dhampiravidi · 7 months ago
modern royalty - Naela
Legal Name - Naela Asinia Vesune Antaryos, Princess of Braavos (Heir Apparent) Age - (plot-dependent) 15 to 30 Gender - Cisgender Woman Sexuality - Bisexual (Biromantic) Ethnicity - Arab, Berber, French, Italian Religion - Fuck Around & Find Out :) Family - Ferrego Cogite Saevin Antaryos (father; Lord of Braavos), Ashara Antaryos née Djabou (mother; Lady of Braavos) Languages - Standard Italian, (Moroccan/Darija) Arabic, Braavosi, some (British) English, some (European) French
APPEARANCE (FC is Tristin Mays)
Naela stands at 5'5" (1.65 m). Like the typical celebrity forced into the public frame, she has a healthy build, which is somewhat toned thanks to her athletics. Visually, Naela takes after her mother, inheriting her near-lavender irises, light brown skin tone, & facial features. She wears her dark, slightly wavy hair in a braided updo for formal occasions but prefers to wear it free, resting just below her shoulders.
It’s rare that she’s ever truly still or sad. The exceptions to this are when she’s learning history (which keeps her still) or longing for an adventure. Otherwise, she's playing sports (horseback riding or fencing), attending state events, or hanging out with her friends. She’s a hopeless romantic at heart, partly due to the fact that her parents fell in love at first sight. This quality ties into her main weakness–her naivety. Though admirably loyal, optimistic & true, Naela is often warned that her heart will be her undoing if someone with ill intentions tries to lead her astray. Naela likes reasonably spicy or tart foods, horses, furry animals, daydreaming, reading, making people laugh & playing with kids.
Braavos is a Mediterranean country located between Algeria & Tunisia in North Africa. It overlooks Italy, which it has participated in several cultural & demographic exchanges with over the centuries. It was founded during the High Middle Ages, just after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, by people fleeing Western Europe, chiefly among them, escaped slaves. As such, the country has a long history of having civil rights protections. Braavos is wealthy because of its status as an important European port (which exports oil, electronics & fish) & because it commonly lends money to foreign nations (this always leads to a debt that accrues interest over time). Its national language, Braavosi, is similar to Latin; it is only spoken by 6% of the population, while 97% is fluent in Italian or Arabic. Unlike most countries, Braavos has a monarch who actively participates in politics. Theirs, the Lord of Braavos, has partial legislative & full executive powers. There is no official state religion. Still, there are a decent number of Judeo-Christian Gnosticists (who believe that the goal is to transcend our flawed material existence by reaching enlightenment & reconnecting with the benevolent god who opposes evil) in Braavos. There is also a large group of Sunni Muslims living there. Because Naela's father has not converted to Islam, his marriage to Naela's mother is not legally recognized in Morocco. The flag of Braavos features five small silver stars in a v-shape, all sitting on a navy blue background.
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princess-of-thieves-id · 5 months ago
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Arik finds out what happened...and a confrontation ensues....
"Who is she?" Diyan’s voice held an aggressive edge as he fought grinding his teeth.  He knew he had been lied to, to what extent, he wasn't sure yet.  After how things had gone down just a few minutes before, he had ended up sending his First Mate up to retrieve Arik from the bridge, afraid he’d lose his temper up there, for all to see and hear.  They still might hear him, as irritated as he was.  Standing now, feet shoulder width apart and arms crossed over his broad chest, he cut an intimidating form, yet Arik met his gaze evenly.  Whether that was a stupid move was yet to be seen.
Diyan’s mood was not exactly what Arik had expected when he’d walked in the door.  Disappointment at being turned down, embarrassment at probably being slapped, pain at maybe even having his family jewels injured - those he could have anticipated.  Diyan standing there looking like he wanted to remove Arik’s head manually had not been in the list of possibilities he’d been considering on the way down from the bridge.
"What do you mean, who is she?  I thought we covered that topic when we were discovered?" Arik eyed Diyan suspiciously as he answered.   What had happened during dinner for that to be the first question, and asked with such venom that he could almost feel the anger coming off his friend? 
Diyan’s lips thinned as he pressed them together, looking down briefly before once more raising his head to pin Arik with a murderous stare.  He knew he had been lied to, and he wasn’t buying the stupid act.  "Why would she think Prince Diyan is an asshole, Arik?  Some random woman you ran into, what exactly would she have to do with him?  Even better question, old friend, why when she got mad would she then start to say she would almost think that I am the Prince who she was…” his jaw ticked and his brows drew lower, “she was what, Arik?" He saw the shock on Arik's face, obviously the beauty had fumbled exactly what Diyan thought she had. "She was what?  Supposed to marry, maybe?"  His brows rose, a sarcastic smirk forming on his lips.  He was still trying not to just throttle Arik till the anger he felt was gone.  
Riona truly being Inara was the only thing that made sense.  He’d tumbled it over and over in his mind since she’d run from the room.  He had desired her from the beginning, and she completely hated him.  He should have agreed to the damn wedding.  A little late now.
"Diyan," Arik was cautious, "what did you do to get her to say anything about your real name?"  He was worried about her, and gave not one fuck about Diyan being upset.  If he had to further confront Diyan he would, but he’d prefer not to.  Feelings of protection for Inara were rising up quickly, making it hard for him to maintain the calm veneer. Obviously something serious had happened for this to be the current conversation.
"Answer. My. Question." Diyan knew that in a way Arik had, but he wanted to hear the man admit his deception.  
"Answer mine first.” Arik’s head tilted slightly as he looked at Diyan.  A sense of dread was settling in the pit of his stomach and it only fed his rising anger. “What did you do or say?  You were seen in the hallway, with her upset, by more than one of the crew.  I told you not to."  His hands slowly closed to fists and opened as he stalked towards Diyan slowly.  Why couldn’t Diyan get through one damn meal without upsetting Inara?  It couldn’t have been that hard, Arik hadn’t upset her once in the entire time they’d been around each other, yet Diyan seemed to not be able to be in her presence without making her uncomfortable or upset. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Diyan?  Do you have no ability to just STOP?”  Now it was Diyan who was shocked and looked uncomfortable. 
"I tried to kiss her." Diyan didn't miss the flare of anger that was instantaneous in Arik. There was a ticking in the other man’s jaw that was obvious and the way his brows immediately dropped lower over his eyes that became intense was not a positive sign.  There was going to be a fight, and it was going to be brutal, he was now sure of it.
"You don't listen or learn, do you?" Arik shook his head, proud Inara had put him in his place at least somewhat, but now even more concerned about her. "Yes, the woman you keep completely alienating is Princess Inara.  I don't know what more you did to make her invoke your now alter ego, but your disregard for anyone other than yourself probably played a part.  That I care for her and we're building something didn't stop you from trying to kiss her.  Her making it clear we're together the last time the three of us were in this room didn't stop you.  Because goddess forbid you not get what you want, even if someone else has it.  Even if that someone is me." His voice was a growl and he was fighting yelling at Diyan.  He wanted to deliver the blow that would give his old friend that broken jaw he’d asked about earlier, but there seemed to be no satisfaction in that.  All it would do was give him a sore hand.
Arik stepped towards Diyan, pointing one index finger towards him as his voice became colder and his expression harder. "I helped her escape rather than head down to a wedding neither of you wanted.   I've kept her safe, vowed my life on it, and I won't have you breaking that.  I loved you like a brother, Diyan.  I see I was just another thing to be used by you. I'm going to go check on her.  How you decide to handle this is up to you.  I won't tell her who you are and you won't reveal it either, or that you've figured out who she is.  You've done enough damage in the last 24 hours, I don’t need you doing any more.  I used to think I knew you, it’s clear I never really did." He strode from the room before Diyan could respond.   Arik was afraid if he did, he’d break more than Diyan’s jaw in response and ending up in the ship’s brig with Inara alone was NOT an option.                         
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tapperhet-em · 7 months ago
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Tensions spill over in an most unexpected way....
When the guys were carrying things in, Meeri couldn’t miss that there was tension that had not been there earlier.  She was worried.  Things seemed to have been fine before, till they’d gone out to the SUV.  What could have happened out there to cause all four of them to now seem tense and on edge?  She doubted it was a threat from outside since none of them were keeping their sidearms in their hands, so that meant there had been a confrontation between two or more of them.  But over what?  
While they waited for Lorcan to get back from stowing the SUV and covering both vehicles, Meeri and Elio busied themselves putting away all of the groceries that had been bought.  Thankfully the cabin did have some electricity, so they had a fridge and freezer at the ready.  The stove was wood burning like all the fireplaces, though.  At least keeping things cold, and leftovers preserved, was one worry that they didn’t have.  While they were working together to get the food organized, Tieran and Einar were sorting through all the bags to see what belonged to who, and looking at the bedrooms to try and determine who was going to sleep where.  
There were three bedrooms in the cabin. One was more of just an open loft that looked out of the living room of the cabin.  It was the largest room with a king size bed and its own bathroom.  The other two rooms both had bunk beds that had full sized beds on the bottom and twin sized beds on the top.  There was additionally a sectional in the living room that pulled out to a queen sized bed.  While someone would have to share the closet space in their room this at least meant that they’d all have their own space when sleeping.  
“I think Meeri and I will take the loft.  Lo on the couch bed, and then you and Elio each get one of the rooms?” Einar suggested.  It seemed logical to him.  He and Lorcan were the two tallest, so having Lorcan on the larger bed made sense.  
“You seem sure that she’s going to want to share a bed and room with you.” Tieran realized how it sounded and the tone it came out in after it was too late. He held up a hand.  “I just mean, maybe we should ask her instead of assuming.  If I have to bunk with E, it’s not the end of the world.”  He rubbed the back of his neck and stretched it to one side.  “Listen, I’m trying, so just know I’m not trying to pick a fight.”  A heavy sigh followed his words.
“I got it bro, and you’re right.  Let’s go ask her.  You’re thinking clearer than I am.”  Einar clapped him on the shoulder before turning to head into the kitchen.  He may have hated it being said, but Tieran was right that it was wrong to just assume Meeri would want to sleep with him.  It wasn’t like they had a long standing relationship, even if there had been unspoken feelings for a while.  
