#mod petey
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kinnie-stuff · 7 months ago
as you probably know, we've been gone for quite a while, and havent had the time or energy to focus on this blog. i cant speak for the other mods, but i do hope to return eventually. im going to clear the inbox and close it for the time being. i hope to come back soon, so thank you for your patience and understanding!
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best-papa-ever · 5 months ago
bro not to be rude but #dog man is just you now could you please stop tagging all your posts with it? maybe just the ones with art?
(Mod @thedeleteduser here, real sorry cluttering up the #dog man tag with this blog’s posts. Thank you for bringing this up for me though!)
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Best Side Character!
it’s not just the cats that are in the spotlight but they’ve also got their reoccurring friends too and this is what you need to know about them!
Doug the Dog
doug the doug, also known as doug doug or baltic doug, is an adult husky who is often the babysitter for the cats. doug is responsible and is good at taking care of kids. doug’s parents and older siblings originally came from brazil to brooklyn, new york which is where doug and his younger siblings were born and where doug spent most of his early childhood. doug’s parents moved again to coventry, england where doug would start and finish his schooling. doug then went to university in scotland, to study what he’s never said, where he’s stayed since. doug has a very large family who’s names all begin with ‘D’ so it’s not uncommon for doug to randomly bump into a long lost cousin or auntie or uncle while he’s out. doug has his own facebook page where he posts primarily text posts everyday (or whenever soupy remembers to update it). doug is unfortunately an ed sheeran fan. he also has a celebrity crush on the rock.
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Jenni Katze
not much is known about this cat apart from that she’s got rainbow fur and that she may or not be related to jerma. i’m sure we’ll learn more about her with time…
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(jenni is currently an unreleased ty beanie belly cat)
Petey Raccoon
petey is soy’s partner and much like soy is also into emo and scene culture, though he airs more on the emo side of things. he’s just to make regular appearances but i’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of him soon!
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^^ the petey that soupy couldn’t buy because they still had to buy themself dinner
Cheesie “Lips Monkey”
lips monkey, birth name cheesie, is a monkey with strange embroidered lips and a large forehead. lips monkey is in a loving relationship with doug. not much else is known about lips monkey.
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Snapper (Joshua)
snapper, born joshua, is a frog. he exists in a similar way to how mohawk lloyd does (almost exclusively on paper). he received the name joshua after soupy saw a tumblr post regarding the frog and op saying that the frog didn’t look like a snapper.
Mimi & the Mini Clones
mimi and the mini clones are a group of small keyring versions of the ty beanie belly cats. the only one of the clones to have a name is mimi (short for mini mango). the clones consist of mimi, another mini mango, 2 mini mitzis, 2 mini misos and 2 mini clawdias.
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that’s all of the side characters, you can vote for the best side character of the year here!!
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askpolicecatpeteyau · 2 months ago
Ah, Petey. Glad to see you've turned your life around. Anyway, I have an interesting thing to show not just to you, but to anyone in general.
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This is an AIBO ERS-110, released on May 11th 1999. Usually packaged with AIBOWARE, it's very good for therapy.
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They may not be romantic partners, but they're still really close ^^
I may or may put dogman in with the polyamerous relationship I'm setting up later in the story
Mod: And tysm!!
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therelwildjaybird · 5 months ago
ermm idk what to put here take these guys i made out of clay
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dont ask why lil petey looks a little weird i think i put to much mod podge
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1nkwe4ver · 14 days ago
Severance Spoilers
I see some people pointing out how strange Outie Burt’s retirement video is, considering he claims he was fired, and people are theorizing Lumon is using him to get to Irving.
I hate to admit that I believe it’s possible, but I’m hanging on to the fact I don’t think it’s likely! My thought process-
-If Burt retired willingly and that was the Truth, why would he be looking to help Lumon catch Irving at something at all? Like, I see wanting his job back if he was fired and he and Fields needed the money, but if our basis for suspicion is that he genuinely seemed to be retiring, based on that video, then it seems out of character for him to just, happily do the dirty work of his old company, unless Outie Burt is just Helena levels of nurtured into worshipping Kier on the outside.
