#modern kids will think im INSANE
scarletackrmn · 4 months
Got sent a video today that had a clip of a Boston Tea Party dumping with modern tea and I said WRONG and sent them this picture. Ive had this saved for years one of my favorite posts.
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and then proceeded as such.
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God if I ever get to teach History classes………I will be referencing this post if I ever go over that period of American history, so help me god
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lemon-t4rt · 4 months
kobylu modern uni au just because i can…
i apologise but i wanna draw them, if nobody else will then i must step up.
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 9 months
aot veteran/104 corp icks bc im back on my bullshit
someone requested AOT veteran icks, they didn't specify nsfw or not so I did both and also added sasha connie and jean bc i luv them:) feel free to message/inbox with requests!
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(levi, erwin, hange, jean, sasha and connie)
will visit ur place and organize things without you asking. he'd just be like "ur welcome, now your kitchen makes sense" and ur like sir, I don't know where anything is now??? also he'd def the type to proclaim he's better than you for only getting two hours of sleep when you got four. honestly so many icks come to mind for this one, imma limit it to those two for now (stay tuned lol)
nsfw: tries to be rough with you but forgets his own strength. will try to throw you on the bed, but he does it too hard so you completely miss the bed and fall on the other side of it and he's just standing there like "🧍🏻...my bad."
you cannot convince me this man doesn't wear water shoes at the pool. you guys say you want a dilf until you actually get one bc this is the type of shit it entails^^
nsfw: erwin cannot dirty talk for shit. im srry but if you're a lil kinky this isn't the man for you. try to call him daddy and he'd be like "we don't have kids?" and you explain the kink to him and he'd just say, "have you considered therapy?🤨" now he's concerned, boner gone, you feel called out, just go to sleep tbh
they're def a firm believer in natural deodorant and won't take the graceful hints that it's not working. prob wouldn't chill w them on a hot day is all i'm saying
nsfw: feel like they'd be really good in bed tbh like i'm struggling to think of an ick. hange has big dick energy, weirdos just do it better idk. i think maybe hange would try to spit in your mouth (they a freak) and they have so much and its thick and globby like the back of the throat type spit, your gonna choke bro im gagging as a i type-
bring back toxic masculinity because Jean's hair care routine is so good to the point he'll call out your split ends, i just know it
nsfw: a fucking chatterbox like his homies know everything. you've walked in on him telling connie in extreme detail how he had you in a full nelson last night while you screamed bloody murder and he doesn't see why ur mad. "babe, if anything i'm bragging about you 😏" fucking idiot istg. also kinda gross but I think he's the type to keep sniffing his fingers after fingering you like well into the next day EWW
obvi she can't share for shit so I think she'd be an annoying person to eat out with. like yk when you're with your friends and only one person puts their card down so the rest can Venmo them? I think you can ask her to Venmo 20 and she'd send 15 and say something like "oh I didn't eat as many fries" but she fr did. never puts her card down either so believe it or not? jail.
nsfw: will literally be on her phone mid-sex with you. feel like she'd be really into the subway surfer vids and yeah, you go down on her and look up and she brought her own entertainment? ipad child behavior
i think he'd say "we" when talking about his fave sports team as if he contributed. like, "really connie, you helped win the superbowl? did you score a touchdown?" grow tf up
nsfw: insane bush on this one, i feel like he doesn't groom for shit and whatever, that's your choice! but I also feel like college-aged modern connie would talk shit about women who weren't bald down there and won't eat it unless it is. HYPOCRITE!! I think when he gets to his mid-twenties tho he'd mature (sasha beat his ass)
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aita for "defending a pedo"
tw for pedophilia and child abuse
(⬆️ to find later)
this happened while ago
i (20F) was talking to a friend about weird life experiences. i was just returned from visiting my grandparents so i told the story about the neighbor that i had there
for context: i live in eastern europe, and for most of my childhood i lived back and forth between the city and the countryside. the countryside in the region im from and this particular village is tough. im talking no running water/ the toilet is in back yard, only one house out of 5 has an internet connection, child labour on the fields, the only school went up to only 8th grade, etc. not the most remote of villages but far far off any "modern society" standards.
during the half of the year where i was at my grandparents up until i was around 12, I had a neighbor my age that i used to play with. she was significantly poorer than us, objectively. while my grandparents allowed me to play with her, they wouldn't like me going to her house instead because of the living conditions. i have gotten fleas from her before and in general the smell and conditions. they also didn't like her because she would try to steal stuff, so i wasn't ever allowed to invite her inside, but they've gotten over this because she was just a kid. her father passed when we were young and her mother is a severe alcoholic and just an abusive monster. she was mostly taken care off by her godmother while her mother beat her, stole her allowance, sent her off to work to the neighbors and do a lot of chores kids shouldnt do etc. before you say "why didnt anyone call child protective services" read again the context this was all happening in. we did our best to help her, once i stopped going to my grandparents we'd ocasionally send her my old clothes that didn't fit me anymore bc her mother refused to buy her clothes. it was geniunely heartbreaking to see because she tried her best to be loved by her mother and to help her. trying to buy her gifts, to be obedient, to take more of the workload, etc.
as i started properly living in the city (500km away) we drifted apart heavily. we simply lived such complete different lives it was hard to talk to her about anything outside of basic niceties. i still cared about her, she is smart and geniunely pushed so hard to go to highschool in the nearest city which is 20km away despite her mother. she was always positive and optimistic and had an insane work ethic. i respected her and wished she had gotten the privilege i had of leaving the village and getting a life in the city but alas.
here's where the "conflict" is: when i was 18 (and she was too) i have heard from my grandparents that she's pregnant. they mentioned it off in passing so i asked them to elaborate bc that was complete news to me. they elaborated that when she was (i think) 17 she met this guy who was 26, they became a couple, and now they waited until she was of legal age to get married. and now she's pregnant. then they told me some stuff that happened pre-mariage, more of her mother's abuse and the likes. they also mention having met the guy and he seemed like he geniunely cared about my neighbor
i felt conflicted on this. on one hand, the age gap is fucked up plain and simple. on the other hand, she finally had her ticket to escape from her mother and her life and to move to the city and i was happy for her. on the other, being pregnant at 18 is insane to me. on the other hand, despite the grossness of the age gap, if the guy is decent its still better than what she would've dealt with if she stayed even longer with her mother. this year, while visiting my grandparents, she came over to visit with her kid and husband and we talked. she seemed geniunely happy. the guy is nice, the kid is healthy, love and pampered, and she finally has some meat on her bones and color in her face. i obviously dont know and cant know what their life is like in the privacy of their own home but compared to the girl i knew before all of this she was doing a lot better. she started a cosmotology school and is soon going to start working. im happy for her, i wish she didnt have to end up being pregnant and married at 18, but i was still happy for her.
everything i said here i told more or less verbatim to the friend i mentioned in the begining. their takeaway was that i was defending the actions of this guy, that i should be even more visibly digusted, and that i support abusive men because i didnt hate their relationship. i didnt know what to even reply to that, as they went off calling me disgusting, calling my village and culture that "allowed" this mariage to be socially acceptable "barbaric" and that i should've spoke up about it. i tried to reiterate my point and clarify that i am digusted by the age gap but the situation my neighbor in was so fucked that you couldnt really do much. they didn't reply, and i haven't heard from them since (idm, we were never really close)
but now im wonder. AITA for seeing this situation the way i do? should i have done more to help her or talk about it?
What are these acronyms?
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pinknightsinmymind · 2 years
【 abby anderson as a gf hc's 】
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a/n: this is just super fluffy and cute <333 i wrote a lot so it's below the cut
first and foremost, lots of ppl make assumptions about abby and what she's like because of her appearance. she has somewhat of a rbf, and she's insanely buff, so many ppl are intimidated by her automatically.
that being said, abby looks to be understood and known at a deeper level, and wants to be treated like anyone else no matter what she looks like
i think she's the typical "intimidating but a huge softie" type like HEAR ME OUT
anyone can look at her and know that she's insanely strong and that she could easily take them out, and while true, underneath all that abby is extremely kind and caring
she may look scary, but she loves reading, she loves animals, she loves nature, she has a soft spot for lev, she's grown to understand the world outside of herself and that there is more than what meets the eye, she's learned from her mistakes, and she's deeply loyal
so while, yes, she is tough and strong, she is much more than that and wants to be seen for all parts of herself rather than the surface; she wants to be understood and she wants her partner to be someone who isn't intimidated by her and is willing to look beyond her exterior
so while everyone else avoids her and you willingly approach her despite what ppl say? and you treat her like a person—like she were anyone else? that immedately gets you on her good side and gains you her respect
you two begin to seek each other out more and more bc she enjoys your company and begins to open up to you
she lets you see every side of her, even the ones she typically wouldn't let others see
other ppl may be confused as to how you joke around with her so easily when they'd fear for their lives if they did, but that's simply bc you're close enough to her that you know how much of a huge softie she is
okay okay enough of my intimidating softie abby agenda and now time for more interesting stuff
im FULLY convinced that in a modern!au and college!au she'd be in pre-med studying to be a doctor or a surgeon; she'd do it bc she wants to help ppl but also bc she loves and admires her dad for his work
bc of this i also see her bragging to you all the time that she'll be your doctor wife who makes big money so she can spoil you
(and she lives up to that promise)
when she comes home late from work she's quick to make it up to you
knowing her love of novels, i feel like she struggled to pick between pre-med and english as her major, but at the end of the day being a doctor called to her passions much more so she chose english as her minor
HOWEVER, i feel like her brain is so sexy especially when talking about novels she's read
like imagine her going on tangents about the book she's read and what she thinks the meaning is, then bringing up the story's historical context, and then interdisciplinary studies and just being like "omg she's so sexy i'm going to take my clothes off rn" bc of how smart she is
her book collection is HUGE and she lets you borrow whatever you want from her shelves, and you can see all the things she's scribbled in the margins, her silly annotations, small drawings in the corners, her cussing in her notes about the characters saying stuff like "what the fuck is wrong with you?" so seriously
she'll find poems she really likes and tell you about them especially the ones that remind her of you
i feel like she'd love emily dickinson and the bronte sisters idk i can see it
she's SO excited to introduce you to her dad
she's a huge family person and wants you to feel like a part of her family too
in a modern!au lev is probably a kid who lives next door to her that she babysits and tutors sometimes but she absolutely adores him and sees him as her brother
can you imagine how much of a hopeless romantic she is
she's probably so cheesy and loves romance and being cute with you where if it were anyone else it'd be cringy but its HER and she's just so sweet and so endearing how could you hate any of it?
