dulcewrites · 1 year ago
This is so Myrah’s phone wallpaper coded I feel sick
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
I need to see Aemond show up drunk at Aegon’s place after Myrah tells him she needs a break 
Stand By Me
Aegon wakes with a egg roll hanging out his mouth and someone banging on the door.
For a moment, a shiver runs up his spine. His dealer has been bugging him about buying something. Aegon knows he is Jasper’s wealthiest client. It is a bit laughable. All those movies about drug dealers hounding people for money. While his dealer hounds him to buy whatever he wants.
He opened the door to see Aemond, disheveled and sweaty. He looks like a wet kitten with down turned, bloodshot eyes.
“Oh my god, who died,” Aegon’s face shrivels up in confusion.
Aemond mumbles something and all Aegon can make out is ‘Myrah’.
“Myrah’s dead?”
He yells it loud enough that he is sure his neighbor heard. Aemond’s pitiful look turns into an exasperated one.
“No,” he hisses before his bottom lip trembles. “She doesn’t want me anymore.”
Aegon pulls Aemond into a hug. It is easy for Aegon to forget he is the eldest out of the four of them. A poorly made patriarch when their father finally decided he couldn’t be bothered to help raise them. It was Aemond who reminded them about Daeron’s soccer matches. It was Aemond who reminded Aegon to pick up his cap and gown for graduation. It was Aemond who drove Helaena to work everyday for two weeks when her car wasn’t working.
Now his baby brother has never acted or looked more his age than in this moment.
Aemond reeks of bourbon. Probably the expensive kind, because even when Aemond drinks, it is still more well thought out than others. Aegon thinks he can handle his mess of a brother. He’s been through breakups. Well, he was the one doing the dumping, not the dumpee, but he can help.
But then the waterworks started.
And Aegon can’t remember the last time he’s seen Aemond cry. He is sure it was when Aemond was a literal toddler. So, Aegon calls reinforcements.
Helaena shows up with rollers in her hair, fuzzy cow pajamas, and wrapped in a long white Sherpa coat.
Aemond is sniffling on the couch while they argue in the kitchen.
“You need to tell her to knock it off,” Aegon crosses his arms.
“Myrah is an adult,” Helaena rolls her eyes. “I can’t make her do anything. If she feels like some space is best, then we all just have to respect that.”
“I say we egg her car.”
That conversation is shut down with a simple glare from Helaena.
“Aemond, sweetie,” Helaena sits next to Aemond when they go back into the living area. “Maybe you should sleep on this. You will feel better in the morning. I know it hurts now, but space doesn’t mean forever.”
She brushes Aemond’s hair back.
“Yeah, you both can see other people and maybe realize it’s not what you want,” Aegon tries to help.
Helaena shoots him a ‘what the fuck’ look.
Aemond’s eyes grow wide. “You - you think she wants to see other people.” His breath quickens. “Oh god. I need to call her.”
Both Helaena and Aegon stop him.
“No speaking to her tonight,” Helaena reiterates. “I’ll talk to her when everyone has calmed down.”
They tuck in him the guest bedroom, but not before he almost yaks on the floor. Which only makes Aegon panic more. They kiss Aemond on the forehead before leaving. Aegon takes Aemond’s phone for good measure.
“Just make sure he doesn’t do anything before I figure out what’s going on,” Helaena twists her rings around her finger. Aegon’s eyes look far away in thought. She snaps her fingers in front of his face. “Aegon, I mean it. That goes for you too. No stupid shit. You’ll just make it worse.”
Aegon nods along. He’s not going to do anything stupid… at least he doesn’t think.
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
For the person who asked about the myrah Rhaenyra interactions. Here is one slightly more upbeat than the first one I posted 🫶🏽. Just for a bit more variety.
The Sweetest Gift
Rhaenyra knew that look. The slight flash of panic that ran through Myrah’s eyes when Harwin asked if she wanted some wine.
“No, thank you,” she smiles politely. “I worry if I have one glass, I’ll be tempted to have another, and I’m driving tonight.”
