#happy birthday zhongli <3< /div>
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mangywayway · 3 months ago
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Happy birthday to my biggest wife in Genshin <3
I didn't draw enough of them this year, so I thought the best gift was to let Childe smooch his husband as much as he wants (win/win for both of them ✨)
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miothle · 1 year ago
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here's to another year🍵🔶
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m1d-45 · 3 months ago
the pain of rapture
summary: there is no excuse for weakness in an archon. only explanations; no matter how impossible to find.
word count: ~3k
-> warnings: major spoilers for liyue archon quest . duh . unedited . also duh
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @sarienic || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr || @ryuryuryuyurboat || @undrxtxd || @rainswept || @wanderersqt || @rozz-eokkk
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there was no underestimating the time that zhongli had waited for this day. it was every archon’s desire to fulfill their duty, of course, but he couldn’t help but feel as if his wait was all the more painful than theirs.
every archon—no, every person had, at some point or another, strayed from their ideals. whether inconsequential white lies or betrayal of that which they loved, no soul was pure. nobody ended up exactly as they intended to be, in exactly the life they meant to live, with exactly the views they had longed for as a child. it was simply impossible; the world was too unpredictable, forcing one through trial after trial to pull gem from slag and discover what color crystal lay within one’s veins. despite these unremarkable paths, it was equally everyone’s nature to seek out a reason that they were unlike everyone else. billions of unique voices joined an endless choir of individuality, cutting into the same earth for a place within it, blind to their actions being pushed along by the mob around them.
and perhaps, due to his position as archon, he had thought himself better. perhaps he, like everyone else, had thought that he was nothing like anyone at all. while he could never return to who he was before the archon war, his memory was not as easily washed away as time, and he had had millennia to reflect.
was it his own mind that decided to rewrite his history? actions were undeniable, but nobody but him could attest to his motivations. was he judging himself through the wrong eyes, and in the process blinding himself to the truth? or had he willingly turned away from what he already knew? even from an outsider’s view, he was a stark contrast to the morax he was. should it not follow that he has also changed internally? that the rough, raw ore of his pain had softened and smoothed? ah, but to argue that would be to admit that he was once a jewel that hurt to hold. what gem did not want to be admired?
there was a lot that has changed in his life. it should not be so shameful to acknowledge that he, too, had changed. stones in rivers did no good to travelers when jagged and unsteady. he had learned. he was not so foolish as to think he was incapable of learning. there were many things he did not know then, and still things he did not know now. what did it matter that “humility” was missing from the first list and “pride” from the second? circumstances had changed, and he had changed with them. there was no shame in adaptation.
(if put back in the thick of war, would he become who he was then? would he revert back to the mindset of selfishness and wrath that had kept him alive? was that really what had enabled his survival at all, or was it just his claws?)
the moon was not the only witness to these debates, but it was the most frequent. during the day, he could busy himself with work and walks and idle discussions with whomever he pleased. it was only at night, when the port had settled but his mind had not, that he was without reason to avoid such musings. the air was warm and yet he kept his hands close around his teacup, feeling the corners settle into the indents of his knuckles like there was never a time he didn’t spend his evenings like this. there was nobody around to fool.
sleep never came easy to him, in any of his iterations. morax had too much to do, plans to pore over, reports in one hand and a sharpening stone in the other. rex lapis got the closest, spending time not tending to his people quietly meditating, listening to the prayers brought through the stone beneath his hands. even now, if he pressed his hand flat against the earth and searched, he could still find the last vestiges of these pleas. he never listened for long, though.
despite shedding as much of his skin as possible, sleep did not come easily for zhongli. he could lay and wait until his muscles itched for any sort of attention, but his mind never slipped away. if work was particularly stressful and he had neglected this routine the night prior, he could perhaps slip into a fitful doze, but it was always easily interrupted. birds on his windowsill did not make him reach for a blade as they once would have, but they did once again bring his mind back into consciousness, identifying its call and guessing the time as if his internal clock ever wavered. he had long since come to peace with this—it made sense his transition into humanity would not be seamless—but it had become more troublesome recently.
if anyone asked, not that they would, he would simply say that lantern rite was coming up soon. with vendors focused on the event, it would be harder to fetch the supplies necessary for the parlor, and as a consultant his job was to be able to provide options for his customers. if florists were out of silk flowers until next week, or there were no dried birch available, then it fell to him to inform the client. those in mourning were already unconsolable, and he saw no reason this excuse would not work. the handful of times he’d had to use it, when he was new to the parlor and they hadn’t gotten used to his personality yet, it had worked fine.
it was good that nobody knew who he truly was. he had long since grown used to the desperate cries of his people, and heard enough of their disputes and conversations to know which words helped and which did not. his excuse was just that; an excuse.
zhongli did not have a birthday. not just as a date of the start of this identity—though that itself had taken several years of pondering, each of which could have been equally considered a “day of birth” in that sense—but as an absolute date. aside from the fact that the modern calendar had simply not existed back then, there was no date in his memory that was truly his birthday. consciousness was a hazy thing, and he’d never had a need to decide which of the days of his blurry existence constituted a “birthday.” however, humans placed importance on them, and so he did as well. like everything else about his new persona, he had chosen it, placing it at the end of the calendar year for no particular reason other than it feeling right. no day stood out to him enough to be “his,” and all carried some level of importance. he had experienced thousands of each day, and it wouldn’t be right to decide which stack of events was more or less “meaningful,” so he didn’t. the last day of the year, perhaps somewhat symbolic of his retirement.
before that day, he hadn’t given much thought to the passing of time. he was aware of it, certainly, but it had never weighed on his mind as it did. dedicating himself to human ideals meant noticing and appreciating when the year ended and another began, looking out over the city from ground level.
it also meant that when he looked up, he recognized the stars held within the night’s tapestry.
lapis dei. the stone of god. it hadn’t appeared until several years into his place among liyue’s harbor, and only a few months before his planned failure during the right of decension. his vision was glass, and yet it weighed heavy as jade against his back that night, the name settling against his heart like a snake around a sun-warm stone.
it was not that night that he sought. as your traveller had roamed the world, it was to be expected that you may have your pick of companions, and it made sense than an archon (however retired) would be among them. no, the day that had just closed, that left him with now cold tea, was not something as simple as a rearrangement of false stars.
it was that a special set of six had flowed brighter. it was that, before he could blink, he had been pulled into the sky. his teapot was in front of him one moment, and the. it was gone the next, replaced by sprawling clouds and a voice he’d never heard. all the same, you were familiar, a memory he did not hold but could still feel the shape of.
he had waited for years to feel this light. to be held in a sea of stars and to be something of desire, something the one who had all wanted. it was, in his mind, a final act of defiance against celestia, and a firm bind of his loyalty despite the distance between him and you.
(he asked, at first, for a contract to prove it, but you had just laughed. it made sense. he still wondered if you were laughing at the impossibility of the idea of you being limited by mortal paper or laughing at him for suggesting it.)
those years, however, were spent doing just that: waiting. sure, he busied himself with the harbor and considered himself as doing a rather good job as blending in with the people around him, but he was not a fool. to be worth someone’s time was to have something to offer.
equally, he was not some unsteady, sobbing servant. he did not win his seat in celestia through pacifism. he did not sprout stone forests without power within his hands. he felt nothing but pride as a new polearm was placed into his hands, hefting its weight. the stars faded and he was left in unfamiliar territory, led to a group of enemies that snatched up their weapons the moment he got close.
for good reason, he’d thought, leaning into your touch as you guided his hands to pull a stele from the earth. pure geo wrapped around his shoulders—a skill he hadn’t needed to use for several decades now; he’d have to brush up once you were done with him. that was secondary, though, to the planet befall collecting over his shoulder. already, undead habits rose to the surface of his mind, preparing for the dust to settle and his spear to once again seek blood.
but his opponents were not left frail and weak by his show of skill. within seconds, they shed the stone he’d built around them, looking little more than annoyed.
his spear glanced off their armor without so much as a scratch, despite the force with which he swung it. you pulled him in and out of range of their swords, far too dodgy to be handling an archon.
