to-the-beautiful-you2 · 10 months ago
I was going through some old sketches of mine and found some Oc's from when I was like 14 lol,It was around the time I was obsessed with horror rpg's and wanted to make one with my little sister.
Here's a lazy sketch of one of them.
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eraenaa · 10 months ago
My Knight in Darkened Armor (Royalty AU)
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Knight Aemond Targaryen x Princess Reader Tag List
Synopsis: Ser Aemond Targaryen has been tasked to be the sworn protector of a princess who is overly curious about life beyond the castle walls and has bribed him to escort her to the city in exchange for anything he desires. She just did not know that what he desired was her.
Word Count: 4,373
Warnings: Mature, 18+, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, jealousy, possessive
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Carnival—your favorite time of the year. The only chance for you to leave the cushioned walls of the keep that your father was intent on keeping you in. Sheltered and stored— protected and preserved. You now marvel at the scene outside. Merriment in every corner, cheers and hollers everywhere your carriage passed. “Stay close to your knight… danger lurks even in the happiest of days,” your father warned. You mindlessly nod as you smile at the outside world that you were rarely given a taste of.
As you stepped out of the wheelhouse, your knight in his ever-dark armor waited for you. His hand led out to escort you toward a tent in the middle of the town square. The performers were ready to entertain you and your King father, as well as the others who merrily celebrated the day. “Enough scowling; it is the most joyous of days,” You said to your knight. Ever since he was assigned to you, he had been overly serious— overly protective. Entirely strict and hard to be rid of, never leaving you out of his sight, not even for a moment. His eye always trailed and followed your every move in case the danger you doubted would occur finally happened. “It is as well the most dangerous of days there is, princess.” He answered stoically. Eye passing through the crowd, searching for any threats. 
“You often speak of danger, but there is clearly none. Try to enjoy yourself… you are still a man who feels under all that armor, yes?” You asked, your gaze flying upwards to the knight who stood by your right. You gazed up at him, searching for his eye through visor. When you locked upon his unique lilac eye, you dare say you saw a hint of mirth in them. 
When the performances began, you lost yourself in the scenes before you. Actors that were so greatly gifted in their talents, for they have managed to sway your mind and made you believe that all the stories they told were true. However, at times, you would hear Aemond scoff his disagreement at a scene. You were glad of his annoyance and disagreement because it meant that he as well, did watch the performance. 
When it was time for your father to name the victorious performers who had the most believable presentation, the king stood, and Aemond, along with another knight, stood behind him in protection—leaving you to be faced with their backs, finally unattended. As all citizens had their gazes planted on their king, you, for the first time in your life, did something you were not supposed to do. You indulged yourself and escaped their almost suffocating hold disguised as protection and safety. You have lived in your kingdom for seven and ten years, but the extent of your knowledge of it was the mere castle walls— you intend to change that matter, and you intend to see the kingdom you were to inherit when the time comes. 
Aemond moved his head behind to look upon you once more, but he felt his stomach pit as the seat meant for you was now empty. The cloak you wore as you exited the wheelhouse was gone as well. Aemond turned to the king who now realized you were now gone. “Find her quickly.” The king gritted, hoping none notice your escape, fearing that his sheltered child would be made a prey by the small folk. “Now!” The king roared, and Aemond quickly ran to his steed and searched for you, the princess.
You walked the streets of your kingdom, your hood covering you from exposure. Everything was almost so unfamiliar to you, but you find your blood spiking in thrill for all the experiences you were yet to discover. You watched as a group gathered, and your curiosity led you to them. You felt your lips twitch as men used pots and mere objects to produce music. Your gaze went towards the young man in the middle, singing a different and new tune that had captured all’s attention and ears, even yours. His hazel eyes scanned the crowds that swayed upon his song. His hand moved to comb his brown locks, and he winked at a group of girls around your age, making them squeal and blush. You watched as others moved and gave them coins, appreciation for the music they performed. 
When their song ended, the group that surrounded them dissolved little by little, and that was when you decided to offer your appreciation as well. Bending down to offer two silver coins, hoping it would serve as motivation for them to continue to perform such a great song. You kept your head low and did not engage with anyone, but still, you were noticed. “Hello,” the young man with a melodious voice greeted. Your eyes moved to look upon him, who gazed at you, trying to make out what you covered under your hood. “Hello,” You said as well, un certain on what to do. “I… I hoped you liked our performance; if you did, we have another one tomorrow night,” he said, still trying to see your face clearly. “I did… it was quite good,” you answered and tried to back away, but a stray dog that passed behind you made you trip and start to lose balance. 
Luckily, the young man before you was quick to take hold of your arm and pull you steady. But in exchange for your balance was your cover, your hood falling back and revealing your face. You feel your cheeks heat as realization comes to the hazel orbs of the young man before you. “Your hi—“ You quickly shook your head and shushed him, “Please, don’t,” You said and raised your hood once more, warily looking around to see if anyone else saw you. “What are you doing here? Your hig—“ The young man whose hold still has not left yours tried to call you upon your title once more, but you gave him a pointed look that made his words die on his tongue, a look of sheepishness coming to his face. 
“What is your name?” You asked, “Jacaerys,” He answered. You smiled and gave a nod, “I wanted to see the city. They rarely let me outside castle walls,” You explained to the stranger; it was not smart of you, but there was something about him. Something warm and a sense of trustworthiness that made you tell him the truth. Jacaerys raised his brow, “You escaped your guards?” He asked, and you slowly nodded. Before either of you could speak again, you heard the furious gallops of a horse. And almost instantly, your body knew who was to approach. You and Jacaerys turned to see your sworn shield cutting through the crowds in search of you. You thought about running, still wanting to see more, but it was too late as you felt the familiar gaze of his lone eye upon you. 
“Remove your hold on the princess, Jacaerys,” You hear him call menacingly. You furrow your brow as to why he already knew the young man’s name. “Un—“ Aemond raised his hand and silenced the boy. Using his other hand to pull you to him. You had no room to argue or plea as you felt Ser Aemond’s hard and rough hold upon your waist, lifting you to mount his steed. You watched as your knight moved closer to Jacaerys, bending down to whisper something in his ear. You watched as the boy’s face grew pale, but you could not voice out your concern or ask if he was well because Aemond moved to mount his horse, sitting behind you and swiftly galloping away. You sat in silence and almost fear as Aemond had his arms around your waist, the two of you riding towards the castle where your father waited with a sermon. 
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“Is he angry?” You ask your knight as you neared the castle gates. Hoping he would slow his steed down so you would not be delivered to your punishment so soon. Aemond smirked at your question, taking a deep breath and savoring the smell of you. He let his horse gallop slower, wanting to prolong the time he had you in his arms for a while more. “You escaped during the most crowded day of the year— where all people from the entire kingdom… thieves, murderers, and criminals could go about in plain sight. What do you think, princess?” He asked and kept his smirk as he heard you puff and lean your back to his chest. “You’ll be fine; we both know your father is very lenient when it comes to you,” Aemond tried to console you as he saw the adorable pout on your pink lips. His mind filled with a thought he should never entertain. 
You stood before your father in his study. Head hung low in shame. He had not said a word yet, simply stewing in his anger, but you already feel tears welling in your eyes. You hear the creek of his chair as he stands, and that is when the first pearl tear escapes your eyes and lands on the floor. You hear your father sigh, “I have yet to say anything why then do you already cry?” He asked and made you lift your gaze. “I’m sorry!” You quickly said. You could not bear it when he was cross with you; just the slight tone of disappointment in his voice and the look in his eyes was enough for you to cry for forgiveness. “I just wanted to learn more about our kingdom— I wanted to see how our people live and what they do.” You reasoned. That was your main goal when you slipped away. You were only distracted by the song Jacaerys and his group performed. 
You looked upon your father, teary-eyed, watching him sigh and shake his head. “You will do no such thing again, do you understand?” He asked sternly, and you quickly nodded your head and left his study when he dismissed you. Outside in the hall, your knight waited for you, ready with a handkerchief to wipe away your tears. “Thank you,” You said quietly, and Aemond gave a nod. His helmet was finally removed, and you could see his straight silver hair gleaming in the evening light. You’ve always been jealous of his hair; you’ve always wanted to run your hands through it, but it was deemed inappropriate, so you never could. 
When he accompanied you to your chambers, you had a question in mind. “How do you know Jacaerys?” You asked and paused in your tracks, looking before the knight who had a forever serious look on his face. He stayed silent for a moment, but you kept your expecting gaze upon him. “He is a very distant relative,” He finally answered, and you gave a nod. “Why did you not say you are acquainted with a performer— a good one at that? I have been looking for entertainment. Perhaps Father could invite him and his group to sing a song of two here,” You mused and watched a scowl start to spread on his face. “It is best not to, princess.” Ser Aemond answered. You frowned at the animosity in his voice. “Why not?” You asked. Aemond clenched his jaw at your questions and intrigue upon his nephew. “Good night princess,” Aemond said as you were now before your chamber door. You frowned as he avoided your question but ultimately sighed and entered your room, knowing he would not answer it.
