#: “ the guardian’s newly fallen flurries. 🌨️”
the-ovenbaked-bah · 12 days
Premade pack 3.
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Name[s] // Banana Oatmeal Cookie, Nanners, Nana, Piper.
Pronoun[s] // He/She/It/Banana/Wrench/Bolt/Nut
Xenogender[s] // Bananian, Bananine, Transmascfem, Intersex, Engineergender.
Sexuality // Intersex Gaybian.
Age // 26 years old
Role[s] // Moldbreaker, Parental Figure, Protector.
Alter Type // OCtive, Altepackgenic.
Proxy // 🌾🍌🔧
Para[s] // Robophilia – Technophilia – Fictotechnophilia.
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0 notes
the-ovenbaked-bah · 14 days
I am the main curator of this blog, you may call me Mod Northern Forest, Mod Frost, or Mod North. I am a double of Strawberry Cream Cookie, I am a fragment aswell as (quite obviously enough) a fictive, and I am partially nonverbal both textual and vocal—so my wording in my posts, I am TrisAutistic, TrisSemiverbal, Northernlightamian (a term I have used and termed personally, though any may use it). I use many transID’s and I have a small handful of MUD’s I have reached final terms with that I have, and if I am not available another cookie will reach you as soon as possible.
Proxies and Mod‘s in order.
Mod Northern Forest/Frost/North ; he/it/snow/flurry/paw, 🌨️🐾.
Tag[s] ;
#: “ A Keeper Of The Forest’s Delivery. 🎁“ — Filled Requests by Mod North.
#: “ A Forest Keeper’s Gifts. 🎁” — Requests filled for Mod North.
#: “ Whistling Winter Winds. ❄️” — Mod North’s Talks.
#: “ The Winter’s Fallen Snow. ❄️” — Mod North’s Pre-made Packs.
#: “ The Guardian’s Newly Fallen Flurries. 🌨️” — Mod North’s non-canonical cookie packs. (OC TAG)
#: “ A Cookie Approaches through the blizzard. 🌨️” — Mod North’s canon cookie packs. (CANON TAG)
#Fronting: Mod North. 🌨️🐾 — Mod North is fronting.
#Co-Fronting: Mod North. 🌨️🐾 — Mod North is co-fronting.
#Frontstuck: Mod North. 🌨️🐾 — Mod North is frontstuck.
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Mod Fire Spirit/Kindle ; he/hell/they/it/flame/fire/🔥, 🔥✨. [ double, sourced from ; bah-hotel pack ]
Tag[s] ;
#: “ A Kindling Flame. 🔥” — Filled requests by Mod Fire Spirit.
#: “ A Burning Desire. 🔥 “ — Filled requests for Mod Fire Spirit.
#: “ Dragon’s Valley Peak. 🌋 “ — Mod Fire Spirit’s Talks.
#: “ Spreading The Wildfire. ☄️ “ — Mod Fire Spirit’s non-canonical cookie packs. (OC TAG)
#: “ Emberlings Passing Through. 🔥 “ — Mod Fire Spirit’s canon cookie packs. (CANON TAG)
#Fronting: Mod Fire Spirit. 🔥✨— Mod Fire Spirit is fronting.
#Co-Fronting: Mod Fire Spirit. 🔥✨— Mod Fire Spirit is co-fronting.
#Frontstuck: Mod Fire Spirit. 🔥✨— Mod Fire Spirit is frontstuck.
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Pack level templates.
Level 1 :
Name[s] //
Pronoun[s] //
Xenogender[s] //
Age //
Role[s] //
Alter type //
Proxy //
Level 2 :
CisID[S] //
TransID[S] //
Height //
Sexuality //
Level 3 :
Relationship[s] //
Rarity //
Personality trait[s] //
Typing quirk //
Paraphilia[s] //
Inspiration image/Faceclaim not optional.
0 notes