#mommy and me swimming lessons
xxblairexxss · 1 year
Swimming lesson
Pairing : dad!Charles Leclerc x mom!reader
Theme : Fluff
Words count : 1.7k
It was your daughter’s first time in the water and she needed Charles’ help to overcome her fear.
Short one that is full of fluff since my next one is gonna an angst
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"Blue!" She squealed and pointed her little finger at the blue whale on her swimsuit while you tied up her hair into braids. When she went to her dad, you had no idea what Charles did, but she came back with a very funny-looking hairstyle that made your little one look as if she just got into a fight. Despite that, she was very satisfied because Charles kept on saying she looked cute with it.
"It’s a blue whale! Can you turn around?” She turned, facing you, and you smiled when you saw her little dimple, the same one as her dad, right on her cheeks. "You are all done! Go and get daddy!"
"Dada!" She skipped in joy and ran to get your husband, who had gone into the pool first to ‘check the water’, he said.
"Mommy! Swim?" She ran back to pull on your hand as you approached the swimming pool right outside of the hotel room. You caught Charles’ gaze, smirking as he saw you in the one-piece swimsuit, as if he had never seen you before.
"Stop staring at me. I have a husband.” You commented and dipped your legs in the water as your little girl followed your act. Charles cackled as he moved and got in between while being in the pool.
"Mommy’s not giving me a chance at all, right, princess?" He felt the little hand on his cheeks as she giggled, with no urge to understand what it was all about. "Right! It’s your first day of swim class. Stand up!" 
She stopped tittering right away as Charles switched his mood; her little hands stopped clapping as she hugged your arm, eyes looking away from her dad’s.
"Daddy’s joking around, sweetheart. It’s alright." You sent an angry stare towards the guy as he chuckled before taking the little hands from grasping your arm.
"I’m kidding, love! Come here." He extended his arms as she cautiously jumped into the water, straight into his embrace. Charles had put on her pink, flamingo-printed arm and chest life vest beforehand to help her float in case she got in the water without anyone’s supervision.
She looked back at you and smiled, only when you grinned at her. She was scared; you knew it, but Charles had been wanting to send her to swimming class, but she needed to get used to the water first.
"Can Daddy let you go?” He kissed the flushed, chubby cheek before his grasp went a little loose around the little one, which caused her to freak out.
"N—no. Dada, no! No!" Her bottom lips were pushed forward while she tried to grab Charles when she felt like floating away.
"Okay, okay! You are okay, princess. See?" He tried to let go of her once again but gave in as she started to weep, his hands flapping to get back in his arms. "It’s okay! It’s okay, I got you."
"I want mommy..." She turned towards you, her little arm still wrapped tightly around his neck, as she started to sob even more.
"Aw, what’s wrong, love?" You picked her up when Charles brought her back to you as she clambered to sit on your laps. Her head moved a little when you wiped away her tears.
"Here comes a shark!” Charles came in front of you with his hands clapped together on his head which acted like a fin, causing your little girl to cry even more.
"Really, honey?" You laughed along with Charles and cradled your little girl’s head as she weeped in your arms. "It’s okay, sweetheart. Look! It’s just daddy."
"It’s just me, baby. Look. Daddy is the shark. There’s no actual shark in here!” He got closer and tugged on the chubby hands to get her attention. "Come here, sweetheart. I’m not going to let you go this time. Promise.” He clapped on his hands, inviting her to get in the water again, but she shook her head furiously and tried to cling on to you even more.
"I don’t want...” She mumbled against your chest.
"But Daddy’s waiting for you? I thought you wanted to swim with Daddy. It’s okay." You cupped on the cheeks and kissed on her head as she started bitting on her nails, still slightly agitated. Her eyes went on her dad, who was waiting for her to calm down.
"Are you scared?” Charles asked, though he knew what the answer was. He rested his chin on her fluffy little legs as she quivered in her arms.
"This much.." She pulled her hand away and pinched her chubby fingers to show how scared she was as Charles cackled and made her giggle in tears by acting like he was trying to eat the cute hands.
"But dada is here with you. See? Or do you want mommy to get in the water too?” Charles closed his eyes as you moved your hand closer to his face to brush his hair away. "Honey, do you want to get in?” Your hand that was stroking his hair was pulled into his as he moved a little further away to give you some space.
"No! No!" Seeing the way you scooted closer to the edge, the little one on your lap started becoming more agitated as she tried to get away. She even stepped on your lap a little rough just to get away, which made you halt and wince a little. "Mommy no!"
Charles wasn’t expecting her to go frantic. She didn’t even touch the water yet; it didn’t even reach your full knee when she went all anxious. She even accidentally pulled on your hair just to try and get away. Your neck was a little red from his daughter's belligerent attempt to get away. "Okay, baby—" He made a little jump to push himself out of the pool, seeing he wouldn’t be able to take the matter into hand if he chose to stay in the water and sat by your side as he picked her up, stopping her from tossing and turning in your arms. "Hey, princess. It’s okay, love. I got you. It’s okay." He mumbled the words over and over as she hugged him, one hand on his daughter’s back, stroking on it to sooth down her cries while his other hand was on yours. "No more swimming? Should we stop? Do you want to stop?” He asked once she stopped crying, guessing she didn’t want to go back into the water, but she shook her head, telling the dad that she still wanted to, though her expression was telling otherwise.
“But dada don’t let go.." She replied, hiccuping between her words.
"Okay, dada’s not letting go this time. Pinky promise?" Charles and you chuckled, seeing the way she struggled to bring out her little finger to lock with her dad’s. "There you go! Good girl." He brushed his lips on the forehead hidden under the bangs after the successful pinky promise before picking her up to let her stand by the side. "Daddy will go in first, alright?"
She gave a slight nod, her hand rubbing on her red, rudolph-like nose, which was put to an end as you softly held the little hand.
"Okay, sweetheart. Ready? We’ll take it slow, okay?” Charles extended his arms, waiting for his little one to brace herself. Instead of jumping her way in like before, she sat back down and plopped into the water, with your hand hovering on her back in case she freaked out again. "Good job, baby! You are such a brave girl. Can you swim to Daddy?" Charles was just a hand away from her, but he stopped drawing her straight to his arms after seeing her try to kick her feet with a smile this time.
"Dada, I can't.." The dimples on the little girl’s face faded away when she realised she was going nowhere; she didn’t even budge from where she was a second ago.
"I’m right here, princess. Daddy’s right here. You can come to me.” He said, taking a step closer as she kicked her feet even more and grabbed on Charles’ hand. "You did it, baby! Good job! See? It wasn’t so bad, was it?”
You smiled, silently watching those two in their own world as your legs flapped in the water. He always knew how to calm her down; it was as if he was born to be a dad that you often joked around by saying he used to have a secret kid with someone else because he just knew how to respond and act whenever she threw a tantrum or losing control of her emotions.
"Honey, are you okay?” Charles’ hand on your kneecap pulled you away from your daydream.
"Yeah? Yeah, I’m fine! Why are you asking that?” You looked to the side, checking on your daughter, who was busy playing with her ducklings by the side, her back leaning against you as her little chubby feet kicked the water at times.
"Sorry for freaking our little girl out. I didn't expect she would act like that.” He rested his arms on your lap while you played with his hair. The hair that looked like a shade of light brown when it got under the rays of sunlight, just like the hair of your little girl by your side.
"It’s alright, honey. She didn’t mean it.” You laughed, seeing his worried expression. He always got too worried about everything.
"Let me see?” You bended down, allowing Charles to see the side of your neck, thinking he was being extra apprehensive when he had a different intention.
"Charles!" You yelled out when the next thing you felt was his arm on your waist, pulling you straight to the water and completely drenched every strand of your hair. Right after you took a breath of relief, he earned a slap right on his bare chest. "You are so mean!"
Charles and you looked towards the little one as she giggled, both hands filled with her small ducks. "Daddy mean!"
"Right, baby?! I thought Dada actually cared about me.” You rolled your eyes, feet moved further from trying to get away from him, but he moved his arms on your waist, legs got in between yours.
"I’m sorry, baby! Are you sulking? He laughed, lips went to trail kisses on your jaw with your face tilted away. "I’m sorry, baby. Can’t leave you to be the only one dry amongst us." He smiled, seeing the way the ends of your lips tilted up despite the little frown you had. "Am I forgiven?"
"A little." You laughed and pulled away when he caught your lips with his.
“Take your shower with me. I’ll help you wash your hair—“ Charles looked to the side as he heard the sweet, adorable voice cried out.
"Ducky!" Your little girl pouted, leaning a little to catch her duck toy that started floating away while you went in front of her, afraid she would accidentally fall in the water despite the safety vest.
"Dada got it!” Charles grabbed it from floating further to the centre of the pool, and before he could make his way back to his wife, he saw the rest of the ducklings started floating away as well, making your little one whimpered.
"No, my ducky!" She stomped her feet, hands went into a clench fist, looking adorably distressed that she couldn’t catch any of it, but ended up laughing with you after seeing the way her dad struggled to catch all of them at once.
"Daddy looks funny, right?” You whispered.
"Yes! Dada cute!" She covered her mouth and giggled, her small palm wasn’t big enough to cover her dimples.
“Honey, I could use some help?” Charles looked at his wife and remarked.
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pelova4president · 9 months
Magic Euros II
Leah Williamson x Wife!Reader
Magic Euros I
summary~ Your kids are absolute menaces, but how could they not, they’re Williamson’s and are around your wife’s crazy teammates all the time.
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Your kids are little monsters and there is nothing you could do about it. James seemed to be pretty sweet and shy but how older he got the more he acted like his naughty aunties. Alice really wasn’t any good from the moment she was born. Your daughter was just as naughty as Katie, Vic and Kyra. They tried to involve Alice in all their pranks in the hopes that no one would blame them but instead the innocent two year old.
There were times their plan would work and your daughter got put in time-out or nothing would happen because ‘you got no proof’. But other times, like when they had Alice to hide Lessi’s shoes, she told on them after you threatened to take the toddlers iPad away. “Alice! Why’d you have to tell on us?” Victoria crouched down to your daughter. “B-but iPad” the girl defended herself. You laughed at that and Kyra rolled her eyes annoyed. “Why did you bring an iPad addict into the world?” the Aussie sighed.
And while Alice was influenced by the bad kids, James loved his sweet auntie Lotte. They had a very special and cute bond. Lotte loved to babysit him whenever you had to make time for Alice’s swimming lessons. He always came back from Lotte’s house with so much to tell but is so tired he always falls asleep halfway through his story. The boy wanted to be just like her. He tried to play footie like her, wanted to cook like her and he even started to dress like her.
y/nwilliamson posted on their story
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Beth and Viv loved to babysit them. They took the kids to all kinds of playgrounds and their dogs, Myle and Rona are their favourite. Myle was still very hyper and the mini Leah’s are too so they’d both end up asleep after a very busy day. Almost always James and Alice and up in Myle’s bed with Myle’s on the ground next to them.
Jamie and Al loved to watch their mummy play footie in the summer, the winter was less fun. You went to games as that is your job, you needed to be up to date and what better way to do that watching your wife play live. Taking the toddlers with you, you sat in the friends and family section. The kids were good almost the whole game. Well that was until it starting pouring down. The London weather decided to show up and everyone got absolutely soaked.
y/nwilliamson posted on their story
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When the girls had to play friendlies in Portugal you took the kids with you. You would have a little vacation and free babysitters, why wouldn’t you go.
The flight to the sunny Portugal was hectic though. Arriving at the airport, James was asleep but the hyper girl you had in your arms definitely wasn’t. “Calm down Al, you’ll see your aunties in a bit.” Leah tried to calm her down but that only mad her more hyper. “Where’s auntie Vicky! And Kyky oh- and Katie and and Lessi?” she tried to wiggle her way out of your grasp. You put her on the ground and she ran around in search for the Arsenal girls.
“We should’ve just bought her that kidsbelt, that way she wouldn’t be running around like this.” Leah sighed already regretting the decision to bring the kids.
“Mommy, Mama! KyKy’s here!” you heard your little girl scream through the airport. “That’s awesome sweetie, can you find the others too?” you asked her, trying to distract her with something.
After a few minutes of Alice running around the airport in the hopes of getting her tired for the flight, she found the rest of the team. “Mama look! Auntie Vicky’s here too!” she dragged you to the Dutchie. “Oh god help me Vic, ze is al de hele dag zo en ze wordt maar niet moe” (Oh god help me Vic, she has been like this the whole day and she isn’t getting tired.) you hugged your friend. Vicky laughed at your tired state, “Dat had ik niet gedacht, je ziet er zo energiek uit!” (I wouldn’t of thought, you look so energetic!) she said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes at her and sighed.
You walked over to your wife and sleeping son. “Leah, i don’t know why we thought this was a good idea, Alice is already being a menace to society. Think of what she can do when she’s with those other devils for more than a few hours.” you whisper to her.
Lotte came walking over to the two of you. “How are the little monsters doing?” she asked looking at Alice who was being thrown into the air by Kyra. “Well one of the two is sleeping like an angel and the other is… well, not.” Leah told her. James woke up hearing his favourite auntie. “Lotte!” he said tiredly, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. “Hey grote jongen, you’re awake.” she took him out of the arms of your wife.
You tried to learn the kids some Dutch but that was hard since they were so young and they almost only spoke English. Vic, Viv and Lotte had tried to learn the kids some but it didn’t really stick. The only thing they really remembered was ‘stomkop’ which means stupid so it wasn’t really in your favour.
Walking into the plane, without kids since they chose their aunties over you and their other mom, you sat next to Leah. Kyra and Alice sat in front of you and Lotte and James next to you. You were not even off the ground when you heard the duo in front of you and your wife snore.
y/nwilliamson posted on their story
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When the team finally landed both of your kids were awake. Leah took the suitcases and bags to the teambus and you kept your eyes on the kids. Vic placed Al on her big suitcase and rolled the toddler to the parking lot. She was trying to teach her some Dutch but her effort was futile. “So kleine, say ‘ik hou meer van tante Vic dan van mijn mama’s’” (So little one, say ‘i love auntie Vic more than my mommy’s’) the midfielder tried. But the only thing coming out of the toddlers mouth was some gibberish.
A blonde forward approached the girls, “You’ve had her for a while now, she needs some quality time with her favourite auntie now.” Alessia grabbed to girl from Victoria’s suitcase. “You love auntie Lessi more right Ali?” Alessia said tickling your daughter.
Walking into the bus the naughty toddler took Alessia’s Prada glasses and put them on. “Look! I’m auntie Less!” she said posing like Alessia. Katie looked over and began laughing. “She really does look like you now, face all serious. Alice you look just like grumpy Lessi!” the Irish woman commented.
alessiarusso99 posted on their story
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Lina arrived later with her daughter Lo. Your kids loved to play together and try to trick Katie. Lo would tell Katie to walk her to the bathroom, where Alice and James would wait for her. “What can i help you with kid?” Katie asked the mini Lina. They would open the door and your kids attacked her. They threw water on her and the three of them ran away together.
“Lina Lina! Katie’s mad!” James ran towards the Swede. Lina would fake her confusion, “Why would Katie be angry pojke?”. The three kids looked at eachother, Alice pointed to Lo who had to explain everything.
Katie came running into the room with three buckets of water. “I’m gonna get ya!” she yelled chasing the screaming toddlers.
stinablackstenius posted on their story
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liked by daniellevddonk and 318.827 others
chillin’ it out
jillroord coolest kids out there 😎
lucybronze i’ll take the kids to the chillest place, next week they’re coming to barca
↳ keirawalsh i back that
lottewubbenmoy Jamie boy with the coolest sunnies
kyracooneyx yeahh the weirdooss
↳ victoriapelova you’re the biggest weirdo
alessiarusso99 ali looks too cute!!
↳ y/nwilliamson you out her in that dress and did her hair, how could she not
barcafemfam i love the arsenal family smm
W0s012 they’re literally mini Leah’s and y/n’s
When you got back from Portugal you went to dinner with your parents and Leah’s since they were in London for a few days. You had to leave the kids with Beth and Viv for the night but they didn’t mind, they loved kids.
Alice played with Myle and got her to play dead, well the toddler had to push her down to get her to play dead but it kind of worked. “Piew!” Alice yelled with her pistol fingers pointing at the puppy. “Myleee! You need to play dead! Lie downnn” she complained. The dog however had other plans and sprung on the little girl and started licking her face. “Bad doggy!” she giggled pushing Myle down on the couch and trying again. “Piew!” she yelled. Myle didn’t move a muscle so she just pushed the puppy down.
Viv saw the whole scene play out in front of her and laughed, having filmed the whole thing.
And while all of that was going on, James was vacuuming the couple’s house. “What’re you doing little guy?” Beth asked the boy. “Cleaning Auntie Viv and yours house!” he said excited. The vacuum wasn’t on but Beth didn’t have the heart to tell him that. “So sweet of you. Hard workers deserve a snack break right?” Beth ruffled his hair and placed a cookie in his hands.
viviannemiedema posted on their story
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Keira and Lucy kept their promise and invited you, Leah and the kids to Barcelona. Keira drove to the airport to pick you up. Alice and James attacked Keira immediately. “Oh my god! Al, Jamie please, Auntie Kei still needs to drive us.” Leah took the kids off her bestfriend. “Well hello to you too.” the midfielder laughed.
Lucy awaited you at their door. “Lucy!” the kids yelled, running out of the car and into the defender’s arms. “Hey monsters!” she hugged them. “Silly Lucy, i’m not a monster.” James laughed at his auntie.
The kids got to see the Barcelona training ground and even got to watch a game. Ingrid and Mapi, who they already knew, were waiting for the kids. The kids ran onto the field and into the arms of the Barcelona couple. “We’ve missed you so much!” Ingrid yelled, picking both kids up and squeezing them. Mapi spun James around and played goalie when Alice was taking penalties. “You’re too good niña!” Mapi said picking your daughter up and placing her on her back and running around the field.
Leah and you always enjoy your time in Barcelona, the people there were like family and the city was beautiful. The weather was nice, well it mostly was and if it was raining it would clear up quickly.
Lucy and Keira made forts with the kids, danced with them in the rain, even though you said they shouldn’t because they’d get sick. And Lucy got James to hug a tree. “Trees deserve love too Jamie. It’s mean to kick them. You don’t like it when someone kicks you, go give the tree a hug.” the dark haired woman said after catching James kicking a tree in the park. “I’ll say sorry to the tree.” James said and ran through the park, giving the biggest hug as an apology. Lucy giggled at the scene in front of her. James really had a good heart and he did look like Lotte, like a lot.
lucybronze, keirawalsh
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liked by aitanabonmati and 291.826 others
fun days with these kids
lauren_hemp why is Jamie hugging a tree
ingrid_engen those samba’s are the cutest!
↳ marialeonn16 you bought them
↳ ingrid_engen they’re still cute though
victoriapelova why can they dance in the rain but i can’t?
↳ kyracooneyx yeah actually this is unfair
lj10 the coolest kids 😎
↳ lucybronze cooler than me?
