#modern shamanic practices
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esperanzawagner01 · 15 days ago
Explore the profound relationship between Carl Jung's theories and shamanic practices, including ayahuasca rituals, to deepen your understanding of shadow work and dreamwork. This article examines how integrating Jungian concepts into modern spiritual practices can enhance self-discovery and personal transformation.
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dailyhatsune · 6 months ago
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miku as my babaylan oc who is trans
babaylan research dump (mostly from memory so it’s gonna be pretty distilled):
babaylans are the lead shamans of indigenous filipino tribes (mostly northside, the luzon and visayas area, rip mindanao) that are responsible for practically every spiritual aspect of the community. only women were allowed to be babaylans, since, according to local mythos, women had more affinity to the spiritual realm.
however, what i find notable about babaylans is that their requirements also include transgender women! one does not simply choose to become a babaylan, instead, she has to train under a senior and go through a ritual before the anito (local spirits) deemed her worthy of representing them. the only exception is if a girl went through something that confirmed to the people immediately that she had anito approval. notably, trans women were also among the subset of girls who got to skip the selection process. this is my speculation but i like to think it’s probably because the locals considered the realisation that one was trans as anito approval. assigned female by duende
usually, i’m very wary of putting modern queer labels onto historical figures (we don’t know how they would identify now), but spanish colonial records noted that amab babaylans, outside of their ritualistic roles, would live like women (down to having husbands), were treated like women and were simply considered women barring the ability to bear children. if she walks like a woman, talks like woman…that didn’t stop the spanish settlers from misgendering them, though.
that being said, in present day, while there are still people out there practising babaylan rituals, they’re mostly men who only take on feminine appearances during the rituals, and live as men in their regular lives. this stems back from the spanish colonial period and we are not getting into that now this read more is long enougb as it is
personally i find this fascinating because, at least for what i was able to look into, trans babaylans were the only time i could look at a historical indigenous gender identity and definitively refer to them as lgbt. most other indigenous identities are either meant to be their own thing (not native american, but i remember reading discourse over whether two-spirit should be considered nb or as its own thing) or far too complex to be described with the western modern lgbt terms (although they generally present feminine, the hijras from india classify themselves as a separate third gender and worship specific deities from hinduism). maybe i haven’t looked hard enough but it’s so interesting to hear about old communities where women, and especially trans women, were basically the most important figures
anyway sorry for rambling. sometimes i like to ramble.
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longreads · 1 month ago
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TikTok Covens and QAnon Shamans: A Reading List on Neo-Paganism
"It’s a story that features modern characters, from internet witches to the shamanic avatar of the US Capitol riot—but one that began long ago." Why are people in the West reviving ancient pagan spiritual practices? Sam Firman explores the rise of neo-paganism in a fascinating new reading list. 
Delve into this world of witches and shamans here.
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broomsick · 14 days ago
Short guide to varðlokkr
Briefly exploring ritual singing and spirit work in the nordic tradition, and their possible uses in neo-pagan practice.
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Before performing divination, it's said that völur would sing, or more often than not, have someone sing a ritual song in order to "rouse the spirits". This ritual was a way to call upon nearby spirits—generally guardian spirits, to come and answer their questions. The practice of varðlokkur, or "ward songs/protection songs", is tightly interwoven with the art of seiðr. According to the few sources that mention the topic, it was performed by seeresses seeking to prophecize, or by women willing to sing it in their stead.
Before diving deeper into this topic however, it's important to note that the interpretation of the term varðlokkr, and in a sense, the very basis of its current scholarly understanding, depends on its possible etymology. Two hypotheses stand out in this regard: varðlokkr is either spelled with one or two k's, either varðlok or varðlokk. The former would refer to "locking", or "fastening", and is often associated with a passage in the Grógaldr (The Spell of Gróa) where the shamaness refers to Urðar lokur, or Urð's locks/bolts. In this case, the song is a matter of "locking" the spirits in. Whereas varðlokkr would stem from the same root (vǫrðr, meaning to guard or ward), but in this case, lokkr would come from lokka, meaning to lure, or entice. It's generally agreed upon that both these instances showcase how the idea of protection was a key element in the perception of this practice.
These so-called "Weird-songs" sometimes required the use of a rhythmical sound created using drum beating, rattles, or by hitting the ground with a staff. They served as an invocation to higher powers or local spirits, who would be keen to protect ("ward") the seeress as she glimpsed into the future. According to pre-Christian belief, the sound of these songs had the power to appease surrounding spirits, but also to entice and lock them into the space for the duration of the divination. Letting her spirit wander out of her body in order to scry, the völva/seiðrkona became vulnerable, hence the need for higher protection. Now "bound" to her until the completion of the ritual, the guardian spirits would be inclined to lend their help. Depending on the intepretations, this type of ritual singing could also have been a means to reach a trancelike state before fortune telling.
'Many spirits,' said she, 'have been present under its charm, and were pleased to listen to the song, who before would turn away from us, and grant us no such homage. And now are many things clear to me which before were hidden both from me and others.' Eiríks saga rauða, chapter 3
The trance aspect of this practice is often debated, however. Granted, it's possible to point out similarities between seiðr and the "out of body" travel of Sámi and Siberian shamans. After all, a few sources tell us that varðlokkr would also serve to bring the völva back into her own body once she'd prophecized. Still, scholars more often than not consider varðlokkr and other seiðr practices as putting oneself in a "receptive state" in order to comprehend messages sent from the spirit world.
At the beginning of the séance all those present seem to have taken part in the singing, but a special choir was appointed for continuing operations:  this is in several accounts said to consist of women or one woman. Singing continues throughout the séance, the purpose being to remind the shaman of his mission.  Some sources indicate that the singing was concentrated or confined to the final stages of the trance, and the aim here was to wake the shaman. Louise Bäckman & Åke Hultkrantz
Think of varðlokkr as a way to blend music, divination and spirit work. A modern practitioner who already works with Dísir, vættir, ancestors, and the like can involve these familiar spirits in the ritual, for example, by calling upon a passed loved one to protect them during divination, or even to aid in finding answers. It's generally agreed upon that during the Scandinavian pre-Christian times, the wisdom of the dead occupied a vital place in many such shamanic practices. One could seek advice from passed mentors or loved ones in this manner. Even disregarding the idea of "rousing" spirits and "locking" them, I believe that one could still use to music as ritualized invocation—especially when it comes to ancestor work, in order to ask for advice or insight.
Next to nothing is known about what varðlokkr actually sounded like. However, I think it's still interesting to explore the idea of ritual singing as a shamanic practice. For someone interested in experimenting with galdr, seiðr, or any such shamanic practices in the Nordic tradition, varðlokkr seems like a great place to start.
So how does one incorporate ritual singing into neo-pagan practice? I'm sorry to say that it's exceedingly difficult to somehow reconstruct varðlokkr, as history has left us with nothing but bits and pieces to work with. However, three main particularities stand out and aid us in tracing a general outline: 1. the Weird-song is sung before divination as an opening practice; 2. its purpose is to call upon spirits; and 3. it most likely served as a sort of short-term ward for the person performing the ritual. These three concepts may be preserved, and the freedom to build around them is yours.
For this reason, we even have the option to simply pick a song which feels sacred and play it before rune casting, or tarot reading for example (needless to say such a practice also applies to any and all methods of divination, including scrying). After all, there's really no indication that the practitionner must sing the song themselves. Even in the few accounts mentioning varðlokkr, the seeress isn't always the one singing.
But if you decide to sing the varðlokkr yourself, it's also possible to learn the lyrics to a song that's already part of your practice. If working with the spirits of the dead, and especially with passed loved ones, why not play a song that a given ancestor loved in life? Artist Einar Selvik has composed a short skaldic-type song called Vardlokk, which has understandably become my own ritual song. I play it to get into a spiritual state of mind, helping me tremendously before spirit work—which coincides in many ways with the original purpose of varðlokkr. But it's safe to say any type of music may be used. And if you're interested in trance or trance adjacent practices, chanting may be used in such a manner as well.
There are many ways for us neo-pagans to adopt the practice of varðlokkr, since in one way or another, music is always tightly intertwined with religious practice. One can choose to wholly disregard the spirit work aspect and simply explore the idea of ritual song and its ties to divination. No matter the case, shamanic practices were an inherent part of Nordic religious tradition, and I think it can be useful for modern practitioners to learn about them and explore the possibilities that they offer.
If you're interested in further reading, I've linked at the beginning of this post an ask I answered a while back pertaining to seiðr, galdr, and other shamanic practices of the Norse. Within the post are also a few suggested pieces of reading that have helped my personal understanding and research.
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astra-ravana · 3 months ago
Shamanism: Beliefs And Practice
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Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice that involves a practitioner, known as a shaman, interacting with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness, such as trance. The goal is to direct spiritual energies for healing, divination, or other purposes.
Commonly Held Shamanic Beliefs
• Animism (the belief that all things, both animate and inanimate, possess a spirit or soul).
• Everything is interconnected.
• There is an alternate reality happening concurrently, often called the spirit world.
• Shamans can enter the spirit world freely, with intention.
• Spiritual journeys are an often necessary part of life.
• The spirit world can be a very real, very dangerous place.
• We are not alone, we have spirit helpers, familiars, ancestors, power animals, our guides.
• Energy has a unique footprint and vital force.
• It is possible to do work while in the spiritual realm that will have a direct effect on "ordinary reality"
The Practice of Shamanism
Shamanism is a diverse and ancient practice with a long history across various cultures worldwide. While it shares common themes, the specific practices and beliefs can vary significantly between different regions and traditions. Here's a breakdown of some key similarities and differences:
Core Practices:
• Spirit Communication: Shamans in all traditions believe in the existence of spirits and the ability to communicate with them. This communication can involve various methods, including trance states, drumming, chanting, and the use of sacred objects.
