#mod miu
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the-platonic-charms · 2 years ago
Alright, Hear me out.
Bartender!(Who is actually a agent bcz.. Yeah.) Rantaro x GN! Reader.
Also, Headcanons (Romantic Ashsh.)
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yeah so this blog is basically like dead,, but i'll work on a few requests (ones i can do) and will just,
Thank you for requesting nonnie <3
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⬥ A bartender may be the perfect disguise for an agent.
Warning: reader consumes alcohol, if you wanna skip that part ignore the text put in a bracket []
⬥ You see, people usually go to the bar to quickly down an alcoholic drink or to stay there for a while, getting drunk and lamenting about their life.
⬥ It is extremely simple to get information out of them. While it may not be the most... Transparent way of going about it, it certainly is more moral than some others.
⬥ As a bartender, Rantaro often strikes up a simple conversation with his clients. Nothing too suspicious or out of the ordinary. A few drinks down and their life stories are spilling out from themselves.
⬥ In any case, it was just a normal day of serving drinks and talking with not-so-sober people. Until you came up to him.
⬥ you looked terrible
⬥ Dark circles under your eyes, clearly tired, and already hovering over the counter.
⬥So Rantaro passed you a glass of water, despite you mumbling some sort of (most likely alcohol containing) drink you were going to order.
⬥ Despite the drink not having any sort of alcohol in it, you still began telling him about your problems and what not.
⬥ At first Rantaro listened while he tended to his other work duties, sparing you a few occasional glances. But the more you kept going, he couldn't help but direct all his attention to you.
⬥ Despite being a mess in the current moment, there was something so strangely charming about you.
⬥ Soon enough Rantaro would find himself being a mess, once you were done and looked at hm, only to be confused as to why is staring at you with a smile.
⬥ He coughed and simply told not to worry about paying anything, as it was 'on the house' (read: he just gave you tap water).
⬥ In fact, Rantaro offered to pay for your cab, and by offered, I mean insisted.
⬥ He sighed once you had left, realizing this was one of the few times he ever broke character when playing the role of a bartender.
⬥ fuck
⬥At least it was only a once in a while occurrence.
⬥ So imagine his utmost delight and panic upon finding you there once again during the next day, looking much more ,, sober
⬥ fuck ²
⬥ It ended with you and him chatting the night away, before exchanging numbers.
⬥ Not too long after you began dating.
⬥ Although Rantaro hasn't come clean about being a secret agent yet, but he will in due time + it's quite likely you have found out yourselves, after stumbling upon one of his several fake IDs.
⬥ Through your slight suspicion you still decided to trust him; which is something he loved you form
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silicon-tmblr · 5 months ago
Resolute Rebellion - a rewrite mod for Danganronpa V3
Prologue now available for download!
It's finally here! Resolute Rebellion, the mod that...
swaps all Ultimate talents
makes Maki the protagonist
kills the Monokubs harder
has original writing and CGs
was a huge pain to wrangle assets for (do you know how many Shuichi sprites I had to turn into Maki. you don't)
will murder different beloved characters (in future updates)
will allow Rantaro to not die in Chapter 1 (again, in future updates)
...can now be on your very own computer at no cost (except the cost of V3 the game. you need to own V3 first)!
Oh yeah, hi by the way. I've been gone for a while. Maybe I'll share what I've been up to later
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gummy-bearz · 3 months ago
maki and miu with a reader shorter then them
Maki Harukawa / Miu Iruma with a reader shorter than them
it’s like 2 days sorta after christmas,, merry late christmas everyone!! also i’m so sorry i just realized how lengthy i wrote for miu compared to maki LMAO i’ll edit this and add more to her eventually
— mod hiyoko
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Miu Iruma
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♡ Honestly, Miu doesn’t care about height at all. She’s a pretty tall girl, so she’s not surprised much anyway. As long as you recognize her brains & beauty and praise her she’s down.
♡ When it comes to cuddling, she will always be the bigger spoon. The feeling of your smaller body protected by her taller frame makes her feel all warm and in control.
♡ Miu would and will crack a joke about your height here and there. Not to hurt your feelings obviously, just because she thinks a good relationship involves teasing despite being a bit of a wuss herself. Plus, she thinks your reactions are fun to witness!
♡ She would just not let go of the fact you’re shorter than her and compare you to stuff such as toys like a human doll, or even a pet.
♡ Miu would sometimes put things on higher shelves, just to watch you struggle reaching for it. She thinks it’s hilarious and will make fun of you for it.
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Maki Harukawa
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♡ Again like Miu, Maki doesn’t care about the height and thinks it’s stupid to worry about. She doesn’t mind being the taller one in the relationship.
♡ Oh, okay. So what if you’re short? It’s nothing to react about really.
♡ Maki isn’t interested enough in physical touch to care about being the bigger spoon, or the little spoon when it comes to cuddling. Though she does usually take over as the bigger spoon.
♡ There’s probably gonna be a few remarks about your height here and there, but Maki won’t bother with teasing. Example - If she saw you struggling to reach something, she’d just grab it for you without saying a word.
