation. It also makes sense considering how her father also serves at the church; Also «Foreign», «Strange» as an originally Greek Name
Diluc | Comes from «diluculum» - Latin for «Dawn»
Noelle | «Christmas» - Originally French Name
Klee | Literally «Clover» in German
Albedo | Term for the fraction of sunlight that is diffusely reflected by a body; also a Latinicized alchemical term meaning «Whiteness» and «Purification»
Sucrose | A chemical element, also known as C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁, or just sugar
Mona | «Solitary», «Adviser» or «Wish» - German Name
Fischl | Considering German grammatics, literally means «Little Fish» 
Amy | «Beloved», «Dearly Loved» - German Name
Bennett | «Blessed» - Originally French and Latin Name
Rosaria | «Rosary» or «Wreath of Roses» - Derives from originally Latin Name Rosarius/Rosarium
Diona | «Goddess» or «From the Sacred Spring» - German Name 
Eula | Could be based on the german word for owl Eule or the German Name Ulla which means «Will»
Mika | «Who is like God» - German Name 
Venti | Sounds similar to the word «windy», also literally «Winds» in Italian
Barbatos | Comes from Duke Barbatos, the 8th of Goetia Demons 
Crepus | Comes from «crepusculum» - Latin for «Dusk»
Seamus | «Supplanter» - Originally Irish Name
Frederica | «Peaceful Ruler» - German Name
Alice | «Noble» or «Exalted» - Originally German Name
Rhinedottir | Originally Rhine was a name for someone who lived by the Rhine river in German, yet the word itself originates from the word 'renos', which means «Flowing Water» or «Raging Flow»; meanwhile "dottir" is «Daughter» in Icelandic
Barbeloth | May derive from the Gnostic aeon Barbēlō, a supreme, androgynous entity in Gnosticism known as God's first thought, being his "feminine aspect" and the Mother-Father of the aeons
Nicole | «Victory of the People» - Originally French Name
Varka | Likely based on the Old Persian 𐎺𐎼𐎣 (varka), meaning «Wolf»
Decarabian | Comes from Marquis Decarabia, the 69th of Goetia Demons
Dvalin | Comes from a dwarf in Old Norse tales, meaning «The Dormant One» or «The One Slumbering» (akin to the Danish and Norwegian "dvale" and Swedish "dvala", meaning «Sleep, «Unconscious Condition» or «Hibernation»).
Durin | Overally associated with a dwarf named Durin, who is also from Norse tales, though some say it is of Latin origin and means «Firm», «Enduring»
Yeah, here it is! I know, I basically made a compilation of things you can find yourself in Google, buuuuuut in case you were too lazy or not curious enough to do so, I did so in your stead! And I have to admit that those are not names of my homeland, and I may not know all their variations or significance, yet I'm still interested, and I'll be happy if you're willling to correct me. And maybe I will even dig in deeper into the topic next time!
So, see you!
Edited: Yeah, I added a few more meaningful characters and Travelers' names on other languages + a few other tiny additions. I think now it seems a little more complete. Next up is Liyue!
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Lisa: I have two jobs, one is being a librarian.
Lisa: And the other is being a wingwoman of those two Diluc and Jean reading a book together. those two, Amber smiling while holding Eula hands as she blushes from embarrassment. and those two, Mona and Scaramouche making out in a alley.
Lisa: It ain't much but its honest work.
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nian-7 · 2 years
Hello good morning / good night! could i request a Hc of Genshin women's reaction to receiving flowers from their s/o ? (if possible Fem!reader please). I already thank you in advance :) , feel free to delete !
hi! this sounds cute, please enjoy
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Various Genshin Women x reader
✧their reaction to receiving flowers
✧fluff, genshin male ver
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She's surprised to say the least. It wasn't something that she was expecting to see when she arrives home. She's very thankful that you thought of her and bought her some beautiful flowers! She accepts them gratefully and will put them as the center piece on a table.
-Eula, Jean, Ningguang, Kokomi, Yun Jin, Ayaka, Nilou
She's happy! She loves the flowers you picked out and will cherish them for as long as she can. She takes extremely well care of them and is disappointed when she has to get rid of them because they've hit the end of their life span. She absolutely loves them and will put them on display and mention how you had gotten them for her.
-Collei, Yoimiya, Beidou, Hu Tao, Xinyan, Amber
The poor girl is a little flustered that you had gotten her a gift! Why didn't you tell her before? She would have gotten you something as well! She really does like them though and will always think of you whenever she sees those flowers now! Not that she wasn't thinking of you before, of course.
-Sucrose, Ganyu, Ayaka, Kuki, Layla
I mean, of course you got her a gift. Why wouldn't you? Whether this be her thought process to protect her own ego, to hide the butterflies inside her, or even just to poke fun at you before thanking you for them, she really does like the gift! No matter what type of flower it is, she thinks it was very thoughtful of you to get her a gift while you were out!
-Yae, Lisa, Mona, Fischl, Faruzan, Hu Tao, Yelan
She has a neutral expression for the most part. You can't tell if she doesn't like it or if she isn't sure how to react. At this point, you might as well ask but, before you can she thanks you. A small smile appears on her face (possibly accompanied by a small blush forming on her cheeks) as she looks at you.
-Rosaria, Shenhe, Ei, Sara, Kuki
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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