spiraldevs · 9 months
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Moldbreaker —
✶ A system role/modifier for system members who introduce something new and different to the system. They usually bring new ideas, beliefs, wisdom, points of view, etc. to the system which may be a catalyst for change in the ideals of the system itself.
naming: "mold", "breaker" (breaking the mold)
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wearysaer · 2 years
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The moldbreaker earthquake comic is constantly on my mind
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slythereen · 11 months
Genuinely I would love to see Charles leave Ferrari and go to Red Bull but at the same time I worry that him going to Red Bull would mean he won't get equal fighting status in the RB. What are your thoughts on this?
i think this is a lot of people’s hesitation over it tbh. my only remaining hesitation is the fact that charles really wanted it to be with ferrari and if he leaves it’ll be losing to that bank to some degree b/c the politics of it all managed to force him to leave his dream team… like, that’s upsetting. i almost wish to see ferrari become competent so that he can have everything he wants, be their chosen one, etc.
realistically i just don’t think they will any time soon. and right now, charles gets treated like a second driver to carlos 99% of the time, so if he’s going to get that treatment i would much rather it happen in an insanely competent team with a car that suits him (bc he and max have similar preferences) that he can excel with regardless of the team’s strategies. bc even if he doesn’t get preference, with the car he can carry it anyway.
however, i actually don’t think rbr would #2 driver him that aggressively. they like to be Unique™ and edgy. they like their youngest winners youngest drivers record breaking moldbreakers reputation. they are literally an energy drink dominating a bunch of legendary car constructors. if any team is going to decide to try out the two #1 drivers domination plan, it’s going to be rbr.
especially when 1) fia/libertymedia have been pushing for a team to do it for the entertainment, 2) it’s charles leclerc and treating ferrari’s (very beloved, very marketable) prince better than ferrari ever did is an insanely good look, 3) mercedes couldn’t really do it without bloodshed and rbr loves to outdo mercedes, and 4) rbr want to keep their star driver engaged and entertained enough to keep him from retiring to a different racing series… hand delivering his lifelong rival and new bestie in the same car so they can really fight (and knowing charles would actually challenge him) is a great strategy if you want to keep max in f1.
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sleepy-time-ingo · 4 months
🔥 [fire] - Tell us how you decided on your team! Did you plan your team around your type’s weaknesses? Did you choose Pokémon that seemed most like you? Or did you choose some other way?
While I did partially build my team to cover my bases, as it were, a part of how my team was constructed was in junction with my brother and his team. This has helped greatly for when we approach challengers on the multi battle line.
Em: You specifically aimed to add a Haxorus to your team that knows moldbreaker
Ing: And?
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tokakualmiraj · 3 months
Definitely not a ghost type because you'd be inmune anyway. Hmm, maybe something with moldbreaker?
i don't thiiiink mold breaker stops cute charm...?
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sometimesrufus · 5 months
Hey, it me Dendrite! Just gotta say that you and Moldbreaker are doing some fine ass premium shit 🙌
Omg, thank you so much!! We've both been like, wow, they just took a hard turn for the soft there, didn't they? 😆
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endormiscat · 1 year
Outer Wilds Is (Not) A Game
Yeah, everybody who's played it says this so it's not the "moldbreaking" take anymore, and hasn't been for like 3 years now. Has anyone tried doing the NGA funny title yet tho?
I recently cleared the base game, and the next fun activity I found myself in was listening to the testimonies of people who struggled with it (at first), the people who didn't get it (at first - because only the people who eventually came around it would make videos about their experience lmao)
It's painfully obvious now to me why that is: modern games teach you that lore and worldbuilding are flavor you can optionally indulge in for that extra enjoyment of the story, or you can just totally ignore it. And it usually comes in the form of text.
It just so happens that every line of text in Outer Wilds is required reading for progression. But I am usually elated to read every piece of worldbuilding regardless (a game has to actively try to be really annoying for me to decide to skip the lore - looking at you Honkai Star Rail), so I didn't realize this is what Outer Wilds was doing. I was just playing like I always do
Also, I see a lot of people telling about how they got anxious because, since the only measure of progression is what the player knows, they felt that they had nothing to show for the time invested in the game, while I instead loved that this was the first game that didn't give me the pressure of having something to show for my time investment
This game was made for me basically, and my heart goes out to all the people who can't read /j
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nell0-0 · 1 year
Crimes I'll let Emmet commit if he was on a desperate search for Ingo (all within reason and I don't believe he'd commit any of them if he didn't have a lead first): Trespassers, theft, intimation/threats (only aimed at bad guys, most likely empty), bribery and false alibi.
