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two-oaks-farmstead · 2 years ago
Dogs are special and they provide unconditional love, which is in need when you have teenagers. #parentingteenagers #momofteens #dogsarespecial #unconditionallove
Dogs are special and they provide unconditional love, which is in need when you have teenagers. #parentingteenagers #momofteens #dogsarespecial #unconditionallove
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the1andonlymeash-blog · 2 months ago
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#momlife #momofteens #momofpreschooler
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drrobynsilverman · 11 months ago
Taking Positive Risks #shorts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwfetdwIZXQ When we avoid getting out of our comfort zone and taking positive risks, we never pave the way to success.  The only way that we can become successful is by making mistakes, learning from those mistakes and growing from those mistakes.  We can't have our kids avoid making mistakes because they never strengthen the connections in their brains and they don’t gain the confidence they need to move forward. We don’t want our children to feel that failing makes them a failure– or that failing is the end of the road. Failing is simply a stop on the way on the path towards success!  There’s a saying that says that if we stay in one place we’re going backwards.  All those bumps and folds in our journey are not just the ups and downs but the mistakes, and growth from those mistakes, that eventually leads to progress and success. Follow for more insight on how to build up your children’s confidence! 💪 #parenting #momlife #parenthood #parentinghacks #parentingteensishard #mom #parents #dad #parentinglife #positiveparenting #childdevelopment #parentingtips #gentleparent #intentionalparenting #positiveparentingeducation #positiveparentingskills #parentingtweens #parentingteens #momofteens #adhdparenting #mindfulparenting #responsiveparenting #parenting101 #parentingadvice #parentingcoach #momsofinstagram #DrRobynSilverman #talktokids via Dr. Robyn Silverman https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE2mhA6uAzX0vHYBoO9ncTg March 28, 2024 at 09:02PM
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jordie-is-definitely-sane · 2 years ago
I wanna have a relationship like this with my future daughter 😂💙
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loseyourbut · 5 years ago
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If you don't have oils in your home yet, there is no better time than now. Today, you can purchase your BOGO box... Buy 5, get 7 free! But even better, with my promo code, you'll get an 8th oil free 🤯😱 Comment or message me, and I'll hook you up! . . #healthierchoices #healthyeatinghabits #nutritionmatters #fuelyourbodyright #healthychoicesmatter #healthierlifestyle #stayingontrack #onepoundatatime #notadietalifestyle #momofteens #stayhomemom #momswithgoals #mamatribe #momsgettingfit #healthyfoodideas #smallchanges #simplelifestyle #momswhowork #buildalifeyoulove #lessworkmorelife #weightlossideas #weightlossupport #weightlossstruggle #makeachangetoday #trysomethingdifferent #wholefoodnutrition #quarantine2020 #yougotthisgirl #allowinglifetoflow (at Medford, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_OUKfWJyz1/?igshid=ecxebnwc7fbh
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mistydawnsmith · 5 years ago
Teenagers these days
what can you say about them?
personally I hate them for they are disrepectful no offense
I love them but hate what they do
selfish brats. when will you guys ever learn
please ln to be respectful before you give your authorities a heart attack
or youll wake up one day and your parents are already dead due to heart attack due to  stress because of you
oh my heart. I really had it.
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eclecticmamablog · 6 years ago
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Reminder! . . . . . #reminder #relax #letgo #organizedchaos #beautifulmess #witchymama #plexusmama #momofteens #toddlergrandma #plexuslife #happinessdealer #stressbegone #momlife #grandmalife #wifelife #workingmom #workingwife (at Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLNozKAmwu/?igshid=11dd9by3qfbdy
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authormekajames · 6 years ago
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#TheTeen spent almost a week playing baseball. Then 7 hrs in a car to get home but still jumps in to help me with #Thing1 room. 😭😍 #GoodSon #igauthorlife #momlife #momofboys #momofteens #painting #roommakeover https://www.instagram.com/p/B0B6wjaAp-5/?igshid=7635z9wtqq1t
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arenaqueen74-blog · 6 years ago
Halfway to Empty
Hi, my name is Rebecca. I am a university student, a chocolate salesperson, a volunteer and a single mom. The role that I have always taken the most joy in is that of a mother. I have two amazing sons. They have always been my primary career. Mothering has been my vocation I suppose.
Last summer I launched my first born out in to the world. Not just to the next city, or somewhere a few hours drive away; but to Calgary Alberta. A four-hour flight from our Ontario home. Why so far away one might ask? What does Alberta offer that Ontario doesn’t? Well, my son is a speed skater. A pretty good one. He was invited to join the National Training Program. Of course, I encouraged him. What good mother doesn’t support her kid’s dreams? He was also accepted to the University of Calgary’s science program (smart kid too). We made all the preparations. We found him a beautiful off campus home, shipped his belongings out west on a Greyhound bus and flew out to meet them.
I spent five days with him in Calgary, doing all the things that parents do when they leave their kids at university, and we found some time for a “last” adventure to the mountains. It was amazing. I knew with every fiber of my being that he would love life out west.
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 And then I left him.
