#giant genshin
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gatoluva · 8 months ago
" Just a kiss. "
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Lisa x Shrunken Mona WLW, G/T, SFW, MAFIA AU?? 3637 Words, moves a little slow at the beginning. Forgive me if this isn't my best writing. Open for requests.
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It was a cold, rainy, dark evening. A day that the clouds swirled gray and the air was muggy from the rain, weather that anyone would find displeasure of- even those who claim to ‘love’ the rain. For Mona Megistus, it was also a hungry, hungry day, the mora-less girl hadn’t eaten- and the stars were not working in her favor this evening. She had low, long, dark purple-ombre pigtails, her outfit was mostly thrifted or donated to her, which was a black fluffy jacket, a black crop top, and purple denim jeans with black, platform boots. She walked the city’s empty streets, nobody was out because of the weather, but she had nowhere to go- bars didn’t want ‘homeless’ folks and she didn’t exactly have a home. All the girl wanted was something to munch on, but she probably can’t count on that happening this evening. So, she continued her walk, shuffling her tarot deck in her hands. 
That was until she passed by a shop with a blinding, neon purple sign that read ‘free samples’, she stopped in her tracks as she approached the shop’s window. It didn’t look like any food place, that was weird, but the sign next to the neon letters also read it was a new recipe that needed reviews, so maybe it was an up and coming business. New business or not, Mona was hungry and just reading the word ‘food’ had her stomach roaring, reminding her of the cavern she needed to feed. The girl pushed open the door to the store, a ringing sound immediately cued as she entered and a girl with short green hair, a purple, long-bell sleeved and ruffled skirt dress, with thigh-high black boots turned to look at her. Mona feels scrutinized by the lady, but as the door shut behind her and the bell stopped its chime, which was what properly greeted her instead of that staring lady, she decided to speak. 
“Hello there, miss,” she started and got closer to the supposed worker, “I am Mona Megistus, pleased to be here- I have an inquiry… is that sign still valid?” The moment Mona said anything about a ‘sign’ the green-haired girl looked pleased, appearing much more attentive towards the astrologist, Mona. 
“Ah! The free sample? Yes? Yes, yes, yes, a sample of our boss’s finest delicacy comes to you in a very, very short minute,” the green-haired lady spoke, patting Mona’s shoulder and quickly speeding off to a doorway with a beaded curtain- pushing through the beads making that oddly satisfying noise of beads clinking against each other, as she went to get the free sample…? The astrologist blinked, she hadn’t even gotten to respond to the strange worker before she ran off, huh, an odd-duck that lady was, and she spoke… uniquely… 
Mona looked around the shop, it was almost like a library- there were books everywhere, but the counter had cases of strange little potions, jewelry, and such. Almost like a magic shop… interesting. The green-haired lady came back out with a plastic container of a mysterious-looking baked good, if Mona wasn’t so hungry, surely she’d decline, but she hasn’t eaten for awhile and something like this would be fulfilling. “Our finest batch, just for you Miss Megistus~” The green-haired girl almost hissed Mona’s name, sounding almost snake-like, it was creepy in a way, but Mona bowed her head, “Why thank you, about time I’m shown some respect.” The purple-haired astrologist took the container, then the moment she looked up the green-haired girl was gone, Mona heard those beads clank- huh, it seems she went to the back again. 
Mona stared at the food, she didn’t have any utensil to eat this with, but whatever, it’s not like she hadn’t eaten with her hands before. She pinched out a piece of the food, forcing it onto her tongue and closed her mouth, chewing on it slowly. The texture was pleasing and the taste was impeccable- it was almost like it was custom-made to all her ideal likings. Of course, this made Mona only eat the dish quicker, it was so delicious, drool-worthy even, and soon enough the hungry astrologist scarfed down the whole meal. That was a free sample? It should be with a kazillion mora with how tasty it was, she lowered the container once she finished, rubbing her now happy and full stomach. 
Although that food was delicious, after a minute or so of consuming it- she started to feel ill… “Oh my, maybe I ate too fast…” she mumbled to herself because surely that was a logical explanation for eating the food. Mona looked around for a seat inside of the shop, oh lovely, in the corner of the store there’s a little corner couch with shelves surrounding, that should be a good spot to relax at until she feels better. The astrologist approached the couch, taking a seat with a hand on her stomach and laying the empty container on the floor. Mona starts to feel rather sleepy, normally she wouldn’t fall asleep inside of a place like this, but it was almost as if the food was laced with something to make her sleep almost immediately- before her eyes shut, the world was blurry but she did see a shadow of someone’s figure approach her, until everything went black and the astrologist fell asleep. 
Hours later, Mona felt her consciousness be regained- and could hear faint talking, until she felt a gigantic thud below her, recognizing she was laid on the ground and the thud shook her entire being! “Huuh, wha… happened…” she asks aloud, her speaking was slurred and slow, while her eyes slowly opened. The world was still blurry and she needed to regain her focus, looking around, everything seemed so tall, no, like really tall. The astrologist kept turning her head until she saw the green-haired girl by her, collapsed onto the floor, but the difference was the girl was humongous compared to Mona! The astrologist widened her eyes, quickly standing up but feeling herself get a little woozy once she stood.