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danganronpasurvivoraskblog · 3 months ago
Dangancember 2024 - Danganronpa Top 24 Class Trials - Number 6: Danganronpa V3 Case 4
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//Case 1 and Case 4 of Danganronpa V3 are two of the most standout trials in the entire series. So much so, that seperating them, and deciding which one was better between the two, was nearly GODDAMN IMPOSSIBLE.
//Seriously, throughout the entire time I was making this list, having to choose between which case I liked better between this case and the first case of V3 was so insanely difficult.
//But in the end, I had to give it to Case 1. For the simple reason that I always tend to revisit Case 1 of V3, where I don't do the same, at least not nearly as much, for Case 4.
//And for very little reason other than that.
//Danganronpa V3’s fourth Class Trial is a bit of an enigma for me. On the one hand, I often find myself sweeping it under the rug when discussing the series, but on the other hand, I can’t deny that it’s one of the finest trials Danganronpa has ever crafted.
//Seriously, it’s sitting at a comfortable sixth place out of 30 cases in my personal ranking, so yeah, it’s undeniably great. I’m just selective about how much I acknowledge it.
//What makes this trial so fantastic is the way all its elements come together seamlessly: the jaw-dropping twist, the high-stakes context, and the deeply compelling mystery. With most of V3's cases, I feel they're a little...weaker overall, even if they are generally the more complex cases in the franchise, mainly because of the emotions they instill within me.
//But two of the cases, with Case 4 being one of them, are an exception to this. This one mainly because it’s a case that doesn’t just tell a story; it practically reinvents the game’s rules while doing so.
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//The trial takes place inside a virtual reality simulation, reminiscent of something straight out of Sword Art Online.
//And yes, just like SAO, the stakes couldn’t be higher. If you die in the game, you die for real. That chilling premise alone opens up a Pandora’s box of possibilities and interpretations, making the entire case feel more dynamic and multidimensional than your average murder mystery.
//It’s also hilariously meta, and in the good way, unlike V3-6. Not only are you solving a murder in VR, but the case leans into the absurdity of its premise while staying true to the emotional core of Danganronpa’s storytelling. The layers of reality, fiction, and simulated existence blur so well that you can’t help but admire how cleverly it all fits together.
//So yeah, even if I don’t gush about this trial as much as some others, I’ll still tip my hat to it. It’s a wild ride that fully earns its place in the Danganronpa hall of fame.
//This chapter is… fine, but what really makes it stand out is how it aligns with a recurring theme in the main Danganronpa trilogy. In each game, the fourth chapter tends to focus on a character who, up until that point, seems to be thriving a little too comfortably in the chaos of the killing game. Whether they appear to be enjoying the despair or simply manipulating the situation to their advantage, Chapter 4 is where the narrative decides it’s time to shake things up and force some character growth, or, in some cases, a complete character overhaul:
In 1-4, Byakuya gets his reality check during the trial itself. After stubbornly clinging to his cold, cutthroat logic all game, he suffers a humiliating defeat in reasoning during the Chapter 4 trial, making him reconsider whether his worldview is truly as airtight as he believed. By the time the trial ends, he begins taking steps toward becoming a more dependable ally and declares that he won’t engage in any more killing.
In 2-4, Nagito's character arc takes a sharp left turn in the Case 4 investigation. Up until that point, Nagito had this weird self-deprecating reverence for the other Ultimates, treating himself like disposable trash unworthy of standing among them. But suddenly, after finding out the truth behind their identities, it’s like a switch flips. During the investigation, he becomes disturbingly self-assured, cruel, and downright dominant, flipping his dynamic with the group entirely. Now, instead of putting others on a pedestal, he’s treating them all like the garbage he once considered himself to be; and this segways into Chapter 5.
This idea literally goes double for A-4. Rei, typically dismissive and unhelpful, is shaken to the core when faced with Satsuki’s sacrifice. Haru, a victim, gave his life to save Satsuki by creating a Locked Room Mystery for her escape; a level of selflessness Rei has never witnessed, and when Satsuki confirms Haru’s sacrifice was real, Rei is stunned, unable to process such altruism. Meanwhile, Tsurugi, steadfast in punishing victims as chaos-causers, is thrown off balance by Satsuki’s unprompted confession. The idea of a victim helping their killer challenges his beliefs so profoundly that he passes out, forcing him to question his entire worldview.
Syobai literally becomes the player character in A2-4 for a part of the trial, and singlehandedly is forced into a position of leadership. It's a key moment for him and the mark of the game where he starts to take more initiative as a character, and go on his own quest to dick over Mikado and end the Killing Game.
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//And then, in V3, there’s Kokichi Ouma, who, comparatively, takes the "fourth chapter personality shift" baton and runs to the end of the Earth with it.