why did it seem like he wasn’t doing a thing? why, when a crossbow bolt clipped his shoulder, did it feel like the shot had passed through his chest instead? you clicked your tongue like a parent who’s child had done something they weren’t supposed to and he was back in the skyless sea, watching distantly as unfamiliar vision wielders took his place with well-worn precision. he was barely bleeding, the shift of his coat over the scratch shouldn’t feel like he was dying, and his spear should not have been so blunt. he drew it again, testing the edge with a finger, and it caught the fibers of his gloves with ease. he could feel the steel itself hum under his touch, a fine, razor point despite the repeated reflections.
it was only then that zhongli had begun to worry.
he’d heard countless stories from both near and far about the feats of strength normal people could wield when under your blessing. why was he not affected by it? why did it feel instead like all of his strength had been sapped from him, leaving him unable to even nick a bandit’s skin? had he made a mistake somewhere?
what would you think? an archon made helpless. offering you his strength was one of the pitiful few ways left he could help within the bounds of his contract with celestia, and now it was gone.
or had you noticed how he had faltered? how he had slipped from being zhongli for a moment, and decided to punish him for it? would this state last beyond your influence? no, you weren’t so cruel as to leave him helpless for one mistake. and yet, his mind fell to late nights, wondering if his worries had crossed time and space to reach your ears.
it was a plain truth in zhongli’s mind that the only thing he had left to offer you was his strength. he had no stories you had not heard, no wisdom you did not already know, no information left for him to speak. was this a lesson of some sort? but why not tell him directly? your voice had cooed in his ear as a war plume was tucked into his lapel, talking about domains and rolls he didn’t understand, but could hear as clear as jade.
and yet. you led him on a few more walks through valleys and plains, the few interactions with enemies either sprinted away from or leaving him tucked on a shelf while your better equipped followers attended to the problem. when it was over, his house felt too oppressive, the pot barely moved off the stove before he pushed open the door and took to the earthen path.
it was the lantern rite, he lied, his vision heavy against his spine. it pressed against his lower back and swayed when he walked, like the guiding hand of one treading alongside him, except the streets were empty and he had little to blame but himself.
did you know it was his birthday? did you blame him for having one?
did you know that that single day with you had only pushed sleep further away from his grasp? did you know that he could not change the past, no matter how hard he tried? if he’d not signed that contract with celestia then he would not have been here to witness your golden messenger. was he not meant to?
why not tell him? or had you already? had he missed something, somehow? when? was it during the war, when his memories were still colored by his selfishness? what lesson was he supposed to learn from helplessness?
was this some indication that you preferred him as a human, without the earth-shaking power he had held with his gnosis? but why lower him to the strength of an insect? he didn’t know.
zhongli was not insecure. he was proud of his new life and had not been given any reason to doubt that self assurance. even now, he did not regret it, only… wondered. wondered, and thought, and pondered, and mused, and ruminated, and reviewed, and every other verb one could apply to the deep, unsettling feeling that he had made missed something somewhere, and the rapidly growing need to find it.
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eraiyang · 1 year ago
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
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❛     Birthday  plans?  I  have  no  existing  plans,  unless  you  have  any  spontaneous  ideas~     ❜
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angelfishe · 3 months ago
hiiiiii :3
I was wondering if you could do head canons or a one shot about the traveler and paimon visiting the fortress of meropide to wish wriothesley a happy birthday. They decide to quietly enter through the main door to his office to surprise him, but they see wriothesley and reader making out. you don't have to do it if you don't want too!
please and thank you
I hope this manages to please you and if I'm sorry it's kind out of context. Hope you enjoy it
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<< Genshin man x reader >>
Character : diluc, kaeya, alhaitham, ayato, zhongli, childe, neuvillete, wriostheley, dottore, pantalone, capitano
"Imagine getting in the middle of the act"
Warning may contain NSFW content
⚠️ Minors do not interact please ⚠️
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Diluc it's no secret to do staff of the dawn winery about you guys sex life, I mean everyday Adeline has to change the cum stained bed sheet to fresh ones for you guys to dirty it again, I mean you guys are so loud to the point it can be heard in the servants corners thats the reason why the staff have eye bags under their eyes they didn't get enough sleep due to the noise, at some point you guys broke the bed unable to survive diluc strength you guys have to buy a new one and when asks diluc is unable to forge the words to say. During angel share closing kaeya accidently left some important documents on the table and when he went inside he saw you and diluc is doing something busy and his present stop you guys he immediately grab the document leaving an angry diluc yelling at him to leave.
Kaeya the entire mondstat knows you've guys business, I mean when he's bored he asks for your presence under the excuse of an official knight business which everybody knows it's a code for "playtime" in the HQ, Unfortunately there's a new rookie working in the knights of favonius that no one warn them about the calvary captain break time is, and that unfortunately lead towards the rookie opening the door of the captains office and seeing his lover being hit on in the back by the captain, the rookie immediately slamming the door close with blush on their face, and the knights around HQ was like "first time ?"
Alhaitham even tho alhaitham put on a stern face, he's by far one of the most shameless Characters towards location it doesn't matter where it is in the forest, the library, in a tent in the middle of the desert, in a temple there's no limit to where you guys are gonna do it, poor kaveh having one of his projects staying up all night to work on it and hearing the bed creaking on the other room and yelled to keep it down from his room towards you guys. During alhaitham birth day cyno, tighnari and kaveh was planning on holding a surprise party on alhaitham, unfortunately when they burst in the room and they witness alhaitham getting his "birthday present" from you unfortunately you were unable to make eye contact with them for one week for alhaitham he act as if he did not just give them trauma, that's why knock first when entering his room
Ayato this man is SHAMELESS, even tho most of the citizens don't know what's going on in the kamisato estate, the servants fall into victims to his shenanigans. It's no secret ayato is into shibari as well in his and beloved bedroom above the bed there's a hook to you know. Thoma is by far has to deal with his antics having to wipe the stained of the wet soiled sheets or floor. Every time he asks to bring a snack it's always you to bring it because to be honest you are the snack not the tea and cake, and after finishing he would buy you boba for you and him to enjoy. Even if he gets caught out side of his circle he would bribe them or threaten to cut off the person's tounge and ruin their lives if they dare to release information about the yashiro commissioner private life with his beloved. But that was never the case because usually the spectator would be immediately dealt with by the shimatsuban or are too afraid and fled the nation. He needs to keep his reputation and image clean and if someone there is to shame you or his clan they would be dealt immediately.
Zhongli a gentleman on the street, monster on the sheets. Zhongli is a very popular consultant in ancient liyue history and during afternoons he would usually have a nice walk with you but it's not nice with you when you're limping because of how hard he went from last night. In ancient times to modern liyue it's very known for the nation to have earth quakes once a month it's not dangerous but it might scare some tourist visiting liyue but the citizens of the nation has gone to normalize this earthquake they believe it's rex lapis rearranging liyue or shedding. But in truth once a month zhongli would have rut and take you to his private domain to release his stress and that's the reason why the nation once a month have earthquakes.
Childe a manace amongst society or in teyvat when it comes to privacy, he doesn't care if someone walks in on you guys, he's too busy doing you to not to care if he give someone mental scars but he would always lock the doors when you guys are visiting his family he doesn't want to see his little siblings rearranging his lovers organs as well as sound proofing the entire by sound proofing by putting a pillow on your month for you to bite on to make sure not to release any sound. During one dinner meeting Teucer once had a bright idea of asking something towards you guys in front of the family "big brother why does (brother / sister ) ( your name ) calls you daddy" and the dinner table suddenly went quite and childe answer with "were just playing house Teucer" and Teucer innocently went back to his dinner not noticing the awkward atmosphere around the family.
Neuvillete pretty much a gentleman plus very new to these sorta things I would like to say is a switch, during the climax of the act he would cry during it not tears of sadness but tears of happiness when climaxing best feeling in the world for him, and during this time rain would fall on the city of Fontaine the people it's a normal accuracy. The melusine knows too well about you guys when you visit him the melusine prohibited anyone from entering the ludex office due to this important business meeting, he needs it he's very stressed due to paperwork. as well having a private underwater cave for you guys to do it unbontherd by the city or being too loud.