• Healing: Shamans often play a vital role as healers, using their connection to the spirit world to diagnose and treat illnesses. This can involve removing negative energy, retrieving lost soul parts, or negotiating with spirits causing harm.
• Divination: Many shamans possess the ability to predict the future, interpret dreams, and provide guidance through divination techniques like reading bones, stones, or other natural objects.
• Soul Retrieval: This practice involves journeying to the spirit world to retrieve parts of a person's soul that may have been lost due to trauma or other experiences.
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Regional Variations:
• Siberian Shamanism: This tradition is characterized by its use of drums, costumes, and trance states to journey to the upper and lower worlds. Siberian shamans often work with animal spirits as guides and helpers.
• Central Asian Shamanism: Central Asian shamans, such as those found in Mongolia and Tibet, often incorporate elements of Buddhism and other religious traditions. They may use techniques like visualization and meditation to connect with the spirit world.
• Indigenous American Shamanism: Shamanic practices among Indigenous American cultures are incredibly diverse, but they often involve the use of sacred plants, sweat lodges, and drumming. Some traditions emphasize the importance of dreams and visions as a means of spiritual communication.
• Neo-Shamanism: This contemporary movement draws inspiration from traditional shamanic practices but adapts them to modern Western culture. Neo-shamans may use techniques like drumming, meditation, and plant medicine to induce altered states of consciousness and connect with the spirit world.
Key Differences:
• Spirit Guides: The types of spirits shamans work with can vary widely. Some may focus on ancestral spirits, while others may work with nature spirits, animal spirits, or deities.
• Rituals and Ceremonies: Different cultures have unique rituals and ceremonies associated with shamanic practice. These can range from simple personal rituals to elaborate community events.
• Training and Initiation: The process of becoming a shaman can vary significantly. Some traditions involve formal apprenticeships, while others rely on personal experiences and spiritual quests.
It's important to note that shamanism is a living tradition that continues to evolve. As cultures change and adapt, so too do shamanic practices. While there are many differences between various forms of shamanism, the core principles of connecting with the spirit world, healing, and divination remain central to this ancient and powerful tradition.
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saltlakris · 2 years ago
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Sápmi and Norways relationship is quite complicated.
Sápmi was the one to first discover him; a little boy, barefeet in the chilly wet tundra. Without hesistation he brought him into his lávvu, a traditional sami tent, where he clothed and fed him. Sápmi is quite nostalgic about this time and will tell any unfortune soul with an ear to lend all the stories about young Norway.
"I could barely get any work done! He would sometimes wrap around my leg and simply refuse to let go, haha!"
However, eventually Scandinavia reached the northermost parts of the Norwegian territory and after a brief but violet confrontation Sápmi would be forced to give up the young boy to the much larger and stronger Scandinavia. This was when Norway joined up with Denmark and Sweden. After this, Sápmi would sometimes approach him when he was alone, making sure he was always well-fed and properly clothed, teaching him valuble lessons about nature and spiritualism. The influence of sámi shamanism together with norse mythology is one of the reasons why Norway can see and speak with spirits.
After having gained independence from Denmark in 1814, Norway finally had his own constitution. In this period of time, the young nation fixiated on creating a Norwegian identity due to technically being under Swedish control. He wanted true independence, but he knew this could only be achieved through establishing a strong Norwegian nationalism throughout the population. This is where he and Sápmi would butt heads.
Norway hoped to integrate Sápmi into modern society, leaving behind the "hedonistic" lifestyle that the Sámi people lived. In his still immature mind, why would anyone choose living in a lávvu and the physically straining task of hoarding reindeer through the unforgiving tundra over a house, education and stable income? After Sápmi outright refused, he saw no other choice than to reinstate a harsh policy to Norwegianize the Sámi people by removing their culture, language and religious practices, sometimes by violent measures. This policy would last until the 1960s.
This is a part of Norwegian history that Norway regrets immensely today, and he has taken many measures in order to assist Sápmi in rebuilding his people's culture and language... Now that he is more mature, he has realized that:
"In the land of Norway, there is space for all kinds of people and culture."
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transgenderer · 11 days ago
this (really interesting!) video about korean shamanism has me thinking about modern ritual practitioners, and how i feel about them. they are like...on a meaningful level, scammers. i dont like priests! theyre profiting off people by lying to them. i mean, in america, i dont like fortune tellers or pseudoscience medicine or any of that stuff, i think its bad! but i have trouble feeling that hostility towards foreign practitioners, and im poking at that.
so, part of the resistance is that these foreign practitioners are more often meaningfully traditional. because the US doesnt have a very old folk culture, and also has been pretty secularized, etc, whatever. and obviously, part of the reason "tradition" counts is merely for aesthetic reasons: the modern stuff is *tacky*. but i think there are reasonable non-aesthetic motivations here.
in the US, spiritual practitioners are a *hardy species*. theyre evolved for modernity. people could turn way more negative towards these guys, and we wouldnt lose them, there would still be fortune tellers and ayurveda scams. but many of these more "traditional" ritual practitioners did not develop their practices in the modern world, and the tradition COULD totally die out. so i think my logic is one of...minimal viable population. i want there to be FEWER acupuncturists, and korean shamans, and american fortune tellers and charismatic preachers. but i dont want there to be NONE of them. because its genuine multiplicity! its a thing, that is not like another thing. there should be as many of those as possible!
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bijoumikhawal · 5 months ago
personally a favorite is when I, a neurodivergent person who almost got institutionalized at the tender age of 12, gets told all religious people are delusional, with the implication that everyone religious is dangerous, the religious/philosophical/social contributions of the "ill" are inherently circumspect, must be institutionalized, and "cured"
when you're talking to someone and they start going on and on about how no one believes in God anymore (whether they think it's good or bad) feels like being gaslighted (sorry). well if you just asked I'd tell you that I do believe in God and that I *am* religious 🤔
another thing is when you're talking to other lgbt people and they just start saying very offensive things about religion and how it's inherently adverse to lgbt rights. while I'm standing right there. a bisexual christian woman.....
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greco-roman-polytheism · 8 months ago
Problematic and Bigoted Pagan Authors (and how to avoid them)
After what was pretty much a mess in a discord server I'm in over an author posting artwork containing Nazi symbols, I decided to make a post letting everyone know about certain authors and what to look out for. I will keep updating this list as I discover things!
Big thanks to @dvudushnydiaries for letting me know ab some Slavic Polytheist authors, as well as my friend Agnes for letting me know about some Irish Polytheist Authors too! <3
If you have any suggestions to add to this list, please let me know!!!
🛑 = Avoid as much as possible
⚠️ = Be very cautious around this author
Generally, here is some red flags to look out for:
Use of symbols associated with hate groups
Claims an (open culture) is closed via ethnicity, especially if these cultures or religions historically shared with other cultures.
Claims there is a "true" or "pure" version of a certain open religion.
Use of dogwhistles.
Writes historical inaccuracies, misinformation, appropriation, making up things and presenting them as fact, etc.
Refusal to take accountability for actions.
Any form of bigotry or discrimination
The list is under the cut!
Hellenic Polytheist Authors
🛑 Timothy Jay Alexander
creator of the "Pillars of Hellenismos", which have little historical basis.
Made homophobic and ableist remarks in a blog post, essentially saying that because ancient Greece did not allow same-sex marriage, that modern Hellenic Polytheists shouldn't too. In this same post he said that marriage should be for making a family, and that since LGBTQ+ people, as well as people with "physical deformities" either can not or should not have children, they cannot marry according to him.
The same ableist remarks listed above were used as reasoning as to why a disabled person shouldn't become a priest or priestess or any higher up positions due to not being in good health. This also reminds me of eugenics.
In that same blog post, referenced a group called YSEE, which is notorious for being homophobic, xenophobic, displaying nationalism among other things better explained in this post by @hellenic-reconstructionism
Books include: A Beginner’s Guide to Hellenismos - Hellenismos Today - The Gods of Reason: An Authentic Theology for Modern Hellenismos
🛑 Galina Krasskova
Numerous things have happened with this author, some of the most notable being selling "Bacchic Lives Matter" pins on Etsy during the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement protests, as well as defending a neo-nazi and fascist group, AFA, on a blog post
Some of her Hellenic Polytheist books include: Honoring the Mothers: Novenas to the Mothers of Our Gods and Heroes - Combatting the Evil Eye - Unto Herself: A Devotional Anthology for Independent Goddesses - Out of Arcadia: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Pan - Guardian of the Road: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Hermes
See Norse Polytheist section for her books on that.
🛑 Edward P. Butler
Supports Hindutva, which is Hindu fascism, antisemitic, as well as defends and supports Galina Krasskova.
Books include: Essays on a Polytheistic Philosophy of Religion - Essays on Hellenic Theology.
🛑 H. Jeremiah Lewis / Sannion
Neo-nazi, having nazi symbols on his blog. Also transphobic, islamophobic, and everything under the sun, really.
Books include: Ecstatic: For Dionysos - End to End - Everything Dances: Strange Spirits 3 - Gods and Mortals: New Stories of Hellenic Polytheism
Norse Polytheist Authors
🛑 Galina Krasskova
See Hellenic Polytheist section for details.
Her Norse Polytheist books include: Living Runes; Theory and Practice of Norse Divination - Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner - Neolithic Shamanism; Spirit Work in the Norse Tradition
Irish Polytheist Authors
⚠️ Lora O'Brien
Has a cultish following, thier followers and even themselves bullying and publicly shaming other Irish Polytheists. Often acts negatively towards the Irish diaspora. Has taught Irish Catholic practices, which are closed.