If Rhaenyra did not know any better, she’d believe Myrah’s smiley facade. The girl saves face better than Rhaenyra ever did at that age. But Rhaenyra knows too much and has seen too much not to catch the way Myrah’s amber eyes quickly dart to the ground when Aemond is around. The way the thousand yard stare takes over at times.
“Do you think you can help me get some of the presents from upstairs,” Rhaenyra pulls her away from a conversation she was clearly zoning out from.
The two of them go upstairs to the master bedroom, the sound of talking, laughter, and Christmas music growing distant as they get farther away from the downstairs living area. She has been hesitant about hosting Christmas at their place, but the doubt always melted away when it came time for everyone to celebrate together.
A gratefulness replacing the stress of planning.
“Are the presents in the closest,” Myrah looks around for the wrapped boxes.
“How late are you,” Rhaenyra ignores her question all together. Myrah lets out a nervous laugh, before tilting her head.
“I’m sorry,” she asks, twisting her wedding ring nervously.
“Myrah, it’s me. I won’t tell anyone,” Rhaenyra sighs.
Myrah’s resolve falters and her eyes downturn like they did when they were downstairs. “Two and a half weeks.”
Rhaenyra sighs before motioning for Myrah to follow her to the bathroom. She digs in the cabinets under the sink on her side of the bathroom. Rhaenyra leans back up with a side ways smile, holding out the test.
Myrah chews on her lip as she stares at it.
“I shouldn’t be surprised,” she mutters. “We are trying, it’s just…”
“It’s not real until it is,” Rhaenyra finishes.
All of her pregnancies, and even the scares in between, had ranged from being intentional to earth shattering shocks. She has three boys that she would go to the ends of the Earth for, but there was still panic for each one. Especially for Jacaerys. Harwin and her had not planned out a future by that time. In fact, Joffrey was the first child they actually planned for. And that does not even account for the paralyzing fear she had about giving birth.
“I promise you will feel better taking at test, at least until you go to a doctor to be sure. Knowing something is better than knowing nothing. Trust me.”
Myrah nods slowly, taking the test from Rhaenyra.
She puffs out her cheeks as Myrah takes her time in the other part of the bathroom. Rhaenyra tries to keep herself busy, strangely becoming nervous herself. Fixing her hair before she feels the toilet flush. Myrah comes out, stick in hand, her normally glowly tawny skin looking slightly pale.
“Now we wait,” Rhaenyra looks at the box. Myrah jumps up to sit on the counter, after washing her hands. her black heels swinging above the air.
The only noise the slight thumping of the beat of Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer.
“What if I’m a bad mom,” Myrah says suddenly. “Or I give birth, and I look at the baby and feel… nothing.”
Rhaenyra shakes her head. “You have to give yourself some grace. Everyone else in the world will suddenly have an opinion on you once you become a mother, the last thing you need to do is join in on misery. Tortuous hypotheticals will do nothing but ruin an experience that should be positive for you.”
She thinks about the unsolicited opinions she got when she had Jacaerys, especially not being married at the time.
“Motherhood is hard. Raising kids is hard. You’re gonna make mistakes, maybe even bad ones. And there will be days you want to ring their necks. But, fuck Myrah, it is one of the most fulfilling, worthwhile things I could have ever done.”
The timer goes off, making them both jump.
“I can’t look,” Myrah closes her eyes
Rhaenyra peaks at the test and smiles.
“Looks like I’m going to be an aunt.”
Myrah’s eyes fly open and she looks at the test as well, then the box instructions. She lets out a shaky breath, before laughing with tears filling her eyes.
“I’m pregnant.”
Rhaenyra gives her arm a soft squeeze. “You’re pregnant.”
The moment is slightly ruined by Harwin calling out. Both of them rush to hide the test and box. Harwin’s footsteps become clearer, and he suddenly peaks his head through the door.
“We are about to exchange our white elephant gifts.”
“Ok,” Rhaenyra smiles. “We are coming babe.”
Harwin sticks his head back out, and his footsteps get distant. Rhaenyra and Myrah let out breathes they were holding in.