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The following day, as you broke your fast, you found yourself humming the tune you heard the day before. Your mind reminding you of the invitation said that Jacaerys and his group were to perform once more that night. You chewed on your lip as there was a part of you that wanted to watch and escape again. You stared at your knight, who stood still at his post, wondering how to escape him. 
Aemond gulped and urged himself not to waver as he felt your steady gaze upon him. He felt his knees grow weak with each passing moment you kept your brilliant eyes on his frame; he felt himself grow warm by the look of concentration on your pretty face. “Is there something you need, princess?” He finally asked. He watched you blink, plush lips parting before him, indecent thoughts plaguing his mind. “I…” You began. Watching as your sworn shield walked closer to you, his imposing demeanor enveloping you. You quite liked that about him— how petrifying he looked and acted, but with the year he was assigned to you, you saw through the cracks of his cold and hard armor, and it revealed softness and warmth. “Can you come with me to the city t—“ You could not even finish to word out your request as he was quick to shake his head. “No.” He said decisively. Aemond bit his tongue as a dejected look came to your eyes, and your lips formed the unconscious pout you always had when things did not go your way. “Please— I swear I’ll behave. I w—“ Aemond sighed and shook his head once more. “No. If your father ever heard about me sneaking you out of the castle— he will have my head.” He said, but you only disagreed. “He won’t! I swear of it!” You said, but your knight only scoffed and rolled his lone eye in disbelief. 
“Please! I’ll give you whatever you desire if you take me to the city tonight,” You tried to bribe him. Aemond clenched his jaw as your eyes widened, begging him to agree. His mind, as well, did not miss the bribe you clearly uttered without shame. But he was more shameless, for he agreed. He felt his heart stutter as you beamed at him, bouncing in your seat in joy; his eye caught as your ample chest heaved when you did the action. His mind running with thoughts, his body turning alight. Aemond cleared his throat and returned to his post and willed himself to be rid of such disgraceful thoughts.
Aemond swallowed hard as he had his hand clasped around yours. Him guiding you through the crowded streets of your kingdom. “Your hood,” Aemond warned, pulling you closer to him. He reluctantly brought you back to the street, where you watched his nephew perform. He felt enraged over the fact that the only reason you wanted to leave the castle walls and rebelled against your father’s wishes was to see his bastard nephew perform. He placed you and himself behind the crowd. You urged him to go closer, but you were refused. “I have told you we will not engage with anyone.” He sternly warned. 
You did not miss the animosity in his voice once again and how his scowl was deeper. The performance was starting, a folk song made by their group, but your attention was on the knight whose hold now traveled to your waist and held you close and tight to him. “Why are you angry?” You asked. His eye scanned around to see if there was danger. “I am not,” He answered. “You are,” you insisted. Aemond’s jaw clenched as he saw his nephew you spot you two, moving towards the princess in his grasp. You let out a sound surprise as your knight started to drag you through the streets once more, ignoring your call as he made furious steps that you could not quite match. 
“Aemond!” You called, and he finally halted, pulling you towards a dark and narrow alley. “Why did you want to watch him? Why did you want to see Jacaerys again?” He asked furiously. You stared wide eyed as you had never seen such fury in his eye. “I…I,” you stuttered in slight fear. “You were willing to endanger yourself— willing to let your father grow angry with you once more, all for him? All for Jacaerys?” He seethed, and you started to see a familiar yet foreign emotion in him. “Are you jealous?” You dare ask. His face was so close to you that your breathing started to mix, and you could see clearly the scar that ran down the left side of his face. “No,” He said unconvincingly after a moment. You raised your brow, “You were fine escorting me out of the castle walls earlier… but once you learned that  I wanted to watch their performance, you grew irritable… are you jealous, Ser Aemond?” You asked even though you knew the answer. 
Aemond narrowed his eye at the speck of amusement in your orbs. His face threaded closer, and only now did he grow aware of how flushed your bodies were against each other. He felt his eye flash dangerously as he caught you licking your lips as you gazed at him with your innocent eyes. Your plush pink lips parted again, and the thoughts he tried hard to suppress and ignore were now the only thing on his mind. “You owe me something, princess,” He instead said, pushing his body closer to your frame that was backed up on the alley wall. “I have taken you to the city… now you must give me something that I desire.” You swallowed at the deep tone of his voice, at the dark look in his eye, and how he trapped you to your place with arms. “And… and what is that do you desire? Coin? Something valuable and pretty like jewels, perhaps?” You asked. You watched him smirk and lightly shake his head. “Oh… it is very valuable— overly pretty as well, but no, not jewels, princess.” He whispered. You feel your heart stutter, your breathing caught in your throat as his face inched closer. “Then… then what is that you want?” You asked. You watch him smirk, his hold on your waist growing tighter. “You.” You whimper as his lips pressed against yours. His lips were warm, punishing, and soft. 
Aemond wanted to scream at himself— hinder himself, and declare himself mad for doing such actions. To kiss the princess that he had sworn an oath to protect. But as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening your kiss, he could not be bothered by his sensibilities. He could not be bothered by propriety as your lips danced against each other. Clinging and never wanting to part. “Oh, Aemond,” You called as you parted for air, but the knight would only let you take one breath before intertwining your lips again— to be lost in pleasure again. “Tell me you want me too,” Aemond almost begged as he parted your lips again. You gazed up at him, lilac eye hopeful and wanting. “I want you, A—“ You could not finish your sentence as he took hold of your hand again and started to pull you out of the alley. 
Your mind was dazed as you followed him, as you let him take you wherever it was. It took you longer to realize that you were inside castle walls once more, nearing your bed chambers. He turned to you; his wanting eye filled with lust slowly started to be filled with uncertainty, but you shook your head. He had managed to stir something within you, a burn, a coil inside that made you grow crazed. 
You pulled him to your chambers, “I did promise you that I’ll give you what you desired,” You whispered and stood to the tip of your toes to kiss his lips. Your hand searched for his and guided them to undo the laces of your gown. He called upon your name, uncertain as he reluctantly parted your lips, but you shook your head. “I want you.” You said. It was the truth; ever since he was made to be your sworn protector, you could not help but be attracted to him. Him and his handsome scowling face. Him and his cold and rough but gentle touch. Him and his unique platinum hair and alluring lilac eye. 
You heard him groan, and you feared he would leave, but you smirked as he placed his lips against yours once more and started to undo the laces of your dress. “On the bed, now.” He ordered, and you obeyed quickly. You were now only dressed in your shift— sheer and light. You were positive he could see every single trace of your being. 
You sat by the edge of the bed, anticipating what he was to do next. You blushed as he started to remove his clothing. “Have I ever told you how pretty you look when you blush?” He asked, and that only deepened the color in your cheeks, eliciting a chuckle from him. You feel your heartbeat spike as he walks closer to you, your knight now only dressed in his trousers—a prominent bulge in the middle called for your attention. You sighed as he kissed your lips again, his hand coming to take hold of yours, doing the same as you did, guiding your hand to rest upon the dent in his pants. “Do you feel what you do to me, princess?” He asked, his lips moving to kiss your neck, his hand guiding you to stroke his length. You could only let out a small moan in response. 
You took in a harsh breath as Aemond moved you to lie down, anticipation coursing through your veins. “Are you certain?” He asked as his lips hung above yours; you nodded and met his thin lips to be lost in his sweet kisses. You whimper as his hand moves to cup your tit, giving it a firm squeeze, the bud growing taut upon his touch. His other hand stopped guiding yours as it moved to your thigh, him caressing the limb and teasing you with every boring touch. 
“A—Aemond,” You called; you wanted more. He hummed and gazed upon your eyes. His right hand is palming your tit, and his left hand caressing your thigh. “Please,” was all you could say, but it was enough as you watched him sink to his knees. Hands are moving to part your legs, bringing more wetness to your cunt with every action he took. “Oh gods,” Aemond breathed as he was met with your cunt— needy and calling for his touch. He shoved away his hesitancy and fears and did what he knew he should have done long before— claim every single part of you. Ruin you for any man, prince, or king to come. 
You cried out his name as his lips met with your cunt. Licking, sucking, and nibbling the sensitive skin. Bringing pleasure in all he did. “More,” You called, your hands losing themselves in his hair, finally gliding your fingers upon the silky strands. “Aemond, please— I need more,” You pleaded and whined as he ignored your call, simply continuing his torment on your needing bud and his teasing fingers upon your entrance. “Beg harder, princess.” He hummed, smirking at your cunt as you shamelessly did what he said. 
“Please Aemond… I want you— I need you to-to fuck me. Claim my maidenhead; I’m all yours.” Aemond turned rigged upon your words— searing pleasure enveloped him upon your words. He had never heard you so foul, so lewd— so desperate. And it was all for him. You feel your heartbeat stop as he finally moves atop you. You gasped as he ripped away your shift, leaving you bare and perfectly positioned for him to take you. You feel your eyes water as his length, thick and long, starts to break its way through. Aemond closed his eyes tightly at how you felt. You were so tight and warm; the pleasure you provided was almost painful— completely overwhelming him. “Just a little more… you’ll be a good princess and take all of me, yes?” He murmured against your neck, feeling as the tears glide down your eyes. You could only nod and hope the pain would be quick to turn into pleasure. 
