#sokol pd2
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frootloopsl · 5 months ago
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:3c here's the cute sokol commission i did for @clownfile !! i love sokol sm hes so silly..
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cheeseisreal · 3 months ago
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Trade! But damn I love this guy
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pvssypopper9000 · 11 days ago
posting this before I read The Catcher in the Rye 🥶🥶🥶🥶
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jacket-enjoyer-69 · 2 years ago
Dumb thought. NSFW Payday content.
Hoxton standing on a chair while being steadied by Wolf and screwing in a light bulb.
Bodhi and Dragan:
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Duke, Sokol and Houston:
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Jacket to Sokol "By Accident":
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thelocalbozo · 2 years ago
Small headcanons - Payday gang
Silly little headcanons for some of the payday gang
He will stay overnight at the safehouse sometimes if someone else does [Wolf, Houston, ect]
Learned ASL when he was younger, uses it to communicate with Jacket sometimes
Very much physically affectionate [hugging, hand on shoulder, arm interlock, ect]
Brings everyone coffee a few days a week, has everyone's orders memorized
He is the father of the gang
He is the designated nurse
Also the father
Helps Wolf with panic attacks
Generally the one who breaks up Sokol and Jackets fights
Helps Houston in the garage sometimes
Wears tank tops a lot because it's hot in the basement
Has a tendency to go non-verbal
Ends up staying late because he loses track of time when he's fixing things
FREAK SQUAD [Him, Sydney, Jimmy, Jacket]
Also stays late because of Wolf
Let's certain people play with his hair
Buys lots of expensive gifts for everyone a lot
Helps Aldstone clean up a lot
Drinks a surprising amount of caffeine
Wears make up to cover his scars when he wants to go out, plus lets his hair down
Secretly likes the nickname 'Loverboy'
Likes helping Wolf in the Workshop
Has probably fought Rust over tools
Helps Sydney create designs for masks when he's not working on the van
Also physically affectionate
Takes masks for fun
Tried to learn ASL, failed miserably
The only place she didn't put a camera is Jacket's hangout
Watches certain cameras more than others, cause of the freak squad shenanigans
Knows ASL
Has hidden his masks so Houston couldn't take them
Also agrees it's hot in the basement, reminds him of miami
Has hidden multiple of Sokol's pucks, because Sokol has hidden his tapes
Hides Jackets tapes
Hangs out in Dallas' office a lot.
Fluffy hair when it's not slicked back
Cracks knuckles as a nervous tick
Does not like doing stealth heists [this might be canon actually]
Listens to hyperpop
Referee's Sokol & Jackets fights sometimes [Chains does not appreciate this]
Wears contacts
Tries to convince Bain and Dallas to let the freak squad go on heists together
Genuinely knows how to cook food
Has a nintendo switch, plays animal crossing
Not only is he addicted to coke but also caffeine
How this man hasn't overdosed yet I don't know
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shiftwux · 2 years ago
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i dont care if they make it into the 3rd game (i really really do)
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horangislittletiger99 · 1 year ago
Hey guys
I found an ai website that's filter less that needs a jimmy bot
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They already got bain,Dallas,Huston and hoxton
They still need sokol,jimmy,duke,bodhi and maybe one more jacket one
Please help
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euclidity · 2 years ago
[safehouse arc]
sokol: jacket can yo-
jacket, just taking out his tape recorder, not even looking up: Did you know? Triggers can bring up emotional responses if you have PTSD, Or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Triggers can be anything, including scents and sounds
sokol: you know what fuck you you freak
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frootloopsl · 8 months ago
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why hasn't anyone made a mod i wonder
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cheeseisreal · 2 months ago
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random sketches
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happy-ratta · 2 years ago
Payday 2 headcannons!
Been having the brain rots lately, so here's a headcannon dump for all my favorite pd2 characters.
- Bain has a lisp, he's had it since he could speak. It appears when he says words with H, Y, or R
- Bile has seen Bain's face, more then once. He hasn't died yet, because who would kill their own nephew?
- Houston knows how to do make-up, don't ask.
- Jimmy dressed in drag one time and participated in a drag contest, he can't remember why, Houston was there. He's still amazed that Jimmy won the contest.