-I distinctly remember the impression, when Burt “retired” in season 1, that the whole thing was Burt getting fired. Irving knew it, going off after watching the video about Lumon killing Burt off, and I believe the viewer was supposed to know it. At the time, I assumed they’d simply told Outie Burt they needed to make some cuts at the company and he could willingly go with some compensation or be fired or something. I thought they’d gotten the retirement video out of him out of a mixture of perhaps some contract he’d signed when he first signed up, stating such a thing would always be required if Lumon asked it of him, and/or I simply thought Milchik had pulled the whole “we’re sorry we can’t keep you, but your coworkers on the severed floor love your Innie and it would very much help moral if you made a video to be played at a retirement party, saying goodbye to them all.” And Burt was just the kinda guy to go along with it. This revelation in my head fit with that- Burt had been fired, much less gracefully than I imagined even, but he still did the video because he has some awareness that the Innies all have a life there that he doesn’t want to disturb. Or because legally he had to and he didn’t want to be an asshole during it.
-Also, just, why would Lumon pick him? This episode confirmed that their Outies did not know each other, and only have some reason to connect here cause Innie Irving basically dropped his Outie on Burt’s doorstep on the season 1 finale. Severance, the way we know it, has no real bleed over feelings-wise without reintegration. Mark received weird therapy from his dead wife and didn’t even flinch. He was making googly eyes at Helly with Gemma in the room hours after he was probably sobbing in his car with grief over Gemma. So why would Lumon expect Outie Burt to have some special sway over Outie Irving?
Edit: For clarity, I know that to some extent, Innie Mark does feel Outie Mark’s grief. As Petey says, he just “doesn’t know what it is.” That’s not the kind of bleed over I mean.
I think of a sims 4 mod I like, for emotional inertia. In that, once a sim is in a new emotion, it adds an emotional inertia moodlet for a significant amount of time, that way the emotion is a bigger, more realistic deal. There may be moodlets/reasons going on in the sims head to feel a whole bunch of things, but the inertia moodlet makes it where they’re more likely to be feeling an emotion just because they were already feeling it. This stops the sims emotions from seeming chaotic and unstable as most moodlets run out in about 4 hours, or deeply unbalanced like the handful that last for days. There are other factors(Happy and Uncomfortable do not have inertia, Uncomfortable adds to dominant negative emotions like Happy adds to dominant positive emotions, certain emotions and activities drain or prolong moodlets of certain types, moodlets from emotional traits will randomly have values from 1-3), but basically your sim is probably gonna feel that initial emotion until at least the triggering moodlet runs out, and then probably the strongest inertia moodlet. If the mood is negative and you’re trying to get them out of it, well, even if you make them their favorite breakfast, a hothead who woke up on the wrong side of their cheap bed will probably stay pissy for at least 2-4 hours (if you really work on draining those initial moodlets), then with effort may be manageable but still difficult for another 4 hours (8 hours from getting into the mood).
So let’s apply that mentality to Mark.
Say as an Outie, he has +5 Sad(from being a Widower), +1 Sad(from sitting around thinking about her), +2 angry(from Anger mourning), +3 Sad (FromEmotional Inertia)
That puts Outie Mark at +9 Very Sad, Sobbing in his car
Once he got in the elevator, and switches to Innie memories, he loses all of that context but still has +3 Sad from emotional inertia to deal with. Now this is much less intense, and it may be quickly drowned out, depending on what’s happening in the office,
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professionally-petty · 2 months ago
[Recording Log: Assistant Peter | GRN-YLW Operations | Timestamp: Classified]
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Alright, listen up, because I’m only saying this once.
The name's Peter. Not 'Pete,' not 'Petey,' and God forbid, never just 'Assistant.'
Anyways Im the Assistant to GRN-YLW Operations, professional handler of chaos, and...let’s be honest...the only person in this building who knows how to use a damn stapler correctly...