//(Side note, I can't believe I'm actually talking about it here, but I have seen SO many people ask me why I spell it "Ouma" and not "Oma" like the dub does, especially since I don't call Kyoko "Kyouko" or Kirumi Tojo as "Toujou" when that's what it is in Japanese. It's because "Oma" means Horse in Japanese, and I don't want to call him "Kokichi Horse." That's weird. Also, I just prefer this spelling, it's as simple as that.)
//Kokichi, already a wildcard and a mischievous trickster, steps fully into his role as a scheming, manipulative VILLAIN, leaning hard into his calculating and almost theatrical nature. It’s a fascinating evolution, especially since his antics fill the tension void left by the previous case.
//Let’s be real, Case 3 had its moments, but Korekiyo Shinguji being both the killer and victim of his own twisted scheme felt more...uncomfortable, than genuinely intimidating.
//Kokichi, on the other hand, brings back that thick, suffocating air of distrust, which elevates the stakes nicely. All in all, the fourth chapter’s character transformations may follow a predictable formula, but they always deliver something fresh and memorable.
//But we'll come back to Kokichi later. Let's get talking about the trial itself, and why it's so unique.
//Danganronpa trials always tend to have a running theme with them throughout each game, and some of these work out better than others tend to. For example, all the first cases, a character who is seemingly important to the plot is suddenly taken away after they are killed. Case 2 always reveals a new, more ominous, secretive side to a character, who up until that point, had been rather unnasuming. And while not a lot of people like this fact, up to 3 people always die in Chapter 3 of each game.
//In Chapter 4, the running theme is that all the murders take place in a very liminal environment; different from anywhere else you've seen in the game, and with its own set of rules that differ from every other trial. In the other games, it's the Locked Room, the Funhouse, the Ballroom, and the Tower of Babel.
//But this setting is probably the most bizzare of them all, and by God, do they do some GOOD THINGS with it!
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//The entire murder takes place inside a virtual reality simulation. A full-on digital world that, if I’m not mistaken, was originally created by Monokuma but later modified by none other than Miu Iruma, the Ultimate Inventor.
//VERY CLEARLY a nod to Danganronpa 2, and that alone is great.
//Miu takes it upon herself to tweak the simulation, removing anything dangerous or sharp enough to become a potential murder weapon. Ironically, despite her best efforts, it’s Miu who ends up as the victim of this virtual whodunit.
//Now, here’s where things get juicy: this wasn’t your typical crime in the series. This was a murder gone horribly wrong.
//And what’s fascinating is that while this isn’t the first time something like this has happened in the series, it’s actually only the second, or if you’re really nitpicky, the fourth instance of a murder scheme backfiring. Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane, shall we?
//In Danganronpa 1 Sayaka cooks up a plan to kill Leon but ends up being the one who got skewered instead. Then in Goodbye Despair, Killing Harmony, and Another, the first cases also feature a twist where the killer’s original plan goes sideways, albeit in a slightly different flavor, with the killer targeting the wrong victim.
//But this case is the only other murder scheme, besides Sayaka's in Game 1, planned by the victim themselves.
//...Unless you count Haru in Another, which we've already been over, but you could also make the argument that Haru's plan was for him to be killed, while with Sayaka and Miu, their plans backfired.
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//Miu, in all her chaotic, trash-talking glory, was planning to take out Kokichi. Being the brains behind the virtual world, she took full advantage of her role, laying out the rules of the simulation for everyone while sneakily fudging a few of the details to give herself the upper hand.
//Her goal? To execute the perfect crime, one that would be impossible to pin on her.
//Even though, upon reflection, the fact that she's the only one who COULD make the rules makes it pretty obvious that she's the one responsible. Had that been the case, I think that would have been too easy.
//Unfortunately for Miu, but fortunately for us, Kokichi is like a walking ad for 4D chess. He catches on to her plan faster than she can deliver one of her raunchy one-liners, and instead of walking into her trap, Kokichi flips the script, countering her scheme with a plan of his own.
//What ensues is a mind-bending trial where the layers of lies and manipulation make even seasoned players question what’s real and what’s virtual.
//This case stands out not just for its premise but for its audacious execution. A murder happening in a VR simulation is already enough to make it memorable, but the added twist of the victim being the would-be killer takes it to a whole new level of brilliance.
//And let’s not forget Miu herself: even in her final moments, she manages to be equal parts infuriating and hilarious, making her one of the most unforgettable characters in the series.
//I could do a whole character analysis on Miu, and I feel like I might want to one of these days, but today is not that day, because despite her integral role in this case, of the characters that are important to it, she is the least so.
//But with Miu dead, this leads into what is quite possibly the FUNNEST investigation and trial in the series.
//The real charm isn’t necessarily in the investigation process itself. It’s in the clues you uncover and the sheer thrill of piecing together how the crime could have possibly gone down.
//This isn’t your standard case where you’re dusting for fingerprints or deciphering alibis. No, this case takes place in a virtual, video-game-like world, and that alone makes it incredibly special.
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//What really sets it apart is that solving the crime requires you to think in terms of VIDEO GAME LOGIC. And I don’t mean just understanding how games work on a design level, like balancing difficulty or crafting levels.