Runs the Irish Pagan School, which has similar rhetoric.
Books include: Irish Witchcraft from an Irish Witch - A Practical Guide to Pagan Priesthood
Slavic Polytheist Authors
🛑 Patricia Woodruff
Has a cultish following, often writes wildly inaccurate information. In a recent book she had completely made up a deity whose name means "swastika". Rated her own books on Goodreads, and publicly responded to any reviews criticizing her books.
Books include: Woodruff's Guide to Slavic Deities - Roots of Slavic Magic Book 1: Slavic Deities & Their Worship
🛑 Madame Pamita
Recently had a (now-deleted) post with an artwork containing various Nazi symbols, and deleted any criticism and seemingly refused to take any accountability. In DM's had repeatedly alluded to if you didn't follow her you "didn't know anything about Slavic Polytheism". Said to be friends with Patricia Woodruff
Books include: The Book of Candle Magic, Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft
🛑 Dmitriy Kushnir
Writes about Rodnovery, which many Rodnovery groups in the US and other countries often have ethnonationalist and right-wing connotations and ideology.
Books include: Rodnover
⚠️ Natasha Helvin
Misconstrues Slavic culture to be Wiccan
Says witchcraft are the "universal laws of nature" and that subjects of karma and divine judgement are solely monotheistic.
Claims to be an initiated Haitian Vodou priestess, which is doubtful.
Kemetic Polytheist Authors
⚠️ E. A Wallis Budge
Inaccurate translations of texts
Books include: The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Translation)
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whencyclopedia · 1 month ago
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Chinookan Peoples, Creation Story, & Blue Jay Tales
The Chinook people (Chinookan peoples) are a Native American nation of the US Pacific Northwest who inhabited the region of modern-day southwest Washington state and northern Oregon; many Chinookans still live there. Among their most famous stories are the Chinook Creation Tale and the Blue Jay tales, the latter featuring Blue Jay, the Chinookan trickster figure.
Illustration of the Interior of a Chinookan Plankhouse
A. T. Agate (Public Domain)
Like the Saynday tales of the Kiowa, Wihio tales of the Cheyenne, and Iktomi tales of the Sioux, the Blue Jay tales of the Chinookan peoples always feature the trickster figure Blue Jay and, often, his long-suffering older sister Ioi, who must endure his constant lies (though he famously always claims it is she who is telling untruths) and often outrageous behavior.
In the two Blue Jay tales given below, Blue Jay takes a wife from the Land of the Dead and then abandons her once her people ask him for proper tribute (Blue Jay Finds a Wife) and, in How the Sun Was Stolen, inadvertently helps a man disguised as a slave steal the sun from the daughter of the Sun Keeper by lying to the people (and his brother Robin) about his relationship with the "slave" in order to enhance his status.
The Chinook Creation Tale is an account of how the Chinook came to be but also serves as an origin tale on the proper way to prepare salmon, a staple of the Chinook diet, and the origin of the Thunderbird, a popular supernatural entity, sometimes deity, featured in the myths and legends of many of the Native peoples of North America. Together, these three tales offer a glimpse into the culture of the Chinook people.
Chinookan Peoples & Culture
The Chinook are best known in Euro-American history from their 1805 interaction with the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806) when they aided the party, but the Chinookan peoples had lived for centuries before that time along the waterway now known as the Columbia River. According to some scholars, Chinook may mean "fish eaters", owing to their reliance on fish as a staple in their meals (though this claim has been challenged). They were originally a hunter-gatherer people before establishing permanent communities distinguished by their longhouses (plankhouses, approximately 150 ft/45 m long by 60 ft/18 m wide), which were homes to extended families of sometimes up to 40 or 50 people.
Men hunted (primarily elk), fished (usually spearfishing for salmon), defended the village, made war, and brought home captives, who were then either ransomed or used as slaves. Women built the homes, gathered herbs, edible plants, nuts, and roots, made clothing and footwear, raised the children, and prepared the meals. Both girls and boys could participate in the vision quest when they reached adolescence, and women and men could both serve as shamans ("medicine men" and "medicine women") in the community.
Cathlapotle Plankhouse
Walter Siegmund (CC BY-SA)
The Chinook believed (and still believe) in a single Great Spirit Creator God (Neahkanie) who made and maintains the world with the assistance of other supernatural entities such as elemental spirits of the earth, water, air, and fire. Nature spirits are understood as a simple reality of life for the Chinook as are guardian spirits who assist and guide one through life. As with most, if not all, Native American peoples, the Chinook believe in an afterlife similar to their experiences on earth but without sickness, sorrow, disappointment, deprivation, or, of course, death.
Chinookan society was stratified, and the upper class of some bands practiced head binding (flattening the forehead and skull of children from infancy to around their first birthday) to distinguish them from the "round heads" of the lower classes. It is for this reason that the Chinookan peoples were often referred to as the "Flathead Indians" by the early European explorers who encountered them. Some bands also practiced slavery, but no flat-headed individuals of the upper class could be enslaved, only the "round heads" of the lower classes or those of other nations who had been taken captive in warfare.
Continue reading...
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shamandrummer · 2 months ago
A Shamanic Perspective on Christmas
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The holiday season, particularly Christmas, is often marked by an explosion of lights, gift-giving, festive meals, and heartwarming tales of togetherness. Yet beneath its modern trappings lies a profound spiritual essence that echoes the cycles of nature, the power of community, and the mysteries of the cosmos. From a shamanic perspective, Christmas can be viewed as an opportunity to honor the interconnectedness of life, the sacredness of light amid darkness, and the renewal of spirit.
The Winter Solstice: The Shamanic Origin of the Season
Before the Christianization of Europe, midwinter celebrations were deeply rooted in indigenous, earth-centered traditions. Many of these observances revolved around the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. Shamanic cultures viewed this turning point as a sacred time when the Sun, symbolic of life and spirit, was reborn.
The solstice signifies the return of light, a moment of renewal and hope when the darkness of the year begins to recede. In shamanic practice, this event is a time for introspection and connection with the unseen forces that govern the cycles of life. Just as the Earth enters a period of stillness and regeneration, so too are individuals encouraged to journey inward, shedding the past year's burdens and planting seeds of intention for the coming one.
The themes of rebirth and illumination align beautifully with the Christian narrative of Christmas, particularly the birth of Christ, often depicted as the "light of the world." From a shamanic perspective, this light represents not only a divine presence but also the inherent light within every being--a reminder of our connection to the cosmos and each other.
The Tree of Life and the Symbolism of Evergreens
The Christmas tree, an iconic symbol of the season, has its roots in ancient shamanic traditions. Evergreen trees, which remain vibrant and alive even in the harshest winters, were revered as symbols of resilience, eternal life, and the continuity of existence.
For shamans, trees are sacred beings that connect the heavens, the Earth, and the underworld. Their roots delve deep into the soil, their trunks stand steadfast in the present, and their branches reach toward the sky. Decorating a tree during Christmas can be seen as a modern echo of this ancient reverence. The ornaments and lights represent the gifts of spirit and the illumination of consciousness, a reminder to celebrate life's beauty and mystery.
In a shamanic practice, you might sit with your tree and meditate on its energy. Consider what wisdom it has to offer about standing tall through adversity or offering shade and shelter to others. The tree, like humanity, exists in a delicate balance with its surroundings, embodying the interdependence of all living things.
The Spirit of Giving: A Sacred Exchange
Gift-giving is a cornerstone of Christmas celebrations, often seen as a reflection of love and generosity. From a shamanic perspective, the exchange of gifts mirrors the sacred reciprocity found in nature. Indigenous cultures recognize that life is sustained through a cycle of giving and receiving--what is taken from the Earth is returned in some form, whether through offerings, rituals, or acts of stewardship.
When giving gifts, consider the energy and intention behind them. A shamanic view encourages mindful giving, where the act itself is imbued with gratitude, thoughtfulness, and a sense of interconnectedness. It's not about the material value of the gift but the spirit in which it is given. Handmade items, meaningful tokens, or gifts of time and presence often carry the most profound energy.
Likewise, receiving is a practice in itself. In a culture that often prizes independence, learning to accept with grace and humility fosters connection and balance. Both giving and receiving are opportunities to acknowledge our shared humanity and the flow of abundance in our lives.
Connecting with Ancestors and Spirit Guides
Christmas is a time when families gather, creating traditions that bridge generations. From a shamanic perspective, this is also a powerful moment to connect with ancestors and spiritual guides. In many shamanic traditions, winter is a season when the veil between the physical and spiritual realms is thinner, making it easier to commune with those who have passed.
Setting aside time to honor your ancestors during the holiday season can be a deeply enriching practice. This might involve creating an altar with photographs, candles, or objects that represent your lineage. As you celebrate Christmas, you might include rituals that invite the wisdom and blessings of your forebears, recognizing their role in shaping who you are today.
Similarly, shamanic practices often involve calling on spirit guides for guidance and protection. Whether through meditation, drumming, or prayer, inviting these helpers into your Christmas rituals can deepen your sense of connection to the unseen world.
The Inner Light: A Journey of Rebirth
At its heart, Christmas is a celebration of light. From the sparkling lights on homes and trees to the symbolic light of Christ, this season reminds us of the enduring power of illumination. For shamans, light is a metaphor for consciousness, healing, and the divine spark within all beings.