"Uh, Meeri, can you pause a sec.  We need to ask you something?" Einar hated this.  Now Elio and Tieran would both be watching. It wasn't like he felt entitled to her in his bed, even if all they were going to do was sleep, but getting shot down in front of the others would be a major ego blow.  He hoped he knew her answer.
"Sure." She turned from the cabinet she'd been filling with cans and boxes, after she’d put the one that had been in her hand away. Taking a few steps, she closed the distance between them, then tilted her head up to look at him. "What's up?"  He seemed nervous, which made her nervous.  She still didn’t know what had been wrong when the men all came in earlier, and now this.  Why was everyone acting strange?
Einar rubbed the back of his neck nervously.  "We were..uh..trying to figure out sleeping arrangements.   You know..who goes where?  And," he cleared his throat, "we just need to know where you want to sleep and if it's alone?"  Fuck! Why was he so nervous all of a sudden?  And why was the room so damn warm?  He could almost feel the weight of both Elio’s and Tieran’s eyes on him.  He hoped Meeri wouldn’t torture him too much by teasing him for this.
Meeri curled her lips in between her teeth, as she tried not to laugh.  As sexy as Einar could be, at the moment he looked more like a nervous kid asking mom for permission.  "Oh, weeellll…I hadn't really thought about it." Her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she stepped closer to him, her own nerves causing a whole flock of butterflies to swarm in her stomach.  A mischievous grin formed on her lips as she went to her toes to whisper so just he could hear. "I'm kind of liking the thought of falling asleep in the arms of a very handsome soldier if you know one who would be willing. Waking up that way too.  But if you're not up for that…." She drug out the last word as a tease as her lips caressed the curve of his ear with each word and her warm breath fanned across his neck.
By all the gods in the heavens, she was going to be the death of him one way or another.  His head dropped to answer her back in just the same way she had him.  "I think I'm more than up for that, love." He pulled her tight against him, where there was no way she could miss his reaction to her reply and especially the way she had delivered it. Even if nothing physical could happen because of the circumstances, the thought of her in bed with him was enough to make his jeans definitely uncomfortable. 
"I'd tell you two to get a room, but we kinda still need to get stuff done.   You done seducing my help now, Einar?" Elio teased, pretty sure that they both had forgotten he and Tieran were there.  Not that he could blame either of them too much, after the day they'd all had he wouldn't hold it against them for holding a little tighter to each other and grabbing a hold of any distraction.
"For now." Einar chuckled and gave her a quick kiss.  "I'll probably steal her for the night in about an hour El. We've got a lot to do tomorrow, and not sleeping will just dull the senses."  He winked at Meeri as he backed up and turned to leave.  He didn't miss Tieran trying to hide his irritation.  They'd talked.  They were brothers and they'd make it through the uncomfortable time.  Knowing it didn’t mean that there wasn’t a part that still didn’t want a physical confrontation.  There was no point in it, and it would only cause pain to more people.  Tieran had his own demons to battle.
"Sounds good.  We should be done by then.  Lo can help you two as soon as he gets back." Elio turned back to what he was doing.  Partly because he didn't really need to stare, partly to keep from saying something to Tieran again.  He knew the man was trying so he wasn't going to be an ass.
“Come on T, we have bags to disperse.” Einar clapped Tieran on the shoulder as he passed.  The saying ‘fake it till you make it’ was taking on a new meaning.  Ignore things until they stopped, because Einar had faith in Tieran.
“El?” Meeri asked when the other men had left the room and they were once more alone.  She slowed putting the boxes in the cabinet she was working on.  “What's going on? What happened while you were all outside?”  She saw him freeze, and her heart sank.  There had been a sliver of that it was just her imagination.   Obviously, that was not the case.
“Meer, I have my own question.” Elio turned around, leaning back against the counter, and placing his hands on either side of him with the heels of them on the edge of the counter, fingers curled. “You love Einar? Really love him?”
She looked back at Elio confused.  “El?” He raised his brows and tipped his head as an only reply. “Yes.” She let out a shaky sigh. “It's not like I could say or do anything before. Do you know what my father would have done to him?”  Suddenly her voice got choked as she remembered her father ranting at a Commander about Einar paying her too much attention.  “Why do you think I never courted any Prince? I mean I thought he…and I knew I…” Meeri gesticulated as she tried to come up with the right words, then gave up and let out another stuttering breath.
“What if he's not the only one who loves you?” He wasn't sure she was still breathing after he dropped that bomb.  So she had no clue, lovely.  “First, Lo and I love you, in that you're our little sister that we have adopted.   Tieran is not so platonic.  He got called on some of his behavior, and he spilled everything to Einar.  So, it's been a really heavy day, Meer.  But we're a team.  We're a family.  No one's loyalty is in question.   There is just a little tension.” Elio watched her carefully.   
“Oh.” Her eyes fell.  She was causing problems between them. The four had been tight friends since they could barely walk, all their families were aristocrats in the kingdom.  They could all die because of her, and now she was also coming between them. They had all been brothers before she had joined them years ago and their friendships were battle tested. It was her.  She was the problem, the division, the one that needed to go so they could get along.  Just like her father had said, the cause of all problems was her...it was all her.
“Meer?” Elio pushed off of the counter.  Something was very wrong.  He’d thought being honest with her would be the best, but maybe he had been wrong.   She wouldn't look at him, she wasn't talking, hell, he wasn't even sure she was breathing. “Meer, talk to me, sweetheart.” He stepped closer, not having expected whatever reaction THIS was.
Suddenly her head shook and she looked at him with tears streaming down her cheeks.  “I can't El.  I can't be the reason you all could get killed, and be the reason for all the problems.  I…I can't.”  He reached for her but Meeri stepped back too quickly, yanking her arms out of reach and behind her.  Her eyes were wild, unfocused, and her breaths were almost hyperventilating.  Elio was becoming scared.  “It's all my fault…everything….” was the last thing she said before she turned and ran, her heart breaking that she'd have to leave them.   She couldn't stay and hurt them.
Fuck him sideways. He had no clue how she'd gotten THAT from what he'd said, but she had to be stopped before she got out of the cabin. “Guys!  Incoming!!”  That would at least get Einar and Tieran’s attention.
As it turned out, it was too late.  Neither of them was in a position to intercept, and the slamming open of the door made all three men's hearts stop.  Elio went to a full run when he heard her jump off of the porch.  One of the others was going to kill him for not stopping her sooner. As soon as he stepped out of the cabin,  he was confronted with the next problem: the moon was gone and he could see almost nothing. Now they'd have to search by flashlight.   The day kept getting better.
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monacoheir · 8 months ago
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𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝖻𝗒 DUTY ᵃⁿᵈ 𝖿𝖺𝗆𝖾.
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karimahxoxo · 6 months ago
Authors note Hey guys this is the prologue to my origional story on Wattpad where i am going to upload more chapters to my story if you want to read click here
I would also appreciate it if you guys commented or favourited since this is my first time writing a story :)
༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄
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IF THERE IS ONE THING THE RICH AND THE ROYAL KNOW HOW TO DO. ITS HOW TO THROW A PARTY. Officially it was then 125th anniversary of the Arcadian's victory against the, ' creatures'. Celebration towards life. At least that's what her father said when he had too many glasses of whiskey down his throat.
But to Amaya it was just another excuse for a lavish party and for Botox bitchy housewives to spend their husbands money on a new dress or the new collection Jimmy Choos. It was a pointless celebration. Nobody had even known what these creatures were , what they look like , or if even exist. The war wasn't even written down in any history books . everybody just knew that it happened 125 years ago. The only thing they know about them, was that the only came out at night and kill in an instant , But maybe even that was a lie too considering the curated picture there caliber of people had already placed upon themselves, how could one know the truth?
"Come on Amaya , it will be fun" Akari exclaimed from the corner of her room. Scavenging through her best friends closet for a purple ribbon to tie the back of her corset.
Amaya cursed , still rotting in bed like she has been the entire day . She dreaded the thought of attending the party. having to talk to dukes , Duchesses, lords and ladies that want to get a good word in with her so that her father will offer them more land or collaborate with them for whatever business venture, all evening was not appealing. She would rather rot.
"No! I dont want to , let me just sleep the entire party off." Amaya shouted form under the covers , still trying to regain her sleep that was rudely interrupted by her best friend.
Akari huffed , turning to Amaya with crossed arms, "you know William is going to be there.... And Kathryn".
William was Amaya's first real boyfriend and she couldn't imagine a world without him. A bit Cliché, but true. They started going out two years ago when they were both 15. And since then, everything has been perfect between them, or at least that's what Amaya thought. Ever since Kathryn Vandera , came into the picture, William started becoming distant with Amaya, he stopped sending her morning texts , he wouldn't come over with the flowers anymore and the only source of information she had on his life was through the gossip that Akari would tell her when she came back from whatever party she was at. And it hurt her a lot , it really did because at the  end of the day she knew that no matter what she would do almost anything for him, even if he didn't want her anymore.
the mention of William peaked Amaya's interest, she quickly jumped out of her silk sheets and ran to her walk in closet. Hurriedly she searched for the white backless dress that she and her mother had gone to pick out a week prior. The dress was stunning , the most beautiful dress that has ever been existed in Amaya's opinion. It was a custom-made one with diamonds encrusted from the top to the bottom, Amaya was even surprised that her mother would willingly let her wear something so ' revealing'. Her first thought when she saw it was , ' maybe this will get his attention'.
" well, somebody's eager" Akari laughed as she watched Amaya rummaging around for the dress that she had in her hand. 
" doesn't mean that i won't just leave in the middle of the party" Amaya Retorted grabbing the dress from Akari's hand. She began to fumble with the buttons on her top, quickly undressing as she realised how much time left she had to get ready.