Wriostheley everybody knows not to bother the duke when he's sweetheart is visiting or else mess with your credit coupons being cut a large half or extra pipe duties for the guards. No one is brave enough or respects him to not mess with his sweetheart They call you the ( marquis / marquise ) of meriopede, holding a position lower than duke but still one of the prison administrator. Unfortunately during the day traveler and paimon decided to visit wriostheley during a busy day, the other workers of the prison were too busy dealing with duties to keep them occupied from interrupting him. And it was too late to warn them the next thing you hear both of their screams and them immediately leaving the office with their face fully red and covering their eyes. What they witnessed was the duke discussion of "business" with the ( marquis / marquise ).
Dottore this man doesn't like when people interrupt him and his lover private time, his clones are by far fine walking in as long as it's not the little one of him walking in so that's why they have to say their ID before going in. And when his clones walk in he would immediately release a pissed "hmmph" and continue on even after finishing you have his clones to satisfy even tho he said having intercourse with them is not necessary and it's your choice to have it or not, but sometimes after finishing or when he's busy to entertain you he would assigned the clones to keep you busy or satisfy you I mean they don't mind it they actually enjoy it. But when one of his lab rats or lower ranking was caught betraying the fatui and went to beg for their life and came rushing in and end up witnessing the doctor with his spouse, soon the lower ranking researcher was used as a test subject for his next experiment how unfortunate his fate was originally gonna be a quick towards the head now they have to suffer due to interrupting his time with his beloved.
Pantalone this man is stressed out due to the amounts of paper work and how much the fatui cost to operate, everyday Is a new bill about something. Dottore needing new funds, childe spending habits, materials, paychecks, taxes and other stuff and that's why he loves having you in his office and when he's overstressed and needs stress relief he would kindly ask to sit on his lap or to kneel down between his legs. He also favors toys and fancy lingerie but when there's a business meeting he tends to leave those things out in public. One time when one of his assistants went inside the office to grab a document he requested in his table is a vibrator and a lacy black underwear and some stained left on the floor the assistant quickly left the office with his paper not minding about what they just witnessed because it's a normal occurrence for them and his other assistant or people who work under him and for those people who accidentally walk in they would be paid a large sum of mora to keep their mouth shut or have their mouth shut by having their tounge cut out. He has a reputation to keep of course.
Capitano ah the captain, the leader of the military of Snezhnaya, number one fatui Harbingers out of eleven of them. Many people love the captain even amongst the fatui being praised for his self righteousness and capabilities. And some even praise his abilities as a lover. Imagine when he walks out of his tent and his entire squad claps and praises his skills in bed. "Man I wish my lover would make me scream the same way the captain would make his beloved scream" or " I'm pretty much sure the captain got a large rack under their" comments spread around the fatui I mean the rumors are true tho. But it's pretty much embarrassing for both of you. So that's why the captain started to tie you up, gagged you as well blindfolding you to make sure not a sound or creak of bed let's out to make sure no one listens to you sing. During his trip in natlan you and him were enjoying the hot spring and ended up getting too "steamy" and got caught by the villagers due to how loud it is.
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prttykittes · 1 year ago
staying anon for this bec i feel disgusting indulging in this.
i’m big on dark/dddne stuff and yet I feel terrible reading it so i’m kinda glad i found somewhere i can kindof have a place to express more extreme stuff.
anyways big sis beidou wants to be your first so right when you turn 18 she takes your virginity :3
or dad zhongli sees that your bf is not what he thinks a BF should be like to he takes him out and makes you his. i mean this is more of a possessiveness than actual NSFW. i dont know😭
Stoner kazuha roofies you (with prior consent tho w this one)
Diluc gives you too much to drink so he fucks you instead.
i have so much more.. and if i ever do come back i’ll be “:3 anon”
do what you want w any of these 💕
Woahh:0, there's alot so I tried my best to do everything blog, I won't shame anyone for liking these things kind of stuff!!<3
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ෆ Big!sis Beidou, Stoner!Kazuha, dad!zhongli, diluc X Afab!Reader [you/your]
— Synopsis:: multiple characters x reader, yeah
CW. Incest(father/child, Sister/slibing), smokes, weed, roofies, consent(Kazuha), dubcon(for everyone else), possessive sex(zhongli), drunk sex(Diluc), age gaps, fingering, Dom!characters x Sub!reader, reader wears pants in kazuha's part
A/N :: Multiple sexy characters :4— written by a minor
[MASTERLIST] — ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯ works in link!
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BIG SIS! Beidou ! — She was so happy for you! It was your birthday! She got off her boat and went to your parents house! She saw you, you were still gorgeous as ever! She tears up, she was with for 18 years, her lovely slibing.... Oh how she dreamed about this day, she wants to be your first. So she's going to take you to her boat since you had always wanted to go on the water with her! She would spent time with you on there, just you and her. She celebrated your birthday, then she asked if you wanted to go on a ride. You said yes, now your both on her boat but instead of familial love it was filled with romantical love. She was half she was your first, she at first toying with your nipples. She went lower, she can hear you breathing heavily. Your eyes are hazy, your mind cloudy. Her hand was your sex, she rubbed it. She sees your lovely juices on her fingers, she can't wait to claim you as hers. Her sweet, lovely slibing all hers!
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STONER!Kazhu— The smell of weed brunt your nose, he was smiling at you. His hand on his chin, his eyes were slightly red. He had his eyes on you, you sat down next to him. "{Yourname}" he says, you tilt your head in confusion. He gets up, his legs slightly trembling, he wraps his arms around you. "Can I?" He said, you knew what he had wanted to do. You never went this far in your friendship with him! You did have dreams and did wish for him to like you, you also had sexual dreams about him. You can't believe what your going to do with him, he smiles. He grabs some pills, he was going to roofie you but instead of doing it without consent. He has your consent, you close your eyes and take it. You gulp and your head feels weird, your eyes become hazy. He smiles and gently lies you on the bed. He is on-top of you, he lays soft and gentle bites on your neck. He continues to do while his kisses gets lower, you close your eyes and let yourself into the pleasure. He toys with your chest, rolling your nipples between his fingers. He pulls down your pants and touches your sex through your underwear. His finger going up and down, pressing on it. "Your so cute..." He mutters, he take soff your underwear and Lena's down and licks at your sex. He smiles when your sex twitches. He coats his fingers in your pre-cum, then he prods his finger at your hole. His fingers scissor your virgin hole, making you more open for dick. You can feel his clothed dick against your leg while he continues to finger you, after some minutes. He stops and and pulls down his pants so his underwear shows and he slides his underwear down and his dick jumps up. He aims his cock at your hole, your hole clenches around nothing as you anxiously wait for it. He grabs a condom and enters you, his hard dick inside of you. He moves once you get used of his size. The motion is lazy and tried but it still feels good. Your virgin hole is not a Virgin anymore!!!
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DAD!ZHONGLI !— He doesn't deserve his sweet baby! He stares at you and your boyfriend, he isn't a boyfriend. His boyfriend ideals for you are something like him!! He angrily glares and judges your boyfriend from afar. He can't believe that you chose someone that is trash, he gets so mad that he gets rid of your boyfriend... Oh I wonder how he got so bloody and why he is covered in blood.. don't worry it's not his!!don't worry baby, no need to worry about anything~ he comforts you after you find out your boyfriend is dead, shhh.... You still have him, your daddy is always here for you!! He won't leave you, he is going to make you his, not like you weren't his from the start! His kisses start form your temple to near your lips, his hands on your thigh to inner thighs. You sniff as you lean into his touch, just enjoy his touches. he slips his hand into your pajamas pants, touching your underwear. He continues to kiss your neck, wanting to mark you with his kisses and his touches. His fingers touch your sex and he slips his hand into your underwear, he smiles as he can feel your sex being wet. He pleasures you with his touches, he can't wait to claim you for his own. Emptying his seed inside of you!
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DILUC !— He watches you, you weren't this drink from the start but you know... Things change, he continues to give you more. You were worried about the drinks because you wouldn't have enough to pay but you don't care anymore. Your drunken state, it exitces him but it's only with you. He gives you two more drinks and you drink it up fast like you want to please him... Your flustered face makes him want to kiss you and fuck your face but he can't bring himself to do so~ you let out hiccups and you lay your head on the table. He cleans the empty cups and gives you one more, you grab it weakly as you managed to drink it. You rant to him about annoying people and troubles in your life, he smiles as he listens to you. Your face still on the table, your hands are in a fist but then it goes limp. He hears soft snores from you, he walks around and rubs your hips. He blows in your ear, you still don't wake up. Your body is asleep and he could take advantage of it. He groans while he moves you over to more of a comfortable spot. He takes off your lower clothing and slides down your underwear. He sticks his finger in a cup as it is soaked with the alcohol, he pushes inside of you. Your loose and not tight, your whole body being loose. He kisses your forehead and continues to finger your hole, he lets out a grunt. His dick is really hard, he pulls out his cock and aims it at your hole. He can't wait anymore, he spits on his palm and rubs it on his dick. It's unsanitary but whatever because he is going to be inside of you!! His dick enters you, he lets out a groan, he moves his hips. It feels so good, he should do this more often to you until he gains courage to ask you out!!