  I cried the whole flight home. I didn’t for one second doubt the rightness of our decision. I didn’t worry that he would starve or forget to do laundry or get lost on campus. He would do what he always does….  study hard and train hard. What I didn’t expect and was in no way ready for was the physical ache in my gut. It’s still there. I’ve just gotten better at burying it deep underneath the frenetic pace of my every day life.
Why am I still feeling such grief at times? I’m so happy and proud. He has accomplished everything I thought he would and then some, but I miss him. Hard. I miss tripping on his size 14 Jordan’s by the front door and never having any food in the fridge despite grocery shopping nearly every day. The time when my son needed me is over. His childhood is over.
I lead a full and joyful life. I have self care and wellness time. I spend lots of time with my younger son and my boyfriend. Am I doing this wrong?
I’ve heard all about empty nest syndrome, but I thought it was for people launching their last child. When I look at social media everyone seems to be reveling in their newfound freedom. Hopefully I can get to that place before I launch my next son in five years!
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beckamiller06 · 6 years ago
Sometimes I'm smarter than my 17 year old daughter 🤣🤣🤣 . . . #mommyhoodbloggified #momof14 #millerlife #momofteens #girlmom (at Chino Valley, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxDhCQHF-zW/?igshid=gowbf16tdgpp
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accidentalintrovert · 2 years ago
I’m not exactly vowing to get vengeance against everyone celebrating their happy holiday butts off but despite the myriad of shiny lights I’ve put up and the carefully thought out gifts I’ve purchased I kind of just want to crawl into bed and stay there until New Year’s. Some of that is because it’s cold and wintery and my body gets extra hurty when it’s cold and wintery. Some of that is because…
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theblackautist · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @consentparenting Hoping that today, if you can’t celebrate your mom, you can celebrate yourself and the powerful work you do 365 times each year! #childsexualabuseawareness #stopchildsexualabuse #endchildsexualabuse #teachkidsconsent #bodysafetyforkids #teachingconsent #createconsentculture #busymama #momstrong #busymomma #momsunite #mombosslife #stayathomemom #momminainteasy #thatmomlife #honestlymothering #consentparenting #workingmomma #momofatoddler #momofteens #momoftweens #motherhoodintheraw #motherhoodunplugged #realmoms #aintnohoodlikemotherhood https://www.instagram.com/p/CdTZuZEuCKh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-fit-and-healthy-mama · 6 years ago
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Anyone else feeling a little crazy with back to school, all the activities and everything that comes with parenting? 🤪 . Sometimes we can feel like we are pulled in 1,000 different directions!! Pretty much all the time. 😆 As parents we wear A LOT of hats! Some days go smooth and others are more tough. You just never know what obstacles are to come. The older the kids get, the faster things seem to go, the busier it all gets and I just want to say slow the heck down already!!!!! . As nutty as we can feel on days....I would not trade it for the world!!!! 🌎 ❤️ . I was just thinking how thankful I feel for making the choice to work from home. So, I can work my business around this whirlwind of parenting!! I was so torn about being a working mom and a stay at home mom. I wanted to work but I also didn’t want to miss a second. I didn’t know that I could find a job doing something I absolutely love and make it be the best of both worlds!! . I don’t have to worry about babysitters anymore, no commute, no missing out, getting the kids on and off the bus, I enjoy what I am doing, I get to wear cozy clothes all day, see Scott and my family more, working on my health and wellness is part of my job, traveling more than I ever have, became part of the most supportive community I didn’t even know existed, grown in confidence and faced so many fears all while helping others!!!! It takes work, it takes time and it takes consistency but what doesn’t that is worth having! . Life is short. If there was ever a moment to follow your passion and do something that matters to you, that moment is now. 💕 . . . . . . . #momlifebelike #momlifeisthebestlife #busymomlife #busymoms #wahmlife #momofteens #itgoessofast #dosomethingyoulove #livelifehappy #followyourdreams #familyiseverything #momoftwo #parenthood #yolo #foodnetwork #marshalls #americaneagle @americaneagle #justfortoday #stayathomemom #stayathomemomlife #beyourownboss #momofinstagram #momlifestyle #keepitreal #authentic (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnm_KLpj1dP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8ofyqqwzri49
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formiadesign · 3 years ago
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A few wise words, we are not alone in the sometimes struggle of parenting ❤️ The hardest but most rewarding job we have!! @formiadesign . . #formiadesign #parentofteens #momofteens #fatherhood #parentofteenagers #motherhood #parenting #hardandrewarding #thingstheydonttellyou #mychildwouldnever #lifeismessy #grateful #ilovemydaughters (at Formia Design) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYoksVtO8c7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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goteengrow · 4 years ago
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Teen Check Assistants
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eclecticmamablog · 6 years ago
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Good morning! 🌞 Happy Monday! 😘 Are you ready? 🏃‍♀️ Start your day with pink and you will be 💖 . . . . #goodmorning #happymonday #coffeeplease #plexusplease #riseandshine #riseandsmile #healthyish #happyandhealthyish #organizedchaos #beautifulmess #witchymama #plexusmama #momofteens #toddlergrandma #plexuslife #momsdayoff #mamalife #gmalife #wifeylife #dayoff #woohoo #newweeknewgoals #beautifulday #pinkmagic #getaheadofthegame #rockyourday #feelbetterdobetter (at Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv_xsA3A_gr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wte5ba7x4i3w
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