“So fucking tight—so pure… all for me to ruin,” He growled as his length was finally fully sheathed inside you, finally feeling every single inch of your body. Your breathing turned labor as he thrust slowly, the pain finally turning to the blinding pleasure you sought. Aemond let out an amused breath as he watched you roll your eyes back in complete pleasure; your bite on your lips was so harsh that Aemond feared you would draw blood. “Does my princess like that, hm? Do you like being fucked like a common whore?” He gritted through his own pleasures. Your moans were answer enough. “Louder— let the entire kingdom hear how your knight pleasures you,” Aemond smirked as you still did what he said; neither cared about being found. In reality, he would prefer it, for it will bind him to you. 
“Aemond— oh gods, I…I,” you could not find your words as you felt your insides painfully coil, wanting something you were not quite certain of. Aemond hummed and moved his thumb to draw circles upon your nubbin, letting the coil grow tighter. You writing against him, desperate for something you have no words for. “Are you to come, my princess? Are you to come by the pleasure of my hands and cock?” Aemond asked and smirked as you lost yourself, as you could only comprehend his pleasurable actions. He let out a groan as you clenched around him, painfully and pleasurably so. Your knight is on the verge of release as well. His rhythmic and savoring trusts turned sloppy and desperate. “Come and scream my name, princess.” He ordered with one long final thrust of his cock and flick of his thumb. You coming undone by his touch. His groans mixed with yours, neither of you weary as his seed filled your cunt. 
He collapsed atop you as both of you came down from the highs of your release. Five words leaving his lips, an oath that he will keep for the rest of his life. “You’re all mine now, princess.” 
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libraryofgage · 8 months ago
The Prince and the Metalhead (3)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two | Three (you're here!)
I am once again posting the modern royalty au hfjsdk
The next one is gonna have the beginnings of Steddie, but take some happy Steve fluff for now lol
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't :^)
Steve wakes up on the morning of his twelfth birthday to Dart burrowing between his cheek and the pillow, drenching both in excited slobber. He wrinkles his nose, rolling over and wiping slobber off with a corner of his sheets. When Dart begins to burrow under his neck, he accepts that he's not going back to sleep, and sits up.
He picks Dart up, huffing slightly under her increased weight, and places her in his lap. She wiggles around, nearly vibrating off of him. "Good morning," Steve says, scratching behind her ear and earning a bark in return. He takes it as her wishing him a happy birthday and nods. "Thanks, Dart."
With a deep breath, he throws off the covers and slides out of bed. He opens the door of his room to find Clarisse already there, her hand raised as thought ready to knock. She blinks, holding Steve's gaze for a few seconds before lowering her hand and clearing her throat. "Good morning, Steve."
"Good morning, Grandmother."
She smiles at him, her shoulders relaxing some. "Happy birthday."
"You...know it's my birthday?"
"Of course," she says, nodding once as she gestures inside the room. Steve steps out of the way, allowing Clarisse into the room. A man in a suit follows after her, placing a long box on the desk and bowing to them both before quickly leaving. "Your twelfth birthday marks a very important milestone for Genovian royalty."
Steve blinks, quietly shutting the door as Clarisse sits at the desk the box has been placed on. "How so?" Steve asks, sitting on the bed and pulling his legs under him. Dart jumps up after him, rolling around in the sheets by his knee.
"Well, to be perfectly honest, the tenth birthday is the important one," Clarisse admits, "That marks your capability of taking on increased responsibilities as royalty. However, you weren't here then. So, the twelfth will be important, instead."
That only sort of answers his question, but Steve nods anyway, deciding he doesn't want to risk annoying Clarisse.
"Genovian princes begin learning swordsmanship after their tenth birthday. It's not a requirement anymore, of course, but I wanted to offer you the opportunity," Clarisse explains, picking up the box as she stands and sitting on the other side of Steve. "Consider this a birthday gift from me as Queen of Genovia."
"What does that mean?" Steve asks, carefully taking the box.
"It means you're still getting a gift from me as your grandmother."
Steve nods once, trying to process this as he looks back down at the box. "Can I open it?"
"Of course."
Carefully, he pulls the lid off the box. He was expecting the sword inside, but he's still surprised by the sight of it. The blade gleams in the light, and the hilt is encrusted with a line of colorful jewels. When he looks closer, he realizes the hilt is also engraved with names, and Steve soon finds his own among them. "What are the names for?" he asks.
"Every owner of this sword has their name engraved on the hilt," Clarisse says, smiling gently. "This sword is yours, Steve. It will always be yours, and your name there is proof of that."
"Oh," Steve breathes, slowly wrapping his hand around the hilt and lifting the sword from the box. He keeps the blade aimed away from himself, Dart, and Clarisse, unwilling to risk harming them. "Will I be fighting anyone?" he asks.
"No, no, of course not," Clarisse says, waving away the concern. "Swordsmanship is a way to keep active and connect to Genovian culture. It is also a rather handy skill to show off for visiting dignitaries."
Steve smiles slightly, lifting the sword some and noting that it's heavier than is comfortable. It'll be easier to carry and swing as he gets stronger, though. "Thank you, Grandmother," he says, his voice soft as he carefully places the sword back in the box.
"I do hope you'll wear it to your birthday party next week."
Steve blinks, looking up at Clarisse with a confused frown. "Birthday party?" he asks. He doesn't like parties; he especially doesn't like parties where he's supposed to be the center of them. All that happens is shoes that pinch his feet, subtle but sharp glares from his parents when he doesn't behave exactly as they want, and his stomach growling because he's not allowed to eat anything to avoid getting his clothes messy.
"Yes," Clarisse says, smiling warmly at Steve. "I intend to officially introduce you as Crown Prince of Genovia at your birthday. Of course, you'll be free to play with the other children once I have."
" I have to have a birthday party?" Steve asks, avoiding Clarisse's eyes so he doesn't have to see the anger or disappointment that follows his question.
A gentle hand rests on his shoulder, the palm warm and reassuring. "No, you don't," Clarisse says, "I want you to be comfortable, Steve. If you would be more comfortable not having a party, then we simply won't have one."
"You wouldn't get in trouble?"
"With who? I am the queen, you know. There are very few people who can scold me, and even fewer I would take seriously."
Steve nods, looking back down at the sword in its box. He doesn't want to disappoint Clarisse, and this party sounds like it's important. Maybe he can just grin and bear it like he usually does. Getting to play with Robin and Jonathan after being introduced will make that easier. Yeah. He can handle it for a few minutes, especially if it will make Clarisse smile.
"It's okay," Steve says, glancing up at his grandmother. "We should have the party."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure."
Clarisse smiles, her expression soft and warm, and Steve feels grounded and happy with his decision. "Okay, then. Just tell me if you change your mind, Steve. I won't be angry."
"I know, Grandmother."
"Now," Clarisse says, clapping her hands together as she easily changes the subject, "Let's move along. You've got a birthday breakfast waiting for you."
"Ugh, all the girls keep staring at you," Robin says, her nose crinkled with annoyance when Steve glances at her. Her arms are crossed, her hip jutting out slightly so the hilt of her sword gently bumps against the hilt of Steve's. "Don't they know you're a dingus?"
"They're enamored by his hair," Jonathan says, his words quickly followed by a flash as he takes a photo. Steve looks at him now, watching as he lowers the camera. "It defies gravity."
"Is that all I am? A dingus with good hair?" Steve asks, unable to help an amused smile tugging at his lips.
"Well, you're not bad with a sword, either," Robin admits, nudging him with her elbow.
"Your Mandarin is passable, I guess," Jonathan adds.
"My Mandarin is flawless, thanks," Steve says, rolling his eyes as he looks back out at the crowd. Guests in formal dress are mingling around the ballroom and completely ignoring Steve, Robin, and Jonathan. The only exception is one group of young women across the way that keep glancing at the trio before furtively whispering to each other.
Compared to some of his past birthday parties, his seventeenth is relatively tame. It doesn't have the bounce-house maze of his thirteenth (Robin's idea) or the full-fledged film studio complete with hair, makeup, and a director for guests to pretend they're movie stars of his fourteenth (Erica's idea) or the literal forest of photo shoot locations of his fifteenth (Jonathan's idea) or the battle bot creation station and ring of his sixteenth (Dustin's idea).
This year, he just requested a normal ball. No gimmicks. No special events or entertainers. It had resulted in whining and complaining from Robin, Dustin, and Erica, but Steve figured they'd calm down after stuffing themselves with cake.
As he's smiling politely at a girl whose eyes he happened to meet, the opening notes of a Genovian Waltz flow through the ballroom. Steve glances to his grandmother, watching as she takes Joe's hand to be led onto the dance floor. He then looks at Robin, offering a hand to her and grinning when she scowls at it. "Only if I get to lead this time," she says.
"Sure," Steve says, turning his hand over to place it in Robin's. He waves at Jonathan as she walks him onto the dance floor, turns around, and places a hand on his waist. As she leads him through the first steps of the waltz, Steve glances at the crowd around them before quietly saying, "I need to tell you something."
"Oh, are you finally sharing what you and Her Majesty have been having your little meetings about?"
Steve rolls his eyes, smiling a bit as he squeezes Robin's hand. "You're the first person I'm telling, if that helps."
