#mod: travis
sunnymarbles · 9 days
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aphmau dump hi guys ^_^ ignore the gross disgusting old 2016-2019 time period art in the corner of redraws
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bunnithechubs · 1 month
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look a fuck boy in the wild!
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mechanismslorearchive · 4 months
This, by the way, is exactly why I phrased our intro post as "as complete as possible"-- I swear we're going to keep finding new things until we're both eighty
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komegatze · 4 months
I created a mod that puts Gordon Freeman in the shoes of Travis Touchdown
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aceofwhump · 1 year
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Mystery 101: Killer Timing
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memesmadefullmetal · 8 months
We need YOUR help! 🫵🏻
Your mods can’t make a decision to save their lives right now, so we need YOU to help us decide which art print should be graced by Travis Willingham’s signature!
This is only a day long poll so please get your votes in!!!
Here are the two contenders:
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Thank you in advance! Links to the pieces (where we originally saw these) are below!
[x] Option 1 🔵 (B&W Roy print)
[x] Option 2 🔴 (Colour Roy print)
- Mod Mustang & Mod Hawkeye 🔥🦅
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nickhexum Hey @.lsdunes you guys crushed it. Let’s do more shows!
posted june 8, 2024
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triplexdoublex · 2 years
Good Enough To Eat
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Pairing: Colson, Rook, Slim, Baze, Modsun, Travis Barker X Reader
Warnings/Tags: Gangbang, implied consent, all holes filled, Sacrelige, mentions of a foot fetish
a/n: This was much harder to write than I anticipated -- 6 dicks, 6 tongues, 12 hands (and dont even make me do the math on fingers) is a lot to keep track of , especially when they’re all on/in one body at once. Reader is written as not really being familiar with who they all out so you’ll see then more often referred to by description or known references to help you figure out who’s who. Names are only really mentioned when another character is saying them. Also please note Justin and Sophie weren’t around when I started this fic over a year ago , so that’s why they’re not included . Enjoy!
“…Happy birthday, Dear Rookie, happy birthday to you!” Six male voices clamor in celebration, as you lay on the table before them ; your nude body a flesh platter, serving up the freshest array of strategically placed sashimi and rolled sushi.
“Damn, that looks good enough to eat!” The shaggy blonde announces; his words dripping with inuendo.
“KELLS!” The man to his left warns.
“Oh, for Fucks sake Slim you know you were thinking it too.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t say it, cuz I’m polite like that.” Slim responds suppressing a laugh.
It’s not the first time you had a customer say something like that; and in your line of work, it certainly won’t be the last. This time it felt a bit different though— Usually it’s a group of middle aged business men with grey hair and overpriced suits making lewd remarks and trying to get handsy in lieu of using their chopsticks as they feasted off your body, but this time the suggestive nature of the gorgeous, young, heavily tattooed men’s words have you imagining them feasting on your body in other ways.
“Yo, Rook! Listen man I don’t give a shit if it’s your birthday, you ain’t sitting at the end of the table near her feet— g’ the fuck outta my seat!”
“All yours, Kells,” Rook laughs with an eyeroll getting up to switch seats with the tall blonde, knowing his friend's affinity for a pedicured pair.
“Perfect,” he smirks, taking his new seat as he admires your toes.
“Aye, yo if none a y’all are gonna be brave enough to go for the last piece above her pussy—I’m calling dibs,” the blonde announces rising from seat, his lanky body towering over you before bending at the waist. He firmly plants his hands on the table; one on each side of your hips and dips his head. “It seems I’ve forgot my chopsticks,” he states, looking up at you through his pale blonde lashes. “and it’s rude to eat with your hands,” he dips his head lower, his mouth just centimeters away from where you were picturing it earlier.
Using his tongue as a scoop, he lifts a small chunk of raw Salmon into his mouth; the decorative leaf placed under it for hygienic purposes is the only barrier between his tongue and where you want it most. He barely has to chew the soft raw fish — it’s so fresh—before swallowing it down.