This season is an invitation to rekindle your inner light. Shamanic journeying, a practice of entering a trance state to access spiritual realms, can be particularly potent during this time. Through such journeys, you might seek insights about the year ahead, release lingering shadows, or connect with your higher self. The goal is not only personal transformation but also contributing your light to the collective.
Rekindling the Spirit of Christmas
Modern Christmas celebrations can sometimes feel disconnected from their spiritual roots, overshadowed by consumerism and obligation. A shamanic perspective offers a way to reconnect with the season's sacred essence by emphasizing presence, gratitude, and harmony with nature.
This Christmas, consider integrating shamanic elements into your celebrations. Spend time in nature, honoring the cycles of the Earth. Light a candle in recognition of the returning Sun. Reflect on the gifts of life, love, and community that sustain you. And most importantly, nurture the light within you, allowing it to shine brightly as a beacon of hope and connection.
In doing so, you honor not only the traditions of the past but also the universal truths that transcend cultures and time: that we are all interconnected, that light follows darkness, and that the spirit of Christmas lives in the timeless dance of renewal and love.
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adobealmanac · 9 months ago
Reading List
Mexican Sorcery: A Practical Guide to Brujeria de Rancho by Laura Davila
This book covers a variety of topics in brujeria de rancho ranging from amulets and talismans to pacts with Satan. This text is one of my favorite books on brujeria, and one that I consistently recommend to beginner and advanced brujos alike. It is a great starting point for reconnecting to brujeria, and also an amazing resource and referential text for more advanced practitioners.
Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo: Limpias Espirituales of Ancient Mesoamerican Shamans by Erika Buenaflor
This is a book on curanderismo specifically, however I recommend it to brujos too as it is an important subject to have knowledge about, even if you do not actively use it. It includes a variety of limpias for a variety of purposes, which I have used many times with great success. It is a staple in my library, and my favorite book on curanderismo.
American Brujeria: Modern American Folk Magic by J. Allen Cross
This book contains a great foundation for brujeria, and is greatly useful for more advanced practitioners too. My favorite part of this book is the introduction. It is fabulous at introducing brujeria, and more importantly the history behind the word. It contains a variety of subjects such as rosary magic, an entire section on vicks vaporub, and combat magic. Overall, this text is a phenomenal resource on brujeria, and is by far my favorite book on the subject.
Blood of Brujeria: Traditional Mexican Curses and Defense by Alexis A. Arredondo and Eric J. Labrado
This book strictly covers defensive and baneful brujeria, and is a great source on it. My favorite entry is that on the iron scissors, as it is rarely mentioned outside of oral tradition. It also has a GREAT section on protecting your home.
Magia Magia: Invoking Mexican Magic by Alexis A. Arredondo and Eric J. Labrado
Another great book by the authors of Blood of Brujeria. Packed full of information, my favorite being the section on divining with maize and divining with obsidian. One of my favorite books on brujeria.
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thejournallo · 1 year ago
Explain the basic: The various practices
Let's dive into it right away!
Disclaimer: Everything I will talk about in this post is all information gathered from books and online research on affidable sites. Please be aware that when reading and learning about witchcraft, you have to have multiple sources of information to learn from. I will always be here teaching, but out there are people doing the same things! (have multiple sources to learn)
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In my last post about witchcraft, I talked in a general way about what witchcraft has in itself and what there is to study and know. Now we are going to talk about the many ways a witch can practice, discover, or try along the journey of becoming a witch;
Wicca: Wicca is a modern pagan witchcraft tradition founded by Gerald Gardner in the mid-20th century. It involves the worship of nature and a dual deity, the god and goddess. Wiccan practices often include the use of rituals, spells, and the observance of the Wheel of the Year.
Traditional Witchcraft: Traditional witchcraft is a term used to describe various pre-modern and folkloric practices that have been passed down through generations. These traditions often focus on practical magic, herbalism, and working with spirits and ancestors.
Kitchen Witchcraft: Kitchen witches focus on magical practices that revolve around everyday activities, such as cooking, cleaning, and gardening. They believe that magic can be found in simple, domestic tasks.
Hedge Witchcraft: Hedge witches often work with the spiritual world and practice divination, trance work, and shamanic journeying. They are known for their ability to "hedge ride" or travel between realms.
Eclectic Witchcraft: Eclectic witches draw from various traditions and practices, creating a personalized and unique path that suits their beliefs and needs. They may combine elements from different traditions and adapt them to their own practices.
Shamanic Witchcraft: This combines aspects of shamanism with witchcraft. Practitioners may work with spirits and totem animals and engage in journeying and spirit work.
Ceremonial Magic: Some witches incorporate elements of ceremonial magic into their practices, including the use of complex rituals and symbols and the summoning of spirits or deities.
Solitary Witchcraft: Many witches prefer to practice alone and are known as solitary witches. They create their rituals, spells, and magical practices without belonging to a specific coven or tradition.
Green Witchcraft: Green witches focus on herbalism, plant magic, and nature-based spirituality. They often work with the energies of the Earth and its natural elements.
Hereditary Witchcraft: Some individuals claim to have hereditary witchcraft in their family, passed down through generations. These practices can vary widely but often emphasize the importance of family traditions and rituals.
Chaos Magic: Chaos magicians embrace a more experimental and eclectic approach to magic. They often believe that belief itself is a powerful tool for creating change.
Modern Witchcraft: In recent years, witchcraft has experienced a resurgence in popularity, with a focus on self-empowerment, feminism, and personal transformation. This modern form of witchcraft often incorporates elements from various traditions.
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Obviously, as there are many types of practices, there are many types of magic:
Black Magic:Black magic, also known as "dark magic" or "left-hand path magic," is often associated with practices that are considered harmful, malevolent, or morally objectionable. It is believed to involve the use of supernatural forces or rituals to bring about negative outcomes, harm others, or achieve selfish or destructive goals. Examples of practices associated with black magic may include curses, hexes, necromancy, and invoking malevolent entities. These practices are often intended to cause suffering, illness, misfortune, or even death.
White magic: White magic, also referred to as "light magic" or "right-hand path magic," is typically associated with practices that are viewed as benevolent, healing, and morally acceptable. It involves using supernatural forces or rituals for positive and ethical purposes. White magic includes practices like healing spells, protection rituals, divination for guidance, and benevolent energy work. It aims to promote well-being, positivity, and the greater good.
Blood magic: Blood magic is a form of magic that involves the use of blood, either the practitioner's own blood or the blood of animals or other individuals, as a powerful and symbolic component in rituals and spells. Blood is believed to have a strong connection to life force and vitality. In blood magic, it can be used for various purposes, including sealing oaths, making pacts with supernatural beings, enhancing the power of spells, and connecting with ancestors or deities. (NOT EVERY DEITY WILL ASK YOU FOR BLOOD. THIS IS A TYPE OF MAGIC TO LOOK UP BEFORE YOU START. Blood is a POWERFUL intrusion.
Candle Magick: This type of magick involves using candles of different colors and inscribing them with symbols or intentions. The flame and wax are used as tools to manifest one's desires.
Sigil Magick: Sigil magick involves creating a symbol, or sigil, that represents a specific intention or desire. The act of creating and focusing on the sigil is believed to help manifest the desired outcome.
Crystal Magick: Crystal magicians work with the energies of crystals and gemstones to promote healing, protection, and other intentions. Each crystal is believed to have unique properties and energies.
Elemental Magick: This form of magick focuses on the elements (earth, air, fire, water, and sometimes spirit) and their corresponding energies. Practitioners invoke and work with these elements for various purposes.
Moon Magick: Moon magicians align their magickal practices with the phases of the moon. They believe that the different phases (new moon, full moon, etc.) have specific energies that can be harnessed for different purposes.
Divination: While not traditional magick in the sense of casting spells, divination practices like tarot, runes, astrology, and scrying are often used for seeking guidance and insight into future events or understanding the present.
Necromancy: This is the practice of communicating with the dead or working with the spirits of the deceased. It can involve mediumship, seances, and rituals aimed at contacting or influencing spirits.
As said before, you are in complete control of your journey to try and practice whatever type of magic, but be respectful of the ones that are religions or traditions like voodoo or hoodoo.
Hoodoo and Rootwork: These are African American folk magick traditions that blend African, Native American, and European influences. They often involve the use of herbs, candles, oils, and other materials for practical magic.
Voodoo and Vodou: These are Afro-Caribbean religions that incorporate magickal practices. They involve working with spirits, ancestor veneration, and ritual practices.
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I added a little more of what I should have added as a priority, but I think this is all for now. In case I find anything new, I will add to it and try to explain as well as I can.
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As always, have a wonderful day or night! I will love to know your thoughts, and I will be here in case you have any questions.
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astra-ravana · 23 days ago
Let's Channel Spirits!
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Spirit channeling is the practice of communicating with non-physical entities, such as ancestors, deities, guides, or spirits of the dead. It has existed across cultures and traditions for thousands of years, with shamans, oracles, and mystics acting as intermediaries between the human and spirit realms. In ancient Greece, the Oracle of Delphi channeled messages from Apollo, while in indigenous traditions, shamans entered trance states to receive guidance from spirits. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, spiritualism popularized spirit communication through séances and automatic writing, a practice that continues today in various forms of witchcraft, mediumship, and divination.
The rewards of spirit channeling can be profound. Many practitioners use it to receive wisdom, gain insight into personal or collective issues, and deepen their spiritual path. Ancestor work, for example, allows witches to access generational knowledge and healing, while channeling deities or spirit guides can offer profound revelations. It is also a tool for magical work, as spirits can aid in spellcasting, protection, or uncovering hidden truths. For those seeking closure, channeling deceased loved ones can bring comfort and resolution.