↳ lj10 just a little bit
Coming back from the sunny Barcelona it was time for Alice’s first football training. James wasn’t really interested in football, only when auntie Lotte was playing. Alice loved to kick a ball around, she needed something to release all her energy.
Leah had been beyond excited to get her to play footie. They picked the shoes out together and bought her training kit. “You like these boots Ali?” Leah asked, picking out the shoes she liked the most. Alice just nodded. She wasn’t really interested in the boots, looking at the poster of one of her aunties in the store. “Look mummy, that’s auntie Lessi!” she pointed at the big poster next to the Adidas boots. “I want the same boots as Lessi!” the little girl insisted.
“Alice, that’s the wrong section. Look over here, you like these pink ones?” Leah said pointing towards the Nike boots. “No mummy! I want Lessi boots.” she stomped.
And that’s how your daughter came home with shiny silver Adidas boots.
Leah drove her to training, standing next to the field and watching your daughter play with other girls her age. Leah would never say it but seeing her little girl play football made her emotional. Alice was happy, making friends and even scoring. “She’s supposed to be a defender.” Leah sighed, hugging you from behind. “She’s an adidas girl and a striker but she plays football.” you said looking at your wife and kissing her on the lips. “You’re right, she’s a footballer.” Leah hummed.
leahwilliamsonn posted on their story
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A/N not my best but i pulled through. I still have writers block though :(
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
You know what i would like to see a goldfish reader cause i mean goldfish can be really tiny and can get fairly big, maybe reader is from a pet store and gets bought for a young rich yandere and gets absolutely pampered and gets huge, clifford the big red dog style
"Sorry, I can't make it this year."
"Mom won't drive me out that far....."
"Maybe next time?"
"Next year."
Next year... Next year.. They'll be forty by the time that rolls around. It's always the same. People stick around for the lavish parties and taste of the high life, but the second they want to downgrade for something small with close friends and family everyone's suddenly too busy to come see them. The presents have always been shit too. Flashy jewelry or clothing from brands they couldn't care less about. Whatever happened to giving kids toy trains and dolls? They're sick of it. Sick of everything. Why can't anything turn out right-
Auryn hurls their phone at the door, anger fleeting as it smashes into a million pieces. Mommy and daddy will just buy them a new one, and while it won't do a scratch they love the idea of burning a hole in their pockets. Wasting all the money they gave them instead of time. The door creaks open once the coast is clear and in peaks a frightened maid. Her eyes fall to her arms, soothing whatever she held with a soft hush. They return to her master, waiting for their answer.
"Come in."
The maid opens the door completely and steps inside. In her hands was a glass bowl. "From your parents."
Auryn drums their leg against the frame of their bed, wondering why their arms were still empty. "Well?"
The maid shoves the bowl into their chest as passive she could, prioritizing the creature within over her annoyance. They look into the glass. Floating at the bottom; staring right back at them, was a little goldfish. Poor thing had been startled awake by the loud thud and trying to squeeze its tail into the castle it had already outgrown. It still couldn't have been any bigger than their hand. Beyond its human features, there was nothing special about it. A fish.
A fucking fish. Out of all the things they could've sent. The maid could sense their rage flaring. "Please give it a chance. Your brother couldn't keep it, and he knew you'd be the next best owner."
Their nails scrap the glass. That only makes it worse. Their family dumping their trash on them was a new low. What were they going to do with this thing? They should put it out of its misery. Abandoned, weak, unable to feign for itself.... just like them.
Auryn looks at the goldfish again. They stick a finger in its tank, swishing it around as the guppy takes interest. It swims up to them and puts its mouth around the digit, nibbling at the skin. They smile a bit, pulling their finger away which in turn causes the fish to dart away. Their brows furrow in worry.
"... I'm..sorry for scaring you. You're just like me aren't you? Alone. Afraid. I'll take care of you. I promise. Why don't we start off by getting you a new tank?"
You shake in their arms as the divers attempt to fit their measuring tools around your tail, successfully knocking two of them away and sending the third packing. Auryn strokes your tears into your scaly flesh, fighting a laugh as the hired help resurfaces.
"I don't want to get measured!"
"Shhhh. It's okay. If even one scale is missing off that gorgeous tail I'll cut their oxygen and add a few bricks to their suits."
You still aren't convinced. Auryn melts at the way you curl against their chest. The first time they held you like this you were about the size of a puppy. Now, your tail alone was bigger as their entire torso and your arms were tree trunks compared to theirs. They had done exactly as they said. After you came into their life no one else mattered. They got you a nice large tank to start off with, fed you a healthy diet with plenty of treats since your speak lessons were going so well, and spoke with you for hours. You were already half their size by the end of the year. They used to take you on walks in your little bowl, then they had to buy a wagon to carry you around, and now you lived in a glorified swimming pool no one else had access to besides care beyond their capabilities. Having you turned them into a more compassionate, but closed off person, and got them through the worse in life. They were successful in nearly every endeavor and it was all for you.
Auryn gets close to your ear as their voice rises in pitch. "But if you reaaaally don't want to - I'll have to find some other guppy to give all the brine shrimp I have in the house to."
Your tail cracks against the pool's wall, ripping the water's surface with tidal category waves and pushing the workers back down under. "I'll be good! I will- please!"
"Haha - ok, ok." They give a thumbs up to the divers as they climb in the pool. You work with them this time, channeling your fright as their tools stretch and stick around you into the grip you hold on Auryn's arm - careful not to apply too much. They grit through the pain and as one of the divers comes up again they take the measuring tape still held by the rest and lines it up to your head.
"4 meters!"
Auryn exclaims in glee and grabs you by the cheeks, cooing and kissing your nose as they laugh. "Look at you! A whole nother meter in just one year. Keep this up and we'll have to buy an island."
A servant knocks on the sliding glass door. Auryn excuse themselves with one final kiss to your wet lips as they hop out of your tank. They hand them a phone.
"It's your parents. They are in town with your brother and would like to take you out for your birthday this evening."
Auryn gets real close to the receiver as they speak. "Eat shit and die. Stay the hell away from us."
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theamberfist · 4 months
Sink or Swim Part 2 | Stolas x Reader
Romantic! Stolas x Swim Instructor! Reader
Description: When Stolas is busy, Stella must take Octavia to her swim lessons instead; which no one is very happy about.
(Notes:) (gender neutral reader) (reader is a sinner) (reader is young Octavia's swim teacher) (Part 2 of Sink or Swim)
Words: 2,488
Read part 1 here
"We're going to be late!" Octavia called as she tugged on the taller owl's hand. "Mommy, come on!" 
Stella rolled eyes but followed after her daughter, who was practically dragging her to the pool. For the owlet's sake, she kept her frustration about the situation inside for now. After all, swim lessons had never been her idea, so it peeved her that she was now the one having to deal with them because of Stolas.
The prince would have attended in her place like usual if not for some work-related obligation that had come up. And, since the pool had a rule that required a parent to be present for all lessons, Stella had been forced to perform the responsibility in his absence until he got back. He'd promised to be as quick as possible, hoping to show up before the lesson ended, but she highly doubted that would happen. 
Finally, they reached the building and headed inside, where the imp at the front desk immediately recognized Octavia and checked them in. Stella helped her into her swim suit, thankful that the little girl was at least old enough now that she wouldn't have to get in the water with her.
Stella couldn't understand the point anyway. It wasn't as if any of them used the pool they had at the house, and she would hardly have been caught dead getting her feathers wet, anyway. She didn't know why Stolas insisted on keeping Via enrolled in her lessons these last couple years, but it seemed it was just another reason for her to hate him. 
Finally, she and Octavia made their way onto the pool deck, where the little owlet instantly recognized her swim teacher and grinned from ear to ear. She called your name and then let go of her mother's hand; taking off running for the water. 
"By all means, run." Stella mumbled sarcastically. You turned around, smiling but reminding the girl not to run. She slowed her pace but continued going over to you. 
"Good to see you again, Octavia." You smiled before pulling yourself out of the water you'd been waiting in. When you noticed Stella, rather than Stolas following behind her, a look of slight surprise appeared on your face. There was a flash of disappointment in your eyes, too, before you quickly put on a smile and took a step forward, extending your hand to her.
"Hi, I'm-" She cut you off.
"I do not care," she informed you with a wave of her hand, "Just get on with it. You're lucky we didn't skip this lesson entirely." You retracted your hand at that; smile faltering.
"Alright..." You could only assume that this must have been Stolas' wife from the way he'd described her to you before. She was even worse than you expected, but you had little time to dwell on it as Octavia gently tapped your leg. 
"Can we get in the water?" She asked excitedly, "I wanna show Mama what I can do!" Your smile returned at that and you nodded, leading her back to the side of the pool as her mother collapsed on a nearby pool chair.
Sighing, you hopped in the pool and then turned to help the little owl after you. She was even more eager than usual to be in the water, and you assumed it had to do with the excitement of a different parent having accompanied her; though you could hardly share her sentiment. 
Once she was in the pool and holding onto the side, you started her on her usual drills. Since you'd been working with Octavia since she was an infant, you were well aware of her strengths and weaknesses, as well as her favorite activities when it came to your lessons. She chatted on as you two worked, telling you about whatever came to her mind, and you felt glad she'd gotten so comfortable with you over time. 
"Daddy's working today so Mommy brought me instead," she went on to explain as you two sat on the wall doing more kick drills now. 
"I saw." You smiled down at her, trying to keep the positive energy you knew was so necessary for teaching kids. 
"But he said maybe he'll be able to come to the end of the lesson," Octavia explained, "So maybe they can both watch me then!" You grinned and then pushed yourself into the water before turning to her.
"I'm sure he'll try his best to make it." And, if you were being honest, you hoped you were right. Stolas' company at these lessons was something you thoroughly enjoyed. He would always chat with you before and afterwards, and had such insightful thoughts that you constantly looked forward to his and his daughter's weekly classes. 
Stella, on the other hand, was thoroughly uninterested in what her daughter was up to; her eyes trained on her phone as she lounged on the pool chair. Considering she'd shown up in a full gown, you assumed she didn't find herself in places like this often, and therefore, did not care what you taught Octavia so long as you left her alone.
The owlet seemed to notice this because a frown appeared on her face. When you took her in your arms and began helping her with her front glides, she called out to her mother on the deck.
"Mommy, look at me!"
Stella's eyes never left her phone. "That's nice, Via." She replied. Unfortunately for her, though, her child was smarter than she seemed to give her credit for and her frown deepened. 
"You aren't looking!" She exclaimed sadly as you reminded her to kick her legs. Stella rolled her eyes before glancing up for a second and then returning to her phone. 
"You're doing great." She said dismissively. Octavia looked a little sad so you quickly stepped in to cover.
"She's right; you're doing great," you told the girl with a reassuring smile, "Can you look down at the bottom of the pool? See if there are any runaway fish down there I need to catch." Octavia giggled at that but obliged anyway and put her face down in the water to check for said fish. 
After a moment, she looked back up with a bright smile. "No fish!" She exclaimed happily and you smiled back at her.
"None? Are you sure?" You asked cheerfully and she looked down again for good measure. Finally, she raised her head again. 
"No fish!" You giggled and she did the same as you finally brought her into the wall. 
"Well, thank you for checking!" You told her, "I'm glad we don't have any loose fish today." You placed her on the wall again where she checked to see if Stella had bene watching.
As expected, she hadn't. Octavia's smile immediately dropped and she turned back to you with a sad expression. Feeling pressure to keep her happy, you quickly spoke up. "How about we work on your back float again, hmm?" You suggested. She nodded slowly before letting you support her back and leaning into your hold. 
"Lay back like you're sleeping in bed," you reminded her, "and look to see if any fish are in the sky!"
"The sky?" She asked through giggles and you nodded.
"Yep! Sometimes they like to swim around up there. Watch out for Craig specifically; he'll try to splash you." Octavia laughed before bringing her head up to look at Stella again. You couldn't help but feel bad for the girl's neglect by her mother; wishing Stolas would come back to encourage her like he always did. It was so important that kids be told how proud their parents were of them; you knew that. 
"Mommy, look at me!" She called again and your heart squeezed. Stella glanced up again.
"Great, sweetie." She replied nonchalantly. This seemed to finally be enough to upset the owlet, though, because she didn't take it for an answer. 
"You aren't looking!"
"Yes I am!" Stella shouted back, angry herself now. 
"No you aren't!" Octavia replied, crossing her arms as she continued to float on her back with your support. "You're not close enough to see!" Stella rolled her eyes again but stood from her pool chair now and put her arms out as if to say 'see?' 
"Better?" She asked in a frustrated tone.
"No!" Octavia called back, "You aren't close enough!" Grumbling, Stella took a few steps closer to the pool. Before she could even ask, though, Octavia was already calling to her. "You're not close enough, Mama!" She exclaimed through slightly teary eyes that made your heart clench, "I want you to see!"
Nearly fuming now, Stella came even closer to the pool so that her feet were right by the edge now. "There, am I close enough for you n-" She couldn't even finish her sentence, though, because as she was walking towards the edge, she slipped on some water and fell back. Her back smacked into the concrete of the pool deck and then the rest of her body slid into the water. 
It was at this moment when you realized Octavia's mother likely did not know how to swim. She flailed about in the water, which was a little deeper than where you currently stood holding the owlet, and seemed to panic as the weight of her huge dress pulled her down. 
To make matters worse, the lifeguard that was currently supposed to be watching the pool while you taught your lesson was hardly paying attention. Even when you called his name, he hardly batted an eye. Sighing, you replaced Octavia so that she comfortably rested in your left arm now; the way a parent might carry their toddler around.
There was no time to put her safely on the deck if you wanted to save her mother, and it wasn't as if you could leave the girl in the water by herself yet when she had only ever ran assisted drills up to this point. So, you were left with no choice by to swim through the water and towards Stella with the little girl in your arm. 
"Mommy!" The owlet called in fear as you finally made your way over to her mother. Stella was still flailing about in the water, which was a good thing at least, since it meant she hadn't yet lost consciousness. 
Amidst all the commotion, you didn't even notice that another owl now entered the scene, coming onto the pool deck with a bright smile that immediately disappeared when he saw what was going on. Unsure what to do, he rushed over to the deck near where you and his family were, but he worried he might not reach your group in time to help. 
Finally, you reached Stella and grabbed her by the waist with your free arm, dragging her up to the surface as she continued to flail. She smacked you in the face multiple times but you didn't waver; keeping Octavia away from the path of her arms and making sure both their heads stayed above the water. 
The lifeguard finally seemed to have noticed what was going on now, because he stood from his chair as if to help, but you just glared at him; having already done most of his job in this situation. 
You reached the pool deck now, where you let go of Octavia as soon as she was holding onto the wall. Stolas reached you too, immediately taking her into his arms and out of the water as he asked if she was alright. 
You turned your attention to the still-panicking Stella now; making sure she was still breathing as you helped her to sit on the poolside. The lifeguard had grabbed a first aid kit and was coming over to you four now as you looked her over. Luckily, she seemed relatively unharmed, aside from the scare. 
"Are you alright?" You asked, "You didn't hit your head when you fell, did you?" Now that she was on dry land, the owl's glare returned as she stared you down.
"No," she replied, crossing her arms, "But my dress is completely ruined! This is all your fault; you filthy sinner!" With that, she stood up from the side of the pool and stomped away, ignoring the lifeguard that tried to offer her medical attention as she passed. 
"Mama, where are you going?" Octavia called from her father's arms. Stella didn't pause.
"To get a new dress tailored!" Stella called back, glancing at you again, "And I'll be billing you for it!" Finally, she stormed through the locker rooms and out of the building as you shuddered. The lifeguard gave you a look that asked if you were okay but you just nodded and waved him off; pulling yourself out of the water. 
"I think that'll be it for our lesson today," you sighed, turning to Stolas, "I'm so sorry about that." Before he could reply, the owlet in his arms shook her head.
"It wasn't your fault; Mama fell!" She exclaimed as your expression softened. She turned back to her father now. "She needs swim lessons too." He smiled.
"I don't think your mother will be going anywhere near the water after that." He admitted and then looked to you. "But I am sure you had nothing to do with it. Stella can be quite...Easily angered." If he were being completely honest, he couldn't help but wish she hadn't been saved, but he knew you would never let that happen. "And, of course, I will not allow her to take any legal action against you; that includes her clothing expenses." You grinned.
"Thank you, Stolas." You said softly, grabbing your towel from one of the nearby pool chairs and wrapping it around yourself. "If you want to reschedule your next lessons with someone else, I understand." You would have expected him to do so, actually, but he quickly shook his head.
"No need!" He exclaimed a little too hurriedly, "Via enjoys working with you so much and I wouldn't want to uproot her over something like this!" Luckily, the little girl in his arms nodded in agreement, effectively covering for him. You smiled back.
"If that's what you want."
"It is." Stolas assured you with a grin, "It really is." There was a brief moment of silence between you both as you gazed into one another's eyes, and then the prince finally remembered where he was and what was going on as he composed himself by clearing his throat. 
"A-anyway," he spoke, "Thank you for saving my...wife." Your heart clenched at the word but you nodded.
"Of course." Then, you turned to Octavia, who was still in her father's arms. "I'll see you next week!" You told her, "Then you can show your dad how much progress we made today." She grinned and nodded excitedly.
With that, you bid them both farewell and watched as Stolas carried his daughter out of the pool building. Somehow, as he left, it felt as if a part of your heart went with him. 
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marymary-diva17 · 11 months
my past and future (2)
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When you had thought you will never see the ones who hurt you, so much in the past for a long time or ever again it seems like you were wrong. As the ones from your past had come back seeking refuge from the return of old enemies, now you had to face them all over again after things had ended horrible between you and them. Now your life was going to change even more now, if the return of the RDA was not enough on you now your old friends and ex love have come back. Now after all these years everyone had changed but now it was time to see if it was for the better or worst.
Y/n " ......." It was early morning and the day of helping the new arrivals learn the ways of the water. The twins knew Jake is their father and that the sully kids are their siblings as well. It was easy to see that the twins were coming to their own terms when it came to the sully family as whole and as individuals.