“It’s alright, little one, that lady is all taken care of,” a feminine voice cooed from about a sky-scraper's height above. Mona slowly tilted her head back, looking all the way up, and realized the darkness was from being completely enveloped in a woman’s shadow, her eyes focused on the lady above, she was brunette, sort of long hair- at least a little below her shoulder, she was wearing black dress pants, black heels, a white dress shirt with a loose black tie, and a blazer over it. She wore excessive jewelry, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. If Mona wasn’t scared of this unknown lady, she would swoon from how beautiful she was, but she knew nothing of this lady- she didn’t know if there were any cruel intentions or what. Mona backed away a few steps, her brows furrowed, and she looked almost defensive. However, she looked over at the collapsed green-haired girl, and something tells Mona that it’s that lady’s fault she’s this size, and that the brunette saved her. Oh the little astrologist felt so conflicted. 
Suddenly, the brunette girl started squatting down, gah- just what is she doing! Mona jumped back another step, squinting up at the lady. “Not much of a talker, are you?” The brunette girl asked with a head tilt, her eyes were so full, a pretty green that reminded Mona of a tsavorite crystal, but they were full of untrusting curiosity, the lady seemed mischievous which raised the astrologist’s guard. Though, Mona can’t get away with silence forever. “I am Mona Megistus,” she introduced with a sharp, prideful tone, “I demand that you tell me who you are and what you’re here for!” The puny astrologist crossed her arms and turned away, closing her eyes, acting as if she threw a fit, but opened an eye that glared at Lisa, just to make sure her eyes were still on the lady. Just to watch out for any unpredicted movements, of course. The brunette giggled and that confused Mona, she felt like it was disrespectful in some way, but then the brunette softly spoke, “That is fair, miss Megistus,” she nodded toward the smaller and sighed. “I am Lisa, I came here originally to shake this lady down for something, but then I saw her over here standing over you, and I’ve met this lady before- she has nothing but cruel intentions, so I saved you, you should really thank me, cutie,” Lisa said and shot a wink at the astrologist. 
Mona arched a brow at the wink. Really? Thank her? The astrologist shook her head, “Alright, find out how I shrunk then, Miss Lisa.” The purple-haired girl ordered, facing toward the brunette again. “Trust me, I intend on doing that, but that’s the least of my concerns right now… Mona. I have other business I need to focus on.” The astrologist frowned, “Like what?” Lisa is taken aback a tad by the question, “That isn’t your business,” she assertively says. The lady seems secretive. 
The brunette seemed like she was about to get up, the purple-haired astrologist really didn’t want to be left here alone, and she’d rather be with someone she has somewhat made acquaintance to. “Wait!” Mona ran up a little closer to the lady, and the brunette paused. “Hmm, what is it, little one?” 
“I can’t help but feel my size could be fate, and if it is I’d rather be stuck with someone that the stars tell me I am safe with, and I think you’re the closest person I am safe with for the time being,” Mona quickly explained, placing her hands in front of herself, hand in hand, politely. Lisa grew a pleasant smile at the explanation, “Miss Megistus, it almost sounds like you’re saying we are fate,” she teased. The astrologist crossed her arms immediately, “That is not what I am saying, I would really just like to be with someone who can protect me, and seeing that that miss over there is on the floor knocked out, you seem like someone who can protect me,” she more specifically explained. Lisa seemed amused by the re-explaining done by the astrologist, she held back her giggle though and offered her hand to Mona to climb onto then. “Then come with me, Miss Megistus.” The astrologist stared at Lisa’s hand being offered, it was gloved and looked so inviting. “I- well, alright then,” Mona dipped her head in a bow, then approached the giant hand. This hand could have the strength to pin her down or hold her inside of its first entirely, it was sort of thrilling thinking of the power it had, the power Lisa had, and that the woman didn’t use it against the astrologist, she felt oddly safe. Mona climbed into the hand, centering herself in the middle of the woman’s palm then looked up at her. “Thank you, Miss Lisa, that comes from the stars and I,” she says softly. The corners of Lisa’s lips pulled into another pleasant smile, “Of course, anything for a little cutie such as yourself,” she replied which made the small astrologist blush, and then the brunette stood herself up. 
A small gust of wind brushed through Mona’s hair as Lisa stood, she looked around at everything, it was so high up and slightly amazing. Something in Mona’s gut and brain strike fear in her, being so high up, if she dropped… that surely would be death, but something about Lisa is so comforting, so ensuring that she wouldn’t ever predict being dropped, not even the stars could predict something that is surely unlikely to occur. What was it about this woman that made her feel so safe? While Mona thought Lisa had already walked out of the store and held Mona close to her chest so she was safe in her hold, Once the astrologist realized how quickly they’ve moved, she started thinking more about her own size than thinking about her carrier, Lisa. If Mona had to walk this distance on her own, surely it’d take like… a day or more. Mona couldn’t possibly survive at this size on her own, she’s already struggling at normal-sized… 
“Little one?” Lisa asked, noticing the smaller silence had taken up for quite a while, and the astrologist was staring off into the distance as if wrapped in endless thoughts. Yet, Lisa got no response, Mona was still thinking, the brunette blinked and raised her free hand, gently poking the astrologist. The purple-haired girl squeaked in surprise, scooting from the gloved finger and staring at it. “Little one…” Lisa called again. “Oh- huh, wha…?” Mona asks, looking back at the lady’s face with confusion. “Nothing, I wanted to check if you were alright.” The purple-haired girl’s heart doted on that sentence for a bit, she’d never been checked on before, being alone for a while on the streets- fending for food, shelter, etc. Nobody has ever cared for her until this woman came along, saving her and now allowing Mona to tag along with her for protection. Lisa was unaware of the sentiment she had just given the astrologist. 