asks you to be her valentine every year even if you're her gf bc she still feels the need to romance you
will make a spectacle of every holiday in order to treat you somehow
okay maybe gift giving would be a love language of hers too i can see it
but i feel like her top love languages are physical touch and acts of service tho
she's definitely the type to cherish any moment with you, and values being able to sit with you in silence in general but also while you do your own activities together (so parallel play basically)
.... i think she'd love to play video games to destress but not necessarily violent ones i think she'd play more calm games like animal crossing to relax or maybe minecraft where yall can build a world together and have a little farm bc she thinks its cute
teases you when you get lost or when you die in the games tho bc she's a bully (jokingly) like that
definitely the type to be like "only I can bully you"
very protective in general she wouldn't let anyone lay a hand on you and she'd take such good care of you
worries about your well-being (physical, emotional, mental) all the time and will do whatever it takes to make sure you're okay
if you need her at 3 am, she doesn't care she goes to your place right away
if you're sick she won't hesitate to buy you medicine, clean up your place, make you soup, whatever you want
when taking care of you while sick she calls you her number one patient and her favorite patient bc she's corny like that
there's nothing she wouldn't do for you bc when she's committed, she's committed
she's such a devoted and loyal person in general that when she cares about you, she cares about you, and there's no bluffing involved
just a very sincere and honest person who is willing to grow and learn, especially with her partner
i bet she's VERY open to communication and to talk things out with you she's the type to listen to you wholeheartedly and give you all the reassurance you need
she's the type of partner who's SO open to communication and good at it that you're like omg??? how are you so calm??? i'm screaming and crying and shitting my pants rn???
she's a huge softie and such a loving person who looks to be understood the way she understands others; she craves unconditional love and wants to give to others
she's just gf (and wife) material like come ON
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wickjump · 3 months
I heard thoe like Hypersomnia? Could that be true?
*quietly slides a yapping card across the table
takes your yapping card and adds it to my probably not all that legal collection of yapping cards. pleasure doing business
that it IS!!!!!!!!! (for those who don’t know, hypersomnia is ink x error x dream poly). anyway I LOVE HYPERSOMNIA. so much so that i was the one to coin the ship name hypersomnia and then became incredibly obnoxious about it ever since.
i think theyre perfect in every way. to me the initial appeal came from loving drink and errorink equally and being a fan of insomnia so why not smash em together? and then i looked deeper into it and Yes i love them.
my biggest propaganda for them is the fact that with hypersomnia, palette, pj, and gradient can exist as siblings without ink being divorced or a shitty dad, both of which im not a fan of. but then we go outside of ship kid territory and think about them and they work SO WELL THERE TOO.
the dynamic feels equal. dream and ink provide physical touch for each other so error doesn’t feel pressured, dream and error provide the romantic feelings for each other while ink is aro, and ink and error both can’t be read feelings-wise because ink has no soul and while not canon I like to think error’s soul is to corrupted for Dream to get a read on, so he feels that they’re not dating him for his aura and rather for him as a person.
and they’re FUN. and lowkey domestic in a sense too like. dream and error bond over spanish tv while ink draws them both so he keeps quiet during the show and doesn’t ramble on. dream listening to both his partners rant on about things they like while he just sits and listens with a genuine smile. movie nights? all the time. they share a big bed, but error’s part is sectioned off with pillows so he feels comfortable, though on days it feels too suffocating he sleeps in a hammock in the room. dream is injured in battle? don’t worry his husbands are the protector of universes and destroyer of worlds. ink is canonically a pretty lonely character—and while he doesn’t mind it per se, nobody ever sees his art. but now he’s got not one but TWO partners to look at his drawings!!!
AND INKS DADS!!!!!!! ASTER AND TOP HAVE TWO SONS IN LAWS!!!!!!!!! and they are SO supportive and they love dream and error and are very happy ink found people that love him for his weirdness and not ‘in spite of it’.
truce or modern au? nightmare does Not Like Them, on the contrary. and it’s funny. hijinks ensue. passive/uncorrupted or otherwise, he does not like them for one reason or another. thinks they have bad intentions, just doesn’t think they’re right, bad influences, or maybe he’s just scared he’ll lose dream and be alone. NIGHTMARE ANGST. YOU GUYS LIKE THAT RIGHT???????
need more appeal? just take whatever you like about drink, errorink, and insomnia and mash it together CAUSE THATS WHAT THEY ARE!!!!!! they are SOULMATES. TRUST ME they said so themselves.
literally any au version or interpretation only furthers the appeal. dream has wings? error uses his feathers in his dolls to make doll-dream’s wings ‘accurate’, and ink uses them in art (plus group preening, and error likes touching Dream’s fallen feathers bc he sorta knows how Dream feels now even if they’ve never/hardly touched).
fgod error/fgoc ink? dream is supportive of both of them and sympathizes with their roles (iirc dreamtale operates in a world where error’s job is necessary and not out of insanity so this is accurate too).
shattered dream and emotionless ink? great they can be 3 evil fucked up boyfriends because error is flexible like that and i like a bit of evil every so often.
it’s all great. they’re perfect. and they’re SO sweet to each other and they absolutely garden together. and every day past 6pm they sit down in the living area and error crochets/sews while ink draws and dream. aw fuck i forgot what dream does but he does some creative thing. whatever. and they take care of their kids together and they’re the BEST dads to EVER EXIST!!!!!!!! and they’re perfect and they love each other and they have rings with gems that they picked out cause they’re married. ok i know you wanted me to yap but this is too long SORRY!!!!!!!!HOPE U ENJOYED IG??
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
okay fr what do you think scara is like in bed? what’s he into, what’re his kinks, the whole shebang?
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modern scaramouche hc's
✭ tags ; sub!chara, dom!reader (they bottom but parts are unspecificed so gn!reader as well), this is also my modern!scaramouche take so just be aware, bratting, rough sex, slapping, hitting, a lil degradation, reader is v careful abt scaramouches boundaries tho, romantic implications reader is stronger than scara + he is short king, etc
✭ wc ; 2.1k (im soooo ashamed. anon im so sorry)
✭ a/n ; this got so out of hand so quickly. this is my personal scaramouche this has nothing to do with anyone but me and my delusions sorry in advance.
like really. cant describe how subjective this is but i also refuse to change my mind or see him any other way. thank u so much for inquiring
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my modern scaramouche is usually aged like. 20-something in college. he goes to a nice university (a very competitive school mind you.) he was really concerned about excelling for like most of his hs career. kind of a loner except tartaglia who adopted him into his friend group.
he panics about his degree for the longest time cause he doesn't know what to do - but settles on civil architecture and minors in fine art.
he has his ears pierced and some other piercings too that he was peer pressured into, but overall likes how they look. he's not usually very dressed up and all of his closet is so oversized because comfort > fashion BUT he never looks like a slob either.
has like 3 other friends on campus (kazuha + mona + childe who somehow followed him there)
complicated relationship with his mom + stepmom (he doesn't hate her but they do not communicate so tons of misunderstandings between them. like sooo many)
and. usually not actively looking to date anyone ever. he had like one crush one time in highschool but chickened out so miserably and SEETHED about it the whole time.
after that he swore to never, ever, ever go back to that dark place and sort of just focused on his career and school. his major is pretty difficult so it takes a lot of his time
plus he's a little pretentious, stuck up little shit so only a few people can handle him in the first place.
anyways. u meet through tartaglia who thinks you two will get along really well (and he's trying to set you both up bc he thinks you two could work well together)
its honestly like oil and water. you're personality just rubs him the wrong way. sure childe is annoying, but he's stupid
you're...not stupid. you're kind of clever and you treat him with like. a sense of disrespect he hates. scaramouche is used to people who let him have the upperhand
but you're always pretty quick to shoot him down. you never let him him get away with anything and you guys have this like... insane back and forth for months
its the slowest of burns. he swears he hates you.
(he doesn't though. he thinks its really fucking attractive that you talk back to him and don't let him intimidate you ever. but he loathes that feeling. he also loathes how nice your laugh is and how easy it is to talk to you)
scaramouche spends. AGES. ages in denial. closes his eyes to it. its like 6 months deep into it - he starts having wet dreams and he wakes up HORRIFIED with himself.