Renya " mom we are going to head out to meet with others and the sully kids"
y/n " good but not before breakfast growing kids need a good meal"
renala " yes mama" the twins soon sat down on the mat as your served them breakfast, the kids seem happy about getting a chance to bond with their siblings.
renya " mama are you sure it fine if we bond with the sully kids"
y/n " yes it will be fine it will be good for you all to make friendship with other kids, I cant make you stay away from them as other mother might do"
renala " yes mother we will make sure not to let you down"
y/n " you kids never let me down now go have some fun" the children had nodded their heads towards you, they soon ate breakfast and soon went on with their day. You had watched from the home as they meet with their friends and soon took off towards the sully home.
y/n " oh great mother please watch over them"
With the children
tsireya " we are going to start with some basic and take you all for a swim if they fine with you guys"
neteyam " that good we are here to pull our weight"
tsireay " okay and yes we will love you to meet our friends they will be helping as well, this is renala and her brother renya"
lo'ak " hey"
renala " hello"
tuk " hey you are very beautiful and you have the same color as me"
renya " well yes we got them from our mother"
neteyam " now that I'm a better look you guys look like you can be from the forest"
aonung " you can ask them question later on we have should be getting to our lessons"
kiri " oh okay" the twins soon walked off their friends and the sully kids, it seems like they had gained the sully kids attention. The lessons soon stared the sully kids were amazed to see how well the twins, had been able to stay with the three metkayaian teens even due they looked omatacayia.
lo'ak " wow you guys are good swimmers how is that possible"
rotox " even they are forest navi they were born here spending thier lives learning the ways of water and the forest"
kiri " wow"
renya " yes but soon enough you will be good swimmers it take time" renya had finally showed his hands and bit more and his forehead getting the attention of the sully kids.
lo'ak " wait you have five fingers and eyebrows like I and my sister, and even our dad that amazing"
renala " yes it something we inherited from our mom"
tuk " who your mommy is has to be the very nice lady that helped us today"
renya " yes she our mom we got these features from here, so you don't have to worry about being bullied here for being different as our family different"
lo'ak " cool I never thought there were more avatar that were living so far out here and having kids"
aonung " Well as much is talks sounds amazing we have to get back to the lessons we can talk during our break" The sully kids seem to interested in the twin as they were omatacayia and had human DNA like them.
neteyam " wait so you are sixteen I'm sixteen as well"
renya " oh cool aonung also sixteen as well"
aonung " yeah"
lo'ak " you are twins as well wow that rare among navi"
renala " yes we are twins but renya is the oldest"
kiri " so if you were orb here and your mom is avatar then that means, your dad most of been metkayian right" the twins had gotten very quite and it seems like to was swore topic.
tsireya " the twins don't speak about their father"
kiri " oh I'm sorry I didn't know"
renala " it okay none of your knew it just us and our mom at all"
tuk " well our daddy seems to know your mommy they might be friends, so our daddy might know who your daddy is we can ask him ... come on we can go speak with him"
neteyam " tuk not now renya and renala might not want to know, about him right now"
renya " thank you for the offer tuk but we do know little about him since yesterday and that all, we rather not make our mom mad"
tuk " okay"
renala " hey why don't go see the IIu it will be fun and we can teach you to ride" the children had soon switch up the topic and mood, to something more cheerful and going on a new adventures as well.
somewhere in the village with you
y/n " you were on your strimwing coming back from some task, you always love going for a ride on your creatures.
????? " y/n" you soon heard Jake voice you soon turned around and saw him he was with tonowari and tsu'tey.
tsu'tey " good dive and landing we saw you come in"
y/n " thank you"
tonowari " y/n has been able to adapt very well she had shown the clan a former sky person can learn the ways"
y/n " I had very good teachers so how is your lesson going"
tsu'tey " we are getting there it not easy but we are still getting the hand of it"
y/n " don't worry you will learn the ways but it will take time"
Jake " thanks I have fallen off a couple times"
y/n " that remind me of when we were learning the ways of the clan, and you had fallen off the direhorse a couple times" Jake had laugh at what you had said, a bright smile growing on his face.
Jake " yes"
y/n " those were good days I remembered grace got on your case called you a moron"
Jake " still a moron at times"
y/n " your have mature over the years I can give you credit for that"
tsu'tey " it great to see and speak with you again it been so long, since the last time we saw you"
y/n " yes it has been a long time since I saw all of you and it seems, like you all are doing well"
Jake " you seem to be doing good as well"
tonowari " yes y/n here has become an important member of the clan, and has help us understand these human invaders that have come"
Jake " wow"
y/n " yes but tonowari is being nice when I arrived here many years ago, they were dealing with the after effects of the human I had helped them and when the RDA came back I helped them again"
Jake " you always had that gifts of looking out for others and being there for them"
y/n " yes after all this time if hasn't changed"
Jake " I'm happy to know you are still the same person I remember"
tsu'tey " so how has life been here for you find anyone after ..."
y/n " no I haven't but I made a life here and found some joy"
Jake " I'm happy for you y/n and I had spoke to the others they will be here in couple days, they will love to see you again we all missed you" you had become silent you didn't end on good terms with all your friends when you left that was easy for anyone to see.
y/n " I will like to see them as well it has been so long"
Jake " maybe some day or night you can come over and have dinner with my family and meet everyone"
y/n " sure I will love that" Soon enough you had parted way from the three males, as there was other task you wish to complete. There were times when you ran into mo'at or neytiri as they will strike up o convention with you, but it still hurt to speak with neytiri.
Later that night
y/n " so how was the lessons"
renala " they were good mom we got to know the sully kids more, they learned we are twins and that your our mom"
y/n " ......"
renya " we are sorry mom"
y/n " it okay my son I'm fine with you telling them"
renya " we saw you speaking with Jake today how did it go"
y/n " it went well but there is still some hurt when I speak with him"
renala " hey mom maybe when are our guest are here we can find you, a new husband that tsu'tey guy seem very nice" you laugh at your daughter words making her laugh as well.
renya " yeah mom you deserve to love again"
y/n " well when the time right I will love again" the kids smile at your words which had made you smile as well.
???? " good evening" the family soon looked up to see Jake sully and his two sons standing there, you soon got up from where you are sitting and walked towards the entrance.
y/n " hello it didn't know we will be expecting guests tonight"
Jake " oh yes I had come by you drop off some stuff that you might think you will need, and my sons came along to help"
lo'ak " yes dad we walk by here with the twins today"
Jake " twins"
y/n " yes my children my son renya and my daughter renala" renya soon stood up and walked towards the entrance.
renya " I can take that for you sir come on guys I can show you, where to put everything"
Jake " okay" renya had taken the box from Jake and soon went deeper into the home with lo'ak and neteyam with him.
Jake " wow you have kids I"m guessing that your miracle"
y/n " yes they become my miracles" soon the boys had return talking about something.
lo'ak " hey dad y/n has some of the same human stuff you have even renya knows how to use them"
Jake " wow ... wait you kids have five fingers and eyebrows"
y/n " yes they inherited it from me"
Jake " wow"
neteyam " they are even the same age as me dad sixteen, with renya being the oldest"
renala " yes that my older brother"
Jake " sixteen years old so they were born a year after the war"
y/n " yes just like your son"
Jake " wow I'm happy for you y/n it good to see you have a family"
y/n " thank you Jake"
Jake " your son kiding of remind of neteyam and twins are very rare, as well coming from what I had been told"
y/n " yes that is true twins are rare but I had them born as forest navi but raised of reef navi" it seems like Jake was looking at the twins more but his eyes seem to be on renya as he looked like the second version of neteyam but a older version of lo'ak.
neteyam " dad we should be getting home mom will have dinner ready"
Jake " oh yes I will see you later and it was good meeting you kids as well"
renala " yes it was good to meet you as well sir"
lo'ak " see you guys tomorrow" Jake and his sons soon left the house but Jake kept on looking back at you, and the twins he had many question about the twins. He was going to speak to neytiri about this and later on you, as the twins were to close in age with the neteyam and you and him use to have a romance relationship as well. He really need to find out more about your life here and the twins, he knew he was not the only one who had questions about you and your life here.
134 notes · View notes
howlingday · 2 months
Sml x rwby swimming lessons where jaune try to help teaches his son/nephew how to swim.
Jaune: Alright, bud! Sun's out, guns out! (Flexes) Check out these guns, huh? I'm ripped because I'm a lifeguard. Ready, Adrian? I'm gonna teach you how to swim like a dolphin because your mommy is worried about you drowning in the bathtub.
Adrian: (Points) Nahwah?
Jaune: ...Narwals? No, there's no narwals in the pool, Adrian.
Adrian: (Puts wrists together, Wiggle fingers) Och... Och... Ochapus?
Jaune: No, there's no octopuses in the pool, either.
Terra: Can we get this started already?
Jaune: ...Terra, how- How are you standing on the water?
Terra: Uh...
Jaune: And why are you dressed like you're about to go sledding?
Terra: I didn't know what to wear!
Jaune: Have you never been to a pool before?!
Terra: I, uh...
Jaune: What, do you shower with your clothes on, too?
Terra: Can you start the lesson already?!
Jaune: Alright, Adrian, the first thing you need to do is to-
Yang: Eat a full meal before swimming!
Jaune: What? No! Then you'll cramp up!
Yang: Oh, that's just a myth to stop you from reaching your full potential! Now, Adrian, I want you to wharf down this whole meal! Get it? Wharf? Now eat all this food!
Adrian: (Groans, Rubs tummy)
Yang: Feel that pain? That's what we call swimmer's pain! It's how those lifeguards in the movies get so good at swimming! They eat a huge plate of food!
Jaune: Wait, is that true?
Yang: I dunno. Look it up if you care so much. Alright, Adrian, you ready to swim with your Auntie Yang and Uncle Jaune?
Jaune: Auntie Yang?
Adrian: Uh-uh! (Swipes arms)
Jaune: It's not going to hurt you, Adrian. Here, watch me- WHOA!
Terra: What?! What's wrong?!
Jaune: This water is flippin' cold!
Terra: Well, why don't you get in since Adrian is already scared?
Yang: Me? (Sighs) Fine.
Yang: Me? Oh, nononono!
Terra: Will you just hurry up in get in already?!
Yang: Oh, I'm sorry we're not all born with miraculous semblances that make us walk on water! It's really cold! Besides, does Adrian really need to learn to-
Jaune/Terra/Saphron: GET IN THE DAMN WATER!
Yang: Alright, fine, jeez! (Dips toe) Ooh! Cold! (Bites knuckle) O-Okay, Adrian! Come into the water~!
Adrian: (Shakes head, Steps away)
Yang: Oh, nonono... If I'm in the water, you're getting your ass into the water, too.
Jaune: Maybe we should show him how to swim.
Yang: Ugh, fine. I'll teach him how to doggy paddle.
Adrian: Dog... not fish!
Yang: Wha...
Jaune: He's saying dogs don't know how to swim because they aren't fish.
Yang: Well, that's not true! Watch, I'll even show you!
Yang: (Grabs Zwei) See, I've got my dog right here and (Tosses Zwei in)
Zwei: (Sinks)
Ruby: Yang! Have you seen Zwei? I think he ate a punch of rocks and now he's too heavy to do anything!
Jaune: I'VE GOT HIM! (Dives down)
Jaune: (Comes up with Zwei) See? The doggy is okay, Adria-
Zwei: (CRUNCH!)
Jaune: OW! OW! OW!
Yang: Look, Adrian, I'll show you cats can swim, too!
Neon: Hey! Put me down you racist piece of- (Shoved into the water)
Yang: C'mon, swim! SWIM! Hit me, you little...
Neon: ...
Yang: Uh... See? She's swimming! Um... (Grabs Neon's hair, Pulls up) Meow? Meow! I'm swimming! I'm-
Neon: (Tossed next to Adrian)
Saphron: (Chuckles) I- I thought you guys were professionals.
Terra: (Snickering)
Yang: We're... (Laughing) We're gonna get him in, I swear!
Jaune: (Giggles) Hang on, I got an idea.
Adrian: (On a floatie)
Yang: See, Adrian? The water's not so bad~! Whee~!
Adrian: Whee... get out.
Jaune: Get out? But look at how much fun we're having!
Terra: I thought I told you guys I wanted my son to learn to swim, not float around all his life on a floatie!
Jaune: Listen, we have a plan.
Yang: While Jaune distracts him, I'm gonna dive down and flip the floatie over.
Terra: That seems a little extreme, don't you think?
Yang: Hey, who's the swimming teacher here?
Yang: ...No, seriously, I'm asking.
Jaune: It'll be fine, Terra, we promise.
Terra: Alright.
Yang: Okay, Adrian, I'm gonna go for to the bathroom~!
Adrian: (Tucks in legs)
Yang: No, no, it's fine! You don't have to do anything, right, Uncle Jaune~?
Jaune: Right.
Yang: (Walks away, Dives under)
Adrian: Unca Jon? Where Yan?
Jaune: Uh...
Yang: (Flips floatie)
Yang: No, no, see, Adrian?! You're doing it- AGH, FUCK!
Neon: (On top of Yang, Trying to drown her)
Yang: (Grabs Neon, Throws her outside wall) You- (Coughs) You see that shit?! Cat came back to life and she tried to drown me!
Adrian: Well, they do have nine lives.
Yang: Yeah, that's true.
Terra: Oh, Adrian, they were just trying to help~.
Jaune: That's... That's a narwal.
Terra: I thought you said there weren't any narwals in here.
Jaune: There shouldn't be!
Adrian: ME! WANT! HOME! NOW!
Terra: Alright, we're gonna take him home now because you both suck as swimming instructors.
Jaune: Aw...
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alaezasmystery235 · 2 years
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
[ Disclaimer ] : this reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn't, you don't need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn't resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious!
lastly, be happy and enjoy reading my works — feedbacks, comments, likes, reblogs and follows are really appreciated by the reader. (that's me, lol :3)
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[ source and creditable ] : All of the pictures are collected and downloaded from 'pinterest' i don't own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners however edits goes and belong to me only @alaezasmystery . I use the editor tools canva and kapwing for the header and divider.
Extra credit to @daninixx for giving permission to use her rules and disclaimer.
。˚ 𓂋 🍋﹒✦﹒✿ ˚
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Has long hair , straight and soft
Winter is prominent , May have their birthday or it's their fav season . Also loves Christmas !!
Height is between 5'10 - 6'1
Plays guitar or takes singing lessons
Work related to healing , crafting or humanity
Has an outgoing personality. But doesn't indulge in social functions often
May have a brother or sibling whom they trusts the most
Loves beaches and spends time in solitude
Smells good and has a clean cut , Muscular fit .
Their spirit animal can be Bear and Spider
Very very good at sex .
Green Blue eyes . Specs are coming for some .
Has won some medals or prizes on sports such as swimming , yoga or HITs .
Loves savory foods and often dines at fine restaurants
May keep charms or souvenirs for luck . I'm getting some kind of family heirloom
Aesthetic Vibes :- Softcore & 90s
Their handwriting can be small in font and slanting .
Places I got = Turkey , Israel , Japan
Zodiac signs = Taurus , Sagittarius , Aries
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Quite different from your usual types
Has a big friend circle / Friendly & Outgoing
Loves astronomy . Possibility of being a starseed.
Full of surprises and enjoy life to the fullest
virgin and have a high sex drive
Height can be between 5 '7 - 5' 8
Fashionista . Loves mainly caps and bracelets
Divine Connection . Has witchy vibes .
Loves animals and wants a pet
Curly short healthy hair . Black and Red are prominent .
Graduated . Has some kind of major . OR just finished college
Not too old & young . Age between 22- 27 .
Loves Cars and bikes in colours blue / White .
Aesthetic vibes :- Dark Academia & Glam
Always on the GO !!! Doesn't like lazy people .
Has some mommy issues .
Intimidating , Majesty and model vibes
Loves to compose either books or music
Very pretty hands and nails
Places I got = USA , Florida , Brazil , Northampton
Zodiac signs = Leo , Scorpio , Aquarius , Pisces
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©️ @alaezasmystery 2023
。˚ 𓂋 🍋﹒✦﹒✿ ˚
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A Compilation of my Favourite Mildly Unhinged Obey Me! Fic Moments
To begin, we have this new classic from Chapter Four of A Very Lovecraftian Exchange Student,
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Next up we have a charming example of Lucifer being an old man in the same chapter of AVLES,
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The one line not entrenched in angst from my most popular fic, Little Brothers,
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From an old classic, guest starring my MC Himiko (who’s body temp is in the negatives) The Sleepover,
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And now we have Asmo trying to be a mommy blogger with his poor terrified half-human child in Lesson 24 of The Half Demon Series,
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And of course, Luci-Goosey being a dad to poor sweet Venus,
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This gem from my totally scientific explanation as to my opinions on whether or not the brothers and side characters could swim,
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And who could forget when I had MC tell Beel they were pregnant in the middle of his sets?
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And to end this, Asmo cursing out God because it rained on a date,
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navybrat817 · 9 months
Currently at swim lessons for my kiddos and there's a Mommy/Daddy and Me swim class going on. I think Dad Diaries!Bucky would have a blast with this class.
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staygoldwriting · 2 years
🏊 Coach Harrington
Steve Harrington x single!mom!reader
Warnings: single mom, pregnancy, fluff
Word count: ~2.4k
A/N: I wrote this after I saw a post from @mcueveryday asking about Steve x single mom reader fics! I really love writing for Steve, and I loved writing this story! I hope you all enjoy, and as always, please show love and support ❤️✨
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“Okay, five seconds more! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! And rest!”
Steve smiled proudly at his students. He originally wanted to be a swim coach for only one summer, but it soon turned into a career. He absolutely loved teaching kids of all ages how to swim, but his 3-5 class was his favorite. According to him, they were always the most enthusiastic group, and because the kids were so young, he had to keep the classes small to keep an eye on them. They were only a few lessons in, but some kids had already mastered treading water, which Steve was immensely proud of, not to mention relieved since it was his least favorite task. 
“Okay, I think that’s all for today, kiddos,” Steve smiled. “Great work today! Go ahead and dry off and find your mommies and daddies.”
As Steve toweled off, receiving many soaked “thank you, coach Harrington!” hugs, he saw a familiar woman approach him. He gave a friendly smile, waved, and walked over. As he got closer, he realized it was Y/N, an old friend from high school.
“Hey, Y/N!” he said.
“Oh my gosh, Steve!” you said in surprise. “I didn’t know you were the coach Harrington!”
“You’ve heard of me?” Steve asked in surprise.
“Yeah, yeah! I’ve been trying so much to get Daisy—Daisy, honey, come on,” you said, lightly pushing your daughter from behind your legs, “I’ve been trying to get Daisy to learn how to swim, and nothing I’ve done has worked, so one of my mom friends suggested I come see you about classes.”
“Oh, wow,” Steve smiled, “I didn’t know that I was so famous! Hi, Daisy,” he said, kneeling down, “I’m coach Harrington, I used to go to school with your mommy.”
“Hi,” Daisy whispered.
“You look a lot like her,” Steve smiled, making Daisy hug your legs. 
“I can’t believe you’ve got a daughter,” Steve said. “It feels like just yesterday that you and I were sharing notes in Mr. Hayden’s class.”
“I know, time is funny that way,” you smiled. “It’s good to see you, Steve.”
“It’s good to see you too,” Steve smiled back. “So, are you still with—”
“No, um, sorry to cut you off, but I can’t really discuss it with, you know,” you trailed off, looking down at Daisy. 
“Oh, I’m very sorry,” Steve apologized, but you shook your head.
“Don’t worry about it at all,” you smiled, looking at Steve. He looked back at you, a bit of blush appearing on his cheeks, then he snapped himself back to reality.
“Swimming lessons!” he yelled.
“Right, right, swimming lessons, the whole point of me coming here,” you said, feeling a bit foolish.
