#molly got mail
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bigfootsmom · 9 months ago
If there’s days when Buck is at work and Tommy is home with Annie, will Buck sometimes call him and beg him to bring her to the firehouse because the shifts are so long and he needs baby time?
Oh 100% (the rest of the 118 also benefits from baby time)
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the-sapphiresky · 2 years ago
AN: I have not written a word in five years, but I felt like giving this little You've Got Mail ficlet a proper ending as best I could. Enjoy my darlings and have a lovely Autumn!
Part 1
Molly's Got Mail
"So he could be married, an geriatric pensioner, a serial killer..."
Molly cut him off with a laugh, noting his eyes flicker with interest at the last option. "He is not a serial killer, Sherlock!"
He eyed her dubiously. "I think we have established your track record with men is highly questionable and this man, if he is in fact a 'he'-"
"Would you shut up?" She rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee with a smile, enjoying the warm spice that juxtaposed the cool fall breeze that wrapped around them.
Sometime over the past few months, there had been a ceasefire between her and Sherlock. She wasn't sure what exactly had caused the Consulting Detective to stop warring with her over the smallest of issues in her own lab, but she would never look that gift horse in the mouth.
And suddenly, their work together flourished and she found herself in an unlikely friendship with the very man she once swore to hate for all eternity (she may have been a little plastered when making that vow so she didn't feel guilty breaking it).
Had anyone told her when she first butted heads with the man that she would one day stroll through the park with him and bare out her relationship troubles, she would have laughed and told them to get their head examined well.
Yet here she was, sharing coffee with him, and elbowing him teasingly when he huffed at her.
"Have you even asked him if he is in a relationship?"
"Of course, Will said he is unattached."
"'Unattached' is ambiguous, he could be in a dozen other online relationships wherein he has not met the other party and so considers himself unattached."
Molly tilted her head and furrowed her brow at him. "He wouldn't do that, I know him."
Sherlock cocked an eyebrow. "Do you? He stood you up, did he not?"
"He apologized!"
"A month later," Sherlock tsked. "Doesn't speak highly of his integrity or punctuality."
The sting of that night hadn't faded as much as Molly had hoped. To be stood up was insulting enough. Then to run into your sworn enemy, at your most vulnerable emotionally, was the cherry on top.
Sherlock had immediately deduced the entire affair, from being stood up by an online suitor, her "desperation" to be loved, the overdone makeup, to the damn the lingerie that wasn't quite tucked beneath her dress strap. Humiliated, Molly had lashed out with words she still regretted. The stricken look on Sherlock's face was enough to penetrate her anger with immediate regret.
He swept from the coffee house that night and she saw not one glimpse of him for nearly six weeks.
"Sounds like someone else I know," she mumbled around another sip. The sudden rush of eye blinks as he processed what she said made her smile softly. "But he apologized and that is what counts...not when he did it."
"Indeed," he agreed. "Nevertheless, I think I should stay with you until he arrives. I will be able to tell instantly if he has lied about anything."
Molly vehemently shook her head. "Absolutely not! The only reason you know about this is because you read my emails, which I have yet to decide your punishment for."
She laughed when he looked guilty for just a moment, then immediately took on an air of indifference.
"Don't worry," she nudged him slyly. "I won't be mean, but you might be out of body parts for experiments for a couple days."
He swallowed hard. They were almost there, in a matter of minutes, everything would be out in the open.
Molly quickly finished her coffee. He took her empty cup and tossed it with his in a nearby bin.
"Almost time," Molly said, checking her phone. "This is where you leave."
Sherlock ignored her and took out his own phone, feeling the full force of her glare.
"Sherlock," she warned. He would never tell her, but when she growled at him and stomped her foot, she was adorable.
He felt a tug on his sleeve and pulled out her grasp.
"I will call Mycroft!"
"That wouldn't do anything for the situation," he drawled. His brother was well aware, the great big fat bloody spy, of what was occurring between Sherlock and his pathologist. In fact, he was fairly confident this entire park was being recorded and, good or bad, the outcome would be on the cloud for all eternity.
He hoped for a good outcome...it would be a lovely home video to share with their children.
Then again, a bad outcome would be blackmail material against him for a lifetime.
She was getting impatient now, he glanced at her, that furrow between her brows begging for a kiss. Though he did not think she would appreciate that at this moment.
"I let you walk with me here, with the understanding you would leave before he gets here!" She hissed.
"I never agreed to that," he couldn't help poking the bear. "I am a citizen of this nation, freely enjoying the beauty of this lovely park."
"I'd believe that if you didn't have your nose in your phone and if you didn't regularly complain about the weather, people, and parks."
She crossed her arms, fingers tapping anxiously.
He made a show of turning slowly and pointing at a nearby bench. "I shall simply wait over here to ensure you are not mauled by a serial killer or a geriatric pensioner."
As he sat, a couple walking by gave him and his wide smile a generous berth. Molly huffed and continued frowning but seemed to accept he was not going to leave entirely.
He glanced at his phone. Three minutes.
Molly was nervously wringing her hands and looking around. The park was fairly busy for late afternoon. Couples taking advantage of the cool weather and clear sky were meandering about, a few runners, some kids calling out as they chased each other around.
He admired how the sun illuminated her hair, shining red and gold amongst her usual brown tresses. Her lips were redder than normal, she'd been biting them. And though her complexion was pale, the hot coffee had warmed her up and there was a slight red blush on her cheeks.
Neither of them spoke as the minutes ticked by. For the first time in his life, Sherlock was uncertain as to the outcome of a situation. But he had one last chance and he wasn't going to screw it up. Not again.
"He's not coming again, is he?"
He leaned his elbows on his knees and stared over at her. She looked forlornly at her phone, which proclaimed fifteen minutes past the allotted meeting time. With no message.
She opened her email, her thumbs aimlessly hovering, as she tried to decide what she should say, if anything.
"Don't say it, Sherlock," she turned away from him, no doubt to hide her face.
He couldn't have that.
Standing, he strode over to her and gently turned her back to him.
'Why do I keep doing this, falling for a guy who lets me down? Jim, Tom, Will, yo-" she cut herself off, flushing madly and averting her eyes. "Maybe I should take your advice, stop dating entirely and give up on a relationship."
"Molly, stop, I was wrong. That night at the cafe, I was in a terrible mood and I took it out on you," he desperately wanted to wipe the resignation from her eyes.
"But you had a point," she said. She looked down at her phone, the email thread with Will staring back at them. Under her breath, he heard her say, "I should give up."
He took her phone from her and pocketed it, grabbing something else from his coat and holding it tight. She opened her mouth, no doubt to demand he give her phone back, but he cut her off.
"If we had started off our professional relationship on a better note, if I had treated you as an equal intellect from the start...would we be more than we are now?"
She had to lick her lips to speak through a suddenly dry mouth. "What do you mean, more than we are now...more than friends?"
He nodded.
He nodded again.
"But Sherlock, you don't see me like that. If this is about what I just said, in no way was I trying to get you to -"
"You're wrong," he smiled. "I do see you like that."
She blinked. "What, romantically?"