WORSE? scaramouche knows about your sex life. not through you but through observation and gossip. he's not fucking you in the dreams. you're fucking him.
humiliated, he simply tries to ignore it. but it's making him so much moody than usual and because you two spend so much time together - you notice almost right away. of course you do.
"whats got your panties in a twist lately? not that you're usually sunshine and rainbows but you're acting like a little kid"
scaramouche says something mean. like, really mean in response. he's just so frustrated. its a personal jab, farther than he'd usually go.
he's expecting to sabotage himself you know? he does that sometimes. pushes people away when they get too close. it's a miracle he has any friends. he's expecting you to get annoyed and leave.
but there's this like. chill to your voice. and you're looking straight at him.
"you don't talk to me like that, understand? i don't care how shitty your mood is."
one hit k.o. he can't even breathe. what's wrong with him and what is happening to him, and holy shit why do you sound like that.
"sorry," he apologizes (him. he's apologizing first) "just. frustrating,"
and you immediately slink back to your usual self. and he's relieved and a little excited and just overall restless because he can't stop thinking about what just happened.
"it's fine. i like being on your ass or whatever but it's bothering me that you're so moody. maybe you really do need to get laid,"
the joke is one you often to make. it's meant to lighten the mood. but scaramouche is feeling pent-up and horny and that's kind of exactly what he needs
"s-shut up. it's not like you're going to do it,"
internally he's hoping you take the bait. he is equal parts horrified and excited watching you take in the information. you give him a lazy smile as you sit up and look at him.
"huh. do you...want me to do it?"
oh dear god. oh fuck.
"so what if i did?"
and then you laugh, which he can't decipher. he's gearing himself to be made fun of. he watches you with big wide yes as you come sit on the desk near him. feels your fingers trail his jaw and tilt his head up and holy shit he might really die.
he can barely look up at you.
"is that why you've been acting weird for last couple of weeks?" your voice is so smug and scaramouche is so turned on it's stupid. he hates it. hates himself. hates everything
"shut up,"
and then, you grab his chin. really make him look at you and it's startling but he doesn't pull away. you look gleeful.
"that why you've been running with your tail between your legs when you see me?" you hum, your eyes almost predatory "cause you want me to fuck you?"
its times like this scaramouche he could be honest. because that's exactly what he wants, but he hates having to say it.
"as if you could satisfy me," he says, instead. your eyes widen, and it takes you a minute to register it all in your head.
"you're such a fucking brat," you say, light. affectionate, really. it makes his heart pump "you think i can't?"
"i'd like to see you try," he says, absolutely and utterly in disbelief internally. you grin.
"can i kiss you?"
"why're you asking?"
"cause im an asshole, not a villain,"
you and scaramouche makeout in a study room before he decides to to get ahold of himself and invites you into his dorm. he's never been so thankful in his life that his roomate is gone.
when you get scaramouche into bed - it really dawns on him how out of his element he is. he's not a virgin - a few awkward and usually bad hook-ups in his repertoire.
but you're not like them. he's bitey and on edge but you handle him. ask for permission for little things, clarifications for what he's okay with. you're thoughtful, despite how much he's lashing out.
and it's turning scaramouche so much he doesn't know how to handle it other than doing it again. he wants to provoke you so much. he wants to put him in his place over and over.
it's mid makeout he pulls away, frustration all-welled up inside him that he asks. he's hard and needy and needs something to get him off.
"i knew you were all talk," he sneers, putting as much of himself in it as he can "this is nothing,"
you look at him very seriously "you're really asking for it, huh," you say with a sigh "do you know what you're getting into?"
"nothing serious obviously,"
"usually when i deal with brats like you, i treat 'em real rough. im being nice to you cause you're so pent up, but it's like you don't want that," you grab his face again, getting close and personal this time and scaramouche feels like he'll collapse "want me to treat you mean and put you in your place? hit you and make you cry?"
oh it ruins his life. that's exactly what he wants. what he needs from you so much it aches. so much he chokes.
"wh-what the hell are-"
but you make him face forward, look you in your eyes.
"your first lesson is answer me when i talk to you. is that what you want? you can nod if you can't say it,"
so he nods and you laugh.
"yeah? should smack the brat outta you shouldn't i?
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you're asking for permission. despite his everything, there's something affectionate about it. he feels his stomach twist with desire.
"just fucking do it already,"
"tell me if you need to stop,"
"i said—"
it's unceremonious, really. when scaramouche feels the palm of your hands on his cheek, landing heavy and hard as you push him back against the bed. you hit him.
he liked it. makes his cock throb in his fucking jeans, feeling the sting.
"your second lesson is don't fucking mouth at me," you practically spit. there's some roughness in your actions that make scaramouche keen as you crawl on top of him "can't even deal with your moods without lashing out."
scaramouche feels his stomach churn as your hands make rough work of him. you pin his wrists over his head, tell him to keep it there.
and of course he refuses, disobeys - gets to feel how strong you actually are when you spit the words back in his face again to hold fucking still.
scaramouche keeps doing it. keeps pushing until you have to put him back where he belongs forcibly. he doesn't know that he's doing it
but he wants something he can't name, a desire that aches so deep in his chest. he wants you to take responsibility for him - like a promise of some kind.
he likes the way your mouth feels on his skin. your teeth feel so good sinking into pale flesh. the scratch of your nails and sting of your palms as you spank and hit and push his body.
you manhandle him so fucking easily, putting him in every position you can think of. on his knees, or his back - naked and waiting.
you tease scaramouche till he's honest, your voice coarse until he starts giving in.
you're so good with your hands. your fingers, your mouth. you know just the right things to get him all squirmy - praising him when he's getting desperate towards the end.
his sense of shame nowhere to be found as he gets close to the edge. as you tip him over it, he can feel all the tension bleed out of him. goes from bitching, to whiny - needy and not above begging.
he doesn't even understand it. can't wrap his head around it all the way - lets you guide him through the feeling as he starts feeling pliant.
you let him fuck you with mercy. don't make him work for it, just sit on his cock and tell him that he looks so much better when he's all messed up for you and he just. melts completely. like feels like he's gonna fall through the floor.
he cries when he cums. sobs a little as he finally gets relief then melts into your bed like a pile of wet sand as you finish yourself off and overstimulate him a little in the process.
after all is said and done - he falls asleep basically immediately after the high.
when he wakes up the next day - you haven't left. he's like kind of nuzzled up in your arms (which. is wild bc he has always hated physical touch but? apparently not with you)
when you stir awake, you're immediately whistling. you even press a kiss to his forehead and brush his hair out of his face.
"you awake? feel okay?" you hum, so stupidly tender and scaramouche has to fight every urge to push you away.
"im...fine. you're still here," he says unhelpfully. you chuckle.
"yeah. figured you would start spiraling if i left in the middle of the night"
he is horrified at the accuracy.
"it's weird when you're being all...nice to me,"
"its a lot easier since i realize you just wanted to be put in your place," you say with a knowing him. scaramouche elbows you "it's cute, it's cute. don't kill me,"
"you're annoying,"
"yeah, i know. i wiped you down a bit but we should shower and i gotta make sure you're not too hurt anywhere,"
"i'm not a flower,"
"i was bein' pretty rough and its my job to take care of you,"
"why would that be your job?"
"cause im a responsible sexual partner and we're seeing each other, i figure?"
he flushes at the implication. he doesn't want to think about it as he cuddles himself into your side. ugh. whatever.
"who said that?"
"do you want me to see other people?"
"i'll kill you,"
"that's what i thought,"
scaramouche hates it but does not have the confidence to protest you.
scaramouche realizes with the weight of the world on his shoulders that he is the most submissive brat in the fucking world
he decides not to think about it for a while
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569 notes · View notes
bull-shit-suji · 6 months
kuro modern au stuff that i word vomited into my notes app
kind of a Vincent summoned sebastian to save ciel so ciel doesnt actually owe sebas anything
amnesia? idk
single dad moment! except theres this other dad whos kinda find.. (cough agni)
i think vincent was like do NOT let ciel know ur a demon so sebastian keeps it a secret but he doesnt have a good handle on like. Humans. so he kinda does a bad job and ciel definitely knows that he's weird but doesnt say anything. will go out of his way to gaslight you when sebastian does weird shit because he thinks its funny
"hey uhh is your dad levitating?"
"he's flying above the school rn"
"that's a bird"
u think suddenly being a butler is hard? have fun being a dad bitch
alois is there but thats complicated. claude and hannah are DIVORCED but on decent terms (i think claude is like. toxic alpha male podcast type guy) and claude sees alois on alternating weekends!
are they demons? i dont know
i think ciel and alois can be friends. platonically. alois would probably say yes if ciel wanted to be romantic but i Promise you he does not. they are just pals :)
im saying ciel has a crush on elizabeth because i can (she's not his cousin here). emo boy x sunny church girl. said sunny church girl has to ask the mcdonalds employees for the blue raspberry slushie they forgot to put in ciel's order because emo boy is too scared.
grelle is actually living her best life transitioned with anne so they are ciel's aunts on his late mom's side. i think grelle likes ciel. mom figure moreso than anne is.
ciel owns four bongs and definitely a vape or two. come on now
he's also probably got celiac and is lactose intolerant he is just a feeble boy i think
he listens to twenty one pilots. sorry! sorry.
ciel is goth alois is punk those r kinda just the rules
ciel is insanely smart top of the class this shit is easy for him.
yells at sebastian daily. figured out what happened with his real parents around the age of uhhhh 12 or 13? has been an absolute terror ever since
"it was really nice of your dad to bring cookies for the field trip!"