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goldfish-afterhours · 1 year ago
Genshin Characters as Fairy Tales
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli, Xiao x Gn!Reader
Type/Genre: Bulleted headcanons, angst/fluff
Warnings: Not all fairy tales have happy endings—major character death
Notes: Man why are fairy tales so sad
On the night of your 18th birthday, your father holds a grand masquerade ball, inviting everyone in the kingdom
You, however, had little to no interest in such things. While the party was happening inside, you decided to take a stroll in the gardens
Who knew there would be monsters lurking in the dark that got past the guards?
Before it could devour you, someone sliced its head off with one fell swoop
Standing in front of you was a man with red hair, a black masquerade mask obscuring his eyes
You thanked him and offered him a reward, but he declined. Upon seeing your disappointed expression, he suggested just spending the night talking with him, since he didn’t know anyone at the ball
The two of you sit outside, talking about anything and everything as the night grows later and later
Just as the clock struck twelve, the masked man jumps to his feet, muttering something about how he has to get home
You try to persuade him to stay, or at least tell you his name, but he dashes off so fast you can’t catch up to him
All he left behind was your memory of his soft smile…and a black mask, dropped in the grass
You scour the entire kingdom for him, holding up the mask to every person you meet in hopes you find him, but to no avail
But a crazy idea pops in your head
Deep into the night, you stroll down the main street, unarmed. Just as you expected, a group of hoodlums threaten you, demanding money in exchange for your life
And just as you expected, the man with red hair returns to save you again
For saving your life twice, you insist on giving him a grand reward
You bring him, the son of a deceased and disgraced ex-government official, to the castle, and the two of you live happily ever after <3
“I was afraid you didn’t want to see me again. But putting yourself in danger was much too reckless.”
“That’s how much I wanted to see you again~”
The Little Mermaid
Kaeya, a merman, falls in love with you, a pirate
He’s always swimming beside your ship, listening to you sing with your shipmates of treasure, of good alcohol, of friendship, of love
Gives away his voice to have legs and be with you. He doesn’t want to just listen to your songs—he wants to be the one you sing them to
Cruelly, you fall in love with someone else
His brother, in an attempt to save Kaeya, presents him with a dagger, saying if he is able to kill you then he’ll be able to return to the sea as a merman
But how can Kaeya kill the one he gave up everything for?
How can he even dare imagine hurting the one he loved with his entire being, that he would be willing to walk on glass everyday for?
Throws the dagger into the water. As the sun rises, he watches you, laughing together with your lover, as he melts into seafoam
And as much as it pains him, at least he can see you happy one last time
You don’t see him as he is carried away by the wind
“No matter what…I hope you live happily.”
Little Red Riding Hood
He’s the Big Bad Wolf, and you’re an herbalist making your deliveries of medicine to your patient in the forest
At first, he’s too nervous to approach you, afraid he would scare you away
But one day, when he sees you shivering from the frosted air, he steels himself enough to offer you his red scarf
The smile you gave him as you wrapped the scarf around yourself was almost enough to heal the years of loneliness from his isolation in the woods
The two of you become friends: Childe shows you all the best spots to pick herbs, and you tell him stories of the outside world
The villagers fear him, a man-eating beast, so he never ventures out of the forest
Childe loves the sound of your voice, and he loved listening to your stories, especially this one story about how the Sun and Moon were lovers in a tragedy, separated in the sky
Protects you from the hostile wild animals in the forest
When the two of you realize you were in love with each other, you made no haste in moving into his cozy cottage
But when the villagers realized their beloved herbalist was in the clutches of the detested wolf, they all swore you had been tricked
They stormed the forest, armed
You come back to your cottage from picking herbs, just in time to see the villagers point a rifle at him
Even with your skills, there is nothing you can do but cradle him in your arms as his blood stains the grass red
“C-Can you finish the rest of the story? I want to know…if the Sun and the Moon ever meet again.”
Sleeping Beauty
In the wild overgrowth once known as the country Liyue, there exists a legend of an almighty god who had fallen into a deep slumber
To save your country, you set out to search for this missing god
The terrain is harsh, overrun with trees and thistles and bushes blocking your every way
But occasionally, you will stumble upon a statue, vines and moss adorning the structure, helping you to believe that perhaps there really was a civilization who lived here in the past
The wild guides you up the cliffs, into a cave where you find a dragon sleeping, his breath slow and shallow
There was something so lonely, so sad about this sleeping dragon, trapped deep in the country of a long-gone civilization, only able to wait for someone to come
You put your hands on the sides of his face, and, as if to reward him for all his years of waiting and to tell him he is no longer alone, you kiss his forehead
The moment you do, his scales scatter away like droplets in a summer rainstorm
You were no longer holding a dragon, but cupping the face of a man
His eyelids fluttered open, revealing amber eyes that glowed like the moon in the darkness of the cave, and you knew you had found your missing god
“Oh…you have found me. How long I’ve been waiting for you.”
Beauty and the Beast
With each passing day, Xiao can feel himself transforming more into a monster
The weight of his sins grew heavier and heavier, covering him with ashes and feathers
Soon, there were rumours of a half bird beast flying over the village at night, searching for its next meal
You, an orphan that had been treated as an outcast since birth, was chosen by the villagers to be the sacrifice to quell the beast’s anger and hunger
But after being brought to his decaying castle, Xiao makes it clear he has no interest in eating you
In fact, he gives you free reign in his home, allowing you to go wherever you pleased
At first, he tries to scare you, tries to get you to stay away from him
But when you see him feeding the chipmunks outside, and the songbirds feel safe enough around him to perch on his shoulders, you no longer feel afraid
The two of you slowly warm up to each other. Xiao’s favourite thing to do is listen to you read
When he can’t fall asleep at night from the pain, he asks you to read him stories so he can fall asleep to the sound of your soft voice
You come to realize he’s not a monster but a hurt, scared boy who only wants to wake up from this nightmare he’s been trapped in
The two of you enjoyed your peaceful life together, until one day a hero from your village stormed Xiao’s castle, determined to either save or take vengeance for you
Xiao, who flew over the village every night to make sure no danger came to the villagers, could not bring himself to defend himself from this naive boy
As you hold his still body, you kiss him goodbye
To both you and the hero’s shock, the feathers stabbed into Xiao’s body dispersed, swirling into the sky
The feathers kept flying away until the beast you were holding in your arms became human again
“You’ve awoken me from a terrifying dream. Thank you.”
please comment/reblog if you’ve enjoyed! <3
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electrosair · 1 year ago
Genshin men x a mature / put together woman whom takes care of many kids. ( I think it’s cute )
english isn’t my first language, sorry for mistakes
characters: every single genshin men i write for (again) i mean no one is forced to say anything buuuuuut, today is my birthday (22nd of november), so you can also have a little gift from my part <3
word count: 0.1k (haha sorry)
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When he found out you were babysitting, he didn't even think twice about showing up in front of you to help you with anything he could. Let's face it, he's more excited about babysitting than spending time with you, but that also makes him happy.
albedo, baizhu, childe, kaeya, kazuha, lyney, thoma
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As much as he likes to hang out with you and take advantage of even the smallest moment to talk or see you, he's going to disappear every time the subject comes up or you have to go take care of the kids.
alhaitham, cyno, heizou, scaramouche, venti, wriothesley, xiao
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It's not something he's really passionate about in this life, yet if he has to put up with several cries, prepare bottles or help you bathe a baby to be with you, he's going to do it. Maybe with the occasional complaint, but he'll be there.
ayato, diluc, gorou, itto, kaveh, neuvillette, tighnari, zhongli
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solarisfortuneia · 2 years ago
— 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
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✦ event: freedom is sweet.