My job? Everything. Logistics, schedules, managing egos, and ensuring this team doesn’t accidentally blow itself up before lunch. Frankly, I deserve a medal for putting up with this bullshit of incompetence. But do I get one? No. Instead, I get last-minute emergencies and a pile of paperwork that could rival Mount Everest.
Why do I do it? Because if I didn’t, this place would collapse faster than a Scout’s patience in a losing game... And if you think I’m exaggerating, try spending five minutes here without me. I dare you...
Anyway, if nothing’s actively on fire, I’m ending this recording. I have better things to do—like fixing all of your mistakes. Goodbye.
Heres some things to keep yourselves organized such as myself
📞#hello? its peter - answering questions
📞#someone is calling - interacting
📞#I got a job for you - asking questions
📞#journal entry - random peter bs
📞#(I AM SO SORRY QMQ) - mod apologizing for peter aka peter being a fucking bitch compilation
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Mod is a minor! so pls dont do anything weird! Like super weird asks and stuff. but rizz up the asshole all ya want ig?
You know the usual DNI; if ur homophobic, racist, transphobic, bigoted zoo/pedophile stuff ect ect JUST DON'T EVEN BOTHER-
any acc is highly encouraged to interact :DD feel free to ask questions and such! HUZZAH
feel free to ship him with anyone/any of your OCS!! I'm really happy to do so!
Fun Fact :D :peter's pronouns are he/they and he is intersex YUPPIE so do what you will with that information!!
here are some of mod's tags
TAGS (mod edition):
🍜#(ze noodle is doodle) - any drawings of peter i did
🍜#(CRYING,SCREAMING,GRIPPING YOU) - FANART DONE BY ANYONE!! fan art is highly encouraged and i love it when you draw the silly fucking bastard
🍜#(I AM SO SORRY QMQ) - like at the top- Im apologizing for peter-
🍜#HEAR YE HEAR YE 🗣️ - mod annoucements
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peteydaevilcat · 5 days ago
right, pinned post time. "Greeting, people of this 'Tumble' website. You all might know me as Petey the Cat. Li'l Petey has informed me of this strange online platform, so I have decided to give it a shot. Send your asks my way and I shall try my best to answer them!"
| ooc - hello there! this is the mod @cr34t1v3us3rh3r3 here! i’ve wanted to try and make a rp blog for a while now, so here’s this! i apologize if im ever ooc, i haven’t read all of the books yet. qwq i’ll try my best to be ic though whenever i rp! ^_^ please just dont spam my inbox with a bunch of asks, and please NO NSFW! this blog is run by a minor, and people that probably follow this blog might also be. just keep this family friendly and have fun with this. :3 |
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yippeee12 · 11 months ago
And lil something for fnf fans out there who seen the Gorefield V2 mod
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I try to make Arlene to be more lady like, I’m lazy to make Gorefield(Garfield horror version) so I made Garfield instead, This kitten is Garvin(ppl who know who Garvin is that he is a fan child of Arlene and Garfield/Gorefield, had horror forms as Gorefield/Garfield but Garvin is weaker) I recreate Garvin becuz y’all gonna think that he is Garfield younger self or Lil Petey from DogMan but most of u guys know that he isn’t Lil Petey or Garfield childhood self(I mixed Garfield and Arlene fur color and it makes this coral color like)
Anyone want me to make Gorefield?(i'll try my best becuz I know what monsters look like but didn’t know how to make them in Gacha only on drawing like digital art or paper)
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unclewileys-bahblog · 5 months ago
hi hi hi i wanna be first!!!
couple you make us a hatchetfield ship duo pref mlm and preferably really problematic!!!
if not just anything you wanna make!
i’m so happy you guys made one!
YEAH!! YOU GOT IT >:3 I’m happy we made one too! ^^
Gays under the cut!