"It's funny how you think you're parents wouldn't notice you disappearing mid celebration"
That was true her parents watched her every move like a hawk, and analysed every little thing about her before she could even go into the public from hair to her skin to her clothes (sometimes even shoes) . They didn't even allow her to go to school with Akari And all their other friends even though it was considered the best in the world. she was completely isolated her entire life . well, not really with the amount of balls and gala's that she had to attend, but she always felt like she was missing something. Something more...
Once Amaya had laced up the back of her dress Akari instantly dragged her over to her vanity and started to undo Amaya's twists whilst Amaya started to do her makeup. As she undid each twist , Amaya's long dark coils fell against her back forming a sea of soft waves in their wake. Her hair was absolutely mesmerising , her hair alone was something that every women wished they could have. Akari loved her hair more than anything, she loved the texture of it and how each coil was unique and different. Once She screamed when Amaya wanted to go get a silk press done, crying about how she would loose her coils and her hair would be ruined forever , she was so loud that even the guards had to come up and make sure that they weren't kidnapped or dead. Akari began to braid the front two pieces of her hair , and tie them and tie them together. Her masterpiece had been completed.
Just as Amaya had finished doing her makeup, four loud knocks echoed across her room. She and Akari turned their heads quickly to the direction of her door as Aki came in , fully dressed and looking like James Bond stepped through a youth portal and came back 10 years younger... an hotter . " you guys know that everybody is waiting for you in the ballroom right?" He enquired.
He , like his younger sister was otherworldly , he looked like a fallen Angel, who only crashed landed on Earth by chance, in order to grace us with his beauty and perfection. There was no denying that he was way more handsome than William , more handsome than anybody in both Arcadia and Everglade and most likely the entire world. However, what God gave in looks came back in bite. There has never been a single conversation between him and Amaya where he wouldn't shit on her about something . Even though he was two years older than them, he's been on her ass ever since they were kids.
"You look like shit" Aki exclaimed , resulting in a chanel lipgloss being thrown at his eye form his sister., "Do you ever stop?!" She exclaimed with frustration. ''where would be the fun in that?" he replied with a sly grin, " but you guys do really need to go"
"Fine" Amaya grunted , standing up from her vanity chair going across the room to pick up her gold heels. "We'll go" she stated struggling to put on her heels as she waddled out of her bedroom , making sure to grab her hoop earrings from her jewellery dish as she made her way out of her bedroom and down the hall to the ballroom.
Geez, it's going to be a long night...
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TWO HOURS LATER AND SIX GLASSES OF CHAMPAGNE DOWN,Amaya could still feel the pain in her feet, no matter how hard she tried to ignore it. She was currently captured by the Duke and Duchess of Althea, they were trying to talk to her about war analytics, and how best to prepare themselves if the ' creatures' from 125 years ago will come back. Amaya gave half-hearted answers , the ones that she was trained to give ever since she was a child. she wasn't really paying any attention to their remarks. To her the creatures were just a myth , they didn't exist.
She glanced behind the couple , looking towards the Dance floor, seeing that Akira was still on their after two hours straight. She gazed at her best friend in amazement wondering how anyone could dance on heels for that long Or how they could even maintain their social battery for that long either , considering hers was already burnt out within the first 15 minutes.
Sometimes Amaya wondered why they were friends she wasn't much for parties like her best friend was and in most ways they were the complete opposite of eachother. Akari was the IT GIRL of her kingdom ... and pretty much the world, everywhere you could go , you could see her; on magazines , billboards , advertisements and even phone cases. She was more of a supermodel than a princess. Who knows how her parents let her get away with that Amaya on the other hand was the type of princess to only show up , in the New York Times in a frilly pink dress that she would be ridiculed for ,  for years. Being the princess and next in line to the throne of the biggest and most powerful kingdom in the world didn't really give many options for self expression , since in her world image was everything. Maybe it's because they're both rich or the fact that they are both Royal. I didn't matter in the end because they loved each other more than life itself.
Whilst she was forcing herself awake whilst talking  to the duke and Duchess of Althea, She felt a familiar hand swipe across the small of her back. " do you mind if Amaya is excused for a minute?" Her golden Prince Charming had finally come to her rescue drawing her away from the couple. Gosh , they were worse than the conspiracy theorists in the city. "Thank you" she smiled looking into his deep blue eyes , that looked more like giant obsidian rocks, he must have been drunk too.  he pulled her in closer by her waist and sloppily whispered in her ear , "Come with me". He clasped their hands together and dragged her across the ballroom towards the stairs
"William, where are we going", she drunkenly giggled as she ran with him up the stairs hand in hand, she had suddenly stopped looking behind her to see if her parents would notice her sudden disappearance from their festivities. 'Would they really care if she was gone for just a moment' she thought. William took notice and tugged her arm in his direction, the look that he gave her was all the reassurance that she needed to go with him. She never really could stop herself from being whisked away by her Prince Charming.
Childlike Laughter echoed across the castle halls , as they ran father and farther away from the ballroom. She probably shouldn't have gone with him so easily , they still needed to talk about their relationship, why he was ignoring her , what are all the rumours she's been hearing about him and where they actually stand as a couple. But she was too drunk to have that talk. All she wanted to do was be with him.
As they were running down the corridor she noticed the familiar pattern of ancestral statues an painting's that she walked by everyday. sure she was drunk, but she wasn't drunk enough to not know her way around her own castle. This was the corridor to her bedroom... he was leading her to her bedroom.
As they entered her bedroom , William quickly locked the door behind her and before she could even register , William captured her lips in a passionate kiss, pressing her against the door. Once sweet and passionate kisses turned into rough , hungry ones almost as if he wanted to devour her. " you're so fucking beautiful , you know that?" He gasped between shallow breaths.
Amaya moaned as she felt his hands roaming against her body, kissing him back with just as much passion and desire. His hands slid to the back of her legs , signalling her to jump. He lifted her and placed her against her drawer leaving soft kisses down her neck as he began to place his hands on her leg , slowly inching up her thigh. Her hands tangled in his hair. unbeknownst to both letting out a golden glow as she did so. She tugged on his golden locks, as if to beg him for more
He lets out a lowly chuckle " you really want me don't you" he smirked, causing Amaya to turn away in embarrassment. "Don't worry angel , I'll take care of you" he whispered before picking her up again , Amaya's legs wrapping tightly against his waist and walking them across her bedroom towards her bed . He gently laid her down on her silk sheets. Climbing in between her legs, he took off his suit jacket and shirt and connected his lips to her neck placing soft kisses against her chocolate skin.
She felt him harden against her core as he bucked his hips against hers yearning for friction between them. He began to unzip his jeans and a sense of dread overcame Amaya. To say that she hadn't thought about what It would be like to sleep with William, was a lie. She wanted this , she wanted to to be with him, she wanted to give everything to him. William was everything , her light and joy. She loved him , she really did,  but then why did she feel so horrible ? As if every cell in her body was telling her to run away or vomit or do both. Why did she feel this pit of dread fill within her as his hands inched closer towards her—
"Wait" she whispered
William froze "W-W-What, what's wrong?" He stuttered panic flooding his eyes.
"No, i just..."
Before she could finish her sentence a scream echoed across the corridor. Amaya quickly jumped up and ran to her mirror quickly fixing her makeup and hair in the process before rushing outside her bedroom trying to capture where the scream had come from. It didn't take her long to decipher it though as a choir of screams, echoed down the hall. She followed the sounds screams through the jungle of corridors with William close behind , leading her all the way back to the ballroom.
Just as Amaya reached the ballroom doors and placed her hand on the gold doorknob the screaming had stopped, she paused for a moment, her mind racing with questions. What could have been so terrifying to cause such screaming , what could have shut up the entire ballroom In a millisecond. Was the two lunatics from before right about the 'creatures' coming back to Arcadia, no. They cant be real , that's impossible how could they? She had told William to go through the back entrance to the ballroom just in case anybody had gotten suspicious as to why they were together.
She slowly twisted the, doorknob , opening the door with uncertainty yet making sure to be quiet as she did so. Horror entered her heart as she gazed upon the once white and pristine ballroom walls which were now stained in deep scarlet. She observed from the top of the staircase how there were no dead bodies around the ballroom like one would expect there to be with the amount of blood splattered around. Even Chucky would be surprised to see the amount of blood there was.
Throughout all the chaos and confusion She caught the eye of her parents, wo were covered head to toe in blood. They practically sprinted up the bloody stairs, to check if their heiress was alright. The king and queen bombarded her with questions ; where was she ? , why did she leave ?, why didn't she tell anyone she left?, was she with anyone? Her mind rang numb by the end of it giving half-assed answers like she had earlier with the duke and the Dutches of Althea.
"mother." Amaya turned at her with sudden seriousness , "do you know if anybody is missing?!"
"I don't know darling." She replied softly, placing her hands on either side of her daughters head , as if that was going to soften Amaya's gaze.
In a flash Amaya was leaning over the railing, her parents tried to protest they didn't want any more bloodshed , but that did not stop her. She looked down from the staircase searching through the crowd of blood covered people and went through every family frantically looking for Akari's there were the Rutherford's , the Kingsley's , the Westwoods, the Marrows. Almost every important family was there and they were all alive. Even the 'creature' conspiracy theorists was still there, she thought that their hearts would have given out by now.
After what felt like hours Amaya had finally found the Tanaka's . They were they were in the corner fo the ballroom all huddled together. Mother , father and daughter, yet where was there son?
What happened to Aki?
༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ
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fortunatelylovelytyrant · 1 year ago
A/N: I dunno, man, I haven't posted on tumblr in forever, and I'm most active on ao3 unfortunately. Here's the first chapter of a fic I have on there, I'm a sucker for AUs. AO3 Link.
Sandy leaned against the cushion of the car she was in, yawning as they crossed into the Mota region. Today was the day she was getting married. As a princess of Yond, it was good to form an alliance with Mota sooner rather than later.
Sandy sighed as the car rolled to a stop and her bodyguard opened the door for her. She was escorted to the front of the palace, the opulent oak doors opening before her as she steeled her nerves. She was brought to the throne room, finding a tall, black and red-furred hedgehog standing before her.