"You're an intelligent woman, you understood my implication."
Ah, there was the frown he loved. "As a note, Holmes," she poked his chest. "Insulting a woman you suddenly claim to be romantically interested in...not a good thing."
"Noted," he quipped. "Now, back to the issue at hand. Were this online man, who has stood you up twice now, not in the picture, would you want to be with me?"
Her eyes twinkled. "Are you the only other option?"
With a pout, he rolled his eyes and sighed. "Molly Hooper..."
"Just checking, after all, this is all very sudden." Her levity faded as she looked around, though he knew the only man that fit the description of the man she was looking for was standing right in front of her. Her gaze drifted back to him and he watched the interplay of emotions run across her face. "You're a dear friend now, and I do like you, but until today, I didn't think you saw me as anything more."
But Will had told her otherwise. And it was time to reconcile him with Sherlock.
"Oh, Hooper. I've thought of you as so much more for quite some time."
He opened his hand to show the silver hair bow laying in his palm. She stared at it in shock, knowing he had to have followed her that night from the cafe after their fight and watched her yank it from her hair and throw it to the ground. And he picked it up and kept it. When she raised her eyes to his, he was startled to see tears.
"William Sherlock Scott Holmes, at your service."
"You?" She whispered. "Will was you, all along?"
Sherlock smiled softly. "I'm sorry I am late."
With a tearful cry, she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. Immediately, he hauled her close and lifted her higher in his arms. She giggled and broke the kiss, to his disgruntlement, only to rain kisses all around his face.
"You," kiss "absolute" kiss "sodding" kiss "idiot!" kiss "I will" kiss "never" kiss "forgive" kiss "you" kiss for "this!"
Before she could continue her attack of pecks and threats, he covered her mouth with his and proceeded to snog her until he was sure she had forgotten all about his duplicity.
And if she hadn't...well, he had a lifetime to try.
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sebsxphia · 2 months ago
Guess who the birthday girl is 🤭🥳🥳 3 at last!
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oh, BIRTHDAY GIRL MOLLIE BABY! 🥹🫶🏼 i hope she had the most wonderful day ever and please, please give her the biggest kiss and birthday pat from me, she’s such a good girl! 🥳💗
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I saw these posts on reddit about the queen and king of romcoms
I don’t know if you like this genre, but if you do who do you think they are?
This is difficult, if not impossible. Ultimately, it's a subjective game. I'll always pick those who acted in the rom-coms I like. It also depends on the decade in my view. Molly Ringwald in the 80s was the IT American girl, but I wouldn't necessarily think of her as a rom-com queen, but more like the quintessential image of a type of teenager/young adult at that time.
Maybe I'll go with Meg Ryan. I loved When Harry Met Sally and You've Got Mail is my favorite romantic comedy. Nothing beats that. Once Fall is here, I know it's the perfect film for a cozy weekend afternoon. I just love everything about it. Everything.
As to the the king of rom-coms, it has to be Hugh Grant. No one does it like him. It's that simple. I don't have to debate in my head 😀
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rottenherbs · 3 months ago
Lost to Family
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Pairing: G.W x Reader Request: I was wondering if I could request a George Weasley x reader where they have been dating in secret for a while because the reader's family are death eaters, but she doesn't agree with them and in the battle of Hogwarts she has to choose a side to fight and she goes with George? (also Fred lives please) W/C:1.8k A/N: Happy Christmas! I hope you guys are having a wonderful winter so far. I just finished this tonight , tis the season eh? [masterlist] Much love, Saige
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Your life like many other Hogwarts students, were ripped to shreds in a way that wasn’t anticipated. Every moment was under the threat of your demise, loved ones gone, friends choosing to fight with the enemy, face to face with death around every corner.
You were 17. Your life was allegedly in its peak, your body limber and amble, your mind sharp as a tack, your life romantic and soft. The moment the news that Dumbledore had been killed changed everything you once knew. You didn’t know who you could trust, only keeping your boyfriend's family close. Harnessing your new skills of defensive and reactive spells, you retrieved a letter in the mail from your parents, one that you thought would never come.
You and George had been facing a practicing dummy in the backyard attempting a new set of spells that Lupin had shared with the younger students in the order.
“Dear! A letter!” Molly shouted from the burrow, echoing lightly over to you and George.
“That’s for you.” He laughed nudging your shoulder. “She doesn’t call me dear, just George… or Fred.”
You chuckled, slipping your wand into your sweatshirt and kissed him on the cheek turning and leaving him to practice without you.
Walking into the burrow, Molly held the letter in her hands, noticeably fidgeting the paper in between her fingers.
“I’m sorry, we had to open it first to make sure it was safe.” She handed it over, the envelope ripped slightly revealing the corner to a dark black cardstock. You furrowed your eyebrows, grabbing it slowly
Our sweetest girl.
Please take this letter as an open invitation, to understand our way of life.
We have met so many wonderful people. We have learned the correct way of life. We have missed your presence dearly.
Power is held within purity. Your soul is pure, you can be saved if you choose to fight for the right side.
We wish to keep you safe, keep you civilized.
Keep you in the ascendency of moral righteousness
Mum and Dad
Your heart sank to your stomach, each passing word taking the breath out of your lungs. Your eyes stung, not realizing you had kept your eyes open for over a minute, reading and rereading the short letter. Your head began to shake in disapproval, tears streaming down your face.
You understood your parents had gone missing during the year, believing their belligerent morals towards Voldemort had gotten them killed. You had mourned them. You had gone through grief in a way you couldn’t describe. The new information that their existence was proven in a handwritten letter had opened a wound you thought was closed forever.
“Oh.” Molly walked over, holding your shaking body, slumping your entire weight into her short frame. You were too distraught to notice George entering the house, rushing over to you quickly. The letter had fallen from your hands, sliding across the kitchen floor near his feet.
Picking it up and reading, his ears had gone red in anger, though his body felt an uncontrollable sadness. He had been with you when you got word they had passed, now standing in confusion, all of the past year feeling like a lie.
It took you a few hours to calm down fully, but you ended up laying down in George’s arms, soothing you as much as he could. Not only had the war been coming closer with each passing day, the new information that your name had been wanted for Voldemort's army had placed an intricate target on your back. Would you see your parents? would they kill you themselves? Every thought that passed through your mind was morbidly macabre. Only the sounds of George’s sweet voice kept you from truly spiraling.
“Me and you. I promise. I promise”
A letter had been sent to the burrow one night, unsigned yet a small inked paw print placed sloppily in the corner, signaling a message from McGonagall. She had been a set of eyes on the inside of Hogwarts, ready to dispatch help the moment it was needed.
Lighting has struck
Word had gotten to the snake
Unknown arrival
Preparation underway
The letter was short, incredibly succinct but told us we were finally being called to the front lines. Hogwarts would be under attack in mear hours. All of the Weasley family that weren’t at Hogwarts had gotten dressed and hugged another tightly, a solemn silence over the family, understanding the implications of what is to come.
Holding George’s hand, he leaned down placing a kiss on your head shooting you a confident wink before apperating you both.
