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rp blog for genshin impact zhongliwritten by xixu
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
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❛     New  beginnings  are  always  significant  and  both  a  joyous  and  reflective  time.  I  look  forward  to  the  new  introspection  of  the  year  and  the  subsequent  festivities.  Do  you  have  any  plans,  XIAO  HENG?     ❜
@rexcorlapis -- ;
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"Are you looking forward to the Lunar New Year in a few months, Lord Archon?"
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
"Happy Birthday Zhongli." The former king offers a small wooden box, with a palm-sized, jade statue of a dragon inside.
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❛      Oh  what  a  lovely  gift,  my  dear  friend.  Thank  you.  It  has  captured  my  likeness  very  closely.  Should  I  find  myself  needing  to  remind  myself  of  my  visage  and  lack  a  proper  reflective  surface,  I  will  gaze  at  this  statue  and  remember  myself.     ❜
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
This is not a day easily forgotten by many. Zhongli is a well known figure in Liyue, Tartaglia knows that much; unbound by ancient titles and expectations, illuminated and mighty. Beyond reach, perhaps.
Little can be parsed of what they've built between themselves. There's tension and there's the natural pull that keeps the Harbinger from walking away. Time and time again he comes back in search of something impossible to pinpoint, if not the company of the other.
      ❛ I heard it's your birthday. ❜ From where? It doesn't really matter, many are the excuses he can weave into the affirmation, yet none can explain why the date was deemed important enough to note and engage in.
It's a medium package, a box as black as the starless night with thin, even veins painted in shimmering gold. It hides an unused diary from view, its cover is hard and dark; the pages, of a light brown imitating old parchment. The space inside is shared with a crimson quill and a small pendant in the form of a golden dragon held by a chain meant to be used as a bookmark.
Tartaglia hands it out with a consideration he didn't anticipate. For a moment, the shortest of them, he cares whether it'll be well received, and then restores the usual demeanor. ❛ I hope it's been an enjoyable one and there are more to come. ❜
Where  did  Childe  hear  of  Zhongli's  birthday?  His  birthday--rather,  THE  LORD  ARCHON'S  birthday  was  not  a  day  that  he  typically  celebrates.  It  is  a  day  for  his  people  to  celebrate,  to  celebrate  his  wonderous  deeds,  his  miracles,  his  resilience  and  his  governance.  One  does  not  celebrate  a  god's  day  of  birth--for  gods  are  not  born,  and  in  his  case,  a  god  was  usurped.  He  was  not  born,  but   c  r  o  w  n  e  d. 
Nevertheless,  gifts  and  offerings  were  not  uncommon  to  Zhongli,  but  a  present  from  a  person  who  had  spat  his  distaste  for  Zhongli's  BETRAYAL  is  among  his  firsts.  There  is  little  to  be  said  between  them;  they  have  both  acknowledged  the  events  that  had  transpired,  and  Zhongli  does  not  wish  to  revisit  wounds  that  may  be  healing.  Instead,  he  takes  the  box  graciously,  his  fingers  gliding  over  every  detail  before  opening  the  gift  and  smiling  gently. 
His  love  for  poetry  and  art  were  among  the  topics  of  their  routine  sparring  discussions,  and  it  seems  Childe  had  remembered  Zhongli's  fondness  of  a  quill.  Perhaps  he  would  keep  this  quill  separate  from  the  ones  he  used  to  sign  documents  and  transcribe  his  histories.  Childe  seems  almost  apprehensive,  eyeing  Zhongli  for  his  response.
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❛      I  do  much  appreciate  the  gift  and  the  gesture.  I  was  not  aware  you  had  made  your  way  back  to  Liyue's  shores.  I  hope  you  do  stick  around  a  little  bit  longer.  The  LANTERN  RITE  FESTIVAL  approaches,  and  it  is  always  best  to  share  one's  dreams  and  wishes  for  the  new  year  with…  a  friend.     ❜
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ZHONGLI!! // @predvestnik
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
What  specifically  named  color  do  you  embody?