“You will be ok,” Rhaenyra grabs her hand. “Aemond is at his best around you. Plus you have your parents and sister, and us now.”
Myrah smiles and hops off the counter.
“Do you think - you don’t have to of course - but do you think you could come with me to the doctor?”
Rhaenyra feels a warmth spread through her chest
“I would love to.”
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
omg that failed successfully kidnapping of myrah fic would be so funny to read 😭 myrahs failure of being a good captive vs aemond being a manic psycho husband would be great omg PLS if u have time write it!! if not just a crumb ,, mayhaps a speck
I imagine this taking place around Baelor’s second maybe third name day. A hunt happens sort of similar to ep 3 of hotd. There are couple of ways I imagine her being taken but this is one. This is little sections: How she gets taken, Aemond’s response, her annoying the shit out of them/them being incompetent lmao
Eyes Peeled
In way, this could techincally be Myrah’s fault.
Amal tells the story to this day. Myrah was ‘a runner’. As a young girl, if she saw something she liked or was bored of her situation, she simply left. It scared her parents to no end, but it was something they were sure she would grow out of the older she got.
The more aware of her surroundings… well the more she should’ve became more aware of them.
Otto advised them not to do the hunt. Claiming it would be a bad time to not only be out in the woods, but also showing the wealth of House Targaryen in the process. But Jeyne Arryn, despite making her support of Rhaenyra’s claim clear at the Great Council, was to attend. A show of support for another child of the Vale of Arryn being born.
Aemond had scoffed at the letter. Muttering something about Baelor being used for politicking.
Myrah was just surprised by the seemingly warm welcome knowing how the last two marriages that connected House Targaryen and Vale went. And with the fanfaire that came with being a Targaryen, it was important to her that pieces of how she grew up was also instilled in their children.
They will be of the mountains and lakes as much as they will be hot blooded, dragon riders.
She had felt sick all morning. It was only compounded by how claustrophobic she felt. Despite the sprawling tented area where they set up, the amount of people around made Myrah unusually antsy. Like she wanted to bolt at the drop of a hat.
Baelor squirmed in her arms, grabbing her cheeks between his little hands. Big eyes staring at her in amusement. Myrah can’t believe she gave birth to something so perfect.
….Then he proceeds to try and grab sapphire hairnet intertwined with her coils.
“Alright, let not do that to mama,” she whispers before putting on a shocked face. “Why don’t we go pull your father’s hair. Yes, let’s do that.”
Aemond was over by Otto and a few other members of Aegon’s council. With Baelor on her hip, Myrah puts a gently brushes against Aemond. Relief flooding his face at the thought of being excused from what she assumes was a boring conversation.
“Your son needs something to play with,” she hands Baelor over with a smile. His tiny hands instantly going to play with the ends of Aemond’s hair.
“I think his cousin has their toys.”
Myrah used the free hands as excuse to leave the tent. “I think there is wine outside.”
She will take in the sights since it is clear Aemond has no interest in it. Staying in the tent content to be around others he knows.
The spectacle that follows the family is something she must get used to.
It did not take long for Myrah to find what she was looking for. A spread of food and wine near the woodsy area where the hunt will take place. People watching was an activity she always loved. With new fresh air, she was able to breath and take in the array of people in the distance.
Before she can put the goblet to her lips, a voice startles her.
She notices flaming red hair and a beard to match before she even hears his voice.
“Quite the showing,” his voice is gruff.
She just nods, that same weird feeling she had all day seeping in. It is not she can explain but before her feet can carry away away to safety, everything goes black
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It takes little time before Baelor begins to fuss again. The whining turns into whimpering which turns into full blown crying. A cry for his mother, Aemond is sure. Baelor always became restless if his mother is not in eyesight.
Aemond understood on two different levels. Alicent often regales stories of how connected the two them were when he was a boy.
He too becomes fussy when Myrah is not around.
“She has two big babies to look after,” Aegon muttered one day.
So, when Myrah does not come back from getting the wine she wants. Aemond’s face begins to match his son’s. Distress written all over it.