However, there are risks involved. Not all spirits are benevolent, and some may deceive, manipulate, or drain a channeler’s energy. Without proper protections, practitioners may attract unwanted entities or even experience psychic burnout. Psychological risks also exist, as differentiating between genuine messages and personal imagination can be challenging. Ethical concerns arise when people rely too heavily on spirit communication for decision-making, neglecting their own intuition and logic. This is why grounding, shielding, and discernment are essential.
In modern practice, spirit channeling takes many forms, from traditional trance mediumship to intuitive divination using tarot, pendulums, or scrying. Some witches use meditation and altered states of consciousness to connect with spirits, while others engage in automatic writing or guided visualization. With the rise of technology, spirit communication has even extended to digital methods, such as EVP (electronic voice phenomena), ghost communication devices and apps, and AI-assisted divination. Despite skepticism, the practice remains a vital part of many spiritual traditions, evolving alongside new understandings of consciousness and the unseen world. Whether approached with reverence or caution, spirit channeling continues to offer a bridge between realms, guiding those who seek its wisdom.
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Forms of Spirit Channeling
Spirit channeling can take many forms, depending on the tradition, method, and depth of connection. Below is a list of different types of spirit channeling, ranging from light communication to deep trance states.
Mental Channeling:
• The spirit communicates through thoughts, impressions, or intuitive messages.
• The channeler remains fully conscious and translates the information received.
• Often used in mediumship, divination, and psychic readings.
Trance Channeling:
• The channeler enters an altered state where the spirit speaks or acts through them.
• Can be light (partial awareness) or deep (full surrender of control).
• Used by shamans, spiritualist mediums, and oracles.
Automatic Writing (Psychography):
• The spirit guides the channeler’s hand to write messages.
• The channeler may or may not be conscious of what is being written.
• Used for receiving detailed messages or insights from spirits.
Séances & Spirit Board Communication:
• Group or solo practice involving talking boards (Ouija), pendulums, or other tools.
• Spirits respond through movement, knocking, or written messages.
• Requires strong protection, as it can attract various types of entities.
• A person serves as a bridge between spirits and the living, often delivering messages.
• Can be done through clairaudience (hearing), clairvoyance (seeing), or clairsentience (feeling).
• Common in spiritualism and ancestor work.
Possession (Invocational Channeling):
• The spirit temporarily takes control of the channeler’s body.
• Practiced in Vodou, Santería, and certain shamanic traditions.
• Requires training and safeguards to ensure safe release of the spirit.
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Dream Channeling (Astral Communication):
• Spirits communicate through dreams, often delivering symbolic or direct messages.
• Lucid dreaming can be used to initiate intentional spirit contact.
• Useful for ancestor work and deity communication.
Scrying (Visionary Channeling):
• Using mirrors, water, fire, or crystals to receive visions or spirit messages.
• The channeler interprets images, symbols, or direct communication from spirits.
• Often used in witchcraft and divination.
Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) & Technomancy:
• Spirits communicate through electronic devices, such as audio recordings or digital messages.
• Used in paranormal investigation and modern occult practices.
Nature Spirit & Elemental Channeling:
• Communicating with spirits of plants, animals, and natural elements.
• Often practiced by animists, hedge witches, and shamans.
• Involves direct communion with Earth’s energies for guidance or magic.
Each method of channeling requires different levels of skill, protection, and intent. Choosing the right form depends on the practitioner’s experience, goals, and spiritual path.
Preparing for Spirit Channeling
Before attempting to channel, it’s crucial to set a foundation for safe and effective communication.
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• Regularly practice grounding and centering: (visualize roots connecting you to the Earth). Develop a strong personal shielding technique (such as surrounding yourself in white or golden light). Meditate to build focus and strengthen your psychic abilities.
• Creating a Sacred Space: Cleanse the area using smoke, salt, sound, or other purification methods. Set up an altar or designated space with candles, crystals, and symbols of protection. Light incense or herbs such as mugwort, frankincense, or myrrh to enhance spirit communication.
• Choosing the Right Spirit to Channel: Ancestors and spirit guides are excellent for beginners since they have a natural connection to you. Deities and divine beings may require offerings and devotion before they engage. Elemental and nature spirits can be unpredictable but insightful. Unknown or wandering spirits should be approached cautiously, as their intentions may be unclear.
The Channeling Process
• Setting Intentions and Boundaries: Clearly state who you wish to contact and why (e.g., "I call upon my ancestors for wisdom and guidance"). Set firm boundaries by only inviting spirits of truth, light, and benevolence. Use protective symbols (such as pentagrams, sigils, or runes) to maintain control.
• Entering a Trance State: Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Use rhythmic drumming, chanting, or binaural beats to alter your consciousness. Visualize a doorway or veil between realms opening. Allow impressions, feelings, or thoughts to flow without forcing them.
• Receiving Messages: Pay attention to words, images, sensations, or emotions that come through. If using automatic writing, keep your hand loose and let it move freely. If you hear a voice, mentally confirm that the spirit has good intentions before engaging further. Avoid leading questions—ask open-ended ones instead (e.g., "What do I need to know?").
• Closing the Connection: Thank the spirit for their presence and guidance. Firmly state, "I now close this connection. You are released in peace." Visualize the doorway closing and cleanse yourself and the space using smoke, sound, or saltwater. Eat grounding foods (like bread, nuts, or chocolate) to restore balance.
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grey-sorcery · 1 year ago
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Title: Psychic Abilities: First Steps
Suggested Reading
Biases in Witchcraft Dualities Psychic Abilities & Mental Illness Shadow Work: First Steps Energetic Senses The Subtle Body Warding Basics
*- Closed or Semi-closed cultures/practices This article uses yellow text, which may be difficult to read outside of dark-mode.
Understanding Psychic Abilities
Psychic abilities often refer to skills or talents enabling individuals to gain information or influence beyond the scope of human senses or scientific understanding. Such capacities are frequently posited to transcend the boundaries of time, space, and matter. While they can be classified into various types – such as clairvoyance (perceiving remote or hidden information), telepathy (transmitting thoughts), and precognition (predicting future events) – the mechanisms underpinning these phenomena remain the subjects of controversy and speculation.
 Historical Perspectives
Throughout history, diverse cultures have recognized and integrated the notion of psychic phenomena into their daily lives and spiritual practices. From ancient civilizations like the Greeks and Egyptians, who consulted oracles and seers for guidance, to indigenous tribes who believed in the power of shamans and medicine people to communicate with forces beyond human perception, psychic phenomena have occupied a significant niche.
In the medieval period, psychic occurrences were often intertwined with religious or supernatural explanations. Those who claimed to possess these abilities were either revered as divinely gifted or, conversely, vilified and persecuted for heresy or witchcraft. Notably, the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods began to scrutinize such claims, emphasizing empirical evidence and rationality. This shift led to a decline in the public acceptance of psychic phenomena as mere superstitions or the result of charlatanism.
Modern Interpretations
In contemporary times, the debate surrounding psychic phenomena has bifurcated into two dominant perspectives: the skeptics and the proponents.
Skeptics, often armed with a scientific background, posit that claims of psychic abilities lack empirical evidence. They argue that such phenomena can be explained by cognitive biases, logical fallacies, or mere coincidences. For instance, the confirmation bias might lead someone to remember only the instances when a psychic prediction was accurate and dismiss those when it was not. They also highlight instances where purported psychics have been exposed as frauds, using tactics such as cold reading to feign genuine abilities.
On the contrary, proponents assert that the existence of psychic abilities is a genuine and untapped dimension of human potential. While acknowledging that fraudulence exists, they argue that there are genuine cases that defy conventional explanations. They contend that science, in its current form, may not be adequately equipped to understand or measure these phenomena. Some postulate that advancements in neuroscience, consciousness research, or quantum physics might one day elucidate the enigmatic nature of psychic abilities.
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Types of Psychic Abilities 
Derived from the French words "clair" (clear) and "voir" (to see), clairvoyance essentially translates to "clear seeing." Clairvoyance refers to the claimed ability to gather information about an object, person, location, or event without any known humanly means. This phenomenon is often described as receiving visual information in the form of symbols, colors, or visions. Throughout history, many societies have revered clairvoyants as powerful figures. In some cultures, they played significant roles as advisors to rulers or as mediators between the physical and unseen worlds. Contemporary society, with its emphasis on empirical evidence, often views clairvoyance with skepticism, yet there remains a persistent cultural fascination with this ability. In many spiritual traditions, clairvoyance is seen as a heightened state of consciousness, a gift or a skill that connects the individual with higher dimensions or spiritual guides.
Stemming from the Greek words "tele" (distant) and "pathos" (feeling), telepathy can be understood as "distant feeling." Telepathy is the purported transmission of information between individuals without using known human sensory channels or physical interaction. It encompasses the transfer of emotions, thoughts, or even complex ideas. From ancient legends to modern science fiction, telepathic communication has captured the human imagination. While empirical research in telepathy remains inconclusive, it is a recurrent theme in popular media, underscoring the human yearning for connection. Mystic traditions may regard telepathy as a manifestation of universal interconnectedness, suggesting that at a deep level, all consciousness is one and separateness is an illusion.
The term derives from the Latin "prae" (before) and "cognitio" (getting to know), effectively meaning "foreknowledge." Precognition involves knowledge or perception of future events before they occur, without any logical basis for such foreknowledge. This might manifest as dreams, feelings, or intuitions. Predicting the future has been a universal human pursuit, with precognitives often serving crucial societal roles as prophets, oracles, or seers. However, contemporary views on precognition are split, with skeptics pointing to cognitive biases as explanations. Many mystical traditions suggest that time, as humans perceive it, is an illusion. In such a framework, precognition might be understood as accessing timeless dimensions where past, present, and future coexist.