you  will  do  everything  and  anything  to  not  think  about  the  past  days.  how  many  you're  trying  to  forget,  it  doesn't  matter,  but  you  will  do  anything,  everything,  all  the  things  you  can  in  order  to  not  have  to  focus  on  the  fact  that  you  made  a  MISTAKE.  the  world  is  full  of  life  and  vibrancy,  and  you  don't  want  to  be  that  dark  spot  in  it  that  you  believe  yourself  to  be.  so  you  fight  it  with  everything  you've  got,  pushing  away  people  in  fear  of  them  making  you  darker,  fighting  those  who  oppress  you  without  questioning  their  motives.  fearful.  regretful.  uncertain.  you  dance  to  a  tune  only  you  hear  in  this  world,  and  you  know  it's  going  to  kill  you  one  day.  you  hope  it's  soon.
tagged  by: @predvestnik (thank u for the tag!)
tagging: @reversescale @oftwilight @dhabibi @vishapsking
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
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❛     Birthday  plans?  I  have  no  existing  plans,  unless  you  have  any  spontaneous  ideas~     ❜
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
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❛      Perhaps  in  Liyue  we  would  call  that  type  of  festival  the  LANTERN  RITE  FESTIVAL.  I  would  hope  that  you  would  continue  your  stay  here  while  we  prepare  for  the  festivities.  If  you  have  no  plans,  I  would  enjoy  partaking  in  the  celebrations  with  you.     ❜
@rexcorlapis -- ;
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"Where I come from, we also have a Lunar New Year. Are you looking forward to it?"
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
omg also just looked at my drafts guys im so sorry i didn't realize how many i had as;dlfkjk i will try to get those out asap!
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
it's been a while actually so like for a short starter! would love to get some interactions going! and as always, my dms are open for plotting~ hehe
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rexcorlapis · 3 months ago
good morning everyone! i'm in a great mood today! <3
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rexcorlapis · 4 months ago
you and your awful little games. //neu here to judge his ass
There's  a  misunderstanding  here,  but  Zhongli  doesn't  know  where  to  begin  to  untangle  the  mess  that  he  had  created.  The  implications  of  Zhongli's  rule  predates  Neuvillette's  current  existence,  no  memory  of  a  world  before  Archons,  but  Zhongli  does  remember.  Tumultuous,  and  before  that…  Perhaps  that  was  ANOTHER  LIFE  for  him  as  well. 
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❛      I  play  no  games,  NEUVILLETTE.  I  apologize  for  appearing  before  you  plainly  and  without  proper  recompense.  I  will  leave  promptly  should  you  dismiss  me,  but  if  I  may  suggest,  I'd  like  to  help  you  in  your  current  position--and  to  improve  our  rapport.    ❜
ask  meme   //   @desiredrivcn
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rexcorlapis · 4 months ago
"You could do anything to me and I'd let you." hehe--
Golden  eyes  slide  over  to  size  this  little  dragon  up.  Was  this  a  jest?  Or  was  this  genuine?  Or  was  this  suggestive?  As  if  to  put  the  claim  to  the  test,  Zhongli  reaches  for  Dan  Heng's  shoulder,  trailing  a  purposeful  hand  down  his  arm  and  around  his  waist  before  letting  it  travel  back  up  his  back.
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❛      I  do  hope  you  would  not  give  away  your  body  so  easily  to  anyone,  XIAO  HENG.     ❜
ask  meme   //   @reversescale
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rexcorlapis · 4 months ago
❝  i’ll stay.  ❞
It relieves Zhongli to hear that Noche will stay the night. He understands that he must often sleep where he pleases, but it would be less of a hassle for him to stay where Zhongli can prevent someone else wandering upon him in such a comatose state. 
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❛    Is there anything you would like to PREPARE for bed?    ❜
ask meme  //  @regisnoche
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rexcorlapis · 4 months ago
8, 18, 24
You thought you'd seen the last of me...
8.  Do  your  friends  outside  the  internet  know  your  roleplay?
yes!  several  of  my  cousins  know  and  my  gf  also  knows  (however,  we  did  meet  while  rping  on  tumblr  lol)
18.  What  is  one  thing  you’d  wish  to  see  more  in  the  rp  community?
i  haven't  been  entirely  present  on  the  tumblr  rpc  lately,  but  there's  so  much  that's  changed  from  when  i  was  super  active  on  it  like  6  years  ago.  i  kinda  miss  gif  icons  tbh,  but  they  are  a  lot  of  work  lol 
24.  Have  you  ever  left  a  fandom  because  of  negativity?
i  think  the  only  one  i  completely  completely  left  was  army  (bts);  however,  in  terms  of  rpc  that'd  be  mysme  but  there  are  other  fandoms  i'm  inactive  in  bc  of  drama,  but  that's  dms  hehe
ask  meme   //   @predvestnik
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rexcorlapis · 4 months ago
these violent delights.