He sends one of the guards in the tent out to find her. But the gaurd come back a bit pale, and instead of going to Aemond, he beelines to Otto. His grandsire’s back stiffens a bit before going over to Aegon, who sat in a festive, elevated throne. Cup in hand, and crown cocked to the side. The jovialness wiped from his face and replaced with confusion when his hand begins to whisper in his ear.
By this time, Baelor’s face is hot as he buried it in father’s neck. Aegon walks over fake smile on his face.
“Why don’t you give him to one of the nurses,” Aegon suggestion lowly.
Aemond only holds Baelor tighter. “Why? What’s going on?”
Aegon cringes, before motioning towards the guards behind Aemond to leave the tent. “Umm well,” he twists his rings on his fingers nervously before whispering. “I just think he should not be in your arms when I tell you this.”
“Aegon, what the fuck is going on?”
Aegon swallows. “Myrah has seem to be… misplaced.”
Misplaced. As if his dear wife is a hairbrush or a sock.
He gently sets Baelor on the ground. Blinking because he must have misheard that. “What?”
“I’m sure she’s just… around the woods. We will find her,” Aegon reassures. But Aemond feels the blood rushing from his head to his feet. The nurse Aegon called comes over to get Baelor from holding his dad’s legs.
“I - I need Vhagar,” he stutters out.
“No, I don’t think we need to disturb her, do we?”
Aegon knows how this will go. Aemond gets worked up, and Vhagar will follow suit. And before they all know it the forest around them will surely be burned to the ground. Gods forbid, any other place. A hand comes to Aegon’s throat. Criston, who was right behind Aegon, hands itch to grab his sword.
Aegon waves him off when Aemond’s squeezes a bit. They’ve always been ones to take their aggression out on each other; brotherly love and all of that.
“My wife is missing, and you’re tell me no?”
Well, when he puts it like that, and air stops flowing to his brain, who is Aegon to refuse.
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The sack is pulled from Myrah’s head, and her eyes squint as they readjust to the setting sun’s light.
She doesn’t recognize her surroundings, she barely did at the hunt inself. All she sees in the cave she in and body of water in front of her. She tries to move but realizes her wrist and ankles are bound.
“You were supposed try and grab the Queen Mother you imbecile. Or the Hand.”
She cranes her neck to see two figures standing by the trees. Myrah had not noticed how cartoonishly tall the red head was till he was being berated by a tiny blonde man.
“What value is she?”
Well then.
So, Myrah wasn’t the queen at one point, and she doesn’t advise the king. She’s still married to a prince and gave birth to another one. That counts for something. She would make an excellent captive.
“And gods forbid that psycho husband of hers comes looking.”
As soon as she says it, she cringes. Both men snap their heads towards her. They both come over to leer over her.
“Shut it girl.”
“Make me,” she shoots back. Aemond would tell her not to push her luck. That being belligerent will not help.
“Gag her, Percy,” the short blonde looks up at his accomplice. The redhead pats his breeches, then gives a sheepish look.
“I don’t have it on me.”
Leave to Myrah to be taken by the dumbest men in the Seven Kingdoms.
“Look, if you guys let me go now, I’ll make sure nothing happens to you,” she nods. “No harm will be done to you, if no harm is done to me.”
The blonde lets out a squeak of a laugh. “You don’t make the rules here.”
Myrah shrugs. “Fine then, I will just wait for my psycho husband to come on dragon-back while you two figure out what the plan is.”
Percy and the other one share a concerned look.
“Galahad, do you think he will actually come with a dragon,” Percy, despite his height, seems to cower at the thought. Both of them eye Myrah to see if she’s bluffing.
“We have his wife, you fool,” Percy hisses. “What do you think?”
Percy storms off, hands on his hips, looking out at the lake to think.
“You shouldn’t let him speak to you like that,” Myrah fakes concern. Percy mouth down turns in a frown. “I imagine he won’t be too happy if things go side ways. And you will be to blame.” He gives Myrah a sad look before scurrying away to speak with the clear brains of the operation. Though considering the empty, open area they are at, that is not saying much in Myrah’s head.