✦ for: @zhongrin
✦ info / prompt: “sometimes (read: all the time) i want to just. hug their waist and pepper kisses ( + maybe even nibbles when i'm feeling chaotic >:) ) all over their back!! how do you think they would they react?” (zhongli: modern au. alhaitham: regular au.)
✦ warnings: none, i think. (i did proofread but i may have missed a mistake or two.)
✦ featuring: zhongli, alhaitham.
✦ notes: happy (belated) birthday rin!! my apologies for this being late, i wanted to make it perfect (it's not quite there, but i like it regardless and i hope you will too <3 mwah have a great day!!)
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warm rays of sunlight stream in through open windows that zhongli insists on keeping open in the mornings, lighting up the entire kitchen, bouncing off cream colored walls. the plants by the windowsill are certainly grateful for it, considering how they seem to be thriving. they look happier than they’ve ever been.
and in the middle of the cozy scene stands your husband, still in his nightclothes, watering can in hand, amber eyes focused solely on his task. 
the scent of both coffee and tea floats gently to your nose, and you look to the side to see your favorite cup already set atop a warmer. soft, slow music plays through his phone on the table, the notes in harmony with the metallic clinks of the windchime.  oh, you think, smiling to yourself as you lean on the doorframe, arms crossed. he’s finally figured out how to put that song he likes on repeat.
“look at you,” he murmurs to his— well, technically, they’re yours, but at this point he’s practically claimed them as his own with how much attention he lavishes upon them on the daily— plants, affectionately running a finger along a vibrant green leaf. “you’re looking well this morning, aren’t you, little one?” 
an idea sparks to life in your head.
he turns to the right, moving to lightly water another plant, one with pale white flowers blooming happily. “good morning to you, dear,” he coos, gently turning it. “and to you too, madam.” he says to the one with vibrant red blooms. 
opportunity presents itself to you at precisely that very moment, where his back faces towards you and there is no possible chance for him to spot you in his peripherals. your feet, clad in socks, barely make a sound as you inch ever-so-carefully towards him. a brief pause, then a quiet inhale, and you pounce, arms locking around his waist as you pepper kisses all over his backside, quick and mischievous. 
a surprised ‘oof’ leaves his mouth, and he laughs when he realizes it’s you, setting aside the watering can. you lean up, nibbling at the nape of his neck, giggling alongside him. “good morning, my dearest.” he glances at you from over his shoulder, amusement in his expression. “how long have you been up?”
“long enough to see you talking to the flowers,” you tease playfully. “i know you’re an old, old man, but you’re not that old yet, are you?”
he clears his throat, revolving to meet your gaze. he grasps your face in his warm, calloused hands, before speaking. “studies show that talking to your plants and speaking positively to them can augment their growth by a considerable amount, dearest.” his lips quirk into a tiny, serene smile. “besides, i do quite enjoy doing it.”
you laugh, pressing more kisses to the tip of his nose and to his mouth in rapid succession. you feel his smile widen against your lips, which stays on his face long after you pull away.
“you certainly are affectionate today.” he chuckles. “well, then,” he looks to you for silent permission, ever the gentleman, hoisting you up into his arms when you consent, lips brushing over your eyelids, over your cheek and over your forehead.
“let me return the favor tenfold, my love.”
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your shoes clack satisfyingly against the polished floors of the house of daena as you walk down the hallway. you pause to wave hello to the man standing near the lift to the grand sage’s office, then walk inside. if your estimates were correct, then you should be just in time for alhaitham’s lunch break.  
you push open the door to his office, forgoing the need to knock. the room is neat, clean and organized; just how he prefers it. you see him standing in front of his bookshelf, eyes scanning up and down, very clearly looking for something, familiar silver hair a little tousled. you walk normally towards him, knowing his headphones muffle the sound of your footsteps, and wrap your arms around his waist.
“boo,” you whisper in his ear, lifting his earpieces a little. “i’m here! did you miss me?”
he sighs contentedly when he feels your touch, book still in one hand, but the other moves to remove his headphones, then grasps your hand firmly. “i did,” he admits, leaning so the back of his head rests against yours. “everything is certainly duller without you around.”
he sighs again, wearily this time, setting the book down to run his fingers over his eyes, massaging the bridge of his nose. “i’d much rather be at home with you than deal with paperwork. it seems as if people can't do anything themselves.”
“i know,” you whisper against the skin of his neck, smiling sympathetically. you hold him tighter, running your lips over his neck and his back, playfully nipping at his earlobe. your lips kiss every inch of him that you can reach, littering featherlight pecks all over.
he shakes his head at your antics, but the red that dusts his cheek (and the tips of his ears) and the barely contained grin on his face portray a different story. 
“why did you stop?” he asks when you pull away. his voice sounds disappointed, and you can’t help but laugh. how cute. “i never asked you to.” 
“i’m sorry,” you smooch his cheek in apology. your eyes fall to the clock on his desk. “ i'm glad i got to see you today, but i’ve got to go now.”
“where are you going off to?” he pulls you closer by your wrist when you start to move away, then intertwines his fingers with yours once again, brows knitting together. “stay. have lunch with me.”
“i only popped in to say hello,” you kiss the frown on his forehead. “i have to get back to work soon. my break ends much earlier than yours, remember?”
“i know, but you can still stay,” he glances at you. “i’ll send a letter to your boss after lunch. they won’t have a problem.”
“grand sage alhaitham!” you exclaim in mock-surprise, holding a hand to your mouth, eyes widening slightly. “are you really going to use your position to get me to have lunch with you? what would people at the akademiya think of this?” 
“acting grand sage,” he reminds you, leaning over to softly touch his lips to your forehead, used to your theatrics. “good thing i don’t care what they think. besides,” he adds, “i’m sure lesser lord kusanali wouldn’t mind, and is she not the boss of us all?”
you laugh. “i suppose that reasoning is sound.”
he extends his arm for you to hold. “then let's get going.”
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taglist: @kissedbysilk @ilyuu @xiaosonlybeloved @ineshapanda @soleillunne @supernova25 @vixianne @downwithlean
bold: unable to be tagged! please check your settings or let me know if you've changed urls <3
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himasgod · 3 months ago
Zhongli x Reader
Where you celebrate the New Year together
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Where you spend your first New Year's celebration together as a couple, and he will make sure it is a perfect memory with him that you will never forget.
(HI GUYS, there are only a few hours left, at least in my country, until the New Year! I'm quite excited and I wanted to write this especially for Zhongli because it's also his birthday. I'll also be posting some headcanons about the New Year later. Enjoy!)
The New Year celebration in Liyue was unlike any tradition Zhongli had ever experienced in his vast existence.
Though he knew every historical detail and ritual, this year felt different, more special, because he would be spending it with you.
He had invited you to his home, a modest but elegant residence on the upper part of Liyue Harbor, with a perfect view of the harbor lit by golden lanterns.
When you arrived, he was already waiting for you at the entrance, dressed in his usual elegance, though this time there was something more relaxed in his bearing.
“You’re just in time. I hope the walk here wasn’t too tiring,” he said with a slight smile as he helped you take off your coat.
Inside, the table was set with a carefully prepared dinner, each dish selected not only for its flavor, but also for the symbolism they carried for the New Year: prosperity, longevity, good fortune.
Zhongli, as always, started the evening with a brief explanation of the origins of each dish, his deep, melodic voice filling the space as you listened with a mix of fascination and tenderness.
But what excited you most weren’t the stories, but the small gestures: how he would fill your cup of tea without you having to ask, how his golden eyes seemed to search yours with an intensity that made your heart beat faster.
When dinner was over, Zhongli led you out onto the terrace. From there, the city shone like a sea of ​​golden lights. The air was cold, but he offered you his cloak to keep you warm, wrapping you in it with almost reverent care.
“It’s a time for reflection,” he said, looking out at the horizon. “The New Year symbolizes not only a new beginning, but also the opportunity to appreciate what we’ve built.”
“And you? What do you appreciate this year?” you asked with a smile, expecting some wise, general answer like he usually gave.
However, Zhongli surprised you. His eyes softened, and for a moment, he seemed to choose his words carefully.
“I cherish you,” he finally said, his voice barely a whisper, but laden with sincerity. “Your company has reminded me that even in a life as long as mine, there is always room for new joys, for a kind of connection that transcends time.”