“It’s easy to get caught up in nostalgia,” he smiled. “But for lessons, we’re only about three lessons in, so Daisy can join this class if she wants,” he offered. “And I can also meet with you both sometime this week to catch her up before the next class.”
“That would be great, thank you, Steve,” you smiled, holding his arm. “So, when are the class?”
“Every Tuesday at four.”
“Okay, I think we can make that work,” you smiled, looking at Daisy. “I’m actually Daisy’s teacher, so we can leave right after school’s done.”
“You’re a teacher? That’s so great, Y/N,” Steve smiled. “What grade do you teach?”
“Kindergarten,” you said.
“Kindergarten, huh?” Steve said, kneeling down to Daisy again. “So, how old would that make you, Daisy bud?” he asked sweetly, making Daisy giggle. 
“She’s a sucker for nicknames,” you chuckled. “Tell him, sweetie,” you encouraged.
“Five,” Daisy said quietly.
“Five years old! That’s a great age to be,” Steve smiled. 
“How old are you?” Daisy asked Steve, her big eyes sparkling.
“I’m 26,” Steve replied. 
“Just like Mommy!” Daisy exclaimed.
“Yes! Mr. Harrington went to school with Mommy,” you said. “He was really nice!”
“Your mommy has always been very kind,” he winked at you, “and smart too! Your mommy was the smartest girl in her class.”
“Wow,” Daisy gasped, looking up at you in awe. You kissed her forehead softly, then looked back at Steve.
“I’m still just as unathletic though. Between you and me, I still don’t know how to swim properly.”
“Well, I can teach you!” Steve offered. 
“Really? I feel like it would be so embarrassing!” you said bashfully.
“We can make it a private Mommy and Me class! Only if you want to, of course,” Steve said.
“You’d really do that for us?” you asked quietly. 
“Of course I would,” Steve said quickly. “You’ve always been kind to me, it’s about time I paid you back.”
“Well, thank you, Steve. But, I-I don’t have a lot of money—”
“It’s free.”
“I couldn’t, Steve—”
“It would be my pleasure, really,” Steve said, holding your arm. “Please, I want to.”
You sighed as you looked down at Daisy, who was playing with the zipper on your bag. You brushed her hair back softly and looked at Steve, whose eyes were warmly fixed on you. How could that look still have power almost a decade after being in high school? 
“Okay, let’s do it.”
“There are my girls!” Steve smiled as he stood by the pool. Daisy released your hand and ran over to Steve, who picked her up and twirled her around. 
You both had been taking lessons from Steve for two months now, and it had provided you and Steve plenty of time to reconnect. For the most part, he was a brand new guy; he was sweet, caring, and hardworking, but he was just as handsome as always. What struck you most, though, was his relationship with Daisy. In all of your lessons, he was patient, understanding, and clearly loved being with kids. You thought that maybe he was just being nice to Daisy for your sake, but when you not-so coincidentally visited the pool the same days as his other lessons, you soon realized that he loved every single kid he taught. No one was deprived of his attention. One day, you decided to ask him about it.
“So, you really love kids, don’t you?” you said as you helped Daisy fix her water wings so she could swim around on her own. 
“I really do,” Steve chuckled. “I blame it all on Dustin Henderson, actually.”
“How in the world?” you laughed.
“Well, he sort of… latched? Onto me when he was thirteen or something. You go through life and all the sucky things, and I sort of turned into a babysitter for him and his little friends. Then, they grew up, but I wanted that feeling back, that feeling that I’m needed by the kids. So many kids need a parental figure that’s not going to be judgmental or overbearing. My parents were like that, and it was miserable. I just want to bring some joy to my kids’ lives, you know?”
“I totally understand, Steve. It’s hard to keep this little one happy all the time,” you said, poking Daisy’s side. “But that’s really great, I’m glad you’ve found your calling. The kids obviously love you—I mean, Daisy, Daisy loves you,” you stumbled.
“Well, don’t tell the other kids, but Daisy’s my favorite,” he smirked. “And I like her mom, too,” he winked, making you blush. 
“Do you, now?” you asked, trying to be flirty.
“Yeah,” he admitted. “Not exactly the best time to tell you, but, hey, I thought I’d be honest.”
“Well, I like my daughter’s swim coach, so,” you trailed off, smirking. 
“Don’t tell him, it’ll go to his head,” he chuckled. 
“Mm, well, he better prepare for this, because I was going to ask him if he’d like to come over for dinner tonight.”
“Oh, really?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Well, Daisy asked, so don’t let your ego get too big.”
“Are you kidding me? Daisy bud asking me is so much cooler,” Steve joked. “I’m never going to live that down, I’m walking on air. Did you hear that, Daisy bud? I’m coming over for dinner!”
“Yay!” Daisy yelled, making a big wave that splashed on your face. Steve chuckled as he went to move the hair out of your face, his laughs soon softening as he looked at you longingly. 
“Sorry, Mommy, you’re still pretty,” Daisy said bashfully.
“She sure is, Daisy bud,” Steve smiled. 
You fiddled with your outfit as you waited for Steve to arrive. Daisy had already decided on her outfit, wanting to wear a bright green tutu with her favorite t-shirt, a striped one with a dog on it. She added a pair of jean shorts, rain boots, and a hat with bear ears, and you really had never seen her look better. You loved her fun, individual style, and she was the cutest child you had ever seen, in your not-so-biased opinion. You, on the other hand, were just settling on your fifth outfit when you heard your doorbell ring. Smoothing out your blouse, you ran downstairs to open the door. Steve was standing there, holding two small packages and a bouquet of flowers.
“Hey there,” he smiled. “These are for you,” he said, handing you the flowers.
“Oh, Steve, thank you so much,” you said, kissing his cheek. “Come in.”
“Mr. Harrington!” Daisy squealed, running to hug his knees.
“Hey, little one,” he chuckled. “Here’s something for you,” he said as he handed her one of the small packages. She opened it up to see a fuzzy stuffed rabbit, which made her squeal again.
“Thank you, Mr. Harrington, thank you!”
“Of course, Daisy bud. And hey, you can call me Steve if you want.”
Daisy blushed as she hid herself in Steve’s knees again. 
“Well, you two can hang out while I finish up dinner, if that’s okay,” you said, looking at Steve.
“Oh, absolutely! Daisy bud and I have plenty to discuss, and she promised me she’d show me The Big Comfy Couch show.”
“You’ll enjoy that,” you smiled.
“Oh, and this is for after dinner,” Steve smiled, handing you the other package. “Made it myself,” he said happily. 
“Blueberry pie, wow! Thank you,” you smiled.
“Of course. Now, go ahead and do what you need to. I’m off to my happy place,” he chuckled, holding Daisy’s outstretched hand. You giggled to yourself and walked into the kitchen.
You soon finished preparing dinner, and as you passed by to set the table in the dining room, you saw Steve looking down with intense concentration. You set the plates down and walked over to them, hearing their conversation.
“And then I have to put glitter on so that we can match,” Daisy said quietly as Steve nodded. You felt your heart melt as you saw Steve gently painting Daisy’s nails, messy polish all over his own. As you walked over, they both looked up at you excitedly.
“We’re becoming beautiful,” Steve beamed.
“Mommy, you have to match us too!” Daisy exclaimed, holding her hands up to see.
“Wow, Steve is better at nails than Mommy,” you chuckled. “You guys are adorable, I can barely stand it!”
“Steve, will you paint Mommy’s nails?” Daisy asked.
“Maybe after dinner, if Mommy wants me to,” Steve smiled, looking up at you.
“It would be a pleasure,” you replied. “I haven’t had a decent manicure in years.”
“You deserve it,” Steve said, smirking.
“You deserve it, Mommy!” Daisy giggled.
“Okay, my little cuckoo bird, go ahead and get yourself cleaned up for dinner,” you said, holding her hand. “I think your nails are dry enough, but be careful, okay?”
“Okay, Mommy,” Daisy smiled as she hopped off of the couch. You took her place and sat down in front of Steve. He held up his pink glitter-polished hands for you to see.
“She’s going places,” he chuckled. 
Without thinking, you leaned forward and kissed Steve, holding the side of his face with your hand. It was long, passionate, and an explosion of your emotions. He kissed back, leaning forward towards you, and you could feel him start to smile. As you broke away, he let out a soft laugh.
“I don’t know where that came from,” you said apologetically. “I just—you’re just so great with Daisy and me and—I  just—haven’t felt this much love from someone in a while. It’s so hard being on my own with Daisy, and it gets lonely at times, and I just want to find someone who cares for both of us the way you do and I—”
Steve held your face and kissed you again, deeply. A tear fell down your cheek as you returned the kiss, feeling overwhelmed with love.
“I never thought that I’d be able to find this kind of love either,” Steve said. “I’ve always felt like such a failure, like no one wants me—”
“You’re not a failure,” you whispered.
“You and Daisy make me feel like I’ve won the lottery,” Steve said, holding your face. “I know that Daisy isn’t my own, but the more I get to know her, the more I want to be in her life. And I really want to be in your life too, Y/N. What do you say?”
You kissed Steve again, softer this time. 
🏊 -Two Years Later-
“So, what color?” Steve asked, holding up four polishes for you to see.
“I think I’d like the dark blue please,” you smiled.
“I couldn’t have selected a better one myself,” he said cheerfully, then began to paint your toenails. Daisy walked over with her favorite glitter polish and rested her hands on your very pregnant belly.
“Mommy? Will you paint my nails please?”
“Of course, sweetheart! It’ll be like a nail polish train,” you said, making you both giggle.
“But who will paint Daddy’s nails?” she asked with concern.
“Mm, maybe you can paint them when I’m done with yours?” you suggested.
“Okay!” she giggled, handing you her polish. 
As you and Steve finished up, Daisy gave you a hug, admiring her new nails. Steve closed the polish bottle and grabbed your hands, pulling you closer to him.
“Payment!” he said, puckering up. You laughed, kissing him softly. 
“Okay, Daddy, time for your nails! What do you want this time?” Daisy said, pulling her box of manicure equipment closer to him.
“Hmm, can I just have some stickers please?” he said, looking at the stickers with little fruit on them.
“Sure!” Daisy said cheerily. “Payment?” she asked, making Steve chuckle. He kissed her forehead, then pulled her in for a hug.
“I love you, my Daisy bud.”
“I love you too, Daddy.”
Taglist: @tillkummer @mlle-ayka @fanficfanatic204 @klaine-92 @aurumbelis @onlyangel-444 @beep-beep-sherlock @morishitoshi @onceuponathreetwoone @toomanybandstocare @underthebatcape @zeldaknight @fieldofsecretss @prettyinpunk85 @igotbasicdrag @gothicfaires @thatonecurlygirl @luvthatlovestolove @loliakeoghan23 @dearelliewrites @mslunawinchester @efvyqrs @simonsbluee @inkedaztec @dumplinshee @pastel-abyss-x @frozenhuntress67 @hawkins-hs @witheringawayagain @theshinyrock @highpriestessfae @pinkgothiccprincess @persephone13 @katsukis1wife @murnsondock @fictionlandslanddreams @srapalestina @babyghouly @madformunsonsstuff @harrys-tittie @middle--fingering @urmomgov @maybankstarkey @jbetches @stardustmunson @maltinonka
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stevenbasic · 1 year
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GITJ Post 333: A Saturday at Melissa's, p8 (6pm, Lakshmi)
“Hi there,” I said, watching his eyes go wide and his mouth drop seeing me, standing there in Melissa’s downstairs bathroom, my leggings pulled down past my bottom. Instead of screaming and panicking like I would have done just three months ago if a boy walked in on me changing, I just stood there. I was calm, and I let him look at me. I had nothing to be embarrassed about. I was proud of my body, and how it was changing, what it was becoming.
“Oh my god I’m s-sorry!” he blurted, but I stopped him with a word as he moved to close the door again.
“No, stop,” I said, and immediately he did. He froze in his tracks for me. “It is okay, I am just changing.” I stood there longer, I did not move. His eyes went back to my behind, I watched him, and I smiled. “You can stay and watch if you want.”
“y-yeah no…I was just trying to…but I don’t have a suit…” The poor thing sounded confused and lost. He obviously needed someone to help him again, but even after what we had done together this week, he was still shy.
“You were trying to find a place to change, too?” I asked patiently. He nodded, and I knew I should not laugh. I could barely believe that this was Dr. J, my boss for these past years, and this was me. And it had come to be like this. He was like a little boy who just walked in on his mommy’s friend in the bathroom. He looked so embarrassed. “Why don’t you go find the other ladies, they are in the pool. They can help.”
He looked at me - not my bum, haha, but in my eyes in the mirror this time - and left. He had listened to me. Good boy. 
We were going swimming! Like many of the others, I had not known this house had an indoor pool and did not come prepared. But after a few glasses of afternoon wine from the cellar we figured it would be fun! With Dr. J, now awake and fed I had the chance to pick out an old swimsuit of Melissa’s from the stash we had found in storage, in the basement. Her mom had kept bins of them from Melissa’s teen years. I chose a pretty blue one-piece that looked like it might fit around my bust (now that I am so much bigger up there than I was haha) but oh my goodness the buttttt….
“C’mon in Lakshmi we’re teaching him to swim..!”
It was so nice, Melissa’s mother’s house. I mean, my family’s home was nice too, my father had made good money since coming to the United States. But it was not like this, not this big, not this modern and elegant. And we certainly did not have an indoor pool! Melissa’s mother must be very wealthy and successful to afford this house, much more so than my father. She kept everything perfect and beautiful, and this pool area was not an exception. It was a large, glassed-in enclosure, with plants and furniture and nice lighting. A big rock formation took up one part of one wall, bringing an earthy, natural vibe to the whole environment . It was warm, even in November, and above the chlorine I could sense the girls had already filled it with our perfumes. Melissa hadn’t arrived yet - she said she would be coming with Shanette when they were done shopping - but there were many of us here already, both on the pool deck relaxing, sitting on the pool’s edge, and in the water itself. 
I smiled in greeting at the group drinking wine in the lounge chairs as I made my way into the big indoor pool room. I caught myself laughing, seeing it. Some girls were on the pool deck, relaxing, but Josie, Randi and the two desk girls Bobbi and Brittni had Dr. J in the pool, in the deeper end. They were…giving him swimming lessons? 
“He says he used to be able to swim?” Brittni said. She was wearing a brief yellow bikini. “But look-“
I took my first step into the pool and watched as Brittni, who had been holding Dr. J under the armpits, pushed him away from her. She was in water shallow enough for her to stand, but apparently too deep for Dr. J. He had become smaller, recently, the poor thing, while Brittni and Bobbi were each probably 5’8” at this point., just like me. We all watched as he started to flounder, beating awkwardly at the water with his hands and arms. I felt my own heart flutter in a protective reflex, and took another two quick steps down the pool stairs, but he was quickly rescued by Bobbi, who took him underneath the arms again. Her bikini matched her friend’s; the two looked nearly like twins, and their hair looked darker than I remembered.
“Tell Lakshmi what you told us,” called Randi, who was treading water in the deepest area of the pool. Her smile was really big, really white. She looked to be wearing a black bikini, big breasts buoyant. 
Now secure in Bobbi’s arms, Dr. J looked sheepishly over at me as I slowly waded into the water. “Y-yeah I used to be able to, but now I can’t…” he said, his voice so delightfully reticent, like an embarrassed little boy.
“Yeah he’s lost the ability to swim,” Randi purred, in her smoky voice. 
Coos and clucks greeted that, coming from all over the big warm room. “That’s sooo adorable, isn’t it?” burst Aubrey, who was sitting on the pool’s edge, quiet to this point. Her long legs kicked lazily into the water, and a black one-piece clung to her surprisingly dramatic, elegant curves. She looked at Dr. J with a warm, protective gaze that made me feel a nice attachment to her. In response, Dr. J had hid his face, tucking his chin to his chest.
Was he giving us the impression that he was a weak, vulnerable man on purpose? Did he want to look like someone who needed the protection of women? The way he clung to Bobbi’s arms, a young bosomy girl who held him out of the water for his safety, certainly made it seem that way. Maybe it was our perfumes that were doing this to him, or maybe he wanted us to pamper and parent him like a crowd of swimsuit aunties. Because if that was what he was trying to get us to do…he was doing a pretty good job of it!
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“Let’s see him try again, He’s so cute when he struggles,” <video link, sound on!> Katie said, leaning over the pool in her blue bikini. I watched his eyes go up to her, from down below in the pool. He looked stunned, and I could not blame him. She is so pretty, with her blonde hair and makeup perfect even on a casual night like this. All the girls, in fact, looked amazing. I could not believe these were my friends. “Go ahead, sweetie, try to swim,” she urged, “you’re going to do great.”
I watched, we all watched, as Bobbi held him, and then talked gently in his ear, readying him to try to paddle across the pool again. Brittni held her arms out, expectant. “Come on, little guy, come on…” she cooed, “Come to Brittni.”
Another chorus of ‘awwwwwws..!’ came from the group of us as he tried the best he could to doggie-paddle his way to the curvy dark-haired girl. He panted and struggled, and after Brittini took a step or two closer, he finally reached her. We all cheered.
“So good, sweetie!”
“Oh my gosh you’re swimming!”
“Maybe we should get him some floaties,” drawled Amelia, who was inspecting her nails at the pool’s edge, seated on a lounger. 
Everyone watched, and chatted, and talked and drank wine and I joined in on the lesson, helping him when he needed to stay afloat. From time to time he would cling to me. His little muscles would tire from all the exercise, and I held him so he could have a rest. His skin felt so good against mine and I could feel his ribs press against my breasts. I made sure to talk gently to him, as I could tell he was still embarrassed. At one point I let him go, to hold onto the wall in the shallow end so I could take a glass of wine from Katie, who offered me one from across the pool.
“That suit look sooo nice on you, Kiki,” Josie complimented me...
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”The color is really pretty? That nice blue?” said Bobbi.
”Don’t you think so Dr J?” asked Brittni. 
I could feel his eyes on my bottom as I was reaching for the wine glass. My butt had gotten so big that I knew it must be bursting out the behind. Melissa had been a curvy teen, I am sure, but my butt was obviously way bigger than hers when she fit into this suit! Dr. J was having a hard time looking away from me, but soon his attention was torn elsewhere. Looking up, I saw that Katarina was at the glass door which led from the main living area's great room into the pool. Someone had maybe locked it and she was knocking, and pressing her big boobs into the glass, trying to get in. A big smile was on her face, and her breasts looked enormous in a bikini of midnight blue, pancake-squashed up against the slider. “Let me in..!” she called, voice muffled by the glass. She then planted a big kiss on the floor-to-frame pane.
“Haha okay okay hold on you impatient Polish milf!” said Randi as Katarina pulled away a bit, leaving a huge pucker lipstick mark where her kiss had been, “Those milkers might just bust right through!” Randi had moved to unlock the door and finally Katarina stepped back, to allow it to slide open. Two big, moist mammary-marks remained for a moment, before slowly fading.