Things were getting darker though and slightly began to reek as Lisa walked down an alleyway, Mona was confused, looking up at Lisa expecting an answer just by her glare. “Where are we going?” Lisa glanced down at Mona with the question, “Well, you should know that I am affiliated with a group… and I need to take care of some business, as stated previously,” she said, kind of circling around the question- not giving a direct answer, could she really trust this girl? While she might be small, it doesn’t mean she should doubt her capabilities of going out and about saying stuff, or maybe jumping into things that roar danger. 
Mona felt weird anxiety at that response and began looking around, “Lisa, tell me or the stars will-” she threatened weakly, and at that Mona shrieked in surprise as she was shoved inside of Lisa’s blazer pocket by her waist. Lisa’s gloved hand kept Mona pinned in there and the fabric silenced Megistus, “Give me a second,” she whispered for Mona to hear and approached one of her henchmen. “Hello Kaeya,” the brunette greeted, stopping before him. Kaeya was tall, somewhat taller than Lisa, and had brown skin. He wore an eye patch and had his long, blue hair tied back with some of his bang covering the eye patch. He wore a white collared shirt with a black vest on top, black slacks, and black combat boots. Kaeya tossed a coin up into the air, catching it in his hand and looking toward Lisa with a sly, catty smirk. “Hello boss,” he returned the greeting and slid the coin into his pocket. “So, what will I be up to today?” Kaeya requested for an order, always wanting to be on his feet doing something, it was boring if he had no heavy work to take care of, Lisa knew that though, always sending the blue-haired boy running around places. “Can you do some research on that magic shop run by Katarina, the mage? Something about that free sample is off, I want all the information on it, immediately…” Lisa sharply ordered. “You’ve got it boss, but why the sudden interest?” Kaeya was nosy, he tried to press on the subject and pray some more details out of Lisa, what is so interesting about that magic store? 
“Oh nothing~ I’m just as curious as always, Kaeya,” she said and stepped past him, raising her hand that wasn’t pinning Mona in the pocket to nudge him forward, “go along now, I want that information quickly,” Lisa forced him out then. The blue haired man was suspicious, but he’ll do as ordered.  The brunette waited for him to be fully out of the alleyway, she walked deeper inside to her base and brought Mona back out as she walked. “Hypothetically speaking, of course,” she winked, “I am hypothetically the ringleader of a mafia, but do not fret, Megistus, I don’t come in harm- to you anyways, you’re far too cute for me to want to hurt little old you.”  
Mona had no idea what to feel with Lisa’s words, the interaction she had to hear between some ‘Kaeya’ guy and the woman that she was in the hands of. Just what has Mona gotten herself wrapped up in? Some mafia clan? She furrowed her brows, not sure how to handle this, sure this woman helped her but is also involved in crimes. How can she trust a criminal such as Lisa? Her eyes become pupils that translate into terror, the terror of being clueless and unable to process what she’s going through. “Do you expect me to just trust you, Miss Lisa? I- forgive me, I need a moment,” Mona escapes into her thoughts, closing her eyes and thinking about the stars, the only guidance Mona really needs is from the stars, what she trusts to be true. What does fate have in store for the astrologist? 
Lisa understood the other’s hesitance to immediately trust her, if she were Mona- she’d feel the same, so the brunette is patient, pausing on her walk to the base to give Mona the time she needs. “I have given you thought, even though I, Mona Megistus, find it distrustful and disrespectful you didn’t tell me the truth of your identity sooner- I am willing to repair that tear in this friendship and allow you to regain my trust, If I’m honest, maybe earlier you weren’t far off- pairing us two as fate because the stars and my astrology tell me to trust you, even if what you do is… fairly immoral, there isn’t much I can do… being so… small…” she shivered at mentioning her size, just processing how big the world was compared to her again. The brunette arched a brow at that realization and also smirked, “Aw, really? Well if you say we are fate, miss ‘Astrologist’ then I suppose I should trust you, you’re the professional here in all things fate,” she says with assumption, daring to flirt with Mona, which brings the small purple haired girl to shock. 
Suddenly, Mona feels the hands below her raise her up higher, “Um- Lisa, what is it that you’re doing? I just said I trust you, don’t make me take that back…” Then, Lisa’s big lips came into Mona’s frame, they had a purplish-red shade on them, it suited Lisa’s face beautifully.Her skin was so clear, it looked so soft and Mona wanted to lay her hand on the other’s face, but she couldn’t. That’d be inappropriate, wouldn’t it? She had just met this lady, and she’s feeling intense emotions over her, maybe shrinking has driven Mona insane. Lisa brought Mona higher, to the waterline of her eye, squinting at her, “Forgive me if I’m mistaken, Mona, but weren’t you just admiring me?” She asked, Lisa is well aware that Mona was, but she likes seeing the little one falter. 