"i hope he fucking chokes on one"
sebastian and claude are pta rivals.
"is this lemon bread store bought? my, how... efficient!"
"you made these from scratch? i can tell."
"i've never seen an interesting looking salsa! very exciting."
ciel purposefully invites alois over constantly bcus it pisses sebas off. alois is Terrified of that man.
"go grab the chips from the kitchen"
"but... what if mr michaelis is in there?"
"mr m- you mean my dad? tell him he can shove a faucet up his ass"
"id rather die on the spot"
sebastian will yell at ciel and is maybe a little emotionally unavailable but he's trying!!! it's hard :(
does that Dad thing where he comes into ciels room and is like hey bud......... what r u up to..
ciel and seiglinde r also palls. the smartest people in school
lizzie is a JOCK. she plays softball.
alois is a theater kid come on now
ciel is best at writing and literature analysis, specifically fiction. enjoys history, language, and Some sciences as well.
au where myspace is still a thing ciel has a myspace account
he definitely writes shitty poetry
wants to major in business
alois is a glee and pitch perfect truther
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woozisguitar · 5 months
SEVENTEEN members as songs from ttpd (from the first drop)
s.coups- i can do it with a broken heart
starting off slightly sad but he’s a real tough kid and he can definitely handle anything.
i think I saw an edit of him somewhere to this and cried
i’m seriously so proud of him always
taylor did write this for all the eldest daughters/ siblings
just super coups coded
jeonghan- fortnight ft. post malone
“your wife waters flowers i want to kill her” peak jeonghan vibes. he would commit a crime for funsies <3
also “i love you, it’s ruining my life” because man did he def ruin my life
tell me one jeonghan fan who’s mentally stable, we’re all a little crazy (myself included)
insanity and everything packed in one fr
joshua- fresh out the slammer
i too would go to jail for him
i’d also never lose my baby again
honestly him and jeonghan are both interchangeable, they’re both pretty and insane
OH! and i’d also disappear for a glimpse of his smile like fr fr my joshy :((((
jun- the tortured poets department
who’s gonna know him and love him if not me??
we’re also modern idiots and slightly crazy
OH! also the bridge is so junnie coded like honestly anything he does makes me feel like my heart will explode so
junnie is everything in this song minus the tats and drugs he's my precious boy <3
hoshi- but daddy i love him
the way i’d actually scream this song for him
also the vibes are so hoshi like im 90% sure he’d vibe with this song so hard
especially when she says "im having his baby no im not" he's ijboling right then and there
idk man it’s just so hoshi and i would definitely fight my dad for him
wonwoo- loml
he is actually so loml coded
like soft, played in a piano kind vibes
especially nana tour wonu
just very soft
he’s the love of my life and loss of my life as well because there’s actually no man that’s ever gonna be like him, ruined men for me
woozi- down bad
are we like actually surprised tho? that's my fav song and he is my fav boy
this man is literally so down bad coded
i’ve been singing and thinking of him like fuck it if I can’t have him, but i will definitely die not like tis gonna make a difference
also crying at the gym = lee jihoon (in reference to that one t-shirt he wore during caratland 2023)
minghao- so long, london
not the lyrical but mostly the vibes
this song is kinda calming to me in a way and it feels so hao like
also it reminds me hai cheng in a way maybe because of all the ship metaphors
i also feel like he’s appreciated the sadness in this song
he has that certain same whimsy as this song
mingyu- guilty as sin?
physically feeling sick how that bridge is literally so mingyu coded like holy fuck like gonna crucify me anyways? the way you hold me is actually what's holy??? its literally him
truly the best way to die is loving him
okay i’ll stop here before I die, he is just so <3
dokyeom- who’s afraid of little old me?
simply because he is such a nice person and such a lovely soul i worry people might take him for granted
the industry does not give him enough credit for him vocals like they should be scared of him he can eat up any vocalist in seconds
like they should be afraid of him that he's so goofy and silly
also the musical vibes here truly a kyeomie song
seungkwan- the alchemy
my babiest boy ever
“where’s the trophy? he just comes running over to me” I CANNOT PUT ENOUGH EMPHASIS HOW SEUNGKWAN THIS IS
my heart will truly always be reserved for him
also he did make the strongest comeback fr
vernon- florida!!!
honestly, vernon’s favourite song here would be florida like fr
it’s just so vernon
he’d like eat up the featured and the beat right when she screams florida!!!!
13/10 would plan a trip to florida and brag how he's been to two places wtny and florida
the vibes are just so vernon fr idk what else to say
dino- clara bow
future of kpop, need I say more?
he’s like all the past legends but more better?
kinda like how she talks about it in the song, with the next being slightly better than the previous and yk what they've been through and stuff
and how dino is also called the future of kpop because he's so amazing
“the future’s bright, dazzling” so real like that’s literally about the future of kpop
anyways that's my take <33 I might do a part 2 with the second drop songs (no promises!!)
you can also find this thread on my twt here.
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0rah-s · 1 year
Sinbad (Magi) and his divorced wife (modern au please, or if you don't feel comfortable with that, you can do it in the regular world)
Reader divorced him because of how he viewed things and how close he would get with other women, she's kinda gay
And Sinbad is kind of sad because of the fact that the only woman he truly loved wants nothing to do with him.
Even add a gremlin, a kid to the mix if it entertains you!!
Pls 💛
You don't have to if you don't want too!!
Sinbad x ex-wife!reader
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Cw: fem reader, written in second person, english isn't my first language, you have an adopted kid, disloyalty from him, idk.
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A/n: thank you for requesting and im so sorry for taking so long to do your request, writer's block be hitting harder lately. Hope you enjoy it mwah!!
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How many times had he entertained the young women who threw themselves at him in the middle of your dates, right in front of your eyes?
Never could you say anything about it as its not like he was really cheating on you, he was "just playing" as he loved to say. It drove you insane.
In addition to his borderline unfaithfulness, there was also his questionable morals and the things he did to get what he wanted. All of it always rubbed you the wrong way but you fought to love him anyway.
But as we all know, ine can only fight for so long.
All of it kept adding up and and you found yourself bothe sat at the kitchen table. You slide him a paper - a divorce settlement document.
He tried to give you excuses and promised he would change but you were set, there's no way you'd lock yourself in a toxic cycle of wrong-doing, excises, and forgivness forever.
After the divorce,
You went on with your life like nothing happend
Of course it still stung to part from the man you loved oh so much but you had to move on.
Weeks pass and he isn't the same anymore. He went out to different bars and surrounded himself with ladies, reminding himself that he didn't need you.
What a conman.
He desperately needed you. Being a man of his position there wasn't many he could trust, somehow he opened up to you and gave you his heart. He knew how precious your love was to him yet he ruined it - entirely by himself. He'll never experience somehing like this again.
Guilt hollowing him as he grieves the missing part of him and as he thinks of the sadness he caused you. He'd become a waste.
Fast forward, you grew as a person and became successful, no longer the women you used to be.
Things kept getting better and better for you as if taking the weed out of your life made place for a rich and flowery garden to bloom effervescently.
You could finally breath.
Long after, you adopted a gremlin a kid!
You gave them the ever best life they deserved and enjoy life as a successful mother and child. Life simply couldn't get better.
Then he saw you.
Then you saw him.
He couldn't belive it's, the then live of his life standing right in front of him after years of no contact.
"H-hi..." He uttered, trying his best to make himself sound more confident - it failed.
"Hello" you replied coldly.
A long awkward silence took over when you decide to walk away before he starts to question about your life or worst - enter it again.
"I should go" you sai as you walk past him but barely a couple step away and he grips your wrist.
Tho he was strong, his hold on you was gentle, almost pleading.
"Please wait? Can we talk?" He asks trying his best to think of ways to have you remain by him even for a little longer.
"What is there to talk about sinbad? We're over"
You say curtly, not wanting to go weak and give in to him in the way is face begged you to.
He notices the young child beside and questions flooded his mind. 'A child? Was it hers? Ours? Hasd she found someone new? How much of their lives have i missed?' Then guilt came back stronger than ever, not being made easy but the way the kid clutched on your trousers.
"Mom, who's that?" They ask innocently.
"An old friend, dear" you smile at your child lovingly.
An old friend, those words rung in his head like hell bells.
He let go of your wrist and she walked away.
You sufferd through him, why shouldn't he? Regardless of how he feels you have more to care about.
He'll find a way to heal, you wish him that much. But for now the only thoughts in your head is what you're going to do today to make this day unforgettable for your child and yourself.
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💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐(i’m sensing some sweetness coming! Good for May she deserves all the good things in this world!)
🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮(CRANBERRY IM SO GLAD YOURE OKAY! And i’m loving how this setup gives a new perspective to the classic Buckley-Diaz family vibes)
➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰(BUDDIE TIME LOOP???? BUDDIE TIME LOOP!!!! Cal its insane how with three words you’ve already got me hooked - you’re so good with inexplicable magic as a plot device so I’m so excited for your take on this classic! I’m already sure it’s gonna be absolutely phenomenal!)
Thank you for all this my dear!! And if any of these stories are finished by the time you get to these please know that the odds are good that I’ve already read them and loved every single word!
I hope you have/had a nice weekend! Sending lots of love!!!