See, even if it was a calculated move (which, let's be honest, it's Emmet, the one who has contingencies for contingencies on pokemon battles except for Moldbreaker Earthquake), pretty sure it wouldn't come to threatening or intimidation.
Trespassing, minor theft maybe (unless an artifact from a museum or something like that is needed) and not much else would be needed. It's the pokemon world. Even more, it's Emmet we're talking about.
Bribery and intimidation/threats can and will be exchanged for pokemon battles that he would totally win, because he's Emmet and he loves winning more than anything else. And in this case, winning means getting to his brother or, at least, to find out what happened to him/if he's happy/safe.
Again, this is just my opinion. I just refuse to see Emmet in any kind of violent take. I relate to him a bit too much, you know?
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People have been giving you crap for not liking Kingohger, and trust me I don't agree with you, but I am at least glad you're still watching it and giving it a shot. You even praised a cliffhanger! So, be honest: Do you think it'll be crap (in your opinion) beginning to end, or do you think this is just a weak opening introduction arc or what? Also, do you think that, regardless of the series's quality, that doing non-set-in-Tokyo series will be a good step forward for plot diversity?
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Going to assume these anons are all from you as well based on the wording (and if not I apologize to you and those anons but for sake of convenience I'm going to lump them all together).
Honestly overall I wouldn't exactly care that much people disagree with me about the show since I've spent enough time online to deal with people disagreeing with me about media (hell Faiz is in my top 5 and people still treat that show like the plague), but because Certain People I Won't Name wanted to start a massive argument over it and seem convinced that they can bully me into changing my mind for some reason I feel compelled to keep my rebuttals up.
I didn't go in WANTING to hate it, I've never gone into a show expecting or wanting to hate it beyond maybe Saber and even that I gave it a fair shot. I made my post about it to keep the running joke going (which I planned to do anyways regardless of quality) and when asked I made my points very clear, and at the point of the writing the first 3 episodes all have the very same reaction from me: the CG is ugly and genuinely distracting, the cinematography and general production of the show is very bad and makes a lot of basic mistakes that Sentai has never really struggled with before (seriously how hard is it to make sure the lights on the actors match the lighting of the environment?) because they're putting the fancy new tech first, the writing ranges from being decent (I do like Gira's gimmick of just pretending to be a moron want to overthrow Racules as a despot but so far little is done with it) to bland (Yanma and Himeno end up being pretty one-note despite attempts to add a new layer to them, Bugnarok and Racules are 1980's JRPG levels of generic BBEG) and even decently written/acted scenes are ruined by terrible editing or throwing in LOLRANDUM wacky and zany shit to them (DUDE HACKING BATTLE LOL) that takes me out of it.
If it weren't for the excessive flashy CG and cool new projection theater stage tech being front and center it'd be a painfully average Sentai show that is exactly why Sentai has been flopping in ratings and sales since Gokaiger, nothing new is being done and there isn't anything to hook a viewer, and the toys are kinda boring looking too. Especially after the moldbreaking psycopathy of Zenkaiger and Donbrothers, that we've gone right back to the same shit as always rather than keep pushing the envelope in the areas that actually matter is the problem. I don't even want to say someone didn't "get" Donbros (although based on some of the arguments people keep raising to me they really didn't) or blame it on sensory overload like my initial post, definitely a bad choice in hindsight but I was self aware about that, but this obsessive defense really makes just no sense to me at all.
I don't set out to make myself as the true objective arbiter of taste despite the jokes I make, and you shouldn't treat my words as such. I'm just some goofy (insert gender here) dork on the Internet who has some modicum of attention on themselves. Jokes(tm) aside I don't put myself above or below anyone else, I've been an avid fan of tokusatsu for ages and gotten particularly deep into it, deeper than the average person for sure, but I don't use that to build a pedestal for myself. You like Kingohger? Good, I'm glad you find something in it I don't. I won't attack or insult you for liking something I don't or enjoying something that from an objective standpoint is not good content, excluding maybe Ghost but even then you do you weirdo. But I've made my point and will continue to make my point until the show ends or I give up, and no outside force will change that.