Aemond is not crazy, never that. But one thing Myrah knows is that Aemond is diligent, almost paranoid, in the way he handles his family. With her, Baelor, his sibling, or mother.
He will be no different now.
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
i think it would be so fun to see modern fcc myrah and rhaenyra interact! esp because of the lil ficlet u posted of aegon and rhaenyra (i loved it)
You asked, and you shall received! Just for housekeeping/reminding: viserys gets sick in this universe as well.
Try a Little Tenderness
Rhaenyra always hated hospitals. The smell of sterile cleanness, and the bright halogen lights gave her a headache. She had only been to hospitals for the most terrifying, stressful moments in her life: giving birth, watching Alicent or Laena give birth… her mother dying.
The chemo wing of the hospital was a new low in terms of doom and gloom. The only thing that made it worse was the empty seat next her. Everyone had agreed to take shifts coming to the hospital for Viserys’ chemotherapy rounds. Alicent had went as far as to make an extremely detailed calendar that worked around everyone’s schedule.
One thing Rhaenyra had learned about Alicent over the years is that she’s far too softhearted for her own good. Softhearted and crafty; it makes for a dangerous combination. Rhaenyra already knew what Alicent was doing when she paired Rhaenyra and Aemond up several times on the schedule. But the seat next to her bare, and she is alone. A feeling she had grown accustomed to. Rhaenyra did not even care to text or call Aemond, she already was in a bad mood. She could not handle getting her head ripped off.
She doesn’t even want to go in and check on Viserys alone. There is a sickness that permeates through her the way it does her father - the feeling of abandonment. Her attention goes from the book she was pretending to read to the window near where she was sitting. The obnoxious brightness of the sun taunting her sadness.
Her morbid thoughts are broken by the sound of a familiar voice.
“Rhaenyra,” she looks up to see Myrah standing there with a nervous smile on her face.
“He has resorted to sending his girlfriend?”
It sounded more harsh then she intended it to be. Myrah crosses her arms, wrapped in a oversized leather jacket that Rhaenyra assumes is Aemond’s, with her lips quirked to the side in slight annoyance. “I decided to come myself, but I can go if I am not welcomed.”
“No,” Rhaenyra winces at how loud and desperate it comes out. “I’m sorry I just - I didn’t expect you is all.”
Myrah sits in the seat next to her. Silence seeps through the area before Rhaenyra pipes up.
“Is Aemond ok?”
Myrah opens her mouth, then closes it with a frown. “Ok in the sense that he’s at home…”
She trails off and Rhaenyra just nods curtly. He’s fine, he could not be bothered to come. More silence follows for the next few minutes.
“Oh,” Myrah brightens before digging into her large purse. “I crocheted something for you.”
She pulls out a crocheted red hat. “I made one for all you guys. You got red, Aegon got orange, Helaena got blue, Daeron got green, and Aemond got black.”
Rhaenyra stares at the hat, rubbing her thumbs over the soft material, then looks at the earnest look on Myrah’s face.
Tears fill her eyes immediately.
Big, fat ones rolling down her face. It had been a regular occurance lately, the crying. For someone who pride herself on trying to be rational, maybe even slightly cold, the overflow of emotions she has felt lately ratted Rhaenyra to her core. She hated feeling this powerless over elements of her life.
“Oh, Rhaenyra,” Myrah hand rubs her back softly. She uses her other hand to dig in her purse again, and pulls out a packet of tissues.
“Why did he not come,” Rhaenyra whispers. She told herself she didn’t care but she does. She cares a lot about why Aemond is like… that. “Our father is dying and he seems to not care.”
Rhaenyra remembers the dinner where Viserys broke the news. The way Aemond just huffed and left, a sheepish Myrah following after apologizing.
Myrah sighs. “Have you ever thought that maybe that is something you should ask him yourself? Why he feels that way about viserys.”
Rhaenyra sniffles, looking at Myrah. “Everyone will work through this in their own way,” she continues. “You want to be here for your father, and that’s your prerogative. It is the prerogative of whoever wants to come here too. Your experience and feelings are valid the same way Aemond’s are, even if they are different in the moment.”