He smiled, moving toward her. “You must be the princess, it’s an honor to welcome you to Mota,” he said, his voice deep and smooth. He took her hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it.
Sandy smiled back. “Thank you for the warm welcome, Your Highness,” she said, watching him frown.
“Oh, I’m not–I’m just Prince Valen’s bodyguard, Shadow,” he said, clearing his throat as a side door opened. Shadow dropped her hand, turning to face the male squirrel that just walked in. “Your Highness,” Shadow started, briefly bowing. “The Princess of Yond is here,”
“Great,” Valen said, walking toward the pair. He wore a charcoal gray suit that matched his gray eyes with a red tie tucked into the jacket. “Let’s get this show on the road,” he continued, taking Sandy’s hand in his.
The wedding was a short affair, granted being watched by millions of people in Mota, but nonetheless quicker than Sandy expected. She guessed things were different over here. She wore a white dress with a train that had to be carried and an opaque veil to obscure her face from the numerous cameras and reporters.
Sandy knew Valen was notorious for his. . .proclivities toward the opposite gender, and she was not expecting any sort of loyalty from him in the romance department, but she at least wanted him to act like she existed. 
The return to the carriage was quiet, Sandy smiling and waving to the crowd to keep up appearances. 
Sandy checked her phone as the carriage rode off to the palace, swiping through her social media to see articles about their wedding already up. Valen glanced at her, tugging her free hand to grab Sandy’s attention.
“Your tiara is crooked,” he said, moving to fix it for her. 
Sandy nudged his shoulder with hers, mumbling a quick thanks. “So, I wasn’t really plannin’ on gettin’ married so soon once I got here,” she admitted, swallowing. “But we can make this work, right?”
“Of course,” Valen said. “Tomorrow we’ll sign our marriage certificate and go our separate ways. . .there’s a wing of the palace just for you,” he said, clearing his throat.
“Oh, that’s. . .nice,” she replied, some of her worry dissipating as she thought she would be staying in the east wing with Valen. However, there was the issue of securing an heir. Never mind the fact that Sandy was still only a princess and Valen seemed to set his sights on someone other than her.
Sandy allowed herself to be taken to the south wing of the palace, finally giving her a moment alone. She breathed, taking the tiara off her head and placing it on the vanity table tucked against the wall of the room. 
She stripped out of her dress, heading into the bathroom to shower. “Okay, you jus’ gotta get through tomorrow n then you’re home free,” she said to herself, sighing as she started the shower, and stepped inside. 
She flopped onto the bed after her shower, dressed in a large shirt and underwear. Sandy checked her phone, finding the tabloids already talking about Valen being tied down and speculating if his bachelorhood was over. She didn’t need Valen to be loyal, she just wanted what was best for her people.
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
OMG more nina and jasmine content would be LOVELY
I’m willing to give y’all all the content you want, just short of writing a full on multi series fic. Not ready for that just yet lmao but I’d love to talk/write little small stuff for them if that’s what y’all want
I can reblog more of those oc asks or y’all can just ask away, I’m open to whatever 🫶🏽
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to-the-beautiful-you2 · 10 months ago
I was going through some old sketches of mine and found some Oc's from when I was like 14 lol,It was around the time I was obsessed with horror rpg's and wanted to make one with my little sister.
Here's a lazy sketch of one of them.
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ts19009 · 1 year ago
Seventeen Fic Rec's
(Bold title means favorite)
(UPDATED: December 4th, 2023)
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In Pursuit of Wedded Bliss (Updated Masterlist) (A Seventeen Regency!AU Series) @fantasyescapes17
seventeen fic recommendations
Kim Mingyu
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In Soft Hands | Part 2 (Mingyu) @beahae (SingleDad!Mingyu x DaycareTeacher!Reader(f))
what’s your number?; kmg @nevernonline (synposis: after finding an online article about the number of sexual partners a woman should have, your day with your neighbor turns into him being lucky number eighteen. paring/s: model! mingyu x afab! reader, ft. little brother! chan.)
again and again ⟢(exes, fake dating, mutual pining, idol!gyu, vet!reader, mild angst, fluff, smut) @lovelyhan
creep (Halloween, ghost!mingyu, serial killer!mingyu, etc…) @smileysuh
Aphrodite (smut, friends to lovers, established relationship, fluff at the beginning) @highvern
Covert Desires (spy!mingyu x assasin!reader (fem!reader themes: spy au, mafia, enemies to lovers, fake marriage, mutual pining, spies, angst, fluff, killing) @etherealyoungk
Slowly; All At Once (fluff, best friends to lovers with Mingyu, boyfriend material!Mingyu, slight angst.) @gyuwoncheol
Hits Different (...'cause it's you) (1) (brother's best friend!au, brother!seokmin, fluff, angst, smut) @gyuswhore
His Smile(smut, fluff, slowburn, fake dating!au) @angelwonie
Parties, Yachts and Wishful Thinking (enemies to lovers, reader and Mingyu are rich, Mingyu is kind of an asshole but so is reader, parties, mentions of reader crushing on Wonwoo, drinking, cursing, tennis, yachts and pure filth) @ithinkilikeit-reactions
Other Mingyu recs @novalpha
we don’t usually hold hands (m) || kmg & reader (angst, fluff, smut, friends with benefits, idiots to lovers, sort-of-mean!oc, nice guy!mingyu, emotionally constipated!oc honestly) @gyukult
kim mingyu’s (unhelpful) guide to losing your virginity (smut, fluff, humor, college au, best friends to lovers au, friends with benefits au) @shuaflix
the very first night. (exes to lovers, roommates!au | romance, angst, smut) Link works on pc and through my reblog i think
OVER MY HEAD (brother'sbestfriend!mingyu, fratboy!mingyu, pining, friends to lovers, angst (only a little), reader's a chronic overthinker, slow burn, smut, f reader, oral (f receiving), penetrative sex, wonwoo's kinda absent </3, crying (blame mingyu), etc.) @hannieehaee
it’s all fun and games (mingyu x female reader ) @dontflailmenow
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Hong Joshua (Jisoo)
Loverboy (regency era romance, historical, drama, slow burn, angst.) @starlightxsvt
cranberry concoctions (bartender!joshua x f!reader) @onlyhuis
Mr (not) so perfectly fine (Joshua Hong x Fem! Reader, not super relevant to the plot but, this is a Non-Idol AU, exes to exes with benefits, elements of angst) @hwanghyunjinenthusiast
the devil wears baby blue (mut (minors PLS dni!), strangers to fucking lol) @onlyseokmins
Virgin Killer (cheerleader!reader, nerd!shua, virgin!shua, he’s kinda cold in this but is lowkey still a soft boi, drinking, teasing, jealousy, reader has a little bit of a corruption kink, loss of virginity, oral sex (f and m receiving), unprotected sex, riding, multiple creampies, overstimulation) @wonusite
isohel (all time joshua fav) (slowburn, modern royalty au, angst, fluff) @toruro
mr. nice guy (, neighbor!joshua, joshua's muscles deserve their own tag tbh, oral (f receiving), alcohol consumption (NOT drunk sex), petnames (sweetheart mostly :pp), biting, spit kink, unedited as alway) @toruro
eyes meeting, hearts apart ⟢ (; bartender!reader, requited unrequited love, immense pining, angst, flowers, slow burn, smut (MINORS DNI)) @lovelyhan
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Jeon Wonwoo
Jeon’s Anatomy - Cast (surgeon au) @hansols-yoda-boxers
Blown up love (gaming is all fun and... well, games, until you start crushing on the only person that takes pity on you and saves you from mobs.) @starsstuddedsky
I found love in your smile (doctor!wonwoo x lawyer!female oc) @wonlouvre
wonwoo reading list / fic recs part 3 ! @jeonride
meet cute of the century (meet cute, strangers to lovers, pining, discourse abt being an idol as a career, mild angst, smut) @lovelyhan
Licentious (babysitter au, cheating au, smut) @wonusite
to build a home (idol!husband! jeon wonwoo x actress!afab!reader) @tomodachiii
X + Y = YOU AND I ||( jeon wonwoo academic rival!wonwoo x fem!reader) @angelwonie
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yoon jeonghan
just one day (fluff // angst // nonidol!au // brother's best friend // fake dating!au // they're idiots lmao // not edited nor proofread so pls bear w me lol // cursing and. two? kissing scenes.) @wonwoonlightligh
to live again (ime travel!au, childhood friends to lovers!au, slow burn, angst, some fluff, some humor) @viastro I WAS CRYING PLS READ
Pathetic Series @leejihoonownsmyhearthoonownsmyheart
Jeonghan’s Guide to Insurance Fraud (And Falling in Love) (fluff, angst, non-idol au, elementary school teacher!jeonghan, f2L, fake relationship) @starsstuddedsky
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xu minghao
✧ the letter (slowburn, fluff, angst, childhood f2l) @toruro
✧ flight of the stars (mut (18+ / mdni), f1 au, brief high school au, angst, fluff) @toruro
✧ oh my! @toruro
fixer upper (s2f2l. “beg” minghao. LOTS OF PLOT with eventual smut. slow and i mean SLOW burn. some member slander(affectionate),) @seungkwansphd
Glacial Pace (fake dating au, friends to lovers, fluff, smut) @wonusite
To Keep You Warm @idyllic-ghost
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Kwon Soon-young
My Best Friend's Mother (is the One For Me) — ksy (milf chaser!soonyoung, milf!reader) @rubyreduji
driving lessons for dummies (fluff, humor, smut, strangers to lovers au, college au) @shuaflix FAV ATM XD
be sweet (prince!hoshi x princess!reader) @heartkyeom
charity f*ck (virgin guy who lives with his parents!soonyoung, he’s not shy but he is very clumsy, a lot of texting so be prepared for that format for a lil bit (THIS IS NOT A SOCIAL MEDIA AU), facetime-sex, real life sex) @ncteez
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cherry-bomb-ships · 3 months ago
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Send in a emoji/prompt listed below and the user will create an AU based on the prompt. 🩷
These prompts are meant to be somewhat vague, so the way they can be interpreted is entirely up to the user's imagination! 🩷
These can be used as art prompts, writing prompts, or just for headcanons. Also, while these were initially made for self shipping, they can be used for ocs or ships in general. 🩷
Please practice reblog karma if reblogging. 🩷
This will be updated as I think of more! If you have any suggestions let me know. Last update: 07/19/24 🩷
Proship & proship-neutral, please do not interact.