Okay! So since I have completed two of the fics here, what I will do is give you 63 (combined total) of my next Gotcha For Gaza prompt fic (which I might have combined with an idea from @exhuastedpigeon ), with no context once again. Here's the emoji: ☠️
One reads Chip N. Dales. The other, murder victim. What on earth? 
“Athena!” Eddie blurts. He sounds intoxicated. 
“Eddie?” She gawks at him. “I got a call about a possible death at this address? Please let it just be your name tag.”
“No, no,” he shakes his head. “That was me. I called 9-1-1. But I’m not really dead. It’s someone else.”
Definitely intoxicated, then. And, from his demeanor, it must not be one of his closest friends who has died. Athena feels a surge of relief. 
“Eddie, who is dead?” She asks calmly. 
Eddie winces. “It’s Captain Gerrard.”
Well. That certainly complicates things, doesn’t it?
Eddie, a little wobbly, leads Athena into the condo. 
“Is this Gerrard’s house?” She asks. 
“No. Tommy’s.”
“You know? Buck’s boyfriend? Pilot?”
“No, I know who Tommy Kinnard is,” Athena replies. “Just… What are you all doing here with your fire captain?”
As far as she had heard, they all hated the man. And as far as Buck had said, Tommy’s history with his former captain was also complicated. 
Athena has a bad feeling about this. A very bad feeling about this. 
“Tommy hosted a murder mystery party,” Eddie says. “S’why I died.”
Oh boy.
Eddie leads Athena into a dining room with sleek, modern black furniture and some very strange wall art. Which is really not what Athena should be looking at. There are more pressing things. Like Captain Gerrard on the floor, swollen and lifeless, as Buck is hunched over him, performing CPR. Buck. The person with the least paramedic training in the room, other than perhaps Karen Wilson. Because for some reason, she is also here.
Athena takes inventory.
 Two men Athena has never seen in her life, but if she had to guess, are also firefighters. 
Everyone has name tags on. None of them say their real names. Characters, more likely.
Tagging @steadfastsaturnsrings
He’s almost certain Eddie has never called him that before. Though he feels a soft familiarity accompany it. 
“How did you sleep?” He asks, voice low to avoid waking Christopher in the adjoining room.
Eddie’s lip twitches. 
“Good,” he answers. “I always sleep well beside you, Buck. You know that.”
Buck hums happily. 
“Same here.” Buck replies. “What’s the plan for today?”
“Well, whatever you want,” Eddie says. “I know you’ve got an itinerary.” 
Oh, does he ever. They’d done Morro Bay State Park and the nearby history museum yesterday. 
“So glad you’re on board,” Buck grins. “I’m thinking, estuary, let Chris see some sea otters, then head to the beach?” 
“Oh, and you have no interest in said sea otters?” Eddie teases.
“Okay, they’re cute, Eddie!” 
“I know they’re cute,” Eddie replies. “I’m certain you will both look cute gawking at them.”
“Well, then let’s get going,” Buck decides, rolling out of bed. “Let’s wake the kid!”
“You’re a brave man, Evan Buckley.”
“He loves me,” Buck waves off the concern. “More importantly, he loves sea otters.”
When Buck stands, stretching his arms above his head, he notices the old analog clock on the wall. Ugh, that thing. It looks like it’s from the 50s or 60s at least. Not at all fitting with the otherwise modern design of the hotel room. And it’s not even telling the right time. It reads 12:02. As if it’s just after midnight. Buck turns to look at the digital clock. 8:02 AM. Huh. 
“Was it telling the wrong time when we got here?” Buck asks.
Eddie coughs. Small at first, then growing. Like his throat is dry. 
Buck spins to face him. “You okay?”
“Fine. Fine.” Eddie insists. “What did you ask?”
“The clock.” Buck clarifies. “Was it telling the wrong time when we checked in?”
“I…” Eddie’s eyes dart around, like he’s trying to remember. He looks very confused. Too confused for the nature of the question. “I don’t know, Buck. I didn’t pay attention.”
“It’s weird,” Buck says. “It has the minute right. Just not the hour.”
“I think you might be too worried about a clock, Buck.”
“I’m not worried about it. I’m just curious about it. Do you think it’s for another time zone?”
“We can figure out the clock or we can enjoy our day,” Eddie says. “Starting with a big breakfast?”
Buck smirks. “You sure know how to get through to me.”
Half an hour later, they’re sitting on a big patio eating a complimentary hotel breakfast. Chris looks mildly zombified, like he can’t believe he’s awake this early. Nevermind the fact he wakes up way earlier than this for school. Eddie is indulging in a very big breakfast - more than he’d normally go for, Buck thinks. He’s practically dumping sugar in his coffee. 
“You’re not going to sleep tonight,” Buck warns him. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it,” Eddie shrugs. 
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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Fic Finder
1. Hi! For the next fic finder, can you please help me find a modern wangxian omegaverse? Its a survival dating show where the participant doing challange with their choice of partner. JYL and JZX was mentioned as a participant in previous season. At the last challange, it's a mating run where WWX and LWJ get trapped in a cave because of earthquake. Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
FOUND! 🧡 shoot your shot -- hot or knot by defractum (nyargles) (E, 51k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Reality Show, Hunger Games Setting, Canon-Typical Violence, Extremely Dubious Consent, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Humor, Additional Warnings In Author's Notes)
2. hello! it's been bugging me and I'm thinking of this fic where lxc turns himself into a baby and wangxian end up having to raise him all over again bc he leaves a letter telling them he doesn't want to remember all the sworn brother debacle??? I can't find it AT ALL I'm going crazy please helpp... and thank you for your hard work all the time we really appreciate it !!!!!
FOUND? how do i forgive myself (for losing so much time) by thunderwear (M, 26k, WangXian, Age Regression/De-Aging, Kid Fic, Accidental Baby Acquisition, of sorts, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Sharing a Bed, yunmeng bros reconciliation, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Pining, 50 percent angst and 50 percent domestic fluff, read end notes for warnings, Post-Canon)
3. Hi hi! Im trying to find this one fic its alternate - canon divergence, where Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing get married / together and thanks to that the remnants are safe, the stygian amulet is made into a bracelet I thinnnk, and the whole story Jin Guanshan and JGY are trying to use sect politics to get it from then, at almost the end someone tries to drown Wei Wuxian at Lotus pier, and there’s a confrontation with JGY, Xue Yang and WangXian / Jiang/Wens where everything is revealed? Thank you!!! @memeismemeismeme
was the person who tried to drown wwx Jin Zixun, and did wwx somehow access LWJ’s core from afar?
FOUND! Hope Dangling by a String by KouriArashi (M, 70k, wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it, everyone lives, angst w happy ending, hurt/comfort, psychic bond, telepathy, communication, emotional/psychological abuse, jiang family feels, lan family feels, canon-typical violence, canon-typical politics, improper use of sacred forehead ribbons, gratuitous hair washing) Isn't #3 "hope dangling from a string"? The drawing/core accessing is in chapter 11
4. Hi!!! I've read this before, I just stopped reading it because it's still WIP.
What I remember is that it's like a Time Travel fix-it story?? But instead of Wei Wuxian, it's Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng that got sent back and tries to make everything right ??
THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!!! @gideonmorningstar
FOUND? ❤️ For Both Of Us (And Time Is But A Paper Moon) by sami (E, 65k, WangXian, Time Travel, Some People Live/Not Everyone Dies, Fix-It, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Yunmeng Shuangjie, Canon Divergence, Asexual JC, First Time, Getting Together, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ)
FOUND? A Matter of Time by mrcformoso (E, 44k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, POV LWJ, POV JC, Dark LWJ, Manipulation, Grooming, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Consensual Underage Sex, Except problematic please read warning in first chapter, Blood and Violence, Insane LWJ, Manic LWJ, Conditioning, WWX is a Lán, Minor Character Death, Confused JC, Golden Core Reveal, Good Friend NHS, WWX Isn’t Adopted by the Jiāngs, Abusive Jiāng Family, Jiāng Family Bashing, Jiāng Family Critical, POV NHS, Dark NHS, Anal Sex, Marathon Sex, Dual Cultivation, Qīnghéng-jūn Lives, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Self-Lubricates, Plot Twists, Porn With Plot, Scheming NHS, Manipulative NHS, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX)
FOUND? Brother-In-Law's by Loveable_Psychopath (M, 324k, WIP, XuanLi, WangXian, Memories, Butterfly Effect, Sexual assualt, Self Harm / Self Doubt, Canon Divergence, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape Recovery, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, PTSD, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Depression, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Warning: JGS, Emotional Manipulation, Time Travel Fix-It, Second Chances)
5. Hey so I can't find this one fic
Wei ying is a hitch hiker and he ends up going with lan wangji who's on his own roadtrip when he meets him at a gas station and in the end we find the reason why he's hitch hiking and on the run @yilingpatriarchsimp
FOUND? vintage youth by sami (E, 13k, WangXian, Modern AU, references to past LWJ/others, references to past WWX/WQ, Family, Sexual Tension, set in the early 90s, Background Xicheng) I think #5 is vintage youth by sami, this is how wangxian run into each other at the beginning.
6. Help please? I think it was on tumblr here. Modern day fic where Madam Lan is alive and LZ and WY get together as teens but the Jiang's kick WY out and he comes to live with the Lans who all love and adore him. Later on LX brings Meng Yao, who he is dating, to met the family. Meng Yao doesn't get a warm reception and gets jealous of how the Lans treat WY. LX then explains WY history with the Lan family which Meng Yao tries to use against WY. The family then gets mad at LX for telling. Thanks! @isis-moon
7. hi hi hope you're doing well hehe
was wondering if someone knows about this fic where wwx gets kidnapped and lwj uses chenqing to find him
thank you!!