She sniffs, glancing away and apparently meeting a cute girl's gaze since she winks before looking at Steve again. "Barely," she says, guiding Steve to duck under her arm in a spin. "Go ahead, though."
"Grandmother has given me permission to attend school in America for my senior year."
Robin blinks, nearly tripping over her own feet. Luckily, Steve catches her, briefly taking the lead so the mistake isn't noticed until she's stable again. "Seriously?" she asks, lowering her voice a little more. "So, what, California? New York? Please say we're going somewhere with a beach."
Steve's smile becomes apologetic as he says, "No, actually...Hawkins. I wanted to attend school in Hawkins."
The only thing that keeps him from faltering when Robin purposefully steps on his foot as hard as she can is all the practice he has from her accidentally stepping on his foot as hard as she can. He sighs as she glares at him and hisses, "Are you stupid? Seriously?! This is dumber than the time you kissed Jonathan."
"Rude. It's not dumber than the time you and I tried kissing?"
"No, because at least you being attracted to how awesome I am made sense."
"I suddenly feel sorry for Jonathan."
Robin rolls her eyes and pinches Steve's waist. "Seriously, why are you going back to Hawkins? That place sucks. You hate it."
"No, I hate my parents. I don't hate Hawkins. I just...want to see if it's changed, I guess. I want to see what the town is like now that I'm, you know, happy," Steve explains, watching Robin closely for her reaction. When she doesn't agree after a few seconds, he sighs and adds, "You don't have to come, Robin."
"Of course, I'm coming, Dingus. You can't get rid of me that easily. Besides, I'm your personal guard. I literally get paid to personally guard you."
"Good," Steve says, "It wouldn't be fun without you. Everyone else is coming, too. Well, except for Grandmother, but she promised to visit when she could."
"Wait, does this mean I have to go to school, too? Like, seriously?"
"Yeah. And Jonathan. And the kids. We have to at least try to blend in," Steve says, grinning at the devastated expression of Robin's face. If he'd gone to a private school, she probably could've gotten away with just being his personal guard, but a public school means actually blending in.
"The things I do for you," she mutters as the song comes to an end. She and Steve take a step back from each other and bow as the guests politely clap around them.
Before Steve can say anything, a warm hand rests on his shoulder. He looks over to see Clarisse, smiles brightly, and offers his hand to her. "Can I have your next dance, Grandmother?" he asks.
A now-familiar happiness settles in his stomach when she agrees, placing her hand in his. Steve basks in it, absolutely certain he'll have no problems in Hawkins so long as he remembers this feeling.
Tag List (let me know if you'd like to be added to future parts!)
@y4r3luv, @potato-of-the-lord, @lublix, @little-birch-boy, @eriquin, @whenindoubtb72
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isdalinarhot · 4 months ago
it’s so sad neither Sadeas nor Dalinar can probably cook (horny sigh)
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q-ueen-potato · 2 years ago
-Rising Sun(Straw Priest) AU
AU where Luffy is the reincarnation of Nika, the Sun God, there's two versions of this au. Tag: #Rising Sun AU and #Straw priest AU
-Actor AU(soon)
AU where the One Piece universe is a TV show and the characters are actors. Tag: #Actor AU
-DC AU (soon)
AU with the One Piece character as DC characters. Tag: #DC AU
-Meet the Monkeys AU
AU where Luffy lives the plot of Meet the Robinsons. Tag: #Meet the Monkeys AU
-The Griffin House AU (soon)
AU where the One Piece characters are the characters of the Owl House. Tag: #The Griffin House AU
-Mandalorian AU
AU where the strawhats are a mandalorian clan in the universe of Star Wars. Tag: #Ha'sarad Buyce Allit AU
-The Three of us AU
AU where Luffy is part of a set of triplets. #The Three of Us AU
-Fusion AU :
Au where all the D bearers has the ability to fuse with other people. Tag:#Fusion AU
-Tale of two captains AU (soon)
AU where Garp was a pirate before joining the marine and co-captain with Roger. Tag:#Tale of two captains AU
-Sniper Island AU
AU where Syrup Village slowly becomes the Sniper Island thanks to Kaya. Tag: #Sniper Island AU
-Avatar AU(the one with blue people)
AU where Luffy is a Na'vi and some characters too. Tag: #Avatar AU
-Stolen Throne AU
AU where the Clan of D was originally the rulers of Marijoise before the war and the WG. Tag: #Stolen AU
-Made of Wishes AU
AU where Luffy is not a human but him and his family are part of the genie specie. Tag: Made of Wishes AU
-Lost Royalty AU
Garp was the former king of Goa that had his throne stolen from him. Tag: Lost Royalty au
-Two sides AU
Garp and Roger are twins on this au. Tag: Two sides au
-Modern au
An au where is taken on our world. Tag: Modern au
- House of Drayce AU
An au where the clan of D all came from the same kingdom
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undercoverbastard · 1 year ago
“Seriously? You have to ask?” Stiles asked, in a bit of a disbelieving tone. “I mean I-... have you seen you? Resisting you sounds impossible, Derek, I mean seriously. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would tell you no if you gave them even a second look that’s- that’s impossible, you’re-”
Derek had already begun to tune out, a sick feeling crawling from the pit of his stomach upwards. He had grabbed for his shoes, fumbling slightly as he slid them on, in the middle of Stiles’ rambling. Before the other could continue, Derek waved away the rest with a nod.
“Right, right - you’re not… blind,” Derek interrupted. Stiles seemed a bit stunned at the overly neutral tone. Moving past Stiles without looking him properly in the eye, Derek mumbled about needing to get ready. Stiles attempted to stop him, his voice going low once the door opened, but it was of no use.
OR: a fic from the vaults, inspired by modern-day royalty au, derek’s penchant for being sought just for his looks, and im not sure what else was going on in my brain at the time tbh
Word Count: 4387
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steele-soulmate · 1 month ago
Princess of Candy Coated Lies, Modern Royalty AU-King Peter Steele & Grifter/ Single Mother OFC, Soulmate AU
Chapter 21
SUMMARY: Single mother Molly Anne Harper does the best she can do, given her circumstances- since she broke up with her ex-boyfriend by sending him to jail, she’s been struggling to be the best mother to twin daughters while working barely minimum waged jobs. But when she meets her soulmate- King Peter Thomas Ratajczyk of Brooklyn- she quickly finds herself falling heads over heels in love with the guarded, battle damaged ruler. Likewise, Peter finds himself with a family of a women and two little girls who call him daddy. But what happens when their father gets out from behind bars and starts to cause mayhem?
A Soulmate AU where you never know what the first words your soulmate says to you until they say it
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CHAPTER WARNINGS: none applicable
A NOTE FROM THE AUTHORESS: This fic is dedicated to SkullWoggle on AO3 and @rock-a-noodle on Tumblr.
“Here girls.” Peter reached into his back pocket and took out his wallet, drawing out two crispy fifty dollars bills. He handed them to the girls. “Go and have fun now, alright?”
“Alright daddy!” Aria chirped happily as she and her twin sister bounded away, leaving Peter and I parked off at an apple picking orchard.
“Fret now, my sweetheart,” Peter told me, hoisting the basket of freshly picked apples back into his arms once more and leading me into where the pumpkins grew. “The girls are in good hands. No one here will hurt them.”
A nervous hum slipped out past my lips as I found a beautifully enormous orange pumpkin. I wrapped my arms around it and began to rise up, struggling from the weight of the overgrown fruit.
Suddenly, the king swooped down and gathered the ginormous pumpkin into his arm before peering down at me with raw amusement on his face.
“And I think that’s everything that I will need!” I told him before tagging close to his heels as we walked off towards the checkout station.
“Sweetheart, why don’t you wander about some while I go and dump everything into the Doom Buggy?” he asked me in a deep rumble, smiling at me as he settled the basket of fruits and pumpkins onto the scale before taking out his wallet and handing the women his credit card.
“Okay,” I agreed with him. “I think I’ll go find the girls now. But do you need help getting everything to the car?”
“Nah, I got it all under control,” he soothed me as he accepted the receipt from the cashier.
We both went our own separate ways, the king heading off towards the parking lot and me wandering deeper into the bustling farmers market, where I quickly found the twins. Aria was happily deciding between white miniature pumpkins and orange miniature pumpkins and her twin across the way, looking at homespun and hand dyed fabrics.
“Hihi, mommy!” Aria chirped before choosing a dozen tiny orange miniature pumpkins. “Where’s daddy?”
“He’s taking some stuff that he bought back to the car,” I told her, not yet comfortable with saying we both bought stuff. “What do you have here?”
“A dozen baby pumpkins!” she told me excitedly as the stall owner packed the bright orange fruits into a padded box. “Thank you!”
She seized the box under an arm before dragging me over to the stall across the way, where Evie was holding a loving fold of deep navy blue fabric with sprinkles of gold stars stappled across the sky of the fabric.
Hey there Bumblebee, I signed to her after patting her shoulder and having her turn back to me. What are you looking at?
Aria and I want you to make us our Halloween costumes again this year, she signed back to me. Can you? Please?
“Tell me what you want to be for Halloween,” I said, using both my hands and voice to convey my thoughts.