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🚻 - Body Swap AU
➕️ - Fusion AU
🔄 - Personality Swap AU
⏏️ - Reverse Selfship AU
🔏 - Role Swap AU
🤖 - Android AU
😈 - Demon AU
🧍‍♀️- Giant/Tiny AU
👻 - Ghost AU
🌟 - Magical Girl AU
🧜‍♀️ - Mermaid AU
🦸‍♂️ - Superhero/Supervillain AU
🧛‍♀️ - Vampire AU
🐺 - Werewolf AU
🪄 - Witch/Wizard AU
🤠 - Cowboy/Western AU
🪮 - Greaser AU
💰 - Mafia AU
🏰 - Medieval AU
🏴‍☠️ - Pirate AU
👑 - Royalty AU
🎩 - Victorian AU
🎤 - Band AU
☕️ - Coffee Shop AU
📒 - College AU
💼 - Coworkers AU
📱 - Modern Day AU
🍄 - Alice in Wonderland AU
💫 - Disney Movie AU
🐲 - Dungeons and Dragons AU (or similar fantasy media)
🔩 - Frankenstein AU
🦄 - My Little Pony AU
⚡️ - Pokemon AU
💞 - Romantic Comedy AU
🔪 - Slasher AU
👰‍♂ - Arranged Marraige AU
🌱 - Childhood Friends AU
💐 - Fake Dating AU
🐶 - Furry AU (or Humanized AU)
🥀 - Hanahaki AU
🏆 - Rivals AU
🪢 - Soulmate AU (String of Fate, Matching Birthmarks, Same Dreams, etc)
🧟‍♂️ - Zombie Apocalypse AU
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princess-of-thieves-id · 1 year ago
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"Let me kick off my shoes and get more comfortable and I have no problem with that at all." He brushed both her cheekbones with his thumbs.  "Anything I can do to help."  He gave her a soft smile before sliding off of the bed. He didn’t add it, but like he was going to mind having her curled up next to him.  He hadn’t planned on staying up much later to begin with.  
Once he was down to just his boxers, Arik got between the duvet and the sheet.  She was under both.  Normally he wouldn’t have cared about keeping separation between them, but he did feel a little guilty after the conversation he’d had with Diyan where they both had insinuated certain situations with her. He had come to like and respect Inara during their escape from Tribaldi, and she didn't deserve to be talked about that way.  He had been correct when he’d told him that no matter what either of them had in mind, Inara would do as she pleased though.  Of that he was certain.
“Come here, Princess.  Your knightly pillow awaits.”  Arik teased her once he’d gotten comfortable.  “I promise to slay all dragons and nightmares that come calling.”  He wasn’t trying to make fun of her, just to hopefully make her smile and lighten her mood just a little bit.
“I’m going to hold you to that, Arik.” Inara rolled her eyes as she curled up next to his side and put her head on his shoulder.  “I’ll have to figure out a fitting punishment for a knight that fails at his duty otherwise."
“And what about rewards for those of us who fulfill our promises?”  Once she was in place, his arm came around her and his hand lay atop hers that was on his chest, the fingers of his other hand lightly stroking her upper arm.  It was strange how natural it felt with her curled up like that.  He kissed her forehead gently.  Damn, he could get used to this and he silently hoped she wouldn't fall for Diyan the way so many did.  
“I’m sure that I can find something appropriate for the valiant and handsome knight who helped me escape the prison of a castle, then saved me first from the pirate captain, and then from the nightmares.  If dragons are involved though, well that might take special rewards.”  She gave a very soft laugh and tipped her head to gently kiss his neck.  He smelled of spice and whatever liquor it had been he’d shared with Noar.  It was a deep and rich scent and seemed to fit him. When combined with the sudden closeness she was feeling to him, it caused a warm feeling inside of her.
“Your knight promises never to fail you again, my precious Princess." His cheek pressed against her forehead as his arms tightened around her.  His eyes closed and the vision of Diyan choking her appeared on his closed eyelids.   It was enough to almost make him enraged all over again.  Days spent observing her in the shadow maybe had caused him to have some affection for her.
"You haven't failed me yet, Arik.  Not from the roof of the castle to now." She looked at his hand laying over hers, his skin just a few shades darker from being in the sun more, but much larger and bearing the scars that came from his vocation.  "I trust you and you make me feel safe, even here."  Lifting her fingers, she let his fall between them, their joined hands just somehow feeling right.
There was a full minute and maybe a touch more where Arik was incapable of responding.  Her words touched his battered heart that he normally kept closed off with high walls made of sarcasm and condescension.   He might enjoy the comfort and company of a woman when the desire struck him but it was never more than physical lust.  Not until now.  The fact she was the first caused her to be even more special to him.  
"I vow to never do anything to jeopardize that, Inara." His voice was calm and quiet, clearly serious.   It was a promise to her that he meant to keep, even if that meant keeping his best friend from her.  How had they ended up in this position?
Several hours after Arik and Inara had drifted off to sleep in one another’s arms, a storm arose on the sea they were traversing in Diyan’s vessel.  At first it was just rain, wind, and some lightning that troubled the crew who were awake.  But after a while the waves began to grow, causing the vessel to pitch and roll.  First Diyan was awakened, ordering them to turn the bow into the waves till he could come fully awake and be on the bridge.  This would keep a rogue wave from capsizing them, but they still needed to get a better idea of the storm and its path. Then the movement of the boat awoke Arik and Inara, the latter of whom found herself quite nauseated. She had never been on open water and was not handling it well.
Arik got Inara a water bottle from the galley before heading to the bridge himself to find out from Diyan how bad the situation was.  When he stepped foot on the bridge and saw the state of the sea through the large windows, Arik did not need his friend to tell him anything.   The bolts of lightning traversing the sky lit the churning sea and showed what a tempest it had become.  There seemed to be no discernable break in the clouds indicating a foreseeable end to the storm.  The waves were high and although the vessel Diyan had commandeered was not small, Arik could hear the whine of the large engines fighting the sea.
"Where is Renisa?" Diyan asked as he checked sonar and different instruments and gauges.  He was surprised she hadn't come up with Arik.  Had he really scared her that badly?
"Very seasick at the moment," was Arik's reply as he looked over all the information Diyan had gathered along with him. "Can't say I blame her, my stomach isn't handling this too well either.   I'm pretty sure she doesn't have as much experience on a vessel as I do though." The men’s eyes met over the charts and reports for a brief moment.
"Does she need to see our medic for something to help with that? I don't want her to get dehydrated or anything. If you have troops after you, a visit to the hospital would be bad." Diyan looked concerned as he started charting a new course and talking to his First Officer about course corrections.  He'd seen full grown men go down from rough seas, and Renisa hadn't eaten or drank the previous evening that he knew.  
"I'll check on her in a little bit and see how she's doing.   If she's not keeping the water I got for her down, then it might not be a bad idea." Arik’s look was serious.  Inara wasn't an overly thin woman, but that didn't mean that she could stand repeated vomiting without side effects. 
"That sounds reasonable." Diyan nodded and turned his attention back to the different readouts that were giving him information.  "Can you run down to the engine room and see if they can tell you why we have erratic RPMs on main engine number two?" If Arik was going to be on his bridge then he would put him to work.  While this wasn’t one of his yachts, the two of them had spent enough summers sailing to know their way around and engine room and a vessel’s bridge.
"Sure.  I'll go see what's going on down there.  If any other help is needed, I'll give you a call." Arik nodded and headed off.
The problem with the engine was determined and resolved within twenty minutes of him getting down to the engine room.   Arik stayed down to help the Chief Engineer while Diyan commanded the bridge of the vessel.  They stayed in constant contact and it helped calm the rest of the crew during the rough seas and high waves of the storm.  The sea is unforgiving of mistakes and all were glad that she did not claim another life due to negligence.
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tapperhet-em · 10 months ago
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"You stay right here and if Melba barks, shoot whoever is coming through the door. You've used my rifle before, so you know how. Don't hesitate." Lorcan didn't like leaving her alone in the cabin, but he wanted to go hide the Jeep in a turnout he knew was hidden back down the drive. The guys in Elio’s SUV already knew they were there, and this would keep anyone else from stumbling on them if they started checking out other properties since they never showed up at Einar’s family’s estate. It made no sense for both of them to go just to park the Jeep, so he was going to trust that the less than fifteen minutes he’d be gone would be safe for her.
"I remember." Meeri nodded in the almost pitch black of the living room, not sure if he could see her. Melba was laying at her feet as she stood and talked to Lorcan. They had completely unloaded the Jeep, the contents were just to the side of the door, waiting for the others to get there so they could decide where everything would go.
"Good. The guys should be here in a couple hours, they thought, but they could be closer than that, so if they pass me I'll let you know so that you don't shoot Einar. Kinda get the feeling you'd both hate me if that happened." He was trying to lighten the mood just a touch by teasing her. He took her hand and gave it a light squeeze. The four men had been soldiers since they’d gotten out of school, Knights to the Royal Family almost as long, but Lorcan still couldn’t quash the nerves he felt. They were without backup, Meeri was being hunted and someone else’s life was on the line if there were mistakes.
The guys had all known that Einar had been in love with Meeri for years, just no one was going to come out and say it. It was an unspoken thing, all of them respected and even kept teasing off limits. The seeming reciprocated feelings they had glimpsed earlier at Einar’s apartment meant she had probably been hiding her feelings for as long, most likely to protect him from her family. Lorcan considered her a little sister, and he was pretty sure Elio did as well. Tieran was the one no one knew quite what his feelings were. One day he’d be hot and the next day frigid. Lorcan just hoped including him in all of this wasn’t a mistake they’d regret later on.