The weight of his words took your breath away. You felt heat rise to your cheeks, but before you could respond, he took your hands in his.
“The New Year is not just a celebration,” he continued, leaning slightly toward you, “it is a promise. And tonight, I would like to promise you something.”
“What kind of promise?” you managed to ask, your voice trembling slightly.
“I promise that, as long as you allow it, I will stand by your side, not as an ancient Archon, but simply as a man who has found in you a reason to look to the future with hope.”
The bells at the harbor began to ring, marking midnight. Fireworks exploded in the sky, lighting up Zhongli’s face as he leaned closer. His lips brushed yours in a soft kiss, almost shy, but full of meaning.
When he pulled away, his golden eyes met yours, and in them you saw something you’d never seen before: a mix of vulnerability and love.
“Happy New Year,” he murmured, his voice warm against the chill of the night.
“Happy New Year, Zhongli,” you replied,
feeling like there was no better way to start the year than with him by your side.
Here is my masterlist, in case you are interested in any more of my work or want to send me a request, they're opened and would help me so much! <3
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dragon-ascent · 3 months ago
Another year draws to an end~ what a ride 2024 has been! Lots of stuff happened: I finished postgrad, started a job and I even got engaged just this last week to the sweetest man ever! In some attributes, he even reminds me of Zhongli a bit <3 oh, and he follows this blog and acknowledges Zhongzhong is THE husband ever so hiii V you know who you are bestie ;)
This time last year on my blog, I had about 800+ followers. Now, I have 3.1k and counting, which is just, aaaaaa! It makes me so happy to see that I can dump my brainrot about Zhongli all I want here and people are actually interested in listening ;u;
I'm definitely disappointed that the year of the dragon didn't exactly herald any Zhongli lore, but as Ei says, his story is far from finished. So I'm still excited to see what direction his tale will take! I personally am still huffing the sun god theory copium, but any Zhongli crumbs are a whole buffet to me.
You can expect to see lots and lots of Zhongli food from me in the coming year, so stick around for that! I know I have many inbox messages to get to as well so pls be patient :') oh! And dare I say I have a Zhongli longfic in the pipeline finally? Need to work out the kinks and things, but when I do roll it out I think I'll upload a chapter per week. So if you want a more immersive fic with a fleshed-out world, keep an eye out for it~!
I'm rambling like Zhongli here but lastly, thank you all SO MUCH for all your support!! You guys really DELIGHT me with every lovely message you send, and comments and reblogs too, and lord knows my heart flutters and I literally SOB (/pos) when you say you love the way I portray Zhongli!! (If you've been here long, you'll know I've written about Zhongli doing calligraphy a couple times. So this year's birthday art with it actually happening? I am on CLOUD NINE)
Here's to a beautiful 2025! Love you all soooo much mwah!
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seelestia · 2 years ago
SUMMARY. in which you decide to do their eye makeup for them and the many antics that come with it.
CHARACTERS. zhongli, alhaitham, xiao, wanderer, gorou, itto.
GENRE. fluff, slight crack, established relationship.
CW. close proximity, one use of pet name, zhongli sorta acts like a cat, alhaitham is a lil insufferable but you love him, wanderer is also an inch away from choking you (affectionately).
THOUGHTS. question: is their eye makeup waterproof or do they apply it every morning?? fascinating. p/s: happy birthday to @zhongrin! lots of love to one of the best people i've ever met on this site <3
✰ masterlist.
© written by @seelestia. do not copy, translate, repost to other sites nor claim as yours!
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❝Apologies, dear. Is this distance acceptable?❞
ZHONGLI smells of rich cologne and the vapor of tea brews wafting through the air when you step into a teahouse. You know this, of course, you've buried yourself in his embrace countless times before — but to have your face so close to his like this, you've never felt an urge to look away quite this strong before.
You stay composed, however, Zhongli can't always be the only one with the cool composure in this household, after all. "Mhm, perfect," you nod with a quiet hum as he closes his eyes, settling his chin in your palm so snugly that you laugh.
"You're like a cat," you remark, trying to suppress the littlest impulse to bump your forehead onto his in an affectionate way. "Is that so?" Gentle eyes that resemble amber gemstones flutter open to meet yours.
(Almost, were you accidentally about to poke his eye out of sheer panic from his beauty. Almost.)
"I'm glad to know that comparing me to felines seems to bring you amusement," Zhongli brushes his hand against your hair, "But let us focus on the task at hand, my love."
"Lest we miss our reservation at Liuli Pavilion. It is most polite to be punctual," he reminds you. How mean of him; to say such things and expect you to fully register it when he is softly rubbing your cheek like this as if lulling you to sleep.
Seriously, the amount of self-control you have to muster spontaneously in order to fight off the need to lean further into his hand is indescribable. Who's supposed to be the feline again? Anyway. "Okay, okay, I won't dawdle anymore," you adjust his chin in your hold as your other works to bring up the eyeliner to his eye.
"My husband has to look his best, after all," you slip in a little joke."Of course, darling," but Zhongli's answer doesn't sound like he's kidding at all.
(How can he say that with such a straight face? This man, seriously.)
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❝You're actually concentrating, I'm impressed.❞
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" you scrunch your face, frowning at how his words are jabbing at your pride. Has he not realized the power you have in your hands right now? You could actually poke his eyes with the eyeliner you're holding if you want to — not like you would, but Alhaitham is making it a smidgen harder to resist.
"I can focus, alright?" Huffing, you put aside your trivial grudges to grab his chin softly with your other hand. Alhaitham relents with an entertained smile, "All those times you fall asleep every time I read to you says otherwise."
"Well, that's— that's different," you stammer. In your defense, most of the books he chose to read to you are either theoretical physics or philosophies; it's a wonder how you're lulled to sleep even though it isn't a storybook. Of course, Alhaitham's library is a range of wide genres but you're starting to think he picks those books solely for you.
You're pulled out of your train of thoughts when you put in some distance to view your finished artwork. With Alhaitham's face as the canvas, somewhat comically.
(Well, aren't his eyes pretty? They look even sharper when accented with the eyeliner... whether that be for better or for worse. You shake your head internally at any poor person who happens to test his patience later today.)
"Wow," you mumble dazedly, "Red eyeliner really suits you." He raises an eyebrow at the genuineness in your quiet voice but only lifts his face away from your hand in response. Alhaitham regards your efforts in the mirror beside the two of you with a hum, "Maybe we should make this a routine, then."
There is a little something oddly hidden behind his sentence. Accusingly, you voice your suspicion by squinting your eyes at the Scribe, "...You just don't wanna do it yourself, do you?" And he enables it without a doubt, "Feel free to speculate."
(Ugh, this man.)
"But regardless..." he crosses his arms against his chest with a nod, "It doesn't look so bad."
(Would it have killed him from the inside out to say a compliment with a positive connotation? Okay, whatever, you love him.)
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Silent, quiet, and frozen in place like a statue.
The mere presence of those traits are more than enough reasons to have you worrying whether or not XIAO is still breathing. He is, thankfully, you can confirm that from the close proximity between the two of you and you mentally let out a sigh of relief.
(Thank the Archons you didn't lean in any further lest you would've heard how terribly his poor heart is faring and he doesn't want that.)
There is one more problem, however.
"You don't have to close your eyes that hard, you know..." you try to start, but Xiao still doesn't falter one bit; "It is of utmost necessity," he insists for the nth time since you've lost count.
"Are you sure?"
(Talk about stubborn.)
Your question is coming from a place of genuine concern because the frown on his forehead looks like it's going to engrave itself there forever from how intensely he is closing his eyes... Doesn't that hurt? You resist the urge to soothe away that frown with your thumb.
It's a good thing that it's only the two of you here right now, though. A stranger would be scared to death if they were to be gazed at with such an intense look and from the Conqueror of Demons at that. Oh, whatever will happen to your efforts of trying to prove to the children at Liyue Harbor that Xiao is actually a softie? Gee.
(But still, you can't help but smile.)
"Utmost necessity, huh?" you echo back his words with a hum. Your intentions bear no mockery but it seems the adeptus still manages to find some sort of dissatisfaction in your reaction. "Do not smile at me like that," Xiao mutters within a choked exhale that only serves to make him come off less stern than he would've liked.