Name: Peter Spankoffski, Pete, Petey, Micro-Peter
Age: 18
Gender: Transmasc, Agender, Sunsetgender, Owlboy
Pronouns: They/them, Suns/sunsets, It/it’s, H*/h*m, Ve/vem, Owl/owls, Feather/feathers
Sexuality: Gay, Asexual, Panromantic
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Mixed
Source: Hatchetfield (NPMD, TGWDLM, BF, Abstinence Camp)
Roles: Comfort alter, OCD holder, Hyperfixation holder, Academic alter
CisIDS: Jewish, Mexican, Dark brown hair, Brown eyes, Tall, Slender/Skinny, Crooked teeth, Bad eyesight, Nearsighted, Clumsy, Autistic, OCD, Hyper-talkative, Younger brother
TransIDS: TransAMAB, TransJapanese, TransHardOfHearing, TransShota, TransAge (12), TransHarmless, PermaHappy, TransGreenEyes, TransHarmed, TransStalked, TransAbused, TransGroomed, TransHappyChildhood, TransSeviGenderDysphoria (more), TransBPD, SugarCookieScentian, TransFictional, TransWolfTongue
Paraphiles: Somnophilia, Mesophilia, Thanatophilia, Sadist, Biastophilia, Plushophilia, Aptophilia, Hybriphilia, Autozoophile, Dacryphilia
Other Labels: Monogamous, Grey wolf therian
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Name: Theodore Spankoffski, Ted, Teddy, Teddybear, Theo
Age: 31
Gender: Cisgender male, Transwomanwaymale, Hellzanic, Unholylexic, Coffeecoric
Pronouns: He/him, Hy/hym, H*/h*m, Sh*/h*r, Coffee/coffees, Bastard/bastards
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Mixed
Source: Hatchetfield (TGWDLM, BF, The Hatchetfield Ape Man, Abstinence Camp, Hey, Melissa!, Time Bastard, Daddy, Workin’ Boys, Forever And Always, Honey Queen, Killer Track)
Roles: Sexual alter, Hypersexuality holder, Vocal stim holder, Organizer, Work alter, Addiction holder
CisIDS: Jewish, Mexican, Brown hair, Mustache, Brown eyes, Older brother, Autistic, ADHD, Social, Talkative, Tall, Coffee addict, Lazy eye, Dyslexic
TransIDS: PermaHorny, TransAgeFluid (20-29), TransHazelEyes, TransAccent (jamaican), TransBlack, TransNeurotypical, Trans🍇ist, TransMurderer, TransStalker, TransGroomer, TransAFAB, TransNocturnal, TransZombie, TransDead, TransVivisectionDeath, PermaBruisedKnees, PermaBlackEye, TransFujoshi, TransNPD, TransBPD, TransASPD
Paraphiles: FictoMAP, MAP, FictoZoo, Drakophilia, Taphophilia, Sadomasochist, Haemotophilia, Raptophilia, Poképhilia, Jeuliephilia, Maiesiophilia, Emapihtophilia, Pyrophilia, Dacryphilia, Spectrophilia
Other Labels: Ambiamorous
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Hope you enjoy these little guys! And feel free to add/remove, or just change anything about them!
- Mod Eddie
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victorluvsalice · 1 year ago
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-->Namely, send the trio on a date! As in, all three of them on one date. Because, as it turns out, the lovely Lumpinou had updated the "Open Love Life" mod while I wasn't looking to allow Sims to go on multi-person dates! :D How this works is that Lumpinou made it a custom “social event,” so it’s planned like a party instead of a traditional date – Victor, having woken up flirty and suggested the idea to Alice, was the “date host,” and Alice and Smiler the “guests.” XD And the location of their date?
Center Park in the Myshuno Meadows neighborhood of San Myshuno! Which – uh – really isn’t all that great shakes, when you look at it. There’s a nice little gazebo, and a wedding area, and some nice fountains, and an observatory, and a house converted into a reception area for said weddings, but – not a lot of actual activities, you know? I tried spicing it up by adding some lot traits (Natural Light, Convivial, and Chef’s Kitchen for the kitchen on-lot) and a chess table into one of the sitting areas, but – eh. Starting to think I should have gone with my first instinct and just downloaded a replacement from the gallery.