"I wouldn’t hate you,” Meeri fought a laugh, “but I have a feeling it would make things extremely complicated. As if things aren't complicated enough suddenly, putting a bullet in him would definitely not help." There was a slightly nervous quality to her laugh that followed and Lorcan didn't miss it.
"Only complicated if you want them to be, sis. His feelings are pretty damn simple. You know I'm in your corner, whatever happens." Lorcan pulled her forward by her upper arms and kissed the middle of her forehead. "Now, I'm going to go hide the Jeep. I'll be right back." He lightly ruffled the side of her hair then headed out the front door. Time for getting all fucking sentimental later.
As Meeri heard the Jeep fire up, she went over and sat on the couch. Melba went with her and put her head in Meeri’s lap. As she waited for Lorcan to return or the others to show up, her fingers gently ran over the top of the dog's head. It was a gentle and repetitive motion that seemed to soothe both of them. The doberman might scare a lot of people, but having her sitting there on the couch with her actually made Meeri feel a lot safer and calmer.
The more she mulled over their conversation, the more Meeri knew Lorcan was right. Einar’s feelings towards her were straightforward. She'd known it for a long time but had feared acknowledging them or acting on her own. Her father was capricious on a good day and she couldn't risk losing the man she loved to him because he wasn't royalty, even if he was high born. Status only mattered to a point when it came to him. To her, it didn’t matter at all, but as in many things, what she wanted or thought didn’t matter at all to her father. In the end, her father had abandoned her where Einar hadn’t. That spoke loud and clear about who cared for and loved her more.
As Lorcan drove the Jeep back down the trail towards the turnout, he kept his eyes peeled for oncoming headlights. It was a full moon, so he’d killed the Jeep’s lights since he could see well enough to drive. Whether it was their three friends or soldiers hunting for Meeri, he wanted to give them as best a chance as he could of remaining hidden. He was well aware of the stakes at play. He and the other three men could bluff their way out of anyone who came along, but if Meeri was found she might not even survive to make it back to the city gates. There could be no mistakes.
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jeankluv · 8 months ago
Jujutsu Kaisen materialist
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🪷 Gojo Satoru
Short txt
Gojo your new hope
Ice skater reader & hockey player Gojo
Dad Gojo
Sugar baby Gojo
One Shots
Happy Birthday my love
Dancing in the moon [nsfw]
╰┈➤ ❝ You were the crown princess of the kingdom and he was your knight. What would you do with those feelings you both had.❞
tags: angst, royalty, fluff, +18, smut, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, fingering, oral sex (f), no use of y/n, character death no happy ending
Let me be the strong one
The prophecy
╰┈➤ ❝ Gojo Satoru knew he was the strongest, he perfectly knew. But that didn’t mean he didn’t cry and that night while everyone still preparing to fight Sukuna, he cried. He cried because he felt completely alone and only seen as a weapon. ❞
tags: angst, canon universe, manga spoilers, Gojo centric, lyrics, fluff, mutual feeling, no use of y/n, Gojo thinks reader hates him, open up for a second part.
Sweet boy [nsfw]
╰┈➤ ❝ You refused to spend your 33rd birthday alone after having been divorced for 4 months and who would have told you that going to a bar to spend your 33rd birthday would make you meet an attractive 25-year-old young man? ❞
tags: p in the v, older woman x younger man, sub Gojo, sugar baby Gojo, sugar mommy reader, smut, oral sex (f), ridding, age difference
You are my dad - Gojo & Megumi
╰┈➤ ❝ Megumi finally finds the courage to tell Gojo how he views him❞
tags: canon fix it, spoilers chapter 268, Megumi centric & pov, dadjo, Gojo and Megumi father-son dynamic, angst a bit, happy ending, everyone lives
╰┈➤ ❝ You read the last letter Satoru left behind, where he expressed all his love and the wishes he had.❞
tags: heavy angst, character death, manga spoilers, canon universe, no happy ending
╰┈➤ ❝ While everyone adored him, you stood apart in your feelings. It wouldn't be accurate to say you hated him, as " hate " was a strong word, rather, you harbored a profound dislike towards him. The problem was he knew that and his irritating presence seemed to persistently cling to you whenever he crossed your paths.
Now, you found yourself paired with him for your semester project, and the thought made you wish to hurl yourself out of the third-floor window. Three months of working alongside him loomed ahead. Adding to the discomfort, you were currently under the scrutiny of hundreds of eyes, each gaze feeling like a murder attempt. It seemed everyone coveted the opportunity to collaborate with Gojo Satoru, except for you. ❞
tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball, Gojo needs a hug
status: on going
But daddy I love him [nsfw] (mini serie)
╰┈➤ ❝ If there was a phrase that could describe you, it was; good girl. You had been a good girl all your life, following your father's orders and being as modest as possible. You had focused your entire life on being a perfect lady, one who could be a good wife in the future. This is how you had been raised and how you had been instructed. But your whole world was shaken when one warm summer morning, your eyes met the bold, defiant and sharp gaze of a young man with white hair. ❞
tags: +18, female!reader, set in 1700s-1800s, loss of virginity, misogyny language and thinking, oral sex, fingering, innocent oc, unsafe sex, vaginal sex, manipulative, eating disorders, abusive parents, no use of y/n.
status: completed
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🐉 Geto Suguru
One shots
I love you, it’s ruining my life
╰┈➤ ❝ You stood besides Geto for over a decade but despite loving him so much, it was ruining your life. ❞
The forgotten boy
╰┈➤ ❝ He made a deal with the devil, over 1,000 years ago. Just for the sake of his loved ones but the deal came with a condition. Everyone he met from that moment on, would forget about his existence within minutes, and will be like that for the rest of the eternity
Like that Geto Suguru lived for 1,000 years, being forgotten by everyone he met, not being remembered by anyone and being alone.
"You remember me?"
You nodded. “Of course I do.” You smiled. “You have been coming here for a few days now. Always at the same hour and always asking for the same coffee.”❞
tags: angst, fluff, fantasy au, different lifetimes, dual pov, use of y/n, fem!character, modern settings but also past settings, eventual smut, destiny, characters death (in the flashbacks), blood [more tags in the future]
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🎀 Iori Utahime
One shots
I told you so [nsfw]
╰┈➤ ❝ You and Utahime had a fleeting love affair when you were young, but tired of Utahime not being brave enough to admit your love or show it in public, you decided to leave. 10 years later you meet again and seeing her again only confirms that you are still in love with her. ❞
tags: +18, angst, explicit smut content, oral sex, scissoring, mentions of gojohime(?), mentions of arranged marriages, mentions of satosugu, happy ending, no use of y/n, all characters are in their late 20s early 30s
A fairy song [nsfw]
╰┈➤ ❝ On one of your hunting days, a melodious voice guides you through the forest until you come across the beautiful presence of a fairy with big hazel eyes and black hair. ❞
tags: +18, angst, injuries, Utahime is a fairy, reader is a human, scars, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut, oral sex (f), cuddles, nipple play
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When the cherry blossoms bloom
╰┈➤ ❝ Tsumiki once told Megumi that if he was able to catch a cherry blossom petal he could make a wish and it would come true.
“Please wake up Itadori…” He said against his closed fist. “Come back to me…” ❞
tags: Megumi centric fic, fluff Itafushi, post canon, canon fix, manga spoilers, Gojo-Megumi father son duo, everyone lives (except tsumiki I’m so sorry princess), angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending, two teens starting to fall in love with each other
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thef1diary · 3 months ago
Introducing Royally Fucked
A Bodyguard!Daniel x Princess!oc Story
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Princess Juliette Clarendon’s structured life is upended when the charming and unorthodox Daniel Ricciardo replaces her trusted bodyguard. As she tests his abilities and grapples with his unexpected presence, she finds herself drawn to him in ways she never anticipated. Amid political intrigue and hidden dangers, Juliette struggles with her own pent-up desires, seeking solace and release from Daniel, whose dedication to her safety and willingness to go to any lengths for her only deepens their connection. Their evolving relationship faces challenges that test their trust and loyalty as they confront threats that could endanger both the kingdom and their bond.
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Hi hi, I am so so thrilled to finally write a multi-part story for the loml Danny Ric. Taking a lil break from my usual Formula 1 centred content, let’s dive into an alternate universe of modern-day royalty. There’s plenty of lust, some danger with a whole lotta banter between our princess and her bodyguard. I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I loved writing it.
A hugeeee thank you to @chilling-seavey for reigniting my love for ocs, and encouraging me every step of the way, this wouldn’t have been possible without you <3
I will not be creating a taglist for this story.
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safely-in-vhagars-belly · 6 months ago
Aegon x Reader
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Tags: Fluffish, royalty, modernroyalty, theprinceandme
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🔷Summary: You are studying in college and you fall for a mysterious boy named Aeg. Who hides a dark secret.
🔷Author's note: Based on the movie, the Prince and Me.
🔷Wordcount :3547
🔷Warnings: It is not a very dark or triggering fic. If you found something that upsets you, however let me know ill change the warnings
It is cold. It is so fucking cold. You keep repeating that in your head, as you cling your books to your chest, shielding them from the rain as you run over campus. Earlier today, your backpack committed the worst betrayal in history since centuries, and one of the straps ripped. So now you carry your books around. It is also a bit misty, darkish and overall not a fun time to be outside. 
You make out the sign of the building where your archeology class is taking place. You finally found it. Last year, they hosted it in the other building, much closer to your dorm. But for some reason, it now is in the new science building. You don’t know why, and you don’t have time to care. You cross the streets.
Perhaps without looking. Perhaps you look too late. Either way, a black, sleek, luxurious car with a dragon logo on the hood nearly hits you. You huff at the audacity of this asshole to drive that fast on college ground, and try to look in the car. The windows are blinded. You can’t see who is in it. They can see you however. You raise your middle finger, before you head off to class. You don’t notice the window rolling down and someone looking at you, with piercing bright blue eyes and a smirk on his lips.
