#mod riu
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susiexkris · 1 month ago
nose boop ❀ (rough doodle bc I missed them)
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(Long time no see, huh? 3 years since the last post... I still love these freaks to death and I'll still be posting here every now and then hee hee hee— anyways who's excited for ch3-4????? I Know I Sure Am!!!!)
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ofmistandmire · 1 year ago
I think this is the first time I've ever seen a reputation system incorporated in a WCRP! At least in the way you describe it working. Reminds me of Fallout and their karma and their faction reputation system. Anyways, is there anything you've been itching to talk about but no ask has brought it up yet? Could be a rp mechanic, more kith lore, etc.
We're really excited about the reputation system! I will say we have another points-tracking system in our pocket as well, but I don't want to give too much away about it yet. I'll just say that there are lots of mysteries and encounters out there for players and characters to discover. ;]
Something else I haven't had the chance to talk about yet is our customizable character sheets! We haven't made the template publicly available, since we don't want folks to put a bunch of effort into making a whole character sheet just to not get accepted into the RP, but here are a couple sneak peeks of characters! There are extra pages for detailing personality, backstory, and relationships with other characters.
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Fawn belongs to our beta player Riu, while Shrike belongs to Mod Rue.
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renatoferreiradasilva · 1 day ago
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O Enigma do Flamengo
A noite jĂĄ caĂ­a sobre o bairro do Flamengo, e a brisa vinda da praia balançava as cortinas brancas do quarto de hotel onde trĂȘs estudantes de matemĂĄtica dividiam uma mesa abarrotada de livros, folhas rabiscadas e restos de pizza fria. Era uma viagem curta ao Rio para uma conferĂȘncia na UFRJ, mas, como sempre, a paixĂŁo pelos nĂșmeros transformava qualquer encontro em uma intensa discussĂŁo acadĂȘmica.
— O RSA Ă© genial justamente porque se apoia em algo simples, mas difĂ­cil de reverter — disse Samuel, girando uma caneta entre os dedos. — Multiplicar dois nĂșmeros primos grandes Ă© fĂĄcil, mas descobrir esses primos a partir do resultado Ă© praticamente impossĂ­vel com mĂ©todos convencionais.
— "Praticamente" impossĂ­vel, vocĂȘ quer dizer — corrigiu Marina, ajustando os Ăłculos. — Se a computação quĂąntica avançar, o Algoritmo de Shor pode tornar a fatoração trivial. O que nos leva Ă  questĂŁo: por quanto tempo ainda poderemos confiar no RSA?
André, o mais calado do grupo, olhava pela janela para as luzes refletidas na ågua. De repente, ele se virou com um sorriso enigmåtico.
— VocĂȘs jĂĄ pensaram que a escolha do nĂșmero (e) na chave pĂșblica Ă© quase como definir uma função matemĂĄtica? Estamos pegando um nĂșmero e aplicando uma transformação modular a ele. Se olharmos desse jeito, podemos falar de RSA em termos de funçÔes

Marina pegou um guardanapo e começou a escrever: (C = M^e \mod n)
— Uma função de potĂȘncia modular, no fundo, Ă© uma função que se repete sobre um espaço finito — disse ela. — Mas isso me faz pensar
 Se considerarmos uma função que depende do nĂșmero de bits da chave RSA, poderĂ­amos encontrar um jeito de prever a segurança com base em propriedades estatĂ­sticas?
Samuel riu.
— VocĂȘ estĂĄ propondo um modelo probabilĂ­stico para a robustez de uma chave? Parece algo saĂ­do de um artigo de conferĂȘncia de segurança cibernĂ©tica!
— Talvez nĂŁo seja tĂŁo absurdo assim — AndrĂ© interveio. — No fundo, toda essa criptografia se baseia em problemas difĂ­ceis, mas serĂĄ que conseguimos medir o grau de dificuldade de um problema em termos funcionais?
O silĂȘncio tomou conta da sala por um momento. Apenas o ruĂ­do distante dos carros na Praia do Flamengo preenchia o espaço. Marina rabiscava alguns cĂĄlculos, Samuel olhava o teto como se buscasse uma revelação, e AndrĂ©, de volta Ă  janela, observava as luzes dos apartamentos dos prĂ©dios acendendo, como se fossem programadas pelo cotidiano.
