#mmpr the return
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morninkim · 2 years ago
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losing it at the cut starting in the centre of the cake and going straight through, she literally has murder and killing on her mind 24/7
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drawinggoose · 10 months ago
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There's one thing I've noticed in MMPR: The Return.
It seems Olivia is... Well, a shortie. She's pretty short next to Kim, who's already a shortie herself. Selena, on the other hand, is only a tiny bit smaller than Tommy, a tall (dark and handsome) guy.
So, me being me, I decided to draw a low-quality fanart of these two standing next to each other. (Forgive me for those shaky lines, my hands are trembling as if I had Parkinson's disease 😖)
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therealmindflayer · 1 year ago
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I swear to God I actually felt my soul leave my body when I was looking at this panel and I almost accidentally crumbled up the issue HOW DARE YOUUUU
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iczer-ryuga2 · 9 months ago
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With the release of Rita's Rewind on the run as well as MMPR The Return written by Amy Jo Johnson, I think I have unearthed unused sketches of the 2 zords I can use here. Them against the apocalypse.
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flower1622 · 1 year ago
Dude why do you hate Kat so much
If it is about Kat from Power Rangers, well....
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I think Kat hated Kim a little bit at the beginning. Rita only used her powers to make Kat obey her. But Kat acted by her own feelings too and she had an obsession with Kimberly and Tommy. I think Kat was a little jealous that Kimberly had a great life, great friends and an awesome boyfriend. I don't buy her sweet behaviour towards Kimberly after the spell was broken...she was a good actress when she was under the spell...and why did she only attack kim and not aisha when she was a cat? (There was a scene that Kat was a cat and Aisha was holding her and "the cat" bites Kim or something like that...)
If I'm not mistaken, Kat was also the reason Kim hit her head. After the spell was broken, Kat screamed Kimberly's name. Kim got distracted and fell.
But in the end she got everything Kim had...even her boyfriend. But Tommy was not 100% innocent either. He knew he had a girlfriend, but still...he was always with a girl who liked him and almost killed his girlfriend. You can't even tell me this is false because Kat liked Tommy since the beginning. She accepted to hang out with Kim because Tommy would go too. I think every girlfriend would feel a little insecure seeing her boyfriend with another girl that liked him and clearly was jealous of the girlfriend and tried to kill her many times. The biggest proof I have is the photo scene that Kat tears apart a photo of Tommy and Kimberly together that she stole from Kim's backpack if I'm not wrong...Rita didn't ask her to do this part, only to get Kim's power coin. Tommy was the only one who was 100% under Rita's control. Kat was only 50% under Rita's control...and the one to break from it by herself.
I think other things about her, but I won't extend them because they would just be my point of view. If you like her, I respect you. Even though I like Kimberly more, sometimes she is kinda boring to me too...so, I respect if you like the character or her relationship with Tommy.
If it's about Katherine from Vampire Diaries....
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I only can say EVERYTHING! She is so toxic that I can't even understand why people like her so much.
I hope that I helped to answer your question! 😊
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el-capi-de-siam · 10 months ago
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If you are an OG Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fan, then I recommend buying MMPR The Return Issues no. 1-4. Amy Jo Johnson and Matt Hotson wrote something incredible. And Nico Leon's artwork pulls you in. This series is the X-Men '97 for MMPR. In this case, it's 30 years later.
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flower1622 · 1 year ago
I don't ship this couple very much, I always loved Tomberly, but from some images and texts about Jimberly, I think they all make sense. They were more close than Tombely. A part of me thinks that is just a brother and sister relationship. But from I've seen from the evil tommy universe and the Turbo Movie (including the deleted scene with Jason and Kim kissing), I think there was something more...if you know what I mean...
Now that, unfornately, the power rangers lost Tommy Oliver, I still have hope for these two.
I have a fanfic I wrote in my mind that Jason/Kimberly didn’t officially happened because ASJ had some kind of affair with Amy Jo Johnson (or an unrequired crush) or Saban took down J/K because of ASJ’s salary fight. Their sexual tension was pretty clear to me and I was a fucking kid. I mean, they were always next to each other, touching, giggling, protecting. Pay attention. Power Rangers’ couples never have explicit kisses, Tomberly got the only one kiss of all tv show franchise and Jimberly got the kiss scene cut (in the 2017 movie comics is hinted they kissed anyway).
With all problems with money and Saban, a new ranger would be in the show. It’s known that ASJ and JDF never had a good relationship. Saban, then, to tease ASJ, paired the bad boy with the main female protagonist (the sexual tension could have been a hint that Jason and Kimberly would be together at some point, but now is turned down to prop Tommy) and, to top everything, Tommy’s popularity had grown as much as Jason’s (maybe bigger). They took Jason’s leadership in order to piss off ASJ and gave it to his “enemy”, they took the girl, they took his popularity, they took his money and they took his favoritism for years. So I guess, in addition to all this problems with ASJ, Saban chose Tommy/Kimberly because it would be easier to deal with JDF.