//We’re talking the nitty-gritty quirks of actual gameplay mechanics, stuff like looping worlds, invisible walls, glitches, and even loading screens. These elements aren’t just amusing easter eggs; they’re critical to figuring out how the murder was executed. It’s like being handed a mystery where the answers are buried not in reality, but in the code itself.
//For anyone who’s spent hours yelling at their screen over a bugged-out NPC or a weird collision glitch (Fuck you, Todd Howard), this investigation feels like a hilarious, and extremely meta, love letter to the quirks of gaming.
//This case’s brilliance lies in how it merges classic mystery-solving with the quirks of gaming, creating a truly unique experience. It’s the kind of investigation that makes you feel like both a detective and a speedrunner trying to glitch your way into an inaccessible area for clues.
//And let’s be honest, when you’re unraveling a crime that hinges on the kind of stuff we normally blame on bad game developers, it’s impossible not to have a little fun with it.
//But of course, the mystery and the setting of this crime don't carry the whole thing alone. The actual conflict itself is what makes this trial such an emotional rollercoaster, and hands down, there's one key element of this trial that shines out more than any other:
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//We've already been over V3-5, and the role that Kokichi plays in that chapter, where his scheming all culminates into his final plan. But the biggest issue with that was how little closure it gave Kokichi, and how his plan felt like it was all part of Tsumugi's scheme anyway.
//But the SETUP for his character arc's conclusion, that we see in this trial, is BRILLIANT.
//I already kind of talked about this at the start, but let me reiterate my points in more detail here.
//Up until now, Kokichi has been the class’s resident chaos gremlin. Cocky, sarcastic, endlessly witty, and annoyingly good at making people want to strangle him.
//Whether he’s tossing out savage one-liners or cracking jokes at everyone else’s expense, Kokichi has spent most of the game toeing the line between a playful pest and a genuinely brilliant schemer. And no matter how much he got under your skin, you couldn’t deny that he was sharp as a tack, sometimes spotting clues even Shuichi, the Ultimate Detective, manages to miss.
//But in this trial? Kokichi doesn’t just steal the show. He sets the stage on fire, and crowns himself the ultimate supervillain.
//This is Kokichi at his absolute peak. Gone is the silly prankster who lived to push everyone’s buttons. In his place is a calculated mastermind who orchestrates Miu’s death in a way so devious and brilliant that it leaves you wondering just how deep his schemes go.
//And here’s the kicker: he didn’t even commit the murder himself. He set everything up like a diabolical puppetmaster, then let the crime unfold while keeping his hands technically clean. That fact alone? It’s the ace up his sleeve, and he’s not shy about rubbing it in your face for the entirety of the trial.
//Kokichi’s behavior in this case is a stage show of psychological warfare. At one point, just to prove how far ahead of everyone else he is, he flat-out CONFESSES to the crime and lays out every single detail.
//And no, it’s not because he’s trying to save anyone or come clean. Kokichi’s confession is less about honesty and more about spiting you. He doesn’t want you to have the satisfaction of piecing everything together. Instead, he hands you the answers on a silver platter, complete with that smug grin of his, just to prove that he’s always one step ahead.
//The best part is that even when Kokichi is acting like a full-blown villain, he’s still absolutely hilarious. Whether he’s taunting the group with his over-the-top theatrics or dropping perfectly timed quips, his antics add a layer of dark humor that keeps the trial both tense and ridiculously entertaining. It’s like watching a magician perform a trick while roasting the audience the entire time.
//But what makes his actions, and this case as a whole, even more heartbreaking and mind-boggling is the reveal of the real killer.
//Shockingly, the one who ACTUALLY murdered Miu...is GONTA!
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//Gonta Gokuhara. The Ultimate Entomologist. The most wholesome, lovable, pure-hearted character in Danganronpa V3, heck, maybe even the entire Danganronpa franchise. The gentle giant who LEGITIMATELY wouldn’t hurt a fly (Though would probably hurt someone else for hurting the fly.) The guy who refers to himself in the third person and wants nothing more than to protect everyone, make friends, and be a true gentleman.
//That Gonta.
//Even though the big guys always die in the fourth chapter, unless you're Kakeru, To say Gonta being the culprit is shocking would be an understatement. While Gonta is undeniably kind and reliable, it’s no secret that he’s not exactly a mastermind. He’s easily manipulated, struggles to keep up in trials, and doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.
//So when it’s revealed that he killed Miu, the first reaction from everyone is sheer disbelief. How could Gonta, of all people, commit murder? And more importantly, why would he?
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//What makes this moment so impactful is the reaction of the group. Once Kokichi drops the bombshell that Gonta is the killer, everyone scrambles to find excuses to prove him wrong. No one, not even Gonta himself, can believe it. Gonta, in his sweet and earnest way, tries to deny it, clinging to the idea that he could never willingly hurt someone. But the cold, hard evidence keeps piling up, and by the end, there’s no escaping the truth.
