#mod memento
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vesperosy · 9 months ago
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two lovers reunited
my illustration for memento mori, a free digital curse of strahd zine
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 10 months ago
JOHN: if you normalized something (non-awful) because your family did it and then realized it was not, in fact, normal or remotely common, i would love to hear about it. i'll start.
JOHN: the villain in my bedtime stories was always the president of the home owner's association and i was sooooo confused when no one else had heard of him.
JANE: When I was a kid, my dad and I would play that game at the playground where the kid stays up on the climbing structure and the adult stays on the ground to chase the kid. Usually the adult is like a monster or a lava monster, or something. But my dad always pretended to be George Bush?
ROSE: My mom never let me roll down the windshield when we were on highways, because, and I quote, "the car is goign so fast tht the wind can topple cars". And I just... never questioned it until years later. Turns out she just didn't like the noise.
DAVE: oh yknow that game grown ups do with young children where they chase you around and go "oh youre so cute i could eat you up! im gonna eat ya!" that kind of thing
DAVE: ok well when my bro did that i used to go "no you wont you love me. also im your only brother"
DAVE: then my bro would go really silent and tell me that actually No i had another older sibling that he cannibalized. i only survived because i was a cute baby and he waited too long and i got too big to fit in the pot anymore
DAVE: and it would make me really angry because i knew he was lying but i had no way to prove it and he thought it was the funniest thing ever
DAVE: anyway i only found out in school when i was trying for a "lol so relatable" type of joke with my friends that apparently being told your whole life that you had a dead middle sibling that my bro cannibalized isnt a common thing that other families also do
JOHN: ...dude,
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mod-jazzy · 4 months ago
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PokeAsk Atsume: Twins.....
Two gods appeared in the yard! You received a [memento] from Eden and Alaxia!
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YOU are an accidental will wood reference
“this is just for funsies”
this is
some people say “well, this is how it ends”
remembering death
remember, you will die, a.k.a MEMENTO MORI
i said a.k.a, like how the song with 5 names has in the title
seems like a little bit of a stretch but . you did it
i'm a will wood reference
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maevesweirdart · 5 months ago
tfw you finish Persona 3 Reload
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leifedling · 7 months ago
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- Mod Rob 💀🖤
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weheartstims · 2 months ago
Stim board for Perfect Memento? 🥺
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Perfect Memento (Midnight Horrors, Roblox) with obsidian!
🪨|🖤|🪨 🖤|🪨|🖤 🪨|🖤|🪨
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bobzora · 1 year ago
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we're winning btw
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kikizoshi · 1 year ago
The fact that it takes me around four hours every time to get all the mods I use on Witcher 3 always surprises me. I even have a detailed notepad that tells me the precise order to implement them so that they compile properly. And yet, still, four hours, every time.
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waokevale · 2 months ago
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Some Dwarf headcanons, since they're extremely underrated and deserve more love. (And lore)
I imagine them to be humanoid, but at the same time, very creature-like. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of them just being like Marvin from Looney tunes and straight up having a pitch black face, but I wanted to play with something different. :>
They have thin fur but it does very little to protect them from the cold.
They have night vision and are nocturnal.
They can see very well in warm light, but struggle seeing shades of green.
They regularly visit floor 100 to keep up their ancestors' tradition of Lava eel fishing.
Speaking of lava eels, I'd like to imagine they eat them whole, like that one quote from the Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion mod.
They can survive in insanely hot temperatures and are relatively unharmed by lava, but they struggle a lot during Winter.
They are ectothermic or 'cold-blooded', their internal body temperature is similar to that of a reptile, hence why they're especially uncomfortable with cold temperatures.
Winter is actually when their kleptomania is at its highest peak. Due to the scarceness of supplies and foregables and their need to eat a lot more to keep up their body warmth.
They sleep very little and can't hibernate, so instead they have to rely on eating a lot more food than usual, since they burn energy insanely quickly.
Unlike shadow people, they become independent from their guardian a lot quicker. They mature quicker too, but they live significantly shorter. (Still about 20 times longer than a human though.)