FOUND? something wild calls you home by Fleetling (T, 8k, WangXian, Kidnapping, nhs is only there briefly, resentful energy, the fic where lwj plays chenqing, Rescue, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Light Angst, Happy Ending)
8. Hi, for the fic finder, hope you guys can help me. I am looking for i fic a saw i while a go it was an arranged marriage, female Wei Ying, where the Lans are like tea merchants (?) i think, and Lan Zhan was being pressure to get married and he ends up choosing Wei Ying to marry because she was ''unkidnappable''. The Nie brothers are also in the stories as sisters. The fic had about 8 to 10 chapters, i cant find again and i think i had seen it in a post here but im not sure, pls help @omgnuttytale
FOUND! a harmony between qin and se by Alaceron (E, 62k, WangXian, Gender Changes, Historical, Female WWX)
9. I lost this fic ages ago and have no clue how to find it: WWX and JC have just gotten to gusu for lectures and plan for WWX to ask the LAN for sanctuary to get away from Madam Yu. I remember in a chapter WWX explains to LXC why he's asking for sanctuary and shows the whip marks on his back and is rushed to the healers.
Even if no one finds it thanks for the work you out into this blog, it's a Delight 💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜
FOUND! Sanctuary by lindgrsl77 (Not Rated, 13k, WIP, WangXian, Abuse, not graphic, Protective Siblings, LXC is a big brother to all, Hurt/Comfort)
10. hello im in search of a fic but i cant recall the plot im so sorry 😞 i only remember that the fic uses the chinese names of the locations in mdzs (buye tian, luanzung gang etc), not the english translations. it's possibly a canon divergence fic or a time travel one. im sorry if i can't provide more data but i would appreciate any help thank you
FOUND! Restoration by ritualist (M, 84k, WangXian, Fairy Tale Elements, Non-Linear Narrative, Time Skips, Time Shenanigans, YLLZ WWX, Sentient Burial Mounds, Sunshot Campaign, Politics, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, JGS Is His Own Content Warning, Necromancy, Surgery, Identity Issues, Masks, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Love at First Sight, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending)
11. Looking for two fics:
A) The one where wwx explodes a wen’s head because they were going to kill lwj. I remember wwx being injured in this fic and constantly in bed save for sitting at the table working on wards and talismans. He made talismans for lwj to use while he was away fighting. I remember jzx helping wwx change his bandages and helping him to the battle field because he couldn’t walk well. On the battle field wwx sees lwj about to be killed by a wen and makes the wen’s head explode. I think lwj in that scene chose his last view to be the sky instead of his killer’s face but he instead got covered in blood and brain matter. All this takes place in cloud recesses btw.
B) The one where wwx is immortal (i think) and lwj lives in the burial mounds with him and the wen remnants. I’m not sure how they get to this point but they travel to Qinghe to ask for his help with something I think but wwx ends up sending nmj is dying and helps him too. I remember more or less the conversation when wwx met nmj went like “huh this is a bit awkward. Sorry to ask but you DO know you’re dying right?” And nmj responds something like “yes, I’m aware.”
Thanks for your time and help! 💜 @jikcf
FOUND? 🧡 To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag (M, 78k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Major character injury, CQL verse, Happy Ending)
FOUND? 💖 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, Arranged Marriage, political scheming, Gratuitous Domesticity, Pining, slow burn, The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, bottom LWJ)
12. Hi! Please help me find these two series A) This one is of Jin Zixuan seeing Wei Wuxian kind of sickly and deciding tot ake care of him, int he series is different AU's but it's more of Jin Zixuan being a little stabby. Um in one of the fics of the series it was revealed that Jin Zixun is an ahh because Jin Guangshit decided to groom him and you know. B) This one is more mature because it's of wangxian teaching xicheng how to spice up their sex life by teaching them foreplay and so on
Um Hi again. I'm asking for two again one series and one also series but I'm more looking for the first book. C) So wei wuxian accidentally pulls off lan wangji's ribbon and the two get married, in the 2nd fic of the series it's of wei wuxian saying he wants a divorce but just lists more stuff of them being a cute couple D) This fic is of wangxian during cloud recesses era and wei wuxian is trans ftm. I believe it might have time travelling that's all I remember sorry
E) Hi again for the third time, instead of two books I'm asking for one. This is modern au and college au. Wangxian are roommates and I believe both of them or just Lan Wangji is/are a musician but Lan Wangji is deaf. and Nie Huaisang is kind of protective of Lan Wangji but yeah @thatperson0-0
FOUND? Coping Techniques for the Clueless and Socially Disadvantaged by meyari (G, 2k, Pre-Relationship, background wangxian, Slice of Life, slice of war, PTSD, Canon Compliant, Sunshot Campaign) One of my favorites.
FOUND? A Ribbon Beats a Red String of Fate (Restricted) Series by Titans_R_Us (T, 16k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Fluff and Crack, supportive families, Mutual Pining, Temporary Separation)
FOUND? 💖 It is a serious thing just to be alive by Itgoeson (E, 57k, WangXian, Time Travel, Fix-It of Sorts, Established Relationship, Trans Male Character, Happy Ending, transphobia does not exist because i simply Do Not Vibe with it, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grinding, mentions of dysphoria, War, Canon-Typical Violence, Sunshot Campaign) the first fic in the Invitation ‘Verse series
FOUND? Comfortable Silence by WritersBlock823 (rdlaserna) (E, 65k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, Deaf!musician LWJ, College/University, Musician WWX, Rimming, Anal Sex, Top LWJ/Bottom WWX, Oral Sex, Dry Humping, minor breath play, Anal Fingering, Accidental Semi-public Exhibitionism, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, Fluff, Deep Throating, Sexual Harassment, Minor Violence, Blood and Violence, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending)
13. Hi, can you pls help me find a pic,
It's Modern au, lan zhan got into an accident and lost his memories. The fic also have moon river song as wangji's favourite song hus mother used to sing. It was full of insecurities and wangji wondering if he's a good enough partner and all.
I basically remember the whole fic but forgot the name and can't seem to find it.
Thank you for the help @vantae0417
In the fic wei ying was not a musician but was married to lan zhan already and they were living together and basically wei ying was being a brat and asked wangji to buy him chocolate milk and wangji got into an accident while getting it, when wangji woke up he had forgotten wei ying and about their relationship, so when he found out he he got a husband now get got all insecure because we'll wei ying was acting nervous and almost crying because he felt guilty for accident but wangji thought that he was a abusive husband and that is marriage was not a good one and all
After they went home and some wei ying cried and told him about his guilt wangji asked him if he's not a good husband and wei ying comforted wangji.
They were both probably teachers in this fic and were about to adopt yuan
is Wei ying a music store owner and was Lan zhan involved with crime?
NOT FOUND! Across the street to another life by danegen (M, 99k, WangXian, Modern AU, unleashed au Family Fluff, Set in America, Hurt/Comfort, Past Child Abuse, Addiction, Crime, Amnesia, Ableist, Language, another fridged mother, POV Alternating, past wwx/ofc, past wwx/omc, Medium parent YZY, A-Yuan is wwx's biological son, Musicians, Happy Ending)
FOUND! remind me why I love you by AG1234VL (M, 44k, WangXian, Minor XiCheng, Past XiYao, Modern AU, Temporary Amnesia, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, sort-of crack treated seriously, WangXian Pining, Except They're Already Married, Hair Brushing, Childhood Trauma, Past Abuse L, Fluff and Angst, Crying WWX, Jealous LWJ, Forehead Kisses, Family Feels, Bottom!LWJ, versatile!wangxian, smitten!lwj, flirty!wwx, horny!wangxian, Mental Illness, Non-main Character Suicide, Non-Sexual Intimacy, but also sexual intimacy, brief discussions about grief)
14. Hello, me again! 😆 I'm looking for another wangxian fic that I would like to re-read. What I remember is: Jiang Cheng kills Lan Zhan in some sort of time travel ritual (?). Jiang Cheng then goes back to the past, but the ritual has erased Lan Wangji from existence. Even so, in this new timeline both Lan Xichen & Wei Ying feel that something/someone is missing. JC eventually reverses the ritual, LZ comes back, and LX & WY are NOT happy with the revelations. Please help me find it! 😢 @dreammaiden21
15. I lost a fic! It is pre-WangXian and is told from, I think, alternate POV of LXC and JC (it is not XiCheng, that I remember, it's just from their perspectives). It's post Sunshot and Jiang Cheng uses an old treaty with the Lan that was some kind of "in the future" betrothal agreement in order to open negotiations for trade, using WWX as the bait. What I remember is that he was not expecting the Lan to take it seriously, but LWJ VERY MUCH DID. Help? @kimboo-york
FOUND! Alas, Disasterous Miscalculations Align Sects with Sudden Summer Weddings by mondengel (G, 3k, WangXian, Humor, Arranged Marriage)
16. Hello!! I've been trying to find a fic where Lwj doesn't know that the elders told Lsz to stop calling him a-die, and just assumed it was Lsz's choice. It hurt him, but he didn't complain because he wanted it to be Lsz's choice. When Wwx comes back and Lsz is really close with him and starts calling him baba, Lwj starts thinking that Lsz stopped seeing him as a father back then because he was such an awful father that even someone who didn't get to raise him (Wwx) still managed to be a better father in the little time he had. I remember he feels guilty for feeling jealous of the close relationship Wwx and Lsz have. He gets depressed about it, and Wwx notices. He questions Lwj and Lwj confesses everythingto him. Wwx goes to inquire Lsz about why he treats Lwj so impersonally and formally. I think Lz has a panic attack at some point.