-->However – thanks to Petey Plays It’s videos, I knew that the area AROUND the park was pretty hopping. And thus instead of staying in the sad snowy park, the gang instead headed down to the little party bar spot down the road, with its picnic tables and busking area, to pick up some snacks! Specifically, Victor and Alice both got some meat and cheese platters, and Smiler ordered a Plasma Jane to keep their thirst in check. :) I had a little trouble at first figuring out where to seat everyone to keep them all together so they could chat and fulfill date goals, but eventually I got them all lined up at the bar where they could talk, flirt, and tell jokes and stories. :) Which led to Victor and Smiler picking up a new family relationship – they’re officially Jokesters together now! Which is exactly what I wanted their relationship to be, so suits me fine!
-->Anyway -- Alice finished her meal first (thanks to werewolf "manners") -- to keep her busy while Victor and Smiler finished up, I had her go check out the nearest local monument plaque (celebrating the fishing heritage of San Myshuno and the Spangled Herring local to the area -- I didn't realize the city HAD lore. Interesting!). She then plopped down to make a snow angel as Victor and Smiler wandered over to share some party spirit and deep conversations (which Smiler decided they officially liked). The trio then indulged in a few smooches (well, Smiler and Alice both smooched Victor while the other looked on approvingly -- compersion!) –
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true-heart0922 · 2 years ago
So... i know no one wondered this but... (my thoughts on the Direct yesterday)
So me and my sister have jokingly been calling "Super Mario Bros. Wonder", "Super Mario Bros. Fever Dream". I mean... a lot of other people have been calling it wacky things, so why should i stop the trend? Also love that, Daisy and the others are playable, mainly Daisy because it's her first time being playable in a game like this without mods (I think).
The DLC for S/V looks SO COOL! Me & my sis were literally pointing out all the Pokemon we recognized the first time we saw it. I really hope we get to see the main 3 in the first half at least.
Super Mario RPG remake was one of the last things I expected but it was a nice piece of news either way! The art style is super cute and I want plushies of them just so i could squish them. I'm going to give it a try that's for sure!
Sonic Superstars, is a classic Sonic but it's unique that you can play as any of the main 4 and that local-4-player co-op is a thing. Though online would've been cooler, let's be honest
Persona 5 Tactica gives me Mario + Rabbids vibes but with Persona characters that also look both squishable and chibi. I honestly want to try this one too, for the vibes, and mainly because I haven't truly played a Persona Game and who knows? Story exists for a reason
I also didn't expect a Dark Moon Remake, but this is just Mario's year after the movie did as well as it did (1 Bil in the box office!), also really interested in the new Peach game. It kinda gives off the vibes of the OG Paper Mario, in the sense that it's a stage play (or at least looks like it). And I wonder what the little ribbon buddy is called. But I bet it'll die by the end (coughs in the last few Paper Marios).
DLC for Sparks of Hope looks interesting and pretty cool but I'm broke and still haven't finished the game so... yeah.
Pikmin 4, I was never really able to get Pikmin or get used to it, but the Glow Pikmin are like little ghost friends so that's cute.
In terms of the Splatfest, I'm going to join Team Vanilla and (unrelated but my sis's bday is the starting day of the fest).
Also Detective Pikachu, did not expect! But really cool either way, I may give it a shot considering I haven't tried one since I was a child. Also the way the other Pokemon are animated is really nice.
A new Warioware was something I didn't expect considering Warioware: Get It Together came out a little over a year ago, maybe even less. But cool for those of you planning to get it, as for me, idk.
I didn't expect the 3 characters (Petey Piranha, Wiggler and Kamek) but it is still great overall. Kamek also makes me remember that I haven't played Mario Kart: Tour in ages.
Star Ocean gives me both Puyo Puyo Tetris vibes and Genshin Impact which I LOVE and is slightly pained about. Literally putting salt in the wound of the fact that none of them are ever going to see each other aga- ANYWAYS! I really like the idea and am willing to give it a shot.