“Me?” Mona asks, putting a hand on her chest and referencing herself. “Please, Lisa, you suddenly raised me to your lips- of course, I’m going to look in confusion, that is far intimidating,” she responded. The brunette sighed, “What’s intimidating about them? Are they too chapped for you? Do you think I’m going to eat you? Aw, you really are bite-size, but I am not interested in making you a meal- that is… inhumane of me, Miss Megistus.” If this were a cartoon, Mona’s eyes would swirl and she’d faint with a beet-red face, however, her cheeks do pinken at the idea. “What?! This is absurd, Lisa, none of those options–” Lisa giggled at Mona, and that is when Mona realized Lisa was just teasing her. “What if I gave you a kiss?” The brunette proposed, and Mona furrowed her brows, a kiss? 
“I think I need you to provide me with more details than just that, Miss Lisa,” Mona said slowly, ensuring she understood Lisa correctly. The woman wanted to kiss her? What? Lisa smirked at the fact the astrologist didn’t exactly decline it. “I press my lips against you, a kiss, doesn’t exactly have to be romantic, it’s just an idea floating within my head, and probably yours with all your admiration,” she says with a little hum. The purple-haired girl sounds exasperated, obviously flustered with the accusation and the idea of being kissed by this woman. “Well, if you’re going to accuse me of wanting a kiss from you, then I guess… kissing me wouldn’t hurt, would it?” Mona gave in weakly, looking away from the giant woman. Lisa giggled, “What? You want me to kiss you, Mona? But we had just met,” she teased. “Oh- I thought you were rather… serious…” Mona trailed off, somewhat disappointed, thinking it was all just a pointless tease. The astrologist should’ve expected that from the brunette- she doesn’t seem the type to just give away kisses from those lovely, lovely lips, just like that… That was where Mona was quickly proven wrong. The little astrologist was lowered and brought towards a giant pair of soft, plump lips, that puckered around her entire body and smooched her. The astrologist squirmed at the quickness of it but leaned into the lips after a second, oh they were soft- and they were of a lovely and enchanting woman. However, it felt so wrong at the same time considering the reminder in her head that the two just met. If the brunette didn’t mind though, and Mona didn’t mind, then it should be okay for now. It was in fact, just a kiss.
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lyss-sketchbox · 6 months ago
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Thinking about Neuv feeling safe and comfy enough in their shared home to be in his dragon form
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chokepoints · 5 months ago
Mute giants <3 i gotta post about them more..
Giants who can't verbally tell you that they won't hurt you, so they either have to resort to signing (if they know how) or straight up picking a tiny up to show them that they aren't going to do anything. There are various other options but!! not as fun
Having to prove with actions that you're not a threat because you literally can't get the words out. You have to either hope the tiny realizes what's going on and what you're trying to convey, or give up and let them go.
Oughhhh mute giants my beloved ...
also.. i should probably make an intro post ..
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thelilfae · 1 year ago
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im sory,,, i cannot resist giant himbo- i saw others g/t posts about him and thought the concept was too perfect
and yes im a fandom artist aaaa 😭 itll be more rare if i ever draw more fanart but i will post some here and there!!
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aisikae · 1 year ago
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“Come, my noble Leviathan! Sun or squall, the show must go on! Let us make haste!”✨
“We could have charted a boat, Lady Furina.” 🌊
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scribblekingdom · 6 months ago
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Get mugged idiot
(Story time for my birthday one of my friends got me this mug. I keep my Kaveh plushie in it because it fits him and I thought hmm. Hmm perhaps real Kaveh should also get in the mug. Hence he is in the mug)
Alt little guy in mug under the cut
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He brought his boyfriend!!
(Already thinking of an Alhaitham ver.)
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kaveh-a-day · 4 months ago
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Day 195
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aeroplaneblues · 9 months ago
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Tropical Heat ☀️
The new natlan characters are growing on me, they do still look like pkm trainers for me which i dont hate but haha it doesnt feel too gshn. Apart from the obvious common concern, Im still looking forward to explore natlan, maybe only for the fact that a good chunk of it is inspired by america as a continent and the environments might be insp closer to home for me. We’ll see!
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mangywayway · 3 months ago
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Happy birthday to my biggest wife in Genshin <3
I didn't draw enough of them this year, so I thought the best gift was to let Childe smooch his husband as much as he wants (win/win for both of them ✨)
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fiber-optic-alligator · 11 months ago
Thinking about being in bed long after midnight with a giant looming right outside your window. They were just passing by and unfortunately for you, they noticed you watching them, and now you’re hiding beneath your covers, trembling, sweat heading your brow while you try to hold in your labored breaths while your heart roars in your ears and you feel so terrified you might pass out. The giant, however, isn’t as malicious as you might think. They wait outside your window, patiently trying to coax you out of hiding with just their voice, quietly whispering gentle pleas and reassurances that they don’t intend to harm you. You might have seen them when you shouldn’t have, but you aren’t going to die for it.