His eyes are still, very much, closed as far as you can see.
The irony of it all tickles a chuckle out of you, mirth glazed over your eyes. "Is this an Adepti art I'm not aware of or are you secretly looking at me even with your eyes closed?" you ask cheekily. Xiao's cheeks are but a mere inch away from bursting into flames and he can only use words as his defense.
"...There is no need for you to know," he huffs.
Well, he isn't denying it, that's for sure.
(The answer is intuition.)
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❝...Are you done yet? Any more second of this torture and I might just perish from boredom.❞
You're doing his makeup for him and this is the kind of treatment you get? You would've faked a gasp if you weren't so busy holding in a laugh over how his body is betraying his speech. That flustered look on WANDERER's face isn't helping his case at all.
"Uh-huh," your drawled out reply is enough of an indication to show that you're not really taking his words (threats?) seriously. Wanderer's bark can be as harsh as his bite, but you've never minded all the barks he sends your way — so much so that you barely even spare him any eye contact in favor of perfecting the red shade you're trying to blend around his eyelids.
(Perfection requires concentration, they say.)
But that doesn't mean you can't see anything else, though. You're uncertain if the Wanderer realizes this or somehow forgets because you can, in fact, see from your peripheral vision — and from said peripheral angle, he seems to be looking at something of yours rather intensely.
"You're staring at my lips," you point out.
"Shut it," he grumbles out his defense as fast as lightning.
(Caught him red-handed.)
"Sorry," you chuckle teasingly, "If you want a kiss, you're gonna have to wait for a bit." The way he looks so undeniably irritated by your statement makes you have no other option but to burst into a mini chuckling fit.
"Ugh, it's not like you can't lean in closer to—" His mouth snaps to a stop once it dawns on him; that your words are an attempt at reading his mind and he is technically confirming it to your face.
"Actually, nevermind, whatever. Just get this over and done with," he averts his eyes quickly with a scowl that feels as harmless as a naby deer (to you, anyway). "Giving up already?" you raise an eyebrow jokingly. With how Wanderer closes his eyes with a sigh, you assume he is only mere seconds away from giving your forehead a good flick.
"Don't think you're completely off the hook," he sternly interjects with a huff, "You still owe me some kind of compensation for taking your sweet time with this."
"And will that compensation be in the form of a kiss, per chance?" you hum amusedly.
"...It better be," he closes his eyes as if to signify the end of his willingness to comment any further.
Wanderer has never been one to shy away from the truth, but that is only because its taste always turns out bitter. Yet, in this case, when the truth entails something as embarrassingly sweet as desiring a kiss from you, then it becomes a conundrum for him.
After all, he is not fond of sweet things but he is fond of you. Maybe, this close proximity is getting to his head a little too much for his liking — darn it, he knew this was a bad idea the moment you showed him those puppy eyes.
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❝This is... embarrassing...❞
GOROU looks like he is merely a hair's breadth away from digging a hole into the ground and burrowing in it forever. But thankfully, the only thing keeping him on the surface happens to be you, the person holding him still by the cheek.
"There is nothing to be embarrassed about," you squish his cheek gently and Gorou lets out a noise akin to a little whine. "What if one of the soldiers sees us?" he protests, yet makes no actual initiative to remove himself from your grasp.
"Let them," you tap the eyeliner pen against his forehead two times and he winces dramatically as if you just struck him over the head. "Ouch!" Gorou rubs the sore spot instinctively and you can feel a faint trickle of guilt (even though you only hit him with the amount of strength someone would need to blow a dandelion), yet that is still not enough to the little lecture you're about to give him.
"Being the General of the Resistance doesn't mean you have to do everything yourself. It's okay to rely on someone to do something for you once in a while, you know."
"Even something as small as letting them do your eye makeup for you," you huff with a proud smile as an emphasis, carefully tracing a line on the outer part above his eyes.
"...Mmpf," the muffled noise that comes out of his mouth has you raising an eyebrow. Although unsure if it's because of that pout on his lips or his puffed cheeks, you still let out a little laugh at the thought of said possibilities anyway.
"Pfft, what's that sound?" you tease, "Does that mean you agree with me or not?"
"[Y/N]," Gorou calls your name in a stern tone or at least, tries to.
(He has never been good at scolding people but he swears if you keep on teasing him, he'll actually explode. ...And by that, he means melting into a puddle of jelly on the ground.)
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❝You gotta make em' look super dope, alright? Make sure you put more highlights on this one! And oh, this one right here too!❞
No one really knows whether the tattoos on ITTO's skin are actually real or not. Knowing he is someone of Oni blood doesn't narrow down the answer any further but if you were to ask him about them yourself, Itto prefers to call them "100% natural, baby!".
Not to mention, he is always looking for ways to make them stand out or look cooler — which led to this grand idea of asking you to do his makeup for him because apparently, your touch is magical since you're his favorite person on this emtire planet (his words, not yours).
...He can come up with the most random things to say sometimes. But hey, seeing a grown Oni beg on his knees sure was something and you didn't have the heart to say no to him.
"Sooooo," Itto starts with an attempt to clear his throat professionally, "How does it feel like having the honor to prepare me for my next battle?" he accentuates his sentence with a series of haughty laughter that cause his shoulders to shake vigorously.
"Don't move," you scrunch your face with a frown, pinching him indignantly for nearly breaking your focus. "Yikes! Sorry, sorry, I'll stay still!" the Oni yelps, a noise so embarrassing he almost cups his mouth like second nature.
But he doesn't do that, in fear of being pinched by your lovely fingers and proceeds to look at you with eyes befitting that of a kicked puppy's. "...You'll come and cheer for me, right?" Itto asks pleadingly and you smile.
"Of course," you say and he has to resist the urge to do a full-on fist bump into the air. But you still have some more left to say as you continue, "Just don't cry if you lose, alright? You'll ruin the makeup and besides...." There is a devious grin resting on your face now, "You don't want the kids to think your face makeup look like tear marks, don't you?"
Yup, there comes that offended gasp you've been waiting for.
"What— heck no!" Itto places a hand on his chest dramatically, "Tear marks?! Preposterous! The Arataki Itto doesn't shed tears! Of course not!" You can only hide your giggles behind your palm while Itto struggles to defend his wounded pride.
"...Forrealthough, doesitactuallylookliketearmarks—"
Now, you've got him second-guessing himself (but at least, he's cute?).
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
© SEELESTIA, may 2023. do not repost, plagiarize, translate nor claim as your own.
✰ TAGLIST: @meimeimeirin @hcikazu @tsuk4sa-yug1 @catcze @semi-orangeapple @yuuki4646 @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @daisydkj @omgscaramouche @coquettemaiden @lemontum @herdrops @lleoll @xiaosonlybeloved @chiisananingen @irethepotato @ainescribe @blooodyvampy @starlightaura @jihyuniepark @duhsies @maybemiko @lordbugs @sakkakuu-squared — [ bolded names are unable to be tagged + register here to be a part of my taglist! ]
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xkiralix · 16 days ago
The Divine Creator
Part 1 part 2 part 3
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(Name) had never anticipated this would be the outcome of his choice for rebirth instead of resurrection, it worked but in exchange of a lot of trauma that a being like him shouldn’t even have been able to feel. Being born in a lower middle class household with a single mother for half of his life before his father got tired of other cunts and went to play house with his mother. (Name) wouldn’t lie and say he had been happy about it, in his eyes he had no father.
He didn’t know what a father’s love was if it meant his father was only there to receive his A+ calcifications and then vanish.
Then he came across a certain game. His 12 year old self was eager to play the game that had fascinating art and allowed him to forget about his life. Here’s the thing… he was more often than not sulky. Perhaps it was because he had been bullied for smiling at “stupid manwhas”, perhaps because his father beat every smile out of him when his mother was away.
Playing Genshin kept him from jumping off a bridge, he knew it was stupid but he had genuinely gotten attached to them. He told the characters encouraging words from time to time and got furious when violence or any type of harm came their way.
Obviously he freaked out when he started receiving body parts on his mail, more so when he witnessed Zhongli cut off a hand for him and calling him “your grace” while begging for forgiveness through the screen.