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“Oh my god Katarina look at you!” Josie laughed, as she stared at the blonde’s overly ample chest.The tall, Eastern European woman stepped into the pool area, sliding the door closed behind her.
“Sorry, I had call husband, at home,” Katarina said, apologizing for having stepped away, “He nervous with babies.”  She was thin, but as a new, nursing mother her breasts were humongous and she knew it “Yes Josephine, I pump earlier. I fill all bottles I bring. But look, so swollen again! It like they know someone hungry.”
I could not help but look over at Dr. J who, from the side of the pool, starred up in awe at Katarina. The poor thing. We all know how he is, and being surrounded by a bevy of us like this must be so hard on him. Everywhere he turned there was something or someone curvy. His employees, his assistants, his secretaries and helpers, here in weekend mode, relaxed and casual and all in swimsuits must have been quite the test. 
Brittni and Bobbi, in fact, looking like twin sisters in their matching bikinis, were moving back across the pool to him. It was cute, watching his eyes bulge, and then them squish him between themselves…
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Maybe it was all the wine, or something in the air, but the girls (myself included haha!) were all being so affectionate with him. And the best thing? He was letting us! It was like he had given in, relaxed, and just let himself enjoy the attention. There was no sense of jealousy among us, there was no thought that we were doing something we shouldn’t. Melissa loved us, she loved him, we all loved one another. There was a new feeling of family that had grown strong and warm. I watched him smile awkwardly, sandwiched between the B-girls, and felt my heart open tenderly. He is ours to protect and care for, I could feel it, and we could do such a good job!
The girls played with him in the water some more, giggling, and Josie and I sat together in the hot tub and poured each other wine. Josie was making fun of how frizzy my hair got, around the pool -
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- so mean haha! After some time there was a buzz in the air - an actual buzz! - and we could tell Melissa was soon to arrive. We all became giddy and when she appeared in the doorway, the glass sliding open, many of us gasped
She was so beautiful.
“Oh good, Mommy’s home!” Josie sang. 
She stepped in, casual as can be somehow, even as all eyes were drawn magnetically to her. Looking tall, taller than I ever remember seeing her from my seat in the tub, she was absolutely the queen in this castle. If all the girls looked pretty in their swimsuits, Melissa was no less than a bikini goddess built of pure curves that boggled minds. She strode in wearing ribbed swim top of navy blue with a thin, white towel around her womanly hips, ready to swim. Her legs were long, shapely and muscular, her waist and abdominals trimly and impossibly fit.
“Jesus Missy, look at you,” Amelia said, uncharacteristically stunned. Melissa’s curves, her musculature, her long limbs and perfect skin seemed to call to mind something more than human. 
“Wow Miss,” Katie said, echoed by Randi. Others - Aubrey, Katarina, the B-girls and myself - were speechless. How could a human be so perfect? 
Melissa smiled and her eyes sparkled in the dim light, but that was all the acknowledgment she gave us. She seemed focused on one thing. “How’s my baby?” she spoke, eyes on Dr. J where he was held up in the far end of the pool by Brittni and Bobbi. As Melissa slowly stepped in, towards the pool steps, her gaze was fixed the whole time. 
“We measured him today,” Josie called out from beside me, “he’s lost a couple more inches.”
We watched as, casually, Melissa loosened the towel and let it drop from her hips to the floor, just before the steps. Some of us gasped again as now she was fully on display, with brief bikini bottoms baring bountiful hips. From our angle in the hot tub, Josie and I had a view of her bottom, which was huge and magnificent. 
“Is that right, sweetie?” Melissa asked him, as her first toes entered the water, “You got measured?”
“Yeah puppy tell her how tall you are now,” Randi spoke, as she walked over towards us, approaching the hot tub. ‘Puppy’? That was a new term. I liked it!
Eyes in the room were now on Dr. J, still held up between the B-girls, their big breasts squashed into either side of him. His jaw was ajar, and his eyes glazed. 
“C’mon spill it,” Amelia groaned, feigning her typical disinterest but brilliant blue eyes full of intelligence. We all felt it, how primal this moment was. “Tell us all your height., we forget. And Missy needs to know.”
Melissa started to wade into the pool taking one step and then another as she slowly walked towards him. Her eyes were gleaming now and still locked on his, keeping his gaze with her crooked smile. But she didn’t say a word, letting us urge him to speak. 
“Tell her, Dr. J,” Aubrey teased. 
“Yeah sweetie it’s okay,” I heard myself say.
“I’m 4'10”,” he blurted, voice cracking adorably but carrying enough for Melissa to hear. Her smile widened as we all sighed, and then deepened as she began to close the distance between them. The water parted for her, making way as her large body pushed waves to ripple across the pool’s surface. Three-plus feet of water came barely up to her bottom, but every step she took brought her deeper. 
Just then, aside me, Josie spoke up.  “ooooooo and chocolate mommy too!”
“‘Chocolate Mommy?’” said Shanette, who had just stepped into the room, “for real?” Greetings were called out, and Shanette slid the door closed behind herself, sealing us all in once again. She, too, was in a swimsuit, and had breasts that rivaled Katarina’s in size. She said hellos, smiling at us each as she set a new bottle of wine down on a poolside table. Then she looked at Dr. J, still in the B-girls’ arms. The platinum blonde Katie had drifted alongside them. “So it looks like someone here has a little harem, doesn’t he?” Shanette asked. 
That brought a titter of giggles from the girls in the pool, hands brushing his thin chest. 
“A harem, hm?” Melissa purred, one brow cocked as she still approached the little group in the deeper water, closing the distance slowly, “Who else is coming?”
“Oh, a few more people, I forget,” Josie answered, “We invited most everyone.”
“Angie? Cici?” someone asked.
“Does they even still work here?” Randi posited. It was an honest question; no one could remember seeing them, recently though in fact neither had missed a day of work,, “Who’s Cici again?” Some had even forgotten their names.
“Well, you have lots of girls tonight,” Melissa concluded, “What a lucky little man.” She sounded amused, tolerant, advancing on them. From behind her I watched as she took a moment to gather up her thick dark hair, pinning it up. I admired the musculature of her back and shoulders. “Well, that’s nice honey, I’m glad all my friends are here,” she said, having come close enough to reach out to him, “but Wifey’s home now.”
The girls all giggled again. 
”Come here,” she purred, a deep satisfaction in her voice as the B-girls gently let him go, as Melissa’s hands reached under his thin arms and took him from their curvy bodies, “Mommy wants to say hello to daddy.”
We all, fixated, cooed and clucked our approval, watching Melissa bring him to herself, as the girls stepped back. She tucked him onto her side, settling him on her left hip, smiling tenderly. He found his legs curled around her waist underwater, his arms thrown about her long, graceful neck above. Their gazes were locked into each other, and the moment was so romantic! She started to slowly walk him around the pool.
“Oh, Missy, this is so adorable,” someone said. 
It gave all of us a deep satisfaction to see them together, like all was right again in the world. Something in the air -  not just the warm water - heated our blood, brought pleasure to us. His erection pushed into her side; it was like we could all feel it. 
“Mmmm what are you wearing, honey?” we heard her purr. Her eyes were heavy lidded, enjoying the moment herself. 
“I, uh, didn’t have a suit…” he answered sheepishly. 
“We let him swim in his boxers,” Aubrey offered. 
“Yeah he was too shy to go naked,” Randi said. 
“Oh we can fix that,” Melissa smiled, and then pressed her lips firmly against his own.
We saw as the surprise almost caused him to recoil but Melissa’s lips seemed to draw him in. They engulfed his mouth and took hold of his face. She was in charge of their kissing, it was easy to see, and he passively allowed her to swallow him down into it. He looked blissful, held and kissed by his lover, and it made my thighs shiver imagining what they both must be feeling. He didn’t even notice as they lazily walked to the shallows, up the stairs and then back down into the attached hot tub, to be bathed in the warmth of it with Josie and me. We cooed to them in greeting but he seemed unaware that we were even there, so consumed by her kiss he was. All he knew was that when her lips released him he had no strength left and could only let Melissa support him as she now sat on the cement bench which circled the inside of the tub. She settled his smaller body on her lap, supporting him with her strong arms.The feeling of his body relaxing on her own was obviously both soothing and exciting for them both. 
Melissa released him from her kiss, and looked deep down into his fluttering eyes. I realized that none of us had said anything for quite some time.
Shanette was first to speak; she was standing on the steps of the main pool, behind Melissa. “What did we talk about, Missy?” she asked,
At that, as if reminded of something, Melissa giggled and, with one hand still supporting his back, lowered the straps of her bikini partway down her shoulders. Dr. J’s eyes immediately went to her chest and she, gathering her shoulders, bulged her enormous breasts together, causing them to balloon upwards and him to moan. They were right in front of his face, and looked big enough to swallow his head. 
“That’s right, go to mama,” I heard Shanette whisper.
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“oh my god…” he breathed, despite himself. 
“That’s right, she’s so big, isn’t she Dr. J?” Randi purred, walking towards us on the deck.
Dr. J moaned again. 
“Weekend daddy is so much more fun than work daddy,” Josie giggled, turning a bit towards the couple, from their right. I sat across the tub, just watching as Dr. J’s eyes drifted to Josie. She wore a black string bikini, tied around her neck, and looked really pretty. 
“He is more fun,” Randi said, as she slid into the tub with us, behind Dr. J and to Melissa’s left, “Maybe we shouldn’t let him go to work anymore.”
“Ooo yeah!” Josie squealed. 
That brought a giggle from Melissa. “Would you like that?” she asked him, bouncing him a little in her lap with her large, muscular thighs, “If I kept you here as a stay-at-home husband?” Was she joking? Or was she serious? Haha oh my god!
“Yeah he could cook and clean for you,” Randi offered. 
“I’d pay to see him in an apron,” said Amelia, who had stood, strolled our way with her wine.
“Oh no no no…” Melissa laughed, jostling him again on her lap, “I’d do all that. That’s Wifey’s job. This house is too big for daddy.” She knew where his eyes were fixed, staring at her breasts as they jiggled in her navy blue bikini top. “And we can’t have him all tired when mommy gets home…”
”Yeah mommy has needs!” Josie giggled. 
I watched Melissa’s hand reach down between his legs. 
“Oh I do, I do…” she agreed, groaning, as if overcome by the feel of him in her grip, “Omigosh, you have no idea.” She smiled as we all watched as his whole body stiffened, for a moment, feeling her big hand take hold of him underwater.
“You’re so hard for her aren’t you, baby?” Shanette purred, from where she stood nearby in the main pool by the steps. The shallows were part way up her brown thighs. 
“Oh he is,” Melissa returned, smiling, watching his face. “Josie, Randi, Ki…is it okay if I…take care of him? Under the water?” she asked, “You guys can step out if it’s-“
“No, please go ahead!” Josie blurted, as Randi just chuckled. 
“yes oh my,” I agreed, nearly speechless, my eyes feeling as wide as Josie’s. Melissa was going to do it here, right now, in the hot tub with the warm water and all of us in it? Oh my god I felt my mouth dry up, my thighs tingle again like I wanted it in me.
Dr J had made some weak complaint, but Melissa’s hand was already in his boxers gripping him, pulling him free. My heart was racing, watching this as best I could; I could only see a hint of what was going on beneath the froth of the roiling water, shadows and shapes of his huge erection in her fist. He was embarrassed, we could all tell, exposed in front of us like this, but he was also already consumed by pleasure.
”shhhhh you need this…it’s okay,” Melissa was urging him, “Just relax.”
“Yeah, relax Daddy, you need this,” Josie purred, as both she and I drifted in closer, “Mommy’s taking care of you.” Aubrey had also become bold enough to slip into the tub with us, while Shanette stayed in the main pool, still turned towards us watching.
“It’s like girl soup in there, hm?” Amelia commented, sitting down on the hot tub’s edge, “I’ll put my feet in…”
“Girl soup!” Josie giggled, making me laugh too. Aubrey bobbed up and down, rolling waves through the water.
“Mmmm yum yum, right Jay?” Melissa purred, “But I think it needs one more ingredient…” At that, underwater, Melissa’s hand tugged at something and in an instant she held a torn, sodden pair of boxers above the water. She showed them to him, dripping, before dropping them into the water. They floated around the frothy surface of the hot tub, dancing with the bubbles, as her hand sunk back down between his legs.
”Oooo…” Josie giggled, “boxers and boy-juice…”
”Yeah make him come,” Aubrey then bluntly added, her eyes wide and fixed as she still bounced up and down, up and down, her own big breasts bobbing and floating, jiggling, water streaming off them in rivulets.
“Omigod please yes,” I heard myself moan, imagining the water around us briny, full of his seed. We would swim in it.
We watched as Melissa’s arm began to move back and forth. She was stroking him right in front of us! She’d tilted her chin up, mouth now open and expectant, eyes on his face. “Would you like that?” she asked him, “Want to help us make girl soup?”
He groaned, as Katarina slipped into the warm water with us.
Haha was mother’s milk an ingredient too? Maybe he was thinking the same thing as I watched his eyes follow her, lowering herself and her enormous breasts down until they floated buoyantly up off her thin body. 
There were seven of us now in a tub made for six. Amelia and now Katie sat on the edge, with pretty feet in the foaming water of our soup, the smell of chlorine and our perfumes making the air thick along with steam from the tub. Our legs all intermingled, hands drifted. I found one of mine cupping his left ankle. We all purred, and buzzed, and cooed.
”I’ve missed you, alllll day,” Melissa said to him, as she stroked his erection underwater, “Have you missed me too?”
”Y-y-yes,” he answered, the only answer acceptable.
”He’s had a hard day without you,” Aubrey said.
“Yes he so tired,” followed Katarina.
”Well, we’ll get him out in a few minutes, dry him off, get him inside so he can rest,” Melissa agreed, still stroking. She moved her other hand from a supportive position on his back to a position behind his sodden head and neck. “Dinner and movie night with your girls, hm? Sound nice?”
“y-y-yes,” he answered again.
“But first, more kisses…”
A new chorus of awws and ahhs filled the air around the tub as Dr J. and Melissa began to kiss again, her neck twisted down so her mouth could take his. Her right arm still moved in the same rhythm, as she tended to him below the surface, and we all saw his body first stiffen with the shock of the kiss, then start to shudder. Her mouth was so much bigger than his, and watching them kiss was thrilling. His breathing matched hers, his thin chest collapsing in on itself when she pulled breath from his lungs.
”Omigod Missy it looks like you’re sucking the life out of him!” Josie laughed.
Giggling, Melissa broke their kiss for a moment, allowing his head to loll back like a rag doll’s. “Maybe I am!” she beamed, once again taking his head from behind into her hand. She leaned back, and kissed him again, her ministrations to his manhood now taking on greater urgency. 
“Take it from him,” someone groaned. Maybe it was me.
“He is look so tired,” said Katarina, whose hand had begun stroking his left thigh, her big breast pressed down onto his knee.
“He’s had a big day,” Aubrey confirmed, watching the kiss, biting her lip as he began to shake.
“So big,” I said.
“It’s about to get even bigger,” Amelia commented, from the tub’s edge,as he really began to shake, “Josie, show him.”
At that, knowing exactly what our blonde friend meant, Josie put her breasts right beside his face. As he was kissing Melissa, his eyes turned to see her chest and goggle at them as they were nearly close enough to touch his face. Melissa’s hand was now moving more urgently under water, and he would be staring right at Josie’s breasts when he-
“That’s right, come for us,” Melissa purred.
He groaned, he moaned, he spasmed and jerked in Melissa’s embrace as, obviously, under the water he began to climax. I looked down and could see the ropey fluid, the thick semen jetting from his outsized manhood, swimming into the water around him and swirling into the currents, mixing with the froth and the chlorine and spiraling around. It floated, it sank, and as pulse after pulse came from him it began to eddy around the tub, among us, my eyes glazing over as I watched and…
…and then the growth began.
NNNNNnnnnghhhh….we all groaned, as the familiar feeling gripped us. Several times last night, but now stronger as we were all so close. I felt it in my bones, I felt it in my chest and in the fertile swelling of my thighs and rear. There was pain, yes, some, but it was delicious and I could see in the eyes of everyone we were all hungry for it. His eyes, in the meantime, were fixed and staring, still pasted to Josie’s breasts and - oh my god- he was watching her grow. 
Yes, it was subtle, it always was. But the swelling of her breasts in her bikini top was unmistakable. She bulged at it, strings now pulling more tightly than they had before from around her neck. Soft round flesh bubbled as she grew, as they inflated. I felt it in myself, too, as did we all. And then we heard him mutter, something small, something weak, as he stared at Josie’s breasts. It was quiet…but we heard it.
“bigger…” he said.
And Melissa began laughing.
“Oh my goodness, baby, yes!” she sang, as she shifted him in her lap. Her hand moved from between his legs, the other from behind his head. She had him by the sides of his bony chest, under his arms, then shifted a bit lower down his torso. “Look at how big we’re getting!” she cooed, turning him to face the group, “You’re giving us so much!”
At that she lifted him, slowly, with strength that was in no way normal, off her lap. His hips broke the surface, and we all gasped on seeing his cock. Then his thighs, his knees. She held him, now, aloft up and in front of us, a small but fully-grown man, and she held him like he was a toy, feet dangling into the water. He was naked, and he was huge. His penis, dropped now a bit from full-mast, seemed nearly as thick as his forearm, and it was still coming as we watched, all of us with eyes wide, mouths agog, some of us laughing. He was still pulsing, semi-thick member throbbing, releasing seed. It was slowing, yes, but he had already burst forth so much of his ejaculate it had begun to cloud the water, and now drip in heavy plops onto the surface and into the soup.
As he began to come down, his climax waning, Melissa slowly lowered him again to her lap, back into the pool of his own jism.
“Holy Lion King,” Amelia managed, as we all began to recover ourselves..
“Oh my god…” Aubrey said, from behind Josie. I saw her reach down, cup some water into her hand.
“Yeah huh?” Randi smiled, eyes flashing, looking down at him. His body was still spasmodically shaking but coming to a stillness in Melissa’s arms.
Semen all in the water, Amelia couldn’t help but kick her feet through it from where she sat on the hot tub’s edge. She was chuckling. “Watch out,” she told us, as we began to come down from our high, “you’re all going to get pregnant in there.”
Someone laughed, I think it was me, and I lowered my face to the water, mouth open, to drink the soup.
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neptoons1998 · 1 year
Swimming Lesson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
A/N: this might be the last chapter maybe...
Summary: Okoye is very shy about her liking Attuma. Attuma is ready to be the father who stepped up. Riri wants her mama to be treated like a princess.
Tag Gang: @pantherheart @somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi @xblackreader
Riri got along with Attuma -no pun attend- swimmingly.  Between the swimming classes and mommy and me yoga. Riri was more attached to Attuma, and Okoye was happy about it. Riri’s father rarely pick her up on the days he was supposed to have custody. Okoye would be lying if she didn’t say she worried that Riri wouldn’t have any positive male role models. The young girl fell in love with the giant like Attuma did with the small girl. The pair would have secret jokes that they would tell each other, to Okoye, it warmed her heart when she saw the man loving her daughter as she did with Riri. 