Needing a girl more than 10 years her junior to tell her does make her feel a bit foolish. Her therapist does tell her that looking outside herself is hard, but a necessary tool to working through her own baggage. Being wrapped in her own world had been a knock against her since she was a teen.
Rhaenyra would like to think growing up, having kids, and getting help slowly made it easier for her to peel back and examine that selfishness. To break it, but she still had her moments. Myrah continues to rub her back, alternating between big and little circles. Rhaenyra can’t help but wonder if this is the way she comforts Aemond. Calmly but authoritative. Sweet but stern.
“Do you want to go see him,” Myrah eventually asks, motioning her head towards the private room Viserys is in. Rhaenyra blows her lips out before nodding.
All she can think about is how funny life is. A folly to trick you into a false sense of security.
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“Honey, I’m home.”
Aemond had came out of the bedroom embarrassingly fast at the sound in Myrah’s voice.
He had sent the afternoon and evening pretend to be busy. Scrolling aimlessly through files, flipping through sheet he had already read over a plethora of times. He even resorted to watching Vhagar continue to shed her skin. Myrah just kissed him on the forehead and said she was going to the hospital. Simple and to the point, not asking for feedback or permission; it was always how Myrah did things.
Guilt, anger, and sadness swirled in the pit of his stomach for hours till Myrah got back.
That was until he saw Myrah taking off Rhaenyra’s coat and hanging it in the coat closet. His coat closet, in his apartment.
“Have you ate already,” she leans up to kiss, and when he doesn’t reciprocate, she frowns. “Rhaenyra, will you excuse us?”
She just nods, standing awkwardly near the door. Myrah grabs Aemond’s hand, and pulls him back towards the kitchen.
“Why did you bring her here?”
“I felt bad. She cried at the hospital,” she whispers. “I didn’t want her to be alone tonight.”
“She’s not alone. She has Harwin and the brats,” Aemond pinches the bridge of his nose.
Myrah sighs, grabbing both of his hands. “I know this has been rough on you - Aemond, let me finish,” she interrupts when he tries to rebut. “This has been hard on you, on all of your family. She was upset. I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but I would hope the same curtesy would be extended towards you. I can ask her to leave if that is what you want.”
Aemond squeezes her hands, and she squeezes back. “Dinner and then she leaves.”
“Dinner and then she leaves,” Myrah repeats. She leans up and kisses him again.
She drags him back out into the living area, and smiles. “I’m thinking Italian food.”
Rhaenyra had been looking at the table of photos near the door. A mirage of ones across the years. One of Aemond and Alicent when he graduated from university. Another of him, Aegon, Helaena, Daeron at the family cabin. A picture of Myrah and Aemond at a football match.
But there is one particular photo that makes Rhaenyra pause. One from her wedding to Harwin. By that point jace and daeron had both turned five. Luke just turned three; Joffrey had been born yet. Every single child lined up with her, Harwin, Alicent, and Viserys in the back.
It made her heart hurt a bit. Tittering between feeling like nothing had changed while everything has.
“Italian is fine with me,” best agree to everything while in someone else’s space.
“Oh, and we can get cannolis,” Myrah beams.
Myrah’s disposition is infectious in a way. It takes little time while being in the apartment for Rhaenyra to feel looser than she did before she came in. By the time the food arrives, they are sat at the table, gossiping of all things.
“I think Jace has a girlfriend,” she replies sheepishly after Myrah asked about her kids.
“Do you think we’ll get to meet her,” Myrah gasps.
Rhaenyra shrugs. “He’s away and keeps things under wraps. But I have a hunch.”
“Hmm all mothers do I think. My mom knew about Aemond and I before I even told her,” she reached over and brushes a stray hair out his eyes.
Watching Myrah and Aemond interact with each other will always be fascinating to Rhaenyra. Something almost awe worthy in seeing Aemond that relaxed and open. His gaze softens and melts while focused on her.
She can only pray whoever had her son’s attention is just an ounce good for Jace as Myrah is for Aemond.