— Bem — disse Samuel, quebrando o silĂȘncio —, se formos fundo demais nessa discussĂŁo, nĂŁo vamos dormir. E amanhĂŁ temos que acordar cedo para a conferĂȘncia.
Marina jogou o guardanapo rabiscado na pilha de papéis e se espreguiçou.
— Que tal um passeio antes de dormir? O Aterro do Flamengo está lindo essa hora da noite.
AndrĂ© assentiu. Deixaram o quarto e desceram para a rua, onde a cidade os esperava com seu ar misterioso e suas infinitas possibilidades matemĂĄticas. A conversa nĂŁo havia terminado — longe disso. Como qualquer bom problema matemĂĄtico, ela continuaria a se desenvolver entre passos, noites e pĂĄginas rabiscadas de um caderno esquecido no quarto de um hotel.
RSA: Um dos algoritmos de criptografia mais utilizados, baseado na dificuldade de fatorar nĂșmeros grandes.
Computação quùntica: Ramo da computação que utiliza princípios da mecùnica quùntica para realizar cålculos mais rapidamente do que computadores clåssicos.
Algoritmo de Shor: Algoritmo quĂąntico que pode fatorar nĂșmeros inteiros de forma eficiente, ameaçando a segurança de criptografias baseadas na fatoração de nĂșmeros primos.
Chave pĂșblica (e, n): No RSA, a chave pĂșblica Ă© composta por um nĂșmero pĂșblico (e) e um mĂłdulo (n), sendo usada para criptografar mensagens.
PotĂȘncia modular: CĂĄlculo que envolve elevar um nĂșmero a uma potĂȘncia e depois tomar o resultado mĂłdulo (n), fundamental na criptografia RSA.
Modelo probabilĂ­stico: Abordagem matemĂĄtica que usa probabilidades para prever o comportamento de um sistema.
Aterro do Flamengo: Grande parque Ă  beira-mar no Rio de Janeiro, conhecido por suas ĂĄreas de lazer e vistas deslumbrantes.
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apcomplexhq · 2 years ago
OiĂȘ. :3 Eu vim compartilhar algo com vocĂȘs que tĂĄ virando minha piada pessoal. Toda vez que alguĂ©m faz plot com o meu char, e nem digo romance porque nĂŁo Ă© meu foco, mas qualquer plot, poucos dias depois eu vejo esse tweet:
📩 Algumas caixas foram embaladas e os caminhĂ”es de mudança se foram.
Desde que a Acropolis começou isso tem acontecido. NĂŁo teve um char sequer que permaneceu ao plotar com meu char. Esse evento mudancĂ­stico tem acontecido com mais alguĂ©m? 😂 Meu desafio pessoal Ă© conseguir terminar um plot antes dos caminhĂ”es de mudança partirem com a outra parte envolvida. PAREM DE SE MUDAR. đŸ„č
A mod riu um pouquinho quando chegou essa ask, Ă© um dedo podre invertido? ViĂșva negra de plots? Que tistreza, meu franguinho anĂŽnimo. Faz um chĂĄ de amarração aĂ­!
Clique aqui para ver as respostas.
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fallenhunnyapple · 9 months ago
I'm in the adamsapple server that's modded by @rius-cave and its definitely still very active and alive. As a member I don't think I can give out an invite link, but she'll be able to
This may be a dumb question, but does anyone here know about any AdamsApple Discord servers or is there not one up anymore/Yet. Cuz I'd love to make some new friends but I'm a shy son of a bitch and need prompting to open up.
If you don't wanna post it you can just DM me answers or a link!
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 years ago
i eat too much chalk how do you not like it it's great by the way i'm a liblo mmm tealbloof
i cant fuckin describe it as â€œchalky” cause its literally chalk but . too dry 😔 not tastey
-mod dave
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drinstadiscourse · 5 years ago
I'm not sure how long ago you made that komaedalovemail post but I've been going through that archive ever since you posted it. I *just* finished it and I wanna say I owe you my life and that I'm also terrified
i havent even gone through the whole archive bro are you ok
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kinmusics · 3 years ago
Hi I was wondering if I could get a playlist for Sylveon (PokĂ©mon)? I don’t mind genre but as long as the song sounds cute or positive!