You both arrived in McGonagall's office, looking around nervously hoping your presence wasn’t heard by the wrong crowd. You waited patiently both snooping around with each other not ever having the opportunity to be in her office, and alone at that.
Soon the door swung open, a young blonde witch quickly closing it behind her.
“You're here! Wonderful!” Luna beamed, her smile wide and genuine as she looked at you and George. “Well come on. No time for pleasantries.” She quipped, opening the door and ushering you both out. She held up a finger to her lips, shushing you both as you stepped out into the hallway.
Nostalgia hit you the moment your feet clacked against the stone flooring. Memories of the 7 years of wonder and peace you spent in the halls quickly dissolved as you remembered why you were there. The memories break into just small crippling distasteful feelings, leaving you numb as you walk faster down the corridor.
Arriving at a plain stone wall, Luna looked around as the stone morphed into a beautifully intricate door, swinging open just enough to slip your bodies through. The other side was warm and lively, many students laughing together in small piles of makeshift beds and blankets.
You and George were taken into a hug by Ron and Hermione simultaneously, both squeezing you from all sides, comforting you deeply. Once they pulled away, all four of you looked at each other sadly.
“It must be really happening huh.” Ron mumbled, his smile faltering into a straight lipped grimace. “Its still nice to see you y/n, even with the circumstances.” Ron leaned, his smile returning momentarily.
“It’s always nice to see you Ron” You smiled looking around the room once more.
“Oh this is kinda like our headquarters.” Hermione spoke looking around at the room proudly. “Students made it themselves. Those who want to fight.”
The hundreds of students around the room felt comforting and disgustingly frightening. These teens are all willing to put their life on the line for what is right, just like you. All of these children, teens, barely adults, all stuck in a situation that is out of their hands.
The fight started abruptly. You and the members of the order took their places around the castle fortifying the sky with a powerful shield spell, hopefully holding out the enemy in anyways possible. George kept you close, determined to keep you safe. Keep you alive.
The sky went silent, the shield sending a glimmering cast over the stars. You and George sat, tired from the journey, holding each other close for as long as you could. You both didn’t know when the fight would begin, but for this moment you two were together and that’s all that mattered.
“I wish it was plant have to end this way” you mumbled resting your chin on your hand. George leaned back, his wand gripped tightly in his hand.
“I know love. We all do.” He mumbled back. Both of you stayed together for a few hours. Out of nowhere a deep pain struck your mind; a voice echoing as if they were inside your head.
Return Harry Potter
You fell to your knees, the pain lingering making you want to scream. George held his head next to yours, his eyes displayed and confused. Had you all heard it?
You both had the decision to meet the others in the courtyard, a feeling of yield over the fight. Having a limited time until they find Harry themselves you knew you had to reconcile and replan.
Both of you walked hand in hand through the halls. Stone archways and paintings were broken to pieces, rubble scattered everywhere. You felt like you wanted to sob, to stop and feel all of the emotions flowing through your body but felt numb, unable to act on the feelings. You just sighed and gasped as you and George passed your favorite areas, the smoke still filling rooms from fires and spells.
Arriving at the main courtyard you felt safer, surrounded by all of the students you sat in the room of requirement. The feeling of power in numbers. Nothing broke your heart further than when you looked across the bridge two familiar faces looked back, eyes swollen with tears and clothes bloody from wounds.
“Darling! Y/n! Darling!” Your mother yelled eagerly, her smile unwavering and hands outstretched towards you. The crowd hushed at the sound, surprised at the courage of those who spoke so loudly. Your legs became heavy, unable to move or react. Your eyes widened but your lips tightens together, nothing but anger and frustration running through your veins.
How dare she address you. How dare she show ties to you.
“Mm mm yes. The daughter of my most faithful new members.” Voldemort purred, his sharp yellowed teeth baring towards you. You didn’t move, your eyes making eye contact with the dark lord sent shivers down your spine. You wondered how easy it was to persuade your parents.
George’s hand tightened in yours, looking between you and Voldemort quickly, his body tense and stoic. It felt as if he was holding you in place, the thought that you’d take a step forward raced across his mind. The idea that you’d be pulled across the invisible line between the sides.
“Darli-“ she started again, her smile faltering slightly. Voldemort’s hand whipped up silencing her quickly. She swallowed awkwardly attempting to not show her fear.
“Let the child decide.” He bellowed, prone in this arms towards you, his followers enveloping into a loud cheers. You made eye contact with your mother once more, deciding that would be the last time you ever would.
“I do not belong with you.” You shouted, your voice shaking slightly. George’s hand shook yours lightly in reassurance, your body and mind feeling like it could take no more.
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hgb94 · 1 month ago
Nein in Hindsight: CR2E4
Fjord feels very much like the early campaign moral center of the party, I feel like he's frequently encourages others to be considerate of random NPCs they encounter. (21:00)
"We like to be unsung heroes" - and that's who you'll be for the rest of your adventuring career (24:16)
"It feels like the thing that we all share in common here is that we don’t wish to make a big splash." This really is a party full of people who either want to or need to avoid the attention of authorities. (27:05)
"You are young. Sometimes people we feel we know can be someone else." You'd know a lot about that, Caleb. (33:40)
Norda threatening to send guards to pay a visit to Nott's goblin clan. Nott offering to help her hunt them down. Norda, you've got no idea how absolutely genuine that offer is. (1:17:30)
Yasha "I like to have my freedom" yeah, I bet. (1:24:40)
Nott and Caleb's prison backstory. (1:47:40)
"There’s nothing wrong with living your life. You only get one of them, mostly." What a statement coming from Molly. (1:50:00)
The entirety of the Beau, Zeenoth, and Dairon scene reads so different with full knowledge of how she ended up in the Cobalt Soul, and that she thinks it was a sanctioned action rather than Zeenoth lining his own pockets. Like, yeah, Dairon's speech about weeding out corruption and twisting the arm of the unjust reads as bullshit to her. And it must have been so fucking satisfying to learn with Dairon by getting to beat the shit out of Zeenoth. Also "Who knows, maybe you'll find corruption inside our own [system]"(2:13:00)
Caleb "These crazy bastards are very distracting and strange, ja? So, they could be my healing potion, you know?" In more ways than one... (2:41:45)
Love that Caleb takes Nott to a fine bathhouse for a luxury experience and due to her water trauma she just vibes over on her side eating the cucumbers from her cucumber water and stealing things. (2:54:15)
Nott trying to divert everyone away from traveling to her hometown. (3:27:00)
Nott giving Yasha flowers without knowing anything about Zuala and Yasha's collection that she's been putting together. I love it in D&D when people accidentally brush up against each other's backstories in beautiful or painful ways long before they ever learn anything about them. (3:29:40)
Beau's mail fraud leads to the group encountering Jester's dad. (3:37:30)
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dcdreamblog · 3 months ago
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Oh. ...Well now look what you bastards gone an di- *recieves email not long after seeing this pop up. Work email* WORK EMAIL FROM WHO NOW?!