“Why don’t you date him?” Aneka asked. The trio was at Okoye’s townhouse the women were setting up lunch while Riri was somewhere playing in the living room. Okoye would only shrug she didn’t have a real reason why she didn’t make the move yet. It was obvious to anyone with eyes that Attuma liked her and the feelings were mutual. 
Maybe it was because she had a child and she had to be mindful of who she brings around Riri? Or maybe it was the baggage of being a single mom? Okoye bit her lip, “I need to think about Riri first?”
“Why does that sound like a question?” Aneka stated. The woman turns to look at Okoye.
Aneka knew Okoye would have to ease her child into the relationship. Okoye was a very cautious woman, especially regarding her daughter. Before Ankea would start to voice her opinion Riri came racing into the kitchen. 
"Well," Riri started as she climbed up on one of the chairs, "Do you like him?"
Okoye wanted to roll over and die before admitting that to her daughter. Riri scooted the chair closer to her mother who stopped looking at the food. 
 "So you do like him!” Riri exclaimed as she clapped her hands, Aneka had covered her mouth before she started laughing a little too loudly. 
"I plead the fifth," Okoye said as she looked at her daughter's eyes. Riri gave a giggle, "Well I like him. So he has to stay."
"Says the person who doesn't pay rent," Okoye retired. Riri quirked up her eyebrows like her father, "What's rent?"
Okoye gave a snort laugh, Riri was funny at times without meaning to. Okoye picked up her daughter to give her daughter a slight hug before placing her on the back of the chair, Riri’s attention was quickly pulled to the food that sat in front of her. 
The next day Okoye was going to drop off Riri to her swimming class, the pair was always early when came to Riri’s classes.It gave Okoye enough time to wrestle the swimming cap on her daughter’s head. 
 Okoye’s mouth become dry when she looked at Attuma’s chest, normally he had on his swimming shirt, but then again the pair was early. 
“She hadn’t seen a man for over three years now,” Aneka’s voice joked in Okoye’s head. Maybe we can leave before he even noticed us, Okoye thought as she was about to make a U-turn.
“Mr. Atuna you’re naked,” Riri screamed out as she giggled. Okoye was waiting for the ground to swallow her whole. Riri would be fine living with her aunties for the rest of her life, she’ll probably have so many cavities. 
Attuma whipped his head around to see the pair, he flashed his so handsome smile at the mother and daughter.
“Riri early as always,” Attuma laughed as he pulled himself up to get out of the water. Riri was still giggling as Attuma picked her up before placing her on his waist, “Okoye lovely as ever.”
Okoye could only thickly swallow before nodding, “Same to you Attuma.”
Attuma smiled again showing off his deep dimples. This man knows he’s pretty, Okoye thought as Riri was telling Attuma something interesting to a three years old. 
“Next time you should come to our house,” Riri said drawing Okoye back in from her daydreaming. What is her daughter doing? 
“Really?” Attuma asked Riri nodded her head, “I think we’ll have to ask permission from your mom first.”
“Mama will say yes,” Riri said playing with Attuma’s shark tooth necklace, “Because she likes feeding people. And you need to watch Princess and the Frog with me.”
That’s how Okoye had Attuma in her home. To feed him her famous cooking and watched the Tina movie with her kid. When told this to her sister, Ayo, she thought this whole thing was funny.
“Not you relaying on my dear niece to have a date with this man,” Ayo howled out. Okoye could feel the heat rushing up to her cheeks in embarrassment. Okoye still couldn’t believe this was her older sister. 
Okoye knew it was real with Attuma showed up with a stuffed animal for Riri and a bottle of wine for Okoye.  The trio enjoyed their time together, Riri asking the hard hitting questions on how come he didn’t live with his mama. 
“Because I’m big now,” Attuma said to her. Riri not liking the answer. 
“I’m going to live with my mama forever and ever,”Riri stated.
Attuma surpassed his laughter on how cute Riri was, “Even when you’re 90 years old?”
“Yes,” Riri said before going back to her food. When the group moved to the living room to watch The Princess and the Frog. Riri was singing along to most of the songs.
“Shuri’s brother lives in Lousianna,” Riri told Attuma. Attuma looked confused about who was Shuri.
“Does he like Louisiana?” Attuma asked Riri who bobbed her head to one of the muscle numbers. Riri shrugged, “I don’t know. I know he’s white.”
Attuma looked at Okoye for some context that the small child didn’t give him. Okoye decided on playing nice, “Shuri’s family adopted him. He lives in Louisiana with his husband. Yes, he loves it there.”
Attuma gave a small quiet, “Thank you.”
Before long Riri passed out on the couch her head laying on Attuma’s lap while her feet dangled on her mama’s lap. 
“I guess the party girl is passed out,” Attuma joked as he placed his hand on Riri’s. Okoye gave a quiet hmm. The pair sat in silence for a moment. 
“This great,” Attuma said to her as the pair continued to watch Tina contemplating on giving up the talisman. Okoye quirked up her eyebrows, “What a Disney movie?”
“Yeah,” Attuma said as he placed himself closer to Okoye, “And being with my favorite two people.”
“God, you’re cheesy,” Okoye spoke as she lends closer to him as well. Attuma chuckled,” As long I’m your cheesy.”
“Definitely,” Okoye said as she felt a soft kiss on her lips. Okoye couldn’t help but feel flustered when they pulled apart. 
“I like you Okoye,” Attuma said to her. Okoye’s stomach bounced around when his soft confession as the animated movie continued to play. 
“You like like me?” Okoye teased causing Attuma to give a playful glare at her. 
“Yes Okoye, I like  like you. Will you please check yes or no on the piece of paper,” Attuma teased back. 
Okoye couldn’t help but laugh causing Riri to stir in her sleep, “Yes I like like you too Attuma.”
“Good because I wanted to ask you out on a date this Saturday?” Attuma asked he could feel heat waving off Okoye. Her eyes swirled as she thought about it, “Yeah I would like that.”
The pair kissed once more before they place Riri on her bed. 
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itsthecherryontop · 1 month
Adrenaline Rush (Billy Hargrove Ch. 28)
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Scene from Chapter Twenty-Eight of my Billy Hargrove Slowburn Enemies to Lovers Fic archiveofourown.org
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Henderson OC (Halle)
Chapters Posted: 28/49 UPDATES WEEKLY
I was packing up my belongings at the end of my shift when little Holly Wheeler approached the stand. She and her mother frequented the pool quite often. I had a feeling it was her mother's suggestion due to a certain lifeguard. She was one of the mothers who adjusted her appearance before his shift. It was disturbing since I was friends with her daughter and Hargrove was only a year older than us. I was just glad Nancy was unaware of her mother’s batting eyes. 
“It’s okay Jess. I got her,” I announced, stepping up to the counter. “Hey bug, what’s up?”
“Hi, Hal! Mommy said I could get an icepop and she wants cola,” the six-year-old said, holding out crumpled cash. 
“Where is your mom?” I asked not seeing Mrs. Wheeler.
“She’s in the pool. It’s grown-up swim time,” Holly announced, pointing to the far side of the pool.
“Okay, what flavor do you want?” I asked, holding up her options. 
“Chocolate!” she claimed, bouncing on her heels. 
“Okay,” I laughed, handing it over. She wasted no time ripping off the wrapper and eating the fudgesicle. She hadn’t even had the frozen treat for a minute and it was already all over her face. Grabbing her mother’s drink and napkins, I filled up a cup of ice water and moved to the exit. “I’ll be back Jess. Come on bug, let's get you back,” I announced, opening the door. 
I walked to her mother’s empty lounge chair and set the cola and napkins down on the umbrella-covered table. Quickly I wiped the melting fudgesicle from Holly’s wrists before it dripped onto the towel she sat on. The child was already so sticky. I hoped Mrs. Wheeler had packed wet wipes. 
I saw her exit the pool and scrunch the water from her blonde hair. She approached Hargrove who was standing near his lifeguard chair. Leaving the youngest Wheeler to finish making her mess, I carried the water cup over to the two. 
“Sorry, Mrs. Wheeler but I don’t think you need lessons and I only teach kids,” I heard Hargrove say as I approached from behind him. 
“Are you sure I don’t need lessons?” she asked, looking up at him through her lashes. 
“Your form looked fine to me, but if want lessons Heather teaches the adult swim,” he responded as I finished my approach. What in the holy hell did I just witness? Were they even talking about swimming? Doubtful. Who looked like that talking about swimming lessons?
“Hi, Mrs. Wheeler. William,” I greeted with a nod, stopping beside Hargrove and handing him the water cup. He smiled at me before taking the cup from my hand. I looked at Mrs. Wheeler standing in her swimsuit. “I brought Holly back to your spot and tried to clean her up, but she got chocolate everywhere.”
“Oh, hi Halle. Thank you. I didn’t know you two were so acquainted,” she smiled nervously gesturing between Hargrove and me. 
“Yeah, we had English together. You know in high school with your daughter,” I smiled sweetly. I saw Hargrove side-eye me and smile behind the plastic cup as he took a drink. “You know I’m actually about to meet Nancy at the mall to go shopping for the trip I’m talking with Hargrove here. I’ll tell her I saw you.” I was sure my smile had a little too much teeth. 
“Oh, that’s not necessary,” Mrs. Wheeler hurriedly said as a blush grew on her cheeks. “I should get back to Holly.”
“Bye Mrs. Wheeler,” I waved, watching her retreat to her lounge chair. 
“Did you threaten her?” Hargrove amused beside me.
“No. That was torture to my ears and now I wanna bleach my eyes,” I winced. 
“Didn’t think you were the territorial type,” he teased, leaning against the raised chair as he dragged his eyes over me. 
“I’m not. That just happens to be my best friend’s mother,” I reasoned, waving my hand in Mrs. Wheeler’s direction. 
“I think you are, you just don’t want to admit it. Not that you have anything to worry about. She’s not my type,” he smirked, leaning towards me. 
“I just came over here to ask if there was any specific clothing I might need for this trip.”
“Normally it is about mid-70s but I checked and it's in the 80s. So shorts, tees, short little dresses,” he taunted, holding his grinning face close to mine.
I rolled my eyes with a headshake, “I don’t even know why I bothered asking.”
I heard him laugh behind me as I began walking away, “Make sure you have a few swimsuits and you might wanna buy a sunhat, Princess.”
Making my way back to the concessions stand I grabbed my bag and went to the locker room. I changed out of my uniform and pulled my dark hair back in a banana clip. After situating the loose pieces and fixing my bangs I moved on to my makeup. I applied my favorite lipstick and sprayed on perfume. I did not want any trace of chlorine to linger on me.
To continue reading: archiveofourown.org
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Family Matters (Fredrick Chilton x reader)
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Synopsis: Will and Jack get to see a side of Doctor Chilton no one was aware existed.
A/n: I have not watched Hannibal in a hot minute but my thirst for Raul is strong. We are also just going to pretend our little baby is perfectly fine and NOT in danger.
Warnings: Family stuff, mentions of crimes, tooth-rotting fluff, my bad writing
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Y/n sat outside by the pool watching her three-year-old and four-year-old children play around in the water splashing around happily with each other as she rubbed her swelling baby bump. Jasper and Aspen were completely content to battle it out in the shallow end of the pool. It was a nice summer day in Baltimore and Y/n was hoping these activities would wear the children out before their father came home. Sadly it didn't seem to be the case when she hears the family dog Sigmund start barking happily alerting Y/n that someone had just come home.
Throwing a glance over her shoulder she smiles seeing her husband patting the pup affectionately before the children are drawn to his presents.
"Daddy!" Aspen giggles and toddles out of the water as fast as her chubby legs could carry her rushing towards her father's waiting arms even in his full suit from work. Something that caught his company off guard.
"Hello, my darling girl" Fred smiles lifting her into his arms not paying much mind to how dripping wet she was, or the fact his wife had called after Aspen to get a towel.
"Wait...Aspy I want a hug from daddy too" Jasper the four-year-old cried also rushing out to his father who had moved to the pool deck.
"Now now Jasper of course you can have a hug too, no wining" Fredrick teases and sets his daughter down kissing her head before hugging his son. Aspen instantly peered around and noticed her father's two coworkers awkwardly watching the out-of-character display.
"Who are they? Your friend's daddy?" Aspen asks looking up at him with her bright green eyes. "Hi daddy's friends" She says not waiting for an answer causing Y/n to giggle at her daughter shifting to rise from her chair.
"Yes Aspen..now daddy and mommy need to talk can you go swim with Jasper and show him all the cool tricks you learned at lessons?" Fred hums catching her attention and she nods taking her older brother's hand and toddling off to the pool once more.
Now with the children, busy Frederick came to properly say hello to his wife. Seven months pregnant and still trying to come to him.
"Ahahah Mama, you stay right there " He hums moving to her side settling his wife back down and brushing back her hair "I need to speak with Agent Graham and Crawford about some case stuff in my office. I couldn't finish it at work I'm sorry my love"
"Thats alright handsome...oh no Aspen got your suit all wet" Y/n sighs taking in the damage of his expensive suit for work "leave it on the bed and I'll handle it okay" She fusses and he chuckles
"My love they are just clothes and its just water, it will dry on its own" He attempts to sooth her and she lets out a huff
"I know I know, but you are always so proud of your clothes baby. Ill make sure it doesn't winkle" Y/n hums and he relents nodding and leaning down to press a kiss onto her swollen stomach. “Are they staying for dinner” she adds smoothing his hair.
“I’m not sure…will gets a bit antsy when someone else prepares food” Fred hums and y/n nods gently
“Well you better invite them just in case. I won’t have them thinking we’re rude” she says sternly and Fred let’s out a small chuckle.
“Well they-“ Chilton is stopped by a finger to his lips
“Let me change the phrase..I won’t have them thinking I am rude. Now go, I have to get the little goblins bathed and wound down before dinner” she hums and he nods kissing her once more before departing to his office.
While her husband was busy, Y/n let the children play a bit longer before ushering them inside to wash off the chlorine and put on pjs. Turning on a child friendly movie Y/n sits on the couch with Aspen between her knees gently braiding the dark brown locks she inherited from her father while Jasper snuggled siggy on the love seat.
Once finished with her daughter Mrs chilton rose and headed to the kitchen to finish with dinner. She took into account of what her husband said and decided to go for a less meat heavy dish. Opting to make the children there chicken casadillas and a nice creamy Alfredo for the adults. She was just in the middle of cutting up the salad when three pairs of footsteps had her eyes rising to the hall. Fredrick was still speaking to Agent Crawford as they walk down the hall being tailed by a tall man with a mop of unruly curls and black circles under his eyes. She didn’t like how anxious the poor man seemed and bit her lip about to say something when Aspen bounces into the room.
“Daddy daddy look I drew a picture” His little girl giggles lifting the page with scribbles on it. A wide grin broke over his face as he turned his attention to her.
“That is beautiful my love. Look at this boys” he turns and shows his companions. Jack who had children of his own knew how to play along cooing over how magnificent it is while Will looked a bit lost.
“What do you think mister daddy’s friend” aspen urges in a way only she could causing will go clear his throat.
“That’s…definitely a picture” he decided on saying causing Aspy to look a bit exasperated her little nose scrunching up hands falling to her hips in a manner that reminded Y/n to much of Fred.
“That’s not what I asked. I asked if you like it” she says in a stern little voice tapping her foot causing Jack to chuckle and will to tilt his head with a small sigh.
“It could be better” Will says and the room fall silent just as Fred was about to rip him a new one Aspen cuts in.
“You’re probably right. It needs more shading on mommy’s hair” and with that she takes the paper and rushes back to the living room.
“You got lucky there…I was expecting her to start crying or Chilton to rip your head off” Jack muses coming over to Y/n and leaning on the counter.
“Oh not little Aspen. She’s too much like her father to cry infront of a stranger” She hums moving to pull three beers out of the fridge for the men. “Dinner is almost ready if you two would like to stay. I didn’t cook any meat or anything it’s all relatively vegetarian aside from the children’s meal”
Will watching as mrs Chilton rings her hands a bit anxiously. He notices that she wants to make sure he is comfortable which is something most people don’t do. Jack was about to deny the invitation when Graham beats him to it.
“I would like that very much.” He says curtly and takes a swig of beer ignoring how Fredrick and Jack look at him confused.
“Great you boys go sit at the table I’ll wrangle the children” Y/n smiles gently rubbing her hand down her husbands arm and Will watches him instantly relax. It was odd seeing Chilton in such a…domestic state, far from the domineering, obnoxious and annoying doctor he was professionally.
Slowly they make there way to the table, Fred sitting at one end Jack on the other. Just as he was about to sit the two children come skipping to the room and much to Wills dismay sit opposite each other. So either way he would have to be near a kid. It’s not that he didn’t like children…Will always wanted some of his own…it was more that he didn’t know how to talk to a child. Never having much practise and this little Aspen creature was very chatty. So doing some quick deducing he was going to sit next to the boy but a little hand stopped him.
“Mister if you sit here with me Siggy will come sit under your feet. He loooooves this side of the table and I saw you like him” she says cheerfully and Will was shocked at how much she paid attention to his behaviour
“Well I-“
“The only reason he likes that side Aspen is because you drop food on the floor for him” Jasper pipes up and Will watches the girls head twist to glower at her brother
“That is not true. And you can’t prove that it is” Aspen retorts sticking out her tongue. Causing Fredrick to stifle his laughter after a glare from his wife.
“Children. Stop it, you are being rude to our guests. Please will sit wherever you like” Y/n says gently patting his arm “I can move Aspen if you’d like to sit next to Freddie”
“No no..it’s okay” Will says and sits down slowly next to the small girl who was happily swinging her feet looking up at her father. Will caught Fredrick make a silly face causing his little girl to erupt into laughter.
Soon after that dinner was on the table and Y/N finally sat down rubbing her belly gently. Jack and will suddenly felt bad for not offering assistance and Jack went as far as to say it but she waved him off with a cheery smile.
“All I do is sit around while this baby plays soccer in my stomach. I don’t mind standing up and moving” Y/n reassures and they both nod.
They all tuck into there food Fred asking about her day. Playing little tricks on the children as they eat and Aspen talking a mile a minute without any chance of slowing down, where as Jasper sat quietly only speaking to contradict his sister or ask for more juice. Will had a strange sense of calm wash over him as he sat in the Chiltons dinning room, something he hadn’t felt for a long time and suddenly he was jealous of Frederick for being able to come home to this. While he was spinning inside his own head looking at his plate Will was suddenly drawn out of his reprieve by Aspen shrieking.
“Mommy mommy little baby is doing the weird alien thing” she shouts feigning disgust causing Wills attention to be drawn to Mrs Chilton baby bump. Where he saw the perfect outline of a little hand pressing against her dress.
“Yes it appears they are” Y/n sighs seeming less freaked out then Will, Jasper and Aspen as she simply places her own hand over it pushing the little one back. “I’m sorry sometimes I just don’t notice, this little one likes to make sure everyone knows they are there” she laughs.