- Team Trouble -> Jimmy, Jacket, Sydney, Joy, Houston, Sokol, Wolf, with John Wick as the responsible adult.
- Bain wakes sometimes to watch and make sure his heisters are safe, even in death his own worry won't let him be.
- Vlad is married
- Locke is twice divorced
- Bain has "civilians" who help the gang. Their job? to act like hostages during particularly difficult or dangerous heists.
- Bain says his favorite color is blue, and the heisters think this is a lie, it isnt.
- Sokol and Dallas hooked up once, they were both drunk.
- Same thing happen to Houston and Hoxton, they were drunk and arguing.
Gender/Sexualites Headcannons
- Locke is Trans
-Joy is Genderfluid
-Houston is Bigender, Male and Genderneutral
-Vlad, Bain, Rust, Scarface, Duke, Jimmy, and Jacket are all Bisexual.
-Houston is also Pansexual
-Sydney is lesbian, everyone keeps forgetting this for some reason, she's also butch/masc female
Thanks for reading my shitty headcannons.
I might make more soon.
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hoxooster · 3 months ago
Oh, you're definitely not alone. I can go on for hours about the characterization of all of the heisters--especially how the OG 4 changed between all of the games.
I also know the struggles of containing the Autism™. 'S why I've been here for so many years and know so much random shizz about everything PAYDAY-related, among other things. You can ask any of my friends or my ma about just how long I can talk about the most off-the-wall stuff in detail, and they'll tell you that I'll keep on going if you don't stop me. Just call me the Energizer Bunny of Random Topics.
I guess we'll see, then. 'S like, I hope that he comes back, but then I also don't want them to mess up his characterization, too... It's a constant struggle bein' a PAYDAY fan.
houston in payday 3 upsets me a little
hello chat its been a minute im here to post a take. i dont like houstons design in payday 3.
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actual flirting vs harassment
worth mentioning i dont own payday 3 and havent paid a lick of attention to houstons payday 3 voice lines or anything but visually it looks a lot like they took the suave rogue route with his character which is an interpretation but not the one i wanted and frankly not one i find interesting in payday 2 he doesnt look like someone who youd find rob a bank in payday 3 i would feel unsafe in a room with him his unassuming appearance in 2 fits his stealth based skillset practicality is very important to him he doesnt like people touching his things and he is not suave by any meaning of the word i dont think it was intentional that they made him as awkward as he is but "i think i ate too much bran this morning" is NOT suave rogue behavior its not giving james bond mission impossible hes a different kind of stealth he stays out of sight and doesnt like talking to people he lacks charisma but the tuxedo design just makes him look like hes supposed to be manipulating the casinogoers charming security into not minding when he takes a keycard
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thats not who he is his whole thing is staying far the fuck away from people and not being seen hes also the mechanic he takes care of the van and keeps it in shape i dont think hed be inclined to care if he got oil on an expensive tuxedo anyway, he steals money bc of poverty and kleptomania(headcanon) not bc of greed and glamour like hoxton but a tuxedo just isnt convenient for being a mechanic also would he really fucking put all that on i dont think so that man would wear an unzipped hoodie, a hawaiian print shirt, a very loose tie, cargo pants on a good day, and the sneakers your dad wears he cares to put on a tie bc his brother cares not because he gives a shit about being seen in a lovely suit and tie
he doesnt care about how hes seen because he wont be seen at all why would he dress up so fancy if his intentions are for nobody to see him in the first place
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he looks like i would be afraid to see him on a plane he looks like how he would look if he WAS hoxton there are a couple of things in the new design that i do enjoy
for one his eyes are very similar theyre still very sullen and tired looking which is good but with his angrier looking eyebrows it feels a lot more discomforting
the second thing i like is the addition of the eyebrow slit which loosely supports the headcanon that he lost an eye in prison
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s-w-a-n-p-r-i-n-c-e · 4 years ago
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I spent way too much time on this tbh. Please accept this sacrifice to Mishapocalypse 2k21
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shiftwux · 2 years ago
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hes a sweetheart and a bombshell
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ghastlyrosemaiden · 6 years ago
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you good, bud?
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0amburgh0 · 2 years ago
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Hotline rizzami
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