//The only two people in the room who seem willing to entertain the possibility are Shuichi and Keebo. Shuichi, being the Ultimate Detective, reluctantly follows the evidence where it leads, no matter how painful the conclusion may be. Keebo, ever the logical one, processes the facts without the emotional bias the others cling to. But for everyone else, especially Kaito, and even Maki, the mere idea of Gonta being the culprit is too much to bear.
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//And that’s where Kokichi pulls off another one of his devious moves. By exposing the truth and forcing Shuichi to press forward, he drives a wedge between Shuichi and Kaito, effectively turning Kaito against him. Kaito, the ever-loyal and stubborn optimist, refuses to believe that Gonta could be capable of such a thing. His faith in Gonta, and his growing detest of Kokichi, creates a painful rift in what was once a strong friendship.
//What’s even more brilliant about this setup is another reason why the investigation is so good, in how it creates the perfect misdirection. Gonta is a notoriously sweet and loveable guy whose idea of "video game logic" probably involves pressing random buttons until something works. Early in the investigation, you’re almost sure he couldn’t have done it because, let’s face it, even if you walked him step-by-step through how world loops or loading zones work, his brain would still be stuck in "kind gentleman" mode.
//So, when the evidence eventually points to him as the killer, it’s a jaw-dropping moment. The fact that the least tech-savvy person in the group was somehow the linchpin in this digital murder mystery is both tragic and utterly shocking.
//This case doesn’t just deliver a shocking twist; it weaponizes the emotional bonds between the characters to make the reveal hit even harder. Gonta’s reveal as the killer isn’t just surprising, it’s tragic, and it leaves a scar that lingers long after the trial is over.
//And the trial itself rides on these character moments, but it sure as hell doesn't die on them.
//If the concept of a murder mystery set inside a virtual reality simulation wasn’t already enough to make this case one of the standout moments in Danganronpa, then the trial itself takes things to levels of brilliance and emotional devastation that few could have anticipated.
//This trial isn’t just good; it’s a masterclass in everything the series does best: crafting intricate mysteries, delivering gut-wrenching twists, and tying it all together with compelling character moments that leave you reeling. It’s a case that combines innovation, heartbreak, and even absurdity into one unforgettable experience.
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//When the trial begins, suspicion immediately falls on Kaito, a favorite target thanks to his hot-headed nature and frequent clashes with Kokichi. The evidence against him is damning on the surface: he logged out of the virtual world earlier than anyone else, and a bottle of poison was found on his seat in the real world.
//All signs initially point to him being the culprit. However, things are rarely that simple in Danganronpa, and this case is no exception. As the trial progresses, we learn that the setup against Kaito was actually the handiwork of none other than Miu herself.
//As I eluded to earlier, Miu had concocted an elaborate scheme to murder Kokichi and frame Kaito for the crime. She planted the poison and forced Kaito to log out early, expecting that these details would make him the prime suspect. It’s a devious plan worthy of her sharp mind, but in a cruel twist of irony, Miu ends up dead instead.
//And how, you ask? By being strangled to death…with toilet paper.
//Yes, toilet paper.
//That’s the murder weapon.
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//While it might sound absurd...and it is...it makes perfect sense within the context of the virtual world. Just exhibit A of why this case uses the unrealistic logic of the game world so damn well.
//In the VR simulation, objects are unbreakable, meaning that even something as flimsy as toilet paper becomes as strong as a rope. While this detail initially seems like a quirky bit of world-building, it turns out to be the key to unraveling the mystery.
The moment it’s revealed that Miu was killed with toilet paper, the case takes on an entirely new level of not just hilarity, but complexity. It’s a reminder of how cleverly the trial uses the unique mechanics of the virtual world to craft a mystery that could only exist in this game.
//But the ingenuity of the murder weapon is just the beginning. As the trial unfolds, the focus shifts from solving how the crime was committed to figuring out who the culprit is, and this is where things get truly heart-wrenching. The culprit isn’t some cunning mastermind or morally gray antihero, and is instead the gentle giant with a heart as pure as freshly fallen snow.
//For Gonta who wants nothing more than to protect his friends and be a gentleman, the very idea of him committing murder is unthinkable, not just to the characters but to the player as well.
//And yet, it’s true. Gonta killed Miu. But the twist doesn’t stop there...because he doesn’t even remember doing it!
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//Due to a mix-up with the VR helmet cords, Gonta experienced memory loss upon logging out of the virtual world. He has no recollection of the events that transpired in the simulation, including the murder!
//This detail adds a tragic layer to the trial, as Gonta’s confusion and heartbreak become almost unbearable to witness. The group is torn between their trust in Gonta’s inherently good nature and the mounting evidence against him. Even Gonta himself struggles to reconcile the truth, repeatedly insisting he would never do it.
//The emotional weight of the trial is further heightened by the reactions of the other characters. No one wants to believe Kokichi when he suggests that Gonta might be the killer, while Kokichi, ever the manipulative trickster, delights in dropping this bombshell, though his accusations are met with immediate resistance.