“I’m gonna go get the ice cream,” Myrah gets up, grabbing the plates.
Aemond and her sit together at the table, quiet and still.
“I do… understand why you would not want to come.. to - to the hospital,” Rhaenyra starts. “I do hope you can go eventually. It would mean a lot to him.”
Aemond just stares blankly.
“I am sorry, Aemond. For whatever part I played in all of this. I know I wasn’t the best sister to you growing up. To you or to our brothers and sister.”
His gaze shifts to the table, swallowing hard.
“You’re just like him you know,” he whispers. “Always apologizing after the fact.”
“That’s not fair,” Rhaenyra frowns.
“No,” Aemond throws back quickly. “It’s not.”
You have to give him time, Alicent told her one day. He has spent years building up an immunity, a protective barrier.
“I always make sure to keep chocolate and caramel sauce too,” Myrah walks from the kitchen juggling the cannolis, ice cream, bowls, and the sauce containers.
Her smile falters when she senses the tense energy.
Rhaenyra can’t make up lost time or course correct what happened. Aemond’s attitude didn’t make her more upset with him, only with her father. He did a number on all of them, and now he will die and leave them with the carnage of how fucked up they are.
“Would you mind if I take my cannoli to go. I’m sure Harwin is staying up even though I told him not to.”
Healing takes time… and space. The least she can do is give Aemond that.
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
idk why but Timothee chalamets mugshot is giving angsty baelor
I had to look this up ummm is that real. It looks like editorial he did that someone photoshopped on paper lmao😭😭😭
But yeah it kind of does give that vibe a bit. Very angsty but serving face (he has not choice to with aemyrah as parents). Baelor does probably does get arrested for something, and lawyer daddy Aemond has to step in yikes. Oh god Myrah would be LIVID.
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
What was Aemonds reaction when Myrah told him she’s pregnant in the modern one night stand au?
More than likely petrified lol. He is not a one stand person, and the one time he decides to do it, he gets the girl pregnant. Just his luck really. He would be worried to tell Alicent more than anything.
But I do think myrah being like ‘dude this is a curtesy visit not you need to play dad’ situation sort of snaps something in him. Call it cliche, but he grew up with an absentee dad and knows what that does to someone. I don’t think Aemond would be able to live with himself comfortably knowing a child out there thinks their dad didn’t want them.
Once the shock and scariness washes away, he’d be a very diligent person/dad to be
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
I think Myrah would be more mad than Aemond if Baelor got arrested🤔 like Aemond is privileged, and grew up w aegon he knows about ppl having bad times or how easy someone can lose themselves if not careful. But Myrah, she comes from a brown family (in my mind I hc her as Latina) she was raised a certain way, so her son getting arrested is disappointing but also devastating bcus she knows she raised him better than that
Oh for sure. I think it would be a sobering moment for her as a parents. It calls into question something she sort of feared before they had kids. On one hand, she enjoys and appreciates the fact that the world is her children’s oyster. They will be able to do and see things she never could at their age. But with that comes the stipulations of losing touch and expecting money to get you out of problems.
Her upbringing (as a woc) would color not only the way she moves through the world, but also how she navigates her relationship with Aemond and motherhood. The Aegon piece is interesting as well. Because though Aemond was never been one to get into serious trouble himself, he probably learned how to make things go away through his parents (mainly Alicent) dealing with Aegon :/. It would change the way he looks at things versus myrah.
As well as Aemond just being around people that are used to throwing money at problems. He probably went to a boarding school or belonged to a country club his family did. He’s a lawyer (in this universe). viserys owns a big company or is even a Wall Street guy; Alicent came from a wealthy family. Opposed to myrah/her Myrah’s parents. Myrah is an artist/art curator for a gallery. I see Amal being a hairdresser and Gerald maybe works in accoutanting or teaching.
Myrah would blame herself, and wonder if she let them get away with too much. Or let the money and privileges seep in too much. Especially with Baelor who she tends to side with because of his relationship with his dad.
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
Myrah would definitely say she can read palms
Yup she’s very much a palms, crystals, tarot cards girlie.