"Clair" (clear) combined with "cognizance" (knowledge) indicates "clear knowledge." Claircognizance denotes an intuitive ability to just "know" something, without any logical basis or prior information. Individuals with this ability might suddenly know facts, insights, or understandings without knowing how they acquired them. The concept of inherent knowledge or insight is recognized in many cultures, often attributed to divine inspiration or profound intuition. However, in a world valuing empirical data, such spontaneous knowledge can be met with skepticism. Some spiritual interpretations posit that claircognizance is a connection to universal knowledge or the collective consciousness, suggesting an innate ability to tap into an omniscient source.
Combining "clair" (clear) with "sentience" (feeling), clairsentience means "clear feeling." Clairsentience refers to the ability to physically feel or emotionally sense the energy or emotions of people, places, or events. This might manifest as gut feelings, sudden mood changes, or physical sensations. Empathy and heightened sensitivity have been recognized across various cultures. While some view clairsentience as a heightened form of empathy, others approach it with caution due to its inexplicable nature. Within mystical traditions, clairsentience might be seen as an enhanced sensitivity to the energy or vibrations of the universe, reflecting a deep interconnectedness of all things.
Derived from Latin "compellere," meaning "to drive or push together." Compulsion, in this context, refers to the purported ability to influence another's thoughts or actions without overt persuasion or physical interference. Historical records are replete with tales of individuals who held sway over masses, their compelling presence seemingly altering the will of others. Modern interpretations often approach such claims with caution, exploring psychological mechanisms behind suggestibility. Some spiritual interpretations suggest compulsion is an exertion of one's will or energy over another, tapping into the subtle dynamics of interwoven consciousness.
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Common Misconceptions
While psychic abilities have been recognized and debated for centuries, modern society often conflates them with broader supernatural phenomena. To distinguish: psychic abilities are often defined as potential innate capacities of the human psyche, whereas supernatural phenomena encompass a broader range of occurrences that supposedly defy natural laws. An example of such a conflation might be equating clairvoyance solely with ghostly apparitions or haunted locales, limiting the nuanced understanding of psychic phenomena. This conflation can be attributed to myriad factors, including cultural narratives, folklore, and limited exposure to diverse interpretations of psychic occurrences.
The Hollywood Influence
The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood, has significantly molded perceptions of psychic phenomena. From sensationalized depictions of mediums speaking to the departed in horror movies to superheroes with telepathic abilities saving the world, these portrayals often prioritize spectacle over accuracy. While they capture the imagination and offer thrilling narratives, they may distort or exaggerate the nuances of genuine psychic experiences.
Hollywood's penchant for dramatization means that psychic abilities are frequently portrayed with an added layer of spectacle, potentially leading the general populace to harbor unrealistic or skewed expectations. For instance, telepathy in movies might be showcased as characters having fullblown conversations without speaking, while actual anecdotal accounts might reference fleeting impressions or emotions.
Skepticism and Belief
Public opinion on psychic phenomena is polarized, with skeptics and believers often at odds. Skeptics caution against gullibility, pointing to instances of fraud, the influence of cognitive biases, and the lack of empirical evidence as reasons for disbelief. On the other hand, staunch believers might dismiss skeptics as close minded or overly analytical.
However, a nuanced view acknowledges that both skepticism and belief have their merits. Blind skepticism might close one off to exploring uncharted territories of human experience, while unbridled belief risks being deceived by charlatans. An informed approach considers available evidence, remains open to possibilities, and constantly seeks deeper understanding, free from dogma.
New Age Influences and How to Avoid Them
The New Age movement, originating in the late 20th century, amalgamates various spiritual and metaphysical beliefs. While it has popularized many esoteric concepts, including some pertaining to psychic phenomena, it often does so without rigorous foundation or context.
To avoid undue New Age influences when exploring psychic phenomena:
Educate Yourself: Delve into historical, cultural, and scientific perspectives on psychic abilities. Understand that the New Age interpretation is just one among many.
Question Sources: Not all literature or speakers on psychic topics are reliable. Discern between those who have done comprehensive research and those echoing popular yet shallow narratives.
Practice Discernment: Be wary of commercialized aspects of the New Age movement, such as workshops or products that promise quick psychic awakenings without any substantial groundwork.
Theosophical Influences and How to Avoid Them
The Theosophical Society, founded in the 19th century, aimed to explore, study, and disseminate knowledge about the mystical and unknown. However, its interpretations of psychic and spiritual phenomena are specific to its doctrine.
To steer clear of Theosophical biases:
Broaden Your Horizon: While Theosophy offers a rich tapestry of esoteric thought, it's essential to explore other cultural, philosophical, and spiritual perspectives on psychic phenomena.
Recognize Distinctive Theosophical Concepts: By identifying core Theosophical tenets, one can differentiate them from other psychic or spiritual beliefs.
Engage in Open Discussion: Interacting with a diverse group of thinkers, researchers, and practitioners can help in discerning Theosophical influences from more universal or varied interpretations.
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The Science Behind Psychic Abilities
Psychic phenomena have long captured human curiosity, leading to extensive investigations, both informal and academic. Over the past century, numerous institutions have endeavored to study psychic abilities under controlled conditions. These include efforts by prominent universities and independent research bodies.
One well-documented approach has been the use of Zener cards — a set of five symbols (circle, cross, waves, square, star) — to test for extrasensory perception (ESP). Participants predict the sequence of cards, and results are assessed against statistical probabilities to discern any significant deviations suggesting psychic abilities.
Another area of interest has been the study of telepathy, where participants, often in isolated chambers, attempt to transmit or receive thoughts, images, or emotions. Success rates beyond chance levels could, in theory, indicate telepathic capabilities.
Controversies and Criticisms
Despite the extensive body of research, psychic phenomena remain a contentious topic in the scientific community. Some of the primary criticisms include:
Replicability Issues: A foundational principle of science is that experiments should produce consistent results when replicated. Psychic phenomena, however, often lack this consistency, leading many to question their validity.
Methodological Flaws: Critics often point out potential flaws in the design or execution of psychic experiments. These could range from insufficient controls, potential biases, or even fraud.
Statistical Interpretations: While certain psychic studies claim statistical significance, skeptics argue that these could be anomalies or the result of incorrect data interpretation.
Potential Explanations
Given the elusive nature of psychic phenomena, several hypotheses have been proposed, ranging from the purely physiological to the quantum mechanical:
Subconscious Perception: Some suggest that what's perceived as psychic ability might be heightened sensitivity to subconscious cues. This could mean picking up on subtle body language, temperature changes, or even pheromones.
Quantum Mechanics: Some posit that the nonlocality principle in quantum physics, where particles can be interconnected over vast distances, might provide a framework for understanding psychic interconnections. Though this argument tends to be provided by those who do not understand quantum theory.
Unified Field Theory: Drawing from physics, some speculate that a yet to be discovered unified field might explain the interconnectedness of consciousness. Though this argument also tends to be provided by those who do not understand quantum theory.
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Potential Biases Within Scientific Approaches
While the scientific method prides itself on objectivity, biases can infiltrate any field of study, including investigations into psychic phenomena:
Confirmation Bias: Researchers, like all individuals, can unconsciously favor data that aligns with their preexisting beliefs, potentially overlooking data that contradicts their hypotheses.
Publication Bias: Studies producing positive or sensational results are often more likely to be published than those with null or negative findings. This can skew the available literature and public perception.
Cultural and Historical Biases: Western scientific paradigms, rooted in materialism, might inherently dismiss phenomena that don't fit within this framework, whereas other cultures might approach the same phenomena differently.
It's crucial to approach psychic research with an awareness of these biases, ensuring comprehensive and balanced investigations.
Comfort with Paranormal Explanations and Experiences
Across the globe, individuals vary in their comfort levels with paranormal explanations. For some, a spiritual or mystical interpretation of an event is natural and enriching. For others, such interpretations might provoke discomfort, skepticism, or even fear.
Some cultures have rich traditions of spiritual and mystical experiences, making paranormal explanations more accepted and integrated. Direct personal experiences with phenomena that defy conventional explanations can either enhance comfort with the paranormal or, paradoxically, provoke greater skepticism. Awareness and understanding of various phenomena, whether through formal education, personal research, or exposure to diverse viewpoints, can influence one's comfort levels.
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Developing Psychic Abilities: A Comprehensive Approach
The initial phase in understanding psychic abilities requires identifying subtle indications that point towards their potential presence. Historically, various cultures have believed in the capability of certain individuals to perceive information hidden from the regular senses. These potential indicators might include:
Heightened Sensitivity: Some individuals report a heightened sensitivity to their surroundings, especially in terms of emotions and energies. They often feel strong empathic connections, allowing them to sense the emotions and moods of those around them, even if subtly expressed.
Frequent Déjà vu: The sensation of having experienced something previously, even when encountering it for the first time, may indicate a potential psychic inclination. While this phenomenon can be explained by various neurological processes, some interpret it as a sign of precognitive ability.
Predictive Dreams: Though dreams often arise from the subconscious mind processing daily events, some individuals note dreams that appear to foretell future events. While not always accurate, these dreams' predictive nature often stands out due to its specificity and detail.
Practice Techniques
To nurture psychic abilities, one must employ certain techniques and exercises that are designed to enhance these potential faculties. Here are some scientificallyacknowledged methods that might be beneficial:
Meditation: Meditation is a tool that aids in focusing the mind and building awareness of one's thoughts and surroundings. By practicing regular meditation, individuals can develop a heightened sense of intuition and possibly tap into deeper levels of perception.
