#mod scraps
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keqingprophet · 9 days ago
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hey. . your request has been accepted !
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AN: i like how her latex turned out it looks like gummy. also im surprised we havent done anything of her yet im so sorry girlie - MOD SCRAPS!
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aaphra · 29 days ago
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Skyrim Scenery 56/∞
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dandysworldhcs · 1 month ago
Episode hc.
There was an episode in the early 2000s where the toons go to the beach and bring Shrimpo with them.
Shrimpo pushes Scraps into the water and she takes him with her and he like. Just stops moving.
Scraps gets help from Sprout, Sprout brings him out of the water, Shrimpo isn't waking up, Sprout shakes him really really hard
Sprout, in a fit of pure fear, chucks him into the dirt behind him.
Shrimpo wakes up n he's all mellow.
Like. No yelling. He's not angry AT ALL.
In fact, hes like "Hey dude wassup" and then he almost falls asleep again. But Sprout is all like "WHAT THE FUDGE????????"
Some important parts of that episode that lores the shrimpo:
He goes to get a sandwich from a cooler, boxten is by the cooler, boxten gets all scared (rightfully so) and gives shrimpo his half-eaten sandwich covers his head. Shrimpo's like "Dude that's your sandwich" and gives it back and then walks away and boxten is all like "what the hell".
Finn tries to provoke shrimpo, but the shrimp just goes "Dude... what are we................" And then walks back to the water and just floats away.
Eventually at the end of the episode, everyone is uncomfortable and tries to get shrimpo away from the beach but he gets angry and starts biting everyone and when they get back to Gardenview the episode cuts to a part of shrimpo in his room and it's shown that it was all an act to bully the toons in the worst way possible by making them think that their beloved angry guy wasn't angry any more.
The toons are taught that they love shrimpo just the way he is and its uncomfortable any other way.
-the blood golem anon
ough...blood golem anon.....youre changing mr...... AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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violixir · 4 months ago
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Now that my twitter is scrubbed, it's about time I started posting some of my old, possibly insane Psychonauts AUs here. I figured I should start with this one, mostly because I'm nearly positive I kept sneaking vampire Morrises into other sketch pages during streams. Long story short, I played one singular CRPG (HoMM3 my beloved...) as a kid, and what started as "lol what faction would they all play" became a long term AU with character arcs and lore dug up from that game, the game that game was a spinoff from, obscure dev interviews, and multiple wikis.
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ripplesoffate · 3 months ago
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Mike has a thing with fire.
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gardenviewcenter · 6 months ago
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SCRAPS REDESIGN!!! i honestly had no idea scraps was supposed to be origami/crafts based until i read her description LOL....so i tried making her more paper/plastic crafts based!
kinda party themed. her head is a paper plate w little party hat ears... crumpled paper arms.... shes so fun to me
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zorra-dulce · 2 months ago
Scraps from the scraps bin smh
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P.S. When I refer to Tickity-Tock just know I mean Tele cus they have like the exact same personality
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kanohivolitakk · 5 months ago
Ok can we stop talking about the "gymbo inika were the reason love isn't canon"when there's stuff in the prototype plans that are far more insane and interesting including (but not limited to)
One of the earliest concepts for 06 was set in Mata nui where Toa nuva fought the morally gray Toa Rahna, who served as a more negative reflection of Toa. A major theme for this idea was exploring if toa could be evil.
While 08 always had bat themed villains, initially 08 was supposed to have army builder mooks instead of BoM Makuta. Also originally 08s villains were supposed to be Karda nui natives
That said, Makuta as a species and Brotherhood of Makuta were planned to by the story team as early as 2004, and were already considered to be the villains of 08. Though by this time only the titan sets.
There's at least two different concepts for aquatic villains that vastly differ from the Barraki. One of them were soldiers that were possibly army-builder villains, while the others were traders who weren't necessarily evil(?) Regardless both of them very were starkly different to the Barraki in canon, thoguh the soldier concept is far more align to with what we ended up getting.
The Piraka we know and love(?) seem to be a fusion of the two prototype concepts of 06 villains: A greedy brigand species who terrorize the locals called Hagalakh and the aforementioned Toa Rahna. The Piraka took the aesthetics/lore/culture of the Hagalakh and the "anti-toa team/ group of six individuals who served as evil disorted version of toa" concept from toa Rahna.
In the concept with the Hagalakh as 06's antagonists, their goal was to wake up Tren Krom who was supposed to be the final boss. Tren Krom in this version was supposed to be a dead giant whose corpse hosts a temple and the treasures the villains seek.
In some of the plans the hunt for mask of life started in 07, not 06. 06 instead had a different goal that depended on which version of the story plans wer'e talking about
Some plans had the toa Inika/Mahri be the main team for all three years, while some plans had the team change every year. The plan
Some of the plans indicate the "Matorans" were meant to be different species of beneveloent creatures, as they used different title than Matoran to describe them. These include the Rana and the Ihoian, though the Rana may have been Matoran
Lot of plans had the titan sets be either Rahi, or at least, other Rahi-like creatures and beasts. Many of 06 and 07s concepts had these beasts be protectors for sacred locations or the Mask of Life.