dialogue prompts from these violent delights by micah nemerever.
i never told you my name.
who puts those awful ideas in your head?
you're forever assuming the worst.
what's that face? you look like you're going to cry.
you're one of those people who worry all the time, aren't you?
i don't worry, i ruminate. they're distinct actions.
nothing made you. you just are.
beautiful things are supposed to hurt.
people tell you you're shy all the time, don't they?
i don't know how i ever got on without you.
a little trouble is a good thing for a young person.
i wasn't born yesterday. i know what kids get up to.
it's good to have guns to stick to.
you could do anything to me and i'd let you.
i'm not ready to be seen. not yet.
i don't need you to treat me respectfully. i'm not made of glass.
tell me you love me, at least. please. i need to know somebody does.
do i look normal? i can't tell if i look normal.
you can get away with anything, as long as you act like an authority on the truth.
don't tell me what i want.
you know you're just about the worst liar i've ever met.
i don't think you've ever felt anything that didn't hurt you.
you're so square, you're a cube.
i just want you to believe me when i tell you you're worth something.
there are limits to what you can expect people to understand, without living it.
you can't fight everybody all the time. you still have to live with them.
i forget how blue the sky can be outside the city.
i'm going to push you off a cliff, you fucking boy scout.
thank you for trusting me with this.
be a kid while you still can.
please believe in the things i try to tell you, instead of the things you think you deserve to be told.
if the sun touched you for even a moment, you'd go up in flames. like a vampire.
your voice changes when you're angry.
what a lonely, dreary thing it is to know the truth.
you never look away, even when your eyes are closed, but i'm never certain you can see what's really there.
tell me you need me. in those words.
can i tell you something? that i'm all but certain you won't believe?
i never lie to you. but sometimes, i wish i could.
you never let me pretend the truth is alright when it isn't.
you have a profound, elusive sadness about you.
you didn't. please tell me you didn't.
you and your awful little games.
why would i bother to grow my own conscience when you're always around to pester me?
you're going to help me escape.
this house is a shadowbox, never meant for human things.
you have no right to stop me, and you're not going to try.
you're sweet, when you want to be.
do you want me to kill ____? i mean it.
it might do you good to be an orphan.
you're just so sincerely creepy.
wealthy people pay handsomely for the privilege of ignoring cries for help.
i've never seen you like that before. not once.
i've decided to learn to be impulsive.
the worst damage humans do isn't rooted in malice, but in thoughtlessness.
there's such a thing as right and wrong. anyone can figure out the difference if they're willing to think for themselves.
there's no part of you i can't see.
i don't want to hurt you. please don't let me.
you're ridiculous, sometimes. but that's alright.
i don't want you right now. go home.
i'm not like you. i don't even have a shape of my own to hold anything else in place.
i'll never matter the way you do, and you know it.
say what you need to say.
if you say the word 'deserve' one more time, i'm driving us off a bridge.
i've been meaning to talk to you about ____.
i'm worried about what you're getting into.
you don't see me. you can't. you never could.
it's your life. you're entitled to make your own mistakes.
i want you to know you deserve better. you don't have to put up with ____.
you scare the hell out of me. you really do.
you look the same way you always have.
i was worried i'd lost you.
i'll take care of you. i don't need you to be brave.
all i want to do is make you happy, and you're the unhappiest person i've ever met.
i would rather be cruel than weak.
i want you to let me be nice to you today. i don't care if you think you deserve it.
this place looks like somewhere in a jigsaw puzzle.
it's always been real for me. every second.
please don't say anything to my mother.
we can't fix it if you don't tell me what happened.
i'll call you when i can stand the sight of you. don't hold your breath.
hiding the truth is still lying.
i thought you'd finally trust me if you knew i'd kill for you.
i'm just as much of a monster as you are.
i was missing part of myself my whole life, until i met you.
righteous fury leaves no space for fear.
you can always talk to me. about anything, okay? i love you no matter what.
you played [game] in school, didn't you?
no one tolerates boredom worse than the idle rich.
someone needs to be looking after you.
you know you can't actually stop me, right?
i want to be able to look at you.
when you need to, you will understand.
i'm only ever early when i'm afraid.
people talk themselves into the strangest things when they want to look impressive.
in the end, there's no difference between trusting someone and underestimating them.
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