SIMILAR! The seasons change (but I love you the same) by kdkdkd (G, 7k, WangXian, Single Father LWJ, Thirteen Years, Fatherhood, Growing Up, Fluff, Misunderstandings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief, Insecurity, Love, Canon Compliant, headcanons, Music Hall, Single Parent LWJ, Dad LWJ, Badass LWJ, Annoying Lan Elders get put in their place and fired, Thirteen Years of WWX's Death) is very similar but set when Lan Yuan is still a child
FOUND? Silver & Gold by beeswaxing (E, 198k, wangxian, JL/LSZ, LJY/OYZZ, Post-Canon, Canon Divergence, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Age Regression/De-Aging, Fix-It of Sorts, Family Bonding, Established Relationship, Cuddling & Snuggling, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Literal Sleeping Together, Romance, BAMF WWX, Mutual Pining, Horny Teenagers, Underage Kissing, Protective WWX, Fluff) could be Silver and Gold by Beeswaxing, chapter 13, scene below the delicious pic of WWX. WWX is questioning LSZ about what he calls LWJ and why.
17. I'm going crazy looking for a fic I read where the Wen remnants send wwx and a-yuan away to Qinghe to look for help destroying the yin amulet, and somewhere along the line: wwx finds out the wens intended for them not to come back via a letter wq left, nmj and wwx exchange secrets(golden core + nie sabers), and I believe it ends with them giving the current nie ancestors the amulet to fight for eternity, instead of spirits and corpses. I am in your debt if you can find it &lt;;3 @tupperwareofoddities
FOUND! The Core Issue by Hauntcats (T, 21k, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not JC Friendly, Canon Divergence)
18. Hi! A friend recommended me a fic and neither of us can find it anywhere. I really want to read it and am hoping you or your followers can help.
it's jiang cheng-centric, set largely at lotus pier, he does embroidery (and it *is* complete, so it's not The Fic You Can Find By Searching For Embroidery), definitely post-sunshot and i think probably post-canon, and he *might* have been like cursed or something
Thank you for all the work you do! @cadencekismet
19. Hi (^▽^) for the fic finder I have been looking for one set after the SSC, LQR is humming? whistling? a lan song at WWX that reveal that WWX is possets? and he then quickly beg LQR for help before the thing posessing? him take control again. hope you have a great day/night! thanks a lot! you are amazing people ♡
FOUND! A Kiss to Break a Curse (or rather, Possession.) by Silver_Flame_2724 (T, 1k, WangXian, Demonic Possession, Lán Music, Magical Kisses, Love Confessions, Sort of?, more like, Marriage Proposal, Alchemy, Pills, Fluff)
20. Hello, I'm wondering if you know or might be able to help find a fic. It's a modern au, WQ and WN inherit a run-down house, and WWX is ride or die for them, of course, only to be surprised when both LWJ and JC are equally willing to put their lives on hold to support. JYL and JZX are together and the only reason she doesn't go with is that she's heavily pregnant. Also inc. Madam Yu not telling the boys that JYL had gone into labour as it was 'their fault for leaving in the first place'. Thank you in advance for any help! @katonahottinroof
are they fixing up the run down house?
NOT FOUND! Once Upon a Place by zeldasayre (E, 80k, WangXian, House restoration, Falling In Love, Misunderstandings, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Bisexual WWX, Trans Male WWX, Gay LWJ, JYL & LWJ Friendship, Modern AU, Set somewhere in America, Tattoo Artist WWX, Librarian LWJ, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Domestic) is the one I'm thinking abt
FOUND! the ship sways but the heart is steady by taizi (T, 9k, WangXian, ChengQing, Modern AU, Established Relationship, Families of Choice, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Past Child Abuse, Protective JC, Soft WangXian)
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noisyghost · 6 months
I follow on TH too and would love to know which of your kids has the claymore. :] also “modern day setting with monsters” is that Just the monsters or are there any additional fantasy elements built into the story?
this is going to sound insane based on the characters i actually feel compelled to publicly expand on but my whole headworld actually centers on the antics of one 13 year old girl, literally named Kid, who also literally has a claymore lol
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She's Isadore's biological daughter, and David's adopted daughter. The claymore in question is actually an angelic artifact vaguely known as The Edge Of The Universe that takes the shape of whatever the person it's bonded to wants it to be, but she's a 13 year old autistic girl that thinks Dante from devil may cry is the peak of what it means to be cool so. Giant sword.
As far as the setting itself, it's all very boilerplate modern fantasy/sci-fi (it actually might be more sci-fi than fantasy, given how much I like the concept of explaining the supernatural with science) with the main premise being "what if monsters and magic existed in almost all aspects of human life, but we just didn't know about it." Because im boring and what concerns me in world building is the conceptual social services and paperwork that would even functionally go into keeping all that bullshit secret lol
theres also alternate, pocket, and parallel dimension time dilation physics bullshit going on but we do not have time for that when there's bisexual werewolves to think about
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CKB hear me out. Haters will say it's fake but ....... blanche youngest child. The Victorian maid garb? He's tired of being in the shadows of those before him and is trying to set his own identity. Extreme violence? A big ol temper tantrum and cry for attention. I dare say i would lean on him being youngest child just because Lev fits the disaster middle child ALL too well 😮‍💨.
I see why some will say Lev as the youngest but i feel like he's suuuuch a middle kid like, even if he's stupid, he'd having a good time and that's all he cares about. I feel like youngests are actually more deceitful and tricky wheras middle kids are pretty true to themselves and more easygoing? Like them youngest kids are used to sneaking around and just so cunning, showing different faces (not unlike blanche who does a 180)
Like blanche, yves can also fit all 3 perfectly. He does kinda seem like the overstressed, overworked, will nag out of love, can never relax, will shoulder responsibility for you eldest child (i feel like eldest children also have a really clean aesthetic? Middle kids are either cozy wear or pop the Fuck off. And youngest kids are always flashy but in their own way and my god if that isnt blanche 💀)
Also i feel like eldest kids (yves) have a great fear or failure and losing things so theyre lowkey control freaks. Youngest kids (blanche) are oddly possessive and entitled like they think the last slice of pizza is their god given right. And middle kids (lev) are so used to losing things that they get obsessive over the things they do have, and a bit pathetic abt it if they feel it slipping away.
Youngest kid blanch really does seem like a big brat (but who cares) to me. Like he sees reader as his dead pet hamster that he accidentally squeezed to death trying to hug it but he refuses to believe it's dead so he keeps leaving food out for it and stroking it. Middle kid Lev sees you as a cute hamster and buys you cool wheels and a rolling ball and toys and sleeps with you in his bed. Eldest Yves will not allow anything to happen to pet hamster so he has a seperate temperature controlled room for it, homemade pellets, probably wipes hammies ass after it poops and everything.
This was just my random musing though and im excited to see what you end up making the order!!
Also i think i was ur 🐰 anon and i used to send in all those theories for language barrier LOL. Ummmmm the bunny thing *totally* didn't have to do with Lev, so, uh, don't tell Blanche, my latest hyperfixation 🤭 (or Cyprus because goddamn-)
🐰 anon
🐰 anon also said: Oh! Also feel like blanche would be a lot younger than the other two. Like modern au or whatever if they were all together, yves moved out when blanche was a kid (because he was independent) lev was never home bc he was always out and just kinda ended up living w one of his friends (never 'officially' moved out but he's living elsewhere) and followed the party life, and blanche was probably raised and spoiled by a family elder, making him feel like an 'old soul born in the wrong generation'. But hold onnn i didnt know therewas a blanche pt 2, lemme go read that and see if it changes things LOL 🐰 anon
🐰 anon also said: no blanche is actually so middle/youngest child coded it's insane bc i refuse to let go of middle child lev (actually i need to give bunny a reread before that too, and ofc more content on him when it comes out lol) but brooooo them youngest kids be weird as FUCK like, smth abt blanche feels like he's playing dressup, pretending and trying so hard to be this old fashioned adult gentleman, meanwhile yves actually is more calculated, composed and knows what to do for his shit. I actually initially thought of yves being the youngest but i feel like blanche being youngest fits so much better imo. Like blanche is just here to do his own shit, he's a bit selfish, and pushes for hinself. Yves puts his responsibility first and pushes for reader. Plus yves has that blonde mom in target drinking a coffee doing 3 hours of shopping in 12 minutes before her next hot yoga class and thats soooo eldest child coded. Idk something abt blanche as a person (not a character) seems so underdeveloped and child like in a disturbing yet innocent way? 🐰 anon
🐰 anon also said: "unromancable, unfuckable weirdo." No im sorry Blanche is actually the youngest child Bunny anon
Holy fuckin shit bunny anon always comign in with a banger , yess that's what im talking about them tasty brain chews i like i like
shid man like u really lay out their vibes and everything and even imagined them in modern AUs , presented evidence and cited your source like what the fuck this is such a good analysis like damn bro i fr appreciate the enthusiasm
Like all the stuff you sair fr made sense even to someone who has no siblings, its as if i had those little shits living in the same house as me and i observed the dynamic, like yeah damn Yves really fit the oldest child
Its really fitting cause if you think about it, they're all like centuries old or whatever and both Yves and Leveret are pretty youthful looking with no grey hairs- they went on their own quests to preserve their looks, Whereas Blanche is considered to be the most unkempt out of the three with his salt and pepper hair growing uncontrollably to the back of his knees, no manicures just natural long nails but he's still considered youthful cause ykno 50 year old looking man vs his actual 5 million year old age , but it just shows that he doesn't care about looking youthful as much as his older brothers
i notice the older siblings from other relatives and friends they tend to looksmaxx more than the younger ones. and they try to keep up trends, like Yves and Leveret is pretty modern whereas Blanche is fuckin ancient with his stuff, mannerisms and dressing up
and yes he is ironically the most immature (as in childlike) of them all, even tho leveret is like spontaneous and has his slipups, but damn bunny anon like ur analysis is always bangers like what the hell bro i love them and i love you
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Drop the Miku Binder TJ rant bestie
okay so like
i was just thinking about it, and, like, i think it's fucking nuts but also really weird how the hamilton fandom (which i'm in but i swear i'm not an uwu lams turtles shipper please) somehow took this CRUSTY, TERF-BANGED, UGLY, OLD, REDHEADED, RAPIST ASS MOTHERFUCKER,
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and turned his ugly ass into this.