//Everyone scrambles to find alternative explanations, desperate to clear Gonta’s name. Even Shuichi, who is typically steadfast in his pursuit of the truth, hesitates to accept the implications of the evidence. However, as the trial progresses, it becomes impossible to deny the facts, and the group is forced to confront the devastating reality.
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//One of the most powerful moments in the trial comes when Kaito, Shuichi’s closest ally and staunchest supporter, turns against him. Manipulated by Kokichi, Kaito lashes out at Shuichi, accusing him of being too focused on the truth to consider the emotional toll it takes on others.
//I won't go as far as to call it a "betrayal" because it's nothing that serious, but considering the bond between Shuichi and Kaito has been one of the few sources of stability throughout the game, watching their friendship fracture under the weight of this trial is a testament to how deeply Kokichi’s schemes have sown discord among the group.
//Gonta's breakdown as the truth comes to light is one of the most gut-wrenching moments in the entire series. The tragedy of his character arc is amplified by the fact that he doesn’t remember committing the crime. He doesn’t get the chance to explain his actions or defend himself. Instead, he’s left to grapple with the knowledge that he did something he would never have consciously chosen to do. It’s a unique conflict that’s rarely explored in murder mysteries and one that V3 handles with surprising nuance.
//I also want to draw attention to the voice acting, specifically with the English Dub (since that's the version I played), which takes this trial to an entirely new level of emotional devastation.
//Kaiji Tang’s performance as Gonta is nothing short of phenomenal, capturing the character’s confusion, sorrow, and desperation with heartbreaking authenticity.
//But more than him, remember how I said that there were four voice performances in the main Danganronpa series that I thought were absolutely phenomenal for the breakdowns in the series? Marieve Herington as Celeste was the first one, Kira Buckland as Kirumi is the second, and the third is Derek Stephen Prince as Kokichi.
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//He's insanely good throughout the whole game, but he shines especially here, delivering lines with a blend of smugness and chilling calculation that makes him simultaneously infuriating and fascinating.
//Kyle Hebert’s portrayal of Kaito adds layers of frustration and vulnerability, while Dorothy Fahn brings subtle depth to Tsumugi (shockingly). The voice work is so impactful that it enhances every twist and turn of the trial, making the emotional moments hit even harder.
//In the end, this trial isn’t just a showcase of clever writing and innovative mechanics. It’s an emotional rollercoaster that pushes the characters and the player to their limits.
//From the absurdity of the murder weapon to the heartbreaking revelations about Gonta, every aspect of this case is meticulously crafted to leave a lasting impression. It’s not just a standout moment in Danganronpa V3, it’s one of the best trials in the entire franchise, a perfect blend of creativity, tragedy, and unforgettable storytelling.
//I don't want to end this on a negative note or anything, but there is another reason why I ultimately had to put this trial below V3-1. It's far from a major problem that completely ruins my opinion of the trial, obviously, but dear God did it test my fucking patience.
//Put simply...
//This trial and this Chapter are where the MONOKUBS are at their MOST INSUFFERABLE!
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//Crazy, because at this point in the game, there's only two of them left!
//I largely boil this down to Monodam dropping out of the story prior to this chapter, but Monophanie and Monotaro single-handedly come close to RUINING this Chapter because of how goddamn fucking INCORRAGABLE they are. Legitimately, the only thing that they did that I thought was entertaining was Monotaro proclaiming Miu as his mother, but that's largely because of Miu and not him.
//To make a long story short, I really feel SO GLAD for the people who actually liked the incest stuff that happened in Case 3, because HERE! YOU HAVE MORE OF IT!
//In this chapter, Monotaro suffers memory loss, causing him to forget who Monophanie and Monokuma are. Monophanie, in an attempt to help him remember, beats him with a frying pan. This leads to a bizarre and disturbing romantic relationship between the two, despite being family.
//The next day, Monotaro turns abusive toward Monophanie, and though he later apologizes, it paints a toxic and uncomfortable dynamic. Monophanie becomes jealous of the students as Monotaro bonds with them and starts to act like a father figure when they believe she’s pregnant. However, this is all part of a gruesome execution, where a giant insect bursts from Monophanie’s stomach and kills both Monokubs.
//This entire plotline trivializes what are actually some SERIOUS ISSUES in a disturbing, exploitative way, and turns it into an uncomfortable "spectacle." It's hands down the ABSOLUTE WORST THING that happens in ALL of V3, and possibly the entire main trilogy, especially because it takes place in what is otherwise one of the BEST CHAPTERS in the series!
//Sorry...In case it wasn't obvious, this REALLY upsets me. But I'll try and stay professional.
//Largely the reason I've never gone over them before this point is because the only other time in the game where the Kubs actively play a part in the trial is in Case 2, when Monosuke, after acting all high and mighty towards his siblings, accidentally gives away a major clue in the trial. But that was actually a pretty entertaining part.