“Can I be Captain Brooklyn please mommy?” Aria begged me, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. I smiled at the mention of my daughter’s favorite superhero.
“And Evie? What about you?” I asked her as Aria began to puruse the fabric selection, looking for the perfect shade of blue.
A butterfly, she told me, her fingers fluttering delicately as she hooked her thumbs around each other and flapped her fingers accordingly. Daddy likes butterflies.
“So he does,” I hummed, fishing into the front of my shirt and pulling out the chain that had both my fiancé’s family ring on it and my engagement ring. A simple rose gold band with flowers, vines and butterflies encircling the otherwise plain band. When the king had offered to purchase a fancy wedding band, I had kindly turned him down, saying that I did not really like the idea of carrying around something so fancy and valuable on my hand. “Okay, so we have Captain Brooklyn and a butterfly- tell me what color schemes you want to follow.”
Aria wanted the traditional royal blue, cherry red and pale white and Evie wanted pastel colors of pinks and yellows and greens and blues and purples. With a more detailed picture in mind, I guided the girls into choosing fabrics that would work well for them, my mind quickly calculating how much fabric they would need to buy.
Finally, the girls were handed bags with their purchased fabrics and a business card that had the stall owner’s website, email address, where to find them on social media and a coupon code for twenty percent off an entire order to be redeemed on their website. I led the two away from the booths and over towards the food trucks, suddenly feeling a sharp hunger pain.
“Look at who I see!” I laughed, pointing off over towards where King Peter was sitting with a table full of food. He caught my eye and beamed happily, raising his hand to wave to us.
“DADDY!” screeched Aria, my two daughters racing over to hug their soon to be legal father.
“Hello there now, girls!” the king was chuckling as the two settled themselves onto either sides of him, beaming up at him before bathing their hands in sand sanitizer that I offered out to them. “I got you three ladies each a plain grilled cheese sandwiches and fries. I know what my best girls like.”
“Yummy yum yum!” giggled Aria as she began to inhale her food.
The corners of Peter’s eyes crinkled up before he began to devour his- honest to god feast.
I took a bite if my food and moaned erotically as a sudden explosion of flavor exploded in my mouth.
“This is delicious,” I hummed as I popped a seasoned French fry into my mouth. “Yum yum yum.”
“Daddy?” Aria meeped, having finished half of her grilled cheese sandwich. “Are you and mommy going to have babies?”
“We will eventually, though not right now,” he answered honestly, already halfway done with his enormous meal. “I’m looking into getting the three of you into therapy. Baby steps, Aria. Baby steps.”
I cooed silently at this strong, handsome, mighty, proud, sweet, loving manly man who I was blessed to call my own personal king.
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months ago
#like the clown i am i spent half the night awake trying to come up with a way to make the olli/allu modern-day royalty AU work out#my first idea was to try and make it similar to my college AU with POV chapters and shit#but i quickly realised it wouldn't work out for the same reason i'm still struggling with the gran hotel AU:#unlike with the college AU i don't have a clear character arch for everyone#e.g. i can't for the life of me think of a way to link the joel/niko side plot to the main plot to make it make sense#and idk what joonas' role would be other than to occasionally hook up with olli and fangirl about aleksi and pine for joel#soooooo it thought i could instead make it a series of shorter stories? if anyone out there is seriosly interested in reading this AU? 👉👈#like. the first one would obviously have to be a little longer since it's the establishment for the whole AU#so far i have an outline for a 6-chapter story from olli's and allu's povs. basically just them getting together#and the rest of what i have planned for the AU would be standalones or shorter establishments?#because if i were to include EVERYTHING in one fic it would most likely end up being +20 chapters lol#and no way in hell would i have the patience for that 💀#that way i could just time-jump to the scenes i want to write the most lol#instead of having to try and weave them together to form a longer coherent plot#i mean i looooooooove slow burn and all that but i don't want to overwhelm myself by starting to write something#only to realise 32k words later that i have no idea where i'm going with it D:#(my ski jumping rpf fic says hi 🙃)#but by writing individual shorter stories it would be much easier for me to handle the plot while also advancing it#because the storyline in my head is so extensive that i feel like i can't fit it all in just one fic#at least in a way that i would be satisfied with 😭#i can make them get together in 6 chapters with no trouble#but for them to actually form a secure relationship and get messed up in all that tabloid drama and face the prejudice of the royal family#until eventually getting their happy ending? yeah nope. gonna need at least 20 chapters for that lmao#and if i wanted to advance all the sideplots on top of all that? yeah nope 😵#with individual stories i could just write all the joonas/tommi and niko/joel (and unrequited j/j) as spin-offs! yay problem solved! 😇#pls don't get your hopes up though lol i may love planning fics but writing is another story entirely 😂#but yeah. watch this space?#or maybe i'll just continue writing random pointless olli/allu standalones whenever i get a burst of inspiration. we'll see 👀
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ichisama · 7 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ヒプノシスマイク | Hypnosis Mic (Albums) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aohitsugi Samatoki/Yamada Ichiro Characters: Yamada Ichiro, Aohitsugi Samatoki Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Modern Royalty, Established Relationship Series: Part 81 of cosmic: a fic a day for samaichi Summary:
Samatoki could hardly believe it. Was he seriously being mugged? Did this fool not know who he was? And... perhaps most importantly...
Was he finally going to see his guard dog bite?
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baeshijima · 2 years ago
train strikes be hitting hard rn bc i dont have lesson until 4 hours later online so i had this pretty funky concept (haha shocker) but its like... parallel universes??
ok so the basic premise is that you’re part of teyvat and are close to some of the characters (not all bc we need some realism...) (cross-regional tho bc u enjoy travelling and don’t like being confined to one nation *cough* the inazuma lock-down was a nightmare for you bc of it *cough*). as a result, you’re familiar with their dispositions, likes & dislikes, and habits !!
one night, however, you have a dream; a dream of a world far different from the teyvat you know, and one that has the same people you’re familiar with but not them with you. because it’s a dream, you just joked around with them as usual and woke up back to your normal life.
the next night, you return to that dream; the dream of a world far different from the teyvat you know, and the one that has the same people you’re familiar with but not them with you. this time is different. this time, they remember your actions from the previous dream, and question who you are, what your purpose is with them, and how you know them when they don’t know you.
much to your horror, you find yourself returning every single night you fall asleep. and, without fail, they remember your previous encounter with them.
those from teyvat still act the same (that much you’ve confirmed after realising what’s happening) so whatever happens in your dream world doesn’t seem to affect reality. unfortunately, it affects your interactions with them, as you sometimes mix them up for their parallel counterpart.
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dropespeon · 21 days ago
something that fascinates me is the different sorts of aus different fandoms are drawn to. like i see a lot of canon divergent aus for isat, but then with other things like orv it's mostly different settings (classic fantasy aus and such). and then there's whatever the bnha fandom has going on where they just make the protagonist a completely new character
#drop#i'm not a bnha fan to be clear. But i have traversed the depths of the ao3 tag out of morbid curiosity#and i do mean new character. they keep his name and sometimes his appearance but like his personality and motivations will be changed beyond#recognition#it is so intriguing. i'm not even saying this in a judgemental way i'm just curious Why#anyways back to the main topic. i think ship-heavy fandoms tend to do alternate settings a lot?#they're mostly where i see royalty aus and modern aus and such#and then the more gen heavy ones are more canon divergence focused#it's interesting! i wonder why#i don't read many ship fics so i can't really guess the tastes of people who do#it could just be a difference in focus where gen writers are more focused on the overall universe whereas ship writers are more focused on#those specific characters#or it's just normal fandom trope stuff and i'm reading too much into it#but just in general it's also interesting to see how different people go about aus? you can really tell what their priority is i feel like#it's interesting#like some people just want to put guys in situations. others just want to put things that appeal to them personally. some people want to#expand on canon's themes#i mean sometimes it's all three. it usually is for me. i want to be more specific but it's hard to articulate without examples#In any case. i'm mostly a themes guy and that's what i prioritize but the other two are definitely there#idk this isn't going anywhere. i just think it's neat
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pinkprincesscouture · 7 months ago
My Heart Belongs to You Chapter 1
Note: This is honestly my first time writing so any constructive criticism is welcome! Since I'm heavily inspired by manhwa, manga, anime, and light novels I hope to incorporate illustrations in future chapters! Thank you and happy reading! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
*There’s this aching void in the middle of my chest. The more people I’m surrounded by, the deeper it gets, the more it aches. I want to reach out and grab someone, anyone. I want them to look at me but sometimes it’s just easier to sit and let the void grow bigger. I’m scared if the void disappears, If the aching disappears, I may really be left with nothing. I may really be alone.*
Despite being surrounded by servants who waited on her hand and foot, Rhoan still felt alone. She should be happy; after all she’s now living the life every girl dreams of. Anything she needed; she could get at the snap of her fingers. She had the finest clothes designed by the most sought-after designers in the entire capital, she had the most luxurious and expensive jewels and perfumes. What more could she want? She was no longer worrying about making enough money for rent. She was no longer a poor commoner; she was now the Crown Prince’s wife.