They used to keep many stonefish pets throughout centuries, but gave up on raising them after the 53rd one died. (Yeah those don't exactly live very long...)
They were created in a laboratory, which soon thereafter came to ruin. – They don't remember anything of this time and don't know the whole story of their origins.
They're one of the youngest living members of their species.
They of course consume minerals on regular basis; those are very rich in elements which Smoluanu require to survive.
To be able to easily break open said minerals, their teeth are extremely sharp. Almost as hard as diamonds, although they don't use them very often and would rather grind them up with tools.
Their bone structure is at least 5 times harder than that of a human, except for their skull, which is their only true weak point. Hence why they only need to wear protection for their heads.
They have rat-like paw-pads on both their hands and feet to protect them from rough terrain, though they chose to wear clothes over them.
Part of the reason why Smoluanu wear clothes and helmets is to disguise themselves from their enemy. No shadow fiend has ever seen a Smoluanu without their disguise, or so they say...
If it were to come to that a Smoluanu has been spotted without their helm by a void spirit, they would immediately have to kill them. If it was a group of brutes however and they were cornered, they'd be forced to blow both themself and their enemies up.
Dwarf has been collecting the helms of their fallen brothers and sires and keeping them on a shelf as mementos and as a sign of respect for them. They sometimes bring tokens, which remind them of the fallen person and place them inside their helm.
They hope that one day, they'll be able to recover the lost secrets of their ancestors' technology. That's why they appreciate when the Farmer gives them artifacts. It makes them feel closer to their ancestors' history and adds another puzzle piece to their theory about them.
For now though, they like to tinker and make small gadgets, usually nothing as ambitious as Maru, but they sure are trying. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
That's all I have for now. 👍
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dotzines · 7 months ago
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Happy International Friendship Day to everyone!!!  This fanzine is a digital book about fandom and original magical girls divided by rainbow colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, viole, pink, white, black), featuring 145 amazing artists from all over the world.
The zine is available for free! The only thing we ask is to share our Tumblr, Twitter, BlueSky & Instagram release posts and follow our contributors ♥
Cover Art
🌼 rumiaere
Artists (check their links in the itch page)
⭐ _spacekitten__ ⭐ 0v0theo ⭐ a cup of felicity! ⭐ aaron ⭐ Aenyah ⭐ AlyKuro ⭐ Anila ⭐ anterograve ⭐ Ars ⭐ ArtisticallyTwistedTea ⭐ Awkturtle ⭐ Beartie / BeartieXianSheng ⭐ Bianca Sando ⭐ Blehcado ⭐ Bubbles ⭐ cappycode ⭐ Cas Lynn ⭐ castledoctrine ⭐ CentaurWorks ⭐ Chibsi ⭐ chthonicArchivist ⭐ cinnamoonroll.art ⭐ citruscantus ⭐ Clow ⭐ čmárání ⭐ desansen ⭐ Doodle Dragon Lisie⭐ Eerie Dearie ⭐ Eevee Miscellaneous ⭐ Emmy ⭐ erbezdiez ⭐ evearellie ⭐ f.lorui ⭐ FairyTheArtHog ⭐ Faulticode ⭐ Fawndolyn Valentine ⭐ Feiyu ⭐ Finn O'Sullivan ⭐ Floeer ⭐ FloofPoof/2devils ⭐ FloX ⭐ Girlpire ⭐ Glutton ⭐ GoblinsAndTea ⭐ Gryphon982 ⭐ Gutterpink ⭐ Hanabyka ⭐ Hannah Spoons ⭐ herbleol ⭐ Horijion ⭐ Hyzkoa ⭐ ItzRayla ⭐ Jealous Izrafel / Izra ⭐ Jichu ⭐ KeaneArts ⭐ kk ⭐ Koamaterasuhime ⭐ korryd ⭐ Kory ⭐ lavenderjellies ⭐ Lexi ⭐ Lily ⭐ Lora B ⭐ Lunarials ⭐ madelemon ⭐ Maggie ⭐ MakioKuta ⭐ Mangetsu ⭐ Maxwell "That Guy WIth A Game Boy Camera" Scheller ⭐ Maxx ⭐ Memento Moray ⭐ meowbot39 ⭐ Mewtkaiba99 ⭐ MK ⭐ MolleyC ⭐ Mortellana ⭐ mottledmango ⭐ mousec1ub ⭐ MugenColoris ⭐ Muzzthemoo ⭐ mysticusfreeze ⭐ neoxonicart / Xainn ⭐ nijahsart ⭐ Nikki ⭐ Noni ⭐ Nutmeg Nautilus ⭐ Nyansae ⭐ ObservantPhantom ⭐ okenki ⭐ onionhead ⭐ parashy ⭐ Peach ⭐ pechapanda ⭐ Pencokun ⭐ Pip ⭐ Pitangawang ⭐ PitohuiArt ⭐ Plutonia ⭐ pnwmango ⭐ PocketShna ⭐ Poicyss ⭐ Poppin_pom ⭐ PoppyMori ⭐ PoundToundHound ⭐ Pulcella-Lulu ⭐ qitty ⭐ Qu_eefan ⭐ Raichana ⭐ RaptorKizzie ⭐ ReactorCoreArt ⭐ Reid ⭐ RenKeiru ⭐ Rio ⭐ rumiaere ⭐ Sakura ⭐ SakuraKotoni ⭐ sanchoyoscribbles ⭐ Sasha Void ⭐ SchmeapBW ⭐ Shades ⭐ shadow24090 ⭐ Sidewalkleaf ⭐ Bearydevilish ⭐ Sipsteaandbleach ⭐ SleepyPrincee ⭐ Sophia ⭐ soulzerofever ⭐ SpamHands ⭐ Spectralreplica ⭐ Spoopypluto ⭐ StardustStorm ⭐ starilights ⭐ starrdrops ⭐ Tem ⭐ tenderperil ⭐ The Rabbit Follower ⭐ Théanoia ⭐ TheFuchsiaFallacy ⭐ Troggo ⭐ tsumibo ⭐ VanDuxy ⭐ Wisteria Writer ⭐ XilaXena ⭐ xleaph ⭐ xXJaydawggyXx
🌸 nini - Host & Organization 🌸 Max - Graphics & Formatting 🌸 Girlpire - Graphics & Formatting 
Download the zine on itch.io
Share the love as much as you can ♥ (you know, since it has links it can’t be view on tumblr search)
Please continue to support us and we hope to see you in our future projects!
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accidental will wood reference
this art is cool asf what
my professor: you’re gonna be doing a charcoal piece based off the concept of “memento mori”
me: can I draw. my oc
prof: sure
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I present “Requiem for a Dove”
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remussirion · 6 months ago
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Memento Lipstick (TS4)
This creation is part of the vintage summer collection
Lipstick category
custom thumbnail
HQ mod compatible
CC blog I Main blog
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felassan · 2 months ago
Dragon Age: The Veilguard mod by HolmersMJ: Everything Unlocked - Gear Appearances Runes Decor Codex Mementos Approval Altars - [link]
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"About this mod Destroying a crate will award all gear / appearances / runes / decor/ codex entries / mementos in the game. Optional files also include materials, stat increases, faction strength, companion approval, Altars (Evanuris and Fen'Harel) , and max level xp! May require you to destroy more than one crate to get all items and rarities, so go on a rampage!" [source]
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nonsensical-pixels · 2 years ago
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BASEMENT TREASURES: the latest sims 4 kit, converted to ts2! [download - sfs]
have you ever wondered what lies in your sim's basement? sure, most of us have a torture room or two stashed away, but what if your sim isn't olive specter or hazel dente? where's my moldy moisture-eaten couches and prehistoric electronics? well, starting today, they're right here!
the moment i saw that this kit had released, i literally RAN to convert it. it's perfect for my older hoarder sims. plus, a lot of people asked for it 😅
this is almost the entire kit, save for the unbeatable stains, which--surprise, surprise--refused to get converted along with the others. i have plenty of similar stuff, though, so i'm not too upset. in total there are 25 items: 24 buy mode assets, and 1 wallpaper.
note: just before i posted this, i saw that @2fingerswhiskey already converted the retroplex tv console--you can grab their version here!
keep reading for credits + more info!