//Here, Gonta's execution, and his final moments, are completely RUINED by the Monokubs. And any emotional tension and misery that you're feeling for him in his final moments are completely taken away!
//While the execution itself is by no means poorly done, and it does feature one of my favorite music tracks from the series, it definitely doesn't give Gonta the fitting send-off he deserved.
//Sure, it’s undeniably tragic, with Gonta being attacked by robotic wasps, stabbed in the chest, and ultimately set on fire. Quite a violent and gruesome way to meet his end; but here’s the issue: The execution doesn’t focus on Gonta’s death as much as it should.
//Instead, a significant portion of the sequence is dedicated to Monophanie and Monotaro’s bizarre, unsettling bug-related antics, which just feels…off.
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//While the gruesome spectacle is certainly chaotic and violent, the sequence spends a substantial amount of time on the absurd antics of Monophanie and Monotaro, especially their bizarre "bug baby" plotline.
//Now, the Monokubs meeting their end in these executions isn’t new. This is, after all, the last time we see any of them perish. But this one feels like the worst offender. When Monokid and Monosuke died during Kaede and Kirumi’s executions, I wasn’t bothered too much because their deaths were brief and didn’t take the spotlight away from the main event. Monodam’s death, on the other hand, was genuinely surprising, and despite some focus on him, the context made it feel fitting.
//But here? We’ve crossed a FUCKING line. The execution becomes less about Gonta's tragic demise and more about this uncomfortable and frankly weird bug child subplot. Honestly, by this point in the series, I’m pretty done with the odd, incestuous undertones, and I certainly didn’t need to be subjected to a whole execution where that’s the central theme, while Gonta himself feels like an afterthought.
//Le sigh...
//Aside from everything else, I feel it’s worth repeating that this case is crafted in a pretty impressive way. The sheer creativity and intricacy behind it can't be ignored. And while the execution itself leaves something to be desired (and by "something," I mean "a whole lot"), I don't think that should take away from how well the rest of the case is put together.
//I mean, the story, the twists, the atmosphere...it all comes together in a way that's hard to ignore. Even if the final outcome feels like a botched cake at the bakery...all gooey on the inside and looking suspiciously like a science experiment gone wrong...the overall design of the trial is still pretty solid.
//It’s like watching a magician pull off an incredible trick, only for the rabbit to hop away halfway through. You can’t really blame the trick just because the rabbit decided to bail.
//So while I can’t overlook how poorly the final bits were handled, the rest of the case is still good enough to hold up.
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drkinhome · 4 months ago
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An aesthetic/moodboard for a mastermind Miu whose co-mastermind was Kokichi
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danggirlronpa · 3 months ago
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There is a loud screaming and then a thunk.
Maki sighs.
She's used to teaching kids to ski. It's a pain, sure, but for whatever reason they tend to like her. She's seen both coordination and attitude problems, and trained both of them out in a measly hour and a half session.
"Hey, virgin!" shouts her current charge, definitely not a child and way, way more than Maki bargained for. "Why didn't you teach me how to fucking stop?!"
"Don't you know how to snowboard?" Maki says instead of answering, skiing to a stop next to the jumble of limbs and skiis that was once Miu Iruma. "Why in the world do you want to learn skiing?"
Miu flushes a fierce red. "Sh-shut up!" she snaps. "I-it's not like I wanted. You to teach me. Or whatever."
"Obviously not." Maki reaches out with her pole to slam down on the back brake of Miu's ski, releasing her foot with a chk sound. "Come on," she says after helping her out of the other ski, transferring her poles to a single hand so she can reach out. "I'll help you up."
Miu takes the outstretched hand with a face no less red than it had been before, and silently thanks Angie's stupid god that she can pass it off as the cold.
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victims-of-elsewhere · 7 months ago
could you make a sun/star/cloud themed idpack pls? :]
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Sun/Star/Cloud Themed id pack!