She had her own room, double the size of a small greenhouse. The walls were the color of a soft dull rosewood accented with pale gold roses. The long, heavy drapes that covered the big double-doored windows matched her walls; so much so that they almost blended into each other. Against the wall was a stunning white vanity with gold handles. In the middle of the room was a desk, on that desk was a vase filled with yellow Alstroemeria and yellow Roses. Every morning the maids would come in and replace them with fresh ones. Rhoan wasn’t particularly fond of those flowers, she had previously asked the maids to replace them with pink roses but to no avail. They continued to bring the yellow roses and yellow Alstroemerias for they were the previous Crown Princess’ favorite. Rhoan grew to hate the flowers, to her they only served as a reminder that this room wasn’t really hers.
Though Rhoan was grateful for her new life, nothing in this palace she now called home belonged to her. She came here with nothing, everything given to her here was owned by the previous Crown Princess. From the clothing, jewelry, shoes, perfumes and even the way her hair was styled, they were all inherited from the previous Princess. As daylight penetrated the gaps between the thick drapes, Rhoan slowly sat up, taking in the beauty and luxury that surrounded her. Though it’d been a while since she’d gotten to the palace, she was still in awe. She rolled around in bed, placing the pillow tightly on her face so no one could hear her frantic giggles. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
“Princess Rhoan, it’s time to get ready for breakfast,” said the soft yet firm voice that came from the other side of the door. Before the door could open, Rhoan leaped out of bed, frantically brushing her hands through her hair, and brushing the wrinkles out of her nightgown. The door gently opened and Rhoan greeted the head maid, Margret with a large smile. The middle-aged maid looked at the young woman with furrowed brows and a frown. Rhoan tried her best to ignore the clear disdain on the woman’s face.
“Hurry, get in the bath, I will pick out your clothes.”
Rhoan softly nodded. With her head down and her long black hair covering her face, Rhoan made her way to the bathroom. While drawing her bath, Rhoan carefully looked through the fragrances neatly organized on the counter. She leaned over examining and smelling each fragrance. As she hummed and ran her fingers over the top of the fragrances Rhoan thought, “This is nice, this kind of thing should be my biggest worry, nothing else”.
While trying to decide on the scent she’d wear, she wondered if she’d finally see him today. Would he like the one that smelled of lilac, or maybe the one that smelled of roses?
“I wish I could use them all,” she said jubilantly.
As she exited the bathroom, Rhoan again greeted Margret as she motioned her to the vanity. This was the part of the morning routine Rhoan dreaded the most. “sit” said Margret. Margret began brushing Rhoan’s hair. Each time the brush passed through, Marget became more and more aggressive. It was as if Margret was trying to rip Rhoan’s hair straight from her scalp. With each fierce motion, Rhoan flinched. Tears began to well in her eyes; however, she couldn’t let Marget see her break. She swallowed her pain. She thought this won’t last long—I’m used to it, this much I can bear. It was over, Rhoan let out a sigh of relief. Glaring at Margret through the mirror, Rhoan smiled and thanked her. Rhoan walked over to her bed to see the dress that had been picked out for her. It was Gorgeous. It was a long dress with a hollowed-out piece on the chest. The long sleeves puffed out at the end and tightened around the wrist. On the wrists were golden embroidery that matched the turtleneck and the window on the chest. It was a tad bit flashy for her taste, but she wouldn’t dare complain, not that she particularly wanted to. A large grin came around her face, as she raised her left hand to hide it from Margret, she used her other to feel the fabric of the dress. It was soft, so soft that she felt as though it’d melt from the warmth of her hand.
The two women made their way down to the dining room, stepping through the palace corridor many maids were seen doing the daily cleaning. The maids paid Rhoan no mind, as usual. The Palace corridor was bathed in radiant light. The large windows that lined the halls served as a look into the magnificent garden. Every single color you could imagine was in that garden. Tall Cypress trees lined both sides, animal shaped hedges surrounded the glorious fountain that decorated the middle of the place. There was one part of the garden that many considered to be the most beautiful, it was the most recent addition filled with the yellow Alstroemeria and yellow Roses. They were planted in dedication to her. The maids and butlers of the palace took great care of that particular section of the garden. Every single day, no matter the weather, they made sure those flowers were properly looked after, made sure their beauty matched those of their beloved late Princess. The late Empress loved those flowers, they were her absolute favorite. They suited her well, everyone in the Capital could see that. She was radiant, her smile was as bright as a thousand suns. Her ivory skin and her long flowing blonde hair were truly a sight to behold. She was the embodiment of perfection, even he couldn’t help falling for her. Being the exact opposite, Rhoan felt inferior. Her hair black as coal, eyes the color of dark roast coffee, her sepia skin accompanied by an angelic childlike face haggard with worry and stress. A series of heavy footsteps echoed through the corridor, his were the loudest and strongest of all. Every one of his swift clops on the porcelain floor were attentive and controlled. His militaristic posture made anyone in his path shake. Rhoan’s heart began beating rapidly. With each beat they got louder and faster, so loud that Rhoan felt as though her ears would burst from the sound of the thumping. Rhoan held her breath hoping it’d settle her heart. There he was leading his court. His blonde hair glistened where the sunlight touched, his blue eyes drew you in like a whirlpool. His beauty was that of an earth-bound Adonis. Contradicting his angelic beauty was his cold and stoic gaze, a gaze that would send shivers down the spines of those in its way. Prince Cillian Chalhart was the treasure and pride of the empire, never had it had such a fearsome leader. He’d fought countless battles and led our empire to victory during the brutal Bastilian war. His beauty did not take away from his brutality, he’d crush anyone who threatened his beloved empire.
“Hello, your highness”, both Margret and Rhoan bowed. With her head lowered, eyes closed, Rhoan held her skirt and placed her hand on her chest. She couldn’t bear to meet his eyes, not that it mattered. The Prince swiftly passed the two, not even bothering to spare the two women a glace. Still, she was happy to see the Prince, even if it was just for a second. She believed he’d only gotten even more handsome since their wedding day. Just as swiftly as he had appeared, he disappeared. The maids in the corridor began to snicker.
“Poor girl, he didn’t even bother to acknowledge her. How cruel,” said one maid.
“How embarrassing, can she really be considered his wife?” said another.
Rhoan could hear their comments and see their condescending looks through her peripheral vision. In an effort to control the tears that began to well in her eyes, Rhoan tightly bit her lip and made her way to the dining room. She sat down at one end of the long table. The entire room was empty aside from the presence of Rhoan and head maid Margret. In front of Rhoan sat a plate of two slightly burnt eggs and sausages. On the side, there were two pieces of toast, that were surprisingly well toasted. Rhoan turned her head to Margret and asked her to send her thanks to the kitchen staff. It seemed the staff had decided to start preparing her food with a bit more care after the slight tantrum she threw last time. With Margret gone Rhoan felt comfortable enough to eat. As she took a bite of the dry bread, Rhoan looked around the large dining room. She began humming and softly kicking her feet. The only times she had the pleasure of being alone were during her meals, the rest of her day was spent with Margret, other maids, and various tutors. Each part of her day is meticulously mapped out. At times this both bored and caged her; however, sometimes she enjoyed the structure and routine. It took away her need to think.
In the evenings she’d have her English lessons in the palace library. Her tutor Julian was a young man in his early twenties. Tall, with short dark hair. His body was muscular yet lean. As he rolled up the sleeves of his blue collared shirt, Rhoan noticed his scars. Some were flat and pale, others were raised. His eyes were the most striking, being the color that’d find themselves camouflaged in leaves found in the Amazon. Despite their cool color, anyone who looked into them would be filled with warmth.
He didn’t seem like a man who’d take on tutoring as a profession. To Rhoan, he seemed better suited for the battlefield. Rhoan thought perhaps he’d pilot a Goliath for the imperial army, ah he’d really look good in their uniforms. During their time together, Rhoan would often find herself being unable to focus. His beauty was too distracting. Though of course, his looks couldn’t compare to that of her husband’s, he was beautiful, nonetheless. He was very friendly, something unfamiliar to Rhoan inside of this place. For Rhoan it was a pleasure whenever he was around, though he was her teacher, Rhoan viewed him more as a friend. The only one she had in this palace. She could speak comfortably with him, and she didn’t have to worry about him seeing the flaws she exhibited that were unbecoming of an Empress.
“Rhoan, did you manage to get through the book I gave you yesterday?” asked Julian.
“Yes! I really liked it!”
“It’s getting a lot easier to get through these books, I think I am ready to read the secondary school level books” exclaimed Rhoan as she held the thin book up to her chest.
Growing up outside of the capital Rhoan didn’t have much of an opportunity to go to school. Often times her mother was working two jobs, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. There was no time left in the day for her mother to take her to school. In her area there was only one school, it wasn’t small; however, it wasn’t too big either. Due to the lack of access to transportation, many children would have to walk to school. That wasn’t really an option for Rhoan given how far she lived, it was much easier for her to stay home and wait for her mother. Rhoan was a bit resentful at this lack of opportunity, as before moving to Asteria she was receiving decent schooling at a small school inside of the capital.
Putting his hand on top of her head Julian said, “I’m very proud of you Rhoan, you’ve improved greatly these past couple of weeks.” Rhoan’s eyes sparkled with happiness, she enjoyed the praise. Julian’s words were the only things that built her confidence and self-esteem.