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
My bad, forgot to mention in question about Baelor and Aemond that I mean modern au :((
It’s ok! I think the answers would be more of the same tbh. The only difference is that I think Baelor’s insecuties would manifest into him getting into different things (versus a hotd setting) like when he got arrested. He may feel the need to overcompensate. He may fall into the wrong crowd to make friends (which is already hard for him much like his dad).
That would upset Aemond because he’s been a very lone wolf type of guy. But that is by his own choice and his own insecuties. It’s kind of the age old thing of parents sometimes forget they were kids once. I’m sure at that age, Aemond wanted lots of friends. It’s natural to feel that sometimes.
They are both naturally shy/reserved people, then that gets compounded or shift if they feel uncomfortable or upset. I can just imagine uncle Aegon, thinking he’s helping, telling Baelor or throw a party or go to one to make friends. But that’s just not him so it ends up biting him in the ass 😭
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
Part II questions 6 for both of them in the FCC modern au and 19 for both FCC au’s please? ☺️
6. Do they have any tattoos? What are they, and why did they get them?
I go back and forth on if Aemond would have any. I think he might. One being a quote from his favorite book. And then the other would be a tribute to alicent so maybe a cursive A or maybe a star of some kind. I have this vision in my head that on a guys trip aegon essentially bullied aemond into getting his first one. Alicent freaks out ofc but then realizes the tattoos are for her so she lets it slide
Myrah would have a bunch of delicate fine line ones all over her body. tiny flowers, birds, a star moon and sun for her sister dad and mom, a paint brush, a butterfly, her star sign. Hers would be more impulse decisions
19. If they had a theme song, what would it be?
Aemond: Duality by slipknot
Myrah: Circus by Britney Spears, It's like that by Mariah Carey, alien superstar or heated by Beyoncé
oc ask game
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
I love Taylor Russel !!!! She’s absolutely perfect for Myrah
Like it’s giving myrah going to a Targ corp holiday party
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
I love your fashion posts, definitely keep going. You should do modern aemyrah on honeymoon next.
Thank you. And funny you say that bc I have pics saved in my phone for that very same reason
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
I’m imagining a moment where (modern) Aemond and Myrah both meet each other’s friends group. they more than likely similar to everyone else in the world where their friends are pretty consistent with their personality and interest. So most of Aemond’s friends are guys he met in university or at work. Straight lace, about their business. Very much ‘let’s do golf’ sort of guys. Versus Myrah’s friend group, which would fall on the opposite spectrum.
Like even the way they meet each other would reflect it. Aemond would invite myrah to some nice Christmas work party. Black tie attire and all. While Myrah would ask him to come to a PowerPoint night.
Oh and the night where the Everlanes officially meet everyone else. It would kind of be a mess. But everyone made it out in one peace. A bit of a miracle when it comes to the targs.
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
he downloaded TikTok
Aemond down bad 😭
Aemond’s days without myrah around
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dulcewrites · 1 year ago
broadway fcc is not at all reminiscent of moulin rouge but imagine them in that scenario!! myrah is the starlet of some small company that’s trying to get their production greenlit and has to convince viserys to pay for the show and aemond is the writer trying to separate himself frm his dad but this is his way in the door… myrah and aemond are obviously super into each other and everyone can see it but them but they’re too blind to see it!! (I don’t imagine myrah having a sexual relationship w viserys, maybe filling in the role rhaenyra had but she left the spotlight for some dramatic reason) 😵‍💫
This gagging me bc moulin rouge is one of my fave movies ever (thank you baz) and I enjoy the broadway show as well.
I can def see Myrah being a part of a small company, and somehow catching the favor of someone close to viserys or Aemond. And the whole earnest, diamond in the rough story will always be a hit so viserys sees this as a way to ‘create’ a star of his molding. Especially with Rhaenyra calling it quits soon. Myrah would be far more dependent on him versus his well off (ex) wife or well off daughter.
Also her being Aemond’s muse, who else screamed cried and threw up. Him telling his feelings through what he writes..
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