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Ok Sid don't panic. Don't panic. Don't PANIC. Whiiiiich one of you fuckers ratted me out?! Well I cut out the contact info in the attachment for obvious goddamn reasons but she did indeed give me the contact information of three (3) Golden Age folks who are still around and kicking and evidently each of them has consented to being down for an interview with me! And by extension you guys!
So, while I process this goddamn information I am going to do a quick rundown of who we've got. Please scroll all the way down so you can vote in the poll!!!
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Uncle Sam: The spirit of 76 given flesh, Uncle Sam has been an active superhuman for nearly 300 years at this point. A leadership figure in the highly active Freedom Fighters through every one of its many rosters. Also a regular guest here and the museum and, as this last Christmas proved, someone who knows my @#$%& mailing address.
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Molly Mayne-Scott AKA Harlequin I: A former supervillainess, responsible for many rounds of grand larceny and general mayhem, Mayne ended up reforming soon after she met Green Lantern Alan Scott. Once Scott's first marriage ended in tragedy, Mayne and Scott married where they have been for the past 60 years despite current revelations about Scott's past and personal life. She also spent time post war, after the JSA's disbandment as an FBI agent tracking down golden age supervillains who had escaped justice.
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Airwave II: Son of the original Air Wave, this young and plucky member of the superhero community has been under the wing of names as diverse as Black Canary, Green Lantern and the Atom. Following in his father's footsteps he has become the beloved son of Dallas, Texas.
So these are your options, my friends. I have the contact information for any one of these three people, in my hands. In one week's time I will contact one of them to set up an interview with the questioned picked by you guys. All you have to do right now, this week, is make sure you VOTE as to who it shall be.
God speed and all but I need to go lie down.
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life-series-school-blog · 2 months ago
..Server rebooting complete! 100%
:Ping! You’ve received Mail!
•Welcome to Life Academy! I am your principal(and author) Lumy! As the number one academy of the country we offer many things but this year we’ve decided to be generous and make a reserve program! But of course you already know that. You’ve applied after all! This is your acceptance note.
But before you start to get too happy we have a few rules and things you need to do before entering! State your (characters)Name, Age, Gender and we will review it before sending you to one of our amazing student council members! They will tell you everything you need to know and get you situated in your required dorm and club!
Now for the rules:
1, None of those racist homophobic people or slurs here
2, No brain rot or politics please!
3, no nsfw
4, Please respect everyone's opinions and beliefs
5, No spamming asks or any ai whatsoever
6, And have fun but be mindful!
That being said now we’ve got a bit of an intro of our amazing student council!
Grian/Desert -About: Our Amazing and quite dedicated student council president! He takes care of all school events and runs the social media team! Quote: [Student did not provide a quote]
Scott/Light - About: Our special director of business! Scott is our vice president of the student council and takes care of every important test or issue with studies! Quote: [I’m glad to be here another year! If you ever need help don’t be afraid to ask!]
Pearl/Crescent - About: Our fantastic head of security! Have problems with bullying or don’t feel safe? Come to Pearl! She’s willing to do anything to help you if you’re in need! Quote: [Don’t come to me for something stupid. I will help if your being truthful though]
Martyn/Siren - About: Our interesting head of sports. Want to become a superstar at a sport? Then go to martyn!just be aware that his training isn’t exactly easy.. Quote: [Fuck off] (who allowed that in the intro?!?) (it’s authentic!!) (Grian!!!)
Scar/Sunflower - About: Our kind nurse apprentice! Got hurt or have any anxiety? Go to Scar! He’s willing to help in anyway whether it’s mental or physical! Quote: [im supposed to say something? Um… I’ll listen to you if you need it!]
Joel/Chariot - About: Our newest addition and wonderful head of Clubs! You can go to anyone for club help but Joel specializes in it! He’ll help you if you have any problems with it! Quote: [Its all about Family you know? Except Scott, none of them are my family] (I helped you!! Come on!)
Part 1
Part 2
This blog will contain-
•mentioned su1c1ce and etc
-everything more dark will be tagged accordingly!!
-That being said nothing in this blog is real!!! It’s all roleplay so please remember that!! Also author is a real person that has a busy life. I will not always post and that’s okay!! I have two other rp blogs, a fanfic, and a main blog to deal with. Not to mention school. This blog will also be a lot more art heavy so yea!
Thank you for reading! Hope to see you soon :)
-Your principal(and author) Lumy!
#%Well this will be fun..%#
^We’re back baby!!!^
:Yes indeed we are… but with the world reset.. everyone is um.. different now:
#%Yep. Well let’s enjoy it while it lasts%#
-old Story~
-music playlist!
-nicknames 1
-Art masterpost on main
-minor gods
-mollys characters
Lastly but not least, this rp blog is inspired by @life-winners-liveblog and special thanks for botanicalbard and ??? For the motivation.
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ofmdrecaps · 4 months ago
12/01-02/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Vico Ortiz; Kristian Nairn; Samba Schutte; Rachel House; Dominic Burgess; Adopt Our Crew; Letting Writing Campaign for OFMD S3!; Fan Spotlight: Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Citizen Dame Pod; 2024 Podfuckery; OFMD Big Bang; Love Notes;
Hey crew, as you can see I'm slowly catching up. I've been sick and my dads back at the hospital so things are a bit cray cray at the moment. Thank you for all your patience <3
= Rhys Darby =
Rhys was out in Atlanta doing comedy with Steve Wriggles, and lots of our crewmates got to get out and see him!
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Source: Rhys and Steves Instagram Stories
- More Darby Daily Doodles -
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Source: Rhys' Free Substack
= Taika Waititi =
Lots of BTS is coming out with Taika on Interior Chinatown!
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Source: Instagram
There's also been more BTS for the KokoFoundation event that he and Minnie did a few weeks back!
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Source: Letters Live Instagram
This article features Taika AND Anapela! Thank you to Jess aka @summerlinenss.bsky.social‬ for the share!
Source: Summerlinens Bsky
= Vico Ortiz =
Vico recently received  the “Courage Award” during the 29 Palms Film Festival! Check out their acceptance speech below!
Source: Vico's Instagram
= Kristian Nairn =
Kristian was out with friends doing some winter celebrations!
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Source: Ryzymackay Instagram
And he had a wee update for everyone before heading off to Columbus OH!
Source: Kristian's Instagram
= Samba Schutte =
Fantastic news! Best Life, staring Samba was nominated for a third award! This time New York Shorts Award!
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Source: Samba's Instagram
And yet another trailer for Parallel! (It sounds like its working on amazon prime again incase you ran into trouble).
Source: Instagram
- Advanced Chemistry BTS -
Our friend Alec Moore, writer of Advanced Chemistry and big OFMD advocate was kind enough to give us some BTS for the movie with Samba! Check some of it out below-- if you've seen the movie and have yet to review it on amazon, please take a moment to send them some love! Amazon Reviews
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Source: Alec Moore's Bsky
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A lot of the background pictures of samba's character Allen show Samba doing Air Guitar! Here are some closer looks!
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Source: Alec moore
= Rachel House =
Rachel attended the @asiapacificscreenawards_ celebration and her film Te Maunga was nominated for "Best Youth film”. She sends out her "Massive congrats to the beautiful film Boong @lp_devi who deservedly won."!