“I told you I’d get it in no time” she gloated.
Even though they were only children’s books, Rhoan was still very proud of herself, and Julian made sure to reinforce that feeling. A part of Rhoan longed to share her progress with Emperor Cillian. Is an accomplishment, not something a wife would want to share with her husband. Though they did not share such an intimate relationship, she still wanted someone other than Julian to be a witness to her growth. With the thought of this desire, her eyebrows and eyelids lowered, and her shoulders began to shrink as she tightened her grip on the book and held it closer to her chest.
“If I shared this with him, would he acknowledge me, would I finally be worth his time?”
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bronzebtch · 2 years ago
i've updated my verses list 👀 
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libraryofgage · 9 months ago
The Prince and the Metalhead (2)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two (you're here!)
I know I just posted part one but I've got Thoughts for this AU that include: Steve's first birthday in Genovia and then his 16th, his conversation with his grandmother about attending public school in America for his senior year, and then we get into him attending Hawkins High and meeting Eddie!
So, yeah, plans lmao
Anyway, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
"You'll have a rotating course schedule. Mondays and Wednesdays will focus on math and social studies. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be science and literature. Friday will be Royalty lessons and the history of Genovia. We can also include an elective, if you'd like."
Steve blinks, staring at Sue for a moment before glancing at Jonathan and Robin. Jonathan is looking through a book of photography and Robin is idly scratching behind Dart’s ears. "Will we all have the same elective?" Steve asks.
"Not unless Jonathan and Robin want to join you," Sue says, looking at Steve expectantly. She's got a pen at the ready to write down what he says, and it suddenly feels like a lot of pressure.
Is there a wrong answer here? Is there an answer that gets him sent back to his parents? He looks down, biting the inside of his cheek so hard he tastes blood. Before he can lose himself in his thoughts, a cold and wet nose presses against his hand. Steve blinks, smiling at Dart and picking her up to hold close. "What kind of electives are there?" he asks.
Sue hums softly, flipping to another page on her clipboard. "Possible electives include art, music, theatrical performance, physical education, equestrian studies, botany, and foreign languages, to name a few."
"I'll be taking photography lessons," Jonathan says, looking up at Steve and gesturing to his book.
Robin nods and leans back on her palms. "I'll be doing the physical stuff. Like learning how to fight and practicing ballet to improve my balance," she says, leveling a look at Steve that dares him to say anything about the ballet.
Steve wouldn't, though. He doesn't want to make Robin angry enough to ditch him. He looks down at Dart, thinking for a moment before asking, "Can I take more than one?"
"Of course, but you're limited to three for now," Sue says.
What would be the most helpful? Foreign languages, probably, since he'll definitely have to speak with ambassadors from other countries at some point. He should also learn something that can be shown off, a skill that he could pull out at functions to make his grandmother proud or distract guests.
"What language should I learn?" he asks.
Sue thinks for a moment, tapping her pen against her chin. "Mandarin. It's a business language, and we have close relations with a few representatives from China and Hong Kong. If you'd like to learn a Romantic language first, though, Spanish is good."
"I'll learn Mandarin," Steve decides, nodding once to himself. "And music. I want to learn to play...hmm...the piano."
With a nod, Sue writes his electives down. "Let me know if you'd like to add an elective later, Your Highness. In my opinion, though, your current courses will keep you properly challenged for now."
Sue wasn't kidding about his academics being challenging. Steve struggles in math, muddles his way through science, drags himself through literature, and is ready to drop when he hits social studies. He'd ask the tutors to spend more time on topics, but Robin and Jonathan seem to have no problem keeping up, and Steve can't bring himself to disrupt their pace.
His Mandarin lessons are going just slightly better if only because the tutor seems to recognize that slower is better for him. After almost a month, he's starting to understand intonation and vocal variation better, and he can recognize a few characters on sight.
Piano lessons are also going well. His tutor there doesn't burden him with theory; she introduces the keys, shows him how to read sheet music, and then lets him choose songs to learn. Steve feels the most at ease when he's squinting at sheet music and slowly pressing piano keys into something recognizable.
The lessons he really looks forward to, however, are the ones for his Royalty Education. He gets to see his grandmother then, and she spends the whole day with him. Even better, something about this stuff just clicks. He's good at fixing his posture and memorizing silverware placement. He bows just right on his first try and his grandmother compliments his wave.
By the end of the lesson, she'll be smiling, her pride obvious, and take him for a walk in the gardens or to eat cookies in the kitchen.
"Royalty requires maintenance," Clarisse says, standing in front of Steve with relaxed shoulders. "You maintain your demeanor, your image, your knowledge of foreign dignitaries, your understanding of the people’s needs, and your humility. But you must also maintain your pride and your boundaries."
"That sounds like a lot," Steve says, idly tugging at the hem of his shirt.
"It can be overwhelming, but it becomes second nature in time," Clarisse explains, smiling reassuringly. "When you're royalty, you are constantly watched. Many eyes are kind or curious, but others are malicious, and you want to do everything you can to disappoint the malicious ones."
"By acting like the Crown Prince you are."
"What kind of prince am I?" Steve asks, finally voicing the question that's been lingering since these lessons started. What kind of prince does his grandmother want? What kind of prince would best serve the people? What kind of prince will be so loved by all that nobody could even think of thinking about getting rid of him?
Clarisse hums, thinking for a moment. "I suppose a good one," she says, her slight smile telling Steve that she's only lightly teasing. "My hope is that you'll be kind and competent. You will make Genovia prosperous without compromising tradition. You won't allow politics to stand in the way of doing what's right by the people of Genovia. But this is a tiring job, so I hope you'll learn how to balance your duties with relaxation."
It's a lot, but Steve can do it. He can be that kind of prince, especially for the country and grandmother that's offered everything he's ever wanted and more. He nods once. "Okay," he says, "What do I need to learn, then?"
Clarisse smiles fondly at him. "Let's start by reviewing Genovian history. Only by knowing the past can you face the future."
With that, she places a book on Steve's desk and doesn't wait for him to open it before telling him about Genovia's founding.
Steve has weekends off from classes, which leaves him with more free time than he knows what to do with when he doesn't have to clean a house or make his own meals. So, he's bored, and telling Robin that he was bored was a huge mistake after she suggested riding bikes around the garden only to learn Steve didn't know how.
She'd insisted that he should learn, insisted that Clarisse be the one who teaches him, and insisted on hearing no objections.
And now he's here, standing in front of Clarisse's desk and staring down at his feet as she finishes writing something on the paper in front of her. Joe is standing just to her right, hands behind his back.
"Okay," Clarisse says, gently placing her pen on the desk before looking at Steve with an encouraging smile. "What did you want to ask me, Steve?"
Steve bites the inside of his cheek, takes a deep breath, and looks up. "Well, um, Robin wants to ride bikes, but I don't know how," he says.
"Well, that's easily fixed," Clarisse says, reaching for a phone at the corner of her desk. "I'm sure a member of staff is free to teach you."
Before she can pick up the phone, Steve finds himself blurting out, "Well, I...I was could teach me."
Clarisse freezes, blinking twice with confusion before looking at Steve. "You want me to teach you?" she asks. When Steve nods once, she sighs softly. "A queen does not ride bikes. Besides, I have too much work to complete. Perhaps I could accompany you for a walk this evening to make up for it."
Despite himself, despite bracing for rejection, it still hurts. In the three months he's been in Genovia, Clarisse has agreed to just about every request he's made. Every held breath as he waits for cruel words has been released with unprecedented relief when none came. Even when he broke something---a priceless vase, according to Jonathan---his grandmother had simply surveyed the damage, thanked him for being honest, and asked him to avoid kicking soccer balls in the presence of priceless vases in the future.
Perhaps Steve has gotten too comfortable. He shouldn't be pushing like this. If he wants his grandmother's affection, he should know when to hold himself back.
So, despite the unfamiliar urge to ask again in case Clarisse might change her mind, Steve nods once. "I look forward to walking with you, Grandmother," he says, his voice quiet. He glances up, waiting long enough to see Clarisse's smile before turning on his heel and leaving the office as quickly as he can.
Clarisse watches him go, her head slightly tilted as the door closes silently behind Steve. She nods once, glad that Steve is sensible enough to understand things like work and propriety, and picks up her pen once more.
"If I may speak freely, Your Majesty?" Joe asks.
"At this point, Joe, you may as well assume the answer is yes."
"With all due respect, Your Majesty, and please pardon my French, my experience has been that assuming makes an ass out of you and me."
It takes a moment for Clarisse to understand the joke. When she does, she can't help her amused smile. "Fair enough," she says, "Go ahead, Joe."
"Do you remember what I said about being Steve's grandmother?"
"Yes, of course."
"Perhaps now is one of those moments where being a grandmother is more important than being a queen. His Highness does not ask for much, and he is not the kind to ask more than once, even if he really wants something. I imagine it took a significant amount of courage to ask you to teach him in the first place."
"Are you suggesting that I...I risk making a fool of myself for all to see?" Clarisse asks.