Eventually you do pass out and when you wake up the next day you find your window is still open but the giant is gone. There is no trace of which a massive being ever being there, and for a moment you think you might have conjured up the whole thing in a sleep-paralysis nightmare…until you see a paper atop your windowsill and in neat, fancy handwriting with a tone that somehow is soft and gentle, there’s a note: “You don’t have to be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I promise. Please, don’t be afraid. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
It turns out the giant might not be a permanent giant after all. They are someone in your community, and now they are fully aware that you know their secret.
Idk I’m up really late tn and just listening to the sounds that are happening outside and I’m just thinking about what if you accidentally caught a size shifter/giant walking through your neighborhood at night and they notice you watching them. Decided to make it fluff bc I’m in that mood.🤷‍♀️🫤
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chaewberry · 5 months ago
capitano's rotting corpse and gentle mannerisms have enticed me
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gatoluva · 8 months ago
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A Shrunken Traveler
G/T Scaramouche Fic - SFW
My apologies if this isn’t my best writing, I’m currently obsessing over him so… had to crank something out to cure myself. Please request for other characters if you wish to see content of them too.
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It was just a normal day for you really, you went about your usual adventuring- fighting off hilichurls, enemies, and such. You were off looking for some resources for a few friends of yours, but that came to a stop when you were interrupted by a fatui agent, this wasn’t unusual to happen- but there was something strange about the potion the bandits around him splashed at you. However, you quickly whipped up the battle, scoffing at the agent.
“I thought you’d know better by now…?” You said while you rolled your eyes at them. You grabbed your bag of the resources that you had collected, pocketing a few from the fallen agents and bandits around, and decided to head back to the place you were staying at in Sumeru. It was a nice evening, but on your way back you can’t help but feel drowsiness…? Assumingly, you think it’s because it’s late and you did a lot of fighting- that’s normal to drain you out, but that assumption is proven wrong as there is a tight pull at every single muscle in your body. Your joints felt like they were being caved in and put pressure on, it was nothing but pain for a minute or two until you passed out on the trail. Your bag of resources dropped beside you as you collapsed, and you dozed off.
You slept peacefully for a while, but something began to wake you up. A strange, loud thundering noise. Your eyes slowly opened, it felt like you were shaken every time that noise appeared, and you looked around. All you could see as you looked up was the sky, and the sky was clear- it wasn’t raining or thundering or anything. This confused you until the thundering noise got closer and shook you more roughly. You scrambled to sit up, but once you did your head ached and your eyes widened at how huge and far everything surrounding you looked. What the hell?
Suddenly, one big foot lands beside you, throwing sand toward what you realize is your small being, and you can’t help but feel anxiety in your gut, an irritating gnawing feeling of fear.
“Well, well, well, traveler. I think I’ve gained the right to refer to you as an unsightly insect now.”
A familiar voice boomed, the words they selected were familiar, and intimidating for you at this size. You decided to look up, slowly tilting your head back- but oh did it pain your neck to go that far, as you looked up you couldn’t make out a face, but you made out a familiar figure. You absolutely knew who loomed over you, but just in time to confirm your suspicions- he faced down, looking at you with a smug smirk.
“How rude of you to ignore me, traveler,” Scaramouche commented, tapping his foot once which shook you again. He scoffed a laugh, a bit embarrassed for you actually- how can you be so easily to shake with a singular foot tap?
“Don’t hurt me-“ you yelled up at him, if anyone would hurt you, you felt as if it would be likely to be him. Even if the wanderer was on a path to being a ‘new person’ you knew exactly the things he was capable of and how mischievous the man could be
The wanderer rolled his eyes, “You’re so uptight, you’re not worthy of being hurt- so don’t worry about it,” he said with that tone of irritation. His shadow grew bigger over you as he lowered himself, crouching on top of you. You got up to your feet, backing up some so you weren’t directly under the giant, being in that position had your anxiety levels rising ridiculously fast.
“Well, good…” you replied, looking away from the giant. Scaramouche sighed while scrutinizing you, “If I were you I’d be indefinitely embarrassed, you should just hide from the world at this size, this just spells danger…” he commented. You looked back up at him, rushing a hand to your neck to comfort the ache that started.
“I can’t just… hide away from the world…? I have to find my sibling,” you said- slightly annoyed he’d even suggest that. Scaramouche rolled his eyes and brought a finger down towards you, immediately you felt your heart race as his finger towered over you and came towards you, poking you. “And you think you can accomplish that at the size of an unworthy, disgusting, little pest?” The purple-haired man asked.
Every single word he spoke that ‘described you’ immediately grows the fear inside of you, out of all people to run into… you ran into Scaramouche, great. You hesitated your response, feeling kind of sad at that, how would you find your sibling at this size? You probably couldn’t take on an enemy anymore. “Well- I-“ you were interrupted, Scaramouche mocked you, “You- uh- you- uh- what- you-“ he laughed as he mocked your stuttering, poking you again and forcing you to fall and land on your rear. “Pathetic, you can’t do anything, traveler, what a shame you won’t be the hero everyone knows you as any longer.”
You landed on your rear, oh that stings to fall so quickly and roughly. The wanderer’s words have your waterline producing slight tears, everything before you becomes a blurry canvas almost as you almost begin to cry. The wanderer widened his eyes at your silence, oh Archons. “Hey- wait, don’t get all upset with me? I was just teasing you…” he tries and suddenly scoops you up in his hands. “Just because you’re tiny- I’m not gonna treat you any different, got that, spec?” He confirmed, raising an eyebrow at you and squinting his eyes.