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Source: Rachel's Instagram
= Dominic Burgess =
Dominic always knows how to bring a smile to our face with cat content <3
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Source: Dominic's Bsky
In addition, in case you haven't already checked it out-- Skeleton Crew is out on Disney Plus, and our favorite Jeffrey Fettering is in the show! Congrats Dominic!
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Source: Dominic's Bsky
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Thank you @adoptourcrew for sharing this article on OFMD from Screenrant! Check it out here.
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Instagram
== Letter Writing Campaign! ==
Our friend Molly aka @aproperpirate.bsky.social has started up a letter writing campaign to try and convince Netflix to adopt #OurFlagMeansdeath!  Check out more info below! (If you don't have bluesky, Molly has agreed to let me post the instructions on the repo as well.)
Letters and/or postcards explaining why you want Netflix to adopt OFMD. Highlight its accolades, reviews, representation, or simply what it means to you. Be honest and authentic! Send as many as you want!
Mail to:
Netflix Corporate Headquarters
121 Albright Way
Los Gatos, California 95032
Plan for your letter(s) to arrive anywhere during the week of January 5-12, 2025 to coincide with the one year anniversary of cancelation on January 9.
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Source: AProperPirate Bsky
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
New episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction is out! Check them out on spotify! "Today we’re talking with Molly, Dahlia and Tessa about crime, criminals and outsiders; and how nefarious law-breakers actually have a positive impact on society — especially when they’re sabotaging authoritarian regimes"
Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Spotify
= Citizen Dame =
For those of you subscribed to the citizen dame podcast, the last two episode of OFMD S2 are up! This OFMD Series is for subscribers and it's a been a blast to go over all the wonderful things in the last couple episodes. Wanna learn more? Check them out on Patreon!
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Source: Citizen Dame Patreon
= OFMD Podfuckery =
Some fun news! There's a new ofmd podfuckery going on! Several of the resident podficcers of the OFMD community are recording fics in their own style! Wanna follow along with the fun? Check out their bluesky!
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First on the list is The Hunt - by our dear @petrichorca and read by @kninjaknitter.bsky.social! Are you a podficcer and wanna get in on the fun? Jump on in and keep an eye out for the #podfuckery tag on bsky!
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Source: OFMDPodFuckery Bsky
= 2024 OFMD Big Bang =
The 2024 OFMD Big Bang, hosted by @ofmdbigbang is officially over! You can check out the completed works list here. If you haven't already checked out their tumblr, they've posted all the amazing works people have put together for it! Check them out over on @ofmdbigbang!
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Source: OFMDBigBang Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. It's almost 2025! Holy moly! I can't even believe it honestly, where has this year gone? I have been so blessed to be able to spent a lot of it with so many of you, and getting to share in your laughter and your tears, and I am so very grateful for that. Tonight I just wanted to send you a quick reminder that if you need to get something off your chest -- please ,oh please, do. I know a lot of us worry about whether or not there are "worse things" going on for other people, and you know what, something is going bonkers for every person everywhere, and if we all just didn't talk to one another every time someone else was struggling with their own issues, no one would ever talk. Of course, be sure to ask if people have spoons, or find a group you know is cool with chatting (and obviously if they're laying in a hospital bed, maybe dont bug that person unless they say its okay)-- but please find someone to talk to. It's easy to fall into the pattern of "I don't want to bother people" or "My problems seem like so much less". You'd be surprised how much of your crew really cares and wants to help. I myself, when things get really tough, feel better when I get to talk to other people about their own issues, because I can put some love out into the world that I'm not feeling as strongly at the moment from elsewhere.
You never know until you ask, so please ask <3 Love you crew, take care of yourselves, ya hear?
Img Source: WomenWhoRunWithTheMoon Instagram
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elisedonut · 4 months ago
i don't think i'm ever going to stop thinking about percy calling out for charlie (or bill) when he’s in trouble. it's just so… ugh /pos
like i usually think of charlie in particular as more protective of percy because of the first war and yk that’s his little brother (and bill, too, but like you said, i think percy would seek out charlie first), but percy also looking to charlie for help adds another layer to it
if you have any more thoughts or scenarios with this, i'd love to hear them!
- armadilloradio
it really is!!!
Charlie was home for a little longer then Bill was and since for him Percy was his first little brother he was more like attentive with him in my mind
so I completely agree
Like I love the concept of Percy staying in contact with Charlie after leaving the family and Charlie just not telling anyone
Im not sure if it's more realistic for Percy to be the one to reach out like right after leaving once the adrenaline faded and hes in a panic and upset or for them to have always mailed back and forth and it just hadn't stopped or if Charlie had to push him to stay connected
But you know whatever scenario I just think it's fun
I also like the concept of Percy sleeping with Charlie whenever he got homesick during his first year even though he would always try to ignore it and avoid it and be strong
eventually it would become like too much and he'd end up there in the middle of the night
Also just in a similar way to how I think the twins never wanted Molly during nightmares and wanted Percy, Percy normally wanted Charlie. During the time after Charlie started school but Percy hadn't he would end up sleeping in his bed anyway if one really upset him
Also going straight to Charlie the night after the final battle
He'll accept Bill in a pinch if Charlie's not around but he never feels fully like calm around him and always has Molly in the back of his mind telling him to not bother him too much that he'd accidentally internalized as don't bother him ever
That does change after the war though he feels even more wrong footed around Bill
The concept I was thinking about earlier was that Omegaverse perclin late alpha presentation au where Percy's having to force himself to call for Charlie for help but because his brains going really fuzzy and near heat like he's having a hard time forcing it out
But that's fine because Charlie's hearing is actually pretty good
(why?? Idk dragon tamer thing?
Also an alpha?
Plot convenience because I think the idea of Percy reaching feebly for the door and calling for help when he's not even sure if he really wants it but he knows he needs it while Colin is completely losing his mind to be cute??? Yeah)
so he runs in to help and is able to and ends up staying the night with Percy and making sure he's OK to be alone and maybe helping him quickly build up a nest for the heat this situation caused
also it's not even limited to Percy getting hurt when Oliver got knocked clean out during his first game Percy reached for Charlie at the first opportunity
When Fred disappeared while they were all out playing he not only ran to find Charlie but then held onto Charlie's hand so tight even though he knew he should be trying to look brave for George who was also losing it
Also he owls Charlie about Penny before they get together(though does not tell him her name) even though Charlie is mostly useless in terms of help there
Also yearly panic letters about something Ron's doing with their yearly hijinks
most of these were younger Percy but I do think it was more frequent then even if still not super super often and it just got more rare as the years passed
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cheekyowldraws · 11 months ago
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Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Main plot: Murdock, Friede Minor part: Rockruff, Mollie, Orla, Ludlow Mentioned: Katy, Liko, Dot, Roy, Blanca
Ships: FriedexMurdock also called Capncrunchshipping or Airfryshipping
The story plays right after the fight against BlackRayquaza and before the Trio offically start their training at the Orange academy.