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like damn what the hell- what- how???? okay like yeah, they're using daveed diggs as a base for this bullshit, which, okay, fine, but YOU DID NOT NEED TO ADD THE INFO. The idea itself is funny but also a bit weird, however im 99% sure Diggs himself wore that shirt. However, all of the extra info??? come on. Where'd the fandom get this istg y'all-
Also, also, they did something similar by making John Laurens (gay blonde dumbass) into an UWU turtles boy. ....why. Bi trash coffee gremlin tumblr over-worked sleep-deprived alexander hamilton. like yeah relatable but. why. small bean big sweater uwu innocent boy blushy short james madison. ...why. bro was stubborn and would pick a fight and was the 'fuck you' type of shy.
I just find it wild the fandom made this and it is the entirety of the fandom into one. There's the good sides, there's the bad, and there's this. Which encompasses the ENTIRE. FUCKING. FANDOM.
The fandom has its headcanons, it has its perks, but then you reach the side where everyone is just a wild fucking original character. They don't model the historical figures anymore- they're just OCs with the name 'Philip Hamilton' or 'John Laurens' or god forbid our third U.S president 'Thomas Jefferson' slapped onto it.
I'm also so confused as to how this is what the fandom is known for. We have some good fics, we have hella good art, we have a M U S I C A L , and then the first thought people have of the Ham fandom is Miku Binder Third President Founding Fucker Slaveowner Thomas Jefferson.
I also find it kind of offensive (almost put insluting oh my ufckjg-) that they made a founder become this but like he'd probably be really pissed so please keep fucking up his memory lmao he deserves it
But like... also why. What made them think of this.
Like yeah I write 20k word TR smut but you don't see me drawing it.
You don't see me making him an UWU e-boy.
...Eh I probably would for shits and giggles tbh
But like this is founding father Thomas Jefferson. Third Pres. Second VP. First Sec. of State. And he is a furry, ex-cocaine addict. Also btw do they mean John Laurens or John Adams as the former drug dealer part because neither are better but it'd really help
Also bro literally raped his 14 year old slave and had like 6 kids with her. He had her room DIRECTLY NEXT TO HIS. He RAPED HIS DEAD WIFE'S HALF-SISTER. AND HE'S A SAD UWU MAN WHO DID NOTHING WRONG?
Let's not forget this same person made a post saying Lizzie (the Queen) would be reincarnated as a horse when she died. I'm serious. Deadass.
However, it's also funny as fuck because this entire thing is a tarnish to Jefferson and I fucking HATE that bastard so like good job lol
At the same time though it's still super weird??? But insane??? Because how did this become one of the Tumblr exclusives??? like it's Tumblr history at this point. Twitter history. You cannot express any like for the Hamilton musical before you get the 'have you seen miku binder thomas jefferson' and it's like 'well shit'.
But also remember: THIS IS NOT AN OC TO FUCK AROUND WITH. Hamilton the Musical specifically gave you and presented you the founder. Thomas Jefferson. Played by Daveed Diggs. Just because it is played by a POC, but also modernized, and vastly different from the actual founder and President, does not mean that at its core it is NOT STILL THE SAME PERSON.
If you name it Thomas Jefferson, if you use the presentation of him given by Daveed Diggs, you are still using that white fucking slave-owning racist motherfucker, and that's the point of it all.
I find it stupid but funny but also insane, and I wouldn't care, unless I KNEW IT WAS SERIOUS. The artist made it seriously. They made John Laurens. They made Philip Hamilton. They did this seriously.
but like also look at this lmao
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This meme of Thomas Jefferson in a Hatsune Miku binder really got trending on Twitter at one point
It's an infamous, hellish, classic meme of both Tumblr and the Hamilton fandom, and it deserves what attention it's got, but Jesus please never unironically make shit like this again, Hamilfans, we're stained by this we don't need another😭🔫
i have more
So like, I just remembered: it kinda romanticizes these guys??? The musical??? so like don't get me wrong i love the music but... it puts them into this light. This pink light. It paints Hamilton as an abolitionist who was outspoken about it. When, in reality, dude traded and sold slaves for his in-laws + wasn't all that outspoken about it + was against immigrants or migrants, WHEN DUDE WAS FROM THE ISLANDS. HE HAD SCOTTISH BLOOD. AND HE'S AGAINST IT? Hypocrisy at its finest.
Washington also owned slaves and ran his own plantation too, so he's not off the hook. Madison, the 'uwu small bean' of the fandom, also owned slaves and ran a plantation. So the main people of this entire fiasco are slave-owners. Perfect. But also I've heard Ron Chernow's book on Hamilton, the entire start of the musical, is a bit biased to Ham himself, so...
You could be saying 'but FDRsduckfloaty, Sally is mentioned!' yes. But however, not enough. Not more. It's not even implied more than potentially ONCE what he did, and I'm not sure it ever was! Cabinet battle 3 states it flat-out but it was cut. For your info, Ben Franklin and John Adams are the only two you can really like in the slavery aspect. Ben bought them but let them go for their freedom, and John detested slavery and was against it. Never owned one.
Jefferson did add a slavery clause to the declaration but it was discarded, and he didn't fight half as much as he could have. Maybe he did and since it was the 1700s he didn't have a lot of support, but surely he could've done something like, I don't know, call it out after his terms? Once you're done gaining your second term and out of office, they can't do shit to it or your presidency, since it's over.
So the musical itself has its own problem and the fandom is even worse. It blatantly disregards that a LOT. A hella lot of the amrev fandom + a small part of the ham fandom has called TJeffs out for it but I mean can we please not make shit like Miku Binder Jefferson and act like he wasn't an actual child rapist???
This video does pretty well at it. I will admit the tagline 'America then, told by America now' almost sends shivers down my spine for what it really means. But then again I find men not knowing they'd make it down into the history books for starting the world's global power and the world's economic powerhouse pretty interesting. Doing something big and knowing it's historical, but not that it's going to form a very, VERY large country, where you'll be honored down the road and called a Founding Father of an entire nation? Signing papers and not knowing they're the founding stones of a country and still looked up to today? Intriguing.
But like still fuck Thomas Jefferson lmao
there's a lot more videos on it that dig deep, but the point is, that Hamilton is a good musical with good songs but it's also very... complex, and a bit problematic, Thomas Jefferson is a little bitch, and you should stan 1776 before you ever stan Hamilton. 1776 does not do this. It is much more realistic. 1776 has Benjamin Franklin and that's an immediate win. Be more like a 1776, be less like a Hamilton.
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michaelcerascream · 2 months
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hi chat!!
Irish 😮🔥
I go by mills :)!
i heart girls
my pronouns are she/her!
My interests!
Movies and tv: Grease, Skins, Superbad, Scott Pilgrim, Juno, it's always sunny in Philadelphia, Arrested Development, Yellowjackets, The Outsiders, Community, Brooklyn 99, Glee, Modern Family, Heather's, The Hunger Games, But I'm a cheerleader, the breakfast club, what's eating gilbert grape, cobra kai, the karate kid, Coraline, Friday Night Dinner, The Black Phone, many more i can't think of 😖😖!
I have an OBSESSION with Michael Cera and am currently making a shrine for him in my room 🙏🔥
im a beginner at guitar!
music!!!: i LOVE music! mostly more alternative, gothic, riot grrrl and nu metal music! but I also LOVE 60s - 80s music!! some artists I can think of off the top of my head are The Smiths, The Cure, Joy Division, She Wants Revenge, Echo and the Bunnymen, Sister's of Mercy, Chappell Roan, Bauhaus, Siouxsie and The Banshees, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Eminem, Weezer, Paramore, Joan Jett, Green Day, Le Tigre, Insane Clown Posse, Depeche Mode, David Bowie, Nirvana, Michael Jackson, Hole, Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, Bikini Kill, Daisy Chainsaw, Mommy Long Legs, Pixies, Kimya Dawson, and tons more i can't think of rn ☹️
I can't think of anything else 😞
Dni is basic ! i AM a minor so 18+ idc, just don't be weird.
dni is you support Israel!
dni if you support Melanie Martinez, Wilbur Soot, etc.
thank you for reading !! 🤍🖤
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