Mindfulness: Being present in the moment can help individuals become more attuned to their surroundings and the subtle energies therein. Practicing mindfulness, like meditation, can be a foundation for honing psychic skills by fostering a keen awareness of the world around us.
Exposure to Varied Stimuli: Engaging with diverse environments, cultures, and experiences can sharpen one's intuitive skills. By exposing oneself to a broad array of stimuli, it becomes easier to identify patterns and connections that might not be immediately obvious.
Consistent Training
Consistency is vital when cultivating any skill, and the development of psychic abilities is no exception. Regular practice and a commitment to growth are imperative. Keeping a record of experiences, feelings, and intuitions can be beneficial. Over time, patterns may emerge, providing insights into the development and accuracy of psychic abilities.
Seeking feedback from trusted sources helps in gauging the accuracy of one's psychic perceptions and offers opportunities for refinement. Engaging with literature and scholarly articles on topics like parapsychology, cognitive science, and neurology can provide a rounded understanding and facilitate better practices.
Identifying Cognitive Bias
While exploring psychic abilities, it is crucial to be aware of cognitive biases. These are systematic patterns of deviation from rationality in judgment, where individuals create their own subjective reality from their perception. Examples include:
Confirmation Bias: The tendency to seek, interpret, and remember information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions. In the context of psychic abilities, this might manifest as remembering only accurate predictions while disregarding inaccuracies.
Apophenia: The human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns within random data. This could lead individuals to believe they've identified significant psychic insights when, in fact, they're drawing connections from unrelated events.
Identifying Mental Illness Symptoms that Seem Like Psychic Abilities
It is essential to differentiate between genuine psychic experiences and symptoms of mental illnesses. Some symptoms can mimic psychic phenomena, such as:
Hallucinations: These are sensory experiences in which a person can hear, see, smell, taste, or feel something that isn't there. While some might interpret these as psychic visions or messages, they are often associated with conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
Delusions: Strongly held beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. For example, believing that one has a unique ability to predict events or read minds, when, in reality, evidence does not support these claims.
Hyperactivity and Racing Thoughts: Conditions such as bipolar disorder can lead to periods of hyperactivity and rapidly changing thoughts, which can be misconstrued as psychic energy or heightened intuition.
If you or someone you know shows symptoms of mental illness, you can find a list of assistance and services at the end of THIS article.
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Psychic Abilities and the Mind
The intricate network of the human brain, with its myriad neural connections, governs how we think, act, and perceive the world. Central to our understanding of psychic abilities is the role of cognitive functions. These are the mental processes that allow us to carry out tasks, make decisions, and interpret the world around us. A cornerstone of cognition, memory allows us to store and retrieve information from the past. It's been posited that individuals who claim to have psychic abilities might have an enhanced or different utilization of memory, allowing them to recall events or details others might overlook.
The capacity to concentrate on specific stimuli or events in our environment is critical for any psychic exploration. An acute sense of attention might enable some individuals to pick up on subtle cues or information generally unnoticed by the average person. Processing Speed is the time it takes for an individual to interpret and respond to stimuli. A heightened processing speed might allow for faster interpretation of sensory input, which some argue could be linked to certain psychic phenomena.
Role of Subconscious
The subconscious mind, operating below the level of conscious awareness, is a vast reservoir of thoughts, memories, and feelings. Its role in psychic abilities is a topic of significant interest.
Our subconscious continuously processes information, even when we are not actively thinking about it. These processes can lead to sudden insights or "gut feelings" that seem to come out of nowhere but might, in reality, be the result of the subconscious working behind the scenes. While dreams are a regular part of the human experience, some propose that they can serve as a conduit for psychic information. The subconscious mind, active during dreaming, might present information in symbolic or direct ways that could be interpreted as precognitive or clairvoyant insights. The subconscious mind plays a pivotal role in our emotional responses. Some individuals claim to "feel" others' emotions, suggesting that their subconscious minds might be more attuned to emotional stimuli from the environment.
Perception and Intuition
At the intersection of psychic abilities and the mind lies the realm of perception and intuition. These faculties determine how we interpret the world and react to it, and they play a potentially significant role in psychic phenomena.
Enhanced Sensory Perception: Some who claim psychic abilities report a heightened sense of sight, hearing, or other senses. This enhanced perception allows them to detect stimuli that others might miss, potentially leading to insights that seem psychic in nature.
Gut Feelings: Intuition, often described as a "gut feeling," is a form of innate understanding or knowledge without the need for conscious reasoning. While everyone experiences intuition to some degree, its role in psychic abilities might be more pronounced. This intuitive sense might be more developed or refined in some individuals, leading to perceptions that are out of the ordinary.
Pattern Recognition: Humans are naturally inclined to seek patterns in the environment, a trait that has evolutionary advantages. However, some propose that those with psychic inclinations might have an enhanced ability for pattern recognition, allowing them to see connections or insights that might elude others.
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Ethical Considerations in the Exploration of Psychic Abilities
The exploration of psychic abilities is not merely an introspective journey; it often intersects with the lives of others, especially when abilities are employed to provide insights or guidance. Herein lies the critical juncture of ethical use versus misuse.
Objective Approach: It is paramount for individuals claiming to possess psychic abilities to approach every situation with an objective mindset. Allowing biases or personal beliefs to interfere can lead to skewed interpretations, which might misguide those seeking counsel.
Financial Exploitation: With the commercialization of psychic readings and related services, there is a risk of financial exploitation. Ethical practitioners should be transparent about their services' costs and avoid exorbitant fees or manipulative tactics that compel repeated visits.
False Claims: Authenticity and truthfulness are fundamental. Individuals should refrain from making unsubstantiated claims about their abilities or the results they can achieve, as this can mislead and potentially harm others.
Respecting Privacy
Delving into the personal lives of others, whether intentionally or inadvertently, comes with significant ethical implications.
Unsolicited Readings: It is ethically questionable to provide unsolicited readings or insights into another person's life or situation. Even if one believes they have valuable information, it is essential to respect boundaries and only offer insights when explicitly asked.
Confidentiality: Similar to medical or therapeutic professions, individuals offering psychic services should maintain strict confidentiality. People's personal information, emotions, and situations should never be divulged without explicit consent.
Consideration of Potential Harm
The potential repercussions of psychic readings or interventions are not always immediately apparent. Therefore, a deep sense of responsibility and foresight is required.
Emotional Impact: Interactions can leave a lasting emotional imprint. Whether the information shared is positive or negative, practitioners must be sensitive to how it might affect an individual emotionally and mentally.
Dependency: There's a potential risk of individuals becoming overly reliant on psychic insights, sidelining their own judgment or decisionmaking abilities. Ethical practitioners should encourage autonomy and personal growth rather than fostering dependency.
Physical Actions: On rare occasions, insights or predictions might prompt individuals to take specific actions in their lives. It's crucial for those with psychic inclinations to understand the weight of their words and the potential physical ramifications they might have on others.
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Psychic Abilities in Different Cultures
The concept of psychic abilities, while interpreted differently, exists in some form across various global cultures. Each culture's perspective provides a unique lens through which to understand and appreciate these phenomena.
Eastern Perspectives
In many Eastern traditions, psychic abilities are often interwoven with spiritual and philosophical systems.
Buddhism: Within Buddhist traditions, especially in Tibetan Buddhism*, there are references to "siddhis," which are supernormal powers attained through meditation and spiritual practice. These can range from clairvoyance to precognition. While these abilities are acknowledged, they're often considered secondary to the ultimate goal of enlightenment.
Hinduism*: Ancient Hindu scriptures, particularly the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, detail various psychic abilities termed "vibhuti." These abilities are said to emerge as one progresses along the path of yoga. However, they're treated with caution and are not the primary focus of spiritual development.
Daoism*: In Daoist traditions of China, psychic phenomena might be attributed to the harnessing of "qi" or vital energy. Daoist practitioners often engage in exercises to cultivate and balance qi, which in turn can lead to heightened abilities.
Western Perspectives
The Western world, influenced by a mix of JudeoChristian beliefs, scientific rationalism, and GrecoRoman philosophies, has its own take on psychic phenomena.
Ancient Greece: Oracles, like the famed Oracle of Delphi, played essential roles in ancient Greek society. These priestesses were believed to possess the ability to communicate with the gods and offer prophecies.
Medieval Europe: During the Middle Ages, individuals who claimed to have psychic abilities or other supernatural powers often faced persecution, associated with witchcraft and heresy.
Modern Era: With the rise of spiritualism in the 19th and 20th centuries, psychic abilities gained renewed interest. While often met with skepticism, especially from the scientific community, there remains a segment of the Western population that believes in and seeks out psychic experiences.
Indigenous Beliefs
Indigenous American Cultures: Among the Navajo*, there are individuals known as "hand tremblers" who are believed to diagnose illnesses or predict events. Similarly, the Lakota Sioux have "heyokas" or sacred clowns, who act in ways contrary to societal norms and offer unique insights.
Aboriginal Australians*: Dreamtime stories and spiritual beliefs play a central role in Aboriginal culture. The concept of "Dreaming" refers to both the ancient stories of creation and the personal dreamjourney of an individual, which can offer guidance and insights.
Shamanic Cultures of Siberia*: The term "shaman" originates from the Tungusic peoples of Siberia. Shamans in these cultures serve as intermediaries between the human and spirit worlds, accessing knowledge and healing through altered states of consciousness.
Maori of New Zealand*: The Maori have "tohunga," experts in specific areas, including those who interpret signs, dreams, and omens. They play a crucial role in guiding societal decisions and understanding the world.