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(Sun) Genders: Celestialfishix , Dagurian , Dayfluid , Daylexic , Dissociaflorsomnihousic , Dustshinic , Hazymorningid , Heliogender , Herbsolus , Icarusalis , Luxumbra , Nychfluid , Porcelcatdressic , Refractedgender , Rosansfluid , Rosariariumfluid , Rosulentarumfluid , Saphhilunic , Salarian , Solaric, Solarisses , Solgender , Soligender , Solisgender , Solusia , Sonnegender , Sunaesic , Sunbeing , Sunboy , Sunchild , Suncreature , Sundevine , Sungender , Sungirl , Sunguardian , Sunic , Sunmage , Sunmaiden , Sunrainscentic , Sunsetgender , Sunthing (Star) Genders: Astrumgender , Caeruleumgender , Catliminicspaceic , Celestialfishix , Celestiphysique , Cloudstarvoidic , Constellangelic , Constellnoxky , Cosmianull , Dargender , Dorluneasic , Dreamastria , Felvestarcozic , Galesterios , Genderstar System , Glowstaric , Ivyxygender , Lullacelesic , Lullastaric , Lumessia , Luxygender , Mooncharic , Moonic , Nebulasteri , Neonlightstaric , Nephoastrangender , Nightplushgender , Nightskymemoric , Noctofloric , Nocturlance , Noxastrnus , Nystramasc , Pinkplanetary , Plétoile , Quexyigender , Seastelsailic , Softcharic , Starchild , Stardustian , Starfluid , Starfrilled , Stargazegender , Stargender , Starlady , Starmage , Starobservic , Starotupusic , Starriandreamic , Starryxic , Starwashic , Starwoldgender , Stellerisfluid , Stelloceanic , Toxicstarlexic (Cloud) Genders: Cloudgender , Fluffy-Cloudgender , Syvrinea , Cloufogpaisic , cirrusdayic , Cloudy Aromid , Angelwingcloudic Vibranstormic , Nuvionic , Only roicloudic , Sunscloudienic Pronouns: Sun/Suns , Star/Stars , Cloud/Clouds , Solar/Solars , Sparkle/Sparkles , Celestial/Celestials , Hel/Helio , Solar/Solars , Star/Stardust , Light/Lights , Fluff/Fluffs , Float/Floats
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notarsonists · 11 months ago
the sillies
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crackanronpa · 1 year ago
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drv3giftexchangeclub · 2 years ago
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There are just three days left to sign up for the DRv3 Summer Gift Exchange- Check out the pinned post for more info!
Art by the skilled @shadowmatcha!
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the-platonic-charms · 1 year ago
Girl wtf people are still reading the shit on thiss blog
the fucck
Like dont get me wrong, im flattered, really. That out of all the fanfiction out there you chose to read the,,, uh, fuck i wrote at 13/14 (not gonna shittalk anyone elses writing, nah, I'm calling myself out , everyone else here goodjob ily kiss pookie)
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Mod mius exclusive moodboard :3
but nah, tell me girlies, you want some kind of return from us? Cuz i doubt itll happen. Our discord is dead lol
But i would gladly continue writing. So uh if anyone wants me to, then,, would be helpful to send an ask or message then. Or just,, maybe if you'd want to cohost (?) a blog with me. Sure bud, I can do that
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silicon-tmblr · 3 months ago
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Testing character positions on the second floor and I think I found something I wasn't supposed to see
Hey girls.... what's going on....
...You kissing each other?
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gummy-bearz · 1 year ago
Baby girl Mikan really deserves so much love along with Maki and Miu can I get some headcanons with them each with a Boyfriend that loves giving them affection and spending time with them.
Mikan Tsumiki / Maki Harukawa / Miu Iruma with an affectionate boyfriend who loves spending time with them
I literally love these girls and they deserve all the affection they can get <3
— mod hiyoko
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Mikan Tsumiki
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- Mikan’s extremely thankful to have someone like you in her life- she doesn’t have to worry about being alone anymore.
- Loves it whenever you want to spend time with her- it makes her feel less undesirable because of her low self esteem.
- She would try her best to reciprocate your feelings. Mikan would be happy to give you affection and spend time with you in return!
- This girl is glad to spend as much time together with you. You made her feel loved, she wants to do the same for you.
- Mikan would NEVER want to let go of you. So she’d be pretty dedicated to doing whatever she could to make you happy.
- Literally BURTS into tears of joy whenever you show her any form of affection- save my poor girl. She’s never experienced anything like this.
(I just love this girl sm omg)
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Miu Iruma
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- Miu literally LOVES the affection you give her- but she hides it with a confident facade, you can tell she’s flustered though.
- Gets embarrassed by any form of affection you give her- even a single peck on the cheek can make her stop functioning.
- She does try to return the kiss, she’s just really shy about it.
- But of course you’re treating her that way. Who wouldn’t? She’s the Gorgeous Girl Genius after all!
- PDA is even worse for her- she claims that it’s only okay if she’s the one being affectionate!
- Miu does EVENTUALLY try to reciprocate your feelings.
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Maki Harukawa
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- Maki doesn’t know how to respond to the affection you bomb her with- that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like it though.
- This girl grew up without any love in her life, she’s DEFINITELY touch starved and no one can convince me otherwise.
- She gets REALLY flustered when you’re so affectionate with her. Like- her face is redder than the color red.
- Now Maki does NOT enjoy PDA. If you show her any affection in public, she will just glare at you. It’s creepy.
- Genuinely confused why you would spend time with her. Especially if you spend a lot of money just for a date…
- But in the end, Maki gets used to being bomb with loads of affection from you. She got used to the gesture.
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//The two who saved the Tower.
//Art by @paper-scrap
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drkinhome · 5 months ago
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An aesthetic/moodboard for a Miu who’s friends with Kokichi and Shuichi
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danggirlronpa · 2 months ago
irumaki …?!
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5 SECONDS BEFORE A WITCH FALLS IN LOVE is one I haven't personally read, but have heard great things about! It is about a witch and a witch-hunter who, in the midst of one of their quarrels, is turned into a cat. The only way to break the curse is to kiss the person who cast it - that is, the witch.
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