We already know Tommy/Katherine is endgame, we’ve seen their future together with grandson and the comics have their son, JJ Oliver, as green ranger. Tomberly is a fan favorite but now that JDF is gone(RIP JDF) I don’t think we will have more about Tommy. I guess it’s better than kill the character on the franchise. I also believe if Amy Jo didn’t left the show, Tomberly would have been endgame.
To top my theory, I take the comics in count. We had Kimberly x Matt, Tommy x Kimberly, Jason x Trini and Zack x Trini, in this cronology. Zack x Trini were in a kind of relationship in “Forever Pink” comics, the same one that Kim is writting the letter breaking up with Tommy. In the same page, we see a message from Jason calling her by a cute nickname and saying is her turn to pick, things that couples do. The suggestion is that Kim broke up with Tommy because she fell in love with Jason. And one more time we use the comics here, in that moment of comics Jason’s mom is dead and he quit Omega Rangers to have a normal life. He’s dealing with grief alone because he wants that way, he said to Kim when she went to visit him. Leaving Jason alone, she meets Trini outside and Kim seems to be the only one thinking about how to make Jason feel better, so in my mind she will figure out how and Rocky, Aisha and Adam are the new ones Mighty Morphin red, yellow and black, so the time Katherine will replace Kim is coming. I can relate Jason and Kimberly’s proximity maybe… doing scuba diving???? Well, in “Turbo - Power Rangers Movie” it makes sense. They’re taking rest of PR, being normal teenagers, living their relationship. In the cronology between comics, tv show and movie, the Turbo Movie is the last time we saw Kimberly (no morphed) and she seems very, very close to Jason. After this, she is mentioned by (a jealous one?) Jason in “Forever Red” and recently, during Beast Morphers, Morphed Kim was present when Jason calls for help to fight against Goldar Maximus. Jason and Kimberly as couple also explains why Kimberly didn’t mentioned the boyfriend she wrote about in the letter (she said PERSON I BELONG WITH) and Jason doesn’t talk about Emily (his girlfriend in “Zeo”) at Turbo Movie.
Also I am not saying Trini or the others doesn’t care about Jason’s grief, but Kimberly seems to be the one who will REALLY try to do something, even if Jason had asked for space.
We can say too that Jason and Trini didn’t end up together now that on TV show they’re coming back to present Minh Kwan, Trini’s kid. It’s said she lost her father recently and they won’t kill Jason, Billy or Zack now that an actor of PR is recently dead. Zack and Billy are here and she calls Zack “Uncle Zack”. So neither Jason, Billy or Zack is Minh’s father. ASJ and AJJ are the only originals that didn’t return to 30 years special so why don’t make Jimberly endgame? In my mind they are! We already have JJ and Minh as rangers’ kids themselves, I would love to see a Jimberly kid. Another fanfiction: imagine if is a girl and she falls in love with JJ Oliver? lmao. JJ is SPD Green Dragon Ranger and I can bet Minh will be MMPR yellow.
ASJ is having problems with justice now and is unavailable to portray Jason. He also is a Jason and Trini shipper, he was clear that didn’t want Jason and Kim together, and that’s why I’ve fanficted about his posible affair with AJJ, but maybe he only doesn’t want more comparisions with Tommy. But it really seems awkward the way he turned down the idea of JK. Amy Jo Johnson is grateful to PR, but is working behind cameras and it seems she will write something for comics. Let’s catch up with 30 years special and AJJ comic addition. I hope jimberly shippers can have something good at least once.
Finally we have MMPR reboot in 2017, a movie that hinted Jason and Kimberly all the way, even in their comics. It’s a shame that we won’t see a sequence of 2017 movie because I can say it would have Jason x Kimberly x Tommy love triangle, something that I can think would have happened if all those problems with ASJ didn’t happened.
PS: just to make clear, I’m on ASJ side about his salary problems in that time. ASJ, Walter Jones and Truy Trang were 100% right.
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fuckyeahjasonkimberly · 10 months ago
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this is a comedy
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augment-techs · 10 months ago
My less than stellar feelings about The Return #4. Oh, and SPOILERS.
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-Is this...disgust...I'm feeling? I mean, I get wanting to keep the kid safe, but wow, Kim; tell us how you really feel.
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-FLIRTING. Flirting in SUITS.
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-But pray, dear child, HOW DID YOU GET THE DAMN MORPHER BACK??
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-Oh, good, she got the impulse control--or lack thereof--from both of her parents.
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-Okay, this is new. A member of the family that gets right to the point~
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-Why...why does this make me so uncomfortable. I don't understaaaaaaand. Q_Q
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-Nevermind, this answers that question. Tommy and Olivia BOTH look like Kim's kids. And I am suddenly having flashbacks to poor Clone Tom, what the fuuuuuuuuck.