Basically, what I'm trying to say about my opinion is:
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And to get back to your point, I don't WANT the show to be shit beginning to end and I really hope it isn't, but based on opening perception and knowing who's behind the scenes I have low hopes for the show improving. Knowing me I end up just watching the entire show out of spite at some point but I really am going in each week hoping each episode is the one that changes my mind. Hell, I stuck with Kyuranger longer than most and that ended up getting pretty good when Houou showed up so maybe whenever SixOhger drops the show gets that kick it needs but as it stands now I couldn't say. As for the alternate setting offering plot diversity, see it's too early to make a judgement but I don't really see it. The different kingdoms are all so drastic from one another and the bizarro Final Fantasy-eques schizotech levels put the show in a weird place where paradoxically the setting itself doesn't really matter much, if the show were confined in one specific kingdom or at least had each kingdom separated into different plot arcs I could see it - which it may end up doing who knows - but the approach it seems to be going for seems to make it irrelevant. Even then, Adult Concerns will eventually rear their ugly head and the show will go through some shift to where the unique setting is dispensed with to end up with the same 8-9 filming locations we always end up in, again with Kyuranger that set itself up as a cool spacefaring action-opera and then we park our asses on Earth 4 episodes in and spend nearly the entire show there and the few times we DO go offworld after we just end up at the same quarry and stream we always go to.
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catboymitosis · 1 year
People need to start fetishizing flat ass, no one has ever called themselves an ass guy that liked ass small. Be a moldbreaker, expand the boundaries of what an ass guy can be
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titoist · 1 year
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kole — Today at 5:27 PM today was a very summery day - such that i feel a genuine pang of guilt that i wasn't able to systematically take photos of every single spot of the city from every single angle; the metal of the bridge to the old roman fort; the bookshop window adorned with pristine, golden christian and monarchist regalia juxtaposed with the dilapidated and uncared for entrance to the museum of contemporary arts; the dark clouds rolling in from the south, and the flag of the armed forces waving in the eye of the storm.
kole — Today at 5:44 PM there was something very exhilirating about the way that the sky slowly got subsumed by black clouds, such that, by the time i got home, it was barely recognizable as a summer day.
kole — Today at 5:47 PM i would say it makes me feel a bit grim, a lot of the time - & stereotypically enough. "preferring the daytime & sunlight", very daring & moldbreaking. but there was just something about it today, that - i don't know! - felt very… final in a way that brought me comfort, maybe
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the-ovenbaked-bah · 12 days
Premade pack 3.
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Name[s] // Banana Oatmeal Cookie, Nanners, Nana, Piper.
Pronoun[s] // He/She/It/Banana/Wrench/Bolt/Nut
Xenogender[s] // Bananian, Bananine, Transmascfem, Intersex, Engineergender.
Sexuality // Intersex Gaybian.
Age // 26 years old
Role[s] // Moldbreaker, Parental Figure, Protector.
Alter Type // OCtive, Altepackgenic.
Proxy // 🌾🍌🔧
Para[s] // Robophilia – Technophilia – Fictotechnophilia.
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futchgunk · 8 months
journaled my monochrome pokemon team and im putting it here
S/V Monochrome Black Team alcremie - hawlucha - espathra - haxorus - cetitan - camerupt ~~~~~~~~~~ Alcremie aka h.m.f.r. (Her Majesty Frosting Royale) Type: Fairy [Tera: Psy] Ability: Aroma Veil (Prot. Choice) (Loses to MoldBreaker) Item: Leftovers (+1/16% HP EOT) Role: Damage Enabler + 2nd Sweeper (Psy/Fairy) Ev: 250Hp 120Def 20SpA 120SpD
Moveset: -Decorate (A++,SpA++) -Draining Kiss (~)(Fairy)(+HP 50%) -Psyshock (-)*(Psy) (uses SpA@base) -Psych Up (copy stats) *(~) = special damage *(-) = physical damage Weak To: Poison/Steel
Poison Coverage: Espathra (psy) Weak To: Bug, Dark, Ghost
Steel Coverage: Hawlucha/Camerupt Weak To: Ice, Electric, Psy, Fair, Fly
Alcremie Notes: The most precious part. Alcremie unapposed means that the team should scale over most threats. Watch for the team unable to protect alcremie because of how the speed tiers
Espathra aka Type: Psychic [PSY] Ability: Speed Boost (Spe+ EoT (Max +6 (4x)) Role: Sweeper Special/Wall Break Item: Focus Sash (Live OHKO @ Item Use) Ev: 252 SpA 4Def 252 Spe
Moveset -Lumina Crash (~) (--Sp.D target ONHIT (true))(psy) -Energy Ball(~)(10% -Sp.D target ONHIT)(grass) -Roost (+50% HP) -Trick Room (Speed Tier Invert)
Weak To: Dark/Bug/Ghost
Dark Coverage: Alcremie/Hawlucha Weak To: Poison/Steel//Ice, Electric, Psy, Fair, Fly Bug Coverage: Camerupt Weak To: Water (4x), Ground Ghost Coverage: --
Espathra Notes: Took out Calm Mind for Energy Ball (Camerupt Coverage)
Hawlucha aka junsie Type: Fighting/Flying [Flying] Ability: Unburden (Lose Item: Spe++) Item: Red Card (Live Hit: Use item -> Opp egress (true) EV: 252A 252Spe 4SpD Role: Disruption ++ Physical Sweeper (FLY)
Moveset: -Acrobatics(-)(2X DMG NO ITEM)(FLY) -Brick Break(-)(Breaks Screens)(Fighting) -Roost (+50% HP) -(Upper Hand)/(TailWind)
Weak To: Ice, Electric, Psy, Fair, Fly
Ice Coverage: Camerupt/Self Weak To: Ground, Fire Electric Coverage: Camerupt Weak To: Ground, Fire Psychic Coverage: -- Fairy Coverage: -- Flying Coverage: Cetitan Weak To: Fire, Rock, Fighting, Steel
Hawlucha Notes: +2A Unburden active acrobatics has mown through my rivals legendaries. Incredible wincon. Normally would have Swords Dance, but hopefully Alcremie can assist!!