You felt the roughness of his palm suddenly scoop you up, holding you close to his face- every word he spoke you felt his breath wash up against you. Of course, he wouldn’t be gentle despite your situation, typical for him. “Would you at least protect me…? I can’t protect myself anymore if I’m this size forever…” you requested, he immediately looked annoyed that you’d even request that.
It takes a beat for him to respond, looking away and furrowing his brows until he finally lands his gaze upon you again. “If you run off on me- that’s your fault- I’ll do what I can to protect you, I guess, but you better behave. I’m not here to babysit you, you’re expected to do most things on your own, I’ll only be here to protect you,” he warned.
It felt so pressuring that you had guidelines such as those to follow, but what could you expect from Scaramouche? You sighed and nodded, “Then I got it,” you finally replied to the question before that. Scaramouche nods, “As you should,” then looks over his person deciding where he shall store you. “I’ve got to actually do a few things, so you’ll have to be brought along unfortunately… you know, since I didn’t do something stupid and got myself shrunken?” He teased, then while looking down he spotted the bag of goodies. “I’ll be taking that, might need it,” Scara added and picked up the bag of resources. “As for you, I guess I can shove you in my pocket- no talking on the way there, I can’t stand your tiny voice,” he demands as he shoved you carelessly into his pocket.
And traveling with the giant wanderer you go…
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friendlyfoxpal · 1 month ago
It's my friend @pinksparkle224's birthday today! So i decided to make her a little something, featuring her sonas and characters. Smooches from Itto, all the works!
Hope you have lots of fun today Pink!
Audio Lizzo- Pink (from Barbie)
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original-person · 9 months ago
First post on here let's go!!
SFW the only warning I can think of is argument?
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I had a thought that made me want to try and write something with scaramouche
is probably gonna feel ooc? I don't think I know his character that well so most of this is based on what I deduced from YouTube videos and such.
BEWARE I HAVE NEVER WRITTEN ANYTHING OTHER THAT WHAT SCHOOL FORCED ME TO. ESPECIALLY SOMETHING WITH G/T IN IT. (I've used chat gpt to check gramatic mistakes so if anything blame the damn ai)
If you don't know what g/t is just search up giant/tiny
Note:I think this idea fits sagau soooo-
Angst and hurt/a little bit of comfort
Summary: you invite scara to your realm of solace (your room) to rest. Maybe you should have mentioned that you have another form besides your mortal looking one.
Scaramouche was sitting in his chair next to his desk, working on documents. His hand moved with the pen, the scribbling lightly echoing in the almost empty office. It would have been empty if not for you, looking out the window, staring at what used to be the sunset, now a starry sky.
You moved from the window towards the desk and behind the chair. You hugged Scara loosely around the neck and slowly rested your chin against his shoulder. He stopped his movements to not mess up the writing, put the pen down, and slightly turned his head to you.
"Is there any particular reason you're bothering me?" he asked, his tone irritated. Ignoring his tone, you knew he didn't mean it anyway, and you let out a tired sigh. "Didn't you do enough work already? You should rest." He scoffed, turning his attention back to the documents. "I don't require rest as humans do, and you know that. Besides, I'm not done yet."
Looking at the pile of papers, it seemed like it was going to take ages. "Well, I would have less if you knew how to do your own paperwork." Ah, you said that out loud. "But still, can't it wait? I want to be with you." Burying your head deeper into his shoulder and wrapping your arms tighter around him, Scara let out a sigh and put his hand on his forehead. "Great, Archon forbid you aren't with me for some time."
You stood up and sulked next to him. Scara furrowed his eyebrows and let out a big, annoyed sigh on purpose as he leaned back into his chair before getting up and stretching. Cracking his hand, he did feel sore, but he wouldn't tell you that. Jokes on him, you noticed anyway, and you lit up instantly with an idea popping up in your head.
The god glanced at their partner with a gentle, adoring smile. “Scara,” they said softly, reaching out their hand. “I’d like to show you something special.” Scara turned to them, crossing his arms. "What is it?" "That's a secret," you put your finger on his lips, "but it is going to help you rest."
Curiosity piqued, Scaramouche closed the distance between you, grasping your hand gently. "I somehow doubt that." You raised your other hand, and with a simple gesture, the air shimmered, and the room began to change. The familiar surroundings melted away, replaced by a realm—your realm. The realm unfolded like a dreamscape, an infinite expanse of tranquility that seemed to stretch on and on. Soft, ambient light bathed the surroundings in hues, creating an otherworldly pleasant glow.
Scaramouche almost forgot you were a god. Nowadays, it feels okay again, but it reminds him of when he first found out. Oh, how he felt betrayed. He felt worthless, only a mere plaything for you. But you assured him that you didn't see him that way. That you didn't come to Teyvat, to him, just to play god. No, you just wanted to experience it from their view.
“Welcome to the realm of solace,” you said, as he snapped back to reality from his thoughts, your voice resonating with warmth. The ground wasn't surprisingly smooth; rather, it felt like he was standing on a pile of pillows that seemed to shift subtly with each step. “This is a place where reality bends to offer peace and comfort. It’s where I retreat to find solace sometimes from the world.”