“Best bite yet,” he licks his lips seductively. “Say, sweet girl— you wouldn’t happen to have any dessert for us tonight, would you? He glides a finger along the seam of where your two bare thighs meet.
His crew and friends shift awkwardly in their seats, beginning to worry the self-proclaimed ‘wild boy’ is taking things too far when,suddenly they take notice of how the blondes touch has your legs spreading easier than butter on warm toast.
“I don’t think we’ll be needing these anymore,” he smirks before removing the three strategically placed leaves and last of your modesty.
He takes your breasts in his hands, groping them as his mouth descends a trail of open mouth kisses down your naked torso. His friends watch in awe as Kells hands and mouth travel lower, his blonde head settling between your thighs. He licks one long languid stripe up your soaked slit before pausing.
“Silly me, where are my manners?” He wipes at his mouth . “Birthday boy always gets the first piece of cake.” He motions to Rook with a smirk.
Rook stands, his pants already tented as he makes his way over to between your thighs. He plucks an elastic from his wrist and quickly secures his braids back— and fuck, he’s even more gorgeous now without the braids obstructing the view of his ever changing hazel/green eyes and sexy dimples. He wraps his arms around your legs and grips your thighs with calloused hands swiftly pulling you to the edge of the table. You let out a surprised squeak at his actions, causing him to smirk as he places a series of kisses descending down your inner thighs before pausing to marvel at your wetness. Using his middle and ring finger he gathers your arousal and brings it to his lips, sucking the sweet elixir from his fingertips. He hums to himself enjoying the way you taste before diving in fully; those same two fingers plunging into you, and his mouth engulfing your clit. It feels like heaven as he slurps and sucks at it and you can tell he’s a man with a lot of experience under his belt — typical rockstar. It’s only a matter of time before the rest of the gang shows off their experience as well, swarming your naked body like ants at a picnic.
A expedition of hungry hands roam over the swell of your breasts and descend down your body to the valley between your thighs. In a state of arousal you allow them to use you as they want; touch, grab, taste and take turns with you as they please— everything a blur of euphoria.
Last you knew the birthday boy was working his magic between your thighs, your eyes squeezed shut in pleasure , but now as they briefly flicker open a vision of the Virgin Mary begins to come into focus and for a moment you think perhaps you died and went to heaven—- it certainly feels that way. It’s not until your eyes fully focus you realize the image is inked upon the bald head of the man devouring you now. The absolute irony of the religious imagery being present during such an unholy act just turns you on even more— just another layer of taboo. The next thing you know it’s as if Jesus himself is hovering over you, long light brown hair dusting across your bare breasts as his cock moves insides you. Your words seem to match your thoughts and you cry out “Jesus Christ!” in a fit of pleasure as the long-haired man repeatedly slams into your G-spot.
“Someone give her something to shut her mouth up” the biblical-looking figure orders.
In an instant you felt a slippery tongue push in past your lips, the sweet taste of Shirley Temples still lingering on the green haired man’s taste buds. For a brief moment as his tongue fights against your own you find yourself wondering about his story— about how long he’s been sober. You noticed he hasn’t touched a drop of alcohol all night despite it being paraded in front of him, the boys downing shot after shot. Your thoughts are interrupted by the man still inside of you.
“That’s not exactly what I had in mind, Mod” he jokes “Slim, show him how it’s done!”
The salty flesh of a hard cock quickly replaces the sweet tongue that occupied your mouth. Standing above you he reaches down pinching both your nipples between his thumb and forefingers, giving them a series of tugs as he forces his cock down your throat. You notice his hands are much softer and less calloused than the other hands that are roaming and fondling your body, and you figure he must play a much more delicate instrument than the others, which is ironic given he’s being anything but with you.
It’s not long before there’s so much going on and you're completely drunk off pleasure that you can no longer even keep track of who’s mouth, who’s hands, who’s fingers and who’s cock, is where. All you know is you’ve came at least three times, you’ve been folded into every position possible , and every orifice is deliciously sore and well used. But your ass might just be the sorest of all, having been the blonde ring leader's favorite most of the evening; his huge cock stretching it and filling it so well. You wonder how much more your body can take and how much longer the men can possibly last, but truth be told, this is by far the best night you’ve ever had on the job and you never want it to end .