Sure thing!! I hope you enjoy these and it's what you're lookin for ^^ - Mod FaolĂĄn
[YouTube] [Spotify]
2. Matryoshka (Club Mix) - JubyPhonic
3. All Around The World (La La La) - R3HAB, A Touch Of Class
4. Geronimo - Sheppard
5. Sleeping Giants - The Crane Wives
6. Raise Hell - Brandi Carlile
7. TĂ©ir Abhaile Riu - Celtic Woman
8. The Woods - Hollow Coves
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theextendedzodiacas · 4 years ago
ok a thing about requests---we’re getting a few that are like “derse jadeblood thief of time” so i’m just gonna say if you know the name of the sign you’re requesting please say that! “viries thief” is a lot of information in a little phrase, whereas the circumlocutionary “derse jadeblood time player” leaves room for me to forget things, especially if you have other themes and/or other signs in your request. it’s easy for me to confuse “derse bronze space girl <3 prospit indigo doom boy” (taurga girl <3 sagimino boy) with “prospit indgo space girl/derse doom bronze boy,” “derse bronze doom girl/prospit indigo space boy,” “prospit bronze space girl/derse indigo doom boy,” or some other permutation, which makes a BIG difference in the finished request!
in our pinned post, we say the “full sign” to mean ALL component bits of info, because we also get a lot of requests like “rust mage of space” which we cannot do because it lacks a lunar sway. to reiterate: we need the blood color, aspect, and lunar sway, all of which is contained in the morphemes that make up a full extended sign.
you don’t have to re-send if your request is like that (the number of requests like this is small right now, so i’ll live) but for future reference here’s a list of prefixes and suffixes in case you can’t remember the full sign, but know the aspect, color, and lunar sway.
ar: rust
taur: bronze
gem: gold
can: lime
le: olive
vir: jade
lib: teal
scor: cerulean
sagi: indigo
capri: purple
aqu: violet
pi: fuschia
mind: za
heart: o
life: sces
time: ries
breath: un
blood: cen
space: ga
hope: rius
void: ttarius
doom: ini
rage: born
light: pia
mind: ra
heart: lo
life: sci
time: rist
breath: us
blood: cer
space: go
hope: nius
void: ttanius
doom: ino
rage: corn
light: pio
again, you don’t have to re-send, but in the future, just say the name of the sign, which is only one word that contains a lot of information, which is easier for me to remember than a bunch of little words that can be lost or confused in complex requests.
thank you!
-mod 8ean
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susiexkris · 4 years ago
Have you guys gotten the chance to play Chapter 2? And if so, what are your thoughts?
-sincerely, an excited Krusie Fan since the day you made the blog.
hello! it's been way too long without a post, and i think with the recent chapter coming out there's a surge of hype and shit
first of all lemme just say i am........... not really in contact with the other mods anymore? no no nothing bad happened or anything, we just happened to lose contact and i have no idea about anyone's socials anymore LMAO it's been too long since we've all last talked... (hopefully theylll reach out to me or sumn if they're interested in bringing the blog back👀)
second of all: i JUST finished playing chapter 2 and i am just in a goddamn state oh my god😭😭🙏🙏 this game is just so brilliant and im living for it
and of course there's our shipping fuel OHOHOHO i mean... like.... THE CLOSET OPTION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME I LAUGHED SO HARD... and ofc the ending and stuff and AUGH if i didnt have the curse of "lack of motivation" then i would definitely draw stuff right now!!
anyways, tldr ch2 good and i am still going strong as a krusie enjoyer! i hope you are all doing well :)
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princesskokichi · 5 years ago
kiyotaka meeting his baby who looks just like him for the first time | p.03
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i want a child
now - mod kokichi 
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- taka ?? h aving a child ?