African Cultures: Among the Dagara* of West Africa, there are individuals recognized as having a unique connection to the spirit world, often identified at a young age and trained to serve the community. Similarly, the Zulu* of South Africa have the "sangoma," traditional healers who diagnose and treat illnesses and communicate with ancestors.
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Psychic Abilities and Personal Growth
The exploration of psychic abilities transcends mere curiosity about the supernatural. For many, it is an avenue towards profound personal growth, fostering a deeper understanding of oneself and one's place in the larger tapestry of human experience.
Self-awareness and Understanding
The journey into psychic phenomena often demands a heightened sense of selfawareness. This introspective path can lead to significant personal revelations.
Delving into psychic practices necessitates continual selfreflection. This process can unearth previously unrecognized aspects of one's character, beliefs, and motivations. Such insights offer opportunities for personal development and transformation. The exploration of psychic abilities can help individuals distinguish between their inner voice — that intuitive sense of knowing — and the cacophony of external influences. Recognizing and trusting this voice can guide decision making and foster a stronger sense of identity.
Some individuals believe that their psychic inclinations provide clarity about their life's purpose or direction. By tapping into these abilities, they feel more aligned with their personal and spiritual goals.
Emotional and Mental Health
The intertwining of psychic exploration and emotional and mental wellbeing is multifaceted and profound.
Processing Trauma: For some, psychic practices serve as a conduit for addressing and processing past traumas. By confronting these issues, individuals often find a path to healing and acceptance.
Managing Stress: Techniques often associated with psychic development, such as meditation and mindfulness, are beneficial for managing stress. These practices promote relaxation, mental clarity, and emotional balance.
Boosting Confidence: Recognizing and honing psychic abilities can bolster confidence. Individuals often feel empowered by their unique insights and the validation they receive from accurate perceptions or predictions.
Influence on Relationships
The ripple effects of psychic exploration extend into interpersonal relationships, shaping interactions and connections in various ways.
Enhanced Empathy: A heightened sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others can foster deeper empathy. This understanding can lead to more compassionate and supportive interactions with loved ones.
Navigating Conflicts: With increased intuition and perception, individuals might find it easier to navigate conflicts. Recognizing underlying issues or emotions can facilitate communication and resolution.
Building Trust: For those who share their psychic experiences with close friends or family, it can foster trust. When perceptions or insights prove accurate, it reinforces the bond between the psychic individual and those they interact with.
Psychic Abilities and Shadow Work
Shadow work refers to the process of confronting and understanding the darker, often suppressed facets of oneself. The interplay between psychic abilities and shadow work is intricate.
Unearthing Hidden Fears: Psychic experiences can bring to the surface latent fears or insecurities. These revelations, while challenging, are essential for personal growth. By addressing these fears, individuals can move towards holistic wellbeing.
Confronting Denial: Denial is a defense mechanism, shielding individuals from painful truths. However, psychic insights can pierce this veil, forcing a confrontation with realities one might prefer to ignore. This confrontation, though initially unsettling, is a step towards authenticity and selfacceptance.
Integration for Wholeness: The culmination of shadow work, when combined with psychic exploration, is the integration of all aspects of oneself. Recognizing and accepting both light and dark facets lead to a more balanced and whole self.
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grimoirey · 4 months ago
🌛 Mediumship Pt.1🌜
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Mediumship is the practice of connecting with spirits, energies, or entities from realms beyond the physical, often to convey messages or gain insights. Here’s an extensive overview of the various aspects of mediumship, including its types, history, development, and practices.
What is Mediumship?
Mediumship involves connecting with spirits or non-physical energies for guidance, healing, or communication. A “medium” is someone who acts as an intermediary, often receiving impressions, visions, or messages from these spirits.
The goals of mediumship can vary; people may want closure with deceased loved ones, insights from spiritual guides, or assistance in understanding the non-physical dimensions of existence.
Types of Mediumship
Mental Mediumship
This is the most common type and involves receiving messages through thought impressions, often referred to as “clair” abilities:
Clairvoyance: “Clear seeing” refers to receiving images, symbols, or visions.
Clairaudience: “Clear hearing” involves hearing words, sounds, or voices from spirits.
Clairsentience: “Clear feeling” allows the medium to feel emotions or sensations from spirits.
Claircognizance: “Clear knowing” is an intuitive understanding without a sensory explanation.
Physical Mediumship
Less common, this involves the manifestation of spirits in a physical way, such as objects moving, spirit “voices” heard in the room, or phenomena like ectoplasm or spirit writing. Physical mediumship often happens in seances or controlled settings with multiple participants.
Trance Mediumship
In trance mediumship, the medium enters a deep trance state, allowing the spirit to communicate directly through them. The medium’s voice, mannerisms, and even appearance can change as they convey messages.
Similar to mediumship but with a broader focus, channeling involves the medium “channeling” messages from higher beings, guides, or cosmic consciousness. It often includes teachings on spirituality, self-awareness, and the universe’s nature.
Historical Context of Mediumship
Ancient Roots
Mediumistic practices can be traced back to ancient cultures worldwide, where shamans, oracles, and mystics connected with spirits and divine beings. For instance, in ancient Greece, the Oracle of Delphi was said to deliver prophecies inspired by the god Apollo.
The Spiritualist Movement
Mediumship gained popularity in the West during the 19th-century Spiritualist movement. Figures like the Fox Sisters in the U.S. sparked public interest by claiming to communicate with spirits through “rappings.” Spiritualism became widely practiced, and mediums were seen as bridging the gap between the physical and spirit realms.
Modern Mediumship
Today, mediumship remains part of Spiritualism, with individuals continuing to seek mediums for guidance, closure, or insight. Mediums also use their skills in therapeutic contexts, helping clients heal from loss or trauma by connecting with loved ones.
The “Clair” Abilities in Mediumship
This is often depicted as a “third eye” vision, where mediums see images, symbols, or even full visions. Some clairvoyant mediums describe seeing a mental “screen” where they receive these images.
Mediums with clairaudience may hear voices, whispers, or sounds. The sounds may be internal, similar to thoughts, or external, like a soft voice.
This involves feeling the emotions, physical sensations, or even personalities of spirits. Clairsentient mediums may feel warmth, chills, or sensations that aren’t their own.
Often described as an “inner knowing,” claircognizance provides spontaneous knowledge or understanding, which the medium cannot logically explain.
Developing Mediumship Abilities
Meditation helps mediums quiet the mind and open up to subtler energies. This daily practice is essential for increasing receptivity.
Grounding and Protection
Grounding helps mediums stay balanced, while visualizing protective light shields them from unwanted energies or entities.
Sensory Exercises
Practicing with each “clair” can build sensitivity. For example, visualizing scenes to strengthen clairvoyance, listening deeply to enhance clairaudience, and interpreting gut feelings to refine clairsentience.
Journaling Experiences
Recording experiences, symbols, or messages received in meditations or readings helps identify patterns and understand messages over time.
Preparing for a Mediumship Session
Setting Intentions
Mediums often set intentions to clarify their purpose, such as connecting with a specific spirit or providing guidance.
Creating a Sacred Space
Many mediums create a sacred environment using crystals, candles, or personal items, which serve as spiritual anchors for protection and connection.
Calling on Spirit Guides
Inviting spirit guides or protectors to be present provides additional support, guidance, and safety.
Raising Vibration
Since spirits are said to exist at a higher frequency, mediums use techniques like deep breathing, visualization, and music to elevate their energy.
Challenges and Ethics in Mediumship
Distinguishing Imagination from Spirit
This can be challenging, especially when messages are subtle. Experienced mediums often develop a “feel” for the difference between their thoughts and spirit messages.
Energy Drain and Boundaries
Mediumship can be physically and emotionally draining. Maintaining strong boundaries with the spirit realm is crucial, as is knowing when to take a break.
Ethical Considerations
Mediums have a responsibility to handle sensitive information with respect, compassion, and confidentiality. Many avoid giving medical, financial, or life-altering advice unless qualified to do so.
Spirit Communication Practices
Automatic Writing
In automatic writing, mediums allow a spirit to guide their hand, producing words or drawings without conscious thought.
Pendulum Work
Mediums may use pendulums, asking questions and interpreting its movements as answers from spirits.
Spirit Boards
Also known as Ouija boards, spirit boards can be used by mediums to communicate with spirits. However, some mediums caution against them, as they can attract a range of energies.
Seances and Group Mediumship
In a seance, a group gathers to connect with spirits, often guided by a medium. This can involve physical mediumship, automatic writing, or messages through clair abilities.
Differences Between Mediumship and Psychic Abilities
Mediumship vs. Psychic Abilities
Psychic abilities often relate to reading energies, events, or people. Mediumship specifically focuses on communicating with spirits. All mediums have psychic abilities, but not all psychics are mediums.
Use in Readings
In a reading, psychics may focus on a client’s past, present, or future, while mediums are more focused on messages from the spirit realm.
Scientific and Skeptical Views
Some parapsychologists study mediumship, with a focus on phenomena such as clairvoyance and spirit communication. Scientific consensus remains skeptical, as these abilities are challenging to verify under controlled conditions.
Skeptics argue that mediumship often involves cold reading techniques, where mediums subtly read body language and verbal cues rather than truly connecting with spirits. The absence of empirical evidence makes mediumship controversial, though personal accounts abound.
Concluding Thoughts
Mediumship is deeply personal, unique to each medium, and a skill that typically requires practice, self-reflection, and dedication. While it remains a largely unproven phenomenon, many find it transformative, offering comfort, closure, and spiritual insight. For those exploring it, an open mind, patience, and discernment are essential.
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