As for everything else pretty much, it still seems cool but not for me. Still waiting for Pokemon games on the Gameboys though, i'm sure i'm not the only one though.
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best-papa-ever · 5 months ago
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Hi, this is the mod @thedeleteduser here running this very blog you’re seeing right now! Even though Petey the Cat himself is an adult, I am a minor. So with that in mind, please keep asks mildly suggestive at most. Adding on to that—NO NSFW!!! This is due to a large amount of minors (myself included) that use Tumblr.
Rules: 1. Please do not harass the mod behind this blog. 2. I will answer asks whenever I feel like it. 3. Roleplaying in asks is allowed; however, obviously there will be no NSFW-related asks tolerated. 4. Please understand that not every ask will have an image attached to it, so don’t get upset if your ask doesn’t have one. 5. If you are a proshipper, zoophile, pedophile, or even a pro-Israelian, etc—please get the FUCK out.
…Hi. - Petey
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tyzuma04 · 2 years ago
My thoughts on:
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Alright so, I've wanted to go back and replay some of the games from my childhood and see what I think of them now with today's topic being New Super Mario Bros. released back in 2006 (Damn). So to start off strong, I think this is the best New Super Mario Bros. to date. While we need to wait for Wonder to come out, as of now, the first title ranks supreme among them all. So much good qualities about this game to be listed! The art style is of the early 2000's GameCube era of Mario, the best one in my opinion, with the levels and themes that we'd come to find boring via overuse in the next few games, feel a lot more lively and fun here. There are so many enemies that are exclusive to this game that haven't come back too, which helps make things feel more unique as a result. This game has such a good Vs. mode with the multiplayer that I'm mad it hasn't returned in any games since. Mario Vs. Luigi was so fun to play and it should be a crime it hasn't come back. Also the bosses? Best we've seen in the series because they're not all just the Koopalings overs and over again. (i.e. Wii, 2, and U/Deluxe). All of them are different in design and their attacks, and while they are very easy (unless you're trying to beat a boss with the mini-mushroom powerup to unlock Worlds 4 and 7), it's neat to at least see them all be unique in some way. You even get to see Petey Piranha from Sunshine make an appearance as a boss. That's so cool! So basically, replaying this brought me tons of childhood joy to come back, despite some trouble I had with certain levels being a little hard, I had a blast playing this! I'd love to recommend this game to people but the only other time Nintendo ever re-released it was on the Wii U Virtual Console. So unless you either... A. Own an original copy to play on a DS or 3DS B. Own a Virtual Console copy on your Wii U You'll need to either emulate the game on PC (I think melonDS might work good) with a totally legal copy you own or play it via an SD card on a modded 3DS or 2DS (which is what I used) I give it a 9/10!
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askpolicecatpeteyau · 1 month ago
Hey ummm Petey…
There’s this kid named… I believe… Noel Noheart?
Petey: Who?
(Mod: he doesn't know who Noel is. They don't exist in the same au ^^;)
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clubpenguinheritageposts · 2 years ago
List of tags
General: Heritage posts / Mod posts / Asks / Submissions
Year: 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023
Post type: Text / Image [ Game screenshots / Edited screenshots / Memes / Fanart / Gifs ] / Video / Audio
Media: Club Penguin (OGCP) / Club Penguin Island (CPI) / Private servers (CPPS) / DS games / Comics & books / Merchandise
Non-specific posts will be tagged OGCP. Crossover posts will be tagged with the other piece of media as well.
Mascots: Aunt Arctic / Cadence / Dot / Gary / Herbert / Puffle Handler / The Penguin Band (Franky, G Billy, Petey K, Stompin' Bob) / Rockhopper / Rookie / Sensei
Other characters: Jet Pack Guy / Klutzy / Rory / Protobot / Skip
Creatures: Puffles / Fish (Fluffies, Mullets)
Other: Long posts / Mod's favorite posts
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