Scaramouche’s eyes widened in awe as he took in the sight. The atmosphere itself seemed to slowly wrap around him like a warm blanket. “Not like anything you’ve seen,” you continued with a hearty chuckle. “I also go here to sleep every night, so I guess that makes it my bedroom."
Scaramouche, still absorbing the strange beauty of the realm, nodded slowly. “It’s... incredible,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Guess I don't need to doubt you anymore.”
As you settled onto the bed? Ground? Its softness enveloped you, your presence reassuring. “I hope you find it as comforting as I do,” you said, scooting a little closer to him. Scaramouche took a deep breath and let his body relax, trusting in the promise of solace, staring at the seemingly endless, changing ceiling that looked really far away. The gentle hum of the realm lulled you slowly into a deep sleep. For Scaramouche, the comfort was otherworldly, a stark contrast to when he sometimes tried to rest before, as he was quite sensitive to any sounds. But as he began listening to your light breaths, he found himself falling more into a deeper sleep.
As the night wore on, you, feeling an unprecedented sense of comfort and trust with Scara next to you, unconsciously began changing to your godly form, as you always did when you slept here. The change was seamless and silent, but it had an immediate impact on the bed's dimensions. Scaramouche stirred half-asleep, his eyes fluttered open, pushing down on the ground to sit up. His eyes widened in confusion as he glanced around. The realm's soft glow seemed to dim slightly, reality seeping back in as he noticed the absence of your familiar form beside him. Was he really sleeping so deeply? How?  Looking to where you were supposed to be, what he saw made him spring up in caution. Your comforting presence beside him had been replaced with a colossal figure, one that he did not recognize. Panic surged through him, and he bolted upright, his instincts screaming at him to run.
"Who—where?" His voice was a frantic whisper, his body trembling as he quickly turned his head in every direction for you. You were here with him, right? Where are you? Where did you go? Those thoughts were repeating in his mind that he didn't notice the slight stir the figure made.
You were drowsy, but sensing discomfort from Scara, as this realm allowed you to, you tiredly opened your eyes and saw him turning around, looking everywhere, before he felt eyes on him and locked eyes with you.
Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Scaramouche couldn't see you anywhere, and to make this considerably worse, the giant figure woke up, looking straight at him, looking almost at his very being. He felt his blood freeze in his body; he didn't think that was possible. Not wasting another second, he turned and sprinted. Can he even outrun it? Where is he running? Where are you? His breath is labored; it's hard to run on this plushy surface, almost falling at every step.
Your senses were flooded with Scaramouche's fear, and you reached out instinctively. He shouldn't be scared. Your hand, as gentle as it was large, moved towards Scaramouche to soothe him, to bring him back closer to you. But to Scaramouche, it was overwhelming.
Scaramouche’s mind raced as he stumbled, desperately trying to escape from the towering figure that had replaced the comforting presence he once knew. His heart pounded, not just from fear, but from a deep-seated sense of helplessness that he had tried so hard to bury. He hated feeling like a mere doll, a puppet whose strings could be pulled with little regard for his autonomy. The sensation of being so utterly powerless, so at the mercy of someone else, triggered memories—memories that he wishes he could forget. Memories of his early days, when he was first created and learned of his true nature. Back then, every interaction had seemed to confirm his worst fears: that he was nothing more than a plaything for a god's amusement.
The plush surface beneath him, which had seemed so inviting before, now felt like a trap, each step a reminder of his vulnerability. As he tripped, he cursed under his breath, the bitterness of past betrayals mixing with his current dread. “No, no, not again...” he muttered, struggling to get back on his feet.
You, now fully awake and aware of the distress you had caused, stopped in your tracks. Your hand hovered as you weren't sure what to do now, though intended to comfort, the hand seemed to loom over him like an ominous shadow. “Please, don't run,” your voice echoed softly, trying to cut through his panic.
But for Scaramouche, the giant form was a stark and terrifying contrast to the familiar person he had come to trust. The overwhelming size of the hand, the massive gesture, only reinforced his feeling of being a puppet caught in a storm of uncontrollable forces. He had always loathed the feeling of helplessness, of being manipulated—that's why he became a Harbinger, after all—but this situation exacerbated those fears.
"Scaramouche," the figure called, their voice resonant and soothing, but it only heightened Scaramouche's panic. Scara's eyes widened in terror as the god’s enormous hand reached towards him. Instinctively, he struggled, wriggling against the closing fingers that covered him. The sensation was overwhelming; the figure’s hand, though surprisingly gentle, felt like an inescapable force.
Your head hurt. Your senses were overwhelmed with fear, the opposite of what Scara should have been feeling. "Scaramouche," your voice was firmer now, hoping to break through his panic.
“Let me go!” Scaramouche shouted, his voice strained as he tried to free himself. His breaths came in short, panicked gasps. His mind raced with so many thoughts, memories, and fears.