The teacher forgave you for being late. You are a good student, and never would be late on purpose. She listened to your apologies and you explained to her the bag situation, which she understood, but also could laugh at. ‘’Why, you always have the worst of luck, don’t you?’’ she joked. Now you are reading your books, making assignments and studying an ancient old stone. 
The incident with the car has long left your mind. Your books are more interesting. Until the door of the classroom is opened and a handsome young man enters. You see him look at papers in his hand, which is likely his route and his schedule of where his classes are. He introduces himself as Aeg and to your horror he sits down right next to you, on the only free spot in class. He smells nice, like rain and aftershave. ‘’I’m Aeg.’’ He says, addressing you for the first time in your life. ‘’I’m uh, new.’’ His accent betrayed that he is from Westeros and from the Crownlands, like most students. You take one glance at him and see him looking back, your eyes meeting and your breath briefly stopped. He is gorgeous. Damn him.
‘’I can see that.’’ You reply, uninterested. You don’t need distractions. And Aeg, whoever he may be, is a distraction. You bend your head a bit further over your books, hoping to lose yourself in the magic of the Ancient Dornish statues you are studying. It does not happen, and to make things worse, Aeg is staring at you, full of interest and delight, a smirk on his lips as he studies you instead of the textbook.
‘’Don’t be like that. The teacher said I could sit with you. You are a nice girl. It’s literally what she said. I can use a friend. I’m new. I only have Cole with me.’’ He says. You sigh, and deep down you know you will regret this deeply. You know it.
‘’I am Ereys.’’ You say, ignoring the way his blue eyes keep piercing through your skin and skull. ‘’I study Archaeology. That’s what you should be doing, by the way.’’ You say. Aeg snorts, laughing loudly and draws more attention to your shared table. Embarrassed, you lower yourself a bit more, hoping to bury yourself in your books.
‘’I’m Aegon, but you can call me Aeg.’’ He says. ‘’I never studied Archaeology or history before. Perhaps you can tell me where we are with the studies, as well as tell me…’’ He smirks, looking at you a bit funnily. You raise a brow, confused.
‘’Do you have a boyfriend?’’ You don’t know where this question came from or how it is related to archelogy but you sure as hell don’t want to answer that weasel anymore.
You blow up. ‘’That’s none of your business. Go ask someone else.’’ To your horror, your voice is uncontrolled and even more eyes are glued on you and Aegon now.
He does not seem to even be slightly insulted, grinning at your rejection. ‘’Ah, come on, darling. Didn’t mean to insult you. Just a complement, sweetheart.’’ He says. His voice becomes a bit more serious and he sits up, instead of hanging in the chair. ‘’But if I truly insulted you, I apologize.’’
The rest of the class you are both silent, save for Aegon who keeps smirking and smiling at you, clearly trying to get you to let your walls down. You won’t let it happen. 
At long last, classes end and you are released.
That evening, it is your turn at the Red Dragon the local college bar to handle the crowd. Lots of students come to unwind, have a drink, a snack, and a flirt before their classes are back on in the morning. It earns decently, and your boss makes sure that everyone behaves or is kicked out of the bar. 
Two of your close friends, Jayne and Alysanna hang out near the bar, trying to get more details out of your summer. ‘’Come on! Tell me, did you at least hook up last summer?’’ Jayne asks, on her fourth martini of that night. Alysanna smacks her arm, berating her instantly, the mom friend of the group.
Bless her. ‘’Ereys is just busy. She can have any guy she wants to have. She chooses to focus on her studies.’’ Alys says, grinning. ‘’Like if she wanted, any guy would be on their knees.’’ You roll your eyes.
‘’Hear hear.’’ You comment, giving two waiting jocks with red dragon tunics both a beer and a sandwich you just made for them. They leave, and you watch them go to their friends at the table in the corner, likely returning to their games for that evening.
Jayne is not ready to let the conversation die. ‘’I mean, I saw what joined you at Archaeology class and I have to say; You have more willpower and restraint than me.’’ You frown at her words. Aeg is not a what, and how the hell did she know? She studies marine biology, which is 2 floors above you. No way she could have seen Aeg. No way unless…..
‘’Stop using that fucking app!’’ Alys grabs the phone from Jayne. ‘’It’s fucking dehumantising.’’ She has a point. Women, men, non binary, something or someone else: It does not matter, this app does not discriminate, if you’re hot, you get called a lot of things.
Jayne, however is…Jayne.‘’Nah-ah! How else am I supposed to know what hot guy is new on campus? Have you seen how massive this place is? I need the app!” You know that app. It’s created by some tech devs with a god complex and it basically tracks relation drama, hot new guys, anything you don’t want to get caught up in on campus.
You watch as Jayne takes of running in her heels, chased by Alys on her sneakers, and you are shocked to see how fast both are. Someone clears his throat and you are reminded you have a job.
‘’Two beer.’’ Oh no. You know that voice.
In front of you, is Aeg. He is wearing a dorky shirt which looks like someone with a high office job would wear. His hair is pushed back neatly and you assume he spent a few hours on it. And he smells nice. Again. Aeg seems to recognize you too, grinning and sitting down while you grab the beer from the fridge. ‘’You look damn good behind a bar.’’ He says. ‘’You seem at home here. Everywhere, really.’’
You place it in front of Aeg. ‘’That’ll be 8 coins.’’ You say. Aeg happily grins, giving you 10 coins instead of 8. He looks around him, before closing in, leaning on the bar with a drunken smirk and you know you are done for. ‘’Hey, uhm. I want to see your boobs.’’ You can’t have heard that one right.
‘’’Excuse you?’’ He is drunk but that is no excuse.
‘’It’ll be just for me.’’ He promises, in a bar, filled with people, cameras, phones, everyone. You back away, disgusted and grab the hose that is used to fill beer cups. Instead of giving him a piece of your mind, you decide that it's time for action. You press the spray button and spray Aeg in rich, brown beer, soaking his shirt. A man with dark black hair and a Dornish look jumps from his chair as if you offended him and rushes to Aeg, who is confused.
Your boss, Laenor interferes, addressing the man instead of Aeg. ‘’You. Take your friend out of my fucking bar. I heard what he said to my employee. We don’t want that kind of shit here, or anywhere. OK?’’
The man nods, and drags Aegon off away from you, and the bar. 
When you wake up, you have forgotten the incident with Aeg and the strange man. It is Saturday. You have no classes and you are relaxing, in bed, still snoozing peacefully….
Until someone is knocking at your door. You throw your bathrobe on, close it and open your door. You are surprised to see who’s there. He smiles at you. You try to slam the door in his face, but he sets one foot in the door. ‘’Please, let me explain.’’ He begs. ‘’I was a fucking asshole.’’
Ding ding ding! ‘’Yes. You were.’’ You try to kick him out once more. Aeg begins pouting, and you allow him in your dorm, knowing he won’t give up anyway. 
‘’I am sorry, Ereys. I got drunk real bad. I never would have said that if I was sober. But that is no excuse.’’ He looks at his shoes first, but halfway through his apology he looks at your face. ‘’Also my driver almost hit you, on the way to class.’’
You find that a bit odd. Does he have a driver? ‘’You have a driver?’’
Aeg pales. ‘’Eh, my friend, Cole. He studies here too. He dropped me off. He almost hit you though.’’ You think back of the fancy car and you know something is not adding up. Yet you accept Aegon’s apology of him and his…driver.
‘’Apology accepted.’’ You say. ‘’For one reason.’’ You add with a smirk. 
He looks a bit like a puppy that got hurt and you feel bad about making him do this. But someone has to do it. And it won’t be you for sure. ‘’Anything.’’ He begs, looking in your eyes with such sadness that can only be seen in Disney movies.
You cackle. ‘’Oh, I love it when souls say such things. Give me a moment.’’
‘’Souls?’’ Aegon mutters, as you push him out of the room so you can get dressed.
‘’Dragon drinks! Dragon drinks! It helps the pain and it helps you think! Dragon drinks!’’ A few moments later, you are sitting beneath a umbrella outside the Red Dragon, while Aegon is in costume, the red cursed dragon costume, advertising. 
While Aegon does your job, and he does it really well, you enjoy the water and study some books. Aegon sometimes tries to get close to you, but one glare and he knows he is pushing it. But then Aegon sees a passing crowd of students, and instead of bothering you, he tries to lure them to the bar. ‘’Roar!’’ You clutch at your heart, scared to death by his roar. ‘’You there! You all seem cool! Come here, drink, and forget school!’’ You see one girl take her phone out. Aegon beams, proud he did his job well.
Until she snaps a photo and walks away, laughing with her friends. You see Aegon’s confidence had a big hit and you feel a bit sad for the dragon. ‘’Don’t let it bother you. Just keep being you. You’re actually really good at this.’’ He isn’t.
But Aegon beams. ‘’Yeah? Oh, I don’t I have ever been…’’ He roars again, puffing his chest, and this time a few customers pass in front of the bar. Aegon roars again, dancing. You can see that he is from Westeros, indeed.
You beg the people with their eyes to please get a drink, and they do. Aegon cheers victorious as they walk in. ‘’This is actually really nice, Ereys. I don’t think I ever have done something this silly.’’ He confesses, smiling. ‘’Thank you for the opportunity.’’ 
You wave his praise away. ‘’Yeah, yeah.’’ He ignores you, focusing on a new group to lure in.
When you attend the bar later, there is a shocking surprise. You had just done your hair on a bun and put your best foot in front of the other, and mentally prepared yourself. But someone else is at the bar, wearing a black shirt, with jeans, and a namepin. He is leaning on the bar, smiling as girls crowd around him, ordering drinks just to get a talk with him. Aegon.
You march over to the girls. ‘’Hello. Aegon. This bar is for employees. You are a customer.’’ He grins, smirking at you, and checking you out at the same time. 
‘’I got a job.’’ He reveals. ‘’Say hello to your new coworker.’’ He winks. You should be happy, as you have come to like Aegon. But your heart cannot allow him too close.
You can’t work with his eyes on you. You look for Laenor and walk to him. ‘’Uhm, you gave Aegon a job?’’ You have no idea how to bring it gently, so you don’t.