“Your grace, this lowly servant can’t bear serving you without admitting one’s crimes.” The brunette spoke, interrupting a scene from Fontaine’s mission. (Name) would’ve normally skipped but decided to keep listening, Zhongli appearing on Fontaine’s mission, why had no one made a fuss about this on Tik Tok? He however was taken by surprise when Zhongli pulled out a dagger.
“I need to be forgiven and the only way I can do so is by showing you just how sorrowful I truly am.” He said before raising his arm and cutting his hand off.
“What the fuck?!” (Name) yelled in a shock and disgust and stood up. His eyes widened when the characters that had previously been out of the screen suddenly appeared and tried to pull Zhongli away. (Name) couldn’t handle seeing anymore how blood dripped out of Zhongli’s arms while he begged for forgiveness, Wriothesley trying to pull him back along the lunch guy. All of it stopped when (Name) turned off the game.
He stopped playing after that. Then his 15th birthday came, that same day he woke up with a fever but was forced to still go to school. He passed out while crossing a road. And now he was here.
In Teyvat. With his memories.
He had spent the last 2 days on this temple, thinking of what he was supposed to do. He was far too weak to use his powers, his body needed to be “molded”, he should unify (Name)’s body to his own to at least have a decent shape, or he wouldn’t be able to use his powers. By now his acolytes must be running back and forth, going crazy over the where he is. He could barely shut up the voices of their prayers.
Sleeping became a challenge because of the whispers, and because he really wasn't tired anymore. Either way it sucked. (Name) took all his mental strength to bother rising from bed, he needed to eat. 2 days had passed since he last ate. (Name) stretched his limbs and yawned, he walked out of the temple that went back to being a mere rock as soon as he left.
Without any rush he started walking towards Mondstadt, he was definitely in the mood of exploring it this time. When he got to the city he took the time to recognize its beauty, the stone walls certainly looked quite intimidating, it made a good defense against enemies or natural disasters. 2 knights were at the door, (Name) acknowledged their watchful yet concealed eyes, it was clear they took their job seriously but made sure the people wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
When he walked in he was greeted by a stand of flowers, the vendor however was missing. To his left was a blacksmith diligently working and to his right there were other stands. The stone construction added a special touch to the town, it reminded (Name) of one of the earth countries, Germany. It seemed like a place where those romantic moments were bound to happen.
Moments that even his human reincarnation wasn't able to experience. How pitiful.
(Name) wandered through the cobblestone streets of Mondstadt, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of blooming flowers from the nearby stands. The city was alive with activity—children playing, merchants haggling, and adventurers preparing for their next journey. It was a stark contrast to the quiet, desolate temple he had just left.
The windmills turned lazily in the breeze, and the statue of Barbatos stood tall in the plaza, its serene expression almost mocking him. He wondered if Venti, the carefree bard who was secretly the Anemo Archon, was somewhere nearby, strumming his lyre and singing songs of freedom.
He headed closer to certain individuals who he had attracted his attention ever since his reincarnation saw them through that screen for the first time, he wondered how they’d treat a stranger to their lands who held no particular talent unlike the blond haired one.
He wondered off to them and pretends to bump into them. “Oh, my apologies. I did not notice you.” He said with a worried expression as he faked embarrassment.
Jean, the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, standing before him. Her blonde hair was tied back neatly, and her blue eyes held a warmth that contrasted with her authoritative demeanor. “It’s fine Mr,” She paused as she seemed to not know him and realization flashed her… another traveler?
“Welcome to Mondstadt, sir. Is this your first time here?” She was accompanied by Kaeya, the Cavalry Captain, who leaned casually against a nearby wall, his usual smirk playing on his lips.
“Ah, yes,” (Name) replied, offering a small smile. “I’ve heard much about this city. It’s even more beautiful in person.”
Jean nodded, her expression softening. “I’m glad to hear that. If you need any assistance or have questions, don’t hesitate to ask the Knights of Favonius. We’re here to help.”
Kaeya pushed off the wall and stepped forward, his eye glinting with curiosity. He took notice on the stranger’s unique and unknown attire… much like Aether’s. “You seem... different. Not your average traveler, are you?”
(Name) chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. “Just a wanderer passing through. Nothing special.”
Kaeya’s smirk widened, as if he didn’t quite believe him, but he didn’t press further. “Well, if you’re looking for a drink or some entertainment, the Angel’s Share is the place to be. Just don’t let Diluc catch you slacking off.”
Jean shot Kaeya a disapproving look before turning back to (Name). “Ignore him. If you need anything, feel free to visit the Knights’ headquarters. We’d be happy to assist you.”
(Name) thanked them and watched as they walked off. His friendly and nervous smile vanished. These were the characters that were willing to do such atrocities for his attention, and oh he knew that if. they knew who—or what—he truly was he’d be dragged somewhere “safe” by them as soon as they noticed his current form was quite useless in terms of fighting.
As he continued his exploration, (Name) found himself drawn to the sound of music. Following the melody, he arrived at the plaza, where a crowd had gathered around a bard with a lyre. It was Venti, his green hat tilted at a playful angle as he sang a lively tune. His voice was soothing, and for a moment, (Name) forgot about his troubles.
When the song ended, the crowd erupted into applause, and Venti took a dramatic bow. His eyes met (Name)’s, and for a brief moment, there was a flicker of recognition in his gaze. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by his usual carefree smile.
“Thank you, thank you!” Venti said, waving to the crowd. “Your support is always appreciated. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I believe I’ve earned myself a drink.”
The crowd dispersed, and Venti approached (Name), his lyre slung over his shoulder. “You’re new here, aren’t you? I haven’t seen you around before.” (Name) nodded. “Just arrived today. Your music is... captivating.”
Venti grinned. “Why, thank you! Music is the soul of Mondstadt, after all. Say, would you care to join me for a drink? My treat.” (Name) hesitated. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to engage in casual conversation with someone who could potentially recognize him easily. But the earnest look in Venti’s eyes made it hard to refuse. He was still but a weak man to his creations.
“Sure,” he said finally. “Lead the way.”
As they walked to the Angel’s Share, (Name) couldn’t shake the feeling that he was dooming himself more, the wind of Teyvat hadn’t betrayed his will yet. Yeah, that’s why Venti invited him, to see why Teyvat’s wind refused to spill the secrets of his past. With that he relaxed more, reassuring himself that the bard wouldn’t notice how different he was from the local human.
Mondstadt was just the first step. Liyue awaited.
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Took me long enough ik, I also got lazy at the end 🫠 hope you enjoyed it though
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suguru-getos · 1 year ago
— zhongli shenanigans on his birthday —
“RISE!” the pillar comes in with a shield on you and him as you two run across liyue for gathering the special ingredients for your calla lily soup, suddenly nearing monsters.
“why rise? that sounds so bad and so naughty.”
“i don’t understand how does that sound - oh!” zhongli interrupts, blushing a little. “well, i must say that i did not infer anything like that in my two thousand and—”
“maybe people didn’t notice or even if they did they were too scared to tell you — their god of geo.” you hum, grinning ear to ear. in your years together with him you’re one of the few lucky ones who know about his identity.
“you think they also think of me as…”
“happy birthday morax.” you chuckle, leaning in and kissing his cheek. now all his trail of thought is absolutely gone. <3
“it’s indeed a happy one, with you by my side, darling.”
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4dango-the2nd · 7 months ago
Hi Dango! I was wondering where I could find your ancient liyue fanarts? The other day I was looking through some old guizhong fandesigns and remembered how much I liked yours, though I wasn't able to find it on twt. Your art was really one of the first things that got me into guili and interest in lore in general. Regardless, if for whatever reason you choose to not share those anymore, I just want to say that I really adore your composition work for your comics and I look forward to your art!
Oh dear, I posted them on my old twitter account (it's been suspended due to misunderstanding but they refused to let me get it back), and I haven't posted them on twitter again because the official guizhong design is out so it felt kinda weird reposting them lol....
But I still have them on my IG! You just have to scroll... really far down..... HAHA
Morax Adopting Xiao (HC)
Morax, Guizhong, Barbatos [1][2][3]
Morax & Guizhong over the years
Guizhong & Childe [1][2]
Guizhong & Havria
Morax & Guizhong [1][2]
Farewell, God of Salt
Osial, Havria, Guizhong, Morax [1][2]
Osial [1][2]
Happy Birthday Zhongli, Farewell Guizhong
Thank you for appreciating my works!!!!
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