#mod dia
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hskinhome · 1 year ago
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Recipes for a Lil Cal including orange desserts, pumpkin desserts, and cookies!
Blood Orange Tart
Mango Panna Cotta
Pumpkin Cheesecake Cookies
Creamsicle Orange Cookies
Papaya Bars
Libby's Famous Pumpkin Pie
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ryllen · 5 months ago
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With this absolute unit I declared that my entire savings to pull Eternal Knight sebek is gone
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twstgameplay · 1 year ago
hello!! just wondering if you guys know the specific nodes in the maps of the new crowley event that contain the gems/ssr perfume?
I'm glad this got asked before we got too far in so I could jot it down as I went along! Since the treasures cannot be gotten more than once, it's easy to miss which one gave which rewards.
The locations of the Gems and Perfumes of each Stage is under the cut
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 6 months ago
Brazilian Justice Suspends Conviction of Scientists Who Debunked Fake News
In a preliminary ruling, Dias Toffoli cites the use of scientific data and the right to information and scientific expression to overturn a decision by São Paulo's judiciary
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On Saturday (28), STF justice Dias Toffoli temporarily suspended a decision by São Paulo’s judiciary against biologist Ana Bonassa and pharmacist Laura Marise, creators of the channel "Nunca Vi 1 Cientista" (Never Seen a Scientist).
They had been sued and convicted after debunking a video with false information about diabetes. The biologist and the pharmacist, along with the Vladimir Herzog Institute and the "Fiquem Sabendo" Association, filed a constitutional complaint with the STF against the São Paulo court’s decision, which had ordered the removal of their content and imposed a fine to be paid to nutritionist André Luis Lanca, whose profile had republished the video containing false information. Lanca had shared content from a therapist falsely claiming that diabetes is caused by worms that attack the pancreas.
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inhuman-obey-me · 2 years ago
Heavy is the Crown
Word count: 930 Description: Being the leader of an entire realm is no easy feat, especially when you're not like rulers past. Inspired/based on Lesson 9 in Obey Me: Nightbringer, so beware of spoilers. Can also be found on AO3 here. 
“When it comes down to it, you don’t accept us either, do you Diavolo?” 
The Demon Prince isn’t sure what stings more – the alcohol making its way down his throat, or Lucifer’s sharp words from their earlier confrontation. 
He sits alone now, the chill of the night settling in his bones despite the flames of the fireplace mere steps away. He watches how the flickering light passes through his glass, turning his current poison of choice to a fiery amber. A slight tilt of his hand and the slightly viscous fluid reminds him of honey, but the only taste left on his tongue is bitter. 
Diavolo had become used to swallowing his feelings, his role as future ruler of the realm always priority. It did not matter how suffocating it could all be – the constant gaze and judgment of the House of Lords, the responsibilities of ruling an entire realm suddenly left to him as his father disappeared into the shadows, the strain of keeping the peace as his realm was shaken with instability – he had to be ever noble, ever present, ever ready-to-lead. 
But it was in these moments, these quiet nights where he requested to be left alone, where he could allow himself to feel it all. The stress, the anger, the fear, the despair, the hurt. It was just all too much sometimes, too hard and too stifling and too complicated and oh, it was just too much! He has been raised for this all his life and yet still he feels he is finding his footing, trying to make sure what he does appeases those he disdains and those he favors, while also trying to always remain true to himself. 
So, what was he to do? A strange human had suddenly appeared before him, with even stranger events occurring soon after. The former angels he had been trying so earnestly to support were finding themselves in unexplainable predicaments, one of them having gone on a rampage and destroying his home. The tension in the Devildom was at an all-time high, and the nobles were watching his every move, just waiting for him to slip-up so they could decry him as unfit to rule and nothing but a child with foolish dreams. 
He downs his glass and pours another.
There had been so much he had wanted to say to Lucifer in that moment, to make him see that no, of course he didn’t feel that way! He wouldn’t have done all he had up until that point if he had seen them somehow as lesser, as not belonging. But he knew that had he not spoken carefully, even those words would have been twisted and misunderstood – a struggle he was seemingly dealing with more and more these days. 
Diavolo slowly rises from his seat, glass still in hand, and begins to quietly wander through the hallways of the castle. He passes by numerous paintings – some portraits, some tales of Devildom history. Even these walls had eyes – always watching, always waiting.
He’s not sure if he meant to come here, or if his feet had just decided a destination on their own, but he finds himself in the Eastern Hall, looking upon one particular grand portrait that dwarfed the entire room with its emanating presence. 
“What am I supposed to do, mother?” 
Diavolo winces as he hears his own voice, meek and feeble. He rests his forehead against the gilded frame with a sigh, his gaze towards the worn stone floor. What was he doing, asking a portrait of the mother he never got to know? He might as well go asking his father, who retreated to the depths of the Devildom into an even deeper slumber. The answer would be the same.
Hah, he thought, have I always felt this alone?
He knew, despite all of his tumultuous thoughts and emotions bubbling deep in his chest, that he would have to once more go out with a charismatic smile and a steady hand. There was no one to make these decisions but himself, no one who could tell him what to do, what to say to make it all better and right. He had to lead, to show all those nobles who underestimated him that he was worthy of his position, even if they disagreed with his ambitions. 