- oh my god it would be immediate chaos
- first off, you've been married for literally five years
- you both had a stable job and he'd asked both of your parents and his own
- finally, he was actually ready to start thinking about a baby
- he spared no detail when it came to this
- he studied every book you thought there could have possibly ever been made for pregnancy and birth and care taking
- that's all he would talk about for weeks, and you two weren't even trying for a baby yet
- he planned things perfectly - literally all the way up to the child's 18th birthday with varying tactics depending on the personality of the child
- you began trying for a baby after a second blessing from all of the parents
- and the godparents, and the aunts and uncles, and your siblings if you have any
- basically your entire family knew you two were having sex and trying to have a child
- and then everything started to fall into place
- you came up pregnant literally a month after trying, which was perfectly
- he was plotting out the possible birth date for the child
- and then there was a sudden news that kind of shook his entire world
- and made everything he had planned almost fall apart
- ,,, you weren't going to be having one child
- you were having three
- three children, identical triplets
- he had to completely redo the bedroom he had prepared with mondo and chihiro's help
- aka, he had to add three of everything
- three beds, three sets of every pair of clothes
- he was,, shooketh
- everything was so sudden ??
- but !!
- you were,, so excited !!
- you were literally glowing, even while four months pregnant and bigger than most pregnant people get
- you were so happy !
- there wouldn't just be one child, there would be three
- three children for you two to teach the proper way
- he would listen to you talk and talk and talk about it
- there were nights were you stayed up past bedtime because you just couldn't sleep thinking about your children
- other than the fact that you were having three, you were having an easy-ish pregnancy
- you didn't really have cravings, and the moment you wanted anything at all,  your husband was there to get it for you
- and then the time came
- you were breathing - no, you were screaming
- screaming at the top of your lungs, with taka’s hand tightly held onto yours
- he never left your side the entire process
- a whooping 17hr pregnancy after dilation
- two of the children were born on the same day, while the last to come out came out at 12:12am exactly on the next day
- you knew your that child would be teased for the rest of their life
- you'd read somewhere that twins of different genders weren't almost ever identical
- but all three looked exactly alike, even though the youngest was a baby girl
- and who did they ALL look like ?
- taka
- two of them had his dark hair and red eyes, and lightly tanned skin
- and the babygirl had almost albino hair color, and red eyes, and lightly tanned skin
- she stood out from her two brothers
- but ?? gosh darnit, all of them had amazing eyebrows
- taka’s first response was " wow, they're so beautiful. "
- and then his second comment was " where did your genes go ? "
- you knew he was actually being for real - he wanted to know where your genes where
- and you looked him dead in the face
- s / o : " my jeans are in my hospital bag, ishimaru. "
- children's names : len ishimaru, riu ishimaru, and rin ishimaru ( i’m not creative & i’m sorry about that )
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ask-lucky-boy · 5 years ago
((Goodbye for now!))
((Hey guys! Okay, so I know I've been on two hiatuses recently, the first one was because of school and this one mostly due to mental health/motivation, but now I'm gonna have to call a see y'all until next time!))
((I hate to do this when I was in the middle of an event that I was carefully planning, seriously, I was really excited, and I also had plans to come back before Nagito's birthday, but unfortunately life's getting in the way and for my own good I really cannot maintain this blog anymore, at least until further notice! Who knows, maybe in a couple of months I'll be back~ rest assured I won't deactivate this blog (I honestly don't understand why people do that haha) so everything will stay here! And like I said, maybe I'll come back to this blog later, I'm still very much into danganronpa~))
((Hope you guys liked my depiction and I do hope to be back eventually!))
Edit 2 years later lol: So as it’s probably very obvious by now, I’m not really interested in making this blog active again lol I definitely won’t be deactivating, but this is going to be kind of a phantom blog now! Thanks to anyone that’s ever stopped by or enjoyed my rps, sent an ask, a request, etc etc, mod is still available for questions or whatever in any of her blogs ( @dingdongrumba being my still active danganronpa blog, @rius-cave my main, @byebyedespair my dr art blog) so say hi if you want to! catch y’all on the flipside~
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apcomplexhq · 2 years ago
Mods! Obrigado por terem liberado a planilha, vocĂȘs sĂŁo incrĂ­veis <33 vim dar um toque aqui: alguns fcs o pessoal colocou o stagename ou tem dois grupos, por exemplo: O Xiaojun do WayV tĂĄ reservado e o Xiaojun do NCT tĂĄ livre pra aplicação, sendo que os dois sĂŁo a mesma pessoa- a mesma coisa aconteceu com o I.M/Changkyun do Monsta X, sĂł notei esses, mas chequem os outros tambĂ©m pro pessoal nĂŁo ficar confuso!