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Sent by anonymous
‘I read Travis in Hot Couture wrong when I first saw the name. Since it mentioned he used to be a firefighter, I thought it was Tyler from Laws of Attraction. I got super excited at the idea of a previous fling in one book being a bona fide love interest in another, especially since both stories take place in New York. I was wrong, of course, but I wonder if PB would ever do that. I understand why reusing a love interest wouldn't work since that would imply some people broke up with their chosen love interest in that story, which would suck. But it could be fun to connect story universes without disrupting canon if beloved flings/side characters could be romanced in newer books.’
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fanofsimonpegg · 6 months
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I cannot draw, but I most certainly can pose a few ragdolls in Garry's Mod.
Original tweet this was based on under the cut
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aphverse-confessions · 2 months
AYY its me the original katelyn defender anon
I've rethinked my stance and I have to agree with a large sum of you, both are not great people. Katelyn was/is(?) abusive but Travis was also a sexual assaulter. I'm sorry for causing such a fuse and making some of yall mad
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nocontextmcelroy · 2 months
"I'm your very honorable bailiff, and I-- I'd like to not guilty. SLAM!"
-Justin Mcelroy, McElroy Family Clubhouse: Welcome Mayor Ron Funches
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mechanismslorearchive · 6 months
Cryptography Enthusiasts Requested
As promised, a post about... something. Secret codes!
Several of the blog posts begin with "TRANSMISSION// [something here] // AURORA." The middle section is different in each of these-- one is text in Chinese, another one is Morse Code, and one is what Travis identified as shorthand for elements of the periodic table. I believe all of them probably have some kind of code, but I do not know enough about cryptography to begin with most of them.
Which is where we could use a hand! If anyone has any insight or ideas on any of these (as transcribed below), and would be willing to help us decode them, that would be fantastic!
From January 13, 2013:
TRANSMISSION // 032::3834K::00003 // AURORA
From February 11, 2013:
TRANSMISSION // 0002/02/00002012 // AURORA之動得?違言語?何意味?待・之押that should fix it.
Google Translate says the text here is Chinese (Traditional) and reads, "Can it move? Breaking the rules? What does it mean? Wait and pledge". However, Google translate is obviously not the greatest source, so confirmation or correction would be welcome.
From March 12, 2013:
TRANSMISSION // 052::9JU324::00005 // AURORA
From April 13, 2013:
This one seems pretty straightforward, but I'm including it in case others have additional insights.
From May 6 2013:
The morse code here translates to "give us money".
From June 17 2013:
From September 25 2013:
Travis translated the elements here as: AqPArT: Aq: aqueous solution is a solution in which the solvent is water, Phosphorous, Argon, Titanium
GCaLeV: Gallium, Calcium, Lanthanum, Vanadium
LiScSaCa: Lithium, Scandium, Samarium, Calcium
For reasons I lack the chemistry knowledge to understand, he took these as numbers, or dates, and translated it as such: X/31205723/3216220.
So that what we've got so far! Thoughts?
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wanderingaldecaldo · 3 months
@dustymagpie and I are proud to present the latest release in
The Richard Ripper Collection
Sock Garters for Masc V
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Amazing marketing material by @dustymagpie
Let your Masc V show off those sexy ankles!
Includes from-scratch mesh and textures by @blackrevell; plus dynamic AXL, Equipment-Ex, and Garment Support.
Thanks so much to my testers and VPers @breezypunk @busyvampire @streetkid-named-desire @thelonestrider @theviridianbunny for their slutty ankle submissions.
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Above: some "picture is worth a 1000 words" lore drop featuring Travis, Val and Nibbles; Tony getting ready for a night out.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 6 months
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Happy 3rd Downfalls High 🩷
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madowperle · 7 months
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been playing with the BFF household and it's fun
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