Team struggles vs steel
Haxorus aka sw¡tchb!ade Type: Dragon [POISON*>DARK] Ability: MoldBreaker (Moves are unaffected by abilities) Item: Assault Vest (SpD+, unable to use status moves) EV: 252attack 80Def 80 SpD 80Spd 20hp Role: Revenge Kill/Offensive Coverage (DMG + SpD
Moveset -Breaking Swipe (-)(Both)(-A ONHIT (true)) (dragon) -Assurance (-)(2X DMG IF HIT)(Dark) -Poison Jab(-)(30% Poison)(Poison)* -Rock Slide(-) (Both) (30%flinch)(10% Miss)(Rock)
*Still Deciding on Poison vs Dark
Weak To: Dragon/Fairy/Ice
Dragon Coverage: Alcremie/Self Weak To: Steel, Poison Fairy Coverage: -- / Self Ice Coverage: Camerupt Weak To: Water, Ground
Haxorus Notes: Worried about the damage coverage allowing too many holes to come thru in favor of getting a revenge kill
Looking at a Dragon Cheer Set (night slash/shadow claw/bswipe)
Cetitan aka yacht killer Type: Ice [Water] Ability: Sheer Force* (Moves w 2nd effect: increase 30%, lose 2nd effect Item: Life Orb* (+30% DMG @ 10%HP Cost) *Moves that activate Sheer Force's Ignores Life Orb's Health Cost) EV: 180HP 180 Atk 80Def 80SpD Role: Tank + DMG Coverage
Moveset: -icicle crash(-)()(15% Miss)(Ice) -liquidation(-)()(Water)/play rough(-)(*)(fairy) -heavy slam(-)(Outweigh = DMG) (STL) -ice shard(-)(prio +1)(ICE)
Weak To: Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel, Fire Coverage: Camerupt/ Weak To: Water (4x), Ground Fighting Coverage: Hawlucha/Espathra/Alcremie Weak To: Ice, Electric, Psy, Fly//Dark, Bug//Poison, Steel Rock Coverage: Hawlucha/Camerupt Weak To: "" // Water (4x), Ground Steel Coverage: Hawlucha/Camerupt Weak To: ""
Cetitan Notes: Trading a big HP For Big Damage
EV stats should reflect a damage mitigation threshold to damage outhold ceiling
Camerupt aka gunk sootie Type: Fire/Ground [Grass] Ability: Solid Rock (Super Effective hits taken mitigated 25%) Item: Weakness Policy EV: 252HP 252Def Role: Defensive Tank ++ Coverage ++ Disruption
Moveset: -Yawn (100% sleep IF no opp egress) -Trailblaze (-) (+Spe ONHIT)(grass) -Heat Wave(~)(both)(10% burn)(10% miss)(fire)// Temper Flare (-) (2X DMG if prev Move Failed)(Fire) -Earth Power(~)(10% -SpD target)(ground)//Stomping Tantrum (-)(2X DMG if prev Move Failed)(Ground)
Weak To: Water (x4), Ground Water Coverage: Self Ground Coverage: Self
Canerupt Notes:
strong defensive pokemon
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jellieqbe · 4 years
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starscream rescinds his status as a bottom just to hold his partner
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ecruteakfreak · 4 years
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Bro shut up I am hyperfixating right now
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hippiejunk · 4 years
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so anyways i made a dnd char and hes sexy and a dad and his name is Moldbreaker (Mo) and hes a weird bugbear ig i didnt follow the og designs..... hes a druid with his speciality of turning into ironically an even larger bear 🐻 n he wishes to get his farm back 😔
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