Murdock seems to work in Katys bakery and logically should stay in this town during that time. So I wanted to explore his feelings about being away from everyone, especially Friede and how they spend their last night together before being apart for a while. Lots of emotions, kisses and a little suggestive part at the end <3
Three days have passed since the big fight against BlackRayquaza, were the Brave Asagi got heavely damaged. It is heartbreaking to see their home being in this terrible state, but luckily nobody was injured during this incident and that's the most important thing. The ship can be fixed after all...even if it might take a while until they can go back to what they are used to...until the ship is filled with chaos and laughter again instead of silence and working noises. For the time being Liko went back to her parents house and Dot and Roy were able to stay at Blancas place until they can officially start with their Terastal training at the Orange academy. Only the adults stayed at the ship for now, but as soon as Orla officially begins with the repair they gonna have to stay at a hotel to not be in her way.
Murdock was sitting in his room heaving out a big sigh. He was glad that at least the kids could stay at a more positive environment right now. Seeing the damaged ship everyday just would make them relive this scary experience over and over again. Or that what he is believing anyways, knowing that he himslef is still struggeling with getting that disaster out of his head. He kept a brave face in front of the children, but in reality the cook was as scared as them, not knowing what happens next. Can the ship really be fixed completely? What are they gonna do if it's not possible? Will this the be end end of the RVTs? The cook couldn't help himself but worrying about these questions. Friede seems more faithful then him or at least knows how to overplay such thoughts. "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" Murdock scolded himself while he slapped his own hands against his cheeks, squeezing them with a slight agression. "You are not a child anymore, so don't act like one!" Murdock remaind in this position for a while before he loosened his grip, letting out another deep sigh.
The chef inhaled and exhaled sharly several times to calm his nerves. There is no time to feel scared. He knows exactly what he has to do. In fact everyone knew repairing the ship wont be an easy task and will keep Orla busy. But for the mechanic to even being able to start with this endeavor, she needs materials and that in turn means they need money. Lots of money. So Murdock already decided what he personally can do to help. After all working hard is something he can do best.
A small smile formed on his lips while he looked at his phone. Only yesterday he mailed an application adressed to Katy's bakery in Cortondo, hopeing she gonna accept him and allow the pastry chef to work there until the ship is as good as new. To Murdocks surprise she personally called him back this moring to tell him he's hired. Needless to say that the chef almost dropped his phone, because he was so nervouse and honestly didn't expect such a fast answer, let alone a positive one. And on top of that he was told he can already start working in five days. Though the cook needs to leave a day earlier to get the keys for the small room he rented near the bakery, right after this hopeful phonecall earlier.
His smile fastly shifted to a more sad one. Working there means he need to leave for a while and live in that town...thinking about that fact alone made him feel wistful. Murdock don't even wanna think about getting seperated from everyone for an extended period of time that he cannot yet grasp. Especially being apart from Friede fills his thoughts with horror. Having him around all the time feels so natural and became part of his daily life. Being able to go to the other man whenever he wants, just to hang out or when he feels overwhelmed or just needs a safe place. Simply just having him by his side, to feel his touch, his warmth. Before Murdock completly got comsumed by his fear he felt something cautiously licking his hand. The cook was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't noticed his puppy climbed on his lap. Rockruff knew somethings was wrong and visible was worried about it's dad. "Sorry I didn't wanted to worry you." Murdock automatically wore a soft smile and gently patted his puppies head before he lifted it up to pepper it with kisses. Cuddeling with his little angel certainly helped to ground him and let him tackle this decision rationally. The chef knew that he had to tell Friede at some point, but he also didn't want his boyfriend to start brooding about this and having to go through all those feelings for days now as a result just like him...one suffering is enough. Murdock settled to only tell Mollie, Orla and Ludlow about his plans for now.
As expected the two woman appreciated his plans but side-eyed him when he pleaded them to not say a word to Friede about that. Nointhenless they gladly did respect his wish who he was very thankfull for. From this point on Murdock tried to tell Friede as well several times. When they were shopping together, when Friede was keeping him company while cooking, when they went for a walk...he tried to tell him...he really tried but everytime he chickened out the last second and brushed it off, finding a silly excuse for his strange behaviour. There was no way that the professor didn't started to get sceptical.
And before Murdock knew it the day before his departure had arrived. It already was dinner time to be exact. The chef was spending most of the day in the kitchen to make everyones fave meals. He just had too, because he doesn't know when he will be able to cook for them again. Murdock could feel tears filling up his eyes, but hastely blinked them away, before he served it all up. "Hope you all are hungry, because I made plenty!" the chef voiced with a bright smile while watching everyone slowly gathering around the table.
"That smells great!" Friede took in the scent a bit more before sitting down and filling up his plate. Orla and Mollie digged into the food as well. Ludlow on the other hand just silently watched the scene for now, sipping his tea, observing, already knowing something gonna happen. And he didn't have to wait long. "So delicious! I gonna miss Murdocks food!" Orla spouted out, mouth full. "ORLA!" Mollie promptly scolded her, but the brown-haired woman didn't realized what she just said. Murdock on the other hand froze in place, wanting to run away. "Please don't let Friede have heard that!" the cook was pleading in his mind. But the white-haired man DID hear and now looked at Orla with a very confused look on his face, swallowing down his food before asking "Hmm? What do you mean you gonna miss his food?" Realisation hit Orlas brain like a thunder bolt. She didn't meant to say that and tried to hastly come up with an excuse. "Ah that...well I mean when we start staying at the hotel he won't be able to cook there right?" Orla cleared up while slightly laughing awkwardly. "Right Murdock?" she then added hoping he gonna help covering her white lie but to everyones surprise his seat was empty. The tall man must have taken the oppertunity to leave while all eyes were on the mechanic. Friede felt like a fool and was visably confused. The professor hated when he didn't know what was happening and didn't realized how his face got very serious. "What is this all about?" he now asked with a slighty annoyed sound in his voice. The damage was already done so there was no reason to keep up this farce. "We promised Murdock to not tell you, I don't know why he asked for that though, so it might be better to ask him yourself." Mollie finally explained. The conference room was now overshadowed by a negative vibe.
"Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows." Ludlow spoke with a calm and encouraging voice, breaking the uncomforteable silence that had settle over the group. Friede stared at his gramps for a moment before his eyes wandered back to his plate of food. His face slowly shifted into a sad but also concerened and betrayed expression. What did Murdock felt comforteable enough to tell literally everyone but him? He needed to know but...if he haven't told him yet why should he tell him now? Friede suddenly started to heavily shake his head, trying to get rid of those unwanted thoughts. With his eyes now filled with determination, the professor promptly finished his fill and then headed to the kitchen, were he was sure to find his 'target'. Ludlow was smiling as he saw the young man leaving the room ready to clear things up. When Friede entered the kitchen Murdock was busy washing the dishes not daring to look at the smaller man. The professor didn't knew how to start the conversation, he wants to know what the chef is hiding from him, but he also doesn't want to pressure him either. The white-haired man is certain that the cook must have a reason why he haven't told him yet, so he tries to approach the subject slowly. "That was delicious as always. I'm full!" Friede praised, putting on a smile. It wasn't a fake smile though, he meant what he said. Murdocks food is always the tastiest, still he felt more like crying right now. The taller man was taken abakt by that, because he was sure Friede straight up gonna confront him and ask him questions. "I'm glad to hear that. It means a lot to me. Thank you." the cook looked at Friede for a short moment to return the smile, before focusing at the dishes again. An awkward silence filled the whole kitchen. The only sound left was the suttle cliring of the table ware Murdock kept cleaning.