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ea/maxis for the original ts4 meshes & textures
items included
there are individual previews included in the actual download!
Big Box of Irreplaceably Replaceable Things (396 polys) Brass Floor Lamp (806 polys) Candid Coffee Table (148 polys) Dated Drywall (7 swatches) Disassembled Heart Bed (1712 polys) Dusty Trinkets (259 polys) Forgotten Frames (620 polys) Grandma's Couch (1487 polys) Mementos of Glory (361 polys) Records of the Past (112 polys) Relic of Good Times (454 polys) Retroplex TV Console (424 polys) Shabby Cardboard Box (94 polys) SquareTube (420 polys) Strange Reminescence Framed Photo (214 polys) The Best Seat in the House (905 polys) The Fun of Yesteryear (106 polys) The Graceful Ambition Standing Mirror (544 polys) The Moving Buddy (842 polys) The Not-So-Mod Lamp (302 polys) The Traveller's Trunk (782 polys) Uncle Bob's Dusty Rubber Plant (804 polys) Unmatched Chairs (452 polys) Unstable Wall Shelves (166 polys) Weary Wall Decal (2 polys)
things to note
The 'Graceful Ambition Standing Mirror' is repo'd to the 'Forgotten Frames'.
The 'Retroplex TV Console' is decorative only, get 2fingerswhiskey's version if you want it to be functional! They won't conflict :)
The mirrors have a slight issue where the reflection includes the frame, I'm very sorry, I tried my best but I couldn't fix it :(
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if there are any unmentioned issues, please do lmk asap! happy simming 💞
( @sims4t2bb )
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lifesteal-headcanons · 9 months ago
Every Lifestealer values the space in their inventory — with all the slots for potions, gapples, cobwebs, and building supplies, there aren’t many empty slots. But tucked among all the necessary resources, every Lifestealer has an object of sentimental value or a unique accessory. And it's an unspoken rule to never take it from them when they die.
After Parrot ascended to the sky and left Lifesteal, he left his green eye chest plate on the ground. It is the same one Spoke keeps in his inventory in S5; a remnant of the friendship he broke and a reminder to make amends. Occasionally, Spoke takes it out to look at it, wondering if Parrot is watching and would forgive him.
Princezam keeps a little box of neon markers to go with his signs. Even though they aren’t normally accessible on Lifesteal, Parrot approved a mod to make them available to him. Even after the paranoia surrounding imported items after the Wormhole, even after a new admin replaced Parrot, an exception was always made for him. Princezam is oblivious to this.
When Vitalasy was banned from Lifesteal, Jumper made a purple ribbon from the scraps of his cloak. When she weaves it through her space-buns, it feels like he’s by her side once again. Even if she’s the only one left of amethyst duo, their memory remains fluttering in the wind, tied firmly to Jumper.
Branzy doesn’t know this, but Clownpierce still remembers the time they mined for coal together to finish the giant clown head of their casino (S2). He saved a few pieces and put them into two gold heart-shaped lockets; symbols of their enduring partnership and a promise of more to come. He was going to reveal them to Branzy at the casino’s opening but got cold feet. Nonetheless, he still wears both beneath his jester costume, a memento of how their relationship first began.
— 🌀 anon
Extra part that kinda went off topic:
After Eclipse Federation disbanded, Vitalasy seriously considered destroying his eclipse fed shield, the one made to match Zam’s and Subz’s. But as it dangled above lava, his resolve wavered. He couldn’t bring himself to burn the last remnant of happiness and unity the trio shared. So after Subz banned himself and Vitalasy was left wandering the lonely End Base, he stashed his shield there. It might not be in his inventory now, but on occasion, he accidentally leaves a slot open for it there. Muscle memory. And his eyes continuously skip over the empty spot, as if anticipating its return. He’s not sure whether to be angry or sad at the fact, that his wounded heart betrays him as much as Zam did.
PS: The part about Jumper is true! Jumper confirmed it on her Twitter.
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