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-In what dimension does the COMMUNICATOR do the teleporting? Great execution for a heart to heart, but now the teleportation bullshit from the moon to Earth pisses me off more.
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-I sincerely hope that Zack and Billy go home together after this and sleep for a year. Jason can take Tommy out for his first beer, and Kim and Olivia can have a conversation about the pressures of being the only girl on a team of men that all think they somehow outrank her. This is a soft snapshot, but only if you don't think at all about anything afterward.
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-Nope, nope nope nope. No. No more mystery mongering bullshit. Fuck Off.
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driver270 · 7 months ago
Holiday Closure 🤖☕️
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Happy North American Labor Day.
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drawinggoose · 11 months ago
*cackling madly*
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LAST TIME ON MMPR: THE RETURN: Twenty years ago the Rangers went through some SHIT that broke up the team and left Kimberly a depressed hot mom. (Oops, spoilers.) So when Trini's niece Selena shows up at her doorstep demanding to become the next Power Ranger, it's the perfect opportunity for her to do some traumadumping.
it's MMPR: The Return #2!
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= that's not cranberry and squid juice
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= The intentional misdirection of Rita going to get *someone*, and then having her yell for Squatt, is honestly genius
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= First of all I love how this book skews darker and more mature but still has elements of classic PR camp like this big villain-ending bomb being called a "Benevolator"
= Second of all I'm glad this book is furthering the implication from the show that Kim does understand Billy's talk perfectly well, it's just that she thinks it's annoying
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= [It's Always Sunny jingle] Rita still gets killed
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= So according to Matt Hotson in an interview they weren't sure how they were going to get away with this until Nico Leon suggested making the arrow an energy beam, because clear onscreen stabbing is okay as long as there's no blood. All that matters is KIMBERLY GETS TO MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!
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= and yes they both knew that Kim was pregnant rather than my prediction that she didn't find out until afterwards, which, surprisingly, makes me want to chew glass even more
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= Tomberly hug, Tomberly i love you, Tomberly forehead touch, and Tomberly kiss all in rapid succession on the same page but GOD at what cost
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= maybe it's because my emotions are running high throughout this whole issue but why did that little "what...?" make me so emotional kjkjkf i guess imagining Zedd of all people saying something with that kind of vulnerable tone, and it being possibly his last word alive, got to me
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= BOOM really said "hey, it's been long enough since the last time Kim had to watch Tommy die in front of her, hasn't it"
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= the way the issue keeps pushing the fact that they don't know what the Benevolator would do and they don't know what happened exactly is fueling my delusion of Tommy coming back somehow. idk I refuse to let my White Husband/Pink Wife/Green Daughter concept go!!!!!!!!!!!
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= Funnily enough, even though the twist calls into question if Sylvia even has a daughter, this is still more thought given to Trini's opinion on her powers being passed on than Once and Always had lol
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= Thrax if he served cunt
= so I'm still going to call her Selena because the moon reference is too good and it's really not THAT weird for her to have a normal-ish name considering her mom's name was literally RITA. we just have to give her a cool alliterative surname. Selena Scandola? Selena Sinistra? idk
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= so is it too soon to advocate for Tomberly Daughter/RitaZedd Daughter toxic yuri
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drawinggoose · 10 months ago
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I finished MMPR The Return today. It's just awesome - plain and simple. And Selena and Olivia kick ass.
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power-rangers-faves · 3 months ago
Evil Ranger Tourney
Round 1-30
Spa'ark - Death Ranger
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Selena Repulsa - Mighty Morphin Yellow
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flower1622 · 7 months ago
If Katherine and Tommy turned evil too in the Turbo Movie, the four (Kimberly, Jason, Tommy and Katherine) would fight each other for the same reason: Jealousy.
. Kim and Kat would fight over Tommy and the position as the pink ranger. I'm pretty sure that Kim would have some doubts about Kat's feelings towards Tommy since she would notice her photo with Tommy missing when her power coin (i guess, don't remember) was stolen. Not only that, but that scene with Kat only accepting to hang out with Kim when Tommy asked or said he would. I think Kim looked at the two.
. Tommy and Jason would fight over the position of leader since Tommy kinda stole it from Jason maybe when he became the white ranger, i guess. They also fought because of that when Jason was evil. About Kim too...since Tommy still had feelings for Kim and Jason was starting something with Kimberly maybe.
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chucksnerdthoughts · 10 months ago
Mighty Morhpin Power Rangers The Return #4
That was a decent end. It went out mostly how I thought it would, but it was still entertaining. Olivia was def a highlight. Hopefully this does well enough to get a sequel series. I'd def keep reading!
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bluearc009 · 10 months ago
Look who made a cameo in MMPR the return issue 4
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