Laenor laughs, nodding. ‘’Yeah, he was good in the dragon costume. He has passion and spirit, charisma and good looks. All things you need when running a bar.’’ A few girls giggle in the background and you are annoyed that you thought Aegon actually liked you. 
You don’t see that his eyes are glued on you, watching your every move, not even hearing the girls.
Laenor is not going to fire him. No way.  So you can either quit and say goodbye to your sweet cash or try to endure Aegon. You walk back to the bar and you notice that Aegon has been waiting for you. ‘’Girls. What shall it be?’’ You ask, preparing yourself for the drinks.
One girl with sunglasses inside huffs. ‘’We were in a conversation with Eggy.’’ She says, a bit whiny. ‘’Don’t you have a table to clean somewhere?’’ She asks, and her friends laugh.
You are ready to insult her back but Aegon beats you to it. ‘’Hey, that’s not cool. Ereys is right. This is a bar, not a zoo. You get drinks and pay or leave.’’ You are impressed at his maturity. 
‘’Thanks.’’ You mutter after they have left. You reach for an empty glass at the same time as Aegon and your fingers brush. 
He blushes. ‘’Anytime.’’
As months pass and you and Aegon only grow closer and closer. You are unaware you are in love with him, but he knows he is love with you. You are busy cleaning tables and he cleans the glasses that were used during the shift. While he is busy, you ask him questions that he needs to know for his upcoming test. 
‘’So, Nymeria’s statues. The big ones. What year?’’ You ask, as you clean some chewing gum from a table and nearly vomit.
But Aegon has improved. A lot. ‘’39 AC.’’ He grins. ‘’Easy peasy. Now for you: What did the writer Dynmeris meant with the sentence ‘’The sun cannot find the skies if the clouds are there?’’ You will so, so, so fail that literature class. Who cares? What sun? What clouds? Huh?
Gods help you.
‘’Uhm, it’s cloudy?’’ You guess. 
Aegon nods, and you know you have answered wrong but he is too kind to say it. Defeated, you sit down on a chair, grumpy. He joins you, planting his ass on the table you just cleaned. Thank god for jeans. ‘’It can be a metaphor. For many things. For how you don’t know if you don’t try, for how you cannot achieve dreams without effort, and how you, I suppose, cannot find love if your heart isn't open for it.’’ He looks at you expectedly You nod. ‘’You see, the clouds are the obstacle, and the sky is the goal. But what is the sun? What does it represent?’’ You listen a bit longer to his explanation, and you suddenly feel a bit stuck. Maybe you are the clouds. And Aegon the sun. And you keep yourself from happiness. You have become happier and less snappy around Aegon and everyone seems to know it except you.
You love him.
‘’Aeg?’’ You whisper, your face heated so hot that it might explode. You see him nod.
‘’Yeah?’’ he asks, just as tense and smiling, despite being terrified you can tell.
‘’I uh, want you to kiss me.’’ You confess.
Aeg closes the distance between the two of you and gently caresses your face, as your lips finally lock in a soft gentle kiss. You never felt more alive, and kiss him back, touching his face and feeling his soft hair. He breaks the kiss, smiling deeply. ‘’Does this mean we’re a thing?’’
Wow, he moves fast.
‘’Uhm, it means I like you a bit more.’’ You say, keeping it casual. Aegon grins, still sitting on the table. 
‘’I suppose I’ll just have to step up my game.’’ 
You would love to see what that looks like.
Months later.
Finals are here and you and Aegon are in the library. You are officially dating and have become girlfriend and boyfriend. You try to focus on your books, but your eyes keep going to Aegon, who keeps smirking at you from his book, clearly not reading a word. His hands move down your thigh, and his smirk becomes suggestive. You feel your desire grow as he leans in a bit closer and kisses your neck. You mutter something. You close your book and drag Aegon from his chair, dragging him up to the second floor of the library, where almost no one comes. Aegon catches on, smiling, deeply in love and caresses your face. ‘’I love you Ereys.’’ He mutters, and you don’t know if he says that because you are about to hook up or because he loves you. Yet you turn your mind and insecurities off, and take your shirt off. Aegon follows, kissing your lips and taking his belt off. You both are lost in the passion.
Until, a camera flash interrupts it all. You let out a shriek and Aegon acts in a split second. He pulls his shirt over your head, covering you as quickly as possible. Two cameramen have appeared. ‘’Prince Aegon! Is this what you are doing on college grounds? The people demand to know!’’ One of them shouts. You feel ill. It makes sense.
Stupid too.
Aegon does not allow you to remain there, frozen and hurt. He drags you with him, as you both run away, between large bookshelves as the obvious paparazzi chases you. ‘’Prince Aegon, over here! Who is this lady? Prince Aegon!’’ Aegon doesn’t answer them. Getting you to safety is his priority.
When you are both safe outside, it has started raining. ‘’What the fuck was that?’’ You ask, in tears. Aegon sighs. 
‘’I’m a Prince.’’ He says, and you never heard someone so upset that he is filthy rich. Cole. Cole is not his friend. He’s his bodyguard. Oh, oh you’re fucked. 
A prince. You laugh. You never mattered to him. If you did he would've been honest. ‘’A what?’’
‘’A prince. Of House Targaryen.’’ This is madness.
You shake your head, in disbelief. He reaches out to touch you, to feel your love, your warmth. ‘’Ereys-’’
‘’Get away from me! You lied to me!’’ You yell, as tears fall down your cheeks. Hurt, Aegon backs off. He lied to you. And now your chest will likely cover some Westerosi magazine somewhere. You will be mocked, ridiculed by gods, knows how many people? And your trust, the walls he brought down, they’re skyhigh, and you know you won’t ever let anyone else get a shot.
He sighs, staring at his shoes. ‘’I never meant for them to find me here. I really like you. More than I liked anyone.’’ He says as he too sniffles, crying. ‘’I never wanted that stupid crown. They keep following me, I had hoped for a fun experience, but I never expected to find you. I love you and I mean it.’’
You shake your head. ‘’I was right not to trust you. I was right.’’ You repeat as you try to keep from crying, as your heart bleeds. It bleeds out from your chest.  You take off running to your dorms and don’t look back.
i might make a part two if you guys dig it.
I got a busy mind and a lot on my hands So get out of my way And out of my hair Cause I'm going somewhere And I'm not in the mood for questions
And no I don't wanna talk I don't wanna get in too deep On whatever you think I am or do And I'm not in the mood for questions And if I was, I wouldn't let you in on the answers
Don't wanna lose my head I stand up straight I take a real deep breath I never asked for attention But now that I have your attention I will play my part I'll put on a face And with all my heart I never asked for attention But now that I have your attention I'll give you the best I can-
Attention Lyrcis what inspired the fic xD
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ilovechuuy4 · 2 months ago
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⋆ˊˎ-•̩̩͙- *̩̩̥͙ 200 Follower Special !! 9/7 - ??? (Requests open)
╭┈──── ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ
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Hai! Im Eli the creator of ilovechuuy4!! First off i wanted to say thank yall SOO MUCH FOR 200 FOLLOWERS!!! I wasn’t ever really big on writing it was always; “I’ll read this book and put it away” I never thought about writing fanfics for anyones joy / comfort etc etc. But if i had to say, i truly wouldn’t ever be writing if it wasn’t for @luvfy0dor . They are so super duper supportive and are always around / up to proofread my fanfics and creator all my banners and boarder. This is just a small thank you for all the stuff you’ve done for me. Back to the main point, i just wanted to thank all of y’all for supporting me even if it’s just silly fanfics filled with fictional character we all love. But again, THANK Y’ALL SO SO MUCH FOR 200 NOW PLEASE REQUEST, SIT BACK AND ENJOY MY 200 FOLLOWER SPECIAL !!!
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: ̗̀➛ Event special RULES!
- No incestuous / stepsect / selfcest related topics
- Please respect the main prompt and / or side prompts
- No pedophillia
- No Character x Oc (My request)
- No pet play…
- Im allowed to deny any requests im not comfortable with!
- 2 characters PER request
- 2 prompts PER request
- You ARE allowed to do 2 different character from 2 different fandoms
- Wont do character x character
- 2 : 3 requests per person! (Putting trust in yall)
- You are allowed to request, follower or not !!!
- All genders / sexuality is allowed ; mlm, wlw, gn!reader, fem!reader etc
- READ THIS > 200 special rules
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༊*·˚ Prompts!
Main Prompts ; Tropes !
- Bully x Nerd
- Soulmates
- Drunken Confessions
- Coffee Shop AU
- Rivals > Lovers
- There was only 1 bed
- Omegeverse (?)
- Vampire x Feeder > Lovers
- Fake Dating
- Royalty AU
- Friends > Lovers
- Friends w Benefits
- Love @ 1st sight
- Forbidden Romance
- Cowboys / Cowgirls
- V!rgin (?)
- Modern AU
Side prompts / add-ins
- Cuddling
- Baking 2gether
- breakfast in bed
- bathing 2gether
- lazy make outs
- slow dancing in the living room
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*ೃ༄ Fandoms I’ll Write For
Bungoū Stray Dogs
Most confident 2 least :
Chuuya, Dazai, Fyodor, Akutagaws, Sigma, Nikolai, Atsushi, Kunikida, Yosano, Ango, Oda, Fukuzawa, Bram, Lovecraft
Genshin Impact
Keaya, Diluc, Zhongli, Tartaglia, Xianyun, Scaramouche, Raiden Shogun, Yae Miko, Kaveh, Alhaitham, Wriothesley, Neuvillettee, Arlecchino, Kinich
Honkai Star-Rail
Dan Heng, Blade, Dr. Ratio, Kafka, Jingliu, Caelus, Stella, Aventurine, Himeko, Gepard, Black Swan, Acheron, Argenti, Fu Xuan, Gallagher, Boothill
Creep Pasta
Jeff The Killer, Ticci Toby, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Slenderman, Clockwork, Nina the Killer, Jane the Killer, Jason the Toy Maker
Death Note
L Lawliet, Light, Misa, Mello
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