#especially her mom’s family is dornish/of rhoynish blood
dulcewrites · 1 year
I think Myrah would be more mad than Aemond if Baelor got arrested🤔 like Aemond is privileged, and grew up w aegon he knows about ppl having bad times or how easy someone can lose themselves if not careful. But Myrah, she comes from a brown family (in my mind I hc her as Latina) she was raised a certain way, so her son getting arrested is disappointing but also devastating bcus she knows she raised him better than that
Oh for sure. I think it would be a sobering moment for her as a parents. It calls into question something she sort of feared before they had kids. On one hand, she enjoys and appreciates the fact that the world is her children’s oyster. They will be able to do and see things she never could at their age. But with that comes the stipulations of losing touch and expecting money to get you out of problems.
Her upbringing (as a woc) would color not only the way she moves through the world, but also how she navigates her relationship with Aemond and motherhood. The Aegon piece is interesting as well. Because though Aemond was never been one to get into serious trouble himself, he probably learned how to make things go away through his parents (mainly Alicent) dealing with Aegon :/. It would change the way he looks at things versus myrah.
As well as Aemond just being around people that are used to throwing money at problems. He probably went to a boarding school or belonged to a country club his family did. He’s a lawyer (in this universe). viserys owns a big company or is even a Wall Street guy; Alicent came from a wealthy family. Opposed to myrah/her Myrah’s parents. Myrah is an artist/art curator for a gallery. I see Amal being a hairdresser and Gerald maybe works in accoutanting or teaching.
Myrah would blame herself, and wonder if she let them get away with too much. Or let the money and privileges seep in too much. Especially with Baelor who she tends to side with because of his relationship with his dad.
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Eva would THRIVE in westeros, as would Tommy... could you give the Shelby's a westeros redux, like to picture that family in the landscape...
Eva would be from Dorne, her marriage to Tommy was *gasp* a love match, Tommy achieved mass fame during (whichever) war for his brutal abilities as a soldier and leader. Even Viserys comes to respect Thomas and has him as a trusted advisor/drinking buddy. Their story (obviously dramatized) becomes a very famous and popular song. When the greens scope him out as an ally, he's just very pragmatic and brutal because one must be to protect their family (no place for honor in the game of thrones). Cue the sparks between Aemond and Diane
So sorry to leave you waiting, i postponed it and like forgot lol
Yes Eva would thrive there as would Tommy.
Although i feel this would be one of those universes where its just Eva causing chaos and falling hard for a guy(or girl).
So the last war in hotd was Maegor’s usurpation, which was when Jaehaerys and Alysanne were really little.
In fact save for the Stepstones and occasional fights with Dorne, they haven't had an actual war.
Since asoiaf does have romani inspired people (Dornish/Rhoynish people who live on river boats in Dorne and on the Rhoyne in Essos) both Tommy and Eva would be Children of the Green Blood or at least have been children of parents who were.
The Shelbys would maybe be related to the Baratheons to explain their blue eyes, especially Tommy’s.
Their mom or dad likely a Baratheon bastard, i think.
The Shelby Brothers would be knights and maybe have a modest keep or manse in Kingslanding.
Eva would be something like a Westrosi Nostradamus(very limited in places where poc can come from and since Eva’s dad is Romani and her grandfather Irish, we will keep it vague and say some large port in westeros)who met Tommy at a tourney or him and his brothers offering their services to them, both being very ambitious and talented they eventually skyrocket into wealth and fame until the Dance happens and all goes to shit.
They would side with Rhaenyra on account of knowing who technically wins and because Dorne already practices absolute primogeniture.
Nyra wins with fewer losses, still dies but most of her kids(except Luke and Visenya) live and Jace becomes king.
Aemond and Diane(Dyane) would have had a thing that ended badly as he is too proud to marry someone of lower birth and she would get tired of his shit.
Diane instead helps Helaena fake her death and they move to wherever the hell the Rileys live in westeros(probably the Riverlands or the Crownlands)
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Rhaenys would be so much more interesting not just because of her memories of her father and relationship to Westerosi characters, but also because she is the descendant of not just old Valyria, but the Rhoynish. Imagine her saying that she is the blood of the Rhoyne and placing equal importance in her mother’s ancestry. And imagine the impact of Rhaenys surviving and returning on Jaime, Arianne, & Ned. Her surviving would be impactful because ppl knew her as a child, not just her pregnant mom.
Theoretically, some of that same stuff could apply to Aegon, but he’s being raised by someone that didn’t care for Elia. There’s a reason that in Rhaenys lives fics, she’s almost never raised by JonCon - her being raised by her uncles or Ashara would allow her to have a real connection to her maternal heritage in a way that Aegon just can’t. I remember someone - @azullarks, I think? - talking about the destructive power of ice and fire and how it would be very cool if the Dornish played a major role in the rebuilding of Westeros because of the constructive power of Rhoynish water magic, and I just love that. How cool could that be with Rhaenys rejecting her father’s fire for her mother’s water?
I love that point about the impact of Rhaenys’s return on these other characters. The thing about Aegon is that even if he is exactly who he says he is, he was an infant at the end of the war when he supposedly died. He might not have even been walking yet! For almost all his life up until that point, there was a war going on. People did not know him. But Rhaenys was old enough for people to have real memories of who she was. It could have been so powerful to see how they react to her, especially because of her resemblance to Elia.