Knowing you should listen, to give him at least a little bit of sense of control, you brought your other hand to the one holding him and slowly opened it, fearing he might try and jump off. Scaramouche felt his stomach flip as he was turned around in the hand. As the hand opened, Scaramouche, now on his knees, looked up, feeling forced to. He once again locked eyes with you. His violet eyes, usually sharp and filled with defiance, were now wide and vulnerable. They blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of tears that threatened to spill. Each flutter of his eyelids was a silent struggle to hold onto reality and calm his racing thoughts. The blinking slowed, but his gaze remained intense, flickering with a mix of lingering fear and desperate hope.
You slowly lifted your hands, your eyes softening with guilt almost to the point of tears. "I'm so sorry, Scara." Recognition dawned in Scaramouche's eyes. He froze, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "You—what...?" Confusion consumed him.
The confusion quickly morphed into anger. Scaramouche’s eyes narrowed, and he clenched his trembling fists. "Let me down," he snapped, his voice rising. "Now."
You flinched at the sharpness of his tone, setting him down. He took a few cautious steps back, guilt weighing heavily on you. "I didn't mean to scare you," you said softly. "I thought it wouldn't matter—"
"Wouldn't matter?" Scaramouche cut you off. "How could something like this not matter?" His voice was sharp, cutting through the tranquility of the realm. "Did you think I wouldn't find out? That I wouldn't care? You... you lied to me!"
"I didn't lie," you said softly, trying to keep your voice steady despite the tears threatening to spill. "I just... I didn't know how to tell you."
"That's a lie by omission," he spat, his fists clenched at his sides.
"Scara, please," you reached out a hand, but he flinched away, anger flashing in his eyes.
"Don't touch me!" he snapped, taking another step back. "How can I trust you now? What else have you been hiding?"
The guilt weighed heavily on you, the pain of his mistrust cutting deeper than any blade. "I never meant to hurt you. I only want to protect you."
"Protect me? From what?" His voice was a mixture of anger and hurt, a rare vulnerability showing through his usual bravado. "I don't need to be protected!"
"I know you don't," you said softly, "I'm sorry. I should have told you." You took a deep breath to calm your growing headache and began focusing to slowly form back into your smaller self.
Scaramouche watched as you shifted back, the process like one big fluid motion. His anger was still simmering but mingling with hurt. "You should have," he said as you took slow steps towards him, giving him some space. His voice was quieter but no less intense.
"Let's go back, Scara," you said as you looked at the ground in shame. Scaramouche looked at you, his expression hard but conflicted. "Fine," he muttered, not meeting your eyes. "Take me back."
You nodded, lifting your hand as the realm dissolved and his office materialized around you, the air thick with tension in the small space. Scaramouche immediately walked over to his desk, his movements tense and agitated.
You stood by the door, watching him with a heavy heart. "I'm going to get some fresh air. I'm truly sorry for all of this." He didn’t respond immediately, his back turned to you as he gripped the edge of his desk, his knuckles white. After a moment, he spoke, his voice low and strained. "Just... leave me alone for now."
You nodded, though he couldn’t see it. "Alright..." With that, you turned and quietly left the room, closing the door softly behind you. Outside, you leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. The pain of his mistrust still weighed heavily on you, but you hoped that, given time, he might find it in his heart to forgive you. You pushed back against the wall as you paced back and forth, your mind equally chaotic. You couldn't help but replay the events over and over, wondering how you could have handled things differently. The weight of your guilt was overwhelming, but you were determined to make things right, no matter how long it took. You started walking towards the exit, ignoring everything around you as you walked.
Inside the office, as the minutes ticked by, the silence was deafening. Scaramouche's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He hated feeling this vulnerable, this betrayed.
Scaramouche sat down heavily in his chair, his mind racing. He was furious, hurt, and confused all at once. The revelation of your true form had shattered the trust he had painstakingly rebuilt with you. He didn't know how to feel, but he knew he needed time to process everything.
As you walked down the hall, your mind still reeling from the confrontation with Scaramouche, you barely noticed Tartaglia approaching from the opposite direction. Usually, you would exchange a few words, but today you couldn’t muster the energy.
He lifted an arm in greeting. "Hey, comrade, are you—" You didn’t even glance his way, storming past him without a word. Ajax furrowed his brows in concern. He stood there, watching your retreating figure. Something was definitely off. He had never seen you this upset before. You were one of the few who seemed cheerful every day.
Curiosity and concern gnawed at him, so he decided to head towards Scaramouche’s office. As he approached, he could hear the furious scratching of a pen on paper, punctuated by occasional grunts of frustration. Ajax frowned, pressing his ear to the door, trying to make out more.
Inside, Scaramouche’s anger was palpable. His pen moved with a fury that seemed to match the tempest in his mind. Ajax pieced together the situation, concluding that you and Scaramouche must have had a serious argument.
With a sigh, Ajax stepped back from the door. He knew better than to intrude on Scaramouche when he was in such a mood. As he walked away from the office, he instead decided to find you and see if there was anything he could do.
I  Honestly hope this is okay I've been writting since midnight to 5am
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coffeemeowk · 2 years ago
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ah yes
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gierosajie · 2 years ago
Venti, lightly tapping Dvalin because he ended up lying on his waist cape: Hey I'm a bit stuck, could you move over please?
Dvalin, waking up from his nap, eyes wide: you HIT Dvalin? you hit his body like the drum? oh! oh! jail for mother! jail for mother for One Thousand Years!!!!
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