Oi, futuro morador! Ai, a gente riu muito percebendo isso... Como estĂĄvamos recebendo muitas asks apressando a gente, acabamos deixando alguns detalhes escaparem de nossas mĂŁos mas em breve jĂĄ vamos corrigir para que fique todo padronizado! Mas obrigada pelo dica!
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island-adventure · 5 years ago
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Ah yes, the season 6 finale plays before you, as the winner Riu Hirota is announced. The ultimate jeweler was one who picked many enemies and in the end, still succeeded. 
When asked what they thought of the whole experience, they just scoffed- saying â€œIt wasn’t that big of a deal.” Though, dedicated fans will know that they did reveal that the money would be going to help their sick father. How touching. 
That still didn’t stop the outcries. â€œIt’s rigged!” Some would yell. â€œErina should have beat them!” and, â€œWhat was in the cabin?”
Continuing to watch, you feel the want to fill out the sign up for the show. Maybe, just maybe, your face could be the one on all the reruns.  Take a chance, it can’t hurt to try.
Just remember. What would you do to win?  DEADLINE: May 20th HOPEFULS | APPLICATION | PREMISE | RULES | MODS | ASK
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miraculousdekusquad · 5 years ago
Miraculous DekuSquad Headcanons: Part 1
Hello! ModAngela here. I will now explain a bit of the world I built of this take on a crossover world between Miraculous Ladybug and Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia!
-Inko is the current Guardian of the Miraculous box, wich is kept away from the temple because of the many very powerful miraculouses it has. 
-She mainly uses two miraculouses: the turtle’s (her miraculous hero name with it is Aƍmigame, wich means Green Turtle), wich she used more in her youth, and the peacock’s (her name is Ao Kujaku, wich means Blue Peacock)
-Inko is descendant of a long line of Guardians, starting with Marinette and Adrien Agrestre.
-In this world, miraculous holders are automatically licensed heroes (unless they do something villanous or stay in the way of justice), as they have been around for far longer than quirked heroes. 
-Izuku has a quirk, and due to her mother’s family tradition, it has to do with miraculouses. Or more specifically, their way of working with kwamis: It allows Izuku to become the direct vessel of a kwami, without the need of a jewel. He only needs to say the magic words. 
-He doesn’t have distinct different animal-themed costumes, but a green one similar to the canonical one, with little details that show the kwami that is within himself.
-He has no time limit, but after the five minutes pass, the kwami will feed on his own energy, wich is his main quirk-backlash.
-Inko doesn’t have all the miraculouses in the box. She misses three: the butterfly, the dragon and the bee miraculous. But they had been missing before
-The butterfly miraculous is property of Aizawa Shouta, who doesn’t know it is a miraculous and thinks it is just a family heirloom. He keeps it only because he loved his mother and he didn’t want to loose something from her. 
-Hitoshi is the one who notices it, as he is a close friend of Izuku’s, and Shouta never really used it. He gives it to Hitoshi when he finally is oficially adopted, a year before the entrance exam, and Hitoshi becomes Purple Emperor (it is a species of purple butterflies). 
-The dragon miraculous was a possesion of Todoroki Rei, who had it for a long time because she was Inko’s cousin. She gave it to Shouto when he was ten so that he could escape his father’s tirany. He is a vigilante at the night, only having exited to the streets at thirteen years old. His name: Sui-Riu (the dragon in charge of water, wind and thunder to make storms)
-The bee miraculous is in the possesion of Toshinori Yagi, also known as All Might. He used it to train before meeting Nana, as he was planning to become a licensed hero with just the Miraculous, but changed tactics with destiny’s call. He still keeps it because he is incredibly good friends with Pollen, and often seeks advice from her. 
-There is a moon fase each year that wasn’t known to humans before quirks, that guardians and kwamis called Miracle Moon. When it shines, quirks dissapear. But the powers of the kwamis and the miraculous remain.
So that’s it for part 1! I hope you enjoyed it! I will soon write part 2 with how they all meet, relationship mechanics and how the story unfolds according to the Au and if you gusy would like it, I’ll open asks.
Mod Angela
Part 2
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drinstadiscourse · 5 years ago
No im not
sorry for your loss
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