There were plans for character titans. One of the Haglak/TK concepts had the leader of Haglaks, Torak, while one of the prototype Barraki were meant to have their leader be a titan set
06 was designed a shakeup that would revitalized the brand by addressing major flaws the storyteam felt prevented new kids getting hooked. One of the bigger roadblocks was the lack of a main protagonist. This was corrected by introducing a new Matoran protagonist with a connection to Mask of Life who would act as the centerpiece of the Ignition trilogy and eventually become a Toa.
At the end of 06 the Toa of Fire (Jaller??) was supposed to die and be replaced by the aforementioned Matoran protagonist as the toa of fire
Mazeka was the name of a corridor in 06 plans
Takanuva was supposed to use Mask of Life at some point
Toa Mahri were called Toa Awkwa at one point
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frootloopsl · 8 months ago
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why hasn't anyone made a mod i wonder
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hisbutleronhiatus · 6 months ago
It has been 100 days since the Kuroshitsuji hiatus was announced.
Today, the Phantomhive estate threw a lavish picnic for their extended phamily and friends. A wonderful time was had by all!
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keqingprophet · 8 days ago
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HARU 'NOIR' OKUMURA from PERSONA 5 rentry graphic!
AN: barely anybody knows we started as a persona edit blog originally..... so uh yea going back to our roots a lil as a break from requests ^_^ - MOD SCRAPS!
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keepyourselfdandy · 5 months ago
A wild AU Rodger appeared!
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»Oh, hiya! You look new, are you alright? Everyone treatin' you well?«
[The Scraps smiles, cheerful. She waves a paw]
»If someone did somethin', let me know. I'll sic one of the higher ups on 'em, okay??«
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dandysworldhcs · 29 days ago
random biology rant cause these gents so peculiar
the toons DO have bones. theyre just. not very. conventional
goobs arms are real theyre just. made of spine bones. like snakes. the big hand functions more like a skull and the claws function more like a jaw. he’s legally classified as a cerberus
same goes for scraps tail
barnaby wilikers IS finns heart. it beats. but it can float willy nilly, like a constant feeling of feeling a heartbeat in random places of ur body
the seethrough toons DO have organs. they’re just. invisible.
all the super flat face or just naturally flat toons (like ginger) have just super 2d organs. that of which being limited to a digestive system, heart and lungs and thats about it. rodgers brain is like half a centimeter thick to make room for his eye but its There
brightneys bulb would be squishy bc. it’s her brain
yknow how cartoon characters r known for being super expressive and squishy? well i think del and arthur wanted to capture that in the real toons, so they Also Can Do That. but their organs ALSO do this to accommodate. this explains why we sea no explicit gore on twisteds like glisten, all his insides are just pancakes in his chest and lower torso. same with vee and shelly.
shelly WAS given a proper spine because del was like “haha bone girl got really real bones” and made her bone structure as human like as possible.
they can all open their faces up eely weird like fnaf sister location style
this is yappier than my usual but what can I say im a future bio major ahahahah (bleeds out in the snow
-musical anon
musical anon..ur cooking so hard witg tgese...good luck in being a bio major
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battystims · 9 months ago
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brett hand stimboard~ for anon that's SUPER anonymous and definitely not fairly obviously the person with a brett hand icon that just followed this blog
👔 🪪 👔 / 🪪 [🙂] 🪪 / 👔 🪪 👔
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the-final-sif · 2 years ago
So! Some good news regarding the tribal mob mod situation on the QSMP!
I got in contact with the mod's creator and against my expectations, they were actually very open to hearing feedback and didn't realize that people still saw their mobs as native stereotypes. They were upset and remorseful that the mobs were being refereed to as natives, as that wasn't their intention. Apparently, the original idea was a specific creature from Zulu mythology, that they then attempted to expand out into it's own thing without realizing how it looked to someone not approaching it from that context.
Once I explained to them what the issue was and how it was coming across to people, they saw the problem and realized that they didn't want people to think that about the their mod pack nor did they want to hurt people by invoking racist stereotypes.
We talked for awhile about the problem and various ways to fix it, and they actually really do seem to care about the problem and want to do better. They're going to work with their team to redo the mob design/mechanisms to fix the situation and will get better feedback and work to avoid doing anything like this in the future. I'm actually pretty impressed by how open they were to feedback and how willing they were to want to do better once they were told that people were being hurt by the portrayal in their mod.
Time will tell exactly what will happen there, but for now, they are aware of the issue, they're sorry, and they're going to work on fixing it. So there's that to be hopeful about.
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inkandpaintsnowleopard · 4 months ago
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Sorry for dying here’s some stuff:
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Rubberhose drone AU things (HAVE I POSTED ABOUT THAT YET???), B-Sides Pikachu concept, and our guy Starcatcher Pump
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Pigeon OC stuff. I like pigeons
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Dandy’s World things
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