With every minute passing the chef started to get more nervouse. "That's your last proper chance to tell him you idiot!" Murdock started to scold himself in his thoughts. "COME ONE JUST TELL HIM YOU COWARD!" his thoughts went further and the cook got so angry at himself, that he abruptly stopped in his tracks, starteling Friede a little. Murdock was snapped back to reality by a gently touch on his shoulder. It was Friede who now was giving him a worried but warm glance. The cook took a deep breath and slowly let out the air again.
"I'm gonna leave tomorrow to work at Katy's bakery in Cortondo and wont be back for a while. We need that money or Orla can't fix the ship so it's unavoideable." Murdock started to explain, pausing for a moment to inhale deeply before continuing. "I wanted to tell you earlier, but the more I tried the more I couldn't bring myself too..." his voice now started to tremble "If..." he had to clear his throat before being able to continue. "If I had told you four days ago, you surley couldn't have helped but brood about me leaving all these days...and I didn't want you to go through the same thoughts that kept haunting me over and over again...I gonna miss you ya know?" the cook couldn't hold his tears back anymore and started to sob bitterly. "I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you until now I'm..." before he could speak any further he was pulled into a tight hug, while a hand gently caressed his back. "You idiot..." the small man said with a shaky voice himself. "You choose to keep all this feelings to yourself because you didn't wanted to make me suffer but..." Friede now had teary eyes as well "But imagine how you must have felt all those days, being all alone with those thoughts...that's what breaks my heart!"
"I'm so sorry...i didn't mean to hurt your feelings...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Murdock's voice softened as he continued to apologize, hugging Friede even tighter, but gentle enough so the smaller man could still breath properly. "Shhh it's okay I'm not mad at you." The smaller man kept stroking Murdocks back in gentle and firm circles to calm him down. This went on for quite a while until Friede felt that the other mans sobbing eased. He then proceed to sat down Murdock on the small wooden stool, who was busy wiping away his tears and was still softly sobbing.
"I want to apologize myself...No I need to apologize to you!" the white-haird man stated while he rubbed the back of his head. Murdock just looked at him with wide eyes, waiting for Friede to continue. "The words gramps said to me before had me thinking. I mean you did act a bit strange all of a sudden, but I refused to question it any further believing you surley gonna tell me if somethings the matter and..." "So you did notice..." Murdocks eyes wandered to the side in embarressment. Friede had to giggle at that sight. "Are you kidding me? When we went for a walk yesterday you literally kept staring at me with such an intense look , that you ended up running into a street lamp!" Friede now started to chuckle. "You should have seen your face!" and with that he bursted out into laughter. "STOP LAUGHING THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" Murdock tried to complain, but the moment he saw Friedes genuin smile while laughing like crazy he couldn't help himslef but join, laughing away all their worries. A few minutes passed and they now were sitting on the floor, right next to each other, tummies still hurting from their laughing fit. "Guess we are both idiots!" the cook stated while beaming a smile at Friede who returned the favour agreeing with a cheerfull "Yeah!"
And without a warning Friede was leaning in for a passionate kiss, making the tall man shudder in surprise. As soon as their lips touched Murdock literally melted into this sensation. The cook gently layed his hands around the other mans arms to pull him even closer. Both of them let themselve fully taken in by this moment, there hearts are pounding in synch, hoping this pleasent feeling would never fade. They tried to delay the unavoideable, but unfortunatly they had to break the kiss at some point to breath again. Now staring into each others eyes with such warmth.
"Soooo we can either have some fun now or just cuddle all night." Friede now looked at Murdock with playful eyes and a cheeky smile. The cook just looked at him with wide eyes, cheeks still rosy. He tightened his grip a little, his eyes nervousely flickering back and forth from looking into Friedes eyes to staring into the void. Friede just amusingly watched his future husband getting all flustered, while waiting for an answer. "Wh-Why not both?" the cook finally managed to declare, taking the professor by surprise, not that he is complaining though. He kinda was hoping for that outcome, because he wants both of them to enjoy this night to the fullest. "Never thought you can get greedy." the smaller man sassily returned, while purposly coming closer to Murdock's face who then started to pout a little "So what if I'm a little greedy?" the chef playfully growled back. "Nothing wrong with that." Friede assured while trying to kiss Murdock again. The emphasis is on 'trying' because his attempt got stopped by a big hand gently pressing against his lips. "W-Wait! N-not here!! Besides I need to clean the kitchen first and..." the cook got cut off mid-sentence by Friedes lips sealing his once again. It was only a short lived kiss this time meant to stop Murdock from blabbering nonsens. Friede now was looking into Murdocks eyes dead serious. "As if I would let you do the chores right now, the dishes won't run away, I gonna deal with them tomorrow." the yellow-eyed man explained. "But...!" Murdock tried to argue, but this time it was Friede pressing his hand against the cooks lips. "No buts! I already let the others know so don't worry!" the professor replied with a snippish grin while holding up his phone to show Murdock that he in fact send a message.
»Just put your dishes in the kitchen later. I'll deal with them tomorrow. I have to take care of Murdock tonight <3«
"T-Taking ca-care of me?" Murdocks cheeks turned into an even more intense pink admitting his defeat "G-Guess I have no choice then!" he stutterd softly. Pleased to hear that, Friede then purposely placed his hand on Murdocks crotch, making the cook jump at the sudden touch. His whole head turned into a bright red now and before the professor could make his next move he got lifted up by Murdock, bridal style. The cook now was dashing into his room, while gently carrying the smaller man in his arms, locking the door behind him before he allowed himself to be all over Friede.
At the same time in the kitchen:
"Guess we better sleep with our ear plugs in tonight." Mollie said after she read Friede's message while looking at Orla, who visibly was relieved about this outcome. With their minds at peace the two woman continued eating. Ludlow did join them as well now and was seemingly happy.