“Aspen you scream but you used to do that to your mama too” Chilton teases his daughter who makes a face
“Icky. I never want a baby if they do that” Aspen huffs and Will chuckles looking at her.
“Me either” he says softly and she giggles up at him
“But your a boy. Do can’t carry babies like mamas do” she says and Will pauses for a moment then looks down at her again.
“I suppose you’re right. But still, I wouldn’t want to wake up in the middle of the night and just see a little baby hand poking out of my partners belly” he teases a bit making a little hand gesture.
Frederick watched the display and chuckles a bit. He had never seen Will warm up to anyone as fast as he was with his family. Perhaps he would talk to his wife about inviting him around more. It may help with the social anxiety he tended to fall into. Shaking his head he hears Jasper let out a little yawn and look up at him.
“Daddy can I go to bed” he asks softly and Fredrick ruffles his hair “of course bud. Take your dishes to the sink and say goodbye to Mr Crawford and Mr Graham”
Jasper nods taking the dish and coming back to say goodnight getting a hug from his mother and waving awkwardly at his fathers friends before heading upstairs to his room. Fred smiles and looks over at his wife who was looking back at him. He gently stands and takes the dishes with the help of Jack leaving Aspen, Will and Y/n at the table.
“Aspen I believe it’s also your bedtime” the Mother hums to her child and Aspen pouts.
“But I don’t want to go to bed. I want to stay awake” she argues and Y/n smiles shaking her head.
“I’m sorry little one but you and I both know you will be cranky in about ten minutes now. Say goodnight to Mr Graham and head up to bed. Daddy or I will be up shortly to tuck you in” The older woman hums and Aspen let’s out a whine before rising to her little feet.
Will expected the girl to be like her brother and wave goodbye before hugging her parents but she surprises him. The little girl moves to him first wrapping her arms around his neck and placing a small kiss on his cheek. Y/N watched Will look confused and suppress a little giggle as Aspen makes her rounds and toddles off to her bedroom.
After a polite cup of coffee and desert Will and Jack both rise saying goodnight and moving to the door. Y/n stands next too Freddie his hand around her hip as they see the agents off. But not before mentioning to Will that he is more than welcome to stop by and see the kids and the dog at home.
As soon as they are gone Frederick sighs slouching a bit. He looked completely worn out which caused his wife to chuckle a bit.
“Fred why don’t you go get ready for bed. I’ll turn the dishwasher on and be up on a moment”
Frederick let’s put a small sigh nodding and disappearing up stairs while he wife finished cleaning up. Slowly she made her way up the stairs smiling when she hears her husbands voice floating through aspens bedroom door. The younger woman pauses leaning on the doorframe listening to him lull the youngest child to sleep with the tale of Cinderella, a story he often said was ridiculous and promoted women to rely on men to rescue them but…he couldn’t say no to his little princess.
If anyone had told Y/n six years ago that she would be standing listening to the arrogant, rude and often cruel hospital administrator reading a bedtime story she would have laughed in their face. Yet, here she was, heart filled with love an admiration for her husband who was squished into a bright pink canopy bed cuddling a little version of himself.
The woman smiled and left the pair to daddy daughter bonding time to check in on Jasper who was out like a light. Snuggled deep into his bright green sheets his mouth hanging open much like his fathers did. Y/n giggled and kisses his head before turning out the light and heading to her own room. Smiling when she found that for once Fred had followed her orders.
Carefully she picked up the expensive designer suit, moving it to lay out on one of the chairs until she could tend to it in the morning. Then heading off to complete her own night time routine. Coming back out of the en suite bathroom Y/n see her husband laying out on his back only in his boxers, his eyes closed hands folded against his chest. A small giggle leaves her lips as she moves closer to him prompting the man to open his eyes sleepily and smile brightly up at his wife.
"Come here my love" He says softly reaching out for her making little grabbing gestures.
"Alright alright Mi Amour I'm coming" She giggles and slowly climbs into the spot next to him resting her head on his chest.
"Sometimes I wonder how I got so Lucky" He mumbles as his wife traces her hand over the pale scar on his stomach. letting out a little giggle looking up at him.
"Mm maybe I am just mentally unstable" Y/n teases and he pinches her hip with a playful chuckle.
"Hey watch it" He teases "thank you for today"
"It was nothing, to be honest it was nice to have someone other then two toddlers to talk to" She giggles "now lets get some sleep"
The pair snuggle deeper into the covers and relax, Frederick falling into a deep sleep feeling happy and safe with the love of his life.
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leafs-lover · 2 years
Too Far Gone - Part Forty Nine
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A/N: I intended on this being mostly fluff and it mostly is. It's also somewhat of a filler chapter that could have been added to the next one, but I thought it worked best this way!
Warnings: A grumpy toddler who has a temper tantrum, an equally grumpy father who has no patience for said toddlers temper tantrum, a couple swear words – including a toddler who repeats the swear word, mentions of drinking (kinda?) and that’s it I believe. Let me know if I missed anything.
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 6600
The day started like any other. Tia woke up and had a quick shower. She gave her hair a refresh, some dry shampoo followed by a quick comb through. She applied a light layer of foundation, concealer, mascara, and blush to her face. She made herself a smoothie and as the coffee began to drip, she started on breakfast. She had the fruit cut and yogurt out when Taylour’s tiny body ran into the back of her legs and his arms wrapped around her thigh.   
“Morning Mommy,” he smiles up at her, his dark brown hair sticking up in every direction.   
“Morning Taylour,” Tia cards her hand through the mess of curls. “How are you my handsome boy?”   
“Good,” he coyly giggles, burying his cheek against her leg.   
“Breakfast is ready, you hungry?”   
“Yes Mommy.”   
“Okay, get in your chair.”   
It was exactly like the morning before, hundreds before that. It was full of Taylour’s giggles and smiles, him animatedly telling her of his dreams or of his upcoming trip to St. Louis. 
After breakfast, Taylour ventured into the living room and pulled out some toys and Tia put all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, she wiped down the table and counter and put away the uneaten fruit. Before the kitchen was even clean Taylour was begging her to go swimming, and it wasn’t long until the two of them were in the elevator riding down to the third-floor pool with their towels.   
It was all very normal, except for one thing. Her line launched at 8am, and while Tia is excited to see how many orders come in, she doesn’t expect a crazy rush of sales. She is hopeful for a couple, enough to give her reassurance it was all worth it.  
“Mommy look!” Taylour squeals.   
Tia stands in the shallow end with water coming part way up her stomach. Her hair is pulled into a high pony, but through their time in the pool the ends are damp. Turning her head to the side she watches Taylour take a few strides and launch himself off the side of the pool, doing a 90° spin before landing in the water. A few small kicks and Taylour’s head pops up over the water line with a large grin pressed to his face. “You see my spin Mommy?”   
Tia lets out a soft laugh. Of course, she saw, just like she saw the last ten spins he had to show her, just like she’ll see the next thirty or so. “Yeah, baby I did.”   
“I’m going to do it again!”   
“Okay,” Tia laughs again. “Make sure you use the stairs.”   
“Ok Mommy.”   
She carefully watches Taylour flutter in the water, small kicks accompanied by his arms somewhat flailing as he moves towards the steps. Normally he would wear water wings but at the end of summer Auston bought a house in Arizona, and this house comes with a pool, a pool that does not have a fence around it. Up until now, Taylour hasn’t had unlimited access to one, the only way for him to swim was if someone took him to the pool in their buildings. Come this summer Taylour could slip outside undetected, and in the event something happens they both want him to know what to do. That’s why once a week he has swimming lessons and the two of them have been making an effort to get him swimming a couple more times a week.
“Ready Mommy? I’m going to go backwards this time!” He yells as he climbs up the stairs.   
“Backwards?” A familiar voice calls out from behind them. “That sounds cool!”   
His head whips towards the door and his eyes beam brightly. “Daddy!” With a few strides, Taylour jumps and Auston catches his dripping wet body. Auston stands up and swings him, Taylour’s legs swaying side to side, holding the other tight.  
“Hi Taylour.”   
“You swim too?” He pulls back to look at his dad, the smile on his face somehow continuing to grow.   
“I don’t have a bathing suit here.”  
After a horrible game where he not only was kept off the scoresheet and the team lost 8-4, Auston was in a crappy mood. When the teams plane touched down in Toronto and Auston saw the picture Tia sent of Taylour in his bathing suit, he knew exactly where he was going. He didn’t bother stopping for a bathing suit or messaging Tia to see if it was okay for him to interrupt her day. He needed to see him, and the dripping curls and goofy smile did not disappoint.   
“Okay. You want to see my spin?” Excitement radiates off him, relatively unbothered by Auston’s response.   
“Of course, I do.”   
Auston places a kiss to Taylour’s cheek as he lets him back down on the concrete. His blue sweater has dark splotches scattered around from their hug – the air is warm enough in there it shouldn’t take long to dry.
Three seconds later Taylour is once again at the edge of the concrete, his little toes dangling over the edge, and he crouches ever so slightly with a playful grin on his face. Following a final glance to Tia and then to Auston, he jumps and spins, water splashing up around him.   
“That’s the best spin I’ve ever seen,” Auston tells Taylour when he emerges from the water a few seconds later.   
“I’m gonna do it again,” he quickly informs them.   
Auston chuckles and moves to the edge of the pool. He removes his air force ones and tucks his socks inside, then pulls the bottom of his plain grey trackpants up, above his knees. He sits on the edge and drops his feet into the pool, water stopping part way up his thighs. His hands reach out and grip the edge of the pool surround, his expensive Rolex glistening with the light. 
Tia wades through the water and stops beside him. She puts one elbow on the concrete beside Auston but keeps her body facing the pool, keeping a watchful eye on their energetic three-year-old.   
“How are you doing?” Having seen the highlights on TV she already knows the answer.   
Auston slowly moves his feet around in circles watching the water ripple, and proceeds to let out a loud, defeated exhale. “I’m alright.”   
“That’s the least convincing anyone has ever been,” she laughs, and glances at him.   
With a soft shrug, he sighs out a ‘yeah.’   
“It’s just one game, you can’t expect to win them all.”   
“No, I know.” He sighs again.   
“Mommy! Daddy! Watch this,” Taylour calls their attention.   
The two of them draw their gaze to him, and once he sees they are looking he jumps into the pool. When he emerges with his curls, soaked and pressed to his forehead he chuckles. “Did you see that?”   
“Yeah we did,” Tia responds.   
“Super cool jump,” Auston chimes in, laughing at his enthusiasm.   
“I’m gonna go again,” he is quick to tell them, making his way to the stairs.   
“So, is the ‘watch me while I do this basic task over and over again’ his new thing?”   
“Yup,” Tia pops the P. “Just be happy you missed the first dozen or so.”   
Noticing some of her bangs are damply clinging to her cheek, he softly brushes them behind her ear. “How are you doing?”    
“I’m…” she hesitates slightly, unsure how to explain everything she is feeling, because she is feeling it all.  
Excitement and pride because her line finally launched. Worry over what may come– what if she underestimated herself and becomes overwhelmed? How will she manage her time? But the biggest worry of all, what if it it’s a complete failure? What if she never sells anything? This isn’t something she’s wanted for the last few months; she has spent years dreaming of it and countless days working towards making it all possible.
She actually thought the hard part would be the designing and making of the clothes, but over the past few weeks she’s learned that while it’s more time-consuming it’s not the most difficult. The hardest part has been the photoshoots, keeping up with social media posts, and trying to get the website operational.
It wasn’t easy, having to schedule multiple shoots because there wasn’t one day that worked for everyone - a side effect of using her friends and not hiring models, but one of the things she wants to achieve with her line is authenticity and inclusivity. One of her least favourite things about the fashion industry is the lack of inclusion. That a size six in one line is a size ten in another, and most brands stop at size 16, the common barrier from straight-sized to plus-sized. She hates that brands claim to offer both plus and straight sizes but will limit the styles or change the selection for plus sized buyers. The worst part about it is it’s largely accepted across the industry.
One of her teachers basically told them that someone who wears a size 24 shouldn’t wear the same clothes as someone who is a six 6 and the best solution would be to make a dedicated plus-sized line. This idea infuriated Tia and actually led to a debate in the middle of class. Tia sees no reason why people of different sizes can’t look just as beautiful in the same dress or top. Sure, she’ll have to engineer the top a little more to provide the right support and coverage, but as someone who would be classified as slim with a chest many consider disproportionate to her frame, Tia is no stranger to that idea. She has been buying shirts and dresses one size up just to have enough fabric to add in support and still provide coverage, then she’d take in the fabric to fit her torso.
With that said, Tia is not having a plus-sized line, her entire line will be size-inclusive. Everything she designs will be available in every size and the website has the option for women to enter their cup size so she can make sure the finished product will be flattering for their figure. Everyone told her it was insane to aim that high in the beginning, Celeste called it ‘a disaster waiting to happen’ and told her to build up her brand and then expand, but Tia stuck to her guns. She can’t wait to make a line that everyone can fit into and feel confident and beautiful.  
So, on top of combing through the hundreds of pictures to make sure everyone is represented she has been building her social media presence. Multiple Instagram stories and daily posts with sneaks or countdowns. At first the views were low, then a certain hockey player shared a story and Tia watched the views and followers spike, and then spike some more. She knows most of the followers are fans hoping for personal posts and a glimpse into her life (and there was one story Becks made her put up and saved it as a highlight that received a lot of replies) but Tia has no intention of using this page for anything other than clothes.  
“I’m okay.”   
“Okay,” Auston howls. “That’s the least convincing someone has ever been.”   
“I know,” now it’s Tia’s turn to sigh. The only good thing about stressing over her line is she has been so busy that feeling she had prior to the Gala hasn’t come back.
“I don’t know how I’m doing, I’m all over the place.”
“Daddy!” Taylour grabs at the back of his shins and floats in front of them. “Want to see me spin?”   
Auston once again laughs. He bends over and slips his hands under his armpits and pulls him from the pool, further drenching his clothes. “I always want to see your spins,” he tells him with a kiss to his cheek.   
“Kay,” he giggles.    
Taylour fumbles out of Auston’s embrace and leaves a trail of water droplets on the pool surround until he is positioned at the edge. He glances to his parents, making sure he has their undivided attention, then once again launches himself in the air. He does a small spin and crashes into the water, water erupts around him and a few seconds later he emerges with a large, proud grin.   
“Super cool,” Auston says dryly, making Tia smirk. “So,” he gently nudges her with his knee, and drops his voice to be too quiet for Taylour to hear. “How many more spins do we have to watch?”   
“Swimming is his favourite thing behind puppies, he won’t be want lunch for a few hours, I’d say a while.”   
Auston’s face scrunches slightly. He came here to spend time with Taylour, and if he is enjoying himself then there really isn’t a need to stop, but Auston would rather not spend the next 3 hours sitting at the edge of a pool. Maybe it’s selfish of him to want to spend time with son but not if he has to watch him repeat the same thing over and over, but Auston just isn’t in the mood for it.  
“Taylour, want to go to the aquarium?” He offers, knowing the only way to pull him away is with another fun activity. And it worked, less than five minutes later they were in the elevator.
The three of them spent the next few hours at the aquarium.
Taylour pointed out every fish that looked like Nemo. And every fish that looked like Dory. They spent almost an hour on the moving sidewalk going to the end of the underwater tunnel only to walk back to the beginning for Taylour to do it again. He fed the stingrays and attentively watched as divers went into “Dory’s tank” and pleaded with his parents to let him join. He whined and stomped his feet when they said no, but his mood quickly changed when they took him to the cafeteria for lunch.  
It was almost 2 when they left. Auston drove to their apartment and Tia quickly ran upstairs to get her laptop and bag. Mondays – the day with only one class that happens to be at 3pm. Normally Taylour would spend the few hours in daycare, but with Auston’s arrival the two of them decided on a midafternoon movie.
When Auston awoke a little while later he half expected a scene similar to Christmas, crayons on the wall or all his t-shirts ripped from the drawer. Instead, he found his son in the exact spot Tia used to fill. Wedged between him and the back of the couch, a hand on his chest and snores slipping through his parted lips. It was perfect, so perfect Auston didn’t want it to end. Naps had become a rare occurrence for Taylour, and naps and cuddles were all but obsolete, but when he saw the green LED numbers on the stove he realized it had to end.   
4:37. They are late.
Tia’s class will be over in about fifteen minutes and his drive is going to take just about that, maybe a little longer depending on traffic. Fumbling to get his phone out of his back pocket, Taylour murmurs at the disruption, but doesn’t wake. Not even when Tia’s phone rings on full blast from the kitchen counter does he stir, which only makes it that much worse when Auston has to force him awake.   
With a groggy and cranky Taylour, it takes a bit longer than normal to get out the door. Auston told him to get his coat he whined. Auston said he needed his hat he complained. When he tried to put his boots on Taylour ran away and dramatically collapsed on his bed. Auston retrieved him from his bedroom and brought him back to the door, once again telling he needed to put on his boots.  
“I don’t want to,” he cries. Crossing his arms over his chest he huffs and stomps his foot, fully trying to emphasize his displeasure.  
“We’re going to get Mommy from school.”  
“No. You go, I stay here,” he pulls off the toque and drops it on the floor.  
“Taylour,” Auston lets out a heavy exhale. He doesn’t want to be frustrated with his son over something so ridiculous but evidently Auston is still deflecting. He puts a boot beside Taylour’s left foot and grabs his knee, thinking that if he starts to lift it Taylour might just give in and let it happen. He doesn’t.  
“DADDY NO!” Taylour screams at him.  
“Uuuurrrraaaaaggggghhhhh!” Auston groans loudly as he picks Taylour up and shoves car keys into his pocket. At this point he doesn’t care, whatever he is going through apparently Taylour is going through worse and he just can’t deal with it. The door slams heavily behind them as Auston grits his teeth, using every ounce of willpower to keep his composure. 
“Want to hit the button?” Auston offers.   
“No.” Taylour’s face pinches. Normally he HAS to be the one to do it. Right now, he has no interest in anything and that includes being held. He squirms in Auston’s embrace and whines every time he isn’t strong enough to break free. But what did he expect with a hockey player father?  
“You don’t want to wear boots you don’t get to walk,” Auston tells him, exasperation heavy in his voice.   
“No Daddy!” Taylour cries out, dramatically kicking his leg into Auston’s kidney.   
“No Taylour,” Auston firmly tells him. He grimaces after a knee finds his ribcage but manages to tighten his grip.   
When the doors open and the cold air kisses their cheeks, Auston thought Taylour would change his mind. That he would recognize the cold and want Auston to protect him from it. Or at the very least he would settle down. Boy was he wrong. With the cool air on his face, Taylour felt free. Regardless of if he has boots or not, he wants to walk. And when Auston doesn’t let him, Taylour’s mood turns from annoyed to a full fledge meltdown. 