"I am suggesting you spend time with your grandson, who asks very little of you because he does not believe he can ask for anything."
Clarisse is silent a moment, letting Joe's words process and settle in her brain. Finally, she sighs and gestures to the papers on her desk. "I have work to complete," she says.
"Your Majesty, editing these proposals was on your schedule two weeks from now. You are ahead of your work. A break would not be unreasonable or unwarranted."
Well, when he puts it like that.
Clarisse sighs, leans back in her chair, and looks up at Joe. He's still staring at the door, giving no indication that he feels her eyes on him, but she knows he does. "Have a groundskeeper retrieve bikes and safety gear and meet us in the garden," she says, standing from her chair and bracing herself to look like an utter fool.
Her apprehension fades away fifteen minutes later. It can't hold last when she sees Steve's surprised and delighted expression at her presence. As she helps him put on knee and elbow pads, shows him how to pull the helmet's strap tight, and holds the bike steady as he sits on it, Clarisse decides a little foolishness is perfectly fine (necessary, even) if it will keep the smile on Steve's face.
Tag List (let me know if you'd like to be added to future parts!)
@y4r3luv, @potato-of-the-lord,
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prompt-heaven · 1 month ago
the ultimate list of AUs, kinks and tropes to inspire you for kinktober 
some of these are darker in nature since that is fitting for the spooky season. 
academic / teacher / professor / tutor 
addams family
babysitter / nanny
bonnie and clyde
bounty hunter
camp counselor
circus / carnival
demon / angel
fairytale retelling
guardian angel 
mafia / mob 
maid / butler 
monster / mythology / supernatural
paranormal investigator 
pirate / mermaid
serial killer
sex worker / porn / camgirl/boy / stripper 
spy / secret agent
steampunk / cyber punk
sugar daddy
tattoo artist 
time travel
treasure hunter 
wild west
against a wall 
age gap
amnesia / memory loss
anonymous sex
balcony sex
boss x employee 
brothers best friend / dad’s best friend (dbf)
car sex
clothed sex
comforting sex
coworkers to lovers
cursed / fuck or die / sex pollen
dark / soft!dark
enemies to lovers
exes to lovers
fake relationship
forbidden romance
friends to lovers
friends with benefits
game gone wrong
hate sex / make-up sex
huddle for warmth
just the tip
library sex
loss of virginity
mirror sex
neighbours to lovers 
only one bed
opposites attract
period sex
pool / hot tub sex
predator / prey
professor x student
public / semi-public sex
revenge sex
reverse harem
romantic sex
roommates to lovers
rough sex
sex in an alley
sex in exchange for a favour
sex while camping
shower / bath sex
table sex
unrequited love
being recorded / taking pictures
body worship
dom / sub / bondage / bdsm / shibari
breath play / choking
corruption kink 
costumes / uniforms
creampie / breeding / forced breeding
cum in panties
cunnilingus / face sitting / rimming / blowjob / deep throating / gagging
dirty talk / voice kink
double penetration / double penetration in one hole 
dry humping / thigh riding 
dubcon / noncon / cnc / drugging
exhibitionism / voyeurism
food play 
forced orgasm
formal wear 
free use
glory hole
glove kink 
hand kink
hole inspection
humiliation / degradation
hunter / prey
impact play / spanking / whipping / hair pulling / pain kink
jealousy / sharing / possessive
knife kink / gun kink
lingerie / stockings / socks
masturbation / caught masturbating / mutual masturbation
medical kink
monsterfucking / tentacles
multiple orgasms
orgasm denial / overstimulation / edging
threesome / orgy / gangbang
partner swap 
pillow humping
praise kink 
premature ejaculation / cuming untouched
role reversal
ruined orgasm / cuming without permission
sensory deprivation 
sexting / phone sex 
facial / swallowing / bukakke
size kink / size difference / belly bulge
skirt stays on
somnophilia / getting fucked to sleep
spit kink
stripping / lap dance
temperature play
thigh fucking
throat training
titty fucking
toys / object insertion 
a ritual gone wrong 
a string of unexplained deaths
a summer fling gone horrible wrong, or right
alian abduction 
art come to life
basement wife 
being paralysed 
caught trespassing on private property
college party gone wrong
crazy ex
curiosity killed the cat
fate worse than death
final girl
getting stranded in a little town that’s not as wholesome as it seems
halloween party
haunted house / abandoned house 
haunted object 
hitch-hiking gone wrong
hot neighbour that has an obsession with you
i was sent here to assassinate you but now i think i might be in love with you
Items moving and/or going missing
i’ll find you in every universe / century
lost in a maze
mad scientist 
magical healing 
marriage / wedding / arranged marriage/ forced marriage 
mind control / telepathy
mirrors playing tricks on the mind
oh, you had a long day? use me as your personal sex toy in order to unwind
oops, i summoned a demon 
oops, i’m dating a serial killer
playing games (like seven minutes in heaven, spin the bottle, hide and seek, etc.) but they have a slutty/dark twist to them
possession (ghost or demon)
power outage
ritual / sacrifice / blood magic
road trip
secret room
serial killers fucking in front of hostages
stalker landlord
stalker wearing the same costume as your partner 
stockholm syndrome
the return of a villain thought dead
toxic frat boy
waking up from strange dreams and seeing bruises and marks on your skin that correspond exactly with the dream you just woke from
we’re the last people on the planet and you will be mine
you wake up strapped to a table just as a fuck machine is turned on
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jeonride · 1 year ago
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joshua reading list / fic recs !
don't forget to like + reblog the fics that you like to support the authors <3
FICS ! ✧*
Hoax (smut, angst, mafia!shua, strangers to lovers) by @lovelyhan
Isohel (modern royalty au, prince!shua, smut, angst) by @toruro
Eyes Meeting, Hearts Apart (mild angst, prince!shua, smut) by @lovelyhan
Mr. Nice Guy (smut, neighbor!shua) by @toruro
Under The Rose (fluff, smut, frenemies childhood to lovers, kinda historical au) by @just-come-baek
Honeyduke Lovers (hogwarts au, unrequited love, hufflepuff!shua x slytherin!reader. yep this is the story of how slytherin becomes undyingly soft for hufflepuff) by @http-mianhae
Steamy (smut, next door neighbor!shua) by @duhnova
written by @onlyhuis :
Cranberry Concoctions (smut, a little angst & fluff, 1920s, prohibition au)
Leaning on The Everlasting Arms (angst, smut, some fluff, bible college au)
Fine Line (fluff, smut, angst, figure skater!shua) by @heartkyeom
Prove it, You Won't (fluff, angst, humor, tattoo artist au) by @leejungchans
Oceans and Engines (fluff, exes to lovers, a lil' angst) by @renjunphile
Lover Boy (regency era romance, commoner!shua x aristocrat fem!reader, historical drama) by @starlightxsvt
Gentleman (angst, fluff, sugar daddy au) by @starlightxsvt
Wildest Dreams (bestfriends to lovers, fluff, humor) by @viastro
The Type (smut, fluff, college boyfriend!shua) by @bitchlessdino
Your Gentleman (smut, camboy!shua) by @wonwussy
Fighting for Your Love (smut, threesome ft. jeonghan) by @rubyreduji
Half Past Five High The Series (ft. mingyu, smut, angst, minor fluff, rich people au, love triangle, cheating. supermodel!gyu, photographer!shua x influencer fem!reader) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
Paint Me Numbers (fluff, shallow angst, guitarist/bandmate!shua) by @chocosvt
Domino (fluff, crack, smut) by @universecorp
Nasty (smut, fluff) by @soonigiri
Menace (smut) by @jeonghantis
You're All That Matters (fluff, bf!shua) by @heartsfromia
Be My Date (fluff, minor angst) by @heartsfromia
Mine (smut) by @luxekook
Meant for Each Other (fluff, soulmate au) by @slytherinshua
Golden Hour (best friends to lovers, fluff, slice of life, summer vacation au) by @dkfile
An Interview with An Angel (meet cute, fluff, reporter!shua) by @hannyoontify
Our Fairytale (smut, fluff) by @zuhacore
at every table, i'll save you a seat (fluff) by @suhnshinehaos
bad habits (exes with benefits, smut, mild angst) by @lovelyhan
pretty when you cry (smut) by @cheolhub
quiet time (smut) by @number1mingyustan
acouasm (smut) by @angelwoozi
when you can't sleep but shua is right next to you (fluff, comfort) by @wonwoonlight
one-up (smut) by @sluttywonwoo
golden boy's mercy (smut) by @bitchlessdino
17. 12 (smut) by @lovelyhan
14. 13 (smut) by @toruro
after a long day (smut) by @sevngmin148
title (fluff, established relationship, ceo) by @leejungchans
relax (fluff, smut, established relationship) by @playmetheclassics
shower (fluff) @husbandhannie
stay up (fluff) by @bitterie-sweetie
about you : valentine's special (fluff, angst, friends to lovers) by @shuawonie
fruit (smut) by @onlyseokmins
i love you, always (fluff, comfort) by @monnn
10.32 (fluff, bf!shua) by @elysianeclipxe
clingy (fluff) and smitten (fluff) by @slytherinshua
we won't change because we're engraved in each other's heart (fluff) by @wooahaes
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