Rhaenys, Arianne, and the Sand Snakes make ten girl cousins. In addition to that, Arianne has two brothers. The odds are very much in favour of Rhaenys looking similar to one of these people. So meeting Rhaenys would make everything that happened so much more real to Arianne, who can’t remember her cousin. Arianne doesn’t remember holding Rhaenys, but she’s been told she did. It would be so, so good for her to actually meet her and be struck by how much she looks like a Martell. And if Arianne met Rhaenys, maybe Obara and Nymeria did, too - I think I even made a post once about how I think it’s implied that Nym had more of a relationship with Elia than her sisters or Arianne. It would be so cool to see how that influences decisions and interactions. It would be a very, very different kind of story, and one that I think would be incredibly cool. Much more interesting to me than for Arianne to meet Dany, who she has no reason to care about.
Jaime, too, is interesting. I think I’ve commenting on how much of a cop out I think it is that he doesn’t have any thoughts on the little girl he was supposed to protect or the woman that was a fellow hostage that in another life he might have married. But if he continued to not have thoughts on them in a world where Rhaenys lived, it would go past cop out into just plain terrible writing. Him reacting to her could be so cool. I’ve argued that some parts of the text can be taken as evidence that coming face to face with Aegon will force him to confront his self perception and prove what he claims - that he didn’t think Tywin would hurt Elia and her children. It would be the ultimate test of character and who he truly is. Jaime has been wilfully ignorant and complicit in his family’s awful acts for years now, in addition to his own terrible acts. He was a grown man when he lied to Tyrion about Tysha. He was even older when he pushed Bran out a window. Older still when he was willing to hunt down Arya and kill her or chop off her hand. As readers, we can see that he’s deluding himself about his father and has continued to do that long after Elia and her children’s murders in a way that becomes a lot more wilful and less genuinely unable to see it. Maybe when he was seventeen, he thought what Tywin did to the Reynes, the Tarbecks, Tytos’s mistress were all just flukes and there was still a line he wouldn’t cross. But as an adult in his thirties, coming face to face with Rhaenys, who he knew and had to have interacted with? It could have been so cool.
The thing about Rhaenys - and Aegon, too, though to a lesser degree - is that they’re connected to Aerys, too. Jaime specifically thought about how Aerys’s blood was in Aegon when he was asked who should be crowned. They’re also defined repeatedly as Rhaegar’s kids. So if Rhaenys had lived, you’d have the conflict between hatred of Aerys, complicated feelings about Rhaegar, and fond memories of the sweet little girl herself. Whereas Dany wasn’t even born at the time. It’s just...Rhaenys had so much potential, it kills me that that’s just glossed over.
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Why is Myrah not dornish? I am curious because she looks like I imagined Oberyn's dughters with Ellaria and when I read she is from Reach I was confused. Among 7 kingdoms only people from Dorne are non white as far as I am concerned. It's not hate, I genuinely thought you would write her as dornish with all pictures you tagged as myrah.
Myrah is from the vale because half of her father’s family is from myr and half is from the vale. The castle that is to become hers sits there. If someone were to ask her where she is from, she’d say the vale. If someone asked her what her ethnic makeup is, that is a different story
Myrah’s mom (amal) rhoynish and summer islander. I’ve mentioned Myrah’s grandma in the piece, she lives in the dornish marshes. I’ve also mentioned the places her maternal grandmother hold dear to her… they are inhabited by people of color. I have mentioned Myrah’s heritage and how it affects her clothing here. In chapter 9, she literally talks about naming her bunny nymeria.
“Myrah tries to think of what Vhagar would sound like. Ironically, she imagines her sounding a bit like her maternal grandmother, who now resides in the Dornish Marshes. A funny, older woman who has seen a lot, probably too much. From the Water Gardens of southern Dorne to the Red Flower Vale of the Summer Isles to the Isle of Butterflies. Vhagar is battle tested in the way her grandmother is life tested.”
There were 10 thousands ships, not every rhoynish person landed in dorne. Though myrah’s grandmother has ties there after she settled down, she was a traveler (something y’all will get when I write more about the everlanes). Some settled other places. The same way you can call African Americans black. You can’t call all black people African American. There is a diaspora. There are rhoynish people who consider themselves dornish, they are people of rhyonish blood who may not
“The Rhoynar attempted to settle in Naath where they were welcomed by its peaceful people, but they were soon driven off by disease.[2] In the Summer Isles, the Rhoynar settled on the uninhabited so-called "Isle of Women" for more than two years.[2][4][5] The princes of the isles refused to allow them to settle on the larger islands, fearing the wrath of the Freehold.[4] However, many soon starved for the island was poorly soiled and yielded little food,[2] and disease and slavers took their toll.”
“although the less seaworthy ships settled the Stepstones, or were blown off course to Lys and Tyrosh and gave themselves up to the slavers of the Free Cities rather than die at sea. Nymeria and her ships finally made landfall on the coast of Dorne, near the mouth of the river Greenblood, not far from the Sandship, the ancient seat of House Martell.[2][6]”
“While most Rhoynar integrated into Dornish society, especially into the so-called "salty Dornishmen", the orphans of the Greenblood have retained their Rhoynish heritage and language.[2] The Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, who sits Iron Throne, claims the title of King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men.[3]”
Also even if her family wasn’t from any of those, I’d still write her as mixed… bc I can. If I can write something about a dragon riding prince, I don’t think it’s far fetched for readers to use their ~imagination~ and picture a woc living in the seven kingdoms lmao
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