His arms are flailing and he’s trying to throw his weight around, almost forcing himself out of Auston’s grip. His mumbles and whines have evolved into loud ear-piercing shrieks right in Auston’s ear drum, drawing the gaze of others in the parking garage. But it’s when Taylour’s hand hits Auston’s face – not hard but the force behind it is irrelevant – has he had enough.  
Auston stops dead in his tracks in the middle of the lane and turns to his son. “We don’t hit!” Auston doesn’t raise his voice but Taylour senses the tone and for a second settles, but as quickly as the break came it returns, louder than before and is accompanied by yet another to Auston’s neck.   
“Fine!” Auston is at his limit. He sets him down on the very cold concrete and motions for him to move. “You want to walk, walk.” He keeps his hand tightly wrapped around Taylour’s. After a few steps he feels the dead weight of Taylour collapsing to the floor.   
“It’s cold!” He cries out. Lying on the concrete, shoeless, Taylour lets one hand repeatedly smack the concrete as his other arm is fully extended to hold Auston’s hand.  
“Oh my fucking god,” Auston mutters, then bends down to be closer to his level.  
“DADDY!” Taylour wails. The dam lets loose and a flood of tears come barreling from his eyes. 
“Want me to carry you to the car?”   
“Uh-huh,” Taylour can barely speak, tears rippling down his cheek.   
“Are you going to hit me again?”   
“DAAAADDY I’M COLD!” He screams, loudly while throwing his hand back against the concrete.   
Auston notices the people walking by. Some are unphased by the behaviour, others have sympathetic smiles – likely parents that have been in similar situations, but he can’t focus on them because a white Honda civic squeals to a stop a few meters away. The driver, blaring music until the ground vibrates, sits for only a second before pressing their horn, drowning out Taylour’s cries.   
Auston isn’t going to let Taylour up without addressing what happened. Sure, he is a tired three-year-old but that doesn’t mean he can hit and picking him up all but excuses the behaviour. Another blast of the horn erupts and this time Auston snaps his gaze to the driver, a young twenty-something wearing a raptors ballcap and what appears to be a Ryerson letterman jacket glares back, motioning for him to move. When no attempt is made, the horn blasts for yet a third time – longer than the previous two.
Auston caves. Not because of Taylour, but because the last thing he needs is some sort of altercation in Tia’s parking garage. He picks Taylour up, who apart from having glossy eyes and puffy cheeks, is now wide-eyed with fear from the loud noise. Auston  sets Taylour on his hip, and he burrows his head into his shoulder, rubbing his face roughly against his jacket and sniffles.  
“Fucking ridiculous,” Auston glares at the driver when he takes a step back to make space. Not that they needed it, there was enough room for them to get by.  
“Fucking ridiculous,” Taylour repeats, making Auston want to rip out his hair. As if the last twenty minutes wasn’t bad enough.   
The drive was slow. Full of red lights and car horns. Already late to leave the parking garage thanks to Taylour’s antics, the traffic only stressed Auston out more. He tapped his fingers furiously against the steering wheel with the radio off, listening to Taylour repeat “fucking ridiculous” every seven seconds. Auston is ready for today to be over.   
He wasn’t even sure if Tia would still be waiting. It’s freezing outside - a frigid and howling wind dropping temperatures below -20°C – it wouldn’t shock him if she ventured to the TTC. But he said he’d pick her up and with no way to contact her he has to at least check. He hoped she wasn’t waiting, but when he saw a small body on a bench with their hood pulled up over a toque, a scarf covering the rest of their face and hands tucked into their jacket, he instantly sighed.   
“Sorry we’re late,” Auston starts to say as Tia climbs into the passenger seat, thankful he long ago turned on the heated seats.   
“How was your afternoon?” She asks, pulling her hood and scarf down to reveal her face - nose and cheeks beet red from the cold.   
“Fucking ridiculous,” Taylour announces from the backseat.   
A stillness fills the air. Auston’s car is suddenly colder than the surrounding Toronto air. Tia’s grey and watered eyes turn toward Auston, widening in the process. Just as she is about to say something she notices his face and bites her tongue. His lips are pursed with a clenched jaw, and the crease in his forehead is deep. He looks broken.   
“You okay?” She buckles her seatbelt in as Auston presses on the gas a little too hard.   
“I love him…like a lot.” Auston white knuckles the steering wheel as his dark eyes remained trained on the road ahead. “But some days…” he pauses, not sure how to continue.   
“I know,” Tia laughs sympathetically. “Every parent has those days.”   
“It hasn’t even been a day, it’s only been forty minutes,” Auston remarks. “I don’t think I could do an entire day of whatever that was.”   
“Alcohol helps.”   
“Fucking ridiculous,” Taylour once again says from the backseat, this time with a hint of childish glee in his voice.   
The two of them share a faint laugh. Auston’s coming from a place of frustration and Tia laughs purely at his misery. They don’t say anything else. Heat blasts through the vents and The Sheepdogs play over the speakers. Auston drives a little too fast and breaks a little too hard at every red light, his left foot tapping furiously on the floor mat. Every time Taylour uttered the words “fucking ridiculous” from his car seat Tia watched a vein bulge in Auston’s forehead and anytime she chuckled she worried it may pop.   
By the time Tia’s building was staring back at them, Auston had already decided on ordering dinner. There was a second where he contemplated dropping them at the door and letting Tia deal with Taylour alone, instead, he stopped in front and said something about going to get dinner and drove off, not even waiting to make sure they made it inside.
He didn’t bother calling ahead to place an order. He walked in and placed the order to go. They told him it would be about a half hour, Auston found a seat and scrolled through Instagram on his phone. Once his food was ready he ventured to the liquor store for a six-pack and bottle of wine. He tried to think if there was anything else he needed to do to extend his time away and when he realized there wasn’t he slowly navigated the Toronto streets until once again parked in Tia’s garage.
When he walked down the hall juggling the alcohol on the salad and two pizza boxes – pepperoni for Taylour and vegetarian with pineapple for Tia - he half expected to hear Taylour screaming. And when he fumbled in his pocket for the key he was sure a blood curdling wail was going to be heard but it wasn’t, surprisingly, there was what sounded like a laugh muffled through the door.   
“Faster Auntie Becks.”   
Becks is on all fours with her glasses threatening to slip off the tip of her nose at any second with Taylour on her back squeezing a fistful of her sweater. She moves around like a horse, making a galloping sound with every movement.   
“Faster?” Becks laughs trying to maneuver around the coffee table.   
“Faster!” He giggles, a wide smile on his face and eyes bright and full of joy. “Faster!”   
“Neigggggh.” Becks reaches around with one hand and puts it under his leg and presses onto her knees to mimic a rearing horse.   
“Daddy!” Taylour laughs, “I’m a horse.”   
That sweet and innocent laugh warms Auston’s heart, it always does and he’s so happy he decided to stay. His night at home would have involved drinking the six-pack alone, stewing and replaying the game, reliving Taylour’s meltdown, messaging Olivia after the fourth beer and going to bed still aggravated when nothing brought the relief he so desperately needed. Though it’s not instantaneous, that laugh always brings Auston to ease.   
“I see that,” Auston grins and sets the food on the counter.   
“Okay,” Becks exhales and starts to lower Taylour to the floor, but he quickly wraps his arms around her throat not ready to be done playing. “This horse needs a break, going to head to the stable for a bit.”   
“Awh,” Taylour pouts.   
“Your dad brought pizza for dinner.”   
 “PIZZA!” Taylour lights up. He is quick to slide off Becks and run to the table where Auston has already set down a plate with some food.   
“Make sure you eat your salad too,” Auston tells him, handing him a fork.   
“Mhm,” he nods with a mouth full of pizza.   
Auston just shakes his head. He knows that every piece of lettuce will remain on his plate and in a half hour he’ll be asking for a snack.
“There’s lots of food if you’re hungry Becks.”  
“Thanks.” She already has the box open and is sliding some onto a plate when she turns to him. “You have to talk to her.” There is an urgency in her tone that captures Auston's attention.   
“Why?” He quickly stutters out. They didn’t talk a lot after her class, but she seemed fine. What could have happened in the last hour?   
“She…” Becks trails off, considering if she wants to explain it all or let Tia do it herself, because Becks knows she will tell him. Even when Tia says she isn’t going to she does. “Just go talk to her. She won’t listen to me.”   
“And you think she’ll listen to me?” Auston’s brows furrow and he lets out a laugh.  
Becks nods and finally looks at him, then says firmly, voice full of conviction, “yes I do.”   
Auston doesn’t know what sort of issue could have risen that only he can solve but the small sliver of hope he clung to that tonight would be easy and care free washes away. If her best friend – the person she chose to have in the delivery room with her – can’t help how can he?
Her door is barely open and there is no light protruding through the crevice. Besides Taylour telling Becks about his spins at the pool and the faint hum of cars 22 stories below, it’s completely silent. He doesn’t know what to expect, Tia locked in the bathroom crying, curled up under her duvet, pacing frantically, all he knows is he hasn’t felt this much apprehension to open a door in months.   
With the streetlights pouring through the window Auston makes out Tia sitting on the edge of the bed. She has on the same clothes she wore to class and her hair is pulled back, the ends curled and full of fly-aways since getting wet in the pool. Her feet rest on the floor and her shoulders appear to be harboring a weight. There is a slow blue blink from her phone that reflects off the white duvet.   
“Hey T.” Auston shuts the door behind him, drowning out Taylour’s excited chatter. He walks around the room and stops at one of the bedside tables and flicks on the lamp, making her blink at the intrusion.   
“Hey Auston,” she sighs, and gives him one of the hollowest smiles he’s seen in ages. It’s clear she’s upset but it doesn’t look like she has been crying.   
“What’s going on?” He fills the space beside her, his knee gently leaning against hers. “You seemed to be enjoying my misery an hour ago.”   
“I wouldn’t say enjoying,” she corrects him, but Auston notices the way the corner of her lip curls upwards.   
“Right,” Auston grins. “Well of the three of us you were the only one who seemed to be having a good afternoon.”   
She nods. “I had a great day. I spent my morning with a soon-to-be professional diver showing me a bunch cool tricks. I had a grilled cheese and shitty poutine for lunch and was shown Nemo 600 times. I went to class where my teacher said things that I wrote down. I did have to wait in the cold a little for my chauffeur but that’s alright, I’ll just dock his pay.” At this point a playful smile starts to form on her face, only leaving Auston confused. “And to top it all off, I got to miss what I can only assume was a horrible tantrum by my three-year-old. Pretty good day.”   
“So, we’re sitting alone in the dark becaaaause…” He drags out the last syllable for effect while giving her a soft nudge to prompt her.   
“Because of this.”    
Tia collects her phone and slides her thumb over the sensor then hands it to Auston. He takes a second to look it over, trying to make sense of the problem, but once again is only left confused.   
“We’re upset because we had five orders today?” His face twists in confusion, noticeably puzzled as to what is wrong. Shouldn’t this excite most business owners? 
“We’re upset because we had no sales today,” Tia corrects him with a little bite in her voice. 
“But this says -”   
“That’s Abby, that’s Sarah, that’s Emily, that’s Camille and Becks,” Tia explains, pointing to the corresponding e-mail in her inbox. I wouldn’t be in this position if it wasn’t for them, I can’t charge them. I mean, maybe I could charge Camille because I haven’t known her all that long, but after everything Becks has done, I think her girlfriend can get a free sweater.”   
“Okay...” Auston prompts her, still not seeing the real issue.   
“Besides the free clothes I’m giving away, nobody else wants anything. Nothing. What’s the point in doing this if nobody buys anything?”   
“Did you really expect to be an instant success?” Auston almost laughs, but the look on Tia’s face stops him.   
“How many goals did you score your first game?” She claps back.   
“Okay.” This time he does laugh. “That’s not a fair comparison.”   
“Why? Because you’re Auston Matthews, born for greatness.”   
Every word is coming out hotter and faster than the one before, and even though she knows he is only trying to help Tia can feel her defeat turning into rage. Not wanting to direct it at him solely because he is there, she stands up to make her exit to the bathroom where she will be alone, but he doesn’t let her. He quickly wraps his large hand around her wrist and tugs her back, pulling her right onto his lap.
Exactly like he did with Taylour, he wraps his arm around her waist and effectively traps her in his arms. Unlike Taylour, she doesn’t fight it, they both knew she wouldn’t. He smells faintly of cologne and her head finds the crook of her neck in an instant. She always was at home with him. 
“No,” he tells her. “It doesn’t matter when I scored my first goal or how many I scored that night. Mitch didn’t score until his second game, Nylander took like a month and I’m pretty sure Freddie is still waiting on his.”   
“Isn’t he the goalie?” Tia grumbles, unamused with his attempted humour.   
“Yes.” He chuckles and gently tugs on her ponytail, tilting her head back so she can finally see his smile, because he knows she needs that. “My point is, it doesn’t matter when it happens just that it does.”   
“What if it doesn’t happen? What if...” Tia takes a second to breathe. Then she clears her throat, trying to gather the courage to say the words she’s been too scared to think. “What if I don’t sell anything ever? What if this was all for nothing and I am a complete failure?” 
“Not possible sweetheart,” the pad of his thumb gently soothes over the denim on her legs, slow rhythmic circles. 
“How do you -”   
Auston leans in and gently presses his lips to hers. It’s soft and his lips are slightly chapped, but it’s exactly what Tia needs to stop the carousel of thoughts from spinning her brain. It’s not full of heat or passion nor is it followed up with hands tangling in his hair or gentle moans catching in her throat. But it feels right.    
“You’re going to change the world Tia,” he whispers when he finally pulls away. “I just wish you could see it.” 
Tia hums in response, not entirely sure what to say. And Auston finally understands why Becks sent him to talk to Tia, he not only challenges her but make her see through her own idiocy. Even though he can tell she believes what he’s saying, he has this sinking feeling there is more than she is letting on. He knows her well enough to know she wouldn’t be this upset about her line after one day. Something larger is going on, this is a shield but Auston doesn’t have the energy to figure of to what.
“Sometimes I think you’re too good for me,” Tia sighs, a sweet smile finding its way to her lips. 
“Sometimes I teach our son to say fucking ridiculous,” he replies while shaking his head.
“If that’s the worst thing he learns from us I think we did alright as parents,” she continues to smile. When she notices he isn’t she straightens her back and stares directly into those eyes golden that seem to have lost their warmth. “What’s wrong?”   
“Sometimes I feel like I’m not a good dad.”   
“You met mine right?” Tia jokes, hopeful to calm him but it doesn’t have the effect she hoped for. “Taylour loves you."   
“He loves everyone. We were talking about St. Louis he told me he was excited because he loves Mitch.”   
“Okay, who’s being ridiculous now,” Tia chortles. “You cannot for a second think he loves Mitch as much as you.”   
“No, I know that, but I’m gone, a lot.”
It’s her turn to grab his jaw and keep him locked on her, knowing this isn’t just something he needs to hear but needs to see and feel. “You’re gone for work. And it’s not like you’re really gone, you FaceTime him multiple times a day.”   
“What does it say about me, that I didn’t see him for two days and I almost ate dinner alone because I was mad he wouldn’t wear boots? My three-year-old was acting like a three-year-old and I was frustrated by it.”  
“That just tells me you’re a parent,” Tia responds emphatically. “Do you honestly think there weren’t nights where I was happy to go to the club because I needed a break? Or that I haven’t eaten cake in the shower because I didn’t have to share?”   
“No, you did not,” Auston’s eyes bulge out of their sockets and his jaw drops.  
“Yeah it was like a year and a half ago. He had this phase where he didn’t want to leave me alone and if I shut a door he’d scream bloody murder. I missed class because I couldn’t leave him at daycare and if he woke up while I was at work my friends said he’d scream for almost an hour straight until he tired himself out. When I wanted to shower I’d bring him in the bathroom and set up Paw Patrol for him to watch. One day I had cake and I didn’t want to wait until he fell asleep to eat it, so I set up Paw Patrol and ate cake instead of showering.”   
“What kind of mother doesn’t share?” Auston asks teasingly, not actually judging her.
“The kind of mother who deserved a piece of cake,” Tia replies, still waiting for a smile to reach his eyes. “My point is, we all have days. It doesn’t make you a bad parent, it makes you human.”   
“Yeah.” He lets out a heavy exhale, one indicating he isn’t convinced.   
“You’ve changed our lives Auston.”
Returning the favour, her lips land back on his and her fingers gently stroking the chain that dangles freely from his neck – the chain she gifted him in Zurich. Like the last one, the kiss is soft and short, barely enough time to realize what’s happening before it’s over. They aren’t meant to bring heat or lead them into bed together – they’ve been down that road and it only ever brought pain - but that kiss helps him to understand what she is saying.  
It's strange to him how it works. That he doesn’t believe a word she said, but then he tastes her ChapStick and a weight lifts, bringing much needed clarity. Everything suddenly makes sense. It was ridiculous for him to think he was a bad father, or that Taylour would have been better off without him in his life. Taylour needs him, but more importantly Auston needs Taylour.
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blackwldcw · 2 years
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Muse vs. Mun
Very intelligent. Mun had a 4.5 high school GPA and a 3.98 university GPA. Had straight A's through nursing academy labs, the English Literature program, and graduate program of education.
Also very clever. We know how to read people due to trauma. People think we have this uncanny ability to read in between the lines and predict what others are thinking.
Flexible and very good at dancing. Our fighting styles are also more akin to dancing than most-- Mun has taken taekwondo, belly-dancing, and sword-fighting lessons.
We're both goth lol.
We're both polyamorous! Mun has two partners irl (and not necessarily averse to more), and BA is in an open poly relationship with Blitzwing.
We overthink things. A lot. We also shake hands on having contamination OCD and BPD. However, we both recognise our sometimes faulty way of thinking and are seeking help. Mun has recently had to quit therapy due to money issues, but I will be starting it again once our other partner moves in, and Zim and I have a third source of income. BA also has a therapist in her main IDW verse.
We both use she/they and identify as non-binary.
We both have mommy issues. OOF.
We're both nocturnal by nature and love insects. However, while I love spiders, my favourites are cicadas and praying mantises.
We share all the same kinks
Mun loves to write as a therapeutic hobby, while BA prefers scientific and historical research. Their writing style is clinical and aloof (and probably formatted in APA). I, however, model my writing style after the likes of Poe, Lovecraft, and Barker.
BA prefers soft or liquid foods, while I like savoury things like steak.
While BA has distanced themself from anything spiritual due to childhood religious trauma, my own trauma has caused me to embrace being a pagan and a witch. I worship the Norse pantheon, Lokí more specifically.
BA has made war-turning inventions, while the most I've done is make aspirin from scratch in a lab lol.
I love and miss my childhood home in California, while BA won't go back to the web-weaver tribe if you paid them.
BA has a fear of water/drowning, while I love the beach and swimming.
They are,,, a lot more patient than me lol. I have a more explosive temper and will get myself into a sticky situation rather than bide my time.
tagged by: stolen from the bae @xxdoctor-djdxx
tagging: @hellfire-saurian, @13urningstars, @riflesparked, @shiningsilverarmor, @captainseamech, & you!
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