The next morning:
Friede and Murdock layed in bed cuddeling together. The smaller man was resting his head againsts the cooks chest, while the taller man wrapped his arms around him. Both were snoozing softly, enjoying this harmonic atmospehere until Murdocks alarm rang. The chef turned it off as fast as he could so Friede not gonna get waken up from it. He had to blink his eyes open several times before his vision was clear and he could see Friedes peaceful face, thankfully still sleeping. The cook decided it won't hurt to stay in bed for five more minutes, before he cautiously climbed out to not wake up the other man. He didn't want too, but he needed to leave soon so he had to dress up and get ready. When he came back from the bathroom he found Friede right were he left him and couldn't hold back a smile. He looked cute when he was peacefully sleeping. Murdock than hastly pulled out his phone to snap a shot he can look at whenever he misses Friede. Not that he already has a full album full of that. Happy with the result he now was thinking about waking the professor up to properly say goodbye for now. But wouldn't that be selfish? To tear him from his sleep just to catch another kiss? As Murdock was mostly silently debating with himself to either wake up the other man or not he suddenly got hugged from behind. The smaller man tightly wrapped his arms around him. "Good morning!" Friede muttered while letting out a big yawn. "G-Good Morning Friede. Did I wake you up?" the cook replied. "Nah I was already awake before you climed out of bed, but I wanted to let you get ready in peace." The white-haired man explained while he released the hug trying to catch a glimpse of Murdock's cell phone "Sooo did you get a nice shot?" Friede asked with a cheeky voice resulting in a high pitched scream leaving the cooks mouth, while the latter tried to hide his phone. But that just made Friede even more curious, now wearing a big grin on his face "I know you made a photo of me while I was supposetly asleep." Murdock was now trying to hide his blushing face behind his phone. "M-Ma-Maybe!" he managed to stutter out. "Good thing I also got a cute shot from you." the smaller man joyfully chirped. A small chuckle left the professors mouth when he saw the chef getting all flustered. Friede then took his chance to pull his boyfriend into a kiss, which immediately made the bigger man calmer. Both closed their eyes and enjoyed this delicate moment. Taking in every second, burning this feeling into their brains. They whined a little when they had to part, but they knew it was now time for Murdock to go. " Don't overwork yourself okay?" Friede wanted to make sure and with a "Don't be too reckless okay?" and a warm smile Murdock then left for his new temporary job.
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bigfootsmom · 4 months ago
Since you’ve been developing adult Annie, would you consider doing a moment of her and Buck with Buck doing the “look what I made” moment? I think it’d be so delightful to see!
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Twenty years later and he’s just as proud
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sebsxphia · 5 months ago
Happy Halloween! We tried breaking out Mollies old pumpkin (pup-kin?) costume but she wasn't sold on the hat 🤭😂😂
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happy halloweeeeeeeen, my love and mollie, my darling girl! 🥹🫶🏻🥰✨🎃 she looks ADORABLE, but i fear she’s grown and her pup-kin seems too small for her head, bless her! 🥹🤭 give her and you a kiss from me please <3
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ablueper · 28 days ago
disparate pieces - favorite quotes, no context
(jester) don’t boat drunk
(beau) sorry for choking you with my stick
(caleb) well, she was just holding the throbbing head. (nott) oh, god. (jester) nott, you were too. (nott) that's true. but i didn't have my fingers in the holes.
(sam) a shoe?!
(sam) zero. (travis) you rolled a zero?? (sam) three minus three is zero.
(molly) she's the charm, she has to come!
(jester) your first nemesis! (beau) my first nemesis! (matt) is a twelve year old girl!
(yasha) i thought you were nott, the brave? (nott) oh. no, there's no comma. i'm just nott the brave
(nott) this is really nice! they got a violinist over there! oh–i'm sorry. zey got a violinist over zere, vater.
(matt) make a persuasion check with disadvantage. yasha: the wheeler and dealer. (ashley) three.
(nott) i got you these flowers. thought that they might gussy you up a bit. it's a lot of drab colors. also, maybe you won't kill me now. (yasha) i'm not going to kill you. (nott) i know, i gave you the flowers.
(nott) it doesn't hurt to be nice sometimes. (beau) mean, it can, though. (nott) well, it hurts you.
(molly) mail fraud. that is actually the worst crime we've committed today.
(nott) YEE-HAW!
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months ago
Send me a made-up fic title and I'll tell you what I would write to go with it
When Does the Heart Move On?
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The Fight Before Christmas - You and Sam get into a fight after he discovers you've been keeping a secret from him.
Should Have - Companion piece to The Fight Before Christmas - There's a lot of things Sam should have done.
Fraught - Companion piece to The Fight Before Christmas and Should Have - Sam makes a decision regarding your relationship.
Sign Here - You confront Sam after he sends you divorce papers.
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The truth is it doesn’t, at least not for you.
Your divorce decree had arrived today in the mail, you're now a single woman but you’re still in love with your ex-husband. You think you always will be.
When you go to Molly’s that night it’s because you don’t want to be alone. You may not know the people around you but there’s a comfortable atmosphere and a friendly face at the bar.
You’re sipping a glass of top shelf bourbon when you feel his eyes on you from across the door. It’s the same as it’s always been between the two of you, that spark of heat, that flush of desire.
He looks back down at his glass before he sets it down. You watch as he approaches you. You don’t say anything as he takes your hand, as he pulls you outside, as he kisses you, the way you like to be kissed. When you end up in his bed, he loves you the way he always has, his eyes locked on yours as he makes you come so hard his new neighbours must hear the sound of your voice.
In the aftermath you lay tangled up in each other, his lips brushing over yours as he stares into your eyes.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers against your lips. “I just got so lost.”
“I know Sam.” You say softly, your forehead coming to rest upon his. “I was a little lost too.”
Love Sam? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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@kmc1989 @secretsquirrelinc @caffeinatedwoman @maryelizabeth13
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iinryer · 10 months ago
Good golly 👀
i had to cause yknow, good golly miss molly. it’s destiny
ok. so. despite the snippet im about to show you, this one is pwp GFFJHDGDG
the only established relationship ive ever written and also the second ever pwp i would post if i finished it… im embarrassed to share the core concept in case i never finish it gjfhdjffhdh but, here’s a snippet:
Eddie doesn’t really think about it again until a few days later, home alone and trying to follow the instructions of one of those mailed meals that come with all the ingredients in a paper bag while he waits for Buck to get back from climbing with Albert and Chimney.
Normally they do these together, knocking elbows together in their warmly lit kitchen, but Buck had an extra shift this week, and emergency babysitting duty, on top of weekly plans with the Hans that he insisted on honoring, and it’s already late. Eddie just wanted to have something nice waiting for him when he gets back, so he and the little notecard of instructions that came in the bag are making a valiant attempt together.
He’s got the big slices of sourdough toast out of the oven and slathered with the ricotta mixture and takes extra care piling the charred and seasoned cherry tomatoes on top of it. This is one of the easier recipes, it makes Eddie feel like a master chef, though he would feel mortified to voice that out loud. Buck is the actual master chef in the house. Or, at least compared to Eddie he is. They have fun together in the kitchen, regardless.
He does a subpar job plating the toasts and then does the final step of methodically drizzling a balsamic glaze over the brightly colored mosaic of fresh ingredients, and feels a little giddy with it. He gets why Buck likes this. Eddie probably appreciates the methodical step-by-step nature of it a little more, but he absolutely understands the private thrill of being able to say, I made this for you.
He never really understood the notion of food as a conveyor of love before Buck. Honestly he doesn’t know if he really knew love like this at all before Buck. But now, as he stands barefoot on the cool tile of the kitchen floor and looks at his stupid little charred tomato and ricotta toasts, he knows they mean I love you, and he knows Buck will understand.
ask me about my wips!
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