“Young Master?” 
With a start and a flourish of his wings, Diavolo turns around to see Barbatos, looking upon the prince with a hint of concern in his dark eyes. 
“...You’re bleeding.” 
He’s confused at first, but soon he feels the ichor dripping down his hand – ah, he had cracked the glass in his grip. When did that happen? 
“Oh – I’m sorry, Barbatos. I didn’t mean for you to see me in such a state.” Diavolo clears his throat, murmuring a spell to heal the cut. “I was just lost in my thoughts.”
“You don’t need to apologize, My Lord.” Barbatos gives him a kind smile, taking a step back and motioning back down the hallway from where he had appeared. “Why don’t you come back and have a cup of tea with me? I even prepared some of your favorite, hellfire mushroom cigar cookies.”
“...Thank you, Barbatos.” For the first time that night, Diavolo felt a smile curve his lips, a weight slightly lifted off his head and heart. “That sounds lovely.”
That’s right, he wasn’t alone – he had, at the very least, a friend here beside him who chose to stand by him and his ideals. 
He wondered if he could perhaps soon find more. 
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mairateixeira10 · 5 months ago
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moon-girl18 · 4 months ago
Ten cuidado al tener carencias de afecto porque te agarras de cualquier persona, sin importar el tipo que sea.
Moon Girl
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autie-stuck · 2 years ago
*coughs* terezi infodumping to dave and karkat about her scalemate lore. they're all dating btw (flushed)
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no clue but let her ramble it’s cute
Please use (she/scales) for Terezi, no pronouns for Karkat, and (he/they) for Dave!
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4kdaydreamz · 1 year ago
im gonna be fuckin real with you guys im crying so fucking hard at la día de muertos celebration on the qsmp rn... i didnt see it live, im mostly watching vod clips and looking at the qsmpupdates twitter account and i swear. i swear to god if QSMP doesnt get a happy ending im going to quackity studios HQ and demanding a happy ending- NO no, wait. i will dust off the old fanfic writer inside my head and write one myself. i am so emotional about this. tilin- i cant even mention their name without tearing up because of this- was the reason i got into qsmp and my god i feel so much emotion and excitement for the rest of the story.
qsmp my beloved, thank you for a wonderful day of the dead
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chessalein · 1 year ago
There its is :) Have fun with it!
A big Thank you to @theviridianbunny and @heywoodvirgin to lend me their wonderful pictures!
Check them out! They are so good at taking pics, its breathtaking.
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hskinhome · 9 months ago
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A set of recipes for a Rose Strider fictive using vegan recipes and comfort food and without coconut, rice, hibiscus, and no nutrition guides!
Mapo Tofu
Blood Orange-Olive Oil Shortbread
Homemade Crispy Seasoned French Fries
Crispy Tofu Lettuce Wraps with Peanut Sauce
Basil-Berry Lemonade Sorbet
The Best Vegan Lasagna
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junjunjunko · 2 years ago
You pop off with your art every time 💯👌✨️💕
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thank u soososoososos much hunny pleasw ignore im sleepy its 4am thank you ily ♡♡♡♡♡
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upgrnde · 7 months ago
RIANNE : dia um.
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foi para Moonwood Mill e conheceu Lou Howell, seu primeiro paquera.
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alguns dias depois eles tiveram seu primeiro encontro e saíram de lá namorando!
Rianne foi a primeira vez de Lou.
Rianne acabou engravidando enquanto Lou passava os dias na casa dela.
Rianne perdeu o bebê logo apos descobrir que estava grávida e deu o nome de "Din".
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Rianne e Lou superaram o luto juntos. Isso acabou aproximando os dois.
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royalarchivist · 1 year ago
There are a lot of things I want to clip but I'd like to spend time editing things down and adding both POVs to some of them, so I'll do that after the event!
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 16 days ago
Brazil Social Development minister says his job is “non-negotiable”
Wellington Dias responds to threat of defection from Centrão and pressures to take over his role, saying some leaders “bite the hand that feeds them”
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As President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva methodically rolls out a cabinet reshuffle, Social Development Minister Wellington Dias told Valor that, based on his experience with Lula, his ministry “is not part of political negotiations.”
Mr. Dias’s name has been circulating as a potential candidate to lose his position since 2024. The ministry has been eyed by parties like the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and was even offered to coalition parties by presidential aides, although many government insiders doubt Lula would take the ministry responsible for cash-transfer program Bolsa Família away from the Workers’ Party (PT) and hand it to the Centrão, a bloc of mostly center-right parties.
More recently, there were rumors that Federal Deputy Gleisi Hoffmann (PT of Paraná) was interested in the Social Development Ministry. However, with her move to the Secretariat of Institutional Relations (SRI), the pressure on Minister Dias has eased.
“President Lula has the people’s mandate to make any changes he deems necessary,” the minister said. “But knowing him as I do, the Ministry of Social Development is not involved in political negotiations; it is the heart of his government. Therefore, I am aware of the weight of my responsibility.”
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year ago
Have a wonderful Día de Muertos, my little tempest.
– Gomez Addams
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